14 THE MORXING OREGONIAN", THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1920 TERMINAL HEARirJG MAY BE HELD S Early Solution of Problem Is Considered Likely. FEDERAL BODY CONCERNED Publics Servloe Commission Gets Message From Washington Urg ing Speedy Adjustment. Speedy termination of Portland's railroad terminal controversy is urged by the interstate commerce commis sion in a message received yesterday by Fred G. Buchtel. chairman of the Oregon public service commission, indicating- that the former body is anx ious to conduct a hearing in this city at the earliest possible date. Forwarded by Commissioner Aitchi son. of the interstate commerce com mission, the telegram repeats infor mation previously received, to the ef fect thar both the Union Pacific and the Southern Pacific lines, as mem bers of the Northern Pacific Terminal . company, have suspended their ouster order against the Great Northern and Spokane, Portland & Seattle roads, which was to have become effective at midnight December 31. and will permit the use of union terminal facilities by these companies pending the decision of the commission. That the commission desires an early hear ing is indicated by the request:. "Please advise us how soon you can be prepared for a hearing upon the main body of the complaint filed by you, as this concession (suspension of the ouster proceedings) seemingly takes care of the emergency feature of your complication." Case W ill Require Time. Chairman Buchtel, of the Oregon commission, as well as his fellow commissioners, Fred A. Williams and H. H. Corey, is inclined to the belief that preparation of the case will con sume three or four weeks, and that the hearing to be held in this city cannot possibly take place earlier than 30 days hence, possibly two months. The public service commissioners, having espoused the cause of the city and made complaint to the interstate body, are also emphatic in their de mand that the city and its "special committee stand solidly behind the fight, not only in the preparation of data but in the forceful presentation of Portland's plea for a union ter minal befitting the needs and dignity of the city. "The commission will at once pro ceed to marshal facts in support of the petition." said Chairman Buchtel last night, "and will call upon Mayor Baker and City Attorney LaRoche to prepare their contentions for sup plementary presentation. We have taken up this - controversy and through the filing of our complaint have caused the interstate commis sion to recognize the existing emer gency. But while we apprehend that the burden of proof will fall on the , Oregon commission, inasmuch as we took this action, we will expect the city to step in and shoulder its share." Complaint Units Ouster. The complaint which went before the interstate body was drawn and forwarded December 18, and consti tuted the move that effectually curbed the disposition of the terminal company to oust the two competitive lines tenants of the union station during and since the regime of the railroad administration. It set forth conditions as they appear to the state commission, and maintained that the public would euffer directly if the terminal situation were disturbed. "The convenience of the situation," commented Commissioner Williams, upon receipt of the request for an early hearing, "was so apparent that It demanded a temporary order con tinuing present arrangements. This we have secured for Portland, despite the fact that our request to the termi nal company or the dissenting lines for postponement of the order of eviction was at least denied, if not ignored, by the president of the terminal company. Now we have been requested to expedite the hearing, and this is the main business at hand. Vigorous P'lsrh t Assured. City Attorney LaRoche reaffirmed his willingness to co-operate with the etate commission in 'every way pos sible, through the preparation of data and the presentation of the case, and it is anticipated that the special terminal committee, appointed by Mayor Baker, also will contribute ma terially to the effective broadside with which state and city will fight for metropolitan terminal facilities. Chairman Buchtel will suggest a date for the hearing, and forward a reply to the interstate commission, within the next few days. SUSPECTS WAIVE HEARING Two Bound Over to Federal Grand . Jury on Still Operating Cliarge. Kick Fakaras and E. Tsltsilios were automatically bound over to. the federal grand Jury on charges of violating the federal prohibition act yesterday when they waived hearing before Kenneth Frazer. United States commissioner. The two men with Cronis Grevakis were arrested on December 17 by federal revenue offi cers in a raid on a still near Ander son station in Multnomah county. Grevakis was freed at the hearing when he testified that he was just a visitor at the still and was not connected with its operation. One hundred and 20 gallons of moonshine, two 100-gallon filtering tanks half full of charcoal and 60 gallons of molasses mash, were seized by the federal officers. At the time it is alleged that Fakaras, who is said to have been the owner of the still, told the revenue men that he was supply ing liquor to Port landers in large quantities for Christmas consumption. Fakaras and Tsitsilios were held under 1000 bail each. 01 AUTO HURTS PEDESTRIAN D. I.. Badlevs Ribs Broken by Car Driven by Astorian. D. I. Badley, 70, Oregon City, was truck by the automobile of Mark Anusich of Astoria at 4:30 yesterday afternoon at the intersection of Grand venue and Morrison street. The in jured man was taken to the home of hie eon, Oscar V. Badley, 614 East Main street, who said last night that his father evidently was suffering from broken ribs. Anusich, in reporting at police headquarters, failed to give a satis factory account of the accident. He was jailed for Investigation. Police ay that he had no driver's licensi u.n& that when struck Badley was crossing the street along the line laid out for pedestrians. AMCBEMENTS. KKW YEAR'S ATTRACTION BEGINS TONIGHT, 8:15 Ticket. Nor, Selling; r ITTJTT Tp Broadway at Taylo nClLlU Phone Main 1 3 NIGHTS Beginning TONIGHT, 8:15 PRO A It PRICK MAT. NEW YEAR'S. DAY, 2:15 ' JOHN CORT PRESENTS BRILLIANT MUSICAL COMEDY With FRED HEIDER. SPLENDID I CAST I I STUNNING I I GIRLS I GREATEST DANCING CHOHLS Ever On Any Stnge. "LISTEN"! PATRONS! En RK TICKETS EARLY. EVE'S Floor. $2.50; Balcony. $2. 