17, TOE MOUSING OREGQXIAX, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1920 , .. t- - s -. - - 4 'A ...... FOR RE'T. t-uriiished Koonis. HOTEL. CLIFFORD. East Mormon it. at East Slith. . The principal east side hotel, dlcnl fled (nil rettned; 11.25 per Our and up. 6 per week and up. HOTEL, BARR 11S N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot, fl per day, 15 per week and up. Hoi and cold water, steam heat. 0 Free phone and bath. RLOTOR hotel, all new and modern, tran sient rooms, single or en suite, with or without private baths; rates to per manent guests. Broadway and Ankeny St. Tel. Kdwr. 348-J. IllTZ HOTEL. -Morrison and park Streets. Naw, Itreproot and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. BAShMKM- SubUl'lMi HUU.1I W.m? IIKTACHBD Il.tTH; OBNTI.BME.N ON l.Y. OAKMBUTA APTS.. 13TH AND JKKfKRSO.V. . 6T. PALL HOTEL. 13U 4th SL Clean respectable, modern; transient. tl uu. Kales to permanent eueats. llo'lEL uChLLLV, Morrison at Tenth Kales 11 a dy up; weekly, 6 up; free phone and batns. 1 ImI, o Hoi-l C:ni wc;k. up, ilbte. H1 in1 clean; bailie free. r Jefferson. iXKMaHEli room: free bath; tt per week. Phono East 8I0O. 1'nfurxiit.tird Hooms. LAKLE front rooir, suilau.e for 2; conveniences: ur.lurnia.iieu. East S-4 Furnished Rooms in I'rivnte Family. LUtutlL large rooms, uew.y lui mailed, auilaole for a or 3 gentlemen; twin beds, Eanor, piano, hardwood uoura. ureijmea, ome conveniences: 10 minutes' waiK from poslo.'fiee. .lso youne man wisnes roommate, til N. lain, il-wy NICELY furnished room in modern home in Ladd'a aauilion, suitable for two working people; use of kitchen if de sired. 6a Spruce st, corner l-'th and Sprue, .''ell. aoao. LARGE front room for employed couple r i.ni l.-n.pn free heat, llk-iu. liatn phone; walking distance; very desirable and reasonable, aiil J4th St. Automatic 61-64. WELL-Kl'RNISHED room, modern home, .J u.a.r. HifcTMn... near 23d and a.h' inion; ail conveniences. water. Marshall 3uoy. FURNISHED for lifc-ht h. k., 3 beautiful r.oma, bat'-., furnace, fireplace and niH.no. In refined urivate home. UOo E. ih N. KOOM and bath, steam beat, fine view, suitable for business or traveling rr.an; 1 block from Campbell-Hill hotel. Mar shall 16S4. LAURELHL-RST. vell-furnlshed room, suitable for two, close to 83d and Sandy blvd. Tabor K78. LARGE clean room, suitable for 1 or 3 young men, 110 a month; board If de sired. Broadway 2948. 867 Gllsan. TO RENT Nice furnished room for gen tleman at 5ti4 Couch St., between iith ana loth sis. Broadway 11. VACANT Jan. 1. close-in. cosy front room; hot water and furnace, with garage. East 70. , ""RGNT steam-heated sleeping room. 3o4 .' Montgomery St.. cor. Park. Gentlemen preferred. ROOM for gentleman or lady in strictly private Jewish family; references. Bdwy. 17?2. FRONT sleeping room, modern home: walking distance, reasonable rent. Bast 2SU5. COMFORTABLE room, home privileges; no other roomers. 324 N. 23d. Broad way 723. . NICELY luriuaiied room with good heat. In private family. 114 a month. 147 21a street North. FURNISHED sleeping room, suitable for two gentlemen. 1-5. 77Q trvlr.g St. LA1K1E front bedroom, suitable for two; furnace, close in. west side. Ma:n ll..;'. FL li.M jllr.U rooms, very desirable, near Montgomery & Ward. Auto. 624-B1. ROvM. stesm-hea-ted apt. for one or two gentleman, reasonable. Mar. Ih8ti. WELL furnished room. Nob Hill district, west side. $12 SO month. Marshall 1M5. WEST SIDE Walking distance; newiy furnished rooms for rent. Main 437i. VACANT Jan. 1, steam-heated room, blocks from center. Mar. 1137. KlcELY furnished room, walking distance. Gentlemen preferred. Main fi4."2. K'ICELY furnished room, suitable for 2; 3113 Williams, comer Broadway. ROOM for gentleman in home near Camp-b!!-Ril! hofM. Main 4C.7. i Rdi )M apartntenlN with Pteam he.it. t 203 Stanton. Woodlnwn 408. 6XTHA well lurnisHuti Bleepiue room. Cllsan. Boom With Batn CAMPBELL HOTEt, D AND HOYT STKEET3. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL T41 WASHINGTON STREET. Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. Amerlcaii plan, with or without bath, t- 50 a day up, rates by day or mootiL Meali served to traneienta. KORTOXIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel: rooms en suits or ingl, with or without board, for familie and' business men and women. We give you all the coral orts of a ho ma FrAonable rat-s. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 80 Tenth st. For business ir:s and students; reasonaole rates. Mar. 1201. ROOM ami board for business girls; all modern convenience's, walking distance; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7tn St. 402 MORRISON, cor. 13th Choice rooms and bortru, modern conveniences; walking distance. Rooms With IWarri in Private FamUy- LARGE front room, furnace beat, home like; breakfast and dinner if desired, suitable for two gentlemen or working couple. Ka.n 7191. ptn aaimon IsARGK, attriLotiveiy furnished. steam heated front room for 2 young ladies; good meais, good location; reasonable rates. e7 i Giisan. Broadway 243S. EXCLUSIVE home offers room and board for buaine3 men; home made bread and pies. 143 N. lth st. Bdwy. 4314. WILL care for invalids or old people in our home; frequent auto rides. Phone Auto, t.14-69. BOARD and room, splendid home, for gentlemen; 1 block Kudsell. 4l8 Com mercial. LauIGI turnished room and board in pri vate family; 1 gentlemen preferred. Ta bor Sl.M. , ROOM and board. 35 per month and up; a good home and excellent meals, lar. 3374. CHILDREN to board and care; best of rare. 117 Smith ave. ROOM and jrood hoard for two employed people. 5P0 K. Salmon st. Kast 8:lfi3. IKA ATfcJ home lur children by day or month. Marshall U 1 ti. Furnished Apartments. THE CROIWELL Fifth and Columbia streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, 2 and 3-room turnished apis., out side, with French doors and balcony, permanent and transient. HIGH-CI.ASS. S rooms, also 5 rooms and sleeping porch, elegantly furnished in Chinese rugs and oriental furniture, silk hang ings, white enameled woodwork, lots of heat; references required: also a bach elor suite. Marshall 2s30. ROOMS and bath with sleeping porch; four outside apts. for rent to refined business gentlemen; references required; also small apt., very nice, can be en p:iged now lor Jan. 1. Mart-hall 1133U. 2 OR 3 REFINED ladles to snare 3-room steam-heaied apartment; walking dis tance, lo or ill M respectively. Mar shall 21HS. before 2. KIXG6BURT APTS.. 186 VISTA. Nicety furnished 3-room apt... with 1 disappearing bed and 1 bedroom from JTO up. Call Main 3S3; adults only. iTROOM furnished apt., $70; hardwood floors; also 3-room unfurnished apt.. high-class house; references; aduita. Marshall 1513. LARGE 4-room furnished apartment, cuit able for one or two couples or 3 adults. No children. Automatic 5J7-10. iCE clean partly furnished apt., neaj Jefferson hifh chooi; heat and water furnished. 