Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 14, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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Gordon to Have Idea Put Into
Proposed Measure.
Cash for ex-Servlce Men Is De
clared to Be Out or All Possi
bility at Present.
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or., Jan. 13.
(Special.) Long-time loana far ex
ervlce men instead of a cash bonus
is an idea which Representative Gor
don of Multnomah will have drafted
into a measure to submit to the legis
lature next week. All of the ex-sol
diers who are members of the legls
latnre are said to be heartily in favor
of the plan ana at conferences which
have been held the main points of the
idea have met with approval
Those who have studied the sug
gestion of a cash bonus to ex-aervice
men have been unable to eee their
Way clear to raise a fund sufficiently
large to meet the demands. A cash
bonus by the slate would run into
many millions no one knows just
how many
The 6 per cent limitation makes it
Impossible u handle a cash bonus,
o that a special election would have
to be called to authorise a bond issue.
Substitute Held Excellent,
Since the plan of Mr. Gordon has
keen promulgated it hal been seised
Upon as an excellent substitute for
caeh bonus and in the long run It Is
Believed will be better for the service
men and for the state as welL
The legislature Is willing and eager
to do something for the service men,
but the cash bonus has been a stum
bling block because of the tremendous
um required. The Gordon solution Is
mere practical and can be worked
ut wltheiit unnecessary machinery.
Briefly, Mr. Gordon's plan is to have
leans made to ex-service men up to
92000. This money Ls to be repaid to
the state In installments, so arranged
that 4 per cent of the payment will
be for Interest and 2 per cent applies
to the principal. The period of the
loan is set for 29 years.
Financing Is Discussed.
By obtaining a loan of $2000 In a
lump sum on city or farm property,
to be repaid in 20 years, an ex-service
man receives a substantial start to
ward being a home owner- or farm
owner The loans would run about "5
per cent of the value of the property.
Financing of this loan proposition
Coald be handled by drawing on the
Industrial accident fund, the school
fund and possibly one or two other
funds which can be lent by. the state
treasurer. As to placing loans, the
tatc land board has the organization
for putting into effect such a pro
gramme, this board having facilities
for making appraisals of property
and attending to the details of making
the loans and, In short, administering
the idea.
Da tails of the suggestion have not
been worked out, but Mr. Gordon will
have a rough draft of his bill pre
pared during the week-end adjourn
ment. The rough bill will serve as a
basis for amendments and can be
whipped Into final shape in com
mittee. Mr. Gordon has held a conference
with Representatives Korell, Leonard,
Hammond and Speaker Bean and Adjutant-General
White as well as
Others interested in the wt-ifare of the
ex-service men and thus far the
Gordon plan has met with hearty ap
$231. 76(5 Recommended Paid by
Ways and Means Committee.
STATE HOUSE. Sal'm, Or., Jan. 13.
(Special.) deficiency appropria
tions authorised by the emergency
board during 19IS-1J20 amounting to
$234.76 were recommended for pay
ment with Interest accruing to Jan
uary 20 hj the joint ways and means
committer- in its first meeting.
The total deficiency shown In the
ndget ls 1459.766. Upon the sugges
tion of Secretary of State Koier the
Item of I22o,000, representing the de
hoaee, and chairman of the ways and
meahs committee of the senate.
Should this bill become a law It will
be necessary for state Institutions and
department heads to obtain sufficient
money tor the conduct of their re
spective units from the legislature, as
no provision will be made whereby
they may obtain financial relief dur
ing the two years Intervening be
tween the legislative sessions.
I A All iapix a sa ap 4a sav av jaa, a I n
Filing of Bond for $3000 Required
by Proposed Measure.
STATE HOUSE. Salem, Or.. Jan. la
(Special.) Under the provisions of
a bill introduced roday by Senator
Gill It shall be unlawful for any per
son, partnership, association or cor
poration to conduct a collection
Latency, collection bureau or collection
office in Oregon without first tiling
a bond for 13000 with the secretary of
Provisions of the bill shall not ap
ply to any attorney-at-law, a national
bank, or to any bank or trust com
pany duly incorporated under the
laws of Oregon.
cmccL.vriox data os pri.vt-
ftciency in the soldiers', sailors' and
marines educational fund, was not
included In the list for payment.
It Is believed that the demand upon
this fuud will materially lessen dur
ing tho next two years and the tax
set aside for this fund will absorb
the present deficit. A bill will be
drafted including the amounts ap
proved today and will be presented to
the two branches of the legislature
for approval.
