Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 31, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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f - I
California and Ohio State
Taper Off Training.
Seating Capacity Increased to 42,
000 While Demand for Tickets
Is Three Times as Great.
PASADKXA. Cal., Dec. 30. The
Ohio State eleven is in condition to
"go 60 minutes at top speed" New
Year's day in its game with Univer
sity of California, Dr. John Wilce,
head coach, declared tonight. Coach
Smith of California contented him
eelf with saying his men were "fit."
- Both teams had the lightest kind
. -of practice today and will rest most
of tomorrow, the coaches said.
Frank W'illaman, Ohio fullback,
who has had a troublesome knee, will
be in good shape for the game. Dr.
Wilce declared. Blair, Ohio halfback,
and Cott, substitute, have caused
some apprehension by turning their
ankles, but Blair. it was declared.
will be able to start the game and J
History, Ancient and Modern, of East Versus West Gridiron Clashes
Recited to Show How Two Compare.
ANOTHER 36 hours and we'll
know whether Ohio State is the
real unsinkable ship in football,
or whether the University of Cali
fornia has at last evolved the long
sought non-refillable bottle. In the
meantime, gents, this Is positively
the last call to step up and air your
opinions about the great Pasadena
game before it's played. '
If you want precedent to base your
views upon, there's certainly prece
dent enotigh for any kind of result
you want. For instance, California
this last season rolled up 4S2 points
against opposing football elevens to
only li points scored against her.
That's precedent enough on which to
bet your last kopeck that California
plows up the field with touchdown
against Ohio State.
But on the other hand, Ohio State
is some little precedentrsetter on her
own hook. She won all five of her
Big Ten conference football games
last season and took the conference
championship for the second season
in a row. Won four of her five games
oy last-stand rallies, too, a couple
them in the final few minutes, and
one in the last second,
That's certainly enough precedent
to justiry the Buckeye backers in
wagering their return trip tickets on
an unio state victory.
But while on this matter of orece
dent, let's go back further yet. Let's
Cott will be ready to go in whenever j go back over the whole history of
California Eacapea Injury,
The Californians came through the
practice period without injury.
Football experts continue to ex
press the opinion the result of the
clash between the westerners and
middle westerners will depend upon
the ability of the Bears t ostop Pete
Stinchcomb, all-American halfback.
At the same time, they declare, unless
the Buckeye line can hold its own
.with the California wall, Stinchcomb
will not "get loose" with the regular
ity he has displayed in the east.
The seating capacity of Tourna
ment field has been increased to
42,000, while the demand for seats,
according to Tournament of Koses
association officials, has reached
three times that figure.
Efforts for Speed Made,
Every effort is being made to speed
up the handling of the crowd, which
bids fair to be the largest ever at
tending a football game in southern
California. Precautions are being
taken against accident and against
ticket scalping.
Just before the game starts, it is
announced, 2500 tickets will be put
on sale at the gate with orders that
only one shall go to a person.
Only One Team Declared Equal of
Ohio State Squad.
COLUMBUS, O., Dec. 30. Aerial
attack, or the forward passing style
of play, has been developed to a
greater stage of perefection by Ohio
State university's football eleven
than by any team in the country,
according to football experts, and it
is on this form of offensive that the
Buckeyes will depend for victory
when they face the University of Cal
ifornia team at the Tournament of
Koses at Pasadena, Cal., New Year's
Only one team in the middle west
Notre Dame could be considered as
even a rival of Ohio State in forward
pass plays and most football experts
" consider the Ohio passes superior to
even those of,the late George Gipp,
Is'otre Dame's star hurler. primarily
because Ohio State is adept at every
type of pass whether running,
standing, double, triple or of the
"screen" type.
Two men form the nucleus of Ohio
State's aerial attack Hoge Work
man, 20 years old quarterback who
last fall played his first season on
the team, and "Pete" Stinchcomb, who
made the mythical all-American team.
Workman is the most accurate
passer seen in the middlewest since
the overhead attack was made legal.
He throws from any position and
any distance and nearly always gets
the ball within reaching distance of
the receiving player, whether that
man be running or standing still.
Stinchcomb's greatest work is in
receiving passes. He is the fastest
man on the ' team and gets many
yards down the field before Work
man is ready to throw. Stinchcomb
takes the ball while traveling at full
speed and if Workman's pass does
happen to be a little wide, Stinch
comb generally is able to get to it
before it touches the ground. Once
he has the ball the little halfback
has better than an even chance for
a long run, for his dodging, twisting
and side-stepping make him an al
most impossible man to stop.
