'A 'v' 5 1 T '"'ty - . fj . la i v-: -.1 V'. -. -I '-. i -'. v 'i ; . '- . V.! . V - V ' ,- i ' -s -.4 5 . ; , y THE MOByiXG OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1930 ' 1;L- yfifi 84f g 1" - TOB SAIE. I FOR 8.4XK. 1 ' FOR 8ALK AUTOMOBIIE3. FOB BALE-AUTOMOBiTEB. I FOR BALAUTOMOBILES I VtT" 1 m -, FOE SALE, I run hie. -I. . " ; I I i-i n nwvenj attention! I Furniture Wanted. I ir , v.hW,. llvc.to.k- Poultry. I " MtaeeHaneoofc FOR SALE. HIRE OR EXCHANGE I ex change for horses, mules, tattle or auto mobiles. Have 150 head of horses; 63 head Just came off of railroad Job. out of hard work. They are all young and weigh from 1300 to 1760 lbs. Have horses from $25 up. Some awful good, cheap, horses I have taken In exchange that there la lots of work in Harness and wagons of all kinds, plows, harrows, any kind of, grading tool. This stuff is all for sale and guaranteed as represented. I take liberty bonds. Phil Suelter, 2j Front St.. Crown Stables. FOB SALE" Sheep at the lowest prices, either grade or registered: any breed, any number. Box 01 N. Port. Or. HAVE- three carloads of horses ready to put right to hard work, with good har ness, to hire to reliable partiea; will hire ono team or the three carloads; very reasonable on long jobs; all good young stock; this Is no haywire outfit. Phil Suetter, -!85 Front at.. Crown stables. HAVE 5 cows left, all to be fresh in 2 or 3 weeks, also a Jersey cow Just fresh, giving 5 gals, of milk per day; 1 team of good heavy young horses, harness -and wagon; bargain If taken at once. Call at 630 E. -4 th 3. Take Woodstock car. U. S. STABLES. Horses and harness of all kinds. Horses weighing 1300 to 1800 lbs., 5 to 7 years old. 35 Union ave. S.. corner Stevens st. G. D. Williamson & Glass. DAPPLE gray and cay. S and 6 years old, weigh 3-iuu pounds and their harness, price $173; if you want a powerful team come and look at them. Call at 630 E. :14th S. ' Take Woodstock car. T FRESH COWS, 3 to 8 gal., 1 Holstein Jersey,-$50; 1 registered Holstein cow ell or trade for beef cattle. Take Van couver car to Columbia boulevard, go 1 block north. TEAM of biack mules. 6 and 7 years old 2400 pounds, suitable for orchard. Team 2S0O, single horse 1200, harness and 2 farm wagons, 344 iitn St., near aiarKet. i'OR RENT by the month; seven teams and harness, first-class grading stock; go anywhere. Phone Alain 6375. CHAD horses taken quickly, cash for dead cows. Automatic 627-64. Pianos, Orsiuu and Musical Instruments. FACTORY RKBUILTAND USED PIANOS. $ VX KrarHch A Bach, golden oak. .$:!'' 70 Conover. golden oak 315 POO lutein way & Sons, rosewood.... 343 1S(W Aeolian orchestrelle 35 -V Singer, mau-sive colonial -435 Ji-V Ebersole. modern mahogany. . Jttfo 9.V) Thompson player !.0 Thompson player, pol. mah... 4!.r. 4."rt Hallet & Davis, rosewood.... 1S 2T0 Collard & Collard. walnut.... " 2T." H. Bord. roaewood 75 4ftf New by & Evans, walnut .... 2i5 37." Harrywood orchestrion 515 Jft0 N. Y. pianoforte, con. gr 215 15 to $50 cash. !6, $10 to $15 month ly. Parlor organs $25. $:S, $45. $38 to $75. SCHWAN PIANO CO., DOWNSTAIRS STORE. Ifll Tenth St.. at Wash, and Park Sts. PIANO SALE. . A7I oaed pianos have been reduced to a figure you cannot compare elsewhere. Shop around, then see our bargains. Bonds at full value. Howard, fine oak case $2S5 Kimball, a snap $'J50 Gardner & Son, plain mah. case. ...$'-75 Baremore. small, late style 2rt5 Cook & Son, cabinet grand, snap...$-S5 Solimer, almost new, mah. case... $475 11 a son & Hamlin, cannot be told from new $600 And others. Term given. PEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 12S-27 4th st bet. Wash, and Alder Sts. USED TALKING MACHINES. All in good condition at prices that will move them quickly. Columbia and records........ $25 Victor and 6 records. . 35 Victor and 6 records 45 Columbia and 12 records. ........... .120 Victor cabinet, 12 records. ............ 70 Pathe cabinet. 12 records 97 Victor cabinet, 12 records ..100 $5 to JT0 cash, $4 to J7 monthly. SCHWAN PIAN CO., 101 10th St.. Cor. Stark. SJiCURlTY STORAGE CO., closing out small upright piano $ 65 and $ 75 Modern upright pianos. ..... .$195 to $.145 Modern player pianos $;tft5 to $695 Parlor organs.. $20, 25, $38, $45 and $58 Pianos stored for 75c monthly. -lOS TENTH ST., COR. STARK. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BARGAINS IN PHONOGRAPHS OR RECORDS T . THEN CALL AND SEE NEWMAN. Have fine large stock. Save you from $15 to $75. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 First, bet. Alder and Washington. BEAUTIFUL high-class Ludwig piano. Just like new; best value in town for the money; come in and see this at once. I'm going to sell it. Will give terms. Fternst, with Perry Music Co., 427 Washington st. Bdwy. 492. GRAND PIANO, used- three times, like new, regular price $1,250, sell for $925. Another Kranich & Bach grand for $S25. Terms given. Selberling-Lucas Music Co., 125-27 4th St., between Wash, and Alder sts. $15 TO 123 CASH buys new 1920 model up right lo73 piano in oak or mahogany for $395. balance $12 monthly. Your phono graph, old piano or organ taken as first p&yment. Schwan Piano Co., 101 10th st.. at Stark. H.-VSON-H AMLIN piano at less than half price. Cannot be told from new. See this wonderful piano. Terms given. Seibering-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st-, het. Wash, and Alder sts. A FEW phonographs for rent over Christ mas; bargains in used pianos. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill St. Pianos rented, sold, repaired. TRADE FOR PIANO. Will trade $225 new VICTROLA and records for used PIANO. Seiberling-Lu-Music Co., Main 85K6. 125 Fourth st. BRAND new cabinet grand Emerson phon ograph, retail price $175. my price for quick sale. $75. Phone Main 302ti Mon day. PIANO WANTED. HIGHEST CASH PAID for used PIANOS or PLAYERS. Selberling-Lucas Music Co. Main 8586. 125 Fourth Ft. CLARENDON PIANO, used one month. $150 discount. Terms. Seiberlfng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St., beL Wash, and Alder sts. BARGAINS in new and secdnd-hand pianos and other musical instruments. See 11 w. Toelle, 226 Main tu Phone r.27-27. HJtjHKST prices paid for pianos, phono graph records, musical instruments, ex change and repair. -54 Market st. Main n2. FOR SALE A PHONOGRAPH. A $iK Cheney phonograph in fine condition, very reasonable. Mar. 153 eveninss or mornings. tiiAB the Orpheus, the phonograph with the wonderful glass resonator. Made In Portland. 108' Grand ave. East 7209. KIMBALL PIANO. $250. Good condition. A snap. Terms. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st.. bet, yvasn. and Alder sts. ORGANS $20 and up. See them. Seiberling I.ucas Music Co.. 125 4th st.. bet. Wash, and Alder sts. VICTROLA. style X. new; cost $125; quick sale. $80: some records. 370 14th St., near Montgomery . S'OR RENT Grafono:a with late music. Empire Transfer. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 15. 63-NOTK player piano. Holmes & Son make, fine condition; also music; a snap t $425 cash. Call Tabor 8152. FOR SALE Columbia graphonola. cabinet sire, with 10 records, at $90. Call East 7135. FOR SALE Banjo, just the present for Xmas; see this to be appreciated. Her mania Apts.. Apt. 23 VICTROLA $60. with records like new? terms. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St., oet. vvsbii. aim Aiuer sts. STEINWAY square piano, extra good con dition, cheap. 24fi E. 43d st. 236-22. LARGE cabinet phonograph; a bargain for cash. 2 to 4, 7 to 9. 546 East Oak. WANTED To buy, good used piano foi cash. Call S18-40. FOR SALE cheap, Columbia grafonola. fine condition: no dealers. E. 40S5. Furniture for Sale. WE ARK manufacturers- of high grade davenports and chairs; we are closing out our sample line direct to the trade at manufacturers - prices for cash. MicharUon . Brothers. Phone 1136-15; evening? Tabor ot7. FOR SALE Vietrola, including forty rec ords; a&o ha! J seat and cushion and -one go-cart; all In perfect condition. Will spII reasonable. Owner leaving city. 6.tf Tentno ave. DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going east or to California. We can save you money on rour freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C. Mi Olson Transfer & storage no.. Z43 Fine St. - HAVE $1350 worth of practically new furniture In 3-rm, flat on Sandy blvd; will sHI for StM0 cash; rent t-o per ma n U I" f DrlTiu -.Oil 6AVB 20 per cent to 40 per cent on your household furniture, carpets, etc. Write p. O. box 3108. Portland, Or., and let us explain. . GOOD new and used furniture, ranges, heaters, rugs; lowest prices. Jud&on Fur nlture Co., 113 Grand ave. East 6957. ONB NO. 3 Burroughs adding machine; like new. 84H Couch st. Office Furniture. A BIG saving on desks, charrs. files, safes, typewriters, adding machines. See us first for new or used office equipment. D. C. WAX. Sl'KoTth Fifth 6U Broadway 2738. BABT CHICKS. 6 varieties, best stock; prices reasonable. C. N. Xeedham. Sa lem, Or. FOR SALE FAX YOUNG DUCKS AND GEESE. 6221 40TH ST. a E. bogs, Rabbits, Birds and Fet Stock." FOR SALE. ALL GREEN FEMALE CANARIES. ROLLER STOCK. East 6874. 1 THOROUGHBRED Redboned blood hound, splendid watch dog, excellent hunter, trees well. 1 thoroughbred Aire dale bitch and 2 8-raonths-old puppies, male and female. Box 67. Ocean Park, Wash. AIREDALE PUPPIES, thoroughbred, ped igreed; 4 5 months. I. C. Walralh, 207 Hermosa. Marshall 1549. 2 AIREDALE femaie puppies, must be sold within two days. $7 apiece; also Boston terriers. Tabor 3156. POLICE DOO PUPPIES that combine quality, loyalty, intelli gence. Speedway Kennels. Tabor 5088. WANTED To buy a female Alrdale not younger than one year. N 259, Ore gonian. ST. ANDRE ASBERG roller canary birds, sweet singers. -21V, Wash. st. Main 6221. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Airedale pups. Call Tabor 54U2. 2 BEAUTIFUL canary birds, fine singers. 87114 Front st. Mar. 4357. Launches and Boata. HOUSEBOAT for sale, comfortable home for bachelor or 2 young men; bath, gas, electricity, city water, phone, etc.; 15 minutes from heart of city. FOR SALE One new 3 -room and one 2 room furnished houseboat; foot of Flanders. 65 H P. 6-cvIinderSterling marine motor. ! Umatilla ave. Machinery. ELECTillC MOTOR, H. P.. D. C, AS GOOD AS NEW. POLLY ANN CAFE TERIA, TENTH AND ALDER. BIG SALE on wire cables, rubber belting. all kinds of tools and supplies at lowest prices in the city. J. Leve, loo Front st. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable: S50 com plete with carrying case. Supplies for an maKcs. E. W. PEASE CO., 110 Sixth Street. Main 2285. DOANB GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER . SERVICE. All Makes Overhauled: Kxper. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, sell rent and exchange. Main 6397. Supplies, 124 4th St., bet Wash, and Alder, over Circle theater ALL MAKES, sold, rented and exchanged: terms if desired. Send for retail prices WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St.. N. W. Cor. Sixth. FOR RENT Underwood-Remington type writer, x:;. Empire iranaier, iiroaa way. Bdwy. 155. ALL MAKES rented and repaired, Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 5th st. Main 3668. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. Jr. -o., -Ol Dtarn. jxmin uwi. BRAND new Oliver typewriter for sale. reasonable, 'jaoor vobjs. WANTED Good visible typewriter. Tabor 6560. Miscellaneous. OFFICE FURNITURE. Safe. Hall-Herring, $125; leather set tee. $25; electric drive Dalton adding machine, $225; Underwood No. 5. over hauled, $05; A ull line of roll and flat top desks, files, ciiairs, etc., both new and used. D. C "WAX. 31 North Fifth' st.' Broadway 2739. 50 LARGE heating stoves, large enough to take 4-foot cordwood, suitable for heating large buildiugs, camps, large halls, etc.; made for spruce division; excellent condition; price without coil $25, with hot water eoil $35. MAY HARDWARE COMPANY, 124 Front St. WRECKING BUILDINGS, VANCSUVER BARRACKS. Vancouver, Wash., buildings, lumber windows, doors, 400 toilets, heating plants, pipe, steam boilers and radiators. Forrtstal & ilacquaid, 19th and Reserve streets. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE, complete equipment of bil liard and pool room, mahogany wall cases, cigar cases, new 14-ft. Red Cross fountain, large refrigerator, safe, cash register, pool tables, chairs, etc.; must be sold by Jan. 15, we want the empty room, will sell all or separate. Address Nye-Ward Co., Pendleton. Or. ' FERTILIZE YOUR ROSES. Now is the proper time. They need winter protection. We can deliver to you best grades of cow or horse manure; 2-yard loads $6; 3-yard load $7.50. ROSE FERTILIZER CO., Main 4485. i ii o r L1 m I.- E-T-a Will be in my sample room today from 11 A. M. to 5 V. M.. Single and double blankets, auto robes, 1-3 off mill price. ROOM 567, SHERLOCK BLDG. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. French range in fine condition, 7 feet long with 2 ovens; plumbed two sets coils: large hood; 100-gallon tank; coal or wood. Call or address H. H. Ragan, 510 Flanders st. FURS AT AFTER XMAS PRICES. Everything must be sold regardless of price. THE FUR SHOP. 606 Swetland Bldg., 5th and Washington. ELECTRICAL GIFTS. Percolators, irons, toasters, grills, heat ers, curling irons and portable lamps. Low prices. Christmas tree light sets and electrical repairing. Hynson Elec tric Co., 302 Pine. Broadway 4213. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought sold and exchanged. Easy terms if de sired. MORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second Street. Main 2045. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BARGAINS IN SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES? THEN CALL AND SEE US. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. NEWMANS GUN STORE. 128 Fir.it. near Alder. Main 4495. -HUNDREDS of people are exchanging records at 15c difference and hundred are buying records at 35c to $1 at Pacific Record Exchange, 427 Wash. st. Open evenings. FOR SALE Utilitor garden tractor, suit able for 2 to 20 acres; superior to horses. Can also be used for pumping, sawing and various other things about a ranch. See Sir. O'Brien, 235 Stark. BRAND new cabinet grand Emerson phon ograph, retail price $175, my price for quick sale, $75, Phone Main 302 Mon- day. FOR SALE Drop-head W'hlte sewing ma chine, wardrobe trunk, hydraulic barber chair, new life vibrator. Room 205ft Alisky bids., 3d and Morrison sts. COLT 22 special target police positive and $18 mandolin for Colt 22 automatic or 30 Lugcr or Mauser. Geo. R. Herd, 348 Couch st. FOR. SALE Dry first growth fir cord wood, sawed any length, prompt de li v eryPhonenightordajrEat 4592. MAN'S full dress and Prince Albert, size 38, superior material. Sell for 1-3 their value. E. 261, Oregonlan. FIRST GROWTH CORDWOOD. SHORT LENGTHS, FOR PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL TABOR 7664. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented,- repaired, exchanged, bought. Bentley. Main 4907. EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Beldlng, 245H Alder st. Main 1602. WEST SIDE home sells and buys slightly worn apparel and furs. Marshall 3215. DICTAPHONES Norton, 603 Fenton bldg. Broadway 271. SECOND-HAND, tent and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., 1 No. 1st st. $15 BUYS adding machine; adds 7 figures. 518 Corbett bldg. Marshall 657. STAR-A-STAR shingles direct from mill. Call Taylor-st. dock. Main 8065. CORDWOOD, $9.50-$10.50 PER CORD. SELLWOOD 54b. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, $1 per day, delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 3495. BLOCK and slab mixed, special price two- i l Wnnllflwn lld'l ftAo-n E- I SAFE Office safe, also light filing safe, bargains. M 241. Oregonian. FERTILIZER, Old cow manure Tabor 2704. FOR SALE Gas plate, two-burners, also wood or coal stove. Call Tabor 2M4.- 95 QUARTS of fruit for sale cheap, leav- IniT town. .Til rum bl. HEMSTITCHING, the cheapest way of trimming and finishing. 352 Yamhill st. CHICKEN and pig feed for sale, cheap. r.asi la-- PALACE hardware store in Tacoma, Wash., for sale. - ' FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24 hour day. 85c delivered. Wdln. 1259. FOR SALE Portable bake oven, like new; a bargain. East 1324- OVERCOATS, used little, for sale; big lection, low prices. 355 Stark st. SHOTGUN OR RIFLE WANTED. V 128 First, near Alder., Main 4495. LARGE Taylor wardrobe trunk, $37.50. G 231. Oregoniao. - -16.5fl .. 13.00 .. 5.00 . . 2."".0 -4.50 .. 2.50 122 .. 8.00 .. 5.00 .. M . . 8.00 . . 3.75 jsew rugs . . . Several good carpets and rugs cheap. East 8957. 113 Grand Ave. SINGERS. Whites. New Homes, in fact almost every make and style, from fl to 35; all latest new Singers, cash or time; rentals, J3 per month. SINGER SEWING MACHINE STORE. 193 Fourth street Main 6833. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold tor less; no agents employed; com 'plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and reated. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 1B0 Third St.. near Taylor. HOT-WATER tanks, 30-gaI. 7; 40-gal.. $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and . furnace coils, gas heaters Installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. ' East Side Welding shop. 208 Adams st. East 8516. WHY AN everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable room? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 6560. WHITE flower sacks, 100-lb. size, neatly washed and laundered, 1.80 per dosen; Mail orders promptly attended to. Hodes Bros., 290 Union ave., near Haw thorne. AVAILABLE for Immediate delivery, either dry or green old-growth fir cord wood, 3 half-cord lots and up. C. O. D. prices upon application. Main 7094. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down. 3 monthly. Expert sewing macnine repairing. MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORB, 382 Morrison. Marshall 721. SOLDIERS' overcoats altered into civilian style, dyed blue or oiacit, new uuuuua, complete, J7.50. Regal Cleaners, tailors. 127 IS. otn St.. irornanu. FOUR barrel, of good cylinder oil; will sell cheap or mignt taite someinuig ju trade. What have you?, AN 220, Ore gonian. NEW No. 4 Woodstock typewriter, never been used; leaving town; cost $115; will sell for $00 cash if taken today. Phone Broadway lbs. room COLUMBIA PLASTER 'WALL BOARD. Easily applied, durable, economical, fire resistant. Portland make. Ohsfeldt, 419 Henry bi HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE, 128 First. Tabor 671)8. Main 4405. srBLOCO pipeless furnace, $79.60, worth 15; superior to any, jest guarantee. Ask for refs. and demonstration. Wdln. 2103. I. T. Woodruff, 1291 llaiiory ave. FOR SALE A PHONOGRAPH. A $90 .Cheney phonograph in fine condition, very reasonable. Mar. 153 evenings or mornings. AGATE JEWELRY Largest, most com plete stock in city; most reasonable prices. Van Dusen'a, 453 WTash., near 13th. LET US wash your rugs- with the Hamil ton Beach electric carpet washer without removing from floor; work guaranteed clean and sanitary. Woodlawn 1259. PRUNES! PRUNJSS! Italian; some split: 16 lbs. $1; 100 lbs. 4.95; bargain. Beaver Grocery. 287 Yamhill st. SAFES New and second-hand, some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1006. 48 Front st. ONE 3-YEAR-OLD Shetland puny, 75 One 6-year-old, $100. BuggyT harness, $100 extra. Phillips, 298 Graham ave., near Williams. FOR SALE All sizes floor cases, cash reg isters, wall cases, electric coffee mill. . counter cases, meat siicer, gas range; cash or terms. 242 Salmon. FACTORY samples at retail; dinner sets, decorated, 42 pieces, $5.95. Get yours: hurry; wonderful bargain. Room 617 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. T.Ami,:s; l.e.t tha Voirue ADDareil Exchange seW your used garments and furs. 403 Alisky bldg. Main RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer: also vac uum cleaning done. E.ast qmo. ALL KINDS of trunks, new and second hand, at 487 Washington street, on cor ner 13tn. Arcauo oiag. WOOD Green slab, $7 per cord; dry slab, Q aloK gnri HlfU'lr D.nVA UnFlh Bdwy. 4110. ' FOR SALE Cord wood, tirat-class, old growth, delivered, 2 is cords, $26.0U. Phone Tabor 2327 FIRST GROWTH wood; special prices for close-in deliveries; 2-cora lots, s-'i.ov 8-cord lots, $36.50. Call East 65S3. LICENSED independent electrician wires three rooms for $12, o lor 2V; guaran teed to pass inspection, wooaiawn ami FIR. OLD-GROWTH No. 1, by load. 12-in. ana xo-ia,, tui- ucuw. uvumwu 2132 200 CORDS of good fir wood, four miles irom Ol. JOims ieu J, UU vie uiwivun . roaa. price o.oo per i-oru BU11BANK potatoes, upland, 1 sack $1.75; 5 sacks $1.00 aeaverea; onions. wain. 6193. LADIES' EXCLUSIVE USED APPAREL. Coats, suits, dresses, lurs, nats, snoes. 1132 E. Glisan, near 39th. Tabor 2825. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange Ko- oaKS. oanuy, o-o bouimbhhi cticct. FOR SALE Dry 16-lnch inside and slab miv.H .Ion hlocks.drv or creen. Wood- WALNUT trees, loganberry plants, cherry, peach, prune, pear. Woodstock Nursery. Sellwood 2332. AGATE JEWELRY Best quality mount ings, the right kind of Xmas gifts. Van Dusen's. 453 Wash., near 13th BEAUTIFUL hand-painted table runners, centerpieces, dollies, baby bibs, shopping bags and rain ha-te at cost. 155 13th Bt. 3-KARAT diamond, commercial white and clean, well cut. save you 9000. xnoue East 1856. GOOD WOOD, old growth fir, 16-Inch, sin gle load $8; double loaa $10. rrompi ae livery. Columbia 1191. LARGE leather travelling bag, steel frame. leather lined, cost $00, sen ior 930. u 228. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Beautiful pair shell portieres, any reasonable oner acceptea. Aut. 512-69. " FIBLOCO pipeless furnace, $79.60 to $135. Showroom 104 js. iiroaaway, near oriage. East 4567. FILBERT trees, gooseberries, currants, strawberries. blackcaps, raspberries. Woodstock rtursery. sellwood FOR SALE Heavy dry bridge timbers cut 4 feet, $10.50 cord, delivered in city. Phone East 8641. HOOD RIVER apples cheap if vou come and get them. 171 E. 8th St. Phone East 6272. 