V 19 THE MORNIXG OBEGONIAJ57- TUESDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1920 ! J . - $ i : . -f DESIRABLE GRADES ltd OF APPLES F Spitzenbergs Are First Show Advance. ' to PREMIUM ON LARGE SIZES Other Varieties Range From Weak to Steadj Million Boxes Less in Storage Than. Tear Ago. . As apple stocks are reduced, the better trades, as well as the larse sizes, are firming up in price. Spitzenbergs, which In some quarters are becoming scarce, are the first to show an advance, which aver ages a quarter In the local trade. Jobbers are asking 303.50 for extra fancy, 2.75 3 23 for fancy and 2.252.50 for choice. Ob other varieties prices have not been changed. Common sorts and small sizes of nearly all varieties continue weak. The northwestern f. o. b. markets are quiet and unchanged. Boxed apples also ruled steady In the eastern markets, but barreled apples were slightly lower. Bald win apples declined IS to 23 cents per barrel at western New Tork shipping sta tions. Prices held around 14 t. o. b. most of the week, but a few sales as low as $3.75 were reported at the close. Orchard run stock was steady, moving slowly at 11.50. New Tork Baldwins weakened 50 cents In New Tork, reaching ti to $4.50. Pittsburg lost an additional 50 cents per barrel, closing $3.50 to $4. and Philadel phia closed slightly lower at 14 to $4. SO. Southeastern Tork Imperials were fairly steady in consuming markets at $3.50 to j $4.50. Middle western Jonathans continued steady In Kansas City at $8.50 to $9.50 per barrel. Cold storage holdings of boxed apples on December 1 were (I.S22..108 boxes, as compared with 7.702.S32 boxes a year be fore and 4.045,472 boxes two years ago. Barreled stocks on December 1 were 4.540. SOIS barrels as acainst 3.325.5R3 barrels a year ago and 3.2!7.S20 barrels two years ago. The carlot movement of apples Is stead ily declining. Shipments of boxed apples last week were 739 cars, compared with 978 cars in the preceding week and 239 ears In the corresponding week last year. Barreled shipments last week were 1159 cars, against 1300 the preceding week and 45S cars a year ago. fall made, 862e; state whole milk flats, fresh specials, 24 C 23c. CHICAGO, Dec. 27. Butter firm. Cream try extras, 54c; standards, 45c Eggs higher. Receipts 2259 cases. Firsts, 6814 it (SUci ordinary firsts, 6u & 84c ; at mark, cases included, 59965c; refrigerator firsts, 5657c; refrigerator extras, 66 Vi eS75ic. j - Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland JS.1H3.62S $1,714,844 Seattle 0.571.510 Tacoma n.V.I.5'3 93.2.1 Spokane 2.C27.231 L13!).bj0 PORTLAND MARKET CfOTATIONS. Grain, Floor. Feed. Etc Merchant's Exchange, noon session: Wheat . .. w 1. 1 . Dec. bid Jan. bid1 Feb. bid Hard white $1.60 $160 $1.00 Soft white l.5 155 l.So White cliib 1.55 l.jS 1-53 Hard winter 1.30 150 1.60 Nor. spring ISO", loft 1.30 Red walla 1T ISO 1.30 Oats No. 2 white feed ...WOO FLOUR Famili- patents, J8.75: valley, $725; whole graham, $8. ..... M1LLFEED Prices f. . b. mill Mffl run. :t5. per ton; rolled barley. 4.4r; rolled oats. $49; scratch feed. $03 per ton. CORN Whole, $47; cracked, $50 per '"hAT Boring prices, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa. $209 21 per ton: cheat, iv-s. clover. $20; valley timothy. yiilt-a; east ern Oregon timothy, t.10. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cuhes, extras. 47Sc per lb.; prints, parchment wrapped, in box lots, 3:jc par pound; cartons, 54c; haft more: butterfat, buving price. 46f.18c per pound at stations: S'c Portland delivery. ECXJS Buying prices, case count, 504r33c. Jobbing price to retailers candled ranch. .ViifdOo; selects. 602c. CHEESE Hi'.iamook, triplets, price to Jobbers, f. o. b. Tillamook. 3oc. POULTRY Hens, 2830c; springs. 249 57c: ducks. 2.43jc: geese, site. iurr,., live. 40c; turkey, dressed, PORK Taney, VEAL fancy. RAILS RESIST PRESSURE 35.30 33.30 $9.80; bakers wneat. o..u; SHORTS - "WITH SPECIALTIES, German W. L. Berlin 4s ...... Hamburg 4s Hamburg 4fts . Lipsig 4V6s .... Leipsig 3s Munich 4s .... nwiRin " Krrrp.ccrri, I Munich 5s . Frankfort 4s t Japan 4a I Japan first 49.. I Janan second 4s .pans us as United Kingdom 4Vs, 1921. . 97S United Kingdom 5 Vis, 1922... 94 V United Kingdom 5 Vis, 1929... 88 Vi United Kingdom 5Vis. 1937... KlVi Losses Reduced in .Final Hour; Liberties and Other Bonds Also KecoTer Before Close. 533 57 IXe ner nound. 