Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 05, 1921, Page 18, Image 18

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Governor of Idaho Is Backed
by Legislature.
Lawmakers TJnanimously Adopt
Resolution Asking Appointment
as Secretary of Interior.
BOISE. Idaho, Jan. . (Special.)
The Idaho lejcislature in Joint session
this afternoon unanimously inaorsea
Governor Davis lor appointment as
secretary of the interior. The joint
action came Immediately after Gov
ernor Davis read his message. Conies
of the resolution adopted were or
dered dispatched forthwith to President-elect
Hardine and to all mem
bers of the senate and house of the
present congress.
Senator Whitcomb. president pro
tern, of the senate, introduced the
resolution and urged its immediate
adoptioa. Senator Van Hoesen,
minority ftader in the senate and one
of the prominent democrats attend
ing the present session of the legis
lature, was immediately upon his feet
and in a strong address urged tne
legislature unanimously to indorse
the proposal. He declared that be
cause of the efficient business ad
ministration the state of Idaho has
had under Governor Davis this state
has become the mecca for chief execu
tives of other states who wish to
study modern forms of state govern
ment. The joint assembly then adopt
ed the resolution of indorsement.
The house held but a 15-minute ses
sion, transacting only routine business.
Senator Witty of Bannock county Is
author of the first bill introduced at
the 16th session of the senate. It
proposes to relieve the farmers from
payment of 1920 taxes until after they
are able to move their crops, most of
which are held on the farms awaiting
better prices and lower freight rates.
The bill provides that the payment of
1920 taxes on real and personal prop
erty be extended until the fourth
Monday In May, 1921. The bill car
ries an emergency clause making it
operative immediately upon passage
and approval by the governor.
fnight, says a telegram received here
from the governor of Pontevedra.
Fifty-three persons were saved, but
many of them were injured.
Captain Munix Ricueldl. captain of
the vessel, was severely hurt and it
is not expected he will recover. .Many
bodies have been washed ashore and
in several case wbole families wre
drowned. Among the saved was an
infant 3-year-old whose parents are
believed to be dead.
Latest dispatches from Cadiz state
the vessel was driven on the rocks
during a tremendous storm and the
large number of deaths 1s attributed
to the fact that the passengers had
been confined to their cabins '.because
of the violence of the tempest, many
of them being asleep.
The majority of those rescued from
the steamer were unable to speak on
being landed, owing to their fright
ful experiences during the hours of
clinging to the wreckage in the ter
rific storm and cold.
Meager details indicate that the dis
aster occurred at 1:45 o'clock Sunday
morning, when virtually veryone on
board was In bed.
Gain in Foreign Trade Is Big
Boon to City.
Exports From United States for
1920 Show Gain of Over 100
Million Dollars.
Constructive Programme of F.
Bncbtel, Retiring Head,
Will Continue.
SALEM, Or.. Jan. 4. (Special.)
Reorganization of the Oregon public
service commission was perfected
here today through the election of
Fred A. Williams as chairman of the
body. W. P. Ellis was re-elected sec
retary. Other members of the com
mission are Frea G. Buchtel, retiring
chairman of the commission, and H.
H. Corey.
"The commission under the steward
ship of Chairman Buchtel initiated a
Assailant C. 0. McXeely, Brick
layer; Clash Reported Sequel
of Old Controversy.
BEND, Or.. Jan. 4. (Special.) C. C.
McNeely, a bricklayer, stabbed and
dangerously wounded A. L Reynolds,
a rancher, following a quarrel at a
poolroom In Bend shortly before 7
o'clock tonight. McNeely then walked
to the street and gave himself up to
the first policeman he met. Reynolds
was taken to a hospital, where it is
reported he has a chance to' live.
According to witnesses, the two men
were in a heated argument, and a few
minutes later Reynolds pulled off his
overcoat and struck an open-handed
blow at McNeely. The latter pulled
a knife from his pocket and plunged
it to the hilt into Reynolds' body,
the point passing between two lower
ribs on the left side ana penetrating
the lower lobe of the left lung.
The two men had trouble over a
business deal two years ago and Mc
Neely, it is said, threatened to whip
Reynolds at the first opportunity.
Fred A. Williams, who (van
clerted chairman or the Ore
gron public Mcrvlce com ml mm Ion
to succeed Fred G. Buchtel
Interstate Commerce Body Permits
Portland to Intervene.
SALEM Or.. Jan. 4. (Special.) A
telegram was received here today
from the interstate commerce com
mission giving authority to the city
of Portland to intervene in the near
ing with relation to the Northern Pa
cific terminal. The controversy la
the outcome of action on the part of
i he Northern Pacific Terminal com
pany to oust from the Joint use of the
terminal facilities the wreat Northern
and Spokane, Portland & Seattle
The hearing, which will be held. in
Portland will be attended by mem
bers of the interstate commerce com
mission. Oregon public service com
mission, representatives of the city
of Portland, and individuals who are
interested in improved terminal fa
cilities for the state.
The telegram from the Interstate
commerce commission was received
by the Oregon public service commission.
mi Drainage Association to Meet
in Portland.
SatiKM, Or.. Jan. 4. (Special.)
Members of the State Drainage as
sociation will hold a conference in
Portland January 6, when various
matters relating to the reclamation
of Oregon lands will be discussed. The
association also will consider pro
loosed amendments to the present
saute laws as they affect irrigation
and drainage problems.
Percy A. Cupper, state engineer,
will give an address In which he will
review the drainage and Irrigation
operations in Oregon. A banquet will
be a feature of the closing hours of
Uia conference.
Mrs. John Hughes, resident of Ore
Cm since 1846, member of the Pio
neer association of Oregon and a rela
tive of a number of prominent fami
lies of the state, died yesterday morn
ing at 9:20 o'clock at the residence of
her daughter, Mrs. D. B. Mackie, 2S6
Poplar street.
With the exception of the last 9
or 10 years she had lived in or near
Salem, Or., since coming to this state.
