Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 28, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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. : 4
V .'3 Card Has Been Arranged for
Milwaukie Arena.
lEvents Tomorrow Xlgbt in Portland
-' " Will Inaugurate Xew Setting
or Portland Boxing Events.
The Milwaukie boxing commission
.-. i ing show at its arena Xew Tear's af-
t.-rninTi Tr-.V....l- I."1 I,- Vanall
i Milwaukie arena, figured that there
- - ! would not be a great deal on for the
,- fans to attend next Saturday after
. , I r.oon, so have lined up a card lor that
'. flav with Marian Knnlrr mptinB
Frank Farmer in the main event o
10 rounds.
, Two other ten-round touts are o
. - featuring Alei- Tramhitas nnrf Franki
' Wurman In faft Ihftra will nnf he
. -.' ' , any main event; all three mills wi
- . ' be billed as main events. Two othe
six-round) bouts will, complete th
. ' card.
' Roy Sutherland will battle ei
rantn ftfminf Phaplfttf Tawnn nnv
. - .ing instructor at the University of
Ore.con: while. Al Nelson, tnuerh Bois
. . lightweight, will meet Johnny Flske
of Rock Island. Ill, in the other six
' In the I
meantime the fans are giv
ing all their attention to the banner
..' , . - card which will mark the opening o
', ' the massive new indoor arena at the
" i. . armory tomorrow night. Matchmaker
Knt umt tho nar f. Alk.n In fnl
. . "- . low when be lined up a show of 42
. , rounds, with three ten-round set-tos
and two sixes on the card. Every
iratpn on tne. card la a main event
In onw rlltf n Ih. pna.t frn m 1 hn
' . . curtain raiser to tne iinai racket.
.. The new arena, which has been
, v.nder construction for two weeks.
.- - will be finished today and has been
,' . built with the object In view of pro
! viding every fan "that purchases a
. -. ticket, whether It be in the front row
or in the far balcony, with a perfect
. view of the fights. The arena is port-
: " I able and the armory will be the Der
' ! manent home of all Portland boxing
''..- mm
'"' 'l principals in tomorrow night's main
. v, event, wound up tneir training; rou
, '! tine yesterday afternoon and were
. ' l pronounced in peieci, uuuuiuuu uj
J their resDectlve trainers. Langford
' - "i never has a thing to say before a
" ' fight as to its probable outcome, and
I lhia tliriA 1 nn pitfpntion. All Sam
' has to say Is that ha is in grand
'' ah&pe and ready for the hardest kind
'i . '; of a battle.
' ? TTtp-htinir "Rill Murrav. who does
, the talking for Barry, also has little
- .' to say. He is confident that his pro--'.
. tege will give a good account of him
elf, and that should he win, draw or
" i lose, he will make a hit with, the
.-. Portland boxing followers.
, . . .
. t . . .. .. . .
.r ilia winner in tne lu-rouna semi-
. fna: between Joe Keran of Boston and
. - ' ..111 .
. mere than his end of the purse and
' - the reioree s aecision. ni win tana
. I. ; the main event jt the January 19
' land boxing commission.
" . " m m m
- With victories to his credit over
Alike O'Dowd, former middleweight
t i : .1 1 J - m.J T i
- ' 1 . . 1 . . 1 nV.omnlnn wA a
'. gan is not worrying about Darcy.
' ". Egan is of the clever type of boxer.
; Darcy can mix and If he finds out
;V' that Egan can't hurt him the fans
i should be in for a highly interesting
:V. ,J
, -T farmer ijwige, a 015 luinneaiiuiia
7 t heavyweight, will try and lodge a
, lew cruaucrs uu xiiijp ncnuau,
actnrla frnliath In fh fhirri IQ-round
: ram Die on tne oiu. com ooys up ins
: iam n, n nnnnrlii And ara mora
. v, than 6 feet tall. Somebody is liable
to fall hard.
Tex Vernon meets Baby Blue In a
" ix-round tussle, while Sammy Gor
'JT J don. and Ray Rose, popular little mix-
'. "c ers. will tanglo In the other eix-
- J round match.
