. ..." " TTTE MORNING vOREGONIAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1930 v 10 . ,' : ..: - . : i - . i .V -. i '. A V4 .. t -V NEW TODAT. $8000 ONE OF PORTLAND'S BEAUTI FUL SIGHTLY HOMES Seven rooms, also two rooms ami store room In attic; plate-glass windows: fireplace, furnace; French doors; two toilets and lavatories; ample closets and butlt-ins; full basements; beau tiful grounds and shrubbery: lot 75x133. more available. About one-third cash, or would consider nice small home as part payment. On carline. Phone Tabor 696X Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) Old Rues and Woolen Clotblnff. We Make .Reversible, . Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS 1 8it0 ft. Fluff Rot; Woven $17.50 1 3i ft. Muff Kuit Woven S4.-S Rag Ruga Woven, All Siiee Clothe rimming and Dyeing Depts. Mail Order Send for Itooklet. KEAI IIKKS RENOVATED larcf-t and inei4t Equipped Carpet cleaning and refitting works in the state o-' Oregon. Carpet Cleaning. Helming, r.ir. Bill Hub. Mtain Cleaned. fl.50 WEM'ERN ILtTf KlU CO. 44 -M) Imon Ave. A. Ibone: East 6516. Ladies Save jour old carpets, rugs and oolen clothing. Let us make new rugs for you. The oldest and best-equipped factory. Fluff and rag rugs woven all sizes; carpet refitted; 9x12 rugs steam cleaned, $1.50. We call and deliver. 188 E. Eighth st. rhone East 3380. HOME FOR THE NEWLYWED Bungalow, with or without furniture all new); seven rooms, fireplace, large bathroom, sun porch, sleepinst porch, room finished off in basement, large livinar room upstairs with fire place, hard wooa uoors. unoicum u Kitchen and hacK nail, curtains, ara peries. electric lieht fixtures, shades, HnnliiV tr;irtrP. t c 1 U (1 throughout! beautiful grounds. 100x100. block from Irvingrton club. I'ossession can be secured within ten days. No bar pain, just a nice home. Price, with out furniture. $14,000. II VHVEY WELLS A COMPANY. .Main 4564. 60S Uasco Bid if, REAL ESTATE. Jrur bale House. FOR TUB NEW YEAR GET' A NEW HOME. Right out in the heart of Alameda Park. Portland's most popular residen tial district, an artistic little wmte nun plow with & rooms and a sleeping porcn, living room wnn n replace ana bookcases, dining room has a neat duiil in buffet that you can't help but like, hard wood floors and a Luich kitchen that is just right, 2 bedrooms with bath betwe.-n. choice white enameled pluinb ins. full cement bailment and laundry trays. You can select your own fur nace; 50x100 lot facing east. Yes, it has a garage. Let us show you. Our autos are at your service. COOVER & HOLM AN, Realtor. S'-a-4 Failing Bldg. Mar. 3003. NICE HOMK FOR NICE PEOPLE. Bungalow, with or without furniture fall new), seven rooms, fireplace, large bathroom, sun porch, sleeping porch, room finished off in basement, large liv ing room upstairs with fireplace, hard wood iioors. linoleum on Kitchen ana back hall, curtains, draperies, electric light fixtures, shades, double garage, ceiled throughout, beautiful ground lOOx IOU, bloc it irom Jrvington club. Posses sion can be secured within ten days. No bargain, just a nice home. Price without furniture, HARVEY WELXS At COMPANY, Gasco Bids. Main 4564, WEST SIDE. FINE CORNER LOT, 100x100: MOD KRN COLONIAL HOMK. WITH EN TRANCE HALL. VERY LARGE LIV ING ROOM, LIBRARY. DINING ROOM, KITCHEN. DEN FIRST FLOOR; 3 BEDROOMS. VERY LARGE DRESSING ROOM. TWO TILED BATHS. TWO SLEEPING PORCHES SECOND FLOOR THREE KEDKOOMS AND BATH 3D FLOOR; HARDWOOD FLOORS, FOUR r I REPLACES. FL KN ACK MEAT. PO IN DEXTER, SOS SELLING RLDG. MAIN 100. RESIDENCE, EAST 77t. LOT OWNERS. Let us build and finance a smart. cheerful, conveniently planned home on your vacant lot; it will cost you less than rent. YAGER & BTXEL, Exclusive Home Builders. Main 3144. 2o00 COLONIAL BUNGALOW. $000 Down. t-room. just like new, large living room, fireplace ana bookcases, white enameled plumbing, large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 1 blocks to car, near grade ana nign fcnooi. Let us show you. Our euros are at your service. COOVER & JfOLMAN, Realtors. 32J-3-4 Falling Bldg. Mar. 3903. WEST SIDE. $70OO Think this over. 6-xooni. Dutch colonial style, all roonu hardwood floors. French doors, 3 large bedrooms and closets, steeping porch inclosed; ivory enamel finish throughout: reinforced concrete garage; good view and close In; fine condition. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. 2 SO Oak Street. Broadway 5:?5. $7000. IRVIN'CTOX T-ROOM BUNGALtW. On 18th, between B razee and Knott, large rooms, 2 fireplaces, hardwood firs., lull lot and garage: will sell furniture. Including $1200 piano, $1000 dining room sec, cneniue ana canton wuton rugs overstuffed furniture; walnut al birds eye maple bedroom suite complete. East 41V. LAURELHURST. STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW, SIX ROOMS AND BREAKFAST ROOM. ALL ON ONE FLOOR. WHITE ENAM EL FINISH AND HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT, HOT - WATER HEAT, GARAGE; LOT 75x100. POIND EXTER, J0H SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE, EAST 677L THAT VACANT LOT. ' Why not turn burden into Income? W design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans snd finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY, SEKVICE, SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., 24 .N w. rtann Pin;. ARTISTIC wt side bungalow on the Heights. Strictly modern, seven rooms, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, gas heat, garage, unobstructed view entire city. S4 Hoffman road. Price $6JoO. $100'J cash, balance rental terms. Telephone Mafn 56.W. IRVINGTON. 9TRIC TLY MODERN RESIDENCE, FINE CORNER LOT; HARDWOOD FLOORS, HOT-WATER HEAT, GA RAGE. CALL MR. MAYSON. WITH POINDEXTER, '08 SELLING BLDG., , MAIN 1900. RESIDENCE TABOR 9401. A GREAT BARGAIN. For sale, 4-room house, bath and toilet, pantry, electric lights, gas, part base ment. see with fruit and berries, chicken nous with electric lights and water in, -MO0; $500 cash will handle. Cail at 5018 7lid st. or pho ne Auto. 6i'4-34. NIFTY BUNGALOW, $225o. 5 rooms, nearly new, concrete founda tion, full basement, modern plumbing, close to school; $.VM cash, $25 monthlv; a real find. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE. Klce 7-room home in excellent neigh borhood on Johnson street, will be sold at appraised value. $5800. GEO. D. SCHALK, Main 392. 223 Stark St LAURELHURST HOME. Must sacrifice; h. w. floors through out, close to car, 120 feet front, $tJ00, $2000 down, balance like rent, 6 per rent Interest. Tabor 62S8. BUY FROM OWNER My pretty littla modern home with double garage, 1137 M innesota ave.. bargain. $2850. tHn. OWNER, new 5 - room buug alow $4260. aay terms, labor t-a, , . J REAL ESTATE. JTor fcale Hou.e EAST ELEVENTH STREET. 1300 CASH BALANCE t-3 MONTH. Close In. w&lktnff- distance, near Haw thorne avenue, 5-roora bungalow. 50x100 foot lot. paved street in and paid, house or lot alone is worth price asaea; pric only oOH. J. L. HARTMAN COM PA NT. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bide Main IMS. $3100 A LOVELY HOME TERMS, IN l-OVELEIGH'S ADDITION. A n artistic 5-room bungalow, large living and din ne rooms. Dutch kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, white enameled plumb ing, floored attic, full lot facing east, garage. You can save $1000 on this home. Let us show you. Our autos are at your service. COOVER & HOLMAN, Realtors. 822-3-4 Failing Bldg. Mar. 393 LAURELHURST STRICTLY MODERN. SIX ROOMS, ALL ON ONE FLOOR, HARDWOOD FLOORS; LOT 65x100: GARAGE. OWN ER ANXIOUS TO GO SOUTH AND WILL SACRIFICE. CALL MR. MAY- SON. WITH POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE TABOR 9401. MODERN FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Strictly modern. 6 rooms and den hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, furnace, full cement basement, laundry trays, large lot and beau til ul lawn, restricted district: price, includ ing furniture. Sftuoo, or $5000 unfur nished, easy terms. F. R. Jesse, 527 I'orpett niog. 8 ROOMS $2350, $200 CASH. About half way out on the St. Johns car line; house is plastered, has concrete foundation ana basement, in lair condi tion, plumbing, electric tights and gas, 1 block to car: a mighty good value. Will take cheap lot or small house. Fred W. German Co.. i.iU Cham, or Com. FOR SALE. Cosy cottage of 4 rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen and built-in buffet, 2 porches, eras heating system, electricity, beautiful lot 50x100. good sidewalk, roses and some fruit ; $ 1 7 oO, terms, ben wood isol . HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," illustrated book of over 100 designs, $i; blueprints $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. 924 Northwestern Bank bldg. BEAUTIFUL home. 9 rooms, two 'baths, extra lavatory, hot water heat, large attractive grounds; to minutes out, ML Tabor line. Tabor lhi. Suburban Home. FIVE ACRES. Within city limits of Gresham; highly Improved, modern house of six rooms, furnace, laundry travs, gas. Bull Run water, electric lights, three chicken houses, barn, garage, one block from electric depot. Phone Mrs. Cruikshank afternoons, Marshall 801. Mail address K, 4 box 7, Gresham. Or. Phone Gres ham 307. , SUBURBANITES! We have hundreds of personally In spected suburban homes in every outly ing district in Portland. We're opea very evening and Sunday. If you want a suburban home, see b C Marshall with FRANK L. McGUIRB, Ablngton Building. Main 1068. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carifne. from $1800 up; Inquire 3d bouse north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City. car line, sign "Alder Brook.'' l-or Sa'e Bunlnes Property. FOR SALE By owner. Best fireproof business income property in the best town In the state; is netting 12 per cent net on $1541,000 now and will stand good rental increase. Will take $130,000, half cash, no trade. Address 213 Cedar St., Klamath Falls, Or. Homesteads, Relinquishments. SEVERAL hundred selected homestead tracLs to choose from, covering Oregon a best farming and timbered lands. We cruised and classified these lands for the government and will locate yoa without wasting your time and mor.ey Most complete Jand records in the state. Copy government map to date showing more than 1000 open clarms, $1. M. J. Anderson, 531 Railway Exchange bids., Portland. For Sale Acreage. SMALL INVESTMENT. $500 put you in possession of 20 acres of the richest land in Marlon county; it is all in cultivation, and the sMlinir urice is only $4M)0: it is easils worth twice this amount; located only 1 mile from the livest town in Oregon and right on electric line. Let us show you. Our autos are at your service. COOVER & HOLMAN, Realtors. S22-3-4 Failing bldg. Mar. 3U03 WRITE for map of western Washington showing location, low price ana easy terms1 onereo to seiners. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Washington. $50 DOWN, $15 MONTHLY buvs 3.76 acres of land, all cultivated, in the Bcaverton-Reedville district: small shack; price $400 per acre. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. OR SALE Bargain, one acre, good soil, cleared, cement sidewalk; near Firland station, Mt. Scott carline. $1450; $250 down, balance lopg time. Marshall lBQjj. FOR SALE Reasonably, 10 acres In Washington county, or. av 831, orego- nian. EXCELLENT LAND AT $30 PER ACRE. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N, W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. SMALL tracts close to the city, $500 pel acre, $jO down and sio per month. Strong & Co.. 634 Chamber of Com. 1 ACRES for sale or exchange, 10 miles from Courthouse, big barn, no house. Phone East 7155. 104 E. Morris st. Irrigated Lands. THE OWNER is offering in 40-fiO-acre tracts, under the ocnoco irrigation proj ect, central Oregon, some of the finest alfalfa lands in the state; come In and let us show you our proposition ; easy payments; long time; lands all improved and fenced. Write, call or phone Main 4416 N. W. Bank bldg. Ochoco Irrigated Lands company. For fcaie Farms. FARM. 40 acres. $2500, modern, new bun galow, good well, fine view, rock road, groceries delivered to door, telephone, rural mail, cream route, school truck calls for h. . pupils and grade children; logging camp near with wages from $7 to $10; 500 acres of seeded outside range adjoining: fine beef cattle or sheep proposition; $5K0. terms; sickness rea son for sale. East 7121. FARMS FOR SALE. Have a large number of splendid bar gains in farm lands. If you are looking for a farm in any part of Oregon at a price that Is more than reasonable, it w ill pay you to come and see me at once. These farms are going fast be cause they are bargains. First come, first served. M. J. MELCHTOR. 531 Railway Exchange Building. READY MADE FARMS. Western Washington Irrigated berry land; 10-acre farms; all lands either under plow or ready for plow; no stumps good location ; unusual proposition of fered to married men with farming ex perience. Write today for furtaar de tails. Address Land Dept. McKENNA LUMBER CO. McKENNA. WASH. WIDOW MUST SELL. 65 acres. 40 cultivated, tiled. 15 pas ture. baL timber; 1000 cords wood; ten mom modern house, all built-ins. cost $6500; large barn, silo, heavy team, 2 cows, chickens. 15 tons hay, 40 tons en cilage, all necessary farm Implements. $13,000, terms. C. W. Millership, Alder hotel. Main 5275. 10 ACRES good level land, all cultivated. abundance of fruit and berries; paved road all but 2 miles, which Is good macadam. Only 14 miles from Portland. Good 5-rm. house, with water piped In; barn 40x40 and several good outbuild ings. Some farm tools and furniture in cluded in price of only $5500. easy terms. F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. $4000 80 ACRES $500. Clackamas county. -Spring water dis trict, small house, barn, orchard, spring, stream 10 acres in cult., rooii man' splendid timber, rich soil, no rock, lies fine. The making of a dandy farm. A. M. oocii, irfsa bandy. Tabor 4514. 00 ACRES. 60 cleared, balance easy clear ing; tencea, cross-iencea, good barn, fair house, orchard, outbldgs. This is excel lent farm, on Mt Hood loop; lies ex cellent free from rock; $65 per acre; good terms given; old people own it Write Geo. Beers. Sandy, Oregon. FOR SALE 156 acres. 35 under plow, 2 nure uivuniu, f'uum nouse; Darn, granary and warehouse; 1.500.000 feet saw timber; plenty outrange; $4000 or with stock and implements. $4000. rha Ltbengood. owner. Myrtle Creek. Or. FOR SALE Good alfalfa ranch, near town, ciose .to rauroao, zso acres, good buildings, electric lights and running water in house; price $17,000, good terms. Box 45, Prinevtlle. Or. GOOD paying farms, sizes and terms to suit, with stock ana implements. C J Cullison Real Estate Co., 205! Morri son st. Write for list. FOR SALE 1440 acres of wheat land; 640 acres in wneai; iuii ouint 10 farm, wttn aU for $40,000; cash $!000; trade $10,000 u. r . uepperman, owner, acno, or. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near romana, sou to joo per acre, easy terms, best soil ; farms for sale. ail sires, wcr anana. yoa f alling bldg. LOGGED-OFF lands and small farms; run ning water, gooa son, some with im provements; terms. J. R, Sharp, 3$ d, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. SMALL FARMS NEAR NEWBERG. 6 acres, all cult, new house and barn, chicken-house, cftv water, electric lights, sidewalks and good street. Fine creek In back ot place. Price $3000, easy terms. 74 acres on the Oregon Electric at Tigard. Good, comfortable 6-rm. house, barn. 2 large chicken-houses; bearing orchard, 3 blocks from depot. About 15c fare to Portland. Price $4200, $1200 casn, easy terms. 20 acres adjoining city of Newberg. All good loam soil: IS acres cultivated; spring and well water; good house and outbuildings; bearing orchard of mixed mm; oniy a minutes . walk to aepoi. $7000. 11500 cash. . 37 acres near Dnvion. 30 acres cult. 7 acres good timber, 1 acre mixed orchard: well and sDrinir water: 6-rm. house, good barn, woodshed and chicken house; all fenced: 3 horses. 3 cows, 100 chickens and all kinds of farm imple ments. Price for crop, stock and every thing $8000. reasonable terms. See WILLIAM BRU BAKER, 527 Corbett Bldg. ' COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. An ideal tract of 13.2 acres, 10 of which are under cultivation; 3-room tern porary cottage with good lines, 22 as sorted fruit and nut trees, bearing; barn 24x34 with concrete foundation, hog house, chicken house and numerous other buildings; fine well and pumping plant, stores, schools, churches, etc., across the road; 6 cows, 2 registered hogs, 5 young pigs, cream separator, small tools, eul tivator. Total price $6300, $3500 cash, balance to suit. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber or commerce. CLOSE-IN FARM S?AP. An improved farm, within 15 miles of Portland, for $100 per acre: on mac adam road, 1 mile from pavement, 35 acres oi rich black sou in cultivation, about .50 acres of small fir timber, about 12 acres brush ; 6-room bouse, electric lights, oi barn and other buildings; y mile from electric station; $luoo cash will handle it. Remember, we said $100 per acre. Where can you beat it? Fred W . German Co., 732 Chamber or com. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. 71 acres in Clackamas county. 50 acres cleared, 15 in orchard, 2 funnel prune dryer, fully eauiDped. Good 6-room house, 2 barns, hard surface road all the way. Price SH000. Terms to suit buyer. 105 acres in Happy Valley, 4 miles from Portland. Wrill divide in 10. 20 or 40- acre farms, or any size acreage desired. Price $175 to $200 ner acre. Other good buys at reasonable prices. M. J. Mel- chtor. 531 Railway Exchange bldg. MR. FARMER. ATTENTION! Why buy a farm when we have many excellent farms for lease, equipped or partly equipped? Per sonal property for sale at market prices. Call and investigate our farms for lease. F. L. EDDY, RTTTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GOOD FARM CHEAP. 52 acres, 35 acres In cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber, nearly all level, dark loam soil. 3 acres orchard, well. good roads; 4 miles ry. station, H mile school; 4-room house, barn; 7 tons hay, chicken bouse, granary, woodshed; price $5500, $1500 cash, balance mortgage. This is a real bargain, must be sold by Januarv 1 R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 1634 4th St CHICKEN RANCH. 22 acres, all in cultivation, 1 acres In loganberries; 4-room house. 2 chicken houses, SO feet long, incubator house, brooder bouse, 7 colony houses; barn and outbuilding;; mile to store, school and railroad. Ttl miles to Portland on fine road; 1 horse, wagons, all farm im plements; $"500, terms. C. W. Miller ship, Alder hotel. Main 5275. 00 ACRES, 25 acres cultivated, balance fine pasture and timber: 3000 cords oak wood, paying $10 per cord, 1 miles to railroad, 5-room house, barn and out buildings; team horses, 1 cow. all farm implements, $3rt00, good terms. C. W. Millenshlp. Alder hotel. Main 5275. $30 AN ACRE WILL HANDLE. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. WANTED REAL ESTATE. OR CLIENT Strictly modern residence. with large living room, prerers hot-water heat or Gasco furnace, located In Irv Ington. Laurelhurst or on the heights. Our party has all cash. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE, EAST 6771. CASH Will pay spot cash for from one to. three acres, improved or unimproved, between Milwaukte and Oregon City; must be a bargain and near car line. Write full particulars. AN 217, Orego nian. , WE WANT a 5 or C-room home in good district; have only $500 cash to pay, but can make good monthly payment; be tween $3500 and $5000; we can give good references. C 143. Oregonian. BUYER with $20OO ca.m wants 4-room cottage. Alberta or Woodiawn districts preferred. See Mr. Marsters. John Fer guson, Gerllnger tydg. Main 8520. WHY WORRY T I can sell or trade anything anywhere. C. W. Millership, Alder hotel. Main 5275. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO LEASE FARMS. As we specialize on farm leases, we have a large list of farmers wanting to rent farms. If yours is for rent, let us know at once. F. L. EDDY, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WILL LEASE SMALL RANCH ; REFERENCES. OR EG ONI AX. EQUIPPED AM 261, TIMBER LANDS. PILING wanted aboard S. P.; also piling timbers O. V. Gamble. Couch bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 160 ACRES with about one million feet of first-growth timber; half 01 Jand easily cleared. About 40 acres can be plowed. All good grazing land, plenty of water; 30 miles north of Portland, four miles to river and railroad, down erade: no Improvements: $10 per acre; will trade fur small house in suburbs or ini Droved acreage just outside city lim its, or would consider house and lot in valley town. Will not consider any thing without fruit. After a P. M. phone Tabor 4S94. 160-ACRE stock farm at $35 per acre. This land lies level, is atl rich, deep, black loam soil; 10 acres now in cult, balance mostly in grass; 10 acres bearing or chard; large house, chicken bouse and other buildings; also 1 horse, cow, 2 calves, 5 hogs, chickens and farm im plements go with place at $5600, $1000 down; or the owner will trade for 1 house and lot in Portland. Ralph Ack ley, 527 Corbett bldg. 14 ACRES, $5500. 6 acres in cultivation, small bearing orchard, ail fenced and cross-fenced, 8 min. walk to depot; 10-room plastered house, with full basement, bath and toilet It cost $6000; barn 20x50, good chicken house and garage, 2 cows, chick ens. small tools: will exchange for Port land property up to $3500, plenty of time on the balance. See Mr. Stephens, Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com. IMPROVED SUBURBAN ACREAGE. On E. 82d st.; large orchard and ber ries; good modern house and barn, an Ideal home for retiring farmer, who wants to live in ease and enjoy the privileges of the city; this splendid up to date acreage home is offered for $16,000 in exchange for a general pur pose Willamette vauey iarm. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FARM of 40 acres, $2500; modern new bungalow, good well, fine view; rock road; groceries delivered to door. Tele phone, rural mall, cream route; school truck calls for H. S. pupils and grade children; logging camp near, with wages from 7 to $10; 5000 acres of seeded range adjoining; fine beef cattle or sheep proposition. For trade for paying business in city. East 7121. I HAVE 100 LOTS IN KLAMATH FALLS. 10 BLOCKS FROM THE MAIN ST.. WILL EXCHANGE FOR 5- OR 10 ACRES OR A 5-ROOM BUNGALOW; GOOD CHANCE TO BUILD IN KLAM ATH FALLS; THEY WANT ABOUT 500 HOUSES; IT'S A PROSPE ROUS TOWN. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. 402 ZUMBRO COURT, 20TH AND ' WASH. ST. 10-ACRE SNAP ON COLUMBIA HIGH WAY. Fine 7-rm. bungalow, plastered, base ment only 2 years old. Good barn and other outbuildings; 9 acres cult, all good level land; bearing orchard, fine strawberry patch. Price only $3500. Trade for city property. Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, large 9-room, modern house. 3 lots, on E. 60th st in heart Mt Tabor district: abundance fruit; $8750. See owner. 126 E. 60th st HAVE Piedmont lot will exchange for brick work and plastering as part pay ment. Tabor 630. SO. CALIF. Business interests and prop erty to trade for So. Calif, property. Phone Bdwy. 556 or Mar. 1881. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. FOR " SALE Three registered Scotch Shorthorn neuers st Darn nat eta ana Ivon sts. Holman Fuel Co. . VETERINARIAN. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. FOR SALE, exchange or hire. 150 head of horses and six young mules. This Is stuff that we have been working on every kind of job that a horse could be worked at. Hire by the day, week or month; rates given on long-term con tracts to responsible people. Will ex change for autos, mules, catle or horses. All kinds of harness and wagons, grad ing nd farming equipment. Phil Suet ter, 2S5 Front st. Crown stables. FOR SALE, Sheep at the lowest prices, ei ther grade or registered : any breed, any number. Box 51 N. PorU Or. U. S. STABLES. Horses and harness of all kinds. Horses weighing 1300 to 1800 lbs.. 5 to 7 years old. 365 Union ave. S., corner elevens st. u. U. Williamson Ac uiasa. 7 FRESH COWS, 3 to 8 gal., 1 Holsteln- Jersey, oO; 1 registered Holsteln cow; sell or trade for beef cattle. Take Van couver car to Columbia boulevard, go 1 block north. TEAM of black mules, 6 and 7 years old, 2400 pounds suitable for orchard. Team 2SO0, single horse 1200, harness and 2 farm wagons, 344 17th st., near Market. BARGAIN 2800 lb. team, good condition. extra good heavy harness, farm wagon and plow, $250 for ajl. Mrs. Banner, 348 Russell st near Union ave. KEYSTONE FEED STABLE, horses for sale or hire, stalls ror rent, bsl Water st., foot Montgomery. Mar. 3515. FIRST-CLASS fresh cow, 5 gallons. Call 7:30 A. M. 1345 Hood st. DEAD horses taken quickly, cash for dead cows. Automauc bJj-b4. SADDLE horse and saddle cheap. after o P. M. Tabor ti'Jo-i. DEAD horses and cattle hauled away free. none Miiwaume oa-j lor service. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments, FACTORY REBUILT AND USED PIANOS. $ 6K Kranich & Bach, golden oak..$::6. " 7iM) Conover, golden oak 315 900 Steinway & Sons, rosewood.... 345 JSOO Aeolian orchestrelle 395 654) Singer, massive colonial 435 550 Ebersole. modern mahogany.. ."5 950 Thompson player 595 950 Thompson player, pol. mah... 495 450 Hallet & Davis, rosewood.... 195 250 Collard & Collard. walnut.... 65 275 H. Bord, rosewood 75 , 4J5 Newby & Evans, walnut .... 25 1750 Harrywood orchestrion 595 1000 N. Y. pianoforte, con. gr. ... 295 $15 to $50 cash. $6. $10 to $15 month ly. Parlor organs $25, $:tS. $45. $58 to $75. SCHWAN PIANO CO., DOWNSTAIRS STORE. 101 Tenth St., at Wash, and Park St PIANO SALE. - All used pianos have been reduced to a figure you cannot compare elsewhere. Shop around, then see our bargains. Bonds at full .value. Howard, fine oak case $2SS Kimball, a snap $- Garner & Son, plain mah. case $2 Baremore. small, late style $2 Cook & Son. cabinet grand, snao. Sohmer, almost new, mah. case. . . .$47 Mason & Hamlin, cannot be told from new $600 And others. Terms given. SEIBERLLXG-IAJCAS MUSIC CO.. 125-27 4th st.. bet. Wash, and Alder st. USED TALKING MACHINES All in good condition at prices that win move them quickly. Columbia and 6 records Victor and 6 records Victor and 6 records... Columbia and 12 records.......... Victor cabinet, 12 records Pathe cabinet, 12 records Victor cabinet, 12 records $5 to $10 cash, $4 to $7 monthly, SCHWAN PIANO CO., 101 10th St.. Cor. Stark, ..$2 ...4 ...12i . 97 ..100 SECURITY STORAGE CO., closing ou small upright piano ..$ Ho and S Modern upright pianos. ..... .$195 to $34 Modern player pianos $395 to $695 Parlor organs.. $20, $25, $33, $45 and $58 Pianos stored ror 7.c montniy. 103 TENTH ST.. COR. STARK. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BARGAINS IN PHONOGRAPHS OR RECORDS? THEN CALL AND SEE NEWMAN. Have fine large stock. Save you from fij to 7o. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE, 128 First, bet. Alder and Washington. $15 TO $25 CASH buys new 1920 model up right f Jid piano in oak or mahogany ror s;9s. balance HZ monthly, lour phono graph, old piano or organ taken as first payment. Schwan' Piano Co., 101 10th St.. at Stark. A FEW phonographs for rent over Christ mas; bargains in used pianos. Harold a, Gilbert. 34 Yamhill st. Pianos rented, sold, repaired. TRADE FOR PIANO. Wiil trade $225 new V1CTROLA and records for used PIANO. Seiberling-Lu cas Music Co.. Main 85S6. 125 Fourth st PIANO WANTED. HIGHEST CASH PAID for Used PIANOS or PLAYERS. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co. Main 123 Fourth st, BARGAINS in new and second-hand pianos and other musical instruments. bee H W. Toelle, 226 Main st Phone 527-27. SAVE your money, buy a fine piano $100 less at 311 Worcester bldg. Our simple selling and low expense, small profits saves your money. HIGHEST prices paid for pianos, phono graph records, musical Instruments, ex change and repair. 254 Market st. Main 6012. CLARENDON PIANO, used one month, $ 1 50 discount. Terms. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder sts. TRADE YOUR PIANO. Will trade $225 new VICTROLA and records for used PIANO. Sieberling-Lu- cas Music Co., Alain boMi. i'2o 4th st. ORGANS $20 and up. See them. Seiber ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st, bet Wash, and Alder sts. KIMBALL PIANO $250. Good condition A snap. Terms. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 12o 4th st. bet wash, and Alder sts. BRAND new cabinet grand Emerson pho nograph, retail price $175, my price for quica sale, rnone Main aoiMj. VICTROLA $00. with records like nftW terms, Seiberilng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st, bet wash, and Alder sts. BRAND new cabinet grand Emerson -phonograph, retail price $175. my price for quick sale, 10. .f none Alain 3026. HEAR the Orpheus, the phonograph with the wonaerrui giass resonator. Made in Portland, ii)?1: Grand ave. East 720!. FOR RENT uraionoia with late music. empire riii.ei. xruttu way. ia wy. 1 5o. SMITH & BARNES piano, cabinet and bench: sell less ft price. 311 Worces ter bldg. LUDWIG piano and bench, very latest style; sen cneap, on terms. 311 Wor cester bldg. $570 WELLINGTON piano, fine tone, plain case; $200, terms. 311 Worcester bldg. $225 BUYS fine piano, Kimball make, plain Case, ici uia. 1111 iui .colci uiug, EIGHT upright pianos, $125 to $300, easy terms. oil Worcester uiug. WANTED Nice toned used piano for all cash. Marshall Otou. LARGE cabinet phonograph; a bargain for cash. z to 4, 4 to a. o-m mast Oak. $650 JACOB DALL piano, plain mahogany, only $250. terms. 311 Worcester bldg. WANTED Piano at once; consider player if uargain. aiain .asn. $550 J. & C. FISCHER piano, $175; $50 down, $12.50 month. 311 Worcester bldg. Furniture for Sale. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; tireprooi storage. o. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine st HAVE $1350 worth of practically new fur niture in 5-room flat on Sandy blvd. ; will sell lor wjo casn; rem per mo. Cai 1 Mr, j ray, nawy. aouti. SAVE 20 per cent to 40 per cent on your household furniture, carpets, etc. Write p. O. box 3108, Portland, Or., and let us explain. GOOD new and used furniture, ranges, heaters, rugs; lowest prices. Judson Fur niture Co., 113 Grand ave. East 6957. Office Furniture. COMPLETE office furniture, comptome ter, adding maenme, typewriter, etc. Owner leaving city. 312 Yeon bldg. Main 2229. Poultry. BABY CHICKS. 6 varieties, best stock; prices reasonable. . j, m. - jsjeeanam. Sa lem, Or. BUFF Leghorn hens and pullets, fancy stock, laying now, si.7d each. J. R. Maguire, 780 Oregon st WHITE LEGHORN pullets $1. also house and wire. CaII Automatic 37-76. Dogs, Rabbits, Birds and Pet Stock. POLICE DOG PUPPIES that combine quality, loyalty, lntelll- gence. Speedway Kennels. Tabor 5088. ST. ANDREASBERG roller canary birds. sweet singers. --1 vt tvmn. st. aiain v-l. 2 BEAUTIFUL canary birds, fine singers. 871 Front st. Mar. 4337. . BULLDOG pups for sale. Y. Rybink, Orient corner biuii, a. n.eiso roao. Launches and Boats. HOUSEBOAT for sale, comfortable home for bachelor or Z young men; bath, gas. electricity, ctty water, phone, etc.; 15 minutes from heart of city. AJ 214, Ore gon I an. FOR SALE One new 3-room and one 2- room Turnisaea nouseooat; loot or Jflandera, rOB SALE. Machinery. AIR COMPRESSORS, AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO., Bdwy. 3300. 329 Couch st. BIG SALE on wire cables, rubber belting, all kinds of tools and supplies at lowest prices in the city. J.,Leve. 189 Front st. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors ot Corona portable; $50 com plete - with carrying case. Supplies for all makes. , E. W. PEASE CO., 110 Sixth Street Main 2285. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All Makes Overhauled; Experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, sell rent and exchange. Main 6397. Supplies, 124 4th et., bet Wash, and Alder, over Circle theater. NEW No. 4 Woodstock typewriter, never been used; leaving town; cost $115; will sell for $60 cash if taken today. Phone Broadway 4 68. room 419. ALL MAKES, sold, rented and exchanged terms if desired. Send for retail prices WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington st., N. W, Cor. Sixth. FOR RENT Underwood-Remington type writer, $3. - Empire Transler, 2oi .Broad way. Bdwy. i.j. ALL MAKES rented and repaired, Oregoi Typewriter Co.. 94 5th st. Main 3htg jifiW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. Jr. u, o., .01 oiara. iJ Miscellaneous. 50 LARGE heating stoves, large enough to take 4-foot cord wood, suitable for heating large buildings, camps, large k.ll. At.. moria fur anrilt A diVlSlOIll excellent condition; price without coil $25. with hot water coil $35. MAY HARDWARE COMPANY, 124 Front St. WRECKING BUILDINGS. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Vancouver, Wash., buildings, lumber window donrs. 40Q toilets. neaun plants, pipe, steam boilers and radiators rorrestai ot jviacquaia, ivm suu streets, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE, complete equipment of bi liard and nool room, mahogany wa cases, cigar cases, new 14-ft. Red Cross fountain, large reingerator, sate. tau register, pool tables, chairs, etc.; must be sold by Jan. 15, we want the empty room, will sell all or separate. Address Nye-Ward Co., Pendleton, Or. XOTTCK TO THE PUBLIC. We are selling out direct to the public our entire stock of salesmen's sample consisting of rain, motor and. overcoats, at half factory cost. UNITED RUBBER CO., 76 MORGAN BLDG. FOR RALE AT A BARGAIN. French range In fine condition, 7 feet long with z ovens; piumoeo two seis coils; large hood; 100-gaiion tank; coal or wood. Call or address st. . xtagan, 510 Flanders st. FOR SALE Utilitor garden tractor, sui; able for 2 to 20 acres; superior to horses. Can also be used tor pumping, sawing and various other things about a ranch See Mr. O'Brien, 235 Stark. H T-VV A TE R tanks. 30-Kal.. S7 : 40-gal. $0; tested and guaranteed ; stove and furnace coils, gas heaters installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding shop, 203 Adams st East 8516. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable room? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed, main doom. NEW "SINGER'S," $5 down, $3 monthly. expert sewing macnine repainng. MORRISON -STREET SINGER STORE, 8S2 Morrison. Marshall 721. SOLDIERS' overcoats altered into civiiia: sLvle. dyed blue cr black, new buttons, complete, $7.50. Regal Cleaners, tailors. 17 N. 6th st. Portland. Or. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 First. Tabor 67'J8. Main 4405. AGATE JEWELRY Largest, most com plete stock in city; most reasonable prices. Van Dusen's, 453 Wash., near 13th. LET US wash your rugs with the Hamll ton Beach electric carpet washer without removing from floor; work guarantee clean and sanitary. Woodiawn l-utf. SAFES New and second-hand, some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY" CO.. Broadway 1966. 4S Front at FACTORY samples at retail; dinner eets, decorated. 42 nieces. o.Uj. Get yours; hurry; wonderful bargain. Room 617 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. FOR SALE All sizes, floor cases, cash register. wall cases. electric cone grinder, counter cases, scales. 242 Sal mon. LADIES Let the Vogue Appareri Exchange sell your used garments and xurs. 403 Alisky bldg. Main 3132. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet wasner; also vac u urn cleaning done. East 4045. WOOD Green slab, $1 per cord; dry slab $8.5r; siaD ana otoca, stove length. Bdwy. 4UU. FIRST GROWTH wood; special prices for close-in deliveries; 2-cord iots. IJI.oO 3 ft -cord lot-s $36.50. Call East 6563. LADIES' EXCLUSIVE USED APPAREL. Coats, suits, dresses, iurs, hats, shoes. 1132 E. Glisan, tuar 30th. Tabor 2825, KODAKS. Ws buy, sell, rent and exchange Ko daks, bandy, a-u. wasnington street. FIRST GROWTH CORD WOOD, SHORT LENGTHS, FOR PROMPT DELIVER!, CALL TABOR 7664 FOR SALE Dry 16-inch inside and slab mixed, also blocks, ury or green. Wood iawn .WALNUT trees, loganberry plants, cherry, peach, prune, pear. wooastocK nursery. Sell wood ii-. a c.atk JEWELRY Best quality mount' It'gS, me rigllL KUIU UL Alum UlS. V OU Dusen s, 43 wasn., near 10m. FIBLOCO pipeles furnace, $70 60 to $135 Showroom lu m; uroauway, near bridge. East 4atti. FILBERT trees, gooseberries, currants, strawberries, Diacacaps, raspoerries. Woodstock Nursery, beilwood 1:332. FOR SALE Heavy dry bridge timbers cut 4 feet, $10.00 cord, aeiiverea in city. Phone East 6641. m 1 vs full dress and Prince Albert size 38, superior material, aeii ior their Value. 1. -01, uregun an. FOR SALE Dry first growth fir cord- wood, sawea any lengin, prompt de livery. Phone night or day. Eaut 45!i2. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired, exchanged, bougnt. cenuoy, aiain 4W7. EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed. pr. Belding, o vt mrr sl. aiain m: WEST SIDE home sells and buys slightly worn apparel ano iurs. marsnau j.ao. DICTAPHONES Norton. 603 Fenton bldg. Broadway SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale. Facltic lent x Awanib- -u., x io. isi st. 15 BUYS adding machine; adds 7 figures. 618 Corbetl oiug. maranan pot. FOR SALE Register, show cases, scales, cash or crea.it.. -t- ctimun. STAR-A-STAR shingles direct from milL Call Tayior-st. qock. main ouoo. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, $1 per day, delivered anywhere. Woodiawn 34H5. Ri.nc.K and slab mixed, special price two. load lots, wooaiawn iiwj. Oregon f uel. SAFE Office safe, also light filing safe. bargains, m Ljyu FERTILIZER. Old cow manure Tabor 2704. 05 QUARTS of fruit for sale cheap, leav- ti2 town. ini. HEMSTITCHING, the cheapest way o: trimming ami iiniaunm. "- lamnin st. CHICKEN and pig feed for sale, cheap. PALACE hardware store in Tacoma, W asn., ior imio. . FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24- hour day, oou ueuvcicu. Trmn. xitf. FOR SALE: Portable bake oven, like new; a bargain, rast, 10-. OVERCOATS, used little, for sale; big se lection, low prices. ooo otarn st. "rh OTGUN OR RIFLE WANTED. 128 First, near Alder. Main 4405. STOVES repaired, bought and sold. Colls maoe ana uumicucu. uaai vwu. FOR SALE; Cash register, safe, adding machine, snowcaso. w iai. ai. ucar Asn. GOOD Washington coal, delivered, $10 a ton. rianonai r uci xoai 1. POTATOES, upland, $1.50 sack, delivered. CORDWOOD, old-growth fir. Phone Wood iawn 63 A NO. 1 country cordwood, green; two cord lots or more iu. peiiwooq db. WOODLAWN 1975. Cordwood $10, slab $8, delivered. HONEY Warranted, unadulterated strained, ugnt, muo; quart ouc. m. 1410. CUT FLOWERS, plants, holly and wreatha Henry fieuier, om u lamnin. TIE TIMBER wanted for hewn tie. AjC 146, uregonmii. . FOTATOES. apples, onions wholesale prices. 100 r rom, nr. jiornaon on age. BLOCK WOOD, slabwood, mixed, two-load I FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. CALL AT ! Vanmiiver 1V6. and see Landfgan's gas hot water system: heats now S rooms with hot water radiators for Jl ppnn Tttr hour: also heats 35 rooms for 15c per hour; beats any size building; no basemen c or i quired; no labor, no dirt, no fumes; Just right for greenhouses, garages, hotels, restaurants, stores, barber shops and factories. Price, per heater, $35 and $40. Phone East 6039. AT A FTERXMA S PRICES. Everything must be aold regardless of price. THE FUR SHOP, 06 Swetland Bldg., 5th and Washington. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold lor less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third St.. near Taylor. ELECTRICAL GIFTS. Percolators, irons, toasters, grills, heat ers, curling Irons and portable lamps. Low prices. Christmas tree light sets and electrical repairing. Hynson Elec tric Co., 302 Pine. Broadway 4293. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought sold and exchanged. Easy terms if de sired. MORRIS SAFE St LOCK CO., 105 Second Street Main 2045. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BARGAINS IN SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES? THEN CALL AND SEE US. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. NEWMANS GUN STORE. 12S First, near Alder. Main 440S. NEW YORK graduate chiropodist, super fluous hair permanently removed; mani curist, face and scalp specialist, la-lies and gentlemen. Room l!U5',j Alisky bldg.. Third and Morrison sts. . HUNDREDS of people are exchanging records at 15c difference and hundreds are buving records at 35c to $1 at Pacific Record Exchange, 427 Wash, st Open evenings. USED ADDING MACHINE OK COMPTOMETER. Electric drive Dal ton at saving of about $125; comptometer Same as new. $250. D. ,C. Wax, 31 N. 5th- Bdwy. 2739. O FFICE FUR NI TU R E. Safe, roll and flat top deskw, files etc. We save you money on new or used equipment l. C. Wax, 3L N. 5th. Bdy. DIAMOND. 1 karat, perfect blue steel, worth $600, sell bargain $375. F 2u5. Oregon fan. WOOD Old growth fir, $10.50 per cord, fine furnace and fireplace wood, 16-in. lab and block. Aut. 523-40. FIRST-GROWTH seasoned cordwood for sale, $10.50 for 2 cord lots. Sell. L'306. DO YOU need licensed electrician for elec tric wiring? East .VSM5, beyt rerorencf. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WHEN IS A USED CAR A BARGAIN? A used car, regardless of purchase price, is a bargain only when it proves that It is capable of rendering the kind of service the buyer expects of it. We realize that this is the true angle as regards used- cars, and our policy is to put the used cars which we take i trade in good serviceable condition, ove hauling them In our own shops and re painting when necessary. it ere partial list of cars at remarkably low prices, quality considered: 1916 Briscoe, 6-passengnr $ 400 1HI3 Mitchell, u-passenxer ii Willys-Knight, 5-passtnger 8 11U7 Dodge, 5-passeng;r 8 J 1 7 Mitchell, 5-passenger 8 1017 Mitchell. 7-passenger 7i 1018 Mitchell, 5-passenger 1 HtO And we also have a few Victory mod' Mitchells and two Jordan Mlhouett on which we give factory guarantee; and service. Deal with a house of recognized sta bility. 38 years in business In Portland. We handle our own notes and do no charge for brokerage. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER COMPANY, BROADWAY AT EVERETT. Phone, Broadway 4675. 1917 HUDSON, wire wheels. .. .$1100 1920 Chevrolet 700 1910 Oldsmobile, like new... 1 K0 3 018 Studebaker, 7-pass 400 1910 Liberty, a real buy.... 1155 Pierce 36, fi-pass looo Model D55 Buirk. 7-pass.... 7oo 1012 Packard. 7-pass SoO 1018 Buick roadster. 6 tires IHmj We are selling these cars at the right price. Come in and look them over. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnside. Broadway 521. SLIGHTLY USED OAKLAND TOURING AND ROADSTER. GOOD AS NEW, WILL BE SOLD . AT LARGE SAVING. ROADSTER HAS WIRE WHEELS AND FULL LIST OF ACCES SORIES. NEW CAR SELLS FOR $ 1 625 PLUS $ 1 00 FOR WIRE WHEELS. EITHER OI THESE CARS WILL BE SOLD AT LEAST $300 UNDER NEW PRICE. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO., BROADWAY AT FLANDERS, BROADWAY 4184, FORD OnNL'Kn. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhaualed $2 Rear axle overhauled Vaives ground, carbon removed Magneto recharged We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings. etc., which Insures a perfect-running mo tor. Genuine ford parts only use a. All wcrk guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim is because the MAGXET Is weak. Have it RECHARGED Br EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO., 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7H. 1017 CHEVROLET DELIVERY". " Electric staisV r. good mechanically a snap at $575; will take a Ford in trade. TALBOT & CASEY, INC., Grand Ave. and E. Aukeny. East 8119. CAR OWNERS. ATTENTION! OVERHAUL YOUR OWN CAR UN DER OUR SUPERVISION. WE FL It NISK SHOP. TOOLS AND EXPKRI ENCE AT A REASONAIttB CHARGE THONG EAST 7207. FRED DAY MO TOR CO.. E. 7TH AND ANKEN'Y. Ul S VELI E touring; wire wheels, gooi tires, one etxra; a snap for $a:i, wul take a Ford in trade. TALBOT & CASEY. INC., Grand Ave. and E. Ankexiy. East 81 1. 5VE CARRY a fuil line of auto ac:ef-o ries. tires, tubes, ford parts, Mgnt globes, etc. Also do towing. Open day and mSht LONO & SILVA, Phone East 6S40. 462 Hawthorne. FOR SALE Stanley steamer mountain naernn. rj-nasenger. goou ior stag run: we ask $500 cash and worth three timej this amount tr you can nanaie it; in good condition. Goldendale Garage, Ooldendale. Wash. TiiTY MY 1920 ESSEX. IN FINE COV- DITION, Kt.- aau i.uuha i,iku NEW. A BARGAIN. CALL BDVVV. 3047. FOR SALE Premier 6, i-pasenger car. in the rient car tor siage; a-i conni tion; 6 cord tires, spotlight and mirror. full set 01 toois ana otner extras go witn car; will give terms. i,au pen, ivt. HAVE SAO ON NEW CHEVROLET. I have $100 deposited on a new Chev rolet and cannot iase same: give mi $50 and taae iu rnoos xsoymon, oeu wood 75. PUT YOUR WIFE'S NAME ON THIS NEW MODEL OVERLAND SEDAN". SAME AS NEW. SAVE $700. 82 EAST 44TH ST. NORTH. SNAP for someone. Auburn Beauty Six sedan demonstrator; never been off the pavement; cord tires all around: out-of-town dealer. For demonstration, call Hillsboro phone price wjiov. AUTOMOBILE RADIATORS. Pmken. leaky, bent and wrecked radi ators repaired and made like new at reasonable price; all work guaranteed. Portland Auto Radiator Shop, 535 Alder. Broad way oi. 11)20 FORD seuan in a-i conuition. equipped witn soocn. swuiucr, oversize steering wheel, speedometer, extra tire, etc.; terms if desired. Phone E. 4041, BIG STOCK USED CARS PRICES RIGHT- V Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreca an majors 01 cars ana seu their parts at half price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept., 105-7 N. 11th st LATE Ford touring car, brand new tires. neves run, iooi uirumo anu ppeeuomexer. A-l condition. Laue-Davis Drug Co., 173 Third st WILL sell my private owned Hupmoblle, model !- louring car, at a bargain price or si-'ou; win give terms to right party. Inquire 1248 E.. Morrison st TOPS EM ALL." . Tops recovered, $25 and up. Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th and Conch sts. Bdwy. 14QS., 1920 HUDSON speedster, 11500; must be FOR PALKATTOMOBII Efl. THIS IS THE TIME TO BUT. YOU GET BARGAINS PRICES SAFETY SATISFACTION ALL BECAUSE We are selling used automobiles with a standard factory warranty, or are giving ten days' free trial subject to their being returned and full credit given on any other used automobile. During the last four years we have rebuilt Hudson automobiles snd resold them with a warranty the same as a factory warranty on a new car. It pays for us to sell and you to buy a used automobile that you can rely upon. We have opened a new store for the sale ot used cars at 40-46 N. Broadway, which is open until 8 P. M. 2 1917 Maxwell automobiles, fine condition, good tires, repainted. $400 and $ 450 '$ 101S Maxwell automobiles (to select from), all in first-class condition $550 675 650 00 700 S00 1919 Maxwell, like new Model 90 Overland chummy road ster, all In fine condition, wire ' wheels, good tires Oakland 6, fine condition Model 00 Overland sedan, very good condition, with good tires.. ESSEX BARGAINS. 1919 Essx touring car, all gone over In our khop. thoroughly overhauled and repainted ; sold with a warranty the name as given on new automobiles 1273 Late Esex model, like new and with warranty; great buy 1350 1919 Ford truck, good condition., b CHALMERS BARGAINS. 1919 Chalmers roadster. In fins condition .. 105 1919 Chalmers light 1, with hot snot, overhauled and repainted: all in line condition 1250 1020 Buick roadster, almost new.. 1400 Chandler chummy. In fine condi tion, runs like a new car. has been repainted 1050 Chandler sedan, overhauled and repainted; a very good buy 1500 HUDSON BARGAINS. 1917 Hudson Super 6, has been rebuilt. Is being repainted ; will look and run like new. Will sell with a warranty the name as given on new automobile 1200 1920 Hudson Super , overhauled and now bring re finished; will be hard to tell it from the latent new car. Will soil with a war ranty same aa given on huw automobiles 1950 Hudson sedan, has been rebuilt by us, now in the paint shop; will be like new and sold with war ranty the same as given on new automobiles. Best sedan buy In th town 1750 OUR STORE FOR THESE CSETJ CA BARGAINS AT 40-46 BROADWAY, WHICH IS BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. C, L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TO IT BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO Bl I.E. W E F U R N I S H TUB M O N E Y. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE 1 OU OREGON BON O A MOKTOAC E CO., 2MS SELLING BLDG.. 2I FLOOR. 1D1H MAXWELL TOURING. New tiren. new battery, tine mechanl caliy; $575. Will take a Ford in trade. TALLtor & 1 ASbi, i.t;., Grand Ave. and K, Ankeny. Enst MIS. 1020 DODGE TOURING CAR. 7 CORD TIRES. IN FINE MECHANICAL SHAPE. BARGAIN AT 11200. CALL BROADWAY 5T00. MUST sacrifice my 1018 i-pHssenge Studebaker; perfect mechanical con ill tion: 4 new cord tlrea: hIho 1 2-ton truck guaranteed A-l condition. Must be cold Jointly. $2500 cuHh. Hawthorns FueJ Co. yard, 0th and Hawthorne. IU 1 7 H L ICK little 0 touring car. fine mechanically; gooa finish, new battery, Pantaot top, 7 tires and tube and two extra runs; will sacrifice for $S5U, Owner. J hone nmauway s.tiw. $20. BUICK ROADSTER. Car In nice shape, will demonstrate te you. See car at 4JO Burnside st., Mr, J on e. lyiO KOKD roadster, 5 good tlrtj. demount able rims; Haxsier mmck ahnorhers: speedometer and other extras; fuo. East 5 158. BIG SACRIFICE. OAKLAND 6. LATE 1020 MODEL. In perfect condition. Just, like new. rail Main P4H. A FOR D BARGAIN. 1917 model; a good puller, newly paint ed ; some tool ; ow ner leaving town. rhone Main Mr.-. ar at 1'aclrlc garajte -PASS. Stuilenaker six, '17 model, driven only i,.tHN miles; fiot-clns iliape, Rood tires; I'Hh) tins ftueK, 1'Jione l t , Oregon City. ' am coiN'tJ ea-t. will ae.l 1920 Buiek tux very reao-naD:e; win give aemonatrannn if you mean business, AH 278, Orego- nlan lui'o BL'ICK roadster, almnit a brand new car: 0 goon tires ana a apotnam. under the price of a new one; will give terms, pnotie 1 aoor rout. WILL sell my privately-owned Chevrolet, model Una, touring car at a bargain price; will gne termt to right parly Inquire v K. Nix. 'orbeft. Or. 1D2U FORD touting, starter and pinty of extras. ta n room e urana 4. K5H) taken it. DODGE, bet mechanical condition, $7."0; better man new cneap car. nenry bldg. 0 BL'ICK. ruadsler, private party. Call for particulars Monday afternoon. Mar. 2 7 t. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheels. crankshaft turning, n. n. itiaeg, ma chine hop. 534 Aider st. Bdwy. 2fis. ALTO .OWNERS' SALES ROOM. Sou wibh to sell our car? Can get quirk action at 10 King at. Msln lh4 11HS DODGE fur sule or exchange, irood condition, ior ruru car anu pay amor enre. AL 22V Oregonlnn. CHEVROLET Kol Mail roadster; JuM overhauled line condition, U litu and extras. I-W. Esst 3I5M. 1018 MAXWELL C-PASS. Nice little car and only 1400; part time. See Jones at 4:t0 Burnalde st AUTO for sale. Cole 4, Al condition; must sell, can o rast tin st. noutn. OU CAN buy a used car for Iras than its mortgage value, nw King t. OK SALE 11'13 Cadillac for 250. Ap- ply Covey Motor tar io. 1U18 KOKD sedan, $400 cah; new license. Coi. 01 1 alter o r. m. OR SALE Good bug. Call Columbia 27. Automonnr Wan tea. BUG BODV, call and see samples; aluo hunt to oraer. rrices riKnt. i'ui KuseeiL Kait ft522 and ark for Shaw. WANT to buy a Ule Franklin car. AP ZM3. uregon ian. CAbii for all makes ot cars; condluea no oDjeei. 410 uusaa. cor. 10m. Motorcycle. MOTORCYCLES snd parts, aU makes East sia juoiorcyoia Co.. 44-40 Or and avenue. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY Um. 204-anq 3D ST. MAIN 613'J. Auto Tires and Accessories. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable ratea 132 12th st., between Washington and Alder. Broadway 040. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. 1. BULLIVA.VB FASHION OARAGE. Mar. 2;J2. 10TH AND YAM HILL. A 12341 LTHOF A BENNETT. CARS FOR HI RB WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARM 1 OARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1H87. 1020 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE, WIIU TOR gAT.r ACTOMOBriT.g. Automobile for M lr. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driver a Day or night servlca, COUCHMAN GARAGE. HHh and Couch. HJy. 3AM. Remember our number, Broidwiy NE W AUTOS WITHOUT PRIVKRS, OVEKLAKDA HUD80NS, LOW NSDALE OARAGE BROADWAY ;40S. 15TH AND WASIT. FOR HAf.B TRUCK A VT TWCTOWt TUB CONTIDBNCB of the puhlle l priceless, therefor w do net hold called auction sales but hsve gonj through our elock of up A trucks an. I rMablirhad an unheard-of low pric. Come in and go over our hat and be convinced, 4-ton Packard, just the thing for wood hauling. It U In ticsllvnt shape throughout l?0tM 4- ton Kissel Kar. good Urea, over hauled throughout 1209 2-ton Naah, electric tight and starter, new tires. Truck ka only one ar old and has beta over hauled throughout 1309 5- ton Wllroi. In good rendition and a gooa hauler; can, piatiorm body Say! Could use a "fellow Cfaft Mere s a couple; 2-tnn with cab. 2 -ton wnbj cab, Treato lights, eta. MACK -INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION, 10th and Davis bta, Broadway 600. , TRUCKS! TRUCKS! ATL B!7E AND M A K THE FOLLOWING ARE TYl'ICAls OK OUR eioCK, Olds ErMicTTir eTrd wagen, flat body, suitable ior grncral haul ing 1 ma -fon Republic, overhauled and guaranteed ATS 2-fnn CMC, fn fine shnpe, suitable fur wuod haul 1000 2-fnn Traffic, as good as new. Brut buy in iho city ,,. 7' 1-ton Republic. A bargain. t The are only prt of our sfeek. W have a truck for every pnihle purpop. H will pjy you to inveitUtfals before buying. ORANXIXfl TrUrrTi-R, 542 Alder St., cor. 17th. lidy. 1723. MIST sacrifice my 11M 7-rwncr Studebaker; perfect mechanic comic tion; 4 new curd tire; nUo I 2-ton truck, guarantved A-l condition. Muxt be soia jointly. 2-'oo i-Hxh. Hawthorns ft-uel i'n. rd. 1th atid Hawthorn. k'ii hALE or uU for ruadu r, ens Mew.irt -tofi iru'-k, on 1-ton Ford truck. Hroughton Mutor Iruck Co., 1.1.1 V. loih -t WILL twko touting car of any make or equity In hmu as payment on nv 1 '4-ton hlgh-grads motor tiutk. E, L. King. iVJS Plnu. WHY BUY a used truck when ou can bur a new 'J -ton truck for lca than $iuO e.-rny terms 5 i'uurtrenih st. N. k OR SALE Korrl ton truck; a i.l g.ifl terms. Call Wdln. WAXTFP MIMCF-ILANFOrH. SI'O T CASH KUH DIAMON 1S I PAY M'tiT CAM1 AND THE If TO 17 EST MARKET VALUE I'OK DIA MONDS Nu AMOUNT IS TOO LARCH FOR MK TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LAlldU DIAMOND Ct NCKKN TO TH Y A I.L THE DI A MONDS OFFERED. M Y LtM'ATlo V 18 DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT ALL HCSlNEaS IS STRICTLY roNKl I K NT1 A L. E UN EST I E E DH imi WASHINGTON ST. WAIN ;U7L I2:i0 TO 2.V FOR SECOND-HAND NL'ITS AND OVERCOATS. C A I . T, MEYER. T I i E TAILOR, lie pas more than anyone in the ctty for Bulla, overcoats and fhori Call Marshall I2.W or 2-3 Madison lU near lid at. Will tall day or rtenin WANTED Seeend-hand Grefle er English Rutlejc ca 1 tt era, fixe s 4'4. Write lull detail and itk anted lo auto sditur, Oregoman. IS r.o 1 1 TO $2.-i. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAYLOfl, fMT HIGHEST CASH PRICKS FoK II1NH hl'ITS AND OVERCOATS, fcllOEH, KT'. 11 ROAD W A Y H'Xi2. 2&ft MC It.NK 1 1 K. ALL ME RE Ko It K AN QuU X LLbb. BETWEEN 2L AN I 3D. WE MUST have 7oo men's suits snd tf ensis to ship out of town: ws are in big demand (or 11 s d clot lung, a trt Hi( PVl'ff the highlit prues for hlsb-prieed cloth ins. tall at 107 First si. ner HoiriKTi, Tailor eftUblishmsnU 1'uone Main VP TO i FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOAT. We pay any price for men's clot hes. OREOON CLEANERS AND TAILol:, 117 .d st., N. W. cor. Wash, ttala LT-TO-DATK HUVKIl. I pay the hlalicut prices for seeenl Pand furniture, tools. ieg, od dothtng snd all kinds of junk, full ilom 7-i and I WILL CLEAN IP YuCIt HOMK. FURS. I t LH, FL'ltti. Low Pent snd Lew Trice LcmnoVling snd Repairing. La frnce Hit Mi a. to, Mln rt .2:. Irti W. Park. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's fast-off clothlnK, highest cash, pilccs paid; wul c II day or tiiaht. t'K il'I.ti H HKCONUHANn STORK. lUrthall -.;. L'3 MadjsAft, WANTED. Mangel, beets, turnips, ruMnbagaa and carrots; stats prt and location. Answsf rare of F '. OrfKonmn. IJKiHKST CASH PKK'E PAID FOR I'lloSeOHAI'Mf AM' REt'oRDa. NEW M AN H RECORD LXCIIAN'iK. 12 First. Tabnr 7ls Main 4 4H w, j.stl to purihe iho nnl - lia il'l liS'l i 4 or a voitonsk funirN gft rNiiiators, 1tro4ilway I'.'iOH. liKJHFsT SPOT CAttH prices paid fr gia moiuli Dsn Mars a lo, waau Ar E W .11 pay 1 h for ood SOcoLd hand orf.ee re. WANTK1 l-'acs Lihritfs rmuvi, Al 4t iretonlan. 1 oraltura Wanted. MARSHALL Sft'L GEVURTZ FUUNITUFJC CO. 1 wf but Torn Hors?firM,D rvn NITURE FOR H'OT CAS 14. ALL CALI H ATTENDED TO SAX1E DAT. HK.IIK-f PIUi'KS PAID. WE AUK THE 4H.DLK7, MOST RE LI ni. HuLbbi OF OtU KIND IN PORTLAND, GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. The Rig tftnre, AH under one roof. No branch store, URST ST. Remember, il doors Xrom TamhllL CALL MAIN IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE kil'lli ET CAT PRICES EVER PAID RY A N YON K IM THE CITY FOK FLKMlLRlw CAR FETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WTLL TtRTNO TU BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE rCBMTl'HK CO., 192 FlHbT ST.. NEAR TAYLOR, MAIN 30ft. CAHII FURNITURE CAM II. We need used furnlturs, stoves, rang etc., to htp out of town. Will pay higher prlr.-s than other Iocs I da'ra Call ui up for one article or a house full! and a courteous, competent buyer Ll call. Main 7714. Rosenberg' Furniture Exrhanae. BK SUKti AND LET US BEU your furniture and household goods rw for you sell. We are In the market lot same and will pay hlgbeit piics. FOKTLAND FURMXURJfi LXCHANCH. KOM FIR8T T. MAIN T72, CALL MAIN We pay the higtv-it prices for ns4 furniture, pee ui before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE fcTORJB MAIN eSTfi. WE NEED BKCOND-HAND KUKMTL'R of any description; hae the reartv castw Phonstortay Main 4U27 or lHa First st. REDUCED FREIGHT RATEH to all point) nn household sootls. Pscifla Cnnvt Foe wsrllng Co., 0th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 7oA IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and benefit to sen your rurniiuTs 10 us. (-s.it shall 2UJ. Crown Furniture Co, SELL us your furnlturs and ruts. Ph,bia Furniture Cot. 2a 2d st. Ma.O 7si WE BUY ured furniture. For beat results) rail Esst 240.V AioUHEHoLD FURMTURR WAMaOA, JLuL FA1C CAaii. AtALN J, r 1 ; i. N . ." . ... I . V , N - 1 v. . 1 s' ' V. si .-; 1 -. ... -r