4 TIIE MORNING OREGOXlAX, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1020 19 -' i "V." 1 1 ! STflPLEGROCERIES HEAB PRE-WAR PRICE Buyers' Strike Is Forcing Values Downward. NO USELESS EXPENDITURE Sane Readjustment of Prices Will Create AotiTe Demand for Mer chandise in Coming Year. lb trend of wholesale grocery prices U shown n the market change that have occurred thi month. Four advance! are noted and 44 declines, the latter Including practically all the staples. In reviewing general grocery trade conditions. Wad ham & Co. lay in their monthly trade report : "W in now In the midst of a buyers' strike. The ultimate consumer, who here tofore was compelled to pay any price the seller aked to buy dry goods, clothing hoe and household goods of inferior quality at many time their legitimate valuta to pay a premium for poor ser vice, has now come into hi own. It Is buyer's market and the manufacturer merchant who fails to realize this fact and does not ahaiie his commercial policy eordlnclv will surfer the consequences ' his mistaken judgment. "The action of financial Institutions in curtailing .credits has not only brought bout the Intended result of stopping harmful speculation in necessities and ex travagant spending for luxuries, which, if allowed to continue, would hav caused real panic, but It has also compelled many legitimate operators to sacrifice their holdings and throw merchandise on the market at prices much below the cost of production. Assistance must now be ren dered to prevent demoralisation In many essential lines of production, which would bring about widespread disaster. In foodstuffs, grain, coriy sugar, rice, ' coffee, cereals and cooking fats are rap Idly approaching pre-war values and nu merous other staples have shown heavy reduction. Many manufactured articles that are till too high will have to come down and the retailer must promptly pass all declines to the consumer' benelit. "We are looking forward to the coming year with confidence. A sane readjust ment of prices will stimulate building and, exeat an active demand for merchandise from a large body of consumers, who have wisely refrained from buying at the ex orbitant prices formerly prevailing. This will cause a healthy stimulus to all indus tries. In the meantime merchants must continue on as near a cash basis as possi ble and resist the demands for expansion of credits." ' HOLIDAY FEELING IS GRAIN TRADE Seattle . Tacoma Spokane 4. $31. BOO DOi.itno I,8.i3.242 1.037,483 f 7 a . -fH 707,175 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain, Floor, Feed. Etc. Merchant's Exchaage. noon session: -Bid- Wheat - . t Hard white Soft white White club Hard winter Northern" spring . Red Walla Oats No. 2 white feed. . alillrun Com - v No. 8 K. T. shipment S3.50 'I'Ulk ramily patents, Dec. . 11.57' . 1.55 . 1.55 . 1.50 . 1.50 . 1.47 . 33.00 . 31.50 Jan. S1.58 1.55 1.55 1.50 r 1.50 1.47 35.25 31.50 Feb. 11.58 1.55 1.55 1.50 1.50 1.47 35.H0 31.00 BUYING OF MILS -HEMfiiiM mVIDEXT-PAriXG ISSCES AD VANCE 1 TO 6 POIT. $9.80; bakers' whole wheat. i&.W. IS.?.".; valley. 7.25 granam, MILLFEED Prices f. o. b. mill: Mill run, $35 per ton; rolled barley, $4547; rolled oats, $49; scratch feed, $U1 per ton. CORN Whole, $-45; cracked, $48 per ton. HAY Buyinr orices. f. o. b. Portland; Alfalfa, $20&f21 per ton; cheat. clover. $0: valley timothy. $27028: east- era Oregon timothy, $30. Dairy and Country Produce. ' BUTTER Cuhea. extras. 4704$c per print, parchment wraooed. in btx lots. 33c per pound; cartons, 54c; half more; buttcrfat, buying price, 464ioSc per pouou Ftations; 5lc Portland delivery. EOiS Buvin-t Drices. casts COOnt. 503.'ic. Jobbing price to re?-ile:a candled ranch, selects, 6U2c. ci-tUsiiOii. m.ianiooK triplets, price w loMvrs. f. o. h. Tillamook. 3t)c. POULTRY Hens, 2330c; springs, 23 27c; ducks, 2o4uc; geese, 21c; turkeys, live, 45c ; turkeys, dressed, 58 60c. PORK Fancy, liic per pound. VEAL Fancy, 17c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUIT Oranges, navels, $45; Jap anese, $3.25 per bundie; lemons, Z."io I $4.73 box; grapefruit, $4.00-rS per box; ba nanas, H 13Uc per pound; graphs, o.'lh lug; cranberries, coast, $(t per box; eastern, $19f0 per barrel; apples, $i3.5 per box; pears, -m a 10 per box. VEGETABLES Cabbage. 1 & 2c pef pound; lettuce, $3tl3-- per crate; cucum bers. $1.7J(l?'2 per doxen; carrots, $1.5u 1-73 per tack; garlic. 25c; tomatoes, $4y) 4.0 per lug; beets, $l.at sac; egs-piant, ihz pound; cauliflower, $2 53.50 per crate: celerv. S5(it5.5o Dor crate: ereen DeDoers, l.jc ner pound: kd routs, it c per pouna. squash, 2 Jjo per pound; pumpkins, 2 Vjc per pound. iTj t A 1 o r-S oreson. si.ouw i. id per ivj pounds; " l akima. l-.-o; sweet potatoes, per pound, $3.50 per hamper. ONIONS Oregon, $1.50 per sack; Cali fornia brown, $ 1.75 x 2 per sack; Cali fornia yellow, $1 .75 per sack. Staple Groceries. Local jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Cane granulated. 9c per pound; beet, S0c per pound. NUTS Walnuts. 222so; Brazil nuts, 35c; ftberts. 2l&25c; almonds, 2G3uc; peanuts, U0 14c per pound; cocoanut, $:: per dozen ; pecan, 2 (tf Joe; chestnuts, z 4o..c pound. kick u.ue Kose, we per pouna; ja pan style, 7 MrC per pounn. fie.A.a btnill wnue, dc; large wnne. 6c; pink, 7Vc; lima, 10c; bayous, 12fec; red, 4c per pound. COFFEE Rousted, bulk, drums. Simile per pound; sacked, 22(&27c per pound. salt oranu;atcu, uuies, ..ov(& 4..": ilf ground, ton. 5 Us. $11. 75; lU-Os, $lt-25; lump roclt, $20.50. Provisions. HAM'S AH sizes, 2Sfr32c: 33c; picnics, 24C BACVrN Fa..C. 41 ftflSc: 34c; etanuard, 2'J.ilc. LARD Pure, tierces, ' 22C tierces. 14 fee. Dili SALT Backs. 2124c; plates, Oils. skinned, 27 choice. 