Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 07, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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I cause to envy. Its shipyards will
again become active rhen thepass-
i ine" of radipalism restores confidence
established bt henM l, f'1-1 among their owners.
published by The Oreg-onian Publishing Co.. Portland is in no position to as
120 sixth Street. Portland. Oreion. . - . 7 B
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What is tne matter with Seattle?
Why these frantic exclamations of
1L. Vl ...... C.n,ln'. to , ft
III'- i lUit LIldL DCaLOC -3 iw-n ie,
the wall" and that 'the queen city
of the sound must "fight or die."
that foreign trade has fallen off
J125. 000,000 in a year, that the port
has dropped from second to tenth
place in volume of foreign trade, and
that the street railway problem
threatens tlys city with bankruptcy?
The expression "fight or die" is
too extreme to describe Seattle's
situation. Though in times of boom
ing prosperity its people seem to re
gard theirs as a super-city exempt
from the operation of universal
economic law, and that by some
magic quality of genius they can put
over things that are impossible to
common cities, their native common
sense and their splendid fighting
qualities become supreme in times
of adversity. Then they "get in and
dig" with an energy and resource
which win the admiration of their
neighbors and should command their
emulation. Then they send the
crack-brained radical theorist and
his handy man, the demagogue pol
ttician, into retirement and they put
In control men who combine the
spirit of public service with practical
business sense. They have done this
before when they have gambled too
heavily on the future, and we are
confident that they will do it again
In their present emergency.
Radicalism in the ranks of labor,
ncouraged by politicians, is one
thing that is the matter with Seattle.
It has led the, city to build munici
pal street railways and by false
bookkeeping to conceal for a time
the cost at which they were run.
It led on to purchase, at an exces
he price without a dollar in hand,
of the Stone & Webster street rail
ways, which were losing money at
a S-cent faro, to happy confidence
that they could pay higher wages,
operate at a 5-cent fare and still
make a profit which would not only
pay interest on their cost but pay
off the bonds issued to provide the
purchase price. The fact that the
city sacrificed $700,000 a year in
taxes which had been paid by the
private owners was lost to sight in
the ferment. Juggling of accounts
hid the losses until Mayor jaldwi K
forced a showdown. Then fares
were raised, but they did not pro
duce a profit They have boen
raised again to 10 cents for a single
trip or 25 cents for three tickets,
but the result is still in doubt. Se
attle thus faces a $15,000,000 debt
without means other than high tax
ation to pay it.
Experience has been somewhat
similar with municipal light and
power. The Cedar river dam was
built at a lake which leaked. Electric
current was sold at low prices, and
tbo fact that it was supplied at
loss was covered hy accounting
methods and by adoption of new
projects, which postponed the day
Of reckoning.
Seattle's good name In the eyes of
manufacturers and investors was
also injured by the action of the
radicals at a time when there was
more than one job for every man in
shipyards and other war industries
and when labor for a time could
dictate wages. Then the radicals no
soonor won a point than tliey struck
for a new demand, for the purpose
of establishing syndicalist control of
Industry. The climax came with the
general strike of February, 1915,
whit h was in purpose and li fact a
revolutionary attempt to seize the
government of the city. The con
sequence Is idleness of the great
shipyards while shipbuilding con
tinues on a reduced scale atPort
lanel. Vancouver and Fan Francisco.
Seattle is afflicted with an excess
of optimism which goes far to ex
plain its present troubles. This fail
ing has grown through a series of
streaks of luck which have lifted it
from despondency to prosperity.
Such were thf tirlA r,f lmr,iii-etlA,
In tha late 80s which was stimulated
by the fire of 18S9; the era of rail
road building which closely followed;
the Klondykc discovery which endeJU
four years of terrible depression: the
later era of railroad building, foreign
trade, and industrial growth. After
these strokes of luck, it was natural
that the city should overbuild and
over-Invest on the serength of the
great volume of ocean commerce
and shipbuilding that the war
brought, though it should have been
obvious that this prosperity was
artificial. Hence with shrinking
commerce and idle industries, Se
attle is losing population by thou
sands and displays many "For rent"
Leaving out of account the causes
of quickly passing booms, there are
solid foundations for Seattle's great
ness as a city. Though compara
tively restricted in area, the Puget
sound country is rich in timber,
agriculture, fisheries, minerals, fuel
and materials for manufacture, and
Its trade centers at "-"Seattle. That
city has gained a grip on the trade
of Alaska which should secure for it
a permanent lead, though other
cities will claim a share, and the
northern territory is just on the eve
of real development. Notwithstand
ing the rate decision, it still has a
wide, rich field of trade in eastern
Washington and northern Idaho. Its
fine harbor and docks and its many
railroads will always make it a great
port for transfer between ship and
rail for commerce with all parts of
the Pacific ocean and beyond. Mt
has a fishing industry on the north
Pvcili coast which Portland has
attle. for it has been guilty of similar
follies, though in a far less degree
Only a few years ago we narrowly
escaped electing as mayor a man
who proposed a municipal lighting
plant, and determined resistance
alone defeated plans to drive the
street railway company into bank
ruptcy in order to introduce muni
cipal ownership. In the name of
public welfare the city and state
have been engaged in enterprises
which could far better have been
left to private agency and which
have swollen the total of taxes to
burdensome proportions.
