THE MORNING OREGONIAN. THURSDAY. JANUARY 6, 1921 I NEW GAME BILLS READY FDR SOLDilS Governor's Power to Name Board May Be Restored. CODE WOULD BE ALTERED Commission, It Is Said, Will Ap prove Both Measures at Its "ext Meeting. to federal and , wa- I eral l-KATL RKS OF PROPOSED ;.V.ME LEGISLATION. Multnomah Anglers' club would restore the governors appointive power over state same and fish commission. Discretionary regulation of closed and open seasons, in In dividual districts, requested for commission. Complete re-enactment of state game code, as drafted by the commission, embracing the new provisions: Establishment of closed and open seasons for migratory terfowl to conform Protection of bear during months from March 1 to Octo ber 1. . Opening of trout season one month later, on May 1. with re striction of catch to 3,0 fish, or 20 pounds. All-year' open season for crappies and catfish, with closed season for bass from April 15 to June 15. Catch limited to 30 fish, or 30 pounds. Increase of anglers' or hunt ers' licenses from $1.50 to $3. Feminine devotees of rod and gun to be required to take out licenses. Licensing of guides, with $3. annual feet required. Restoration of the governor's power of appointment In selection of the game commission, whlcn was taken from him at the special session si the legislature for 1920, and various alterations in the game code, drawn for 'the further protection ot Oregon wild life and the preservation of sport, arc features of two proposed measures now in the hands of Stale Game Warden Burghduff for the con sideration ot the commission at its next meeting. It is predicted that each of the two measures will be approved by the commission and laid before the next session of the legislature with '.he stamp of approval. One measure. drawn by the commission itself, 's : complete revision of the game cod sweeping away inconsistencies that arose when the commercial fishing department was .divorced from the game commission. The other is a segregation bill, proposed by the Multnomah 'Anglers' club, througn Paul Karrens, member of the legis lative committee, yielding to the gov ernor all appointive and removal powers over the commission itself. Commission to Approve. Though members of the commission whose terms have not yet expired will voice no expression relative to this bill, it is said that It will receive their favorable consideration and ap proval, providing Governor Olcott will give assurance that the present per sonnel of the board will remain prac tically undisturbed. - lTnder legislative enactment of the last special session, the five members of the present commission hold office from one to four years, with the ten ure of James Driscoll, short-term member, expiring this spring. Other members arc I. N. Kleischner, John Gill, Marion Jack and Earl C. Sim mons. All were elected by the legislature when that body cut the Gordian knot of fish and game con troversy. The measure now proposed by the Multnomah Anglers' club is regarded as an offering toward har mony, in the best interests of wild life and recreational pastimes of the state. Third Measure 1 online Up. A third measure also will go be fore the legislature, and Is generally referred to as the "Price bill." from the fact that It is urged by It. W. Price, ex-president of the Multnomah Anglers' club. This bill is held by those who have investigated it to be a near parallel to the segregation measure proposed by the club's legis lative committee with odds given for the adoption of the latter, owing to its more complete treatment of the problem. The selection of the commission, under restored gubernatorial appoint ment, would give two representatives to game district No. 1, west of the Cascade range: two to game district No. 3, east of the mountains, and one from the state at large. The gov ernor would be further empowered to remove any member of the commis sion "for the good of tbe service." Measnrr Adds to Powers. The proposed segregation measure would also give the commission power to open any closed 3eason, or close any open season, either for game or game fish in any district of the state, or to further restrict bag and creel limits in any district or districts. Discretionary power has long been sought by the commission in these particulars, where it appears that the interests of sport and pro tection could best be served without awaiting tardy legislative action. "For example." said State Warden Burghduff. "there was a dearth of Chinese pheasants in Washington county last fall, while Bob White quail were plentiful. Under such circumstances the commission should be empowered to close the season for the scarcer variety and open it for the more plentiful. Sportsmen are generally agreed on th's. "Another instance wherein this power could be administered bene ficially is Klamath lake angling. There, as everyone knows, the trout are uniformly huge rainbow, weigh ing from five to 20 pounds, with a limit under the present law of 50 fish. The absurdity of permitting any one angler to take such a catch is apparent. In Klamath