Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 11, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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tion was formed, temporary commit-I that of having- a county judge and two
tee on credentials, rules and order commissioners. The plan will be to
were appointed and Rev. James El- provide salary for the county judge.
vin, superintendent of the Salem Y. Ja. while the commissioners would draw
Organization Is Speedy; 15
Bills Introduced.
C. A., delivered the invocation.
The committee on organization
and rules included Representatives
Gordon of Multnomah. Burdlck. Hurd.
Kay and Sheldon. The committee on
credentials included Representatives
McFarland. Hunter, Oberturf. Sloan
and Gallagher.
Bill Would Make All Cities Sep
arate Road Districts.
110. (Special.) Every incorporated
Desk and Floor Staffs in Both
Branches Also Are Named
Without Serious Hitches.
i STATE HOUSE. Salem. Or.. Jan. 10.
(Special ) Organized from top to
bottom and advancing so rapidly that
IS bills were Introduced before the
day's adjournment was the record es
tablished by the 31st legislative as
sembly of Oregon which convened
here today. There was iTot a hitch in
the proceedings, other than the neces
sity of the house marking time, for
several hours until a member of the
supreme court was available to ad
minister thessth of office.
There being no contest for presi
dent or speaker, these positions were
rapidly filled; then came the official
organization of the desk and floor
staffs, the appointment of commit
tees, and before the afternoon was
expended prospective laws were being
Introduced. Rarely has an Oregon
legislature proceeded with such business-like
aVd rapid steps.
Rov lilt ii. r Ilrada Senate.
Roy Ritner of Umatilla was elected
president of the senate, and Louis E
Ban was elected speaker of the
house. Senator Ritner received 29 of
the 30 votes.
Senator Ritner voted for Senator
Kddy. who was an aspirant for the
presidency a few months ago and
Senator Eddy nominated Senator Rit
ner. Senator Banks was selected as tem
porary president and the prelimi
naries were dispatched so rapidly
that in a short time the permanent
S organization was in the saddle.
John P. Hunt, chief clerk of the
senate, was elected without opposi
tion and Miss Rosina L. Miller, as
sistant chief clerk, had the same
success. ' .
Miss Miller Is Honored.
Miss Miller has been secretary to
Secretary Vinton in previous ses
sions. She is the first woman to be
elected to a desk position in the Ore
gon legislature.
Walter L. Tttoze, 6r.. of Salem, was
elected reading clerk; Albert B. God
dard of Umatilla county, calendar
clerk; Colonel W. G. Mercer of Lane
county, sergeant - at - arms; H. T.
Bruce of Multnomah county, door
keeper: R S. McClenahan of Mult
nomah county, assistant door-keeper,
and Leland T. Brown of Douglas
county, mailing clerk. None of these
candidates had any opposition.
The committee on permanent or
ganization and order of business in
cluded Senators A. W Xorblad of
Clatsop county. John R. Bell of Lane
county and V. T. Vinton of Yamhill
Oedeatlala Committee Named
On the credentials committee were
appointed Senators Colon R. Eber
hard of Morrow, Umatilla and Union
counties, F. H. Porter of Linn couty
and W. If. Strayer of Baker county.
The committee to notify Governor
Olcott that the senate had organized
was composed of Senators J. C. Smith
of Josephine county, Thomas Ryan
of Clackamas county and Charles Hall
of Coos county.
In contract with many previous
sessions of the legislature when days
and sometimes weeks were required
in completing organization, election
of the senate officers today con
sumed less than 40 minutes.
Organization of the house was
rapid, once under way. Representa
tive Kubli of Multnomah was chosen
as temporary speaker. A committee
composed of Representative Lee of
Multnomah, Davey of Marion and
Carter of Jackson county was ap
pointed to escort Chief Justice Bur
nett to the house of Representatives
to administer the oath of office to its
Reee Made Necessary.
inability of Chief Justice Burnett
to leave the supreme bench resulted
in a recess until shortly after 3
o clock this afternoon.
i-uuis r.. uean oi Lane county was
unanimously elected to the office of
speaker of the house, having been
nominated by Representative Gordon
of Multnomah.
