'.f 4 V ' , 't : - THE MORyiNG OREGONIAN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1930 ... i V- -J " -v." - CLOSER GRADING OF POTATOES REQUIRED Buyers Are Taking Only Bes Stock This Season. SHIPPING TRADE LIMITED Markets Have- an Easy Tendencj In All Sections California . Storages Are Filled. There Is a moderate demand for pota toes and a few cars are beinr taken for ahlpment so as to rvacn the southern mar kets about Se Year's. Orders from San Francisco, Los. Angeles. Fresno and other California points are Seine tilled, but the Texas-Arizona trad is In the bands of Idaho shippers. The business at best it limited and prices are low. Shippers offer S1.23 for fane? stock and say the; are getting enourh to fill tbelr orders, though many farmers ask up to 1.50 for the best grades. Common stock is a drug and is quoted as low as SO cents at ship. ping points up the valley. One unfortunate feature this year Is the quality of a large part of the western Oregon crop which suffered from excessive rains during the maturing season. Close grading is, therefore, necessary to make the potatoes from many sections saleable. Where farmers have graded properly they have had little trouble In selling,' but too many of the growers neglect this, accord ing to dealers. Prices were extremely high last year and because of the slump this season, discouraged sellers make little ef fort to get their potatoes on the market In the best possible shape; There are ex ceptiona to the rule, of course, and highly graded shipments bring a premium over the regular market Jobbing trade has been fairly good this week with the demand mainly for fancy stock. The best Burbanks are selling on the street at 11.65 to I1.T3. The Seattle market, according to wires, was weak with practically no demand. Prices to retailers on Netted Gems ranged from f31 per" ton for partly graded to HO for No. 1 stock. At San Francisco, potato business Is also dragging. Oregon Burbanks are quoted tn rtller at tl.50M1.75 and Idaho Netted Gems, resacked, at $1.751.S3. Track and warehouse facilities there are full to capacity and with few sales being made receivers are consigning to com mission houses. In the Idaho market, prices are steady with a limited demand. Farmers receive 75&SOc for iiunals and 00 cents for Russetts. ALL WHEAT BIDS CP FIVE CENTS Local Prices Reflect Strength in Eastern Markets. Wheat was firmer yesterday because of the better outlook In eastern markets. All bids were raised S cents at the Mer chants' Exchange. There was no material change in the country ' situation, aside from the improved tone of the market. Coarse grain trade was sluggish. White oats were unchanged and gray oats and barley were not quoted. January-February bulk corn were 50 cents higher on bid. A London cable said: "The Roumanian government has cancelled permits for ex portation of wheat and rye and exporta tion of these grains will be permitted only I where a corresponding exchange of goods is made, the importation of which is deemed necessary In the Interest of the public' . Argentine cables reported fine weather. Harvesting has .proceeded uninterrupted and has reached the central provinces. Shipments this . week: Wheat 222,000, corn 060,000, oats 700.000, linseed 620.000 Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat uriy. nr. uats nay Alfalfa. 120 O 21 ner ton-, cheat $22028: ! cjover, eu; vaiiey umoiny. liiv, smi ern Oregon timothy, 30. - Dairy and Country Pradoeja, . BUTTER Cubes, extras, 47Q4SC per lb.; prints, parchment wrapped, in box lots, 63o per pound; cartons, 54c; half more; butterfat, buying price, 46958c per pound at stations; 50c Portland delivery. EGGS Buying prices, case count 50o; pullets, 47c Jobbing price to retail ers, candled ranch, 57c; selects, 60c; pullets, 52c CHEESE Tillamook, triplet price t Jobbers f. o. b. Tillamook. 30c - POULTRY Hens, 21 28c; springs, 259 27c: ducks. 25035c; geese. 20c; turkeys, live, 40935c; turkeys, dressed. 54 fe Otic PORK Fancy, 15c per pound. VEAL Fancy, lc per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUIT Oranges, navels, (4.2505; Japanese: $3.25 per bundle; lemons. 93.759 15.26 box; grapefruit. S4.50&8 per box; ba nanas, 12&13fcc per pound: grapes. $5.25 lug; huckleberries. 18?22c per pound; cranberries, coast, $6 per box; east ern. $10620 per barrel; apples. $1.3.50 per box; pears, $241 2.20 per box. VEGETABLES Cabbage. l214e per pound: lettuce, $3&3.50 per crate; cucum era, $1.75&2 per doxen; carrots, $1,509 1.73 per sack; garlic. 25c: tomatoes. $4 9 4.50 per lug; beets. $1.5062 sack: egg plant. 20c pound; cauliflower, $2 per dox : celery, $5(t6 per crate; green pep pers. 1517!4e per pound; sprouts. ltisS per pound; squash. 2tit3lic per pound: pumpkin. 2t(c per pound. POTATOHS Oregon. $1.5091.75 per 100 pounds; Yakima, S2.2592.5U; sweet pota toes, 6c per pound, $3.50 per hamper. ONIONS Oreson. Il.SOStl.7o per saca; California brown, $1.7592 per sack; Cali fornia yellow, $1.75 per sack: Spanish, $4.5095.50 crate. - Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Cane ' granulated 9c per pound; beet, 8.80c per pound. rtUAijy walnuts, zzutzac; erasu nuts, Soc; filberts. 