32(9 compound. Oc. IndustrialStocks Are Also Firmer and Higher at .Close With Covering by Shorts. NEW YORK, Dec. 20. Substantial In quiry for transportation shares infused ap preciable activity and strength Into the stock market today after an Irregular opening in which several new low records for ttae year wer made. Buying of r-uls was most marked in the dividend-paying issues at gains of t to 6 points, but secondary or reorganized prop erties of rads traversing rich agricul tural sections of the west and southwest were not neglected. Oils, steels, equipments and motors dis played greater stability than at any. time since the recent upheaval - and various speculative specialties in the tobaccos, food, chemical and utility groups scored advances. Altogether, the movement went far to ward confirming the impression that much liquidation of the last fortnight had its inception In definite purposes to establish tax oay merits for 'the expiring year. The day's budget of news again Included backward conditions in the Industrial situation, the Iron Age for example, seeing no r respects for a "buying spurt" for sev eru.' weeks. It is believed, however, that tho first few months of l2l will witness a funeral demand for supplies, especially rallv.-ay equipment. Be.st prices of the day were registered in th last hour when rails, under the guid ance of Northern Pacific, overshadowed all other Issues and drove the shorts to cover in many industrial stocks, a strong tons ruling at the close. Sales amounted to 1,100.000 shares.' Trading in bonds, especially the con vertible or speculative issues, was in k;ep ing with the demand for stocks, but lib erty bonds. and most industrials ere irrej- mar. i oiai sales, par value, $3M70,000. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. , Last Sale Hiirh Beet Sug l.ioo 3S & W.two 1114, 6.7W r a:; Frankfort 4s Jap 4s , Jap first 4'4s . Jap second 4&s Lparis tis , U 0i 1021 . U K 5.9. 1022 , j U K 5Hs. 1029 , 13 74 V. 74 !4 92 97 04V4 82 Vs 15 T5 SS 95 87 S3 LARGER CLEARANCES AFFECT MARKET AT CHICAGO. Swift Co. Stocks. Closing prices for Swift Co stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck & Cooke Co. of Portland, a follows: Swift & Co .....100U Swift International -23 Libby. McNeill & Libby 11 National Leather 1 Broader Demand From American Millers 19 Also Reported. Country Offerings Small. nand Thum, Inventor of sticky fly paper, was found dead today in bed at hia home here. Heart disease was declared by physicians to have been the cause. He was 65 years old. Exchanges Close Friday. NEW YORK, Dec. 29. The coffee and sugar exchanges here will close at noon Friday, Dec. 31. it was announced. today. JILL CLASSES STRONGER LIVESTOCK SUPPLY RTJXS SHORT AT LOCAL YARDS. Buyers Pay $11.75 for Hog Driven In Lambs Are Dollar Higher Cattle May Advance. There was a strong market for all classes of stock at the yards yesterday consequence of the continued lierht receipts. Only two 3.: u.lno MHO Local Bid Hither on Hard White; Small Buying in Country. The grain market has a holiday ap pearance. Some buying is reported in the country around 11.35. but buyer do not eem anxious to take hold and farmer, as a rule, are not selling unless forced to. Th tone of the market in general was firmer yesterday. Hard white bids were raised 23c at the exchange, but offers for northern spring and hard winter were cents lower than Tuesday. Club and soft white wheat were unchanged. The coarse grain market was dull. Jan uary white oats were down SO cents. There wlU be no session of the exchange today. Flour business Is stack, but the milts look for increased buying after the turn ot the year. Nearly all millfeeds, except xnillrun. were reduced VI a ton. A Chicago bulletin said: "A better mill ing demand was reported today for wheat mainly from Indiana and Ohio. Sales so far reported 40,000 bushels. 2U0.OK0 bushels of wheat and IVO.Ooo bushels of rye taken for export." Buenos Aires cabled that the weather In Argentina was fine. Argentine new wheat how excellent quality with the natural weight exceeding 6 pounds per bushel. Wheat shipments are not likely to show much increase until after the new year. Shipments last week were 3.4O0.01X) bushels of corn. 210,000 bushels of oats and 320,000 bushel of linseed. Terminal receipt in cars were reported by th Merchants' Exchange as follows: Portland vheat.Bar;ey.Flour.Oats.Hay Wednesday .... 4o Year ago 11 Season to date.. 877? Year ago 5otil Tacoma Tuwday It Year ago 16 Eeason to date. ,30:tS Year ago 3761 Seattle Tuesday U Tear ago. . 9 Season, to date. .302 Year ago 3.VSO LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. ttOl: drums, $1.S; cat-es, $1.18. Boiled, barrels. l.3; drum?. 11.10; case I!. IS. TURVEXTISS Tanks, S1.41; cases, COAL OIL Tank wagons and Iron barreis. 17ic: cases, 30tl37c."" Fl'EI, OIL Bulk. 2. 3.". per barrel. GASOLINE Tank wagons and iron barre.s, 2lc; cases. 41 c. 1 ... 11 1 13 4 10 172 4."5 2SK1 llil3 132 ZJUO Hi 95" 7 ... 