Nearly all of the Ohio passes are
played from a punt ' formation, but
the team runs so many other plays
from this formation that it is im
possible for the opponents to "lay'
for the passes. Line bucks, end runs
and off-tackle dashes all may be
started from a kicking arrangement.
Probably the most successful play
of the Ohio State team is the run
ning pass, for in this play it is
optional with the passer to buck
through the line, circle end or pass
the ball. Workman, in th kicker's
position, receives the ball and with
his backfield as interference starts
around end. Stinchcomb, through his
jrreat speed easily outdistances the
interference and gets far ahead.
Then, with Stinchcomb, the other
two backs, and Workman, who trails
behind, cutting a wide circle around
end, the play is in full swing and it
depends on the immediate circum
stances whether it is a run or a pass.
If the chances are good for a gain.
Workman continues with the ball. If
he is about to be tackled, the quarter
back leaps high in the air throws to
Stinchcomb while still on the run, the
latter receiving without stopping, or
else turns completely around and
hurls to the other end. It is the most
beautiful play in football and never
fails to bring cheers even from the
opposition grandstand when success
east vs. west intersectional football
games. Some interesting facts are
tc be gleaned from the survey.
Roughly, these intersectional foot
ball games may be divided into two
parts one those of ancient, the other
of modern times. The latter date
only from 1915, when Syracuse uni
versity invaded the far west and
tcok home two scalps to the home
wigwam, those of Oregon Agricul
tural college, defeated 28 to 0, and
Occidental college of California, 3o
to 0. Syracuse was a regular bear
cat for games on that trip. En route
U Portland she took on the Univer
sity of Montana, which gave the New
Yorkers a great surprise by holding
them to a 6-to-6 tie score.
Since that epoch-setting- tour and
including it, there have been ten east
vs. west games, with the east hold
ing the edge by five victories to four
for the west, and one drawn battle.
But including all east vs. west games.
those of the ancient as well as the
modern period, the east decidedly has
th( honors to date with eight victo
ries to five in 13 games. The other
was that 6-to-6 Montana-Syracuse tie.
Back in the early '90s, Walter
Camp, the Yale star, who picks the
official ail-American teams today,
came west on a football missionary
ing trip and became coach at Stan
ford university. He induced Chicago
university to make the long tour
across the Rockies and Sierras to
play his husky Cardinal eleven.
Two games were played between
the two, one in northern and the other
in southern California. Chicago took
the first and Stanford the second.
This made honors even on the first
series of intersectional clashes.
It. was a good many years before
another eastern team would venture
Into the uncharted far west. Then
the Carlisle Indians, at that time in
the heyday of their football great-
2-ess, journeyed to the setting sun
and played the University of Cali
fornia, which had an eleven rating
comparatively as high in football as
the team that represents the Bears
From all accounts it was a terrific
gridiron battle. The Redskins finally
won, but only by a score of 2 to 0.
They made their two joints on a
safety when Metoxen broke through
the California line, grabbed Pete Kas
burg, who was carrying the ball on
a play in front of his own goal line,
and literally threw him across the
line for the safety.
The third eastern invasion of the
west was in 1902, when Hurry-Up
Yost of Michigan brought his great
team to the coast to play Stanford
Among other stars on the Michigan
eleven were Willie Heston. Willi
and his able co-workers simply made
mince-meat of the Cardinals. The sun
went down that gory day on a 49-to-0
victory for Michigan, the highest and
most lop-sided score ever piled up in
an east vs. west gridiron battle.
ran boxing
Frank Farmer in ; Training
Here for New Year's Bout.
That ends what we have termed
the ancient history period of these
intersectional clashes. Ensued a long
hiatus. Not until 13 years later, in
1915, when Syracuse journeyed to the
Pacific playing Montana to a 6-to-6
tie and defeating the Oregon Aggies
2S to 0 and Occidental college 3a to 0,
did football relations resume between
the sections and the modern era begin.
Up to this time there had been lit
tle to it but the east. Stanford's one
victory against Chicago and the Mon
tana tie game with Syracuse were the
only blood for the far west. But
since that time the west has perked
up very decidedly and more than held
its own.