Funeral services will be held at Kin
ley's chapel tomorrow morning at 9
o'clock, and she will be burled in the
family plot in the Oddfellows' ceme
tery at Salem.
53 ia ved , Ma n y 1 n j u red , V hen
Spanish Steamer Goes Down.
MADRID, Jan. A. Two hundred and
fourteen persons lost their lives when
the Spanish steamer Santa Isabel was
wrecked near VUUffarcia tiaiuruav
constructive programme to meet the
exigencies of a trying period." said
Mr. Williams. "The inter-dependence
of industries of every class with the
people of the state is of such vital
importance that the disturbance of
this relation in any marked degree
will be highly reactionary. The sit
uation at this time is rather critical
from the standpoint of manufacture
and production.
"The work of the commission Is
daily increasing In volume and im
portance. In tli past we have been
somewhat handicapped by lack of
sufficient help, but in the future I
trust we will have available such a
staff as will expedite the work of the
department at minimum expense.
"It will be my purpose to continue
the policy of advancing and safe
guarding every interest of the state
at large. Th Columbia river rate
case is now History and we are
the" midst of prepara-tion for the
Northern Pacific terminal hearing in
Portland, other equally as import
ant cases also are pending before
the commission.
"It la my desire to be able to point
at the conclusion ' of my term to a
record of just, equitable and impartial
Independents Elect Speaker of
Xorth Dakota Legislature,
'BISMARCK. N. D.. Jan. . Inde
pendent forces won the first test of
strength over the Xon-Partisan league
faction in the house of the North
Dakota legislature, which convened
today, having a majority In electing
officer. Representative Twichell of
Fafgo was elected speaker, 5S to 53.
C. L. Dawson of Beach was named
chief clerk.
In the senate members affiliated
with the Non-Partisan league won
out. electing William Prater of Bis
marck as secretary of the senate, 25
to 24. Several rollcalls on other ques
tions resulted in a similar vote. Gov
ernor Frazier will deliver his annual
message to the legislature at 2 P. M.
tomorrow, the governor informed a
joint committee wnicn canea upon
him this afternoon.
Monthly Wage With 48-Hour Max
imum in Week Declared Factor.
SALEM. Or., Jan. 4. (Special.)
Overtime pay for women employed
in Oregon industries should be com
puted in proportion to their monthly
wage based on a maximum oi
hours in any one week, according to
a legal opinion given here today by
I. H. Van Winkle, attorney-general.
The opinion was asked by Mrs.
Millie R. Trumbull, secretary' of the
state industrial welfare commission.
Wife Declared Burden.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Jan. 4. (Spe
cial.) T. J. Brock and Laura bthel
Brock were married in San Francisco
February 2, 1921'. Now Mr. Brock has
started suit for divorce, alleging that
she has made lire a burden to him by
her actions. She obtained employ
ment in a soft drink parlor in San
Francisco several months after their
marriage, he alleges, and while there
became intoxicated and disorderly, so
that he was compelled to take her
Vancouver to Open Street.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Jan. 4. (Spe
cial.) Washington street from Thir
teenth to Twenty-first . street is to
be opened and W. C. Bates, city at
torney, has started condemnation pro
ceedings against the property own
era. The city council several weeks
ago ordered the street to be openad
and the papers now filed are the first
steps in doing this.
Portland's gain of SO per cent in
foreign commerce for the year 1920
over the previous year places- this
port among the highest in the coun
try for percentage of increase, ac
cording to a statement issued by the
National City bank of New York. The
increase in foreien commerce for the
entire United States for the calendar
year ending December 31, is calcu
lated at 8 per cent, based on an esti
mate of J13,OOO.OUO,ffuO of foreign com
merce for 1920 as against $12,000,000,
000 for 1919.
According to the estimate of the
National City bank, which was made
during December,, exports from the
United States for the year were about
8. 000. 000. 000 as against 7. 920,000,-
000 in 1919. and I2,365,00,000 ill the
year preceeding the war, while Im
ports for the vear are estimated at
more than $6,000,000,000, as against
$3,904,000,000 in 1919, and $1,894,000,-
000 in the fiscal year 1914.
Import Increaae Shown.
These increases occur, on the im
port side, in ail of the three great
groups, "raw materials tor manuiac
turing," "foodstuffs" and "manufac
tures." The demand in the first half
of the year 1920 for raw materials
abroad was very large, and the prices
were very high. The value of raw
material imported for use in manu
facturing will be apparently about
$1,750,000,000, an increaae of about
$250,000,000 over the preceding year.
Crude foodstuffs show no material in
crease, but in the foodstuffs "partly
wholly manufactured," which in
cludes the item of sugar, the total is
more than double in value that of
1919. Finished manufactures will
show a big advance, standing for the
ten months ending with October at
$757,000,000 against $368,000,000 in the
same months of the preceding year.
On the export side, the striking
characteristics are a big nam in the
exports of manufactures, a material
ncrease In the value of raw material,
an increase in wheat ana otner grama
but a big fall off in meatf and dairy
products. Finished manufactures ex
ported will show a total of over three
billion dollars as against about two
and a half billions in the preceding
year, and the grand total of manu
factures of all kinds. Including the
group "manufactures tor turtner use
in manufacturing," will be over four
billions. Raw material for manu
facturing which consists chiefly of
cotton, will apparently exceed 1918
by about $300,000,000, and crude food
stuffs, -which means wheat, rice and
corn, other articles of this character,
will show an increase of $250,000,000.
while foodstuffs "partly or wholly
manufactured" show a big fall off
and the total for the year will ap
parently be only a little over one bil
lion dollars against $1,963,000,000 in
1919 which was by far the highest
record of exports of this class of
foodstuffs. This startling decline in
exports of meat and dairy products is
illustrated by the fact that bacon ex
ports in the ten months ending with
October were only 510,000,000 pounds
against 1.066.000,000 in the same
months of the preceding year; and in
other articles a similar decline.
