THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1. 1921 21 FOR SALE AfTOMOBILEg. COT.B. 5-P. FAlin.T CAR. F lRST-CLAi-S CONDITION. SEf PAINT A ENAMEL JOB. GREAT CAR TOI'RINi; OR HIUHWAT. GREAT ACRIFICB AT JI1S0 CASH. OR ' I1000 iN TERMS. THIS CAR WOULD BI CHEAP AT ADDRESS AUTO SACRIFICE, AE 270, uRJGuNLA-N. Rnr-K a TOtTRTNG. MOO With f y down, balance kmir easy pt-mer.u. take bonds, full ve. on this se.. It bu seat covers, no finish And fan tool, and side cuJIPaina. extra 4. K.iwr. IB firSt-Cia come ard try It- Will take late model Ford fir.t r.avment. Open all day. lttth and Alder ls. MTTRPHT MOTOR CAR COMPAXT. This i early 16. and has lota extras o it, r-erinisnea ana iow m i ' cooa as i nc u j it joi l ujo - side curtains and full set tools, cord tire and other extras; low price, taae V0 down, balance easy. Open, today. 16th mnd Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR gjjgjgL PITR Rfl ATltSTETR. '18 MODEL Here is a car that has new tirea, fie tjrirn whe:, full set tools and aid cur tains: runs and looks as good as It did . it f th faetorv. We have low tr;re of S6S0 with S2M down, balance asy term, that you can pay. Open today. omo and try It. 16th and Alder. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPAVV J9 CA'5P.I.AKu 90 MODBL. Tnis sturdy lhrht four is ready for any work. Has non-skid tires and one extra bumper and spotllrnt. side curtains, M et tools and low price of M84 with NH down, balance easy: take vlctor bonds. fu-11 value. Come and try It. Open to day. 16th and Alder street. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANT iitomohHes Wstlted. MAKE OFFER f Tf CAM AND CASH ON H1GH--CLASS WINTON f FAMILY CAR) IN PERFECT CONTRI TION NEW PAINT JOB JUST COM I LETED THIS CAR AN "A BSOLUTfc BARGAIN" AT $1500. CONSIDER KM ALU CAP KIKST rAIJMi. BALANCE YOUR OWN TERM. AD nkEss OWNER. AH 22. ORE-IONIAN ' GOOD RUNNING ORDER. ABOUT 2(K CASH AND GOOD T FAATBR WORKS "PREFERRED TN- COME STOCKY" $100 PER SHARE. FOR AUTO IN GOOD MECHANICAL mvniTinv mmn nooo. Y fVAlNT DON'T MATTER); NO JUNK. PHONE MAIN 1I3B Sk" Yt.U cannot finish paying for your car I have a l-aarai ffeouioo was w i xv phire ,ad ring or U -karat diamond ring to trad for good equ.-ty.Give full details ao first letter. A 232. Orego n-fan. wir r k.,v ,.r rnnrt-hund --ton truck. J913 or 11110 model, equipped with dump body and hoL Price must dc rtaton ahle and truck in good condition. AR 211, Oregonian. WANT to trade $200 phonograph as part pavment on good Ford touring or light delivery. Call Broadway 402 between 2 , and 6 P. IC. Saturday, s-unaay ana Mon day, ask tor Sternert, wasningmn WILL pay cash for a lata model Dodge used ear: must be in nrst-c:ass condi tea car; roust im m , . on; give full particulars and lowest rice you will accept. Address M 2t, tio price Oregonian r . VTiTi. ULMT hnv nna rnnrl-hflnd truck ot 11)19 or 1120 model; price must be reasonable and truck In good condition. A L Stt, Oregonian. WHt WANTS to trade small coupe or roadsteikin good condition for residence lot m Woodlawn and ready upending mony ? Telephone Main Til f(.Ui WANTED $2i0 cash for best Ford. Call Sunday 12 to 2 P. M. 34 Mill St.. corner Broadway. CASH for all maltes of cars; condition no object. 415 Glisan. cor. 10th. 1 1 . L 1'A Y cash for 1920 Ford. Main Mlti 1ATE mndH car wanted; win trade 3 city lots. Mar. 2170. 312 Jackson st. Motorcyrle. 21ARLEY-nAVlTPON MOTORCYCXES NEW AND REBUILT. Second-hand parts for all mattes of machines. Mail orders filled same day received. MOTORCYCLE A SUPPLY CO.. Ui 3D ST. MAIN 7SS0. INC. MOTORCYCLES and parts, aj ; makes East Side Motorcycle Co., 44-46 Grand avenue. TOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6139. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without drivers. Day or night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Bdwy. 3696. Remember our number. Broadway 3696. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVER LANDS. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New l'J20 models, reasonable ratea 132 12th st., between Washington and Alder Broadway S40. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L 1. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A1236 ALTIfOF it BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TAYLOR MAIN 16S7. 1920 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE. WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY $547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. THE NVMRER OF SALES on new trucks depends to a certain extent on the sales In the second-hand department. In order to make room for new business we are putting the price down on second hand trucks so low that price will be a big factor in moving them, so if you are In the market for a used truck be sure i and look over our list and then call and inspect them: Dodge roadster, new top, new peiint. good tires, new rings and wrist pins and new steer ing gear $400 2-ton Standard, engine over . hauled, good tires and new paint 1000 1-ton CMC, , throughout. good condition l-ton Sanrer. Just the thing for the wood hauler or say heavy duty work; completely over hauled. If you want a "Yellow Chassis," come sr.. we have a few left and the price is cut: ) 3-ton Republic, good shape. .. .$1000 2-ton Republic, good condition. 900 HACK -INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION. Tenth and Davis Streets. Broadway 690. TRUCKS! TRUCKS! ALL SIZES AND MAKES THE FOLLOWING ARB TYPICAL OF OUR STOCK Olds E'-onomy speed wagon, fist body, suitable for general haul lag $1150 -ton Republic overhauled and guaranteed ..................... $75 sVton GMC, In fine shape, suitable for wood haul 1000 1-ton Traffic, as good as new. Best buy in the city 750 1-ton Republic. A bargain. . .... 850 These are only part of our stock. W have a truck for every possible purpose. It will pay you to investigate before ORANNING sr TRsTsTCK. $42 Aider SU cor. 17th. Bdwy. 1721. 1 HAVE a new kerosene tractor for sale cheap: might consider exchange or trade for potatoes. J, E, Sinclair, 418 Rail way Exchange. NEW ;-TON freight truck, on run; price and terms worth while. 67 North 2d st.. noon every day. 4TOK SALE cheap. 1920 1-ton Ford truck In A-l s h ape. Call at $61 3d at, or phone Main 3Q5L fi - TON STANDARD, good heavy duty Job, now being overhanled: terms. 436 Burnstd. Phone Bdwy. 486. J-TON Selden in first-class shape; price and terms reasonable. 430 Burnside. Tidwy. 46 Xit TON I'lAM'Wh T. brud new. at fax- tocy cost. 430 Jjnrntlde, Oidwjc. 486, FOB SALE TRUCKS AND TBVCTORS. 1-9-2-1 surely will be a hummer if our last week's business is a fair indicator, however, we have some excellent buys left, which we are offerins; on liberal terms. 6VC 2-ton. lone-frame. Just been thoroughly overhauled, has new tires and is a truck that we can recommend without reservations. $2239 GMC ;-tom. chain-drive, cord wood body and cab. This truck Is not painted and polished np. but is a food, honest worker T50 Reo 1 Vt -ton. motor over hauled, tires in jrood snaps, a very guod buy at 63 GMC -ton. this has been overhauled by Charlie Beck, and those who know his work can ask for no more 775 Ford panel delivery, self starter, nearly a new ma chine 500 Ford worm-drive truck, over hauled, A-l general condi dition 400 WENTWORTH A TRWTN (Inc.) 200 Second Corner of Taylor. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Studebaker truck, in Dink of condition panel body, electric lights, starter and everything; must sen. r. u. oox iw. 0 k Grove. 111 s WORM-DRIVE Ford truck with cov -red-over delivery body, in good sha pe must sell. $300 takes it. 415 GUsan St.. cor. 10th. STUDEBAKER 4-ton truck. A-l condl tion. Owner. 96. Lombard tL Col. sii. AUTO REPAIRING. AUTO EXPERTS, Let us repskir your enr in your own garage. All worK guaranteed. Keas onable prices. Phone Woodlawn 841. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MAKKliT VAUUK FOR I I A MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGE WO K ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE D1A- .MC Dit OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. 340 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 317$. $12.50 TO $25. FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER, THE TAILOR He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison sL. near 3d st. Will call day or evening. 18.50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAYLOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3932. 243fc BURNSIDE. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE BETWEEN 2D AND SD. WE MUST have 500 men's suits and top coats to ship out of town; we are in big demand for used clothing, we are still paying the highest prices for high-priced clothing. Call at 107 First sc. near Morrison, Tailor establlahmenL Phone Main 738. UP TO $35. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d st, N. W. cor. Waah. Main 9344. UP-TO-DATE BUYER. I pay the highest prices for second hand furniture, toola, rags, old clothing and all kinds of junk. Call Main 734 and I WILL CLEAN UP YOUR HOME FURS. FURS. FURS. Low Rent and Low Price Remodeling and Repairing. LA FRANCE wUR MFG. CO., Main 6529. 163 W. Park. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing, highest cash prices paid; will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. WANTED. Mangel beets, turnips, rutabaga and carrots; state price and location. Answer care of A 510. Oregonia.n CABINET TALKING MACHINE Main 4405. Auto. 627-46. 128 First. GENTS' used sulta wanted; highest prices 9aid American razors. Ilo Grand ave. East 1676. . . ' WANTED Office equipment for real es tate otxice. Must De reasonable. At 226. Oregonian. 6AF15 Want small office eafe. Give size and lowtst cash price. AM 2i, Ore- Bonian. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dla monds Dan Marx A Co . 283 Wah. t WANTED Second-hand Edison disk oum- eograph machine. t'none Main -job. WILL invest in small auto repair shop. jtsst Mr. oeder. Alar, lwa or udo." iti. WANTED 8S-note pmyer rolls; price, write m oregoaian. WANTED High-grade violin. State price and make. AM --p. oregonian. WANT Metronome for piano student. East 59 IS. WANT large-stxe harness and saddle for Shetland pony. Phone East .5918. Furniture Wanted. MARSHALL CSSL GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLDEST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUP. KIND IN PORTLAND. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. The Big Store. AH under one roof. No branch etoree. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 doors from Yamhill, CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THF BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309 CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than other local dealers. Call us up for one article or a house full; and a courteous, competent buyer will call. Main 7714. Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be Tor you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 208 FIRST ST. MAIN 7728, CALL MAIN 887S. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. . CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8878. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 Flrst st SELL us your furniture and rugs. Reliable Furniture Co.. 203 2d sL Main 7308. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332 WE BUY used furniture. For beat results call East 2405. Machinery anted. MACHINERY WANTED A good used 7 or 8-tnch edger; any good make. Box 815. Eugene. Or. EDUCATIONAL. MRS. HAXNUM'S School Shorthand. Type writing. 230 Tillamook st., cor. Gaatea bein. East 3860. WANTED Address of men and women desiring government positions. AB 278, Oregonian- EXPERT private instruction in shorthand by teacher of 25 years; have special of fer to make you. Cail Automatic 327-39 MISS MATTING LY'S Shorthand. Type writing School $6 a month. 269 14th, near Jefferson. Main 3-S03- srNISll classes; dictation to stenogra pher. Mm. Vejar, 418 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st. F1SK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Main 4fj-- pwiuqm, iree reg. Y vTES-FlSHER Teachers" Agency Free reglfctratjon. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. vN"TED At once, two men to learn vul. canning and retreading, sjj Hawthorne. OREGON law school, Altfcky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. B. Rictsardson, sec. Main 977. IF YOU WANT to lcaxn the yulcanizing buiness call 158 E. Broauway. LE RN Akron. Ohio, xnvthud In vulca UiHA d rtrcdn. Call 433 Stark. EDUCATIONAL. $1.50 "ROAD TO SUCCESS" BOOK FREE. If von am interested In Imnrtrrlnc your condition want to eacxt up to $50u a month, phone, write or can at me Adcox Auto and Aviation school for a copy of their big new $lw0 red book, which shows through fact, picture and testimonial how hundreds of men and young men have climbed out of the rut Into the big pay class. Requesting this book does not cost you anything nor ok. .gate you in any way ana it is ver like.v to show the wav to a bright ana prosperous future for you Just as It has ror hundreds or others. Just address the Adcox Auto and Aviation school, corner of Union ave nue and Wasco street, and ask for a free copy of their $1.0 red book No. i. AVIATION. IF YOU WANT TO FLY. WE'LL MAKE YOU A PILOT. Our methods instil confidence from the start. You know you are flying with tiie most skilled In structors and the best equipment from the safest field that mon ey can buy. Our average student will qualify for the International Pilots' Licenee after 7 hours in the air. The cost is based on the time it takes to qualify with safety. P. R. & G. AIRLINES, INC.. 217 Main SL Vancouver, Waah. START the New Year right by attending HKMrHiLL'S AUTO and TRACT Oxt SCHOOL; automobile and tractor engi neering; special battery and ignition courses; vulcanizing and retreading, welding and brazing; DAY and EVEN ING classes. State pays Oregon ex-service men $25 month while attending school. Information and catalogue upon request. HEMPHILL'S AUTO and TRAC TOR SCHOOL Inc. School at 707 Haw thorne avenue, Portland. Downtown of fice 331 Oak at sear Broadway. $25 CHRISTMAS CHECK FREE. To all students enrolling for any course at the Adcox Auto and Aviation school on or before January 10. Wo reserve the right to withdraw this offer before January 10 if all classes are filled to capacity before that date. Don't run the risk of missing an oppor tunity to save make application to day. Our $25 check and big 1110-page catalogue will be mailed free to any address. Call or writ at once for book No. 5. LEARN AVIATION FROM THE FIRST AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE AERONAUT ICAL SCHOOL IN THE NORTHWEST. A SCHOOL WHICH HAS 2000 MORE PUPILS THAN ANY OTHER SIMILAR SCHOOL IN THIS TERRITORY. Big demand if you are a qualified man In aeronautica ALL COURSES ARE FREE TO FED ERAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING MEN THE STATE OF OREGON ALLOWS $2f PER MONTH TOWARD EDUCATION AL PURPOSES TO OREGON EX-SERV-1CE MEN. CATALOGUE ON REQUEST. DUDREY AIRCRAFT CO MP AN T. Portland. 