lake, as in Crater lake, the catch should be re stricted to five such fish." ("ode to Be Complete. The commission's own measure, constituting the complete substitu tion of a new game code, differing ir. but few particulars from the old. war drafted because of the confusion now existing over many references to the "fish and game commission" a non existent body. Rather than amend the code in 60 per cent of its sections, it was held advisable to re-enact a similar code with complete revisions and such amendments as have been held essential. It is the purpose of tho commission, in this new code, to gain undisputed supervision over all things done under tbe protection of hunters and anglers' licenses. The new cods seeks to establish laws relative to migratory water fowl that will conform to the federal law. and orovide co-operation with other states whose game codes have I been redrafted to conform with the federal migratory waterfowl stat utes. The open season for such shooting in district No. 1 is therefore designated as October 1 to January It T'nilar tho. present rod ft IS Octo ber 16 to February 15. except in the j counties of Multnomah, Clatsop, Co lumbia and Tillamook, where it ends December 31. Conflict la Law Void. It should be understood, however, that any conflict of the present state law with the federal is inoperative, owing to the superior authority ot the government. For district No. 2 the season is ameilded in the pro posed code to read from September 16 to December 31. identical with the federal season. The state seasofc which this supersedes is from Octo ber 1 to December 31. "The proposed season for migratory waterfowl," commented State Warden Burghduff, "exactly conforms with the federal regulations and the sea sons in neighboring states, and it should be remembered that the fed eral law is based upon the advent and duration of the wildfowl flight in particular sections." The new code would also give pro tection to bear, a game animal that has hitherto been shot at all seasons, and would define the open season as from October 1 to March 1, affording Madam Bruin the consideration of the law during that time in which she rears her young. --uemoers oi mo commission declare that it would be nothing short of criminal to permit, by continued inattention in the code, the extermination of this important member of Oregon's big game circles. Trout Season to Be Limited. It is also proposed to retard the opening of the trout season, setting the date at May 1 Instead of April 1, as in the present code, and to restrict the catch to 30 fish or 20 pounds. The limit is now 50 fish or 35 pounds. Those who angle for crappies, cat fish and bass heretofore protected by a winter closed season have been granted an open season for the en tire year, with the exception that bass are protected during the spawn ing period, from April 15 to June 15. The catch of these fish is limited to 30 in one day, or 20 pounds. A statute of other years, repealed by the legislature, is sought by tht commission in Its proposal that own ers of dogs shall be personally liable for the misdemeanors of their animals in running deer; that dogs shall not rur at large In the woods during the open season: and that it snail De un lawful to take dogs -into deer country during the open season exceptions being made, of course, with regard tc dogs owned by residents and kept upon the home property. Another proapsed section would make It unlawful to kill game birds from an automobile, thus putting an end to the practice of carrying small rifles in Dleasure cars and the con sequent temptation of "potting" way side grouse, pheasant and quail. Increased license fees will also be asked $3 for each license, hunting or fishing, and $5 for a combination license. Though the commission has favored an increase in the fee, it is not Improbable that it will partially reject this proposal and content itself with increasing the license fee to $2.50 for each license. The present license fee. either for hunting or fish ing permits, is $1.50, or $3 for a combination license. The new code would also make it compulsory for women to take out hunting and angling licenses. In the trapping section the com mission seeks protection for the rac coon as a fur-bearer. Commission Wants All. Under the present law o per cent of all license fees collected in the va rious counties have been held by the county clerks and diverted to county funds. The commission seeks to amend this by requiring that the en tire fee be forwarded, representing from $6000 to $8000 annually, or enougb to establish a new trou' hatchery every year. In the financial section it is also provided that all moneys collected for fines in infrac tions of the game laws be remitted direct from justice court to the state game warden's office, instead of to the state treasurer,, and that the game fund receive the full amount of such fines, instead of the 50 per cent now allowed It by the state. Fines in the commercial division have always been allotted In full to that department, and the game commission is insistent that similar recognition be given the atne department. Another amendment requires that guides shall pay an annual license fee of $3 and shall submit their qual ifications to the state "game commis sion before such authority is issued. Protection of the tourist against un scrupulous guides is the end aimed at. thoush it is also required that all guWes. before they depart with their patrons for the wilds, shall see to it that the sp8rtsmn have procured the proper licenses. It is additionally re quired that guides shall be citizens of the United States. The proposed legislation, botlf the segregation bill of the Multnomah Anglers' club and the new game code, will be discussed by the commission at its next session. Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, and will probably go be fore tho legislature with but minor revisions. AUDITORIUM FACES LI GHTIG CHANGES Interior Will Be Converted for Many Big Events. PLANS INVOLVE 10 DAYS Transitions Are From Theater to Dance Pavilion, to Automobile Show, Dance Hall, Theater. Lightning changes which will con vert the municipal auditorium over night from a modern theater to a mammoth dance pavilion, and from a dance pavilion to an exposition build ing, and from that back to a dance hall, and back to a theater, will be made during the next 10 days. Plans for the most extensive list of big changes ever attempted in the build ing were outlined yesterday by Hal M. White, manager of the auditorium. The building will be used tonight as a theater, a musical attraction under the direction of the Ellison & White Lyceum bureau being sched uled. Friday all the seats on the main floor will be removed, the port able hardwood floor installed and the building converted into a bower of floral and other artistic decora tions for the Elks' annual dance Sat urday night. Antomoblle Show Hit Event. Sunday the entire portable floor will be specially braced, 50,000 feet of lumber being used, and the autor mobile show will be assembled with a general decorating scheme repre senting the expenditure of several thousand dollars. This show will oc cupy the entire building on all floors and will run until Saturday night of next week. The automobile show will be moved out the following day, Sunday, and the building will be converted once more into a dance pavilion, with spe cial decorations for a big to be given by the Community Service, followed the next Tuesday night by the annual labor dance. More change in decorations will be made for a dance Wednesday night by the Order of the Eastern Star. Shrincrs' Dance Comes Next. On Thursday night the Shrincrs' annual dance will be held, with an entirely new and elaborate scheme of decoration. Following this dance the portable hardwood floor will be re moved and the seats replaced ready for an elaborate Shriner ceremonial Friday and Saturday nights. The re hearsal of the ceremonial will take place Friday nighx and it will be staged Saturday night. Further change will be required in preparation for the eecond symphony concert, Sunday afternoon, and the annual concert of the Helvidia Sing ing society Sunday night. Other attractions will occupy the building from then until tho anneal season of grand opera in the middle of February. The auditorium has seen many lightning changes of a big order, says Manager White, but the coming 10 days will break all records. The city, he explained, will realize a rent al during this time of approximately $3000. This Advertisement Appears Ttiis Week in TBE SATURDAY EVENING POST DIRECTORS ARE ELECTED Coal Company Reports Shipments Begun but Suspended. CENTRAL! A, Wash., Jan. 5. (Spe cial.) At a meeting held yesterday in Tacoma by the stockholders of the Tilton River Bituminous Coal com pany, which recently opened a new mine at Lindberg, in eastern Lewis county, the following directors were elected for the coming year: W. H. Hackett. W. J. Glover, W. W. Canon, H. L. Bras, George Brooke, W. B. Kelr and Harry Swartwood, all resi dents of this city, with the exception of Mr. Brooke. The report of Secretary Canon showed the company to be In excellent financial condition. Mr. Brooke, mine superintendent, reported that the com pany had begun shipping coal, but that shipments had been suspended temporarily owing to a bridge waslt out in the past week. 1066 REGISTER IN DAY Total at Corvallis This Year to Be 3 723, Which Is Record. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, Jan. 5. (Special.) Registration figures at the end of the first day place the total completed at 1066. Many other students were on the campus, but had not paid their fees. Others were delayed on ac count of weather conditions. This brings the total number of long course students for the year up to 3136 .while a record of 3723 is reached when the short course stu dents are included. Credentials from high schools have been filed by 137 new prospective long course students this term. Of these 39 had completed their registration up to Monday night. FOREST SALES NET $2330 Cascade Reserve Supplies Cord wood. Hop Trellises and Piling. EUGENE, Or., Jan. 5. (Special.) A report on timber sales within the Cascade national forest during the six months from July 1 to December 31, 1920, shows that $2330 was re ceived by the federal government from the timber. . The report of the supervisor. N. F. Macduff, shows 19 sales totaling 649, 000 feet, board measure. The material sold consisted of cordwood. hop trellis poles and pil ing, one order alone being for 3013 of the hop trellis poles, each 20 feet long- New Depots Promised. PROSSER. Wash., Jan. 5. (Special.) The officials of the Northern Pa cific Railway company have inti mated that Prosser and Wapato will be given the first new depots erected In the valley on, account of the amount of tonnage shipped and passenger business done over the lines. They anticipate that this will take place within the next few months. Every large city has one newspaper which, by universal consent. Is the Want-Ad medium of the community. In Portland it's The Oregonian. OFFICERS OF FAIR NAMED Oregon Inter-State Association Plans for Record Event. PRINEVILLE, Or., Jan. 5. (Spe cial.) The Oregon Interstate Fair association held its annual meeting January 3, at which time the officers and directors for the ensuing year were elected. The directors are M. R. Biggs, Ralph Breese. C. C. Berkeley, George Russell and Ed Slayton; offi cers, president. M. R. Biggs; first ice-president, C. C. Berkeley; second vice-president, Ed Slayton; third vice president, George Russell; secretary treasurer. John B. Shipp. The mild winter and ' the heavy rainfall give every indication of bumper crops next fall and In view of these conditions the new officers are promising the biggest and best fair in October ever held in this sec tion. Plans already are under way. Hew Kelso Officers Seated. KELSO, Wasn., Jan. 5. (Special.) E. J. McLane became mayor of Kelso Tuesday night, succeeding George F. Plamondon, who has been mayor for the past two years. New members of the council seated were: E. A. Knight, R. L. McFarland. Fred McKenney, Oliver Knoles and S. L. Roberts. The retiring councilmen were C. E. Crothers, George A. Po laffa. E. M. Hubbard, C. E. Peters and J W. Crouch. E. E. Brown and C. R. Abbott are hold-over members of the council. M. J. Lord, clerk, and C. G Bashor, treasurer, were re-elected. Xew Citizens in Cowlitz County. KELSO. Wash., Jan. 5. (Special.) Final citizenship papers were is sued to six residents of Cowllts county following hearings in natur alization court at Kalama today. The r.ew citizens and the land of their nativity are: Carl Peterson, Sweden, Kelso; William Antilla, Finland, Mount Solo; Adolph Klutt, Russia, Castle Rock; Arthur F. Newton, Ire land: Ole Nelson, Sweden, and James Dudley, Ireland, all of Kalama. Commercial Body to Klect. CENTRALIA. Wash.. Jan. 5. (Spe cial.) The annual meeting of tho Centralia Chamber of Commerce will be held tomorrow night, when a presi dent, vice-president and nine directors will be elected and plans outlined for the coming year's work. L. A. Walter 's the retiring president. The cham ber has just completed one of the most successful years in its history, and prospects are bright for 1921. Over the tcrtuoMj tmiii nf t V Andes, the Lyon 6? Het&y Moustom Pmns foes by miJe-pJ--fc into olnuuc inoccsa siife returns. The first merchant ship direct from New y'ark for Iceland. theS.S. Gsll foss (torpedoed in the North Sea during tiie uht ) carnal Lyon 9 Heaty Pianos and Organs. Manyathctcht&hutin thePhilippirxs treasures a Lyon 9 Hotly Piana often borne there on the shoulder of sturdy carriers Jin 4. Venice, as m all the rreat cities of Europe, the Lyon & Heaty Harp is recognized as the perfect instrument. Carrying "Everything Known in Music? Around the World By mule-train through the mountain defiles of the Andes, by human carrier in the Philippines, o'er land and tea by almost every known means of transportation, Lyon 6? Healy Musical Instruments go into well-nigh every region. , Side by side in the factory, you may see shipments con signed to Lisbon and to Singapore, to Cape Town and to Hekingfors. For under varying climatic conditions, through extremes of temperature and of humidity, our instruments keep their tone sweet and clear. The thoroughness and sin cerity that characterise all the productions of this house, the painstaking regard for every detail, give a sturdinesa to these instruments as uncommon as the beauty of their tone. Wherever there is appreciation, of good music, there Lyon Healy quality is known. The same superiority that has made the Lyon 6? Healy Harp the choice of the great symphony orchestras of all the capitals of Europe has won for our Pianos, Band and Stringed Instruments the regardjof all the world. From Mexico City to Soera baya, Java, from Reykjavik in Iceland to Punta Arenas at the southernmost point of South America, our representatives everywhere make the best in music accessible. FOUNDED 186 CHICAGO More than 40,ocmuric merchants sell ourInstruments LYON & HEALY Musical Instruments Your Own Music Mterchant Will Be Glad To Show You Lyon & Healy Musical Instruments FUTURE OP TO STUDENTS