Washington- State instituted
series of brilliant victories lor tne
west when the great eleven coached
by Lone Star De-itz opened the Pasa
dena classics by defeating Brown uni
versity 14 to 0 on New Year's day,
1916. The very next New Years day
University of Oregon triumphed at
Pasadena by the same score, 14 to 0,
over University of Pennsylvania.
These two games put the vest on the
map in football. But it remained for
Oregon's heroic loss to Harvard last
New Year s day, 7 to 6, ruiy to
arouse the east to the class of far-
western football. But, in the mean
time, the Oregon Aggies had made a
successful trip to the middle west in
1915, on which, by a score of 20 to u,
they wined up the Michigan Aggies
after the latter had defeated the Uni
versity of Michigan by identically the
same score. Dr. E. J. Stewart was
coaching the Oregon Aggies that sea
son. Just to show that coaching had
something to do with it, while coach
ing- University of Nebraska the fol
lowing year he brought the Nebraska
eleven to. Portland and cleaned up
his old playmates, the Aggies, by the
score of 17 to 7.
So far this season honors are exact
ly even between the east and the
west. Washington State college went
to Lincoln, Neb., and defeated the
University of Nebraska on Thanks
giving day, 21 to 20. But only two
days later, on the following Saturday,
Dartmouth college evened up matters
for the east by trouncing the Univer-
ity of Washington at Seattle, 28 to u.
Saturday's game at Pasadena, then.
will be the 15th east versus west
football game. The score in victories
ow stands eight for the east and
five for tihe west, with one drawn
Wtll Ohio state contribute a nintn
eastern victory, or will California
make it the sixth for the west? You
have the precedent and the dope,
gents. Pick the winner to suit yourselves.
Babe Herman Declared Better Boy
Than Sammy Gordon; Gorman
to Meet Gruman.
have also brought in gains. But the j too fast and speedy for their oppo
nents. Ginn played a great game
for the Lincoln tossers, with Nyberg
starring for Tualatin.
main attack has been off tackle, with
the two big blue and gold tackles
clearing the way for the backfield
Throughout the season the Califor
nia men showed they had been drilled
in interference. In running back the
b!l from kicks and in end runs and
line work the interference has beeA
Hornsby Xot on Market.
ST. LOUIS, Dpc. 30. Branch Rickey,
manager of the fat. Louis nationals,
today reiterated that Roger Hornsby,
nfielder, is not for sale. The an
nouncement followed one made in
New York last night that an offer
by the Giants of JJOO.OUO and four
players for the local star had been
turned down.
Lincoln Leaguers Win.
The Lincoln leaguers won their
tenth straight basketball game on
Wednesday night by defeating the
Tualatin five, 24 to 16. Although the
winners were without the services of
two of their star players, they proved
Mill City Beats Stayton.
MILL CITY, Or., Dec 30. (Spe
cial.) The Mill City Loyal Legion of
Loggers and Lumbermen basketball
team defeated Stayton here last night
in a most exciting game, the score
was 32-6. A return game will be
Pete Kilduff Signs Contract.
NEW YORK. Dec 30 Pete Kilduff,
second baseman of the Brooklyn Na
tional league champions, has signed e
contract for next season, it was an
nounced today. It will be hia third
year with the Dodgers.
Amateur Fencers May Challenge.
NEW YORK, Dec. 30. The amateur
fencers' league of America is con
sidering challenging English and Ital
ian teams to a series of tournaments
in this country next spring, it, was
learned today.
Three days later. The scene is
switched from the armory to the Mil
waukio arena. A new set of actors
has been engaged to fill the principal
parts in the big production labeled
"Forty-two Rounds of Battling or
Bust." Many feel thankful that the
Milwaukie boxing commission willed
to stage its New Year's day bill in
the afternoon Instead of evening. If
every bout were to go the limit, as
those at the armory Wednesday night.
the fans wouldn't get home until
Sunday afternoon. As it is, they can
go out right after lunch and take
their supper with them and still get
to bed by 9 o clock.
Frank Farmer, the sparsely
thatched logger, who is now living
up to his name arid pastiming on his
farm about 20 miles out of Tacqpia,
is taking no chances with Harlan
Bunker, the boy with the Woolworth
building dimensions, and put in his
appearance here - Wednesday after
noon. In the past Farmer always did
his conditioning in Tacoma, making
it a point to arrive here the day of
the match. He has changed his tac
tics and will do his training on the
ground this time.
