Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 03, 1921, Page 10, Image 10

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Fans Want to See Clean-Cut ; ;
Victory in Match.
I Jerry Gunther won the intermediate
ss'im. Jack Witners '.vas second and
, Harold Rice, third.
Dave Fall gave a divlnir exhibition
I that was commendable. Fall's work
on the spring-board is such that he
( will be placed in the comers class in
i the next divinfr meet. The swimming
I meet was brought to a close by a
J demonstration of life-saving by M.
I W. Bartjett. swimming instructor,
j and C. F. Werner, Red Cross life-
g expert. Werner demonstrated
breaks and carries, while Bart-
lett acted as the subject.
Tr.,l.i.-riai Ni-ilit Boxing
gramme Declared to Contain
Man, Real Battles.
Moose Team to Travel.
ALBANY. Or.. Jan. 2. (Special.1-
The basketball team of the Moose
Washington High Gymnasium
Floor Selected.
There were two
rick in 19: that
w'as de-
favor on i
an uninten
fi"hts in this oa"'1
hart very unsatis-
An..nrv a. far as llic
' . mi.n. Of course
tomers w ,e tne
me ! ' ,.,; opinion of
j rinusrh boj s. tnai
ta carried Tn the 'thought of the un
. . - . .. ,1 . n C
The firft of these was the Bo SU
Cormick-Battlins l-evmsky setto The
r... ..r...rt .iff at a pretty rapid
.ndVevinsky was just getting
r.rni un when the bout
clared in McCormick'
m i t ...i.cbi. landing
S Tw i'.T, w that put McCormick
out of commission as far as fightin.
more that evening was oncerPed.iH(.
Some of the experts at the rings de
loudlv proclaimed that McCormick
had not been fouled and numerous
fan back in the 70-feet away seat
failed to see the blow so the ending
was not popular. And as stated 11
vinskv was just beginning to step out
which added to the cause of the din.
Both principals were on the way to
New York two days after the bout so
anv chance to settle the dispute was
lost for the time being at least.
The other fight that caused no end
of rumpus and discussion was the
Joe Uorman-Al Grunan lightweight
tangle at the Heilig theater several
weeks ago. The bout was the mam
event of a card of regular "he iisnts
went five siam-nann -""
when Uorman sunk a coupie oi
l the region of urunan i
After a wait of five min
o Referee Francis raised
hand in token ot victory
...f. tr. allow the claim of a foul
blow. (Irunan was never counted ou
nri anntd have continued had not
the punch hurt him so severely thart
he was unable to navigate. The fact
is that Grunan was handing Uorman
a boxing lesson and getting in a bevy
of punches along with it up to the
sudden termination of the match.
All arguments that resulted and
that are still going on as the result
of the match will be settled, it Is
hoped, when the two gamecocks
tangle again in the main event of this
Wednesday nighfs bill of scraps at
the Heilig theater.
punches i
utes or
Gorman s
r j
, i
i "r-Nsir
Baseman Pipp. The New York club
wants Dtigan, but Is unwilling" to
part with Pipp. It is said -that a deal
has been as good as made whereby
Pipp goes to the Chicago White 6ox.
Dugran batted .322 this year. Pipp's
average was .280. Walter Pipp is much
the harder hitter of the two. The only
reason the New York club is willing
to consider a deal for Pipp is that
Manager Muggins has decided to sac
rifice hitting power to gain something-
in spied. He wants one or
two really fast men to take the places
of men of ordinary speed, figuring
it out that such a change, even at the
sacrifice of something in hitting
power, will benefit his team.
Meeting of Members of Association
Called to Discuss Several
Important Matters.
Portland Basketball League Standings.