1 7c per pound. Fruits and Vegetable. FRUIT Oranges, navels, $45; airese, S3.3A per Duna:e; BCTTER MARKET IS FIRMER IN" EAST British Expected to Take Danish Supply After New Year's. , The eastern butter market improved-during the past week. The best grades were short and advanced first, followed by un dergrade and centralized cars. Storage butter has shown only a little, improve ment with Inquiry and better prices only for the best makes. There was some ex port inquiry and It is expected that the British will take the entire Danish butter after New Tear's, so sentiment Is generally more cheerful. Prices show an advance of 1011V cents on practically all scores. Stocks in storage at New Tork, Boston, Chicago and Philadelphia were reduced 2.105.0OO pounds. The supply of fresh fancy butter Is light, but at Chicago and New York the market rules steady. Re cent advances were thought by some to be unwarranted, but everyone thinks it policy to keep goods moving. The San Francisco market for the week was in a fairly satisfactory condition. Trading for the holiday demand was ac tive and prices showed small fluctuations. Demand was confined largely to tine but ter and some storage goods moved at 45 45 V4 cents. The tone of the market was steady to firm up until Thursday, at which time some weakness was noticeable and Friday it was mora decided. Buying to ward the end of the week was mostly for Immediate needs and dealers were anxious to keep floors well cleaned up, anticipating a slow market this week. Some concern is felt over the arrival of the last ship ment of New Zealand butter, due today. It is reported that about 670.000 pounds will arrive, which will probably go to the eastern markets as California has abundant local supplies. Call-Cali- Jap- lemons. $3. i-oW 14 75 box:' grapefruit, $4 5098 per box: ba nanas. 12Vj'il3Vic per pounl; Brapes t... .nhipM Aiist. to Der box. eastern, $196 20 per barrel; apples, $193.30 nniinri- Istfupe. IJ3.:9 per crate: cucum bers $1.73'&2 per dozen; carrots, ll.Of 175" per sack; garlic. 2-c; tomatoes. 4 4 50 per lug: beets, $1.5 sack: egg-p.nnt. 2iw Dound: cauliflower, 293- Vtr crate celery, $55.oO per crate: green peppers, 15c per pound; sprouts, l'Vic per pound; siuah, 2V4c per pound; pumpkin. -Vic POTATOES Oregon, $L501.75 per 103 pounds; Yakima. 2.2S; sweet potatoes, Uc per pouna, w.ov per ninc. ONIONS Oregon. $1.50 per sack; fornia brown. $1.752 per aack; fornia yellow, 11.73 per sack. Staple Groceries. ' Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Cane granulated, 9c per pound; beet,- 80c per pound NUTS Walnuts 222Sc: Brazil nuts, 3."ic; fiberts. 21 25c; almonds, 26f?30e; peanuts. 914c per pound; encnanut.-. per dozen; pecan. 32y5c; chestnuts, 2o e:t."c pound. . RICE B;ue Rose, 9V4c per pound: Ja pan style, 7Vjc per pound. BEANS Small white. 6c: large h't. 6c: pink, 7VJc: lima. 10c; bayous. 12V4e; red. 7V-c per pound. COFFEE Roasted, bulk, drums. 3141c per pound; sacked. 22927c per pound. SALT Granulated, bales, 3.oOi 4.25; half ground, ton. 50s, $19.7; lows. $1825; lump rock, $20 .0. Provisions. sizes. 26932c; skinned, 27 18c; choice, 329 compound NEW TORK, Dec IT. Interest in the stock market today was at very low ebb, apart from the aggression of professional shorts, who met with few obstacles in their efforts to depress quoted values among speculative Issues once favored by bull pools. The week between Christmas and the end of the year is proverbially one of sus pended animation and the many financial readjustments stilt under way are calcu lated to reduce public, support or buying to the most slender dimensions. Developments and general advices over the double holiday were of the usual re cent unfavorable tenor. Including the shutting down of additional steel plants, more dividend ' suspensions and a further decline of railway tonnage, especially to eastern points. Western and southwestern centers re ported a little more hopefulness in busi ness circles, although buying of merchan dise continued in small volume and the curtailment in industrial operations ren dered the immediate future increasingly uncertain. Heaviness, which occasionally verged upon actual weakness, centered in the shippings, independent steels, equipments, oils and motor subsidiaries, as well as cop pers, textiles and the unclassified special ties, recessions ranging from two to six points. The strength of rails rallied the general list partly in- the final hour, but many losses remained at their close. Salca amounted to 700,000 shares. There waa only nominal Inquiry for call money at T per cent ayid exchange was at a standstill, despite the demand for cables on London, presumably on belated buying to meet year-end maturities. Bonds followed the course set by the stock market, most active issues, including liberties, reacting at the outset, but making variauie recoveries later. Total sales, par value, $20,175,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. 