THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14. 1921 16 AUCTION BALES. At Wilson's Auction Hmm. M A. J. Furniture. 1B-17: Scon straat DIKD. mrmrttnevt thi. titv. January 13. 19-1 at bis residence. 1078 Water street. An- orew .M jonnson. aatru ' - -month j 4 days. Deceased Is survived by a mother. Mrs. Christiana Johnson, three brothers. John P.. Charles F , ana William Johnaon. also a Mrs. Slarv M. Harblck. all of this city. Re mains are at the parlors of the Sxewes Cndertakin. f'o.. corner Third and Ca). Funeral notice later. JEERY In this city. Jan. 13. Mary J Peery. aced 71 ytars. mother of c. c and W. K. Peery of Port.and. K. C. of SteJo. Or . Mrs. A. A. Launer of Whl, Or ; Mrs. W. 1. Jackson of Albany. Or . Mrs J. E Chnatensen of Sandy, or, ami 51m E W Hoffman of McMlnnvll e. Or The remains are at jnniey a. aioni- romery at Fifth. 6MITH In this city. January 8. Ed-ward W Smith arcd 42 years, beloved son or Katherine Smith, brother ot Mrs. r a St.lij.aon and Mrs. W. M. Rows of B.alr, Veb Mr-. M. J. Uamble of Portland. Smi, 1 . V. f Vnrt CalhOUD. NCl ..tTi. liter. Remains at tne reaidentlal parlors of Miller Trace DAKMNOTON In this city. January 1 Sarah Frances ur E- , i nnir of Frank J. and X.XiJ-,..., ,r,A Mm H. D. Worth Inrton himalna are at th. residential funeral parlors of uunnin. Morrison street at Twelfth. McEntee, Funeral no- tlce later. CAMPBELL At residence. 1427 Commer cial street. January IS. John C. Canxp bell. father of Mrs. Maude Helser. Mr W E. Sllley. Mary C. and E. J. Camp; bell Remains are at McEntee A Flle.r' parlors. 16th and Everett streets. lu neral notice later. OMA H LINO Jan. 12. at the family resi dence. 411 Halaey it.. Amelia timahllnK. ml 7rt v...irs Tlie remains are at rm- lev'a. Montgomery at Lh. funeral hereafler. Notice ot FrNERAI. NOTICES. BURNS At Juvenoy. Franre. August M. 1918. Frank C. Burn. aed 23 beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Burns, brother of James D. and CI T. Bums and Mrs. Henry Shannon of Con don Or ; J. W. Burns of Chadron. Neb.; Mrs. Eriw. SUCK or &aiem. w., v ir.iiu nf Ptawttirket R. I., and Mrs .t .1 Racette of thia city. Deceased was a member of company E. 128th In fantrv. A. E. F. Funeral services wit . hM t th residential funeral par li-tra of nunmnr & M Kntee, Morrison street at Twelfth. Ssturday, January la at 1:30 P. M. Friends invited to attend Interment Riverview cemetery. GILBERT At the residence. 69o8 Eighty. r- . nnthf January 1') phupUa. f;,!i,art nred :i( vears. .beloved. hunband of Pearl, father of Iva. Dale r.H ArnnM r.ilh, rt brother of Mrs. L. C Charf. Funeral services will be held at the residential funeral parlors of Dun ning & McEntee. Morrison street a Twelfth today. January 14. at 1 : P. M. Frit-nds" Invited to attend. Inter ment Mount Scott Park cemetery. itavi.icy In thia eitv. Jan. 13. William J. Stanley, aged "8 years, late of Ash land, or., rather or ueorge omnin of Ontario, Cal.; Uwli F. and Mrs MeUn R. Mark- of Portland. Mrs. J. M. rnfra! nt Weed. Cal.. and Mrs. August Sharer of Gcrvais. Or. Private funeral service w-ill be held Saturday, January 13. at 10 o'clock A M., at Flnley's. Mont gomery at Fifth. Concluding service a Portland crematorium. FTNDLAY Jan. 13. at the family resi dence. 90 Rodney ave. Thomas, ag-ed do years, husband of Christina Find lay, and fat her of Marcaret. J essie, Jean. Mali. Florence, William and Thomas IFindtay Jr., of this city. The funcra! service will be held Saturday. Jan. 13. a: 2:30 P. M.. at Flnley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. serv ice. River-view cemetery. STLS At the residence. 514 East An keny street. Jan. 12, Henrietta B. Estus, aged 23 years, beloved daughter of Mrs. Anna Estus, sister of Helen Estus of Portland. Funeral services will be held fcalurday. Jan. 15, at 2 P. M . at the cupel of Miller Tracy. Interment Mount Svott cemetery. Miss Estus was a member or the Royal Neighbors. Ft lends invl.ed. OOODALL In this city. Jan. 13. Hattie S.. sged 53 years, wife of Albert GoodaUl of 340 Glenn ave, and mother of Mm. Beatrice Johnson. Grace and Kenneth Uoodatl of Portland. The funeral serv ice wilt be held today (Friday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at Flnley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding serv ice Riverview cemetery. ANDERSON In this city, Jan. 13. Emll T. Anderson, aged 53 years, husband of alary L. Anderson of 1363 E. Harrison sr., and brother of H. E. Anderson of Portland. The funeral service will be held Ssturday, Jan. 15. at 1 o'clock P. M . at Flnley's, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Concluding service, Riverview cemetery. HARRIS At the residence of bis daugh ter. Mr. Meyer Marks, 391 N. 24th st.. Jan. 12, 1921, Joseph Harris, aged 73 eara husband of the late Flora Harris. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services st Holmsn s funeral purlers. Third and Salmon sta, at 2 P. M. today IFrtday). Jan. 14, 1921. Interment Beth Israel cemetery. DuWD In this city, January 11. James B. Dowd, age 43 years, late of 95 East Mth street North. Leaves a bride of only a few months. Funeral services Friday. January 14, st 2 P. M . at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, East Sixth and East Alder. Interment Riverview cemetery. TERREUI The funeral service of the late Rev. L.urano M. Terrell, axed 56 years, will b- conducted today iFrlday), at 1 P. M In the First Friends church. Eat 35th and Main streets. Friends invited. Interment. Ovkalooss. Is. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenwor thy 4fc Co., 92d st. S. E . in Lents CARL.ETON In this city. Jan. 13, George. A. carleton, a ceo ,v years, orotner o; I. Osgood Carleton of New York city. The funersl sen lee will be held Satur day. Jan. 15, st 11' o'clock A. M.. at Fin-ley. Montgomery st 3th. Friends Invited. Concluding service Mount ScoU. oemetery. ROYAL In this city, Jan. 12. Sarah Ann Royal, aged 93 years. The funeral serv ice will be held Ssturday, Jsn. 15, at 2 o'clock P. M.. at the Mount Tsbor Methodist church, 61st snd East Stark sts. Friends invited. Concluding serv ice. Lone Fir cemetery. FUNERAL CABS. MCOrSINES for funeral aervlcaa. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL lit. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 Automatic 360-93 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. VAULT ENTOMBMENT or Cremation Phone Sellwood 967 Portland Crematorium East 1 4th and Bybee DUNNING & McENTEE Now located In their new resldentla. funeral home. Morrison at Twelfth, weet aide Phone Broadway 430 Auto. 540 -j The Funeral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any connection whatever with any other un dertaking firm. EDWARD HOLMAN & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS.' Third and Salmon streeta Main 307. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACE Y Perfect Funeral Service for Less Independent Funeral Directors. Washington treet. between 20th and. Jlet street West side. Lady auistaac J McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all tha privacy of a home. lth and Everett streets, rhoa. B-oaa-ay 21M. Automatic 51-13 J. P. FINLEY & SON FUXEKAL DIRECTORS. Main flu lloctsomexy at FUth. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manufac turers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be ob tained by calling Main 7070, House 40. C( Ol NT ANTS. JULIUS R. BUCK, audi tr r. Income ta; bldg.. 2d and Stark. public accountant, service. Concord Phone Main 7443. ATTORN M 8, E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub lic 934 Cham, of Com. bide. ADUl.NG MACHINES. $13 BUYS sddins; machine, adds 7 figures. 31S Corbet t bldg. Marshall 557. ALTERATIONS. LADIES tailoring: perfect fitting; work guar. I. Reubin. 40b Bujh & Lane bldg. ASSATUU AND .VLYISTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second 3old. silver snd platinum bought. AITO 18HING. RELIABLE A (TO . ASHING 6c. POLISHING WORKS. Washing, polishing and simontsing. Mo tors washed, cars oiled and greased. Tops and cushions dr s.-vd Broadway 229. 17th and Alder sts Portland. Or. b rHo. DR. McM AHON'S baths. Portland. Steam showers, plunges, tubs, all for 3c. Tell your friend. Fourth snd Waghington CHIROPRACTIC, steam bsths and mas sag-, 10th floor, Broadway bldg. Mar whall 3187. Dr. Laure E. Downing Bl 1I.D1M. MATKK1AI CUL-1'MBIA PLASTER WALL Csn't buckle, warp, swell o fire retarding; Portland made, OHSFELDT. 41 Henry Bldg. Hi )ARD shrink; ( FLU LOID IH'TTONS. THE IRWIN-HUDSON COMPANY, US 7 Washington. Broadway 434. T 1254. CHIROPRACTIC. DR. McMAHON'S chiropractic speaks for Itaeif. Portland, lllh year. Phones. i HIROPODISTS. IF YOUR FEET HURT can give you instant relief. Dr. Cora Yale Bell, chiropodist, fifth floor Shetland bldg., rooms 506-7; third year in this building: many years' prac tice In Chicago. Phone Main 1445, V:30 A. M. to tt P. M. Cor. 5th and Wash. sts. F-FT HURT Come to Dr- Gartner, foot LI nlin I specialist; corns. bunions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetlsnd bldg.. Fifth and .Washington. Main 1081. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entifically corrected. Lady assistant. 512 Morgan bldg. Main 8762. (HIKOI'OIUMS ARCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Plorello De Veny, The only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger linger bldg.. S. W. corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CLEANING AND DYKING. SOLDIERS' overcoats altered into civilian style, dyed blue or black, new buttons, complete, $7.50. Regal Cleaners, tailors, 127 N. 6th st-, Portland, Or. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Wore No collections, no iter bld jharges. Main 1796. Estab. 11H)0. DANCING. PROF. PATTERSON DOWNEY S DANCE STUDIO MM Washington St., over Hazel wood. Ballroom, step and various branches of stage dancing taught. Main 3."0S. SUMMERS' Dancing Academy, ballroom and stage dancing; private lessons day snd eve.; club dance Tuesday and pub lic dance every Saturday tso 5th st., near Stark. Phone Broadway 3500. MISS DOROTHY RASMUSSEN Ballroom and stage dancing. 610 Ellers building. Wash., between 4th and 5th. Main U.-o. JACKSON DANCING ACADEMY Ball room, stage dances, any style. Open daily. Wdjn. 1J01. 705 Mississippi ave. UtNTISTRY. DR. B. E. WRIGHT, Sd Floor Raleigh Bldg., Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. Main J119. A 2119. hCIITIOTpY LR. A. W. KEENE, 3SH4 ULIIMOInl Washington st. Without pain. Latest nerve-blocking method. DENTISTRY Dr. Harry Semler. 204 Alls- ky bldg . Third and Morrison. Main 6576. KI.Kt TKK AI. KKI'AlRINt. H. M. H. ELBCTRICAL CO., 1 N. 1st St., Portland, Or. Re winding and electric repairing a specialty. New or used mo tors. Broadway 1045. A 1046. MOTORS REWOUND Rfr e paired BOUGHT AND SOLD. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 527-27. 226 Main St. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Blectric Works. 413 Burnslde, corner Tenth st. Bdwy. 5674. WHOLESALERS AND . KNGINBBRS AND Mil. I. SUPPLIES. THEM 1 . S4-S6-87-89 Front. Lit A IN MF.Rt 1IA 1. PACIFIC GRAIN CO. Board of Trade b!dg II n AM rv THANH A USER HAT CO.. PAINT. OILS NI) CLASS. W P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison RASMUSSEN Ac CO, St.-onJ and Tavior. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeml Home. 441 Multnomah st- Irvington d:st. East 54 EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (F. S. Dunning, Inc.) "The family sets th price." 414 E. AMcr LERCH. UNDERTAKER. Eist Eleventh and Hawthorn, Phone Eas-t 781. A. R. ZELLEH CO. 592 Williams Ave. Phone East 108$. nirujro UNDERTAKING CO. oNlmCu Third and Clay. Main 4132. BREEZE & SNOOK 1047 Belmont Tabor litis A. D. KENWORTHT & CO.. 5302-04 9-d st.. Lents. Tabor 3207. FLORISTS. mm Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist We spe cialise In funeral designs. 141 u Sixth opposite Meier A Frank'?. Main 7215. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florist. 354 Washington. Flower for ail occasion arranged. Main 209. .rtivticaily CLAIlKE PROS , florists, 2S7 Morrison st Main 7709 Fine flower and Loral as signs No branch store. fONKTH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington t bet. itb anU Mb. Main : 102. A-1101 MONTMKMS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS jfie Ith st opp. CH.T Hall. XEf BROS BLASING GRANITE GO. j THIWoIt KAC1ISON .STBtCT J NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest interest rntew: Installment re payments If'!. Balldlna: Ivans I made. i delay In closlnsr. A. H. BIRRELL - GILL CO. Formerly A. II. Blrrell Co. :is-3ia .Northwestern Bank BuildlsiaT. .Usrxhall 4114. I'ltOH A HI. Y THE MOST AR TISTIC. A S C I t T A X D I'MQL'E PIBCS OV FIRM llHi: IN PORTLAND AT ATllEH BROS. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, East 7th and Grant Ms. Both phones; day and night senice; 3 veterinarians j " FLKNITTRK. T I BROADWAY UPHOLSTERY The Home of De Luxe Upholstery. REPAIRING DESIGNING. EAST 2473. B76 E. BROADWAY. MUSIC TEACHERS. L. CARROLL DAY, voice. Broadway- teacher of piano MBS. 148 13th st. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the baMK of capable service. TftoU- sands of satisfied customers. A trial Whl convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist. 200 Morrison. Mr. 2124. HERMAN W. BARR. optometri&t. exam ines eyes at his residence office. 513 East 20th st. North, or will call at jour home. Sure relief, without glasses, for many of those suffering from so-called granu-lalion- Phone East 401:!. DR. G&ORGB RU B EN ST EI N. the veteran optician; eyes tested. glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated at reasonable prices. 226 Morrison sL OITOMETKISTS. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern instruments; glasses- fitted at a saving; satisfaction guaranteed. Out of the high rent district. No overhead exp. A. E. HURWITZ, Optometrist, 225 1st .st PALNTS. BAM, PAPER. ETC. WALL, PAPER, PAINTS, ETC. 230 second St. UHL BROS., INC. I' MNTING AM) DECORATING. C. H. TERKILL, house and sign painter, papering, tinting. 467 E. "17th. Tab. 2611. I'ATENT ATTORN E B. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All cornmujiica tlons strictly confidential; prompt, effi cient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN & CO., patent attorneys. San Francisco offices. Hobart bldg., ."S2 Market St.; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg. ; Washington of fice, room MBj 6J."i F st. ; New York office. Woolworth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT. 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHVSit'l DR R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bulldlnB, Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung", liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, sVin affection. bJood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birthmarks. DR. DE ML'RALT, 47 Morgan bldg. Gustav Baar's former associate. Dr, ri.i'MltlXi. PMJMBINO D. & W. service. We do not charge for time coming or going. Our ' autos go anywhere, night or day. Day. Hdwy. 1804: night. Tabor 206. F'1,1 MHIS(, SUPPUK8. ELL'MBINO SI PPLIES at wholesale prices. tarK-itavis i.o., IN 4tn. .Main Ttfi. PRINTING r W. BALTES & COMPANY First and lak. Main MS, 511-05 SKWKR CONNECTIONS. COLUMBIA CONSTRUCTION CO.. ma, STOVK RKI'AIKINO. WHY BUY a new stove? iA'e repair all kinds of stoves, gas rarges, furnaces. B. B. Dunn, Ki-r 5031. TKAIIKM 1KKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU, 001 Pekum bldg. g. foreign trademarks. TRANSKKR AND STORAtiK. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney GENERAL HAULING. Ten thousand square feet warehouse storafre space now available. PHONE BDWY. 3309 SECURITY STORAGE tt TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Reduced Freight Rates. Money Loaned on Warehouse Receipts. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. 53 FOURTH ST.. COR. OF PINE. PHONE BROADWAY 1281. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan Street. FIVE WAREHOUSES. STORAGE. CARTAGE. PHONE BROADWAY 1281. I VI I1KKI.I. AS. REPAIRING AND RECOVERED. 3601, Alder St. The Surety Shop. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND t'ASCARA BARK KAHN BROTHERS. 105 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. I'UMHINt, SfPPUKS AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-S6-87-80 Front. I'KODICK COMMISSIOX MERCHANTS EVBRDING & FARRELL. 140 Front St SASH, POORS AND GLASS. w. P. Fuller Co., Front ar..l Kgrrfi o n . NEW TODAT. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from S A. M. to 5 P. SL The society has full charge of the city pound at Its home, 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any t 1 m e. W'oodlawn 764. Doss for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. picked up free of charge. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) Old Kuss and Woolen Clotbinf. We Hake Keverslkle. Hand- oven FLUFF RUGS 1 8x10 ft. Fluff Rag Woven 1?.5 1 3x6 ft. Fluff Rug Woven $4.26 Rag Ruft-s Woven. All Size Clothes Cleaning and Dyeing Uepta. Mail Orders Send for Booklet. FEATHERS KfcNOVATFD 1 -argent and Finest Equipped Carpet cleaning and refitting works in the late o Oregon. Carpet t leaning. Refitting. Etc, 0x12 Rug. Steam C leaned, 1.j0 WESTERN FLUFF RLG CO 64-60 Fnlon Ave, N. l'lione: East 6616. Ladiea Save your old carpets, rug-, aaa woolen clothing. Let us make new rug, lor you. The oldest and bes"-equlpped factory Fluff and rag rugs woven all sizes: carpets refitted: 9x12 rugs steam cleaned. 11.30 We call and dellv.r 18 E. Ebs-hth st. Phone Eaat .'580. Edward E.Gcudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS I" fitted States Rimk Bulidlnjg. Phone jour want ads to the Ore- ffonian. .Main r.-Tc, Automatic 660-95. NEW TODAY. Willamette Heights A loirly Small Home, With a Vicvr That Is In surpassed. Central hall, large living room, dining room, most complete butler's pantry and kitchen: 3 bedrooms, with large, open porch; Gasco furnace, finest electric range, Radlantfire gas heater, linoleum, drapes and re frigerator. Choice of one or two unusually deep lots; beautiful shrubbery. As a sacrifice price. MRS, HARRY PRICE PALMER 440 Kaat Slat St. H. Bast 7978. Better Than Bonds Can sell you Income property that will produce 1125.000 from an ini tial investment of $45,000 in five years. The safest way. Might take some trade. J. B. ROCK CO. 403 t ouch BldK. 0M PIANO BARGAIN We have a Steinway Grand (looks like new) for sale at a saving of several hundred dol lars. It was taken in part pay ment for one of our famous KNABE AMPICOS Terms if Desired cTM.rtkancJ.S4 of J Merit Ord ALAMEDA BUNGALOW UL'II.T ON A t'ORNKK, 50x100. WITH BEAI TIKI I. VIKW OF t'lTx AND MOUNTAINS. Th r-harm e,t fta Bfl rrOUndin CS dweM Wlfh in hia M. tf home for the view from every winAow la a framed picture. The living room is 16x22. In old ivory, paneled base. arched cove ceiiinss. glassed built-in dook cases. fireplace: with large French doors to dining In old Ivory: large sideboard; hard rnnfi flnnrs- Luxemburg kitchen with lino leum- two bedrooms lttxlO. four windows to each room, with connecting bath In be tween: servants' Quarters: garage. Leaving for Spokane tonight. Must be sold. $bo0. EAST 1S47. NOB HILL FLATS Owner will sell 50x100 feet, with modern two-flat building, perfect con dition, partlv furnished, continuous hot-water heat and hot water; Nob Hill, above Twenty-third. Large in terest return. $5500 WILL HANDLE :(T4, ORK;OMAN. REAL ESTATE. 'For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. ivrrtvH FOR LIFE. $21 000 with $10,000 buys buildinff with ' five lare apartments with a venrly income of $:iir,0. showing- over IMt net located nmong the finest. Call for Information. Rock at 403 Couch bldg. tor Sal Kotw. HE VUTIKL'1- corner iot in restricted dis trict 100x100. 31st and Killing-sworth.. half blk. to car. paved street, ahade trees; owner has ordered us to sell at once so have priced this at $50. buyer to as sume unpaid liens; this is the best buy in this district that we know of and merits your immediate attention. C. A. WAGNER CO.. Main ItM 230 Sti.rk St. I R V I HQ TO N n A R0 A T X oOx 1 00. fine lo cation on 17th St.. 50 ft. south of Klick itat street, east front; price $1278. $600 cash. bel. street improvements. H C44. Ore goniaii. LA .ME DA PARK LOT, corner 27th and Maon; streets paved, paid; $1130. Ta bor 6441. LARGE lot, close in on Milwaukie st.. inx orovements paid. Owner. Tabor 7041. WILL accept best caah offer lot 10. block mfl Rose City Park. AV 895. Oregontan -R SHACK. '1 fine lots sou. McFarland. Vailing Itldg. For Sale Houses. 