1 . . .
I Frank E. "Watkins, chairman of the
- -1 Portland bexlng commission. Is highly
s elated over a Christmas girt ne re-
''X ceived this year. It is an autographed
( -volume by Captain Edward v. mcn
v J ccbacker, America's ace of aces,
which Watkins received from "Rick"
' several days ago. They are close
" 1 friends and while in Chicago recently
J Watkins and Richenbacker had quite
..'. session.
-. 1 The book is entitled "Fighting the
" '1 backer's experiences In France down
. . inir the German nlanes. He is credited
- machines during battle. Before the
war Rickenbacker was one of Amer
.1 ' lea's most famous auto racers and an-
; nually captured many of tne leading
N '1 speed events.
'A Play in Tennis Classic Slated to
Begin Today.
AUCKLAND. N. Z.. Dec. 27. An-
4 nouncement was made today of the
drawings of the play in the tennis
matches for the Davis cup, which will
begin tomorrow. In the singles to
morrow Norman H. Brookes of the
Australian team wilt meet William
T. Tilden, the world's singles cham
pion, and Gerald L. Patterson, Aus
tralia, will play William M. Johnston,
the California expert.
On Wednesday Brookes and Patter
son will play Johnston and Tilden in
the doubles and on Thursday Brookes
will meet Johnston and Patterson
will play Tilden in single matches.
The . weather today was perfect
The players are in excellent condition.
Rough Play to Be Investigated.
PITTSBURG. Dec. 27. S. Haddock,
president of the United States Ama
teur Hockey league, announced today
that he will investigate reports of
rough and unseemly playing in the
game here last Tuesday evening be
tween the Granites of the Ontario
Hockey association and the Pittsburg
club of the United States Amateur
Hockey league. The game played
here last Monday and Tuesday were
exhibition games, but all exhibition
contests in which a member of the
United States Amateur Hockey asso
ciation participates -must ' be sanc
tioned by the league, Mr. Haddock
announced. . Dink : Madden, who re
f ereed the Tuesday game, will be
summoned for an Interview, the pres
ident said.
Phqns your want ad to Tha Or
onian. Main 7070, Automatio 6.0-95.
Colonel W. H. Jordan la Aroused by Showing Made This Year by
Pacific Fleet Football Squad and Delivers Ultimatum.
THE navy isnt to be the whole
show" in service men's football
on this coast next season. Not If
the army can help it. And the army
expects to have quite a lot to say on
that little subject.
Came to Poitland yesterday from
Camp Lewis an old-time Multnomah
club athlete. Colonel W. H. Jordan,
better known to brother old-timers
around here as Billy Jordan, and de
Uvered both this ultimatum and an
nouncemenL It seems that the army
has officially taken very much to
heart the wide swath cut along the
coast this season by the Pacific flee
football eleven. So much has it taken
the fleet team's success to heart that
it is out to combat it with a team
selected along the same lines.
Consequently, announced Colonel
Jordan, next year's army football
team on this coast will be. not
merely a Camp. Lewis aggregation
but a team selected from the best
players in the entire 9th army corps
area. That comprises seven state:
Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho,
Montana, Utah and Nevada. Out of
the pickings in those seven states the
army expects to get together a team
that will give the Pacific fleet eleven
one all-fired mighty battle.
"Take it from us," remarked Colo
nel Jordan, "when this 9th corps area
football team of ours gets through
with the Pacific fleet team next fall.
there will be some sorrowful sailor
men in this part of the world."-
Colonel Jordan, who commands the
59th United States infantry at Camp
Lewis, will be head coach "of this 9th
corps team. He will be assisted by
Major Johnson, former Portland
Academy and Multnomah club player,
who was four straight years on the
West Point football team as quarter
and end, and by Captain Everett
May. the old Oregon Athletic college
star, who has just been commissioned
and assigned to Colonel Jordan's
These coaches will have one ad
vantage over a college coach. Team
headquarters will be at Camp Lewis,
but they will draw for material on
every good football player in the
service in any of the seven states
comprising the 9th corps area. If
they hear of a likely looking end.
for instance, at the Presidio, Colonel
Jordan will crook his finger mean
ingly at headquarters in San Fran
cisco, where some obliging adjutant-
general will , promptly issue orders
ransferring said likely looking end to
Camp Lewis. And so on and so forth.
e il have a team, don't forget
that," said the enthusiastic colonel.