Speaker Bean wasted no time in
completing the permanent organiza
tion. Fred Drager was elected with
out opposition as chief clerk of the
house. J. B. Bedingfield defeated
Benton Bowman for the position of
assistant chief clerk.
Elbert Bcde was unanimous choice
for reading clerk; Fred J. Miendel
was elected as calendar clerk with
out opposition; Joseph F. Singer was
named sergeant-at-arms; Ben F.
Robertson defeated Cyril A. .Nation
for door keeper and William F. Mc
Adams was the unanimous choice of
the house for mailing clerk.
STATEHOUsrf! Salem. Or.,
Jan. 10. (Special.) Officers in
both branches of the legisla-
ture were elected as follows:
President Roy Ritnsr.
Chief clerk John P. Hunt.
Assistant chief clerk Rosina
L. Miller.
Calendar clerk Albert B. GoO
dard. Reading clerk Walter L. Tooze
Sergeant-at-arms Colonel W.
D. G. Mercer.
Doorkeeper H. T. Bruce.
Assistant doorkeeper R. S.
Mailing clerk Leland T. Brown.
Speaker Louis E. Bean.
Chief clerk Fred Drager.
Assistant chief clerk J. B.
Reading clerk Elbert. Bede.
Calendar clerk Fred J. Mien
del. Sergeant - at - arms Joseph F.
Doorkeeper Ben E. Robertson.
Mailing clerk William F. Mc-Adams.
citv and town in Oregon having a
population of more than 1000. shall
constitute a separate road district,
and the county court shall not have
authority to divide such territory or
include any of It in any other road
district unless the people by majority
vote declare that their municipal
territory shall be included by the
county court In a road district or
districts by the court, in case a senate
bill introduced by Senator Eddy of
Douglas county becomes a law.
It also Is provided lit the bill that
the county courts shall annually
divide their respective counties, or
any part thereof, into suitable road
districts, each of which shall be
numbered and entered upon thf
county records.
Joint Memorial Introduced to S-
tablisb State Policy.
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or.. Jan. 10.
(Special.) In case a senate Joint
memorial Introduced today meets the
approval of both houses of the legis
lature, it will be the luture policy oi
the state oi oi egon to place all im
provements of highways described as
hard-surfaced highways in section 6
of chapter 433. Laws of Oregon of
1917. known as the ,6.000.000 bond
isssue, on the basis of a 16-foot road
way or wider, and in grading, grav
eling or otherwise improving the
same or any part thereof require the
state highway engineer to cause such
grading, graveling or improving to
oe of a width which will allow a
ls-fcot roadway at all points.
The memorial also provides that the
state highway commission shall in
struct the state highway engineer to
make all plans and specifications for
hard-surface roads comply with the
policy described.
pay for the meetings attended.
Judges Would oNt Be Chosen by
Departments Under Hume Bill.
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or., Jan. 18.
(Special.) Election of circuit
judges in Multnomah county at large
instead of by departments is pro
posed in a senate bill introduced by
Senator Hume of Multnomah county.
At every general and primary
election at which one or more candi
dates are to be nominated for the of
fice of circuit judge or one or more
circuit Judges to be elected In said
district, the department for which
each judge Is to be elected shall Ufe
stated upon the ballots," reads the
bill. "Candidates in number Siual ft)
the total number xf circuit judges to
be elected who shall receive the high
est vote of all votes cast for such
candidates for nomination or election
at such election shall be declared
nominated or elected as the case may
".No candidate for nomination or
election to the office of circuit Judge
shall be either nominated or electee
to-ny designated department, but on
the first Monday of January next suc
ceeding each general election the
Judges of said court shall assign
themselves to respective departments
of said court."
Joint Resolution Asks Congress to
Protect American Goods.
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or.. Jan. 10
(Special.) Protection of the Amer
ican farmer against the wholesale
importation of foreign products is
urged in a senate memorial intro
duced today by Bruce Dennis, sena
tor from the 21st district. The me
morial asks for the passage of the
so-called Fordney emergency tariff
bill now pending before congress and
the enactment of such other federal
legislation as will make the Amer
ican markets sate rrom toreign in
terference. The memorial sets out that the Unit
ed States is being flooded with for
eign products, with the result that
home markets are being destroyed
with attendant financial losses.