Growth Is World-Wide.
The growth in our trade occurs.
adds the bank's statement, in prac
tically all parts of the world. True
there is a slight decline in exports to
Europe, but a big increase in the
imports from that continent. ine
value of imports from Europe in the
ten months ending with October was
$1,078,000,000 against d43,uvu,uuu in
the corresponding months of. 1919.
The exports to Europe in the ten
months were $3,721,000,000 against
$4,264,000,000 In the same months of
last year, this decline occurring ap
parently in meat aj) dairy products,
the total exports M meats, most of
which normally gcrto Europe, having
shown a fall of over $500,000,000 in
the nine months ending with Septem
ber, though in her other great re
quirement manufacturing material
the export figures show an increase
at over $400,000,000 and nearly all of
this increase consisted of material
destined for Europe. With the other
grand divisions, the trade shows pros
perity. To our neiglrbors in North
America our exports for the ten
months of 1920 are $1,598,000,000 as
against $973,000,000 in the same
months of the preceding year, and
our Imports from them $1,472,000,000
against $9 3.0000,000 in the same
months of last year. This increase
In our imports from our North
American neighbors occurs very
largely in sugar at a very high price,
and the increase In our exports occurs
chiefly in manufactures of all kinds.
From South America we increased our
Imports about 1 135.000,000. while our
exports to that continent also in
creased about $120,000,000. From
Asia we increased our importations
over $300,000,000 and increased our
sales to the Asiatic countries as a
whole to the extent of about $100,
000,000. The conditions In Japan in
the second half of the year have
somewhat reduced our exports to thai
section of the orient, though to all
the other oriental countries there is a
marked increase down to the very
latest date, and this is true also with
reference to Oceania and Africa to
which there has been a large in
crease In our sales and the corres
ponding advance in our purchases
High Wind Makes Moving of Big
Craft Hazardous.
The movement yesterday afternoon
of a section of the new 15.000-ton dry
dock of the dock commission from
the Cornfoot & Mcintosh plant to a
safer mooring ground at the Penin
sula mill almost resulted disastrously
for the drydock pontoon. The task
was finally accomplished success
fully, but not until three towboats
had exerted all their power to hold
the tow against the high wind blow
ing across the river from the south
east. The pontoon, floating almost
upon the surface of the water and
with ii.- 'ligh sides towering above
the smokestacks of the steamers,
caught all the wind that was blow
ing. Two more drydock pontoons are
scheduled to move from the plant
where they were built to the Penin
sula mill today, but the movement
will be deferred unless the weather
Realizing that the open front of
the Cornfoot & Mcintosh plant was
an unsafe place to keep these pon
toons moored in case a high wind
should come up, the dock commission
sought permission of the shipping
board to moor them at the supply and
sales division concentration ware
house at St. Johns, but this permis
sion was denied by Washington. A
safe berth finally was found inside
the ballast dock at the Peninsula
Far, Accrued Interest and Pre
mium of -$57.50 Paid for Block
Approximating $113,000.
Freeman, Smith & Camp company.
Portland and San Francisco, were the
only dealers bidding- on the City of
Portland per cent improvement
day with cargo from the orient and will
load out for New York.
Fire Chief Carlisle is demandlnc that the
city council supply a fire boat for protec
tion of harbor shipping.
Captain F. II. Parfcer has been elected
president of the Canadian Merchant Serv
ice guild, an association comprising cap
tains and mates in Canadian Pacific
waters. The association added 117 names
to the membership roil during he yoar.
Integrates will be sent to Ottawa to press
for farther a Ms to navigation on the coast,
and to ask for amendments to the Canadian
shipping act.
The Canadian Inventor sailed Tuesday
for India, taking nearly 4,000.000 feet of
creosoted ties for Calcutta. She inaugu
rates the Canadian government service be
tween Canada- and India.
PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., Jan. 4.
(Special.) The schjfioner Snow and Bur
gess, which arrived here last April with
her hack broken and which has been -at
bonds offered for sale yesterday hy j chdr ever since is soon to be dismantle
S r Pir pnmmisRioPPr of finance. . " rK' "" w
' ' " I "y lo captain Ksmus!n, or san rnn-
ine city onerea appruxiina.Ltrij uiio,-: Cisco, who intend
000 issue for sale and with the ex-
Movements of Vessels.
SAN" PEDRO, Cal.. Jan. 4 (Special.)
Arrived at 7 A. M.. Admiral Evans, from
San Diego; at 4 P. M., Queen, from Puget
sound; at 8 A. M Nehalem. from Corinto:
M.. Willie A. Higgir.s, from Grays
at 7 A. M.. Katherine. from San
Departed at 10 A. M., Admiral Evans,
for San Francisco: at 6 P. M,, Mayfair. for
Eureka; at 5 P. M., Nehalem, for San
Francisco; at 6 P. M.. Carmel, for Willapa;
at 5 P. M., Martha Buehner, for Coos Buy.
t8 A.
ception of a $518 bond, Freeman,
mith & Campompany took the en
tire block.
This is the largest single block of
improvement bonds sold to a bond
concern in many months. The com
pany paid par,' accrued interest and
a premium of $57.50, which was con
sidered a good price by Commissioner
Pier owing to conditions in the mar
ket at present. Mrs. Emma K. Lam
mer offered the only other outside
bid. and this was for $1000 of a $3000
block of atiother issue. She paid a
premium of $2.50.
The bonds were held by the city
in its sinking fund, but as other is
sues are tocome along In the im
mediate future upon which the city
expects to ask for bids, it was thought
advisable to advertise the block held
and sell the bonds.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 4. Arrived
Stanley Dollar, from New York; Curacao,
from Portland; Talaralite, from Vancou
ver; Admiral Watson, from Seattle; Maul,
from Honolulu. Sailed Governor, for Vic
toria; Tahiti, for Sydney; Alaska, for
SHANGHAI, Jan. -.Arrived Empress
of Asia, from Vancouver.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 4. Arrived
Admiral Dewey, from San Diego via San
Francisco; Mexican, from New York via
San Pedro; Horace X. Baxter, from San
Francisco; Libby Maine, San Pedro via
San Francisco.
