11 OF 2 All Charge Purchases Made Today and Remainder of Month Will Go cm January Accounts Payable Feb. 1, 1921 PORTLAND .AGEtfCY FOB GOSSARD, NEMO, -- BIEN JOLIE , AND LA CAMILLE . ;, CORSETS PORTLAND AGENCY FOR BUSTER BROWN SHOES v FOR BOYS AND GIRLS 6 TO 16 YEARS For the Best Lunch In Portland come to our Tea Room on the Fourth Floor. A pleasant, convenient place to meet your friends while down town shopping. Service 11:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. Mail Orders Care . fully Filled Out-of-town customers are invited to make full use of this special service. All orders filled and forwarded same day as received. S. ft II. Stamps riven upon request. The Standard Store of the Northwest Treasury Deficit Next June - 30 Set at $2,100,000,000. Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods NEW LEVIES SUGGESTED J Annual CLEARANCE SALE All Over the Store ! V Broken Lines and Odd Lots in All Departments Greatly Reduced to Effect a Quick Clearaway Government's Present Sources of Income 'Fast Declining, Says Secretary; Money Is Needed THE MOUSING OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1920 IS BILLION OPPOSED BY HOUSTON TTASHINGTOK, Dec. 2T. Approxi mately $2,300,000,000 was the estimate submitted today by Secretary Hous ton of the treasury department as the coat of carrying out provisions of the old'ers' bonus bill. The secretary presented his esti mate to the senate finance commit tee without comment other than to nrge that do legislation be enacted which would lay an additional bur den on the nation's finances. The estimate was accompanied by figures showing; the -cost of -carrying out any one of the five optional pro visions of the bonus bill provided aTl former service men chose a single plan. The figures for- the various plans ranged from $1,342,000,000 for the adjusted pay provisions to $4,534,- 00,000 for the insurance provision. Fifth Flam Can't Be Estimated. The maximum possible cost of the vocational training aid and the farm and home development plans were placed at $1,880,000,000 each, while the secretary said the fifth proposi tion, a plan for land settlement, held so many uncertainties that it was Impossible to estimate the possible expenditure. Submission of the estimated total eost made an apparent Impression npon members of the committee which is considering the bonus bill as passed by the house at the last session. Members declined to forecast the decision of the committee on the question of reporting out the meas ure, but it was recalled that Senator McCumber, republican, of North Da kota, atated at the opening of hear ings on the bill that Its passage would depend largely on the state of government finances and that Mr. Houston had testified the treasury with normal expenditures would have a deficit of $2,100,000,000 for the year ending next June 30, and a deficit of $1,500,000,000 for the following 12 months. lfew Taxes Suggested. During Mr. Houston's testimony It became increasingly evident that the present treasury administration does not desire either to advise, or recom mend with respect to legislation pro viding for greater governmental ex penditures. The secretary made plain to the committee bis thought in sub mitting a list of possible sources of new taxes in his annual report, say ing they were for the information of congress and were in no sense more than suggestions. Kelterating his opposition to re vival of the war finance corporation. Mr. Houston declared the present sources of revenue were fast declin ing and added that he knew not where the money was to come from to meet the bonus payment should the bill be enacted into law. He avoided discussing the addi tional taxes carried in the bill and designed to meet its needs, refer ring- the committee first to the survey of the taxation problem In his an nual report and explaining he was unable even to prescribe ways of raising revenue for the current needs without readjusting and revising the present tax laws to produce more