5-CELL Ediuon storage battery and BoBch type 4-cylinder magneto at less than half price. Marshall 497: POTATOES, upland. $1.50 sack, delivered. 831 E. Everett. East 6703. CORDWOOD, old-growth fir. Phons Wood lawn 6233. A NO. 1 country cordwood. green; two cord lots or more $10: $10.50. Sellwood 548. ONE SEALSKIN and 1 sliver fox cape at 718 East Ankeny. WOODLAWN 1975. Cordwood $10. slab $8, delivered. VIOLIN and bow. $7.50 If sold today. 409 Colunvhia bldg, 365 Washington street. HONEY- Warranted. unadulterated strained, light, mild; quart 80c. E. 1410. CUT FLOWERS, plants, holly and wreaths. Henry Pfeiffer. 5th and YamhM. TIE TIMBER wanted for hewn ties. AM 146. Oregonian. POTATOES. apples. onions wholesale prices. 153 Front, nr. Morrison bridge. FOR SALE: Registers, showcases, wall cases, cash or credit. 242 Salmon st. BLOCK WOOD, slabwood, mixed, two-load lots, special prices. Last 2041. STOVES repaired, bought and sold. Coils made and connected. East 6560. ' FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st. st. near Ash. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. CLASSY BUG for sale; will take motor cycle or graphophone as part payment 201 Russell street. WE PUT steel teeth In your old flywheels, crankshaft turning, H. B. Black, ma chine shop. 534 Alder St. Bdwy. 5681. $225 CASH 4-90' Chevrolet, mechanically first-class, good tires and paint. 531 Alder. - BARGAIN. 1917 Maxwell In good condition, for sale cheap. Call Wdln. 2386 , trim rLW.-x-ip !?.! sil ova Tnt-M You wish 4p Be,il your car? Can get quick action at 163 King st. Main 184. 1917 FORD, demountable rims, shock ab - sorbers, spotlight and speedometer, for sale cheap 168 King street. A GOOD Ford cheap, terms. Ban a, 13 Grand ave. N. East 490. AUTOMOBILE in running order, $150, terms. East 490. 1919 MAXWELL for sale by owner; a bargain for quick sale. Tabor 1772. DODGE touring car. zood condition. 1013 B. Irving St. Price (800. Tabor 2903. i 6-HOLE RANGE Vulcan gas range Large wood heater .... Kitchen table ......... Dining table , Dining chairs ......... Kitchen chairs Iron bed Coil springs Floss mattress White sewing machine. -USED A U TX M O B fl. E Si " The following list of used cars have been put in condition such as we would expect them to be if we were purchasing them for our own use. The purchaser of one of our used cars becomes a booster not only for the car but for the Willys-Overland Pacific company. Since price reduction. In the industry, depreciated used car values we have disposed of our former stock at a recent used car sale and are now offering used cars on a basis of current values. Chalmers touring, good me- chanical condition; make 1 good service car $125 Overland 69 touring, good tires, for 12$ Ford touring, 1917, good mechanical condition, nearly new ' tires . . .-. 275 Overland 75 touring, rebuilt.. 350 Overland 90 touring, rebuilt und repainted. $500 up to.. 675 Overland 90 Country Club ' roadster, rebuilt and re painted 750 Chevrolet Baby Grand tour ing, in good condition, repainted 750 Overland 4 touring, latest model, run 5000 miles, ex ceptionally good 875 Overland 4 roadster, latest model, used very little..... 850 WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO. Broadway and Davis sts. YEAR-END BARGAINS. USED CARS OF MERIT. All cars guaranteed and will be sac rificed before our inventory Jan. 1 Pierce Arrows, $3000 to 16000. Premiers. $1500 to $4000. Locomobiles. 1500 to 3O00. Cadillacs. $1000 to $2000. Libertys, $800 to $1300. Dodges, $000 to $1000. Buicks, $1250 to $1800. Oaklands, $400 to $1300. Many others at all prices. Whatever you want, we have it, from nearly new or new cars to stripped chassis. Cash or terms. OPEN NIGHTS. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO.. 100 N. Broadway. -Phone Broadway 41S4. 1917 HUDSON, wire wheels. .. .$1100 1920 Chevrolet 700 , 1920 Oldsmobile, like new... 1150 1918 Studebaker, 7-pass... .. 400 1919 Libertv, a real buy.... 1155 Pierce 86, 5-pass 1000 Model D55 Buick, 7-pass.... 700 1912 Packard, 7-pass 1 300 1918 Buick roadster, 6 tires 900 We are selling these cars at the right price,- Come' in and look them over. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnside. Broadway 521. SLIGHTLY USED OAKLAND TOURING AND ROADSTER. GOOD A3 NEW, WILL BE SOLD AT LARGE SAVING. ROADSTER HAS WIRE WHEELS AND FULL LIST OF ACCES SORIES. NEW CAR SELLS FOR $1625 PLUS $100 FOR WIRE WHEELS. EITHER OF THESE CARS WILL BE SOLD AT LEAST $300 UNDER NEW PRICE. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO.. BROADWAY AT FLANDERS. BROADWAY 4184. FORD uwKciia. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhaualed $20 Rear axle overhauled Valves ground, carbon removed...... 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect-running mo tor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim is because the MAGNETO is weak. Have it RECHARGED BY EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO ' BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. ' FOR SALE 1-ton delivery truck, electric equipped; one with body com plete, one chassis only, complete; cheap for cash. Call after Monday. 88 E. 7th st. N. - ' 1917 CHEVROLET! DELIVERY. Electric starter, irnod mechanically: a rniap at $375; will take a Ford in trade. TALBOT & CASEY. INC., Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. East 8118. LATE 1910 Hayires, 4-pasa. dirt) roadster. A-l shape, painted beaver brown, with ' black fenders, good 32x4 '4 cord tires; will take $1400. Bdwy. 1614. East 1515 191 S VELIE touring; wire wheels, good tires, one etxra; a snap for $S2o, will take a Ford in trade. . TALBOT A CASteT, INC., Grand Ave. and K. Ankeny. East 8118. WE CARRY a. full line of auto accesso ries, tires, tubes, Ford parts, light globes, etc. Also do towing. Open day and n''Eht- LONG & SILVA. Phone East 6840. 42 Hawthorne. FOR SALE Stanley steamer mountain wagon. 12-passenger. good for stage run; we ask $500 cash and worth three times . rhlr amount if you can handle it: in good condition. Goldondale Garage, (ioio end aie. va?n Make yourself a present of a first class 5-pass. Buick, perfect condition; extra tire, motometer, bumper, spot light and full set of tools; Price $1,550: will accept liberty bonds. Tabor 785.. . nn.nMn,OTI.E T? A FIT A TORS. Broken, leakv, bent and wrecked radi ators reoaired and made like new at reasonable price; all work guaranteed. Portland Auto Radiator Shop, ii Alder. Broadway on. r U1VU I v . . u - -- -- - 19"0 model, better than new. run 2700 miles, lots of extras, all tires including spare like new; big sacrifice. Mar. 3377, Alonaay. 1918 FORD delivery. $260; will take road eter or touring and pay difference Ford delivery body cheap; will exchange for touring or roadster and body. J. Lang, 351 Burnside. BIG USED CARS PRICES STOCK , RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. -We wrecK an mai 1 ? V ' their parts at haK price. David Hodes Auto wrecKnng uepi.. iwj-i i CHANDLER DISPATCH 1919 with 5 wire nrtii'i .or-.nn Will .o,.,-t. wneeis. worm i - fice for $1500 and give terms. Mr. . , . QOC1 Ann, jhuw-j.. " rJlv BALnirir. ' OAKLAND SIX, LATE 1920 MODEL. In perfect condition, price $850. Call Mar, mo". ail. iv. LATE Ford touring car, brand new tires. never run, toot tnrotue ana speeaoineier. A-l condition. Laue-Davis Drug Co.. 173 Third st; " WILL sell my private owned Hupmobile, model 1920 touring car, at a bargain price of $1250: will give terms to right oartv. Inquire 1248 E. Morrison St. "TOPS 'EM ALL." - Tops recovered, $25 and up. Oregon Auto Top Co.. 14th and Conch sts. Bdwy. 1408. 