11.50, $1; Gallery, res. 75c, adm. 50c. SAT. MAT. Floor. 2: Balcony, $1.50. $1; Gallery, 50c. I A TIP , I RESERVE THEM TODAY I I -BAKER- Now rlavlne WAY DOWN EAST The Most Popular Hay Ever Written. EXTRA Midnight Matinee New 'Year's Eve. Starting 11:30 P. M. PANTAGEg dyo BIG HOLIDAY SHOW RIGOLETTO BROTHERS UN PiiRiMi SWANSON SISTERS JHH nUOIill f'nmona Violinist te?r1hseMARJ0RIE PETERSON AND COMPANY OP DANCERS. 7 BIG ACTS 7 pREB.i4B BRIDE 13 See First Serial and You 'Will Ylew Thera All. THREE SHOWS DAILY NIGHT CUR TAIN 7 AND 9. CECIL FANNING Famous Baritone At Auditorium, Jan. 3 mm '.To-- 4' Mr?-' 9 i'-. fmrm r Tcti America's Cireateat Recital Slng;er Appear With PORTLAND OKATOHIO SOCIETY. Price 9 1 .SO, 1, 75c, Uttc. Ticketa on Sale Shcnruvn-t lay Co. . Friday and Monday. Management Lnnrence A. Lambert. EXTRA i ri Ticket Sale .ow Open LI L7 I I If Broadway nt Taylor -1 HjIIjIVJ Phone Main 1 TOMORROW, FRIDAY NIGHT O'CLOCK AS.MAL Midnight Matinee MONSTER. Vaudevill e E.VI'ERT. IXMKM L.N PER AISflCES THEATRICAL MECHANICAL ASSOCIATION Any Seat, Lower Floor I ft (T Bnlcony W I tiill ALL SEATS RESERVED KURRY TICKETS -NOW SELLING DANCE MULTNOMAH CAMP, NO. 77, W.O. W., NEW YEAR'S EVE. AT MULTNOMAH CAMP HALL, East Sixth and Alder Sta. Dancing t'ntil 1 A. M. REW P1E OLSE.N'S ORCHESTRA AdmiflMon: War Tax. Total. 3ents J1.00 10c J1.10 Ladies .60 10c .60 holiday TURKEY SHOOT HOW on AMERICAN RIFLE RANGE 4.10 WASHIVGTON STREET. BETWEEN J1TH AND 12TH LADIES PATRONAGE INVITED. . POPULAR PRICES. Stet fens' Public Amusement Enterprises. OESTEBVI W7 W f. 4 yT$V - saA2rsfc.v Js AMUSEMENTS. J9ttveum. 1 Mtt.1Stt78t WrttlStt.ms LIGHTNER SISTERS! NEWTON ALEXANDER at CO. WITH TEW VAMPS CLAYTON AND LENNIE WHITFIELD AND IRELAND ELSA RUEGCER WILLIAM MANDELA CO. "AN ARTISTIC TREAT" HOWARD LANGFORD and INA FREDERICK n n p n-q LYRIC Musical Comedy DILLON and PRANKS in "Dooley's Troubles" The Rorbnd Chorus in Fall Bloom Matin at 2; Piffht, 7 and 9. Country More Every Tuesday Mjrht. . Chorus Girls Contest Friday LNigbt. CIRCLE Fourth at Washington H. B. Warner "Dice'of Destiny" Also a comedy, "Matrimoniaca. Open from 0 o'clock in the- morning until 4 o'clock the following morning. GLOBE 11th and Mas bin (ton QO GET IT Marshal) Neilan TODAY VAIDEVILLE PHOTOPLAYS. Nellie De Onsonne AND HER - Jazzland Five Brezzy Eason TWO KINDS OF LOVE." Blood-Tingling Picture Drama of LIf in the West. Selinas Circus Hurrah Stunts by Animal Stars. Jimmy Lyons "The Hebrew Statesman." Wray's Manikins Comic Manikin Eevue. Glick and Bright Smiles, Tunes and Tap3. A Great Show A Great Show for the Kiddies. for the Kiddles. Send the Youngsters to the Balloon Matinee Saturday While You Are at the Year - End Sales. DANCINGtaught AH NEW STEPS and POPULAR DANCES guaranteed in S three-hour lessons. Ladies gentlemen lu. DeHoney's beautiful academy, 2da ana wasmngton. Beginners class starts Monday and Thursday eve nings. Advanced class Tuesday evenings, 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners no emDarrassment. you can never learn dana ing in private lessons from inferior teach. ers you must have practice. LEARN IN A REAL SCHOOL from professional danc ers. Phono Alain 76J6. Private lessons all noun Phone your want ads to The Ore- gonian. Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. TOO LATE TO. CLASSIFY. WANTED Janitor to work four hours In ino morning, uail. azter ll A. il., 10 WAAThU A housekeeper on ranch for man ana two cniidren. Address 69 V, 6th AUCTION SALES. At the Baker Auction Hour VjLtnfcni I m west ran streets, bale at JO A M. MEETING yOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Thurs day) evening at 6:30 o'clock. Labor in the M. M. degree. Vjsitinff brethren a in-a i- By order W. M. FRED Ll OLSON. Sec " PALESTINE LODGE. NO. 141. A. F. AND A. it. Spe cial communication today i, ec. v, 7 o ClOCK. M. M. degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. Archer Place. Alt. ay oraer or w. xi W. 8. TOWXSEND, Sec. . KENTON LODGE. NO 143. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com- uiuuicauon toaay (Thursday), Dec. 30. Visiting brethren wel come. By order of W. M R. B. HEADLET, Sec. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO lli. A. AtXD A. 11. Spe cial communication today (Thursday) at 4:30 P. M. Work L" 'h6 p- C- degree. Visiting O. E. MILLER. Sec. M.RTHA TMASHINGTON CHAPTER, NO. 14, O. E. S. Special meetings this (Thurs day), 3 P. M. and 7 P. M.. East Sth and Burnside.' De grees. Visitors welcome. By or- BBLILE RICHMOND, Sec der TV. M. RED MEN CHRISTMAS TBUi d'aoi- Members of the Improved Order of Red ..icu, uiau- ittiuinvB ana mends are in vited to attend a Christmas tree party for the children of the order, given under the auspices of Oneonta Tribe, No 2. and Wil lamette Tribe, No. 6. at W. O. W ball East 6th and East Alder streets' this (Thursday) evening at 8 i.vin,t. 'o.,.' Claus will distribute gifts. Entertainment ana aancing. COMMITTEE. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO 42. BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMEN, will give a masquerade ball Thursday evening. Dec. 30. in th. t,... Verein hall, tu3 13th st. Music - by Bliss1 Harmony Orchestra. Splendid prizes. Ad mission Just aOc, ladles 35c Tetta Haines, correspondent. 2o5 aHmItv hinv Phone Main 6oits. PORTLAND TENT. NO. 1. meef. w, Thursday evening in Maccabee hn thlh floocSelltng-Hirach building, 386 Wash ington street Xislting Sir Knights always welcome. G. D. BAKER. R. K. DANCE theN old year out at Hibernian iian, owi xvusnen at liiven by the Swastika elub, Friday, Dec SL Gentle men 60c; ladies 25c. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, eharm .ln new designs. s Jaeger Bros.. 131-4 Bistb. sU fic...tl HlFPllROrlE MEETING NOTICES. GRAND MASK BALL, NEW TEAR'S EVE. DEC. 31. KIRKPATRICK COUN CIL 2227. SECURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. General Invitation to the public to come and see the old year out and the new year in with nur members. at the Swiss hall. Third and Jefferson. Hochs' famous union music; 20 good prizes; fine dancing floor; balcony for spectators.. Admission only 35 cents, in cluding war tax. Come for a good time. REGULAR meetinef to night (Thursday). atThiel hall, 104 Killingsworth. near Albina ave. Initia tory degree to be con- . . ., rerrea at 7 o'clock sharp, he followed by a social evening. I. O. O. F. band in attendance. All Oddfellows E C. BROTHERS. N. G. C. E. WILSON. Secretary. B. P. O. ELKS, NO. 142 Regular meeting this (Thursday) nvnlnir Temple, 8 o'clock. A social session will be held Imme diately after the business session, open to members of Liie oraer only. M. R. SPATJLDING, r Secretary, DANCING at Moose hall evry Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. Spe cial dance Friday (New icar.s eve). Dance the o d year out and the New Year in. Minon -Butterfield will favor ua with th i.t... hits. Professor Prasp's or- ONEONTA TRIBE) NO. 2. IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN. Regular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock at W. O. W. hall. East 6th and East Alder streets. Warrior's and chief's degrees. . Xmas tree for the rhilrlron An lh, 9n,h Members attend. Visiting brothers wel come. L. B. SMITH, C. of R OREGON COMMANDERY NO. 1, K. T. PulbHc Instal lation of officers followed by an informal bail and watch toartv. Installation at officers at 8 o'clock P. M. You will enjoy the evening If sou attend. c. y. w I EG AND, Recorder. GTJL REAZEE GROTTO. NO. 85, will give an Informal complimentary dance at Chris tensen's hall on Friday, Jan. T. 1921. for Grotto members only. Admission by 1921 card. FRIEDLANDERS for lodge emblems, class pins and medals. 310 Washington st. DIED. NICJHOfLS In this city. Bea 29. Katl. aged 4& yeans, wife of G. At. Nichol of 18 East Ttfth street North, mother of Airs. Alary Morgan or Fontanel. Mrs. Etes Dunlap of Rosefburg, Or., Mrs. E-va Bach of OlrnVDia. Wash.. Georire B. Nichols of Banks, Or.. Charles W. of stonier, or., jotin J. or Koy, or., ana Frank P. (Nichols of Astoria, Or., and aaucnter oi i'atncK jiea.se n. l ne re mains are at FinleJs. Montgomery at utn. JNotice or iuneral nereaiter. ADLEX At Sandy, Or., Bee 29. Emery Parish Allen, aged 52 years, beloved father of Samuel J. Allen of this city; brother of F. W. and William H. Allen of San Francisco and Delbert J. Allen of Potsdam, New York. Notice of fu neral later. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co.. 5002 04 92d st. S. E., in Lents. San Francisco and New York papers please copy. STEEPLES At Hoquiam, Wash., Dec. 28, 1920. Laura Steeples, wife of Perry Steeples, daughter of Sarah J. Mull, de ceased. She' leaves 4 brothers, 3 sisters. husband and one son. Funeral notice will appear later. BELAY In this city. Bee. 28, Joseph jeiay, agea .-i years, tninerai notice later. Remains are at the funeral par lors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., 5S02-04 2d st. S. E.. in Lents. FCyEBAIi NOTICES. SHORT At the family residence, 574 Spo- Kane ave,, jec. y, Henrietta A. Short, aged 68 years lO months and 20 days, beloved wife of Captain W. P. Short and mother of Mrs. Edith DaMeritt of Reeds port. Or.; Mrs. Ethel Lucus of Los An geles, Cal., and R. L. Short, of Milwau kie. Or. The deceased Is also survived by 14 grandchildren. The funeral servi ces will be held tomorrow (Friday). Dec. 31, at 2 o'clock P. M.. from the funeral chapel of the Portland crematorium, cor ner of 14th st. and By-bee ave. Friends invited. The remams are at the resi dence funeral parlors of Walter C. Ken worthy. 1532-34 E. 13th St.. Sellwood. BARNES At the residence of his daugh ter, Mrs. Charles B. King, t?34 East ISth st. North, December 28, John Bishop Barnes, aged 6V years, beloved husband of Frances Barnes, father of Mrs. Charles B. King, Harry, Maude. Law rence and Frances Barnes. Funeral cor tege will leave the above residence to morrow (Thursday") at 9:30 A. M., thence to Church of the Madelene. 23d and Sis kiyou sts., where r&quiem mass will be offered at 10 A. M. Friends invited to attend. Interment Mt. Calvary ceme tery. Arrangements in care of Dunning & McEntee. Tacoma, Wash., papers please copy, SMITH At the residence, 806 Bepauw street, Monday. December 27. Amelia A. Smith, aged -68 years; deceased is sur vived by her husband, D. A. Smith, two daughters, Mrs. W. E. Russell of Port land, Mrs. A. L. Barnhart of Falls City; two grandchildren, Dorothy and Dalbert; one brother, George W. Duncan, at Furgus City. Friends invited, to attend funeral services at 10 A. M. Thursday at the University Park Methodist church, corner Fiske and Lombard streets. In terment at Hillsboro, Or. The remains are at the parlors of Chambers company, 24S 2oO Killingsworth avenue. MURPHY At the residence, 841 Thomp son street, December Js, lM'JU, Helen Murphy, aged 14 yearn, beloved daugh ter of Edward and Margaret Murphy, sister of Mrs. J. V. Foy of Toronto, Can.; JIargaret. Francis, Harry, Ed ward, Peter and Jack Murphy. Re quiem mass will be offered at the Church of the Magdalene, East Twenty third and Siskiyou streets, tomorrow (Friday), December 31, 1920, at 9 A. M." Friends inrited to attend. Interment at Mount Calvary cemetery. WALLING In France, Aug. 31, 1018, Carl Wooley Wailing, aged 2o- years., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. ailing of 2do Halsey street and- brother of Mrs. O, Hollingsworth and Miss Gladys Walling. Funeral will be held Friday, December 31, at McKntee & Eilers' parlors, 10th and Everett sts., at 1 P. M under the auspices of the veterans