"We wi!2 schedule all the games we
can get with colleges and athletic
clubs, but what we all are praying
for 13 a good chance at that cocky
i-acuic iieet team, when we meet.
don't fail to be there. It will be some
Showing that the colonel is not
overlooking any bets, he already has
Degun assembling material for his
team next season. For instance, there
are Lieutenants Schrader and Hahn.
both mentioned by Walter Camp when
e compiled his all-Amerlcan teams in
1918, and Captains Huff and Murphy,
who are recently enough from foot
ball at "The Point" to be rarin' to go.
He has other good ones in mind. They
won t all be officers. Enlisted men
who have the goods will have every
it as good a chance to make that
team as the officers. The only re
quirement is that they have the
goods, which applies to the . offices,
It seemed like old times to Colonel
Jordan to be in Portland yesterday.
He played hair back on the Multno
mah club teams of 1896 and 1897, and
was one of the best backfield men
that ever won winged-M football togs.
He also was a track athlete, his spe
cialties being the 100 and 220 dashes.
This Ohio State-California game at
Pasadena New Tear's day is reach
ing the bear-story stage, which prob
ably indicates that both teams are in
great shape. California has been ped
dling out dope about injuries to Mc
Millan, tackle, and Berkey and Mul-
JOuj Voo wc I SSy
ler, ends. Ohio State, not to be out
done, has sprung in return very read
able little yarns to the general ef
fect that if Williams, fullback, and
Myers, end, get into the game it will
be only because of their wonderful
pluck. What a frightful calamity ft
would be if the giften bear storyist
attached to each equad should sprain
a typewriter
Football goes out, basketball comes
in. Portland has plenty of intra-
district games among local teams, but
is almost as poorly off for inter
college contests as in football. How
ever, the University of Oregon quin
tet will make one visit here and Ore
gon Agricultural college will do the
same. Oregon appears first. Her
five is scheduled to play the Mult
nomah Amateur Athletic club team in
the club gymnasium the night of Jan
uary S, which is one week from Sat
urday. Oregon has quite a team, and It
should be one fast game. George
Bohler, a brother of Dr. J. Fred Boh
ler of Washington State, is basket
ball director at the varsity this sea
son, and is turning out a whale of a
team from all accounts. Bohler was
at Chicago a couple of years and has
had a lot of basketball experience.
Aside from basketball, which is his
sports specialty, he is ' gymnasium
director at the university.
Clean basketball is - Bohler s
motto, wherein he demonstrates that
he is a true brother of J. Fred Boh
ler, whose sportsmanship is known
far and wide in the Pacific coast con
ference. Bohler says a man can't
play basketball if he is committing
fouls all the time, and he won't have
anyone on his team who can't ac
commodate himself to the rules.
The Oregon team Is built around
a good nucleus of last year's men,
who include Eddie Durno, forward
and captain; Xish Chapman, the foot
ball player, guard: Francis Beller,
guard, and Mark Latham, forward.
Among the new men are Bill Rine-
hart, quarter on the football team;.
Funk Latham and Carl Knudson. Out
of that material Bohler should have
lightning fast outfit. How seri
ously the boys are taking their work
this season is shown by the fact that
they voluntarily sacrificed Dart of
their Christmas holidays by remain
ing at Eugene to practice.
Shy Huntington, football coach, is
turning to and helping Bohler by
coaching the freshmen basketball
players. Shy is better known, of
course, for his football prowess, but
he was quite a basketball player in
his time. He played three seasons on
the varsity five.
Jack Benefiel, assistant graduate
manager at Oregon, has been putting
in the vacation days hard at work in
Portland arranging for the Oregon
Princeton debate here New Year's
night. Not quite as inspiring work
as directing a football team, eh?