money. Dr. T. S. Adams, treasury econo mist and tax expert, at the suggestion of Mr. Houston, gave the committee a complete statement of revenue ob tainable from the various taxes sug gested to congress in Mr. Houston's annual report. He pointed to many new sources which might be utilised but explained that much 'of the ques tion of raising a tax levy centered first in the determination of a rev enue policy . which eBly congress could provide. Dr. Adams also suggested that one or the greatest needs was a eimnli- fication of the revenue laws, a stater ment concurred in by Senator Smaot, republican of Utah, wbo said there was an evident need for enactment of tax laws "which the average man can understand. EUGENE MAN' STRICKEN Death Comes Wbile 3fan Is Lead ing Cow to Pasture, ITT7GENK, Or Dec. 27. .(Special.) , W. D. Moxley, well-known resident pi Eugene, died suddenly on the street today while leading a cow to pasture. Mr. Moxley was seen to fall and was assisted to a nearby residence where he expired a few minutes afterward. Heart trouble was the cause of death. Mr. Moxley is survived by his wife and children as follows: Dr. W. E. Moxley, L. D. Moxley, F. B. Moxley and Mrs. E. T. Lake. He had lived in Lane county for many years. Tule Thefts iad to Jail. "WHiam Severance picked out an Imported canary bird for his Christ mas present at the Routledge store, Christmas eve, and shoved the cage into a paper sack he had brought along for the purpose. When ar rested, police officers found a pack age of meat and other articles for a Christmas dinner that he had stolen from a- shopper in GUI's store. Sev erance was sentenced to 30 days in jail when he appeared In municipal court yesterday. Both the canary and the package were returned to the owners at the time of his arrest. Coos Telephone Rise Approved. SALEM, Or., Deo. 27. (Special.) The Coos & Curry Telephone company has filed an application with the Ore gon public service commission asking that the plant be changed from a magneto to battery system. In lieu of this change of the type of service the Coquille commercial club and Co quille city council have sent tq the public service commission their ap proval of the proposed increase in rates. The increase averages approx imately 20 per cent, and applies to all Marshal Waits at Prison Gates. A deputy United States marshal was waiting outside the prison doors at Salem for Wallaes MoKay yes terday, when he waa released Tt the expiration of a sentence for forgery, and he was brought back to Port land to answer a federal charge of forging a postoffice money order. He was committed to the county jail U ttum JlaOfl bail. - , EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EXCEPT GROCERIES AND A VERY FEW CONTRACT LINES Price Gleari-Up Sale Women's Apparel The Garment Store offers hundreds of Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses and Gowns at just half price to close them out promptly. Here is a won derful opportunity to buy high-grade wearing ap parel and save a full half . Dept, Second Floor. Women's Suits Ik Price Beautiful Fur-trimmed Suits and the very, new est effects trimmed with braids and embroidery. Novelty and tailored models. Made up in Duvet de Laine, Velour, Evora, Yalama, Silvertone and other desirable materials. Regular $39.50 to $275.00 Suits priced special, $19.75 to $137.50 Women's Coats if V2 Price Coats for afternoon and evening wear in this season's most attractive styles. Belted, ruffled, draped and dolman effects. Some have fur col lars and cuffs. Velvet, Taffeta, Peachbloom, Bolivia, Corduvel, etc Regular $70.00 to $300.00 Coats priced special at $35.00 to $150.00 Women's Dresses 12 Price Many exclusive models in this sale. Dresses of Tricolette, Georgette Crepe, Taffeta,. Crepe Meteor, Silk Poplin and other materials. Beau tiful models in embroidered and beaded effects. $37.50 to $135.00 Dresses now $18.75 to $07.50 Evening Gowns lz Price Evening and Dinner Gowns in a splendid range of the season's best styles. Developed