Attention of congress also 1st called
to the necessity of a comprehensive
protective tariff bill protecting Amer
ican labor and all American products.
Senator Dennis has the distinction
of introducing the first joint me
morial for the present session.
First Cub Old-Timer Let Olt.
CHICAGO. Jan. 10. "Dode" Pas-
kert, veteran outfielder of the cni
cago National league club, and for
merly a star player on several other
teams, Tus been released to Cincin
nati through waivers, it was an
nounced tonight by Secretary Seys.
Mr. Seys said Paskert's release was
the first step In Manager Evers" an
nounced campaign to "rid the club of
old-timers and replace them with
Examiners Law Repeal Asked.
STATE HOUSE. Salem, Or., Jan. 10.
(Special.) A bill introduced in the
senate by Senator Eberhard provides
for the repeal of the law enacted at
the 1919 session providing for the.i
creation of a state board of auto me
chanics examiners. This law. after
several thousands of dollars In fees
had been collected, was declared to
be unconstitutional by the supreme
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Sapply Resolution Adopted.
Representative Kubli introduced the
resolution calling for the furnishing
of supplies and stamps to the mem
bers of the house by Secretary of
State Koser. The resolution was
Representative Lee of Multnomah
introduced the first bill to the house,
while Representatives Korrell and
Hosford. both of Multnomah county,
lrtroduced the other two bills of the
first day of the session.
The house opened its deliberations
at 10:30 o'clock this morning, being
in session just 15 minutes, during
which time the temporary organiza-
Year own druggist sails Dr.
Williams Pink Pal.. Write to
the Dr. Williams Medicine Cat,
Schenectady, N. Y., for froo
booklet,-BuUding Up the Blood"
Senator Smith Would Repeal Six
Per Cent Law.
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Or.. Jan. 10.
(Special.) Repeal of the 6 per cent
tax limitation and limiting the life
of a mlllage tax to two years are the
objects of two resolutions prepared
by Senator Smith of Josephine county.
These lesolutlons, If adopted by the
legislature, will be referred to the
people at the next general election.
Senator Smith contends that the 6
per cent limitation is a farce and is
responsible for special bond issues
and millage taxes, and as to the latter
he Insists that institutions having a
millage tax should be compelled to
come before the legislature and show
what they need the money for. In
stead of spending all funds raised
by such tax.
Board of Promotion and Industry
Is Proposed in Measure,
STATEHOUSE. Salem. Jan. 10.
(Special.) Creation of a position to
be known as the commission of pro
motion and industry, with an appro
priation of $45,000, Is provided in
house bill No. 1, introduced by Rep
resentative Lee of Multnomah county.
The bill provides for the appoint
ment of the new commissioners by the
state board of control.
The duty of the new officials, as
defined by the bill, is to carry 6n
propaganda to bring industries and
additional Investment capital to Ore
Bill Would Cut Out Royalty.
STATE HOUSE. Salem. Or., Jan. 10.
(Special.) A senate bill IntroduceB
by Senator Ryan of Clackamas county
would remove the royalty of 10 cents
a cubic yard on sand and gravel taken
from the navigable streams of the
state and used for public work.
Under the present law, leases for
sand and gravel affect public as well
as private interests.
Condemnation Process Proposed.
STATEHOUSE, Salem, Or., Jan. 10.
(Special.) Anybody expending pub
lic funds in the state of Oregon will
be prohibited from acquiring property
by purchase without condemnation
proceedings if house bill No. 3, intro
duced by Representative Hosford, is
adopted. The proposed legislation In
cludes the state of Oregon and all of
its political subdivisions.
Man-O-War to Change Home.
LEXINGTON, Ky., Jan. 10. Man
o' War, champion race horse, will
leave Glen Riddle farm, Berlin, Md.,
for Lexington on January 17, accord
ing to a letter receives here today by
the board of commerce from Samuel
D. Riddle of Philadelphia, his owner.
He will be shown at the Kentucky
Jockey club here.
Control of Bond Houses in Same
Manner as Banks Proposed.
STATEHOUSE. Salem. Or.. Jan. 10.