624 Morgan Bldg-. Oregon LAST NIGHT CLASS. No enrollments for night class ac cepted at the Adcox Auto St Aviation school after January 5. School open for inspection daily at 11 A. M. or evenings at 7 P. M. Call or write for free copy of our 136-page catalog. No. 5. and par ticulars of our $25 "Christman Check" offer. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Of course, you wi?h the best possible training. That means that you will Investigate this school, where you get thorough labora tory training and practical repair expe rience under experts. One high-grade Instructor per each 12 students. Auto mobiles, tractors, vulcanizing, machine training. Ex-service men get Oregon financial aid. Address Automotive Schools, Oregon Institute of Technology, Sixth and Main sts., Portland. POSITIONS in other lines of work are scarce, but multigraph operators are in demand. The Callan Multigrapb school trains you to fill these positions and also asissts you in procuring positions, when you have finished the 4 to 6 weeks' course. Register now with classes be ginning Monday. Jan. 3. Day and even ing classes for both young ladies and young men. Callan Multigrapb. school, 4 1 1 Artisans' bldg.. Broadway at Oak. YOU CAN LEARN WEI-DING. COMPETENT WELDERS are more scarce than any other craftsmen In the metal trades. By our method of indi vidual instruction under experienced teachers WE WILL TEACH YOU WELDING OF ALL METALS more thoroughly and In less time than can be done in any other manner. Apply, day or evening, at 427 E. 9th st., near Grant. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OF WELDING. AFFILIATED Schools and Colleges of America win open in i-omana soon, a wide range or subjects will be taught, vocational, professional. Industrial, aca demic, literary, etc. We shall need a large force of teachers, sales people, office people, etc. We shall be glad to hear from pupils who wish to take courses at home. Write for full Infor mation, but state definitely what you want. AR 21U. Oregonian. BEHNKE-WALKER. West's largest business college. As sures every graduate a position. AH business courses. Including comptometer training. Enroll any time; day school, night schoel. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. Fourth, near Morrison. Phone Main 590. BUSINESS SCHOOL, giving personal and individual attention; prepares young men for business, stenographic, private secre tarial and bookkeeping positions; stand ardized with business schools in 100 dif erent cities; day or night. Inquire of Mr. Clark, dean. Main 8700. Oregon In stitute of Technology. MOLEK BARBER COLLEGE will teach you tne irauc i o a Eei of tools to you, and give some pay while learning; positions secured; former ex service men receive state aid while at tending our school. Write or call for catalogue and particular?. 234 Burnside. LESSONS IN GRAMMAR GRADE STUDIES. Backward pupils a specialty. MARSHALL 981. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach vou tne traue in o wtcna, eiaip ana iace massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed, pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. PORTLAND Barber College teaches the barber iraae J" veat ccno, pays wnne learning; good set of tools given; posi tions secured: tuition reduced. 38 N. 2d st BOCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. mgr.. N. W. Bank bidg. Main 8276. MRS. G. M. Mel ty. private Kindergarten and primary graaes. reopens jan. Rose City Park. Telephone Tabor 752. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele- grapn tnsiliuio. i xvauway jtcnaii bldg. Night classes. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Logging superintendent for large, up-to-date operation; must bs thoroughly experienced in west coast railroad logging in rough country; state experience, references and salary, AV Sax, oregoMar. CASHIER and assistant bookkeepr for local auto house, must be experienced, re liable and well recommended; state full particulars, including salary required. AF 277, Oregonian. M A WH o understands poultry business and likes the work; give full particulars regarding wages wanted and past expe rience, married or single. BD 219, Ore- gonjaa W NTED Experienced married stock man and farmer, clean milker, four cows; wife good housekeeper; references required ; no children ; extra man em ployed. N 216, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, lady or gentleman, tor work in office of grow ing concern; give references and wages expected, in own handwriting. T 217, Oregonian. FORD SALESMAN WANTED Most fur nish own car; splendid opening for en ergetic man. Applv 5:30 P. M. Robison- Sirntn Co.. Tin sgwssjsj 1 AM LOOKING for a man t open a vul canizing shop in country town: will help finance you and teach you the business if necessary. Call 138 E. Broadway. W ANTED A proas man with experience on Miller cedar; state salary wanted. Y 62. Oregonian. WANTED Men horse radish. Tailor. to peddle hominy and 194 Grand ave, cor. LIVE- young man for salea work. No ex perience necessary. 517 Cham, of Com. W NTED Competent second girl, family. Phone Main 190. CUT WOOD oa shares, furnished house, near Portland. Box 222. Cama., WANT experienced night clerk, local hoteL AN 212. Oregonian. WANTED Barber. $28 on $40. Fred Ue, Majshfifia. O. HELP WANTED MAI F. WE WISH ALL OUR FRIENDS A HAPPY AND BOUNTE OUS NEW YEAR. LET US ALL CO-OPERATE. LET US WORK WITH AND FOR ONE ANOTH ER TO THE END THAT THE YEAR 1921 SHALL BE A PROSPEROUS ONE IN OREGON. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., ALWYAS AT YOUR JBERVICB. 