Well, at that. Jack says he expects
to pack 'em in at Lincoln High school
auditorium New Year's night. He
is trying to arrange for some movies
of the Yale-Princeton football game
to precede the main struggle. Inas
much as Princeton handed the grand
old raz to the boys from Yale this
season, the pictures may inspire
the Princeton brothers to do their
darnedest. Perhaps Jack hasn't
thought of that.
Omega Club Is Attempting Forma.
tion of Basketball League,
VANCOUVER. Wash, Dec. 27.
(Special.) The Omega club of Van
couver has organized a basketball
team and is attempting to organize
a league in various part of the coun
ty, outside of high school teams.
The Omega club will play Ridge-
field tomorrow evening and East Mill
Plain in the union high school gym
nasium Thursday evening.
The Omega" club weighs on an
average of 125 pounds a man. So far
it has issued no challenge.
Last Headline Written
Brilljant Athlete.
Former Whitman College Fullback
Succumbs to Tuberculosis
at Oregon City.
"I wonder if I'll get just one more
headline in The Oregonian, as I did
so often years ago," whispered Royal
F. Niles, known a few seasons ago
to a multitude of northwest football
followers as "Tubby" Niles, Whitman
college fullback, as he lay on his
deathbed a few days ago. "Tubby
Niles died at the home of his brother.
Ralph W. Niles, in Oregon City Sun
day night. Over this story is tne
headline it was his last wish that he
might have.
"Tubby" Niles was one of the
gamest and greatest fullbacks that
ever played in the Pacific nortnwest.
Through four seasons, 1910, 111. 1912
and 1913. his name was often on the
sports pages for his wonderful play
ing. And each of those four seasons
he was elected on the All-Northwest
football team, one year as its captain.
That vear every writer in the north
west was unanimous in giving him
the honor.
He weighed in those days between
185 and 190 pounds. He followed Vin
cent Borleski as a super-star in Whit
man college football, but he would
have been a star on any football elev-
n in tho world. Flavine always on a
licht eleven against heavier oppon-
ents, his terrible line plunging never
has been surpassed in this section.
Disease Contracted In France.
. . 1 -i j 1 ,"P.,K1..." rf
cut wnen n
rnnoa rlnva hurt Tflin Off 1 H WelSIlt
" "7, . J " "ir ;, c,unAn-,r f 7h
antil he was a pitiful shadow or tne
11,1... Tiiharrlllnflia w,l
r -.rIV .h- hT...
.u .i , i-i,a whii. with
B3 U1Q 1 to U.L w 1 11.. . . .. .. .
tho American Mt)(J tionarv forces in
...w . -
Niles enlisted in the army Decern-
ber 10. 1917. He became ill with in
fluenza on the army transport taking
him to France with the 81st field ar.
tillerv in 1918. He didn't have much
of a temperature and the hospitals
were all' crowded, so he slept with
his comrades in the mud.' Tuberculo-
si was the ririce to him of this neg-
lect. When he was discharged in
Februarv. 1919. his voice had gone
so that he could speak only in a
hnskv whisner. He sank from then
until his death Sunday, at the age of
32 years.
Sport Pages Interest.
Since the death of his mother a
month agd, the end had come fast.
His brother Eugene 6aid yesterday
that his greatest comfort was The
Oregonian, especially the sports pages,
which' he read and re-read. For the
past month he had been unable to
read himself, so each morning his
brother, always turning first to the
sports news, read to him every story
in the paper.
It was Just a few days before his
death, when be realized that he was
sinking fast, that he expressed the
hope that his name might be in one
more headline of the paper that so I
often had chronicled his athletic feats
in years gone by.
The funeral will be held this after
noon from the First .Congregational
church in Oregon City.
Man Stricken Aboard Transport
While En Route to France.
OREGON CITY, Dec. 27. (Special.)
Royal F. Niles, familiarly known by
his friends as 'Tubby Niles, died at
the family home near Mount Pleasant,
about two miles from Oregon City,
Sunday night. Niles answered his
country's call during he world war.
