14 THE 3IORXIXG OREGON! AX, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4. 1921 L ABOR AIDS CAUSE OF IRELAND Great Campaign Launched to Win Self-Determination. MAILED FIST OPPOSED Resolutions Unanimously Adopted in-niaudins Withdrawal of All Armed Forces In Ireland. BT JOSEPH W. GRHpG. (Copyright by the New York World. Pub Untied by Arranitrnmrt.1 LONDON. Jan. 3. (Special Cable.) . British labor, supported for the first time by Irish labor, has begun its or ganized fight to wreck the mailed fist regime in Ireland and to secure the peace of Justice for the Irish people. Arthur Henderson character ized it as the greatest campaign in the history of labor and declared it will be waged "until the Irish people get what justice demands." Tr,e relegates present repreoenteu more ihtn 3,003,000 workers in Great Britain, as well as Irish labor. The assembly unanimously approved the labor eommission's report on Ireland and adopted a resolution challenging the British government to disprove the statements of the labor commis sion by a Judicial Inquiry and to pun ish the guilty. It also unanimously adopted resolutions demanding the withdrawal of all armed forces In Ireland and that the Irish, through a constituent assembly, be given an ui fettered opportunity to work out "whatever constitution for Ireland the Irish people desire." subject to only two conditions which were al ready Acceptable to organized Irish labor, that protection be afforded mi norities and that the constitution should prevent Ireland from becom ing a military or naval menace to Great Britain. Cnmpaifcn Opens January 17. The actual campaign to arouse the people of the country begins on Jan uary 17 and will be continued until February 17. J. Bromley, a member of the com mission who visited Ireland, said the auxiliaries were a class-conscious force which is really the nucleus of a white guard which he intimated might one day be used in England. Many delegates loudly concurred in this view. Bromley and other speak ers demanded that these forces be emashed by the united strength of labor. Adamson, leader of the par liamentary labor party In the house of commons, said that the day was not far distant when other nations would take out of British hands the settlement of the Irish question un less the British nation was quick to do so, with Justice. No direct ref erence was made to America by the speakers in pointing out the effect of British outrages in Ireland on peo ples overseas, but Tom Johnson of the Irish transport workers declared that even if Ireland's population was reduced by half, that half would still fight on for liberty, and the Irish overseas would carry on that fight. Henderson Blames Ministry. Arthur Henderson placed the re aponsibility fully on the British min isters for the breakdown of efforts to secure a truce and peace in 'Ire land. He said he had seen Arthur Griffith. Cardinal Logue, representa tives of. Irish labor and spokesmen for other elements of the Irish people. and all wanted peace, "but peace with honor." The premier's speech in par liament announcing Intensified sup pression, at the same time as he pro fessed a willingness to continue the peace talks, was, Henderson asserted, the turning point in the negot'ations. adding, "the peace negotiations are now at a standstill, but British labor will continue to work for the peace of Justlco In Ireland." Working up to a burst of effective oratory, Henderson aroused the meet ing to an intense pitch when he as serted that the British government could no longer stand before the world as the professed champion of mall nations while denying to Ire land the right of self-determination. Last night for the first time, he said. jrish labor, through its representa tives, joined hands with British work ers to demand a government In Ire land based on the will of the Irish people. The meeting adjourned, confident that Its Intensified campaign before parliament sits will have such a far reaching effect that it will force the British government to scrap the mili tary machine In Ireland. COMPROMISE GIVES EX-SERV ICE MEX FIRST CRAXCE. Sale Agreement SUdc Following Suit Filed by State Against livestock Company;, SALEM, Or., Jan. 3. (Special.) For the next 90 days, starting to morrow, ex-service men will be given preference right in purchasing ap proximately 10,000,000 acres of land to be offered for sale by the Pacific Livestock company In compromise of a suit brought by the state to recover the tracts on the grounds that they were obtained through fraud. Under the terms of the contract ex isting between the state and the Ta clfic Livestock company ex-service men purchasing these lands must pay 40 per cent of the amount involved at the time of receiving deeds, the re mainder to be paid in ten install ments, with interest at the rate of C per cent. Originally the state had. intended to I attempt the recovery of all lands I owned by the livestock company In I ttarney county, but subsequently the corporation expressed itsj willingness .to pay $125,000 in compromising the suit. Approximately half of this sum has been paid to the state. At the expiration of the 90-dav period, during which time ex-service men will be given preference right in purchasing the lands, the unsold tracts will be disposed of to actual settlers by A. R. Olson, sales manager for the livestock company. The prices to be charged for the lands vary, hased on the character and location of the tracts. Applications for the purchase of these lands will be subject to the ap proval of the state land board, of which George a. Brown is clerk. Pricea for this land average $75 an acre. County Judge Weds Many. ALBANY, Or.. Jan. 3. (Special.) IT, R. Bilyeu. county judge of Linn oounty, officiated at more than half a hundred weddings during 1920. He pcrlurjntd d- ceremonies. Rev. J. C Spencer, pastor of the F'rt Methodist church of Albany, ranked next to Judge Bllyeu. He officiated at 37 ceremonies. Dr. George H. Young, former pastor of the First Baptist church of Albany and now residing in Portland, where he is the director of the religious educational work of the Baptist church In the Pacific north west, tied 17 matrimonial knots In Linn county in 1920. He was here only part of the year, and Rev. -B. F. Fellman. who succeeded him as pas tor of the Baptist church, performed 14 wedding ceremonies. Victor 0111 ver, justice of the peace of the Albany district, officiated at ten weddings, and Dr Wallace Howe Lee. dean of Albany college, performed eight cere-. monies. 