Departed City of Seattle, for southeafrt
ern Alaska; Admiral Schley, for San Diego;
via San Francisco; Suwa Mam. for Hong
kong via Yokohama and Shanghai; Love
joy. San Pedro for Yosemite vfa San Fran
cisco. TACOMA. Wash.. Jan. 4 Arrived Santa
Alicia, from San Francisco; Chllliwack.
from Surf Inlet, B. C.; Admiral Dewey,
from San Francisco.
Port Calendar.
Marine Aofes.
The steamer Tiverton, of the Charles
Nelson line, weathered the gale at the
mouth of -the Columbia river yesterday aft
ernoon and crossed in while the wind was
at its height. She left up for Portland at
2:'M P. M. to discharge general freight
from San Francisco at Alters dock Xo. 3.
The Admiral line steamer Pawlet will
shift from Westport to St. Helens today
to continue loading Itrmber for the orient.
The American-Hawaiian line Fteamer
Sudbury dropped down to Prescott last
night to load lumber for the Atlantic coast.
She took a shipment of flour yesterday
from the Portland flouring mills. ,
The oil tanker William F. Herrin arrived
at 6 o'clock last night from San Francisco
and was the only vessel arriving or depart
ing during the day.
M. J. Wright, formerly general freight
agent for the Admiral line at Seattle, has
been appointed freight traffic manager
for the line in place of Roger D. Pineo. it
was announced yesterday by A. F. Haines,
vice-president and general manager of the
Pacific Steamship company, who was a
visitor in the city. Mr. Wright has just
returned from an extensive stay in the
orient, during the course of which he oc
cupied the positions of general agent at
Manila and Shanghai. He has recently as
sumed his new dutics'-at Seattle. Mr.
Pineo resigned from the company to be
come general traffic manager for the port
of Astoria,
Report From Month of Colombia.
NORTH HEAD; Jan. V Condition
the sea at 5 P. M., rough; wind, south,
Mother' Jons Goes to Mexico.
CHARLESTON'. W. Va., Jan. 4.
Fred Mooney, secretary of District 17,
United Mine Workers of America, left
today for Mexico City to attend thie
Pan-American labor conference next
week. Mr. Mooney was accompanied
by ''Mother" Jones.
PORTLAND, Jan. 4. Maximum temper
ature 57 degrees; minimum. 40 degrees.
River reading, 8 A. M.. 17.9 feet: change
in last 24 hours, 0.2 foot rise. Total rainfall
(." P. M. to 5 P. M.). 1.03 inches; total rain
fall since September 1. Ift-iO. 24.80 inches;
normal rainfall since September 1. 20.32
inches: excess of rainfall since September
1. 1!20. 4.48 inches. Sunrise. 7:53 A. M. ;
sunset. 4:39 P. M. Total sunshine Janu
ary 4, none; possible sunshine. 8 hours 46
minutes. Moonrlse Wednesday. 4:44 A. M. ;
moonset Wednesday. 3e21 P. M. Barome
ter (reduced to sea level at 5 P. M.. 29.33
inches. Relative humidity at o A. St., 4
per cent: at noon, 90 per cent; at 5 P. M
80 per cent.
K S Wind
r mJ
I s. -4 o
3 S T Z
c 2?
B 3 5 S. 2.
I f "f f F
!!!' !ji
To Arrive at Portland.
Str. Efftngham. .. .
Str. El Semi n do
Str. Daisy
Str. Alaska
Str. Orient City
Str. West Kader. . .
Str. Yalxa
Str. Steel Inventor.
Hr. Anyo .
From Due,
Seattle Jan. 5
San Pedro. .. .Jan. t
San Pedro Ian. 7
San Fran Jan. 7
U. K Jan. 7
Honolulu ....Jan. 9
Philadelphia. Jan. 12
N. Y. sc S. F..Jan. 12
San Fran Jan. 13
Str. Kelbergen Hampt. Rda. .Jan. 15
Str. Dewey Galveston . . . .Jan. 15
Str. West Nlvaria North China.. .Jan. IS
Str. Pomona Europe A S. F.Jan 20
Str Tokuyo Maru .... Orient Jan. 22
Rrr Ohioan N." Y. ft s. F.Jan. 24
Str Eeradvk London Jan 23
Str. West tsleta Phila. Jan. 25
' To Depart From Portland.
Vessel For Date.
Str. Rose City -San Fran Jan. &
Str. Willamette 8. F. 4 L A.Jan. 6
Str. Celi!o -S. Ft & L. A. Jan.
Str. E. H. Meyer San Fran Jan. 6
Str. Multnomah S. F. st L. A.Jao. '
Vessels In Port.
Vesssl-v . Berth.
Str. I'elilo St Helena. -
Str. Coaxet Drydock.
M S Culburra Inman-Poulsen mill.
M.S. Coolcha Peninsula mill.
Str E. H. Meyer St. Helens.
Bkt. Hawaii Inman-Poulsen mill.
Str. J. B. Stetson Mult. Lbr. or Box Co.
Sch. John W. Wells. . .Peninsula mllL
Ptr. Multnomah St. Helens
Str. Pawlet Westport.
Str. Ross City Ainsworth dock.
Str. Steel Voyager Terminal No. 4.
Str. Sudbury Prescott.
Str. Tiverton Albers dock No. 8.
Str. West Keats. . . Termina. o. 1.
Str. West Nomentum- Clark-Wilson mill.
Str. Willamette Clark-Wilson mJK.
ttr. Wru. F. Herrin. .Associated OH dock.
Boston i . .
Calgary ..
Chicago . .
Des Molne
Eureka . . . .
Galveston . .1
Helena ....