of batteries A and B, 147th field artillery. Friends in vited. Interment soldiers' plot, Mount Scott Park cemetery. BURR Dec. 28, 1920, near Hillsboro, Or. Laura Jtsurr, agea years o montns and 18 days; sister of Miss Anna Burr of Portland, A. K. surr ot Marshall. Minn., and James Burr of Faribault, Minn. Funeral services will be held Friday, Dec. 31, at 2:30 P. M., from th R. T. Byrnes residence establish ment, 901 Williams ave., at Mason sts. Friends invited to attend. The remains will be sent Friday evening to Marshall, Minn., lor interment. FELDMAN- At Los Angeles, Cal., Marcus Feldman, aged years, beiover lather of Jacob Feldman of this city, Harry Feldman of Corvallis, Or.; William and Lewis Felberbaum and Mrs. Marium Poiowe of Mobile, Ala. Friends invited to attend the Tuneral services at Hoi- man's Funeral Parlors, Third and Sal mon streets, tomorrow (Friday), Decem ber 81, 1920. at 10 A. M. Interment Ahavai Sholom cemetery. MIITXOS Dec. 28, at the family residence, 297 East zd street, u&ays, aged 27 years, wife of Dr. Frank Mihnos, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs L. E. Sauvain, sister of Zelma Sauvain and niece of Drs. Ame lia and Fred Zeigier of this city. The funeral service will be held today (Thursday) vat 1 o'clock F. M. a Fin- ley's. Montgomery at i-jrtn. friends in vited. Concluding service Riverview cemetery. Dl'EBER The funeral cortage of the late Dr. w . c uueoer wui leave the chapel or Miller & Tracey, Thursday, Dec. 30. at 8:30 A. M., thence to Made- lelne church, 23d and Siskiyou sts., where requiem mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Interment, Mt- Calvary ceme tery. PHILLIPS Mrs. Lottie Phillips, aged 87 yeara, late or V entura iark. Funeral services will be held today (Thursday) at 2 P. M. from the chapel of K. W. Gable & Co.. 1073 East Glisan. Re mains will be forwarded to The Dalles. Or., for Interment. PUCKER The remains of the late "Will- lam w. Fucker wtii oe rorwaraea l nurs day, Dec. 30. at 10 A. M.. under the di rection of Miller & Tracey, to - Castle Rock, Washington, where services and Interment will take place. " FINE RAT; CARS. UMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS S66 4tb St., opp. City Hall. NEU BROS. pvblaesing granite: co. f nr THIKOAT MAOISON aTfrggfl chestra. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DUNNING & McENTEE Now located In their new residential funeral home, Morrison at Twelfth, went side. Phone Broadway 480. Auto. 545-58. The Funeral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any con nection whatever with, any other under taking firm. - EDWARD HOLMAN & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon streets. Main SOT. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRAGEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and 21st streets. West Side, Lady Assistant. Main Auto. 578-85. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy a home, ltith and Everett streets. Phone Broadway 2133. Automatic 621-33. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. DOWNING & McNEMAR . The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah St., Irvington dist. East 64. EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (F. S. Dunning. Inc.) "The family set the price." 414 E. Alder. LERCH. UNDERTAKER. East Eleventh at Hawthorne. Phone East 781. 1 n 7C1 I CD Pfl 592 Williams Ave. Mi III LLLLLII UUi Phone East 108 eveurce undertaking co. OM.ll tO Third and Clay. Main 4152. BREEZE & SNOOK g? A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO.. 5802-04 2d st., Lenta. Tabor 5267. FLORISTS. Bl Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. We sp,2 clallze in funeral designs. 141 Sixth, opposite Meier & Frank's. Main izib. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, 854 Washington. Main 289. Flowers for ail occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison s Main 7709. Fine flowers and floral do- signs. No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 287 Washington st. bet. 4th Pd 5th. Main 5102. A-11UL OREGON HUMANE SOCIET fnveftleratea all cases of a 1 1 e r e cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse, i-'hone Main an irom 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, &3d coiumDia dou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawi 764. Doss for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or aisaDiea norses. o m a 1 1 animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses. etc picked up free ot cnarare. NEW TODAT. ffaii. Pfafif. by the plan of Construction It results In a great saving In both the use of lumber and labor. The built 4-foot sections are easy to handle; easy to ship. The freight is low. YOU SAVE! KKOIM ADE Bl ILIHNti CO.. ' E. 11th and Market Sts.. or 803 Lewis Blug. rhones, .ait 5114 or liroauway Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) Old Rugs and Woolen Clothing. We Make Keversible. Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS 1 8x10 ft. Fluff Rug- Woven 17.30 1 Sx6 ft. Fluff Kug Woven $4.25 Rag Kugs Woven, All Sizes Clothes Cleaning and Dyeing Depta, Mail Orders Send for Booklet. FEATllKKS RENOVATED Largest and Finest Equipped Carpet cleaning and refitting works in the state or Oregon. . Carpet Cleaning, Refitting, Etc. 9x12 Rugs, steam ( leaned, 1.50 WESTERN FLCFF KLQ CO. 64-60 I'ninn Ave. N. Phone: East 6516. Ladies Save your old' carpets, rugs and woolen clothing. Let as make new rugs for you. The . oldest and best-equipped factory. Fluff and rag rugs woven all sizes; carpets refitted; 9x12 rugs steam cleaned. 11.50. We call and deliver. 