30 THE 3IORMNG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13. 192t T BURDEN TO PISGAH Colony Needs Financial Aid to Care for Unemployed. COUNCIL ASKED FOR HELP Toun Men Without Work Should Tfot Be Humiliated, Declares Head of Settlement. Portland's unemployed problem cropped up again in city council yes terday, when Mrs. Hattie B. Law rence, head of tne Pisgah colony, ap peared before the commissioners with a request for appropriations for the support of young men sent to the colony by Judge Kossman of the municipal court. Action on the request was deferred, when some of the commissioners howed indications of opposing the application, and the councilmen reed to consult with Judge Ross man before taking any definite steps in the matter. The men sheltered in the colony, according to Mrs. Lawrence range in ages from 18 to 25 years. They are young men unable to find employ ment, who have been picked up by the police on vagrancy charges, w ith the city Jail filled to overflowing, Judge Rossman has been sending them to the colony, which is situated In the mountains in Columbia county, eight miles back from Scappoose. Excellent Work Betas Done. "The colony undoubtedly does a good work," remarked Commissioner Barbur, "but it is out of the jurisdic tion or control of the city of Port land, and I do not see how we can legally appropriate money to send young men there. I would like to . provide work for these men so they would not have to live on charity." Commissioner Bigelow opposed tbe plan for economic reasons. "This matter deals with a floating population." he said. "If we provide a city home for that element in Port land we will have all the vagrants this side of the Rocky mountains rushing here to take advantage of it, and the situation will be worse than aver. I have had previous experience with this same condition, since 1 have been in office, and I know what the result would be. Commissioner Mann's contribution to the discussion was brisk. "I'd put them to work on the rock pile," he asserted. Americanism Is Injected. Tou will never make American Citizens on the rock pile." Mrs. Law rence interrupted. "The class of youths who are now coming to me is different from any other class I have ever dealt with before. They are upright young fellows, who are not able to find legitimate employ ment. If nothing is provided for them they are apt to be forced to turn to lawless means for their very existence." Mayor Baker was inclined to side with the view taken by Mrs. Law rence. "I do not want to influence the de cision of you gentlemen," he said, addressing the council, "but I do think it would be a good plan to have a little more personal knowledge of the situation before you decide it." His invitation to the other commis sioners to visit him at the police sta tion and discuss the matter first-hand with Judge Rossman was accepted and action was deferred until tomor row afternoon. way, has been started and a depth of approximately liO feet has been reached, according to announcement made yesterday by O. A Sarles of Portland, who is connected with the Lower Columbia Oil Gas company. Mr. Sarles said the well probably would be 2(I0 feet deep. The company ha taken a lease on (000 acres of land in that zrlcinity. and has announced that' a number of wells will be drilled. The drilling was started on December 16, and since that time six different stratas of petrified wood have been pene trated. The drill has now struck a sandy formation, and it is expected that better progress will be made. Another drilling crew has been put on and tbe company intends to drill 24 hours a day. Officers of the company are K. Johnson, county commissioner of Clatsop county, president; w. Smith, plumbing contractor ot as tor;a. vice-president; LrllDert men ards. secretary-manager, and J. U Anderson of the Astoria National bank, cashier. The board of directors includes the officers and R. Phillips, general manager of the Clat soo Lumber Mills of Astoria, an A. S. Skyles, president of the Rowan Skyles Auto company of Astoria. POOH FARM MO 5834 FOREMAN ESTIMATES PROFIT FOR TEAR 192 0. County Commissioners Order Halt In Pension Granted Hitherto to Blind Man. Net -profits from the operation of the Multnomah county farm during 1920 totaled JS341.43. according to tn report of U. G. Smith, foreman, sub mitted to a meeting of county com missioners yesterday. He estimated the total value of products at $26 146.97, of which $26,912.40 was the wholesale market value of food arti cles suDOlied and $134.57 the amoun sold for cash, against which total operating expenses of $17,805.54 were charged. After passing a resolution to em I ploy ten instead of 15 clerks asked by Sheriff Hurlburt for extra duty in tne tax department during the rush sea son, and fixing their salaries at siuu a month instead of $115 asked, the board was visited by the sheriff and was moved to reconsider the action and vote on It at the next meeting. The men would be employed ac night work of six hours a night. They were paid $100 last year, but salaries for regular clerks doing somewhat similar work have been raised from $120 to $145 since then, according to Sheriff Hurlburt. The request of the child welfare commission for two Tooms in the courthouse for headquarters was de nied. The stipend of $100 being granted Walter Courier, blind man, for the support of himself, his wife and five children, was ordered dis continued on February 1, so that new arrangements could be made. Cour ter had represented that he could not live on less than $212 a month, and that his earnings were $75 a month from selling newspapers. The public welfare commission reported that he earned $95 a month from sales on an average, not including gratuities. FARMERS' ROADS WANTED CITY TP BE REPRESENTED TERM I N AT, DERATES INTEREST MEMBERS OF COUNCIL. Commissioners Order Attorney to Attend Railroad Sessions on Ouster Order. Frank S Grant, city attorney, was Ordered by city council y.:'-rday to request the privilege of attending the conferences of the railroad officials en the Portland terminal contro versy. "Make the request as diplomatic aa you want to," said Commissioner Bigelow, who proposed the move, "but let them understand that we Wflr.t to be represented." As