Nor would the decline of Seattle
as a serious rival be well for Port
land. That city's presence in the
field, ever alert to grasp the trade
which should naturally flow through
Portland and to profit by this city's
neglect or Indolence, has aroused
Portland from the complacence into
which it was sinking and has spurred
it to action. It is doubtful whether
the great work of removing the Co
lumbia river bar, Improving the
channel, building public docks and
expanding foreign trade would have
been so well done if there had been
no Seattle to act as a spur. Com
petition of the Puget sound ports
drove Portland to fight for Just rail
road rates and for ships with greater
energy than would have been ex
erted if there had been no alert
competitor. Knowledge thaT Port
land is a strong competitor has a
like effect on Seattle and will goad
that city to fight its way through its
present troubles and to come out
stronger and wiser for the experience.
hended this. He once said that the
disappearance of his last dollar gave
him an indescribable sensation of re
lief. Nevertheless the brief career of
Coal Oil Johnny created a sensation
out of proportion to the good, or
bad, effect of his sensational almon
Ing, because it visualized for so many
others a personal situation about
which nearly, everyone has at some
time speculated. In the subcon
scious recesses of the mind of every
struggling human being lies the
vision of a "ship coming in." There
is a separate compartment in nearly
every imagination in which is stored
a perfected plan for the dispensation
of a suddenly acquired fortune. The
old fairy stories played on this uni
versal dream, and lotteries capital
ized it. The first question that is
asked when it becomes known that
a neighbor has received a bequest
from a distant and previously for
gotten relative, as' not infrequently
happens, is: "What is he going to
do with it"? Most persons have a
notion that they could do more
wisely with new riches than Coal Oil
Johnny did, but there is no dogmatic
certainty that they are right. There
is probably better than an even
chance that unearned wealth would
prove a doubtful blessing; it has in
innumerable instances turned out a
The retirement of Dr. Alfred
Kinney -from the port of Astoria
commission calls forth a , chorus
of acclaim from the newspapers and
the people for the conspicuous serv
ice rendered by him to the public
during the 30 odd years of his resi
dence In the thriving city on the
lower Columbia, at the gate of op
portunity. He has taken the lead
ership in all affairs of common con
cern, notably the improvement of
the lower Columbia and the river
entrance, connection by rail with the
outside world, location of great lum
ber manufactories and development
of the port and construction of
terminals. It is recalled, too, that
he was at the forefront in the cam
paign for good roads leading to
construction of the highway from
Portland to the sea. It would be
difficult to find any civic enterprise
with which the name of Dr. Kinney
has not been connected, meaning
employment of his time, his Floor
and his money. He is a rare citizen,
and Astoria is proud of him.
It is interesting to note that the
total investment of Astoria in port
development, under its present plan
has reached $3,653,000. Chairman
Stone, of the commission, in a public
statement says that the cost has in
cluded erection of terminals and
their equipment, and in purchasing
and operating a dredge for channel
improvement. It is said that the
work has been accomplished at a
minimum cost per unit, due to the
efficiency of the chief engineer and
his corps of assistants.
The real progress of Astoria be
gan with a comprehensive scheme
of port development systematically
and energetically carried forward
during the past five or six years,
with its own resources. It had the
support of a unitad public spirit
which divined the truth that self
help is a community's best asset, and
that the way to build a city and
create a port is to do it and not
leave it to -others. There are certain
essential conditions of location and
opportunity which of course must
be taken into account: but it is
nevertheless true that the location
is only a place to begin and op
portunity docs not lie around long
waiting for something to turn up,
but must be seized. Astoria has done
wonders for itself, and it will un
doubtedly accomplish other wonders.
With five broom factories at home,
Portland buys 75 per cent of its
brooms outside the city. One of the
five factories the third largest in
the United States has closed be
caused its warehouse is full of un
sold brooms, and its seventy odd em
ployes will be idle or scattered to
other occupations till this stock is
Many persons are out of employ
ment in Fornand, and there is much
talk of finding work for them. Here
is an opportunity right to the hand
of everybody who uses a broom.
Brooms are made as well in Port
land as anywhere else, and the
handles at least are Oregon material.
If everybody who needs a broom will
demand the home product, that
warehouse will soon be emptied, that
factory can resume operation and
the amount of unemployment, which
injures all lines of business, will be
The Portland Ad club has set aside
a day as Broom day, on which pur
chase of Oregon brooms is to be
specially urged on the people. This
Is a practical step in dealing with
unemployment in which every citi
zen can join with small trouble or
expense. There may be other cases
in which home-workmen can be em
ployed and home industry supported
in the same way, but it would be
well to begin with brooms.
only of socialist propaganda, but of
revolutionary bolshevist propaganda,
where professors "spread the notion
that the revolution can come soon."