21925c; almonds, ZS93ue; peanuts, 0 914c per pound; cocoanuis, 4 per dozen: pecans, 32 9 35c; chestnuts, 25 Viae pound. KICB Blue Rose. BSc per pound: ja pan style. 7&c per pound. BEANS Small white. 6c: large wntte. 6c; pink, Tfcc; lima, lOo; bayous, 12Vo. red, 7ltc per pound. COFFEE Roasted, bulk: drums, si 9 41c per pound; sackedT22 9 27c per pound. SALT Granulated, bales. $3.50 94.25; half ground, ton, 60s. $ly.75; 100s, $18.25; lump rock, $26.60. , Provisions. HAMS All sizes. 28932c; skinned, 27 933c; picnics, 24c. BACON Fancy. 4194Sc: choice. 12 a 34c: standard, 299 31c. LARD Pure, tierces; 22c; compound. tierces, 14V4c UK1 SALT Backs, 21 24c; plates, 20c STOCK GAINS ARE GENERAL ADVANCES OF 1 TO 6 POINTS THROUGHOUT WST. Strongest Issues Are Those That Recently Suffered Most; Lib , ertjr Bonds Are Higher. Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. $1.01: drums, $1.08; cases, (1.16. Boiled, barrels. $1.03; drums, $1.10; cases, $1.18. TURPENTINE Tanks. $1.41; casea $1.56. COAL OIL Tank wagons and Iron bar rels, 17 14 c: cases. 30 9 37c FUEL OIL Bulk. $2.35 per barrel. C t k. 1 I T ivp 1- 1. nnH Ra. rela, 20c; cases, "4 Hie: NEW YORK, Dec. 23. A pronounced changeafor the better came over the stock market today, supporting orders of a sub stantial character and enforced short cov ering resulting In extreme gains of one to upward of Mx points throughout the gen ral list Altogether, the movement was the most constructive of any in several weeka The improvement was the more noteworthy be cause of its almost uninterrupted progress. Occasional setbacks' were nominal and mainly due to desire to make profits se cure, but the tone at the close was strong. Sales amounted to 1,100,000 shares. Conspicuous features of the advance em braced oils, shippings, steels, equipments. sugars and various specialties foremost in the sharp reaction of the early days of the week. Heavy odd-lot buying was reported by commission houses. Individual Instances of strength In cluded Mexican and Pan-American petro leums. United Fruit, Atlantic Gulf. Beth lehem, Crucible. Vanadium and United States steels. American and Baldwin Lo comotives, American Car, American and Beet sugars, Sears-Roebuck, Virginia-Carolina Chemical and Famous Players. There was a steady demand for rails at gains of one to three points. .The only element ' of - heaviness was shown by coppers and rubbers, the former reflecting the passing of dividends on In spiration and Green Cananea. United States Rubber rallied at the finish, more than recovering its three-point setback. Money and foreign exchange again failed to exert any Influence, the only feature in the International credit situation being the low record of liability reserves re ported by the Bank of England. Speculative bonds scored moderate gains, also most Liberty issues, but the' list was otherwise irregular. Total sales, par value, $24,S75,0O0. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Am Beet Sug American Can Am Car & Fdy Am H & L Pld Am Inter Corp 000 6.200 3,300 7,uOO American Loco 2,400 Portland, Thursday 47 . . 2 Year ago Season to date. . .8.111 167 439 Year ago 5037 127 1132 Tacoma, Wednesday 4 Year ago 13 Season to date... 41101 45 524 Year ago 3U72 60 Seattle, Wednesday 3 Season to date... 2950 168 Year ago 3530 174 14 2S8 115: 348 tils 74 528 110 644 4 156 1007 1 104 412 420 75: STORAGE EGO HOLDINGS ARE LIGHT Withdrawals in the Past Month Are on Liberal Scale. Stocks of butter in storage in the United States on the first of the month were 6,235,000 pounds greater than a year be fore, but withdrawals in November amounted to 21.8S9.000 pounda In No vember last year, 26,830.000 pounds were taken out of storage Efe'g holdings on the first of the month were 1,580,000 eases lighter than a year Before. With drawals In November this year were 1,986,000 cases and in the same month last year 1,746,000 cases. Total holdings of dairy and poultry products on Decem ber 1 of this and last year compare: Dec 1. 1020. Dec. 1, 1919 Creamery butter 70.8S9.OOO 73,654.000 Packing stock butter American cheese Swiss cheese Brick and munster . . . Llmburger Cottaee. Dot. bakers' .. Cream and neufcbatel. 100.000 All other cheese 6.3H3.OO0 3.206.000 .40,096.000 . 4.8S3.0OO 1.579,000 1, 050,000 4.820.000 Case eggs . Frozen eggs .. . Broilers Realtors Fowls Turkeys Miscellaneous . 1,802,000 .093.000 62.303,000 3.187,000 O52.O00 744,000 4.02S.0U0 104. OOO 4.801,000 3,341,000 ...29,324,000 22.090,000 ... 11.130,000 8.046.00O ...lt.4O3.000 14.833,000 ... T,:i03,0u0 0,601,000 ... 4.294.000 3,212,000 ...15.000,000 18,067,000 TURKEY MARKET FIRM AT CLOSE Biflk of Sales Are Made at 54 Cents to 55 Cents; Receipts Clean Cp. Turkey receipts were liberal, but cleaned op eawily and the market, closed firm. The bulk of sales were made at 54 55c. Only a few small shipments are expected today. Other dressed poultry was rather slow, geese sellirug at 359 40c and chickens at 23930c Live poultry was in light de mand. The egg market was steady with the larger buyers offering 50 cents net Port land for shipments from the country. Sell- Irrg prices were unchanged. Receipts were larger and a lower range of prices Is ex cected next week. The butter market was in good shape fbr both prints and cubes. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern oities yesterday were as follows: Clearins-s. Bslnnces. Portland $4,732,406 $ 073.672 Seattle ....i 6,261.703 1,319.489 Tacoma U74.0H6 44.150 ! Spokane 1,864,225 664,926 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Hoar, Feed, Etc Merchants' Exchange, noon session: -Bid- Dec Jan. Feb .$ ... t 1.60 $ 1.60 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.50 1.30 l.ati 1.55 1.53 1.50 1.50 1.47 1.65 1.50 1.50 1.50 35.00 32.00 85.00 32.00 85.00 ' 32.00 Wheat Hard white .... Soft whito White club .... Hard winter . . . Northern spring Red Walla .... Oats No. 2 white.... Millrun Corn Ho. B. Y. shipment. 34.00 FLOUR Family patents. $9.80; baiters' $8.75; valley, $7.25; whole wheat, $8.20: graham, $8. M1LLFEED Prices f. c b. mill: Mill-m-i. $35 per ton: rolled barley. $47949; ..111 a. m . ... 1. I mors nu ,nn CORN Whole, $47; craoked, $50 perl ton. HAT Buying prices, t e. h. Portland: . 33.50 23.50 Hides, Pelts, Etc. HIDES Salt hides, all weights, 6c per pound; green hides, all weights, 6c; salt bulls, all weights, 5c; green bulls, 4c; calf skins, green or salt, 8c; kip skins, green or salt, 7c; dry bides, 12c; dry salt hides, 9c; dry calf. 15c Above prices for country hides and skins. Prices for city skins and hides follow: Calf skins, lOo per pound: kip skins, 8c; city packer hides, green. 6c PELTS Salt pelts, full wool, 25940c each; dry long wool pelts, fine, To lb.; drj long wool pelts, medium, tic lb.; dry long wool pelts, coarse, 4c lb. TALLOW No. 1, 6c; No. 2. 4c per lb. CASCARA BARK 1920 peel. 8c per lb WOOL AND MOHAIR Nominal. HOPS 1920 crop, choice 25c per pound. SAN ' FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc, at Boy City. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 23. Butter- Extras. 51 c; prime firsts, t'Jhic; firsts, 47 He. Eggs Fresh extras, 73c;. extra firsts. lHe; extra pullets, 68c; undersized pul lets, 65c Cheese Flats, fancy. 29c: firsts. 27c: Young Americas, 33c. Vegetables hKgplant, 698c; summer squash, 75c9$l; potatoes, street prices, rivers, $l.Ml(lo; ballnas, $3.2o; sweet potatoes, 4. 2094. 40; onions, Australian brown, 90c$1.25: white. $1.50 91.75 green, $1.25 91.50; beans, 109 20c; lima. 9911c; bell peppers, bay, lug, $12,191.50; southern. 12tt915c; tomatoes. $1.25 9 2 cucumbers, San Diego, $1.7592; celery, crate. $1.5092.50; garlic, 7910c; caull flower, 0Oc9$l dozen; cabbage, lc per pound; turnips, carrots, fii.i sack beets, $1.25; parsnips, $1.75; peas, south ern, 12Vs917Vic; rhubarb, $2.2392.60 sprouts. 596c; lettuce, $1.5092 crate artichokes. 70c91.25 dozen; spinach. 495c. Poultry Hens, colored, 33 9 33c; Wbltb Leghorn, 34 930c; strictly young roosters. 30933c; old, 21922c; fryers, 87942c broilers, 45 9 50c; ducks, Pekin. 30933c squabs. 70 9 75c: Belgian hares, live, 249 2tc; turkeys, dressed, 45 9 51c; live, 449 40c; pigeons, d(gs.iu; geese, 3(tr3.c Fruit Oranges, navel, $2.5094.76; lem ons, $2.o093.i5; lemonettes, $1.50 9 2; grapefruit, new crop, $2.5093: Arizona. $3.60 9 4.25; limes, $1.50 9 2.23 half orange oox; manuarins ana tangerines, $293.50 apples, Bellefleur, $1.2.i91.75: pears. Win ter ileitis. tt(p4; oananas, ugpllc; avoca does, $1.2592 dozen; cranberries. Oregon, $2.5096; dates, 21r22c Receipts Flour, 4894 quarters; wheat. siiu centals; oarley, 58-20 centals; bean 1MI1 sacks; oats, 940 centals; corn, 130 centals; potatoes, 4731 sacks; hay, 155 tons; lemons and oranges, 350 boxes; hides, iiid roils, uveglocK, loou neaa. Coffee Futures Rally. NEW YORK. Dec 23. There were ral lies in the market for coffee futures today. The market sold about 19 to 25 noints above yesterday's closing quotations, wiffT Jiarcn selling at ts.o.ic and May at 6.94c. The close was a shade off from the best under realizing, but showed a net advance or 13 to 20 points. Closing bids: Decern her and January, 6.00c; March, 6.62c; May, o.wuc; juiy, i.oc; aeptemoer, 7.4SC; Octo ber, 7.58c Spot coffee, nominal; Rio 7s, 6 Si to c Santos 4s, 914 to 10c Seattle Grain Market. SEATTLE, Dec. 23. Wheat, hard white, soft white and white club, $1.60; hard red winter, soft red winter, northern spring and eastern red Walla. $1.57; Big ena Diuemem, 91. tin. City delivery: Feed Scratch feed, $62 ton; feed wheat. $B3: all grain chon. $54: oats, $51; sprouting oats, $36; rolled onts, .w; wnole corn, j.il; cracked corn, $53: rolled barley. $3; clipped barley, $58; miuea leeu, .iu; oran. S3'.l. Hay--Alfalfa, $20 ton; double com pressed alfalfa. $35: ditto timothv. 