i '-' 1 9 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY. DECE3IBER 2?, 1920 . ... . y-. J CITY BECOMING OIL NORTH 480,330 Barrels Brought Port This Month. to SHIPMENTS BY WATER 6, -8 0,53 0 Barrels Received This Tear; Stocks Sent Inland by Rail to 3fany Communities. Fertland rapidly is assuming- a po sition of Importance as f center for the distribution of oil to all sections of the northwest Judging from fig ures on the growth of this industry which have been compiled by Fred W. Clark, manager of the Merchants' exchange. Vr. nrVi ficrures show that total of 480.330 barrels of att of all kinds was brought to this rt by water so far this month, making- the total shipment to Portland by water this year , 480.530 barrels. These fig ures do not include the large ship ments to Portland by rail from varl aus oil centers. Much of the oil received here is distributed to various inland centers y rail. Portland in this respect is much better situated to serve the northwest district than any of the ther ports of the northwest. Rate Declnloa Helpa. This Is especially true since the rate case was decided In favor of this alty. .making shipments inland from this port cheaper than from Puget sound cities and Astoria. The development of the oil distribu tion Industry here is shown ty com Baring figures this year with those for the preceding year. 1 he snip ments by water to this porr last year amounted to 6,089,196 barrels. This year's figures are consequently near- Iv 400.000 in excess or last year ana there is still nearly a week yet of this year to run. The shipments of oil for the year JJ18 amounted to 5,694.754 barrels. The figures compiled by Mr. Clark Include the shipments of gasoline, fuel oil and various other products of that character. Much of the ship ments received here are gasoline for use In automobiles and for the opera tion of gasoline engines, tractors and similar machinery. Fuel oil also is a IS item. 13 Steamers Here Tkis Month. So far this month there have been 13 oil steamers in port all bringing their cargo from California ports. The movement of vessels in the harbor yesterday was featured by the arrival and departure of oil steam ers.' The steamer Oleum which had Just discharged a cargo of 27,000 bar rels left down for San Francisco yes terday afternoon at 2 o'clock. At the same time the steamer W. F. Herrin arrived up from Uaviota bringing 45.000 barrels. The steamer El Segundo is now In port discharging a cargo of about 22,000 barrels. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Dee. 26. Sailed at S A. M. Steamer Oleum, for San Francisco; at 6 A. M. Steamer J. A. Moffett. for San Pedro; at 10 A. M. Steamer Rosa City, for San Francisco; at 9 P. M. Steamer Curacao, for Cooa Bay. Eureka and San Francisco. Arrived at 2 A. M. Steamer W. F. Herrin, from Claviota. ASTOTtTA, Dec. 26. Arrived down and psuled at 12:30 P. M. Steamer Oleum, for Port San Luis. SAN FRANCISCO. Dee. 25 Sailed Bteamer J. B. Sletin, for Portland. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2. Arrived gleamer Pomona, from Antwerp, for Puset Sound and Portland. BATTT.H ree. 26. Arrived Steamer Valdez, from Portland. TATOOSH, Pec. 2d. Pawed In Motor ebooner Boobyalla. from Portland. T A COMA, Wash.. Dec. 26. Arrived Sfukilteo. from San Francisco: Stanwood, from San Pedro; Chilkat, from Surf In let. B. C. BAN PEDRO. Cal., Dec. 50. (Special.) Arrived, at 4 P. M.. Admiral Schley, from Kan Francisco; at S A. it., Frank H. Buck, from Porttund; at 7 A. M., Phoenix, from Albion; at 1 A. M., Tiverton, from Port land. Sailed at 6 P. M., Stockton: at 6 P. M.. Lasses, for Grays Harbor; at 10 A. M.. President, for San Francisco; at 6 P. M., Bandoa, for Bandon. SEATTLE, Wash., Dee. 26. Arrived Steamer Juneau, from San Pedro; Admiral Evans, from San Francisco; Valdez, from San Pedro. Sailed West Ivan, for Ma nila. Pacific Coast Shipping Xotes. ASTORIA, Or., Dec. 26. (Special.) After discharging; fuel oil In Portland, the tank steamer Oleum sailed at 12:30 today for California. The steamer Rose City arrived at 4:30 today from Portland and will sail during tha night for San Francisco. Tha tank steamer Washtenaw will be due tomorrow from California eft route to Portland with fuel oil. After discharging fuel oil In Portland, tha tank steamer J. A. Moffett sailed at 4 o'clock today for California. COOS BAT, Or., Dec. 26. (Special.) Tha tide which has revalled high for several days without material damage has begun recedinr and that of today was some less than yesterday. Some lower lands have been flooded, but residents in the southern part of the city in the flood area have suffered no inconvenience. The gasoline schooners Ogprey and Tramp, which for three weeks have been loaded with Port Orford and Rogue river freight, departed for the south at 12:55 and 1:13 P. M. today. SEATTLE. Wash., Dec. 26. (Special.) Because of the scarcity and high price of fuel oil, ail the steamships of the Cana dian Pacific coastal service between Se attle and British Columbia are to be con verted Into coal burners, it was learned from representatives