Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 13, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Inaugural of Louis F. Hart
Is Unostentatious.
Amendment of Present State Pri
mary Law Applauded Ap
pointments Are Confirmed.
OI,YMPIA. Wash., Jan. 11. (Spe
cial.) Louis V. Hart was inaugurated
governor of Washington at 2 P. M.
this afternoon at a Joint session of
the legislature. Lieutenant-Governor
Coyle and other state officers were
sworn in at the same time, the oath
of office being administered by Chief
Justice Parker of the supreme court.
The ceremonies In connection with
the inauguration of Washington's
ninth governor since statehood were
unostentatious and they were held in
the rotunda of the main floor of the
state house. The joint session was
presided over by Senator Taylor,
president pro tern, of the senate.
Prayer was offered by Rev. C. T.
Goodsell. After the oath had been
administered the governor Was intro
duced by President Taylor and deliv
ered his message to the legislature.
Primary llrferrnee Applauded.
Iteference to the necessity for
amendment to the present state pri
mary law, coupled with the sugges
tion thai the primary be only for the
purpose of electing delegates to
county and state conventions, was
liberally applauded, as were the rec
ommendations for enactment of leg
islation to prevent evasion of the
constitutional provision prohibiting
the ownership of land by aliens, for
more stringent divorce laws, pro
vision for parole from the bench of
first offenders where circumstances
The governor urged that the civil
administrative code, which will pro
pose entire reconstruction of the
pr- -ent state civil administration
through the consolidation of differ
ent agencies and the shifting of func
tions be passed as a whole, without
Minor Matters Taken I p.
When the senate reconvened fol
lowing the Joint session, Lieutenant
Governor Coyle was presented to
preside over that body. Only minor
routine matters were taken up and
the senate adjourned until 1:30 o'clock
Thursday afternoon.
Appointments made since the ad-
, journment of the last session of the
legislature were read in the senate
this morning as a special order of
business and confirmed without ob
jection. Proposal for the licensing of race
meetings in the state and permitting
the operation of pari mutuels betting
is contained in senate bill No. 11. in
troduced by Rockwell of King county.
Under the bUU race meetings other
than state, interstate and county
'fairs are limited to 25 days in one
year, while state. Interstate and coun
ty fairs are limited to six days dura
tion. Tile measure creates a state
board of overseers of five members
one of whom shall be the state com
missioner of agriculture and the other
four to be appointed by the governor.
Members of the board of overseers
are to serve without pay. A secretary
Is provided at a salary of $1200 a year
to be paid by racing corporations
other than state, interstate and coun
ty fairs. The law fixes a license fee
of4000 for any racing meeting other
than the fairs mentioned. Pool sell
ing, bookmaking and hand books are
Ineomr Tax Bill Proponed.
Senator Rockwell also introduced
an income tax measure. His bill
combines an income, occupation, un
earned Income and non-resident fn
cume tax with the creation of another
commission to levy and collect the
proceeds, each commissioner to be
appointed by the governor and to be
paid l00 a year in salary. Begin
ning with 1922 the bill proposes col
lection of 1 per cent income tax on
every citizen's earnings, whether by
hand or head. The occupation tax is
scheduled to begin operation frcm
January 1 this year. It carries a
!50 exemption for the head of the
family and 1300 exemption for single
men with no dependents. The un
earned income tax is appl'ed to In
terest from mortgages and other se
curities, dividend rents. royalty,
mining and other patents and it has
a $300 exemption. Non-resident In
come tax falls upon investors outside
tne state who collect income from
within it.
Senator Loomts introduced a bill
making the state land commissioner
also state real estate commissioner
without extra salary, but with a dep
uty commissioner at uuo a year.
This bill would put all real estate
dealers under license and $1000 bond
each with a misdemeanor penalty
and revocation of license for misrep
resentation of property, failure to
remit payments or other dishonest
onaotldatlon la Planned.
Consolidation of city and county
governments in counties where the
combined population Is more than S0.
