v . ,V i v ' .. . - -a f . j- .3 . . , ( . , " 1 - ' I. TOR RENT. 1 B"M - l.-,.- c ..ntn. Ul.'l ClOlh- t...a.. 1 HKf.P 1TANTED-MAIJ. BELF TO.It-MAl,t rra... I . ,. FSS't-HMtt. MEN! Learn the automoblls ond tractor business la America's largest and nittmi of piactlcal auto schools. Tnj HKMPHILL SCHOOLS TL'EN OLT MORE v SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES every yefcl than most all other schools But together. Expert instructors, tne best In the business, are employed to teach the different trades we offer we have just installed a large quantity oi NEW ELECTRICAL EyLIPllb.NT. the last word in up-to-date and modern ig nition and starting and lighting systems. We specialize on Ignition and all elec trical work. Our courses are more rea sonable In price and more complete in detail than most schools, and the in terests of our students are foremost m our minds at all times. You take the tools in your hands and get the actual practical school experience. We have also Installed a brand new VULCANIZING DEPARTMENT for teaching all branches of tire work, and an inspection of this department will prove that we have procured the most modern equipment available. Pick out one of the following trades, the one in which you are inter ested, and write or call for further in formation and catalogue. Automobile a.nd Tractor Mechanical course, Special Battery and Ignition course, Tire Re pairing and Retreading. Welding and Brazing. State aid to Oregon ex-service men. Better enroll early, as our school is filling up rapidly. Pay and evening classes. Our downtown office is conven ionllv located at 331 Oak street, near Brua'dwav. School at 77 Hawthorne ae. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTUK SCHOOL, pokilaku, or. $1.50 "ROAD TO SUCCESS' BOOK FREE. If you are interested In Improving your condition want to earn up to i-ou a month, phone, write or call i Ad'-ox Auto and Aviation school t nn.- st 50 red the for s book which shows through fact, picture anu testimonial how hundreds of men ana voung men have climbed out of the rut into Hie big pay class. Requesting "lis book does not cost you anything nor obligate you In any way and it is very likelv to show the way to a bright and prosperous future for you just as It has lor hundreds of others. .lust address the Adcox Auto and Aviation school, corner of Union ave nue and Wasco street, and ask for a free copy of their $i.0O red book No. o. $25 CHRISTMAS CHECK FREE. To all students enrolling for any course at the Adcox Auto and Aviation school on or before January 10. We reserve the right to withdraw this ofter before January 10 if ail classes are filled to capacity before, that ante. Don't run the risk of missing an -opportunity to save $25 make application to day Our $25 check and big LiO-paae .rilneun will he mailed free to any address. Call or write at once book No. 5. for LEARN AVIATIOX FROM THE FIRST AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE AERONAUT ICAL SCHOOL IN THE NORTHWEST. A SCHOOL WHICH HAS 2000 MORS. PUPILS THAN ANY OTHER SIMILAR SCHOOL IN THIS TERRITORY. Big demand if you are a qualified ma in aeronautic ALL COURSES ARE FRES TO FED ERAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING MEN THE STATE OK OREGON ALLOWS $2a PER MONTH TOWARD EDUCATION AL PURPOSES TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN CATALOGUE ON REQUEST. DUD KEY AIRCRAFT COMPANY. Portland. S24 Morgan Bldg.. Oregon AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Or course, you wish the best possible training. That means that you will Investigate this school, where you get thorough labora tory training and practical repair expe rience under experts. one high-grade instructor per each 12 students. Auto mobiles, tractors, vulcanizing, machine training. Ex-service men get Oregon financial aid. Address Automotive Schools. Oregon Institute or Technology. Sixth and Main sts., Portland. YOU CAN LEARN WELDING. COMPETENT WELDERS are more scarce than anv other craftsmen in the metal trades. By our method of Indi vidual instruction under experienced teachers WE WILL TEACH YOU WFLUING UK ALL METALS more thorouglllv and in less time than can be done in any other manner. Apply, day or evening, at 427 E. 0th St.. near Grant. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL UK WELDING. - BKHN EE-WALKER. West's largest business college. As sures every graduate a position. All business courses, including comptometer training. Enroll any time; day school, "XriTEKOR FREE CATALOGUE, v.tnrrh near Morrison. Phone Main o90. BUSINESS SCHOOL, giving personal and individual attention; prepares young men for business, stenographic, private secre tarial and bookkeeping positions; stand ardized with business schools in 100 dif ercnt cities: day or night. Inquire of Mr. Clark, dean. Main bluO. Oregon In st it ijteMVchnflog'. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will leach lou the trade in S weeks, furnish t of tools to you, and give some pay while learning; positions secured; former ex service men receive state aid while at i..rfinc our school. Write or call for catalogue and particulars. 134 Buroside. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in It weeks! scalp and lace massage specialty; tools free; position auarauleed. pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 2113 Madison. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS needed; begin JIM month; traveling expenses paid; specimen questions free. Columbus In stitute. 0-6 Columbus. Ohio. PORTLAND-Barber College teaches the barbek trade in eight weeks, pays while learning; good set of tools given; posi tions se'-ured: tuition reduced. 3S N. 2d st ROCKY JIT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state eupL, mgr.. a,, w. Bans plus, jiain n;iq. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange blUS. ISlgnt classy MRS HANM-.us ocnout oiiuriiiaiiu. jjpe- writing. --10 Tillamook at., cor. Gaulen bein. East 5o0. i i.'ARN profession, be independent: chirop- Umm 20,-,". AJiskv hldu- 3d nrlv taught. and Morri.Mn sts. WANTED -Address of men and women desiring government positions. AB 27b, Qregoman. ilKK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg, Main 4S15. Teaching positions, free reg. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Fee registration. Main 6-74. Broadway bldg. W'A.NTKDAt once, two men to learn vul canizing and retreading. 432 Hawthorne. LEARN aeroplane construction, gas engine or flying. 4011 Spalding bldg. IF YOU WANT to learn the vulcanizing business call 158 F.. Broadway. OREGON law 'school, Alisky bldg.. 3d .and Mor. W. B. Richardson, sec. Main fti. LE VRN Akron. Ohio, method in vulcan lilng and retreading. Call 433 Stark. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Man. or man and wife on small farm; must be neat and reliable; keep 2 cows; permanent if satisfactory. Come . a ir it over with me. Take Mt. Tbnr ear to 68th at., walk 2 blocks north and two weat to 1TQ1 E. Stark at.. then down hill. ' uMvTu'n t.Arimff suDerintendent lor large up-to-date operation; must be thoroughly experienced in west coast railroad logging In rough country; state Tnrlence. reference ana s.ary. a Oregonian. ...... - a pni t e erk. exDer encea in hardware or machinery line; must write a rood hand, bo accurate, energetle. .teady and reliable Apply in own hand- writing, station .-- expected. AE 2S2. Oregonian. 9 -vnuNtl single men to join advertising erewa. out-of-town men preferred, ex perience unnecessary, expenses advanced, must leave town today. See Ruthruff, Orpron hotel, after 10 A. M. today; WANTED Men with car to know they can cut their garage bills In half by doing part or all of their own work un- der our supervision. East 7207. Fred Day Motor Co.. E. 7th and Ankeny. ENERGETIC man wanted for work on small poultry farm near Portland: would consider married man without children. AC 273. Oregonian. CUPOLA MAN. one who is familiar with melting all kinds of scrap preferred. Ap ply J. M. Leach Iron Works, Vancouver ave. and Tillamook sts. FORD SALESMAN WANTED Must fur nish own car; splendid opening for en ergetic man. Apply 5:30 P. M. Robison Smith Co.. th and Msdison. WANTED Auto mechanic apprentices to learn the trade under experienced me chanic. East 7207. WOULD like a 16-yegr-old boy for light chores on dairy, one who can milk pre ferred. Tabor 643Q. GOOD, strong boy for wholesale house. A ppiy rnini iiirw. SHOE s ilesman wanted: must be experi Staiger Shoe Co. ' enced. SHOE salesman wanted; must be expeil aoad. Staiger Shoe Cs. ' - '. tttt? nrm?VTXC OT?EfiO'IAy. MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1920 " MEX AND BOTS SEEKING EMPLOYMENT. The place best equipped to assist you In finding employment Is the Y. M. C. A. Emplovers go there for help because they know the "Y" appeals to the best type of men and boya. Many firms hava standing orders there for men with cer tain qualifications; perhaps you are fit ted for one of these places. Advisory and emplovmenut aervlce la absolutely free to ex-ervicej men. Air men seeking employment In cler ical, technical and commercial lines and those who are ambitious to better their condition should see the Y. M. C A. employment secretary, room 307. 'WHERE THERE IS ALWAYS DE MAND FOR CAPABLE MEN. CARRIER WANTED In Portland Heights district for Oregonian route. Applicants must be 16 years of age or over. Apph City Circulation Department, 203 Orego nian bldg. WANTED YOUNG MEN AROUND TWENTY YEARS OF AGE AND HEALTHY TO LEARN GOOD PAYING TRADE. ANSWER, GIV ING PAST EMPLOYMENT AND REFERENCES. AJ ZVi, OREGO NIAN. A VERY prosperous general uierchanuis Int; business In the valley, doing the business of Ave hundred tnousand dol lars U.-.00.000) per year, desires the ser vices of a capable man who can take charge of all advertising, window trim ming and sign card writing. We have a good proposition to the right mau. Ad dress box 429, Salem. Or. WE NEED the services of a ladies ready-to-wear buyer and manager for retail business, one accustomed to eastern buy -ins and familiar with market conditions; state full particulars in first letter, giv ing references and previous employment; all communications held strictly confi dential. AG 273. Oregonian. WANTED .Magazine solicitors. We pay high commissions. 408 Spalding bldg Help Wanted Salesmen. THE W. T. RAWLEIGH CO. needs a lew RAWLEIGH CO. more salesmen. t,an give - territory and also country territory ell ins line of household articles that are consumed daily in every home. 150 products sold with a money-back guar antee. Liberal proposition to producers. Come In and see us. No obligations. 017 Union ave. N. SALESMAN Open January 1st. exciuaive territory for high-grade, nationally ad vertised office appliance: liberal com mission and expenses: single man pre ferred; not over 35: able to furnish sure ty bond; onlv applications that give full particular of previous employment and references will be considered. V 2i. Oregonian. EASTERN Oregon territory open for live salesman to carry candy line; not neces sary to have handled candy before. Pre fer one with knowledge of territory. In reply state previous connections. Good opportunity for right parly. Corre spondence strictly confidential. Reply K 2jQ. Oregonian. SALESMAN WANTED One of the world's largest manufacturers of an Imported article with an attractive selrllig plan requires a salesman capable of earning $2000 a year or more, and able to travel on commission basis. Write room 1211. 220 Fifth avenue. New ijirk City. FOUR men who have had some salesman ship experience, an opportunity i open to succeed and make money with th certainty of an executive position if en ergy and ability ts shown. Applv after 11 A M. 411 Wilcox bldg. SALESMAN wanted to carry attractive side line of imported article with ex cellent selling plan: one calling on drug store and jewelry trade preferred. Write, stating territory preferred to room 1211. 22H Fifth avenue. New York clay. UNUSUAL opportunity lor good sa.esmaa must be prepared to buy moderate prices car on attractive basis; give experience H Oregonian SALESMAN Call for list of lines, tional Salesmen's Training Ass n. Na 704 Gasco bldg. SALESMEN Wonderful opportunity, in come Insurance. 501 Corbett bldg. EM PLOYMEXT AGENCIES. Male and Female. THE WOMEN'S Employment Bureau fur nishes competent office help free to em plovers; efficiency test given to appli cants Private Interview room. Mrs. L. V. Scott, mgr.. 321) Henry bldg. Broad way 4.-37. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WB NEED the services of a ladies ready-to-wear buyer and manager for retail bufdness. one accustomed to eastern buy ing and familiar with maiet conditions: state full particulars in first letter, giv ing references and previous employment; all communications held strictly confi dential. AO 274. Oregonian WANTED Mornings only, typist with ex perience as a secretary anu in mma correspondence; mention education, also what line of business employer waa en gaged in. AP 247, Oregonian. W ANTED FOR OUR MILLINERY WORK ROOMS. FIRST -CLASS MAKERS. NONE OTHER NEEU Arria. runi i io.n PERMANENT. EMPORIUM, 12S SIXTH STREET. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army ntrscjo flia?' fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 84riO. JM cr. STENOGRAPHER, good permanent posi tion tor glTl WUH auilit-jf, fliaic cc.- ence and references. AE SO, Ore gonian. , WANTED Experienced breakfast and counter girl. call eany. soners caie., MS 3d. BOOKKEEPER and cashier in hardware Stored Slate experience anu oamry e- pected. t MIDDLE-.