of the company yes terday. Bound for Seattle, the steamship Euryda mus, of the blue funnel line, is due in Seattle next Tuesday from the United Kingdom via the Panama canal, San Fran cisco and Portland. The vessel will go from Portland to Vancouver and Comox. B. C, and is expected here January 7. She sails from this port January 10 for London, Liverpool and Glasgow. The steamship Talthytolus of the blue funnel line, aailed-from Yokohama for this port December 16 and-is due here Decem ber 341. She will sail for Japan. China and the Philippines January 111. Tha steam ship Tyndareua. of the blue funnel fleet, now completing her cargo in the orient, will sail for Seattle shortly, according to advices received In this port. John Brown, chief engineer of the steam ship Ixion, of the blue funnel line and one ef tha most widely-known seafaring men on the trana-Padf ic trade route, will y good-bye to Seattle and the north Pa cific w'hep his vessel sails from this1 port at 2 o'clock next Sunday morning. Mr. Brown Is leaving the sea and will shortly return to his old home In England. The Ixlon arrived in Seattle yesterday from Tacoma and will complete her cargo In this port. - Afrer a year's Illness. William Morck, 51 years' old, veteran chief engineer in the Seattle-Alaska and shipping board fleets, died Friday night at the home of his mother, Mrs. E. S. Anderson, 1C22 Grand avenue. He retired from the sea -in pre war days but when America entered the conflict he was one of the first Seattle manners to offer bis services to the ship ping board and served, on many voyages through the submarine zones. He had snad his home in Seattle for 20 years. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 26. (Special.) j Ciptsin A. B, Peterson, who was i command of the barkentine" Hesperian, died at sea. according to word received by the marine department of the chamber of commerce today. The Hesperian was spoken by the Annie M. Reed, also owned bv the RnlDh Navieatlon comoany. on De cember 17. Both ships were bound for Antofagasta from here. Captain Peter son's wife and two children are aboard the He.Derlan. according1 to the message. The steamer Pomona arrived In this port today after a 50-day run from Ant werp by way of Balboa and San Pedro. Captain Curtis, in command, completed his first voyage as master on the Pomona. He was formerly a marine surveyor In this port. In the Pomona's hold was' a cargo of general merchandise for the Williams, Dimond company. Built In the north for the Standard Oil company and bound for the east coast to ply between New York and Europe, tbe tanker John Worthlngton arrived here in ballast today. She will load here with lubricating and fuel oil. Tbe Sylvan Arrow. Standard Oil tanker, got to sea this morning, bound for Darien with a full cargo of oil, after spending the night adrift on tbe bay with a Red Stack tug atandlng by. The Arrow lost an an chor and chain about 11 P. M. and started drifting from her position. The steamer Governor arrived at o'clock tonight with her cabins crowded with passengers coming south to spend the winter. Part of them will remain here and some are going on to the south ern part of the state. Indications in Se attle are that the tourist list coming south this winter will be as large, if not larger, than any of recent years. The motorship Santa Flavia arrived here today to finish loading for Paltl. She belongs to W. R. Grace A Co. The schooner Roy Somers cleared for Papeete today with a cargo of merchan dise. Ship Reports by Radio. (Farni.hed by Radio Corporation AmwiM.l Positions renorted et g P. M. yesterday. unless otherwise Indict led, were as follows: WEST HIXTON. San Pedro for Mono lulu. 1304 miles from San Pedro. PRESIDENT. Los Angeles, for San Francisco, 215 miles south of San Fran. CISCO. WEST CADRON. Shanghai for San Pe dro. 1S2 miles north of San Pedro. SALINA. San Pedro for Manila, 286 miles west of San Pedro. HORACE X. BAXTER. Seattle for Ban Francisco. 3.16 miles from San Francisco. WEST KEENK, Kahulul lor Astoria, 1 miles from Astoria. WASHTENAW. Port San Luis for Port land, 198 miles from Astoria. J. A. MOFFETT. Portland for Rich- mond, 7)20 miles from Richmond. CHARLIE WATSON, Richmond for Be. attle, 545 miles north of Richmond. OLEUM, Portland for Oleum. 622 miles from Oleum. ADMIRAL FBBRBB. San Francises for Belllngham. 277 miles south of Cape Flat tery. IMLAT. San Pedro for Honolulu. 1061 miles from San Pedro. EASTERN EXPORTER, Honolulu for San Francisco, 1005 miles west of San Francisco. WEST JESSUP. Vancouver. B. C for Yokohama, 825 miles from Flattery. WL ben. San Francisco for Seattle. 450 miles from Seattle. EASTERN SAILOR. Portland for . San Pedro. 34 miles northwest of Eureka. LATOUCHE. north bound, anchored at Port Hardy storm bound. RICHMOND towing barre 9B. San Pedro for Seattle. 205 miles from Seattle. Li JIAa STEWART, San Pedro for Se attle. W0 miles from Seattle at 8 P. M., December 25. CHARLES H. CRAMP. S23 miles north of San Francisco at 8 P. M.. December 25. DiLWORTH, Honolulu for San Pedro. 