It was whjle he was a member of
the Sth brigade of artillery and on
board the. transport Mongolia, that
was stricken with influenza. Just
he was recovering from the disease
arrived at Brest, France. Here he
was obliged to sleep in poorly con
structed headquarters and to undergo
many hardships which helped to
weaken his condition.
Niles received his discharge, from
the service on February 20, 1919.
After his discharge he returned to
Oregon City, where he had since re
sided at the Niles country home.
He was born in Portland Decem
ber 20,. 1888, and at the age of 1 year
Wash7where h"celveThis educa
his parents moved to Walla Walla,
Royal F. (Tubby) Mien, (treat
Whitman college fullback of
a few years ago, who died in
Oregon City Sunday night.
Uion. He attended and graduated
from Whitman college.
I After completing his studies at
I Whitman, Niles engaged in teaching,
ana was among -tne leading instruc
tors of the state. Among the places
where he taught were at Marshfield,
I .. -.
iviamatn i-alls and L.a tirande. it was
. , . . .
WllllC CllfctlgCU 111 l C U. (Jl 1 . II lliai HO W49
called to the colors.
""es was a memoer or tne congre
I ,,., 1 l . 1, , u t. . .J I I
"" . buiyivcu
I tnm Krnt,Ara D.lnh TUT X' ; 1 m
P'e f the ,?r?Fn City postoff Ice,
and Eugene B. Niles of Coburg, Or.
His mother, Mrs. Jennie Vinson
Niles. died In Oregon City Novembt
iju. Niles was the nephew, o
Mrs. E. J. Swafford of Salem.
The body is at the Holman & Pac
unaertaKing parlors. Funeral serv
ices will be held at the Congrega
I tional church in th's city, tomorrow
afternoon at 2:30 o clock. Rev. Her
bert Crocker, pastor, will officiate,
As Niles was a member of the Wil
lamette Falls post, American Legion,
the organization will assist at the
funeral services, and the young ex
soldier wijl receive a military burial.
Interment will take place in Mountain
V lew cemetery.
Provlsion Is That Employe
Must Be With Firm 2 Months
Before Playing on Team.
Arrangements are now. under way
for the second annual inter-national
industrial telegraohic bowling tourna
ment. Promotors have sent out
notices'more than 1000 industrial con
cerns throughout the United States
and Canada, inviting them to enter a
five-man team to .decide the bowling
supremacy of the industrial work
There will be no entry fee, all prizes
being donations from the concerns
having a representative five entered,
and already an elaborate prize list is
The tournament is so arranged that
teams will be bowling all over the
United States and Canada at the same
time, telegraphing their scores to
headquarters in Chicago immediately
after the completion of their games.
These scores will be sent by code,
translated, and! the names of the win
ning teams given to the Associated
Press and flashed throughout the
One of the provisions in the rules
makes it emphatic that each con
testant be an employe of the concern
he represents at least two months
prior to the date set for the holding
of the tournament, which will be
some time the latter part of February.
For further particulars regarding
the tournament address W. V. Thomp
son. 623 South Wabash avenue, Chi
cago, 111.
Sidelights and Satire.
Connie Mack's ton wants to buy a minor
league ball club. Why doesn't be aak his
w .
What Tale football needs Is the family
doctor," says the l'ale Alumni Weekly.
That makes It unanimous.
m . m
It may be a mere coincidence, but
Tale has not been the una since It
started dabbling- in tne dowi. .
If the Red Sox trade Harry Hooper
and Stuffy Mclnnis, the club will consist
chiefly of a mortgage.
J!ls are o crowded the cops give of
ficial warning only a few cells are left.
It you want yours, hurry I!!!
Soma day Barney Oldfield ain't going
to be in one of these auto pictures, and
then It will be a fearful, oay ror all con
cerned, especially for the guy who snapped
the picture, forgetting Barney. Let the
world beware!
