16 THE 3IORMXG OREGOXIAX. SATURDAY, JAXUARY 1, 1921 REAL ESTATK. For fale Hou. HOME BARGAINS OFFERED FOR SALE J. L. HARTMAX CO. $2800 WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. Ten Bearing Fruit Trees. 6 rms. and garage (3 bedrm.. large ground. 75xlOO ft., good chicken and rabbit bldgs.. place located on carline, near Holgate at.; $2000 cash, balance mortgage. $3050RICHMOND DISTRICT. $500 down, balance like rent ; artistic 5-rra. bungalow and gs rage. paved streets in and paid. This is a good buy and only one hair block, to carline. ROSE CITT PARK $4600. ft-rm. bungalow, also garage, hardwood floors In main rms . built-in features, fireplace, good furnace and cement basement; $1000 cash, balance monthly. f-RM. BCXGALOW DOUBLE GARAGE. MT. TABOR $750 DOWN". Excellent location, restricted residence district, beautiful act -ting, native fir trees in yard, enamel finish throughout, hard wood floors in main rooms, built in bookcases arid buffet (3 bed- rooms, full cemact basement. Boec furnace; $0900. MISS. AYE. CARLINE VANCOUVER AVE , NEAR MASON ST. Artistic 5 rmw. and den., built in features, fireplace, furnace and foil cement basement, street im provements all paid, good garago. Place must be sold at once. $5000 unfurnished or $5000 furnished. J 700 pom. ROSE CITY PARK. New 5-rm. bungalow, corner lot. paved street in and pafd. hardwood floors throughout, fireplace and built-in features, furnace, cement bnsemeot: place ready to occupy. Price $0000. A BEAL'TTFULj HOME. 100x100 ONLY $6750. ROSE CITY PARK BEAUMONT CAR. Very large living and dining room, large windows, oak floors. Dutch kitchen, 4 dandy Bleeping rms. upstairs, large bath and sleeping porch across back of house, full cement basement, fur nace and laundry trays: comer lot 100x100. east front, excellent location; 1 blk. to car, 2 blks. to school; nice shrubbery and garage. J. L, HARTMAN CO . 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20S. ROSE CITY PARK. Folks, we want you to know that we are exceptionally well prepared to serve vou in this pniiular district. We main tain a branch office there at 50th and Kandv Most of our salesmen live Ros City Park, they are familiar with nearly evary house In the district know values thoroughly. Before you buy see our listings. You'll be under no obligation positively. Bear in mind wa have houses for sale in Rone city that can be handled for as little down as $350. Come out to the branch office today let us show you. A. G. TEEPK CO.. 170 Stark st.. near 4th. Main 3092 Branch Office. 50th and Sandv. Today and Sunday phone Tabor 95S6. A SPLENDID BUT. 5-room bungalow, all built-in, furnace, fireplace; Improvements in and paid; clear of incumbrance; this will go quickly; get busy; $3200. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Corner SOth and Hawthorne. Tabor 743. IRVINGToN HOUSE BARGAIN ALL MODERN. 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE AND FURNACE. HAST FRONT CONCRETE GARAGE. REST PART OF IR 'INfjKTOX. IT IS BETTER THAN W.T YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING AT. PRICED AT $9000. BUY IT NOW FOR $6500. EASY TERMS. NEIL AN & PARK HILL. 21ft Lumbermen Hid . 5th and Stark St. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. T-room modem home, furnace, fire place, full basement, wash trays, garage. house m Al condition; lot 100x100. fruit, shrubbery, nice lawn: $5000, $1000 cash. . rent terms on balance. Fisher, with Interstate Land Co., 24S Starkest.. Main 'V A K R THK KKPA1R.S V Ol ' RSE Lr . Lb Here Is a 50x100 corner lot with hard - surfa.ee. etc.. a 11 :n and raid. Ha house. 3 g a rages and 2-story building . that needs repairs. Total price $2a. .V.asv r .i '. rr. :.- SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK KXCH. '. WONDERFUL V1BW PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Large grounds. beautiful modern house. J l.:h-h. no step. Priced rea sonable, good term. Zimmerman, SIS Chamber of Commerce. TILLAMOOK. OREGON. New 5-room bungalow, 4 lots 50x100 each. Paved st.. 4 blks. to bay. 4 blk. to hrgh school. $2000. 4 cash, balance term. Jones, with Interstate Land Co.. 24S Stark st. Main 5421. PENINSULA DISTRICT. $1000. Coxy 5-rm. house, electric lights, good V uniotng. tu:. tasement. i oioca to c; school and store. If you are looking 1 for a snap see this; only Mm down. ba.. to suit, woouiawn 4ot. ' fRVINGTON BF.AUTIFU L COLONIA L. Corner, built for home; workmanship ssmI material the best: cement porches, H plate glass, hot water heat. Bargain. IIS. OOP N-iihmi'fn. Main S078. $fl50 SMALL- t ungaiow. bath, electricity gas heater, garage, good neighborhood: furniture scld if desired. Ask about other good buvs. BRECK. THE LOGANBERRY MAN. Tabor 26? (except Sunday . JiK AT 6-room house and two good lots. some fruit; good bath, electric lights. Z city water, also gas: located one block from Montavilla carline. near several stores. HI E. Sheldon st.. Portland. FOR SALE by owner, two-story modern 6-room bouse, 10-S7 E. Grant : on hard surface street : all Improvements paid; accessible to two carlines; $5000. terma Tabor 7379. CLOSE TO 2STH AND SANDY BLVD. 8 -room house. 3 rooms can be rented v&ry easily; all improvements in and paid; pric-t $3500. $700 down, balance to suit East 661 or East 9033. . 1RVI NGTON charming, small home, be tween Uraxee and Knott; large living room, fireplace, oak floors, garage, built for home. v.. nui. terms. .Neuuufen. Main HOTS. St 394 $350 DOWN $350. Will put you in a 7-room. modern . bungalow, balance like rent. Wilson, with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark at. Main 5-429. JR VI NGTON 6-room modern house, va cant, newly painted and decorated: lot 50x100 with garage. 1 block to Broad way car. Price $5000. terms. E. J. m Geiser. 417 Chamber of Commerce. ALL FURNISITED COMPLETE. 5-room modern bungalow, has A No. 1 furniture. Including fine piano: price $4200 cash. East 661 or East SQ3S. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW $7900 Cen ter hall, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, ivory - finish, oak floors, fireplace, garage Neuhauser. Main 073. IRVINGTON Lovely 8-room. modem house; hot water heat, 2 fireplaces. Built by owner for home. Only $11,000, fine terms. Zimmerman. 818 Cham, of Com. T ROOMS and bath, large corner lot paved at. and car line. $3150; $750 cash, easy terms. Jones, with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark m. Main 5420. WTM.7 AMS AVE Modern 5-room cottace. KT50, IZM h&BuUca, pvaer, ajt 7T.. RE XL, ESTATE. For Sale -House. IRVINGTON HOME. Full lot, 50x100, all improvements In and paid; new garage with driveway; nice garden, etc.; 6 rooms, strictly mod ern: absolutely nothing forgotten; price $0700, part terms. RICHMOND BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, modern, nice attic, full lot. everything in best of condition: see this, you will look no further; price $0150. part terms. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5 rooma. double constructed, well-built house, new garage, entrance to same from basement ; Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet; shades and linoleums Included; $4200. terms. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. 9 rooms, strictly modern: large lot. 52x110, bank and front lawns; fruit and berries; this home is completely fur nished and with the best; $12. 000 fur nished or $1 1,000 unfurnished ; terms either way. ROSE CITT BUNGALOW. Brand new. 5 rooms and attic; living room very large: built-in bookcase and buffet: lot la 50x100; elegant garage; Price $7500. terms. ROSE CITT BUNGALOW, fi rooms, modem in evesy respect ; builc for own home; very nice built-ins; large lot, 100x100; fruit trees; $0000; terma. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, built bv owner for own home and no paina spared to make It perfect: beautiful floors and woodwork: floored attic, one block to carline. close to school: lot 50x100: garage; this is a good buy at 10200; part terms. UNIVERSITY PARK. Dandy corner. 100x137, on paved streets: garage, lovely lawn, flowers and fruit: good garden space. S-room modern house, wcil and conveniently arranged; everything in splendid shape; price $0000. terma. We have manv others all size, nrices and locations; If what we have adver tised does not meet your requirements please call and look over our lists, we can locate you right. THOMSON' Jt- THOMSON 120-21 HEXRY BLDG. BDWY. 4RR0. IF YOU have been holding off on the purchase of a home or income property, torslder these facts: Property in Portland Is selling much lower than the same grade of property in other cities on the coast. People in a position to know claim that building costs will not receive any further ma-1 leniu reduction ior at least iu years. No way of making monev has been invented that will beat wise Investments in reai estate. Our future is more secure than it was Detore and those who buy now will share In the prosperity which is bound to auena our ruiure development. The properties we offer are wise in vestments. Better Investigate and buy now. J 3 2005-room bungalow on East 2Sth street, 2 blocks to car. $1000 cash. 5 4000 5-room bungalow: hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buf fet, full basement, attic: terms $4300 6-room bungalow: fireplace, hard wood noors. bookcase, very at tractive buffet, white enameled Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, garage. Must sell this home before 15 th. Come early and get this bargain. 5450O Go look at 1055 Clinton street; fine large 7-room home: lot 50x 100. surrounded by good homes; furnace. This house would cost real money to build today. $7500 Brand new 7-room bungalow In Laurel hurst, living and dining room across the front: hardwood floors, attractive bufTet. fireplace, tile bath, expensive fixtures; cozy breakfast room. 2 bedrooms down and 2 up ; furnace, garage; lot 50x100; easv terms. J. A. HL'BBELL. 10S0 Hawthorne ave. Tabor SS92. "Stucco Office ' $ 3 K9 S U B I'R B A K HOME. 5 ROOMS H ACP.E TRACT. IN PARKROSE. Just outside city limits where expenses and taxes are low; hard surface road, place only two blocks from car line: modern bungalow, bath, gas, electricity and laundry trays, ground all cleared; immediate possession if desired. Terms. $1750 cash, balance monthly at O'w. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. T LAURELHURST ENGLISH COTTAGE. Th'a distinctive home contains 8 room and 2 baths: white enamel And old Ivorv finish throu shout : attractive liv ing mom with large fireplace, built-ins, etc.. dining room, kitchen on first floor, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch ami bath on second floor, bedroom and bath on third floor; hardwood floors, hot water heat Inir tilrint. zar.EP. and in fact all mod ern conveniences. First time offered for sale. LUEDDEMAXN COMPANY. 13 Chamber of Commerce. Main 606' NEW LAURELHURST home. 9 rooms, dou ble carare and billiard room; bul t by day labor, best material: if you are In the market for a high-c:ass home la tne best location, do not fail to see this. Corner Floral avenue and Couch st. Own ex and builder on premises from 1 t 4 P. M. SUBURBAN BARGAIN. 5-rm. modern bungalow, new garage woodshed and chicken house. 4 acre land, ail kinls or fruit trees ana nerriew. chickens. reea. rue!, garden ioo:s, for 13250. $HV0 down. $15 month; two blocks to interurban car. For appoint ment call wooaiawn 1RYINGTON BEAUTIFUL COLONIALS We have live to select irorn. new list ings, built for homes, finished In Ivory, art naDer. oak floors. French doors Some have central entrances, some have sidn entrances. Choice locations, priced right. Neuhausen Co.. N. w. Hank bldg. LAURELHURST. 7. mom modern bungalow: a.V. built-in conveniences, hardwood floors th rough - nut. eleaant nxtures. pipe less mrnai-e. fireplace, garage, street improvements paid: owner leaving city and will sell cneap 121S East Flanders st. ARTISTIC west side bungalow on the TMignta. Mncuy ronurrn. seven room. hardwood floora. i:rep:aces. gas heat, garage, unobstructed view entire city. t34 Hoffman road. Price $6250. IIOO'J rash, balance rental terms. Telephone Main 5838 100 YARDS TO CAR. Modern 5-room and sleeping porch. hardwood floors, fireplace, all late built ins; full cement basement, wash trays: dandy lot, 50x100; price $3750. $1500 down, balance to suit. East 061. or East 803S. SUNNYSIDE DISTRICT, -room bungalow, furnished complete, high-class furniture, lot 50x100. fruit, berries, all ' improvements in and paid ; $4275. $1000 cash, rent terms on balance. Interstate i.ana cu.. -is star st., .iain 5429. I NIFTY BUNGALOW, $2250. 5 rooms, nearly new, concrete founda- full basement, modern d umb nr. close to school; $500 cash. $25 monthly: a real find. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. W 4 L K I N G D 1ST A NC E, S o 4O0. Modern 6-rm. house, cement basement, paved st., sewer in and paid: 4 block to Williams ave. car. Only $1000 cash, bal. like rent. Vacant, move in. Wood lawn 4R20. , HPPY NEW YEAR ASSURED TO ALL THE FAMILY IN A NEW HOME. MY WORK. MY PLEASURE. LET ME SHOW YOU THE HOME. MRS. BERRY, MARSHALL 16S4. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. $7950. terms. Charming home near club, center hall. Ivory finish. French doors, art paper, fireplace, well built, many conveniences. Neuhausen. Main S07S. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes." illustrated book of over 100 designs. $1; blueprints. $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. 924 Northwestern lunk pj l g FOR SALE Furnished 3-room cottage and sleeping porch, 5 lots, all in cultivation, near schools and block from car, $S2O0. $2000 down, ba'.ance $25 per mo. M 284, Oregonian. 4 ROOMS, bath, plastered, nice basement, cement walk around house, gaa. electric, block from A-B car. Owner, H. E. Jordan. Tabor 2017. FOR SALE Two-family house, rented $47 per month, walking distance. $2850. half cash, balance 6 per cent. Sure bargain. Owner. 26 E 8th.. near Pine. 5-ROOMED modern house, completely fur nished. 425 Taylor at 11th st. Must sell immediately for $800. Terms if necessary. Call Mar 3216. BARGAIN Nine-room concrete modern finished house; close to car; easy terms. Owner on premises 2 to 4 daily. 