10 12 12 12 12 12"tt 12 Vi 14 V4 13 Vi 65 V, 74 Vi 74 Vi 12 13 14 13V4 14 15 Vi 14Vi 17 15 56 75 Vi 75 62 Vi 98 4 87 83 Vi Swift Co. Stoeka. Closing prices for Swift & Co. stock at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck & Cooke Co. of Portland, as follows: Swift Co lonVi Swift International 23 Llbby, McNeil & Ltbby 11 National Leather 1 EXPORT DEMAND CEASES FOREIGNERS XOT INTERESTED . DESPITE FREIGHT CUT. Wheat Closes HeaTy and Lower at Chicago iBears Assert World Supplies Are Ample. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Am Beet Sug American Can Am Car & Fdy Am HAL Pfd Am Inter Corp American Loco Sales. 30U 2,oi K) 1..HI0 SOU 2,700 Last Am Smt & Klg 16,800 4110 500 C.200 7,000 31)0 7,9(10 3.300 3.6O0 1.300 1,000 1,000 2,100 2..100 2.800 4,3K) 4.800 2,500 3.100 600 4.800 22c; and iron NO CHANGE IX WHEAT BIDS Holiday Dullness Prevails in AU Grain Markets. , The wheat market was quiet and the bids at the Merchants' Exchange were the same as those posted on Thursday, the last trading day. Nothing in the way of business was reported from the country. Coarse grains were also Inactive with a tO-cent advance in January-February white oats the only change In bids. According to advice from Chicago, where option prices fell about 2 cents, the day's export bids were 397 cents out of line. Final official figures from Argentina put the wheat acreage at 14,800,000 acres. Latest German official reports make no change in the acreage in rye and wheat. Supplies of fertilizer are plentiful. Italy, floods have damaged the new seedlngs .In the south. In France the recent unfavor able conditions affected only a limited area. Stocks of foreign wheat are large. Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Bar. Fir. Oats Hay KAMfs All 33c; picnics, 24c. BACfrN Ka.-.cy. 419 34c; standard, 231c. LARD Pure, tierces. DRY SALT Backs. 21924c; plates. 20c. Oils. r.T-sEr.n fill. Raw. barrels. $1.01 drums. 11.08: cares, $1.1. Boiled, barrels, nta- rirum. Jl. lO: cases. It. 18. wiBPESTLVE Tanks. $1.41; cases, $1..1. COAL orL--Tank wagons barrel. 17'tc; cases, S"9Jic. s-i-ii'T. rir Tliilk .35 per barrel. GASOLINE Tank wagons and Iron barrels. 2c; cases. 41 Vic. Hides, Pelts, Etc HIDES Salt hides, all weights, 9c per pound; green Hides, all weights. 5e; sa t h.,M. oil wolirhts. 5c: green bulls. 4c; calf .. ...n nr cnlt. Kc: kio sklne. green or salt 7c; dry hides.' 12c; dry salt hides, 9c- dry ca'.f. Ijc. Above prices for coun try hides and skins. Prices for city skins and hides follow; Ca;f skins, 10c per nnund: kin skins. 8c; city packer hides. R PELTS Salt pelts, full wool. 2S40c each; dry long wool pelts, fine. 7e lb.; dry long wool pelts, medium, 0c !.; dry long wool pelts, coarse, it.. TALI.OW No. 1. Be: No. 2, 4c per CASCARA BARK 1920 peel, 8c per n-rw-,r. avt t"VTTAIR Nominal. HOPS 1120 crop, choice, 2oc per pound. Portland, Monday. 8S Tear ago 24 season to date...8K01 Tear ago 5019 Tacoma, Friday.. 3 Year ago 16 Season to date...3f16 Tear ago 3724 Pattle, Friday Tear ago 1 Season ta date...2O02 Year ago 3561 9 34 171 440 130 2180 2 S 19 1 8 292 1178 351 941 45 61 16 174 628 3 ins 417 1 74 123 533 647 258 1010 436 770 BECEIPTS OF EGGS INCREASING SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetable, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 27. Butter Ex tras. 50 Vic; firsts, nominal. Eggs Fresh extras, 75c; extra firsts. 74V-c; extra pullets, 72c; undersized, 68c. Cheese Flats, fancy. 28Vic; firsts, 2ic. Vegetables Eggplant, southern. 79 10c pound; potatoes, street prices, rivers, $1.65 ei.85; Salinas, $3.25; sweets, $4.25 4.50; onions. Australian brown. 00cr$1.23; white, $1. 50wl.75: green. $1.25ei.50; beans, 15 S20c; bell peppers, southern, 04jl24c; tomatoes. $1S1.25; cucumbers, San Diego, $1. 75(32.50; celery, crate, $1.303; garlic, 7B10c: cauliflower. 90cffl$l; cabbage, lc pound; turnips, 11.25; beets, $1.25; parsnips, $1.75: carrots. Jig 1.25: peas, southern. 12V415c: rhubarb, $2.2562.50; BDrouts. S'ftOc: lettuce, $1.501.75, Los Anceles. tlftl.50. Sacramento; artichokes, 70c$1.23 dozen; spinach, $1L60 per crate. Poultry Hens, 323Sc; strictly young roosters. 