140: eastern vvasmngion mixea, $"J. Raw Sugar Firm. NEW YORK. Dec 23. Raw sugar was firm early today and prices advanced on sales of 4200 bags of Peruvian In port at ec c l. i cuoan cost and freight was quoted at 414c, equal to 5.31c for centrif ugal. There was a fair Inquiry for refinecC Prices were unchanged at 7.90 8c for fine granulated. Futures opened easy under realizing and selling by commission housea At noon prices were 5 to 13 points lower. Eastern Dairy Produce. NEW YORK, Dec 23. Butter steady. unchanged. Eggs Steadier, unchanged. Cheese Irregular, unchanged. CHICAGO. Dec- 23. Butter- Hieher. Creamery extras, 53c: standards. 43c. r-Kgs nicner. Keceints. 2037 rases r firsts, 65966c! ordinary firsts. STaeie: at mark, cases Included, 55961c; refrigera tor ursis, ooc; refrigerator extras, 57c Naval Stores. J SAVANNAH. Ga.. Dec. 23. Turnentine quiet. 9214c; no sales; receipts, 250 bar rels; shipments, 08 barrels; stock, 14,601 barrels. Rosin, quiet; no sales; receipts. 1415: shipments, 319; stock, 80,568, Quote: B, n. E. V, U, , 1. K, M, N. WO. WW. 1L Seattle Dairy Freduee. SEATTLE. Dec 23. Eggs Select local ranch, white shells, 68c; pullets'. 60c: stor age, 50c . Butter City creamery in cubes. B2o: bricks or prints, 53c; seconds In cubes, 46c; bricks, 47c; country creamery extras, cost to jobbers in cubes, 50c; storage, 47c Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Dec 23. Tin Easy. Snot and nearby. 32.50c: futures. 33.6O034.ooc. Zinc Quiet East St. Louis, spot, 5.709 5.87c. . . Other metals unchanged. Dried Fruit at New York. INBW YORK. Dec. 23. Evaporated ap ples lifeless. Prune weak. Peaches dull. Am Suit & Kfg . 4,000 American Sug 3,5ro Am Sum Tub 8,900 Am Tel & Tel 0.300 Ameri Woolen 10,000 Am Z L & S 200 Anaconda Cop 13,000 Atchison .... 4.5O0 Atf Gf & W In 8.30O Baldwin Loco 23.500 Baiti & Ohio 11,300 Bethle Steel B 12.2(H) But Sup Cop 1,400 Cal Petroleum 3,400 Canadian Paci 6.7O0 Centrl Leather 3.2ir0' Chandler Mtrs o.o Cries & Ohio 2.200 Chi Mil & St P 10.100 Chic'go & N W 7,200 Chi K- I & Pac 5.900 Chino Copper.. 3,400 Corn Products 7.8O0 Crucible Steel 10,200 Cuba Cane Sug 1.700 Erie 4,000 Uenerl Electric 3,000 Generl Motors 15,400 Grt North Pfd 7.000 Illinois Central 2.700 Ir.spir Copper 11,000 Int Me Ma Pld 4.81)0 Interna Nickel 5.600 Interna Paper 2.KIO aKn Cty South 2.400 Kan Cty South 2,400 Louis & Nash 700 Mex Petroleum 25.400 Miami Copper 2,900 Mid States Oil 7, OOO Midvale Steel 4soo Missouri Paclf 5,000 Nevada Copper . 2,000 New York Cen 6.5i0 N 1' N H & H 8,400 Nor & Western 5O0 Northern Paci 11,000 Ok Pd & Kfg 4.3DO Pan-Am Petrol 19,100 Pennsylvania.. 10,000 Puts & W Va 1.000 Ray Con Cop 5,700 Reading 30.000 Rep lr & Steel 8.000 Koyal DAI iu.ouo Shat Ariz Coo SO0 Shell Tr & Td 3.900 Sin Oil & Rfg 20,000 Southern Paci 21,700 Southern Rwy 7,800 S O N J Pfd 1,100 Studebak Corp 8.5O0 Texas company 20.SOO Texas & Pacif 1,500 Tobacco Prdts 3,100 Transconti Oil 0.700 Union Pacific. 7,100 U S Food Pdts 3,400 U S lnd Alchl 5.000 U S Rtl Stores 12.100 U S Rubber. . 29,400 U S Steel... 60,100 U 8 Steel Pld 3.300 Utah Copper. . 3.000 Western Union 500 West Electric 2.4O0 Willy - Overld 13.100 BONDS. U S Lib 314s. . .89.80IA T A T ev 6s.. 93 do 1st 4s. .. .84.00,Atch gen 4s... 73 do 2d .s 83.70 D R U con 4a 6014 ' do 1st 4 lis. ,)84.90'N Y C deb 6s.. 88 do 2d 41s 84.04IN P 4s 7214 do 3d 41s 86.50 N P 3s 54 do 4th 414s. ..84.50Pao T ft T 5s. 7814 Victory 3s ...04. SB, Fa con 414s... 88 do 4s 94.90 S P cv 5s 9414 U S cv 4e cpn.tloo So Ry 5s 81 Pan 3s reg....t89 iU P 4s 78 do coupon ...t90 U S Steel 5s... 8S14 Last High. Low. sale. 37 14 35 37 14 2414 2214 24 118 118 11714 38 3514 .38 33 32 3314 Soli 7714 SOli 35 34 35 89 85. 89 09 07 0914 95 95 95! 00 5714 60 6 6 6 32 30 31 '81 78 (i ' 80 4 10614 1 0014 1 05 84 80 44 84 H 32 Mi 30 82 54 00 74 54 8 8 8 27 , 2514 25 115 111 115 34V4 32 34 05 62 65 55 53 54 25 24 2j 04 0214 64U 25 24 2o 17 17 1714 60 6314 6U 83 78 82 18 17 18 13 12 13 118 117 118 13 13 13 7-1 71 ' 73 83 84 85 29 28 28 49 47 49 12 11 12 43 42 43 18 16 18 18 16 . 18 97 90 97 101 153 101 13 14 . 15 .12 11 11 30 29 30 17 13 17 8 8 8 09 67 ' 89 17 16 16 96 94 06 77 75 77 3 2 2 75 70 74 39 38 39 28 27 28 11 10 11 80 77 80 59 . 60 59 02 T 58 61 6 5 5 40 38 40 ' 22 20 ' 22 95 93 94 21 r'20 21 103 103 103 41 39 41 43 40 43 17 13 17 50 40 50 6 5 6 115 112 114 17 15 16 02 00 .02 51 40 50 5S 53 58 79 77 79 104 104 104 47 45 47 81 80 81 40 40 40 5 5 5 Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s Hamburg 4s ... Leipslg 6s ....... Munich 4s ....... Munich 5e Frankfort 4s .... Jap 4e Jap 1st te .... Jap 2d 4s ..... Paris sixes U K 5s. 1921 U K 5s, lDtM .. U K 5s. 1929 .. U K 5s, 1937 12 13 13 . 13 13 14 14 5514 74 74 92 87 94 88 83 14 . 14 14 . IS 14 17 15 5 T5 TO 62 67 84 88 8St Swift A Co. Stock. Closing prices for Swift ft Co. stock at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck ft Cooke Co. of Portland as foUows: Swift ft Co. IOI Swift International 25 Libby. McNeill & -Llbby 11 National Leather 7 ALL LINES. ABE STEADY QUIET TKADIXG AT STOCK YARDS. Hogs Hold at Former Top Price of $10.25, but Bulk of Sales. Are Made at $10. , The livestock market was quiet yester day. but prices were on a steady basis, Hogs held at the former top price of tlo.25 but the bulk of sales were at siu. Cattle sold -within the regular range of quotations and the few sheep and lambs moved were at unchanged prices. Receipts were 139 hogs and 12 sheep. The day s sales were as xollows: Wt Price.! Wt. Price 26 steers. 