361S 69th S. E. East 6753. FOR SALE Equity in 3 large rooms, fur nished house, near school: lots of as sorted frulta, 1H blocks from Alberta ear. 900 East 24th st. N. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Owner must sell well-built modern home, near 17th and Braaee: large living room, fireplace, garage. Bast 394: Main 8078. MUST be sold to settle estate. 7-room house, full basement, hardwood floors, everything excellent condition: price $S0OO. one-half down. 1591 Vera ave. BUY FROM owner this nice 6-room corner bome in Irviaxiv-n. Phone Jfi. bTy. 4 o'Clock Today is the closing hour for the acceptance of Classified Advertising for Sunday's Oregonian REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IF YOU have been holding off on the pur chase of a home or income property, consider these facts: Property in Portland is selling much lower than the same grade of property in other cities on the coast. People In a position to know claim that building costs will not receive any further ma terial reduction for at least 10 years. No way of making money has been Invented that will beat wise Investments in real estate. Our future is more secure than it was before, and those who buy now will share in 1 the prosperity which Is bound to attend our future development. The properties we offer are wise in vestments. Better investigate and buy now. $3200 5-room bungalow on East 28th St., 2 blocks to car. $1000 cash. $4000 5-room bungalow, hardwood firs., fireplace, bookcases, buffet, full basement, attic. Terms. $4300 6-room buifgalow. fireplace, hard wood floors, bookcases, very at tractive buffet, white enameled Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, garage. Must sell this home before 15th. Come early and get this bargain. $4500 Go look at 1055 Clinton street; fine large 7-room home ; lot 57x100. surrounded by good homes, furnace. This house would cost real money to build today. ilH) J f rami new (-room bungalow Laurelhurst; living and dining room across the front, hardwood floors, attractive buffet, fire place, tile bath, expensive fix tures, cosy breakfast room, two bedrooms down and 2 up, furnace, garage. Lot 50x100. Easy terms. J. A. HUBBELL, 1080 Hawthorne Ave., Tabor 8802. "Stucco Office.'" EAST MARKET, near 37th: modern bungalow in fine condition; some fruit, garage; a home place and a bargain. $4800. $1SOO down. Sunnyside, 10 rooms, large sun parlor with fireplace, furnace; 2 bath rooms, cement garage, corner lot lOOxlOO: good place for a physician; $6S00. half cash. Let alone worth the price. Sunnyside, 7 rooms, all in good shape; furnace, cement basement, laundry traysv-garage; corner lot; $4200. $1200 down. West slope Mt. Tabor, good 5 room cottage, lot 42x100. See this and you will be interested; $2300. $000 down. W. H. SAWTELL Tabor 1S11. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Large living room with fireplace, dining room with handsome buffet with bevel plate mirror, French doors, be tween' living room and dining room; two large airy bedrooms downstairs and two up ; large oath with tile rioor shower. f!oor tub. pedestal lavatory hardwood floors throughout; has garage furnace and ready to move in. 51 N Mik'.e Place, between Couch and Burn aide, 4 2d st. Price Is $7750; $2500 cush balance easy. IRVINGTON DISTRICT BUNGALOW. Two blocks south of Broadway, be tween 2Sth and 29th: two bedrooms with lots of windows, a dandy kitchen with breakfast nook, cement basement and garage: the living room and dining room s toaetner: nice attic, run ioa: price $4500, easy terms. Owner and builder GEORGE E. WELLER. Building Bungalows a Specialty. 226 Chamber of Commerce bldg. NEAT COTTAGE. This splendidly built 5-room house, is between S.S. and- Haw thorne car: has nice lot and Is as neat as can be: finished in white enamel throughout; $500. $3500. Go look at 315 E. 36th st.. near Hawthorne. This home has fur nace, carage, everything complete; ImmednBue possession. Another at 249 East 51st st. that Immediate possession can be given. Call ua for good buys in this dis trict. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Tabor 7463. CHEAPEST AND BEST BUY. 100x138 BEAUTIFUL TRACTS $500, $10 CASH. $10 PETR MONTH. 3rt TniniiteR from center of city. 82d street, just outside city limits, with all citv advantages. e;ectncuy. gas, phone, water, fine road in front of tract. Closer to Portland than Len4s. A third of an acre for lese than a town lot. And lust notice the terms. "SEE THE BIG YELLOW SIGN." SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCH IRVINGTON HOME. PART EXCHANGE. 332 E. 21st N. ; grounds 100x200: extra well constructed 9-room modern house, cement garage, full bearing fruit trees, fine ahrubbery; well take vacant lot, small house or acreaae as part. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 6 ROOMS $2550. $200 CASH. About half way out on the St. Johns car line; house is plastered, has concrete foundation and basement, in fair condi tion plumbing, electric lights and gas, 1 block to car; a mighty good value. Will take cheap lot or small house. Fred W German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden Into Income ? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish Wans and finance. Eatabliahed 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SEnVICE. SAT ISFACTION. I R. Bailey Co.. 924 N w. Bank b'dg. DUTCH COLONIAL. Modern 7-room and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; all kinds of built-ins, cement basement; only S4400, $1500 down. bal. to suit. Don't fall to aee this bargain. Wood lawn 4820. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. New four-room bungalow with hard wood floors: long living room, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, built ins tiled floor in bathroom, basement, laundry trays, good furnace, 50x100 lot; $600 cash. bal. terms. 736 E. 59th st. N. WEST SIDE On Thurman street near Forestry building, a modern 7-room house and 50x100 lot on car line. Can be bought for only $S500. terms. Ne trades. Oregon Investment & Mortgage Company. 222 Cham, of Com. Bldg. A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR. ida-i vr.Tfi HE OI'If-K t4?i tinMl , ,h 7-room house, double eon-T st ruction, furnace, fireplace; near 22d street. Owner moving at once, will sac rifice. Bast 904; Main 9078. 7-ROOM modern home. 100x100 lot. all kinds fruit and berries, furnace, fire place, laundry trays, built-in kitchen, sun room, $4000. $1500 cash. Jones, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark sc. Main 5429. IRVINGTON home; central entrance; 7 or 8 roems. full lot, garage; block to Broadway cax and Eaat 419. Real toaxfain, . ' REAL ESTATE. YOUR FIRST DUTY to your family. BUY THEM A HOME. WE HAVE MADE over 1200 families happy in homes of their own DURING 1919. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE FRANK L. McGUIRE to buy your home. UNDISPUTED NATIONAL RECORD FOR HOME SELLING. 