1150 miles from San Pedro at 8 P. M., December 25. - DILWORTH. Honolulu for San Pedro. SOO miles from San Pedro. MOERDIJK, Vancouver for San Fran cisco. 14 miles from San Francisco. LYMAN STEWART, San Pedro for Se attle, 725 miles from Seattle. W. S. PORTER. Gavlota for Everett. 54 miles from Gavlota. STOCKTON, San Pedro for Shanghai. 95 miles from San Pedro. LANSING. Port San Luis for Vancou ver. 6-3 miles from Vancouver. CHARLES H. CRAMP, off Grays Har bor bar. POMONA, San Pedro for San Francisco, 80 miles south of San Francisco at 8 P. M., December 25. vVILHELMIXA. San Francisco for Hono- ulu. 11 TO miles from San Francisco at S P. M.. December 25. WEST NIGER, Hongkong for San Fran cisco, 944 miles west of San Francisco at P. M.. December 25. EASTERN EXPORTER, Honolulu for San Francisco, 12115 miles west of San Francisco at 8 P. M., December 25. ORANO. Honolulu for San Francisco, 0O8 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M., December 25. DEER LODGE. Jacksonville for Kobe, 161 miles northwest of Honolulu at 8 P. M. December 25. CHINA, orient for San Francisco, 1292 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M., De cember 25. RE DON DO. Coos Bay for Pan Francisco, 50 miles north of San Francisco. S. A. SMITH, Coos bay for San Fran cisco. 54 miles north of San Francisco. SYLVAN ARROW, San Francisco for Dairen. 7n miles from San Francisco. LURLINE. San Francisco for Honolulu, 582 miles west of San Francisco. SISKIYOU, San Pedro for Belllngham. 55 miles north of San Francisco. ADMIRAL WATSON, San Francisco for Seattle, 55 miles north of San Francisco. MISKIANZA. Manila for San Francisco, 22 miles west of San Francisco. WAHKEENA, San Francisco for Grays. harbor. 30 miles from San Francisco. CAPT. A. F. LUCAS, Point Orient for Ketchikan, towing barge 93, 23 miles from Point Orient. ADMIRAL GOODRICH. San Pedro for Seattle. 405 miles north of San Pedro. CLARE MONT, Wlllapa harbor for Ban Pedro. 378 miles from San Pedro. ALASKA, San Francisco for Portland, 5 miles north of Point Arena. EVERETT, Everett for San Diego, 750 miles south of Everett. COLORADO SPRINGS. Yokohama for San Francisco, 439 mile from San Fran cisco. Tug STORM KING, Eureka for San Francisco, 105 miles north of San Fran cisco. EASTERN GUIDE. 8an Francisco for Hito, 540 miles from San Francisco. Tides at Astoria Monday. High Water. Low Water. 2:23 A. M 8.5 feetf8:16 A. M 2.7 feet. 1:54 P. M....10.2 feetl8:58 P. M....1.1 foot. Report Tram Month of Columbia. NORTH HEAD. Dec. 26. Condition of the sea at 5 P. M., smooth; wind; south east. 36 miles. KPEBITr FJ IS MAD OPTIMISM PREVAILS IX EAST, SAYS ABERDEEN MAX. Farmer Winning Sympathy of. the Public, Which Is Beginning to Realize Situation. ABERDEEN, Wash., Dec. 26. (Spe cialsEastern bankers, - manufac turers, merchants and corporation lawyers believed that before summer the country will be in enjoyment of an era. of prosperity which should be uninterrupted tor perhaps six or seven years, according to W. L Mor ris, secretary of the Aberdeen cham ber of commerce, who has Just returned from Washington, D. C, where he was a speaker at the Na tional Rivers and Harbors congress. Mr. Morris, on his way to and from Washington, interviewed nationally known bankers and other students of affairs, some of them personal friends of years' standing, and he declares that that optimism prevails. - "General sympathy is expressed for the farmer." said Mr. Morris. The feeling seems to be unanimous that whatever prosperity he may have enjoyed during, the war, he is getting far the worst of it now. A railroad official with whom I sat for' a great part of my journey through the middle west declared that he had learned at first hand of the dire need of money common to farmers in many sections." ' Japanese. Land Views Offered. TOKIO, Dec. SS. 03. W. Frazar and J. R. Geary have departed for the United States to place the views of Americans in Tokio and Yokohama concerning the California land ques tion before influential circles there. ECROPEAX RELIEF CAMPAIGN . MAKING GOOD HEADWAY. - Committees to Be Formed in Co lumbia, Polk and Linn Coun ties to Carry on Drive. Work of raising the quota of the state of Oregon, outside of Portland, for the European relief fund Is mov ing forward rapidly and approximate ly 175,000 has already been pledged, according to an announcement yes terday by F. 1. Gollehur, -who Is man aging the state campaign. Mr. Golle hur said that it was hoped to raise the full amount of $125,000 shortly after the first of the year. Portland's quota is an additional $125,000. Committees have already been formed in most of the counties of the state, and these are actively at work. This is true, with the exception of the counties of Columbia, Polk and Linn. Mr. Gollehur said that comraltees will be formed in Columbia and Polk to day. In Linn county, he said, It was expected to organize Tuesday or Wednesday. Deschutes, Umatilla and Coos coun ties already . have completed their drive and raised more than their quotas, according to Mr. Gollehur. 