Kansas City
: 30' 40'n.lOI. .1SE JCloudy
i :;2 MO.llUnB iCIoudy
i 36 54'0.00il2 SW iCIoudy
20j 20 0.00'.. SE Cloudy
' 40' 48 0.00 14-W iClear
I 'M) RO'O.OOilOSE iClear
f32i 52:0.521. .fW iClear
48 r.6 0.22'22;S iCIoudy
J 58 70;0.00!10!S Foggy
24' 36'. 001. -iNWICloudy
14 32i0.00,14!NE IPt. . loudy
If 2 0.00'12 W IClear
Losj Anffeleal 404 64 0.00 . . W .Clear
Marshfieid .': 42... 0.00.. i 1
Medford f ri0.24'I2 NE iCIoudy
Minneapolis ! 30! 320.0:i2!W Cloudy
New Orleans! 64! 74(0.22!. .fSW Pt: cloudy
New York.. 3V 50 O.0O 14 SW IClear
3! soi.u'ss-s main
.18! 710. OOi. .iW IClear
34i 2'0.00;..!S ICIoudy
41 1 57 1.03 lSiSW Rain
42 600.22 1SW Pt. cloudy
444 8410-OOilOS iPt. cloudy
48 580.00 16'NW'Clear
34' 52 0.44!.. iS fCloudy
48f rtO O.OO!. . NW C!ear
46! eo'O.OO . .!SW ICIoudy
36 44VO.SC 26 SE iRain
North Head.
Phoenix ....
Pocatello . .
Portland . ..
Rose burg . . .
St. Louis...
Salt Lake..
San Diego. ..
S. Francisco
Sitkat' 1...IM0-O.00J..I f
Spokane 32' 380.26' .. -SW iRain
Tacoma 361 48'1.12'10'S !Raln
Tatoosh IsdV 38! 401.30 40 E 'Rain
Walla Walla! 40 58;o.OO!20 S Cloudy
Washington ! 32' 60 0.0ft . . SW iClear
Winnipeg --!-! 18'O.OOIO'W Pt. cloudy
Yakima . . -i 26 2p!0.34i. . 'E ICIoudy
si. today.
M. report of preceding
Portland and vicinity Rain; strong
southerly winds.
Oregon and Washington Rain; strong
southerly gales on the coast.
Southwest storm warnings were ordered
at Marshfieid and southeast storm warn
ings at all other Oregon and Washington
coast stations at 7:15 A. M. Tuesday.
Dally River Readings.
January 4, 1921, at 5 P. M.
Stations Height.
Eugene 11.0
Albany 20.3
Salem 18.8
Portland 17.9
Th2 Willamette river at
Portland will
rise Wednesday and probably Thursday,
reaching a stage of about 19 feet by Thurs-
day. J . . .
Pacific Coast Shipping Xotes.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Jan. 4. (Special.)
Bound for their former homes in Japan.
65 western Washington Japanese sailed
from Seattle this morning aboard the Nip
pon Yusen Kalaha liner Suwa Maru, and
will spend several months with relatives
and friends in the island empire. The tour
party is in charge of T. Katayama. a Se
attle Japanese.
Bcund for Japan on a 75-day sailing
voyage, by way of the Hawaiian Island,
the Japanese fishing schooner Okhotsk
Maru left this port last night.
Sales by auction of seised craft were
announced by the United States marshal
today. January 5. gas launch Maybe II,
January 7, steamship Gedney.
Whether Seattle railroads, dock oper
ators and steamship lines will absorb
wharfage charges on import and export
shipments will be discussed at a Joint
meeting of those concerned Monday morn
ing at the North Pacific coast freight bu
reau offices, O.-W. station. Absorption
of these charges, now paid by the shipper,
it is believed would stimuate trade through
Chinese silk manufacturers, en route
from China to the international silk show
in New York the week of February 7. were
met at Vancouver. B. C, Tuesday morn
ing by representatives of the Seattle cham
ber of commerce and the China club. They
will be entertained by merchants here
The City of Seattle sailed tonight for
Skagway and way porta.
When the Swedish motorahlp Buenos
Aires arrives here Friday from Tacoma
she win be put on drydock for a complete
Government wooden hulls In Lake Union,
commonly known as the "government grave
yard," are being stirred up and re-aligned
by the Liiiico Towboat company, who was
awarded the contract several days ago.
The 38 shins will be strung out In a
straight row instead of tht "T" formation
in which they have been lying since the
war. w
The Maufaulda. the first Norwegian
sailing ship to make this port in ten years,
and the first sailing ship from Europe in
five years, will come to Seattle from the
Hawaiian Islands, radio reports stated. Tile
ship is now at the canal, Pacific bound.
ASTORIA, Or., Jan. 4. (Special.) The
British steamer Eurydamus, laden with a
part cargo of wheat from Portland, sailed
at 1:30 this morning for the United Kins
dom, via Puget sound and British Co
lumbia. Bringing a cargo of fuel oi! for Port
land, the tank steamer William F. Her
rin arrived at 3 o'clock this morning from
The steam schooner Tiverton arrived at
1 o'clock this afternoon from San Fran
cisco with freight and proceeded to Port
land. The steam schooner Flavel will be due
tonight from San Francisco, and she comes
to load a full cargo of lumber at West
port. The port of Astoria commission organ
ized for the coming year at its meeting
today by electing officers as follows:
B. F. Stone, president; G. W. Sanborn,
vice-president; G. W. Warren, secretary,
and Frank Patton, treasurer. Bids were
opened for the sale of S 500, 000 in 10-year
6 per cent port bonds, the hignest bid re
ceived being that of Ralph Schneeloch
company of Portland at 91 cents. This
is 6 cents lower than a bid for the same
bonds received from a Chicago house
a'oout a month ago. but the sale was
blocked because the bond attorneys failed
to file their oplnian sustaining the validity
of the issue within the required time.
TACOMA. Wash., Jan. 4. (Special.)