80 33c; old. 2123c; fryers, 37 42c; broilers, 4550c; ducks, Pekin, 30 633c: squabs. 7075c; Belgian hares, live, 24ft'27c; turkeys, nominal;, pigeons, $3 3.75 dozen; geese, 32 35c. Fruit Navel oranges, $3.504.15; lem ons, 12.5093.75; lemonettes, $1.50 2; grapefruit, new crop, $2.503; Arizona, $3.5004.50: limes, $1.5A32.25 half orange box: tangerlnw, $2.30 3 25; apples, Belle fleurs, $1.50612; pears. Winter Nellis. $3.50 4; bananas. 9illc; cranberries, Oregon, $6: dates, 19?22c; strawberries, $1.23 1.50 drawer. $3.50 crate. Receipts Flour, 10,016 quarters; wheat, 300 centals; barley, 6209 centals; oats, 18S8 centals: beans, 1267 sacks; corn, 150 centals; rye, 127 sacks: potatoes, 4312 sacks; lemons and oranges, 5200 boxes; livestock, 2100 head. Ready Outlet Cp to This Time for AU Arrivals, Egg recoipta are showing a steady In-. creaaa, out tn demand up to this time has been fully equal to the supply and the market is in good condition. Buyers yesterday offered country shippers 63 cents case count and up to 37 cents on the candled basis. On the street candled ranch sold at 53 GO cents and selects at 6062 cents. Butter was steady with a regular move ment in cubea at 47948 cents. .No early change in the print market is anticipated. A fair supply of dressed poultry came In yesterday and cleaned up well, turkeys bringing 559 57 cents, geese 39 cents and chicken 30 cents. Live poultry was also steady. Visible Wheat Supply Smaller. The American visible wheat supply statement compares as follows: Bushels. Decrease. 45.171,000 2.205.000 77.708,000 4.900.000 117,225,000 3.422.000 22.221,000 3,140,000 62,040,000 209,000 Increase. The corn visible is 4,109,000 bushels, an Increase of 242.000 bushels: oats, 30,254,000 bushels, a decrease of 354,000 bushels: rye, 3,207,000 bushels, a .decrease or 402,000 bushels; barley, S.OSjl.OOO bushels, an In crease of 26,000 bushels. Eastern Dairy rrodnce. NEW TORK. Dec. 27. Butter firm; creamery higher than extras, 56Vi957c; creamery extras, 58c; firsts, 43Vi954Viaj Eggs firm. Fresh gathered extra firsts. 75&76o; firsts. 73 9 74c. I Cheese Irregular, state whole milk flats, held specials, early made, 27 Vi 928c; da Coffee Future Unsettled. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. While no special change was reported In Brazil, the market for coffee futures here was unsettled today, with prices lower. There were slight ral lies later, but they were not sustained, last prices being approximately the lowest of the day. with the market showing a net decline of 8 to 15 points. December 5.85c Jan. 5.81c; March 6.35c: May 6.76c; July 1.09c; sept. 7.34c; Oct. 7.44c. Spot coffee quiet: Rio 7s 6V4 to Hc; 'si Santos 4s Vi to 10c December 27, 1920. Deeember 29, 1919. Denamber 30, 1918. December 24. 1917. . D-mber 27. 1916. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Copper nominal. Electrolytic, spot and nearby, 13 !4 914c; first quarter. 13Vi14c. -Iron steady No. 1, northern. $34935: No. 2 northern, $32; No. 2, southern, $33 935. Tin firm, snot and nearby. 32.50933.00c; futures, 34.30c. Antimony, 3.3795.K0c. Lead quiet, ppot, 4.3094.75c. Zinc steady. East St. Louis, delivery, spot, 5.6093 76c. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Ga., Dec. 57 Turpentine quiet, 92Vic: -no sales: receipts, 324 bar rels; shipments, 457 barrel; stock, 14,468 barrels. Rosin quiet; no sales; receipts, 1891 bar rels: shipments, 1205 barrels: stock, 81,254 barrels. Quote: B. D, , F, O, . H, I, K, M. N. WG, WW, $11. . Dried Fruit at New Tork. , NEW YORK, Dec 27. Evaporated ap ples dull. California, 6910ViC state. 09 12e. Prunes, unsettled; California, 4920c; Oregons. 12916Vic Peaches quiet; standard, 16a; choice, ISc; fancy. 18 9 21 Vic Seattle Dairy Produce. ' SEATTLE, Dec. 27. Eggs Select local ranch, white shells, 03c; pullets, 30c; stor age. 50e. Butter City creamery. In cubes. Sic; bricks or prints. 63c; seconds. In cubes. 46c; bricks, 47c; country creamery extras coat to Jobbers, in cubea 60c; storage, 47c Cotton Market. - . NEW YORK, Dec 27. Spot cotton ulei Mlddilh, 16.00 American Sug Am Sum Tob Am Tel & Tel Ameri Woolen Am Z L & S Anaconda Cop Atchison All Of 4 W In 10.700 Baldwin Loco 14.000 P.altl & Ohio 8,0110 juetnie steel a But & Sup Cop Cal Petroleum Canadian Pact Centrl Leather Chandler Mtra Ches & Ohio Chi Mil & St P Chic'go A N W Chi R I & Pac Chino Copper., Colo Fl & Iron Corn Products Crucible Steel 16,000 Cuba Cane Sug 3.200 Erie 3.000 Generl Electric 3.2--0 Uenerl Motors 15,000 Grt North Pfd 4.400 Illinois Central 1.800 lnsplra Copper. 