The members of the joint ways and
man Patterson of the senate and
Chairman Gordon of the house to
meet each night beginning next Tues
day night at s o'clock, when the legis
lature is in session, for the purpose
of passing upon the business referred
to the committee.
State, Cities and Towns Affected by
Bill or Representative Martin.
STATE HOUSE, Salem. Or.. Jan. IS.
-(Special.) A plan to give the state
of Oregon and ltn cities and towns
a voico in the establishment of any
Irrigation or drainage district formed
within the state Is outlined in a bill
presented to the house by Repre
sentative Martin of Marlon county.
While the bill is presented primarily
to give Marion county opportunity to
drain tho eastern slope of the city of
Salem, it will affect the entire state.
Under the provisions of the pro
posed bill, any city or town, or the
totals board of control, acting for the
state, will be eouiowcred either to
Join in the petition for the establish
ment of a drainage or irrigation dis
trict or enter into remonstrance
against the establishment of such
districts. The bill also provides that
such cities, towns or the board of
control be assessed proportionate
costs for the district on the same
basis aa individual property owners.
The plan was proposed in the 1912
session of the legislature and was re
ferred to a committee, which in turn
formulated the bill which Representa
tive Martin offered today.
Senate BIU Provides for Repeal of
Law Creating Body.
STATE HOUSE. Salem. Or.. Jan. 1J.
(Special.) Repeal of the law creat
ing the state emergency board Is pro
vided in senate bill No. 41, introduced
by Senator Upton. This board, under
the present law. Is composed of the
governor, secretary of state, state
treasurer, speaker of the house, presi
dent of the senate, chairman of the
ways and means committee of the
Editor-Legislators May Propose
Amendment to Preclude Padding
by Daily Papers.
STATE HOUSE, Salem. Or..' Jan. 13
(Special.) Country newspaper me
of Oregon, through the Oregon Edi
torial association, have presented
legisttlve bill amending the presen
Oregon laws whereby all clrculatio
shown on the rolls of a newspape
may be credited to such newspaper
when an effort is made to obtain
awards for the printing of county
legal notices.
The bill was presented to the house
by Representative Fisher of Wash
ington county and if passed will so
amend the present law that bona fid
circulation which is delivered by
newspaper without the use of the
mails will be credited to such news
paper when bids are offered for
county printing.
Newspaper publishers who are mem
bers of. the state legislature are not
entirely in accord with this bill
developed today, and probably will
offer an amendment to provide tha
circulation served to subscribers
without the use of the malls be shown
by records of the newspaper six
months or a year previous to the ap
plication for the contract for county
printing. This precaution, it is said
is favored by the weekly newspaper
men, who will oppose any plan which
will aid the daily newspaper men in
small towns to pad circulation
through street sales.
Another provision In the bill ls an
increase In the rates for, publication
of legal notices from the present rate
or i'h cents for an eight-point line
each Insertion to 10 cents a line for
the first insertion and a cents a line
for each subsequent Insertion. The
rates suggested are said to be gen-
eraiiy in vogue at the present time.
Sere. More Bills Are Introduced
Prior to Adjournment.
STATE HOUSE, Salem. Jan. 13.
(Special.) Seven bills were Intro
duced in the senate prior to adjourn
ment at noon. These measures make
a total of 45 that have reached the
A summary of the bills introduced
today follows:
S. B. 39. by Moser Amending statutes
relating to establishment and maintenance
of kindergartens.
S. B. 40, by Upton Requiring certain
conveyances of personal property to be
S. B. 41, by Upton Repealing statutes
creating emergency board and defining
lis amies ana powers
S. B. 42, by revision of laws commlttei
Providing for investment of unexpected
balances in excess of $75,000 in rehabilita
tion fund of industrial accident commis
a. B. 43, bygGill Regulating conduct of
collection agencies, bureaus or offices.
8. B. 44, by Upton Providing that in
Toting precincts of less than 50 registered
voters tne polls shall be opened at 10
A SI. and closed at 3 p. M
S. B. 4,-i. by Inton Constituting city
or snerldan a separate road district.
Alleged Exorbitant Surety
Premiums Made Target.
Attorney for Highway Department
Declares State Should Be Pro
tected at Less Expense.
Bill Reqnlres County Assessors to
Gnlher Statistics.
STATE HOUSE, Salem. Or.. Jan. 13
(Special.) Provision for complete
detailed statistics on the number and
kinds of livestock grown in Oregon,
to dc suomiltea to me various county
assessors of the state, is provided
in a bill offered In the house today
by Representative escott of Wash
ington county.