With the supreme court holding that the
emergency fleet corporation is a corporation
amd not a federal agency, a decision made
in connection with a ruling of the Florida
courts, Tacoma wood shipbuilders declared
that without doubt a number of suits
would now be filed against the emergency
fleet corporation by the wood ship builders
to collect on accounts due from the fleet
Tacoma shipyards. It is said, have vary
ing amounts due from the emergency fleet
corporation. It was said that In some in
stances tne government owed the builders
as high as $100,000. The accounts have
been held up in Washington since the close
of the war. while the builders were trying
to secure some sort or settlement.
0 Bringing a cargo of ore from Valparaiso
the Grace line steamer Santa Alicia arrived
here early this morning via ban Francisco.
The vessel, after discharging, wilt iro in
drydock and then load general cargo here
for west coast ports.
The motorship Buenos Aires of the John
son line, brought to Tacoma two cows car
ried to provide fresh milk for Axel John
son, owner of the Johnson line who has
been making a voyage on the ship. The
cattle were from his herd in Sweden. It
was said that the cows might be disposed
of here. The cattle have quarters such as
only high-class stock enjoy while on an
ocean voyage.
The Admiral Dewey arrived here this
afternoon from San Francisco. The Dewey
is expected to sail south via Seattle some
time during the night.
An annual gathering of transportation
men and shippers of the Pacific north
west, at which the problems and business
conditions will be thoroughly threshed out,
and which will bring together all the
prominent shipping men of the dlstrct. is
the plan behind the" arrangements for the
first annuaj banquet of the transportation
bureau of the Xicoma Commercial club,
which will be held in Tacoma January 14.
Invitations to nearly 1000 transportation
and shipping men, including the leading
representatives of the railroad and steam
ship companies, the public service commis
sions of Washington. Oregon and Idaho,
and a majority of the shippers in the three
states, have already been sent by the
bureau. t
Among those who have definitely prom
ised to deliver addresses are George T.
Reed, Tacoma, assistant to the president of
the Northern Pacific railway; George S.
Long, Tacoma, secretary of the Weyer
haeuser Timber company; L. C. Gillman,
Seattle, vice-president of the Great North
ern railway, and Arthur C. Spencer, Port
land, attorney for the Oregon-Washington
Railroad & Navigation company.
Considerably battered by the storms that
raged along the coast last week, the Vic
toria of the Alaska Steamship company
ileet came to the Tacoma smelter last
night with 1800 tons of Cordova copper ore.
The Victoria, in addition to the cargo for
the smelter, brought 100 passengers from
(joraova, aewara ana v alder.
Captain T.'S. Burley of Tacoma, who in
the recent election for treasurer of the
Washington Association of Master Mates
sad Pilots, received a tie vote with Cap
tain R. Small, withdrew from the nro nnH
allowed Captain Small to he installed in the
position at me annual meeting at Seattle
last nignt.
The Matson Navigation comnanv stemr
West Keene is expected at the Pratt dock
during the night. She has cargo here to
load for Honolulu.
to strip rigging and
junk the hull for the copper used in her
construction. The purchase was made at
private sale, the price being about $3000.
Carrying 250 passengers and a full cargo
of freight, inciting 1000 bales of. cotton,
the first bis; shipment made from Puget
sound in some months, the Japanese
steamer Suwa Maru sailed this afternoon
for oriental ports.
A heavy fall of snow and rain has pre
vailed over the Olympia peninsula. The
rain at this place is the heaviest for some
years. Reports from the country districts
are that th rminrt It pnvroH with frit m
four to eie-ht inchpn of snn w StYr.ims are 1
out of their banks. No serious damage has
been reported. If the streams continue to
rise, property loss will be considerable.
A number of highways are -impassable on
account of washouts.
Two big oriental lfners, the Toyohashl
Maru and the Fushimi Maru, are sched
uled to arrive on January 10, the .tter
coming direct whitf the former will call
at Vancouver, B. C.
The ashes of the late T. J. Stltt, a re
tired lightkeeper, were acatttered over a
plat of ground at the Point Wilson light
station today in accordance with his
wishes. The plat was selected by a rep
resentative of the department. Mr. Stltt
was a veteran lightkeeper, having been
stationed at lights along the coast of Ore
gon for many years, being transferred to
Point Wilson some years ago. A short
time before his death he was retired.
SAN PEDRO, Cal., Jan. 4. (Special.)
The first movement of cotton from the
Texas-Oklahoma fields . started through
this port today with the arrival of 3O0O
bales from Fort Worth and Houston. Tex.
for transhipment to the orient. Two Jap
anese lines have steamers en route to this
port to handle the cotton. In addition
to the Texas crop, there are 2000 bales of
Imperial valley cotton to be shipped to
the orient. The Anyo Maru of the Toyb
Klsen Kaisha will take a portion of the
shipment and the Seattle Maru. of the
Osaka Shosen Kaisha will take another
portion of the shipment.
The first shipment of citrus fruit to The
eastern coast via water will leave here
this season on the steamer Charles R.
Cramp, of the Atlantic. Gulf & Pacific
Steamship company. The steamer is due
here next Friday. She, is a vessel of
1000 tons. The vessel Is the only one in
the coast-to-coast service equipped with
refrigerator service. Some 400 boxes of
oranges and 800 boxes of lemons will be
In the refrigerators, while the remainder
will be in the genera! cargo holds.
J. McMillan, general manager of Swayoe
&. Hoyt. was the guest of Harbor Com
mission President Gordon on a tour of the
port today. Mr. McMillan was seeking a
site for berthing steamers of the company.
He probably will accept the one formerly
used by the Pacific Steamship company at
the foot of Fifth street. He said that
soon there would be a weekly call of one of
the steamers of his line here.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 4. (Special. )
One vessel arriving from Honolulu, one
departing for New Zealand, a near-catastrophe
to an inbound schooner, and the
posting of southwest storm signals from
Point Reyes to Cape Flattery were the
principal, things of note along the water
iron t today. Creeping along through a
thick blanket of Tog for the last few miles
of her journey from Honolulu, the Matson
liner Maui made port yesterday shortly
after noon and docked at )ier 32. One
death on board was the only extraordinary
thing of the voyage.