5,000 Int Me Ma Pfd 2.3K) Interna Nickel 4.400 nltema Paper 1,300 Kan Cty South 3t0 Kenne Copper 8,000 Louis ft Nash 300 Mex Petroleum 20.MI0 Miami Copper w0 Mid States Oil 5.000 Midvale Steel Missouri Paclf Montana Pow Nevada Copper New York Cen N Y N H ft H Nor A Western Northern Pacif Ok Prd ft Rig Pan-Am Petrol Pennsylvania. . Pitta ft W Va Ray Con Cop Reading 5.100 3.61-0 100 900 4.600 7,100 200 8.500 1..W0 5,600 6,700 7110 S.300 11.0110 Reo Ir ft Steel 6.000 Royal D N Y 3.300 Phat Ariz Cop 200 Shell Tr & Td 500 Sin Oil ft Rfg 18.000 Southern Pacif 2.",ono Southern Rwy 6.1O0 S O N J Pld 1.200 Studebak Corp 5.800 Texaa company 16.3O0 Texas ft Paclf 1.600 Tobacco Prdts Transcontl Oil Union Pacific U S Food Pdta U S Ind Alchl U S Rtl Stores C S Rubber... 13.800 U S Steel 30.500 U S Steel Pfd 3.200 Utah Copper. . West Llectrlc Willys - Overld 3.900 3.S0O 1.200 5.700 4.000 5.200 2.800 5,400 High. Low. sale. 37 8'4 37 23 2r Vi 22 Vi HOVi ll.-'Vi llUVi 30 37. 38 32 32Vi 2Vi 7SVt 77 77 Vi 35 29 Ti 30 V4 88 SS 88 70 Vi 69 9 95 U4 Vt 96 59 S7Vi 57 H 6V& 6 6Vi 32 31 Vi 31 Vi 81 7 80 lOOVi 96 97 82V4 SOVt 81 32 31 Vi 32 54 Vi 52 o3 8 8 SVi 2KVi 25 25 113 113 113Vi 33 32 Vi 32 62 01 Vi 62 5. -. S3V4 55 26 25 23 64 62 63 25 24 24 17 17 17 27 26 26 6. '. 64 64 Vi 7S 74 75 1S 17 17 12 12 12 118 117 118 13 13 13 73 72 73 85 F4 85 28 28 2S 4I 48 4S 12 12 12 44 43 43 18 18 IS 15 15 15 95 9S . 9S 157 153 153 157 153 155 12 11 11 30 29 30 16 15 16 48 48 Vi 48 Vi S S- 8 69 68 69 17 16 16 90 90 800 71 77 78 3 8 3 73 71 72 39 39 . 39 28 27 2S 11 11 11 S0 78 79 50 57 58 67 59 61 4 4 4 3 3S 30 22 21 21 96 94 95 21 20 20 103 103 103 42 40 41 43 42 42 10 13 18 43 40 48 B 6 6 115 114 115, 1C 10 16 62 61 61 49 48 4.S 50 64 53 7S - 77 77 105 104 103 47 46 47 41 40 40 6 5 5 Northwest Municipal Bonds C to Yield to . . ... . . . VLP Corporation Bonds 73A to Yield to . .... fl 74 Wheeler Timber Co. 5-YEAR VA GOLD NOTES A $400,000 issue secured by closed first mortgage on more than $2,000,000 worth of timber and lands in California, including over ?1,000,000 worth of REDWOOD. 73 ' Of U S Lib 3s. do 1st 4s. . . do 2d 4s. .. do 1st 4 Vis. do 2d 4s. do 3d 4s. . do 4th 4s. Victory 3s . do 4is U S cv 4s, cpn.tl06 Pan 3s reg t89 BONDS. 90.20IA T ft T cv Ss. . 93 74 .83.60 Atch gen 4s.. .84.14!D ft R G con 4s 61 .85.60 N Y C deb 6s.. 87 .84.16N P 4s 74 .87.26 N P 3s .84.84 Pac T ft T 5s. .94.94 Pa con 4s .. .94.90 S P cv 5s. .. So Ry 5s ...... U P 4s do coupon ...t90 U S Steel 5s.. 64 77 88 96 81 78 89 Bid; toffered. CHICAGO. Dec. 2S. Let up In foreign demand had a decided bearish effect to day on the wheat market, notwithstanding reduction of vessel rates to Europe- The market closed heavy, lc to 2",o net lower with March $1.03 to $1.63 V? nd May $1.58 to $1.59. Corn finished at lVlcvj. decline to c advance, oats off c to C an.l provisions down 20c to 40c .Unusual Interest attached to develop ments in the wheat market, as the United States shipping board had reduced ocean retec to Europe from 10 shillings a hun dredweight to 7 shillings. This cut was ex pected to place United States wheat again below Argentine In price, because of the freight differential. Announcement of the cur. however, was without any Immediate apparent influence as a stimulus to for eign buying in this country. The fact thaf It was a holiday abroad and that foreign ers seldom take hold at this season was regarded in some quarters as the reason. Or, the other hand, bears contended that world supplies are ample and that chances wer.3 against any lasting advance based on emergency tariff duties or on revival of food credits to Europe. Indications of an increase of the crop movement acted as a handicap against the bulls In the corn trade and In oats as well. Besides, eastern demand for corn and oats was very slow. Provisions gave way with cereals, after a temporary upturn due to strength in the ho? market. The Chicago market letter received yes terday by Overbeck ft Cooke company of Portland said: - Wheat Although the trade was small and of an uninteresting character, the market displayed a weak, undertone and seemed to demonstrate the need of con tinued buying power to maintain prices. The few export bids that were in the mar ket were 3c to 7c out of line and confir mation of