4 1 45 643 74 64-' 61 123 &00 1 1 2 7 170 198 26V Mil 176 422 443 774 FARMLKS OFFER FEW POTATOES. Eastern Market Are Firmer Becans of Decreased Movement. There have been only limited offering of Dotatoea by farmerajhi week. Buyers are paying $1.25 for the best grade and 1 for ordinary stock. No new business for shiDDing account was reported. Jobbing trade was fair at unchanged price. Bastern wires reported firmer market at emvtumln point as a result of much lighter shipments the past week. Con dltlons in the shipping markets were: Idaho Falls, Idaho Haulings light; de mand limited: market weak. Same buy era holding off. Wagon loads cash , to growers. Rural 75c, netted gems ilOc Waupaca. Wis. Practically no wire in quiry; demand slow, market dull. Skd. round whltea one car sold fl.35; bulk round white at Waupaca 756 90a. At other Wisconsin point mostly 7 Be . Greeley. Colo. Light wire inquiry; no hauling and no sale account weather. Minneapolis, Minn. Better wire inquiry; demand slow; market firm. Carloads round white 11.306 1.35; Red River valley Ohio tew aale tl.15 FEW TTBKEYS ARE IX TIIE MARKET. Beat Offering Bring 60 Cent on Front Street Egg Cleaning Up. powUry receipt wer again amall and Use Front street market wa strong. With shipping order on hand, as well a local buying for New Year', dreased turkeys sold higher, some of them bringing 00 cent. Leselpta of egg were of fair size but were taken care of by local and outside orders and selling prices on the street held steady. Most of the case count buying was done at Slgr52 cents. There were no new development in the butter market. Cube of good grade sold well, but inferior grade were very slow. Storage Withdrawal' Liberal. There was a further reduction In 'storage holding of dairy produce during the week. Local stocks make the following compari son with a week ago: Thl wk. Last wk. Butter. Ib 272.081 2S1.0O7 Cheese, lbs. 102.109 104.480 Bggs, oases OHO 1.0O2 Poultry, lb 151.818 254.71)0 Storage stocks at Seattle this week and last week were: Thi wk. Last wk. Butter, lb. 447.471 405.218 Cheese, lbs 200,478 347,447 Eggs case 35 .8(1 Poultry, lbs. ." 211.20 161,642 Bank Clearing. Bank clearing of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearing. Balance. Hides, relU. Etc. HIDES Salt hides, all weights, 6c pe' pound; green hides, all weights. 5c; salt bulls, all weights, 5c; green buiis, 4c; calf kins, green or salt, be; kip skins, green or sail. 7c; dry hides, 12c; dry salt hides, He; dry caif. 15c. Above prices for coun try hides and skins. Prices lor city skins and hides follow; Caif skins, 10c per pound; kip skins. 8c; city packer hides, green. 6c. PELTS Sslt pelts, full wool. S54uo each; dry long wool peits, fine. 7c lb.; dry long wool pelts, medium, Uc 1-b.; dry long woo pelts, coarse, 4c lb. TALLOW No. 1. 5c; No. 2. 4c per lb. CASCARA BARK 1920 peel. So er lb. WOOL AND MOHAIR Nominal. HOPS 1U20 crop, choice, 25c per pojnd. BAN FRANCISCO FRODCCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruit, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 2D. Butter Extras, 4SV4c; firsts, 4Sc. Kgys Fresh extras, 72c; extra firsts, 71 ic; extra pullets, 6c; undersized, C3'4c Ciieese Flats, fancy, 2Sc; firsts, 27c. Yteetables EjrKPlant, southern, 7Sc pound; potatoes, street prices, rivers, SI. 63 jl.a5; Salinas, $3.25; sweets, 34.25&4.50; onions. Australian brown. u0ci$l; white, fl.5U4tl.75; green, $1.251.50; beans, 15 &20c; bell peppers, southern, 68c: tomatoes, 30ciril; cucumbers, San Xiego, 12.75&3; celery, crate, si.50 &2.50; garlic, TlOo; cauliflower, DOcfcil; cabbage, lc pound; turnips, Slilf.23; beets, 31.25; parsnips, SI. 75; carrots, S1&1.25; Peas, boulhern, 10C,I6c: rhubarb, Si.75.2.25; sprouts, 51i6c; lettuce, tl.50$pl.75, Los Angeles, Sll.50, Sacramento; artichokes. tOcisi.2 dozen; spinach, 11' 1.5o per crate. -ouury iiens, s.'srstic; strictly young roosters, Avuiadc; oia, ii'ac; fryers, 3 v42c; broilers, 4o&.0c; ducks, Pekin, 3D toSJc; squabs, i0i&ioc; Belgian hares, live. 24ii2ic; turkeys. 50w57c; pigeons, sjt 4. i aozen; geese, 3. tff aoc. Fjull Navel oranges, S2.503.50; lem ons. I2&3.50, lemonettes, ll..)0o3 graperruit, new crop, S2.503; Arizona, s:;.5l t 4.25; limes, 11.25i 2; half orange dox; tangerines, r- M'ai -o: apples. Belle, fleurs, S1.50&2; pears, Winter Nellis, 12 64; bananas, 9llc; cranberries, Oregon. $2.50(6; dates, 2122c; strawberries, $1.25 Bl.ou drawer; j.iv craie. Receipts Flour, 4571 quarters: wheat, 814 centals; oats, 0i0 centals; corn, 225 centals; lemons and oranges, 300 boxes potatoes, 5213 sacks; onions, 450 sacks livestock. CO head; hides. 373 rolls. Coffee Future Incline. NEW- YORK. Dec. 2'J. There was . furthVr decline in coffee future today as a result ol continued scattering liquida tion or hedge selling against lower firm otters from Brazil, March contract sold off to S0.1S, or 10 points net lower, rallied to !o.2a on covering and closed at Jtl 2J wun tne general list closing at a net decline or a to o points. December, t5.G5; January, $5,611; March, $6.22; May, S6.64; July, $6.1i7; September, $7.22; October, $7.32. There were Kales of December 1U21 ueuvery at li.u and $i.jl. Spot coffee, dull; Kio 7s, bVa&oiic; Santos 4s, Uitl c. Eastern Dairy Produce. NEW YORK, Dec. 29. Butter Strong, uncnangeu. EgKs Firm; fresh gathered extra firsts. ec; iirsis, ii((r t ic. cneese irregular; receipts, 743 cases; stale, wnoie mnu nais nela specials, early maue, -ito'-oc; oiners uncnangeu. CHICAGO, Dec. 29. Butter Higher. Creamery extras, 65c; standards. 47c. Eggs Unsettled. Receipts 1357 cases; firsts, 61ic; ordinary firsts. 60&l64c; at mark, cases Included, M6 64c; refrigera tor iirsis, asuwc; remgca&tor extras, Naval Store. SAVANNAH, Ga., Dec. 29. Turpentine quiet, 92c; sates, none; receipts. 70S barrels; shipments, 23 barrels; stock, 15. 518. Kosln, quiet; no sales: receipt. 2047; shipment, 150 barrels; stock, 84,261 bar rels, yuote: B. D, K, F, U, H, 1, K, At, N, WO. WW. til. . Seattle Dairy Produce. '.' SEATTLE. Dec. 2U. Eges-Select local rench. white shell 58c per dozen; pullet 50c per doxen. -, . Butter uuy creamery, m cubes, ; ozc per pound; bricks or print 53c ' per pound; seconds. In cubes, 46c per pound; bricks. 47c per pound: country creamery extras, cost to Jobbers, In cubes, 50c per pound; storage 47c per pound. Am American Can Am far & Fdy Am H & L Ptd Am Inter Corp American Loco Am Smt & H'g American Sug Am Sum Tob Am Tel A Tel Amen Woolen Am Z L & s Anaconda Cop ll..;oo Atchison .... 