188 E. Eighth st. rhone East 2580. OARAGES SAMUEL COSIVKLL, 231 Artisans Hldtc. Phone Broadway 3S10 IRVINGTON HOME Singular charm and beauty. Ffom lurcn hall vou enter beautiful living room, 20x30: woodwork in old Devon; n-ilis In art nouveau: silk tapestry japer; dining room 18x19 in old Devon, wltn l r e n c n uoora iy buh (juit.i, Pullman kitchen and breakfast room; two baths; two fireplaces; three bed rooms, double sleeping porches; fine garage; retirsea ii,uuv, leaving city and forced to sell for S450; $2000 cash and $75 per month. Immediate possession. No agents. East; 1347. Mortgage Loans ton-wt Interest rate Installment re payments if desired. Bui I dins; loan A. H. BIRRELL GO. X17-ll Korthwrstern Bank BaUdls Haranall u Edward E.Goudey Co. . MORTGAGE! LOANS Vaated States BaaJc BalldlnB 31 I ii KEW TODAY. $8000 ONE OF PORTLAND'S BEAUTI FUL SIGHTLY HOMES Seven rooms, also two rooms and store room In attic; plate-ftlass windows: fireplace, furnace: French doors; two toilets and lavatories; ample closets and built-ins; full basements; beau tiful tcrounds and shrubbery: lot 75x133, more available. About one-third cash, or would consider nice small home as part payment. On carline. Phone Tabor 61)63. REAL ESTATE. ARE VOU THIXKIXC, OP HLIL.DING We furnish sketches and estimates of cost of your proposed building without charge and our estimates are not guess work. Plana and specifications prepared by experienced and licensed architect and engineer; only competent and relia ble contractors are permitted to lijiure witn us. we Invite your inquiries American Contractors' Ass n., 340 Sher lock building. Phone Broadway ii.-33. AM HERB from Texas to dispose of my properties quickly; busness property, va cant lots and close-in acreage. Sacrifice for immediate sale. Phone East 7i8 quickly for appointment anil particulars, Here is a chance to buy right under the nammer. For Sail1 Flat and Apartment Property. $125 MONTHLY INCOME An unusual bargain in income prop erty: a splendid modern flat building in a sisrhtly location on lower Portland Heights; three modern flats In splendid coi-dition rentinsr tor ,ij; per month; a safe investment yielding a fine In come; the price has been cut away down to make an immediate sale; $0-0 cash required. STRONG CO.. 634 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOME. INCOME. Owner leaving Portland will sell six apartment building, close in, east side, in good condition; rental value $110 per month; pays taxes, insurance and lo' on price ot fsooo. fart casn. k Oregonlan. NOB Hll.r. DISTRICT. Apartment house, lnO.000: will yield a gross Income around S15.000: attrac tive terms. For particulars call at of- I1C 6. BROWN Sb GRANT, 201-2 Fenton Building. For Sale Lots. $S00 LOT FOR $300. 60x100 corner on Killingsworth ave.. no liens; must be cash. Owner must have quick money. Good abstract and warranty deed. Close to 4 car lines. achool. churches and stores. Your op portunity. tee as at once. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. I0I-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $50 DOWN. Start the new year right; dandy south front building lot between two new homes on Webster St., near Concord; cement walks, curbs, graded street, only $550. $."0 down, balance easy at 6. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SACRIFICE. KENTON LOT. $150, must be cash, lot 5, blk. 1L. Goodmomlng addn., on Maryland ave., fac. west, between Saratoga and Bryant f your loss If vou pass this up. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CASH SACRIFICE. Owner going to California, will sell 50x100 on E. 11th st. for $275. Must be cash. Good abstract and warranty deed. Buy now and sell at a profit next spring. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOTS ALMOST HALF PRICE. $1 down. $1 week 50x100. cement walks. Alberta car. Why wait until prices advance? R. W. CAR Y", 1219 N. W. BANK BLPO. ROSE CITY district, 2 blocks to car. base ment dug and 2.0 or 3M)0 feet of lum ber; reasonable for cash. Phone Tabor oo, evenings. For fjale Houses. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW COMPLETELY FURNISHED. A strictly modern 7-room semi-bun galow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built Ins, full concrete basement, good fur. nace, large living and dining rooms, 2 bedrooms downstairs, all of which have hardwood floors, bath and modern Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs; also lurge attic. This house is elegantly furnished. All mu.st be sold at once and will be sacrificed to the person who will make the best offer before January 1. Any reasonable terms accepted. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHUR3T. $7500. This nifty 7-room bungalow Is Jnst complete; large, spacious rooms, hard wood floors throughout, tile bath, tapes try paper, furnace, garage and veery- tntng modern to the minute; you win hnd the very best of workmanship and all stands close inspection. Phone 21-:t0. ALBERTA HOME 7 ROOMS. $2(1.10 $.00 CASH. Substantial 7-room house, close to car, 1 bedroom, bath and toilet down, 3 bed rooms up; cement basement, laundry trays. Actually a good buy on very easy terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., .tnn-K Board of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 4754. BI(i SACRIFICE. $.-.500, WORTH $7000. First party with $S(i0 to $1500 cash can move right in my beautiful 7-room home in Walnut Park add. Have bought farm and must sell at once. W. F. Ma honey,- Marshall 2781. IRVINGTON. S T R I C TLY MODERN RESIDENCE, FINE CORNER LOT; HARDWOOD FLOORS, HOT-WATER HEAT, GA RAGE. CALL MR. MAYSON, WITH POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG., MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE TABOR 0041. BV LAL'RELHURST home. 9 rooms, dou ble garage and billiard room; built by day labor, best material;' if you are in the market for a high-class home In the best location, do not fail to see this. Corner Floral avenue and Couch st. Own er and buiiuer on premises irom j 4 P. M. 100 YARDS TO CAR. Modern 5-room and sleeping porch, all on one floor; has hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcase, in fact, all the bullt- ins, !)t 50x100, beautiful lawn; price $3750;' $1500 down, Daiance to suit. 61 or E. 8036. E. SACRIFICE sale. lot BOWxIOO. two 5 room cottages, l rurnisnea, nignest grade furniture, electric range, cleaner and heater, price $0000, $:tlflO cash. $2!ioo contract, 6 int. 2 blks. Laurelhurst Park, 3 to car. Take late model ma chine In trade. Phone 210-03. MR. LOT OWNER! Good time to build your home. Will build for you and assist you in the fi nance. GEORGE B. WELLER, 220 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 5211. East H372. LAURELHURST. This new bungalow is complete and nn to the minute in every detail and before you select your new home, motor out to 225 Hazel Fern place and see for yourself; it Is aosoiuteiy a rare bargain. Owner ana puuoer win snow you. LAURELHURST. T-eoom modern bungalow; all built-in conveniences,- narawooa noors through out elecant fixtures, plpeless furnace, fireplace, garage, street improvements paid: owner leaving city and will sell cheap. 