THE MORNING OREGOMAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY IS. 1921 23 LOW POTATO BIDS IE BY SHIPPERS 34 : 34.: 34.00 nji $9.80; bakers' whole wheat. b. mm. Mill- Outside Markets Reached Only by Cheap Prices. OUTLOOK IS NOT BRIGHT Trade With Southern Section Can not Be Worked at Over One Dollar to Growers. Between TOO and SOO cars of potatoes have been shipped out of the state since the season opened. About 150 ears of these were seed Gamete. The quantity pf table stock snipped out has, therefore. " been very small for the middle of the sea son. It has been an unsatisfactory year to date for both shippers and growers and ( the outlook for the remainder of the sea son is not particularly bright. There are inquiries now on the raaricei xor fairly large tonnage, but the orders cannot be filled, as the prices offered are too low. In order to compete with the middle west ern and Rocky mountain states in getting southern business, shippers here would have to buy good potatoes at 75 cents to 41, prices that farmers would not con sider. The latter are able to sell In a small way at $1.25 to $1.50 and while they can get these prices for limited quanti ties they are net disposed to meet carlot shippers it lower prices. Local jobbers are doing only a small business In potatoes, as the retail trade, as well as restaurants, hotels and con sumers are being; supplied by near-by farmer. Conditions la the important shipping districts are wired as fellows: Idaho Kails, Idaho Haulings moderate; demand moderate; market steady, few sales. Rurals, 70c; Russets, 80c. Greeley, Colo. Light wire inquiry. Haul logs moderate, demand moderate, market unsettled. Sacked Pearls and Rurals and partly graded. OOo to $1.00, mostly 90c. Waupaca, Wis. Light wire Inquiry; de mand slow, market weak. Bulk Round Whites, at Waupaca, 70c; at other Wis consin points, 6.'4?Soc. Minneapolis, Minn. (Sales made on pre vious contracts now being filled. De mand light, market slightly weaker on table stock, steady on 'seed stock. Round Whites, $1.151.20; seed stock, pa r t ly graded sacked Bliss Triumphs, $3.2502.40; sacked Burbanks, $1.35 a 1.40; sacked Irish Cobblers. $1.60. Presque Isle, Me. Haul-frigs light Mod erate Inquiry, demand moderate, market steady. Green Mountains, mostly $1,759 LS5. Other sections, around $2.00, few 4 high as $2.10. CUndard feed 34.00 34.00 Millrun 34.50 34.50 Corn N . 3 E. T. shipment Na. 3 Y. delivery FLOUR- -Family patents, $8.75; Vlsy patents. $7.4w, ss -v; graham, $8. Mli-LFEFD 1-nces f. o. run. $36 per ton; rolled barley, $44 3 46: rolled oats, $46; scratch feed, $G0 per ton. CORN Whole, $44; cracked, $47 per ton . HAT Buying prices, f. o- b. Portland--Alfalfa. $20 per ton ; cheat. $22 0 23 clover. $20; valley timothy, $2728; east ern Oregon timothy, $30. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 44 45c per lb. ; prints, parchment wrapped, in box lots, 49c par lb.; cartons, 50c; half more; butterfat, buying price, 39c per pound at stations; A grade. 40c; B grade, 44c, Port land delivery. KGQS Buying prices, case count, 450 40c. Jobbing price to retailers, candled ranch, 62c; selects, 54c; pullets, 49c CHEESB Tillamook triplets, price to Jobbers, f. o. b. Tillamook. 30c POULTRY Hens, 20933c; springs, 24 27c; ducks, 25940c; geese, 32c; turkeys, live, nominal; turkeys, dressed, nominal. PORK Fancy. 10c per pound. VEAL. Fa.ncy.lSc per pound. 'STOCK SHORTS SQUEEZED Cnlcago were reported by the Overbeck & SPECULATIVE ISSUES FURTHER GAIXS. Rails Are Backward and Generally With Moderate Losses Domestic Bonds React. Cooke Co. of Portland Swift & Co .Swift International .... LI boy McNeil A Llbby. . National Leather .105 . 29 . 12 . 9 Fruits and Teg e tables. FRUTT Oranges. navels, $3.7594.75; lemons, $3.756 4.75 box; grapefruit J38 per box; bananas, i: j lc per pound; grapes, $5.30 lug; apples, lS-50 per box; pears. $2 $2.20 per box VEGETABLES Cabbage, 2c per pound; lettuce. $3.25 03.75 per crate: cucumbers. $2 per dozen; carrots, $1.503L75 per sack; garlic, 25c; beets, $1.50 sack: eggplant, 20c per pound; cauliflower $393.25 per crate; celery, $5 per crate; green peppers, 25r per pound: sprouts. 17fec per puund; squash, 2 S c per pound ; pumpkins, 24c per pound: rnuDam. uc per pouna spin ach, $1.4091-50 box; tomatoes, $495 per crate. POTATOES Oregon. $1.5091.75 per 10" ounds; Yakima, $2 92.25; sweet potatoes, oiffbttc per puuna, s per namper. OX IONS Oregon, $1-50 per sacs:; Call fornla brown, $1. 5091-75 per sack. Staple Groceries. Local lobbing quotations : SUGAR fiack basis: Cane granulated. 9c per pound; beet, 8.80c per hundred. NUTS Walnuts 22928c; Brazil nuts. S5c; Filberts, 21925c; almonds. 