1100 photographs of homes ' for sale. The McGulre system has won an International reputation and es tablished a NATIONAL record for home selling because it is the ORIGINAL, superior. SCIENTIFIC MODERN METHOD OF HOME SELLING. Every home personally Inspected and appraised. UNDER OUR efficient system, your every interest is protected. WE PUT you in immediate touch with the home you are looking for. 25 autos at your service. Open all day Sunday. Open everv evening until 9. IRVINGTON. $9500 THE SUBTLE BEAUTY of this lovely 5-room bunga low will delight you! HEART OF IRVINGTON. Just completed ; terms. East 23d st. $5050 AN IRVINGTON HOMC OF ABIDING SATISFAC TION; 6 rooms. every modern convenience ; fire place, furnace. sleeping porch; fine corner lot on East 30th; $1000 under value today. ROSE CITY. $7000 R O S E C I T Y S SHOW PLACE ! Financial diffi culties force owner to sac rifice! It's different from any bungalow you've ever -een! 6 rooms. AERO PLANE SLEEPING PORCH, glassed-in concrete sun porch, wonderful liv ing room with massly 7 ft. brick fireplace ; pirly maple hardwood floors, beamed celling dining room, beautiful finish, Tiffany light fixtures; A RARE SETTING for rich tapes tries and quaint furniture: 100x100 grounds that has lent Itself admirably to the artist's beautiful landscape gardening. Tillamook st., in choicest part of Rose City. MUST BE SOLD. VACANT. Terms. ALAMEDA VIEW HOME. $7500 INCOMPARABLY LOVE LY is the permanently un obstructed view of snow capped Mt. Hood and city from this delightful ALA MEDA HOME. 6SX1B5 grounds, extending through from ALAMEDA DRIVE to Wtateria. 7 - room ul tra modern bungalow. YOU WILL WANT THIS. $3500 BUILT BY AN ARCHI TECT FOR HIS OWN HOME. You'll want this beautiful 5-room bungalow for yours. Fireplace, fur nace, massive built-ins, French doors. sleeping porch, white enamel fin ish. THERE ARE ALL THE LITTLE HOMELIKE TOUCHES. E. 46th. Terms. $4'J50 IT'S SUPERLATIVE VAL UE. Large, most distinc tive 6-room home, on splen did Rose City corner. Ev every modern built-in con venience, large Dutch kitch en, pleasant sewing room, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace. DON'T MISS THIS. Terms. East 39th. $4500 $51)0 down! IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! Ideal 6 room ROSE CITY semi bungalow; built - in cony veniencc3; hardwood floors f $500 down! Forced sale. East 58th. $3900 ROSE CITY 6-room artistic shingled bungalow; fire place, buffet, white Dutch kitchen; IS THERE ANY THING BETTER IN THE WORLD than your own home, to work in and dream in. and be happy in? East East 70th. TERMS. LAURELHURST. $Gt)00 WHERE PEACE AND CONTENTMENT DWELL! In lovely LAURELHURST, close to the fragrant park, there you shall find your home Ideal. A 6-room per fectly planned bungalow; beautiful built-ins; hard wood floors; Senate st. IT WILL MAKE YOUR HEART GLAD: ADJOINING LAURELHURST. $4500 Adjoining LAURELHURST onthe west; attractive 7 room modern home; sleep ing porch; built-ins; very comportable floor plan. Terms. Oregon street SUNNYSIDE HAWTHORNE. $7990 S rooms and sleeping porch are In this altra-modern. spacious, beautiful South Mt. Tabor home; 2 fire places, breakfast room. etc. Wonderful 100x200 grounds, native trees, shrubs; Divi sion st.; terms. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. $5000 $750 down ! HAW THORNE'S BIGGEST BARGAIN In an artistic, double constructed seven room bungalow ; HARD WOOD FLOORS, cheery fireplace, massive built-ins. furnace, garage ; excellent home environment. E. Carutbers; $750 down! HAWTHORNE. $4500 TURN OVER A NEW LEAF TO HAPPINESS! The Hawthorne home har monious stands open wait ing for you ! Five rooms, homey living room, with fireplace and art bookcases, panelod dining room, with exceptionally beautiful massive buffet; old Ivory finish, gas radiators. HARDWOOD FLOORS; E. 49th st. A WONDER BUNGALOW; terms. $442 -IF "IT'S" a bungalow HAWVnwJUi fc., look this! 5-room. very mod ern bungalow: built-ins; solid paneled dining room; fireplace; full concrete basement; PIPELES5 FUR NACE; Just 1 blk. to car. E. Yamhill. Terms. $3990 POPULAR HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW of 5 rooms; paneled dining room; built in buffet; white Dutch kitchen. Just like new! E. 39th. Terms. WESTMORELAND! $4400 A HOME OF HONEST CRAFTSMANSHIP! 7-rm.. double constructed, home like bungalow. enclosed sleeping porch: built-in la bor - saving conveniences; furnace. A REAL HOME. Reed way. close to car and school. Terma, FRANKLIN HIGH DISTRICT. $4250 SNOWY CURTAINS on the windows; a glowing blaze Jn your fireplace; and your cosy little bungalow, wait ing! 5 rooms; vacant New, close to car. SPRING'S COMING SOON! Train crimson ramblers over the porch! ONLY $750 down! JEFFERSON-HIGH-PIEDMONT. $5500 $500 down ; convenient to Jefferson high, park and library: cosy. five-room shingled bungalow, modern, U block to car; $500 down. $25 per month. DON'T RENT. ALBERTA HOMES. $ 4200 A REFRESHING BUNGA LOW of 5 rooms; just the one you've been wanting; fireplace, bookcases, pan eled dining room with buf fet: French doors: hard wood floors; white Dutch kitchen: garage ; FUR NISHED. Terms. E. 2Sth. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. $5150 $500 down: a beautiful. new; vacant. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 4-room bun galow; built-ins. breakfast nook; garage: Highland ave.. $500 down and it's yours. A great avalanche of REMARK ABLE HOME BARGAINS. Our extensive listings, and our many years of experience, together with all of our modern facilities, en able us to serve you with the ut most satisfaction. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. 3d St. Bet. Wash. & Stark. REAL ESTATE. $i250 S HIKQLBD five-room. GLENN AVENUE bunga galow, in Alberta; LIS TEN.'! Fireplace, book cases, white Dutch kitchen. HOT WATER HEATING PLANT: garage, full bear ing fruit trees, berries. THIS DEFIES COMPE TITION. Alberta's great est offering. See It today. . CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND. $4500 VACANT, substantial six room modern home. EASY WALKING DISTANCE, fireplace, furnace, sleeping ing porch; TERMS. East Burnside st. SELLWOOD. $2S00 THIS RADIANT SHIN GLED BUNGALOW is just as attractive inside as out. Solid paneled dining room, built - ins: clean white Dutch kitchen. Terms. YOU CAN'T EQUAL THIS. A great avalanche (REMARK ABLE HOME BARGAINS. OUR extensive listings and our many years of experience, together with all of our modern facilities, enable us to serve you with the utmost satisfaction. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Building. Main 1066. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. KENTON DISTRICT. Factory land, dyked land, next to the actual factories in operation. $V0 to $900 per acre; $23 down and $10 f mo. 6 per cent interest. It will pay for it self with 2 crops of potatoes. 40 acres of finest land on the bank of Willamette river. 40 miles south of Portland; $1000, only $100 down and $100 per year; near electric road. This land can't be beat, and it's half price. I have homes for sale nearest all the industrial works, with 3 car lines to get there, at prices and terms that you can DUV. A. . .MCLLJ ALU, Y . L.om- bard st.. Portland, Or. Woodlawn 6273 ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE (ARBOR LODGE DISTRICT). T ROOMS, NEW PAINT AND TINTING INSIDE AND OUT. MOVE RIGHT IN. HOUSE ABOUT R YEARS OLD. IN GOOD CONDITION. LARGE LOT 75x100. FRUIT. ETC. COOD NEIGHBORS, 1 BLOCK TO CAR, NEAR PORTLAND BOULEVARD. PRICE TODAY $3350. ABOUT $350 CASH. BALANCE EASY RENT PAY MENTS. SEE OWNER AT 302 SELLING BLDG. PHONE MAIN 1136 OR MAIN 1777. 