W. L. P.C.
Arirta 4 1 ,8O0
South Parkway 4 1 .800
Alameda 2 1 .667
Swastikas 2 2 .."iOO
Oregon Tech .2 2 .500
St. Johns Bachelors 1 3 -2M)
St. Johns Lumbermen 0 4 .000
Peninsula Cadets 0 C .000
Al (.runan, claay Lou Angeles
licht weight, .b tatifflrs with
Jor .i man nt the Hell Ik
lodge of Albany, which has scored
victories in its first two games of
the season, will play its first games
away from home this week. Jt will
play the team of the American legion
post of Independence in that city
Wednesday evening and will meet the
team of the Moose lodge of Mill City
at Mill City Friday night.
Gorman has been training for a
week with Sam I-angford and a corps
of sparring mates, and. if anything,
will be in better shape than last time.
Grunan is working at tne uoi"i".
gymnasium for this match, boxing
with Roy Sutherland and a couple of
other rugged youngsters. He looks
and says he feels 50 per cent better
than hr did for his last match with
rinrmin when he appeared pale and
Hriun ih- niirht of the bout. Neither
knv will weteh over 133 pounds, if
that much, the night of the bout.
Grunan was making weight for Gor
man last time, but no stipulation was
made for the second huut. The rea
son perhaps is that Gorman found it
was as hard for him to make any
weight as Grunan.
Four other bouts which look to be
real settos are down on the card.
The bouts have been arranajed so that
It will not take all night to run them
off and the fans should be well on
their way home by 11 o'clock. Five
matches totaling 36 rounds, if thy
all go the limit, comprise the pro
gramme. Matchmaker Kvans'made it
a point not to pick any man for the
bill who was not known for his mix
ing ability. The only one who is not
a slugger on the whole bill is Willie
St. Clair, and he can fight as well as
box if he crfVes to. The fact that he
la mingling with George Bagels means
that there should be some milling.
They are down for the six-round
pedal event.
' Jimmy Darcy is not getting any
aet-up in the person oi uiuy nun. u
the word of Huffs handlers is any
good. They claim that the southern
Oregon battler is a comer an'd can
trim all the Darcys in the business.
Huff and Darcy will clash In the ten
round scml-wlndup. A boxer who
can get in and mix with Darcy means
a good fight, and Huff is said to be
that kind of a boy.
Johnny Boscovltch. the boy with
the bolshevik name and a bolshevik
punch, will be dished .up a stranger
by the name of Al Gordon in the
other six-round match. Gordon is a
newcomer here, but shapes up like a
fairly good performer. Bosco carries
a lot of guns, and Gordon had better
be tough or a mighty clever man.
Billy Ryan, the aggressive 118
Bounder. will meet Young Joe Miller
In -the four-round curtain-raiser.
Miller has won three fights since his
appearance at the Mllwaukie arena
George Bagels fought ten rounds
against Jess Ingram at Gold Hill.
Or.. New Year's day and made a big
hit. according to word from that city.
Appears to Have Little
Do With Naming
of Leaders.
Two games are scheduled for the
Washington high school gymnasium
Wednesday night in the Portland
Basketball league when the Oregon
Tecli five and the Alameda quintet
meet in the first game and the league
leading Arleta tossers tangle with
the fast Y. M. C. A. Swastikas in the
second affair.
Two other games are also sched
uled for Wednesday night in the
Portland cjreuit with South Parkway
entertaining the Peninsula Park Ca
dets on the Neighborhood House floor.
The championship of St. Johns will
be decided In the other contest when
the St. Johns Bachelors' club five and
St. Johns Lumbermen fight it out
on the St. Johns court.
South Parkway and Arleta con
tinue in a tie for first place in the
league standings. Both quintets have
tough games on their schedule for
Wednesday night and the dope can be
expected to be upset In either game.
A meeting of the Portland Basket
ball association has been called for
tonight at Spalding Bros, store, at
which time several important mat
ters pertaining to league affairs will
be settled. All managers of teams
are urged to attend.
Pitt to Play Cornhuskers.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. 2. In confirm
ing the dispatch from Pittsburg of the
agreement to take the Nebraska foot-
oau team to Pittsburg for a game
next fall Fred w. Luehring. Nebraska
athletic director, said it will be the
policy of Nebraska to enter into
contract for an annual game -with
some eastern team, either in the east
or on the Nebraska grounds.