233 AND 235 BURNSIDE ST. J. P. Coxon, Mgr. MEN AND BOYS SEEKING EMPLOYMENT. The place best equipped to assist yon In finding employment is the Y. M. C. A. Employers go there for help because they know the "Y" appeals to the beat type of men and boys. Many firms have standing orders 'there for men with cer tain qualifications; perhaps you are fit ted for one of these places. Advisory and employmenut service Is absolutely free to ex-eervlce men. All men seeking employment In cler ical, technical and commercial lines and those who are ambitious to better their condition should see the Y. M. C. A. employment secretary, room 307. "WHERE THERE IS ALWAYS DE MAND FOR CAPABLE MEN" WANTED Logging camp foreman who can get logs, handle men ana plan his work ahead for large Columbia river operation near Portland. Must be experi enced and fully qualified. State full particulars and ex perience in first letter. AV 862. Oregon ian. WANTED. MAN WITH FORD. To deliver and nut ud signs on loca tlons furnished hv us. All material furnished : city of Portland and adja cent roads; no experience necessary, but muvt be a good worker. Phone Main 6111 for appointment. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. BTOCK EXCH WANTED A-l auto and truck mechan ics; no has-been wanted; permanent it can produce; If not first class, save time and expense;' if you answered previous ad, answer this. RICHARDSON MOTOR CO.. BAN DON. OR, - FIRST-CLASS shoemaker wanted. Pro gressive Shoe Shop, 73 E. 9th St., Eugene. Oregon. " Ileln Wanted nlcsmen. SALESMAN WANTED. WANT EXPERIENCED AUTOMO BTTJfl ACCESSORY SALESMAN TO REPRESENT THE ROEDDING SIGNAL TA I L LIGHT, r OK A L.L, LAKH, AXV THE ELMCO THERMO-SYPHON HEATER FOR FORDS, ON A COM MISSION BASIS. READY SELLERS THAT OPEN A BROAD FIELD FOR A MAN WITH INITIATIVE AND ENERGY. FOR AP POINTMENT PHONE ROOM 735 ORE GON HOTEL. SALESMAN WANTED. Field agent, experienced in selling auto accessories to organize a crew io nanaie two attachments that cover a broad and profitable field. Have enormous sale In the east and Just being placed on the coast; must be high-class man. For appointment phone room 735 Ore gon hotel. WANTED. FIVE AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN, EX TENSIVE EXPERIENCE NOT RE QUIRED. WE ARE LOOKING FOR MEN WITH ENTHUSIASM AND INI TIATIVE TO SUCH WE OFFER A SPLENDID AND PERMANENT POSI TION" GIVE FULL DETAILS IN FIRST LETTER. ADDRESS DICKSON MA RSH MOTOR CO., INC., HOOD RIVER. OR. SALESMEN WHO CA N SELL DIRECT TO CONSUMERS. THE J. R. W ATKINS CO. has a real proposition paying 100 per cent profit from the start; our products are necessities and sold on a money back guarantee. If you are interested in exclusive territory In Portland or other cities In Oregon and Washington, see Mr. Stipp at 260 s South Broadway, 2-7 P. M. SALP;SMEN One of the biggest and best known auto truck concerns of the city will need two experienced salesmen of proven ability after Jan. 1. If you can sell trucks, a liberal and permanent proposition is open ; none other than ex perienced men will be considered; all applications considered strictly confi dential. Give age and full experience in first letter. M 260. Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS salesman to take over local agency for crackerjack office specialty which sells Just as well or better In nor mal times as otherwise. Present local agent going on the road as general agent, establishing agencies In Important cities. None but high-class men of ability and neat appearance need apply; references. AL 230, Oregonian. j SALESMAN wanted to sell as side line a very high grade line of hard candy and chocolates in Portland and surrounding territory. Replies must state present lines carried and territory covered. AV 861, Oregonian. TH R EE experienced traveling salesmen who can sell mattresses and furniture, an opportunity yr good men to get in with the BIG FOUR concerns; only ex perienced men need apply. United Mfg. Co., 801 Holladay ave., Portland. Or. WANTED Salesmen calling on the confec tionery trade to take on good side line; will net ?20 per day: some good terri tory left. See Mr. Hadley, 314 Wilcox building. GOOD commission with guarantee for salesman who can sell established line; live in Seattle and cover Puget sound territory. P 275. Oregonian. UNUSUAL opportunity tor good salesman: must be prepared to buy moderate priced car on attractive basis; give experlenca H 153. Oregonian. SALESM ANAGER wanted, manufacturing and exporting corporation; unusual op port unityJAE23LOreonJarK SALESMAN Call for list of lines. Na tional Salesmen's Training Ass'n, 704. Gasco bldg. SALESMAN wanted; no experience nec. eosary. Apply room 414 Gerlinger bldgt GIRL to assist with housework and cook ing. Marshall 856.. SALESMEN Wonderful opportunity, lss come insurance. 501 Corbett bldg. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS for our Improved "oriental dancers." gold finished, neat coin 4 n velope carriers, 500 per cent: retails 50c: no stamps. Your name and a red stamp brings an interesting big mail, alsq a comical 15 page book. Patriotic Pub lishing Co., Lumber Exchange hlig., Portland, Oregon. TO HEAR from parties interested in grow ing gladiolus bulbs on shares. Do not replv unless vou have fair amount of ground and are willing to give propel- at tention to crop. Gladiolus Farm, Baring. Oregon. PREMIER transformer shows insnintly any cylinder not firing. Fires broken or dirty plugs; more power, less gas. 32 per set post paid. Agents wanted. Premier Mtnfg. Co.. I. h.. ivn r-nri i-inn WANTED Sole agent for my GOITER CURE- For full particulars renu-dlng exclusive territory. AF 257. Oragosian. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Male and Female. LEADING office and clerical employment socialists of the northwest. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SETOv'ICE. 504 Spalding Bldg. Clients are calling oh our ser-uice now for the following experienced hrelp: Stenographers, bookkeepers. typists, leflger clerks, cashiers, machine oper ators of all kinds and help in sfJ tech nical positions. Call and register with us foe- a high class office position. Position s coming in daily. THE WOMEN'S Employment Bureau fur nishes competent office help fi ee to em ployers; efficiency test given to appli cants. Private interview roonj . Mrs. L. V. ScotL mgrH 32 Henry bidjr. Broad-: a. 4Kr HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of a thor oughly experienced double entry book keeper; must be competent and furnish best of references. Apply superinten dent'a office, 0:15 to 10:30 A. M. STENOGRAPHER AND TYPIST. Must be fully capable of answering phone and meeting public; give expe rience, age. phone, wages wanted; steady place if work is satisfactory. T 247, Oregonian. WANTED By high-class establishment, a competent young woman bookkeeper; must be neat and accurate In work and able to do some stenographic work; re plies will be treated with entire confi dence. AF 261. Oregon tan. NEAT Scandinavian Christian woman or girl as housekeeper for widower; one that prefers good home more than big wages; give name, add. ana paone. 287. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, lady or gentleman, for work in office of grow ing concern; give references and wages expected. In own handwriting. T 217, O regon ian. - EXPERIENCED cloak and suit saleslady wanted, good salary, steady position, ap ply by letter, stating experience, to White House Cloak & Suit Co., As toria. Or. WA NTED Experienced middle-age work ing housekeeper to manage rooming house: no children. Office 654 Com mercial st., Astoria, Or. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3450. DM car. WANTED Someone living In the neigh borhood of 24th and Marshall to take care of child in afternoon. Call Mar shall 335. 6 WIDE AWAKE women to put in 6 hours daily demonstrating work ; permanent position. If inteisted call at 253 6th and Madison. M I DDLE-AG ED woman to take care of 0-year-old girl and help with housework; family of three; Laiurelhurst. O 282, Ore gonian. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for young lady having knowledge- of typewriting who desires instruction in shorthand. BJ 280, Oregonian. YOUNG women desiring employment as telephone operators call at room 601 Tel ephone building. Park and Oak sts. THE FLORENCE Crittenton Home Is ready to help ant girl in distress. 95 S East Gilsan. "MV car East 316 WANTED A lady- to keep house out of town for widower with boy 6. no ob jection to child. T 214. Oregonian. WANTED FOR OUR MILLINERY WORKROOM. EXPERIENCED MAKERS. EMPORIUM. 124 SIXTH ST. MIDDLE-AGED Jady living aione wishes fcidy to assist in Jfght housework. 312 East 15th street North. j ELDERLY lady, fond of children, to assist jvlth housework; rood home and wages. A J 288. Oregonian. GIRL wanted. 3d st- Peitny Arcade, 26 North EXPERIENCED tress wanted at 2S8 Burnside, Liberty restaurant. Bdwy. 2947. WANTED A chaimbermaid, residence. Apply St Helens nail, I3th and Hall. NEAT young lady for sales work, no ex perience necessary. 517 Cham, of Com. EXPERIENCED wal tress wanted. Call room 208 Frisco Hotel. Bdwy. 1977. Wanted Domestics. GIRL or woman, for plain cooking and general housewtxrk. 261 Alnsworth ave, Woodlawn 1213 WANTED Girl r woman to help care for children and mtake herself generally use ful in home where other help is kepL 786 Kearnev. Main 1061. . GIRL or lady for general housework in modern home In country; good home and permanent place. Inquire 634 Hal sey street tliis morning. Irvington car. idlGH-SCHOOfL or business-college girl to help with light housework for room, board and car fare ; pleasant home. Tabor GTt. WANTED Girl for general housework. Take Broadway or Irvington car. 295 E. 11th St. N. comer Clack-mas st. WANTED i oman or young girl to assist with light housework and help care for children. hone Wdna. TL 9 a. ml to t COMPETENT girl, general housework, room and separate bath, good pay. Au- gomatw EKS YOUNG Rid or woman for light house work. $30$ no laundry. Call Automatic 314-49 or I Marshall 1150. - GIRL for ceneral housework in an apart ment, m v.s t be good coo k ; no waah i g. 69 N. 23t at., apt Mar. 1491. WANTED Girl to help with general houseworik. Telephone Main 3156, or write 50l Montgomery st MOTHERLY lady under 60 for light housework; family of 3: good home to right pHrty. Phone 218-87. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, joiust be good plain cook. 6 in family. Phone East 1903. GIRL for housework; no cooking. 794 Lovejoj-. Main 247. RELIABLE girl to help with general housework, small family. Tabor S66. W A N T EJD Com pe t e n t coo k at 453 Vista avenm . Main 2736. WANTFJD Girl to assist with housework. 281 Nj. 24th, cor. Overton St. WANT ft IP Experienced waitress, lory hotel. 171 Lownsdale. GOOD GIRL for general housework; no washting; good wages. Call Bast 3900. WAN'f ED Girl for general housework. Phoiie Tabor 351. HELT WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. SCENJARISTS. Inexperienced, for appointment. East 2462 HT5UP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. PARITNER wanted In woodworking plant; pn.-fer man who will take active part in business; if competent, may assume con trol of either factory or office; this busi ness has been conservatively managed tor about 12 years; J4O00 required. Ad-dn-eag C L Oregonian. MAN WITH selling ability to take man agement and controlling interest of well established electrical business in town of 10.000; $3000 needed. AH 263, Ore gon ian LJ VE young man can get one-third inter est, established money-making business; $1000 and services required. D 10, Ore gonian TITAN TED Sole agent for my GOITER CUK. f or run particulars regaruins ex c I u sive territory. Ar an, precoma n CAPABLE young lady to appoint agents. 3100 investment requirea. j ore gonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. JAPANESE schoolboy who speaks English, wants position. A. Hirakodo, 52 N. 3d St., city. Automatic 535-19. ELDERLY man will work for room and board and small wages. MUST HAVE WORK. BF 234. Oregonian. VULCANIZER and garage floor man wants work; no objections going out of city. AM 296. Oregonian. JAPANESE schoolboy, age 17, wants light work after school or before in small family. AM 233, Oregonian. MARRIED man wants position as apart ment house manager. Can make all minor repairs. AM 237, Oregonian. A-l AUTO mechanic would like work In shop, understands all makes. 15 years' experience. Phone Marshall 2152. GROCERY clerk, wholesale and retail ex perience, needs work. Will consider any thing. AR 241. Otregonlan. ELECTRICIAN, powerhouse and sub-station experience, wants work. Will go anywhere. AR 240, Oregonian. STRONG, willing boy, 16, wants work. Grocery experience. References. Sell wood 20. EXPERIENCED first-class cook, steady and reliable, wants work: dinner work preferred. R 271. Oregonian. MARRIED man wants job of any kind; machinist; can driva car or truck. AJ 295. QregonianL EXPERIENCED truck driver wants job on any iz truck; American, married, with family AJ 300. Oregonian. YOUNG man aged 20. work on farm or dairy ranch; can milk. AJ 286, Orego nian Tel. Tabor 1476. WANTED Experienced elderly man wants position as watchman or elevator; sat isfactory references. Main 6133. CARPENTER wants work repairing, alter ations, JODDing Or -UHlrti;., fCd-UCaUit. Phone Broadway 1975. YOUNG man wants apprtenticeship in ga rage, willing worker. 271 Haiaey st., city. EXPERIENCED pruning of all kinds; "have your work done.before spring rush. Main 1602: residence. Main 613. HIGH-SCHOOL boy wants work aft school and on Saturdays. Call Tabor 2769. YOUNG married man wishes position; ex perienced in various lines of work; ref erences. AC 291. Oregonian. GOOD counter WfltCT and good naturfd. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. CORRESPONDENT. You will find that my letters will produce results, for I have the ex perience, education, ability and determination with which to suc ceed. Am a young man 23. unmarried, honest. loyal and steady. I work so the result will be profitable to my employer. Excellent refer ences furnished. Would like a permanent posi tion with a reliable firm, where there is an opportunity for ad vancement Will call for Inter view at your conenience. AF 25, Oregonian. BUSINESS MANAGER. Touhg man. high-grade, competent business executive, thoroughly familiar with modern methods of doing business, desises connection with reputable con cern as manager or retail store or stores, or in executive capacity. Now employed but desires change, location being no ob ject, where desirability and future of connection can be shown. References. Confidential. K 34. Oregonian. POSITION as-manager for grocery or city sales proposition is solicited by thor oughly experienced groceryman. several years' experience In every detail of the grocery business; can furnish highly sat isfactory reverence. Address BF 268, Oregonian. . LIVE young man, steady, reliable, excel lent references, desires to locate in sales, stock or shipping department of whole sale or retail company where loyalty and ability to produce results would in sure future advancemenL Salary no ob j ecu T 299, Oregonian. POSITION wanted at once by an all around butter and ice cream maker, sev eral years' experience in creameries and milk plant, also road experience. Can furnish a good reference. Y 287, Ore gonian. EX -SOLDIER, !J3. born In Portland, mar ried, have 3 children, own home, been ut of work since Nov. L licensed chauf feur, truck drier, oil fireman, good ant. for chief; capable of handling storage dept. for garage. Main 3799 ROOF REPAIRING. We repair and paint roofs and gut ters, work guaranteed; waterproof base ments. Roof Security, Inc., mfrs. Web foot paint. 226 Board of Trade bldg. Office phone. Main 571; res., 5044. PRINTERS Compositors, admen, job men, makeup, proofreaders, pressmen; plenty of first-class help; non-union: come at once. H Cox, Ramapo, 473 Washington st.. city. REGISTERED druggist from south will consider position or investment (drug). In or out of city. Broadway 2182. room 334; if not in, leave number. BRICK AND CEMENT WORK. All kinds of brick work, mantles, chimneys, boiler setting, fireplaces; by man of experience; very reasonable. Call East 7968. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk with abil ity to sell: can manage store and dec orate; out-of-town work considered. 854 Clinton st. EXPERIENCED farmer and stockman wishes position on farm, married, one boy 6 years, wife good housekeeper; state wages. AP 280. Oregonian. MAN with drag saw, tools and equip ment would like contract cutting cord or block wood up to 1000 cords. Call Columbia 877. 967 Lombard st. ROOFS repaired at any time, rain or shine, all work guaranteed; eave troughs cleaned and repaired. Portland Roof Re pair & Paint Co. Main 6320. POSITION wanted by man and wife as cook and helper in camp or ranch; best reference. L. T., room 24, Valley Hotel. Main 7273. SITUATION WANTED by meat cutter, 20 earff experience, smooth cutter, can furnish A-l references, in or out of WW n. T 220. Oregonian. PRUNING of trees and shrubs, garden work of all kind; fertilizing; now is the proper time to do it. Call up Woodlawn 2941. YOUNG man, graduate auto school wishes position in garage or automobile busi ness; willing to work, wages no object. T 218, Oregonian. WANTED Position by painter who has 18 years' experience. Capable of taking charge of job any size. Will work by month or year. Call Wdln. 2497. COLLECTION MANAGER. Experienced executive in credits and sales; a business builder, married. P. O. box 987. central sta.. Portland. . OPERATOR-MACHINIST; handy in gen eral; Intertype; on good weekly paper preierrea; $30. o hours, f, o. box 4, Moscow. Idaho. SHEET metal worker, experience pattern cutter, foremanship and power equip ment. What have you to offer? Ad dress Box No. 5, Hommett. Idaho. WANT any kind of work. 2 years experi ence driving truck, 2 years in machine snop; good nabits; references. AG 2o4, Oregonian. COOK High-class dinner man (non union) ; can take charge as chef and steward; 29 years old. AM 293, Ore- gonlan. SHIPPING and receiving clerk with ten years city experience with large whole sale house; will accept any kind of work. AK 247, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by a steady reliable tailor In a reliable clothing store, as bushelman, by Feb. 1. Address; box 464, Elko. Nev. SALESMAN Experienced, wholesale gxo ceries and lumber. AL 224, Oregonian. WE TINT two rooms for $3, 34; leaks or stains stopped. Broadway 3523. POSITION as salesman by honest, relia ble young man. AC 294, Oregonian. ROOMS tinted, 13 and $4. good work and satisfaction. Phone Main 658S. BOY wants work after school hours. 8225. MAN wants work for board and room. N 217, Oregonian. CARPENTER w(rk, day or contracL Woodlawn iui. .IABLE Japanese boy wants any kind work. C 2S.". Oregonian. VULCAN1ZER and tire salesman wants po sition; good references. 854 Clinton st JAPANESE wants day work; 50 hour. Automatic o-iu, JAPANESE wants position as janitor. P j- kv win HARNESS MAKER and top trimmer wishes steady work. N 265, Oregonian. CANDY MAKER, all round man. wishes position oul ui lu-w. j. oo. oregonian STEADY man will work for board antf ro o m. M 268, Oregonian. FOR PAINTING and tinting call Aut 332-29 PAINTING PAPERING TINTI NO. DLN. 2497. IX) YOU need iicned electrician for elec tric wiring? East SS85. best references. PLUMBING done at right price, by the nour or CARPENTER, contracting, building, re pairing, job work. Phone Sellwood 1507. ROOMS tinted, $1 to ?5; carpenter and T0OIS repaint, fe"u- uuuiftWii W04 COOKS' HEADQUARTERS AND KITCH TMtf HELP 293 STARK ST. M Un CARPENTER work, cement work, day or C on t ract. Tabor 0452. EXPERIENCED gardener, good references, wants work. BC 206, Oregonian. GARDENER wants steady place; handy with tools; bach. BC 209, Oregonian. AUTO repairing by a man 11 years' exptT rience. $1 per nr. Call East 5379. Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Office. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer with 8 years' experience, desires position with firm that wants a competent, trustwor thy and clean-cut man. Am single and live at home ; can give best references and will accept anything rea&onab.e. Broadway 149 or Marshall 3447. OVER 5000 Polish and Slavonian people in Portland speaking fluently all of these languages. 1 oould be of great benefit to a foreign mowey exchange bu reau, steamship ticket office; am 29 years old and have good education in English. T 297. Oregonian. COM PETENT bookkeeper-stepograpner, five years experience, wan is position; start work at once. Phones Main 6828 or Os wego 401. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Books audited, tangled accounts quickly reconciled. Get ready for Income tax reports; rates rea sonable. Main 2178. Salesman. EXPERIENCED road salesman with mod ern merchandising methods, wants con nection with reputable house in Port land; wildcatters lay o.ff. AK 272, Ore gonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. TO CARE for children afternoons and evenings. jiajn WANTED Work by the hour by clean, capable woman. Phone 236-33. EXPERIENCED telephone operator wants Dosition. Sellwood 2620. RELIEF nurse cares for the sick through the day, children evenings. Mar. 349. EXP WOMAN wants) work in delicate or battery. ju tio, ort-jjuuiao, PERJ ENCEX) WAITRESS desires short hour work., ainners. -warn i - WASHING and ironing wanted by an ex- SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG woman wV.l exchange few hours wqrk dally (except Sunday) for self and husband's room and board. P 273. Oregonian. WOMAN with lots of energy, good health and experience wants to take care of apartment house for owner. P 236, Ore gonian. WANTED By widow good character, po sition in doctor's or dentist's office. Referencea L 300, Oregonian, or Sell wood 20. LADY seeks employment five or six hours daily, assist domestic duties or needle work, preferably west side; references exchanged. C 232, Oregonian REFINED and educated middle-aged woman desires position as companion or light housekeeping; references ex- c Nan Red. P 253. Oregonian GOOD cook wishes position In camp res taurant or counter work. Box AE 228, Oregon ian. LADY wishes position as cook, housekeep er in gentleman's home. AE 299, Ore gonian. LACE AND SILK SCKlM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS dons up like new. Will call. East 8518. MAN AND wife would like job. small camp; wife to cook. Call room 303. Phone East 7S52. PLACE to work for self and husband's and girl 9 yean, room and board. Call Main 7093. A RESPONSIBLE woman wants work cooking for 8 or 10 men, will leave city. P 264, Ore go nian. WANTED Position as housekeeper in small family by capable middle-aged woman; goo d ref e rences. Bdwy. 44Q1 . M 1 DDLE - AQ E D woman, good cook, would keep house for one or more men. 403 2d st., corner Harrison st,, room 7. GIRL wants work after school hours. East 8225. WORK wanted Saturday, part of day, good cook and laundress. Wdln. 3046. HOUR work, experienced. Call Ma;n 709S. Mrs. Meeker. Bookkeeper. Stenographer. Office. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, with excel lent references, thoroughly capable of managing office, especially familiar with the shoe or music business. R 228, Ore gonian RELIABLE young woman, experienced In stenography, typing and bookkeeping ; familiar with work of lumber office; ref erences. R 227. Oregonian. WOMAN with college education, expe rienced stenographer and bookkeeper wants position as private secretary or office manager. AV 921. Oregonian. EX PER1ENCED bookkeeper with knowl edge of stenography desires position ; best of references. Phone Woodlawn 2666. . SITUATION wanted by a lady as gov erness to young children. Can assume full charge. Experienced. Referencea Main 4529. FIRE insurance and liability stenographer and bookkeeper, executive ability; thor oughly experienced. E 236. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper-stenographer seeks whole or part time position; excel lent references. AM 282. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED etenoKrPher wants posi tion with an opportunity for advance ment. AV 920. Oregonian. GIRL, inexperienced, wants work; clerk ing preferred; will work without pay un til learn work. Marshall 353.". EXPERIENCED young lady desires posi tion as comptometer operator. AJ 1,38. Dresjonla D REFINED lady wishes light office work. 441 Belmont St., apt. 39. East 238. WANTED Set of books or other work to do evenings. Main 40S6. Dressmaker. EXPERIENCED seamstress wants work In store or factory or hemstitching. P 256, SUITS, coats, dresses, etc., made and al tered, old suits made over. Mrs. Kelly, Vancouver auiu. .- DRESSMAKING Prices reasonable. 311 Central bldg.. Tenth and Alder. Main WANTED Plain sowing. Mrs. Ruth Ward, apt. 327 409 N. 19th st. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes sew- lng by day. East 5887. FI RSI -CLASS dressmaker. 346 Harrison st. Phone Main 553.'!. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker ny day; altera- . SEA MS TRESS" wants sewing at home. Phone Main 2776. v Nurses. PRACTICAL NURSE for cases, ladies or cmiaren. swb Housekeeper WANTED Position as housekeeper by el derly woman in family of employed aauus, or care ul b;i..i ww- YOUNG woman wishes position as house keeper in home or rooming house. Sell 1 409 r a vtw) JJmis.'kf-t'riinir bv widow with boy. 8 ; references exchanged. Tabor 808T, WANTED Cooking or housekeeping for few pOQple, AC WPP; lreuumu Domestics. MI DDLE -AG ED refined Christian with girl 8 years, good cook, wishes house keeping in refined widower's home; no children. E 234. Oregonian. Housec leaning. HOUSE CLEANING. House cleaning." window washing, carpet cleaning by expert workmen, floors waxed, furniture polished. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman st. rnone .am aii SITUATION wanted by a lady as man aging housekeeper or companion: experi enced with servants and care of chll- dren ; references. .viain egag LADY wants house cleaning. washing, other work, good work guaranteed. Woodlawn bjlio. HOUSE CLEANING, window washing pianos, furniture and floor polishing. Caii Main 7808. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED By Jan. L 3 to 5-room fur nished house,- 3 adults. References fur nished. Must be within reasonable dis tance Address J. E., 404 Manchester bldg.. or call Broadway no ABOUT 1 acre small house, would con sider purchase, but lack cash payment, so will rent; purpose. work In city; must be near car. F. Sat terlee. 327 4ist st W NTED to lease, ft or 6-room modern house in good location, near car line; adults only in family. Satisfactory ref erences mrnisncQ. ii""' 4-ROOM modern furnished house with or without garage; will pay three months in advance. Phone Woodlawn 4636. WANTED By young couple, modern fur- rent not to exceed $45. Call Wdln. 2046. fSSfSK S Creston or Franklin high districts. C -ui, urcg-i w ANTE D A bout 6 - room house, vicinity irvington DV-nna ITat KT4 care, BY YOUNG couple, furnished home from party who wishes to leave home in good cure.; ret. vouui".i SMALL house wanted. Write AL 270, Ore gonian. TO 5 ACRES land near car line, with house. fnone uuurww. Apartments. WXNTED A number of 2 or 3-room apartments, moderately priced, some with private baths, listed with us at once We have a number of peopie coming here to school that are writing Se for such reservations. Phone Pacific iniropt m--i"- ' - , . WAMED Three-room furnished apart- . -ithin walking distance of busi Chirupracuc gS -' - nes district, by Jan. 1 or soon after i-'none -nr. - ONE OR two-room apartment by two business ladies, west side, walking dis tance. AL 220, Oregonian. Rooms'. TH REE furnished rooms for housekeep ing Portland Heights or good residence I district. BF 213. Oregonian. J GENTLEMEN want room together on east side; rent not over $16 a month. Phone East 6278. OFFICE man wants room in modern apartment or home that's not crowded. A -" Rooms With Board. RFFINED and educated woman desires room and board in home of refinement. Would act as companion to one alone if desired. East side preferred. Ref erence exchanged. Kindly state price, Y 280, Oregonia.ii BOARD and room in private family for 4 children, school age. Pleasant sur roundings, good treatment necessary. No other children. East side preferred. WANT good home for girl of 9 years in a respectable family. Call Marshall 2205. Mrs. Thompson. Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED By two adults. lurnianed housekeeping room,. .ca- 1 1S03. Hats. H t"E you a 4 or 6-room flat, lower pre ferred, that you will lease for 2 years to responsible tenants at a reasonable figure? U et bate, wo A iwc io O CJ4 orison., a. . WANTED TO RENT. Huttlness Places. GENTLEMAN wishes to rent space for nice cl-an business. 