1063 RODNEY AVE. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. $5500. Fine 7-room residence with ga rage, located in Walnut Park, on paved street. 50x100 feet, 1 block from carline; sleeping porch, fur nace, concrete basement; only $1000 down and balance easy terms. See it New Year's day; open for inspection. Here is a remarkable bargain. SOMETHING EXCEPTIONAL FOR THE NEW YEAR. A marvelous view home: one of Ala meda's choicest; extra size lot; very large living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, hall, porch overlooking city, 3 bedrooms and bath; also bedroom with fireplace; large view porch second floor; full cement basement and furnace. This home Is simply a beauty and must be seen. Photos of some of Portland's best home bargains. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 332-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 5199. ARE YOU anxious to make money? Mar velous offer. Nothing like It in the city. Very large fine "10-room house, large rooms, can Increase the number: 3 fire places, furnace, bath, large prominent very valuable corner lot, nearly 300 ft. cut stone fencing, all street Improve ments in and paid for; fine homes, west side, close in. walking distance, clear title, for $3500 cash, warranty deed, ab stract must have the cash. Act quickly if you would get this. C. L. Becker, 312 Labbe bldg: NEW YEAR NEW HOUSES. We offer you the service of our cars, will act as your agent and will bear all incidental expenses. Including legal advice. Buy a new home through us and save money. New homes are clean and modern. They can be bought usu ally on easier terms than older ones owned by Individuals. Call for an ap pointment. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. HERE'S YOUR HOME. Choice location, close in. attractive, cheerful, modern little bungalow, espe cially designed for couple easy to main tain and furnish; delightful living room, real fireplace, dandy furnace, etc.; cor ner grounds, paved streets, close beau tiful Laurelhurst park: accessible to Sunnyside car. best service in city: priced below prevailing values; $1000 cash. bal. easy. Call owner. Tabor 5169; week days Bdwy. 421. IRVINGTON HOME. LARGE GROUNDS. 332 E. 21st st. N., 8 large rooms with 1 room on 3d floor, extra well construct ed and beautifully located, with finest kind of shrubbery and fruit trees, ce ment garage; will consider cheaper house Tiart This la a. real home for som one who wants lots of room and grounds at snap prices. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WESTOVER DISTRICT. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE?, BEDP.OOMvS. HARDWOOD FLOORS VBTRV LARGE LIVING ROOM. HOT WATER HEAT. HEATED BY GAS "RTH X I TTTFUL GROUNDS. 350x100. GA RAGE: BUILT FOR A HOME AND EVERYTHING IN EXCELLENT CON DIT7 ON. pnivn fv TF.R os SELLING BLDG MAIN 1SOO. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771 HOME WITH INCOME. PRICE $4000. Two-family flat bldg.. 2 sets of plumb fnv 9 hnlhs. full basement, paved st, verv handy to car. convenient to school and high school, located in central eas side district. This Is a real snap for in vestment or home and income. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ' RflSE CTTY PARK SACRIFICE. New 5-room bungalow, large attic modern In every detail; fireplace, hard wood floors, furnace, cement basement hnfft. dresser In bath, breakfast nook Dlate-class windows; located on 48th and Stanton Bts.. north of Sandy blvd, easy terms. Give me an offer. Owner, 1307 Sundy blvd. Aut. 319-44. "RT7Y A NEW HOME. The terms are so easy, avail yourself of legal advice, free of charge. We are elad to show you many artistic and modern homes. They need less fur nlshing. Call for an appointment. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. LAURELHURST. STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW. SIX ROOMS AND BREAKFAST ROOM. ALL ON ONE FLOOR. WHITE ENAM EL FINISH AND HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. HOT-WATER xlJSA 1 , GARAGE: LOT 75x100. POIN DEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MIN 1H00. RESIDENCE. EAST 'ITTl WILL TAKE A CAR as part payment on a new, strictly modern bungalow. This is the acme of perfection. located on corner lot, all imn. in and paid, in Rose City Park Marshall 3352. Tabor 3090. J. B. KUt'KUU. $9000 LAURELHURST home with garage, line locaLiou auu uig ua.rsu.in. $7500 Irvington. i-room home; i5xl0O. J700O Hawthorne, 7-room home. $3500 East aide bungalow, large lot. $4200 Suburban bungalow home. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 25 Henry bldg, FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Two 5-room bungalows in fine condl tlon. lot 50x120; corner, close in; price $4500. $i50 cash, balance per month, ncludine interest.. .Bargain, uu luaVj West Park st. Anderson A Clwrk. ROOM modern cottage, all on one floor ; large attic, cement basement, 2 blks. of Sunnyside school. This is splen did DroDerty. 13S0O. See J. P. McKenna for terms. Belmont at 30th. Tabor 6493 BY OWNER, account unfortunate invest ment with corporation must sen my home at once, smaa sum cown; bargain for some one. Call 112 E. 31st North. WTLL SELL you a lot and build you a v home upon tne payment or SoOO cash and a monthly payment of $35 per mo. Geo. A. Riggs. 212 Ry Exch. bldg. STRICTLY modern 6-room house Sunny side district, bargain, jay owner, Alain 4200. " $5500 STRICTLY modern bungalow, sleep ing porm, garage , irumiua, lerms. East 6320. MODERN 6-room bouse, chicken run; $250 down. 4017 ttoq st. a. e,. ROOM owner. bouse, Collins View park; Main 8042. by FOR SALE 5-room cottage and three lots. 1204 E. Tib North, comer .lessup. ROOM house on Tillamook st.. near Union, Ternu, X. J Bobi&sco. . 7076. r. REAL ESTATE. For Salr House. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Shortest Way Home." Years of study of local conditions, a thorough knowledge of districts, famil iarity with values and a splendid or ganization enable ua to give you the maximum service in home buying. COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOME, t - $2S50. Substantial 6-room home. 1 bedroom and bath down, 2 bedrooms up; full basement, stationary wash trays; only 1 block to car, and while street is not paved, it is in fine condition no mud ; sewer and sidewalk In and paid for. House alone Is worth price asked. See this st once. $700 cash will handle. $3250 Hard to duplicate this for the money; 5 rooms and sleeping porch, bath room, 2 toilets, newly painted; lot 100x100; fruit to burn; chicken house and garage. Only $1000 down, balance $30 a month and interest at 97c. A small deposit left in our office makes this yours. Don't delay, friend. No. 311. $4250 A "hummer" on Fremont in Rose City Park, nice quiet local ity Just the place for an ideal home: nothinar to be ashamed of: 5 rooms and sleeping porch, dou ble constructed bungalow ; you will like the design ; fireplace and built- ins. no rurnace: diocks to nose way Sandy). $1000 cash. No. 307 fZloQ Year-End Special. Near Haw thorne car : never used, this 5- room strictly up-to-the-minute home; Kaaiant lire, ouiret. nara wood floors, cement basement this Is a bungalow of bungalows! 