Race Course Lengthened.
NEW YORK. Jan. 1 The Columbia
university crew has voted unanimous
ly in favor of making the course in
next year's intercollegiate regatta on
the Hudson river four miles long in
stead of three. The recommendation
has been sent to the board of stew
ards of the Intercollegiate Rowing
Toronto Hockey Team Wins,
CLEVELAND. O., Jan. 2. The Uni
versity of Toronto hockey team made
it two out of three by defeating the
Cleveland hockey team last night by
a score of 3 to 2.
Bird I rum Many Cities to Coni
IH'tc at Oakland.
OAKLAND, Cal.. Jan. 2. Prize win
Jtilnn pigeons f rom all parts of the
United States and Canada will be en
tered in the National pigeon show to
b held here January 13-16. it was an
nounced by officers of the National
Pigeon association, which is giving
the show. Clubs affiliated with the
association also will enter animals
and birds.
More than 5001) pigeons and a thou
sand rabbits will be on exhibition, the
announcement said- Among the birds
will be famous irnited States army
pigeons now at Camp Vail, New Jer
sey. Amonjc ihe affiliated organizations
are the Western Rabbit Breeders and
Fanciers association, the Alameda I
County Bee association and the Na
tional Runt club, the members of
which raise runt pigeons.
With reports thus far from uni
versities and colleges on ihe men who
will lead their respective football
elevens next year, It is possible to
form an Idea as to the favored posi
lions from which the leaders have
been- selected. Halfbacks lead the
list, while guards received least con
sideration. Of the 57 men thus far
elected, the positions rank as follows:
Halfbacks, 14; tackles. 11; centers. 10;
ends. H : fullbacks.. 6: Quarters. 5; cuards. 3
Thus 32 leaders were selected from
among the linesmen and 25 from the
backfield. which probably will come
somewhat as a surprise to many who
have supposed the majority of cap
tains were backfield players. It also
will be noted that the quarterback,
who generally 'is the field captain by
virtue of the fact that he usually
calls signals and directs the strategy,
ranks next to last in the matter of
choice as the actual leader of the
As a matter of fact the position in
which a man may play has little or
nothing lo do with his choice as the
leader of his team. 1; la his standing
with and among his men
that count. The best player on a team
has no chance of being elected, not
withstanding his prowess, unless he
has those qualities of mind and heart
which go toward inspiring his men
with a certain devotion and affect'on
for him. A college football player
may be counted on to do his best for
his alma mater irrespective of who
the captain may be, but there is no
gainsaying the fact that he can al
ways do a little better, and give more
of himself, if h's captain Is a man
after his own heart.
There can be little question that
tl?e happy choice of a captain has
considerable to do with success or
failure of a team. There have been a
few cases where a captain was
crowded out of the lineup because
some one else proved a better player,
but the fact that their captain was
standing on the sideline, unable to be
with them although they knew hts
heart was there, undoubtedly had its
psychological effect and maee those
men play just a little bit harder for
his sake. Every man knew what a
bitter trial it was for that man to
stand there alone.
The man who can inspire a player
with a mere slap on tbe back is the
feHow teams are looking for to elect
as their leader. No matter how great
an individual player he may be. he
also must be
who would a
distinction as against the best inter
ests of team play quickly would lose
the respect of his team and its mo
ralet would be blasted.
Best Team Won, Declares Coach of
Ohio State.Team.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 2 Grant P.
Ward, head line coach for the football
team of Ohio .State university, com
menting on yesterday's California-
Ohio State football game, said:
"'Beaten at their own game.' This
expression aptly expresses the result
of the New Year's day fray.
"The Golden Bears sprung a di
versified attack that was not only
more varied but also had more punch
than that exhibited by the Bljckejfes.