1600 CASH. Balance easy terms buys a new 4-room Bungalow in Rose City Park. lot 62x 110 ft. Aboutv blks. from car. Price for easy terms. '32r0. A. B. CHRISTEN SON. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. 410 Henrv Bid ST. Bdwy. 4751. CHOICE 10(1x125. WELL BUILT. 7-ROOM HOME. Bath, gas. bookcases, basement, fruit and shrubbery; 15 blocks to car. Price only 62800. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. R.t.", N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 FOR SALE B OWNER. vnr .'.-room bungalow just finished hardwood floors, linoleum in kitchen and bathroom, shades in, fireplace, pipeles furnace, 3 block Jefferson high school, aiso new 7-room bungalow with same conveniences. 226 and J4 Alberta st. WHEN BUYING A HOME YOU WANT THE TITLE CINCHED." Our title insurance policies permanent ly protect you. Guaranteed by legal de-no.-it with state treasurer. LAWYERS' TITLE at TRUST COMPANY. Mar 1808. 285 Stark Street. IRVINGTON BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME. SACRIFICE $1000 less than cost, terms; also take lot. ivory finish, art paper, r;Arv.. . French doors: large- living room, ideal kitchen, best plumbing. 070 Ean 14th street, near Siskiyou. Lat 3U4 Main POT 5. ...jy,) ,vroom modern cottage. E. Alder st. $800 6-r. house with 100x100 lot, fruit trees, near Lincoln high school. 12300 3 acres, Bonita station, 3-room CHAP. R INGLE R & CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. HOME FOR OLD FOLKS. $2500. Well-built 5-room plastered bungalow, ju block to car. In St. Johns. $800 cash. frcA W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com HEAUTIKUL IRVINGTON HOME. 8 rooms, hardwood floors throughout, furnace, fireplace; in fact, a real modern home, built 6 years; one of the best homes in Irvington. Call for further information. BHt 7504. 3S,Ht FURNISHED 5-room bungalow, oak floors, finished attic, full cement base ment, fine plumbing, paved st. ; $804) cash, balance monthly, on straight con tract. Bast 25th. near S. P. R. R. shops. Phone owner. East 3225. ROSE CITY PARK. New 5-room modern bungalow, hdw. floors fine place, everything up to date, all In white, st. paved and paid, close to car Owner. 699 East 10th at. S. "r .m-RELHURST NEW HOME. Pretty, complete in detail, one block to car large rooms, large attic; a real bungalow and one you will appreciate. For price and terms call owner. Mar. 12. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. -New 3-rbom, modern, hardwood floors. Moving to California and mut sell. SAit-iKl. 301 n-i'- "v Bx. Main 7931. Rew. $3650 $500 CASH. 5-room bungalow, did ivory throughout, paved street, near car. 1037 East lltb L N Qwaer Broadway 31.36 t HOME8 DESIGNED. BLrLT AND RE MODELED WOOD & COLE. BUILD ERS. WOODLAWN 534S ROSE CITY bungalow, 3 rms.. finished at tic modern in every way ; garage: hi b'ock from car. 427 E. 45rh N. Ta.oor82i. WE CAN assist limited number to acquire coav home at small cost on payment within, your reach, O 33, Oregoniaa. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST.. 1100 Photographs of Homes FOR SALE. See FRANK L. MA GUI RE To Buy Your Home. 1100 photographs of personally in spected and appraised homes for $ale. Every kind of home. Every price. Mod erate terms. The greatest, most exten sive listing of Home Bargains In the en tire west. Come in and look them over today. A few minutes spent in this modern office will accomplish more than weeks of aimless, weary shopping. If necessa ry we'll help you make your down payment. 25 salesmen with autos at your service. Open All Day and Evening Sunday. Open Every Evening Until 9:30. A few of our WONDERFUL bargains: ROSE CITY. $4930 SUPERLATIVE VALUE! 6 -room beautiful, spacious, hospit able home. EVERYTHING IN IT! Ha,rdwood floors, bullt-ins. fireplace: splendid corner lot. (wx 100. TERMS. DON'T FAIL TO SEE this: SUNNYSIDE HAWTHORNE! .'" HAWTHORNE'S PRIZE BAR GAIN! T-room Royal ave. bunga low; hardwood floors, buiit-tns. fireplace. ALL YOU'D WANT YOUR BUNGALOW TO HAVE. Terms. $3673 Cosy Grant st. 5-room bungalow; sc id Dane ed dinitig room. iur nace. garage. Good value. Terms $35K EASY TERMS. 3 - room Haw thorne bungalow on East Sher man st. ; built-ins. full concrete . basement, paved street, all paid t-'-.itrt s.-.fwi ilrtwn ' Verv subs tan Ms I room Hawthorne home; fireplace .-hita Mimiil nlumbinc, elec trfrltv. eas. East Yamhill. A REAL SNAP. ALBERTA HOMES. SdUU k AT.RERTA'S NEWEST BUNG A LOW! 4 rooms, every built-in rnnvnlpni'i hrenkfast nook. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. KI1I- Ingsworth ave. $3200 SHJKGLED 5-room GLEXN AVE NUE bungalow in Alberta TJSTEV! Fireplace, bookcases white Dutch kitchen. HOT WA TER HEATING PLANT! garage, full bearing fruit trees, berries THIS DEFIES COMPETITION! Alberta's greatest offering! See It today! $3200 Prettv .V room Alberta, bullt-ins E. 2Sth. EASY TERMS. Very rriBv and neat. IHAl On E. 14th. Substantial 6-room Alberta; white enamel plumbing electricity, gas. fruit; terms. $2700 $r.00 down! Attractive 5-room Alberta bungalow; white enamel plumbing, electricity, tras. Jar rett st. Onlv 1500 down! $1800 A LBERTA hargaln on Sumner t 3 rnnmx: white enamel nltimb lng. electricity, gap. garden, fruit. etc. EASY TERMS. MT. SCOTT. I'i.m. ftftn rtnwn' Artistic. nCW Mt Scott bungafow; 5 rooms, built-in conveniences, garage. East 7th. $1550 $400 down! 5-room bungalow cottage. 100x100. 57th ave. $400 These are just a few of the hundreds of splendid home bargains we have lor sale THERE'S AN UNLIMITED NUM BER TO CHOOSE from. See FRANK L. MAGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 106$. Third st., bet. Washington and stark. ROSE CITY PARK 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $5300. Below the hill, one-half hlo'-k to car. good garage, fuM lot. full cement base ment, latest built-in effects, hardwood floors, large attic, fireplace and fur nace; this !s one of the best buys in the city; if you want a real home In a se lect district let us show you this p:ace J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208, 1RVINGTON bungalow style home, large living room in gray finish, old blue dining room, sun room, large Dutch kitchen; a!so 1 bed room and bath first fioor, 3 bed roonts 2d floor; garage; full ce ment basement. VERY LIVABLE HOME. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, 440 E. 21st st. X. East 7976. IN LAUREL HURST. THREE BIG BARGAINS. Palatial S-room house, worth $S500: sale price $6500. ALSO 6-room cottage with garage; snap at $4750, $500 cash will handle. CLOSE TO LAURELHL'RST. 5-room cottage for $2100, $500 cash. Get keys at the Laurelhurst office. East 39th and Glisan sts., or phone Tabor 2433. MR. DELAHUNTY. $750 CASH MISSISSIPPI CAR. Near grade and Jeferson high schools, 7 beautiful rooms, nil finished in white enamel, French doors. Ban, handsome buffet, 1 bedroom down and 2 and big sleeping porch with stationary beds up, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays. 50x100 lot, fruit trees in bearing. This is a mighty good home for $4500; you'll be lucky if you get it. Call us up and we'll show you. COMTE & KOHLMAN, 20S Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 6330. FOR SALE by owner. 