5,000 All Uf 4 W In 17,3110 Baltl & Ohio 17,200 Heinle wteel li 5.4oo tiui 6t suo COD Cat Petruleum Canadian Pacif Centrl Leather Chandler Mtrs Chas & Ohio. . Chi Mil k St P fhic'so & N W cm It I & Pac C'hino Copper. . Colo Fl & Iron Corn Product Crucible Steel 17,000 Cuba Cane Suit 4.:;ik r.ne 4,oOO tieiierl Electric 3.0(H) Uenerl Motors 36, Cirt North Prd Illinois Central Insplra Copper Int Me Ma Pid Interna Nickel Interna Puper Kan Cty South Kenne Copper Louis & Nash Mex ePtroleum Miami Copper Mid States oil Midvale Steel Missouri Paclf Montana Pow Nevada Copper New York Cen N Y N H & H 17,000 Nor & Western l.tloo Northern Pacif 16.600 Ok Prd & Rig 4,000 Pacific Mall lioo Pan-Am Petrol 11,200 Pennsylvania.. 14. 500 I'ltts sr W Va 2,400 P.a Con ' Cop 2.500 Reading 2t,M0 Kep lr & Steel 4.7O0 Royal D X Y 14.:!o0 Shat Ariz Cop sot) Shell Tr & Td 2,200 Sin Oil & Rig 34.400 Southern Pacl 31.000 Southern Rwy ,00 S O N J Pfd OHO Studebak Corp 8.000 Texas company 23.2O0 Texas & Pacl 5.700 Tobacco Prdts 1.400 Tranuconti Oil 7,200 Union Pacific 4.600 U S Food Pdts 3.000 U S Ind AlchI 7.300 U S Rtl Stores 6.M10 U S Rubber.. 11.4il0 U S Steel... 50.000 U S Steel Pfd 4.OO0 Utah Copper.. 3,0"0 Western Union 200 West "Electric 3,400 Willy - Overld 24,000 1,51 to 2.200 6,:h0 2,400 3,300 4.200 .200 K.!m) 4,000 2,400 1.600 a. ooo 8,400 2,200 3,t;o0 3.5oO 8.000 1HK) 700 9,3H) 800 19.0O0 2,4O0 7.1KH) 6.5'tO 7,300 300 2.000 700 Low. 37 22 V4 116 38 W 31 '4 7S 31 88 1(1 'A, !4Vi 56 6 30 ttO 8V . . 32 53 ' 24 4, , 31 61 57 25 U 25 65 'i saie. 38 23 110 38 32 32(4 UO 74 l4Vi 38 6 31 821, 93 3514 54)4 8i4 251 116!4 33 6214 5!ll4 28 0514 2U 18 25 67 74 18 1344 110 13 77 S3 2S! 40 12 44 20 1514 y.)i 157 14 15 12 30 i 17 40 8 73 : 18 9!) 14. 85 314 13 74 30 So 11 Si 14 50 UO'j 4 42 22 100 22 104V4--104 70 17 12 117 13 72 S4 28 ' 47 12 42 IS 15 07 152 14 11 2U 16 40 8 70 10 97 79 3 IS 71 SO 28 11 82 58 64 4 41 21 -90 21 42 43 18 49 6 119 - 10 63 50 58 79 105 4 6 It S3 41 5 41 ,41 16 48 6. 111 15 C0T4 4K 55 77 V 104 45 82 40 5 31 90 73 94 58 C 31 ' 82 89 85 54 8 25 116 - 33 61 511 28 65 26 IS 25 66 18 13 117 13 76 85 28 48 1214 43 20 15 ' 99 15514 14 12 30 4 17 49 8 72 IS 98 84 3 13 39 30 11 S4 58 65 4 42 ' 21 99 22 104 - 42 -. 42 17 48 6 119 10 62 49 58 7S 105 - 46 83 41 3 cars of cattle came forward. As the cattle sold were mostly of medium grade, the prices realized would Indicate that an advance Is due in the beef list In general. Hog buyers had to be satisfied with th few heads driven in and for these they paid high as 111.75, which compares with 10.50 market last week. There was Kood demand for sheep and lambs, with nothing available. Lamb prices were re vised upward in line with bids put out. Receipts were 52 cattle. The day's sales were as follows hogs Wt. Price . 214 11 . 192 ll.To . 210 11 . IIS5 6.50 .1107 . 9.10 6.2 .10O6 600 . -160 11.5(1 . S45 8.00 . 570 4.00 . 230 11.50 Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Dec 29. Copper easier. Electrolytic, spot nearby and first quar ter 12s13c. . Tan - Xlrm. Dpoi )M.ovviit; future Outer meieia uwenanaeo. . s Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Dec. 29. Evaporated apples Quiet. . f. Prunes weaa. Peache Dull. . Mining. Stock at Boston. BOSTON, Dec 29. Closing quotations: Allouez-.... 16 'North Butte ... 8 .Ariz torn o-i4iuia nonunion.. 15 Calu & Ariz... 4o:Osceola 21 Calu & Hec 214 (Qulncy 35 Centennial .... 6' JSuperior ...... 3 Cop Rge Con.. 25;Sup & Bos Mia 1 ti uulle uop. . l-ftiKfiannon ...... 00 Franklin 2 Utah Con 2 isle Jioy top,, 40 1 winona 1 Bo Lake Cap .... 1 14 1 Wolverine - 8 Alowhawk . . . 41 ' . BONDS. . V , -0 S Lib 1st 4s..85.0!A T & T cv 6s 92 do 2d 4s 84STAtchen gen 4s. 74 do 1st 414S...S5.74;D & R con 4s. 62 . do 2d 4s. ..84.ti()N Y. Cent deb 6s 88 Wt. Price; 20seers. .1127 $ 8. 001 3 steers . .1010 7.001 9 hods 2 steers .. 848 0.2.1! 7 hogw 2 steers .. SO0 6.00,1 1 steers 6 steers .. 9(i5 7. 252() steers 2 cows 840 3.5j 3 steers 1 cow ... 870 5..1025 cows 1 cow ... 940 3 0O1 1 calf . 4 hogs ... 222 10.75 2 hogs 1 hog 200 ll .loj 1 hog . 20 hogs ... 183 1125 1 hog . 1 hog 310 9.00 The following prices are current at the local yards: Cattle Choice grass steers ... t,ood to choice steers - Medium to choice steers .... Fair to good steers Common to good steers Choice cows and heifer Good to choice cows, heifers.. Medium to good cow, heifers Fair to medium cowa, heifers Common to fair cows, heifers Canners Bulls Choice dairy calves Prime light calves Heavy calves Best feeder Hors Prime mixed Smooth heavy Rough heavy Fat pigs Feeder pigs '. Sheep East of the mountain lambs.'. Valley lambs Feeder lambs - Cuil lambs Light yearlings Heavy yearlings Wethers Ewes , Price. . .$ S.OOfa) S.' . . 7.50 S.00 . . T.0Os 7.50 . . 6.50'J 7.00 5.50 iv 6.50 6.50 7.00 5.5041' 6.25 5.50 "If 5.5 4.50 (Li 5.00 3.5U 4.50 2.50ii 3. 50 4.50i 5.0 12.00 13.00 10.00 u 12.00 6.00 7.50 5.75& 6. 10.50 T11. 50 10.00 11.00 6.50!ii 9.,i0 9. 30 & 10.30 1.00 8.0O 9.00n.50 9.00fy.50 S.OOW 6.6(1 .... 3.00 6.00 7.00 5.OO0J) 6.00 &.0011 0.00 l.OOjjl 4.50 do 3d 4 "4 s... 87. 20 Nor Pac 4s. do 4th 4 "4S.. 85.30 Nor Pac 3s.... Victory 3s ..94.94 Pac T at T 5s. . do 4s . . . .94.921Penn on 4s. U S 2s, coup. 'lol -ISo Pac cv 5s.'. U S cv 4s, cup106 So Rallwy 5s.. Panama 3s, reg 89 L'nion-Pac 4s.. Panama 3s, cp "JO U S, Steel 5s... 74 54 79 87 99 J 011 80 90 Bid. Money, Sliver, Etc, NEW YORK, Dec. 29. Prime mercan tile paper unchanged. Time loans firm; all dates, 714 7. Call money steady, high, 7, low, T; rul ing rate, 7; closing bid, 6; offered at 7 last loan. 7 per cent Bar silver, domestic unchanged; foreign, B64e. Mexican dollars, 80c. LONDON, Dec. 29. Bar silver, 43d per ounce. Money. 4 1-2 per cent. Discount rates, short-bills. 