Farmer, who is fast getting into
the veteran class, has fought a num
ber of times in this region and only
on two occasions did he put up an
unsatisfactory fight. One of those
times was against Al Sommers at the
old Rose City club years ago, and the
other against Tiny Herman at the ar
mory last year. For these he is for
given. The socking that he handed
Hugh Walker and his two excellent
fights against Boy McCormick are remembered.
Bunker is young and ambitious. He
is confident of his ability to cope
with his much more experienced and
formidable opponent, which is half
the battle. Bunker displayed more
than -'ordinary ability for a young
heavyweight against Ole Anderson
and on paper figures none the worst
of it.
Going at the pace ha is, Frankie
Murphy rates a chance to make things
mighty interesting for Alex Tram
bitas in the ten-round semi-final of
tomorrow afternoon's card at the Mil
waukie arena. Murphy is a boy who
always forces the going and as Tram-
bitas is perfectly willing to battle if
crowded, why not a regular setto?
Ray Rose fought a six-round draw
with Sammy Gordon. He will be meet
ing a 25 per cent better boy in Babe
Herman when they clash in the third
en-round scrap on the coming card.
Maybe 25 per cent is not strong
ertough. Herman is a much better
ingman than he showed against Baby
Blue at the Milwaukie arena several
months ago. He is the best at his
weight in California, which is saying
something. Rose is tough and hits
with a jolt, bjit pan he hit Herman.'
he stood off and boxed he gave tho
latter a lesson.
Fighting Billy Murray and his 180
pound protege, Jimmy Barry, left for
Petaluma, Cal.; last night. Murray
will close his athletic club in that
city and return to Portland with
Barry, Bob Frates, a welterweight,
and Freddie Adge, a 133-pounder.
Murray will make his home here and
fight his boys throughout the north
west. He says that all of them are
likely looking prospects and ehould
make good.
The Portland boxing commission
has always been handicapped by the
lack of a place to hold its cards. That
difficulty has now been overcome.
Ever since Bobby Evans has been
matchmaker he has been striving for
a suftaDle arena, and Dy plugging
got his wish and incidentally a wish
of the fans. With the new arrange
ments at the armory it makes one
of the finest boxing arenas in the
United States. Owing to a contract
with the Heilig theater the two shows
which will be staged by the Portland
boxing commission in January will
both be put on at the Heilig. After
that all of the bills will hold forth
at the armory arena.
Tilden and Johnston " Win
World's Tennis Classic.
Aquatic Star on Way to Corvailis
. to Enroll as Student at Agri
cultural College.
Joe Gorman and Al Grunan will
headline Wednesday night's card un
der the auspices of the Portland box
ing commission at the Heilig theater.
The sudden termination of their re
cent match created no end of discus
sion and to settle all of the arguments
Matchmaker Evans rematched the
two popular boxers.
Whether Gorman hit Grunan low
or not in the sixth round of their
first clash js a matter of debate. The
writer was not "on" the punch that
ended the bout, but did see Gorman
hit Grunan below the belt on at least
four occasions up to the sixth round.
Grunan may not have been hurt with
any of these punches, but regardless
of that was being fouled. Gorman
was not warned once by the referee.
The barrage which sunk Grunan was
not a blow, it was two blows. One
was probably without a doubt a fair
punch, and the other in the groin.
Which one took the wind out of Gru
nan's sails is unknown.
At any rate, up to the sixth'canto
Grunan had the best of the going and
was giving Gorman plenty. The Lon
Angeles lad made a mistake by step
ping in and slugging with Joe. When
Clarence Pink6ton, the world's cham
pion fancy high diver, also holder of
the national senior high diving crown
and numerous other diving titles,
dropped off in Portland yesterday for
a short visit before going to Corvailis,
where he will enroll at Oregon Agri
cultural college after the first of the
new year.
The high diving champion, who for-
merly competed under the colors of
the Olympic club of San Francisco, at
tended Oregon Agricultural college
last year but left to enter Stanford
univers-ity. Pinkston won his title of
high diving champion' of the world as
a member of the United States Olym
pic games swimming team. He
nexed the national senior crown
shortly after his return to this coun
try from the Olympic games at the
national meet held in California in
Immediately npon his arrival In the
city yesterday morning Pinkston
hunted up Louis "Happy" Kuehn, an
other world's champion diver, al
though in a different class. At the
Olympic games Pinkston went for the
high diving while Kuehn confined his
activities to the fancy diving from
the four and ten-foot springboards
Both boys outclassed the world's best
divers in the two divisions.