6-room bungalow on one noor; lot svxuo it., garage, snruo bery. fruit trees, full cement basement: S. E. Corner 32d and Market; $U00O. Ta bor 3330; terms; furniture for tale. WEST SIDE. Walking distance, select neighborhood, fine corner lot and shrubbery: two-story modern residence, entrance hall, large living room, dining room, kitchen, hard wood floors, first floor; three nice bed rooms, bath, sleepin" porch second floor; two fireplaces, furnace heat, garage. The house is elegantly furnished, w ill sell furnished or unfurnished. Call Mr. May son, with POIN DEXTER. 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1S0O. Tabor 9401. $190n$400 CASH FURNISHED This nice 3-room bungalow stands on the finest lot we've seen in the Alberta section, apple, cherry, pear, prune, peach, plum and grapes in bearing; good base ment; all furniture, stoves, .carpets, beds and bedding, everything fot housekeep ing goes with this nice home for only S1990. Hurrv. Don't miss it. COMTE Jtz KOHLMAN, M ain 0.-r.0. -S Cham, of Com. Bid g. $4250 SOME Urms. at 1154 Milwaukie st.. corner Reed way. easy walking dis tance to Reed college and public school ; a good S-room house., ilnished through out, on two lots, with' large shade and fruit trees, berries, roses, shrubj. etc. An inspection will convince anyone who dcKtrea a large home with plenty of el bow room and shade; the above is a bar gain. LITTLE HOME $610 CASH. Two fine lots with choice fruit, berries and roses; good 3-room plastered cot tage: gas, electricity ; patent toilet ; ga rage: paved street. Balance of $1700 at $20 per mo. SIDNEY G. LATHROP, 516 Abington bldg. fSign of the Horseshoe.. $2650 EAST SIDE HOMES $2650. 2, 6 rooms each; full basement, ce ment floors, bath and electric light; close in on East 11th St.; nice walking distance. We have .orders to seL Tor $2650 each for a quick sate and they are certainly worth the money. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., S3 4th St. CLASSY BUNGALOW. 6-room modern bungalow, very beat of construction, would cost close to .".Oftfl to build, a fine big lot 80x125 ft., luts lots of fruit. Price $3700. with $MXi c-ttah. term on bal. Marshall 3352, Ta bor 30IMV ONLY $3200 Buvg thi modern 6-room 2-story house, nice-comer lot 50x100 on Mason st. walking distance to Jefferson high near carline. only 8 minutes out. 4 cash. Albert Harata. 793 U Mississippi ave., phone ooilawn $3000 FOR GOOD 7-room house. Z bloCKs to Union ave. car; bearing fruit, chicken house andard: would cost $4000 to build: will take Portland lot to $000 as first payment, balance at $35 per mo. Geo A . Rjggs. 212 Railway Exch b!dg. EXTRA GOOD VALUES. Seven-room house, ground 100x109. fireplace. furnace, fruit; near car. IS300: also email house, two lots for $S00. Owner. Phone Sellwood 1241, ' 7-IS EAST 27TH ST. SOUTH. 6-room modern house, plenty built in, hardwood floors, fireplace, full base ment, street made, near school, bargain, term. T A GG ART BR OS.. 1192 Spal din g Bldg. " $6000, IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Close in,' 7 rooms. n,ardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, buffet, book cases, full basement, furnace, hlgh-dnss district, terms. Cleveland, Main 60S7. 306 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON bungalow, new last April. 6 room and breakfast room; ai! con venience and well built; hardwood floor rhrou-ghout: nice closets, garage, shrubs. Gasco furnace. 5& K- 2Gth X. Owner. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. SPECIAL BARGAINS ON WOODSTOCK CAR. WITH PAYMENTS LIKE RENT. Price $2500. furnished complete. 5- room bungalow, $750 cash will handle rt. balance $25 per month, full basement, cement foundation, house is double con structed and plastered, modern bath fix ture, electric light and gas, 2 blocks from car. on 49th St. Price $3000. on terms. $350 cash. balr ance $30 a month. 3-room bungalow, al. rooms on one floor, full basement, laun dry tray if, built-in buffet and bookcases 3 blocks to Mt. Scott car. Sacrificed for $2S50. 6-room house. a!l rooms a nice sise. full cement basement, on Woodstock cariine. near Holgate st., ground 75x100. 13 bearing fruit " tree, garage and chicken run. this place w: priced for immediate sale and Is a snap, $1700 Cash. term?. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 6 Chanuber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. WEST MT. TABOR SNAP. Good, modern, well-built 7-room home, hardwood floors. 2 baths, full basement, furnace, 3 enameled wash trays, large gla.ased-ln sleeping porch, large double garage with servants' quarters; lot lOOx 160 ft., fine lawn, shrubbery, fruit, etc. 1530 K Taylor st. ; $7500. terms; all im provements in and paid. Immediate pos session ; owner leaving city and must sell quick. See L. E. Steinmetz. 406 Gerlinger bldg.. phone Tabor 3224 or Main ,i. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN HOLLADAY. .PRICE CUT TO $."i0O0. In the choicest part of Holladay ad dition, one block from Broadway. 6-room house and 50x100 lot, all improvements in and paid ; large reception and dining room, fireplace, furnace, trays, three large bedrooms and modern bath up stairs, all rooms newly decorated, extra large linen and clothes closets, fine ga rage and cement runway: lots in this addition valued at $4000 and this prop erty never offered below $6000 until now. Quick action necessary- K I . M KK r . B KNN ETT I U.. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452 ALBERTA. 8 ROOMS $300 DOWN. $2650 will buy this substantial, good looking, desirably located plastered house of 8 large rooms, with 4 upstairs bedrooms, on a lot Sal00, Full cement basement; full plumbing, gas and elec tricity, walking distance of Jefferson high school. This house aione could not be built today for less than $3750. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Third and Stark Sts. Slain 74S7- $1400 EASY TERMS. 3 ROOMS. 1 blks. to Williams ave. car. cement sidewalks, fruit, berries, excellent garden spot, some shade trees, water and gas in house. This is a real snap. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. CRV1NOTON home. 7 moms. $K5W; cen tral entrance, beautiful living room, fire place, French doors to sun -room with fireplace, also French doors o beautiful enclosed grounds; large dining room, breakfaat room, fine Pullman kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, sleeping porch, maid's room, double constructed full basement, fuel room, fine foliage, 2 cherry trees, cement driveway, garage; block to Broadway car. 3 blocks ot Irvington club. McDonell. East 419. 