The .two Jailbirds Jack Johnson wal
loped for the allotted ten seconds took the
count In a paradoxical position. They
were out, but they were in. ,
Ty Cobb, the great-hearted, lionlike
ball player, quits -the game cold and
leaves the field wnen- tney run in sn
emerv ball on him. But if you thlnK Ty
quit the field without getting his at the
bucks office, you re very wiae oi tne num.
Within a few weeks now and eur well-
known baseball probe will have reached
highly Important point wnicn la to
say the vanishing point
BturatA Aid man and women undertake
second marriages t Newspaper want to
know 'We ear "no." Having eome that
far safely, why gum everything up Just as
the goal 1 reacneoT
Just merely as though to eonfose all.
the football expert whose printed ar.
titles tell how to de everything la the
game as It should be done, promptly pro
eeeds to lose every football game In whteh
his sterling gang or etene wall Busters
are entered.
Tnnny. Isn't : It, that It's In the fight!
ram only that articles of agreement start
..battle. . - . , :
'- Staff Mpert pick his All.A.merleas teeth
mm follows! Ends, molarai tackles, blcux
Pldsi guards, canine teeth, eenter. lnciaers.
Baseball statistics shew rJhlcV" Can.
dil laada Us Adericia league by 40,000, -
State Delegates to Convene
in New York City. v
Placing Flstfc Game on Plane With
. Baseball and Kindred Sports
Is Contemplated.
NEW YORK, Dec 27. Formation
of a national body' to govern and
control professional boxing will be
undertaken here nest month. Dele
gates appointed by the governors of
18 states will convene at the head
quarters of the International Sport
ing club January 10. 11 and 12. Dur
ing, the three-day conference the
foundation for a national organiza
tion will be laid and rules for the
standardization of boxing throughout
the United States established.
The new association, which will
absorb the army, navy and civilian
board of boxing, control, of which it
is really a development, will be
formed by carefully selected and of
ficially appointed delegates from New
lork, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massa
chusetts, Maryland, New Jersey. Con
necticut, Colorado, Wisconsin, Mon
tana, Minnesota, ' Oregon, Wast Vir
ginia, Louisiana, Washington, Flor
ida. Tennessee and Oklahoma.
This group represents almost all
states where boxing is legalized or
permitted. Boxing is permitted in
several other states under what may
be termed local option, but those
wh'ch will be represented by offi
cially appointed delegates will be the
ones to take the initial steps In the
formation of the new national gov
erning body.
Delegates to Have Power.
The conference is the culmination
of more than six months of corre
spondence and personal conferences
between the officials of the Interna
tional Sporting club and governors of
the states which will delegate rep
resentatives to the meeting. Each
delegate will have the writen au
thority to represent his state in the
conference and to act for it The
delegates also will have the powe
to return to their respective states
after the conference with the idea
of having the necessary changes
made in the local executive rules so
that all will govern boxing under
the rules to be adopted by the new
organization. -
In discusssing the project with the
Associated Press, William A. Gavin
managing director of the Interna
tional Sporting club, stated today
that it was the intention of the dele
gates to standardize boxing rules for
each state; to adopt a joint agree
ment to bar any delinquent or of
fending boxer in all states, if sua
Dended by the national association
and to compel champions to defend
their titles at reasonable, fixed in
tervals or forfeit the title.
Huge Parses I'nder Fire.
Abolition of the huge purses which
have been recently offered for box
ing matches as discrediting boxing Is
also the intention of those interested.
and to work for reasonable admission
prices at all matches, as in the case
of baseball, football and other sports
of a national character, is the plan
It is further proposed to stop the
filming of boxing bouts as harmful
to the sport. The new organization
also will co-operate with the national
boxing bodies of other .nations with
the idea of having one international
code for the governing of boxing in
order to make the sport clean, whole
some, humane and to elevate It to
the plane enjoyed by otner sports ana
pastimes. '
A man of national reputation ana
an outstanding figure in sport prob
ably will be selected for president of
the body. Tex u rtourae, present
matchmaker for the International
Snorting club, would be secretary, it
Is expected that the formation of a
national governing Doay tor Doxing
win lift the soort to a nign ana per
manent plane and find favor with
the newly elected governors of such
states as do not now have a boxing
law or who are inclined to frown
upon the sport due to unsatisfactory
conditions wnicn surround iuo emi
at this time.