The bill requires that the county
assessor must obtain from any per
son, firm or corporation, owning
leasing or operating land, or live
stock. In his county, a statement set
ting out in detail the number of
acres of land used in a commercial
way for agriculture and horticulural
products, and the number and kind
of livestock owned, leased or man
aged by such person, firm or corpo
Law Affecting Industrial Welfare
Commission Proposed.
STATE HOUSE. Salem, Or., Jan. 13.
iSpeclal.) State aid for tho In
dustrial welfare commission will end
If a bill proposed by Representative
6tone becomes a law. The bill pro
poses a special fund to be created
through collections from firms and
corporations deriving benefit from
the commission, and would make im
possible any appropriation by the sen
ate for the benefit of this commis
sion. Representative Stone contends that
this commission should be sustained
from collections made from benefic
iaries whom he believes to be both
the working folk who are protected
and the persons, firms and corpora
tions employing such persons.
Rights of Third Person Secured.
STATE HOUSE, Salem. Or., Jan. 13.
(Special.) No mortgage, trust deed
or other conveyance of personal prop
erty, having the effect of a mortgage
or Men upon such property, will be
valid as against the rights and inter
ests of any third person, unless the
possession thereof be delivered to and
remain with the grantee, or the in
strument provides that the possession
of the property may remain with the
grantor, and the instrument be ac
knowledged and recorded, in case a
bill introduced In the senate by Sen
ator Upton"hecomes a law.
Tele ran Aid Proposed.
STATE HOUSE. Salem, Or, Jan. 1J.
(Special) Extension of the provi
sion now made for the relief of indi
gent veterans of the Spanish-American
war to -the veterans of the world
war is provided In a bill presented
to the house by Representatives
Johnston, Hammond. Marsh, Pierce,
Koreli, Leonard. Wells and North.
STATE HOUSE, Salem. Or., Jan. 13.
(Special.) A bill designed to fur
nish protection for persons who fur
nish labor and materials for highway
construction and at the same time
eliminate the alleged exorbitant pre
miums now exacted by surety com
panies as a consideration for bonds ls
h.inr rirAfted hv J. M. Devers. attor
ney for the highway department, for
introduction In the legislature some
time next week.
The present statute demands that
the highway commission require 01
each contractor fox highway con
struction a bond in at least 50 per
cent of the amount of the contract.
The surety companies charge a pre
mium of 1V4 per cent of the face of
the contract, or 3 per cent of the
amount of the bond. It will be ob
served, therefore, that on a contract
involving a consideration of J200.000
the statutory bond would be $100,000.
and the premium on the bond would
be S3000. It also will be noted that
on a programme of highway con
struction costing 10,000,000 the pre
mium on the bonds required in sup-'
port of the contracts on a basis of
lhi per cent of the face of the con
tract would be 3150,000.
The fact that so large a sum of
money must be paid out for premiums
on the bonds required by the statute
has often suggested the question as
to whether or not some other means
might not be provided by the legis
lature which would furnish ample
protection to persons furnishing labor
and material In connection with high
way construction and which would,
at the same time, save to the public
at least a portion of the amount of
money now paid out as premium on
these bonds.
From Information given the high
way department. Jt appears that the
concerns furnishing these bonds pro
ceed on the theory that it is the ex
ception that a contractor wlll fail or
default In a sum in excess of 20 per
cent of the face of the contract, and.
working on that theory it appears
that the bonding companies require
the applicant for a bond to be able to
qualify, dr to indemnify, the surety
company to the extent of at least 20
per cent of the face of his contract.
It will be noted, therefore, that work-
ng on this theory, the percentage bf
loss to tbe surety companies would
not be very great.
In the last year approximately 70
contracts for highway construction
have been awarded by the commis
sion. During the pasf year of those
70 contracts only two have defaulted
thereby making it neessary for the
state to take over and complete the
It is provided by law that not more
than 85 per cent of the contract
price of any job can be paid until
the Job is completed and accepted.
Under this provision, a contract in
volving construction work to the
amount of $100,000 could qualify for
only tho payment of $85,000 of the
contract price, leaving $15,000 in the
custody of the commission until the
job was completed. If the expericnees
of the bonding companies are a re
liable showing that it is exceptional
for a contractor to fall In excess of
0 per cent of his job. It would appear
that if the commission were author
ised to retain 20 per cenf Instead of
li per cent that this sum, together
with the final estimate, which Is
never paid until the job is completed
and accepted, ought to be sufficient
to insure the payment of labor and
material cist iris.