Fathers and mothers send their sons
and daughters to college to learn all
theories of sociology and economics
and to think out their own conclu
sions, not to learn to "draw the
necessary conclusions" or to let a
red professor do their thinking for
them. If there is to be any pro
paganda, it should be for American
ism, not for socialism, which is anti
Americanism. '
John H. Steele, once known rather
widely as "Coal Oil Johnny," and
who died obscurely in Nebraska the
other day, probably had no illusions
as to the part that fortune destined
him to play in large affairs. He was
one of the first men who profited by
discovery of petroleum in an import
ant Pennsylvania field. Steele was
orphaned at seven, was adopted by
a farmer, whose widow bequeathed
to him the modest farm on which he
was reared. Men came along and
"struck oil" on the farm, and almost
overnight Steele became a multi
millionaire. There are individuals to whom
sudden riches bring a sense of stew
ardship and another and pcrhis
commoner type who think chiefly
and instinctively of the personal In
dulgences that wealth makes possi
ble. Steele belonged to neither
class. His tastes were simple, his
vision circumscribed, and his Im
pulses unregulated but highly gener
ous. He had no capacity for reali
zation of the role that he might have
played as the founder of some great
industry giving steady employment
to an army of men, and no glimpse
of the possibilities of systematic
philanthropy. To some extent his
head may have been "turned" by
possession of more money than he
knew what to do with, but there was
after all a kind of system In his
crazy largess. Many of the stories
printed about him did him !ess than
justice. He was primitive, and not
much given to taking thought for the
morrow, and his idea of complete
happiness was fulfilment of some
wish of the moment. So, when a
cab driver who had conveyed him to
his hotel"1 answered affirmatively to .
his question whether he would not
like to own the horse and vehicle he
drove. Steele promptly brought them
and presented them to him. Un
skilled in reading the minds of mea
he was moved by every tale of woe
and was often imposed on. Tales
that he was apt to be governed by
that other primitive motive, re
venge, and that, for illustration, he
once bought a hotel so that he could
discharge an employe who had in
curred his disfavor, have been in
quired into and found mostly untrue.
Steele got rid of some millions In
about a year and thereafter plodded
along in the ways that he bad been
previously accustomed to, without
bitterness. He was quoted once as
saying that there was nothing he
wanted that a very little monev
ouldn't buy, and that he did not
care to be bothered with a surplus.
In other words, he was not cut out
to be the steward of a great fortune
and ui his own fashion he conipro-
An impression prevails that a col
lege education is necessary to fit a
young American for the highest suc
cess in life. The fact is too little
known that an active organization Is
at work that is trying to convert the
colleges into a system for un-Ameri-canizing
students, converting them
first Into socialists, then into cos
mopolitans who scorn allegiance to
this or any country and finally into
revolutionists who are ready to over
throw the republic by violence. The
extent to which this seditious con
spiracy has grown Is made known
by Woodworth Clum of the Western
Reserve university in a pamphlet,
"Making Socialists out of College
Students," published by the Better
America Federation of California.
The text from which. Mr. Clum
writes is a letter written on July 29
by Professor A. W. Calhoun of Qliio
state university, to Professor Zeuch
of the statevuniversity of Minnesota,
which he reproduces. The letter is
evidently a reply to one from Zeuch
discussing radical opinions, and
plainly reveals the revolutionary ex
tremes to which these molders of
the mind of youth would go. It begins:
I think I accept all you say about the
condition of the proletariat and the im
possibility of the immediate revolution.
But I am less interested in the verbiage
of the left wing than in the idea of keep
ing ultimates everlastingly in the center
of attention to the exclusion of mere put
tering reforms. One of the things that
will hasten the revolution is to spread the
notion that It can come soon. It the left
wing adopts impossibilist methods of cam
paign I shall stand aloof, but if they push
for confiscation, equality of economio
status and the speedy elimination of elans
privilege and keep their heads, I shall go
with them rather than the yellows.
Then follows some gossip which
shows that red professors keep in
touch and push one another along.
Referring to Professor Grass, of
Minnesota he says:
I wonder how many of his students
draw the "necessary" conclusions and I
wonder whether I do all niy students'
thinking for them.
He next tells of having secured
the pro'fessorship of sociology, under
which name bolshevism is now
taught, at De Pauw university, and
reveals how easily college presidents
are imposed on by such "as he. He
The president has been here three times
and had long Interviews with me. Be
sides we have written a lot. I told him
I belong to the radical socialists. I ex
pounded my general principles on all Im
portant points. He knows also of the
circumstances of my leaving Clark and
Kentucky. He says he is In substantial
agreement with most of what 2 save aaid
and that he sees no reason why I cannot
get along with De Pauw. He says ho feels
confident it will be a permanency.
It did not prove a permanency,
for upon being shown a copy of the
-letter both President Grose of De
Pauw and the authorities of Ohio
state university removed Calhoun.
Professor Zeuch lost his job at Min
nesota, but soon got another at Cor
nell, which seems more receptive to
the reds. .He wrote to Mr. Clum
unbraiding him for publishing Cal
houn's letter and reaffirming his
faith in socialism as "the greatest
political force in the world today"
and praising Russia as "a socialist
soviet republic triumphant over all
enemies, internal or external."
These men are not mere members
of a little coterie of academic so
cialists. They are members of the In
tercollegiate Socialist society, which
has a total membership of about
11,000, "more than 2000 of whom are
active members of the teaching
forces in our leading schools, col
leges and universities." From this
society sprang the conference of the
radicals at Highland, N. Y., in June,
1919, which gave birth to the com
mittee of 48 and which was the first
effort to combine all the radicals in
America in one party. At that con
ference was a motley crowd of so
cialists, L W. W. leaders, red and
pink professors and parlor bolshe
vlsts. It established national head?
quarters in New York, from which a
call was Issued for a conference In
St. Louis last December. About 300
names were signed to that call, many
of them those of college professors.