1051 Kerby. WHEEL. DON AN.N'EX. For rent, furnished 4-room apt. Male evi. . COLLEGE Modern 4-room apt., adult, only; price $G0. 432 Third, Phon. Mar. 3-KouM tumped apt., fti,.5u. Julian apt... 45 Trinity place. Mar. t'NION AVE. and Kllllnfsworth, I2S.M all complete: 'concret. buildinc. FOR BENT 3-room furnished apartment. White Temple dintrict. 4i. Mar. 1J7. -KOOM furnished apt. for rant. 186 N. 2Jd t. Phone Mar. MW. fORTNOMA four-room furnished apta. i0-2 13th. Adult, only. APARTMENT for rent, furniture for .ale. WtH aide. Broadway 475. APT. FOR rent and furniture tor aale. Marshall 1'Jii. y FOB KENT. Fnm billed Apartments. WA.VIEU Refined young girl to share apt., walking distance. 101. x.. on, ape. 3. Furnished FlaU. IYJR H K'T Verv moilern .vest aide 5-rm flat. l-ii: Nob Hill district: to party buying- my beautiful mahogany and pe riod furniture, practical. y new. .e.j latest; reaay to move risni in, - sunab'.e. tin Olisan st MoUEItN i;-room furnished steam heat ed apartment, sleeping porches, west sine. Jan. I, siiwi. r:ast tan-J. KL'K.SislIEL 3-room flat, suitable for 3 or 4 adults; references; close In. 30b Uth st CLKA.N", furnished, 4-room; NS car Bouth 654 i First at., near Curry. Houweexeepips; Rooms. 1, 2 AND' 3 ROOMS for housekeeping; steam heat, hot and cold water In eac room; weat aide;, rent reasonable. Bdwy 1148. 1.1 DATS' bToKAuE FREE Trunks, baggage delivered downtowa districts, zoc. sun. service, unwj. m the huavkr 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. ' rooms. IS up, including hot water, electric usnis. lauoury nwm. 2 Frtil.XT housekeeoinc rooms, range, electric lights; Jnu a month. 2UOS4 Itith St. IM. GARAGE for two cars. fur. h. k. ap above, $30 month. t4 North 21st s mo. ra.i.Ba- ,0 WEUk, complete hskpg. suites. Too FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping run Pi N. Broadway. The Boston hotel. 15 DAVS- STORAGE FREE: TRUNKS MOVED FOR 25 CENTS. MAIN 1114. 1, 2, 3-ltoo.U neat furnished apartments. 1 block car. Mar. 'Hi-. SLEEP1NO or housekeeping room. iZ per week. 41(0 Taylor st. SINGLE, furnished h. k. room, 25HS Wash. St., corner in;m. 2 LIGHT h. k. rooms for rem reasonable. ITJi B. Main. 1 n:ilISUED rooms and kitchenette, electricity, gas, bath and phone. $40 a month, no cuiJuren. vacant auuaay, Last OS 6. FUHNIKHED for liRht h. k.. 3 beautiful rooms, bath, furnace, fireplace, and piano. In refined private homo. 1305 E. Mh N. 3 CLEAN, light, unfurnished rooms in pri vate home; furnace heat, lijrht and water furnished; 1-5. tfroo iieedway. Sell wood 2147. 2 xwTKLY furnished housekeeplnK rooms private family, pleasant location.; adults only. Sid nawrnorne ave. 3 LARGE furnished and unfurnished rooms, back and front entrances, 1st floor, moa ern. 32 E. lt st. N. ROOMS, furnished and unfurnished, also UKht housekeeping; new ana very ae sirable. Auto. 524-51. UNFURNISHED, large, outside- h. k. room. Center of town. 22 1 lth at. FURA'ISITRD H. K. Room, modern e-xce.pt heet; fink in kJtchen. Aiarshaii 2 J'LKASAM furnished hrakpg roomu. 321 K. 8th st. N. r;at. LIGHT, cheery h. k. rooms for lady em ployed. Tabor S-77. OR 4 FURNISHED h. k- rooms. 331 rifickamn.i. llouttr FOR RENT. SALE OR EXCHANGE. Very highly improved thoroughly modern close-in suburban home of li acres ; paved road, H) feet to best car service; nothing lacking here and no hotter place around the city. Price $17,500. Will rent to responsible tenant. Beck, 525 Henry bltlg. limadway 5hA8. holiday iiros.' Transfer & 3tFage Co. Bdwy. 4222. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING. Long-Distance Hauling. Storage. Tacking and Shipping;. SHiday Bros.' Trangfer & Storage Co. h-KOuM houet, t arn. wjuh 2 acrea of land. including family orchard, suitable for small dairy or cmctcen rancn ; iu min utes from Jefferson-street car .on Can y o n road. Tabor TSO. 70! EAST -ItiTH N. New 5-room eombl nation living and dining room, 2 bed rooms, ivory finished, modern, good lo cation. garag, $.V.. Rent 6 months in advance. 332-47 or 32o-2tt after 6 P. M. J-kOOM house for rent, part or all of fur niture for sale. Fuel In; can rent three rooms; fine location, walking distance. Iftth and cilisan. Call Bdwy 1&03 or Mar shall 4100. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house at 344 Wasco st. Completely repainted; $Gu per month, adults only. L. 1L Hoffman, 707 Ga?co bldg. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHJNuTON AT 1UTH STREET. 3-ROOM cottage for rent, $13; furniture for sale at a bargain price; garden ana chickens. Call morning or evenings 1037 Union ave. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy 5121. $42. ."0 COTTAGE, 4 rooms, g3 stove, elec tricitv, furnace, bath, also attic bedroom. Hi! K. 2fth. East K743. FOR RENT 7-room modem furnished R. C. P. house. J bed rooms, sleeping porch, garage, $65. 430 E. 4Stfa st. N. BEST equipped for local and long-distance hauling and moving. t.reen 'jr. ta, 2u2ii Alder St. Main 1281. FOlt RENT 5 rooms, newly papered and painted, with or without garage. 61 nth st. 10 ROOM house. Irvtnglon. 30. Call 329 Salmon. Main 47SU. 6 ROOMS, ?17.30 per month. Chas. Houck, 032 Chamb. of Com. WE MOVE TOUR FURNITURE FOR $10. MAIN 14. turiiKhea itnusr. CLOSE IN. Will rent my beautiful 5-room bunga low nil furnished complete. Including beautiful piano; all on one floor. Will rent for $t3 per month. Inquire 8G3 Rnndy blvd. 1 WILD lease my partly furnished house for 1 year or more, with one-quarter acre, with small fruit and large chicken house. $15 a month, i Anna R. Fletcher, 8742 71st ave. S. ., Portland. Or. NEWLY furnished modern house, 8 large light rooms, large basement and attic; corner lot, 1 block from car, Irvington. Cull Tabor 714S. FVRXISHED HOUSES FOR RENT Very modern 7-room home, 1T.7S Williams ave nue. 70. Frank L. McGuire. Main lcMSS. FIVE furnished rooms, modern house, fine location. . close to car. Sfll. 2045. 5-KOoM hou.e lor rent, furniture for sale ("ail Mjiii 4127. Stores and Rnsiness Placet. XK'E s-tore room; plate glass show win dows, cement basement, good location, center of thickly populated district; tine opportunity for genu,' furnishings, shoes or millinery: cheap rent, immediate pos session. Silas L. Jones, owner, 072 Al berta st. I'hone Wnodlawn 355S. FOR KENT Large corner store room. 54 First St., lS&xlfO. full cement basement; present occupant desires to retain desk room and small space; will give time lease at reasonable rent. Call or phone Broadway 1-Mo. FOR DESIRABLE space iS fireproof ware house phone Bdwy. 3715. Security Stor age & Transfer Co., 53 4th st., cor. Pine. STORE for rent. 151 10th, between Morri son and Alder. STORE near First and Clay, $20. Inquire 2.".2 Stark st. UoTixifr toot-tifr; JvAiAi. Yoo'll. hai) I Vo0 (ai$a To ' " FOR BENT. Stores and Business I'laces. FOR RENT Jan. 1, store, 19x72, and basement. 