Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 01, 1921, New Year's Edition, Section 4, Page 9, Image 33

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Many Breeders Engaging in Comparatively New Industry Angoras Number 200,000, Milk Goats, 3000
By A. C i. .tgr. Editor Angora and Milk
(oat Journal, Srcn tn r atlooal Mohuir
lirouen' Aociatloo.
GOAT-RAISING In Oregon haa
made definite progress in the
past year. Not only have new
herds been established, but sales of
breeding stock to other states have
been extended, with hitherto un
equaled returns in cash to Oregon
Both Angora goats and milk goats
have Increased in numbers. Pealing
first with the fleece goats, or Angora
species, which produce mohair, the
number in the state has been esti
mated by W. R. Chapline Jr., chief
grazing examiner of the forest serv
ice of the department of agriculture,
as including nearly 200,000 animals.
Used principally for clearing land
and keeping fence lines free of nox
ious weeds, there has been developed
also a system of grazing on grain
lands and fallow areas which has
proved productive in a substantial
Illustrating this system, the expe
rience of William Ridell & Sons at
Monmouth, Or., may be related. They
began some years ago to investigate
results from running goats over fields
after harvest. In an adjoining field
of smaller extent they planted rape
seed, which came strong in the fall.
Alternating the goats on these fields
they found that the following season
sbowd increased yield of grain on
acreage so handled.
In August. 1920. the writer went
over the Ridell farms to observe the
results secured. In one field. 1 not
"goated," the grain was less than IS
Inches high, and at harvest gave less
than 14 bushels to the acre, average.
Across the line fence, in a field where
goats had been run. the grain was
JO to SO inches Siigh and yield was as
great as 41 bushels to the acre.
Record Sales Made.
U. S. Oram, president of the na
tional Mohair Growers' Association,
has sent out of this state in the
present year, from his farm at Dallas.
50 or more breeding sires, for which
he received 1S00 to $500 per bead.
John B. Stump & Sons. Monmouth,
sold on September 22. 1920, a su
perior Oregon-grown Angora buck
to O. Q. Marshall of Texas for $1000.
on telegraphic order.
'At San Angelo. Tex., in June WI1
iam Riddtll & Sons exhibited a very
fine sire, which was sold at 11750.
and was awarded prizes of $285. mak
ing the value of the animal more
than $2000.
Eastern Oregon is beginning to
recognize Angoras. several large
herds being successfully established.
Southern Oregon counties have con
siderable numbers, and the coast
counties have been putting them on
to greater extent. They find the
abundant browse of Curry. Coos. Lane
and Lincoln counties provides unlim
ited goat feed, with clearing accom
plished by workers that do not strike
ami work nights and Sundays as well
Mohair has been in bad position
in the market this year, prevailing
prices having slumped along with
wool. Growers, however, are holding
their clip in many cases. The Eddy
ville pool of 30,000 pounds is stored
in the warehouses of Clifford Brown.
Salem, awaiting an upward turn in
price. Albany and other centers have
considerable stocks unsold.
Eugene Is the center of quite a
mohair-growing district, with nearly
200 goat owners in Lane county.
Fabrics from mohair are manufac
tured in the Atlantic states and in
clude fur trimmings. upholstery
plushes, dress goods, men's suitings,
auto tops, press cloth for oil extrac
tion and varied other materials. It
has great durability and is increasing
in popularity.
There are two features that make
Oregon-grown Angoras superior to
those produced in other states. Cli
matic conditions make it possible to
grow a longer staple and a bigger
animal. Results of these two advan
tages are: Long staple enters into
fabrication of ladies' switches, judicial
and theatrical wigs and supplies head
covering for literally millions of
dolls; size and good body conforma
tion of Oregon goats make them
sought after by breeders in other
states and account for the high prices
tJoat Men Organised.
Organization of the Oregon Mohair
Goat association at the state fair,
1919, has given impulse to the efforts
of growers to extend the industry in
Oregon. H. B. Steiner of Sixes, Curry
county, is secretary.
Legislation is under consideration
to be presented at the next session.
Included in this remedial work as
outlined, are revision of the law gov
erning sale of goat meat, compulsory
dipping, eradication of marauding
animals, inspection by counties, prep
aration and marketing of goat hides.
Co-operation of state colleges and
agricultural agents will be asked in
the work of extending employment of
Angora goats on the cutover areas of
the state.
Angora raising under good manage
ment holds good possibilities in Ore
gon. About the biggest recommendation
a milk goat can get arises from the
experience of mothers who have
saved the lives of babies by using
the milk of the goat. Neurotics, in
valids and dyspeptics by scores have
attested the value of the nroduct.
The point most people overlooR, how
ever. Is that if it is good for sick
folk it is equally good for well
The price of goat milk keeps it
from general use. Forty cents a
quart seems high compared with the
IS or 17 cents charged by the much
berated dairyman who sells cow milk
to the householder.