It Is up to the heads of the colleges
to take notice of the fact that there
is a. plan to make them centers, sot
The right of Mr. Etheridge to
legal defense by competent counsel
will of course be conceded: nor can
the right of a public official to re
sign and seek private employment
be denied. Nevertheless It is un
fortunate for Portland that City At
torney La, Roche should see fit to
resign at this time. We dismiss as
unwarranted rumor the suggestion
that his withdrawal was arranged in
order to make room for another
more acceptable To- the mayor.
The city is involved just now in
vital litigation and in various large
proceedings under the direction
the city attorney. The gas and tele
phone rate hearings, the-port consol
idation matter, and the union ter
minal campaign are all under way
and they are for the most part in
tricate in detail and highly import
ant as to their issues, so that any
new city attorney will find that
demands much time and labor to
get them fairly in hand. It is satis
factory that Mr. Grant, the proposed
appointee, has had previous experi
ence in the same place and that he
is familiar with municipal affairs
He will give to his duties all needed
energy-, intelligence and knowledge
Mr. La Roche has served faith
fully during eight years and his
record has been unexceptionable. If
more men of his type should seek
and retain, public service, the com
munity would be the gainer.
The result of an investigation by
the Rockefeller Foundation into
medical conditions in Europe has
shown that any broad programme
looking to rehabilitation of the
health of the continent must be
based on restoration of institutions
of scientific education which were
all but destroyed by the war. Ger
many and Austria, which were cen
ters of attraction to advanced work
ers prior to 1914, are Without ma
terial or personnel tor their once
famous schools, and the countries
of the allies probably have no great
er facilities than are needed for their
own restoration. On the principle
that charity, however meritorious, is
soon or late likely to becoine bur
densome, the Foundation Contem
plates a policy of aiding central
Europe to Jieip itself by training its
own physicians and nurses for the
coming generation. The plan is
both humanitarian and practical
and promises the greatest possible
measure of permanent relief in pro
portion to money and energy x
By and by the railroads will be
compelled to put watchmen and
gates at every grade crossing and
people will pay a cent a mile more
for travel and a cent a pound more
for freight to compensate the roads;
unless aerial traffic has so develnnerl
that only'the lazy and curious will
essay to cross the tracks on grade.
-Meanwhile people will continue to
get killed because they think they
can beat the cars.
Some day, may be, the "stuff"
will 'be brought from Canada by
wireless. Rather skeptical; but
where fifty years ago were the tele
phone, the linotype and the wire
less, as well as the airplane .' Noth
ing will be impossible by and by but
the democratic candidate for con
gress. Seton Thompson may be right in
his views on sex morality and ab
sence of dress; but before experi
menting on human beings suppose
we try it on the animals and if cloth
ing them has no bad effect the re
sult may negativejy prove the rule.
That motorman who stopped his
car in the middle of a trestle to save
the life of a stray dog would also
stick to his post to the last second
to save his passengers from disaster.
The two types go together. '
The Balkan rulers are back at
their old game of trying to promote
peace by inter-marriages among
their children. A few divorces of
kings from their (thrones would have
a more lasting effect.
The man who can "lift" a piano
and get away with it has genius that
should be developed rather than be
confined behind-tears. The old joke
of the red-hot stove is not in that
A housewife walks about two
miles every morning while preparing
the family oreakfast, experiments
show. But think how fine this ex
ercise is for the complexion.
Chnrrh Membership. La rare Families
and Other Topics DMlssed,
The Dalles Chronicle.
A lot of us aren't church members.
We may be religious at heart. We
may seek to exalt the good and crush
the evil. When -we do not line up
with some church, are we consistent?
Are we just bluffing? Think it over.
Consider that for every four persons
who are affiliated with some church
there are six who are non-church
members. Who is carrying the load?
Good Team.
La Grande Observer.
Sam Kozer and John Cochran make
good pair in the secretary of state's
office. Sam is ta chief and John Is
one of the best deputies that any
slate ever boasted of. Just to show
how these two Oregonians are on the
job early and late, they are issuing a
bulletin indicating the rooms and
houses and hotels where people can
stop during the legislature and be
cared for at reasonable prices. There
is nothing in the statute to demand
such service from the secretary of
state's office, -but there is "that Inborn
sense to render service with both Mr.
Kozer and Mr. Cochran which is of
the-greatest value to any state.
Handicap of the Only Child. '
Eugene Register.
Large families, however, by which
is meant today any number of chil
dren over 4, no doubt have certain
marked advantages over small ones.
There develops a necessary self-reliance,
together with a sense of co-operation
and team-work, which the
small family seldlom knows. The only
child is to be deeply pitied. He is in
an unnatural relation to life, usually
becoming, through very force of cir
cumstances, a receiver only, not
giver. Or- if, perforce, he becomes a
giver, then he must give more than
his share.
Those Who Come and Go.
"AJl Time Bloke."
Astoria Budget.
Unless some means are devised of
doing away with the necessity of so
many fund campaigns, their very
frequency will create a public senti
ment that will foredoom all to failure,
thus penalizing the worthy along
with the unnecessary and defeating
the efforts of many helpful institu
tions and undertakings.
Home la Sacred Ground.
McCall ( Idaho f Star.