1 M MADE CITIZENS THqSE CLAIMING EXEMPTION ARE REFUSED PAPER ST " Englishman Took Out First Papers in 1869 and Has Been Voting Since. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Jan. 3. (Spe cial.) Seventeen of 31 aliens who were tap for naturalization today were made citizens, while several pe titions were refused because the peti tioners claimed exemption from mili tary service during the world war. Each one who was admitted to citi zenship Was presented with a silk flag by the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution. ,Achlel Dhanens of Belgium claimed exemption from military service be cause he was an alien. His petition was denied. He has been In the United States since December 6, 1909. John Somer of Austria claimed ex emption. He obtained his discharge from the United States army, so his ycitiiuu V CIS UClllCU. Henry Freudenthal of Germany, liv ing near Heissen, was drafted in Sep tember, 1917, but discharged in Feb ruary, 1M8, at Camp Lewis. This pe tition was held up for investigation. Rocho Peneff of Bulgaria was de nied citizenship because his family yet reside in the old country. Herman Heberle was not admitted because his witness could not give any affirmative testimony that he was loyal during the. war. Francis Marion, born September 19, 1S47, In London, England, took out first papers July 9, 1S69. and thought he was a citizen. From 1S70 to 1875 he voted in Portland. He voted up to 1889, when he began to suspect he was not yet a citizen. He was not admitted. Martin Nestor Haukkala of Russia was adm'tte'd and his name changed to Johnson. THEATER SEATS DROP $3 Tickets Sell tor J2.50 in Xc York City- NEW YORK, Jan. 3. Reduction of tha price of theater tickets in vari ous cities has been followed in New York by the productions of Sam H. Harris, president of the Producing Managers' association. Beginning tonight, the top price will be' $2.50 instead of $3. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Jan. 3 Maximum temper ature, 50 degrees; minimum, 4o degrees. River reading. S A. M.. 17.7 feet: change in last "4 hours. 3 ftet rise. Total rainfall (j P. M. to t P. M ), 0.08 Inoh; total rain fall since September J. lO'.'O. S3. 71 inches; normal rainfall since September 1. 20.08 inches-; excess of rainfall since September 1. 120. STJ Inches. Sunrise. 7:53 A. M. ; sunset. 4.3S P. M. ; Total sunshine January 3, none; possible sunshine, 8 hours, 43 minutes. Moonrise Tuesday. 3:47 A. M.; moonset Tuesday, 1:40". M. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 3 P. M., 29 91 Inches. Relative humidity at 3 A. M-, 84 per cent: at. noon, SO per cent; at 5 P. M., SS per cent. THE WEATHER. Wind Wcathec JTATIONS. : E Bakef .... Boise Boston .... Calgary Chicago . . . Denver Des Moines. Eureka .... Galveston Helena ! 34' 44:0.14l. .!W ISnow I SB! 48 0. 00!. . XW Cloudy ! 40 48 0.04I10IW !Clar 24 34 0.00 . .iNWIClear 34! 4S O.Oo;24'S IClear ' 3S' 52 0.00,12 W Pt. cloudy 34 4S 0.00 10 SW IClear 52 5410.001. .IS IRain 54) 62,0.00'. .ISE ICloudy 53 ::s 0.04:i4'SW IClear Juneaut S 36 0.01!. .IW ISnow Kansas Citv ::4 "a: o . 00 14 S Clear Los Angeles ,"0; 06 0.0O . .!SW !Pt. cluody Marshfield . 46 48 0.58 . .SW 'Cloudy Medford ... 42 ,V):0. 12! . NW Rain Minneapolis 18l 360. 02'.. IS IRain New Orleans 62 72'0.00:. .ISE Cloudy New York.. 3S' 4 0 . m 14 sw x:lear , North Head.! 44' 460.00 24 W .'Rain Plfoenix :;s t;r, 0.00.. K .loudj Pocatello ..' 34 42 0.10'IS SW Cloudy Portland ...J 46' 47 0.081 .. SW IRain Roseburg .. 481 50 0. 041.. Is IRain Sacramento I 46! 34 0. 001.. SE IPt, cloudy St Louis... I 40 60 O.00.20S IClear Salt LaOte..1 5.8! 48 0. 20' .. ISW 'Cloudy San Dlefo... 48! 60 0.001. . INW Cloudy S Francisco 50( 60 0.00! . .'SW ICloudy Seattle I 42 44 0.00 20 S IPt cloudy Sltkat J 32). . .10.02'. .!XE Clear ' Spokane I 38 42 0.01 16 SW IClear Tacoma I 42 42 0.26 12 SW ICloudy Tatoosh lsd.i 4tll 44'0.46'26'SW ICloudy Valdext I 101. . .'0.041. .IN ISnow. Walla Walla. 44 46 0. OS 12 SW Cloudy Washington I 3S ,10 0.001. . I IClear Winnipeg ...I 14 22 0.0O11ONW Cloudy Yakima I 34 46 II . 20 . . 1. . ..IPt. cloudy A. M.. today, day. P. M. report of preceding FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Occasional rain; westerly winds. Oregon and Washington Occasional rain In west portion, rain or snow in east portion ; fresh westerly winds on the coast. Idaho Occasional rain or snow. FUNERAL SHIPMENTS Casket Embalming Shipping Case Delivery to Train 75 Miller & Tracey Independent Funeral Directors) WaahUffto at Ella. Near Slat Slain 3681 STS--8S Mil SKMKXTS. CIRCLE W ashing ion Cecil B. DeMille's "Male and Female" AIM a comedy. "Queena I'p " Open from y o'clock In the morning until . 0'i.loUt lao iuilowiuf morajfig. amV rSEMENTS. 