Gus H. Umbsen of a San Francisco realty
firm toppled over dead from heart dis
ease while talking to friend on tn deck
of the Maui Monday afternoon. The Maui
brought 3126 tons of island products.
With a large passenger list but the
smallest cargo ever shipped out of San
Francisco to Australia by the Hind-Rolph
Navigation company, the steamer Tahiti
got under way today for Tahiti, Papeete,
Rarotonga, Wellington and Sidney. The
Tahiti took the sailing of the Marama.
which will leave some time in March.
The latter vessel cleared this port for
Vancouver today. Many of the passengers
who arrived here on the Tofua from New
Zealand about a month ago returned on
the Tahiti today.
The Stanley Dollar, one of the fleet of
the Robert Dollar company, completed a
46-day voyage from Baltimore via New
York today and started unloading one of
tne largest consignments of bulky freight
mai nas oeen seen along the waterfront
for some time. The most cumbersome
articles of her cargo were frames and
parts of steel cars loaded at Baltimore for
assembling in the car shops on the Pacific
coast. there are also steel ties, rails and
other heavy articles.
The steam schooner Stanwood, bound
from Tacoma for this port, limped to a
berth today with the aid of tugs. She
encountered a strong ebb tide rip off
Fort Point, according to the story- told
by the captain, and heeled over with a
heavy list. For a time she was in danger
of capsfzlng, but tugs were rushed to her
After clearing Monday, the Swedish
motorship San Francisco got away for
Stockholm today with 6000 tons of gen
eral cargo, included in which were Cali
fornia canned goods, Columbia river sal
mon and mid-western, grain.
Resorts for Week Ending (Saturday, Dec. 25, 192Q.
Los Angeles
Del Monte
Long Beach
Max. Min At.
San Francisco -.....62 46 ."41
Santa Monica 59 45 53
Ocean Park 7 59 45 53
"Within Eajy Reach of EferyttVr
im Lo r ANr.Fir.r ibsm?
6teel and Concrete Conntrurtlon.
Both European and American Plans.
Centrally situated, almost opposite Pershing
Square. Cars to beaches, mountains, mlssloni.
orange groves, etc., but a few steps from lobby.
Fireproof garage.
For Folder and Reservations. Write
F. M. Dlmmlck, Lessee and Manager,
cm;i:TTiM, 1 rant
&gggsle A si jyABSBaSsBBssgsasslsWe
rvm m
Golf W - : competitions
tnrougn winter ana spring montni t
Gold Vase Tounmnient.
Over Pebble Beach couro Feb. 19-22.
Polo Season opens Js.n. 1. Semi-
weeKiy and Sunday matches.
Invitational Tournament.
January 29-February 6.
Annnal Tournament.
March 19-Anrll 3.
Big programme of other sports.
Secure reservations now.
Carl S. Stanley. Mgr.
an Francisco
35 T
l'S?E!3li'J "
"Whera Service
300 All OutsitU Room.-!
chwith Print Bath
Hom.llka with j
distinctively ri
own -
European plan
-oour- .
moc'totc-curr J
Jan. "1st to Feb. 5th
To depict great growth and development of
212.2 gain In population In 10 years.
LONG BEACH HAS 143 Industries, em
ploying 5576 people monthly payroll of
1, 151.000. 00.
LONG BEACH IS the tenth city in
point or building In America.
20 miles south of Log Angeles. Won
derful year-round climate. Moat popular
rieasura nesorx. aiuamr o.: ta upon r -
quest. Chamber of Commerce, Long
beacn, uai.
Foremost Among the Great Resort Hotels
of America.
Location That's Different
Attractions That Interest
Food That Dclightn
1 Mufdc That Charms
Service That Pleases
These are features that appeal to tht
annual winter visitor.
Every outdoor and indoor diversion.
Long Beach Industrial Exposition
January 31 to February 5
Secure HcervatlonN.
Phone Your Want Ads to
Main 7070 Automatic 560-95
Notice to Mariners.
Oregon and Washington, Columbia river
Astoria to Harrington point, state of
Washington, wreck buoy, H. S.. found light
extinguished December 2i), 1920, was re
lighted same date.
Harrington point to Walker Island West
port bar light reported " carried away, will
be replaced as soon as practicable.
Washington. Columbia river Harrington
point to Walker island, Cathlamet chan
nel cut-off buoy No. 1, established Decem
ber 14, 1920, a thlrd-classspar in 6 feet of
water, marking edge of spit off north end
of Puget island.
Hunting islands range front light, 3H
degrees (N.xW. W. Mag.)
Cathlamet light, 1W degrees (EN.
mag. )
Chimney, south end Tenas Illihe Island,
283H degrees fW.N. mag.)
JuBn de Fuca strait New Dungeness
sand spit buoy No. 2. reported missing De
cember 29, 1920, will be replaced as soon
as practicable.
Point Partridge gas and bell bnoy No.
2, reported light extinguished December
26 1920, will be relighted as soon as
practicable. ROBERT WAR RACK,
SujL, 17th Ltgh i house Diet.
Ship Reports by KadJo.
Radio Corporation of
nila, 4046 miles from San Francisco, 8
P. M . January 3.
SILVERADO, San Francisco for Callao,
630 miles .--outh of San Francisco.
GOVERNOR, San Francisco for Seattle,
35 miles north of Point Arena. .
EVERETT, Redondo beach for San Ffbn
cisco, 75 miles south of San Francisco.
ELDRIDGE, Seattle for orient, 321 miles
from Seattle, 8 P. M .. January 3.
WEST IVIS, Yokohama for Vancouver,
1271 miles from Flattery.
LA TOL'CHE, Juneau, for Skagway, 3o
miles from Skagway.
office of the Bay City headquarters.
The decision regarding; the new ar
rangement was reached at a meeting
of the company December
VANCOl'VER, B. C, Jan. 4. (Special.)