(Special.) Three bills served as the
grist for the first day's session in the
house. These bills were:
House bill No. 1, by Lee Creating posi
tion of commitisoner of promotion and In
dustry, appropriating $45,000 for promot
ing Industries and bringing new capital to
House bill No 2. by Korrell Amendinir
section KiOO of Oregon laws to place bond
dealers under control of state superin
tendent of banks.
House bill No. 3. by Hosford Prohibit
ing acquirement of lands by bodies ex
pending public funds without entering Into
condemnation proceedings.
Mr. Korell Introduces First Bill to
Provide State Supervision.
I (Special ) Control over all dealers in
I bonds, stocks, notes, warrants and In
terim certificates by the state super
I intendent of banks is provided in
house bill No. 2, Introduced today by
Representative Korell.
Several other bills bearing on the
seme subject are expected, one of
which will propose that bond deal
ers be placed under the jurisdiction
of the state insurance commissioner.
First Flier Is Gradualed.
The first student of any aeronaut
ical school in, the northwest to com
plete his course and learn to fly is
Everett Cox, the first man to "solo"
at the Dudrey Aircraft company. To
"solo" is to fly alone, without any
Instructor. Cox, said B. W. Barker,
his instructor, has been at the Dudrey
TTHE Nash Six and Nash Four, in a
wide range of models, are on exhibition
at the show. Each has great power, due to
the Nash Perfected Valve-in-Head Motor,
and combines those pleasing qualities of
beauty, comfort, economy and endurance
which have caused the name Nash to
stand the country over for particularly
sound and attractive motor car value.
One of these fine Nash cars is certain to
meet squarely your individual preference.
Nash Six prices with CORD TIRES f. o. b. Portland
Nash Six 5-passenger touring car, $1990; 2-passenger roadster, $1990; 4-passenger sport model,
$2150; 7-passenger touring car, $2180; 4-passenger coupe, $2995; 7-passenger sedan, $3250.
Nash "Four" Prices With CORD TIRES, F. O. B. Portland:
Nash "Four," $1645; 2-passenger roadster, 3-passenger coupe, 5-passenger sedan.
All Nash Passenger Cars have
Cord Tires as standard equipment
See the New Nash "Four" and the Complete Nash Line at the Auto Show.
jfeiinhliaito ii..nllli..ill
Mm' ,
ii nil in I ' , ,l i . 1 1:; I ,
.... I ' .. .. 'inn . "ii. . him
."" II1:. Kurt-a
iMioiuii i,ii imirii .mil , ; ' i.Mini . nr t.1'"1 ,i l, '"rv
Aircraft company's school for only
two months. After six hours in the
air, he could handle the plane him
self, which is "quick work." aec- -ing
to his instructor. C. V. Du.ey
is manager of the company and Cap
tain S. F. McClurg is chief instructor.
Read The Oregonlan classified ade.
Multnomah County Court Wanted.
STATEHOUSE. Salem. Or.. Jan. 10.
(Special.) A movement Is on foot
among some of the members of the
Multnomah delegation to introduce
legislation to return the Multnomah
county xourt to its former status.
A woman needs all the strength possible to take good
Care of her baby. The reflections of a married woman are
not pleasant u she is
delicate, run - down, or
over -worked. She feels
"played out", Her smile
and good spirits have
taken flight. It worries
her husband as well as
This is the time to
build up her strength and
remove those weaknesses
or ailments which are the
seat of her trouble.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription regulates and
promotes all the proper
functions of womanhood,
enriches the blood, dispels
aches and pains, melan
cholia and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep, restores
health and strength. It overcomes those disorders and de
rangements of womanhood. It makes weak women strong
sad sick women well. All druggists. Liquid or tablets.
Hni Calef. "1 can hardly express in words the benefit I have
received from the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Pleasant
Pellets.' I suffered greatly at times. I tried several remedies but to
no good. Then I heard f Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and took
two bottles, which righted everything. I also used eight bottles during
expectancy and had practically no suffering. My boy weighed 9 pounds;
I only weighed 98 lbs. I know if I hadn't tised Dr. Pierce's medicines
I would not have been so fortunate." Mrs. Jno. H. Stellino.