1218 t-ast rlancers st. RTISTIC west side nungaiow on . the Heights. strictly mooern, seven rooms, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, gas heat, rinii. unobstructed view entire citv. 634 Hoffman road. Price $6250. $100J cash, balance rental terms. Telephone Main 5lV.t3. Bll- T.A-URELHUUST BUNGALOW Ready to live (" uo.w out anu IOOK II over, uet my oesi. price, uwner ana builder. , GCjUKUH lb,' nci.Lr.n, Main 5231. East 6372. $120e. WHY PAY RENT? 4-room house, nicely furnished, on paved st.; good car service; good neigh- bornooa; omj w iii". fid per month. Tabor 420. NIFTY BUNGALOW, $2250. 5 rooms, nearly new, concrete founda tion, full basement, modern plumbing, close to school: $500 cash. $25 monthly; a real find. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. NEW HOME. $1400. 4-room cottage, H2d st., near Foster , road: both main streets: lot 5(1x04: paved street, liens paid; reduced price for quick sale. $700 cash, , j C. CORB1.N CO.. 305-6-T Lewis Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Lot 5OX1O0, street Improvements In and paid; 5 rooms, needs some repairs, close in: price $1700; small payment down balance straignc mortgage. Mr. Fisher. Main 6420. Call TWO LITTLE HOMES. Comfortable 6-room home, lot 60x115, two blocks to car, $1400; 6-room eottnge, ' Surnytide corner, streets Improved. $2150. Easy terms. A. H. Btrrell Co., 217 N. W. Sank Bids. Max. 4114. BKAL ESTATE. For Pal Houses. BIHR-CARET CORPORATION. REALTORS. MALM 74S7. To most persons the purchase of a nouse is a very Important piece or dusi ness. Before selecting your home does not good business judgment suggest tnst you consult a large, varied, carefully chosen listing, such as we nave to otter 7 We have on display photographs of all oi our nouses. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. 6 Rooms $1800. On a full lot, one block from ths ear. lnts bungalow Is of very attractive ap pcarance and of excellent construction- Two large bedrooms, best of plumbing, gas and electricity, sewer, garsge; small down payment will buy this bun galow. ATTRACTIVE BUNOALOW $2100. $.100 down, with small monthly psy- ments. takes this good looking, double constructed bungalow, one block from cur. Two dandy bedrooms, combination living and dining room. Dutc h kitchen Excellent plumbing, gas and electricity, An unusual buy. TILLAMOOK STREET. $ Rooms $3000. One-half block from car line, near 7th street, a very fine 5-room house with run cement basement, laundry trays, furnace; paved stret, geum, excellent plumbing; $700 down will buy this place. It ia walking distance from town. AMHERST STREET. 8 Rooms $2000. $.100 down with small monthly psy- menis will ouy a very substsnUsI room housa with 5 bedrooms, of which 3 are upstairs; this house Is in good conuiuon anu is an excellent buy. BIHR-CARET CORPORATION, 211 Rsilway Exchange Bldg., Third and citark Sts. MAIN 74S7. OWNER GOING TO ALASKA He came Into our office to tell That he had a little brown bungalow he wanted us to sell. $:l.100 was the total price. Which he thought was a eacrlflce. There Is everything imaginable built in, A pass pantry and a Dutch kitchen. 2 sunny bedrooms with a bath In be tween, A large living and dining room that's neat ana clean. A flrepla and turnace and laundry trays And a lot of wood in th basement which stays; A 50x100 lot with an abundance ef fruit. A nne velvety lawn that is sure to suit. i.et us snow you. Our antos are at your service. COOVEIl HOLM AN, Realtors, 822-3-4 Failing Bldg. Mar. 8W3. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. t2000 Furnished $2000. 8 rooms completely furnished, lust as neat as can be; heating stove with water coils; gas water heater: all oonklng utensils: winter supply of wood; living room, kitchen, bedroom snd sleeping porch enclosed; complete plumbing and a dndy bathroom; ;0x!OO lot; 2 blocks to llosn City cur: vacant ami ready to move into. This can be had on very easy terms. C. M. Terr. COB A. McKENNA A CO., 2 Fourth St. Mnln 4S22. 5-UOOM BUNGALOW, SOxll'O CORNER. $;15U0. If you can pay $tlK cash you'll get a mlgtity good bargain in this nungaiow. It has 5 large rooms and bath, full ce ment'basement. Soxloo corner lot. fruit trees in bearlnff. large chicken nouse, paved street paid, and located south Mt. Tabor. HememlMT the street Is paved and don't forget the big lot. See us at once. COMTE KOHLMAN. Main ."i,"0. '.''is Chamber of Com. HAWTHOKNK RES1 HENCE, I3..IKI $.-.110 CASH. Balance like rent; nu.dern 6-room residence. 8 bedrooms and bnth upstairs, large living and dining room, concrete basement, aoxltm lot. on paved street close to school and car line. House is newly painted snd In good repair. RICHARD W. MAST, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. 4-ROOM BUNOALOW. 2.-.ll WILL HANDLE. Furnished, 2 stoves. 