5HKtiunCi.vcutt. Mats. It. It 7W rtlati1StI1.M LIGHTN Ett SISTERS! I NFWTONALEXANDERCCO.I WITH TEN VAMPS CLAYTON AND LENWIE WHITFIELD AND IRELAND ELS RUE66ER) WILLIAM MANDEL A CO. "AN ARTISTIC TREAT" HOWARD LANGFORO and INA FREDERICK Reserve Them Today ant! Follow the Crowds. -BAKER- Now. Playing the Second Big Week of J5 WAY DOWN EAST The Molt Popular Play Ever Written. Famous Characters la Meet and Know Them la Laugh and Love' CITY l I L okuuhs REC'O NOW ! HEILIG NEXT WEEK Thnrsday F r I., So JANUARY 13, 14, IS SPECIAL PRICK MAT. SAT. RICHARD WALTON TILLY I'rrsrnn the POPULAR HAWAIIAN ROMANCE, A BRILLIA.T CAST, INCLl'DIXU , FLORENCE ROCKWELL AND III!: SLGI; HAWAIIAN Address letters, checks, postoffice money orders to W. T. Pan;rle. Add 10 Per Cent War Tax. Include sejf addressed stamped envelope. EVE'S floor, $2; Balcony, 5 roVs $1.10. 17 rows $1; Gallery. 7 rows reserved 75c, admission . SPECIAL PHICE M AT. SAT.-Floor, $1.50 ; Balcony, $1; Gallery, reserved and admission s&Oc. - PANTAGES MATINEE DAILY. :30. George Choos sPresents "PRIVATE PROPERTY." A Tuneful Musical Comedy. Special Engagement Mr. Walter Law. The noted screen villain in person and his own company "On the Threshold." 4 OTHEU BIG ACTS I THREE SHOWS DAILY NIGHT CUR TAIN 7 AND . Hippodrome PLAYING TODAY. LAYING TONIGHT. Mystic Handson and Mazieal Maids. Bert Ljjt! in "The .Misleading Lady." Matinee Daily. Two Shows Nightly. LYRIC Musical Comedy DILLON AND FRANKS IN yThe Woman Question" J lie RoHrbad horn- in Full Hi twin. Matinees at 2; Mffht. and 9. Country Store Every TuertdaT Nljrnt. C u or us Girls' Con test Friday Xight. DANCING TAUGHT ALL NEW STEPS AND POPl'LAR DANCES guaranteed In 3 three-hour lessons. Ladles S3. (Jentleraen $5. De Honey's beautiful academy, 2id and Washington. Beginners class starts Monday and Thursday eve nlnn Advanced classes Tuesday evenings s to 11:30. Dlentv of desirable partners and practice no embarrassment. You can never learn dancing in private icssona irom in ferior teachers you must have practice LEARN IN A REAL SCHOOL from pro iVnsiona.1 dancers. Phone .Main T6.6. Private Lessons All Hour The Leading: &enooi. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. PRIVATE loan wanted, $350 on S700 '20 Ford. Tabor 5119. AUCTION SALES. At the Baker Auction House. Tamhlll and West Park streets. Sale at 10 A. M. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. picked up free of charge. MEETING NOTICES. ANNUAL' MEETING AND election of officers of Nydia Temple, Daughters of the Nile, will be held Wednesday, Janu ary 6, 1 P. M.. Pythian Tem nte. Order of Seer. Tk.DDA CELLARS. Recorder, SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2. 1. O. O. F. Officers and Members. Attention: The fu neral of Bro. S. P. Goodwin will be held at Dunning'. Inc., East 6th, and East Alder, today (Tues day) at 2:30 o'clock. Burial at Lone Fir. Lodge in charge of services. GEO. E. SULLIVAN. N. O. JESSE T. JONES. Sec. OREGON - ELECTRIC COUNCIL. ROYAL ARCA NUM, will meet this (Tues day) -evening, at 8 o'clock at Pythian bldg. All mem bers invited. O. O. HALL. Sec 603 East Tenth t. CANTON PORTLAND NO. 1, PATRIARCHS MILITANT, L O. O. F. Regular meeting Tuesday. January 4. 1921. Important busi-n-s; degree work. Visitor, wel come. K. P. B. MILLS. Clerk. COURT MOUNT HOOD, NO 1. FORESTERS OF .AMERICA, meets every Tuesday night. For eaters' ball. 129 Fourth street visitors welcome. mom 'j'SZCTTB Siifla MAT! IHffll 1 IVANHOE HOMESTEAD NO. 501. B. A. Y. Full Initiation at Women of Wood craft hall, Tenth and Taylor streets, 8:15 o ciock atoarp. All Yeomen are welcome. .V, PEARL- OWENS. Correspondent. 212 Railway Eacbange building. Phone Main 1)6". EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, it deigns. Jaeger Hroa., lSl-a 6Ula sb MEETING NOTICES. A. AND A. 8. RITE OREGON LODGE OF PER FECTION". NO. 1 Regular meetinz in auditorium, Scot tish Kite cathedral. tins Tuesday) evening- at' & o'clcck. By order VEX. MASTER. OREGON COMMANPERT. No. I. Formal subscription dance and card party at Christ enaen's hall. Monday evening; January 10. I-1A-W l n w n 111. A.. F. AKD A. M. State communication Tuesday even ing. Jan. 4. at 7:30. Business of importance to be transacted Members Urged to be present ttrnrhfr florae M. HyUnii will deliver an address on "Mmonry? Via- i iting brethren welcome. C. E. MILLER. Sec. S L N N YS1BE LODGE, NO. 103. a. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication thii (Tuesday). Jan. 4. at " P. 3ith and Hawthorne; wjrk in the F. C. decree. ViaiUn. brothers welcome. By order oi w. Mv 1 C. P. JENSEN. Secretary ; IMPERIAL LODGE NO. 159. A. F. & A. M. Special com munication this '(Tuesdayir ternoon and evening, Jan. 4, commencing at 4 :S o'eiock. Work in Mister Mason decree. Visitors cordially welcome. , A. - JACKSON, Sec'y. PORTLAND CHAPTER, NO. qt . i c i t u tori i-nmmiin!- l t'in ki. I Tuh'o v I a tr nine j, o'clock, 314 Russell at. In stallation of officers." Visitors welcome. B order of W. M. BERTHA WILSON. Sec GUL REAZEE GROTTO. NO. will give an informal complimentaaly dance Christenaen"s hall on Friday, . Jan. 7. 1021. For Grotlo members only. Admission by 1U21 card. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems, class pins and medals. 310 Washington si DIED. B RON LEE WE Jan. 3. at the family rssl .dence. 550 4th St.. Alta Bronleewe. agei 71 years, mother of G. T. Bronleewe of Hutchinson. Kan., H. E. of Lorraine, Kan., O. B. of Frederick. Kan., T. G. of Hillsboro, Or... Mrs. H. FS Jenf-sen of Genesse. Kan.. R. H. and Ella Bronlee we of Portland. Arrangements lnohsrg of J. P. Finley & Son. ., MATHEWS Jan. 3. at tHe family resi dence. 434 Bidwell ave.. James E . aged 41 years, husband of Llllfe Mathewp. and brother of John H. of Abertleen. Wash., Oliver S. and Davis P. Mathews of Mil- waukle. Or., and Mrs. Anna Stoller. The remains are at Pinley'a. Montgomery at .5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. SCHANEX In this city. Jan 3. 1021, Nich olas A. Schanen. aged 65 years. Re main? at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts. Notice of funeral later. ARR ANSON In this city. Jan. "2. Arthur W. Arranson. The remains are at the p.'