Honeyman Manager Declares Quin
tets Fear to Play His Squad.
"Niir" Gallo. manager of the Honey-
man Hardware company basketball
team, claims that the strong quintets
throughout the state are sidestepping
his aggregation of hoopers. He has
several open dates for January and
February and is eager to scneauie
games with any of the topnotch
earns in Oregon or wasningion.
Dallas, Hood River, Goldendale
nd other towns boast of first rate
teams, and it is with these squads
that Gallo wants to schedule games
for the next two months. The
Honeyman five la also after the
611 R. H. N. BATTERY
For Fords
1918 Oakland
1918 Chandler
490 Chevrolet
1918 Buick
Scrippt Booth
By Turning in
Your Old Battery.
'tfka&fflam Batteries
All Prices F. 0. B. Portia nd. Drive in Today
Prest-O-Lite Service Station
M. D.Baker Co. Tenth and Davis Bdwy. 4192
You may be Sure
says the Good Judge
W-B CUT is a long fine -
scalps of the Pacific Dental college.
Arleta and South Parkway teams.
The latter two are members of the
Portland basketball league and ara
tied for first place.
Do Oro Challenges Willio Iioppe.
NEW TORK. Dea. 27. Alfredo De
Oro, ex-champion at three-cushion
and pocket billiards, has issued a
public challenge to Willie Hoppe, the
balkline title holder, to meet him in
a three-cushion match. The Cuban
player announced that Hoppe can
have the privilege of naming the
number of points to be played and
the date for the match.
Eddie Casey Signs as Coach.
ALLIANCE, O.. Dec. 27. Eddie
Casey, captain of the 1919 Harvard
football team, today signed to coach
the Mount Union college football
squad for three years. He coached
Mt Vernon this season.
Rain Postpones Cup Game.
AUCKLAND, N. Z, Dee. Ig. The
first match in the challenge round of
the Davis cup tournament, which was
to have been played today, has been
postponed until tomorrow owning to
School Team Defeated by Score of
2 7 to 23, but Game Proves
Exciting From Start.
The B'nal B'rith basketball team
won its fourth straight game of the
season last night on Its home floor I
by trimming the Franklin high
school quintet 27 to 23. The school
basket-tossers bad tne edge In the
first half of the game. 12 to 10. but
a last half rally on the part of the
B'nal B'rith squad netted a victory.
The. winners tallied 17 points to the
losers. 11 In the second period.
"Bud" Weiser. veteran B'nal B'rith
center, was high-point man, scoring
12 markers individually, all from
field goals.
The game was one of the best
seen this season, containing all the
requisites necessary to make it a
hair-raising affair. Speed, teamwork
spectacular long shots, were only a
few of the. things that kept the fans
on the hummer throughout the con
- The high school team played an ex
ceptional game for so early in Its
season. The teamwork of the B'nal
B'rith quintet was not what it should
have been, but the spectacular shoot
ing they 'did more than made up the
defect. The B'nal B'rith boys played
without Goodwin, their star forward.
Franklin ran In every man on its
squad the second half In an effort
to stop the fast scoring B'nai B'rith
The lineup was as follows:
B'nal B'rith (27). Franklin High (2.1).
Levlnson F. .
... Kln
F. I.akeflsh i.M . . . F. .
. .. ( HiXim
(2) Kelly
...(6) Thoma
C. Vlr (121 ...:..
0,. Toulavltch '2) ...
G. Arronson (8)
G. Rogaway . .
a. .
Referee: DuWnsky; t.'mpire: H. Cohen.
Clifford Leon Sherman Writes Ills
Own Death Announeement.
SPRING FIELD, llL. Dec. 17. After
having written his own death an
nouncement. Clifford Leon Sherman,
45 years old, former newspaper artist
and author In San Francisco, Denver,
Chicago, Philadelphia, New Tork and
Boston, died at a hospital here yes
terday of tuberculoses. He will be
buried at his birthplace, Lincoln, 111.