-! A f jii.i, vjreponiaii. AGED housekeeper. good plain cook, no washing, only 2 in family, good W'lllaiiis ave. and in tioing st. PRACTICAL nurse for bedridden patient. 1 in family, an mouern conveniences, -apply 812 Johnson street. - - STENOGRAPHER, permanent position; state position ana saiaiy epecieu, r o. Oregonian WANTED Girl for soda fountain work. Apply in person remiin noiei 4-nar-mai-y. Fifth and Washington stg. THE FLORENCE Crittenton Home Is ready to help any girl n distress. 855 East Gllsan. "MV" car. East 818 GIRL Witress, 24 Vi N. 2d. White kitchen restaurant, union wages. WANTED Chatnbermand. New Western hotel. 142 loth at. Wanted Domestics. CONGENIAL lady under 00 for housework in family of three, uooq home to rignt party. Phone East 41)8. GIRL for general housework; no washing; new, modern home; gooa wages, nm Sandy blvn. GIRL to assist with housework; no fur nace, no heavy washings, f-asi ana 011 Schuyler st. GIRL for general housework, family four; no Sunday dinner. Main 7112. GIRL wanted for general housework for four adults. Kast oiiuu or oo-t r,. wain su 111, I'VII laa r, AZiloKM: EZTW.CIK'V UJSMXVJ tttt: WANTED For New Year's eve., show, ori ental dancers. Call Majestic theater and ask for manager. - HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. BUSINESS man with 'J0O0 can secure - partnership In an established hlgh-clasa business and make JJ0 ir J3O0 monthly: capital under -own , control; . AF -0i. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED Ma LE. ALL TRAFFIC problems efficiently handl ed; 20 years' experience, a certified traf fic manager familiar with technical and practical traffic work involving classifi cation, rates, routing, special freight services, claims; profitably employed at present but looking for larger responst- Dlllties. An -nu. ureKum - SITUATION wanted by first-class auto mechanic with some commercial house or transfer company who maintain own garage; at present engaged with large auto distribution house; best of re.er- : ences. BF 221, Oregonian. f'vcDii mArhunle cierk. experienced .i..l:. ant hnvin u-antn position. would like to get in some good place where could buy In as partner later on, 12 years' experience: best of references. rnone iit. INTER-OPERATOR, steady all-arouna man. tasty job and aa man auu make-up; married; wants permanent po sition either Oregon, Washington or Idaho State wage in first letter, union or not. Address AV 917. Oregonian. A YOUNG, experienced houseman, colored, also dining room man. desires-work iu - private family by the day or week-, best of references furnis-hed. Address AL -SO, Oregonian. . SALESMAN FOR MDSE. LINES. AC QUAINTED WITH HARDWARE AND FURNITURE TRADE IN OREGON. WOODLAWN 4071. OR B 2S1. ORE GONIAN. LINOTY'PE OPERATOR Speed 5000, ciean proofs; Northwestern Oregon or Washington preferred; a sticker; state wages. K 220, Oregonian. YOL'XG married man wishes position with Portland concern in any capacity; have selling experience and have. Ford car. B 300. QresoQlan. ROof'S repaired at any time, rain or shine all work guaranteed; eave troughs cleaned and repaired. Portland Roof Re pair & Paint Co. Main 6320. COMPETENT and experienced bookkeeper and office manager wishes position with 'wholesale or manufacturing concern BK 243. Oregonian. PRUNING of trees and shrUDB, garden " work of all kind; fertilizing: now is the proper time to do IL Call up Woodlawn 2H41. BOY WANTS JOB, general farm work a specialty; will do anything can. Write L. H Roberts, route 1, box SO, Trout dale, Or. ' MARRIED man wants Janitor or porter work after P. M. and Sunday; good window cleaner, too. S. Stanley, 400 Market st YOUNG man wants Job. Graduate elec trical school. WUL take anything. F 246. Oregonian. YOUNO married man wants position as chauffeur; 7 years' experience, any makJ of car; references. Marshall 22311. CARI'ENTER contracts building c "nairs: save you money. Manny, Sell- wood 2421. . ELDERLY man wants position as Janitor or -houseman MUST HAVE WORK. BD 267. Oregonian. WANT position wit-h wholesale firm or bank with chance of advancement; ref erences. AJ 218, Oregonian. ELDERLY" man wishes place to work for room and board. Must have work. AJ 2i). Oregonian MAN WITH 1-tou auto truck, wishes work. Phone Eust f77. no YOU need licensed electrician for elec tric wiring'? East iiSW. best references. PLUMBING done at right price, by the hour or iob. Aut. 040-17. ca RPENTER-w-ants work by day or con tract. Call F. West. Marshall 30S6. CARPlsNTEH, contracting, building, re pairing, job work. Phone Sellwood 1507 COOKS' HEADQUARTERS AMU Itliua EN HELP. 21)3 Vs STARK ST. M. 154a. NON-UNION violin player wishes dance work. Marshal 1302. STEADY' man. aged 50. work for board and room. AC 271. Oregonian JANITOR 677. wants work. Phone Marshall WANTED Brick work and plastering as payment on Piedmont lot. Tabor 630. PAINTING, paper hanging and kalso minlng; all work guaranteed. East 118. COLORED man an serious need of imploy ment. Let me call. V. Scott. Bdwy. 32oi. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Books audited, targled accounts quickly reconciled. Get ready for income tax reports; rates rea sonable. Main 2178- EXPERIENCED . accountant, automobile or corporation, ences. AG 270. Oregonian. mercantile, A-l refer- EXI'EKIENCED OFFICE MAN. CORRIt FPONDENCE OR GENERAL OFFICE WORK. S 202, OREGONIAN. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. LACE AND SILK SCKlil AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS done up like new. Will call. East 8518. ELDERLY, refined, woman desires light work In home of 2 or 3 adults. V 202. I irei;onmn. tt, AX I fa.L Liltilt lloUseW rk or iiuuc no washing. keeping, by elderly woman Automatic 310-40. CLOTHES rough dried in fresh iioned at home. Main B132. FIRST-CLASS day work; 50c per hr. and car fare. Main 91H4. NEAT, reliuble woman wants day work. Call Bast Hilt WOMAN wants -East B2S2. day work; no washing. WOMAN wants day wurk Monday. 837 2. room 12. East AV oM A NT wants day work. Wdln. 3035. Nurses.' A PRACTICAL nurse with experience; best of reference. V 223. Oregon ian. Housekeepers. WIDOW LADY, with 2-yr.