6 11-16 per 'cent; three- month bills, 6 11-10 per cent. Foreign Exchange. Foreign exchange rates at close of busi ness yesterday, furnished by Northwestern National bank of Portland. The amount quoted is 'the equivalent in United Statess dollars: Country Foreign unit Rate Austria, kronen $.0026 Bflgium, francs 0624 Bulgaria, leva 0113 Ciecho-Slovakla. kronen 0116 Denmark, kroner l.iio Bngland, pound sterling 8.5300 Finland, finmark 0330 France, francs 0594 Gerirany, mark k... U140 Greece, drachmas ... .0719 Holland, guilders ,3140 Hungary, kronen .0022 IlMlv. lire 034.1 Jugo-Slavia. kronen 0075 Norway, Kroner .......... .loou Portugal, escudos 1170 Roumania. lei 0127 Serbia, dlnara 0283 Snaln, pesetas 1333 Sweden, kroner .2000 Switzerland, francs 1530 Chir.a-Hongkong, local currency ... .671.1 Snaaghai. taels '.';... .76-19 Japan, yen .....',.... . .4825 SEW IOBK uec. L-a. mcnange firm. Sluiing. - .demand 3.51 T-8: cables 3.52 7-S. .franca, demand C:83; cables, .5.87; Bel-Bian- francs, demand .6.15; cables 6.17: guilders, demand 31.20; cable 31.30; lire. aemona 3..J0;- caoie a.de; marks, un- oh&nged. - Greece, demand 7.10; Montreal 18 7-8 per cent discount. Sterling eased in the final deallnas: demand $3.51 1-4; cables 83.52 1-4. Foreign Bonds. Following foreign bond Quotations an furnished by the Overbeck Y Cooke com pany ox roruanu.- Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Dec. 29. Hogs, 25.000, 15 to 2.1c lower than yesterday s average; lights off most: top, $10.40 on light; practical top on -200-pound average, $10.30. bulk, J9.80Q 10.10; pigs mostly 250 lower; spots more: bulk desirable, 90 to 130-pound pigs. $10.2510. .10. - aCttle 9,000, common and medium beef 1 steers opened steady to stronKer; others steady; early sales mostly, $SHi9.50; she stock steady; best action on canners and heifers; bologna bulls steady to strong; bulk, $5.756.50: fat bulls, calve, stockers and feeders steady; choice vealers to pack ers. $12,25 12.50. Sheep 13,000. fat lambs steady to lower; choice fed westerns, 812.50'. bulk. $12& 12.50; aged sheep firm; choice west ern ewes, $5.50; bulk ewes, $4.255.35; feeders steady. : Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Dec. 29. Hogs. 12,000. mostly 25c lower than yesterday's average; bulk medium and light butchers, $U.15f. top, $9.25; bulk strong weight and pack- log grades, ss.90.ld. Cattle 1150; beef steers, steady to strong; top load, $9.35; butcher stock steady to 25c higher. bulls and" veals strong; in spots, higher; Blocker nd feeder generally steady. Sheep 6000. fat lambs fully 25c higher. Spots more; bulk or sales, sio. toy 1 l.ao; sheep mostly steady; yearlings, 8' ewes, $4.25; feeding gradesateady. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 29. Cattle. 5G00. Beef steers steady to 25c lower; those be low, 800; selling steady; top, $9.30. bulki $7.5Ofc S.50; she "stock mostly 2.1c lower; good and choice cows, $66.75; good heif ers, $7.25; yearling heifers, 89; canners, steady, mostly $33.25: bulls steady to 25c higher; top vealers, tll-O≪ feeders. dull and weak. Sheep, 2,000; fat classes fully with yes terday s best time; 89-pound yearlings. $0 00. 63 young lambs, $11.25; choice, 96- pound kind, 810-40. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. Dec. 29. Hogs Receipta none. Strong; hog quotations: Prime, $10.50 fc-ll; smooth heavy, $9..0 10.00; rough heavies, $i.o0u8; pigs, $8.o0(?r0. Cattle 'Receipts, none; steady.. Prime steers, $S.509; medium to choice, $7&8; common to good, $.1$r6.50; best cows and heifers. $6.25(u 6. to: medium to choice, $ou 6.00; common to good, $3.505; bulls, $4 5.50; calves, $(ms. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 29. Raw sugar was steady early at 4 cents for Cubas cost and freight, equal to B..19 for centrifugal. No sales were reported. Refined was quiei at 7.90 to 8.00 for fine granulated. CHICAGO.. Dec. 29. Bullish sentiment revived in the wheat market today owing more or less to word that a large number of vessels had arrived at Galveston and would load out 5,000,000 bushels within the next few days. Prices closed firm. 3c to 4c net higher, with March $1.66 to $1.66 and May $1.61 to $1.61. Corn gained lc to 2c and oats c to lc. In provisions the outcome varied from 2c decline to 20c advance. x At first the wheat market Showed downward tendency, largely a a result of apparent absence of any sign of new ex port business. Besides, fresh declines in the valuta ot cotton formed an element ot depression. Later, however, liberal clear ances of wheat and flour from the sea- no.ird attracted extensive notice, and to gfcthor with the numerous vessel arrivals at Galveston", put the bears at a disadvan t.ige. A broader domestic milling demand far wheat was also reported, and country offerings were small despite an advance of lc for shipment to the gulf. Talk of competition ahead froip. Argentina tailed iu ucl as an onset. inoicanon ot a relatively light move ment next week helped "to strengthen corn aner a weaK start. There were signs, too. of a little European buying at both Chi cago and Si. Louis. Oats followed corn uos-rada. Provisions averaged higher with grain. ueapiie lower quotations on hogs. The Chicago market letter received yes terday by Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland said: Wheat sentiment was decidedly more friendly to the buying side of the mar ket and after an ODeninff din nricei responded readily In an upward direction. 