000 would be possible under a con
stitutional amendment which a bill
introduced In the house today by
Tripple of King county would have
submitted to the people for approval
at tho 122 election.
The Mil would affect King county
and Seattle. Pierce county and Ta
coinu. Spokane county and Spokane.
Machinery for such consolidation is
to be provided by later statutes.
Should the present bill be enacted the
constitutional authority would be
granted by vote of the people. Under
the provisions of the measure the
consolidated division would be em
powered to frame Its own charter.
Another measure fiied by Tripple to
day for introduction Thursday would
prohibit municipal corporations from
levying taxes on property for the con
struction, purchase, operation or
maintenance of any public utility. Tne
measure is said to be designed to pre
vent Seattle from levying a tax to
support the municipal street railway
Aoto Bill Filed.
Having for Its purpose the re
duction of automobile thefts, a bill
was Introduced in the house by Mann
.if Spokane, requiring every pur
chaser of a motor vehicle to obtain
at the same lime a bill of sale,
which shall ' be an Instrument in
writing, witnessed by at least two
persons and duly recorded in the
office of the county auditor upon
the payment of a fee of 91. Penalty
of not less than one nor more than
five years in the penitentiary or &
fine not to exceed 11000 is provided
for violation of the law.
State industrial insurance protec
tion is extended to the families of
sheriffs and deputy sheriffs In the
pjy of the county, when such officers
ur killed in the performance of their
duties, under terms of a bill by Grass
of King county. Introduced in :n
liouse. Under the bill there shall be
paid to the widow or to his depend
ents. If no widow or children survive
him, the sum of $5000. and in case
of injury to a sheriff or deputy sher
iff in the performance of duty the
injured officer shall receive the same
compensation as provided tor injured
workmen in hazardous occupations
under the industrial insurance act.
The industrial insurance commission
Is empowered by the bill to adminis
ter its provisions.
Itivrr Fond Sought.
In the house. Brown of Whatcom
county asks for $50,000 for improve
ment of the Nooksack river and ap
pointment of another commission to
administer the provisions of the bill.
The proposed industrial code also
reached the house today as previously
submitted in the senate. It offers a
consolidation of the various industrial
welfare and labor commissioner de
partments. Preference to state-made
commodities In purchases by the state
or municipality, where the goods
produced or manufactured Within the
state meet the specifications of the
purchaser and where the price of
the domestic commodity is not more
than 10 per cent greater than the
price of the commodity offered by
outside bidders, is to be given.
Tonight Governor Hart, state of-'
ficials and members of the legislature
are guests of honor at the inaugural
ball given in their honor at the Turn-
water clubhouse by the citizens of
(Jlympia. The ball this year is on a
more elaborate scale than in former
years and people from every part of
the state are here to attend.
Cumpaiipi Here Will Be Modeled
After That Put Through In
Rochester, X. 1".
Portland's community chest drive
will be modeled after the campaign
recently put through with great suc
cess in Rochester, N. Y., according
to announcement yesterday by the
executive committee. The drive, it
was announced, will take place dur
ing the second week of March In be
half of 56 charitable organizations of
the city.
The committee last week selected
a slogan for the campaign and took
preliminary steps toward securing
the names of persons who aided vari
ous charitable organizations the past
year. It is expected that the number
of names will total 5000 and several
organizations already have furnished
the committee with data. The cam
paign slogan is "One Campaign One
Appeal Once a Year."
When Roehester first Inaugurated
the community chest drive solicitors
of that city had, as a basis for first
operations, about 5U00 names of per
sons known to have contributed to
charitable funds in the past. With
these names as a list of first pros
pects charity workers of the eastern
city built up a list of some 60.000
names, representing persons who
could be depended upon to contribute
to each year's drive. Portland, the
committee believes, will build up as
large a number of contributors, in
view of the fact that Rochester and
Portland are similar in size.
Cost of raising the needed amount
of money, $1,000,000. in Portland was
discussed by the committee and It
was estimated that, judging by other
campaigns, the cost would be about
10 per cent of all money secured.
Stricter Control of Land Ownership
and Suppression of Divorce
Evil Asked In Message.