26 930c; peanuts, 9 U 14c per pound ; cocoanuts, $2 per dosen; pecans, 32935c; chestnuts, 24 fix' 35c pound. RICE Blue Rose, 9Hc per pound; Ja pan style, 7MiC per pound. BEANS Small white. Oc; large white, Oc; pink, Tttc; lima 10c; bayous, 12Vac red. T r per pound. COFFEE Roasted, bulk, drums, 1436j per pound. SALT Granulated, bales, $3.504.25; half ground, ton. 50s, $19.75; 100s, 18.25; lump rock, $26.50. Provisions, HAMS All sizes. 27932c; skinned, 59 3 1 o ; picnics, 20c BACON Fancy, 40 9 47c; choice, 30 32c; standard. 30927c LARD Pure, tierces. 27c pound; com pound, tierces, 14c DRY SALT Backs. 21924c; plates, 20c. WHEAT IS ONT5 CENT HIGHER Bids Are Advanced on All Grades at Mer- t .7 6 2 13 4 173 474 295 1278 149 2373 371 1041: 11 .. 2 1 1 48 374 75 863 S3 ..131 376 1 .. .. 1 1 4 T 174 209 2S8 1023 190 452 477 S44 Wheat price, .r. .dv.noed 1 cent on ail grades at the noon session of the Mer chants' Exchange. A fairly Active mar ket was reported. The coarse grain, were firmer. Oats ranged about 50 cent, higher and barley vas up SOcgfSl. January corn gained 25 centa Eastern advices placed British wheat purchases as high as four cargoes, or MU.OO0 bushels. Total exports of wheat train the United States for the season are estimated at 138.OOO.00O bushels. Further rain, and storms have occurred In Australia, according to a Melbourne cable. About half of the crop has been secured. Argentine weather was reported fine. Terminal receipts. In cars, were report ed: Wheat Bar. Fir. Oats fort ;ana. luesaay o-t Tear ago 16 Baa won to date. . .9232 Year agp 5275 Tmi-o::ia. Monday 3 Year ago 62 Feasor, to date... 3100 Year ago 4104 Seattle, Monday S Year ago 19 Season to date... 3115 Tear ago 3850 MOVEMENT OF APPLES IS SLOW Weaker Prices Reported at Interior Shipping- Points. The local apple market was slow, but aside from the cheaper grades, prices were fairly steady. An easier tendency was reported from the country. Taklraa Wine saps, extra fancy, medium to large, sold In car:ots at $1.8002.00 and Wenatchee Wlneaaps. fancy, medium" to large at 11.85 91.90. At the Chicago auction Oregon Jona thans, extra fancy, all sises, brought 1.18 O2.10. averaging 11. T5. Oregon Ortley, sold at Philadelphia at ,2. 25 (f:!. 75 for fancy, all sizes. In the New Tork market northwestern fruit sold to Jobber, at the following prices: Spltzenburgs. extra fancy, large, $5 0003.23: medium. $4.00 0 4.30; . amall, $8.50 03.73: fancy large. $4.50 0 4.75. De licious, extra fancy. $5.506.00; medium, $4.5005.00; small. $3.5004.00. Jonathans, xtra fancy, small to medium. $2.1502.50. Newtown., extra fancy, large, $3.25 0 3.30, few high as $3 75. Wlnesaps, extra fancy, large. $4 00 0 4 25; me'luav $3.23 0 3.73. Rome, extra fancy, large, $3.250 3.50; me dium. $2.40 $i 3.00. mostly $2.50 92.75, small low as $2.00. Rome, fancy, large, $3.00 03.25; medium. $2.2502.75, small low as L75. EUtiS ARE IN DEMAND AND FIRM Poultry Is Scarce and Large Hens Sell C Vital..-... Kites were firmer with better demand for local and shipping account. Cash buy ers bid 46 cent, for country offerings. On the street current receipts sold freely at 48 centa Butter was steady with no largo aurplus of cubes on hand. The poultry market wah poorly supplied and price, were strong, particularly on hers, large sites selling up to 53 centa There were fair receipts of country dre-sed meats and prices were steady and Unchanged. Sheep Pelts Are lllcher. The market for sheep pelts !s In better shape and local buyers have advanced their prices to $33050 cents for country pelts and 30060 casta for packers' petta. The seaeon tor grubby hides has arrived and buyers' price lists show a reduction Of 1 cent foff grab. Hides, Pelts, Etc. HIDES Rait hides, all weights, 6c per pound; green hides, all weights, 6c; salt bulls, all weights, 5c; green bulls, 4c; calf skins, green or salt. 8c; kip skins, green or salt, 7c; dry hides, 12c; dry salt bides. 9c; dry calf. 15c. Above price, for coun try hides and skins. Prices for city skins and hides follow: Calf skins, 10c per pound; kip skins, 8c; city packer hides, green, ftc. PELTS Salt pelts, full wool, country, 35050c; packers, 5060c each; dry long wool pelts, fine, 7c pound: dry long wool pelts, medium, 6c; dry long wool pelts, coarse, 4c. TALLOW No. L Be; No. 2, "ft pound. CASCARA BARK 1920 peel. 8c pound. WOOL AND MOHAIR Nominal. HOPS 1920 crop, choice, 24 025c pound. Oils. LINSEKD OIL Raw. In barrels. $1.01; drums. J!. 08. cases, $1.16. Boiled, in bar rels, $1.03; drums, $1-10; cases, $1.18. TURPENTINE In tanks, flMr, cases, $1.36. COAX OIL Tank wagons and Iron bar rels. 17Hc; cases, 300 37c. FUEL OIL Bulk, $2.35 per barrel. GASOLINE Tank wagons and iron bar rels, 29c; cases 41 He. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET I "rices Current on Vegetables. Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. AN F&ANC1SCO. Jan. 11. Butter Extra,, 4aa c; prime firsts, 4414c. Egge Jr.