1018 4-CYLINDER ROADSTER. ' Standard make, fine condition, fine salesman's car, $675, jerms Mr. Argo. Broadway ajai 1919 FORD roadster, like new, 5 good tires, demountable rims, Hassler shocks, speedometer, Yale lock and otlier ei- tras; ?-no. ' '" J-"-JL 1918 PAIGE iight 6. appraised at $1350; sacrifice $1000. terms. Dr. Browning. Have new Paige; particulars. See Argo. Broaaway o-oi. 19-0 BUICK roadster, almost a brand new car; 5 good tires and a spotlight $600 under the price of a new one; will give terms. rnou iw, FOR SALE 1013 Cadillac for $250. Ap- ply Covey Motor Car Co. $550 BUYS 1919 Chevrolet: looks and runs liike new: terms East 178. 1018 PORD sedan, $400 cash; new license. Col. 61 arier o r. m. FORD sedan. 1920. just used enough to run good, $750. Phone Ant. 215-89. CHEVROLET roadster. $450; will take dia mond for part. AC 2t. Oregonlan, THIS IS THE TIME TO BUT. - yOU GET , BARGAINS - . PRICES BAFETY . ' satisfaction ' ' all because We are selling used automobiles with a standard factory warranty, or are giving ten days' free trial suhject to their being returned and full credit given on any other used automobile. During the last our years we have rebuilt Hudson automobiles and resold them with a warranty the same as a factory warranty on a new car. It pays for us to sell and you to buy a used automobile, that you can rely upon. We have opened a new store for the sale of used cars at 40-46 N. Broadway, which is open until 8 F. M. 2 1917 Maxwell automobiles, fine condition, good tires, repainted, $400 and $ 450 3 1918 Maxwell automobiles (to select from), all in first-class condition $550 675 1919 Maxwell, like new 650 Model 90 Overland chummy road ster, all in fine condition, wire ' wheels, good tires - 600, Oakland 6, fine condition... 700 Model 00 Overland sedan, very good condition, with good tires.. 800 ESSEX BARGAINS. 1910 Essex touring car. all gone over in our shop, thoroughly overhauled and repainted; sold with a warranty the same as given on. new automobiles...... 1275 Late' Essex model, like new and with warranty; 'great, buy 1919 Ford truck, good condition... CHALMERS BARGAINS. . , 1919 Chalmers roadster, in 'fine' condition 1919 Chalmers light 6, with hot . spot, overhauled and repainted; all in fine condition 1350 525 1050 1250 1400 1050 1500 1920 Buick roadster, almost ne iew . Chandler chummy, in fine--condition, runs like a new car, has been repainted Chandler sedan, overhauled and repainted; a .very good buy HUDSON BARGAINS. 1917 Hudson Super 6, has been rebuilt, is being repainted; will " look and run like new. Will sell with a warranty the same as given on new automobile 1200 1920 Hudson Super 6, overhauled and now being refintshed; will be hard to tell it from the latest . new car. Will sell 'with a war ranty same as given on new automobiles 1950 Hudson sedan, has been rebuilt by us, now in the paint shop; will be like new and sold with war ranty the same as given on new ... automobiles. Best sedan buy in the town ! 1"50 OUR STORE FOR THESE USED CAR BARGAINS AT 40-46 BROADWAY, WHICH IS BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. ' C." l. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. WHEN IS A USED CAR, A BARGAIN? A used car, regardless of purchase price, is a bargain only when it proves that it is capable of rendering the kind of service the buyer expects of it. We realize that this is the true angle as regards used cars, and our policy is to put the used cars which we take in trade in good servicoaiile condition, over hauling them in our own shops and re painting when necessary. Here is a partial list of cars at remarkably low prices, quality considered: 1916 Briscoe, 5-passenger $ 400 1915 Mitchell, 5-passenger 350 Willys-Knight. 5-passenger 80 1917 Dodge, 5-passenger 850 1917 Mitchell, 5-passenger 850 1917 Mitchell, 7-passenger 700 1918 Mitchell, 5-passengor 1100 And we also have a few Victory model Mitchells and two Jordan Silhouettes on. which we give factory guarantees and service Deal with a house. o recognized sta- hilitv. 38 vears in business in Portland. We handle our own notes and do not charge for brokerage. MITCHELL, LEWIS ST AVER COMPANY. - BROADWAY AT EVERETT. Phone, Broadway 4675. - HAYNES. ' 5-passengor light six, new tires, re- paflnted royal royce oiue, tiuw. uuwjf. nil 4. Welch. - , . 1918 MAXWELL TOURING. New tiret), new battery, line mechani cally; $375. Will take a Ford in trade. . TALBOT & CASEY. INC., Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. East S118. SPORT MODEL PAIGE. Larchmont sports model Paige, worth $2780, now for $1500; car In fine condi tion; only run 7000 miles. Needs $600 cash, balance terms.. Mr. Argo, Broad way i -'01. MUST sacrifice my 1I8 T-pasaengor Studebaker; perfect mechanical condi-tionr-4 new cord tires; also 1 2-ton truck, guaranteed A-t condition. Must be sold jointly. $250,0 cash. Hawthorne-. Fuel jO. yara, utn aim na.niwnc. 1 n r. 1.' 1 11 ' . , l. 1 And will sacrifice my 1818 Lexington for $925; new tires and batteryj need $325 cash. Mr. Bowman. See Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. - . - -,7. ., ! . 1 .- HVfL-V $200. " BUICK ROADSTER. Car in nice-shape, will demonstrate to you. See car at 430 Burnside. st, Mr. Jones. ' LATE model Chandler chummy roadster. This car is in fine condition; good tires, car looks Just like new and is a big sacrifice, will give terms. ,Bhone East 1962. ' ' 1919 CHANDLER DISPATCH. In first-class condition, five wire wheels, bumper, motomoter and wind deflectors, at a sacrifice, by awner. BC 258. Oregonlan, BJVC 1 " " - - ' u . w 1. ... 1 . I have $100 deposited on a new Chev rolet and cannot take same;, give me $50 and take it. Phone Boynton, Sell- PL'T YOUR WIFE'S NAME O.N THW NEW MODEL OVERLAND SEDAN. SAME AS NEW. SAVE $7K. 82 EAST 44TH ST. NORTH. 1918 DODGE for sale or exchange, good condition, for Ford car and pay differ ence. 8 -CYLINDER CADILLAC. , ACCEPT PART TRADE. FRAZIER, 40 FRONT ST. TOURING bodies, delivery bodies, truck bodies, new and second hand. Robinson 1.1. r,. O . L. Unl.AH MUlin .LP.. Mm m,,.pm,. 1918 MITCHELL 6 chummy roadster, spe cial speed gear; will take -old car or lot aa part payment. Automatic 328-52. 1019 CHEVROLET, driven 6900 miles, looks and runs like new; cheap, witn easy terms, r-none owner, nqwy ja: BUICK roadster, 4 cylinder, mechanically right, flue tires; must sell. Automatic 328-52. ' ' - - " 1018 FORD delivery, can hardly be toid from new; owner must sell. $425. terms. 'East 4339. WILL sell my 1920 Chevrolet at a reason able figure. Phone Sellwood 3071, after 6 P. M. Ll1: . T-PASS. CHANDLER TOURING. Worth $1200; sell for $800, terms. Get busy on this. Mr. Argo. Broadway 8281 CHEVROLET Boyal Mall roadster; Just overhauled, fine condition, 6 Urea and extras. $390. Eaat 3153. - 1918 MAXWELL 5-PASS. Nice little car and only $400; part time. See Jones at 430 Burnside st. AUTO for sale. Cole 4, Al condition; must ell. Call 6 East 7th st. South. OVERLAND 4-90, at a bargain: see car at 101 i. Aim st. x-iiouw oi utii ay oo. IMS $490 CHEVROLET TOURING CAR. A snap. Phone Woodlawn 1878. YOU CAN buy a used car for less than its mortgage value. 