The Golden Bears possess every
thing that a good football team should
have, Including every variety of the
forward passing attack, superb inter
ference on end runs and a line that
could open up holes for short line
"It is doubtful if any team could
have defeated California the way
they played today.
"Probably the entire affair could
be summed up la the words 'the best
team won.' And the hats of Ohio are
off to the California eleven."
Mh-higan Regains .Jug horn Min
nesota Following Agreement
and Victory in Game.
The story of the "Stanford ax" is
known to many followers of college
sDorts on the Pacific coast, but the
tory of the "Michigan jug" is not.
In 1899 Stanford produced a woods
man s ax at one of the baseball games
against California and threatened to
give it to the blue and gold "in the
neck." After the game Everett
Brown, now superior Judge of Ala
meda county, Archie Cloud and three i water
others stole the ax and it has since
become historic, but Stanford has
never got it back because the Cali
fornia students kept it under lock and
key in a bank safe deposit vault
Four years later, in 1903. Michigan
went to play Minnesota a football
game and took along a five-gallon
stone jug filled with Ann Arbor water,
Th trump resulted in a I tn R tie trrirr.
In the excitement after the game th
Minnesota students stole the jug and
it was next found in the trophy room
at Minnesota. It rested there until
last fall, when Minnesota notified
Michigan that if the latter won the
jug would be returned to its original
owners provided an agreement were
entered into that the jug become a
perpetual trophy of victory between
Portland Couple Win Golfing
Tournaments at California
Sport Center.
DEL MONTE. Ca!., Jan. 2. The
year 1920 will go down in history as
the greatest ever enjoyed in a sports
way here.
For many years the state cham
pionships have been decided on the
Del Monte golf course, and in former
years the Pacific coast, as well
the state champions were crowned
on the tennis courts here.
During the past year the scope of
competition was extended to take in
trapshooting, swimming, polo and the
Golf naturally took the lead in at
tracting the greatest interest. It Is
a matter of statistics that something
like IS, 000 more games of golf were
played during 1920 than the previous
12 months. Increased interest was
displayed in practically all lines of
out-of-door pastime.
A feature of the year was the ac
tivity of social and business organiza
tions i l deciding their golf champion
ships at Del Monte. The list of the
champions crowned at Del Monte dur
ing 1920, their homes and th- respect
ive events they won is as follows:
Dr. Paul Hunter, Pasadena. California
golf championship; Miss Margaret Cam
eron, Uos Angelei, Del Monte women's
championship; E. B. "Togo" Osborne, San
Francisco, state junior championship; J. F.
Morrill, Chicago, New Year's tournament;
Josephine Moore, tiantaSL'ruz. New Year's
tournament; David Kerrr Portland, Wash
ington's birthday tournament; M. A. Mc
Laughlin, Denver, Pebble Beach gold golf
vase; J. G. Ijevlson, San Jose. Independ
ence day tournament; Mrs. David Kerr,
Portland. Independence Day tournament;
D. K. Bishop, Burlingame, Decoration day
tournament; A. S. Murphy, Mcnlo Park,
California Indian.'- golf tournament;
(Jeorge B. Carpenter, Med ford. April Fool's
tournament; C. A. Stonehlll. Chicago,
Bletherln contest; Eaton McMillan, San
Francisco, Olympic club tournament; Natt
Mott, San Francisco, Rotary rlub golf
tournament; J. H. Yeager, Del Monte,
Shriners' golf tournament: C. H. Hol
brook Jr., San Francisco, Bohemian club
golf tournament; Harry Pattee, River
side, Del Monte golf ehampfonship; J. Ru
pert Mason, San Francisco, investment
bankers golf tournament; J. C. Van Riper,
Denver, Thanksgiving tournament; Sirs.