2 blocks from pavement, but good street. Terms upon appli nation: shown bv aDDOintment. $1$0 Groveland Park, 5 rooms, lot 50x iw, paving m, turnace. urepiace, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, built-ins. We court your criticism on this one: lUU rouna anw lean dollars for first payment ; balance rent basis. $5250 Start the new year right! Re solve to oav no more rent; buy this 6-room Rose City Park bun galow; fireplace, turnace, run basement, built-in features very attractive; sleeping porch; street paved; IK blocks to car. Terms if you wish. No. 323. $5400 We know you will be enthusiastic owr this Piedmont home of 7 rooms and den; 8 bedrooms, hard wood floors, fireplace. Boy n ton furnace and a warm one; bullt ina ; street paved : lot 50x100. $1700 wilt bo all right and $40 per month. Come in out of the rain. $5500 Indeed the builder of this house is a master workman. This Rose City Park home of six rooms, 3 bedrooms, handy to have a spare room. Hardwood floors, fancy built-ins and famous hot water heating plant; street paved; will you let us show you this home? Terms. No. 296. $j750 Rose City Park. Beautiful corner bungalow, 6 rooms and bath, all on 1 floor: this Is finished In enamel throughout and tapestry paper: hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch, kitchen with breakfast nook, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, large plate glass windows. Ev erything modern and right up to date. 50x100 corner with street improvements all in and paid. With a substantial cash payment you can buy this home at this low price ior a snort, time only. $0000 Irvingtou home quality a con sistent excellence maintained without deviation from the high ess standard. Street paved; hardwood floors up and down stairs: high-grade enamel plumb ing throughout; 1 block to car, 2 to school, garage. This is one of those sturdy, substantial places, Just the ideal home. UQ00 is enough this time and balance much less than rent. Let us take you out. Yes, thank you. We are headquarters for modern city homes, have them at all prices and mostly on easy terms. Of course, you plan to sec us before you buy; we can help you. Try us! J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." 1 264 Stark St. Main 5S3 and 1004. ROSE CITY PARK. This Is without question one of the most beautiful one-story bungalows in all Rose City Park, excellently and ar tistically constructed of cement blocks, metal and tile roof, fireplace, large liv ing and dining rooms, breakfast room, modern kitchen, pantry, etc., and 3 bed rooms, with tiled bath, combination greenhouse or aun parlor, full concrete basement with large recreation room and bath, hot water heating plant, large double concrete garage with gas tank, all wiring throughout the building is In conduit, beautifully parked grounds 123a 200. This beautiful home will be sold for less than it could possibly be con structed today. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MUST BE SOLD. Owner leaving city, this fine 6-room residence with unexcelled view of Port lard's west side and the Willamette river, splendid hot water heating plant, old ivory and white enamel finish throughout, 3 bedrooms. This house Is not a bungalow, but a well constructed 2-story home built along sensible lines that will appeal to the person with conservat I ve taste. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LITTLE BROWN BUNGALOW. $3500 ON TERMS. S rooms, large living room, fireplace, bookcases, dining room, white enameled Dutch kitchen with pass pantry, large bedrooms; built-in dresser in closet; there are plenty of windows to let in the sunshine; furnace and laundry trays in basement. Let Us Show You. Our Autos Are at Tour Service. COOVER & HOLMAN, REALTORS, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Mar. 3993. $3000 6-ROOM HOUSE $3000. Electric lights, bath, cement basement, five fruit trees, 100x150 ft. of ground, 2 blocks off car line. WAKEFIELD, -FRIES & CO., 88 4th St. $30 A MONTH AND $500 CASH buys one of the nicest 6-room Haw thorne bungalows; pavement and fino district: all built-ins; absolutely mod ern; price only $4000. You can make a thousand as an Investment. Start the new year with this investment. Call Main 5199. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 332-333 Railway Exchange Bldg. SMALL cash payment. Immediate posses sion, S-room cottage, one room upstairs, good attic, lot 75x90, streets all paid, garage, fruit trees, 5 blks. Sunnyside school. See J. P. McKenna. Can show more bargains in two hours than you can find in two months. Belmont at 39th almost 14 years. Tabor 6493. WILL TAKE LOT with $400 cash, puts you In possession of a 5-room bungalow near Jefferson High; has fireplace, all built-ins, ga rage, paved and paid, at $3600. Some bargain! Marshall 3352. Tabor 3090. J. B. ROCK CO. FOR SALE. Four-room plastered cottage on full lot near KUllnXSWerth ave. : spiendid bargain for $1500, $250 cash, balance easy, now vacant. B. S. COOK, 601 Stock Exchange Bldg 241 EAST 37TH STREET. Modern 5-room cottage, full basement, romer lot. improvements made and paid $1000 cash, balance terms. Open Sun day 6. TAGGART BROS., 1102 Spalding Bldg, $2100 4-rooms. attic. bath, basement large lot, Aioena, 6329. good terms. East Suburban Home-. suburbanites: We have hundreds of personally In spected suburban homes in every out lying district In Portland. We're open every evening and Sunday. If you want a suburban home, see F. C. Marshall with FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Building. Main 1068. IDEAL CHICKEN RANCHT 5 acres, 3 acres under cultivation, 1H acres, berries; modern 5-room bungalow, 4 large chicken houses, garage ; near paved highway, 8 miles out; $5800, $2000 cash. 248 Stark St, Main 5429. OSWEGO LAKE HOMESITE, ONLY $500. . Magnificent view overlooking Oswego lake, maple and dogwood; water, lights, road road. See owner, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, pear carline, from $1-80? up; inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." FOR SALE 1 acre ground, good house; city conveniences, rruit ana oerries; place at 42d and Going; price $3750, cash $2000. bal. on time. Phone Tabor 174. FOR SALE BY OWNER Beautiful home- site, 5 acres gooa iana, n cultivation ; a view place at Vancouver, Wash. C S&2, Oregonian, REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. MULTNOMAH. That choicest of west side suburban districts, on the Oregon electric, only 20 minutes from the center of Portland, is building faster than any Portland sub urb. THE REASON. Concrete scenic highway from the center of the city over the Terwllliger boulevard. All city utilities, water, electricity, gas, telephones and city schools. Outside of the city limits. An ab sence of irksome restrictions. The freedom of the country all the com forts of the city. Tracts ranging from quarter to an acre can be purchased on easy terms. $10 a month smd 6 per cent Interest. Multnomah offers exceptional oppor tunities for home-lovers. We have a prosperous little business section, where we need several lines represented. 