The Holt line steamer Eurydamas is due
tomorrow with 800 tons of general freight
from London and Liverpool. She will leave
The steamer Africa Maru is posted to
arrive from the orient Friday wi th 750
tons of general cargo. She will take out
1200 tons of lumber and general cargo.
The tank steamer Benjamin Brewster,
with 7000 tons of crude oil, passed up the
harbor to loco today.
The steamer Mobile CUy-wlU arrive Fri-
(Fumished by
Positions reported at S P. M. yesterday,
unites otherwise indicated, were as follows:
WEST I AN, ancouver, b. c, lor
Tokohama. 574 miles from Vancouver,
ADMIRAL HLBKEb, ucean falls Tor
Wilmington, 74 miles south of Cape Flat
HART WOOD, san .vaneiseo tor urays
Harbor, hove to 22 miles west-southwest
of Grays Harbor.
PORTER, for Monterey, 2J miles from
SAN DIEGO. Tacoma ror ban .fedro, ao
miles south of Umatilla light.
ADMIRAL SCHLEY. Seattle lor San
Francisco, 100 miles from Seattle.
C A. SMITH, Coos way ror san Fran
cisco, bar-bound inside Coos Bay.
J. A. MOFFETT, point wens ror Kicn-
mond, 438 miles north of-Richmond.
OLEUM. Port San Luis for Portland, 182
miles from Astoria.
EL S EG UN DO, San Pedro for Portland,
304 miles from the Columbia river.
TAL2A, Seattle for San Franclaco, 26
miles east of Blunts reef lightship, noon,
January 4,
MATSONIA, San Francisco for Honolulu.
1913 miles west of San Francisco, 8 P. M.,
January 3.
HYADES, Honolulu for San Francisco,
1312 miles west of San Francisco, 8 P. M.,
January 3.
COL. E. L. DRAKE. Honolulu for San
Pedro, 964 miles from San Pedro, 8 P. M.,
January 3.
NILE, Honolulu for orient, 691 miles
northwest of Honolulu, 8 P. M., January 3.
NORWOOD. Seattle for San Francisco,
off San Francisco lightship.
CHINA ARROW. Shanghai for San Fran
cisco. 288 miles west of San Francisco.
WHITTIER, San Francisco for Port San
Luis, 128 miles from Port San Luis.
KLAMATH, San Francisco for San Pedro,
15 miles south of San Francisco.
WEST KEDRON. San Francisco for Ant
werp, 882 miles southeast of San Francisco.
CAPT. A. F. LUCAS, Ketchikan for San
Pedro, at anchor off Vancouver, B. C.
WEST CAJOOT, San Fna&clfico for Ma-
Father of Hazel Studebaker Asks
Police to Hunt for Her.
Hazel Studsbaker, 16-year-old Port
land school girt, has been missing
since December 24, according to her
father, S. P. Studebaker of Buxton,
Or., who appealed to the w omen 9
protective division yesterday for slid
in finding her. Mis Studebaker had
been working for her board at 31 East
Twentieth street, and attending
On December 23 she sold tier trunk.
took her. clothes and left. Since that
time, according to the father, her
friends have seen her only once, when
she walked out of the Liberty theater
with a young man wno escorted her
to an Irvington car.
Her mother, now Mrs. C. M. Adams,
lives at Kerry, Or., and It is thought
the girl man be going under the nam
of Hazel Adams. She was described
as blond; blue eyed, a,bout 4 feet 7
inches in height, and weighing 100
pounds. She has a small pink bh-th-mark
on (her left cheek.
Cut-Houses Firm Dissolves.
The Aladdin company of Portland,
makers of ready-cut houses, dissolved
Monday under the corporation laws
of Oregon to incorporate with the
Aladdin company of Bay City, Mich.;
according to announcement of A. A.
Patterson, general manager of the
Portland concern. The office In Port
land. Instead of Operating as a sep
arate organization, becomes a branch
Jane C. Falling: Gets $1000 Month,
Judge TazM'ell Decides.
An allowance of $1000 a month was
granted Jane C. Failing, widow of
the late James F. Failing, by Circuit
Judge Tazwell yesterday on petition
of the executor of the estate.
Mr. Failing died last November.
Compasjnle Generate Trantatlantiqus
Express PoNtal Service.
La Touraine. . . .Jan. IS. Mar. 12, Apr IS
France Jan. 0, Feb. 1". Mar. IT
La Savole Jan. 20, Feb. 2. Mar. 2
La Lorraine Feb. 5, Apr. 2, Apr. 30
Chicago Feb. 13, Mar. 10, Apr. 2fl
Leopoldina Feb. 14
Fosazi Bros., Pacific (oat Agents, 100
Cherry St., tSeatt'e, or Any Local Agent.
Tia Tahiti and Raratonro. Mall and paav
enjrer aervice Xrum ban Franelaea ever.
t daja.
Z30 California St.. San Franelaea.
or iocbi hieunHDiu anu raiiroau
A n , i : 1,1-:,
Salllns: 2t30 P. M. Thnrada j.
M. IIOI.LAM, Atrnt,
122 Third Street. Phone Main 2
rmsg pmipp rf:
Dependable Freight and Passenger Service
California Service
Retmlar Freight ana Paaaenser Serrfec ta
Salllns From Portland. B P. M.
8. S. "CURACAO," Jan. 7 and 1ft.
Connecting at San Franciaco With Steamcra (or
Loa Anfrelea and San Dleso
Regular Freight and Faanenicer Service to Mexico. Central
America and Alaaka.
Oriental Ports. U. S. Shipping
Board A-l Steel American Vessels.
SailinK From. Portland
g g. pawlet Jan. la
S S. LUAAJil feu. A"
For Further Information Apply to
and Philadelphia. Newsco Llna.
8600-Ton Steel American Vessel.
Salllna; From Portland
S. S. YALZA Jan. S
S. S. ART1GA.S Fab 1