Brent Potter. San Franclseo. Thanksgiv
ing tournament; Harold S. Cook. San Fran
cisco, Christmas golf tournament; bastern
British four (Heckscher, Tate, Magor and
Hunt), senior . polo championship; U. S.
seventh cavalry, junior polo championship;
U S. Hauxhurst. San Francisco, trapshoot
ing championship; Robert Klnsey, San
Francisco. tennis championship ; Anita
Reiners, Fresno, girls tennis tournament;
Francis McCune, Pacific Grove, boys' ten
nis tournament; Duke Kahanamoku. Hon
olulu, Del Monte swimming championship;
Dorothy Becker. Alameda, girls' swimming
carnival ; Olympic club, San Francisco.
bum bU: Harry Hunt, San hran-
clsco, paper chase; Mrs. Jane Selby Hayne,
San Mateo, paper chase.
Youthful Basketball Tossers to
Meet Experienced Quiutct
in Hoop Game.
Tonight at S:30 the TTnai Brith
gymnasium is to be the scene -of
wnat should be one of the best inde
pendent basketball games of the sea
son. The Arleta Athletic club will
tangle with the B'nai B'rith hoopers
in the first game of a three - game
series. The Arleta team is composed
chiefly of high school players, all
the boys being in their teens. Speed
and teamwork are the chief factors
in tbe offensive of this club. Manager
Brooks has organized a team of ten
men, all practically on a par as far
as playing ability is concerned. It is
this that makes the Arleta combina
tion so feared among independent cir
cles. The B'nai B'rith quintet is com
posed mostly of older players. Men
such as Weiser, Lakefish, Youdavitch.
Arronson and Goodman have been
seen in action around Portland for a
good many years. Hence the battle
tonight should prove interesting to
the theoretic fans, for it Is to be a
contest of youth and speed against
experience and age.
There will be a preliminary game
between the B'nai B'rith juniors and
the Colonials. This game will start
at 7:30.
Two Basketball Games Dropped by
Portland Quintet.
SILVERTON, Or., Jan. 2. 'Special.)
The Silverton Athletic club basket
ball team won two games from the
Arleta Athletic club of Portland here
Friday and Saturday. The first con
test resulted in a 31 to 9 victory for
the local toasers. Arleta was held
to one field basket In the first game.
MoCleary, Scott and Quail starred
for Sllverton and H. Johnson and
Miller featured for the visitors.
In the second contest which ended
29 to 22, Arleta ""made a strong
come-back but failed to overcome
the lead of its opponents. McCleary,
Scott and Quail, the same trio that
featured in the first game for Silver
ton again showed to advantage In
the second. Babe Thomas and Scott
put up a strong game for Arleta.
The Silverton basket tossers, under
the management of Frank Aim, have
only been defeated once this season
and that one defeat was at the hands
of the Willamette university five.
B'nai B'rith Basketball Squad
Loses on Home Floor.
The B'nai B'rith Midgets went down
to defeat yesterday afternoon on
their own floor at the hands of the
Holy Name basketball team. It was
a close game with the final score
12 to 6.
The B'nai B'rith Midgets world
like to arrange games with any 1 J0
pound team in the city. , Artnur
Welnstcin is the manager and can
be reached at East 7218. V
The lineup:
Holy Name (12). Midgets (6).
Ellers (1) F ..(4) Silver
Slsk (o) F ;...(-) Swett
Albers 2) C Marg
McDowell G Cone
Do La Tanten i . . O Milton
Priced from Z for 25c to 3 for 50c
We usget BANKERS (plain. 15c wrapped Z in fofl,
-Box of 50 $7.25
Van Dyck is the sum total of large experience
and skill in cigar making. These are what
make it so very choice.
The. leaf is chosen from stocks that are not
only very choice but very large as welL
There is plenty of chance for selection and
the selection is most carefully made. The
filler is of especially selected choice Havana.
The workmanship is of the highest character.
The handsome appearance of Van Dyck is a
natural result. The cigar stands apart as you
see it in the case.
Don't postpone trying a cigar which is so
very choice.