far as Commissioner Barbur Is concerned, the present fight as to Whether certain railroads are to be ousted from the terminal is a mere tempest in a teapot. The real battle In which he expressed himself as in terested was In obtaining for the city a new passenger terminal and better freight handling facilities. "I will send the communication to the railroad officials." said Mr. Grant at the conclusion of the discussion, "and I am willing to attend the meet ings if they will let me, but at the same time I would like to have the znayor go with me. Not that I am afraid, but I would like to have the moral support of his presence. "RED"' CONTROL ALLEGED Speaker Says Non-Partisan League Is Kun by Radicals. Discussion of the non-partisan league as observed in North Dakota -and other states where it has gained a powerful hold on the farmers and on the political affairs of the states was presented by Jared Weaker of .Portland al the retail druggists' luncheon held yesterday at the Cham ber ot Commerce. Mr. Wenger stated that A. C. Town ley end the men working- under hrm in direct control of the league affairs vere I. W. W. and radical socialists. The league itself was branded by him as a "sugar-coated pill" handed the farmers as a means of putting over socialist doctrines. Mr. Wenger declared that political control had been utilised to instill radical doc trines In the schools and spread dis- content while -stores and newspapers, subscribed to by the farmers, are un der absolute control of the I. W. W. leaders of the league. Present labor conditions, with 2.000,000 Idle men in the United States, open up a fertile field for the radicals to work upon, and make the fcrread of radicalism a real menace. Mr. Wenger pointed out. Yamhill Forum Asks That Half of Money Be Spent on Byways. DAYTON". Or.. Jan. 12. (Special.) The Yamhill county forum, composed of members of every school district and city in the county, has adopted resolutions asking the legislature to provide for development of strictly agricultural roads, and enact a state marketing law similar 'to that of Cal ifornia. The resolutions were adopted unan imously at a meeting at McMinnville. 1 Members of the forum declared that the legislature probably would au j thorfze a bond issue for road work. I The resolution included a request that ; 50 per cent of the money be spent on i lateral, cross and feeder roads In stead of on the main highways. An other resolution asked that buyers of supplies of public use be required to advertise for bids on all machinery and supplies purchased in amounts costing more than $500. GALE AT ASTORIA ABATES City Slips Back to Oregon Weather After Mercury Goes to Freezing:. ASTORIA, Or.. Jan. 12 (Special.) After two days of low temperatures Astoria stepped back into the Oregon weather column last night. Yester day the temperature which had been below freeaing started up, the wind shifted to the southeast and shortly before midnight had become a howl ing gale, accompanied by frequent showers of rain and hail. The wind at North Head registered 60 miles an hour as the maximum This morning the wind outside, which had shifted to the west, was blowing at a 30-mtle rate and the barometer started up. while the sun was peep ing through the clouds. COUNCILMEN TAKE OFFICE New City Government Installed in Philomath. I HILOMATH. Or.. Jan. 12. (Spe cial.) The members of the new city goverpment, who took office recently, were Dr. Jayne, mayor; K. C Golden, recorder; Dr. Henderson, treasurer; W. H. Morgan, marshal, and J. S. McMurtry. W. Henry. C. W. Davis. C. T. "VVhittelsey. F. H. Burnap and H. D. Moorland, members dT the council. The city was incorporated in 1SS3. J. K. Henkle, one of the retiring councilmen, was a member of the first council, and has served on the council at different times since its organisation. by All Means See the Meier & Frank WINDOWS McGee, vice-president; L. R. Huels hoff, secretary; A. C. Shives, treasurer. SILENCE CAUSES ARREST Man Declares Refusal to TalkxDue to Activity of Relatives. KELSO, Wash., Jan. 12. (Special.) -V. Tikkanen of the upper Lewis river country was brought to Kalama Monday by Sheriff Hoggatt because ot nis perstsieni reiusai 10 taia whom he explained that he was act ing this way because relatives wanted to sell the home place and divide the money so as to settle' an estate. Tik kanen said he had. done most of the work of improving the place and felt that he was entitled to most of the place. He was discharged, but even after his release continued his re fusal to talk. Dempsey to Leave Tor Portland. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 12. Jack Dempsey, heavyweight champion, planned to leave tonight for Port- llKKanen wouia mas.e no reply 10 taiiu. wuic nc is oncuuru ... questions until he was brought before meet Jerry Kellar in a six-round ex J. E. Stone, court commissioner, tolhlbition bout January 26. Commercial Club Organized TIMBER, Or.. Jan. 12. (Special.) A mass meeting held here Friday re sulted In the organization of the upper Nehalera commercial club, rep resenting the business interests of the following towns in Washington county: Hulburt, Timber, Westtimber. Wedeburg. Reliance. Douty and Cochran. Officers were elected as follows: N Bangs, president; George TEST OIL WELL STARTED Drill Declared to Have Reached Depth or 150 Feet. The test oil well four miles, south f Astoria. Just off tbe Seaside high- THE SENSATION AT THE SHOW- SEE IT THAT'S ALL Could You Answer a Child's Question, "What Makes Our Eyes See?" The wonderful story of sight is explained in simple, understandable terms in a Free Lecture on "Eyes of Youth" By Dr. A. P. De Keyser, Friday, January 14, 8 P. M., at the De Keyser Optical Insti tute, 365 Washington Street, 2d Floor Co lumbia Bldg. Entrance Next Rivoli Theater The moving picture "Eyes of Youth" will be shown, together with stereopticon slides of the anatomy and functions of the eye. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED it -1 -1-1 - 1 ! 99 for mem mat Know an automooiie The old Souths favorite since 1909 In all the latest special colors now on show at 111 13th St. (West side) between Washington & Bumside The Eilers Auto Sales Corporation Wholesale and Retail High grade custom built Motor Cars i