500 E. 14th street North. LAURELHL'RST. Beautiful Pasadena bungalow, 2 blocks from the park; h. w. lioora, fine built-ins. inverted light ing system; front and aiue porch with French d"oors; music room, garage. For appointment to see call Mrs. Lucius. Tabor 30S1. No Bsgettta. "NEW STRICTLY MODERN BUNGA LOW." 5-room strictly modern new bungalow, ready for occupancy, large attic, hard wood floors, fin-place, full cement base ment, the latest thing fn built-ins, up to the minute, lot 50x100 ft. In Sunnyside. 2 biockfe car. paved at., free of debt, price $4500 $S0O cash, balance to suit either mo-nthlv or term mortgage. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 160 '-j 4th st. KENTON. NEW BUNGALOW $300 DOWN. On a full lot. two blocks from car. a new 5-room bungalow with 2 large bed rooms, cement basement, best of plumb ing, gas and electricity. Price only $3100. An excellent buy. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION, 211 Railway Exchange? Bldg. Third and Stark Sts. Main 74S7. ROSE CITY HOME $6500. Spiffy B rooms and bath. 4 down and 2 up. extra toilet, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, built-ins, large I trios room. Paved street paid. Blk. to car close -in. SIDNEY G. LATHROP, 510 Abington bldg. (Sign of the Horseshoe.) TpI. Main 3126 for appointment. $100 CASH WILL HANDLE. $20 PER MONTH AND INTEREST. 5-room house on paved street, full plumbing, small basement, convenient to car and school: price only $2000, with strtt and sewer paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room modern bungalow type, hot water heat, in best of condition, on beautiful lot, under the hill, 2 blocks to car. $5500, reasonable terms. C. M. DERR, COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th. St. Main 4522. TWO NICE lots and 5-room cottage- in good residence district; lots' of berries and small fruits: chicken house for 50 chickens. Owner is buying place in coun try and must dispose of this property. Call me up and get the dope on this little home. I will make it worth your while. Tabor 8441. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rage, residences. anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW $3060. 50x100 corner lot, right on the car big cement basement, laundry travs fireplace, walls newly tinted. 740 E. 2sth st. W W car ; go look, then see SIDNEY G LATHROP, 516 Abington bldg. (Slim of the Horseshoe., SEVEN -ROOM B UN G A LO W . BARGAIN $2S50. Here, folks, is surely some bargain You would never expect to buy such, a home fog this money. Let us show vou A- G. TEDPE CO.. 270 Stark St., Near 4th. Main 3092. ALBERTA. $1000 will handle new. modern, 5-room bungalow, full attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, east front. Only $4300. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE Modern 4-room cottage. 100 feet square, fruit and berries, chicken iun; just inside city limits. 2224 E. Ah st. Tabor 2061. SUNNYSIDE SNAP $2800. I rooms, corner, real snap at $2800. Sickness compels sale. 301 Railway Ex. Main 7031. NEAR Union ave., $3500, cosy, modern house, B rooms, sleeping porch and ga rage. $1500 down, $25 per mo. By owner, Wdln. 5875. ATTRACTIVE 6-room Irvington corner, ceemnt basement, furnace, first-class condition. 744 Clackamas st., phone East 6759. owner. . IRVINGTON CHARMING SMALL HOME 6 rooms, choice location, large living room, oak floors, fireplace: garage. Bar gain; $6500; term. East 394. Main 8078. IF YOU contemplate building and wish tc save 20 per cent on cost phone Broad wav 3S52, Mr. Merrick. 8 A. M. to 5:3C P. M , IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 5-room furnished Alberta bungalow j see it today; $1200 cash, balance term. 1079 Vernon. Mr. Cary. Main IRVINGTON home, worth $6500. can sell for $4300, 7 large rooms, full lot, no commission. Owner, East S01G; also other houses. IRVINGTON CHOICE HOME. $7850. Term. 17th. near Thompson: double garage, art paper, oak floors, fireplace, sleeping porch. Neuhausen. Main 8078. SNAP Owner leaving city. 6 rooms and bath, house for sale, price $2600: term. 30S Halsey st Phone East 759. Call Mr or Mrs. Yuckat. SIX-ROOM modem house. Piedmont: paved district; $2500. J. E. Walter. 509 McKav bldg. Main 1390. NEW HOUSE, 3 rooms, bath, gas, elec tricity ; almost finished ; west side, walking distance. $1200. Bdwy. 659. A REAL snap, 7-room plastered house in South Portland, with bath and toilet. See this good terms. CUk Bdw. 29&i. REM ESTATK. Fur !tJe Uuunes. J. A. WICK XI AN CO. "Shortest Wuy Home." RegarSless of the class of homa you may desire, regardless of the district in which you may wish to locate, we can show you the kind of a home for which you are looking. INSPECT OUR PHOTOS. Tell us frankly the kind of home for which you are looking and the price you .. willing to pay. and. we will have a salesman one who is spcclalixinE In that price home show you the best buys available at your figure. It will place you under no obligations ab solutely. If we cannot show you the very best values in the city we do ui expect you to buy. You to be the sole judge. LET US SHOW YOU. Only $250 Cash .Down. $2750 3 rooms and bath, with st. Imp all in and paid. This is close to Jeffesson high and in perfect condition. Easy monthly pay ments. We will help you make first payment if necessary. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. $3550 Here Is your opportunity to se- cure a dandy bungalow home of 5 rooms and bath. Large floored attic for 2 additional rooms, if desired; fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full basement, wash titoys. Lot 50x125. Terms. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IS. Rose City Park. $5500 asked; make us an offer; 4 rooms and bath down. Including one bedroom. 8 rooms up. Hdwd floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays; hot water heat. St. imp. In and paid. Terms. NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR. $3950 You cannot find a better value for the money; 5 rooms and bath down, one and sleeping porch up. Huwd. rmors. nrcpiace. out ft t Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; full cement ba&amcnt wash trav. furnace. IRVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW. $4250 Buys new home of 4 rooms and bath down. 2 rooms up. Hdwd floors, bullt-ins. Dutch kitchen fireplace, furnuce, garage. And LISTEN 100x100 Iot. Let show you. Terms can be ranged. Are you considering buying a n home? Ask for our new Home Dept. We arc agents for Portland's best build ers and can show you some wonderful values in new homes and on chsv terms. REMEMBER, if you own a lot we can build for vou ; easy terms. TO BUY YOUR HOME SEE J. A. WICK MAN CO. "Shortest Wav Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1094 and 583 A REAL BARGAIN. $29O0 5 ROOMS $SO0 DOWN. BAL. $20 PER MO. fclust sejl at once. living room and dining room combined, 2 sleeping rooms, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, locat d 1586 MacCrum street. 