-sii extras. St&c; extra firsts. 63.wc; extra pullet,, 57c; undersized pul lets, 56c. Cheese Flats, fancy, 24Vc; firsts, 23c: young Americas, fancy 31c. Eggplant, southern S0 6c; summer squash, Ia26 orate; potatoes, street prices rivers, $1.85 0 2.00; Salinas, $3.25; sweet, $4.75(f5.00; onions, Austral ian brown. 9Oc01OO; green, $1.2501.30. beans, 15020c; tomatoes, 6Oc0$l.Mt cu cumber, hothouse $1.0001.25 dozen; celery, $1 5002.50 crate; cauliflower. 9Bc$l.J3 dozen: cabbage, 1 cent pound, bell peppers, southern, 8014c; turnips, 75c0$1.25 sk.: beets, Si. 6 sack: parsnips, $1,256 2.00 sack: carrots, $1.2501.50 sack; peas, 10015c; rhubarb, $2.250 2.75. lettuce, $20002.50 crate; artichokes. 76c0$1.23 dozen; spinach 54 06c. Poultry Hens, 311039c; strictly young roosters. 37 036C; old, 22 0 23c; fryers, 40045c; broilers, 45052c; ducks, 28032c; squabs, 70080c: Belgian hares. livs, 24 0 26c; geese, 32 0 33c; pigeons. old I2.tiutr3.00 dozen; turkeys, dre&sed. 50035c, live, 43046c. Fruit Navel oranges, $2.50p4.oo: lem ons $2.0003.50; lemonettes. 1.50W2uu: grape fruit, new crop. 12.5003 00; Arizona. $3.-0i4.25; r.mes. i 1.2.. V ' l ..v. ranger. nes. $2.0003 00; bananas, 8010c; apples. New tons $1.300 2.50. Hecelpts Flour, 3.56 quarters: wheat, 936 Centals: barley, 3108 centals: beans, 1170 sacks; corn. 200 centals; hay, 50 tons; potatoes, 923 sacks; onions, 15 sacks; live stock, 1300 head. NEW TORK, Jan. 11 On the largest and most varied ninr so far this year, approximately 1.200,000 shares, the stock market today strengthened its forward movement of Monday. In its general aspects, the advance ap peared largely of speculative origin. Spe cial shares in which an extensive short In terest is believed to exisfscored the larg est galna Factors Which BMtn in the advance included the increased strength of foreign exchange. Tim, funds were In more liberal supply than at any period In six months. Associated with the further rise of In ternational remittances were rumors of Impending loans or credit extensions to France and Switzerland, but In Well-posted quarters these were regarded as somewhat premature. ' Steels, shippings, equipments and spe cialties comprised the strongest issues, cjucible again leading the list at a gain or 9t, points, or a fraction more than yesterday's advance. Otherwise, gains ot two to five points were impaired by real izingaales and the backwardness of rails, which at no time kept pace with the gen eral market and closed for the most part at moderate recessions. Aside from some foreign municipal Is sues which enhanced recent gains, the bond market lacked definite trend, many Popular issues reacting with the liberty group and convertible rails. Total sales. par value, $12,673,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. . Sales. Am Beet Sug 000 American Can 8700 Am Car ft Fdy 900 Am H ft L Pfd 2900 Am InUr Corp 22,500 Amer Loco 8700 Am Smt ft Rfg 8700 American Sug 5500 Am Sum Tob 870O Am Tel ft Tel 1700 Ameri Woolen 15,500 Am L ft S. .. . 490 Anaconda Cop 5100 Atchison ... 1600 At G ft W In . $7,000 Baldwin Loco 48,500 Baltl ft Ohio 4400 Beth Steel B.. 39,000 But Sup Cop 500 Cal Petroleum 8l00 Canadian Pacl 2400 Ctntr Leather 6200 Chandler Mtrs 6400 Ches ft Ohio 700 Chi Mil ft St P 2100 Chic'go ft N W 700 Chi R I ft Pan 2600 Chino Conner Oftno Col Fuel ft I 500 Corn Products 6000 Crucible Steel 50,100 Cuba Cane Sug 8500 2800 t.eneral Elec 2700 Oeaarsd Mot as Aim Grt Nort'r'n P 2100 Illinois Centr'l 300 Inspir Copper 2000 Int Mer Mar P 5600 Inter Nickel 3600 Intern Paper 5500 Kan Cty S"n 700 Kennecot Cop 2600 Louis Nspth nan Mex Petroleum 42.800 -maim copper 600 Mid states Oil 10,100 Mldvsse Steel 3500 Missouri Pac lann Nevada Cop. . . 600 New York Cen 1800 N Y N H ft H 3800 Northern Pan 67011 Ok Pro ft Ref 1500 SCORE Coffee Futures Firmer. NEW YORK, Jan. 1.-The market for coffee futures showed renewed firmness today owing to reports of a better trade Close - ueIT1na ana a better tone in xtrain. i market opened at an advance of fi to 11 points and active months sold 29 to 33 points net higher with May touching T.45C, or 85 iwiinr. ntinve fh reeent low record. Last prices were at the beet points of the day. showing net gain, of 31 to jo points. January. 6.55c; March, 7.05c; May. 7.45c; July. 7.85c; September, 6.20c; October, 8.32c; I '- . -nib. 8.55c. Spot coffee was reported in good demand with Rio 7, quoted at 6c to 7c and Santos 4, at 84c to loc. EXPORT TBH CONTINUES WHEAT BILLS DECLARE TOO MUCH HAS BEEN SHIPPED. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND,' Jan. 11. Maximum tem perature. 41 degrees; minimum, 27 degrees Iliver reading. 8 A. M.. 10.4 feet; change In las 24 hours, 2.2 feet fall. Total rain fall (S P. M. to 5 P. M.) . none; total rain fnll .in,-. R.ntumner r. 1920. 