Distribution Branch &
84 N. Fifth St. T-
t a. i j r (
roruana, uregun
Clatskanlc Basketball
Contest by 22-7
Team Loses
a tkum ..In. -a- TU. t y-VUVf,VB. 1111. .l.- alCCU IU
.., .... Michigan won this year. 3
........ ... r,.,, mnmai i . k ,v,
Winter Carnival Billed.
BANFF, Alberta, Jan. 2. Banff
winter carnival, one of the big: events
of the winter months in the Canadian
Rockies, will be held here from Jan
uary 29 to February 5. Contests in
skating, hockey, skiing- and Jumping
are on the programme. Andros Hau
cen. St. Paul, world champion ski
jumper, will be among th . contestants.
A substantial cash prize will be of
fered to the professional ski jumper
who beats the world's record of 214
Aquatic Programme Held at V. M
C A. 0mii House.
A swimming meet featured the
open house programme held by the
Toung Men's Christian association
Saturday afternoon. The events were
aJl 20-yard free-style swims.
In the junior class the winners
were, first, Burland Bainard: second,
Edgar Boole; third. Edwin Begiomer.
The prep 20-yard event was won by
jo- nam wun Je.-eie unug'
Ted Thje Throws Gustavo.--
SPOKANE. Wash. Jan. 2 Ted
Thye. middleweight wrestler, defeat
ed Ad Gustavo of Argentina In two
straight falls here last night. The
first fall was gained in one hour and
one minute v.ith a wrist lock and
head scissors and the second fall in
five minutes with a cradle lock and
arm scissors. Gustavo claimed the
Argentina middleweight champion
ship." The men weighed in at 15S
McCioorty and Wiggins Draw.
GRAND KAPIDS. Hich.. Jan. 2
Eddie McGoorty of Oshkosh, Wis.,
and 'Xhuck" Wiggins of Indianapolis,
light-heavyweights, went ten fast
rounds to a draw in their contest
here yesterday Johnny Tanner. St.
Paul lightweight, had a wide margin
over Howard Gipe of Jackson. Mich.,
in an eight-round preliminary.
Auto Kat-rs on Pan.
SACRAMENTO. Cal . Jan. 2. A bill
prohibiting the holding of automobile
races will be Introduced In the Cali
fornia legislature here bv Senator
las second and Howard Gordon, third. . Otis, he announced recently.
year, 3 to 0, and
now has the jug.
We know the historical value of the
Stanford ax and we know the high
sentimental esteem in which It is held
by California. We know that all
power on earth could not get that ax
away from California by force and
we know that the Stanford cohorts
would like to see that ax again. It
Is a fetisli and an institution.
Now, why can't California take a
leaf out of the Michigan-Minnesota
book and make a proposal similar to
that which now obtains regarding the
Jug? i
The writer mentioned this Idea to
Judge Brown, who originally stole
the ax. and he Immediately coincided
in the view that it would be an Inter
esting feature for future games be
tween California and Stanford. He
"The idea appeals to me very much.
Of course I have not had time to
think it over, but I can't s,ee why it
would not be an excellent thing and
add very much to the historic and
sentimental value of the weapon."
Many rival colleges have historic
objects like the ax. The jug hereto
fore mentioned is one, Princeton has
an old revolutionary cannon which
once was stolen by Rutgers college in
the dead of night, the big gun being
hauled away by means of ox teams.
Princeton students awaited their op
portunity and regained the trophy by
the same means. There are many
other colleges that have similar
trophies of competition.,
Nothing is more dear to the col
legiate heart than the forms and
pomps of various college ceremonies.
The ax presents a fine opportunity
for an Interesting added ceremonial
when the trophy is passed from one
team to another.
Junior Golds Quintet Wins.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Jan. 2. The
Oakland. Cal., Junior Golds basket
ball team, Pacific Coast Amateur
Athletic union champions, last night
defeated the Broken Bow high school
five by a score of 42 to 16. The vis
itors gave a splendid exhibition of
team work and were in the lead from
the start.