188 Kittg at. --An nu-VRRR ATTKN'TIONl OVERHAUL YOUR OWN CAR UN DER OUR SUPERVISION". WE FUR NISH SHOP, TOOLS AND BXPER1 ENCE AT A REASONABLE CHARGE. PHONS EAST 7207. FRED DAY MO TOR CO.. ri. Ti n A i A r. r. I. AM GOING east, will sell 1920 Buick six, very reasonable; will give demonstration H you mean business. AH 278, Orego nian I AM offering my 1917 Dodge touring car at a great sacrifice as I need cash badly. This is a real car and has no secret; private party. BV I'm, oregonlan WILL sell my privately-owned Chevrolet, model 1918, touring car at a bargain price: will give terms to right party; Inquire W. K. Nix. Corbett, Or. DODGE. I can show vou a bargain In a Dodge Bros, touring car. Phone Main 644. evenings. 191S FORD touring car, A-l shape: good tires and top: engine Just overhauled; $.nm. aiain via.. 1920 FORD touring, starter and plenty of extras. Call room 24, Bi oranu ave. $.100 takes It. DODGE, best mechanical condition, $750: better than new cheap car. 225 Henry bldg. WILL SELL cheap or will trade for heavy work horses, 1018 Ford In good condi tion. Call at 680 E. 24th S. Sellwood 717. $450 TAKES this model 90 chummy, new tires, wire wheels and fine condition. 531 Alder. '20 BUICK roadster, private party. Call for particulars Monday afternoon. Mar. 2766. FOR SALE Good bug. Call Columbia 227, or can be seen at 630 Lombard 1920 HUDSON speedster, (1500; must be cash. E 279, Oregonlnn. Antomooiiew rVantett. WANTED Will buy one second-hand truck of 1919 or 1920 model; price must be reasonable 'and truck In good con dition. AL 226, oregonlan WANTED To rent 4-wheel Ford trailer or exchange Ford touring for truck. Sat urday night and Sunday. Tabor 169L Ask for Herbert. WANTED Ford, Dodge or Buick sedan, must be in good condition and oheapt state particulars. Y 289. Oregonian. WANT a car, trade set of molds and teach you the trade. Grays Crossing vul- .mzing snop. ooio o-u pi. o. r. BUG BODY, .call and see samples; alto built to order Prices right. 291 Rusaell. ' East 8522 and a?k for Shaw. 1 - WANT to apply my new Victrola. and , mahogany davenport table on Ford auto. Phono Tabor 2123. . I WANT to buy a good used car on easy terms. McKay bldg. CASti tor all makes ot cars; condition no object. 413 Glisan. cor. 10th. . Motorcyciea. MOTORCYCLES and parts, all makes East Side Motorcycle Co., 44-48 Grand avenue. ' FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6139. HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle fur sale, 1917 model. 239 V Couch St. Price $250. Auto Tires and Accessories. NEW 32x34 cord tire cheap. 126 Whltaker St.. South fortlanq Automubiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without drivers. Day or nigbt service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Bdwy. 3696. Remember our number, Broadway 369f.. " NEW- AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS. . HUDSONS. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates. 132 12th St.. between Washington and Alder. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A1236 ALTHOF 4 BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1087. 1920 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE. WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547. FOB SALE TBI CKS AND TRACTORS. MUST sacrifice my 1918 7-passenger Studebaker; perfect mechanical condi tion: 4 new cord tires: also 1 2-ton truck, guaranteed A-l condition. Must be sold Jointly. $2500 cash. Hawthorne Fuel Cu., yard. 9th and Hnwthorne. OWNER says sell or trade almost new 2 ton truak at sacrifice, $1600 or will take a light car. Balance on time. See it at Eagle garage, at Lents. Call Auto matic 661-11. ' . FOR SALE or trade for roadster, one Stewart -"Ji-ton truck, one 1-ton Ford truck. Broughton Motor Truck Co.. 120 ii N. lOlh st. WILL take touring car of any make or equity In house as payment on new lVj-ton high-grade motor truck. E. L. King. 328 Pine. SLIGHTLY used Patriot l!i-ton truck, price right. T. C. Hansen, Hotel Clif ford. 411 East Morrison. WHY BUY a used truck when you can buv a new 2-ton truck for less than $2000; easy terms. 35 Fourteenth st. N. 2-TON G. M. C. truck, platform body. good shape, $1250. loo cmon ave. i!,asi 4370. 1-TON FORD truck. 1919, body and cab, $425. East 4376. FOR SALE Ford ton truck; will giv terms. Call Wdln. 5288. WANT E D MI SC KLI. A N EOl' 8. SHOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND-THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE I'OR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LA RGB FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL. ERNEST DEEDS. 340 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3178. 12.50 TO $25. FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more tnan anyone in the citj for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 258 Madison at., near 3d st. Will call day or evening. WANTED Second-hand Graflex or English Keflex camera, size Sfcx 4"h. Write full details and price wanted to auto editor, Oregonian. $S 50 UP TO $25. - GOLDSTEIN. THE TAYLOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3932. 243V4 BURNSIDE. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSB. BETWEEN 2D AND SD. WE MUST have 500 men'a suits md top coats to ship out of town; we are in big demand for used clothing, we are still paying the highest prices for high-priced clothing. Call at 167 First st..- near Morrison. Tailor establishment. ; Phone Main 738. . f ' UP TO $35. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. . We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d st N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. UP-TO-DATE BUYER. I pay the highest prices for second hand furniture, tools, rags, old clothing and all kinds of junk. Call Main 734 and I WILL CLEAN UP YOUR HOME. FURS. FURS. FURS. Low Rent and Low Prlcea. Remodeling and Repairing. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. Main 6529 163 W. Park. OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid: will call day or night. - PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madtson. WANTED. !ttangel, beets, turnips, ruotabagaa and carrots; state price and location. Answer care of F 55, Oregonian. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 First. Tabor 6798. Main 4495. VV1SH to purchase two second-hand Radio Fumerous gas radiators, 4 or 6 sections. Broadway 2506. WANTED One dozen 7 or 8-inch, 2-foot second-hand wood roiia. 6-u vaco oiag. Marshall tto. INCUBATORS 200 eggs or more, state kind, price ana lernis. xr io, vrw- gonian. . HIGHEST SPOT CASH prlcea paid for dla- - . x, K I " no, . . ' SAFE WIU pay cash for good aecond- hang otr.ee sare u zqa. uregonian. WANTED Second-hand equipment for amall bakery Phona Columbia 818. FULL dresa suit, size 44; must be In good ti. i A NuannaKla Tul.nr 7 k.VI WANTED A good set of carpenter tools, will pay cash. S 203, Oregonian. Furniture Wanted. BE SURE AND LET US SEE Toor fumltura and household goods ba. for you sell. We are In the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 208 FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. WBV NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Bbne today. Main 4027 or lot First at. MARSHALL S08L. , . GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WE BUT YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CAM. 8 ATTENDED TO FAME DAY. HIGIIKS"" PRICES PAID. WB ARB THE OI.DK8T, MOST RELIARLE HOUSli Of UUP. KIND IN PORTLAND. GEVURTZ FURNITURK CO.. The Big Sior. AH under one roof. No branch stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 doors from TamhllL CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURN1TURH. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BR1NO THF BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 102 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., to ship out of town. Will pa? higher prices than othsr local dealers. Call us up for one article or a house full; and a courteous, competent buyer will call. Main 7714. Rosenberga Furnlturt Exchange. CALL MAIN 8S7S. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. V CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8878. REDUCED FREIGHT BATESvto all polntl on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Bdwy, 703. IT 13 TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and benefit to sell your furniture to ua. Call Mar shall 2C03. Crown Furniture Co. SELL us your furniture and runs. Rellabl Furniture Co., 203 2d st. Main TIUVI. WE BUY used furniture. For best results call East 2405. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 8.-..12 WANTED Boy's bioycls. Tabor 5301. EDUCATIONAL. MEN! 1 Tarn the automobile and tractor business in America's largest and finest svsfems of piaclical auto schools. THE HEMPHILL SCHOOLS TURN OI'T MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES every yesr than most all other schools put together. Expert Instructors, ths best in the business, are employed to teach the different trades we offer. We have Just Installed a large quantity of NEW ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT, tlis last word in up-to-date and modern ig nition and siarting and lighting systems. We specialize on ignition and all elec trical work. Our courses are more rea sonable in price and mors complete in detail than most schools, and the in forests of our students are foremost In our minds at all times. You take the tools in your hands and get the actual practical school exirlene. We hsv. slo Installed a brand new VULCANIZING DEPARTMENT for teaching all branches of tire work, and an Inspection of this department will prove that we have procured the most modern equipment available. Pick out one of the following trades, the one in which you are Inter ested, and write or call for further in formation and catalogue. Automobile and Traotor Mechanical course. Spoclal Battery and Ignition course. Tlrs Re pairing and Retreading. Welding and Brazing. State aid to Oregon ex-service men. Hetter enroll early, as our school Is filling up rapidly. Day and evening classes. Our downtown office is conven iently located at 831 Oak street, near Broadwav. School at 707 Hawthorne ave. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOL, PORTLAND, OK. $1.50 "ROAD TO SUCCESS" BOOK If you are Interested In Improving your condition want to earn up to $ oo a month. plne. write or call at the Adcox Auto and Aviation school for a copy of their big new $1.50 red book, which shows through fact, plcturs and testimonial how hundreds ot men and young men hnvs climbed out of the rut into the big pay class. Requesting this hook dors not cost yon any llilng nor obligate you In any way and It Is very likely fo show the way to a bright and prosperous future for you Just as it has for hundreds of othera Just address the Adcox Auto and Aviation school, corner of Union ave nue and Wasco street, and ask for a free copy of their $1.50 red book No. 5. $25 CHRISTMAS CHECK FREE. To all students enrolling for any course at the Adcox Auio and Aviation school on or before January 10. We reserve the right to withdraw this offer before January 10 If ail classes ars filled to capacity before that dats. Don't run the risk of missing an oppor tunity to save $25 make application to day. Our $25 check and big UO-paa catalogue will be mailed free to any address. Call or write at once for book No. 0. LEARN AVIATION FROM THE FiKBT AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE AERONAUT ICAL SCHOOL IN THE NORTHWEST. A SCHOOL WHICH HAS SOliO- MORS PUPILS THAN ANY OTHER 8IM1LAB SCHOOL IN THIS TERRITORY. Big demand If you are a qualified ma a In aeronautics. ALL COURSES ARE FREE TO FED ERAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING MSN THE STATE OF OREGON ALLOWS 1-5 PER MONTH TOW A RD EDUCATION AL PURPOSES TO OREGON EX-SKRV. ICE MEN CATALOGUE ON REQUEST. DUDHEY AIRCRAFT COMPANY. Portland. 824 Morgan Bldg.. Oregon AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Of course, you wlah the best possible training. That means that you will Investigate this school, where you get tnorougn laoora tnrv tralnina and practical repair expe rience under experts, one high-grade instructor per each 12 students. Auto mobiles, tractors, vulcanising, machine training. Kx-aervlce men get Oregon financial aid. Address Automotlvs Schools, Oregon Institute of Technology, Sixth and Main sts., Portland YOU CAN LEARN WEIJJ1NG. COMPETENT WELDERS are mora scarce than any other craftsmen in tna metal trades. By our method of Indi vidual Instruction under experienced teachers WK WILL TEACH YOU WELDING OF ALL METALS more thoroughly and in less time than can l done In any other manner. Apply, day or evening, at 427 E. 9th St.. near Grant. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OF WELDING. BEHNKE-WALKER. West's largest business college. As sures every graduate a poaitlon. All business courses. Including comptometer training. Enroll any time; day school, night school. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. Fourth, near Morrison. Phone Main 500. BUSINESS SCHOOL, giving personal and Individual attention: prepares young men for business, stenographic, private secre. tarlal and bookkeeping positions; stand ardized with business schools In 100 dlf erent cities: day or night. Inquire of Mr. Clark, dean, Main 8700. Oregon In stftute of Technology. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, furnish a set of tools to you. and give some pay while learning: positions secured; former ex service men receiva atate aid while at tending our achool. Write or call tor catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnside. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed, pay while learning; tuition reduced this term, 238 Madison, PORTLAND Barber College teaches ths barber trade in eight weeks, pays while l-niinr: sood set of tools given: posi tions secured; tuition reduced, an N. 2d st GERMAN teacher wanted to give equiva- i . ' fiHt n ' o.llea-a flp.ni. n Imm text book; evenings. Phona Sell. 600 alter 6 P. M. TEACHERS needed, Intermediate, at $1320; 'deuce at $1800. Mr. Wallaa. Main 8276. BOCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-aast. slate supL, gr., N. w. nana piqg. siain n-io. f.vAHN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange 1 , 1 V i. . I, , n.,.,a D1UH. ..if'1 MRS HANNirM S School Shorthand, Type writing. 