1:1c i-nange in reeling was due largely to indications of an active exoort demand. together with rather aeneral renarts nf an improved nBllng demand in the west anu soumwest, as well as in Uiis terri-tri-y. The premiums paid by Exporters were the highest on the rrnn and al though only 300.000 bushels were con firmed as having been worked via the Guif, the opinion Drevalled that furtht-r sales would be disclosed later In the day. Receipts and offerings, to arrive, in the southwest were rather disappointing., while In the northwest the country continues to sell quite freelv. although the tone of the news is somewhat Improved. We be lieve more concrete indications of oer- mat.ency will be necessary to maintain any advance In prices. Corn Firmness in the local cash mar ket, together witH the advance in wheat and continued buying of futures by promi nent Interests, Inspired considerable short, covering today which found reflection in nigr.er prices. Oats short covering was the feature in the pit influenced by the strength in othei- directions rather than any .news of bullish character. Keceinta iffer es timated at fiftv cars and snot r.fferlntt sold on the same basis as yesterday. Provisions ruled weak earlv In the dav. but later regained strength in sympathy with grains. We see no imnortant chance In conditions upon which to base bullish prognostications. Leading futures ranged a follows: WHEAT. Open. Hiirh. .8 1.62 8 1-60 1.61 CORN. 75 75 OATS. 49 48 PORK. 23.20 LARD. 12.72 ' 13.32 RIBS. 11.40 12.12 Cash prices were as follows Wheat No. 3 hard 11.71. TCn II.iS. Corn No. 2 mixed 75 We. No. IVDC t 11;- Oats No. 2 white 47W Bl4Sc Kn 9 h(. 46", 40c Rye No. 2 8I.61U01.62. Barley 62i3S2c. Timothy seed $5 50 $6. 50. Clover seed $1520. Pork Nominal. Lard $12.72. Ribs $10.75912. JOINT INSTALLATION HELD Masonic Lodge and Eastern Slat , (Chapter Also Have Dinner. TOLEDO, Or' Dec. 29. (Special) Lincoln lodge. No. 124, Maons. and Pacific chapter. No. 79, Order of East ern Star, held their Joint installation last Monday. James Gaither, past master, was the installing- officer, ar.d C. E. Hawkins acted as marshal at the lodge ceremonies. The installed Masons were as follows: J. B. Booth, worshipful master; M. N. Anderson, senior warden: R. V. Mann, junior warden; W.- E. Bali, treasurer; R. S. Van Cleve, secretary; A. M. Gildersleeve, senior deacon; F. W. Chambers, Junior deacon; K. H. Hayden and J. T. Gaither, stewards; T. P. Hawkins, tyler. Henry Howell, past patron, and tella Wade, acting: as marshal, ln ' stalled the EasternStar officer as follows: Ruth Nye, worthy matron R. V. Mann, worthy patron; Martha Goin, associate matron; Annie . Hawkins, secretary; K. H. Hayden. treasurer; Edith Van Cleve, conductress; Bertha Peterson, associate conductress: Eliz abeth McCiuskey; Chaplin: Virginia Ball, Ruth; Edith Howell. Ether; Aileen McCiuskey, Martha; Cecil Hawkins, Electa: Ethel Bafeman, warder, and R. S. Van Cleve.-sentinel. After the installation a dinner wag served by the chapter. Right to Change Asserted. SALEM", Or.,' Dec. 29. (Special.) A county court has a legal right to change its tax levy, when error has occurred in the original assessment, in the event such correction Is made before January 1, according to Attor ney-General Van Winkle today. The opinion was asked by the Lincoln county officials. Bond Department Daughter of Mrs. P. I. Estes Dies. ROSEBURO, Or., Dec 29. (Spe cial.) Marian Aileen Estes, the in fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Estes of this city, died at Mercy hos pital this morning, where she under went an operation. The mother for merly was Miss Helen Beckett of Portland. REPORT. March May .. May July May July Jan. Jan. May 1.67 73 73 48 43 Jan. May 22.; 12.65 13.12 11.30 12.00 Low. Close. $ 161 $ 1.66 1.66 1.61 73 74 73 75 48 4!) 47 48 22.75 23.20 12.5T 13.0T 11.20 11.02 12.72 13.32 11.35, 12.10 2 northern 2 yellow Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. !! Wh,.t 1.61 3-S: May 1.621-4: barlev. i.v at 7n flax. No. 1. 81.9161.02. . . ' Grain at San Franrlaco. SAV- FRANCISCO. Dee. 2!). Oraln Wheat, $2.7'i5t3; barley, spot feed, $1.40 ff 1.45: shipping, $1.6rpl.75-: oats, red feed, $1.504fl.6O; corn, white Egyptian, $2.73 2.S.-.; red mllo. $1.IM)$2. Hay Wheat fancy. 821BI2: tame nf $1!fi 21; wild oats, $12 15; barley. 812&15 .Haifa, 818621. Seattle Grain Market. SEATTLE. Dec. 29. Wheat, hard white. soft white and white club $1.60; hard red winter $1.58: soft red winter. northern spring and Eastern Red Walla 81.56; big Dcno, Diuesttum fi.ot. City delivery: - Feed Scratch feed $62 pe:- ton; feed wheat $63; all-grain chop $4, oats $51: sprouting oats $.16: rolled ba's $3:1: wholeScorn $."1 ; cracked corn $,'.'; rolled barley $3; clipped barley $38; milled feed $31); bran $21). Hay Alfalfa $2!) per ton: double com pressed alfalfa 835; ditto timothy 840; eastern Washington mixed 821). DAILY METEOROLOGICAL PORTLAND. Dec. 2!)-Maxlmum tem perature 5S degrees; minimum, 50 degree. River reading. 8 A. M I3 feet; chansre in last 24 hours, 0.9 foot rise. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.l. 0.11 Inches; total rainfall since September 1, 1020. 21-31 inches: normal rainfall since September 1. 18 87 Inches: excess or ra nla 1 since Sep tember 1. 11(20. 2.44 inches. Sunrise. 7:53 A. M. ; sunset. 4:33 P. M. Total sunshine December 2D. 8 minutes-: possible sunshine, H hnnra 40 minutes. Moonrise. Thursday, 11:32 P. M. : moonset. Thursday. in:,r8 A. M. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at s P. M.. 2..')7 Inches. Relative humid ity at 5 A. M So per cent; at noon, 90 per cent; at 5 P. M.J 90 per cent. THE WEATHER. KQQEafl" 1 These are a few of the splendid bonds being offered in oar January list. Write for Tanuary listings. WHEELER TIMBER CO. ''5-year 74 Price 100 73 6jr Gold Note. Yield f jQ Standard Oil Co. of N. Y. B7 v 7 Gold Bonds Mat. 1925-27 . v Price 100 Yiel NORTHWEST MUNICIPALS INCOME TAX EXEMPT WALLA WALLA COUNTY 6 Road Bonds Due Serially 1921-23. npf Trice 100. Yield.. A. H. Averill P. S. Brumby Chas. H. Carey Louis G. Clarke HILLSBORO, OREGON 6 General Obligations Due Sopt. 1921-40. ic Pric 100. Yield Directors: E. S. Collins James Danahcr, Jr. F. I. Fuller John A. Keating Leslie M. Scott C. F. Swipert Chas. F. Wright mnwM LUMBEKMEN5 Broadway and Oak Resources over $3,000,000 Under State Supervision at 11 Oregon nd Washington coa.it na tions at 7:30 A. M. Wednesday.. Idaho Thursday rain or snow. Young Clilnrse Enter College. MIDDlKBURT, Vt, Dec. 19. Four sons of the late Yuan Shlh KaU sec ond president of China, arrived here today to become students at Middle bury college. Their ages range from 12 to 17 years and they w;ill remain in this country eight year for the completion of their education. STATIONS. Wind g x Wathr. Baker t Boise . Boston Calpary Chicago Denver Des Moines. Eureka .... Galveston . . Helena .