1 will give special Inducements In the way of prices on choice business lots to anyone who will establish an industry. I have platted most of the property about Multnomah, am a heavy property owner in thus district, and I am inter ested In everv phase of its development Information is freely given. If you wish to see Multnomah. I shall be glaa send you out in my machine and show you this choice district. BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St Main 680. STTBURBAN PROPERTY. S-room house, with gas. com fortably furnished, 6 lots with abundance fruit and berries, near school, carHne. Price $1500, pari cash. 5-acre tract near Glen Echo. Ore gon City carline. Price $1250. Terms. 61.; -acre tract near Oregon City carline for $2000. Terms. 5.9S acres on paved highway at Me: drum station, Oregon City carline; beautiful grove of native trees. Beautiful suburban home s-iye. Prico $5000, terms. 6.62 acres on 82d street, paved highway, near Gladstone, Oregon City carline, beautiful spot, fino native trees. Price $2500, terma. 0. E. FREYTAG, Gladstone, Or. On Oregon City carline. Phono Oregon City SMJ, $10,500. POWELL VALLEY DISTRICT. Excellent 5-room residence and over 11 acres, fruit and berries, balance garden land; also one of the best 5-room bungalows you have seen In a long time, double constructed, full cement basement, gas and electric connections, gas pumping plant, included in price. Ford truck, all kinds of imple ments, also good team, cow and 150 chickens; terms, $5500, bal ance time. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. FINE SUBURBAN HOMES. 2H acres highly cultivated, with an abundance of every variety of fruit, with good S-room. modern bungalow; $7000, terms. 1& acres, all kinds of fruit, bearing; has 5-room bungalow, electric light, gas, bath, chicken houses; $4000. 1 acre in high state of cultivation. 6 room house, all modern, Including Bull Run water; $5500. These are located on Oregon City car line. Have many others. Inquire Mrs. F. M. Youngs, third house north of Ris ley station. Address Milwaukee, Or., R, F. D. No. 1, or phone Oak Grove 25-J. 5-R0051 PLASTERED HOUSE. Full acre of ground. Less than mile From Portland limitjs. This is a home Where you can make Your living off the land And work in the city. Owner moving cast. Yours now for $2200. You couldn't Reproduce It for $3000. See it at once. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark. $500 DOWN FRUIT TREES. ONLY $2850. 4-room bungalow, about a quar ter of an acre of beautiful ground, fruit trees, also chicken house. This Is a pre-war price. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20S. IN MILWAUKIE. 1 acre. 12 minutes from station ; all under cultivation, fine bearing orchard. Hum wire fencing, cootl ti-room pias tered house, gas, city water, electric lights, plumbing, small barn, garage r-hi-lc-ii house: once larifC ens navment: 2 acres of land Joining this all in fruit, can be had for $2400, gravel street, in front of property; inspected by Marsters. with John Ferguson, oernngor bldg.; over 500 small places near .fori land. " HOMESITE IN IRVINGTON. tSS acres, 7 blocks from Broadway far Fino soil. 1 block from school. I city limits. Nice shade trees. Gas, city water, electric lights all there. High, cin-Htlv t-round. PT1CS 543(H). SZDUU C balance 5 years, 7 per cent. Well worth Sftuuu. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg Main S52it. WITHIN the 34-miIe circle of city hall (west pide) is my beautiful lu-acre for est home. Truly a "sylvan dell," with running brook and shady nook, unspoiled by hand of man. Just a little bungalow, big sleeping porch and open-air dining room. Secluded and yet within 15 min utes' drive of business center, ror par ticulars send your address to 705 iiroad way bid p. FOR SALE One of the finest suburban hnmpu in ijinn countv. adiolnine Eu gene; modern, beautiful location, plenty nf trrminH huflt bv timber man for home bargain. Information and photographs sent on application. A. H. HINKSON, Eugene, Oregon. i icre in itv limits. 1 block from car All under cultivation, 0 apple trees, 11 ninm ir. fs- some Dcnr9 and KTaDCS ', 4 room plastered bungalow, with large attic and bath room; gaa, city water, Chioben hous-?. wood shed. Price $li32o 182ft cash. Balance $20 month, 6 per cent. Inspected by Nelson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger wog, HERE'S A BARGAIN. $1200. kfrm and half on main rock road. ter and lights available, new 16x20 cot tage only 9 miles irom center oi city. Remember 1200 is price and only small pavment down. Call 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. 3-ROOM house, $750; almost half acre cultivated, with cheap 3-room house, water, lights, rock roaa. u gives pos eoocion S15 ner month: make your rent elve you a home. 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. oil aprrs Good 6-r. house. $2400; Capl tol highway; garden land; terms. M. 3672. McFarland. Falling bldg. For Sale Acreage. SMALL INVESTMENT. $500 puts you in possession of 20 acres OI tne TlCnesi laim iu iuanuu wuuiy, il Is all In cultivation and tha selling price is only $4000; it is easily worth twice that amount; located only 1 mile from the livest town in Oregon and right on electric line. Let Us Show You. Our Autos Are at Your Service. COOVER A HOLMAN, REALTORS, 322 Failing Bldg. Mar. 3993 iO ACRES YAMHILL COUNTY, right at station, on highway; smaa prune or chard, 20 acres cultivated; sheltered from winds; 30 acres oak; bam. livable house, spring which runs the year round ; close school and church ; price $5500; terms; or will take residence in on place. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 5199. $100 PER ACRE 10-20 acres, level, A-l soil, mostly big, second-growth timber; county road, mail route. 1 mile school: splendid berry land and for general farming; cord wood proposition for ac tive men; hard roads to electric; $500 cash. Main 3672. F. McFARLAND REALTY CO.. 208 Failing Bldg., Portland, Or. 17 ACRES, M mile Elec. ; creek, timber; H cult.; near highway: bargain at $300 per acre; will sub-divide; land near selling at $500. Main 3672. McFarland Realty Co.. Falling bldg. , 10 ACRES of rich soil, near Tualatin. S acres in cultivation, some valuable timber. Price $3500. Will consider a 5-passengcr car for first payment. SPECIAL bargain, 40 acres, Al soil; will consider a ngni car in wwnwa as part payment. A. F. Rauch, 1672 Clarendon Bj $125 PER ACRE 20 level acres, Sherwood C.IStriCi; JO WUVa rwmoiiu, --'. -aui. McFarland. 208 Failing bldg.. Portland. BY OWNER. 20 acres, 16 miles out; fam ily orcbaxd. WdU. 685. REAL ESTATE. tor SsUe Acreage. GOOD ACREAGE. 