26.34 inches: normal rainfall since September L 21.87 Inches: excess of rainfall since September 1. 4.57 Inches. Sunrise. ilSJ a. St. ; sun set. 4:47 P. M. Total sunshine. 8 hours 56 minutes: possible sunshine, 8 hours 56 mlnutea Moonrise (Wednesday), 9:16 .A. IL; moonset (Wednesday). 8:44 P. M. Barometer (reduced sea level) 3 P. M-. 30.20 Inches. Relatlvt humidity: At 5 A. M.. 100 per cent: at noon, 75 per cent; at 6 P. M 57 per cent. THE WEATHER. Pan-Amet- Pet 11,200 Tennsylvania. 2000 i-iiis AC w v 1200 Ray Con Cop 2100 Reading 15,000 Rep Iron ft S. 27.000 Roy D N Y 3700 Shat Ariz Coo 100 Shell Tr ft T 700 Sinclair OAR 23,000 ttouthern Pac 13,400 Southern R'y 9800 O N J Pfd 1400 Studebaker C 31.000 Texas Co . 7500 Texas & Pac. 5.300 ion Products 4500 Transcon OH 14,300 Union Pacific. 1.500 IT B Food Pro 3600 C S Ind Alco 5700 U S Rubber 14.500 United St S 47,000 United S S Pfd 500 Utah Copper 3800 Western Union 200 Westingh'se El 700 Wlllys-Overl'd 10.900 BONDS. U S Lib $Ks. do 1st 4s . . do 2d 4s do 1st 4as do 2d 4 "4s do 3d flu s do 4th 4s Victory 3t4, . do iv- ... U S 2s coup . U S cv 4 coup A T ft T cv 6s Last High. Low sale 48 47 H 47V4 29 274 28 126 125 125 63 57 58 B 45Vi S 864 844 85 89 39 89 95 93 95 82 79' 80 99 99 99 71 60 70 9 9 9 38 38 88 84 83 84 74 65 71 94 91 82 37 36 36 63 59 61 13 13 13 31 30 30 119 118 118 41 40 40 72 T6 71 61 60 61 30 80 30 71 09 71 28 27 27 22 2 22 30 30 30 72 70 72 107 97 106 24 23 23 14 14 14 122 121 122 16 16 16 78 76 77 89 88 89 36 36 35 3 87 81 15 15 15 56 64 54 20 19 19 20 20 29 103 103 103 162 158 159 19 19 19 15 18 13 32 32 32 20 19i 19X 11 10 10 74 73 73 21 20 21 Sfi 84 84 3 3 3 78 73 76 41 41 41 31 30 (OH 12 13 13 I 85 83 69 71 68 69 69 67 67 6 6 45 44 44 25 24 24 100 99 99 23 22 22 108 108 JOS 56 54 55 45 43 44 21 19 204 56 55 56 12 11 11 121 120 121 24 24 24 71 "4 70 71 70H 69 70 86 83 83 109 109 109 56 54 55 87 ,87 87 45 44 44 9 8 8 New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 11. Raw sugar, 5.58c for centrifugal. Refined, 7.750 7.90c for fin, granulated.. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YOPJC, Jan. 11. Evaporated ap ples, dull. Prunes, steady. Peaches, duIL YAflO SUPPLY LOCAL PRICES ARE STEADY IX ALL LLVUS. Best Hogs Bring $12.35 and Feed er Pigs Are Quoted Dollar Higher. Trading was quieter at the stockyards yesterday, as only one loud of sheep arrived by rait. The market was In good con dition throughout and prices were on a steady basis. The bulk of the lambs of fered brought $9.25. The best hogs again sold at $12.35. Feeder pigs were advanced $1.00. Receipts were 211 sheep. The day's sales were as follows: , Improvement in Domestic Milling Demand Is Also Factor in Rais ing Prices at Chicago. Wgt. Pr. WeL Pr. 1 steer.. 1010 $ 5.50 9 hogs... 183 $12.35 2 steers. 785 6.00 1 hog 350 10.35 2steers. 1005 , 7.00 Shogs... 206 12.33 4 steers. 897 6.50 Shogs... 138 12.83 Scows.. 984 6.75 110 lambs 79 9.25 lcow... 940 5.00 7 lambs.. 85 6.75 2 cows.. 1130 6.60 lews 90 2.00 lcow... 1090 4.76 2 cows. . . 1035 6.50 1 CO... 1260 5.00 3 cows... 1100 6.25 lcow... 840 4.30 14' cows... 1031 3.50 lbull... 950 4.75 Shoes... 17S 12.25 lbull... 1390 4.50 1 hog 460 9.00 lhog... 350 10.35 11 hogs.. . 197 12.25 Shogs.. 173 12.35 10 Umbs.. 85 8.00 hogs.. 130 11.50 2yearl'K. 88 8.00 lhog... 200 12.35 48 ewes... 91 4.00 9hog.i.. 193 12.35 hogs... 190 1235 5 hogs.. 198 12.35 14 hogs. . . 105 12.00 9 hogs.. 185 12.35 6 hogs... 115 11.50 lhog... 330 10.00 lhog 400 8.50 25 hogs.. 230 12.25 Shogs... 180 12.35 2 hogs.. 230 12.35 lhog 400 10.00 10 hogs.. 234 1200 Shogs... 373 8.50 2 hogs.. 22.1 8.00 lhog.... 150 12.35 2 hogs.. 355 10.10 1 wether. 150 5.00 10 hogs.. 210 12.00 9 ewes. .. 128 3.00 1 hog. . . 180 8.00 local yards: Cattle Price. Choice steers $ 8.5045' 9.23 92 20 Atch gen 4, 87.50 D ft R C, eon 4s Rfi S0.96IN Y C deb 6e.. 91 "l f 4S 86.96iN P 3s 90.34Pac T ft T 3s S7.1i! Pa con 4s... w a tr cv os . . 78 56 81 1; 90 .97.04 100 103 904 So Ry 5s U P 4s .... . U S Steel 5s Allouez Mining Stocks at Boston. 20 -North Butte 87 88 94 u Ariz Com 8 Old Dom 20 Cal ft Ariz Cal ft Hecla Centennial .. Cop Range .. East Butte.. Franklin Isle Royalle I.ake Copper Mohawk .... 49V Osceola .245 'Qulncy 9 Superior . 82 "4 Sup ft Boston . 9'shannon . 22'Utah Con . JJ.W lnena 27 1 3 1 1 4 . 45 . Wolverine 11 STATIONS EH WiDd Weataat. Bank i ii.rlnt. Bank clearings of the north west prn cities yesitTtlay were as fellows: Clean nns. Balances. Portland $3,041,100 703.73 Seattle 5.70t.l L31R.4U Tsi. ma 833.744 54.810 Spukune 1.732.4&1 4S&301 rOKTUXD MAKKJCT QUOTATIONS Grain. Hour, reed. Etc. Merchants' Bxchanfe, noon xe-uton: Jan. Feb. Wheat Bid. Bid. Hard whits $ 1 64 f 14 Soft white 1.59 i.5 Whits clna 1.59 1.50 Hard winter 1.56 LM Northern aprin 1.5e 1.54 Be1 Walla 1.53 1,53 Oat No. X white feed 34.50 34.30 N 1 gray 33.00 33.00 Brcwis - .n lw ,, , 15.00 35.00 Baker Boise Boston . . Canary . . Chicago . . Denver . . . Des Moines Eureka . . . Galveston . Helena . . . Kansas City. 24 L.OS Anrelss. .18 Mnrsnrieia zs! Minneapolis New Orleansi New York . . . North Head. Phoenix .