-. .. Juneaut . , . Kansas City Los AnKelesi Marsh field Xledford Minneapoli New Orleans! Xew lorlc.. North Head Phoenix Pocatello Portland .. Roseburfr . . Sacramento St. Louis. . Fait Lake. Fan Dieao. S. Francisco Seattle Fltkat- . Spokane Vacoma Tatoosh Isd. Jfn dezt 1 lTlt.. TV-llal Washington Winnipeg .. Ytikima . . . 321 WO.OOj. ,!SB ICloudy 34 00.3S'. .',SE ICIoudy .'J-JI 34 O.0O'12'.V (Cloudy 10 30 O.OO1. ,!SK .. l'JI 3KO.0O10SW GO 0.54'. .'S COO.OO-12 SB SO 0.00 . . W 3 3!0.34!. .(SB Flypaper Inventor Dies. PASADENA, Cal., Dec. 29. Ferdi- 3-' 52 40 12 20 ( St'.! so 4-s! 4! .1 .1 4SI 4H! It 42"0.00..SK tw o.oo;. ,iw us o.r.B!..ls 400.14I. JS 32 0.(M:i0'SE TBl o.ooi. .isk 34 0.00 IrtiSW 50 0.42 30 :S WO. on' 3fl 0.01 112 SE SS 0.11 13 S eoo.m;;. ,,ie 4S o.oii. .Ie 44 0.00114 S 3S 0.01!. .M oo.oo!..lw (' ;o.oo. .:nw 54I0.2S 24 S -2:.:tS 0.20' . . iSE SSI 50O.ln:i4'S 41' 54 0.WI 12FW 4 4S0.7B I4H k-Moudy Cloudy Pt. cloud? (Cloudy Rain k'loudy Cloudy Italn Clear Clear - Rsln Ham ICIoudy iCIear Cloudy Rain N'WJCloudy Kain Rain Rain ICIoudy KJIourty (Cloudy Clear kloudy Rain ICIoudy Rain Rain Rain WHY NOT INVEST YOUR MONEY in a good rebuilt OLDSMOBILE Guaranteed by The Oldsmobile Co. of Oregon. A House of Recognized Stability. Broadway at Couch St. Phone Bdwy. 2270 INVESTIGATE! Yakima Valley with lis iiirar beet, suitsr r finerie. alfalfa. hosTS. catfl. fruit and lierrle. Is (h set. tlnir for the Cllv of Toppenlsh, with a vnt trade area of pros perous farms. The J Per cent City of Toppenlsh . Bonds offer you One to ten-year 7s at 100 Wire orders "collect.' Ask for descriptive circular. P&SM.TH CAMP CO. OftOlINO XOO FlFTM SO SIT 'WT J7) . lSl...i0.22l..iSB 'Sno 4h; (i2 0.io.i-j iKain 22! 40O.0OI.. S ICIoudy lOI 24 O. Ofl! . . IN W 'Cloudy 181 34 0.021. .tW lllaln tA. M. today. P. M. report ot preceding day. FORECASTS, and vicinity Kain: southerly Portland vlnda. Oreron and Washington Rain: fresh to atrnne; southerly gales on the coast. Southwest storm warning were ordered NEW steady. Cotton Market. TORK, Dec. 2. Sp6t cotton Middling 15.00. Hindu Becomes Citizen. SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 29. Citizen ship was granted Puma Singh, ! Hindu, today by District Judge Call of Brigham City, Utah. The court held that a Hindu belongs to the white race and comes within the meaning of the naturalization, statute which limits citizenship to free persons of the white race or persons of African birth or descent. The value of oatmeal as a numan food Ts established by Drs. H. C. Sher man, J. C. AVinters and V. Phillips in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. But it needs milk in addition, and the two together can supply-a man with all the protein he needs. 1021 . ll(2 11119 Duluth Linseed Market. . DULUTH. Dec. Russian Efes, Russian 5SsS, Russian 6tss Currency French 5a, 1!M1 .. French 4a. 11T . . French 5s. 1020 . Italian its. IMS .. British Ss, 1022 . British 5s. 11)27. . British fls. 1029 .. British vky 4s ... British ret 4. . . , . Belgium rest 5 V Belgium prem 5s German W. L. 5s Berlin 4 Hamburg; 4 Hamburg iftg Bid. - Ask. . 8 - - 10J4 . 8 . - .10 . 9- 30 40 .. 39 .. 5654 . . 29 ..343 . .320 . .32S ..244 226 54 5S 10 .... 12 1214 50 50 v 41 5S 2", 3.'4 340 300 250 238 ' BT 01 12 33Vi 11 Railroad Bonds Witb Unusual Possibilities In a circular on the bond situation, which we have for free distribution, prepared by one of the greatest bond au thorities in this v country, there is. a list of one hun dred investment bargains in hieh (trade railroad bonds yielding as high as - 8 tO 10 ' Writ for pu.s7 E. M. Fuller & Co. Vf.mb.ri el Oaatoiutawd Hunk Kaabaag t R. T. SO Broad St., NcwYork. N.W York Newark Omka Chics e Bom lOirnrt Frlvmf Wirtr , AFETY- should be your first consideration in making investments. We offer, subject to prior sale, the following; odd lots of Canadian bonds at exceptionally attractive prices combining safety with a fair interest return: Permanent engraved coupon bonds are on hand and available for immediate delivery. Amount Rate Maturity Yield 4,000 Province of Alberta 5 8 122 7.50 5,000 Prov. of British Columbia. .6 . 63025 7.50 2,O00 Pro v. of British Columbia.. 6 5 123 7.50 2,000 Calgary, Alberta, Canada... 7 6 128 7.75 4,000 Province of Ontario 5 52822 7.50 . 1,000 Vancouver, B. C 4l2 63023 7.75 ,:5,000 Greater Winnipeg Wat. Dist . 6 . 1 124 8.00 Denomination $1,000 KEELER BROTHERS Founded 1903. Incorporated 1910. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Portland, Denver. , Capital and Surplus 1750,000. IT. S. NATIONAL. BANK BUILDING. ' V ; PORTLAND y' . ' .TELEPHONE BROADWAY 8800. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed And clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, cr other information, telephone The Oreifonian, Jlain 7070 or A 6005, Home 2X ACTOl'NTAVrS. JUI.IU.S It. lli.ACK. puklio accountant, auditor, lnr..m tax sorvlc. Cnnrord blilg . -'d snd Stark. Phnn Main ADIllNC. MACIIl.NKS. (15 HUVM BilainK machlno. adils 1 llutM B1H Cnrbrtt I'lrtK. Marshall MT- .I.Tt;K.TIOS. i-AlUKS' tniloimH. iwrtwil tittinKi work guar. I. Krubin, 4QH HukIi l.mi hMK. ASSAi l.KS AMI ANALtnlS. Montana a.smay uki-iok, mj .s.