12li acres within walking dis tance of carline, Oregon City or Gladstone; 10 acres in cultivation, 2H pasture with spring; all splen did soil; no rock nor gravel; ex cellent orchard, cherries, pears, apples, peaches, prunes, grapes, etc Splendid 7-room house, sur rounded by beautiful large trees, fine water, good barn, chicken houses, hog houses; located on graveled road In sight of town. One year's wood goes with placo. Price $5500, terms. 10 acres extra good land on Tualatin river, all unler cultiva tion, good orchard of mixed fruit, apples, peara, cherries, peaches, acre raspberries, M acre black caps, l acre strawberries; nice 6 room cottage, garage, barn, hen houses, splendid fresh cow, tin horse, chickens, plenty of feed. This tittle ranch is ' miles of Oregon City, mile to school, town and carline. on main auto road. Price $5800, $2800 cash. Better see this. O. E. FREYTAG. Gladstone. Or. On Oregon City carbine. Phone Oregon City 260J. DESIRABLE SUBURBAN PROPERTY AT MELDRUM. ' 26 acres on Willamette river, and near paved highway, fine soil, all im proved. The best piece of river r(nt of this size between Oregon City and Portland, large S-room house, brick cel lar, tank house and water system. Good barn, wagon shed and other buildings; orchard and shade trees; salmon fish ing and boating. An ideal country home with all the advantages of tho city. Price $1000 per acre. Good farm equipment, stock and feed can bo pur chased if desired. 20 H acres unimproved, fronting oil paved highway, streets on all sides, some timber, high and sightly, nearly alt level. Price $000 per acre. 3 1-10 acres, 2 acres In cultivation, 1 acre in beautiful grove acceslbla to highways and river. Price $2750. Acreago In tracts of from 1 to 1 -acres Jn and near plat of Meldrum. good soil and fine building altca. near Oregon City electric line and river road. All easily accessible. Prices from $500 to $000 per acre. Terms of wale one-half cash, baianca in three or five years at 6 per cent, se cured by mortgage. For further par ticulars call on or address C. E. Mei drum. Mllwaukic, Or. Route No. X. Phone Oak Grove 102W. CHOICE TEN ACRES. Located in fine district, only short distance from city limits, all in high state of cultivation, handsome two-storv modern house, including hardwood floors, fire place, two sleeping porches, etc. Fine barn. silo, chicken houses, garage and neat house for hired help; fruit, berries, privato water system, etc. High and sightly, fine view, best soil, well drained and highly developed. Will make price and terms very attract ivo and might consider Portland resi dence as part pay. Here is a real hargaln and a particular home for particular people. Might divide. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 11 ACRE IMPROVED RANCH. GOOD 5-ROOM HOUSE. ELEC TRIC LIGHTS, ON OREGON ELECTRIC. SHORT DISTANCE" WEST OF PORTLAND, ONLY $5500. Good 5-room house, electrio lights, can have city water; barn, other outbuildings: good rich, deep soil, 6 acres in cultivation, good wood and pasture, hard road to Portland; located at station and town, board walk to hou from station. See SAM HEWKY at J. "L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Commerce bldg. TWENTY ACRES NEAR GRESHAM. COME and see this fine Uttti 20-acre farm, located right on a well improved road, close to achool and in the Gresham high school district. The land all lies flue, half in cultivation; fair house, barn, chicken house. 2 wells, as sorted family orchard, some tim ber and small creek. This Is an exceptionally flno buy for $3S00. Come and look it over. KRIDER & ELKINGTON. GRESHAM. OR. LOGGED OFF LANDS. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS. 1000 acres divided into tracts from 10 acres up; railroad and countv road through property; school, storo and postoffice on the land; good soil, fins creeks and springs. Located In Oregon, only 30 miles from Portland. Prices run from $25 to $100 per acre; terms to suit actual settlers; reasonable terms to anyone. LUE D D E MA NN COM PANT. 013 Chamber of Commercf. SPLENDID NEWBERG ACREAGE. 20 acres, 3 acres 4-year-old prunes, 54 acre logan and strawberries, 4 acres meadow pasture, balance plow land, all in high state of cultivation. New 6-room plastered bungalow with full cement basement, good barn and other out buildings; Just 2j miles from Newberg, on main road, mail route and telephone. A very attractive place and only $300 per acre. Some terms. Geo. K. Crow, 793 Mississippi ave. Phone Wdln. 1201. or residence. Wdln. 2785. SPLENDID SUBURBAN 20 ACRES. 10 acres in bearing apple orchard, S acres in young prunes, besides has mixed varieties for family use. 1920 crop was 4400 boxes of marketable apples, sold at good prices. Has splendid new barn, large old house, city water; only 3 min utes' walk from city carline at Van couver; 5 miles from Portland city limits. If Interested will make very at tractive price to a real buyer. ALBERT HARALA. 793H Mississippi ave. Phone Wdln. 1261. CHOICE CLOSE-IN FARM. 1ft r.cres near city limits of Portland, all cultivated, no rock or gravel; facet main road, nice little orchard, all kinds berries: good, bouse. line Darn with ce ment floor; near school, church and stores. This is a dandy little place; price $7000, easy terms. LUEDDEMAXN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 16 ACRES About 350 four year old prune trees, -acres neanng Diactccaps. soma loganberries; 34x36' bungalow, not fin ished; good location. W. E. WHITE A: Newberg, Or. CO.. HERE IS A SACRIFICE. 10 acres In cultivation. Has creek; next to city limits of Dallas; fenced and only $2000 cash. Surrounding prop erty selling for $350 per acre. This U being sold account of sickness; paid $3000 8 years ago for this property. Herider. 320 Artisans bldg. 10 ACRES Extra good Improvements, prunes, piacKcaps. Mitwvcum, wcu located. W. E. WHITE & CO.. Newberg, Or. ACRE. 4 blocks from Metzger station; under cultivation; good house. 4-root.i, plastered below; room for 2 or 3 rooms upstairs; 3 blocks to school: douols chicken house, barn; exceptionally fins soil. Price $1300, $700 cash. J or; a Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. WRITE for map of western Washington 6 how in g i oca lion, ivw prico idu vajr terms offered to settlers. WETERHAEUSBR TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Washington. 10 ACRE, half section, Fortiana stoeic- yards -l Tillies; booi son. gooa wier, 2 fires have gone through lare: also 120 acres near Galea Creek, price $1200. E. Lessard. St. Helens, Or. FOR SALE or trade. 414 acres; new log house, woousnea. une waier; no rocu; timber; along Columbia highway, near Attorla, adjacent to new naval bass. Smith. 246 Salmon St.. Portland. FOR SALE or trade, 30 acres bottom land. C'ear. ail level ; no uuituius. j mum N E. of Hocklnson. Wash., near paved road. See owner. 303 Russell at. .u HiCR Alberta car. No city mepts. water to ro uwn ray- , R.w!"CARY. 1219 N. W. BANK BLDQ. FOR SALE! Reasonably, 10 acres la Washington county, vjf. av oi, ureio- ian. EXCELLENT LAND AT $30 PER ACRE. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. SMALL tracts close to the city. $500 pel acre, $r-0 down and $10 per month. Strong Sk Co.. 634 Chamber of Com. 160 ACRES, 13 mi:c west of Portland, M acres in cultivation. East 135. 1$ ACRES of land, also a house-moving "Zhoax. A if.n