454 Washington; transfer point. See H. N. Burpee, 914 Wilcox bids. Office. DESK room, with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Bdwy. 8715. Se curity Storage Transfer Co.. 53 4tn street, comer Pine. FOR RENT Desk room in centrally lo cated ground-Boor office; will consider legitimate business only. A G50. Ore- gonian. 15 SAMPLE room for agents. Free phone. 227Vj Washington, room .102. FRONT office, modern. In Railway Ex change bldg. Apply room am. bcstnuss orronTrsrriES. WAVT partner to buy In with me to man ufacture the best selling Ford acces sories made. I am doing good now. want to sell half Interest and enlarge; I3HO0 cash required; can give all the refer ences you want as to my honesty, etc , we can make J40.000 next year. N 2j7. vj' cb.i.i..... . FOR PALE Candy store In small town near Portland, doing good business: must sell at once; owner will teach buyer how to make candy; this is the only p.ace making candy in this town: good buy for someone. Call lor Walter W hltbeck. ".i itnHwnv Exchange bldg. ureRninaii. in restaurant, will sell equal half ' J CBt to steady, reliable man or woman that can nanule the font end; " hundred dollars to the right party. To Aortn oin bu, WILL rent completely equipped cloak and suit or blouse department in specialty Shop located In heart ot h.aPRicha?d: trlct of Tacoma. Address J. Richards. 1113 nroaawai. H CHAN-CE to the right kind ol . a man WUilIlK lO B(knu Tne equipment to add to our Psent property tH additional properties to r ... -T1 Orezonlan. nfl IrlKrJII uvea. " CAUTION BUYERS Before clo'lng w. deal Of FO-Ca.lea miereov estate business, get advice of Portland Relit Board. 421 Oregon building. Broanway iwjj. WANTED Wish parties t'tren"121S5 under psone numbers Marshall Z18S . and Main aouu v..- pointment with business manager. Mar snail ioo. GOING south; will sacriflcs my "n6fi . j dt -w- I I van tfi"kTl8 19.01RS ailU on account o. ia".j ,- gents' rurnisnmga. " " , 'pi", store; years" lease; cheap rent- Phone llf-va. FOR BILLIARD, pool taoles. card bar fixtures, ai.e - VS.,,,;;. and store fixtures. e W. J--.'Slf,!' 386 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 12 Easy payments. FOR SALE cheap, one (10-at-a-time) Med concrete onui. s.i... - can be made a good paying business with clean sand handy. Inquire of Oscar Luhn, Nehalem. Or. DESK room for real estate men. either monthly rent or on commit.. ground floor, best location, business es tablished. CORB BKUTMKttB. S'.J vn-n. WELL established grocery business for sale doing $i00 to $7000 a month in good pay roll town. For further infoprna iion write to Thos. H. Roy. St. Helens. Oregon fr-i-. t- r t t? cunP i VianrlV mAn I (50 handles it. Can clear J250 month for yourself. Room 401 Dekum Ding. FOR SALE, very cheap, a good 3-fhalr barber shop Wltn wmie Inquire O'Brien Shold Barbers' faupply Co., SO Broadway GROCERY, west side, doing ?4000 month nusiness; wui a v ... . - , 000. Established 6 years. Kelpper, witn Interstate Land Co.. nwrr. .r ..,1 rM.inlr ti..n. t2Q bill or saie ior ouijr -uv. Dekum muff BUTCHER SHOP for sale In rood live ... - A tn BT ffAOff hllll!llR4B Fa win lit low it, uuiHo ow -.. other business to attend to; must el. AV S'iI. uregonian . , , . . 1 uiith mirMlp-flirtid man wnn hihih vT interest in a good paying nauunuu S150. t iregoman CONFECTIONERY, down town, west side. owner nas 10 go m r.u.i.c. IK00. Kelpper, with Interstate Land Co., 24ST Stark st . ... r.-r. .17T T AT nVPG! .lUOi Dr.l.u . . . . . . JW. We'I-locnted confectionery, clears J250: price $1900. some terms. Johnson A Bach, 48 Broadway bldg. Worth $5000. only 2S00; owner mnst leave town; long lease, cheap rent- Call Main 6H44 aiternoon. CASH grocery in apartment house district, .ln.,r van! .Ian .tneK two living rouino. -i"" i . . .V .. and good trade. Room 611. Railway Exchange DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY? Opportunity for man with auto, some cash; a chance you don't want to pass tl'.l.u n n Drennian. UP- . LIGHT groceries, confectionery store, with living rooms, low " school trade: price $000 for quick sale. Room 511, Railway Exchange. WANTED GOOD MAN. To invest in something worth while: your money secured; only $1500 needed. MRS. THOMSON, B2Q-21 HENRY Bl.OG, !OU SALE Confectionery store, sott drink parlor, card tables: all In first class condition; long lease: $40 rent. 230i4 Third st.. near Main st AUTO garage partner wanted: this is a Dusy place aim nwmMt, owner will sell half at actual invoice. Room 511. lynway cxcnmipe. HE ELECTRIC bakery for sale: very good location; cheap rent; a good busi ness reason for selling: other business 'll.C.5 Can oe rriii.in...j - operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond ana aiornson. HAVE a good truck for sale and a two year contract goes with it. Phone Sell. 31- eveninKS. i mo m a W ivtcd TO BUY GROCEKi sruiili; h"VF. $1300 TO INA'FST. CALL EAST S4!l BETWEEN 8 AND 9 P. M. FOR SALE Growing business; fine oppor . .... KilH Tin iimithin. hie1. Onlv $300 required. A 254, Oregonlan. 5-ROOM apt. house, trade for grocery store, with living rooms preferred. Main 6127. PARTNER wanted for wood and coal yard doing cash business, large proms; -uuv required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WOULD SELL or consider partner for moving pictures; have outfit complete three tovns. 40S Mnln St., Room 5. FOR RENT. WITH LEASE! Dining room and kitchen, equipped. Call Main 4535 today ; GROCERY West side, no overhead, low rent $1800. Keipper, with Interstate Lnnd Co.. 24. Stark st. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Good location and business; 7 living rooms, rent $35; price $1000. Sell. 33H. RESTAURANT outfit, good location, rent or sell cheap. St. Johns. Call Colum bia 450. WE GRIND everything, razors, shears, etc. Portland Cutlery Co., 88 6th St.. nr. Stark. RESTAURANT, west side.! If sold today, $400. Keipper, 248 Ftark St. LUNCH counter, cheap if taken at once. 233S4 Burnside. lfewisapsr Feature BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PUT SOME" MONEY TO" WORK IN GERMAN MARKS. . Probable profits on 100,000 marks If they go to 11.1X1, one-half their normal alue (23.80). $7350.00. You can secure six months option on German marks as follows: Price on Profit at n.ttti.n. Pontraets. Advance of lc. 300 100.000 Marks for 6 months 10U0 1150 45,0ii0 Marks for months 450 S 75 20.000 Marks for 6 months 200 X 40 10.000 Marks for 6 months loO Germany is rapidly getting to work. Her factories are humming. All indus ........ , nr. h.?inninv to show old-time ef ficiencies. Any day marks are liable to advance from 3e to lOe. Fortunes will be made overnight by those who are farsighted enough to take advantage of this present opportunity. Forward remit fance today for 6 months' option, as price is subject to aavance ovennguu International Exchange Syndicate, 0O5 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. INCOME 1'KuPBRTV. WHY NOT BUY AN ESTABLISHED BUSINESS? PRICE INCLUDES FURNITURE. 24 rooms, boarding house, large din inir room with clear counter, large recep tion hall, rooms well arranged, light and well furnished; lot 100x100 with garage, 50 feet off paved street. 1 block to car. Owner non-resident, will sell for $G500, (3500 cash will handle. JOHNSON-KtlUSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldgrf Main 3787. GOLD MINE TN ALASKA. Just arrived here from Chichagoff Island, Alaska; have ten-year k-ase and option on lode gold property 3000 feet from the Chichagoff mine, now paying .over million dollars annually In divi dends; will give half Interest in lease and option for compressor, machine drills and necessary funds to develop propeny; let me snow you ore samples, lease and map of claims- AM 23fi, Ore gonian. AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS. Want honest, hard working partner with S5000 cash for half interest in best equipped shop, west side; $200 to $350 per week clear. Auto repairing, buy anu sell used cars, welding and brazing, bat tery charging, etc Will teach you the business. Do not answer unleaa you will get in and work with me. I am good mechanic; have plenty work, good credit and fine shop and good name; all the references you want. N 281. Oregonlan. CA-RD ROOM, CO.NF;T1oNERY AND LIGHT LUNCH. BRICK BLDG., RENT ONLY $55 PER MONTH. x Located in one of the hest business centers in the city. Good set of fixtures, darjdy light and airy room. Price onxy $13Uu. REOJATfLE INVESTMENT CO.. -30.1 OAK STREET. BARBERS, ATTENTION! Why work for others when yon can make an independent living with a very small investment? 2 chairs, always busy. LET ME SHOW YOU THIS. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUlRE. Ablngton Bids. Main loew 3d st bet. Wash, and Stark. RESTAURANT SACRIFICE. AOCOUNT OF SICKNESS MUST SELL. Located on one of principal downtown streets, doing fine business and well equipped, good lease, cheap rent. Price only A.iouu. inis is more man iuuo ne low value. ANCHOR INVESTMENT "CO.. . MAIN 9404, 405 PANAMA BLDG. TAKE a chance with me. I offer for your consideration the best speculative In vestment now on the market. It is one genuine chance in a lifetime to make big money on a small but timely investment. If interested call or -rite me today; not a stock proposition Jos R. Fo:tz. 210 Stock Exch. bldg. WANTED Trained nurse or practical woman with experience in care of th sick, having or capable of procuring a place for sanatorium; a good proposition for an ambitious, progressive, honorable business woman if qualilications are sat isfactory. AK 240, Gregoniam $3250 CORNER GROCERY7 EST A B. CASH trade; living apis., hot water heat; good neighborhood. About tliis and other money-makers, see BKECK. THE LOGANBERRY MAN. 3S4 11. 42d St.. north. R. C. Park (Except Sunday.) CANDY kitchen, fully equipped, doing good business; complete candy-making outfit with store fixtures; only place in Vancouver making candy; splendid busi ness for man and wife; will teach buyer candy making. $1000. Call 402 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. A PARTNER WANTED. Anto top business, auto painting, etc.; a solid business clearing $250 to $400 month for each partner; $1500 buys equal half interest with experienced man. Room 401 Dekum bldg. . START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. BUY THIS GROCERY, $1325. Good location, 5 modern living rooms Included, rent $15. You can't beat it in Portland. COBB BROS., 263 Oak St. FOR SALE Stock general mdse. and fix tures situated at London. Or., 22 miles south of Cottage Grove; will be at Ore gon hotel Wednesday and Thursday from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M.. or address W. A. Hech, London, Or. PARTNER wanted to tike half interest in a modern concrete garage. Sell gas, oils, tires, full of storage and plenty re pair work; profits are good and small investment required. Call room 4D1 De kum bldg. CASH grocery and confectionery, also school supplies: good transfer corner; you cannot beat this for the price; loca tion alone worth the price; rent $40; 5 living rooms. Call Wdln. 2448. , No agents. CHICKEN DINNER INN, near Portland; doing splendid business, well advertised, fine location. Owners going east. A fine business for right party. Must fur nish reference. AL 271, Oregonlan. WJLL sell right of sgency with cases of stock of scientific preparation which re moves carbon and increases mileage; 100 per cent profit; leaving city. H. B. Shafer, 642 Commercial st FOR SALE Cash and carry grocery at a .... Il. ,H Wll Invnlm n. llimn Deal with owner and save money. Phone iast X4-t-. GOOD chance for young man. with about 3-CHAIR barber shop, electric heater. luiiy enutpiieu, t..v wioh. .'-'-. un.nn. $5700 MERCHANDISE store; take auto $2000. 518 Ch. of Com, bldg. Main 4100. Businesi. Opportunities Wanted. CASH CLIENT WANTS GROCERY, about $3000; might consider $5000 if good value; write full details to secure at tention. BRECK. THli LOGANBERRY MAN. 384 E. 42d N. WANTED IFirst-class rooming house, . or more rooms, steam-heat, hot arrd cow water, centrally located. Will pay half cash . 2L' 7 Washington, room 1.02. EASTERN druggist with the coin wants food store (with living apts. prexerrea;, tate best price and particulars. R 127. Oregonian. WANT Interest by reliable man in es tablished business, state Dusmess ana capital required. AK 261, oregonlan. MAN WITH $."00 would like work with good firm. No gamming, jaucatea, re liable. BF 2AS, Oregonian. WANTED Sawmill or shingle mill by the . 1 ,1 A At-aa T , T. n nrxn ... Kenna, Wash. WANT small wood-working plant, box factory or planing mill. P. O. box 312. Portland. WANTED The best pool hall 52000. Call Main o42. WANTED TO buy & meat market. AR 45, Oregonlan. WANTED To buy barber shop. Phone Marshall 2Aiti. .POLLY AND Cepyrlgnt. 1920. Sernce,' Inc., Great Britain rights reserrea "HANKY WANTS SOME VITAL STATISTICS BY CLIFF STERRETT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Stocks and Bonds. STOCK for sale; have 55 shares preferred and 55 shares common stork of Jentsen knitting mills for sale. Inquire R 3b, Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. EAST SIDE SNAPS. IT rooms, all on one floor; 2-roolri suites: good close-in location; $750, soma terms. 