-cooa Gold, silver anil platinum bouijlit. ATTOKMA. B. W. lie. KASTXlAN, lawyer and notary puD 1I4 Chamber ot Commcrrs hldg. HATHS. L)It. .McMAllON'd baths, 1'ortland. Steam, showers, plunges, tubs, ll for 3.pc. '1 ril your fririul.s. Knurl h snd Washington, CillKOl'KACTIO, sl-in baths and mas sage, loth floor Uroadway bids;, aiar shall SI N7. Hr. I.aure K. l'nwnmlt. t'KI.I.n.OIII tlt'TTONS. )ITOMt:TltlSTH AMI OrTICIW. hA l.V.I lll.AS.SKS AT A 1 solicit onr itsironait on the haslii wf cap!' e -rvK. Thou sanfla of aalisTird cup t ulnars. A trial wIM ronvin'e )-u I'lirtrii-s U'. (looil nian. optnnif-?r-.wi. '.'"! Morrison Mrj;lil KKH X'IK.vi IKI' Al.l.V 'rksf'Kli wll'l m.Mlern Ir.struriionta; aa- fitiad at a ssvitib; rstiafartinn (TiiaranK'o.l. tut f the hich rrnt !:smrl. No overbead flu. A IH'H H ITZ ipitimeirin. 1 t. Lilt. wlwl"UUb: lc f IIK.Ni 1 Ki.N. til lran OPIIila1!; rf t-ptf,l, tlw r.ttnd. brok ra lrniia ilupllrati-d at reasonable price Morrl.n Firmer I'l I MIIIM1 M H i ll l'Ll Mlil.Ni; SI I'l'l.lKS AT Wlli prlre Starh-I'sviw 'o.. lf ;b rlTIl AMI KMOKAT C. II. TKIlllll.l.. Ii papering, t , njjp c i-Anlvr"" stl.l HT K STlh n iui ni. 311 I ATTtlKNKt . THhl IJtWlN-lloliSuN CtiMl'ANV. SS? Vyhlng;ton. Uroadway 44. A r.". t'MIKOrOKISTS. FFCT HURT -'om to Dr. Gartner, foot ILL I ilUn I specialist; corns, bunions, foot an Res made to order, ail Bweiiana bid.. Fifth and Wnshlnptton. Main 111 I DR. O. o. l-'I.KTl'll Ell Ko.it troublia a. I entlfically corrected. Ldy assistant. M2 Mnrran blclft. Main 712. t'HIKOrolllSTS AKt'll l-l'IAL'!' VVI1.L.1AM, Kslelle and 1'lorello De eny. Tne only scientific chiropodist anu iu anerialihta In tlia nliv I'arlnra H0'2 tier llna-er bid S. W. corner Second and Alder. Phone Main ,131. CHIKOI'KACTIC. LH. JlcMAHo.VS chiropractic peaks lor itself. Portland, 11th year, l-nonea. tOI.l.KCTIONS. NliTH & CO., U'vl center bldg. Main No collections, no charges. fc.ntan. 179C1. l'.IOO. DAN'CINO. THE rATTliltSON-UOWNEI DA.N'ClNti ACAD KM y. HU Uo.h Bt over HaselwOOd. For mer instructors Cotillion hall. Frlvat lessons dally; class, Wed. and Sal. ven lugs. Phone Main BBSS. Liberty Victory Bonds Headquarters for buying or selling: all issues. Large or small lots. HERRIN & R.HODES, Inc. , , ' Established 1896 - . STOCKS AND BONDS 201 Railway Exchange . .Telephone Main 283 MISS DuKOTHV KASM l.'SSKN Hallroom and stage dancing. Ulo Kllers building Wash., between 4ih and Bth. Main 11-B IIKM'ISTKY UK. A. W. Kliii.NK, 351 Va Washington t. Without pain. Latent ne rve-blocKlnB: mftiioa DENTISTRY IltMi AMI CAT HOWriTAI.. ROSE C1TV V KTK11INAHV HUSPITAI Cast 7th and orsnt ts. Both phones; day and night service; 3 veterinarians. KLrXTKILAL RKI'AIKIXO. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phon B27-27. 2e!alnSt. H. M. H. BL-KtrrKiCAU tu., VT la s Inrt UnH Ciw It. ' ae I n rl i e. . . 'X sllaptrlrl aila Mh JAVA a aneclaltv New or Used mo tor. Uroadway 104J. A 104 ELECTRIC MOTORS. Bought, so.d, rented and repaired. Walker Elrctrio Works. 41S Bu.onde. corner Tenth t. Bdwy 8B74 MISK" TKArllKRS. L. CARROLL DAT, teacher of voice. Uroadway Za.id. 143 f'la td ano an3 street. 1'AitNi.H our piartlre list extended o period of 74 years. All enttimumr. lions strlotiy conlidtntlai; prompt, efu- Cient, Cunecientioua aervlea; handhenk free on request Mt'N.N A CO., raler.t attorneys, hen Frsneic nff!c. n4,art bills, Msrkrt t.( oflr4. room 810 Tower hldg ; Washington en tire, room l"J, e.'.l V l.; New Irk QfTice. W'oolwnrth Ti dg 11. O. WltliillT. 22 yiars' experience l). i. Wnd fnreisn pslrnle. 001 Dekum b'd t I'ltlriH'IANft. rilll.l.il'M, lll,,-la building. i-h, bowel, lung, ItV'-r. bit. H. A. H heumrtFni. kidney, bladder, ri-ctui, proetsle, female diniitiiers, ekln afli-eti.ina biood preasur. li-d tens I IP, innli a, tilt'lhtnarliR. enis s'LI'MIUNil 1. W. ervir. We da nnt chaig for time coining or going, mir auins go anywhere, ntnlit or day. la. UJwy. IHQI; n l s h t, l a bur g?oi. 1'lll.M IMi. V, V."bAL'i'l-:S & CtiMl'ANV Klret and oak. Msltl lV M l-nl COI.1MU1A (1111(1. IiKH l.li t ONM-.t TIOM4. C(J.Saim.C'i'lU.N CO, Kl KMM,K.I'III KM. t t. IILli' etnioKiaplilo ork don prompt ly. Helen 1. Uiibrvath, HI 1'lalt b.dg. Muln 4 Is. T R A I M A Kk H. OIU:ION TltADKMAIlK IILItKAt', Out Deku mbl d g . TKANM U b., foreign tl atlt-ltiark. l.U AMI rTOUt.l,, -ml- OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. IIKNKKAl, IIAt'LINH. Tn thousand equate feet warehcue Storage epe now evallul le HHONE EDWY. 3309 SECURITY 8T0IIA0B TRANSFER CO. parking Moving Ptor Hcdured Kreleht Kates. Money l.oaneil on Warehouse Reeelptg, IN THE HKART Of TUB CITV. (1 FOURTH ST.. COR. OK TINIS. I'HONIS BHOADWAI Tla. UHb'iillN THANKI'KIl CO, 474 Ollaan Street. riVK WAilKllill'HK). PTDItAOK C A UTAH W. rilONB IIHOAIUVAY K'.l. WK HATL anything, anywhere. Co. w rinniawn a:.m. WOOII AM) IAI.. DRV 10-Inch biook wood. alo Inside and slab mixed. rnon woouiiwn iai. TO0LESALERS AND 1MANUFACTURERS BNOINKBK) AXO MUX MTPrMIC8. THE M. L. KLiNB CO., 84-HH-aT-aU Front. ORAIJf 5IKRCHANTS. PACIFIC tjltAlN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. MATS AN!) CAPS. THANHAl'SKR HAT CO., M-ii Kront it. PAINTS. (111.11 AND til.ASM. W, r. FULLER CO., Kront and Morrison. HIOKW. WOOI, ANO CA "CAR M VBK, KaTiN nltdTIIKH.t, im Front etVeet. KOPIt AN l HIMlTSfi i'WI N It t VitTi I a n d Conine, e r o., 14(h in dN o r thntp, T.I MltlNi; Ml I'Pl.lKsl ami riVk. TUB M l KLInIJ CO., k4-"s"7-Ml""rront. TiToTTi k coM-MrsroN m itcii tC fevKlfHINH A KAKM Kl.I., Ho Front t. I '. i . i 4 ," . i t ' . t ; '. . i' 1 v i t . r. - 4 '" ,H , IIUOI1H AN II t.l.ASS. W. . i l.UUi,U Cu, Jr lont and, lAurrlsuu. 29, IJnaeed on track Fwtland S5.2vt.8t L0vo.57i and arrive Jl.M. KAiaLUi6i.N CO, MvcuUfl and la 1 or. '--"'I- V w I