business waa lacking; In fact, it Is not thought that foreigners will do much during the holiday period and it Is not at all unlikely that the urgent foreign demand la about over. The domestic mill ing demand is poor and a sale of 50,000 bushels was made to go to store today. That the buying power of the country Is at a minimum is emphasized by the fact that retailers in practically all lines of business are making drastic price reduc tions now that the Christmas period is over. A lower market in the near future is to be expected. Corn Had a steady tone and at no time did the market display attractive rallying power. Cash prices were generally lower with the bulk of the offerings being taken by elevator interests -for delivery on con tracts. Although receipts were not large and offers" to arrive somewhat disappoint ing there is every indication that the turn of the year will witness a materially en larged movement for which the commer cial demand will prove Inadequate and lower prices result. Oats Held fairly steady at the start, but developed weakness later in the ses sion under the pressure of selling by north western interests. The cash demand was again poor and spot offerings sold at an Increased discount under the May future. There Is nothing In the outlook at the moment to justify the expectation of higher prices. Provisions Light hog receipts and higher prices induced some short covering early In the day, but the advance met oppo sition credited in part to being against cash holdings and the close was weak at bottom prices. The cash demand in our opinion Is too poor to warrant the main tenance of present prices. Leading futures ranged as fbllows: -WHHAT. Open. High. Low. Close. $1.64 $1.65 $1.63 $1.63 1.60 1.61 1.58 1.58 CORN. .74 .73 .73 .74 73 .73 OATS. .49 .48 .48 .48 .47 .48 MESS PORK. . 23?00 23.20 23.00 23.00 LARD. I. 1.05 13.12 12.70 12.70 13.55 18.60 13.20 1320 SHORT RIBS. II. 42 11.60 ' 11.40 11.40 12.25 12.25 12.02 12.05 prices were: 3 hard, $1.77; No. 1 north- Price 100, yield . . Standard 03 Co. of N. Y. 7 GOLD BONDS MATURING 1925-29 PRICE 100, YIELD 7 Northwestern Municipal Bonds . ' INCOME TAX EXEMPT WALLA WALLA COUNTY 6 Road Bonds. Due Serially 1921-30, Price 100. npf Yield .... 00 CITY OF BEAVERT0N 6 Genl. Oblig. Bonds. Due Serially 1923-29. P-ice 100. To Yield- TILLAMOOK, OREGON 6 GenL Oblig. Bonds Due 1921-30. Price 100. (cf Yield .... 00 HILLSB0R0, OREGON 6 Genl. Oblig. Bonds. ' Due September, 1930. Price 100. Cof Yield .... 00 A. H. Averdl P. S. Brumby Bank Directors Louis G. Clarke F. I. Fuller E. S. Collins John A. Keating Chas. H. Carey James Danaher Jr. Leslie Af. Scoff C.F.Swigert Chas. t . Wright Bond Department LUMBEKMEHS TKPST Under State Supervision HI I Resources over f 3,000,000 What 2 Pacific Coast Banks Say of Credit Insurance Two well-known Pacific Coast Banks, have written the American Credit-Indemnity Co. One says: "We have a number of clients using your service at our suggestion in connection with lines of credit advanced them." And the other bank writes "Not infrequently in fixing line's of credit for wholesalers and manufacturers, we have suggested the advisability of using your credit insurance." Bankers in every part of the country are endorsing precautions that .prevent, else pay, bad debt losses beyond the normal, which the American's "Unlimited-Interim-Pay-ment" Policy does. Manufacturers and wholesalers, write or phone for particulars. Payments t$ PtScyMJert ahout $10,000,000.00 X AMERICAN CREDIT INDEMNITY CO. Of NEW YORK E.M. TREAT, piesident SUM STANDARD UNLIMITED POUCH H. T. MacRTLL Board of Trade Bldg. Phone, Main 1175 Portland, Oregon J20tfp23; wild oats, 1517; Barley, io 4117: alfalfa, Me 23. Seattle Grain Market, SEATTLE, Dec 27. Wheat, hard n'ta; soft white and white club, 1.50; hard red winter, soft red winter., northern sprlnf and eastern red Walla. Big Bend blue stem, Jl.Oo. City delivery: Feed Scratch feed, 1T-. feed wheat, 03; all grain chop, 54; oats. T.l: mroutina- oats. j rouea oau. whole corn, $51. cracked corn, V'&'. barley, 53; clipped barley, oS; feed, 39; bran. $.19. . Hay Alfalfa. double compressed al falfa, 35; ditto, timothy, 10; Washington mixed, $29. rolled Hilled eastern Mar. May May. . July.. May. . . July... Jan. Jan., May .74 7!4 .4S4 .48 71 c; No. 4714 48c; 2 yel No. 8 Mining Stocks at Boston, BOSTON, Dee. '. Closing quotations: Allouex 16 North Butte Aris Com 6 Old Dom ... Calu & Aria... 41 'Osceola Calu & Hecla. .211 mulncy Centennial Cop Range .. East iiutte ... Franklin ..... Isle Royalle . . Lake Copper. . Mohawk 6 ISuperlor 25!Snp & Boston. 