in Chiffon Velvet, Lace, Tulle, Brocaded Satin, Georgette Crepe and other fabrics. Many are trimmed with fur. $135.00 to $350.00 Gowns $67.50 to $175 Sheets, Sheetings, Pillow Cases At Reduced Prices ' We have selected a number of spe cial linee in Home Needs from our regular stock and offer them during the Clean-up Sale at splendid savings. Here are a few of the many bargains: 45x36-Inch Pillow Cases 25c Main Floor Bleached Pillow Cases of good firm quality sftecting. One of our well-known makes. Size 45x36 inches. Place your order early, for quantity is somewhat limited. On special OPT, sale while they last at, each 0 Large Sheets Priced Special $1.95 Pillow Tubing 37'2c Yard Main Floor Bleached Sheets of ex cellent quality and good heavy weight. Standard make full 3 yards long. Only 6ix to a J"J Qpf customer. Special, each tDX.ei" Bleached Pillow Tubing on sale at a very low price. It will pay you to lay in a good supply. Choice of 42 or 45-inch widths. Spe- HTZf cially priced at 2 yards for ' Bleached Sheeting Now 48c Yard Robe Patterns at $3.95 Heavy quality Bleached Sheeting 72 inches wide. Not more than 10 yards to a customer. Priced yQ for Clean-up Sale, the yard rtu' Bath Robe Patterns, and Loung ing Blankets in the celebrated "Bea con" and 'Esmond' makes. Latest designs. Each, ,keat$3.95 72-INCH UNBLEACHED SHEETING, 45 YARD. Remnants at Price Alder-Street Circle, First Floor Remnants of Outing Flannels. White Goods, Percales, Devonshire Cloth, Shirtings, Ginghams and various other materials in this great assortment. Good useful lengths for almost every purpose. Un sale at ttALJf rtuCi. a.tia. ikawnIi S JAM PS GIVEN. Muslin Underwear HALF PRICE Bargain Circle, Main Floor Several hundred gar ments in this great Clearaway! Night Gowns, Pa jamas, Chemise, Corset Covers, Skirts, Combination Suits and Drawers in a large assortment of dainty styles. Garments that have become slightly soiled and mussed during the holiday season. Save a Full Half! -Regular -Regular -Regular -Regular -Regular -Regular -Regular -Regular -Regular -Regular -Regular -Regular $ .65 $1.00 $1.50 $1.98 $2.50 $2.08 $3.50 $3.08 $4.50 $5.98 $6.50 $7.98 Undergarments, Undergarments, Undergarments, Undergarments, Undergarments, Undergarments, Undergarments, Undergarments, Undergarments, Undergarments, Undergarments, Undergarments, special special special special special special special special special special special special $ .50 .75 $ .Ot) $1.25 1.41 at $1.75 at $1.00 at $2.1:5 at at $:t.U5 at $3.01) Windsor Crepe Gowns At Sale Prices Bargain Circle, Main Floor Women's Night Gowns of Windsor crepe In plain or with blue bird designs. Also dainty floral patterns. Well-made and very attractive. The wise shopper will buy & fall year'e supply of these gowns. Full range of sizes in th rale. Regular $2.25 Windsor Crepe Night Gowns $1.(50 Regular $2.49 Wlndhor Crrpe Night Gowns 8 1. OS Regular $2.08 Windiwr Crcnc Night Gown JR2.-I0 Regular $4.50 Windsor Crepe Night Gowns $2.DS Sale of Linoleums Third Floor Remnant pieces of Lino leums suitable for bathroom, toilet tr kitchen. Sold only by the square yard. Bring in exact measurements. Regular $3.00 Inlaid Lin- J" QO oleum, epecial,v square yard OX.0 Regular $2.50 Inlaid Lin- Q- n oleum, special, square yard OxU7 Regular $2.25 Inlaid Lin- AO leum, special, square yard WXeJO Regulur $2.50 Granite In- Q-f OQ laid Linoleums, square yard Ox.OJ Clean-Up Sale of Men's Clothing EVERY SUIT AND OVERCOAT REDUCED! , Mr No "ifs" nor "ands" nor "buts" about this Clothing Sale. Step into the department, select any Suit or Overcoat and pocket a worth-while saving. We have arranged this event for the sole purpose of disposing, as quickly as possible, of all Men's Winter Hurts and Overcoats. Men who believe in practicing thrift will realize these sterling values and will act accordingly. Every Man's Suit Reduced M en's $30 Suits -. M en's $35 Suits - Men's $45 Suits - M en's $55 Suits - M en's $60 Suits - regular - special regular - special