10 rooms, nice yard, runningwater in rooms; entirely modern; easy walking distance; $000. terms. ' 8 erooms, also modern; rent only $30; price $400 cash. rooms, 2 baths, fine yard, everything first class; fuel in, and rent paid to March 1. Mrs. Albaugn, with John Ferguson, ' Gerllnger bldg. FIFTY-ONE rooms, weat side $4000 . 2l00 . 1050 rooina .......... 8 rooms 8 rooms 8-room flat 8 rooms 9 rooms 8-50 tt75 600 650 500 0 rooms - ,, - Terms on most of these: we sell all kinds, of real estate. List with us. CREDENT REALTY CO,. 811-313 Lab-be bldg., 2d and Wash Sts. Alain ooio APARTMENTS and ROOMING HOUSES. We have many calls for apartments, rooming houses, hotels and housekeep ing roojiw. If you wish to sell, list wltn us. We guarantee service and satisfac tion. Mr. Freeman. - BTHR-CAREY CORPORATION. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg, Third and Stark Streets, MAIN 7487. M. E. LENT COMPANT. 523-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER: 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. , SPECIAL. Apartment house, all modern, nni $.V.0; 4-vear lease; has !0 rooms In 21 apts : net Income around $5i MODERN HOTEL. 50 ROOMS. RENT $200. Price $4000. reasonable terms. MAGOON & SPENCER. 626 Cham, of Com. Bkig. Main 61-1- Apartment house, all modern, rent $30i; 4-year lease; has 91) rooms in -1 apts.; net income around $'XM. MODERN HOT-EiL, fx) ROOMS. Price J4t!). reasonable terms. MAGOON & STENVEK; 638 Cham. ofOoTnBlcg. Main B127. IFYOu"wiSH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon, RITTER, LOWE cO-;. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. We write all Kinds ot Insurance. GOOD, MODERN APARTMENT HUUS Best west side location, all 2 -reom apt... good lease. ow rent; furni ture and carpets very ood; everything in perfect shape; clears big inone . J10.OOO cash will handle. ITIfl MltS. THOMSON. 1820-21 HENRY BLDG. I" ROOMS very close in; beautiful oak UanRd mahogan? furniture; '"ge jooms with lots of windows; 1-year lease, Tncome and comfortable '"iv?" that no one would be ashamed to live m. Mrs. Albaugn. with John Ferguson. Ger- linger biug. SIX H. K. rooms, cloae In., new turn r, rent only $20, modern; $550. $2..0 down, 1 room h t.-. rent $35. modern, clears $?2." good terms: ave clean Hats, hotels, apts. rooming houses, oil sizes Barney tnhiYi. 170 Tenth st- Main 3180. ."T'tjooMS- H. K.. modern, $1800, terms; 6-roVrrTfla" nice furniture and modern. $1050m finest location, lovely home and can rent rooms to more than pay your rent. .... BARNEY JOHN ww. n 00-ROOM hotel and apartments; steam heat low rent, good lease: must sell on account of sickness. Take some city property. Price $0000. By owner, phone a, n.wu j.dl house, some single room, 94b?ici bIdP always full; clears JS00 per mo; $575 rent includms-heat and hot water; $0000 cash handles. Johnson & Bach, 40o liroauwnjr FOR SALE 13-room H. K. apt., clean ana f5ria furniture; Income $1S0 rent $); $1400. all or part cash. 410 faec- ond st. Main o.n. 5 HOOM8 good furniture for sale, right down town. $375 for quick sale. .0 N. Ninth street. hTvE buyer for east side rooming house, lie ht nice yard. BDWY. 4SS.. FOK BEST bargain in apartment nous see members of the Kealty Board, lates Realty Co.. rurm --. WANTED 10 to15 housekeeping rooms, close in and modern; have U700 fust payment, aiain oxj. 10 ROOMS, h. k. and transient. Elec, gas heat. Fine location. Clears 5140 month; ililuO. 6S X. tth street-j ' I.OST AND FOCN'D. LOST Gray fox fur, Wednesday morning about 8:30. on N. and S. Portland car or Morrison street between 3d and 5th. Reward. I'none ftiarsnau j i-$. LOST Persian cat, tiger markings, re ward for return or information leading to return. ttl9 E. 30th North. Woodlawn lo.st in ileier & Frank's. Lipman;s. Old & Kings or Dwwircii, t,- wrist wa.tch on link bracelet. Bdwy. 1-1 12. LOST Between 23d and Kearney and Willamette Heights, black and tan ter rier, white breast, four month old. Call Main 5k"rt , LOST Sunday evening. black oilcloth handbag, trimmed in hlue silk and wool flowers. Reward tp finder. Call Main 13tf. LOST Brown fisher animal fur at Meier & Frank's. Monr.ay; veiy i ' - Phone .war. mm., or iuai" " LOST Parcel containing 5 articles of ladies' underwear and 1 crepe da chine kimona. Alain rewnm. LOST Purple silk umbrella with white ring, at rornana w. iwi Please phone aiain wn. LOST at Meier & Frank's, brown velvet handbag, gray purse inside, currency, old coin; reward. Tabor 2U84. "CAMEO and "pearl brooch on or near Union ave. Finder please call Wdln. JSS58 ana receive rewain. WILL the lady who took umbrella ort St. Johns car Wednesday afternoon please call coiumDia .in : LOST Dt-c. glassed-in D. Chambers & son case, near w eaunuiinier npi. nuuac. Reward. Phone Main 1.S35. LOST Parcel containing 5 articles of ladies underwear and 1 crepe de chine kimono. Main 4.'i32. Reward. FOlTNI Envelope containing currency Sunday afternoon. Phone East 21 2. LOST Gray, velvet purse. Finder phone Main Jdri'J ior rewara LOST Last week, string of pearls. Phone ERst 8255. LOST Gold cuff link. Initial "P." Re ward. Ean 3071. LOST Lavallier pendant, round onyx set w i th pearls,. Phone Automatic 210-02. LOST Package containing hair. Call Main 1084. LOST Silver mesh purse, valued keepsake. 4 (i! Flint st. East 7722. Reward. LOST Diamond ring set Call Main W05. Liberal reward. HER PALS .- I t SUPPORT A V. i-7 : S f LOST A'P FOUND. LOST Aluminum delivery book with or der sheet, on or near Portsmouth st., or Willamette blvd. Return to Powers Furniture Co. warehouse,- Union avenue and E, Burnside st., and receive reward. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the P. R., L. & P. Co. Dec 28, 11)20: 8 purses, 5 car tickets, 1 pin. 1 book of flies, 1 watch fob, 1 nail file, 5 pairs gloves, 2 single gloves, 1 lady's handbag, 1 bottle, 1 pkg. laundry blanks, 6 pkgs., 2 lunch boxes. 2 traveling bags, 1 bundle clothes, 1 glass jug, 10 um brellas. LOST Tuesday, gold watch fob with locket attached, probably in locality of Richmond car line, between 37 th and 41st. Finder please return to C. Eykel hosch, 521 Yeon bldg. Main 6120. Re ward. . WILL party in auto who picked up suit case full of Christmas presents, on Linn ton road between 12 and 1 o'clock, be tween ferry and rockpile, please call Co lumbia J210? Reasonable reward. LOST Tuesday afternoon, downtown, a purse containing small amount money and 1 diamond and turquoise ring; also diamond ring. Kindly return to Mrs. Robinson, Hotel Mallory. Reward. LOST Metal purse with chain, Dec. 2S. by working girl ; contained considerabl currency - belonging to another person which will have to repay if not found Liberal reward. Phone Marshall WILL the party that picked up purse off petticoat counter. Li pman-Wolfe & Co. Dec. 24. kindly phone Marshall H9tt and ask for Mrs. McLntefer or send 373 TayJor st. 7 LOST Watch Which was valuable keep sake to me, picture on crystal cut heart snape, attached to knife -on chain; lost Wednesday. Phone Brdwy. 