During the last three years ap
proximately 180 contracts have been
awarded for highway construction, of
which number only three defaulted.
One of the three defaulting jobs al
ready nas Been completed without
loss to the state and with no out
standing unpahS claims for labor or
material, while the other two lobs
are still under construction under the
jurisdiction of the state liichwav
commission.' .
Under the highway laws, when a
contractor defaults tbe surety on a
bono, it tne surety company does not
take over the job and complete it for
the state, the state must take over
the work, and after final settlement
if there is a deficit the surety com
pany nvist pay unless there has been
some irregularity which would re
lieve jt from legal liability.
air. jicvcrs said today that it did
not appear that the protection of the
services which the state gets under
the present system is adequate or
commensurate with the amount of
Tremiunis paid: also that there does
not appear to be any competition
among surety companies for the rca
on that practically all of them
charge the same rates.
"There la no controversy over the
lact that protection fhould be re
rquircd for persons furnishing labor
and material for highway, construc
tion, said Mr. Devers, "and that the
taie snouia ne indemnified n case
of loss: but, based on the percentage
jot loss, it Is evident that much of the
money which is paid for premiums
these bonds should go into high
way construction."
(Continued From First Page.)
raising more taxes. But It Is not be
lieved here that he had any Idea at
that time of Including churches and
other property now exempt from tax
ation on the tax rolls.
Legislative Committee Expects to
Submit Report Monday.
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or., Jan. 13.
(Special.) The committee author
ised at the last session of the legis
lature to investigate the salaries of
county and state officials and recom
mend any changes deemed advisable
was In session this afternoon for
more than three hours. None of the
committeemen would comment "upon
the action that might be taken, other
than to state that the formal report
of the committee probably would be
ready to submit to the legislature
nex: Monday.
Rumors about the state house In
dicated that few Increases in salar'es
would be recommended.
More Frequent Examinations Are
Proposed in Bill.
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or., Jan. 13.
(Special.) In order that the 40
State banks now operating in Oregon
may be examined more frequently
than at the present time, Senator
Robertson of Gilliam. Sherman and
Wheeler counties will introduce a
bill in the legislature next week pro
viding for increasing the fees paid
Into the state banking department.
Senator Robertson would increase
the fees from 50 to 100 per cent,
which he said would be necessary to
provide more than one examination
for each state bank in Oregon each
Constable May GCt Longer Term.
STATE HOUSE. Salem. Or.. Jan. 13.
(Special.) The term of the present
constable of Multnomah county will
be extended to 1925, and the term of
future constables of Multnomah coun
ty will be four years, if a bill pro
posed today by Representative Korell
becomes a law. The bill affects no
county other than Multnomah, and
has for its purpose the extension of
the term of constable from two to
four years.
Election Change Proposed.
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or., Jan. 13.
(Special.) Senator Upton has in
troduced a bill providing, that at all
general, special and presidential elec
tions held in this state the polls in
all election precincts outside of in
corporated towns and cities where
the number of registered voters do
not exceed 50 persons shall be opened
at 10 o'clock in the morning and con
tinue open until 3 o'clock In the
Leslie W. Murray Has Difficult
Time Getting Document Present
ed Reading Suppressed.
STATE HOUSE, Salem. Or., Jan. 13.
(Special.) Efforts to unseat Her
bert Gordon, representative from
Multnomah county, failed today. At
torneys for. Leslie W. Murray, who is
striving to succeed Mr. Gordon, en
deavored all morning to get a mem
ber of the house to present a-petition
seeking to oust Mr. Gordon.
Finally a page was obtained to
carry the petition to Speaker Bean,
who ordered it read. Before more
than four lines of the petition had
been read by Reading Clerk Bede,
Representative Korell made objection
to further reading, maintaining that
it was evident that the only purpose
of the presentation of the petition"
was to procure notoriety for the at
torney representing Mr. Murray.
Mr. Korell's objection was sustained
by the membership of the house, after
which Representative Leonard, also
of Multnomah county, moved that the
petition be tabled until Monday morn
ing. This motion also prevailed with
out objection.
Mr. Murray was 13th man in the
legislative race and ls maintaining
that It Is unlawful for a man to seek
two offices at one election. Mr. Gor
don was an unsuccessful candidate
for mayor at the city election, but
was chosen as a representative of
Multnomah eounty'in the state legislature.
Cemetery Scope Extended.
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or., Jan. 13.