.rlors or the East Side Funeral Direc tfrs. Notice of funeral hi a later usue. NEWSOX In this city, Jan. 3. Howard, aged 35 years, husband of Ruth Newson of Oakland, Cal. The remains are at Finley'a. Montgomery at 5th. IUNEBAL NOTICE, O'MALLET At 1704 East 8th st. South. Dec. 2, 1920. John O'Malley, aged 82 years, husband of Ann O'ifaltey. who died 10 years ago, beloved father of Mrs. Matt Gisen, Mjelrose, Minn.,' Mrs. Ed. Malloy of Curry, Minn., Mrs. Charlett Tayler of Amarett, Minn.. Mrs. A. M. Hotley of Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Ray Crandall of Los Angrelea, Cal., Mrs. George Hare of Paro. North Dakota, Mrs. Nick Bargrer of Lacrusse, Win. Friends Trtay "view the remain, at the parlors of Waiter C. Ken worthy; funeral services at Ht. Agathf Catholic church, cor. 15th and Miller, 0 A. M .. Tuesday, Jan. 4, 1921. R. W. Gablty & Co. In charge. GOODWIN In this city, Jan. 1, Samuel P. Goodwin, aged VI years. A member of Sumner Post G. A. R. and Samaritan Lodge No. 2, I. O. O. F. The funeral services will be held at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Direc tors, East 6th and Alder streets, at 2:30 P. M. today (TueFday), Jan. 4. Friends invited. "Interment Lone Fix cemetepy. J.COBSON Jan. 2, at the residence, Sfl6 Haight ave.. Norma Elaine Jacobson, aged 12 days, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard JacoTison. Funeral , services will be conducted today (Tues day,), Jan 4, at 2 P. M. from Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell get at Union ave. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. FFRGUSON The funeral service of tlte late Arthur Ferguson, aged 5 years, oi yi( East Yamhill street, will be con ducted Wednesday, January 5, at 9:30 A. M.. In the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy & Co.. 5802-04 Ninety-second st. S. E., in -Len ts. Friends in vi ted. Itterment Mount Scott Park cemetery. DELAY The fune?al services of the late Joseph Delay, aged ..i years, late or Cathlamet. Washington, will be con ducted Wednesday. January 5, at 10:-"10 A M in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., DS02-04 tt2d t. S. E.. in Lents. Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. NEINE In this city, Jan. 1. Rose Neine. aged 57 years. Funeral will be held from McEntee & Eilers' parlors, 16th and Ev erett sts., Wednesday, Jan. 5 at 8:45 A. M.. thence to the Cathedral at 9 A. M., where requiem mass will be offered. Friends Invited. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. FINE The faneral cortege of the late Elizabeth D. Fine will leave the chapel of Miller & Tracey today (Tuesday), Jan. 4. at 9:15 A. W thence to Lady of Sorrow church, 5-2d and ttOth ae.. where mass will be offered at 10 A. M Interment Rose City cemetery. WHITE The fineral services of the late Phillip White, age 74 years, will be con ducted Wednesday, Jan. 5, at 8;30 A. M. in the mortuary cffapel of A. D. Ken worthy & Co., 5802-04 92d at. S. E., in Lents. Interment Mt. Scejtt Park cem etery. - " WOLL-WELLS The funeral services of the late Gertrude Woll-Wells will be held Tuesday, Jan. 4, at 10 A. M.. at the Oswego Catholic church. Interment Oswego cemetery. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. WICKHAM The funeral service for the iate Annette Wickham of Beaverton. Or will be held today (Tueeday) at 1 o"c!ock P. M., at Flnley's, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Concluding service Riv erview cemetery. MALAVEY The remains of the late John Malavey will be forwarded Tuesday. Jan. 4, at 10 A. M.. under the direction of Miller & Tracey to Seattle. Wash., where services and interment will take place. I t N LKA L CARS. UMOUSINES Jor funeral services. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL, 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DUNNING & McENTEE Now located in their new residential funeral home. Morrison -at Twelfth, west side. Phone Broadway 430. Auto. 345-5 The Funeral Home nf Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note We have no oranches nor any con nection whatever with any otler under- taking firm. EDWARD HOLHAN & SON FL'XERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmonatre.ts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and ilst streets. West side lady assistant. Main Aulo- 5TS-S3. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a borne. 16th and Everett streets. Phone Broad way 1133. Automatic 521-33. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah at., Irvlngton dist. East 54. . EAST Sirte FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (F. S. Dunning, Inc.) "The family set the price.' 414 K Alder. LERCH, US'DERTaXeR. East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 781. A. R. ZELLER CO. a ins Ave. East 10S8. CVEWEC UNDERTAKING. CO. vnin lu Third and Clay. Ma'n 4152 BREEZE & SNOOK I0fkbfr" D KENWORTHY & CO. it., Leau, Ta bor 567. N Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condeased and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7.070 or A 6095, Honse 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. II LACK. public-" accountant, auditor, income tax servlca. Concord taldg., 2d and starK. Phone Mam 744;s. jt ADlIN(i M ( HIN r V 413 BUYS adding Suaitime, adds 7 figures 518 Corbett bldg. Marshall 537. ALTERATION:. LADIES' tailoring, ycrieci fitting; work guar. I. Reubin, 4Uft Bush 4 Lane bldg. AVKK AND ANALYSTS MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEY. E. W- EASTMAN. lawyer and notary pub-Ik-. 034 Chamber of Commerce bldg . BATHS. iJH? ilMAHU.N S bath, Portland. Steam showers, plunges, tubs, all for 35c Tell your friends. Fourth and Washington. CH1KOPKACTIC. steam baths and mas sage. 10th floor, Broadway bldg. Mar shall 317. Dr. Laure E. Downing. I M.I.I l.Mi.i lIVTTONt! THE IKWIN-riUUSU.V COMPANY. S7 Washington. Kroadvray iS4. A. I IIIKOI'ODISTS. CCCr HURT Come to Dr. Gartiur, loot rCLl llUn I f,peciali.