'This drive is one in which the con tributor can be certain that every penny which he gives will go to the actual purchase of food or medical supplies," said Mr. Gollehur. "Mr. Hoover has announced that every cent or the $33,000,000 which it is hoped to raise throughout the nation will be expended in relief work and that the funds for the carrying on of the drive will be taken out of other money." Mr. Gollehur emphasized the report that there were at the present time 3.500,000 starving children in Europe which it was hoped to help with the contributions. DAILT METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Dee. 56. Maxlmnm tem perature, 44 degrees: minimum, 40 degrees. River reading, 8 A. M., 8.0 feet: change in last 24 hours, 05 foot rise. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.). 0.43 Inch: total rain fall sine September 1. 1920. 20.29 Inches: normal rainfall since September 1. 18. IS Inches; excess of rainfall Mnce September 1. 1920. 2.16 inches. Sunrise. 7:53 A. M. sunset, 4:31 P. M, Total sunshine Decem ber 20. none; poesfole sunshine, s nours so minutes. Moonrise, 6:40 P. M; moonset. 8:31 m. Barometer reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M . 80.21 inches. Relative humlditr at B A. Vf as ner cent: at noon 2 per cent; at 5 P. M., 97 per cent. THE WEATHER. Wmd 8TAT10N8. Baker 8o9ton 20 i 30 0.0O;..lNW Snow 22I0.0OI. JNE ICIoudy Cahiary 0 0.09 . .IE ICIear 32W.08I. .IXWJSnow 2S:0.00!10;N ISnow 2 0.001O NW Clear 52 O.0OI. .NE ICIear 68 0.01l34:NWjPt. cloudv 161O.00.. IS fPt. cloudy Chicago Denver Des Moines. Eureka a ....... r..-.-.-. ut I 2J Galveston Helena Juneau 22 0.10;..W Snow Kansas City 28:0.00118 N ICIear 6610.001. .iNWICIear 52 0. 101. .18 ICIoudy 44 0.00!. .NW Cloudy 18.OOil6;NWiSnow Angeles. Marshfleld ..I Medford ... Minneapolis New Orleans!. 6S 0.02!. JSW lltain New York.. 2S:0.0012:E ICIoudy North Head 40 46 0.361361 3E 6010. 001. .ISW Kain Pt. cloudy Phoenix .... Pocatello ... Portland ... Roseburg ...j Sacramento ..I 280.001. .W Cloudy 40 4-t;0.40l.. Rain 42 4S;0.01..iSE ICIoudy 401 r,0'0.OO. .iSB ICIear St. Louis... Salt Lake. .. San Diego.. S. Francisco ."4;0.2!24!N 3210.021. JNE tCloudy - Pt. cloudy 62 0.00 . ,INW 54 0.00 ..W Cloudy ICIear Seattle I W 4".!0.0l. . SE Rain - Sitkat . Spokane Tacoma S2. B6O.0 . .JNE 20 20'0.0Ol..lS 40 40:0.36' . . IS ISnow Snow ICIoudy Tatoosh Isd. 40 42:0.74!26!E Kain Valdcif ..f 14 (...'0. 001.. IN (Cloudy Wall Walla . 40(0. 001.. IW Rain Know Pt. cloudy Washington Winnipeg .. Yakima 36!0.0. .ISB O.0O12!NW 34'0.S2I. .iXE rSnow tA. M. today. P, M. report of preceding day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Bain; increasing southerly winds. Oregon and Washington Rain west, rain or snow east portion; increasing southerly winds. Idaho Fair south; rain or snow north portion. ED WARP t,. WELT,S. Meteorologist. Cap Pistol Fatal to Child. DOUGLAS, Aris., Dec. 26. The death of Ernesto Ramirez, 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edourado Remi rez, early today was attributed to tetanus, produced by injury to the child's hand inflicted try a cap pistol, a toy with which he was celebrat Ing ChriBtmas. w " New Year's Oregonian ANNUAL NUMBER, JANUARY 1,1921 You will want to send copies to your friends in the east Order now for delivery on January 1st. Single copy 10c; postage, 6c in Unite'd States and possessions; foreign 12c. Fill out blank form and send to Oregonian Office, Sixth and Alder. THE OREGONIAN, Portland, Oregon. . . Gentlemen: Enclosed find.'.'. . . . .. for which mail The Oregonian's New Year's Annual to each of the above addresses. (Inclose 16c for each address in United States or Possessions, 22c for each foreign address.) AMCSE MENTS. MBIfTtSTSh-fc 1 j TN MATS TM. I VV " PI i 1 V V- S-l l&ttvcuin.( Mita.15etsTSs Hlfht15tf U( HACKETT and OELMAR Wftslef BestraMHwfl JOE TOWLE DUNMR'S OlD-THM MB Kill FEN TON an FIELDS THI THBII OIIICIItaL HI All LUCY GtLLETT STELLATRACEY& CARLMcBRIDE pjia . n cra I A TIP I I I RESERVE THEM TODAY I j - B A K E R - Now Playing WAY DOWN EAST Tbe Most Popular Play ver Written. EXTRA Midnight Matinee New Tear's Kve, Starting 11:30 P. M. PANTAGES StEST?-. BIG HOLIDAY SHOW H.GOLETTO BROTHERS wm ian PiiRiNi SWANSCN SISTERS tepresets MARJORlE PETERSON AND COMPANY OP DANCERS. 7 BIG ACTS 7 THE SERIAL RDinC 10 SUPREME DnlUC 10 Sec First Serial anil Yon Will View Them All. THREE SHOWS DAILY WIGHT CUR TAIN 7 AND 0. TODAY. TONIGHT G. Swayne Gordon A Co., "Off With the Old Love": Al Lester Co.. Breesy Farctctal Bits. "Are All Men Alike?" featuring May Allison. LYRIC Musical Comedy DILLON and FRANKS In "Dooley's Troubles" ie Rosebud Chorus in Full Bloom Matinees at 2; Night, 7 and 9. Country Store Kvery Tuesday Night. Chorus Girls Contest Friday Night. MM ---- 1 I HMs. HlFPODROHE Dependable Freight and Passenger Service California Service Rra-nlar Freight and lpsrna-er Service to COOtl BAY EUREKA AND SAN FRANCISCO Sailing; From Portland, 9 P. M. S. 8. "CURACAO," Jan. 7 and 1. Connecting; at San Francisco With Steamers for Los Ang-eles and San Dies; RetTnlar Freight and Passenger Service to Mexico, Central America and Alaska TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE to all Oriental Porta. U. S. Shipping Board A-l Steel American Vessels. Sail Ins From Portland S. S. PAWLET Jan. IS 8 S. COAXKT Feb. 10 S. S. MONTAGUE Mar. 10 101 THIRD ST. NAME ' STREET TOWN STATE , -" '...." ' J - ' " ' AMUSEMENTS. NEW YEAR'S ATTRACTION TICKET OFFICE SALE Opens Today ITT7TT T Broadway at Taylo 1112,1 LslVJ Pheae Mala 1 THIS WEEK ' KITS. DEC. 30-31, JAN. I SPECIAL PRICE - MAT. NEW YEAR'S DAY, 2:15 1 JOHN CORT PRESENTS BRILLIANT MUSICAL COMEDY With FRED HEIDER. T SPLENDID STUNNING I GIRLS CAST GREATEST DANCING CHORUS Ever On Aay Staa-e. - LISTEN " ! PATRONS ! SECl'RE TICKETS EARLY. i7i-rcfi cin, t? Ml R&lconv. S3 11.50, II; Gallery, res. 75c, adm. 60c. SAT. MAT. Floor. 