(Special.) A bill Introduced by
Senator Moses extends the powers
of the cemetery association of
Oregon and gives to them the
right to use irreducible funds for
improvements. The bill was pre
sented to the Multnomah county dele
gation at a meeting held In Portland
recently and was approved.
Salvation Army Designated.
STATE HOUSE. Salem, Or.. Jan. 13.
(Special.) Designation of the Sal
vation Army to maintain chaplain
service at the state penitentiary and
state training schools Us made In a
bill Introduced in the house by
Representative Hosford. The bill
provides that this organization have
sole and exclusive control of the
chaplain service and a yearly salary
df $600 each for two chaplains.
Kindergarten Bill Introduced.
STATE HOUSE, Salem. Or., Jan. IS.
(Special.) A bill Introduced by
Senator Moser provides that the board
of directors of any school district
having 20,000 children of school age.
or over, in this state, shall establish
and maintain kindergartens. "Money
necessary for the conduct of these
kindergartens shall be paid out of
the general funds of the school dis
tricts under the proposed law.
Bill Affects Sheridan's Streets.
STATE HOUSE, Salem. Or, Jan. 13.
(Special.) Creation of a separate
road district for the city of Sheridan,
with the exception of the bridge
spanning the Yamhill river at Bridge
street. Is provided in a bill intro
duced by Senator Vinton. Under fhe
provisions of the bill all county roads
and highways in Sheridan are de
clared streets and subject to all the
burdens and servitudes thereof.
More Measures Are Introduced by
State Representatives.
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Jan. 13.
(Special.) Eleven bills were intro
duced in the house today. They are
as follows:
H. B. 28, by Fishsr Amending section
3244 Oregon laws, defining methods of de
termining circulation of newspapers pub
lishing legal notices.
H. B. 29, by Hosford Amending section
7138 Oregon laws relating to the port of
Portland and authorizing issuance of bonds
and declaring an emergency.
H. B. 30, by Carsner Amending section
10200 Oregon laws regulating liens upon
H. B. 31, by Wescott Providing for
statistics as to livestock and lands devoted
to commercial agriculture and horticulture
H. B. 32. by Martin (by request) Au
thorizing inclusion of state lands or in
corporated cities or towns In Irrigation
or drainage districts.
H. B 33, by Belknap Amending section
2191 Oregon laws, relating to the use of
dogs In hunting China pheasants.
H. B. 34. by Hyatt Repealing section
5336 Oregon laws, pertaining to high
H. B. 33, by Corell Amending section
946-49 Oregon laws, providing for the elec
tion of constables in districts of 100,000 or
more population.
. H. B. 36, by Cary Repealing section
8763 and amending section 8762 and 8765
Oregon laws, regulating granting of li
censes to testers In creameries and cheese
H. B. 37. by Linn county delegation
Appropriating 3500 for improvement of
Soda Springs and grounds at Sodaville.
H. B. 38. by Stone Amending section
6633 Oregon laws, creating special state
industrial accident fund. ,
Hunting Regulation Proposed.
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Jan. 13.
(Special.) Use of dogs In hunting
China pheasants in the state of Ore
gon will be prohibited If a bill pre
sented to, the house today by Repre
sentative Belknap becomes a law.
Sportsmen throughout the state will
oppose this measure, according to
Representative McFarland. chairman
of the house game committee, who
contended that the elimination of the
use of dogs in pheasant hunting
would absolutely put a stop to this
branch of sport In this state.
Joint Conference on Columbia
River legislation Planned.
STATE HOUSE. Salem, Or., Jan. 13.
(Special.) Appointment of a com
mittee to be composed of six members
of the house and five members of the
senate to confer with a similar dele
gation from the Washington legisla
ture on proposed legislation affecting
the Columbia river is advocated in a
senate joint resolution.
The resolution provides that im
mediately upon appointment the com
mittee shall arrange for a conference
Write for a Copy of
andle all redisricting bills and pro
posals has not received action from
the senate, as it was sent to the desk
hortly before adjournment for the
week-end. The resolution will be up
for consideration Monday, and in tho
meantime the president and speaker
will have a Busy time dealing with
applicants for places on the special
Levy Also Would Apply to Other
Property Exempt at Present.
STATE HOUSE, Salem. Or.. Jan. 13.
(Special.) If a bill now being
drafted by Senator Jones of Lane
county meets the approval of the
legislature, there will be added to the
tax rolls of the state assessable prop
erty aggregating many millions of
Senator Jones proposes a law that
all shurcbes. hospitals, private schools
and other institutionr now exempt
from taxation shall be placed on the
tax rolls of the state. Senator Jones
believes the money derived from taxes
on in : property would go a long way
toward relle lng the present finan
cial stringency.