250 Tillamook at, our. Ganlen- Jiein. a.ast -vw. WANTED Addreas of men and women aeairing uvwuuui A i a, Oregonlan. ylSK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Main tiai. leaciuna 'ree reg. YATES-FISHER -Teachera' Agency Free reglst ration, main o n. piowuwwy ping. luivnin At once, two men to learn vul canlzlng and retreading. 432 Hawthorne. LEARN aeroplane construction, gas angles or flvlng. 4u Spalding bldg. IF YOU WANT to learn the vulcanising DUSiness can i"o ,.ii-u-.j. OREGON law school, Alisky bldg., 3d and a) Mor. W. B. Richardson, sec. Main 877. LEARN Akron. Ohio, method In vulcan , Jilng and retreading. Call iii Buu. , W txtand to nor mnry friends th season's grtinr PACIFIC KMHI.OV JIKNT CO., J. P. t'oon, VI -r., Xii Burnslda St. If EX AND BOTH FKHKIXO EMPLOYMENT. Ths plaea best equipped to aslst r in finding employment Is the Y. M C. A. Employers go thr for helo tisrataa they know th "Y" appeals to the best type of men and boys Many firms standing orders thsre for tnea with cer tain qualification: prha?s you aro lil ted for oris of these plscea. Advisory and eruwlovm.nut srvtca la absolutely fits to ex-aervice men. A!l men seeking employment In etr leal, technical and commercial lines and those who trt ambitious In bettor th.lr condition should tlio Y. M. C. A. employment secretary, room SOT. "WIIKHIC THERE lit AI.WAVH DE MAND ron capaulh nr.s- CARRIKR WANTED la Portland Heights district for Oresnnlan routa. Applicant must ba 16 years of or aver. Apply City Circulation Depai imenU io4 Orego nlan bldg. CLIMAX EWJTXrtTCrl FOR T.OO GINU RAILROAD; GIVE NAMB OF LAST KM PLOVER AND WHAT ENGINES YOU HAVE RUN DIKING I.AIST YEAR: tllMiD jolt ALL rtKI'I.IKK CONFIDENTIAL. E 22V. OKt GOMAN. A VERY prokprrou. anil niercliandls- Ing busiiMiss In Ills tallry. doing the biixlneux of five hundred lhniuMn.1 do.. lura if.'fOO.OtHM per vear. dentrus the ser vices of a capHOl. mnn who ran lake charge of all adv.rtl.liig, window trim ming and sign card anting. W hava a 5 nod proposition to the right man. AU re bnx 4-'ll, Palem, Or. VY H NKKU th. services of a Isdles' rea.ly-to-wesr buyer and mnnaat-r fr ifttait business, one nceutom-d 10 sa.tern hu -Ing and fsmilUr with market condition: pint, full particulars In first letter, giv ing references and previous employment; all communications held strictly confi dential. AO 273. oresonlan. J'Hi iKhiS.HIllN A 1, TAI.KNT. All klndu of prufeaaiortMl talent nd-d for our Midnight Matin. New Year's Hve. Good salaries to right people. me know what you hava to offer aa Boon as poaKlble. Sea Mr. Noble, room 6, Liberty Theater bid., 2 to 4, or evenlnga after 7:80 P. Si . HIGH-CLASH AM ATMI'KH WANTED. Hlngera, dancers, scct.ntrlc specialties and tiovrltioa of any kind wanted for our Midnight Matinee. Halnry and prize, are method of remuneration. He Mr. Noble, room . Liberty Theater hldg., 2 to 4. or evenings after 7-30 l M. WANTED Man, or man and wife on mnall farm; must be neat and reliable; keep 2 cows; permanent If sntlafaclorv. Coma and talk It over with me. Take Mt. Tabor car to ttsth at., walk J blocks north and two west to 17411 K. Stark at., then down hill. PiU K and mat clerk, expert nt-ed la hardware or machinery line; muat writs a good hand, ba accurate, en.raetu-, steady and reliable. Apply In own hand writing, stating qiiallflratlona and salary expi-cli'd. AE 22, oif-sutilan pit n.n i i on ma.xki'. General rrpreaentatlve In Oregon Tfr advertising and circulation in automobile trade magazine. Liberal propnaltlon. - Address Piicific Cnaat Automotive World, 3'Hl Van Newa ave . Han Krnnci-co, Cal. KKKK Tltll" TO VAM'ipUUH nr equi-. alent to tru-ty person demoting lure apare time interest tnfge nrsmiliation. Write, atatlng occupation. Merman "G.M llnuao 500 llaatlnaa St., JCaa Vancouver. H. c. GENERAL repreaentatlva In Oregon fr ndvertlalng and circulation In automo bile trade maicatltie; liberal prup.ia.t Ion Addnas Pacific Cnaat Automotive World, .'lint Vnn Niaa ave. H.in Francisco, Cal WANTED .Mm with car to know th-v can cut their garage bllla In half bv lining part or all of their own work un der our aupervlalon. Kaal 72ti$. Kred Lay Motor Co., L. 7th and Anktny. 8ALESMRN to all rVrd cars, cnmmlaaii.it basis, muat own a Kurd car or l al to buy one. Talbot A Case), Grand at and l-.a.-t Ankiny. DENTIST WANTED, resTatrred In Ore. son; muat ta good all around nian; pre fer one ua-d to adviTtiaing office, call TalxT 25:4 FORD SALESMAN WANTED Muat fur. nlah own car; splendid opening fur en. runic man. Apply -" P M, Kobisua Hmilh Co. tlth and Vadlon W A NTfclH Combination machine and floor man, nlRllt arale SH7.IVO, atraily Job for riiiht mmi. The (luarri, Kns-ne. or. WANTED Man and wife cook for amall lugging camp: atcady work. Call today or Sunday. 20 Iturnalde at. WANTED Auto mechanic apprentices to learn the trade under experienced me chanlc. Boat 7207, SHOE -alisman wanted: must ba experl- ence.l. Sta I ger Shoe Co MEN WANTED to peddle hominy " and horseradlah 1!4 Grand avenue HAKKKK WANTED at I'S Ilurnalda; A- pcri'-ncrd. BUCK AND WING FANCY Hi El' TEACH ER. AC 2, OH F.i IONIAN. SHOE salesman wanted; muat ba experi enced. Stnigrr Shoe Co. Help V4 anted Hwleamea. SALESMEN WANTED TO BELL FORD CARS. Men wanted with ability and experience who have been selling pianos, sewing machines, type writers, cash regiitcre, groceries, wholesale furnishings. None othera need apply. Wl I.I.I AM 1.. HUGHSUN CO.. Cu N. Broadway at Davla St. THE W. T. RAWLE1GH CO. needs a lew more SHlermen. Can give exclualra city territory and also country territory sell ing Una of household articles that are consumed dally In every home. 150 products aold with a money-buck guar antee. Liberal proposition to producers Come in and sea ua No obligations 917 Union ave. N SALESMAN Open January 1st, excluaue territory for high-grade, nationally ad vertised office appliance; liberal coin mlcalon and expensea; single man pi f erred; not over 85; able to furmah euro ty bond; only applications that give full rartlculara of previous amploymerii and references will ba conridertd, , 8T8. Oregonlan. KASTEHN Oregon tcrrltiuy open lor llva salesman to carry candy Una; not neos sary to hava handled candy before. Pre fer one with knowledge of territory. In reply state previous connections. Onod opportunity for right party. Ccrr spondence strictly confidential. Reply K 230. Oregonlan. W A NTED Experienced salesman of dra pery and upholstery goods wanted, fa high-class retail atora In Han Franclaco; permanent and aatlafartory positions for thoaa properly qualified; stale evperl enca and salary expected a ban rapliti( Box AV 673. ireg.mlsn. BAI.LSMAN wanted for January 1. cover Ing Oregon. Wsahinguin, ealabiished trade ana good commission paid. Com municate with Hood itivar Cigar Co., inc.. Hood River, or. UNUSUAL opportunity lor good aaieaman; must ba prepared to buy moderate priced car on attractive baiia; give exparlatoa H 153. Oresonlan &A1.KSMAN Call for Hat of lli.ee. Na tional Salaamen'a Training Am a, 5W4 Oaaro Mils, SALESMEN Wonderful opportunity, in come Inaursnre. ,V1 Corbett b'rts. LIVE young nuin salesman; no ranerlenca neceaaary. 517 Chamber of Commerce PHONOGRAPH aalasman wanted. Muat hava car. 108t Grand ave. JKMM.WTMENT AC.KSCir.. Mala and Femala. THE WOMEN'S F.mp'omnt Diiteau for- titsnes cBifiii-!-" ,..-, ..- - - ployara; efficiency teat given to app.l eanta Private Interview room. M's L. V. Scott. n r 328 Henrj bldg. Broad WAV 453T, I..'