1 block south of Lombard st. in St. Johns: will be at house between 2 and 3 P. M. Sunday, 16th. get off the car, half block east of viaduct. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 20ft. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. K-room bungalow; you will ap preciate this neat and well kept modern 6-room bungalow, with hardwood floors, fireplace, book cases, very attractive buffet, white enameled Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement and attic, garage, living and dining room are deco rated In latest tapestry paper, and the price is a sacrifice at $4300. TABOR 8892. CLOSE IN HOME INCOME $500 DOWN. Let the -Income from this house buy it for you. It has ten rooms divided into I suites, the income from which Is $60 per month. Vou can live there and rent rest of house for more than enough t'i make monthly payments. Paved sfeet and sewer all lr and paid. Price only $2650. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Third and Stark Sts. Main 74S7. $4200 HAWTHORNE JEWEL. 5-room bungalow, pink of con dition; block car, paved streets; ha furnace, fireplace, built-ins, besides many other fine features. This Is decidedly the best buv in Hawthorne; $1000 cash. Main 4SU3. O. C. GOLDEN BERG Arlington bldg. "33 Y'ears in Portland." ROSE CITY DISTRICT. $2000. FURNISHED. Neat, cosy ,1-room bungalow with In closed sleeping porch, lull plumbing, electric lights, gas, only 2 blocks from R. C. car. $2000, small payment, balance like rent. C. M. DERR. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th. St. Main 4522. $5100, $650 CASH. $31 A MONTH. WILL YOU BUY MY FINE ROSE CITY HOME ? Built to please home lovers, and brand new; conditions necessitate immediate action and sacrifice; five elegant rooms. mahozan and enamel finish ; hardwood floors; breakfast nook : inside hall; fin est inside arrangements: corner Boas City; prefer to make my own direct ar rangements to show the place. Drop me a !ine to AG 2Q0. Oregon! n. ROSE CITY PARK. Five Rooms and Garage $4854). Splendid bungalow, located below the hill; hardwood floors' throughout. Ex pensive plumbing; paving" in; real value here. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO. 270 Stark St. Main 3092. Branch,. 5Qth and Sandy. CHOICE 80x100 6-ROOM BUNGALOW AND BATH. Fine roses, trees and shrubbery; this is a good buy if you are looking for a place to have garden and chickens, not too far out; can give terms. Price $2500 JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. or. N W Bldg. Main 3787. ARTISTIC west side bungalow on the Heigh ta Strictly modern, seven rooms, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, gas heat, garage, unobstructed view entire city, 634 Hoffman road. Price $6250, $1000 cash, balance rental terms. Telephone Main 563S, ROSE CITY PARK CAR. 5-Room Bungalow $4000. $350 cash will handle. New, nevi been lived in Let u show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St. Main 3092. Branch. THHh and Sandy. BABY BUNGALOW. Four delightful rooms, finely flnfshed, full concrete basement, air kinds of fruit, close to Jefferson high, $3350. $500 cash COE A. McKENNA CO.. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. SEE IT SATURDAY OR SUNDAY. ' Completely furnished Alberta bunga low, B rooms, fireplace, built-in, close to car; fruit, garage, paved; $1200 cash, balance terms. 1079 Vernon, Mr Cary Main 1377. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW $7000 TERMS' 6 LARGE ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH Full lot and gnrage, 18th, near Knott. Will sell furnished. EAST 419. laurelhurst; New bungalow of 5 large room and den; modern in every detail. 225 Hazel Fern place; buv direct from owner and builder. FOR SALE F our-room plastered cr-tUne. all on one floor, full lot. near car not old- Now vacant; price $1500. $250 cah halance easy. Cali 12 to 3 P. M. 06 Kil lingworth ave. HOUSE PLANS "Distinctive Homes." illustrated book of over 100 design, $1; blueprints 110 DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY 924 Northwestern Bank bldg. POSSESSION AT ONCE. 4-room house In Set I wood distr'cf price $1500. $100 cash; balance like rent' See John Brown and Co, 322 Railway Exchange. Mar 3331. $500 CASH, $30 per month, including In terest. 35x100 Iot; good 5-room house, bath, toilet, gas, electricity, walking d' sta nee. Total price, $2000. A real snap. Chas. Hcuck, 932 Cham, of Com NEW COLONIAL bungalow. Laurelhurst, 5 large rooms furnished In Ivory enamel. waUs papered, wonderful kitchen; ga rage; assessments all paid. $7250. Owner. Tabor 3828 $450 CASH House, snap, $450; modern. 50x100 lot; l biocK to car. terms to suit on bal. HARPER & MORRIS. 4 1 0 Railway Exch. Bldg. NEAT BUNGALOW TWO LARGE LOTS. Am leaving city, sen lurnisned or un furnished. If you want a deal caM us up: without furniture, $2900; have new garage. Aut. 623-17. AN ATTRACT u. o-room nouse, nunga low type, grounds 75x100, located In Irvington Park. Alberta car line. Call owner 222-45 or Main 630. WILL make attractive price ror quick Hue of 6-room modern bungalow near Frank lin high. Wood lawn 321 9. 3 HOUSES, 4. 5, 6 rooms, large lot, fruit; X-J6Q0. terms. Mrs. Orchards. Oswego. Or. WEST SIDE, for nale by owner, 7-room bouse and baUi U altf aL KKAL estates. For "vtle Hour. CONVENIENT TO REED COLLT2CE. WESTMORELAND. TERMS AND A SACRIFICE. Here is a real home, composed of re ception hall, massive living room with fireplace, dining room with built-in buffet, den and Dutch kitchen; on the second floor there are threo bedrooms, sewing room, le-pin porch and bath room, full cement basement with con crete fruit room, furnace and laundry trays; double gnrage with concrete drive-. 50x:100-ft. lot; also near acbooi. 3hia house was built when materia! and tabor cot were low; considering pres ent value it Is worth at least one-third mors; owner ha certain reasons for selling and will sacrifice for $6750 on the terms of $1000 down and th bal ance $50 a month, free of Incumbrance. Included in the prlre 1 a combination gas and wood rng all carpets and linoleum. F-fc HARTMAN COMPANY. (-hambei of Com. Bid. Main 208. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Built within the year and very complete, large living room and dm: nit room. 2 bedrooms, with tine kitchen and breakfast nook. Every built-in convenience. Must ro be appreciated. I LR.MSHED IF SO DESIRED MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. 440 E. 21st st. IS. East 7U76. ANOTHER WEST MT TABOR SNAP. Strictly modern 6-room home, large living hoom. fireplace, woodlift. built-in buffet. French doors, hardwood floorx. Dutrh kitchen in white. 