Mr. Sherman was the author of the
Dot books for children. He was a
ember of the Boston Press club and
Boston Newspaper club. 1
Back to Pre-War Prices for All Cars
Last to Raise First to Reduce
- 613
127 W. H. N.
1915-16-17-18 Maxwells
By Turning in
Old Battery.
That you are getting full
value for your money
when you use this class1 of
The good, rich, real to
bacco taste lasts so long,
you don't need a fresh
chew nearly as often nor
do you need so big a chevy
as you did with the ordi
nary kind.
Any man who has used the
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put up in too styles
cut tobacco
CUT is a short-cut tobacco
Blue and Gold Gridiron Jogger
oant Undefeated During Sen
son Just Closed.
BERKELET. CaL, Dee. :7. Unl-
veralty of California's 1520 football
team, which Is to play Ohio State at
Pasadena. Cal New Year's day. Is
considered as probably the best col
lege eleven ever developed in the
During the season Just closed the
blue and gold gridiron juggernaut
not only was undefeated but ran up
a season total of 482 points to Its
opponents' 14 and won the l'aclfio
Coast conference title without appar
ently exerting Its full strength.
Elevens from many pHrts of the
west were defeated by California by
overwhelming scores. The University
of Nevada, considered a fighting
team, came to Berkeley and lost, 7
to 7. Next the University of Utah
was beaten, 3 to 0. Then Washing
ton State college, rating as the
strongest Pacific Northwest team,
came down, expecting to give Cali
fornia its first real test. The Cll
fornians stood the teet and won 49-0.
Later Washington Slate defeated the
University of Nebraska 21-20. Finally
California defeated Its old rival. Stan
ford university, 33-0. Stanford pre
viously had beaten the University of
Oregon, which last year at Pasadena,
lost to Harvard university by a small
Records of many sorts were broken
by the California team. The season
point total is the highest ever made
by any western college team and
comes close to the Suo-polnt mark
made by Michigan's eleven of 1202.
Another record smashed was In the
Stanford game when California won
by 33 points, the largest score by the
blue and gold against Stanford since
1899. California's score of 127 In the
St. Mary's college game was tha
largest ever made on California field.
All but one of California's games
have been played on the team's horns
field and In the one game away from
home, that played at Corvallls. Ore
gon, sgalnst the Oregon Agrlcultursl
college, the blue and gold team was
held to Its lowest score. 17 to 7. In
this game the Berkeley men for the
first time played on a slippery, muddy
California has a brainy, well oiled
football machine, made up mostly of
physical giants. Both the linemen
and backfield men are fast. They have
played together all season and each
knows just what his mate la going to
do. There sre no Individual alar,
unless they might be "Brick" Mullrr.
crack right end. or Teky" Fprott.
left half, who did much of the run
ning In the Stanford gam. 'Puke"
Morrison, fullback, docs most of tha
punting for the team and his kicks
generally go from 40 to 0 yards.
Tflnmiv la valuable as a dron kicker.
Erb, quarterback. Is considered a star
field general and a natural leader.
Naval "Blimp" ins Race.
LONG BEACH, Cal.. Pec. 27 An
exhibition race between a naval
pony blimp" and another dirigible
owVed by a motion picture company
was the final event of the National
Winter Air Tournament here today.
The sailors guided their lighter-than-air
craft to an easy victory. Inhibi
tions were given by naval alrplanrp.
A torpedo flying plane flew from San
Diego to the flying field here and left
for the southern port after a short
Catltolics Give for European.
' BEND. Or.. Dec. 27. (Special.
In addition to Bend's over-subscription
of the European relief fund,
members of the Cathollo church of
this city donated 1C0 to the same
cause, It was announced this morn
ing by the clergy.
Ttend The Oregonian rlifle4
- 20 Buick
Chandler V Jl
evrolet 9
- 20 Cha
Baby Grand
1916-17 Cole
By Turning in
Old Battery.