4401), Brdwy. 3010. IF THE party who picked up old seal and velvet muff on Willis blvd. or Kltk st., Christmas -night, will return same to 1702 Dwight t., will be rewarded. LOST Btteen U. S. National Bank and Court House, Liberty Bonds. Finder please return them to 3S4 Benton st., and receive libera! reward. LOST Black -purs Friday afternoon con taining 2 Northwestern bank books, pa pers and change. Rfturti books and pa pers, 227 Hall st. Reward. LOST Dark brown fox fur, Tuesday 8 P. M Rivoli theater or W. P. and Washington to 3d st. Call Tabor 8iMW, reward. K 222, Oregonian. Sr K.CIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. SEALED proposals will be received at th office of the undersigned, 401 court house, Portland, Oregon, until 5 P. M. Thursday, December 30, ia20, for the electric wiring and fixtures for tne Chapman school, Portland, Oregon. Bids will be opened at a meeting of the board of directors to be held at 8 P. M. the aaiue day. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at room 303 courthoua. Portland, Oregon. A certified check, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business man ager, for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, must - accompany each proposal. The buard ot directors rc B"rvea the right to reject any and all bids. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk ana Buine Manager. Dated December 27. 1U20. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undeisined. 401 Court house, Portland. Oregon, until 5 P. M., Thursday, December 30, 1UA, for the electric wiring and fixtures for the Chapman school. Portland, Oregon. Blcs will be opened, at a meeting of the board of directors to be hld at 6 P. M. the same day. Plans and speclficstlons may be ob tained at room 303 Courthouse, Portland. Oregon. A certified check, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business man ager, for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, must accompany each pro posal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated December 27. 1120. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the undersigned. 4H court houw, Portland, Oregon .until 5 P. M. Thursday, December 30. 1U20. for the electrx wiring and fixtures fur the Chapman school, Portland, Oregon. Bids w4j1 be opened at a meeting of the board of directors to ba held at 8 P. M. the same day. Phins and specif icaaions may be obtained at room 303 courthouse. Portland. Oregon. A certified chek, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business manager, for lO per cent of the amount of the proposal, must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any or ail bids. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Cierk and Bus4ne Manager. Dated December 27, 1!'2Q ML't'lIunotus. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice is hereby given that The Pa cific Telephone ft Telegraph Company, a corporation, has erected on the shores of the Columbia river at a point mils north of Coffin rock, on the Oregon sida and also at approximately 1300 feet north of the mouth of tho Kalama river on the Washington side, two monumeuta, namely, signboards set on posts In plain view, bearing the word "Cable Crossing, The Pacific Teiephone ft Tela graph Company," which said signs mark the landing place on the shores of ths Columbia river of an additional sub aqueous telephone and telegraph cable, approximately 2418 feet in teneth, which on October 15, 1920. was laid across said river in a general easterly direction from the said landing as the Oregon side of said Columbia river and between the termini above described; said cable being laid at the same approximate location as two formerly existing sub aqueous cables which, cross the said Columbia river between the same ter miui and the lauding places of which are marked by th same signboards as above described. This notice is published for the pur pose of informing all navigators of tha description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the c&b'e aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By 11. J. Tlnknam, Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice is hereby given that The Pa cific Telephone ft Telegraph company, a corporation, has erected on the snores of the Yaquina bay at a point 100 ft west of the government's rtar range sign on the north side and also at the county road dock on the south side of the said Yaquina bay. two monuments, namsty, signboards set on posts In plain view, and bearing the words "Cable Crossing. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Com pany," which said signs mark th landing places on the bhares of the Yaquina bay of a certain subaqueous telephone and telegraph cable. 2250 ft. in length, which on November 23. 1920. was laid across said bay in a general southerly direc tion from the said landing on the norta Bide to the said landing on the south side of the said Yaquina bay and be tween the termini above described. This notice is published for the pur pose of informing all navigators of th description and purpose of the moou m triiis aforesaid, and of the general course,' landings aud termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft . TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By H. J. Tlnkham. Division Superintendent of Plant TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN After Dec. 2K, 120. i will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Alice Bird Meyer, she having left my bed and board. Ernest H. Meyer. SPKCIAL NOTICES. M iNcelliineottft. COUNTY" WARRANTS Notice Is hereby given that Multnomah county warranis. ciaases 02," '3," and "iS-U." the Mm having been drawn upon the general fund, and that were presented and In dorsed, "Not paid for want of func". from November 3. H20, to November . 1920, both dates inclusive, will, If prHf erly indorsed, be paid on presentation at the orflce of the county treasurer. Interest thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. John M. LewU. county treasurer, Portland, Oregon. De- cember 20. 1H2Q. . NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. The regular anuual meeting of tock holders of Oregon Life Insurance Com pany will be held at tne company m fines, Corbett building, Portland, Or., Tuesday, February L U21, at 3:0 O'clock P. M., for the election of direc tors and the transaction of mich othr business as may properly come befors the meeting for action. SAKFORD SMITH. Secretary. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH TH K MONBV, OT'R SERVICE WILL FLEASti YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 20S SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. FOR SALE 1fi7 shares of Orecon Portland Cement company preferred stock, having five years' accumulated dividends at the rate of 7 per cent per annum: destre to realize at least $w per share for this stock. AV Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN on surplus stocks of merchand's placed In storage with us. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage & Transfer Co.. "SS 4th street, corner of Pine. CASH paid tor mortgage and sellers' con tracts on real estate tn Washington. Or gon. H. E. Nhl. Slfl 1 urttheimens bldg. $2.i0 WILL buy 30 shares of Lambert Tire and Rubber stock. Mrs. F. W. Glard, Kennewlck. Wafh. BUY bono, not, contracts, mortgages. F. H Lewis. 302 Lewis bldg.. 4th Oak Money to Iian nn Real Kutat. RESIDENCE LOANS. 7 per cent; five-year period. You may pay J 100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually nnd reduce In terest on loans under $.000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan tto pen cent vsiue house and lot at 7 per cent You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For exaniptt, 2O40 loan, you pay $10 month ly and interest; you have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly, interest reduced accordingly NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-yfar period, 6 per cent Excellent repayment privileges. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main N303 401 YeonBlg. CITY LOANS. XNO COMMISSIONS On Improved properly, or for Improve ment purposes. The bettt ind eslest method of paying a loan la our monthly payment plan. f32 2rt per month for tMt month, or $21 24 per month for CO months, or $13.17 r month for Ort months pays a loan of $K'Mt nnd Interest. Loana of other amounts In aame pro portions. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A Lu AN ASSN 242 Stark St., Portland Or. SEE US TODAY We loan money on real estate; no comml.lon, tl and 7 per cent on choice loam, long time, short time; monthly payments, pay you tan; sums to suit; contracts. 2d mortgagee; liberty bonds bought. 72."t (lasco blug., 5th end Alder. t'ellars-Murtnn Co NO DELAY Wlt'K ACTION. REAL ESTATB MORTGAGE LOANS On imp. city property or Wills met te Valley furms or for Imp. purposes. All amounts. flonO. $i;,oo. fjthiu and up. Seller' contractu pufrnui'1! F. II. DKSH"N. Cham, of Com. Hlifg. FARM LOAN'S. Insurance coinpiiny nieney to lonn at lowest current rsitrn on Willjunr tt val ley farm ; no commission, no del a vs. DEVEKEAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Si: th vi , Portland, i 'r. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property Prompt and helplul set vice Liberal repayment prlv- ilt'H-'B. Lowest rates. WKtiTERK BOND & MORTGAGE CO, 80 Fourth St.. Portland, or MORTGAGE LOANS FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 0 AND 7 PER CENT INSTALLMENT LOANS No Commission. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. R3 4th ST . HENRY Bl.DO .MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. If. HIRKKLL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 41 18. J 00. 000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK, 2ir-21 FAILING BLDG. T HI R l AND WASH I N G TO N . MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms and city property, favorable repaying privileges; no commlsHion or delay. TUB OHHGON .MORTGAGE Co., LTD., 3iiO Plntt bide. Main fi 371. $30O. $40. $'KW. $1100, I SOM. $11100, JKI. S150, $2WHH) and up, lowest rales, quick action; pay off $10) or more at any in terest ditte. tiordon MniiKHt, Co., tiiU C h m. of Com. Mdg. Main 13 70 MG-NElf TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND - MORTGAGE CO., SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1KOQ MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest. Otto ft liurkon li ea ! t v Co.. 413 Cham, of Com $3K, $400. SZiH), $7."0. $1000 ANU U P Low nites, quick action. Fred W, dor man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main H4.Y WILL HAVE S10.0O0 to loan Jan. LI. Call East 7304. Address M-7 Hancock portianu. or. v liAVci )i)uu ana iuuu 10 man on real property in the city. Inquire 42$ Yeon $300, $1000 AND upward ort Improved real estate; favorable firms; nt dt-lay ; n0 hrokeragg. .lonn Hnin. aiii frpaifimg bldg. MORTGAG1) LOANh, 0 aim 1 pur cent. I .ouN Wtiloman & to.. ening tjji. MltNKV to loan on ro h I atat, 7 por cenL (i o. 1. Lent, in cornru lUitg. hl-IK OUKGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham, of Com.. 4th and stark. Mopcv to Loan 4"liattls and Salaries. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL WE LOAN MONEY! Od short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; w?k'y, wml month ly or monthly (a ytntnts. tacn transaction str.ctiy connuentiai. NO MORTGAGE. NO 1NDORSEH. ABSOLUTELY NO KEt'URITY Wo also Joan on housuliold goods. pianos, etc. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COM PANT. ( LICKNSED. ) 21S FAILING BUILDING MONEY TO LOAN on goods placed In storage with us. We can eae you money Low interest rates. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage & Transfer Co.. 53 4th street, corner of Fine QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note. Confidential Investiga tion. 316 Chamber of Commerce bldg Licensed MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelry, lejral rates, articles held a year; estab lished 1 HNS. Dan Marx A Co.. 29 Wash. 1 Cff. qZSTejz p 3tT-i 3 o 1 f I FINANCIAL. . Money to Loan battels and HalaHea. PORTLAND REMEDIAtf LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT I PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MOXDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY. VIC TROLAS. PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. M STARK ST., NEAR I0TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATICS. qUK'K SKRVICEt YOU CAN GET IT TOPAk. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE, PIANOS, VJCTKOLAH. REAL fc&lATK, BONDS. KTC. If your paymenta are too Urge eft your automobile or furniture coniiaete. we will pay them up ami advance more, money if needed We make a ep cialty of theoe loans and leave the -curitl In your poarss.on. and r can repay us in tmuil monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS salaried people on their own notes. Hata reasonable. private offices. Ail busi ness strictly confidential. Portland loan company, licensed 10d-ft07 Dfkum bldg. Mamhalt t; 8. W cor. Third and Wnshltigton. MONEY TO LoAN. On diamonds. aatchis. Jewelry and bonds, . I rafe; all rooiIk hml 1 year. VINES JEWELRY STORE. 