3 large bed room;, large closets, f till v panel door mirror, linen closet, clothes schute. fin bathroom; ap.stairs white enamel; full basemeut, furnace, wash tray.;, largo front porch, fine view, screencd-in back porch, earagi.1; a complete, well-butit home, lawn, fruit, rosea, etc. Improve ment In and paid. 1 block to car; 1500 Baal .Morrison at, Only JU000. terms, L. E. Steinmetz, 406 Gerlinger bldg. Phone Main 6091 or Tabor 3224. lOOxl'm PIEDMONT. A Positive Bargain. For $0300 We believe this beats mit buy in this part of the city. One of tha finest corner in Piedmont with ahade, fruit and nut trees. A thoroughly well built house with a big living room, li brary, dining room, kitchen, panirv, 2 bedrooms and bath and big floored attio large enough for 4 more rooms, fireplace, cement basement, furnuce. garage. Plea remember the lot is a corner tOVxlO and the street liens arc all paid. Owner must have $3000 cash. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 30g Chamber of Com. Hldg. Main 6550. ATTENTION! ROSE Cm PARK BUYByiS. We have any number of good bus In this popular district. In addition to our downtown office we maintain branch at 50th and Sandy. Most of our salesmen live there we know the his tory of nearly every houfc in the dis trict. We are in a position to serve you best. If you want to buy in this popu- u.ii h i, see us. Dome (tu tarn a- nine as a.wo uoivn. Let us show you. A. G. TEErE CO., 270 Stark St. Main ."."02 Branch office. 50th and Sandy. ONLY $4O0 CASH! $1645 Cut eat 4 -room apartment bun galow you ever saw. Everyone who want? a good home, cheap, should hurry out and investigate at once. FuM en amel plumbing, Dutch kitchen, hot wa ter heater, gas furnace, heat, choice electric fixtures. SoxlOO garage, 5 fruit trees, rows, garden; 3 block car; snap. Hurry. Main 4S03. G. C. GOLD EN BERG, Abington hldg, "35 Years in Portland." IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. We have a beautiful fl-r. house in Ladd'8 addition that can tie bought at a sacrifice price If taken soon; 1 built on strictly modern plans, thoroughly and well : Inrge reception snd living room, all the built-in, fireplace, full basement, furnace and trays, lit fact Is a complete home; price ISH0, $15n cash. All im provement in and paid. ELMER F. P. KNN ETT CO., 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. $5 500 EAST IRVING T ) N 5-rooms and sleeping porch, hesides den, attic and other spacious quarter-; furnace, fireplace, oak floors, built-in, cement basement, enamel plumbing: 50x100, paved streets, garage; $75 worth of fuel; owner left, house vgrant. says "Give it away." Worth $7500, takes $1500 to $2000 cash. Mafn 4803. G. C. GOLDEN BERG G. C. GOLDEN BERG Abington hldg. "35 Years in Portland." MODERN RUNG A LOW.' $2 lOO J300 DOWN. This bungalow fs very well built, in a good neighborhood, has 2 large bed rooms, large combination living and din ing room. Dutch kitchen, best of plumb ing, close to car line; excellent value. BIHR-CAKEY CORPORATION, 211 Railway Exchange Bidg. Third and Stark Sts. Main 7487. IRVINGTON 7-ROOM HOUSE. $S750. DOUBLE GARAGE. $2000 cash and $60 a month handles this beautiful home; hardwood floors throughout, large sleeping porch, break fast nook and .-tin room; faces east on 17th. near Knott. McDonnell, east 419. $2275 INVESTMENT AND HOME. Cosy 5-room with basement, enamel plumbing, lights and gas; all nicely furnished; 50x100, paved -i reels, three blocks Irvington car; only $375 cash, balance $15 and 6 per cent monthly. Possession at once. Alain 4803. G. C. GOLDEN BERG Abington 1-ldc. "3." Years in Portland." ROSE CITY. Living room, dining room, library, kitchen, one bedroom, bath, hardwood floors first floor; two bedrooms, sleep ing porch second floor; furnace, garage. Will sell either with one or two lota POINDEXTER. 208 Selling Bldg. Main ISM East 6771. IRVINGTON. Strictly modern residence, 5 bedrooms besides maid's room; one bedroom first floor ; hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, practically two tiled bath rooms, garage. POINDEXTER, 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1SO0. East 6771. SIX-ROOM modern home, fur nished or unfurnished, by owner. Very reasonable. Inquire 427 E. Broadway or phone East 6355. MODERN west side 7-room home, 50x100 lot. 21st and Marshall; $7500. Broadway 2479 or Main 67. Suburoan Homes. $1600 BUYS and pays In full for this, and pay attention to what you get for it. Known as hi -acre tract, with a new house of three large room; this house is ceiled, very warm and comfortable. Th" location it close In to the buinv. center of Portland at Ryan Place sta tion; you, drive to it over the Terwilli ger boulevard and Capitol highway ; haid-surrace street to the gate. This place has an abundance of large fruit of the best variety in full bearing. The house has such conveniences as city water, gas. etc.; the location Is the best on the west aide, in a rapidly growing diatrict; only a few blocks from a city school and station. Th owner is leav ing the state and $16oo buys the houe. land and the entire furnishings and will throw in four cord of wood for good measurement. All you need Is $500 in cash M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. ONE BLOCK FROM STATION. 2 acres. 10 mile from center of Portland, on paved Hiilsboro high w ay: half under cultivation ; all can be cul tivated : city water in house, ga in street; house 20x24, garage; price $2300, $.00 cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg Over 500 amall place near Port land. , MODERN COUNTRY HOME. t$ acre on paved river road, near Ore gon Citv car, Rlaiey atation : 6-room plastered house, cement basement, com plete plumbing, furnace, hardwood floors, garage: very small payment down, bal ance 6 rc . Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger hldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. SUBURBANITES! We have hundreds of personally in spected suburban homes in every out ly ing district in Portland. We're open every evening and Sunday. It you want a auburbau home, see P. C. Marshal., wttn T-.I . . v t- t u,.i:i-iiic McGUIRE. Abington Bidg Main 1068. POSSESSION AT ONCE. 8-room house, garage, lot 75x111. West ide. on Terwllliger drive; price $3500, $4o0 cash; ba:ance like rent. See JOHN BROWN & CO. 322 Railway Exchange, Mar. 3331. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline, from $1800 up: inquire 3d home north of Rtslev atation. on Oregon City car $550 WILL buy my beautiful acre at Os wego lake; will take $50 down: answer thi week. N 27. Oregoinan. PARK ROSE 1 acre, 5-room hoiite, $3000, $1000 down will handle this. Main 5232. For Sale liuinet.-. Property. WANTED Lot for garage In neighborhood of Grand ave. between Broadway an Hawthorne ave. Price and location !n f i rat I et ter. Ca rl Pe terao n . 121 Grand ave. North. FOR SALE Coiner buaines b:k., $11, 006; income $130; snap if taken t one. wax. AJ& Oreaonian.