You must say " Bayer"
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package
or on tablets, you are not getting genuine
Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years.
Insist upon an unbroken package of genuine
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" containing proper
directions and dose proved safe by millions.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents Larger packages.
Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer If anufactnre of Monosceticacidestsr of SaUcylicacid
Skin Sufferers Do Not
Want Mere Temporary Relief I
Restores Original Color to
Gray Hair
Co-Lo restores the natural
color, life and luster to gray
and faded hair in a manner
nature approves.
Co-Lo Hair Restorer is a natural
beautifier for gray hair a scientific
process perfected by Prof. John H.
Austin of Chleaso, over 10 years a
hair and scalp specialist
The Ten Co-Lo Secrets
1. Co-Lo is a wonderful liquid.
2. Clear, odorless, preaseless.
3. Without lead or sulphur.
4 Hasn't a particle of sediment.
5. " Will not wash or rub off.
6. Will not Injure hair or scalp.
7 Pleaslnp and simple to apply.
8. Cannot be detected like the ordi
nary hair tints and dyes.
9 Will not cause the hair to split or
break off.
10. Co-Lo can be had for every nat
ural shade of hair.
Sold by all Owl Drue Stores.
MiiiiiimtiiimnimirninmmiitmjiimmuinMi i:mmmimrimi!JitiminiiimuiimiHi!
Of course. If you are content to
have only temporary relief from the
terrifying itching and burning of
fiery, flaming skin diseases, then you
are salaried to remain a slave to
ointments, lotions and other local rem
edies applied to the surfaoe of the
skin. Such form of treatment, how
ever, can make no progress whatever
toward ridding you of the discomfort
which often becomes a real torture.
But If you desire to free yourself
from any form of skin disease, first
of all you must realize that any dis
ease must be treated at its source.
Real genuine relief from eczema,
tetter, scaly eruptions or any other
form of skin Irritations cannot be
expected until you free your blood of
the germs which cause these disor
ders. And for this purpose ther.e is
no remedy that gives more satisfac
tory results than S.S.S., the fine old
blood remedy that goes down to the
source of every blood disorder and
routs out the germs which cause the
S.S.S. is sold by all druggists. Be
gin taking it today, and if you will
write a complete history of your case
our medical director will give you ex
pert advice without charge. Address
Chiet.Medical Adviser, 821 Swift Lab
oratory, Atlanta, Ga. Adv.
How To
Exhausted Nerves
Your nerve power depend on plenty of good,
rich, red blood of the kind that organic Iron
Nuxated Iron helps make. It is like the iron in
your blood and like the iron in spinach, lentils and
apples, it does not injure the teeth nor upset tht
stomach. It is entirely different from ordinary
metallic iron. It quickly helps make rich, red
blood, revitalize wornout, exhausted nerves and
tive you new strenfth and energy Over 4.000,000
people annually are using it. Beware of substi
tutes. Always Insist upon having genuine organic
Iron Nuxated Iron. Look for 'he letters N 1.
on every tablet. At ail druggist.
for Red Blooci. Strength and Enduranc!
Safe Remedy for
Children's Colds
If you .want a pure, whole
some and absolutely safe remedy
for the relief of coughs, colds,
croup and whooping cough, get
Foley's Honey and Tar.
It contains no opiate or habit
forming drugs.
Always Recommends It
Charles Baker, Brownsville, Tex., writeat
"For many years past I have used Foley's)
Honey and Tar Compound in my family and
2iave found it superior to any other cough medi
cine. It is especially efficient in cases of bad
Co Ids of my children. I bavealwaya recommend'
ed it to my friends as a safe remedy for the chuV
rjreo.i&s it contains no opiate."
Honey and Tar
MUCUS, clean the passages, coats in
flamed and irritated membranes with
healing and soothing demulcent, ease
Jioaraene8, (topi tickling in the throat
and makes refreshing, restful sleep
There ts no better remedy for
Coughs and Colas than Foley's
Honey and Tar.
Get a tube to
day. Makes 70
bead and not.
feel fine.
Easy to apply
to act
SO treatment tin FREE Writ
Minneapolis, Minn,