114-1 IB Third t., cotnrr WakhmgtOB. M.cln n. HATHA'. A V Loans latios and (upnW tute; legal ratrs. 20 WasnmKton bldg Lin Wanted. tt"i on bung uliiw lii hiI1hii disi rlct, ILloo on modern bungalow on Holland street. $1700 on modern house en Portland IlflKhtS. $-'ooo nioib rn home In Alameda Park. f -."i"0 niod rn home In Rose city Park. finoi on 2-stnry house on Schuyler St., in IrvJiiKtitn. l.-.joo on 2-ftmy brbk on Schuyler St., near Union nvr. $'1000 on larae business property la HwmhI. $11. Ouo on modern apartment house on wKt side. $1.1.000 on modern apartment bouse, cluSP In, runt side. F H DKSIIOV. mn CT? AMHKR OK OiM MKROR PLTV1. FKA S'K L. MGUIRi;. with hts years if rxprrince and export knowlMi of al uck, la In a position to safeguard your ev-ry intorrt In loaning your mnny Hundreda of at'tillmiionn fr loans. Of fice of pornoiwl fTVir. It us loan, your money, frrm J. loete Hirh irdnn, managrr of Ms n department. Abingtua bldg. Main Mi.H. UK IIAVK some j;mnj rri vsiaie contrai'e and mortgages in imminii of $..'Hi anl above. pHub,i In month. y InRtallments s nd learitiir 7 pt-r rrnt lntrest, a hicft w will dimoiint prr crnt K. K Bow rn.i n A . L'lil 't.niti of Cnm b!1 a $ii:ttu. 7 l'KR UK NT. uaiitid. line a room ' iiiodi"n lnmf, vtv priirg Interior and In pt-rictt coinlltln. furnnc. hard it.4 floor, nr. iavitg, n'-r In and I . a I d. 1 I. k to M V rar 1.' K 'J'Hh t. WNT to l...rrtw from pnvata riy $'.ht at 7 P'T rr-nl on w "II tm proved mtiimiv appiaiod at -.'l,no"; Ibis Ip en untiMua liy dMi aide I'n 1'lioiie Ma. a WANT t biro floud 1 i orlali pirty nn first mot t-itse real estate urRy. !' ?7i. OrrKonian. $o0 FOR & YKARS on my home inear K. l:h and IT. -.tfl cnnBratlvely wrrth $:tMMl. Hp I!.'., Oregonlan GILD - H UiH K i R St"I H ITG A G LS. M M'W AM SOLD v. if. dkhhov. hi.1 cm. itr" cor Pfl. WANTKIV "-fdr.Ort lottrt iui lai ge, n-w fltitmo homo In LsnnlhHret. S. R. rirnT V lot a I ave srl Cmn-h W i.NTKii sdbMs' oiint . good wi-UftV 'Oil I I M I. lo'f, ills i II. n-gotilsn. Jl.'.nO FARM nmrtaase. dlount Sle. ('Indue Cole. . i I .utn t.f rtnen iniK. Si:C ORKGoN 1NV. A MoKTGAUK I'U I'-JJ ( h.in of Corn., Iurth and Stark. PKHHONAU Ti ATMS AND M A S fl K Grnoiinte nurpe elves body maeeave, steam bat hs. vibratory and Ietrie nia.akfe, n rond f 'or S et'snd Iddg . room Main 17n."i tpen rveniPfe till , ocloca. Phone for evening appoial men Ls Nll r t IH M. PF.NSON. D. I' Naturopathy M. ihodn U'(d n NKRVol'M and ('(IRONIC diweasen; traction curns wea baks; mineral steam hatha, eierine ioi-t rny and scientific niires clem tiie iyntem and build It Up; both sies trfstf-d. Main 77hu, 31U 1 "hum bldg. IF YoU are tited and m-rvoue u c rejutna(e your nervous teme inn poor ciirii!stioi by hvtng a m-iennne body mannas Dr Ovid.a Lr-a. for meily at 4-i Murcan biug , la now io ci,j at tt;u MorAii h:d Main l'-'H. " "colTR: and enlarpfd giatuls, cure yniirilf at home ; uu Ml" process : r-fer-n -m fur nloli'd Dald M. Fanner, wuvvvnt ! A. It. Htrarhan, f17 Chamber ol Coin- int-n-e UiZ. - tTTi.L iiur fru'dds n ho hav. n't elcdno IiKiits in ttuir nomm ,t nrl-.-i (.11 Wiring and grt o ritrmnlaplnll ft.r your efforts. For further iniortna tion call Woodlawn 3701. NKW SJUIPMKNT VIT-O-Nri r eiectne b.anKets; u-o-.t- (;rimiee U.cke. f u tory rnnr-t.entative for the staic Oreirrn. 447 Morgaa bid. Ma n TiS Sw.rtts In off T I li A 11 V AM ISI'il ll1 IT. IV II tL-inslnB. h'Hlm (C'rmlcl.l.. and Invm orjlinn d"U-tie. a K"-" '"d In female d"ord"r; Wit- and Pr O..X. Portland II. .1.1 I'll'' NI-'Vri.K 1' .rinaii-iii lir .mini; also sll Cnuly work hy Mi.'rlrnced opernlnra. 3ii: illoh ulda- llth and WaaliUKton. Phone l.dwy 41111. FKHV'KT HANK.IU'T. le.id.nl l and ,',., ni;ik.T: I nl mock human hair iroodi' ncrniMneut nnd nmrcl waving. Sc ili 'tr. alin. iit !H! Alil. r. Main 64'i. "iir trxr MAPPAr.KH 111 1UT.HAVAX HI.1K1. MAIN S.1. 10 A. M. T" I' M : A I.Hi nl'tC.V prMAVS AND lli'l.ll'AVS V NT to know wli. rciilMiutM of itayni.ind !'" Klfl'M. heard of In Portland; f.'im.'tlilnif lo nl" 'nie.-eat to anawur. A. f. r ili'-'d. t'am.is. v uwh. m UUH aToKIKKITII. I'. P. Klert ma- aeiie al balh, vlliratlon. facial and acalo" tretmenla. L.lle' piilriina.e pie f,.rr,.,l. 4 17-4 IK ywiland I.M i, ,;kts hm t--i l'J "P ai I r. K.i.n'i ('iiilM)iHT and AlU'U bl"IJT, ho doesn't hurt you; s yr. here-; etn. free, tilooe bid.. Ulh and Waah. ldy. .'SL'4. WadiI'M cures f.liioid tumoia nnd aoitr. pal .le.ly. K 11 t '.U-r.l. M P.. liTT L iism. nl. ror. uuth. Monievllla care. J'tione TiijM.rJM VIT ll-NKT sweat t.atha for col.lp. lol Va'v tieatnieiit. for neurltl.. bodr ma " , 10 A. M. lo ! M. daily. 4, loll I a. ,t..t gun sum rTTTTTTTSlNvl nail, or chllb.ain. cur.d; imedies .old on trial; quick relief. Write bug-sue ttalon. dept. 2. itaadva. O r eson. -- IvThB r'r Kth'' . ')'. i.eorinc and ninlriirln f r . hy si.t.oinim ent ; evenings and Mundays, tto. H:.i.-Ih li ,: "TV7!--t'T sltlii-r our t anadlan hoiid. or mono, retumed 8e. Vlcnck, collet i.ons. iKkum I.I.U. . HTrV cure for dandruff ecalp treatment. Parshail-8ina, iud M.icleay bid(., plione Main lot. t . , , , i.ii'r li sle.tin balh maassas, viol. l ray and vibratory tre.tnienl. 41 Clay. Mala 1 OJJLJJL'-'-iL. pTilS can be permanently cured wilho.it oi'.erallon fall or wrlle lir. L'.an. .o m.dandMorrJi;'J!; . 11 AHSAUil hstlis, eiiln.-ys, conslipstli.n. rheumill"'"- ''r- Kln foren.en, drill ir..s plivw . -"'" Pi'ii'ima hl.la. Mnin Min. Nn fCltW. '"""' dsh.liulf; hair arown on bald head.; ladles or .ei.ls. HI! jlaule.y bld. JTT7..jtr-.l'l il'M hstr. moles, warts removed kw ill-needles method; Irlsl free. Josie Py .... II.. -h A, I .n tie l.l.lw Vf-I. M1..S To VOL' II tltS 1 KH. III.K Ylil 7 IK Bll. .... i.. ruh'i u s- v if ui.efi i i 1T, -' MfYHOAX Hl.'llll MAIN .ITiH. CPAl'UATh. nuiae treaia luitiDaa, sio 1 inure 2 to 6 or by appointment Pbea Main ltm Office oa.C Third St. WASAOIC treatments, phons the mseeage school. Main 7.s. ill Hweii.nd tl.1.. BUPBRrW111" "" removed for.v.r by multiple-needle method. Ao4 hwetlnnd blna; PKllilBPA HAI.M. formerly celled Hsltn of Ki'k. M4 ! ;ld. yell. 2L'I a m..min. Loe-SN'T "Tim. lli k or llsrry psy y.mt clee Vlereca. rollectlnne. liekum bid.. I niv . ......... Dr. lroisule, oh-i. nrosoway ouiiainc. Rl PTLItli CAN UK C'CKKIi wllhuul an oiieration l ie, booklet P. O. Hoi I toy pll US CAN UK CL KalU w it lioul sp.lalionl Free booklet. P. O. bol lli. LlDA JACKSON, manlcurlnr, facial, enalo treatments. -:'i 'a .-iorrie"n si.t mom a. JU'Mi-lUe: will cure rheumatism or luuuey hack. 4U liekum bldg. I-" " I I Is a f . ' V , , ., 1 ate. Ja-Jfti JSBIat i