2 beds, dining set, nigs, chairs, etc. ; 4 rooms, coxy and con veniently arrnneed. North and east front, lot 50x1(10, 10 feet off paved street and rnrline. Priced for quick sale at only $l"oi. Payments Ilka rent. J( 'HNSON-DOKSON CO.. W3 N. W. Hunk bldg. Mnln 37T. ROSK CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNG A LOW $5000. Here's a real home. Lots of clsss and distinction. Modern to the last de tail. Yes, there is a garage. Nothing could be added to make it better. You d expect to pay $11000 See it today. A. G. TKEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch office, 50th and bandy. LAURELHURs STRICTLY MODKR.V BUNOALOW, FIX ROOMS AND BREAKFAST LOOM. ALL ON ONE FLOOR. WHITE ENAM EL FINISH AND HARDWOOD FLOORS THRUGHOUT, HOT - WATER HEAT, GARAGE; LOT 7."ixl00. POINDEXTER, 20s SELLING BLDO. MAIN 1W1. RESIDENCE. EAST 0771. OWNER LEAVING CITY. Hawthorne, Marguerite ave. BcnuM ful ti-rooin modern house, excellent condition. Furnace, fireplace. Lot 5ux 140. Paved streets. Family orchard. Only $47od. Long, reasonable terms. r.o mortgage. Tills will bear Invest! gation. Come Bee for yourself. T. O. Bird. 520 Cham, of Com. Mar. 102 8 ROOMS $2.-50, $200 CASH. About half way out on the St. Johns car nt: house Is plastered, has concert foundation and basement. In fair condl tlon. plumbliK, electric lights and gas. 1 block to car; a nngnty good vslue. Will take cheap lot or small house. Fred W. German Co., i32 Cham, of Com. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Five-room bungalow, $5200, Six-room houie $7500. Irvington 7-room bungalow $77,1. Ladd addition 7-room house $775. Please let me show you. have msnv ethers very reasonably priced. Phone Main 545a, or call at 1125 Gaxco bldg. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden into Income? We design and buna apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 yeara We offer SECURITY. SEnVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. 024 N W. Hank bldg. NEW. modern live-room bungaiow, 421 East 55th st., on Hawtnorne car line was Intended for our home, but change of biiKiness comoelled us to move to a Washington city; we will be on premises rnr tew uavs ann win mass rou bedrock price, sacnliclng for quick sal Tel. Tabor 4077. Auto at yo our uis sposal. X.IL'ilO HAWTHORNE CAR $.'12IK. 7-room modern bungalow-style, 1 bed room, aarage. chicken house, near school and car, all In fine condition, only $000 cash to handle, a real bargain, alar shall 3352. Tabor 3000. J. B. ROCK CO., TWO 5-ROOM cottages, one furnished first-class, full-sixe basement. electric range, heater and cleaner, 4Ox0O lot. nne corner tkmxOO. for sale by owner. Phone today 2.17-2S. Call week dsvs, 4T E. Morrison or phone 219-03. SunnyslJs district. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. New four-room bungalow with hard wood floors: long living room, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, buill- ins, tiled floor in bathroom, basement, laundry trays, good furnace, 50x100 lot; stjoo casn. oal. terms. (.,o r. o-.un st. ALL FURNISHED COMPLETE. 5-room' modern bungalow, alt on one floor: has all late bullt-lns. all fur nished with Al furniture includlnr beau tiful piano; this place is close in and the price If reasonable. East GUI or East SUNN YSIPB. Belmont St., corner 3lst. large light 2-slory o-roem nouse, cemeni basement, bay window in dining room, fine kitchen, white enameled bath room. $1250 cash, balance monthly. Tabor HVS0. 5-ROOM bungalow, R. C, well built. strictly mooern ana an meal noma; $4000. $MI0 cash, with good monthly payments will handle; no agents, ur 211 1 . Oregonlan. $2750 SMALL bungalow, bath, electricity. gas neaier, iir.., neia nonrnooa ; furniture sold If desired. Ar't about other good buys. BRECK, THE LOGANRERKY MAN. Tabor 2078 (except Sunday). ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $55n0. six rooms, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. 50x100. with garage. REN'TH A. 615 Chamber of Commerce. NEW BUNGALOW, five rooms, convenient. modern, can oe seen oaiuroay ana sun day afternoon-. Call evenings. Wdin. flnrt. $3000 $1000 CASH; new, modern 4-room small apartment i. in uuinniowi lots or light, gas heat. Woodlaan 457L 10i K nowles st. IRVINGTON Two beautiful homes. Just completed ana reauy to move in; strictly modern. 571) K. 25th sL N. l'houe Woodlawn 4S41. IRVINGTON boms; hot Water heat, lx 100 corner, near 22d; $15,0oo, terms. East 410. ; BUY" FROM owner this nice 6-room corner asm is Irving ton. faon S, IM WEAL :TVTJR. For Kale Hon.es. FRANK L. MrOt'mW -TO BUY YOU K HUME HOO Phoiorraplis of Homes FOK fl.K. LARGEST HOME SEI.l.FWI OX THE PACIFIO COAST Every dlstrlot In th. entire cltv. Homes at every price. f Mr.wrf, w u help ou nuke your down payment. 23 autoa at yonr ervlee. Open an day Sunday. Open every esning until t. RAKta (TTTT'S Tt TOO EST P,RCA!N $42u ROSE CITY HACKfFlt'K I .(Mated In the best p.rt nf Hs t'llr. K. 4th, ft. room California bunes Jow. fireplace, bullt-llia, while Dutch kitchen, seeping por-h; spacious musir- room. ITU MONKSTI.V THE FrOOkT BAIflAIN IN HortR -ITY tH months don t miss Tina. .,. HAWTHoKVK 3 ISO VK 0n EXCEPTIONAL vslue. ft-room attractive modem hnm, I Mock to ear. ALL pd M, "'"s PI4 E. Tamhill $"00 $.t:. down. 5-room Hawthorne home; white eramel piumMes; electricity. ,.. Dlerk . to car. $30VAO.,t! n"- '"U'lful 4-reom Al.PKHTA bungalow; flreplaee, book...., while Dnt.'h kitchen, breakfnst nook; K llllne on h , IMMEDIATE! roCNDseiloN. IKDO Attractive ft-room AI.KKKTA bungalow; whits enamel pliimh lns. electricity, gas, garage. U. 1 Ii h st. tUfto $.' down; very substantial roim semi-bungalow, Al.lifcHTV built-in ront enl'-ncea. a hus enamel plumbing, electricity, las. E. 2sth; s.V(H .town. $2(100 $4rt down. I'retiv Margnoelie ave. bungalow, 5 rooms; modern, buffet, Dutch kitchen; nniy $fX linn n JKFVF.RSO.V HIGH HcniOOt, DISTRICT $2(ijO $:mi down; KVAI THIS KI'ilIT I I. 6-ronm modern home, whlis eiiHTnel plumbing, eleetrlcllv. rhi. sleeping porch, sum no. IUihl ave. , These are onlv a few of ths hundreds of WONDERFUL RAHOAINS hae for wile. VISIT in'H GREAT LHM'l.AV ROOM AND HE CllM INCKIi .e FRANK I.. M.i-,Ult;E, To Buy Your Homo AMngton bl.lg Mn lOM 3d St.. bet Wash snd Stark ROSE CITY PARK. $.