-old girl, wants iiu,. ,.n farm as housekeeper for wld ower or bachelor. Experienced in farm life nnii trood cook, e Go out at once. Good wages. Call 318-42 or write AO WAXTKI). bv refined, middle-aged lady oi experience, position as . housekeeper of small apartment house. Can give refer, ences. Phone Mar. 2822. , - A WIDOW would like position as house keeper for widower or bachelor. Phone Main 4342. , YOUNG woman wishes position as house keeper. Sell. 1400. " : Hooseelranme;. HOUSE CLEANING. House cleaning. window washing, carpet cleaning by; expert workmen, doors waxed, furniture polished. ' CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman at. Phone Main 1157. . WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WISH to rent furnished house or part of hnnae where owner will- take first month's rent in printing. AP tU. Oreso nian. i 7 wan'TED Housekeeping rooms "or small house on Oregon City car line. Phone Tabor 1813. or address 735 East 57th N. MOT?XTG OT7EGONIAX, MONDAY, "DECEMBER 27, SMALL family wante to rent at reasonable price for. few months, conifortabily fur nished house which owner wants to have particularly good care: will fur nish ample references. BD 25. Orego nian. - ' , RESPONSIBLE married couple want 4 or 5-room furnished fiat: good car servict required. Phone Sellwood 2541 WANTED to rent 4 or 5-room unfurnished house or Hat; references exchanged. Phone Tabor 6213. . BUSINESS man wishes to rent 6 or 7-room house on west side, rail Main 1878. Apartments. WE ARE renovating and furnishing 2 anu 3-rooin suites. Cometj, order your su'18 arranged for you andiay deposit. Kent will begin , January 1.'" 414 N. 19th st. 'Roonm. YOUNG lady 'employed wishes neat fur nished room with conch, walking dis tance, with- or without aboard. K. 4o, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. ROOM and board for several months by family of two adults and -year-old girl: -want comfortable place with wholesome food In good district; give particulars and price. BD 2.X. Gregorian. Hongefceepun hooma. WE ARE renovating amJTfurnisJ 3-room suites. Oon Hn. c suite arranged for yrl Ind pi Rent will begin Jan. N anJTfurnishliig 2 and .oruei jru. pay deposit. tutn st. FOll .KENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL CLIFFORD. ' . East Morrison t. at East Sixth The principal eaa side hotel, digni fied and refined; J1.25 per duy and up. 96 per week and up. . HOTEL BARR. 112 N. Sixth, :3 blocks of depot $t per day. 5 per week and up. Hot and cold water, steam heat. - Free phone and bath. RECTOR hotel, all new and modern, tran sient..rooms. single or en suite, with or without private, baths; rates to per manent guejts. Broadway and Ankeny st. Tel. Bdwy 8460..' R1TZ HaTEL. Morrison and Vark Streets, vuu, tireiirnof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. 1RVINGTON Fine corner room, wun or without hoard. . Plenty heat and hot water East 2402. Prefer genetlemen. ST. PAUL HOTEL, 130 4th st. respectable, modern; transient. Clean l up. Rates to permanent huenia. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at lenl Rates V a, day up; weekly. o up; free phone an baths. FUKNISrfED ROOM in a modern down tnwn apt. Gentlemen.. Marsh. 24o0. VnrniHhnl Rooms In private Fnrolly- BK-AUT1FUL large rooms. newi lurnibiieu. suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen; twin oeds, parlor, piano, hardwood floors, fire Imme conveniences; 10 minuter- walk from postofflce; also young man wishes roommate. Bl N, 18th. Bdwy. 2721. NICELY furnished room for one or two gentlemen in exclusive home; ten mtn tues from town: ons block from Monta villa c. 73ii East Burnside. corner a street. THREE nicely furnished rooms 111 modern Irvlngton home, including heat, ngm, gas and water: one block from car; reas onable. Af urcEU'"a" FURNISHED room, nice clean double bed. 1.,, imhes p.unboard: breakfast if de sired; 15 minutes' walk trom town, moderate. 316 Tlllamooa. FRONT sleeping room, modern home, walking distance, reasonable rent. East 2505. . VACANT Jan. 1, elose-in. cozy front room; hot water and furnace heat, with garage. East 7000. FRONT room, 1st Green a Washington'. refined, congenial family, ve., 1 block south 23d and Marshall 3060. ROOVl tor gent.eman or iaay in stricti private Jewish family; relerences. Bdwy. 17S2. " FURNISHED rooms, very uesirable, near Montgomery & Ward. Auto. 524-51. GENTLEMEN, front room, refined home, near Multnomah club. Main 0.i52. FURNISHED rooms wun or withuut house keening privileges. 427 Clay. NICE clean, warm bedroom on Hawthorhe carl'ine. Call Automatic 230-07. 151) SMALL apt. tor rent. Bdwy. 2721. 01 N. 18th St. LA HUE front bedroom, sultab lor two; . furnace, 7? close in. west side, wain wjua. Rooks With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HO YT STREETS. CAMPBEJ.L HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON STREET -Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. ...... American p:an. with or without bath. $2-50 a day up, rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel ; rooms en suite . or single, with or without ioard. for famllie and business men ano women We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. ' HOME wanted for two small girls, ages 2U, and 4V4. where parents can room. Room 330 Morris Hotel. Stark and Tenth streets. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 Tenth at. For business girl; and students; reasonaole rates. Mar. 12ol. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences, walking distance; $5 per week. Auto. 210-74. 12 E. th St. Krinms With Board In Private Family. ROOM or board and room in private fam Iily for young lady, all home privileges, u-oat al.le Particulars Dhone Main 7032. ROOM and board, $35 per month and up; a-good home and excellent meals. Mar, 33 1 4. SUITB ot rooms, suitable tor two or a . . persons, well heated, board. Mam 4-od 714 Overton. PRIVATE home, for children oy uay or month. Marshall 2H12- - i-uirn in hoard and gnoin. Tabor 6440. Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia streets, . Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank s 'store- good surroundings, strictly mod ern a and 3-room furnished apts., out side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. irlillf-CI.ASS. S rooms, also 5 rooms and sleeping ..r.h elegantly furnished in Chinese 1 : ...iuniai furniture, silk hang ings, white enameled woodwork, lots of heat; references requirea; aiso elor suite. Marshall 2830. bach- LOVELY light airy outside apartments with sleeping porch, available Jan 1: abundance of heat. Also room and bath for gentleman or lady employed; , ref. erences required Marshall 2830. SUNNYSIDE APTS. Fine 4-rooin furnished apts.. modern i' v..n.iinv Bteum heat: Sunnyside. Mt. ir Tabor car; ready Tuesday. Tabor 3000. FURtflTURE of 4room apt. for sale. apt. ' for rent; close In, west side; very desir able. Main 2044. FIVE-ROOM apartment at Belle Court. , oaii riii-nitiive Shown bV ap- riAMira to sell ' pointment only. Marshall 6705. UNION "'AVE. -5 and Killtngswonh. $23.50. - all ooinpiete; concrete building. APARTMENT for rent and furniture tor sale. Marshall ihso. 3-ROOM apartment, gas, sink ana range. J.dahd apartment. Main OOJQ. POLLY AND PA COriDsT,IED THAT IT MABH Sewspeyei FeshOTSerr he., Otm ' 1 . . ' ' 11 1 " " oo FOR 0-ROOM unfurnished apt.t in cluding light and steam heat. 40214 Third st. . ' Furnished Flats. 