1090 $ 7.25 5 hogs. ... 442 $ 8.00 26 steers. 1002 7.25 6 hogs. 1 7.231 1 hog. . . 6.5o 2 hogs. . 6.50 1 bog 4.501 1 hog 3.50 7 hogs.,.. 7.25,10 hogs'. ... 4.00,88 hogs 5.001 8 lambs. .. 6.75j 4 lambs. .. 95 7.50,10 lambs... 108 2.501 8 lambs. .. 83 6.25: 3 ewes'.... 140, 3.00 5.00 1 yearl... 110 6.50 196 10.001 5 calves.. 112 12.00 133 9.00 The following orices are current at the local yards: Cattle Choice grass steers .... Good to choice steres . . . Medium to choice steers. Fair to good steers Common to fair steers .. Choice cows and heifers. Good to choice cows, heifers Medium to good cows, heifers Fair to medium cows, heifers PASSAGE OP FARM RELIKF BIXI EXCOURAGES BTJMiS. Export Purchases of 3,000,00 Busbels and Wall Street Strength Also Aid Advance. 53 steers. 1000 5 steers. 1160 2 steers. 1176 2 steers. 3 steers. 9 steers . 1 cow. . . 3 cows. . 1 cow . . . 2 cows. . 1 cow. . . 1 bull. .. 2 bulls.. 78 hoxs. . 17 hogs. 1190 1136 1055 1020 930 1490 1100 810 1410 730 183 250 9.00 270 8.00 480 7.50 290 10.2 115 8.2 246 9.7 232 10.00 92 8.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 Price. .$ 8.009 8.75 . 7.50 9 8.00 i.ooigi T.du 6.50 y T.00 6.50 (.11 650 6.509 7.00 5.509 6.25 6.00 ly) 5.50 4.509 5.00 Common to fair cows, heifers 3.509 4.50 Canners Bulls Choice dairy calves . . . . Prime light calves Heavy calves ................ Best feeders Hogs Prime mixed Smooth heavy Hough heavy Fat pigs . .-. . '. '. Feeder pigs Sheep East of the mountain lambs. . Valley lambs Feeder lambs Cull lambs Light yearlings Heavy yearlings Wethers . . '. Ewes t .,. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Dec. 23. Cattle receipts 8000, beef steers strong to 5c higher. .Many early sales $11.50913.25. some bids $13.50914 calves mostly 50 cents higher, .packers' top $11, bulk $9.50 10, all other classes around 25 cents higher; canners mostly $3.2593.50; good choice bologna bulls, $5.76 96. Hog receipts 31,000, market active, 25 to 40 cents higher than yesterday's aver age Light and light lights up most, top $10. bulk $9.0599.75; bulk of hogs aver aging 180 pounds down and pigs at $9.75 910. Sheep receipts 8000, fat lambs strong to higher, fat sheep steady, feeder lambs 25 cents higher. Lamb top $11.65, bulk $10.50 911.40; no early sales choice feeder sheep; few doubles choice 63-pound feeder lambs $10.25. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Dec. 23. Hog receipts 3000, active, 25 and 36 cents higher. Bulk me dium and light butchers $9.65 9 9.75, top $9.85; bulk strong weight and packing grades $9.40 9 9.65. Cattle receipts 2100; desirable grades beef steers and she stock strong to 25 cents higher; close dull on she stock; best steers averaging 1160 pounds $10.60; best heifers $9; other classes generally steady. Sheep receipts 3000; Iambs and year lings steady to strong; bulk lambs $10.50 910.75, top on 73-pounders $11.20; bulk yearlings $7.5098; sheep and feeders steady; top ewes $4.50. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 23. Cattle Re. ceipts, 2730 head; handy weight fat steers she stock and bulls, steady; steers selling above $9, mostly 25c lower; veals and calves unevenly steady to 25c higher, packer top, $9.50; shipper top, $10.25. " Sheep Receipts 500 head; killing classes 25950c higher; fat native ewes, $3.754 fed western lambs. $11, CHICAGO. Dec tS. Wheat score it sharp advance In price today, helped by the progress of emergency farm relief measures and by renewal of stock market strength, as well as by large export saies. The finish, although unsetled, was 4e to 5c net higher, with March $1.66 to $1.66 and May $1.62 to $1.62. Corn gained lc to lc. oats c to lc and nrnvldnn, 27e tn A5c Decided unnriarif swincrs beean In the IiOCAL I wheat market as soon as trading opened. The chief Impetus appeared to come irom the house vote favoring the enactment of a tariff on Imported farm products. It was known that export business had been - done overnight, but the .estimated amount as at first announced was small later in the session, however, the total was greatly expanded, reaching 8.000,000 bushels and this circumstance, together with material advances in security values, gave a fresh advantage to the wheat bulla. Evidence that foreigners were after rye counted also as a stimulus to the rise in wheat. Corn and oats reflected the strength of breadstuffs, notwithstanding that re. ceipts of coarse grain showed consider able enlargement. Provisions were lifted by the Jump of cereals and hogs. The Chicago market letter received yc terday by Overbeck ftwCooke company of Portland said: Wheat opened sharply higher on buyin Induced by the prospective adoption of legislative measures to eliminate the com petition of foreign wheat in this country and in the absence of selling pressure the advance was fully maintained. The im proved tons In the New York security mar kets also contributed to the strength, as dfd the rr..'