We are living in the hope that there
will yet come to Idaho a court im
bued with American spirit and Ameri
can courage that will spread its pro
tecting ermine before the threshold
of the Idaho home and say to the
minion who would unlawfully enter
there: It is forbidden; this is sacred
When the Grapes Get Soar.
Eugene Guard.
Official immigration statistics show
that 613,371 aliens arrived in the
United States this year. And there is
plenty of evidence to indicate that
every one of them voted in the late
Helps Spirit of Giving.
McMinnville "ews-Rporter.
It is good for a man to remember
that when an urchin he, too, stood
flattening his nose against the store
window during Christmas week. After
11, every period of life has its joys
and its disappointments.
Easy Job for Portland,
Hillsboro Independent.
With recollection of what the Lewis
and Clark exposition did for Portland
still fresh, promoters of the proposed
192a exposition should have an easy
The Unemployed Dodger.
Oregon City Enterprise.
The principal problem of the unem
ployed is dodging the things their
wives can find for them to do around
the house.
Two for One.
Estacada News.
If the party who took Mrs. O. E.
Smith's umbrella at the Masonic .sup
per, will return it to Dale's store,
they can get their own at the hotel.
s 'Pat" Me Arthur Prayt
Bend Press.
The departure of Bather Pohl Love
oy for Europe -will make Pat Mc
Arthur pray that one boat strikes an
Voracity and Veracity.
McMinnville Telephone Register.
The Chicago man, who fed Ills goat
on campaign literature, says the -animal
can stand up again, but still pre
fers lying.
State Income Tax.
Oregon City Banner-Courier.
The scheme of raising the bonus by
means of an income tax seems the
most reasonable. s
If even' user of a typewriter
would contribute one nickel the
monnment to Sholes, its Inventor,
would be the grandest of the kfnd
on this continent.
Tcjbacco growers in Tennessee are
selling their product as low as one
cent a pound. This probably will be
passed along to the consumer with
reverse english.
A threatened invasion of the
United States by grasshoppers from
Canada is announced. That will be
all right if they don't pack bottles on
their hips.
When the Oregon fir flagpole
shipped from St. Helens is set up in
New York, we can tell the world
where it grew, with millions more
like it.
Portland bakers do business in
near-by cities and towns to supply
,a demand. The Portland loaf is the
acme of gustatory excellence.
Henry Ford is gaining in the re
count of Michigan votes. A flock of
unlisted flivvers must have arrived,
in the nick of time.
The man who prefers a cold snap
to breesy rains does not belong in
Webfoot. Ugh! Watch him shiver.
Oregon will gain a member. More
trouble for the political women of
democratic faith.
Probably crepe will be in the color
scheme, at the Jackson club banquet.
Those Argentine quakes may be
bewmic demonstrations lor Colby,
iaitor at library Complain of Index
as Regards Pseudonym.
PORTLAND. Jan. 6. (To the Edi
tor.) Kindly spare me a little space
draw attention to the quixotic vys-
em of indexing the books in the pub
lic library.
I, like most Britishers, and no doubt
a goodly number of Americans, have
for the last '0 years known the Au
thoress "Ouida" by that name, and
would naturally look for her works
under that title, but thos responsible
at the library elect to put her books
on the shelves under her family name,
viz., "DeLaRamee." Another instance
is O. Henry, which name is known to
man, woman and child, but at the
library you would waste time looking
for that name, where he is shelved as
"Porter." I have only quoted two in
stances, there are doubtless plenty
I don't know who is answerable for
this system, but the sooner it Is recti
fied and common sense applied to the
matter the better for the convenience
of the public.
Just to prove how utterly Impos
sible the system is, I would suggest
that those responsible should apply
to some bookseller or publisher for
some of "De La Ramee's books, and
advise me of the result.
Users of tMfe public library will find
the search for books of their chpice
much simplified by employment of the
card catalogue, which is open to the
public. Here, for illustration, the
pseudonym "Ouida" is listed, with a
cross-referenee to the author's real
name. The same is true as to "O.
Henry," "Mark Twain," and others.
Not all authors are known by their
pseudonyms as well as or better, than
by their real names, and in the inter
est of systematic arrangement it has
been regarded as advisable to follow
a definite plan. In the Portland pub
lic library, as In many others, the
card index system established by the
library of congress is used as a guide.
"Friends of Governor D. W. Davis
of Idaho have every reason to believe
he will enter the cabinet of President
Hatdtng," declared Bartlett Sinclair
of Boise at the Hotel Portland. "Tliere
is no doubt that Senator Harding
wishes for secretary of the interior
a man who knows from practical ex
perience the best way to handle con
ditions peculiar to public land states.
Governor Davis' supporters feel that
his peculiar fitness places him in the
forefront from a national as well as
a western standpoint for this office.
The governor would far rather re
main in Boise and complete his sec
ond term as governor were he to
consider his personal comfort. His
re-election by a majority of 20.000.
he argues, might well be taken as a
command of the voters that he re
main where he is to complete a sys
tem of reforms he has inaugurated
in our state. But he feels, as the
citizens of the west generally feel,
that the next four years will be
vital. The back-to-the-land move
ment can only succeed by providing
the land to go back to. This makes
important irrigation and reclamation
schemes. Lands subject to these
processes are the only lands available
for settlement. Ever since his resi
dence in the west Governor Davis has
been identified with projects of this
He is a go-getter, is Harry Guard
of Jefferson county. Mr. Guard is
more interested in the North Unit
Irrigation project than anything else
on earth. It is said that Mr. Guard
is practically responsible for coaxing
8400,000 appropriation out of the
officials at Washington a few weeks
ago after some of the officials were
dead set against giving help to it.