regular - special regular - special regular - special $19.75 $23.25 $29.75 $36.50 $39.95 M en's $65 Suits - M en's $70 Suits - M en's $75 Suits - M e n 's $80 Suits -Men's $85 Suits - regular - special "regular - special regular - special regular - special regular special $43.25 $46.25 $49.75 $53.25 $56.50 Every Overcoat Reduced M en's regular COQ O C $35 Overcoats now D&d&d M en's regular flOC Kf $40 Overcoats now DJ.UV Men's regular OQ fJfZ $45 Overcoats now pidU I tf Men's regular QQC Cf $55 Overcoats now DOl).t)U M en's regular $65 Overcoats now Men's regular $75 Overeoats now M en's regular $85 Overcoats now M en's regular $95 Overcoats pow $43.25 S49.75 $56.50 $63.00 Boys' 2-Pant Suits Special $12.45 Men's, Store Main Floor Main Floor Get your boy one of these splendid Suits they are phenomenal values at the price. Many were formerly marked to sell at $18.50. Latest belted models. Sizes Ol O A ff 8 to 18. Special at DAJ Boys' Corduroy Suits in serv iceable dark' browns and grays. Very ; latest , styles with loose belts and full lined pants. Just the thing for the youngster to wear to school. Regu- flQ OK lar $13.50 values, at Di7.0tl Clean-Up Sale of Boys' MacWnawgValues to $25.00 Special at $12.45 Extraordinary Reductions on All Cedar Chests $39.75 Cedar Chests Now $26.50 $65.00 Chests at $43.30 Regular $39.75 Cedar QO? r n Chests prieed special afc 3U.Jl Regular $42.50 Cedar (POO 4f Chests priced special at VO.ftl Regular $45.00 Cedar CJOA ftft Chests priced special at 0OU.V Regular $47.50 Cedar (POI (?K Clipsts nn'pftd utierial at DOx.Ut) Regular $50.00 Cedar rtJOO I7fl Chests priced special at SO& t V Regular $55.00 Cedar fl0 nr Chests priced special at 50U. I tJ Regular $62.50. Cedar & f rjf Chests priced special at 3riu. f U Regular $65.00 Cedar fl 4 q OA Chests priced special at tD'xO.OV CRETONNE-COVERED BOXES of California White Cedai-many dif ferent sizes and styles with or without trays at REDUCED PRICES. Drapery Department, 3d Floor Clean-Up Sale of Shoes If you are in need of new Font wear now is the time to buy. Our cntiro stock of Men's and Womcn'a Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords en kale at lowest prices. Women's Shoes $7.45 Main Floor Odd lines of Women's High-grade Shoes. Smart up-to-date btyiea but not all hha in each pattern. All the wanted leath ers, inoes rormeny emng io $13.00 the for Clean- e pair. Special Q'7 A P o-up Sale, only O I ,llO Sale of Canned Goods Replenish your stock of Canned Vegetables during this sale and pay much less than regular. Experienced telephone clerks at your service, 8 A. M. to 5:45 P. M. Model Grocery. Standard Tomatoes 10c Can Standard Tomatoes put up in large size tins. Special, "1 A $1.20 a dozen; per can J-Vl Country Gentleman OH Corn $3.35 dozen, can A'Vl Minne-Paul Peas 15c Can Minne-Paul Canned "I Peas, $1.80 dos., can Xv, Monopole String Beans OHp $3.35 a doten, per can ""v Canned Spinach 2 for 35c Del. Monte Spinach, Off, $3.00 dozen, 2 cans for Hillsdale Asparagus rr Tips; special, 2 cans for Ou .Model Grocery Fourth Floor Misses' Winter Coats Special $24.99 Second Floor A phenomenal underprice effering in Misses and Children's Coats will be the feature sale in the Junior Shop today. Many of the Coats in this lob are from lines selling heretofore at $32.50 to $39.50. Pebble, Cheviot, Corduroy, Ve lour, Bolivia, Chinchilla, Melton, Yosemile and novelty rnixtures. , Loose and bolted Styles with cape or convertible collars. Brown, navy, taupe, etpen and other colors. Sizes from (JJO 4 QQ 6 to 16. Up to $39.50 Coats, special $6.95 Wool Middies $4.49 Second Floor Navy Blue Flannel Middies with V neck and yoke front. Trimmed with white braid on collar and cuff. All sites. OA Aft Values up to $6.75. Priced special at $13.75 Bath Robes $9.98 Second Floor Women's and Misses' Bath Robes of heavy blanket material. Warm and comfy. Long sleeves, square collars, cord girdles. All the newest patterns and eolors. Regu CQ QQ lar to $13.75 values. Priced special at OJ.JO