There are in Oregon about 3000
milk goats. Increasing numbers
have been brought here from Cali
fornia and the southwest.
One cannot easily escape the joker
and the amusing badinage that has
attached itself to the goat in the pub
lic mind. There is nevertheless a
serious, practical economic side to
the question which merits considera
tion of all who use milk for any pur
pose. It makes ice cream of de
licious quality: It exceeds other milk
in content of butter fats; it is whiter
than co'w milk. Goat milk is not a
carrier of the germ of tuberculosis.
This has been positively decided by
the United States government tests.
Misunderstood and unknown to city,
dwellers, except as tne creature of
vacant lots, starved, and the object
of scorn and derision, the little milker
has had a doubtful path to tread in
her approach to popularity. It Is yet
only an approach, remejnber, because
the milk goat is a novelty to most
of us.
It is only 15 years or so since the
real, aristocratic "nanny" made her
debut in American domestic life. She
was imported from Switzerland and
the British isles. Such goats as were
here prior to that time were scrub
goats no pride of birth and lineagf.
That was changed when the Swiss
animals were imported. They are
deer-like, docile and easily handled.
There is no more danger in keeping
them than there is in giving place to
a kitten.
The unregenerate male of the spe
cies is to blame for much of the
opprobrium put upon milk goats in
cities. "Father" is the pariah of the
tribe he smells vilely, and should
be kept outside the quarters of the
herd. In the scheme of things he has
his place, but he is like the Turk
among the nations. San Francisco
has recently provided that milk does
may be kept in the city, but has ex
cluded the bucks. This is a proper
provision, and it will give the goats
better standing in all communities
where they are introduced.
Different Breeds Employed.
Three principal breeds are employed
in America the Toggenburg, Saanen
and Nubian. Switzerland provided
I : ch(ew Series 1
SIIi 71010 011 sa i
Jill 'OU"Ster Brougham Suburban jB
the first two breeds. England sent
most of the third division, which was
built up from an oriental or African
Three Swiss importations have come
to the United States in the last year.
The British Goat society has for many
ears maintained the purity of its
breeding records.
In America there are more than
3,000 registered milk goats recorded
in the two principal associations, the
American MUk Goat Record associa
tion nd the International Nubian
Breeders' association. At the present
ratio of increase their numbers will
lthln a few years form a consider
able part of the livestock population
f America. They multiply freely,
two and three at each kidding or
lambing time. The period of lacta
tion is from three to seven months.
although individual goats have re
corded a continuous flow of more
than two years.
Professional men have been at
tracted to the milk goat from the
evidence of its usefulness. Medical
en particularly have advanced the
usiness of goat-keeping by recom
mending the milk in their practice.
Albert Teal of Falls City, one of the
first to bring milk goats to this state,
has found that average lactation
yield of the goat is about two quarts,
though some give over a gallon daily
when fresh.
Cheese made from goat milk is pro
duced along the Columbia river and
by various growers of the state. Of
these makers the most successful is
perhaps Michael Montchalin, who has
produced Roquefort from goat milk
having all the excellence of the im
ported article.
Various commercial enterprises have
sprung up in the last five years to
handle the product of the milk goat, (
the most recent a goat dairy com
pany, incorporated for $5000, to deal
in goats and their milk. Deliveries
are made under city inspection, as
with cow milk, and the herd includes
about 150 animals.
The Oregon Milk Goat association
has been organized with 50 members,
who meet at Central library the 15th
of each month. Thus milk goat keep
ing may be said to have passed the
initial stages in Oregon, and it gives
promise of becoming a recognized
mmimiitiiiiiiiitiiimiiiiiniiiiimiimiitiimiiiiiiim mmmimiiimitiii miniiiimi imiminmimmmim inn iimmiiiiminiliiiiL'
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A. H. Averill Machinery Co.
Branches at Spokane, Wash.;
San Jose, Cal.; Great Falls, Mont.
" For Ford Patieniw This TnHn Tyfe for
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Shock Absorbers
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The Hassler Guarantee:
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A Standaraaeu' Quality Product Worth tho Prka
HASSLER Shock Absorbers will save you one-third
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they will pay for themselves in extra mileage from
gasoline and will give your Ford a greatly increased resale
value; while the comfort they will give you cannot be
measured in monev. A soecial tvrje
tor eacn f ora moaei. ask us about
our ten-day trial offer.
This Twin Type for
Front and Rear of
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This Twin Type for
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Ford One-Ton
West Coast Distributors Corporation I
435 Stark Street
F:imf inn miiiiiiiJiii'ltuni!tJrrLiittiiMJf tit iiutiFj 1 1 ji r m imtti j dim n t; : .1, ,r i . r ) I liiJ tti I jur Lril itif 11 til 1 1 11 1 1 in r n tririti 11 tn r Tf mi m tiurti til ! : r
100 Traction in Snow, Mud and Sand
Foley Traction Rims
A Big Winter Specialty I
Write for details of our
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445 Stark St.,
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Phone Broadway 290.
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