There have been $65,000 qf bonds of
the North Unit sold within the past
few months and with the ,400,000 ap
propriation soon available, the project
is getting on its feet financially.
Then, too, there is every indication
that $1,500,000 more of the North
Unit bonds will be sold as soon as
the bond market stiffens up, as one
bond concern is all ready to take the
securities when a favorable ODDor-
tunity comes to market them. Mr?
Guard arrived at the Imperial yester
day to attend the Oregon irrigation
"I know a judge, quite a few law
yers and a United States official
back home who get regular consign
ments of liquor over the Canadian
border," stated George H. Wilkinson
at the Multnomah. "The average
American who would not think of
breaking laws, has no hesitancy in
shattering the 18th amendment at
every opportunity. Smuggling licjuor
across the Canadian border" can never
be stopped with the present inade
quate force of customs officials. I
have noticed it near where I live, a
short ways from the border in North
Dakota, where the natural lakes of
northern Minnesota and Dakota help
the officials considerably. But farther
west where there are plenty of' roads
and few officers it Is easy to run
liquor into the United States. I hap
pened to be one oT a committee sent
to investigate smuggling operations
in our state and was surprised at the
chances which smugglers will tak;.
Running the blockade in racing cars
and getting through guards under fire
frequently occurs."
"We want the dairy industry de
veloped in our section," said C. L
Batchlder of Vale at the Imperial.
Mr. Batchelder is the secretary of the
Warm Springs irrigation project. "We
can raise plenty of hay, so to find a
place for it we want dairy cows. The
dairymen can get the hay about one
third cheaper, than it can be ob
tained in the Willamette valley, and
the dairy products will command as
high or a higher price than the Wil
lamette valley dairymen can secure.
Cast year we had 12,000 acres, in crop.
The project consists of 31,500 acres
and we have land available for about
300 more families. We have the best
water supply in eastern Oregon, the
water coming from the Malheur river.
Mr. Batchelder Is another of the Ir
rigation enthusiasts who are in town
to attend the congress which starts
John Burroughs' Nature
More Truth Than Poetry.
By James J. Montague.
Can Yon Answer These duration?
1. What is a shooting star?
2. What makes bulbs grow in peb
bles, without any dirt?
3. Is the red bird's name really the
Kentucky cardinal?
Answers in tomorrow's nature
Answers to Previous Queations:
1. What is the commonest Ameri
can butterfly?
Probably our commonest butterfly
Is the monarch, of milk-weed variety,
orange-rusty In color, with black
veins and black velvet borders. The
monarch's great powers of flight have
sometimes carried it 50 miles from
land. It has 'migrated on ships to
Europe, and also to the islands of the
Pacific, as well as to Australia and
2. Does the beaver work with back
paws as well as fore paws?
The beaver uses his fore paws like
hands and is skillfull In holding or
pushing sticks and logs. He also uses
the fore paws when digging tunnels,
and building his dams of mud and
sticks. The back paws are very im
portant in swimming, as they serve
him for propellers while at his work
which is frequently in the water.
3 How should birds be ted in win
ter? In feeding birds we must consider
what food they naturally eat, and
their style of bill. Sparrows, and any
of the finches, have hard bills for
crushing seed. They like Japanese
hemp, millet, cracked corn, cracked
sunflower seeds and peanuts, and nut
meats. Soft billed birds that live on
insects will eat bits of raisins, figs,
or any other fruit that can be spared
from the table, even if a trifle spoiled.
Suet, pork rind, scraps of fat, meat
and doughnuts all give fat, much
needed in winter.
If Keats had written It with as eye to
subsequent movie production.
I met a lady on the plains
Bonanza Barney's only child
She aimed two bullets at my heart
But both went wild.
I roped her when she hit the trail.
And though she scratched and
fought and cried.
I said. "I sorta reckon now
You'll, be my bride."
I set her on my pacing hoss,
I stopped her shrieks with kisses
Anl struck hot-footed for the church
In old Cheyenne.
And as I whispered of the time
When she would be my lady wife.
She cut the thongs that bound her
She used her knife.
She said: "Me be your lady wife?
Well I guss not. you pie face stiff!"
And then she threw me from the host
And off a cliff.
And that is why I sojourn here.
Alone and palely loitering.
Bonanza's daughter was too rough
For me, by jing!
Bound to Follow.
If they make John D. pay that extra
two or three hundred thousand In
come tax, look out for another boost
In. the price of gas.
We'd Still All be Indiana.
It's a good thing we didn't put up
the bars against aliens before Christo
pher Columbus came over.
Conditions Are Improving.
One man In every 14 owns aji auto
mobile. The other 13 are mostly in
the hospitals.
(Copyright, ll20. by Bell Syndicate. Ibc.
i I
What If Husband Insists? "
PORTLAND. Jan. 6. (To the Edi
tor.) We hear so much about the
married woman worker who does as
she chooses, but tell me what have
you to say about the married woman
who works because the husband de
mands her to do so in order to In
crease the family Income?