Some time ago Governor Olcott ap
pointed a committee to investigate
sad recommend ways aca means toj
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Vain Offices: 67 &ew Montgomery Street, San Francises)
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Herbert L. Frank, Northwestern Representative
80 Front Street Portland, Or.
with a similar committee of the
Washington legislature at some point
to be designated. Members of the
committee would receive actual ex
pense money and funds with which to
employ necessary clerical assistance.
Admission to Home Proposed.
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or., Jan. 13.
(Special.) Admission of veterans
of the recent war to the state sol
diers' home at Roseburg Is provided
In a bill presented to the house by
Representative Hammond of Clacka
mas county. This bill provides for
admission to the home of any veteran
of the world war who resided in the
state of Oregon at the time of enlist
ment. Admission for the wives of
Oregon veterans who ' are without
homes is also provided In the pro
posed bill.
Bill Limits Depositors.
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or., Jan. II.
(Special.) No revocation, counter
mand of stop payment order relating
to the payment of any check or draft
any bank shall remain In effect for
more than SO days after the servlos
thereof on the bank, under the pro
visions of a bill introduced by Senator
Joseph. Provision is made, however,
that renewals of the order may be
made in writing, but shall not extead
over a period of more than 30 days.
Rumor in Salem Credits Solons
With Opposition to Veto.
STATE HOUSE. Salem, Or.. Jan. IS.
(Special.) It was rumored here to
night that the senate judiciary com
mutes will report favorably on tha
so-called "straight party ballot,"
which was passed by the legislature
at the special session last January,
out later vetoed by Governor Olcott.
Senator Moser is chairman of the
judiciary committee of the senate.
Senator Moser would not discuss spy
action that the judiciary comm'cee
might tak? regarding the bill, but
persons close to the senator said
there, was no donhj thgjMt .wo jlil re-,
celve favorable consideration by the
committee. The bill will probably be
reported out Monday.
Law Compiler Loses By-Line.
STATE HOUSE. Salen, Or., Jan. 13.
(Special.) Hereafter any mention
of the "Oregon laws as compiled by
Conrad Patrick Olson" In bills intro
duced during the present session of
the legislature will te partly elimi
nated, according to a decision reached
by members of the committee on re
vision of laws and Judiciary commu
tes of the house today. It was de
cided that "Oregon laws" was suffi
cient and that any reference to the
compiler was superfluous.
Idle Seamen Swarm Halifax.
HALIFAX, N. S.. Jan. 13. Numer
ous seamen from Portland. Me., Bos
ton. Montreal and Great Lakes ports
have arrived here seeking to ship
aboard vessels. This port is over
crowded with Idle sailors, reports
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
Now the
I II Cut No More! Shoe Prices Will Go
No Lower. Rock-Bottom Is Reached!
Don't fool yourself into the belief that prices will be lower in the Spring.
They won't! Spring prices are already, established. Take J. & M. shoes
for instance. For spring the price will be $15. We are selling them in
this Sale at $12.70 and $13.70. Armstrong's that are now selling at
$12,30 and less will be $14. And so on throughout the different grades.
These are examples of the exact situation.
finds many more broken lines added to the lower-priced groups, sav
ing you still another dollar or two on what may be just the size and style you want.
A Great Group
of Men's $10 to
$12 Shoes, tan or
black calf, Eng
lish or broad-toe
lasts. Bostonian
and other makes
A group of Won
derful Values in
Women's $9 to
$12 Shoes and
low cuts. Splen
did styles, but
broken astosies
Men's $12.50
to $15.00
Men's $12.00
to $14.00
Bostonians. .
Men's $16.00 d -m OA
to S17.K0 P I I 0f
Men's $18
$20 J. &
black Shoes.
TPs.. iasal
Men's $20 to
$22.50 J. & M.
tan Shoes. . . .
Women's $7
to $12 Shoes,
broken lines. .
Women's $10
to $15 Shoes
and Pumps . .
"i r
Women's $12
to $16 Shoes
and Low Shoes
W'm'n's $12.50
to $16.50 Shoes
and low Shoes
1 r
W'm'n's $12.50
to $17.50 Shoes
and low Shoes
Boys' $5.50
to $8.00
to $7.00
C. W. SHIVELY, for
Staiger Shoe Co.
292 Washington Street, Between Fourth and Fifth