7 Mt Shannon ...... 2lUah Con .... 15V, Winona , 1?4 Wolverine 42 IGreene Can ... 8 . 15 . 21 . 35K . 3 . IVi . 60 8 .35 . 8 . 17 Honey, Silver Etc NEW TORK, Dec. 2T. Prime mercan tile paper, 78 per cent. Time loans, firm, eo days, vo days and six months. 714 7 per cent Call money steady. High, 7 per cent; low, 7 per cent; ruling rate, 7 per cent; closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at T per cent; last loan, 1 pep cent. Bar silver, domestic, vvftc; xoreigzv 641tc Mexican dollars, 480. . Foreign Exchange. Foreign exchange rates at close of busi ness yesterday, furnished by Northwestern National bank of Portland. The amount quoted' is the equivalent in United States dollars: Austria, kronen Belgium, franc -. Bulgaria, leva Czecho-Slovakia, kronen ..... Denmark, kroner England, pound sterling ...... Finland, flnmark France, franc Germany, mark Greece, drachma k. Holland, guilder Hungary, kronen Italy, lire Jugo-Slavia, kronen Norway, kroner ................. Portugal, estudo Roumania, lei Serbia, dinara Spain, peseta ; Sweden; kroner Switzerland, franc China Hongkong, local currency. Shanghai, taei Japan, yen X .10. 0029 . .0625 . .0014 . .0118 . .1B4 . 8.52 . .0287 . .059 . .014 . .0730 . .814 . .0022 . .034 . .0073 . .154 . .1045 . .0127 . .0287 . .13 . .199 . .1525 . .5665 . .755 . .49 Jan May. . . . CASH Wheat No. ern. 11.79 Corn No. 2 mixed, low, 73 70c Oata No. 2 white. white, 4U'SH714C Rye No. 2, $1.0014 1. 00 V4. Barley---657c. Timothy seed $S.KO6.S0. Clover seed 10 (a-20. Pork Nominal. Lard tl2.7. Ribs J10.75Tgil2. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec 27. Cash wheat. No. 1 dark northern, $1.66 1. 70 ; No. 2, 81.63 tt 1.65 ; No. 1 red spring. 1.62 1.61; No. 2 Jl.59 1. 62; No. 1 dark hard Montana, 81.70V, 1.12 ; No. 1 dur um. 816614 1.6914. Corn No. 3 yellow, 64 65c; No. 4. 58 59c; No. 3 mixed, 585c; No. 4, 645Sc Qats No. 2 white, 4344Vic; No. 3, 42H:43VzC Barley Choice to fancy, 70 76c. Kye No. 2, 81.47 Vi1.48. ROAD HEAD REAPPOINTED K. A. Booth. Will Continne la Of fice, Governor Announces. SALEM, Or., Dec 27. (Special.) R. A. Booth,, chairman of the Oregon state highway commission, will be reappointed to that office at the ex piration of hie present term on March 31, 1921, according to announcement made today by Governor Olcott. Mr. Booth was first appointed a member of the commission on March 31, 1918, to succeed E. J. Adams of Eugene. Other members of the com mission are John B. Yeon of Portland and E. E. Kiddle of Island City. who once acted as secretary of the board, and C B. Clancy, a local flor ist. It also was said that Ella Wilson, assistant secretary of the - board, might be considered In connection with the office to succeed Mr. Lea. City of State Fair Board to Meet. SALEM, Or.. Dec. 27. (Special.) Members of the state fair board will meet In Salem early in January when applications for secretary of the board will be considered. There are said to be several applicants for the position. Including Frank Meredith, Winnipeg Grain Market. WINNIPEG, Dec. 27. Wheat Decem ber, 81-93; May. 81.79. - . Unseed Markets. DULUTH, Dec. 27. Linseed on track and to arrive, 81.97. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 27. Flax, No. 1, 81.811.3. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 27. Grain Wheat, 82.7o3; barley, spot feed, 81.30 1.35: shipping. 81.651.60; oats, red feed, 1.451.D5; corn, white Egyptian, 82.75 2.85; red milo, 8 1.00 2. Hay Wheftt, funcy, 8"5e26; tame oats, NEW TORK, ' Dec 27. Exchange easy. Sterling, demand, 83 50; .cables. 83 51. Francs, demand, 5.87c; cables, 5.89c Bel gian franca, demand, s.21c; cables, 6.23c Guilders, demand, 81.25c; cablea, 81.85c Lire, demand, 3.37c; cables, 8.30c. Marks, demand, 1.87c; cables, 1.38c Greece, de mand, 7.05c' Montreal, 14 per cent dis count. ' Sterling declined In the late dealings. Demand. 83.46; cables, 83.50. Foreign Bonds. Following foreign bond quotations are furnished by the Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland: - Bid. Russian Bs, 1921.:.........- 8 Russian 5 Vis, 1926... 6 Russian 6s, Currency French 5a, French 4s, French 5s, Italian 5s, British 5s. British Ks, British 5. British vky. 1919. 1931.... 1917.... 1920.,.. 1918.... 1922.... 1927 1929.... 48 British ref. 4s. . . . Blplum-rest. 5s... Belgium prem. 6s .. 