Despite the fact that Pinkston and
Kuehn have been rivals for spring
board honors in several meets held in
this country, with the honors about
evenly divided between the two, they
continue to be great friends. Yester
day was the first time the two have
met since the return from the Olym
pic games and they spent most of the
afternoon at the Broadway natato
rium, where, with the assistance of
George "Tiny" Douglas, swimming in
structor at the nat., and C. F. Werner,
examiner for the American Red Cross
lifesaving corps, they put on an im
promptu diving meet.
Sunday the two champions will
leave for Corvailis to enroll as stu
dents at Oregon Agricultural college.
Both are enthusiastic over the pros
pects of a great aquatic showing at
the Corvailis institution, where a new
swimming tank is now under con
The new tank at Oregon Agricul
tural college will be 100 by 60 fee: in
side tank measurements and when
completed will be one of the best of
its kind on the coast.
For the present R. B. Rutherford,
director of the department of physical
education at the college, will look
after the swimming classes, but it is
understood that James J. Richardson,
manager of student activities, is on
the lookout for a swimming coach.
Practically every swimming instruc
tor in this section of the country has
sent in his application for the job.
. Myron "Mick" Wilsey, Multnomah
Amateur Athletic club swimmer, who
is attending the University of Ore
gon, is visiting in the city during the
holidays, vt ilsey, who is a basketball
player as well as a swimmer, intends
to give up swimming for a short time
and will try his hand at basketball at
the university.
Defeat of Brookes and Patterson
of Australasian Team Causes
Changes in Schedules, .
AUCKLAND, N. Z-. Dec. 31. Amer
ican tennis players today won the
Davis cup, the classic championship
trophy of the lawn tennis world, when
William T. Tilden II and William M.
Johnston defeated Norman E. Brookes
and Gerald L. Patterson of the Aus
tralian team, 4-6, 6-4, 6-0 and 6-4,
Brookes began the doubles match by
serving, and each server won his game
up to 3 all." Australasia then won
the following two games, but lost the
ninth game on Brookes service with
out scoring a point. In the next game,
however, Brookes and Patterson won
on Tilden's service, thus winning the
first set.
NEW YORK, Dec. 30. The victory
of the American tennis team in the
Davis cup matches with the result
ant shift of the 1921 international
play to this country will cause a
marked change in the awarding of
national features during the coming
season. At the annual meeting of the
United States Tennis association in
this city on February 5 it la ex
pected that the feature tournaments
will be awarded as follows:
Davis cup challenge round West
Side club. Forest'Hills. N. Y.
National singles championship-
Philadelphia, Pa.
Doubles . championship Wast Side
club. Forest Hills. JvT. Y. ,
National women's championshl
Boston, Mass.
Church cup intercity matches
Philadelphia, Pa.
Intercollegiate championships Bos
ton, Mass.
Effect to Be Far-Reachlns.
The regaining of the Davis cup
will also have a far-reaching effect
upon American tennis during the
coming year, for it will assure an un
usual amount of international play
for this country and United States
As world's- individual and team
champions, Tilden, Johnston and other
American players will undouDteaiy
feel called upon to journey again to
Wimbledon, England, and there de
fend their titles. It is also likely
that these same players will take
part in the French championships,
which precede the British titular
tournament by a week or two.
Challenges for the 1921 Davis cup
matches must be received by the hold
ing nation not later than March 1
and from five to eight nations are
expected to enter the play.
Premier Playera May Apprnr.
Some of the preliminary ties will
undoubtedly be held abroad, after
which the winning teams will prob
ably accompany the American players
back to this country. Here they will
take part In 'the American champion
ship and complete the final round of
cup ties. The challenging team will
then face the cup-defending Ameri
cans at Forest Hills. N. Y., as was the
case in 1914, when Brookes and Will
ing wrested the Davis cup from this
If it should develop that Mile. Suz
anne Lenglen, the French girl, who
holds all world's women champion
ships, decides to come to America for
the United States title tournaments,
the premier tennis players of the en
tire world may be expected to be
seen In action on American courts
during the summer of 1921.
ing piled up a lead in the remaining
sessions. '
Kid Roy of St. Paul was no match
for Bud Ridley, Seattle featherweight,
and the latter won on a knockout in
the third round.