I happen to be one of that kind. 1
often wonder if an otherwise per
fectly good husband does not over'
step nis rishts. ' GLAUY&
"Sugar and corn syrup have de
clined in price and the manufacturers
of. candy are giving the public the
benefit, but It will not get anV lower
under present conditions for some
time to come," explained Albert A.
Mendes of Los Angeles, for 15 years
with one of the largest candy making
concerns on the Pacific coast. "Aside
from sugar and corn syrup, all other
ingredients in candy continue to ad
vance or to remain at their present
figure. Labor is high. Candy is
cheaper by a large percent on the
Pacific coast than it is In the east,
due to the fact that more sugar is
obtainable on this coast and at a
lower figure. This was also true all
during the war."
F. R. Brom-n of Heppner is in town
for the irrigation congress. Mr.
Brown is secretary of the proposed
John Day Irrigation project. Condi
tions in Heppner are about the same
as they are elsewhere in central and
eastern Oregon, Mr. Brown admits.
this meaning that things are decided
ly quiet and everyone fs waiting for
market conditions to Improve so that
raw materials will move. Heppner
now has a splendid water service, the
new system having been in operation
for the past two months and is a
constant source of delight to the resi
Charles Ellis, new state senator for
Grant, Harney and Malheur counties,
appeared on the scene yesterday,
ready to go to Salem next Sunday to
be initiated Into the business of law
making. Senator Ellis says he has
a few bills in mind, but that they
have not been prepared in legisla
tive form. He will probably be a
member of the judiciary committee
when President Ritner makes his
committee announcements. There is
some snow in Burns, according to
Senator Ellis, and the 35 miles be
tween Burns and Crane, where the
railroad was taken, was somewhat
tough going for the automobile stage.
"It was warmer at 4 A M. when I
left Arlington than It was in Port
land when I arrived here at noon,"
observed C. C. Clark of Arlington,
former member of the legislature and
president of the John Day irrigation
project. Mr. Clark predicts that unless
something unforeseen occurs, Oregon,
east of the Cascades, will have the
biggest wheat crop this year in his
tory. This is due to the bounteous
rains, which have soaked Into the
ground in a raqst thorough-going
manner. t
Frank Sloanv representative for
Umatilla county, is in the city and
will attend the Irrigation congress
before going, to Salem to take his
seat In the legislature. In due time
heexpects -to father a couple of bills,
the exact nature of which he is not
prepared to disclose at this, time.
John L Pegram, mayor of Port
Angeles, Wash.. Is at the Multnomah.
Mayor Pegram arrived in the city yes
terday, bringing Mrs. Pegram to a
local hospital for treatment.
Politics, Which Caused Tenure Lrgis- I
latlon, No Longer Actuates Board.
PORTLAND, Jan. 6. (To the Ed
itor.) Discussions of the proposed
changes in the teachers' tenure law of
the state'too often lose sight of the
fact that the chief object.of any such
legislation should be not the protec
tion of teachers for the sake of the
teachers themselves, but to secure and
keep an efficient teaching staff in the
The supposed need for legislation
of this kind grew out of the belief
that the Portland schools were run
at the time not in the interests of the
children, but for the political ends of
those in power. Teachers, whether
efficient or Inefficient, were never
sure of their positions, and the schools
suffered accordingly. Instead of cor
recting this situation by taking the
management out of the hands of such
men and placing it (as has now been
done) in the hands of business men
without political designs, the legisla
ture assumed that school boards al
ways will be politicians to whom can
not be entrusted full control over the
schools for which they are responsible
and denied them the power to remove
even the inefficient teacher.
We are, then, in this unique situa
tion: We have a school board which
is earnestly trying to give us an effi
cient school system, but which, be
cause of the sins of its predecessors in
removing efficient teachers, cannot
now remove Inefficient teachers.
The legislature, in passing upon the
proposecj amendment, shduld assume
that the voters will generally place
In charge of their schools men who
will rum them in the public interest,
and, upon that assumption, the law
should be changed so as to place the
power of removing teachers in the
school boards, whose responsibility It
is to see that the teaching force is
adequate and efficient. The restric
tions upon this power, which it is pro
posed to leave in the law, should
prove amply sufficient to protect the
teacher who is needed in the schools
of the state. CHARLES A. HART.
Married Women Not Profiting by Out
side Employment.
PORTLAND. Jan. 6. (To the Edi
tor.) I am glad that letters have
been written against married women
worklnc. Perhaps there may be a
few cases where the husband is not
earning a large salary, but when you
will find one case of that kind you
without doubt will find 30 or 40 where
single women are obliged to support
themselves and fttimes nave otners
dependent on them.
I am obliged to work, but now can
find nothing to do on account of so
many married women being employed.
It looks as though some of us will be
obliged to die off so as to give the
poor married women all of the work
so they may obtain-their luxuries.
If the married women would stay
home and look after things they
would save more money. I know of a
case in Uprtland where the woman
worjeed out for several years; circum
stances came about that obliged her
to stay home for a few weeks, then
she found out that they lived better
and saved more money than when
she was working. Hence she never
went back to work.