.urn of Che British commission Into tile tnaiket coincident with reports of large amounts having been taken for export lato yesterday and again today. As an onset to the large foreign buyin southwestern points reported heavier sel ing of v-lient by the Country and the ex. pectatlon of a material increase in receipts after the first of the year. In our opinoi the 'adverse financial situation must man ifest iteif and such upturns based day-to-day developments of a construc tive nature are not likely to -prove per manent. ' Corn Selling pressure was lacking an the advance with wheat was easily at talned, notwithstanding that the news In general was of a contradictory sort. AI though receipts were not large, the de mand was small and spot prices failed to follow the advance in futures, with premiums further reduced. Deliveries of 105,000 bushels were made on December contracts. Weather conditions have turned favorable for the movement and the coun- try is now offering corn actively. Oats followed the course of the corn market and closed steady within a frao. tion of the top. Receipts were small. Spot prices failed to follow futures and cash at an Increased discount under the May futures. Provisions advanced sharply, due to the gain of 30 cents in hog prices. Offerings were somewhat less pressing than here tofore. Cash business remained quiet. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Clone. March .... $1.63 $1.67 $1.63 $1.66 May 1.59 1.63 1.59 1.62 CORN. May .73 .75 .73 .74 July 74 .76 .74 .75 OATS. .49 .49 .49 .4914 .48 .48 .48 .48 PORK. 22.85 23.20 22.85 23.20 LARD-. 13.80 13.37 13.22 13.85 13.60 13.85 13.00 13.85 RIBS. 11.35 11.77 11.55 11.77 12.30 13.53 12.30 12.63 Cash prices were as follows: Wheat No. 1 hard. $1.76: No. 1 dark northern. $1.79 91.82. Corn No. 2 mixed. 7814 c: No. 2 yellow, 7 p lC Oats No. I white. 481449c: No. white, 47 48c. Rye No. 2, $1.60. Barley 60 9 90c. Timothy seed $5.6006.50. Clover seed $15.00920.00. Pork Nominal. Lard $13.35. Ribs $11.25 912.50. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. r. 2a rj-.i Wheat, $2.7593; barley, spot feed, $1,309 1. 00; snipping, i.o.T(ni.tHi: oats, red feed 4U91.55; corn, white Eev-ntian. SI 75 ft 2.85: red mllo. $292.10. nay neat, lancy, $26927; tame oats. -1 If . WHO OatS. Slft&filM! hnr v Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dee. 23 Ru-Iov K9fl Dnluth Linseed Market, DULUTH. Dec. 23. Linseed an track ana to arrive $1.97. 2.50 9 3.50 4.50 9 5.50 12.00 913.00 10.00 912.00 6.00 9 7 50 6.75 9 6.75 6.5010.25 9.259 9.75 7.009 8.25 8.009 9.25 7.00 9 8.50 8.009 8.50 8.00 9 8.50 5.00 9 6.00 5.00 6.009 7.00 5.00 9 6.00 5.00 9 6.00 1.009 4.00 Bid; toffered. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Dec 23. Closing quotations: Allouez 15 Old Dom 15 Ariz Com 6 lOsceola 21 Calu ft Arls... 42 IQulncy 35 Calu ft Hecla..211 Isuperlor 8 Centennial .... 6 -Sup ft Boston.. 1 Cop Range .... 26 IShannon 70 East Butte . 7iUtah Con 3 Franklin 2 Winona 35 Isle Koyalle ... 15 I Wolverine ..... 8 Lake Copper... liOranby Con ... 15 Mohawk 43iOreene Can ... 16 North Butte . .. 8l - Money, Silver, Etc NEW YORK, Dee. 23. Prime mercantile paper, unchanged. Time loans unchanged. Call money steady; high, 7 per cent; low, 7 pen cent; ruling rate, 7 per cent; closing bid, 7 per cent: offered at 7 per cent; last loan, 7 per cent. Bar silver, domestic, unchanged; for eign, 63. Mexican dollars,, unchanged. LONDON, Dec. 23. Bar silver, 40d per ounce. Money and discount unchanged. Foreign Exchange. , Foreign exchange rates at close of busi ness yesterday, furnished by Northwestern National bank of Portland. The amount quoted Is the equivalent In United States dollars: . Country Unit . Rut-tria, kronen Belnium. francs Bulgaria, leva .'. CzechoSlovakla, kronen . . Denmark, kroner ......... England, pound sterling ... Finland, finmark ..... France, francs Germany, marks Greece, drachmas Holland, guilders Hunssry. kronen Italy, lire ...... Jugolovakia, kronen Norway, kroner Portugal, escudos Roumanfa, lei .. - Serbia, dinara Spain, pesetas . . - Sweden, kroner -. ..- , Switzerland, franc . . . China Hongkong, local currency Kaanghai. taels Japan, yen Rate. .. .$ .ooao . . . .0629 . .. .0122 ... .01'J-J . .. .1546 . . . 3 .55UU ... .0281 . .. .D600 . .. .0143 . . . .0734 . .. .3143 ... .0O23 . .. .0348 ... 0V74 . . . .1543 ... .1060 ... .0124 . . . .0291) . .. .1305 ... .1992 . .. .1530 . .. .523 . .. .7550 . . . .4900 Seattle Livestock Market. , SEATTLE, Dec. 23. Hog receipts none. steady. Prime. $10910.50; smooth heavies. $9910; rough heavies, $7 9 7.50; pigs, $8 910. cattle receipts none, steady. prime steers, $8.50 9 9; medium to choice, $798; common to good, $096.50; best cows and heifers, $6.25 96.75; medium to choice, $5 96; common to good, $3,50,95; bulls, $4 95.50; calves, $6913. - Medford.to Have Candy Factory. MEDFORD,-0r., Dec. 23. (Special.) George Beeney and Roy and B. F. Mcrshow of Fairfield, Neb., who re cently came here with their families, will establish a wholesale candy fac tory herex in January to supply the northern California and southern Oregon trade. t DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Dec 23. Highest tempera ture, 44 degrees: lowest, 88 degrees. River reading, 8 A. M., 4.9 feet; change In last 24 hours, none. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to S P. M.), .38 Inch; total since Septem ber 1, 18.73 fnches; normal, 17.38; excess, 1.37. Sunrise, 7:51 A. M. ; sunset, 4:29 P. M. Total sunshine, none; possible sun shine, 8 hours and 36 minutes. Moonrise, 8:16 P. M. ; moonset, 5:32 A. M. Barom eter (reduced to sea level), 5 P. M., 29.67 Inches. Relative humidity: 5 A. M-. 70 per cent; noon, 68 per cent; 6 P. M-. 99 per cent. THE WEATHER. STATIONS. Wind Weather NEW. YORK. Dec. 23. Exchange irreg ular. Sterling, demand, $3.52; cables, $3.52. Francs, unchanged. Belgian francs. demand, 6.23; cables, 6.25. Gullderrs, de mand. 31.33; cables, 81.45. Lire, demand, 3.41; cables, 3.43. Marks, demand, 1.36; cables, 1.39. Greece unchanged. Exchange on Montreal unchanged. Foreign Bonds. Foreign bond quotations furnished fc the Overbeck ft Cooke Co. of Portland: , Bid. Ask. Russian s, 1921 . Russian 5s, 1926 , Russian s. 1919 . Currency French 3s, 1931 .... French 4s. 1917 French 5s, 1920 .... Italian 3s, 1918 .... British 6s, 1922 .... British 5s, 1927 .... British 5s, 1929 British vky 4s ..... British ref 4s Belgium rest 5s ... Belgium prem 6 . German W. L, 5 ,. 7 8 : 57 ..... 49 30 67 26 ......845 330 S80 2rt 226 ..... 54 68 10 9 12 62 SI 41 59 28 5S 344 344 259 227 57 63 U Baker 16 3010.00'12'SE Cloudy Boise 18 3:0.OOjl2SE Cloudy Boston ...v- 36 52,0.00!l2 W Clear Calgary ...... 18 6 0.00.. E Clear ' Chicago .... 24 320.0l'l0 W Cloudy - Denver ..... 4 160.001. .E Snow Des Moines . 10 1210. 00. . NW PU cloudy Eureka .... 48 54;o.l2 14SE Rain Galveston .. 36 4S;0.00j..N Clear Helena 21 J6;o.O. . ISW Cloudy. Juneau 24t30.OO12 NB Clear Kansas City. 10 2o:o.oo16lNW Clear Los Angeles. 46 62o.oo..W Pt. cloudy Marshfield .. 301 54,0.24112:8 Rain Medford 35 40;0.12j38jSE Cloudy Minneapolis 8 14O.Ooil2iNW Cloudy New. Orleans. ... 4410.001 . . NW Cloudy ; New York... 40 52,0.00128 W Cloudy North Head. 42 48!0. 58,22 3 Cloudy Phoenix ... 32 580.0ol. . NW Pt. cloudy Pocatello ... 22 280.001.. SE Clear Portland.... 41 44 0.381. . NB Rain Roseburg... '3 520.12..SE Rain . Sacramento . 42 46.0.181.. SE Rain St Louis ... 20 240.00.. W Clear Salt Lake ... 24 46,O.00..E Clear San Diego .. 48 60,0.00 . . NW Pt. cloudy San Fran.... 44 50 0.44..B Rain Seattle 42 48 0.28 12 8E Rain Sitka 26 t42IO.OO. . Clear Spokane .... 28 38-0.00 . . SE Cloudy Tatoosh .... 14 46'0.58 20S Rain Tacoma 46:0.28 . . 8 Rain Walla Walla. 26 40'o.001. . S Cloudy Washington. 38 5410.00)20 NW Clear Winnipeg ... 0 2 0.00112 W Pt. cloudy Yakima . ,f 28( 34;0.24 Snow May uly January January May . . . January May Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 2x. Cotton Snot tjuici. jniuuiing jo.uuo. URGE ROAD IMPROVEMENT Committee Appointed to Keep In Touch With Work. ALB ANT, Or., Dee. 23. (Special.) committee consist Inn- of F. H, Pfelffer, chairman of the highway bureau of the Albany Chamber of Commerce; John R. Penland, county roaamaster of Linn county: S. M Garland of Lebanon, former state enator from Linn county: E. D. Cuslck, former state senator from Linn and Lane counties, and P. A. voung. .mayor-elect of Albany, has oeen named Dy the Albany Chamber of Commerce to keep in touch with the state highway commission and particularly to urge more road im provement in Linn county. The chamber understands that Linn county has received much less road work from the highway commisninn than many counties 'smaller in popu lation, territory ana property valua tion. This committee has been-In- structed to see that someone repre senting the Albany chamber attends each meeting of the highway com mission. Lm A. M. Ing day. today; tP. M. report of preced- FORECASTS. .Portland and vicinity Rain; southerly winds. Oregon and Washington Rain; fresh to strong southerly gales. - J&UWAtU) tm waWA, jaetaoreiegiM. LARGER EXHIBITION URGED Members- Want Livestock and Farm Products Included in Show. HERMISTON. Or.. Dec. 23 fKn. clal.) A meeting of those interested In the Hermiston dairy and hog show was held Tuesday at the public library. George H. Root, C. D. Jack son, 'I nomas Fraser, J. W. Campbell ana ueorge stronm were elected di rectors for next year. Many urged enlargement of the scope or the show to include exhlbi tion of all livestock and farm nrnrl ucts. x Heretofore the-, exhibit has oeen confined almost entirely to cat tle and hogs. A proposed agricul tural building, added to the present stock barns, will make possible these additional features. Brook Trout Traded for Lake Trout WALLA WALLA, Wash., Dec 23. (Special.) L. J. Esses, superintendent of the state game farm, has returned from a trip to Wisconsin and Illinois, where he went with L. H. Darwin, state game warden and fish commis sioner. They- took 5,000,000 brook trout fry east with them and traded them with Wisconsin officials for 3,uuu,ooo lake trout fry. Still Operators Are Fined. MARSHFIELD. Or., Dec. 23. (Spe