OLYMPIA. Wash.. Jan. 13. Gover
nor Hart, in his biennial message read
before the Washington legislature,
here today, recommended that the
present state direct primary law be
changed so as to provide for a state
wide primary, "conducted for the sole
purpose of electing delegates to the
county and state conventions of the
several political parties."
"Time and exerlence have demon
strated," said Governor Hart, "that
the direct primary is not the rose
strewn pathway that leads to political
Utopia, dreamed by its sponsors. Even
those most resonsible for its creation
are now quite willing and ready for a
"The demoralization of responsible
party organizations, the unfair ad-1
vantage given to minority parties aud
groups, the easy temptation to undue
Personal abuse by unscrupulous per
sons, all require a modification of
our method of nominating candidates
for public office."
The governor urged the enactment
of a law to prevent the violation or
evasion, "by any subterfuge, of the
constitutional prohibition against
ownership of lands by aliens; passage
of more stringent divorce laws; adop
tion of an administrative code pro
viding for the reorganization of the
state government to "make it more
responsible, effective and economical,"
and the imposition of a tax on gaso
line, distillate and kerosene to cre
ate a fund for the construction and
surfacing of state highways.
2 0 Cents for Each Thousand Feet
Bough! in December Sought
for Counsel Fee.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Jan. 12.
(Special ) Vancouver gap users will
be asked to contribute 20 cents for
each thousand feet of gas used dur
ing December to employ counsel to
fijrnt the rise sought by the company.
The money may be paid to the city
clerk, city treasurer, or the treasurer
of the commercial club.
Consumers are paying $1.50 a thou
sand feet now. The company wishes
to :.!.-- the rate to $1.90.
The public service commission will
hear both sides at 10 o'clock in the
morning on January 26 in the rooms
of the commercial club.
On the committee which will so
licit contributions to fight the in
crease are O. R. Lee, A. L. Curtin.
J. J. Donovan. Harry R. Porter. P. J.
1'lynn, L. J. Rossiter, Foster Hidden,
A. Burnham. Eugene Peelers. Mrs. A.
Uateman and James McSparren.
Seventy-five persons attended the
mtss meeting called by Mayor Kig
gir.s last night.
A committee appointed to investi
gate the segregation of $32,000 which
the company said was necessary to
operate has been refused access to
records showing operation costs, it
was reported.
Many Counties Sending In Large
Sums for Europeans.
The out-state campaign for relief
of child sufferers In Europe has
taken a spurt since the hc idays. ac
cording to reports reaching Frank L
Gollehur. state manager.
Deschutes county yesterday for
warded a check for $2914.72. 33 1-3
per cent, or $7H."2. above its quota
of $2200. Lane county came in with
a check for $1162.24, representing only
a few days' work. Lane's quota Is
$7700 The soliciting there did not
get well under way until the first of
the preseat Wieek.
Gratifying reports are coming in
from other counties. Malheur and
Harney have resumed the campaign
with redoubled vigor. Malheur has
pledged itself to complete its quota
by January 22, and the Harney
chairman declares it will have its full
amount raised before January is end
ed. Other tardy counties are report
ing better results.
Pu ruled Convict Awucd of Writ
ing to Married Woman.
Letters said to have been written
by him to a married woman demand
ins an appointment as soon as possi
ble at a downtown street corner
caused the arrest late last nijtht of
Arthur Gildner. aged 35. paroled con
vict. Glldner ia said by police t
have seen the woman only once on
the street and that, following this,
although he haa never spoken a word
to her. he sent two notes by a news
boy to her at her residence demand
ing a meeting on the pretext that he
possessed information of importance
which he wished to communicate to
he woman last night notified the
police bureau and detectives arretted
Gildner. charging him with disorderly
Drive at C. C. Chapman Re&ult of
Plea for Vote of Confidence
for Senator Jones.
STATE HOUSE. Salem. Or.. Jan. 12.