ILWACO, Wash., Jan. 2. (Special.)
The Illwaco JiiKh school basketball
team took an easy contest irom in
fasA Clatskanie quintet here Friday
by a score of "2 to i. Ilwaco jumped
into the lead at the start and grad-
lly increased it to the end of the
The sparklingreature of the game
was the clever passing ana checking
of the local five. Stone, who had been
playing a great game this season, was
easily the outstanding star.
Mitchell Beats O'Keefc in Fight.
MILWAUKEE, Wis , Jan. 2. Pinkey
Mitchell. Milwaukee lightweight, in
a ten-round, no-decision boxing con
test yesterday decisively defeated
Dennis O'Keefe, Chicago, winning
every round except the first, which
appeared even.
Mails to Coach St. Mary's.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 2. Walter
Mails, pitcher for the world champion
Cleveland Americans, will coach St.
Mary's college-Phoenix baseball team
next season, it was announced today.
Addition or Jack Laden to Bas
ketball Squad Improves
Pennant Chances.
Wrash. .Jan. 2. (Special.) Coach Bor
leske and ten varsity basketball play
ers left (Whitman this evening for
Spokane, where the Whitman basket
ball team will make its first appear
ance of the season tomorrow. A total
of five hoop games have been ar
ranged. Whitman meeting the Spo
kane university and the Spokane Ath
letic club both in two games each,
and Lewis and Clark high school in
one game. .
Basketball prospects during the
Christmas holidays took a jump when
Jack Laden, from Ballard high. Seat
tle appeared on the campus and
donned a suit. The holidays brought
no rest to tne wjlhih"
and workouts
day. Laden ha3 been turning out
with the squad and has shown good
form at guard.
With Ladens' addition indications
are that the Whitman team will be
another replica of last season's cham
pionship five, in that the team prom
ises to he as heavy and fast as last
year. The lightest player Is Captain
Rich, who weighs but 155, while the
other probable four or five players
are around 165 to 170 "Dutch'' Gar
ver, Reynolds. Comrada. Laden and
Knudson. Schroeder is also showing
up well and may be used at guard or
have been held every
Ball Clubs May Make Deal.
It is reported that the Philadelphia
American league club is vry anxious
to make a deal with the New York
American league for an exchange of
Second Baseman Dugan foi- First
10 Rounds 10
10 Rounds 10
6 Rounds 6
6 Rounds 6
4 Rounds 4
Prices: Gallery, $1.10. Reserved.
$1.65, $2.20, $2.75. Ringside, $3.30.
Tickets Now Selling at
Heilig Theater.
Most Inviting
Positions Offered
I The Publishers of the Nation Offer You One of the
Greatest of AH Callings The Easiest
Road to Success.
Would you like' to get into a business that insures a
good earning power and employment anywhere in the
civilized world?
The publishers of America want you to work for them
if you have as much as a good grammar school educa
tion. The work is very nearly the same as operating a
typewriter for six or eight hours a day.
The atmosphere surrounding the work nowadays is
as agreeable as that of a counting room, and the associa
tions are just as pleasing. It is attractive to talented
women as well as to ambitious men, from 18 years old
A school for the purpose of training you in thirteen
weeks has been established at Macon, Ga., in connection
with the Georgia-Alabama Business College. This paper
is interested in the school because it sees the great need
for the graduates. Employment at unusually high pay
is assured at once if you but join the school and work
faithfully to perform the tasks assigned to you.
Letters and telegrams are received daily, from all
parts of the nation, begging the school for operators.
If you want to get into a work that brings you a big
reward immediately and gives you an opportunity to
reach a high place in the world, write for prospectus,
v Typesetting Department,
Georgia-Alabama Business College,
Macon, Georgia
Eugene Anderson, President
9000 Pairs
of the Best
To Be Sold Out at Once!
Hip Boots
Knee Boots
All Standard Makes
Army Retail
Fifth and Pine Streets
E. A. M. Fowler, Manager