8 ..55 .. 48 ..39 67 ..26 ..342 ..326 ..826 ..240 ..223 45 Asked. 11 9 12 60 50 41 60 28 850 840 840 258 237 , 49 8 Attractive Issues offering; attractive yields dominate our January pur chase sheet. For first-of-the-year in vestment this list should prove of value. Will be mailed when issued upon request for O. R. 360. The National City Company Offices In more than 50 cities Portland Yeon BWg. - Telephone Main 6072 : Consult us about your present investment problems. Our experience and in vestors' service are available to you without obligation. We Recommend Tillamook County, Oregon, School District No. 48 6 Bonds Due Serially 1930-1935 No Income Tax to Pay Assessed valuation . . . .$ 1,787,945 Total bonded debt 52,000 Legality approved by Messrs. Teal, Minor & Winfree Price 100 to yield First Choose Your Bond House and Then the Bond Clark, Kendall & Co. 5th and Stark Sts., Portland, Or. Vancouver British' Columbia 4VBonds Due Feb. 1, 1923 At 93.41 toyield.8 Tax Exempt In Canada PORT of ASTORIA (IaeludlBs; all ( Clatsop County) 6 Bonds Dated Due July 1, 1920 July 1, 1925 Price 99.03, yielding 6.25 CITY OF VANCOUVER, B.C. 4 Bonds Dated Due Dec.15,1913 Dec. 15, 1923 Price 90.83, yielding (lacome Tax Exempt) IVire orders collect. (Parabl ta Vle State) Fsiii) RrlphSchneeloch Company . i MasBashiasiaamta1 .Pojrrbotxr.OjiEOCUc Ask for Details. FACTS NO. 538 THE SUCCESSFUL ENGINEER of today la tha man who economises on upkeep by buying or building the best. First cost la a secondary con sideration. WHEN WEARING SCBFACK IS Ml WARRENITEM BITULITHIC MOUND FLOOR LUsiacaMBMa BUIkDIM Firm and rT o FREEMAN. SMITH a CAMP Co. jS BUSINESS PROPERTY c C It Cant Run Away , 5 Yon Can Take a Look at V ? It Any Time . St 5 ' I have several nice pieces v J for sale showing 7 to 10 Jj per cent net. J THE BIG DECLINE In the prlea of manr of tha standard stocks and Xxnf haa evidently rU It'lahebclW of many market exnerta that many of tha heat enrlties are selllnsr far below their normal valua and ara a splendid Investment If purchased' now, and should show a substantial advanca dUrThet8hre0wd'mver buy. hlfh-claa securities durlnff mark.t uoh aa we aro now havinir. Seasoned and tried dlvldand payers of lonjr atanrttn aro now lellina; at .prlcea which show a return of 10 to 16 per cent on tha in. TeStThe1careful Investor BhouM bo able i maka om leotlona around these level. We will be irlad to furnish itaU.tlca and all Information possible pertaining; to Investment Issues. HERRIN 8c RHODES, Inc. KSTAnUStTKU ISM STOCKS AND BONDS Ml P An, WAT KXCJl BUM, Members Ch lease Board of Trada TACOMA. produced under our expert supervl--sion and Inspection, you have elim inated the maintenance problem by a proved factor o( safety. See Fifth Street, Port land ' seventeen (17) years' service. WARBEX BROTHERS COXFAJfT Railroad Bonds With Unusual Possibilities In a circular on the bond ituation, which we have for free distribution, prepared by one of the (treateit bond au thoritiei in this country, there it a list of one hun dred - investment bargains in high grade railroad boada yielding as high as , 8 to 19 ' Writ for ?uw7 E. M. Fuller & Co. MeaMMTtef OsanHsatsa oak w 1 st . T. 60 Broad St., NawYork. NswYwk Nates Osselaaa fDirtct PriMtt Wirt We Own and Offer FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, Subject to Prior Sale, the Following: Bonds: Multnomah County, Or., Sch. Disk iNo. 2. City of North Cend, Oregon City of Sumpter, Oregon . . . ... .......... City of Vancouver, L. I. D., Washington. . City of Caldwell, L. I. D., Idaho City of Winnipeg, Canada . ....... Province of Manitoba, Canada...... . Province of Ontario, Canada Province of British Columbia, Canada. . . . Ret. THE HOUSB BfltiT SQUARE" Qirstens & paries, Incorporated V. S. National Bank Ho II din roiiTi-A hi, v. a. a. Hrdw. 4108 Rata Prlea YlaU 6s 100 6.00 Gs 99 Avg.fi.25 6s 99 6.03 7s 100 7.00 7s 100 7.00 Ks 96.53 8.00 6s 91.83 7.25 6s 96.68 7.30 6s 96.08 7.50 Liberty & Victory Bonds Headquarter for buyinj: or selling all Issues. Larg or smafl lota. i HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. Established 1896 STOCKS AND BONDS 201- Railway Elxhanga Telephone Main 253 ii - - - - It HOTEL HOYT trtatlv nrspraaf. Ksar kotfc JspeU aaa eoartnlsot ear asrrlea ta all part at tha city. atnaM uMma sVIUiaat Kata.fl ant a ajSji; Room. Wlta HatH. aaa ap El.BKKT H. KOBK. Manat-r. Thone Tour Want Ads to -! THE 0REG0MAN Main 7070 Automatic SC0-9J v'V1' ,J"- : :