(Special.) Brief fireworks marred
the otherwise peaceful deliberations
of the senate here today when, during
a tirade by Seuator Thomas against
the Oregon Voter, Senator Joseph of
Multnomah county hurled a law dook
at C C. Chapman, editor of the pub
lication under discussion.
Senate attaches said that Senator
Joseph also uttered a vile epithet as
Editor Chapman smiled receipt of the
unexpected missive and quietly re
tired from the chamber. The book
grazed Mr. Chapman's head, after nar
lowiy missing W. C. Faulkner, custo
dian of the senate.
The "near fight" was the aftermath
of a plea by Senator Thomas that the
senate extend to Senator Jones of
Lane county a vote of confidence.
Senator Thomas quoted several arti
cles from the Voter, which he alleged
were vicious in construction and re
flected upon the character of Senator
Although all members of the senate,
with the exception of Senators Nor
blad and LaFoIlttt. supported the mo
tion. it was laughed off as a joke fol
lowing Senator Hanks' proposal for a
vote of confidence for all members.
Senator Jones responded briefly,
expressing his appreciation of the
action taken by the senate. He said
the vote of confidence would be even
more welcome to the members of his
family than himself.
Vetoed Measures Turned Over to
Committees for Consideration.
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or., Jan. 12.
(Special.) Twenty - three senate
bills passed at the special session of
the legislature last January, but later
vetoed by Governor Olcott, were re
turned for reconsideration of the
lawmakers today,
Senator Eddy said that It was
urgent that these bills should be
referred to the various committees
promptly, in order that new measures
might be framed should the com
mittees decide to report favorably
on tne vetoes
Senator Vinton declared that under
the Oregon laws the senate should
reconsider these vetoed bills on the
floor without delay, and that there
was no authority under which the
BUU could be re-referred to com
Senator Moses said the procedure
proposed by Senator Eddy was within
the authority of the senate and that
mere was no valid reason why the
bills should not be re-referred to the
committees for recommendation as
to their passage.
The vetoed bills considered by the
senate and re-referred to the various
committees follow:
Senate bill 5 Relating to change In the
law creating the state board of engineers'
examiners; referred to committee on re
vision oi taw 9.
Senate bill 6 Relating tn mmmJhm
drainage districts: referred to committee
on irrigation and drainage.
Senate bill 7 Relating to salaries of
county officers: referred to committee on
county and state officers.
Senate bill 14 Relating to grazing of
livestock; referred to committee on agri
culture and forestry.
Senate bill IT Relating to amendment
of constitution: referred to insurance com
mittee. Senate bill It Relating to ports; re
ferred to committee on commerce and navi
gation. Senate bill 22 Relating to admission o'
surety companies to operate in Oregon;
referred to revision of laws committee
Senate bill 23. Relating to salaries of
officer of Union county: referred to com
mittee on county and state officers
Senate bHl 30 Relating to highways:
referred to committee on roads and high
ways Senate bill 34. Relating to court proce
dure; referred to committee on revision
of laws.
Senate bill 32 Relating to roads In Coo
county; referred toi committee on roads
and highways.
Senate bill 33 Relating to straight par
ty ballot; referred to judiciary committee.
Senate bill 54 Relating to roads In
Jackson county; referred to committee on
roads and highways.
Senate Mil 33 Relating to roads in
Douglas county; referred to committee on
roads and highway.
Senate bill 56 Relating to roads In
Benton county: referred to committee on
roids and highways.
Senate bill 37 Relating to road In
Klamath county; referred to committee on
rcadi and highways.
Senate bill 38 Relating to roads; re
ferred to committee on roads and high
ways. -
Senate hill 30 Relating to roads in
Marion and Polk counties; referred to
committee on roads and highways.
Senate bill 60 Relating to roads In
Marion county; referred to committee on
roads and highways.
Senate bl'l Relating to validation on
construction of Vista House; referred to
committee on fisheries.
Senat bill 61 Relating to road from St
Helens to Vernon la: referred to com mi. -tee'
on roads and highways.
The committees to which these bllli
were referred wHl report back to tbe sen
ate by January 20.
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