--- Pocatelio . Portland ...I Uoseburg . Sacramento St. Louis.. Salt Lake San Diego S. Franciaco Seattle .... Sitka Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Ijd Valdes Walla Walls Washington Winnipeg YakimS . . . 28 0.001. JSE (Clear 30 0.00 . . SB Clear . . 42 0.00 . . W Clear 1! 31o.o . . W Clear 2S 3'0.0010;NW Clear 16 2010.02 . .,SE Clear IS 28 0.00 L.N Clear 821 52 0.00l..'S (Cloudy .. 6o!O.O-0j. .jE JCIoudy SI 20i0.00i. JSW IClear 32-t40 o.m . . NE iCIoudy 4(i u. oo 12 xw Clear 56 0.00 . . W Clear .i .... . NW r:oudy M n.oo . . sE 11 0.00 20 .VW 64 o.ooi. . ;se SOV. 40122 W 44 .t.on ;;n sk tin . NE M0.Wj.JW Cloudy ouay Clear Ft cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear SE 'Cloudy - . . a. (Cloudy . . BE )rt. cloudy . - If 'Cloudy . .jNWlClear . .'W (Clear . .;sw (c:oiidy . -iSE Cloudy . .( (Cloudy . .ISB .Clear ..IS Cloudy JO'SE ,Rain . - N ISnow - .W Cloudy . . NWlcioudy . . W jClear .( Ft, cloudy A. M. todsy. tP. M. report of preceding 22 32i0.0;i 38 56 0 0O 44 5410. 001 24 Sftlo. 00 32 f44 0.06 12 2 H.0" 24i 34'0.00l 36 4J 0.00 24 t34'0.74 'H .. t.l 32 4210.00 IS -v U mi 10 2S 0.00 Money Silver, Etc. NEW YORK, Jan. 11. Prime roercantile paper unchanged. Time loans steady, unchanged. " Call money steady; high, 7; low, 4; rul ing rate. 7; closing bid, 6; offered at 7: last loan 7. Bar silver, domestic, unchanged; foreign, iw. Mexican dollars unchanged. LONDON. Jan. ML Bar silver 30 Hd per ounce. Money and discount unchanged. Foreign Exchange. Foreign exchange rates at clo?e of husl hess yesterday, furnished by Northwester.: National bank of Portland. The amount quoted is the equivalent in United States dollars: Country, foreign unit Rate. Austria, kronen $ .0027 Belgium, francs 0660 Bulgaria leva 0122 Czech o-Slovakia. kronen 0122 Denmark, kroner 1750 England pound sterling; 8.80O0 Finland, finmark .0333 France, francs 002 A Germany, marks .0150 Greece, drachmas 0768 Holland. gui:dm 3318 Hungary, kronen 0022 Italy, lire 0362 Jugo-Slavia. kronen 0072 Norway, kroner .1730 Poland, polish marks Portugal, escudos .1120 Rou mania, lei 0142 Serbia, dlnara 0283 Spain-- pesetas 1371 Sweden, kroner 2170 Switzerland, francs 1580 fltwid in steers 8.00& S.tfU Medium to choice steers 7.50tr 8.00 Fair to good steers. 6.50fi 7..'0 Common to good steers fl.SOfc) 6.50 Chcice cows and heifers 7.00 i.oO Good to choice cows, heifers.. 6.25 0 7.00 Medium to good cows, heifers. 5.50fc 6.00 Fcir to medium cows, heifers. 5.00 5.30 Common to fair cows, heifers. 4.000 5.00 Gunners 2.500 3.50 Choice dairy calves 32.0013.oO Vrime liffht calves 10.0012.00 Heavy calves 6.00 r.50 Best feeders HO? J - Fair tc good feeders 5.750 Pmfxed Pmonth heavy . . . 11. oOjj, 12.00 RcuR'i heavy 7.500 10. -a Fat pigs 10.00011.00 Feeder pigs 9.0011.00 East-ofmountaln lambs 9.50 010.50 Valley lambs 9 000 O.-&0 Heavy lambs, 0 lbs. aud up.. 7.000 8.o0 Feeder lambs 6.00 0 7.00 Cull lambs 5.000 6.00 L ni darlings Jg ?.00 Htavy yearlings 6.00 g 7.00 Wtitrers i.Ofe B.oO EweS 1K M Chicago livestock Market. CHICAGO. Jan. 11. Cattle Receipts 14.000 head; openinK generally steady with yesterday's close; few steers above 110; bulk i w. butcher cows largely $306.50. heifers tnostly $5.75T.50, canner cows mostly S3.2&; bulls slow;, bulk bolognas t.1 .2566.85. few fat bulls above (i.50; calves about steady; bulk vealers to pack ers J1111.00: stockers steady. Hogs Receipts 75,000 head, mostly 850 40c lower; spots off more on lights; top $9.40 for 160-lb. hogs and under; bulk $8.85 09.13; pigs 25c lower; bulk desirable 90 to' 130-lb. pigs J9.25&9.50. Sheep Receipts 24.000 head; fat lambs weak to 25c lower; top $11. i5 to city butchers; bulk $10.5011.15; sheep strong to 23c higher; top ewes $3.75; bulk ewes $4.30 g 5.50; feeder lambs strong to 25c higher. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Jan. 11. Hogs Receipts 17.000 head: openinc 25'ii3.ic lower, closing 13 25c lower; bulk medium 3nd light butchers $8.8509, top $9.10; bulk strong weight and Packing grades $5.u0u-S.80. Cattle Receipts 10,500; beef steers weak to 25c lower, top steers $9.23; butcher cattle 25c lower, veals steady, stockers and feed ers steady to strong. Sheep Receipts 11.000 head; Iambs I5 25c lower; bulk $10.25010.75, top $11 by shippers; sheep fully steady; wethers $6.25, ewes $6.o0, feeders steady. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITT, Jan. 11. Cattle, receipts 13.oO0, beef, steers weak to 25c loweft; top, $11.00; bulk, below $8.75; she stock, steady to 25c lower; bulk, $4.7506.00; few hellers. $S.00; and canners steady, canners mostly $3.00; calves generally 50c lower; lew ear;y, $11.75012.00; late top, $11.60; stockers and feeders steady. Sheep Receipts 6500; steady; wethers, $6.00; ewes, $4.75; lambs strong; Colorado lambs, $10.85. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. Jan. 11 Hogs Receipts 50. Steady, Prime. $12012.50; smooth heavy, $11.00012.00; rough heavies, $9.0009.50, pigs, $940011.00. CattIe--Recelpt 156. Steady. Prime steers, $8.7509.25; medium to choice, $7 0 8 25; common to good. $6.00 0 7.00: best cows and heifers, $7 OO7.50; medium to choice, $A.M0$6-5O; common to good, $4 000 $5 50; bulls, $4,000 $6 00; calves, $7.00 0 13.00. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, da.. Jan. 11. Turpentine, quiet, 92"isc; no sales; receipts 52 bar rels; shipments. 153 barrels; stock, 15.877 barrels. Rosin, quiet; no sales; receipts, 678 bar rels; shipments, 520 barrels; stocks, 84, 830 barrels. Quote: B, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, It. N. WO, WW. $11. Metal Market. China-Honirkong, Shanghai, taels Japan, yen VEW TORK. Jan. 11. Tin. firm. SDOt currency 5575 I anj nearby. 3S.75039.25c; futures, 38.000 .4900 NEW YORK, Jan. 11. Exchange strong, sterling demand. $3 75; cab'tes. $3.7.; francs, demand $6.17; cables, $6.19; bel gian francs, demand $6.48: cables, $6 50: suilders. demand $33; cables. $33.10: lire. demand $3.34; cables $3.56: marks, demand $144: cables. $1.45; Greece, d-emandv $7.40; Montreal. 12 i. penrnt discount. Foreign Bonds. Following foreign bond quotations are furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke Co. of Portland; Bid. Russian 5s. 192. 6 Russian 6Hs. 1919 1 day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain; Increasing southerly winds. OreaOD ana asuiusiuu ivm in esi portion, rain or snow In east portion: strong souther'.- on the coast. At O r. i uihi. j f.jii.t.Bi storm learnings were ordered at Blaloe. BeUinf- n and Anaoorres ana souinwest storm warnln.s st all oth.r Oregon and Wash ington coast station. Currency 45 French 3s, 19SI 4H French 4a. 1917 40 H, French 5s. 1920 SSM Itailsn 3a 1918 27 British 5s. 1922 365 Brltiat- 5s, 1927 352 British 56. 1929. ..345 British vky 4s 274 Bi Itish. ref 4s 254 Be 'glum rest 5s 57 Be.'giun prem 5s 63 Oermar W. L. Sa Ill, B-rlin 4s 12V4 Hamburg 4s 12(4 Hamburg 4Hs 13 La'.psls 4 13 Munich 5s 15 Frankfort 4s 13 Jap 4a $8 Jap 1,' 414s 76 Jap 2d 414s 76 Paris sixes 83 V K 514S, 1921 97 U K SHs. 122 a V K 5Hs. 1929..... 87 U K 314a 1037 8 Swift Co. Stocks. Closing prices for Swift 4 Co, stoc Ask. 8 14 53 5114 4214 60 2814 380 3S0" 290 270 59 65 12H 13 1S 14 13 17 18 59 '7T 76 H 96 98 93 89 6614 39.50c. Antimony, 5.1505.50c. Other metals unchanged. ROAD MORE DANGEROUS Fast Driving on Icy Pavement of Highway Said to Invite Disaster. HOOD RIVER, Or., Jan. 11. (Spe cial.) William Johnson, driver for a Portland bread wagon, and who makes dailv deliveries here over the I Columbia River highway, declared today that fast driving, because of the Icy surface of the highway, in vited disaster. Mr. Johnson reported five automo biles in the ditch between here" and Portland last night. He said he saw evidonce of numerous less serious accidents. Student Cadets Raised in Rank. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene Jan. U. (Special.) Delbert Ober tuffer, Portland; Herbert Leroy Geary C'atskanie. and John Meyers, San 1 Diego, Cal., student cadets, have been raise"! in rank by Major Raymond C. Baird. commandant of the student cadet corps. Obertuffer has been made a first sergeant, Geary a ser geant and Meyers a corporal. Phono your want ads to The Ore gonlan. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. CHICAGO, Jan. 11. Foreign buying, to gether with indications or better domestic milling demand, brought an advance today In wheat prices. March touched $1.S0 a bushel, the topmost point since Novem ber 11. The close was unsettled at 14 0 114C net gala with March $1.7801.784 and May $1.68 1.69. Corn finished un changed to lie higher; oats 14C014C off and provisions showing an upturn ot 12 040c. r Chief attention in wheat centered on the fact that hedges here were removed on be tween 1.000,000 and 1,500,000 bushels sold for export. The export business was done, too, lr the face of assertions that Argen tine wheat was quoted 10c a bushel cheaper than current figure, in the United States Notice was also taken of signs of im provement In the flour trade, especially word that Minneapolis mills were running at 60 per cent of capacity as against 40 per cent a month ago. Bulls contended that the United States had already ex ported too much wheat and that