-it; corns. bunions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland hldg.. .1fth and Washington. Main 1U"1. UR. O. O. r'LUTCriEH r'oot iviea sci entifically corrected. Lady aaaistant- M2 Morgan TildK. Main 878J. ' t HIKOPOJilSTS AR(H SPKC'IA LISTS. WILLIAM. EsteliM and Flurello De Veny. The only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger linger bldg.,'' S. W. corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTIC. DB. McMAHUN'S chiHopractic speaks for itself. Portland. 11th year. Phone?. COLLECTIONS. NETH- A CO.. WorccsLer Olds. Main No collections, no charges. EstaV 1796. 1900. DANCING. SUMMERS Dancing Academy,- ballroom and stage- dancing: private- lessons day and eve.; club dance Tuesday and class dance every Thursday and public dance every Saturday. 80 ln 3th st., near Stark. I'hone Broadway 3590. THE PATTKHSUN-UOWNEJC DANCING ACADEMY, 3867 Wash, st., over Hazelwood. For mer instructors Cotillion hall. Private lessons daily; class. Wed. and SaL. eve ninys. Phone Main 5558. MISS DOROTHY RASMUSSE.N Ballroom and stage d.-incing. 610 Eilers building. Wah.. between 4th and 5th. Matn 1123. DENTISTRY. nrilTIOTDY DR. A. V. KEEN E, 351- ULlllOlfll Washington st. Without pain. Latest nerve-blocking method. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAI ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. East 7th and Grant sts. Both phones; dny and night service: 3 veterinarians. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND pepafred Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS, Phone 527-ag. 226 Main St. H. M. H. ELECTRICAL CO.. iTSV 1 N". 1st st.. Portland. Or. Re- Ji winding- and electric repairing a specialty. New or used mo tors, uroauway luo. A. ivm. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside, corner Tenth st. Bdwy. 6U74. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS AND MILL BUPEXJTJSg THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-S9 Front, 'GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO., 53-55 Front St. JAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison RASMLSSEN & CO.,-Second and Taylor. II.ORISTS. Smith's Flower Shop Portlands progressive florist. We spe cialize in funeral designs. 141 H Sixth, oppoMte Meier & Frank's. Main 7215. MARTIN & FORBES 00. Florists. ft4 Washington. Maln 2-89. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. ri.iRk'R nuns, florists. 287 Morrison Main 7700. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch ftores. TOXSBTH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington st. bet. 4in ana tn. aiam oiu-. a-iivi MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 366 4th st opp. City Hall. NEU BROS. PS BLAESIHG GRANITE CO. DJ THIRD AT WAPISOM gTWggT NEW TODAY. TPEPfMADF, If a u. Profit. by the plan of Construction. I It results in a great savins; In both the use of lumber and labor. The built 4-foot sections are easy to handle; easy to ship. Tha freight is low. YOU SAVE! KKI1MAIE BUILDING CO., E. lltb and Market Sts.. or 803 Lewis Bldg. rhoneM, East 5114 or Broadway 433o. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) Old Rues and Woolen Clothing. We Make Kevensible. Uaad-tVoven FLUFF RUGS 1 8x10 ft. Fluff Rug Woven 917.50 1 3x6 ft. Muff Hug Woven 54.5 Rag Rugs Woven. All Sizes Clothes Cleaning and Dyeing Dept. Mall Orders Send for Booklet. FEATHERS RENOVATED Largest and Finest Equipped Carpet cleaning and refitting works is the state o " Oregon. Carpet Cleaning. Refitting. Etc Oxl- RitgH. Hteam Cleaned. fi.oQ WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO, 54-60 Union Ave. N. 1'bone: East 6316. G A R A (i K S SAHl'EL CON'.VEIX 2X1 Artlnnna Bide. Phone Broadway 3S10 Edward LGoudey Co. MORTGAGE LOAN'S United State Dank Building. MUSIC TEACHERS. L. CARROLL DAY. teactxer of piano and voice. jBrotdwH 295$. 14s 13th st. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. w t cnllrii vnur Datronaee on the VGEr basis of capattle service. Thou- m . sands of satlariea customers, a trial will convince you. Charles W. Good- man, optometrist, J0'. Morrison. Mr -ui. KVES SfclKJTrlFlCALLY TESTKD with modern instruments; glasses fitttd at a. i saving-; satisfaction guaranteed, vjui oi the high rant district. No overhead exp. JJS-JJURWITZ. Optometrist. 225 1st at. DR. GEORGE RUBENSTSIX. the veteran optician ; eyta tested, glasses fitted, brok en lenses duplicated at reasonable priced. :ijt; Morrison street. PAINTING AND UECORAT1NG. C H. TSRR1L.U house and sign painting, papering tinting. 437 E. 37th. .Tab, L'ffll. PI.l MB1M. SI ITI.lr. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE pricea. Stark-Davis Co.. 133 4th- Main 797 PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENT Our practice has extended over a period "of 74 years All communica tions strictly confidential; prompt, effl cienL conscientious service: handbook free on request. MUNN & CO., patent attorneys.' San Francisco offices. Hobart bidgM 582 Market st.; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington of ice, room 103. 625 F st.; New York office. Vkrfiolworth Nidg. , R C. WRIGHT. 22 years' experience U. and foreign patenjs 01 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, fern.! disorders, skin affections, blood pxesaure. enlarged tonSils mo'n-s, birthmarks. PLUMBING and repairing; no charge fur time going and coming; stoves repaired and connected; no shop rent to pay. so I can do vour work eheaper. Phone Tabor 3776. Chas.'A. Jolin. PLUMBING. PLUMBING D. W. service. We do not charge for time coming or going. Our antos go any.where, night or day. Day. Bdwy. 1S04; night. Tabor 2206. PRINTING. PDUTAF. W. BALTES & COMPANY, rninilllU Firat and Oak. Main 165. 511-65 SEWKK CONNECTIONS. COLUMBIA CONSTRUCTION" CO. JJAIN 6816. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. U. Sv. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AM) TOK.;K. 0RE60N AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. GSaVERAL HAULING. Ten thousand square feet warehouse storage space now available. PHONE BDWY. 3309 SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Reduced Freight Rates. Money Loaned on Warehouse Receipts IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. 53 FOURTH ST.. COR. OF PINE. PHONE BROADWAY 3713 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. .74 Gllsan Street. FI"E WAREHOUSES. STORAGE CARTAGE. PH6NE BROADWAY 1281. WOOD AND COAl DRY lb-Inch block wood, also inside and slab mixed. Phone Woodlawn 33S7. MANUFACTURERS HIDES, WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW The living room, 30x35, is unusually- rare, a perfect picture, woodwork in old Devoe, walls in imported English tapestry paper, fireplace with a Rector heater; French windows and doors, arched ceiling, hardwood floors; 3 bedrooms, papered in deli cate tint. Sleeping porch. Linoleum in kitchen and bath, and gas range, go with house. Fine garage. Fine Boynton furnace. Must be sold at a big loss, only $4750, $1000 cash, $40 per month, including interest. No agents. Shown by appointment only. EAST 1347 Ladies Save your old carpets, rugs and woolen clothing. Let as make new rugs for you. The oldest and hest-equlpped factory Fluff and rag rugs woven all sizes; carpets refitted; 9x13 rugs steam cleaned, $1.50. We call iN deiivsr 188 E. Eighth st. Phone East 2580. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest interest rates; Installment re payments If desired. Building; Ivans made, No delay in closing. A. H. BfRRELL-GILL CO. Formerly A. H. Birrell Co. 216-21& Northwestern Bank Building. Ma-rahaU 4114. KA H.N' BROTHERS. 1!'5 Front St. HOPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. KLINE CO.. S4-S6-87-8!) Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FABRELL, 140 Front at. SASH. POORS AND (jTl .V.SS. W. P. Fuller Co.. Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. TTtmi-III Ti iVJ JiF 1 K FOR LEASE Lfl Adjacent to Meier & Frank I I J Company K P J Corner store 20x20 , EH Inside store 20x40 Bg j ("J Inside store 20x40 ,i iV Inside store 20x20 i Ij (with entire second floor) ,1 NUT TODAY. I will pay you from 25c to $25 in CASH for information w h I c n leads to the' sale of any one of the thousand and one articles listed with me. All you have to do is to tell me the name of the person whom you believe is in terested in buyin. If your in- formation enables me to complete the sale, the reward is yours. FOR EXAMPLE For Information Enabling Me to Sell Champion Shoe Stitcher.. 225.00 Becker - Wade Suit Presser. 200.00 3',i-ton Acme Truck, like new 3.500.00 225 sq. yds. Wilton Velvet ,Carpet Mlt s 1 i e h t ly worn, small green de sign, per yd 1.75 2000 vd4. Inlaid Linoleum at. 1.50 Bookkeeper'sDesk (standing) ' 25.00 Electric Battery Shop... 2,400.00 City Barber Shop 1,000.00 I fill pay $1.25 for help In sell ins; the desk and from $6.50 to $2jJr reward for help in selling any of the other items. I will also pay liberally for In formation enabling me to satisfy any of my customers' needs. I AM LOOKING FOR a two-chair barber shop doin'p a goed business that can be bought .h: a bargain. My customer will pay caeh. I make these offers becaule I want your help and interest, I prefer quick sales and small profits to long waiting; for laTge profits. Lee Exchange z,vi St. 0v-cr the Cir-c!c Thca-trc Remember the address. Whistle it. East side of Fourth street, u p s t a i rs, between Washington and Alder. Phone Auto 520-00. Yes, ovet the Circle Theater. If 1 am not in ask for Mr. Doane, he is just as Rood as I am. REAL ESTATE. THROUGH our loan and legal departnfents we have taken In a great many lots and acreage tracts during the last few years. We. have compiled a Hat of these and shall be glad to send It to you on ap plication. All tracts are bargains, be cause we desire only to get our money out of these deals, and in many In stances are willing tu give you good terms, r'or particulars cal! on or write to BEN R1ESLAND. 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St. Portland. Oregon. ARE YOU THINKING OF BUILDING? We furnish sketches and estimates of cost of your proposed building without charge and our estimates are not guess work. Pians and specifications prepared by experienced and licensed architect and engineer; only competent and relia ble contractors are permitted to Hsu re with us. We invite your Inquiries. American Contractors Ass'n., 34U Sher lock building. Phune Broad w ay 5033. For Sale I,otr. LAL'RELHURST LOT BARGAINS ON AUCTION BASIS. $1004) Fins location, street liens paid. $14O0 Fine location, street liens paid. JliWO 100x100. imps, paid; corner 8th and Ma this lot cc3t $3J00. $ 350 Rose City, 4 choice lota. $ 000 R0se City, 50th st. 750 Eastmoreland. imps. paid. We have bargains in all districts. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 223 Henry bldg. WILL ACCEPT INTERIM CERTIFICATE. Clear title to 4 23xl00-ft. town lots In good Oregon town lor 1100 cash and one $100 interim, certificate; lots between quarter and half mile irom depot; taxes ai: paid. a. 9W, uregunian. THREE lots in Swlnton addition, corner Albina and Baldwin, ga?. water, side walks and sewer In ; two blocks to car, $825, small payment down, bal j ante easy. Phone Broadway 1 V-- IF YOU want good lots cheap in goul addi tion; close in; no restrictions. Lau . r . Mahoney. Marshall 2. si. CLEAR lots in Astoria for house and lot equity, value $1210. Bdwy. JENS, ask to Walker. It 11)3. Oregonian. BARGAIN, lot 30x100 near Lombard st and Peninsula avenue. Price $350. E. J Geiser. 