Young Ketchell of Lewiston, Idaho,
defeated Andy Curtis, Tacoma middle
weight, by decision, in four rounds.
Clem Zukowski of Tacoma and Bud
Fisher of Vancouver, middleweight,
boxed a four-round draw as did
Danny Martin and Babe Connors,
local 120-poundera, In the opener,
Collegiate Committee to Submit
Revised Measure to Body.
CHICAGO. Dec. SO. The boxing
commmittee of the National Collegiate
Athletic association will submit a new
plan, amended to the extent that ob
jections which caused the association
to refuse to sanction boxing In col
leges and universities yesterday, will
be eliminated at next year s meeting,
it was announced today.
Fear that boxing under the plan
offered yesterday would get beyond
control of faculties, was said to be
the reason for disapproval.
Champion Wins Singles and Dou
bles In Semi-Einals.
Jefferson Beats Coquilic.
COQUILLE, Or., Dec. 30. (Special.)
The Jefferson High school basket
ball squad of Portland won its third
straight game In Coos county yester
day by defeating the local quintet,
72 to 19. Howell starred for Co
quille, while Anderson shone for the
Portland five.
Charges Through Center Have
Brought Many Scores.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 30. Attacks
gainst opposing lines, mainly off
tackle, featured the 920 offensive of
the University of California's unde
feated football team which is to play
Ohio State at Pasadena, Cal., New
' "X ear's day.
- California made little use of the
forward pass this year, probably be
cause at no time was the team ever
hard "pressed. Only in the game
against Stanford University did the
Blue and Gold men "open up" and
show they were effective in an
, crial offensive. In the last period,
with the game already won, Cali
fornia tried several passes and most
cf them were successful.
Charges through center have scored
nearly as many California yards as
have bucks off tackle. End runs
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Some - Friend!
NEW YORK, Dec. SO. Vincent
Richards, national junior indoor ten
nis champion, came through today in
both the singles and doubles semi
finals of the titular junior indoor
tournament. In the singles Rich
ards had no difficulty in defeating
William A. Aydelotte, formerly of
California and now of New York, 6-1,
6-1. Jerry Lang of New York won
the other semi-final from Harry
Pickells of Flushing, Long Island,
6-0. 6-3.
In the doubles, Richards and Paul
C. Mcllugh of Yale defeated Aydelotte
and J. T- Tucker, New York, 6-1, 6-4
and A. K. Glore and Ernest Kuhn of
New York defeated William EIns
mann and G. Acker of Jamaica, N. Y,
3-6. 7-5, 7-3.
The national boys title went to
Einsmann by default today when it
was found that his opponent for the
final was over the 15-year age limit
Winners Seeking Games With Quin
tet of Same Weight.
The Holy Name basketball five de
feated the Holladay Jrs. by the score
of 27 to 15 yesterday on the Chrlstion
Brothers floor.
Tom SIsk was high point man with
eitf field baskets to his credit. Albers
I and Eilers also played well for the
winners. Grellner played in the lime
light for the losers.
Any 105-pound team . wishing a
game with the Holy Name five may
call George Eilers, East 4818.
The lineup:
Holy Name (27). Holladay Jrs. (13).
Quirk, t).
ISiirit. 12...
Albers, 4..
Gagnon . .
Eilers, 5 .
...... .F. . . . .
...4, Grund
.8, Grellner
.... Jensen
. G. FawceU
, T. Fawcett
Major League Committee to Gather
in Chicago January 8.
CHICAGO, Dec 30. The meeting of
I the American and National league
schedule committees will be held here
I January 8, according to an announce
ment by President Johnson of the
American league.
At the joint meeting of the two
leagues, January 12, the proposed new
I national agreement between majora
and minors will be considered and
ratified, it is planned.
A special session of the minor
I leagues' association is scheduled to be
held here January iu and 11. 9
Cleverness Gets Decision for Scat-
tie Welterweight.
TACOMA, Wash.. Dec. 30. Billy
I Wright, Seattle welterweight, won a
six-round decision over Joe Slmonich.
Butte, here tonight. The first round
I was even, but Wright by clever box-
Arleta- Quintet to Meet Silvcrton
Tonight; Two Teams Accept
The Arlcta Athletic club and South
Parkway basketball teams maintained
their tie for the leadership of the
Portland Basketball league by virtue
of victories gained over the Oregon
Tech five and St. Johns Bachelors'
club aulntet Wednesday night Ar-
leta defeated the Oregon Tech hop
pers, 21 to 17, and soum irwj
edged out the Bachelors, 14 to 10.