2; BalconV. $1.50, $1; Gallery. 60c CIRCLE 5 Fourth at ashing ton William Hart "The Cradle of Courage" a Ia Tjimr fiemnn In "The Sulfor Open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock the following morning DANCINGtaught All NEW STEPS and POPULAR DANCES guaranteed In S three-hour lessons. Ladies S3, gentlemen $R. De Honey's beautiful academy, 23d and Washington. Beginners class starts Monday anf Tftursday eve ninars. Advanced class Tuesday evenings, 1 to 11:80. Plenty of desirable partners no emDarrasnmenc iou can never learn oanc- inr in nrlvate lemons from inferior teach ers you must have practice. LISARN IN A REAL SCHOOL from professional danc era. Poone .Main iflofl. private lessons, ai hours. uoLlbAT" TURKEY SHOOT kow oar .AMERICAN RIFLE RANGE 430 washington street, between 11th and 12th laxiies patronage invite: . popular prices. Steffens Public Ajmusemeat Enterprises. TRAVELERS' CTJIDB. Astoria and Way Points STR. GEORGIANA Round trln dally (except Friday leaeea Portland 7:10 A. M.. Alder-street dock. Leaves Astoria 3 P. M.. Harel dork, t ars Sz.oo each war. Special a la carta dining it rr Tire, Direct connection fur South Beaches. Night boat dallr. S F. M.. daily except oonaay. ine iiaraun T'ranaporia. turn company. Main 1422. Ml'iU. INTEHCOASTAXi SERVICE. Boston and Philadelphia. Newsco Line. eoOO-Ton Steel American Vessels. Sailing; From Portland S. B. TALZA , Jan. I S. S. WEST ISL.ETA Jan. 20 3. S. ARTIGAS Feb. 1 psra tafiEl For Further Information Apply to PHONB MAIN 8281. TRAVELERS' GOD It V Holland -America Line NORTH PACIFIC COAST I.IN (Joint Service of Holland-America. Lint and Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.) t Between Vancoaver, B. C. Paget Soand, Portland, ban Francisco and Las Angeles Harbor And Rotterdam." Antwerp, London, Liverpool, ' Hamburg, Havre. , FREIGHT ONLY. Sailings will take place as follows: S. 8. Eemdyk (12.000 too d. w.) loading late January and monthly thereafter. S. 6. Kinderdyrk (U.00U tons d. vr.) load ing lata February, early March. And Regularly Thereafter. Steamers are specially fitted with large eool rooms and refrigerators lor the trans portation of fresh fruit, flab, ate. For freight rates and particulars apply to OREGON-PACIFIC COMPANY, 203 WUcex Bids. Phono Main 433 To Europe From St. John, N. B. Jan. 6, M eta Kama ... Jan. 7. Pretorian .... Jan. 8, Sicilian Jan. 14, Em p. Britain Jan. TZ, Minnedosa ... Jan. 28, Victorian .... To . .Liverpool . . .Glasgow , . t Antwerp . . Liverpool . . Liverpool . . Liverpool , tVia Southampton. To the Orient Vancoaver to Chins, Japan, Etc. Jan. 13, Empress of R nasi a, Feb. 1, Monteajle. Feb. 10. Empress of Asia. For All Information Apply to Local 9. e. or itauway Agents, or 55 Third Street. Portland. Oregon. Phono Broadway 90. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS via Tahiti and Baratongo, Mall and pas senger servica from baa Vraaulaca every 69 uaya. CMOS & S. CO OF KETO ZEALAND, 130 California St.. Ban Franelam. ar local ateamahiD and railroad aarettclea. AUCTION BALES. at Wilson's Furniture. 169 Auction Houaa, 10 17! Second street MEETING NOTICES. GL'L REAZEE GROTTO. Slated meeting a P. SA., Mon day, December 2T, Pythian Ding., west FarK and Yanihil st. entertainment and freshments. Interesting ad iress by Brother Geo. M. lly land. Vlsitine nrnnheta wel ny oraer or the .Monarch. J. H. BUT1.ER, Secretary. A AND A. 8. RITE. OREGON CONSISTORY, No 1, Inc. Annual meeting in Auditorium. Scotlleh Rile Ca thedral, this (Monday) even Ing, at 8 o'clock. Election. o vimcm. ryy orucr MASTER OF KADOSII. WILLAMETTE LODGE. No -. A. r . AND A. M. A special communication will be held this (Monday) at 7 P. M work In E. A. and F. C. do grecs. Visiting brethren wel come, bv order v. m. . T. VAN HE EKE KE.V. bee. HARMON! LODGE. No. 1 A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this Monla eve at i o clock. Work in t Its M. M. degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. W. M. Del.I.V. Sec. MARTHA WAHHINdTON CHAPTER. NO. 14. O. E. S. Stated meeting this I Von oV). P. M. Kast.Sth and Huniiride. Degri-io. Visitors welcome. By order of w. 11 c&i.i.i-; Kllll.MuND. sec. KLNNVSIDE CHAPTER. No -, O. E. 8. Special meeting this (Monday), Dec. 27, g p. M. Degrees, Social. By order o W. SI. KUT.T.A DUNNING, Pec. FRIENTKJHIP CHAPTER, 113, O. E. K. Stated communi cation tonight (Monday!. Vincent ball, 43d and Handv. Degree .By ordor u Worthy Matron. ELLA DUNN RICE, Sec IVANHOE HOMESTEAD, No. 503S. B A. Y. Annual yuletide masquerade Wednesday, uecemoer is. at tne Women of Woodcraft hall, 10th and Taylor sts. Dancing at b:w. uon t miss tills Dig night. Four prices lor the bet.t costumes. fJlAKL OWENS. 