5-ROOM flat, $12.50 per mo.," complete fur nishings for sale; gas light, bath. Own er, 387 21st st. VACANT Jan. 1, 4-room furnished flat. Old Commercial Bt, Phone 310-01. Housekeeping Rooms. ELEGANT, newly furnished two-room auite for employed couple; furnace heat; also single room, three blocks to Cotillion hall. Bdwy! 205 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREES.' Trunks, baggage delivered downtowa districts, 25c. Sun, service. Bdwy. 244.V THE BEAVK-ft. - 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. -rooms. $15 up, including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. ROOMS, furnished and unfurnished, also light housekeeping; new and very desira ble. Auto. 524-51. NICE warm room for 1 sonable. 055 Flanders. or 2, very rea- Sl EEP1NG rooms Xor 2.j0 week and up; steam heat in every room. Bdwy. 1546. H K.APT.. newly papered, reasonable. close in. 650 Couch st. on Oar line, rooms, bath. 2 furnished housekeeping WAfrz Williams ave. ONE ROOM, housekeeping, phone, 67 N. 20th st. Bdwy. 4J2.1. bath. Housekeeping Ronmit In Private Family. THREE nicely ftrrnished. clean. front rooms, suitable for h. k., in refined pri vate home, living, dining an bedroom, fireplace and furnace, use of bath, kitch en and laundry: no children, 4o per month. Wdln. 29. -. LARGE, licht, outside rooms, electric light. 1 furnished h. k. ind gas. walking distance. 75 22d st. N. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS downslairs. Iront ant back entrance: also two up stairs. 5H Clinton ; Sell. 38. 2- ROOM h. k. apt. Clay. Mar. 4771. private family. 328 NICE, light h. k. room, juat Jight lor 320 4th st. - working girl. 5-ROOM furnished h. k. apL, second floor front. 320 4th St. Houses. WM. KANTELBERG. . HAULING CONTRACTOR. AND DRAYMAN. Best equipped Tor furniture moving Also long distance work and general trucking. Residence Hotel Hazel. Phone Main 70114 evenings. Soliilay Bros." Transfer & Storage Co. Bdwy 4"22 FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING. Long-Distance Hauling. Storage, Packing and Shipping. Sollday Bros.' Transfer & Storage Co. i-Ai 1. RKinnWAT Shu FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT 10TH STREET. nlvi: flann lllrnlturo aOU IOBg-UlS- L tance hauling a specialty. O. . W. Trtfe f (Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 51-1. BEST equipped for local and iong-dlstaoce hauling and moving. Green Tr. Co.. 202 iA Aider St. Main 1261 7-ROOM house. 1S5 E. 87th. cor. Glisan. Tabor 4H 6-ROOM house for rent. 911 Water St. MODERN 7-ruom houge. 240 North 21gt st. t- urnlshea nouses. 7-ROOM house, nicely furnished, east side nice location, 1 block from two cars adults. Phone East 521)8 or East 815. LAURELHURST home, 8 rooms and ga rage, rent furnished or sell part of fur niture. AC Zli. Ol'Smi'"" w-ii i. rant mv furnished home in Irving ton with garage for'-twp months. January and February. Call East 3o5. slrinnM bungalow. $30r furniture for sale $150, terms. After 0 P. -M- E. iS48, Stores and BuMnese Place. ..- .u niiR A RLE aDace In fireproof ware house Dhone Bdwy. 9715. Security Stor- , a Transfer Co.. 53 4th St.. cor. Pine. Ci'tntE near First and Clay, $20. Inquire 252 Stark St. Offlci DESK room, with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Bdwy 3715 Se .i, siore ft Transfer X:p., 63 4lh Htreet,- corner Pine. . . DESK ROOM with phone ffd stenographic servlcee goon lutmuii. FRONT office, change bldg. modern, in Railway Apply . room 312. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. W ANT partner to buy in witn me to man ... ,h best celling Ford acces sories made. I am doing good now. want to sell half interest and enlarge; $3000 cash required; can give an too refer ences you want as to- my honesty, etc , we can make $40,000 next year. N 2i,7, Oregonian. ncsTAIIRANT SACRIFICE. WORTH, $-tO00,PHICE $3000. n ur.,.,,n ,vf sickness, must sacrifice. Right down town, good lease, cheap rent; hurry if you want It. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Main D404. 405 Panama Bldg. IF YOU have a job printing press or print ing e.minment that is not in ue anu wish to start it making money, will pay tnr it or trade real estate. Auto 315-94. Earl R. Clay tor. 451 East Webster. . it 14 1 1 r Jo ikjul fpt dailv capacity, with sufficient limber for ten years operation and more available; can operate prof itably on low market; will sell out en tirely on reasonable terms or sell inter est; good proposition. AL 238. Oregonian. WILL rent completely equipped cloak an. -.. n KiMH rieiinrtment in specialt: shop located in heart of shopping dis iri. t of Tacoma. Address J, Richards. 1113 Broadway, Tacoma. CAUTION BUYERS Before closing a dea of so-called Interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. ai wreou uuiium, Broadway 11)02. won RlLLIARD. Dool tapies. card tables. hr fixtures, showcases, eash registers and store fixtures, see W. J. Quig ey, 366 Hawthorne ave. .Phone East ui Easy payments. u . 1 ei i.l'a-Aui in irmiiiF retail and whole. ....... nut and confection business: sales Increasing daily; heart of office riiatrift: no near competitor; $i50 cash ' required. AC 274, Oregonian. WA NT-: Psrtner to go in .restaurant busi ness. ? MUSt nave UWU ii.wn, . middle age, good cook. AG 281, Ore gonitin. WANT reliable man for management 01 - ,...,1 manufacturing concern: in vestment reauired. fully secure In quire 212 Railway Exchange bldg. BUTCHER SHOP for sale in good live sawmill town: doing good business: other business to attend to; must sei AV S51. Oregonian. FOR SALE Cash and carry grocery at 750 Sandy blvd. and 2.1d at. Will invoice or lump. Phone East 2444. PARTNER with $600, money secured; this r.iiirea oarty to travel; do not need evnerlence. 91 uj N. Broadway, room 14 CASH auto bargain, $300, like new; trade for barber shop or supplies. Albina ave. will 90S POOL billiards, 10 tables, clearing Jo00 per month; big payroll, long lease. Price $4000; 6054 Main St.. Vancouver, Waaii. FOR SALE Grocery, confectionery and light lunch; good location. 521 Division street. ' - WE GRIND everything, razors, shears, etc. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 6th st.. nr. Stark. COMPLETE vulcanizing outfit for sale eheap. call or write iioj gj. "i. HER PALS AHY DIFFERENCE BT CLIFF STEHRETT. 1920 ". .-n....a l LOST AND FOl'ND. .1 DOT TOTJ WANT TO SBTit 1UUB tJU3i.-ic.ow- If you list It with us, It ta oio. We handle all kinds of business opportunities, hotels, room I U houses, restaurants, grocery stores, etc : we are the largest dealers on the coast, ana nave buyer. If your busln ' Dusiness ii.io - II or see Mr. Marshall, witn vail w ' - FRANK Ablnjton Bldg. AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS. - Want honest, hard working Partner with $5000 cash for half interest In best quipped hop, west side; $200 to $3.'" per week clear. Auto repairing, buy and sell used cars, welding and brailng. bat tery charging, etc. Will teach you the Dusmess. i-o not 1 ' v ' . v get In and work with me. I am gooa Biechanlc; have plenty work, good fdii and fine shop and good name; all tne references you want. r b"" FOR SALE Restaurant or cafeteria, both In good location, goon n.i-.- ---tures. cheap rent; have two p aces, un able to handle both, must eI!(,nS1t particular which one I sell; will take cash, balance terms: also have one good team table, one dish sink and some other restaurant fixtures or sale cheap. Main 1029. " uui uidiiui Ann: Located ten miles from Seattle, stock of hardware, paint, house furnishings, etc.: established 11 years; modern brick building, prosperous community, lou' paved roads entering town. Sates tins year $30,000; no agents. Hardware, box 2 1 . tsotnen, w an. TAKE a chance with me. I oner 'or your consideration the best speculative In vestment now on the market. it one genuine chance in a lifetime, to make big money on a mall but "'"e.y investment. If Interested call or write mi today; not a stork proposition. Jos. H. Foils. 216 Stock Excn. Plug, k-nw mils'. Cenetal mercnanoise wuc...- aK,.t iKiion? K P. ' -.,nrri..A and exnress office in Lmril.n: two saw miiis In operation and only store in town Further Par ticulars apply box AV 84 L Oregonian. Business Opportnnlties Wanted. ' CASH CLIENT WANTS UKtKXH. about $31100; Wllgni COnsmer . 7 .... : ... ..n Atuii to secure st- te. .Ton: BRECK. THE LOGANBERRY MAN. 384 E. 4 2d Nf WANTED Cash and carry grocery, mign 1 , .... ,i,u I fun mfoe chick COIISIUOl p.tli-i; - j on. in connection: gUitprice. terms and location or will not Ilher as tims limited. AC 272. oregonian. p.errnv rinirclii with the coin wants oiorf store (with living apis, preferred). Slate best price and particulars. Oregonian: R 127, Hotels and Rooming Houses. 00-llOOM apartment house, cioso in. ... ... n , close in 25-room h. k.. downtown, clears 1, 1 h. k. rooms, close In, clears $-o. 15 h. k. rooms, walking distance, rent 7' rooms good furniture, rent t 6 rooms, modern, rent $20. $-0, $550! Barney Johnson, 170 10th Main 31w. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 623-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDO LEADING HOTEL AND A PART - MBNT HOUSM AGENCY. nt x-r.ti vt-ru Tn RIiY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER: 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND EN A rjl.co iv LOCATE YOU RIGHT. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartment bouse of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon, RITTER, LO WE CO.. "01-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. We write all kinds of Insurance. ... ..,.1.. 1 ,s 'all light, outside rooms; " well located. workliigman's .11 furnished, rent cheap and lease.' A snap at $1200. H.- W. Gar land, 201 Third st - HOTEL 00 rooms, terms or part some housekeeping. close in. building. Ions l'ease, low rent: $450. Chas. Ringler Co., 2-5 bids. trade brick clears Henry FOR SALE 15-room hotel: all new furni-, ture 485 Commercial St.. Astoria. Or. Call "for information Woodlawn 2183. Mrs. W o oda between T and 12 A. M. 10 ROOMS, good furniture, hot and cold wcter-ln apts., furnace heaf; $100 cash ,.r iMr,0 terms, with B00. Call East 55S2. BY OWNER 22 rooms, all h. k.. lease: rent $40; clears 160; clean; $225. $1800 cash. Terms. 71 E. 11th st. N. E. o-lM. STrOOMS, all h. k.. close in. clears $200 a month besides own apt. Lease; $2.00. 12IX cash. 3S7 Taylor. WANTED, from owner, 10 to 15-r. room ing house. $800 cash and Jerms. No agents. AG 282, Oregoniatr L.EAVING city, will sacrifice 10 rooms, h. k. apts., modern: income $150.50; clears $io; central. Main 2.-..10. FOR BEST bargain In apartment house see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 245 Fourth St. 8 WELL-FURNISHED H. K. rooms: tricity. gas, heat. Rent $15. $00. elec balf cash. 228 Harrison st. $750 BUYS 8-rooni house, downtown loca tion; a snap. 191 Park st. HAVE buyer for 5 to 8-room flat or house. Main S:;8. ' LOST AN'nroCND. LOST A baby's hand-knit sweater, blue and whiteTorder around neck, front and sleeses and 'buttons: lost 1 week ago Xmas between Borthwick and Minnesota ave . on Simpson. Return to 48 Simpson. Reward. WILL the one who removed silver handled umbrella from elevator in Buchanan building Friday night return to dol Bu chanan as same was priceless gift. Dr. Carick. 301 Buchanan j6g. Lost Dec 24, black purse containing $10 bill and two $5 bills and small change 1 latch key and lodge receipt. Reward. AC 278, Oregonian . LOST Night robe in vanity fair box. 6th floor Meier ft Franks Thursday after- Flncler piease nomy ui reward. AF 208. Oregonian. LOST .Between U. S. National Bank and Court House. Liberty Bonds. Under please return them to 384 Benton st.. and ' receive iioerai LOST Hutterily brooch, keepsake: reward three times value given. Call 6C5 Ever ett st or phone Bdwy. 5284. Miss M Ickey. LOST Thursday. brown silk umbrella, yellow and whits handle, between 42d " street and business center. Call Tabor - 7426. Reward. LOST Stons csmeo pin. between Mount Tabor and Irvington. on St. car; Satur day evening; heirloom. AC 270, Orego nian LOST Child white fur, .xmas morning about 7:45, In or near Union depot. Re turn to room 405, Rlts Hotel. Reward. LOST Chi Omega fraternity pin, name and chapter engraved on under side. Phone Marshall 42116. Raward. LOeiT Pair of gold rimmed spectacles, double lens; In Staples' case. Liberal reward. Tabor 2034J LOST Fox terrier on Arlington Heights. Owner J. I Karnopp, Main 8457. Re ward. LOST English setter dog, white, black and tan; answers to nsme of Spot. Phone Main 8724 or Wdln 3544. Reward. SMALL purse containing keys and small change, Friday on Yamhill st. Reward. Main D937. . FOUND A small "Ideal" Waterutan foun tain pen, Thursday. 2Sd laf. Call at postofflce, new bldg. Main 2228. 'I ' " l 1 ' . .' I . ' , . . .-t c.i, . mnlllnlnl Ing and gifts, on Dec. 24, on Main. Sixth or Boulevard sts. Address of owner on one package. Return and recelva re- ward. Phone East 4009. LOST Black bag bearing the Initials of L. L. L. Cull Main MM. Reward SPECIAL NOTICES. Bfiscel lanes na. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice Is hereby given that Tha Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph Company, a corporation, has erected on toe shores of the Columbia river at a point 14 mils north of Coffin rock, on the Oregon side, and also at approximately 100 feet north of the mouth of the Kalama river on the Washington side, two monuments, namely, signboards set on posts la plain view, bearing ths word ''Cabls Crossing. The Pacilio Telephone ft Tele grsph Company," which said signs mark the landing place on ths shores of the Columbia river , of an additional sub aqueousltelephone and telegraph cable, approximately 241 feet la length, which on October 15, 1H20. was laid across said river in a general easterly direction from the said landing aa ths Oregon side of said Columbia river and between the termini above described; said cable being laid at ths same approximate location as two formerly existing sub squeous csbles which cress ths said Columbia river between the asms ter mini and the landing places of whlca are marked by las same signboards as aoovs described. This notice is published for ths pur pose of informing all navigators of ths description and purpose of ths monu ments aforesaid, and of ths general course, landings and termini of lbs C&ble aforesaid. AHE PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By H. J. Tlnkham. Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice Is hereby given that Tha Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph company, a corporation, has erected on the snores of the Yaqulna bay at a point loo ft. west of the government's rear range sign on ths north side end also at tne county road dock on the south side of ths said 'Yaqulna bay. two monuments, namely, Irube-rds set on Dolls In plain view. and bearing the words "Cable Crossing. The Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Com pany." which said signs mark ths landing places on ins snores ot ins juiua uaj. of a certain subaqueous telephone sod telegraph cable, 2260 ft In length, which on November 23, 1920, was laid across said buy in a general southerly direc tion from the said landing on ths norta aide to ths said landiug 00 ths south side of the said Yaquina bay and be . tween the termlul above described. Thin nntlca Is published for ths pur pose of Informing all navigators of ths description anu purpose ui muim mriiia aforesaid, and of ths geuera. course, landings and termini ot the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELPPHONB TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By H. J. Tlnkham, T1v1slon Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE OK .MEETING OF LANDOWN ERS OF MULTNOMAH tllAll nHAlNAUK DISTRICT NO. L Notice is hereby given that the bosrd jif iinrviors has called a meeting of the owners of land In Multnomah county drainage district .o. 1. 10 w (" 011 w.HnMdav. the 20th day of December, 1920 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., In 1 the Swiss ball (No. 283 1-3 Third street, near Jefferson street). In the city ot Pot Hand Oregon, at which time and place such owners shs.l meet for the purpose of selecting one supervisor who shall hold his office for three years or until his successor Is elected aud qua. Oji1 At M meetlna esch owner shall be tn nr. litfn in DeTSon OT by proxy for esch acrs of laud owned by him in such district. Dated this 16th day of December, lO.'O. J. O. ELROD, President Board of Supervisors. Attest: V. C. POWELL. Secretary. MRS W. H. MEYER, having left her home and board at Wasco, Or., to live In Port land, I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by ner. . tx. aiujei, Wasco, Or. UNANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. a i-Ti ioniil 1 .l.'..vi CASH ED. YOTT Fit! Y OK SELL AN AL'TOMO- iii.. iiri. ititrvikh THE MONEY. nun BEHVIPK WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. unvEV TO LOAN on surplus stocks of merchandise plsced In storage with us. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storsge ft Transfer Co. 5S 4th street, corner of 1'lnr. emit nairi fur mortraaes and sellers' con tracts on reel estate In Washington. Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumberniens bldg. BUY bonds, notes, contracts, F. H. Lewis, 302 Lewis bldg. mortgages. 4th o Oak Money to 1-oitn on Real KMato. "v-n tiKi.tV OI.'K'K ACTION REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS. On Imp. city property or Willamette vriiv fat-ma nr for linn. Durposes. All amounts. $1000. $1500. $20110 and UP. Cll.r rnntriL'tN DUTChased F H DESHON. 615 Cham, of Com. Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan st lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delays. D EVE RE AH X MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth at., Portland, Or. XI llRTIlAfi K LOAN S farm or city property. Prompt and helpful servloe. Liberal payment prtv- lieges, lowest rates WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 86 Fourth St.. Portland. Or. AinHTr.ACK LOANS 1 FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLM KNT LOANS. No Commission. UNION ABM n'-i v-i-., S3 4th ST., HENRY BLDO. MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment miL-Kca, A. H. H1RRKI.L CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411 $00 000 TO LOAN In sums to suit on city, " . 1 ...kg sn e at lliitlHirtsa- lnu ns a BUDUniHIi U4 C" laws .ww specialty t im Q 215-210 FAILING HI. DO. Til 1 R D AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS 011 Improved farms and city property, favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD, Sort Piatt Wrtg, .Main o.tll. 'ruin mi- IVHI. $600. $800, $1000. $1200, $150 $20000 and up. lowest rates, quick action; pav o'f I'OO or more at any In terest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., o31 Cham, of Com, bldg. Mslr. 1 H 1 0. "MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. vinvi'.v tn loan on real estate security a' a-Mns: rate of Interest. Otto ft Harkson Realty Co., 413 Cham, of Com tinil 1400. $500. $700. $1000 AND II 1 raies. ouick action. Fred w. Oer man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 0445 uiva laftiMl and $1000 to loan on rea Drooerty in ths city. Inquire 424 Yeon bldg. - $500. $1000 AND upwerd on Improved rea estate; favorable terms: no delay; no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg MORTGAGE LOANS, and 7 per cent Louis Saloman '- Co.. 408. selling bldg. MONEY to loau on real estate, 7 per cent Ceo. P. Lent. 714 Corbett Bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Com.. 4th and Stark. 1 r- s. FINANfl II. aloney to lisai an steal Katsta, RrSIPENCK LOANS. T per cent, five-year period. Tea pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and stduus In terest on losns under $5i"W. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan OO per cent vslue hoos anl lot st 7 per cent. You pay one-half of t per cent scrnunl principal mnnlhlv. sol example. $20iai loan, you pay $10 mnnth- ly and Interest; you hve prttllrga cf paying $100 or any multiple thereof nionthlv. interest reduced according!. liO COMMISSION. UUSINK8S LOANS. Flve-yar period. 6 per cent Excellent repsvment privileges. - . - MORTGAGE LOAN fOMPAXY Main 8303. 407 Y'son lllag. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On lmpmvefl properly, or tor improw xnest purposes. The best and easiest mlhnd of paying a loan Is our monthly payment plan $::-' 26 per monih for no months, or $2124 per month for 60 monllis. or $15.17 1 -r month for P mouths pa a loan of tlOOO and Interrnt. Loans of other amounts In sama pro portions. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN AE8!f. 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. SEE I S TODAY Wo loan money on rral estate; no cointnl.-Mon, 6 anu i per rent on choice loans, long time, short time; monthly payments, pay ss you ran: sums to suit; contracts. 2d mortgages; liberty bonds bought. 725 Gasco bldg., Oth and Aider. (VIlflrs-Mitrtntt Co Money to l.ixn lisllcla and tslirles. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO TROTECT B0IU ROWERS. LOANS MADE OJf DIA MONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. VIC TROLAS. PIANOS. LIBERTT BOND! AND FURNITURE. 804 STARK ST., NEAR 10TH CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NKED MONEY AT LI 'lAI. RATES. yUli'K SERVICE t YOU CAN GET IT TnllAl'. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOFUI.E. FUHMTI'IlK. TIANOS. VICTUOLAS. KKAI. LbTATE. BONDS. KTO. If your payments are loo large a your sutoniohlle or furniture conirsrta, ws will pay them up slid srtvnes yutt mors money If oeedeil. We niske a spe cialty of these loans and lea ths -curitl in our poasiss.on. and you ca repay us In smell monthly psvmrnts WE ALSO MAKE SALARY IaJANs ta salaried people on their own notes Rates reasonable. 1'rlvata offices. Ail busi ness alrlt-tly confnlrntlsl. PORTLAND LOAN oMPANT. (LICKNSLD ) a0tl-307 Dekum bldg Marshall '-'. S. W. cor. Third snd Washington. bALARY. LOANS. I.IIATTI.L WE I.11AN MOXKVI On short noli.e to salaried or worklsal men on their own nine: werlily, n-ml. nionlhly or nmnlliiy ta vinentk, caca tlsrittartlni ftr;rt.y confide 11 1 la I. NO M iMtTil.Vl E. N" !MRER, ABSOLUTELY NO SIO'I.UITY W'e alo loan on household goodsv piano, etc. CALL AND 1VVKX TMATK COLUMBIA 1'ISC'il'NT CAiill'ANT. ( LICENSED I IIS FAlLINii HI II.PINH. Mi'NEY TO LOAN on goods placid In storage with us. Ws can save you nwuvy. Low Inteirst relet. Pnone Rroadwsy 371.V Security ptnrsss Transfer Co. ii 4th street, corusr at J Ine. SluMiV T ' LOAN, on dlsmoiola, watehea, Jewelry and bonds, tegril rntrN; all gmids held yea. VINES J EWKI.lt V SToltlC, 114-116 Third at., ir..T Waslilugloa. Main r.l!t. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured nole. Confidential investlKS tlon. 316 Chamber of Commerce bli.g. Licensed MONEY TO LOAN on dlsmnnda, Je rv. legal ralea, urtlclea held a year; eatab llshed limn. I 'an Marx At Co.. 2-3 W ash. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture: lenal rates. 2Qa Washington bldg. Lmm Wan ted. FRANK I.. .Mi-Ill IKK. Willi hla years of. experience and expert knowleilge of vsU ues, Is In a position to safeguard your every intercut in loaning your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice of personal service. Let us losn your money. S.-e .1. Logle Klrhardaon, manag.-r ot loan department, Ablngtoa hldg. Main Iocs WANT to borrow from prtvele psrtr $11,100 at 7 per cent on well Improved secjrity appraised at twem.v-lx thouv san.l dollars; llns la sn uiiiiKiialty de sirable loan. Phono Alain iMtil or oail at HI Third st. WE HAVE aoitis good real estate rontrsets snn niotlg.igea in smouuta of $.'.00 and above, payable In monthly Inalallinen ui and bearing 7 per c-eut Interest, which. wa will discount 5 per rent. F. K. Bo- man & Co.. 2IQ Cham, of Com, bids ttll.l. HAVE (III. 0O0 to loan , 15. I OCT Call Kal 7;M. Address 627 llancook st , Portland. Or. liiLD-EI'tiK FIRST .MORTGAGES. MADE AM) SOLD. P. H. PKSIIti.N. 615 CI1A. OF f?r!tf. TCX, SEH OREGON INV. 222 Cllulil. of A'oin., A AloRTliAGIC CO, Fourth snd stark. PERSONAL. BATHS AND MASKAGB. Oradiiate nurse elves body mssssss tteui 11 baths, vibratory and eleetrlo nisssage. second floor Pwetland bldg. room 215. Mnln 17'.5. Open evenlnss till A o'clock. Phone for evening appoint ments. NETTIE M. BENSON. D. P. Naturopathy Methods u-ed on NBRVDI S and AIHHONIC diseases; traction cures weak; baetia; mineral aieain baths, electrts violet ray snd srlennfle masnifs rleaa the evstetn and build It up; both sexes treated. Main 770, 804 Dekum bldg. IF YOU srs sired reiuvenate your nd nervous you csa nervous centers snd poor circulation by having a -larnns body maNsags. Dr. Ovl.l.a Lsrsr-n, for nierly at 427 Morgan bldg. Is now la c-.ted at rl.14 Morgan Krtg. Main ll TA KARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER la a cleansing, healing germicide snd Invig orating douche, a great std In femeht diaordera; 50c stid $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. t'EHVET tt HANEHI T, leading wig and loupe makers; finest slock human hair goods; permanent snd marcel waving. Heuip tresllnentj S40 Alder. Main 54. PK TlTl'XK MASSACKS 41S BUCHANAN lll.G. HON 10 A M TO P M : A I. HO PPtN SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS Lit. M. A. GRIFFITH. D. P. Expert maa aeuao. swam i-i... .,.,., , scalp treatinents. i.auie- parroosgs pre ferred. 417-41H Swetland bldg. tl GETS bolh feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton the CIIIKOI'iiDIST snd ARCH rll'IJT, who doen t hurt you; t) yra. here; saam. free. Globs bldg., J 1th snd Wash. Hdy. 2."24. VIT-O-NET sweat latlis lor coliis; reutments for neuritis: body violet are: iu a. m- 10 " r Morgan bldg. Main 7570. si. aai;y. jw i"ni;RO WING nails or rhllb.sins curd; remedies sold on trial; quick rsliet Writs Eugene talon, dept. ... Baadsa. Oregon. SULPHUR steam bath maeange. violet rsy .nd vlbrstory tresttnent. 420 Clsy. Mais ;" 10 A. M. to H P. M. MACHINIST patent will other partl going east to manufacture undertake elmPar work for s. CI.2SU, Oregonian. xia-cSAGM bsths, kidneys, ronatlpation, rheumatism. Dr. Klua Horsna.n. drug. i;. pi,v. . 50. Panams M.lg Main Min. mil CURE, no pay; tailing hair, dandruff"; hair grown on bald heads; ladies or Sns. $14 Msclesy bldg. Kl'PERFLUOUS hair, moles, wsrts removed k. 10-neertlea method; trial frs, Joes V'lnl'-y il Pu-li A Lens bldg Main . no YOUR LIU I ItOLHLK YOUT IF SO.. uirkTllR. K L. CREAR. EYE SPECIAL i'r 4"T MORGAN HLDG MAIN 7l't. r. RAUUAl U nurse treats lumbago, eta, I to t or by apiKilnlm.nl Passe Uafn lut. Offlcs llon-O Third at. uiuKAliu trestnienia, pnonw in oiaMssv tcbool. M aln 77S6, 711 Sw.Hnd bldg. HfPSiRFLL'OL'S heir removed forsr by mult'pls-nsedle method. $114 fcwetland bldg PhiaiEDA BALM, formerly called Halm of Figs 44 H. -'d Sell. E2HI mernlngs. rinl..HN' T Tom. IMi-k or Harry pay yoat See Vlereck, collect tons, Dekum bldg. 1 ELECTRIC CAIUNBT BATHS. Tr. Ironside. .IOIt-14 Hroadway building. JUNIC1DM will curs rheumatism or money bsck. 41 Dekum hlilit. RUPTURE CAN l'.B CURED without aa operaHon. Free booklet. P. O H,.x 110... Pll MS CAN RE CURED It houl opsraUOD. Free booklet. P. O. bos 1105. B Y PIS teated free; spectscles guaranteed, l.ir. Raiding. 2o' Alder st. Main 1698. L1DA JACKSON, manicuring, facial, scalp treatments. 201 to Morrison su, room (, cr-v r--r 1 ' L' t; t. 4 n si. ft.. v .