-.v( Folks, here Is your opporlunltr get one of the prettiest bungalows In sll of Rose City Park st a low price; located Just off gamly on 4th st.. Ross city choicest location. Let us show vml. Positively must ha sold by Jsn. 2, 1U2L You'll have to hurrv. A. U. TEKi'R CO.. 270 S'ark St., near 4th. Main 8092. Branch office, ftOth and Sandy. HOME BUTEKS. THIS H A MTHCIHN II BUNGALOW HAS COT To HE BOLD WITHIN THE NEXT FEW HATS Has large living room, paneled dining room., kitchen, 2 bedrooms snd bsth on first floor; large floored attic above: lots of bullt-lns. fireplace, furnace; ml cement basetnt-nt, cement wa.ks. garaire street Improvements all In ami paid; for only i;in(i. a real bargain. STEWART JOHNSON', ill. Nortlie.rtern Hank hide. $2s..O, FURNISHED1 l.'V.ll. FURNISHED! $2H..(l. FURNISHED! 8 rooms, 8 bedroom, everything goes; bathroom, Dutch kitchen, Inutility Iravs, Sldewslk. lot ailxinl, newcomers rleae copy; $700 cash; II will psy ou to see us. No. 32. J. A. WICK MAN CO, ""Shortest Wsv Home" M48tarksl. Main 5s.1 snd 1091 HAWTHORN K Hi m EH U NT EKH.- HERE'S YOU It CHANCE, ti-room modern bungalow, year old. Hardwood floors, excellent Dutch kitch en, buffet, fireplace. Full ceemnl bsse. ment, wash travs. Lars-,, attic. N,-r 34th st. Only $.i;."0. flniin ennh. Alxo have i for S.l.Miu. T. u. Bird, Marshall 1Q22 Sellwooil 27IM1 LITTLE FARM IN' TOWN 8-roim modern bmisalow, very best Of construction, ould coat close to $.',(mu lo build; you can k. ep a row. ebb kens; K(dl25 ft. lot. only $.17011. I'ioo us.rt, terms en balance. Marshall ifu.,2. T. bur Juno. J. n. ROCK CO. . BEAUTIFUL SEVEN-ROOM IHNHA l.oVV. rive rooms down and two upatatrs; modern ami complete In everv detail altlt garago, close to car and school; pave ment sn.l sewer, rlof-e In, Hose (Itv; price $T(H. liberal terms, misbt rtit furnished to responsible party. Call Ts bor 77:M No asritf CLOSE IN Beautiful .t-rooin hiitxalow and sleep, trig porch, sll on one floor; has sll lata bullt'lns, fireplace, full cement hse. ment, good furnace, tarpeia so with tlis place; price $i;ral. $.mmi down, bale nnce to suit East (Mil or l-.net HAWTHORNE HUMlAItW. 5 rooms snd large stile, liss bard Wood floors, fireplace, nil bullt-lns. full cenieiit basement, furnace, pav. d n"4 paid. Pries fl'-'iHI, 1 1. -,oii cash. bill. $.'. per month, t-ius Marshall ll.'l.l?. tu car and si.hooL J H ROCK CO . GOOD LOT wanted In ( M-t,a life fo bursa. ow, onlv 1.", nilnut.-f out car. hiium' high, swell view, has sua, ele triclly, ninUern pl-imbmg. and beamed rellliiua, on lot ".(in 1 2'., wliy pay log price?; this place only I.V.imi. tsks bit to $I(KK. balance $1.. per rtiolitli. Call Wakefield, Lrnsdway ,'l... A LH E UT A. $.1750. $mno down, balance like rent, modern 7-room house, :i bedrooms en second floor, Urg corner lot, UUkliiO on paved street. ,.,,se to car and s lioul. J( "HNSoN-lx IIISON ( ., 63.1 N. W. Hank hlilit. .Main 37T HA Rli.MN BARGAIN. S rooms, bath, glnsMed-in sleeping porch, full bssrment, brn-ked-in furnaea, garae, lot 5(l 1(1(1. n, nr Hose Cltv school, $170(1. easy terms. Mlihael, with In terstate Lsnd Co., 2 IS Bunk St. Main completely rurnii.i home, im-iuiiing piano, clone In, H-room bungalow, i hob a shrubbery, on paved street, price only $300, one-thtrd ca-h. tmlance like rent, JOHNSON-1 io iso.N' CO, 63S N. W. Hank bblg Main 7sr. SEf.LWOOO MODERN 1IUNGA"lTv7 $.1(1110. 5 ntcs la(ge rooms, Initch kitchen, basement, lot 511x127. built A yesrs ago. Garage, aved slleet, near car. $.Vitt cnah. b.tlsiice like r nt. T. O. Bird. Mar. I"22. fellnnnd 27ml 5-ROOM llouee 111 SU ll II il i b ; i w luiiu- ture, iihonogrsph, sewing mmlilne. elec. sppllaio-ca. range, etc.; can rent for fno mo. ; $;17.'i0 car,h will take tlila home. Im provements in sn.l paid. See Jultnson Bach. 4IHI Broadway bldg. WOODSTOCK HOME ON CHOICE Inoxlmt .as ilown. lialam-a )K rent. 5 rootil liouan. In good conditlnii and m-y comfortable, near school and carline. JOHNSo.N-Dol iSON CO. 633 .V. W. Hank blilg. Mnln 37KT. nosw city hahgai.v 40(V 7-l-oorn modern honie. Putrb kltiien, nice dining and llvln- rmnn., four betlrooms and bath Prenltns, 411$ Cbamier of ('ommer-.-e bldg WILL ACAjkl'T good auto for flint Dai. ment on 5-moin hiitinalnw; fins dis ttlit, lot hluh sft.ir.llng exceptional view, $.i.'.oo, hslan.-s $i.i par monih. Call Gray, Rroaduay ;i.-.l6. irvington corner home. $t5(IO. H. W. floors, concrete porches; classy home. Esst 410 IRVINGTON' BARGAIN. $71)50, terms. Chsrnitng noma near rmb, center hall, ivory finish. French doors, art paper, fireplace, well built, many conveniences. NeuhaUen. Main NIl'S. ALL FURNISHED CoMi'LtVa; Modern 5-rontn buriralow, all on end floor, A -No. 1 furniture Including fin piano: price ll $42uo cash. M1 tar E. sua. FOR SALE Equity In t large rooms, fur nished nouso, near scnoot, lots of as sorted fruits, 1 blocks from Albert car. IMIO East 2th St. N. MUST be sold to aetlle ewlate 7 -rnum house, fuU bssemetit, hardwood floors, everything excellent condition; prloe $:tissi. one-hs,f down. I.Mil 'era av RVIN'GTON (ik'HNl, sttracllvs small boma. between Hrazes and Knott: large living room, fireplace, oak floors, garage. La at ,",04. Vain W7. 6-RO(JM modern bungalow, full concrete basement, rtreplacc, Iutch kitchen, easy terms or will lease to responsible partus. Partially furnished. V d n. 272. todsy RVIN'GTON home; central entrance; f nr a rooms, full lot, garage; Vk hluvk to Broadway car and 22d. Last 4IU. Ileal bargain. FOR SALE 2-famlly houaT ( Jr.(. ha f earth, Income $4U oo llre barsain. 26 Fast Eighth si., near Pino. Owner, 24 East Eighth street twiuth. -ROOM bungalow. R. C. Park: largs liv ing and dining room, H. w. floors, well paper, furnace, garsge, $1n(K) down and $:i5 month. Must ll. $v.i.-.(. Tsbnr T'I2.V i-KOoM modern horns, close In. eavt aids. price $450(1. $5O0 cash, balance like rent, Mr. I.ce, ai5 Corbett bldg. iooo BUYS lOOxloit and 4-rooin house. west side, one-half rash, long time oo balance. Mr. Lee, 'l Cornell blrtg IRVINGTON HOM Et One $.mshi. Broad wav: 3 ii,imi nesn or uistrl't. MrDONEI.L E 410 SALE (At big sacrifice, lo-rouus t weal atoa, iiawy, ItsM. 1' .. . ' f - . '