212 Ry. Exch, Bldg. C'orreaponucnt. Main WW, PORTLAND PTAK HOMESTEAD NO. 42, BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMEN, will give a masquerade ball Thursday evening, Dec. Jo. In the Turn Verein ha I. 23a nun, st. Muslo by Bllaa' Harmony Orchestra, splendid prises. Ad mission Juat 0c.. ladles 35c. Yetta Hainea. correspondent. XUi Allskr bldr Phone Main doitt. THE ANNUAL MEETING of tha stock. holders of the Alaska fish Halting A Bv products company will be held at Portland. I TVinn. ml ill. ouiue ui me I'umuunv. hii Concord building, on Wednesday. Jahuurv 1D21. at lz o ciock noon. Block booka will be closed from January 6 tu January 0. 1U21. . BKATA WITHEKH. Sec. THE RIVER VIEW CEMKTERS ASSO CIATION OK PORTLAND. The annual meeting of the members will be held at 08 Spalding oiag., on Monaay, January 10, 1921, at 3:30 P. M. All lot owners are members and entitled to participate. A general attendance Is requeated. THffi SONS AND DAUGHTERS of Nor way lodge will hold their Christmas cele bration wun a ffooa pniKmia ana irc. tur the children, Monday night, Dec. 21. at the Knights of Pythias hall. West Park and Yamhill. Public Invited. WOODLAWX LODGE, NO. 171, I. O. O. meeta .very Monday evening, 8 P. M.. at 444 Dekum ave. Woodlawn hall. Vicit- log brothers especially invited. Sec. EMBLEM jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. aew designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-. Slxla sL FRIEDLANDER'S for lodg. emblems. lass pins and medals. Blu wasmngtoa su ' DIED. GROVES In this city. Dec. !0, 1K0. at her residence, 907 Emerson st Mary J. Groves, aged CI years 10 months 25 days. Deceased is survived bv a husband. Will lam H. Groves. daughters. Mrs. Edith E. Luark, and MiM May A. Groves, both of this city, also 3 sons, William G, Groves. In the aviation service. Porto Prince, Haytl; Joseph H. and John Groves, of this city: also four brothers and one sister in Nebraska, Remains at the parlors of the Skewes Undertaking Co., corner 9d and Clay. Funeral notice later. ANDERSON Dee. 28. at his 1st. residence 6038 East 8'Jd at. S. E., Frank H.. aged So years, hurband of Anna Anderson; brother of James Anderson of this city, and George Anderson of Detroit. Mich. Tha remains are at Flnley's. Montgom ery at 5th. Notice of funeral later. MURPHY In thla city, at the residence of her slater. Mrs. Fred Him, B70 Kelly St., December 2S, l!W0, Mrs. Nell Murphy, aged 43 years, beloved wife of Charles Murphy. Remains at Holman's parlor. Funeral notice latsr. , vVTNDLE At Emanuel hospltsl. Dee. 23, William W. Windle. beloved husband of Ixin Windle. Remains are at the real dential funeral parlors f Wilson WII son, Ktlllngsworth ave. at Ksrby street. Funeral notice later. FALANGUS In this city. Dec 26. Deme. trl Falangus, aged 74 years, husband of ' Anna. The remains are at Finley'e, Montgomery at win. Notice of funeral later. VAN DIKE At the residence. 2SO Beech street. Chlpman D. Van Dyke. Remains - at tha residential parlors of Miller Tracey. Funeral aoUca latsc. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms And professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by ths month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOl'NTANTS. JULIl'S R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor, income tax aervlce. Concord blilg.. id and Stark. Phone Main 7443. AlHIlNti MACHINKW. 115 BUYS adding machine, atlda ! figures ma l-orpett bids, alar.nall 001. ALTERATIONS. LADIES' tailoring, perfect fitting; work guar. T. Hrubin. 4(18 Burh at l.ane blilg ANMAYKKS AMI ANALYSTS. UUNTA.NA AttMAY OKFICB. 142 Second Gold, gllver and platinum bought. ATTORNEY. B. W. KAST1IAN. lawyer and notary pub' lie. 34 Chamber of Commerce blrtg- . BATHS. ' w.AAnuA o oaina, i u i li.hu. - 1' -1 1 piungaa, iuds, ail ir v. .... your frlenda. Pourth and Waahlngton. CillltoPRACTIC. sleam hatha and mas sage, loth floor Broadway bids. alar, shall 8187. nr. Ijiure B. Downing. I'KI.l.l'UHD IUTTONb. TUB IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. S87 Washington. Broadway 434. A H. t IIIKOI'OHISfM. FFFT HURT on 10 Dr- Partner, foot ILL! IIUll I apeclaliat; corna, bunlena, foot arches made to order. 311 Sw.tland blilg.. Fifth and Washington, Main 101. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Fool troubles acl- entlfically corrected. Lady assistant 01-' Morgan bldg. Main H(12 CHlKOPOImT3 ARCH wrEtlAI.IST'. WILLIAM, Entail and Florello D. Veny. The only sclentiflo chlropodiats and arch specialists In the city, parlors Xu2 Orr linger bldg. S. W. corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1301. ClllltOI'KACTIC. DR. McMAHoN's chiropractic .peaks for Uaelf. Portland, lllh yrar. Phone.. Clll.t.KrTlllSiM. KETH A CO., Worcester bldg. Main 17HA No collections, no c h argea. E-tah. 1lnio. DANCING. THE PATTERSON-DOW NET DANCING ACADEMY. S86H Wah at-, over Haielwood. For mer instructora Cotillion hall. Private lessona dally; claaa, Wed. and Sat. even ings. Phone Main 63.M MISS DSItOIHI R ASM CSS EN Ballroom and stage dancing. MIO Ellera building, Wash., between 4th and 5th. Main ll.