12x43 feet. Must he In good business district D 277. Oregonian. WANTED to rent, garage building, or would exchange well-Improved farm for garage building. Tabor 1231. I OR RENT. FurniNlied Rooms. hOTSL CLIFFORD-. F.a-t Morrison st. at East Sixth. The principal cast side hotel, digni fied and refined; $1.25 per day aad ud. IS per week and np. . HOTEL BARR 112 N. Sixth, 2 blocks of depot. $1 per day. 15 per week and up. Hot and cold water, steam heat. v r ree phone and bath. RECTOR hoUl. all new and modern, tran slent rooms, single or en suite, with or without private baths: rates to per manent guesta Broadway and Ankeny st. Tel. Bdwy. 3460. NICELY furnished room for two gentle men, walking distance, use of reception room, piano, phonograph, with break fast. 19 per month each. AB 226. Oregonian. R1TZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park Streets. New. fireproof and modern. Special raUs to permanent guegtg. 1 LARGE light front rooms for rent for 2 employed people; walking distance. 547 Yamhill Mt. Main 35:11 ST. PAUL UuTEL, 130 4th sL Clean respectable, modern; transient. $1 up. Rates to permanent guests. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison Rates $1 a day up; weekly, phone and baths. at Tenth-1-io up; free 11 DAY. ;i WEEK up; clean; baths free. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. FURNISHED room ; free bath; 32 per week. Phone East S150. FURNISHED room irn Alter apt B; waik ing distance. 675 Overton st.. cor. 21st. LARGE, desirable front room, modern; use of piano. 327 0th st. Unfurnished Room. FOR RENT Either front office or io, sido living room unfurnished. J. m Wiseman. First St. -ROOM unfurnished apt., modern, central west side, $65. 388 12th St. Furnished Room In Private Family. BEAUTIFUL large rooms, newiy furmsueJ suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen; twin beds, parlor, piano, hardwood floors, fireplace, home conveniences; 10 minutes walk from poMoffice. also young man wishes roommate. 61 N. ISth. Bdwy. 2721. LARGE front room, employed couplo or gentlemen; free heat. lii;ht. bath; walk ing distance; very desirable and reason able. 361 14th st. Automatic 521-64. NOB HILL district; beautiful room, excep tionally well furnished, clean and home like, for gentleman; C. S. preferred. Marshall Hil'J. m ROOM and bath, sit am heat, fine view, suitable for business or traveling man; 1 block from Campbell-Hill hoteL Mar shall 1684. DESIRABLE, large, warm front room, twin ueus; unn prnerrrui ftiou a.a. room. 470 Columbia. LARGE room; steam heat; no other room ers, with or without garuge; close In, Sellwood 3380. 687 East Otli. FOR RENT A large pleasant room, fur nace heat, close in. rent reasonable; for gentleman only; reauy Jan. i- bw t m. FRONT, al.-am-heated sleeping room. 334 Montgomery at-, cor. Park. Gentlemen pref prred. 'LEASANT room for gentleman in mod ern private home; furnace heat; near 2 car Hues, .iii . f .. NICE large front corner room, evfery con venience, warm and comioriao.e. suit able lor two. Call jnornlngs. East 610. 1ENTLEMEN Reference, pleasant fur nished rooms in Irvington. Breakfast HervYd 34-4 E IQtn si N. East ..920. rooms or rurniiurc com plete, flat tor renu plain .ui or 466Vi Broadway LOVELY large front room, private bath, close in, well heated, reasonable. East bUttO forenoons or evenings. ONE furnished room. Best accommoda tions. References required. Irvington. $15. Call East libO. BOOM for gentleman or iady in strictly private Jewish family; references. Bdwy. IT8Z, COMFORTABLE room, home privileges; no other roomers. 324 N. 23d. Broad way i 23. FURNISHED sleeping room in nI"honfi: steam heat, wanting uun" ": ROOM for gentleman in home near Cirap- bell-HUl notei. .am w. WEST SIDE, walking disUnce, newly fur nished rooms. Main 4377. LARGE front brdroom. suitable for tWo; furnure. close in. west nut. Main UJUS. FURNISHED rooms, very desirable, near Montgomery & ara. auiq. .-ui. EXTRA well furnished sleeping rooms. G03S GUsan. FURNISHED rooms on west side, walk incr distance private family. 437 2d. NICE, clean gteam-heated bedroom, 5 bike. SLEEPING room $7 a month. S3 E. 28th irum downtown. mioio st. Half blocK irotn nicnuiuim NICE room. Furnace heat and good board. Mar. MR LARGE, desirable front room, modern, use of piano. 327 6th st. Rooms With CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2 50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTON1A HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel: rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. reasonable rates. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences, - ftB nor week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. th st. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th Choice rooms and boara. moaern wuicmt., ing distance. . , KoomstVUJiBoaro ROOM and board for 2 employed in Lau relhurst home; if you are looking for something out of the ordinary see this. 1002 E. Flanders. Auto. EXCLUSIVE home offers room and board for business men; home made bread and ni.. 14ft N 19th st. Bdwy. 4314. LITTLE girl to board, school age; iron) Hcnooi, suuu i . V.nut tMl. 3 ROOMS, with board optional, in modern home; gooa location, ;-" W Park st Main 3038. MAN AND WIFE to room and board; no objection to icn,,u. ..u home privileges. . ROOM and board for 2 younK men or man and wife: modern, close to car. Call Tabor K379. FOR RENT Room and good home raiik- in.: nnone. a 3!0 Jacknon at. i-OM PORTABLE room., fine board reaaon able to Vount working man. Tabor K.o. ROOM and" board for young man or mar. 11!7 E. il-O. and wneA inuuct... Tabor nj,"- BOARD and room . splenc lid I'"-. gentlemen; a uiuv; meretai. LARGE front room with hoard; walking distance, west :ue, ii WELL furnished room and gOOdJjjjlSf In modern ". f ...i:.m.n. Woodlawn 4987. BUSINESS man on Peninsula may .have board and rmra Woodlawn 2twi. r56m and board. 35 Per month and up : a pood nome uu 3374. SS . .... r....l.h..H rnnm. hoard, gentle HWrlM i",,'-"7..:lo " Tufs MU man, Mil inir distance. Hoyt. Broadway 1PS6. t A-ni'V front room, suitable for 2. Phone, ath fu?na beat, borne comfort; .7. j;.,.nr. Warn 4S a- King u,'.m CHILDREN to board and care ; beat of lit o,,,,," . PRIVATE home for children by day or month. Mamnaii CHOICE boarding borne near Multnois cluljt goo.l nome ...jn BOARD ami room 'or a gentleman; nlea nome. cure ," FURNISHED room, with or wlthotU boeri 72 LauO, ave., r.a. o ,. ROOM with board for 8098. gentlemen. East WANTED Child to care for; good home 245 W. Rutsett t, Woodlawn 2183. KiirnUhe.l Apartments. 2-ROOM apt., rur. heat, elec. flight, bain. nhone. gas uw. APT. FOR rent and furniture for sale. Marrnali ivoo. jrvlO.N AVE. and Killlngswortb, $28.5. ".II -nmnlete: concrete building. 4IROOM elegantly furnished apt , art pa i.r. ivory woodwork. 49S Commercial at. LA R(J Fl dextrabU- 3-room apt. with porch .j..i.. T.n Hovi street. gOUal a, lurniabed. ut ua. 4