417 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale llou.ses. REAL SACRIFICE. Choice location, close-in. deliehtful lit tie bungalow. Especially designed for couple. Uasy to maintain ana lurni.n. Large living room, ivory finish, real fire place, furnace, lovely rustic porch, etc. Corner grounds, paved streets, near beau tiful Laurelhurst Park, convenient to best car service. Priced below prevailine red ues for quick deal. 11000 cash. Balance easy. Be sure to look this up. Call own er after 10 A. Al.. liroadway sal, or eve nings after C P. M., Tabor 5160. No agents. NIFTY NEW. BUNGALOW. $46-10. This beautiful 3-room bungalow has never Deen occupied, riardwood noors, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays, breakfast nook, etc. The owner has left the city and has Instructed us to sell this at so low a price, $500 down and $50 a month, Including Interest. This is In the" same class with $5500 bunga lows. Street and sewer paid. Block Irum car. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st.. near -Ith. Main 30U2. Brant-h office, 50th and Sandy. YOUR CHOICE HAWTHORNE $3750. 3 BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOWS. 34 th street. Hardwood floors, fire place, large attic, cosy Dutch kitchen, modern built-ins. Wifey will fall in love with this; also one for $3f00; $1000 cash. Owner leaving city. Come see these bar gains. T. O. Bird, Marshall 1022, Sell. 1:706. ROSE CITY PARK. Five-room Bungalow $4000. $350 Cash Will Handle. Tills new attractive bungalow offered at exceptional terms. Located near San dy faces t cast. Let us show you. G. TEEPH CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092. B ra nch office, 50th and Bandy. IRVINGTON, 7-ROOM BUNGALOW REAL BARGAIN. - $7000. " On ISth, "Tiear Brazee. H. W. floors, -fireplaces, glass-enclosed S. P., break fast room, full lot. garage. Eat 41 1. VACANT. CAN MOVE RIGHT IN. 7-room modern house, hardwood lioors. Gasco furnace, everything in very best condition ; finest location. Price $C5O0. ST.Vt cash down or lews. Bdwy. 48S0. MRS THOMSON. 6l'0 HENRY BLDG EAST 37TH, NEAR HAWTHORNE 1 Cozy 3-room modern cottage, full base ment, corner lot; improvements made and paid; 3 blocks from school; terms. T A uuah i iaruja.. 1 1 u- bpaiatng iag FOR SALE 6 rooms and bath at No. 197 Skidmore, near commercial, only $-ou: can be bought for very small payment down ; place Is now vacant. Inquire 023 Haight. . A SNAP. Six rooms and 70x110 lot; plenty of bearing fruit, $2250 $050 cash. Balance easv PRENTISS, 813 Cham, of Com. Bldg. SELLWOOD 5 -ROOM HCNGALOU' $5l0. Paved street, nice lot. near car, "ryears old. Cozy kitchen, basement, garage. Price $3000. Easy terms. T. O. Bird, Mar. I01TJ. Sell. 2"M. EASY TO BUY. New modern home from owner on terms, or will take lot, small aoreage, partly modern house, car or liberty bonds as part payment Owner Tabor :WJ5. HAWTHORNE S-ruom bungalow, flreplaos, built-ins. music room, breakfast nock, Dutch kitchen, full coment basement, furnace and laundry trays, garage. Mar. 3903. J " SUNN YSlDE SNAP. $4200. It will pay you to see this 3-room modern bungalow before buy ing. Owner must se!l. AP 231. Oregonian S-ROOM modern bungalow, good location, close to car; $3200; fcry tay terms. Mar. HEAL ESTATE. For sale Houk. $4oOO HAWTHORNE. A 6-room bouse, sleeping porch, hard wood floors, bullt-lns, cement basement, wash trays, furnace, etc., 40xl40-ft. lot. All kinds of fruit: city Improvements in ' and paid. Make your own terms. VACANT Inrmediats possession. ROSE- CITY PARK. -A ft-room strictly modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, 'all built -Ins. oak floors, cement basement, wash trays, floored attic; --Block north of Sandy blvd.; 30x100 lot; garage; hard-surface su and sewer In and paid. Terms easy. FURNISHED COMPLETE. A 5-room Queen Anne bungalow, full bssement. w'aflhtraya. fine kitchen, .soma built -ins, floored sttlc, house ts furnished cojnplete. Including a 0uu piano. Terms. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. A 6-room semi-bungalow, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins. hardwood floors throughout, full cement basement, wasH-tra-ts, etc. House Is all finished, In lviry and enamel; tapestry paper. Sun porch and glassed-in sleeping poroi. Fine-view; large garage; citv improve ments in and paid. Prlca $7000. Easiest kind of terms. 7000 ROSE CITY. A 5-room strictly modern bungalow, oak floorslarge living room (Mx'.M fL). Large dining room, every imaginable bllit-in feature. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, etc., slstving porch (glassed In); 50100 lot ; garage and runway; city improvements all in ana paid. Near Sstdy blvd. Terms to suit. $3230 SELLWOOD. A a-room bungalow, paneled living and dining room, fine -cabinet kitchen (white enamel )rft replace, window seats, etc. ; 30x100 lot; garago. tiru down, -balance like rent. Ik's a dandy llttlu florae. 'INVESTIGATE. rCmMELL & ftUMMELL, '274 Stark St JEFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT Furnished Hou.se $2t00. 6 rooms, cement basement, 1 bedroom, bath and toilet otv first floor, 1! bed rooms up, completely furnished from kitchen range to sewing machine. 50x100 lot, with all kinds of bearing fruit, chicken house, 18 chicksns and 0 rabbits. 00 worth of wood in. basement. Every thing goes at $2y00 (1000 cash, balance SJ a month. 1 CLEVELANn-HEN'DERSON CO. 308 Board of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 4751. THIS H .WVTHOKNE BI.-XGAI.OW CAN NOT BIS UUPLIGATBD FOR $4500. Has 3 large rooms on first floor, con slsting of large living room, paneled din ing room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, largo bath room, floored atfla above; extra good plumbing; nice fireplace; furnace, full basement, cement steps and walk around house; gargge with cement drive way; all street imps, in and paid; a real bargain. ' STEWART & JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank BMy ROSE CITY PARK. Nifty Bungalow Garage. I50U0. Say, folks, here Is a bungalow war above the ordinary. Yes. really, you would expect to pay StiOOO. Finished in rich old ivory and white throughout a perfect dream of a place. Modern to the last detail. By all means see this today. You'll just have to hurry, A. G. liEEPE CO.. ' 270 Stark st., nlar 4th. Main 3092. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Two fine 5-room cottages on corner lot with hath, toilet, concrete basement, street Improved, sewer in. They are In 'very good condition and can be pur chased for It40U. 17.i0 cash, balance terms; only 10 minutes from center of city. P. U BI.ANCHARD. 40-t Shetland bldg. i,aurelhurIt. strictly modwrn bungalow, six. rooms and breakfast room, all on one floor, white enam el frnish and hardwood floors throughout, hot-water heat. GARAGE; LOT 77xlOO. POIN DEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SO0. RESIDENCE EAST 77l BUY A NEW HOME. The terms are so easy, avail yourself of legal advice, free of charge; we are glad to show 3ou many artistic and modern homes. They need less furnlia ing. Call for an appointment. A. Gordon Rnsft. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. 47.'il. . 410 Henry Bldjf. LAURELHURST. STRICTLY modern. SIX ROOMS. ALI ONE FLOOR. HARDWOOD FLOORS; LOT 05x100; GARAGE. OWN ER ANXIOUS TO GO SOUTH AND WILL SACRIFICE. CALL MR. MAY SON, WITH POIN DEXTER. SOS SELLING BLDG MATN 1SOO. RESIDENCE TABOR 0401. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden Into Income ? - design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish, s. Wane and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SEkVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., 24 N W. Bank bldg. LAURELHURST MODERN BUNGALOW. 5 large rooms, breakfast nook, large attic, extra fine lot, one block from car; excellent value in every way; let us show you. We can save you money. Owner, Marshall 12; evenings Automatic 02:;-17. ROSE CITY. Beautiful modern 5 -room bungalow, maple floor, all modern built-ins, ce ment basement, fine garage, all atrett improvements In and paid ; price, fur nished, $6000. For appointment call Main 1430. START NEW YEAR RIGHT ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Strictly modern. 0 rooms, corner 50s 100, all streets rn and paid. Buy now and save. Ready t( move in. Very good termw. Call owner, Marshall 12; eve ning. Aut. 623-17. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Account leaving city, will cut price, classy modern IVi -story "-room bungs low, near Park, to $7330; terms. Oid Ivory finish, 1 bedroom down and -I upstairs; 2 fireplaces and baths. Tabor 407. J IRVINGTON. Strictly modern extra large living room all bul it-ins, 4 bedrooms, tiled bath,' hardwood floors and white enamel throughout : garage. POIN DEXTER. 2"S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 18O0. RESIDENCE EAST 0771. ARTISTIC west side buncalow on ths Heights. Strictly modern, . seven roo.us, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, gas heat. a rage unobstructed view entire city. 634 Hoffman road. Pries $6230, $100 cash balance rental terms. Td.ephoaa Main 5638 ' M$50 $500 WILL handle, balance $13 per month; 4 large rooms, living room, big kitchen and two bedrooms; has water, lights and gas; 1 blk. to car, 3 blks. to school. JOHNSON-PODSON CO.. 633 N. W, Rank Bldg. Muln 37S7. SNAP ROSE CITY PARK $4300. Modern j-room bungalow, hardwood floors, flrep'ace. Dutch kitchen, hies plumbing, some furniture. 1 short block from car: fruit and berries; full lot, easy terms. Phone owner Tabor 470fl. 3-ROOM Alberta bunuw $2300. Good bath, sleeping porch, good basement, lot with fruit and shrubbery, 1 block to car, 1 block to school. Terms. JOHNSON-DODBON CO., C33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. TREMONT STATION. 6-room htfcise, on 00x100, k blk. from car tired of tenant, will sell for fMO. Take a car and $300 -;h. Marshall 333-': evenings Tabor BOM, J. B. ROCK CO. SEE MODERN BUNGALOW. 107'J Vernon. Block to Alberta car; completely furnished, 5 rooms; fruit; paved garaee. Going away. Will yell at bargain. R. W. Cary, Main 1377. Call 8 to 8 P. M. ' ALAMEDA PARK HOME. In order to make quick sale of mod ern 2-story 7-room house with sleeping porch, best .section, near car. will cut price to $0300. Easy terms. Talor 47. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. Hardwood floors, cement basement, half block to car. USOO, $800 cash. Wil son, with Interstate Land Co., 24$ Stark st. Main 6429. GOING TO CALIFORNIA. Want to make quick sale of modern 9 room Al'berta bungalow; block to car; fruit, paved, garage. 1070 Vernon, or Mr. Cary. Main 1377. 5-ROOM bungalow, close in, near Saicl boulevard; hot water heating system. In excellent condition. $8300. $500 cash, bal ance $30 per month. Call Mr. Fisher. Main 3429. 248 Stark. $3150, $310 CASH 6-room Queen Anne, like new, cement basement, en. plumb ing, near 35th and YamhUI. vacant. Main 4803. . $0750 $6750 $0750. 8-room west side. Nob HIM. furnace, fireplace, garage, block car; terms. G. C. OOLDKNBERG. Abiqgton Bldg. MOVE in this modern 5-roorfi AVberLx bun galow at once; completely furniahed; pa rage; paved; big bargain. See R today lOTV Vernon. 11 to 8 P. M. A NICE, nifty Sroom bungalow, all fur nished complete, about x acre of ground In fruit, berrle. etc.. near Multnomah ; snap at $1700. H. W. Garland, 201 3d. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, a $J400 equity In a $3300 home B 221. Oregonian. FOR SALE 4-room house, by owner. Call Woodlawn 1S33 after 7 P. M. ur Sunda y . $100 CASH, unbeatable bargain ; 4-room bung., $227.V Main 4K03. S50 4-ROOM houfe. 2 big lots. $1. 3072 McFarland. Falling Bldg EsY terms, modern ."-room bungalow; owner, Air. Murru, 401 Stark, cur, 10th.