-'l DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE. Dll. CHAS. M. ANDERSON, Veterinary and surgeon, day and night aervlce. 1)14 Klipalrlik at. Phone Woodlawn 63J4. DENTICTRY. nCMTICTDV T)R. A. W. KEENE, 3B1H ULilllOlnl Washington st. Without pain. Latest nerve-hlock Ing method. imm; and cat hospital. KOSK CITY VETER1NAUX HOSPITAL. East 7th and Grant sts. Both phonea; day and night aervlce: 3 veterinarian.. ELECTRICAL REI'AIKINO. MOTORS REWOUND Kcpaired Bought and Sold. N1CHOI.S ELECTRICAL WORKS Phone 57--'7. 2 Main al. f'gZKTIt H. M. H. ELECTRICAL CO.. WfGcJl 1 N. 1st St., Portland. Or. Ke- jViVij-ofts specialty. New or uard mu 'V'iriV lore. Broadway lOio. A i(M ELECTRIC MOTOR8. Bought, ao.d. rented ai'd Walker Elerlrio Works. 4IS corner Tenth at. Bdwy, 507A repslrsi. fiu.-naide. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS AND Mil.!, W TI'LIIX THE M. L. KLINE CO., K4 !0 S7 Ml Krniil. ;KAIN .MERCHANT. PACIFIC OKA IN CO.. Hoard of Trade Imlg HATH AMI CAPS. TIIANIIAI'riEll HAT Co., r.:i-..:i Fronl at. PAINTS. OILS AND OI.ASS. W. P. FCI.l.EU CO.. Front and Morrison KAB.MCSWEN - CO., Srcuiid and lalor. 1'tNEKA I, NOTIt E. FULLER Dec, 25. at tier Isle rraiden, e. llll East tOth al. S. E., Mary Ailella Full-'r, wire or liavia t . irnum , I'harlca S. PippiT of nils cilv "d M' N C Evana of Hood Itivcr. Or ; a'sler of Charles E. Srotl ,,f tins city. 1 red F W K. J. E Scott of Salem, or ; I'. hi' Scott of Montroai-. Colo ; H. I., and M' E. Scott of luu-sraoll. Canada. Hi' funeral ...iTlcea will b. held Tiieala, Dec. H, at 1 o'lloik P. M. at Hnl- a. Montgomery at fith. Friends invlled Concluding services Ro.s City Park cemetery. WEBSTER Dee. to, St h'r late rr.-1'lrnc'. 314 Oriihsm ave., .nargar-i . aged HI V'srs. wir. of YMlll.m R. moth" of ow.nie M. O R. and D It. Webster, Mrs. K. W. Plckard and M". I, D LeTourneau. of this 1ty. The funeral aervlce. will be h.id today (Mon day). Dec. i'7. at 1 O'clock P. M . at Klnley't, Montgomery ai 5ih. Friends invlled. Concluding aervic. at Rlvervlew cemetery. The remains ar. at the above residence. McGOWAN On December 24. 1920. at Amity, or. isaDeia v-. aosi.., -. v.-rs bslnv.d mother of Mra, A. 11. Wyatt. A. J. Mciiowan. and M.rv Mr Gowan, of Amity. Or.: William Mc Uowan. Toppeniah. Wash., and A H. McGowan. of Portland. Friends Invlled to attend funeral service, at Holman a parlora. 3d and Salmon sts.. loday ( Mon day l. December 27. at 2 P. M. Interment Kivervlew cemetery. VAN DYKE At the realdenc. 20 Beech at, Lec. -o, nipiii.ii , n .7-. , til) years, beloved husband of Flora A. Van Dyk.. father of Mr.. Jresle Orlf fltli and Flor.nce Van Dyk. both of this city. Funeral s-rvlcea will ba h'ld Tueailay. Dec. 2S. 2:nn P. M . at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Interment Roae City cemetery. Albany papers please copy. WOOD At the residence. 2r,3 Nartilla at . Dec 15, lH-O. i, forge nuisii .au ", yeara, beloved father of J. O. and Joseph Wood. Den Roaenateln, Perry Roasnatein and Mrs. A. Arflvld. Friends Invited to attend funeral aervices at Holman'a par lors 3d and Salmon ate., at 1 P. M. today (Monday), Dec. 27. 1920 Interment Ahuvl KnolUm -SIUQIBU, i wo,.. flowers. MURPHEV December 24. Mrs. Mable Peg Xlurphey. aged 37 yeara. beloved wife of .Ralph S. Murpney. uausnier ' ,"' '' i i---..s-n Funeral s be held todnj I Mondavi. December 27, st A. M., from ih. Kt. 'Mary's church. Williams avenue itnai Interment in River view cemetery. Remains at the parlors r a r z.ller company. 01)2 YMIllams avenue. . t. thla eiiv. Dee. 25. Lslrd D'' . vi.i. infunt .on of 5Ir. and Mra i Ch.rlea Nlete. of thla city. The fu- ...i ..rvios. will be held today I Mon day). Dec. 27. at 1 o'clock P. M . at th. T.i.nd crematorium. East 14tn ana Bybee eta. Friends Invited. The remains ar. at Finiey a, oniimi7 Hiritl.zi In this city. Dee. s.i. Mellon - - . .. , i , , - 8ku si. agen o year.. unu,ru -w -... ind Mrs. John Skulsl. oj : TOT First at Funeral services will be held today (Monday), st 2 P. M.. at th' residential funeral parlors of Dunning A MoEntee, Morrison street st 12tn. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. FL'NERAL CARS. IJJforSINES for uneral aervlces. JONES AUTO JVEltl. MAltans-uiii. MONrMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS M 4th St., app. C ity Hsll. NF.U BBOS, P"3LASING granite co.i OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investlirstes all case of allsd cruelty to animals. Offices, room II oourtbousa. Thon Main 171 (rem A. M. to 5 P. M. Th society has full chargs of tha city fioumd at Its home, 434 Columbia bog. evard. Phona any tlm. Woodlawn 764. Does for sale. Hors ambulancs for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animal cared for.. AU dead animals, cows, horses, ela. picked, up tree of chare. MINIO TMCHKHK. L. CAKKOI.I. 1IA V. .aclier of y.ino ana voire. llroariay 14 13th trv-i. OITOMtft KIT AMI OITU lANW, m OI.ASSk.lt AT A"AVlN'i tWm I solicit jour patroaaf en tHa XjT- bala Of capab.e l,r. Theaw aalld. of W..'led riulomrtl. K trial win rnitvln.e you Ohr:s W llr4. tnsn, nptoninrim. 