reserves were uncomfortably small. On the ad vance, however, profit-taking by longs did much to force a reaction, and so, too, did an Increase of country offerings. Corn and oats were held down by appar ent likelihood that the movement of corn to market would continue relatively large. Provisions reflected the weakness of hog values, but later went upgrade when shorts ceversd The Chicago market letter received yes terday, by Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland said: Wheat Buying of futures for foreign account was the feature during early trad ing, together with short covering induced by the reported sales of 600.000 bushels of gulf wheat on the previous night. The advance, however, brought oat sufficient realising sales to satisfy the buying power and towsrd the cloite 'short-selling was Indulged In on advices from the southwest of larger country offerings. The news general is undeniably more bollish than it has been for months, particularly as to the domestic situation. With Chicago stocks only 1,212.000 bushels and likely to be moved out In the immediate future, the possibility of accumulating a quantity suf ficient to depress prices from this level Is remote as the cash article in outside markets is commanding premiums of 13 cents to 25 cents a bushel over March. The adjustment of this disparity Is more than likely to be brought about through an ad vance in price of futures. Corn Sentiment mixed and the market was a dull affair with trade on both sides well balanced. Oats Prices held in a narrow range and Influenced by the action of wheat and corn. Receipts were estimated at only 90 cars and the cash market had a firm tone with, the trading basis slightly Improved With the country selling sparingly, this market would quickly respond to any lni provement in the cash demand. Rye Selling of rye futures against pur chases of wheat wa the outstanding fea ture, but the ma'iket nevertheless ex hlbited an undertone of strength because of the reports of a good export demand with business prevented only by the scarc ity of offerings. Provisions Declined early on large ceipts of hogs and lower prices. Shorts gave the best support and as offerings were small (he market firmed up and closed at the top prices of the day. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT High. $ 1.80 1.704 CORN. .74 .78 OATS. .46 .4814 Wheat R28.0O0 bushels vm. 031.000 bushels; ciin, 1,859.000 bushels va 981.000 bushels, oils, 669.000 bushels vs. 870.000 bushels. Shipments Wheat. 634, U00 bushels vs. 411.000 bushels; corn, 610.000 bushels vs. 4.12, OHO bushels; oats.. 436.OO0 busbsls vs. 623.010 bushels. WINNIPEG, Man.. Jan. 11. Receipts. 330 cars grain. CHICAGO. Jan. 11. Contract stocks of 1 wheat li public elevators Saturday nlgnt, 778.000 bushels corn, 730,000 bushels oats, 1,826,000 bushels wheat. Winnipeg Grain Market. WINNIPEG. Jan. 11. Wheat. May, $1.90. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan 11. Bartey 75c; flax. No. 1, $2.04 0 2.03. 51 I track Duluth Linseed Market. DULITTH. Jan. 11. Llaswd on and arrive, $2.06. Cotton Market. NE3W TORK, Jan. 11. Spot cotton quiet Middling. $17.30. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Jan. 11. Grain Wheat. $2.75 0 3.05; barley, spot feed, $1.5001.66: shipping, $1.7501.93: oats, red feed, $1.5001.75; corn, white Egyptian, $3.0003.03; red milo, $2.75 0 2.80. Hay Fancy wheat. $20'j21: tame oat, $17019; wild oat. $12013; barley, $12015; aLfalfa, $18021. March 51 ay . May July May July Open. ..$ 1.7714 . . 1.68 ,. .74 .. .75 .48 .48 Low. $ 1-7714 1.6814 .74 .75 .4814 .47 Close. : 1.78 1.08 .74 .75 .48 Jan. May 24.50 24.10 MESS PORK. 24.50 24.20 Jan. May Jan. May 13.12 13.83 12.00 12.72 24.20 4J4.05 LARD. 12.87 13.12 12.R7 13.60 13.87 13.60 SHORT RIBS. 12.02 12.02 12.00 12.45 12.75 12.42 Cash prices were: Wheat No. 1 hard $1.94, No. 2 hard $1.93. Corn No. 3 mixed 60c, No. 2 yellow 72r? 74 Oats No. 3 white 4747c, No. 3 white 45fr461io. Rye No. 2 $1.68. Barley 76 0 89c. Timothy seed $3.5006.73. Clover seed $15023. Pork Nominal. Lard $18.12. Ribs $11. 60 12.50. Primary Receipts. CHICAGO, Jan. 11 Primary Seattle Grain Market. SEATTLE, Jan. 11. Wheat, hard white, soft white and white club, $1.63: hard red winter, soft red winter, northern spring and eastern red Walla, $1.62; Big Bend bluestem. $1.72. City delivery Feed Scratch feed, $61 on; feed wheat. $63; all grain chop; $51; oats, $40; sprouting oats, $04; rouea oais. $31; whole corn. $47; cracked corn, $49; rolled barley, $50: clipped barley, $58; mill feed, $33; bran, 139 Fruit Growers Hold Election. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Jan. 11. (Special.) L. F. Russell waa elected president of the Washington Grow ers' Packing corporation at a meeting of the stockholders Tuesday. Henry Crass was elected vice-president and E. J. Boddy appointed secretary, the trustees including Fred Brooker. William Wood, John Spurgeon. O. C. Beall and J. L. Davies. R. C. Paulus of Salem spoke concerning conditions in the fruit markets Jn California, and A. H. Case, representative of the corporation in Seattle, discussed con ditions in general in the prune market. n 100 FEET FROM E 1 j WASHINGTON S STORE j j 50 x IOO I I? Full Basement ( J Modern Building j I j Ten-Year Lease ! Possession Three Months. C Thrift Savings Investment In the judgment of all able and careful observers of financial conditions it the most direct route to future prosperity. The exceptional opportun ity open for the inveator with ready money is pass ing. The stock market at present has the appearance of calmness after the storm and in our opinion now is the time for conservative accumulation. We have compiled data on a number of stocks that are selling for only about half of their intrinsic values and in addition to dividend yields that average about 10 per cent, offer the pos ' sibility of substantial profit through appreciation in market value. Address Dept.PG-3 'or com plete in format. ... iVo oblig ation in writing. CflRRLEsfl.CLflRK5DN-s$f 66 Brdadwuy, - KetvYcrrk. TIL$PHONESiKECTOR 46-4 Port of Astoria 9V2-year 6 Gold Bonds Due July 1, 1930 at98.23toyield614 Call, Write or Phone Freeman. Smith & Camp Co. ground ploor Lumbcrmbjns Building Fifth and tak Bum- B740 The Board of Directors of a going Oregon Corporation has decided to syndicate a block of stock, the returns on which will be used to increase the production of their factory. There will be no commissions paid on the sale of this stock. Every dollar will go to the expansion. Money paid in will be put in trust until full syndicate is completed. Are you willing to come in on this syndi cate and insure the greater success of an Oregon industry? A full investigation of the books and the Company may be had upon application. Subscriptions received $250.00 and up. Address BC 289, Oregonian. Bond Depatfment A Direct General Obligation bond, of unquestioned strength and INCOME mx EXEMPT Columbia Municipal Irrigation District Wheeler Timber Company of Calif. 5-Yr. 7 Gold Notes. Price 100. Yield 73A Rainier, Ore., Drainage Dist. 6 Bonds Due 1934-1940. Income Tax Exempt. 6 Gold Bonds Due 1931-39 This big, proved, 11,500 acre district has been a heavy producer for years. Over 7500 acres are irri gated. District includes City of Kennewick, Wash. Bonds and interest met by taxes. Price 100. Yield Write for full descrip tive circular. LlJMISERMEN-S Broadway and" Oak. Bonds on Hand for Immediate Delivery KIMBERLY Twin Falls County, Idaho 7 Paving Bonds Dated November 15, 1920 Due 1921-30, Estimated Kimberly is numbered among the pros perous municipalities of Twin Falls County, Idaho, which is one of the most productive agricultural areas in the northwest. Kimberly is only about fine miles from the well known city of Twin Falls and may be considered as almost a part of that city. Wet unhesitatingly recommend these bonds to conservative investors. Price to Yield 7.50 Income Tax Exempt KEELER BROTHERS Portland Investment Securities UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Broadway 5800 Denver New Issue $50,000 Province of Manitoba 6 Gold Dated January 3, 1921 Bonds Due January 3, 1931 This ten-year 6 bond is a general obligation of the Province of Manitoba, principal and interest of which is payable in the United- States. Price 90.23 to Yield 7.40 Blyth. Witter. &, Co. Yeon Bldg.. PORTLAND SEATTLE - SAN FRANCISCO - LOS ANGELES - NEW YORK A Twenty-Year First and Refunding Mortgage Gold Bond at a price to yirld about 7.10 One of the largest of the well established and successful elec tric light, power and gas cor porations in the United States. In SO0 and S10O0 denomination Circular upon request for ORS86 The National City Company Offices In more than 50 cities Portland, Yeon Bid. Telephone Main 8072 HOME INVESTMENTS Our First MortMire Gold Not. secured by real estate of our great Pacific Northwest are mortKagrea in safety and bonds in convenience. They are the latest development In mortgagee lending. All essential documents are here for your inspection or for Immedi ate delivery to the investor. Ask for booklet and list of at tractive offerings. Western Bond & Mortgage Company Main 113 SO FooMh St. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS Headquarters for buying and wil ing all Issues. Large or small lots. HEREIN & RHODES, Inc. Established 1S96. Main 2SS-2M. 201-2-11-4 flnllnay Mxcluuiire Bide. Phone your want ads to The Ore gonian, Slain 1070, Automatic 560O5, i PAYMENTS On cii mantK Wy nv Stora iBiphiliti Write lor e.ectl list and bookt -FTCEE. Guthrie & MGoverw