Employers could not do a more
charitable deed than to discharge
married women and employ single
ones, tor some or u raaj ue wuibcw
to go begging if something is not
done soon. Portland wouia not io
anything which would be. a better ad-
rtisement thanjto iook out tor tne
needy in the way. of .giving tnem, em
ployment, for there are a very few
who want to live on cnamy.
Speak Up for Self.
By Grace E. Hall.
Speak up for self.' Alas, the world
seeks not
With torch or lantern for the mod
est man.
Who, quite assured of his own gift of
Still waits a place to open in lils'a
When he shall be implored to stem
To fill a niche; but he shall not be
Unless his powers be forced by him
Upon the plans of life, and by at
Into the common purpose of the
The progress and enlightenment of
And if he be of worth in mind and
Some place shall be allotted to him
It is as though each man, with hie
own light
Held out ahead, went searching in
the dark
An eager crowd, w:th every inborn
To lift a torch and shed Its fullest
And he who falters as this crowd
files by
And dims his light or shades It with
his hand,
Shall see his flame ignored, and sadly
That in the line he has no place to
Speak up for self! If you have voice
to call
And claim to real attention, life
shall heed;
But in the deafening turmoil voices
To whispers never heard; while sad
hearts bleed.
And many a gift rusts slowly to de
cay, Because someone has failed to flash
his spark.
For men shall pass unheeding on
their way,
Each one forever groping through
the dark.
In Other Days.
Twenty-Five Years Ago.
Prom The Orejonlan of January 7. MB
Wichita, Kan. There are probably
two counties of Kansas covered al
most entirely by prairie fires. The
counties in which the fires arc raging
are Stafford and Kiowa. People are
Chicago Debs,' in an address In
this city, declared that good times had
left the United States never to return.
He wanted to see the inauguration of
the co-operative commonwealth.
Goneral Freight Agent Campbell ot
the O. R. & N. company's freight de
partment is cleaning up business at
hand preparatory to leaving for the
Collector of Customs Black yester
day examined 14 Chinese who desired
to land in America. Five of the ap
plicants were rejected.
Vote oh Vaccination Amendment.
' SALEM, Or., Jan. 5. (To the Edi
tor.) Please give the total number
of votes for and against the vaccina
tion measure at the last election.
Yes, a.0lS; no,l27,570.
The Collegiate Handicap Comrn Lp,
Wall Street Journal. .
Side by side in a commuters' train
sat a horny-handed son of toil and an
office man five yearSr-Out of college.
Thev encased in conversation. The
H. H. S. of T. turned out to be
nainter bv trade.
"You fellows make pretty good
wages now," remarked the office man
"About $7 a day?"
"Ten," replied the painter laconi
"But it doesn't average that much
does it?" 'persisted the office man.
"Bad weather must hold up outside
"No outside work in New York,'
said the painter. "All brick buildings
We work the year round eight hours
a day, five days a week. Some want
to work a half dayon Saturday to
maHf it a sj pay envelope, im sat
isfied, though. I'm managing to put
my two boys through college. The
educated fellows get the real money
How much do you make?"
The office man hesitated In some
confusion. "Of course, two years in
the service held me back some." he
admitted, "but in any case I doubt
I would be making as much as you
do now."
"Is that so," exclaimed the painter
in great concern. "Maybe I make a
mistake at that with my boys. I
should have learned 'em the trade."
Cost of America's Oysters.
World's Work.
It takes 65,000 laborers to supply
the Americas public with Its custom
ary first course. This force includes
entire families, as well as single men.
The father works on the boats which
gather the oysters by dredging or
tonging. His wife and children work
at canning and prepare them for the
market. .
Fifty Years Ago.
From The Oreironian of January 7. 1871.
i'liilauclptiia -Ihe official returns
of the census of Pennsylvania show
an increase in population in the state
in ten years of 586.38!!.
There are 17 river boats of all
classes plying to Portluud.
San Francisco is buying Ice of
Portland. The last steamer took
away a large load and another cargo
is expected to be shipped soon.
Roosevelt Said to Have Drcrlrd Is of
Money in Mont Monuments.
FOREST GROVE, Or., Jan. 5. (To
the Editor.) We wondier if other clt
Ixcns reflect, as we sometimes reflect,
upon the vast sums of money which
are spent in an endeavor to make the
great and the little immortal,
Theodore Roosevelt wrote a letter
once, which we had the pleasure of
reading, expressing himself vigorous
ly In favor of making memorials use
ful. He was Impressed by the 'tact
that money locked up in stone shafts.
statues and other lifeless commem
orative marks might do twice the
work and even prolong the grateful
memory of mankind If It were applied
to education, to relief of suffering or
even to drinking fountains forhorses.
Perhaps of all memorials, the eques
trian statue Is the worst. We have
heard of a man who has a hobby for
the collection of pictures of equestri
an statues located all over the world
a hideous display, characterized by
monstrous stiffness and absurdity.
But the point we are making Is that
Roosevelt was right in the Idea that
when monuments are beautiful, which
they seldom are, one child safe from
death or disease because of a memo
rial endowment is a much more en
during commemoration of a man or a
woman than all the polisbed granite,
of the world. ,
We have never computed bow many
millions of dollars have gone Into
ugly carvings of stone spheres and
iron eagles and tablets which no one
reads, but we are confident tlfat tbo
dead would rejoice V"u the living
would profit if we -turned the expen
diture into the channels of good sense,
W. J. K. BhiACH.