2"lt Morrl.on Mr 2 ' t k'VKS HCIKNTlFIl'AI.LY TkeTKli With modern In.trumvnla, H titled at a aavins; .all.rai'tlnn iu.rtnl.t4 Out al the high rent d-atrlrt. N. overhead .ia, A P. HCRWIT7:. Oplomtrlt, 2 .') lt at. DR OKORGE RlllKNHTKIN, Ih. x.nr.a eptlrlan; ,) t.tt.d. glaaa.a fitted, br.a en lenses duplicated st reasonable prlcaa 2'.'S Murrl.on st-st. I'M MiflNti M I'PI.IKN. PLL'MUINvi bl I'l'LlKS AT W ll H.Kl-A I prlo Hisrk-I'avis co . Is. th ataln TPT l'lTI AM I'M OWATINU. Roof PratactodT From Laaks-Hy HjU-Koof Palnter3 BXPBHT ROOPBPfS ItEMIIWULIXi AM KEPAIltl 1443 V' t.llaoa t. I'liaaa Tabwr BJIM7. He.ldeare 1'hona labat Tela. . il. TKRRII.L. hou.e and alga pal.it a it ag. 2ll. papering, tlritn It. til" K. a . t II. Tsl' PATENT ATIUKM.K. PATENTS Our practu. hat ent.nd.d ov.f a period of 71 yrsra. All commua.ra. tiona atrljlly conliUinlls; prompt. Mfi cient, conscientious ser ic. ; handbook frr. on tnunt. MCN.N A CO., patent altorueya, bn Frauclsco ofllc.a. ilolarl tidg, Slarkel St.; Clue. so ulin room Kill Tower bldg ; Wasiuusiun af lire, room toil, 1:5 F at., N. Ysrk otllrs. vtoolwnrth b ilg C, WK1G11T, eai.' rapi-n.ni'. L. A tnd fur.ia" p.t,'ii t: W"l 1', Wum b da. I'll ttl 1A.NB. Dll. it. A. PHILLIPS, Urimdaay liulldlag. Kheuinatlsni. .lumaih, bow. I, lung, iiv.r, kidn.y. bladder, rectal, prostata, ivm.ia di.urUvra, ..In aflecllona, bioud pre.aur enlarged tonsils, molts, blrt h mat ss. I'M M IllMi, PLl'MUI.NU D. ai W. srrtlcv. We do not chargs lor tlm. coming or going. Our autoa go anywli.re, nl.ht or da. Dal. Udwy. lm, nluhl, labor r:'nu. 1IIIMIM.. PRINTINGS rt and oak. Main 1 V.V 5 1 1 -5 KhMtll ll)NM.(Tlt)Ml. CO 1.1 M Ul A CON S i 11 CCT1 UN 0U18. . MAUI M KMX.IIAI'lli KM. . tlll',' .leuogiaplilu olk do. i. pioliipL. ly Hel'.n E. Uliuriath, 31s 1'lall bids. Main 4Pt . TKADEMAKhM. OHEHON TKADK.MAHK IILItEAl', ul Dekum tililil. V -.. Inieliiii lriliiiarkfc T It A NMiil A l Ml t It Al . K. Tregon auto despatch Thirteenth and Krurnry. IIKMilt.M. II A I LI NM. Motor and liors. ruulpinni. any cupaoltX 10 I .Ml 1'Ai Kl Mi STi 'It AoE. PHONE BOWY. 3309 BSCL'RIT- bTORACB A TltANSFLR CO. Tacking Moving Hlorat Ktdurod Fr, l.ht Itatis. Money Loannl on Waii-hons llcslpta, IN THE HEART OK THE CITY. it KOi'ltTII KT., I'i'H. UK I'lNB, 1'lioNE lillOADWAV 1715. OKKiio.N TIIANSI-Klt CO., 471 llllsitn Mfrc-t. FIE WARKIUM-HKH. HTORMJE. CA II I' AUK VlliiMC IIROAIi'VAY I'.'M WE il A I I- iilhltii Co. Woodlawn liahurs. li MANUFACTURERS HKIEJI. HIKII. AMI IASCAHA ltlist; K A II n'hu'i if H Kits, fli:, I root I r k(H'f.a rrni li Wt'.l N I I'urllrtHil'c.H.'ls.s Co , Hill .It.i N.nlhr .w. PI I Mill N. hi Ml lj.il AMirVirf? The m u k l. in k iVi , m"mj; I r.t I'lllMH K miYHNMON Ml HI II M A f. 1. 1 1 IS 1 1 a, I All ill l.'U H" 1'i.Mu'al SYMI. I1IM1KSI Y Ml LA'S. .dMo W. I I I I, I. Ell Co.. I lo'il il -oo. Smith's Flower Shop rnrtlaarl prf.rrMr1v. florh t. ! rtnltm in funeral 1-NtKiii HIS Hiklb, MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, Washington. Main '.'. Flowers lor all m-ni -lone artistlcauy arranged. CLARKE HHOS.. florists, H7 Wrrrlwa L Ma!n 7'liu. llii. flowers and fioisi de signs. No branch stores. ToNSKTII FLORAL Co.. 'Jul Wa-hiiigmn au b.t. 4lh and Mh. Main lll A l.vL mm:kil Dim ( tik. DUNNING & McENTEE Kow lnratrd In tlflr h-w rfli1tnl. fiinra1 hm. JUnrrlr-tsn at T HI th, -i via. I'hont Hrna'tway 4:iO. Auto .'.4j . Th t-mwnl llimii nt H1 litrmnil Mill ItUltlM-liVfl HiTVlif, Knt -VS hftv n lrnrhn n..r inv mn nrctinn winl.vfr with any otlitr unlr taking fli in. EDWARD HOLM AN & SON Fl'NKHAL MRKCTOll.t. Third and Salmon atrtita Msin 07. Lady A. .Istant. MILLER & TRACEY FtrfMl Kurts-rnl Hrvlc fur lan. 1 iirlt pi-nilf nt Kuix-ril ln t-rturi. Waahlngton ptrrftt, hetwn .''Mh and !lat atrMia. Waal tiltl. Laly Ahi-tanu MatO Auto. McENTEE & EILERS Tunral parlora with nil th prtva'-r t a hom. lUth and Kvntt atrt-t. l'hon Broadway i:a. Auiotnatlo KJl-Sft. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Msin I. Mnntgumiry st Fifth. DOWNING & McNEMAR The ReahlentlNl Funeral ll.ta. 441 Multnomah si., IrMngton di.t. aiast EA6T 8IUM Ft'NEHAL IIR ECTOItA. IF. 8. lMinnlna. Inivl Th family set the rlce," U B. Aldsr. LERCK. CNPKRTA k KR. East Eleventh at llawihorne. 1'hone East TM. A. R. ZELLER CO. IVI Williams Ave. I'hune East C TJL' CO UNDEHTAKINO CO. OftCn Ld Third snd Clay. Main 41.1. BREEZE & SNOOK 1047 llslmont. Tabor l.'.. A. I KENWORTIir CO, 6n-04 .'d at.. Lents. Tabor J.HT. NEW TODAT. Mortgage Loans Lawa late -t ratasi in.talla.eat r pa-aseata If dralrd. Malldlaa laaaa tad. a d.iay la aleaiac A. II. BIRRELL CO. tlT-Sl J-arlhwealera Baeh llaildlac Mareaall ell Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAC.I I.OAN CaJUd tatca it a ai. iialM-ac r a k. r. v. H.ONI.TS.. r t 1 ". , a. ) : f . i. . .