COLLEGE MEN ARE AMERICA'S HOPE, SAYS MR. DOXET. Youth Is Advised to Prove All Things and Hold Fast That Which Is Good. OREGON AGRICULTURAL, COL LEGE, Corvallis, Jan. 5. (Special.) "What the college student of today needs is a judicial mind," said Dr. Carl S. Doney "of Salem, president of Willamette university, who spoke at the first convention assembly of the term today. "Upon college people rests the future of America, and it is for them to choose new things worth while and adopt them, and discard old customs when they are no longer applicable to modern conditions." "Many things, though not alto gether good, are necessary, such as TOWERS In wer earner you can holdfast fr -V Iff IS-kW f If you wear. Fish Brand Slicker AJ.TOWER COMPANY marriage and government," said Dr. Doney. He spoke before an auditorium packed with newly-returned students, faculty and townspeople. O. T. Wede mcyer, baritone of Portland, enter tained with several songs, among them "A Khaki Lad,"- "The Lad," and "The Blind Ploughman." President Kerr of the college wel comed the new students. He said that more than 300 had- registered this week for the first time. Figures given out at the close of the second day's registration place the total at 2594 completed registrations of long course students. This brings the total of long-course students for the year up to 3346. Club Members Get Fines. CENTRALIA, Wash., Jan. 5. (Spe cial.) Miss Z. May Meighen. county superintendent of schools, has for warded to F. L. Audrain, state club pupils who earned achievement pins AFRAID TO EAT MEALS j "Pape's Diapepsin' ' is the test Antacid and Stomach Regulator known When your meals don't fit and you feel uncomfortable, when you belch gases, acids or raise sour, undigested food. When you feel lumps of indi gestion pain, hearftiurn or headache from acidity. Just eat a tablet of harmless and reliable Pape's Diapep sin and the stomach distress is gone. Millions of people know the magic of Pape's Diapepsin as an antacid. They know that most indigestion and disordered stomach are from acidity. The relief comes quickly, no disap pointment! Pape's Diapepsin helps regulate your stomach so you can ! eat favorite foods without fear and j a box of these world-famous stom- ach tablets cost so little at drug I stores. Adv. in 1920. The awards were based on profits made by the children from the various projects in which they were enrolled. Centralia pupils to receive pins were Mildred Allen, Mildred Raymond and William Wyley. The first two named were members of garden clubs. William Wyley was a member of a pig club. provided for in the soldiers' bonus act. The bonds will be in denomina tions of $100 and multiples, and will bear not less than 6 per cent interest. Bond Rids Authorized. OLTMPIA, Wash., Jan. 5. (Spe cial.) The state board of finance to day authorized a call for bids to be opened January 29, on a $5,000,000 block ot bonds of the $11,000,000 issue Get Well FT it indeed hard to stand at one side while the stream of life flows by. A man or woman condemned to sickness that doe not permit him or her to per form the active duties of life, to do his or her share of the world's work, ia a pathetic figure deserving of sympathy. Much sickness, pain snd misery result from disordered kidneys and blad der. Failure of the kidneyt to do their work properly and filter impuritiea out of the blood lead! to rheumatic pains, backache. ore muscles, tiff or iwollen ioiau, puffineM under eyes, float in! ipecka, biliouaneai. bladder weakneaa. nerv ouincai. or other aymptoma ol kidney trouble. sreenectivein removing idc isnss w for they atrenfbthen and invigorate weak or deranged kidneyt and help them to normal functioning to that the blood stream it purified and the cause of disease removed. F. M. Platte (Brakem an), Sec'y. Switchman'l Union. 518 Blaine St., Peoria, III., writes: Two bottlet of Foley Kidney Pills relieved all symp toms ol my kidney and bladder trouble, stpppint the backache and paint, correctint the kidney sction clearinc secretions. I am also free from dizziness and floating specks before Jny eyes. Foley Kidney rilis oireoiw saw wst heartiest Red Pepper Stops Rheumatic Pains Rub It on Sore, Stiff Joints and Muscles, and Rheumatisn?, Lum bago and Pain Vanish Try It and See! Red Pepper Rub takes the "ouch" from sore, stiff, aching Joints. It can not hurt you, and it certainly ends that old rheumatism torture at once. When you are suffering so you can hardly get around, just try "Red Pep per Rub," and you will have the quickest relief known. Xothlng has such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppers. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you will feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Pain and soreness aro gone. Ask any druggist for a Jar ol Rowles Red Pepper Rub. It costa but little. Adv. kill That Cold With FOR Colds, Coughs CASCARA jyf QUININE AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves -Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head Cascara is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT t