11 THE MORXING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1920 7; . . - .. -.. -v." ".' . J V-;7 i 4 -.V::-. .'.,-7 7. '-. ' ' - T . . . i '. v . Vi m - 1. -i . ...' t k r. j . a. 7 ' ' 77 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Male and Female. THE WORK AHEAD. liVJl buKiurps will require exceptional Qualities In the help you employ. Our specialty Selecting and furnishing you emcient and cupauie neip. uince, department or merchandise stores, wholesale or retail in or out of the city. We test and try them but. " C. W. Roberts, Mur. CLERICAL, HELP SKRVICK. 431 ArtUaos Bldg. Uroadway 4499. BEI.P WANTED FEMALE. W'H NEED the services of a ladies ready-to-wear buyer and manager for retail business, one accustomed to eastern buy ing and familiar with market conditions: state full particulars in first letter, giv ing references and previous employment; all communications held strictly confi dential. AO 274. Oregonian. PROFESSIONAL TALENT, j AH kinds of professional talent needed J for our Midnight Matinee New Year's Eve. Good salaries to ripht" people. Let me know what you have to offer as soon as pos?i b e. See .Mr. rs o o i et roo m 6. Liberty Theatrr bid?., a to 4, evenings after 7:30 F. M. y' ANTED First-class thoroughly experi tnced re.idv. to' wear saleslady. lor ex- t elusive reaffy to wear shop, . none but I experienced need apply. Apply .Monday, i 3rcember 2. with references at Jack I Weist's cample room. Imperial hotel, After that date, address THIS PARISIAN Bend. Or. HIGH-CLASS AMATEURS WANTED. Singers, dancers, eccentric specialties and novelties of any kind wanted for our Midnight Matinee. Salary ana prizes are method of remuneration. See Mr. Itoble, room fi. Liberty Theater Diag. 2 to A, or evenings after 7:30 P. M. AVANTKD Assistant In office of new Portland branch handling motor parts I must be accurate on stock records, nan 1 rile cash, tvntwriter. etc raferences re- I -quired. Apply by letter to COLYEAR AiLri'K. balks tu., t'ortiana. or. WANTED FOII OITR MILLIXKRY WORK ROOMS, FIKST-CLASS MAKERS. NONE : OTHER NEED APPLY. POSITIONS " PERMANENT. EMPORIUM, 126 SIXTH -STREET. R'K REQUIRE the services of a well educated, ambitious woman under 40. jfood salary guaranteed and chance for advancement. Address r . kj. oox jiiw. NY GIRL in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May- lair and Alexander streets, rnooe Jdatn 84S0. IM car. fcTENOGRAPHER, good permanent posi tion for girl with ability, state experi ence and references. a u ou, ore gonian. fiCIIOOLGIRL or working girl to do light houseworK ior room anu ooara ana some wages; good home for right girL 21 East 20th Ft. BOOKKEEPER and cashier in hardware store ; Btate experience and salary ex pected. Af uregonian. STHE FLORENCE Crlttenion Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 955 East Gilsan. "MV" car. East 316. VlLL give elderly lady room and board in pleasant family for company and little help. Auto. 222-67. 2vEAT young sales ladies; no experience necessary. 517 Chamber of Commerce. EXPERIENCED waiters wanted, 2G .N. 2d st. JluL'SElvEEPER for widower, close in. itP 244, Oregonian. Wanted Domestics. CONGENIAL lady under 60 for housework in family of three. Good home to right partv. Phone East 498. A i'riU Woman for general housework, 3 in family; wages $t0; East Portland, AF 212, Oregonian. iilRL wanted for general housework: German or Scandinavian preferred. Call Pellwood 120. WANTED Woman to assist with Bmall Xmas dinner. 402 E. 24th st. N. Brwy. car. East 4S03. G1KL to assist with housework; no fur nace, no heavy washings. East 3740. 671 Schuyler st. GIKL wanted for general housework. Good ( pome ior me ngnt gin, rarit sl. WANTED Work for small ranch. 617-14. HELP WANT ED MALE OB FEMALE. PROFESSIONAL TALENT. All kinds of professional talent needed for our Midnight Matinee New Year's Eve. Good salaries to right people. Let me know what you have to offer as fcoon as possi ble. bee M r. Noble, room 6. Liberty Theater bldg., z to 4, e ven i n gs after 7:30 P. M. HIGH-CLASS AMATEURS WANTED. Singers, dancers, eccentric specialties and novelties of any kind wanted for our Midnight Matinee. Salary and prizes are method of remuneration. See Mr. No Die, room e, jiDerty Theater bldg. 2 to 4. or evenings after 7:30 P. M. .WANTED Vocal and instrumental enter tainers. Special acts. Dancers, etc 611 Eiders building. 11 to 4 P. M.. except Sunday. WANTED A few more neat people; if you can- act, call Artland Film Co.. 109 2d st., 3d floor. Scenarios wanted. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. STEADY position, in dry goods store to saleslady with fsw to fiouu. nox 16MU, ' Butte. Mont. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ROOF REPAIRING. We repair and paint roofs, gutters, I waterproof basements. Roof Security, '1 Inc.. mfgs. Webfoot Paint, 226 Board or Trade, m. Oil. M. om. SALESMAN FOR MDSE. LINES. AC . QUAINTED WITH HARDWARE AND ,, FURNITURE TRADE IN OREGON. t WOODLAWN 407a, OR B 231. ORE ' fJONIAN. S-!OUNG MAN going to school desires eve ning or night work; free from 5 P. M. to S A. M. every day and Sat. and Sun, Call Main 5020 after 5 P. M. .WANTED One elderly man to tend fur nace and do light work around private home; references required, 414 Market t?t., corner llth JXJNOTYPE OPERATOR Speed 6000, clean proofs; Northwestern Oregon or "Washington preferred; a sticker; state wages. K 226, Oregon-Ian. ilOUXG married man. wishes position wjtl Portland concern in any capacity; have ' eelling experience and have Ford car. B 300. Oregonian. .ROOFS repaired at any time, rain or shine, all work guaranteed; eave troughs cleaned and repaired. Portland Hoof pair ft Paint Co. Main 6320. . O. S. NEAT young man, with station ary engine and some mechanical ability. Must work or beg. What have you to offer. SF 230. Oregonian. JKEGISTERED druggist wants position, . young man, single; ten years' experience; ri ret -class references. Room 334 Ramapo hotel. PRUNING of trees and shrubs, garden work of all kind; fertilizing; now la the proper time to do it. Call up Woodiawn 2941. FARMER, up in all branches, orchard, stock, poultry, etc. Competent working business man, soon open for position. AF 211. Oregonian. iiOY WANTS JOB, general farm work a specialty; will do anything can. Write L. H. Roberts, route 1, box 80, Trout dale, Or. SKILLED gentleman wants position as en gineer or machinist; references given. Woodiawn 6303. "YOUNG man wants job. Graduate elec trical school. Will take anything. F 246, Oregonian. - ToUNG married man wants position as chauffeur: 7 years' experience, any maki of car: references. Marshall 2239. SALESMAN calling on garage and grocery trade with Ford sedan is open for side line. X 23Q. Oregonian. . YOUNG MAN must have work; experi enced kitchen help, or waiter. AG 270, Oregon lair YOUNG MAN willing to work and learn garage or machine shop. AH 279, Ore- gonian. ELDERLY man wants position as Janitor I or houseman a:Lsr HAVE WORK. BP 2Ht. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted as janitor or porter I by young colored man. fc.ast zjva. STEADY reliable man will work for board) and room, tus zap, oregonian. CARPENTER, contracting, building, i pairing, job work. Phone Sell wood 1607. COOKS' HEADQUARTERS AND KITCH- EN HELP. 293 ft STARK ST. M. 1643. IN ON" -UN ION violin player wishes dance work. Marshal 1302. BY COM PETENT grocery clerk; refer ences. P. O. Box 151. Vancouver. Wash WANTED Brick work and plastering as payment on Piedmont lot. Tabor 630. WANTED Day work, night vtatchmau, anything, wain --k. BOY 16 wants place to do chores; go to school. Marshall 1290. Room 12. JANITOR, married, wants work. Marshall PITtJATIOXS WASTED MAIJE. ABLE-BODIED Christian -Canadian (re cently bought Portland home) wants job, not "position"; not nigniy BKiiieu mechanic but can drive car and make repairs; give me a ,try-out" at any honest labor: you set the wages; refer by permission to F. A. Breck, mfr. Breck's loganberry juice. Morcenaen. Tabor 2678. AM, TRAVrTK' nrnhlcni-H efficiently handl ed; 20 years' experience, a certified traf fic manager familiar with technical and practical traffic work involving classifi cation, rates, routing, special freight services, claims; profitably employed at present out lOoKing ior larger rcapuuw bilities. Alf 2H0. Oregonian. GENERAL merchandise clerk, experienced in clerking and buying, wants position; would like to get in some good place where could buv in as partner later on: VZ years' experience; best of references. Phone 1211. A POSITION as locomotive engineer on logging road; am capable of doing my own repairs: best of rpferences if re quired. Phone Main 70&1. ask for Mar shall. YOUNG man desires clerical position. banking and commercial experience, will inir to start on small salary where op portunity for advancement is good. AG lint, oregonian. wAitrKNTER wants to get in touch with parties wishing to build or having work to do. Tabor 8151. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. BOOKKEEPER General office man, age 32, with ten years experience, wants permanent position; out of city preferred. Main 67SS or write Bookkeeper, 335 Montgomery st. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Books audited, tangled accounts quickly reconciled. Get ready for income tax reports; rates rea sonable. Main 2178. EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN, CORRE SPONDENCE OR GENERAL OFFICE WORK. S 24)2, OREGONIAN. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED by experienced elderly lady, care of small apartment or rooming house for a 2-room apartment. Give references. C. S., P. O. box 370. YOUNG WOMAX wants work for board and room of eelf and husband. Auto. 321-08, ask for apt. 23. LACE AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS done up like new. will call. East i.lW. LADY wants house cleaning, washing or other work ; good work; guaranteed. Woodiawn t30o. WANTED Chamberwork, dishwashing or janitor work, any kind day work. Main 4iM.i. IH'J Salmon st. EXPERIENCED woman wisbea place to cook and serve dinner Christmas, beu- wood li32. WANTED Light housework or house keeping, by elderly woman; no vasltmg, Automatic 31W-40. YoUNG LADY comptometer operator and typist desires- position. BJ 2.1. orego nian. WOMAN wants work by day. Wrdln. 700. LAD V wishes night work of any kind, janitor work preferred. East 712o. Bookkeepers, Stenographer, Office. WANTED Position outside of Portland by stenographer in abstract office; seven years' experience; good references. AV Ms, oregonian. CLERICAL work wanted by young woman. not experienced, caw Marshall lvtsz. EXPERIENCE stenographer desires per- marrent position, ak a, uregonian. Dretisniakere. DRESSMAKING reasonable. 311 Central bldg., 10th and Alder. Main 3408. Nurse POSITION wanted by Jan. 1. 1921. by an experienced cntia's nurse, capame oi taking full charge; a good salary ex pected; references. Y 290, Oregonian. DENTAL assistant, chair, tray, laboratory, typing records; references. Apt. 23, Main 4 1 Z'i. WANTED Practical nursing; address box stco, Vancouver, ttasn. Housekeepers. EASTERN lady, past middle-age, wants housekeeping in widower s home, no chil dren, country preferred; would buy half interest in paying modern Improved place; no triflers. K 237, Oregonian. Monsecleaning. HOUSE CLEANING. House cleaning, window washing, carpet cleaning by expert workmen, floors waxed, furniture polished. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day work or chambermaid work. Phone Sell wood 2703. WANTED TO BENT. Houses. FURNISHED houses wanted; well-fur-nlshed house in good district: have young baby, house will receive best of care. Address Ar -10, uregonian. 4 OR 5-ROOM house, unfurnished or part' ly furnished, by responsible couple, about Jan. 1st or Derore. call uroaaway 40, ask for Gault. WANTED Housekeeping rooms or small house on Oregon City car line. Phone Tabor 1W13, or address 735 East 5Tth N. WANTED to rent 4 or 5-room. unfurnished house or flat ; references exchanged. Phone Tabor 6213. Rooms With Board. WANTED Good home for boy 9 years old; will consider good home on farm near Portland; $25 per month: no other chil dren preferred. R 12S, Oregonian. WANT board for four children, boys, age 8; twins, age 6; girl, age 3. V 208, Ore gonian. Housekeeping Rooms. LIGHT housekeeping room or rooms, near Ladd school. BF 227, Oregonian. SINGLE man wants H. K. room In ex change for work. AM 243, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED To rent store or part of store between 5th and Park sts., Washington and Yamhill. Mrs. Power, 1S6 5th st. FOR BENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL BARB, 112 N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot. $1 per day, $5 per week and up. Hot and cold water, steam heat. Free phone and bath. RECTOR hotel, all new and modern, tran sient rooms, single or en suite, with or without private baths; rates to per manent guests. Broadway and Ankeny st. Tel. Bdwy. 3460. RITZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park Streets. New, fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. 1RVINGTON Fine corner room, with or without board. nenty beat and hot water. East 2462. Prefer genetlemen. NEWLY furnished front room for 2 men. 6 blocks from Courthouse. 349ft Sixth st. Phone 525-19. FOR RENT A large room, close in, for a gentleman; rent reasonable; ready January 1. Tel. East 1962. ST. PAUL HOTEL. 130 4th st. Clean respectable, modern; transient. $1 up. Rates to permanent guests. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison at Tenth Rates $1 a day up; weekly, $5 up; free phone and baths. b COZf, steam-heated room, next bath, for gentleman. 566 Couch, apt. 6. j POLLY AND HER PALS T 11 in im a at mmm - -v - -v? i ilk Tra-MiizXTm. t 1 4SKt. t. J - s 'iv v- pj i i i IT II ' Ml It a aaC m a aaaa. B aaaa aBsBBB. a, . tx bbbbbb r JII I II I llL till F 1 HT V U I llllllf I f. I xm MTM M W 1 I M -S4 m 1H1I7. T 'S IV T I '..VV. af W , - - ' y W & - -t, r -fevrt-JT. I t r r . : - : : If 1, i ' THE PERKISS FAMILY WISHES EVERY OJfE A MERRY CHRISTMAS BY CLIFF ST ERRETT. I I 1 i.x. .x.. ...... J,,..J.A....JJ..,,x.. ;,t. FOR BENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel, digni fied and refined; $L25 per day and up. $6 per week and up. e Unfurnished Rooms. FURNISHED room, nice, clean double bed, large clothes cupboard; breakfast if de sired; 15 minutes' walk from town; terms moderate. 316 Tillamook. - LIVING ROOM, bedroom, kitchen and sleeping porch, modern, close in. 440 Ross st., cor. Dupont. ' FnmiHhed Rooms in Private Family. BEAUTIFUL large rooms, newly furnished, suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen; twin beds, parlor, piano, hardwood floors, fire places, home conveniences; 10 minutes' walk from postofflce; also young man wishes roommate, fil N. 38th. Brtwy. 2721. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. WITH OR WITH OUT SLEEPING PORCH. EXCEPTION AL BOARD. LAUNDRY PRIVILEGES, GARAGE. EAST e4.". FRONT sleeping room, modern home, walking distance, reasonable rent. East NICELY furnished front room to one or two getHlemen, all conveniences, reason able, garage also If desired. Tabor 1341 LA RfiK furnished room for refined gen tleman; garage; Irving ton. -iov Jb.. xiw. at. N. East 4308. ROOM for gentleman or lady in strict!? private Jewish family; reiereoces. isawy. 17H2. . ATTRACTIVE rooms, private bath. Nob Hill; breakfast optional; garage. Main 1131. FURNISHED rooms, very desirable, near Montgomery & ward. auio. --.u STEAM -HEATED front sleeping room. 3o4 Montgomery. Gentlemen preierreo. FURNISHED rooms with or without house keeping privilege. 4L-7 day FURNISHED room, steam heated. $20. Main WW. FOR RENT Extra nice clean sleeping rooms. ti3H Glisan st. NICE, clean, warm bedroom on Hawthorne carline. call Automatic FURNISED room with board for Clay st. Mam 334. 50 SMALL apt. Ior rent. - CI N. 18th fil unwy. i i . LARGE, front bedroom, suitable for two; furnace, close in, west siae. wain yja. Booms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 7.11 WASHINGTON STREET. Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. x'j.50 a day up; rates oy oay or mourn. .Meais served to transients. NORTON I A HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for iamiiies and? Dusiness men ana nuineu. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. HOME wanted for two mall girls, ages and 4v4. where uarents can room. Room 330 Morris Hotel. Stark and Tenth streets. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 Tenth St. fcfer business girls and students; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences, walking distance; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th sU Rooms With Board In Private Family. 1 HAVE board and room with large closet. Modern conveniences, walking distance, excellent home cooking. Good place for gentleman who appreciates congenial home. Bdwy. 2204. HAVE comfortable room with enclosed sleeping porch, home privileges, suitable for two or three persons. 6964 Hoyt. Phone Marshall 4290. ROOM or board and room in private fam ily for young lady; all home privileges, west side. Particulars phone Main 7t32. LONE widow has room with board for two men who would live as at home. 551 South Broadway. Mar. 572. NICE furnished front room, with 2 meals; suitable for R. R. or streetcar man. 441 East 12th st.. cor. Sherman. HAPPY LAND cottage specializes in board and care 01 children, bell. ibbo. 4740 52d S. E. SUITE of rooms, suitable for two or 3 persons, well heated, board. Main 4234 714 Overton. CHOICE room; 2 meals if desired; walk- ing distance; home privileges. .East g3t2. PRIVATE home for children by day or month. Marshall JlbJ. STEADY boarders wan-ted, $1 per day. 153 N. 16th st. Broadway 4403. CHILD to board and room. Tabor 6446. Furnished Apartments. ' THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern. 2 and 3-room furnished ants., out side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient.' HIGH-CLASS. 3 rooms, also 5 rooms and sleeping porch, elegantly furnished in .Chinese rugs and oriental furniture, silk hang ings, white enameled woodwork, lots 'of heat; references required; also a oacn elor suite. . Marshall 2830. LOVELY light airy outside apartment? with sleeping porch, available Jan. 1: abundance of heat. Also room and bath for gentleman or lady employed.; ref erences required. Marshall 2830. KINGSBURY APTS.. 186 VISTA. 5 -mom nicelv furnished apts.. with two disappearing beds and an outside balcony; from $80 up; adults only. Call Main 3883. APARTMENTS 4 rooms, free phone and water, $18 and $28. 1299 Kelly st. Take Fulton car to Flower st. MODERN 6-room steam-heated furnished apartment and sleeping porch by Jan, lo west siae, iiwj. -ca-st laoy. a-ROOM furnished apt., private bath and laundry trays, $40 per month; adults on i y. East 61i)2. UNION AVE. and KUlingsworth, $23.50, all complete; concrete building. APARTMENT for rent and furniture for sale. Marshall 19. W'HEELDON ANNEX A 4-room apart ment. Main 6641. FUR NISHED apt., $60. Bdwy. 5479. Flats. FURNITURE for sale, 4 rooms, $18 rent; walking distance to west side. Phone East 4419. - Furnished Flats. 5-ROOM beautifully furnished flat, $50; East 18th North and Alberta sts. Call East 4306. Adults. CHOICE 5-room flat, 748 Kearney, near 23d; mahogany furniture; porches; newly done. MarshaJl 0070. FOR RENT 5-room flat, walking dis tance. 446 Rodney ave.. corner Tilla mook; $85 per month. FLAT, fur., 2-rooms, convenient, close, adults, reasonable. 344 Benton. Housekeeping Rooms. 15 DAYS STORAGE FREE. Trunks, baggage delivered downtown districts, 25c. Sun. service. Bdwy. 2445 THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k, rooms, $15 up, including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. ROOMS, furnished and uniurnlshed, aUo light housekeeping: new and very desira ble. Auto. 524-51. SLEEPING rooms for $2.50 week and up; steam heat in every room. Bdwy. 1546. 1 TWO-ROOM apt., 1 three-room cottage, steam heat. Wdln. 4086. or 203 Stanton. FOR RENT. House-keeping Rooms In Prlvnte Family. ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping, with bath, gas, bight and heat furnished, 74N 'A Thurman sL 2 A.vn 4 rooms, well furnished for -house- keping; adults only. Inquire 6S2 E. Taylor. FURNISHED rooms with or without hoube- keoptng privileges. 427 Clay. Houses. REATiTFIIL GROUNDS. ft mnma. 40 monthlv. lot 100x100; on paved street and carl Ice; haa fire place and furnace. , FRED W. GERMAN" CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Soliday Bros.' Transfer & Storage Co, Bdwy. 4222. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING, Long-Distance Hauling. Storage, Packing and Shipping. Polldav Bros.' Transfer & Storage Co. fi-ROOM modern houe Laurelhurst vicini ty overlooking park. Oak floors, fire- ulacc. furnace. sleeping porch. run sized basement and yard, SH0. Phone East 3888 between 1 and 4 P. M. CALL BROADWAY 5S0 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT 10TH STREET. A-ROOM modern house on E. 8th and Everett: iutrt like new; give lease to responsible party. Rock at 403 Couch bldg. I'OR TiRTCT K-rnom house. 560 Commer cial St.: $30 a month. A, W. Lambert & Son. 120 Grand ave. mast twu. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. &. W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy 5121. BEST equipped for local and long-distance hauling ana moving. ureen ir. - 202 Alder st Main 126L 6-ROOM house for rerrt. 911 Water ft. Furnished Bouses. HOUSE for r'nt, $20 per month. Furniture, including Edison diamond disc phono graph and New White sewing machine for sale if taken by Sunday for $400. Will give possession at once. 229 Whit aker st. . FOR KENT 2 months, possibly longer). well-furnished 7-room home.aureinursu Piano, phonograph, garage, adults pre ferred. Tel. Automatic 521-Oft. FOR RENT Lower floor of house, o rooms furnished complete, also J rooms upper for housekeeping. 745 E. 8th st. S. Phone Sell wood 2073. LAURELHURST home, 8 rooms and ga rage, rent furnished or sell part 01 iiw niture. AE 279, Oregonian. 6 ROOMS, some furniture or completely JTurnisnea, mouern ana very ueoirauie. .Main 2229. VERY choice fi-room upper, near 23d and Stores and Business Places. FOR RENT Large corner store room, 54 First st.. ISxao, run cement basement; present occupant desires to retain desk room and small space; will give time lease at reasonable rent. Call or phone Broadway 1235. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof ware house phone Bdwy. .1j. security Stor age & Transfer Co.. 53 4th st.. cor. Pine. STORE near First and Clay, $20. Inquire 252 Stark st. STORE for rent, 149 Tenth St. Office. DESK room, with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Bdwy. oilo. se curity Storage & Transfer Co., 53 4th street, corner Pine. DESK ROOM with phone and stenographic services; good location, tvi fiasco Ding. FRONT office, modern. In Railway Ex change bldg. Apply room 312. M IscellaneouB. FOR RENT Storage space In good build ing, reasonable rates. 364 Front street. Main 4816. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WILL rent completely equipped cloak and suit or blouse department in specialty shop located in heart of shopping dis trict of Tacoma. Address J. Richards, 11 13 Broadway, Tacoma. CAUTION BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called interest in estabiisneo: real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 41 uregon Duuamg. Broadway 1902. FOR BILLIARD. dooI tables, card tables. bar fixtures, showcases, casn registers and store fixtures, see W. J. Quigley, 366 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 123 Easy pa y men ts. GARAGE FOR SALE. Best location in Portland, full of re pair work and storage, or will sell half interest; personal reason for selling. D 231, Oregonian. HALF interest in .going retail and whole sale fruit, nut and confection business; sales increasing dally; heart of office district; no near competitor; $750 cash required. AC 274, uregonian. PARTNER wanted, honorable man and honest working Dartner. chicken business, with money, or man and wife; I have the ranch. AM o-.. oregonian. WANT reliable man for management of commercial manuiactunng concern; in vestment required, fully secured. In- quire 212 R-ailway Exchange bldg. GROCERY and confectionery; good loca tion and trade. 7 living rooms, rent $35; bargain at fliuu. leaving city. Sell. 3386. t CAFETERIA in industrial center, 1 block from ship yards, seating capacity for 50. A money-maker, $500; terms; cheap rent. Mam tku FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and machine shop including a new Erie steam hammer and best of equipment, good location. AV 847, Oregonian. CANDY FACTORY, fully equipped: ma chinery im good shape. A good chance to get in tne game at a small figure. See Keipper, 248 Stark. WANTED Can use a out 12 people in our business; one with small capital pre ferred. Main 9590 before noon. GENERAL merchandise store with 8 h. k. rooms. Will sell stock. Call Monday, 918 Minnesota ave. CONFECTIONERY and grocery, west side; living rooms; doing good' business. See Keipper, 248 Stark st. FOR SALE Meat market in the center of the Yakima valley. Address T. Fleming, Zlllah. Wash. RESTAURANT, high-grade, old estab lished trade; good business. Owner must sell. See Smithpeter, 248 Stark st. GARAGE. HALF OR WHOLE INTEREST; ONE UF TUB fcl.&i.; HliiS TRADE. B, 0, OREGONIAN. FOR SALE Cash and carry grocery at 756 Sandy bivd. and zsa ex. Will invoice or lump. Phone East 24t4. MAN, $800 cash money secured. This po sition requires man to travel. Apply HI ft -N . Jaroaaway-, room n POOL ROOM Can sell you the best-paying business in city -ior. aaouu. oee smith peter, 48 Stark. - CASE auto bargain, $300, like new; will trade for barber snop or supplies. 963 A 1 Dm a, ave. CONFECTIONERY for saie cneap; leaving city; must go at once. 833 Mississippi avenue. ON ACCOUNT of sickness must sell cigar and canoy score; lease, cneap rent; Lv lng rooms. Care 111 Killingsworth ave. FOR SALE Cheap, by owner, soft drink and card room. 746 N. Union ave. WANTED Registered dentist: . good op- portunuy. -p ;o. oregonian. WE GRIND everything, razors, shears, etc. Portland cutlery Co., tt oih st.. nr. Stark. FOR SALE The new Liberty restaurant. 24 North Bixth str.eet. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $20.000 HUSTLING MAN AND WIFE with executive ability can secure high class apartment house; furniture and grocery in connection; acquire the real estate, occupy own 5 -room beautiful apartment, rent the others (with in dividual bathsl ; 300 per month cash rentals besides Income from grocery ; good neighborhood, close In on Port land's best car line; . SEE BRECK", THE LOGANBERRY MAN, about this fine proposition. 384 E. 42d st. N. Tabor 2678. Kindly call week days. DO YOU WANT TO SELt. YOUR BUSINESS? If you list it with us. It Is sold. We handle all kinds of business opportunities, hotels, rooming houses, restaurants, grocery stores, etc ; we are the largest dealers on the coast, and have lots of buyers. If your business has merit, call or se Mr. Marshall, with FRANK U McGUIRE, Ablngton Bldg. Main 1063. I IT A V K a f orr? irrtlnir business In Port land, now paying better than 20 per cent on investment of S15.000. Want to conduct on the co-operative plan. Wan1 tn tn(t rotda cond hard-working men preferably truck drivers who can make substantial investment ana are min to take a working interest; investment fully secured. You will receive a sub tit mi tiai oaiarv th vear around. This wil! require an investment of approxi mgttiv tinnn gah full a t 403 Corbet bldg., 8:30 to 10:30 Thursday and Friday or after 10 A. M. and -toeiore a Sunday. FOR SALE A BUSINESS. NETTING $2500 A YEAR, Rrmitrfnr initial uavment hut no fiirt hpr carltni: well established com Tnr. tni fcii-HnPKff. nice, clean proposition particularly suitable for woman. N 278, Oregonian, THE PINE LODGE at Seaside, a large 12-room house and a-room Dungaiuw, comprising block of ground. 1 block frnm nocun 2 htni-ks from Broadway, equipped with 18 beds and first-class new oeuaing, large oining room. ... c places. bath and 2 shower baths. 3 patent toilets, laundry trays and tennis court, a splendid location tor ai)u house or small cottages: price $7500 in eluding furniture and complete equip ment. Box J.'Z, sessiae. or. POOL ROOM FOR SALE. 14 first-class billiard and pool tables, card tables, big soda fountaJn, good cigar fixtures and first-class equipment, best city In Washington, 35,000; ground ftoor, brick building; steam heat; long lease and cheap rent; taking in from 14500 to 13000 oer month: $7W0 cash balance easy payments; this is a snap. 1 am going in other business. A. J. DE FOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS, Want honest, hard working partner with $5000 cash for half interest in best equipped shop, west side; J200 to $3.i0 per week clear. Auto repairing, buy and sell used cars, welding and brazing, bat tery charging, etc. Will teach you the business. Do not answer unless you win get in and work with me. I am good merhanir- have nlentv work, good credit and fine shoo and good name; all the references you want. N 2S1. Oregonian GOOD bargain, $SuO in grocery stock; good building and home; also another build ing 40x45 ft., good for hardware store Good spring with all around galvanized 2-inch water pipe, high pressure. 2 acres fenced; good cnicnen nouse. near "r-.-land Southwestern Railway station; good wagon road; price $3200. Will take soma liberty bonds. Tony Danese, Star Ko'e, Scapoose, Or. $3350, SOME TERMS ESTABLISHED GROCERY on car line, four blocks from competition; good delivery car included; present owner sick; fine proposition for man and one or two boy helpers after school and Saturdays. For tnis ana oiher mad huva, SEE BRECK. THE LOGANBERRY JUICE MAN. Tabor 2G78 (except Sunday). FOR SALE Restaurant or cafeteria, both in good location, good first-class fix tures, cheap rent; have two places; un able to handle both, must sen one, not particular which one I sell; will take ft cash, balance terms: also have one good steam table, one dish sink and some otner restaurant uxtures ior saie cneay. Main 129. $3500 FOR A DRUG STORE on best car line and neighborhood; if you have professional and business ability. It's a little gold mine that one man and boy can run. SEE BRECK, THE LOGANBERRY MAN. Tabor 2678 (except Sunday). ON ACCOUNT other business will sell complete bakery outfit, including stock of flour, sugar, light groceries, cigars, candy, and many things too numerous to mention; good brick oven; also large living room: will sacrifice for a cash price of $1250. If interested call 776 Williams avenue. $20,000 HARDWARE. Located ten miles from Seattle; stock of hardware, paint, house furnishings, etc.; established 11 years; modern brick building, prosperous community, foui paved roads entering town. Sales this year $39,000; no agents. Hardware, box 278. Bothell, Wash. TAKE a chance th me. 1 offer for your consideration the best speculative In vestment now on the market. It is one genuine chance In a lifetime to make big money on a small but timely investment. If interested call or write me today; not a stock proposition. Jos. R. Foltz. 216 Stock Exch. bldg. WANT partner to buy in with me to man ufacture the best selling ora acces sories made. I am doing good now, want to sell half Interest and enlarge; $3OO0 cash required ; can give all the refer ences you want as to my honesty, etc.; we can make $40,000 next year. N 257, Oregonian. FOR SALE Pool ball soft drink and lunch busi ness; all furniture for 5 rooms; rent for living rooms and store room, $27.50; lease. Take Sell wood car get off at Powell street. 570 MILWAUKIE STREET. SAWMILL, 40.000 feet daily capacity, with sufficient timber for ten years operation and more available; can operate prof itably on low market; will sell out en tirely on reasonable terms or sell inter est; good proposition. AL 238. Oregonian. FOR SALE General merchandise business stock, about $6000; s. P. electric ticKet office, postofflce and express office in connection; two saw mills in operation and only store In town. Further par ti c u I aj-sajp!yboxAV84-L COMPLETE vulcanizing outfit for sale cheap. Call or write l!3o J. 23d st. N. Business Opportunities Wanted. 1 WANT rooming houses, garages, small groceries and confectioneries; making a specialty of this line, have customers now; so if you have one of these to sell list It with me. Phone Marshall 829. 401-2 Swetland bldg. . CASH CLIENT WANTS GROCERY, about $3000; might consider $5000 if good value; write full details to secure at tention. BRECK, THE LOGANBERRY MAN, 384 E. 42d N. EASTERN druggist with the coin wants good store (with living apts. preferred). State- best price and particulars. R 127, Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. FOR SALE 11 H. K. rooms. White Tem ple district; a money-maJcer. W 46 O re go n i a n. 1 BUY chattel mtg. on hotels, apt houses, etc. Bdwy. -1429 mornings. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Mouses. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 623-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSR AGENCY. IP YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, COME IN AND TALK IT OVER: 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, see F. RJerdon, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. We write all kinds of Insurance. SIX H. K. roimis, modern, rent $2t; cloee in $5."iO; $225 cash, balance $10 a month: good, furniture; good home; a splendid buy. Possession at once. Barney John son, 170 10th st. Main 3160. HOTEL 6i rooms, terms or part trd; some housekeeping, . close in, brick building, long K:ase, low ren-t; clears $4.VA. Chas. Ringlcr & Co., 225 Henry bldg. . FOR SALE 1 5-room hotel; all new furni ture. 485 Commercial st., Astoria, Or. Call for Information Woodiawn 2183. Mrs. Woods between 7 and 12 A. M. I HAVE one hundred shares of stock in a Seattle wholesale house, will trade for restaurant or rooming house from owner, , O 26s. Oregonian. WANTED Have $MH cash, balance terms, for rooming house of about 20 h. k. rooms. Geo. Wygant, Vancouver, Wash. Care St. Claire Apts. FOR BEST bargain In apartment house see members of the Realty Board, sates tteaity tjo.. 24o rourtn st. WILL buy about IS000 apartment; have xnoo mortgage due six months and cash. Ar uregon m LEAVING city will sacrifice JO rms. H. K. apts., modern ; income $156.50, clears 180; central. Main 2ft3. BY OWNER Always full house, 2 rooms, heart of city. Main 20'o. READ business opportunity column good investment at Seaside. for SPECIAL NOTICES. M i srel laneons. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice is hereby given that The Pa cific Teiepnone A Telegraph company. a corporation, has erected on the shores of the Columbia river at a point hi mile north or Cornn rock, on the Oregon siae. and also at approximately 1300 feet north of the mouth ot the Kalama river on the Washington side, two monuments. namely, signboards set on posts in plain view, bearing the word "Cabla Crossing. The Pacific Telephone ft Tele graph Company." which said signs mark the landing place on the shores of the Columbia river or an additional sub aqueous telephone and telegraph cable. approximately 2418 feet in length, which ou October 13, 1920, was laid across said river in a general easterly direction from the sd landing as the Oregon aide of said Columbia river and between the termini above described; said cable being laid at the same approximate location as two formerly existing sud aqueous cables which cress th said Columbia river between the same ter mini and the landing places of which are marked by the same signboards as above described. This notice Is published for the pur pose of informing all navigators of the description and purpose or. the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE TEDEGRAPH COMPANY. By IL J. Tin k ham. Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice is hereby given that The Pa cific telephone & Telegraph company, a corporation, has erected on the snores of the Yaquina bay at a point 100 ft, west of the. government's rear rauge sign on the north side and also at tne county road dock on the south side of the said Yaquina bay, two monuments, namely, signboards set on posts In plain view, and bearing the words "Cable Crossing, The Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Com pany," which said signs mark the landing places on the shores of the Yaquina bay of a certain subaqueous telephone and telegraph cable, 2250 ft. In length, which on November 23, 1920, was laid across said bay in a general southerly direc tion from the said landing on the norta side to the said landing on the south side of the said Yaquina bay and be tween the termini above described. This notice is published for the pur pose of informing all navigators of th description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE St TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By H. J. Tlnkham, Division Superintendent of PlanL NOTICE OF MEETING OF LANDOWN ERS OF MULTNOMAH COUNT If DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1. Notice is hereby given that the board of supervisors has called a meeting of the owners of land in Multnomah county drainage district No. 1, to be held on Wednesday, the 29th day of December, 1920. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Swiss hall No. 283 1-3 Third street, near Jefferson street). In the city of Portland. Oregon, at .which time and place such owners shall meet for the purpose of selecting one supervisor who snail noia nis onice ior tnree years or until his successor is elected and quali fied. At said meeting each owner shall be entitled to one vote in person or by proxy for each acre of land owned by him in such district. Dated this 16th day of December, 1920. J. O. ELROD, President Board of SupervUora Attest: D. C. POWELL, Secretary. MRS. W. H. MEYER, having left her home ana ooara &i n;o, jr., 10 110 in iuu land, I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by her. W. H. Meyer, Wasco, Or. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Night robe in vanity fair box, th floor Meier & Frank's Thursday after noon. Finder please notify and receive reward. AF 208. Oregonian. LOST Fraternity pin set wiih pearls. Owner's name on base. Reward. Main 7422. LOST Gold watch fob, name Robert Franklin. 300 score on same; reward. East 6300. LOST Spitx dog, white, anbwers to nam Penny; 4 years; reward. G. P. Schroeder, 418 Robs St. East 256. LOST E I k charm, engraved 326 Rose burg 8. R. J. Notify ' 632 Marshall. Broadway 2207. Liberal reward. LOST Purse between 10th and Jefferson and First and Madison. Finder return to Mr. Hocft, 408 Jefferson. Reward. LOST Male Alrdale dog ten months old. Klickatat county tag. Liberal reward. Woodiawn 5"fll. lOST Fur piece In front of electric atore. 1284 Tenth st. Reward. Mrs. Scheets, Forest Grove. LOST Chi Omega fraternity pin, name and chapter engraved on under side. Phone Marshall 4266. Reward. LOST Brown and white cameo pin, oval setting: valued as keepsake. Call Wood lawn 5026. Reward. LOST By very poor old lady, purse con taining $22 and key. at E. 17th and Weidler sts. Res. 1066 E. 11th st. N. LOST At noon Friday, wrist watch with initials "L. M. W. & R. N. B Keepsake. Phone E. 3i83 LOST Scotch collie pup, 8 mo. old. ward. Call Main 3261 Monday. XOST Receipt book. Labor Temple bonds. Phone Main 7y. LOST Male bulldog with large scar across shoulder; reward, wooaiawn euas LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on cars of the P. R.. U A P. Co., Dec. 23: A pursvs, bill fold and fountain pen. bank book, glarscs case, 2 pins, 4 single gloves, 1 spat. 1 T-air rubbers, 1 single rubber, 5 packages, hand bug. 1 bonk, flashlight, doll buggy,- broom. 2 mop handles. 5 lunch boxra. 2 suttCHses, J traveling bag, 11 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property nt KJrt and Aldr ns LOST Voting fmale bulldog. dark brlndle body with white chest and white front legs, white stripe in center of hed with a black spot on forehead; had brass studded collar. Tnhor firtM. LOST On highway bvlwefn went end Thurman st. and Scappoot inn travel ing bug, personal effect. Ftndrr prj.e notify Mrs. J. Sundland, Mint, Or. Re ward. LOST Wednesday In downtown dibirict near Llpman Ac Wolf, small parcel con taining blue linen, hand worked. Finder call Marshall f!33 LOST On Knluuy eveuli,. rudily ca-ved stone watch fob on Uhick rl"bion; value as keepsake. Addrcva for reward. JiK 217, Orcgontsn. LOST on Fifth t. or Morrison near M(cr & Frank's, sable neckpiece; find--r plcasa return to II. F. Chaney, Yeot bldg., re ward. LOST Indian bsg conta ining pura. change and two elk teeth valued as ketpakc; reward. Return to Orvgonian OI 11 CP, MAC PLEASE return my overcoat which I you got oy mistake tn Oriental r-Mu-I rant and get yours. Geo, U. Hart, Haw- innrnA nmg. Alar. 6100. LOST Near E. 14th and Clinton. wtlM contalnlnr nrlvntA timixtm unrt i-umirv Reward for rrturu to 643 E. Ilth. Phone I SMALL pur.se containing ka and piuhII I chang-, Friday on Yamhill st. Reward. Mar. ;ij';.f. LOST Black bite bearing the Initials I L. L. Call Main PAP!. Itrward. FINANCIAL. ' LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUT OR SRLL AN ATTOMO. BILE. WR FURNISH TUB MONEY. OITR SERVICE WILL PLKABE YOU. O It BOON RON D AX MO K TI AG IB CO. MONEY TO LOAN on surplus stocks of merchandise placed In storage with us. Phon Broadway 3713. Security Storage A Transfer Co., .i rn giro!, corner or I'm. CASH paid for mortgagea and aellera' con tracts on real estate in Washington. Or gon. ii. Hi. rvopiw. aiH i.umbTnirna bldg. UU bonds, notes, contracts, mortgage F. H, Lewis. 302 Lewis bldg.. 4lh A Oak. Money to loan on Heal Katate. RESIDENCE LOANS. 7 per cent, five-year period. Tou may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce in terest on loana under J.tin). INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value houe and lot at . per cent, tou pay one-half of I per cent account principal monthlv. For example, $24)00 loan, you pay $10 month ly and Interest; you have privllri; of paying $100 or any multiple thereof mommy, interest reduced accordingly . BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period. 6 per cent. Excellent repayment privileges. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, Main H303. 4o7 Venn Hi d g. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On improved property, or for Improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our mommy payment plan. $32.26 per month for 60 months, or $21 24 per month for 60 months, or J15.17 r month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and Interest. Loana of other amounts ln same pro portions. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St., Portland, Or. NO DELAY QUICK ACTION. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS. On rmp. city properly or Willamette Valley farms or for irtiD. rurpoiw. All amounts. $10O0, II .Mm), $jimo and up. Sellers contracts purchased . F. II. DESHON. 615 Cham, of Com. Bldg. SEE US TODAY We loun money on real estate; no comtnliwlon, 6 and 7 per cent on choice loans, long time, short time. monthly payments, puv a you can: sums to suit; contracts, 2d mortgages; liberty bonds bought. 725 Gasco bldg., uth and Alder. Cellars-Murton Co. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowem current rates on wuiametta val ley farm; no commiKatnn, no delays. DBVBKBAt'X MORTGAGK COMPANY, hi Sixth si.. Portland, or. MORTGAGE LOAN'S on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. iwft ratee. WESTERN POND &. MORTGAGE CO.. 86 Fourth St.. Portland, or. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. No Commission. UNION ABSTRACT Co., S3 4th ST.. HENRY BLIK. Mortgage loans, Any amount, low ratea. promptly closed. 1 Attractive repayment privilege. A. If. IMKRgLL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4tH. J tit). O)0 TO LOAN In sums to suit on city. suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK, 215-216 FAILING HI. DO. THIRD AND WASHING 1T ) N. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms and city property, lavorabie repaying privilege . no cuHiimxNion r neiay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE Co., LTD.. ami rum nmg. Main 0.171. S30O. 40. $.'HH, $ 6tH. $ s Ml. $ 1 000. C 1 -NHt. $150, $20000 and uu. lowest rates, quick action; pav oir nw or mora at any In terest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 cnim. 01 otti. ning. .tunn MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND at MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN lftOO MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of Interent. Otto A Harksen Realty o.. cnam. 01 com $500, $1000 AND upward ou improved real estate; favorable terms; no delay; no brokerage. jonn nmn. nu tpiding hMg, ($300. $400. $500. 750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6413 HAVE $ 4 500 and s 1 000 to loan on rea I property in the city, inquire 4)25 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGH LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. i.outH Maiomwn v to., wiling nidg. MONEY to loan on real eaiate, 7 per vent Geo. r. I.ent, 1 it t orpett mdg. SEhl OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 223 1 ii Chnm. of Com.. 4th and Stark. " w Mouey to Loan Chattels syid Hwlarlea. MONEY TO LOAN on goods placed In storage with us. W can save you money, low interest rates. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storaga & Transfer Co., 53 4th street, corner of Fine. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note. uoitiia.nuai invau Ra tion. 316 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Licensed. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelry. legal rates, articles held a year; en tab- Untied lbNtf. L'an Marx & Co., 23 Waah, - - I I I MNAM IAI, Huney to loan Chattels and halartra. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN A8FN. MONET AT 3 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUblNESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS, LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS, WATCHES, JEWKWRT. VIC TROLA8, PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. S4 STARK ST., NEAR 10TIL CARRIB MYERS HERMANN, Mgr. PORTLAND REMLDIAL LOAN ASsM. DO YOU N K ED MoNET AT LKJAL ItATKH. giU'K ftKRVXCICf YOU CAN G FT I r TOPAY. LOANS MAPK OS AUTOMOHIi.ts. ll HMTniK, PIANOS, VlCTKOLAt. REAL EbTATE. IUN DM, ETC. If your payments ar tee lers en your automohita or furnllurs conirs-ta, e will pay them up and advame mors ntotiry if ,iedd We make Pe nalty or the losna and lea tha curttl in our poaaa.on, and you eaa repay u ln imw,i monthly payments. WK ALSO MAKK PALAUY UiANS salaried people on their own oof Halea reasonable. prlvata orftcva. All busl nta- strt.-tly confidential. Por.TLANI) I on COM TAN T LICKNMED Sftd-307 lVkutti Mo. Mntvna'l a-HS S. W. for. Third and Wahlnglon. ALA It V. I.O NS H A IT EL WR LoAN MONK ! On short nolic In aa varied nr working mtn on thr.r otn nm ; w ri : v, rmi nionthly or monthly fx in, csi.ll tranwt IfNn fl'-tly cnf Limit 1 NO M ' HT'I A" K ,o IMNirtSEU. AbSol.fi KI.Y NO hrVl KIT.. We ao loan on tiouaviioitl food, piano, e'e CALL AND IWWTI'MTH COLUMBIA M'otnt COM I ANY, LICENCED SIS FA 1 1 .IN' i It I 'I I ri V$. 11 A Til AW A Y Loans en piano and' furnl- tura; igi tbips ?'. wihtMirn birtg. It. J.I It; J'Ai. Ki ll. too at 7''i -Kive-riMMti bungalow on corner lot and on car line. $ 1 .tOO t 7', i G ood Use-room h ou e Willi full ot. tUMi at 7 Eight acra with Im prmrnienlii on Nwter highway. $2,'.o at 7't-Twq rt ld rus properttee. Worth 110.000 $7imm Mt i'c Ihn-l-omi residence on lL-tghtN valiif $2."t ihmi IT 000 ml ;ri 700-atTe farm, worth $ 12. IHMI. llo.MM. nt 7: Itrautlful home, valua tion $3u,0o0. M. T HE PAGET. S22 Corheft Mldg. Main fi?0 FRANK L. MeGriKL, llh Ma -ra of experieiif and expert kriowiriirti .f vnl uen. ts In n poiOHon t tafeituitrd ynir evry interest In Innnlng ) ur money, Hundred of apilicHf ionn fur loatm, of ftea of prMoiial aervli . It us In ft your money. s-e J. -u UlehMrdpxm. ninnag'T of tonn department, Ablngtoii mug. ..1 Min HPtm. WE HAVE aunt good rl ehiuta contract ani mortgMaen in am nun la of $.on Ant above, piyabie In monthly ln(..lltnrniM and hearing 7 per cent Inter. t. which we will discount 5 per cent. F. E. Uu' man Co.. 210 Cha;n of Com, hl.lg. WA NT ED To bui ruw f I.'i.immi for term of years on w ell improved w h at f nrm ; will pay 8 per ct-ut interest. V 47, Oregonian. WANT $2000 on reMd'-nce; pruaie pny preferred ; 7 per cent, no rntnmUlnn. Give addrcMS and phone numbur. AV .'Q. t regoniM n. WANTED To borrow f.YihHi on well Un proved wheal farm for term of jearn, will pay ft per cent Inlenst. U 579, Oregontan. GILD-ElHiK 1-iltM MoKTuACES. MAPK AND SOLD. K If. TKSHyN. 615 CHA. Or COM. B0 $S5M FOR 3 years at 7 per rem: have rent-clam city property as security. X 2 , Oregonian. SEW OREGON INV. V MoltTUAGh. CO., iZi ham, or t om t-ourth anil Mark. PERSONAL. DR. GENEVILVE LOCK K, 47 Morgan uidg., naa returned rmm AMnria, bem there fur the pat t hre d ortnin ir itis a Vit-o-N.-t InMHuie whl'h will be run and controlled by Mr. Al-x Millar, corner 3d and ltond at a., AMnrla, w ho ha Ker u red exclunlv rights of that territory. BATHS A N D M ASS A G E Graduate nur given body mFira. steam baili. vibratory and c Ire trie n am age. mm) floor w et iand hli g , room 215. Main 17i.V Open exmlmta till 9 o'clock, PJioue for vtenihg appoint men la. NETTIK M. BENSON. I. I' - ..,iur..iithv Method u-d on NEItViMH nn4 CHRONIC iliwennea; traction cure WrU baeka; mine ml teain bath, electric tolet ray and aeientific iiiajrf.i rln the pyaem and build it up; both e treated. Main 77 Mi, s4 I ekuin htilg. IF YoU ar tired and nervous ou cn rejuvenaia your nervoua cent erg and poor circulation by having a lend no body maiMKA. Dr. OviLa La run, for merly at 417 Mraan Lid g , u n to eted at 614 Moryn Mdg Main I !;:. GoITUE and enlarged !nt; cure your self; no knirn, mi driiicn. no pain; tinloua proi-e.vit ; extern j I u on 1 v ; ref et en-e f urn tp tied. Dm td M . Km hn"r, u r. nor to A. R. Mtraehan, 517 t'hwnil-fr uf t'ommerre h I dg. t ' h n e Main 4 '.' 7 7 . THE POWDER PCI F H IEN III h1 m'ALP AND FACIAL WollK, IKIlt DRESSING AND MANICURING. Si I I K 637 MORGAN BLDG. A LTo. 5.' OI'EN TUESDAY AND FRIDAY KVP.H I NEW YORK graduate rhiro(touit, iier- fluoua ha-ir prnnanentiy ri'inmnj; rrMti'- curlKt. face and m a I p pec la I -nt. !) la and gentleman. Room Alik blJrf , Third and Morrin em WILL itrntleniMn with h f and tiMiiWlitei it Alnawurih doeK it, 1, wn writd u buy the lte botie hlonilhound in crate, kindly w rite the owner, w h" Ipi your card. Um M. tmh Park. UmIi, TA KARA ANTISEPTIC PoWDKIt m m cleansing, neanng germicide mi invig orating douche, a reWt aid In f mni diaordera; Mic and l per box. l'orlland Holid 1'hrtflMey. FEB KT IIANKIII'T, leading wig t..l loupe makern; lineal ftoeK numan nalr goods; permanent and tnnr - w avittg rtealp treatment. 3 Hi Alder. Main DE LUXE MASSAGE 415 BUCHANAN H l,G. MAIN 10 A. M. TO 0 l M : Al.so ol'LN SUNDA8 AND HOLIDAYS DRIVER, axpcrlinced, voulil like 10 nicnt romeon warning in enn rar n a 11 fornla or anrona, or win unt party aouth for eupe n. P F re g o) 1 1 a n . DR. M. A. OKIKUNt, o. r b,j,iH-rt tum- geua, ateani dhiii, 'inmiinn, laeiai ana aca frr-1. 4I7-IH HwntUnil I.I.Ik. i;KTS both fed fixed up at It K.itont tnw CMI ItOPoDIHT and ARCH M'LST, who doean t nun you; n yra. neee; rmm free. Globe bldg., 11th and V. aah. 1M. VlT-O-NET sweat (tailta for coli, ... ray treatment i" "umuf; ito.iv mm- age; 10 A. M. to P. M. dally. 44 Mornan QM.g. kiw n t.m INGRO WING naila or clihtt.ama c un d. remeuiea " n mi , un a rt'.ier. Writ Eugne Eaton, dept. 2t, BaoJoa Oregon . IgXEAM baths with ahower at low rata 41 a .wetland bldg. KULl'HUR ateain bath ntaNftage, voit ray and vibratory lrea.tnienl. 4JU Clay. Main HSU, 1U A. M. to h I". M. ilAHSAOtl h.lhs. kl;In. rnni.tl.tion. Irww iliy... ."VO 1'nni.nm H1g. M nin Utihu. 20 Cl'HK. no pay; fullm hi.tr, .lMiidruff; Hair jrgwn . i.uifi or onl. 314 Msrlrsy bl.lg tjl fBHr"L.lj'f H lislr, lno!.'. rl. rnio J Klnl. y. 4" Huh ft l.n hiil M.in (i'lim UO VUl'K BYK.S THDI.-HLIC Uif; IK 8 ). BF.K OH. K. 1. fllKAK. KVK fl'Ki:!!!,. WI'I.L soopi ur Kin, r.v. nii;. hntim, Ani.rn--.il ..nut. . .-s, un- iinl.n. GliADUATU nurM treat, lumh.so, ,lo Hour, z to . or .I'l'" n.ni t'neo. Main 10 Offlc. -? TMM t UAtAOW trr.lmrnl. phn. Hi. nn.. school. Msln "7WD. 711 w-jtsiirt bl.ln 81PBlRKl,lTOlTa hfllr rrninvr.l rnrtvrr hv nuHipl.-n"qiff iTitnim. o... nwrmna .... PKIMh!LA HAt.M. formerly ..11.4 Itslm of Klics. 44 m. ai.q. rrii. y.'ia innrnin,.. . lOKSN T Tom, Ulik or llnrry ,.y you? H yyr.OK. ronrctninw. iwhum M1s. BI.BI'TIUC CA HI NKT HATIIM. Pr, IroiiHlrlr, W-ll Hn.srtwsy hulM.n JL.NK'Il'B will "r r h.um.u.m or mon.y DMCK. .IS Pin,. KUPTL'RB I AN Hhi I I'IIKU nhut an I'll. KM CAN UK LKKIl II li.,ul .p.r.Uon. Kre. booK!..!. I. P. no IIO.. UYKS Luted frnr; .Ki-larr. auaranlrd. WANTtn-Mri. Karah ltrr n at Wood nir. iiomfl. AUlomaiio sit. 14. LI I 'A JAUKMON. inininirlnt, fauli.1. avail) trrslmenta. L'ftl 1orrl.on .1., room &- M. K. Mother want ou bum. ttt i:- I-: 1 . Writ, Aual Ailba, . : :: x- v.-.. v -'"- v. -' j '.--V