Fast and clean play marked the
first game, which was played on tho
Washington high school floor. The
Tech boys started off with a rush,
netting two field baskets before the
contest had been under way but a
few minutes. In the-early stages of
the contest it looked as if the Arleta
clubmen would be snowed under.
Consistent passing and team work
on the part of the clubmen soon put
them in the lead, and after the first
ten minutes of play they were never
Robinson and Beck were the Tech
scorers, both being fast and excellent
shots. Manager Brooks of Arleta
used two sets of forwards, starting
with King and Scott, who played a
wonderful game until they were
forced to retire on account of injur
ies. Hobson and Thomas, who took
their places, with H. Johnson at cen
ter, were the shining lights for the
remainder of the game.
The lineup:
Arleta (21). Oreion Tech (17).
King, C F 4, Jtrrkwllh
Scott, 3 K W. Kohlnnon
H.Johnson. 2 0 3. Tunie
C. Johnson Giwtafnon
McKenzie, 2 G Homer
Miller Spare Johntoii
Hobson, 2 Spare Monte
Thoma?, tl Spare
Nathan Lakensh, referee.
The contest between the South
Parkway and Bachelors was replete
with thrills. The game was clean and
closely contested throughout.
South Parkway is eager to meet
any team in the state. It seema that
all leading quintets are "covering up"
when Parkway wants a game. The
only teams thus far that have ac
cepted the challenges hurled by Man
ager Peanuts Pander are the Honcy-
man Hardware five and Chemawa
Indian school quintet, who will bo
met on the local floor the latter part
of next month.
Tonight Manager Brooks will take
his Arleta tossers to Sllverton, where
they meet a team representing tho
SUverton Athletic club in tho first
of a two-game series. Players who
will make the trip are Hobson,
Thomas, King, Scott, H. Johnson, C.
Johnson, McKenzie and Miller.
New Years
'And DINE There
New Year's
phn shaded Bud Logan of Minneapo
lis. .Minn., In 12 tamo round here to
night, according to tho newspaper
lord a 11 Kails Hums.
EL, PASO. Tex.. Dec. 30. Thru J,u .
dan of Cleveland, ., defeated Frank
Burns of Flint, Mich., hero tonight
In a wrestling mulch In r-triilclit fnlln. '
The first game of a t hrep-gnme
series between the IT 11 n I U'rllh club
five and the Arleta quintet will be
played next Monday on the former
club's court. The second game will
be played the following Thursday In
the Franklin high gymnasium. Both
teams have yet to meet a defeat this
season and are strong contenders for
the state title. The date and place
for tho staging of the third game, if
one is necessary, has not been de
cided upon.
Armory Obtained for Game.
EUGENE. Or.. Dec. 30. (Special.)
The Eugena -armory has been en
gaged by Marion Mt-Claln, graduato
manager of athletics at the Univer
sity of Oregon, for this year's Inter
collegiate games played In Eugene,
The armory has a much greater seat
ing capacity than tho gym at tho uni
Kopcr and Walker J'lglit Draw.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Dec. JO. Cap
tain Bob Roper of Chicago and Hugh
Walker of Kansas City, heavyweight.
fought a gruelling 10-round no-deri-slon
bout here tonight. Newspaper
critics gave Roper a shade. In the
final round Walker made a whirl
wind finish, outfighting the Chica-goan.
Chicago Hoopers Beat Princeton.
CHICAGO, Dec. 30. The University
of Chicago five defeated' Princeton
15 to 11 tonight in the first Intersec
tional basketball game this season.
Wolgast Shades Logan.
DALLAS, Tex.. Dec.
Wolrast, welterwelirht.
30. Johnny
of Phlladel-
Milwaukie Arena
Big New Year's
42 Rounds 42
Frank Farmer
Harlem Bunker
10 Round 10
10 Rounds 10
10 Hounds 10
6 Koundn 6
6 Round 6
Scats Now on Sale
At Rich', Sixth at Wai-hinjrton
At Stillcr's, Broadway at Stark
Prices :
$1.10, $120, $3.30
Ladies Admitted
First Bout 2:15 P. M.
Take Cars First at Aider.
Durand Cycle Co.
With Your New Year's Wish-
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