cial.) Warren Murphy of North Bend and Ernest Anderson of Haynes inlet, enriched the county treasury today by the payment of 1250 each In fines when they pleaded guilty in Justice Joehrtk's court to operating a itiil on the Anderson ranch on Haynes inlet. Murphy wa assessed JO days in Jail a well but is out under sus pended sentence pending future ac tions. , 1 k 1 SHRINE CITY TO BE FOUND Imperial Potentate Will Select Place for 1921 Conclave. TACOMA, Wash., Dec 23. (Spe cial.) Selection of the city to be host for the 1921 imperial conclave of the Shrlners of North America will be made by Ellis Lewis Garretson of Tacoma, Imperial potentate, which will take him to the five cities under consideration. Mr. Garretson made that announce ment upon his return from California, where he was the guest of several tAmnles. f- Whether he will make the trip be fore or after the Pacific coast cere monial, on January S. in Tacoma. Mr. Garretson has not decided. Indian apolis, Des Moines, Savannah. El Paso and Lexington, Ky., are the contend ers for the next conclave. Atlantic City was chosen at the Portland con clave, but the selection was canceled because of " the extortionate hotel rates there and the fact that patrols and bands could not parade in the lobbies. COX BACKS STADIUM PLAN Governor Wants Tacoma Structure Duplicated In Dayton, Ohio. TACOMA. Wash., Dec 23. (Bpe ciaL) Governor James M. Cox of Ohio was so Impressed with the Ta coma stadium when he spoke there during his campaign for the presi dency that he has started1 a cam paign to build a similar structure In Dayton, O., his home city. Governor Cox Is planning to enlist the aid of Ohio newspaper publishers to procure for Dayton a replica of thb Tacoma starHum. Word of these pisns was received In Tacoma from J. P. Glass, editorial director of the News League of Ohio. Mr. Glass wrote that Governor Cox had directed him to get full details regarding the construction of the sta dium, its cost and other data. This will be supplied immediately. Fred erick Heath, architect, who designed the Tacoma structure, gave assist ance in compiling the data. BOSWELL MINE BOUGHT - Seattle ' Men Become Owners of Josephine County Property, GRANT'S PASS Or.. Deo. 23 M Norden and associates of Seattle have purchased the Boswell mine In Jose phine county for 1130,000. The mine Is one of the best' producers in the county and its new owners claim there is ore enough in sight to pay for the property. Operations will not h atarteri on the mine untill next spring, when a force of 15 men will be sent out to Improve it. The plans of the purchasers include Uie building of a cyanide p-lant. The mine was discovered six year ago by R. Boswell and his son, who worked the property alone, and in that time took out 346.000 in bullion. Irl 1918 the son died in France and th mine has been idle, although it as been under guard all the time. The mine figured in a daring robbery in 1918. when two men held up the op erators and secured $6000 In gold bars. 2 4 Ordered Out of City. WAT.T.A WALLA. Wash., Dec. 23. (Special.) With surplus of labor here, no work avallanie, ana many uo plclous characters seen on the streets, the police are ordering out of town men who have no visible means of support. Mayor Hill ana enret oi Police Roecker, following a confer- Anre. nrdered 24 men to leave yester day and today. There are between 200 ana ou uneiiipi" , ... Walla, many of them permanent resi dents with families. The question -of establishing a registration neaa quarters here will be brought before the commercial club next week in an endeavor to find work for local men. Mayor Hill announced that work on the citv waterworks would be started as early as possible to give employ meat to Walla wanans. Storm 'ot Expected, ASTORIA. Or., Dec. 23. (Special:) AH danger of a threatened storm here was believed to nave passea this afternoon, temporarily at least, when the wind shifted from the east to the south and the temperature rose Avnral degrees. southeast storm warnings were Issued this mornnlng, hut the storm has no reached nere and at 4 o'clock this afternoon me wind at North Head was blowing only at an 18 mile rate. Northwestern Municipals Exempt From Federal Income Ta City Bond 310,000 P r 1 n evllle, Oreroa, 194 Funding Bonds. $ 3,00 Wapato, Wash I n g ton. i Water Bonds. 314,000 Buhl. Idaho, t Fir Department Bond. Road Bond 210,000 Net Peree. Idaho. f Clear Water Highway District. $11,000 Power County. Idaho. II- C r y tal Highway District. $12,000 Twin h all County, Idaho. "J Kuhl Highway District. Special Assessment Bonds $12,000 City of Soda Spring. Idaho, local Imp. 7Tt bend. yielding Jtt. ....... .. $ 7,000 Vancouver, Wash, local imp. dist. 1S1. bonds, yielding 1. $ 1,000 KldgeXield, Waih., 1 gold bonds. Canadian Municipals Exempt From All Dominion Government Tax The Unsold Portion ( Gold Bonds MUNICIPALITY OF ASSINIBOIA Provlaee of Maaltoba Price 88.13; Yield 9 Dated December 1, 1920. Due December 2, 192S. Denomination If. 00. t General Obligation C?rM Note CITY OF EDMONTON Price - - 95.24 Yield . . . - 9 Dated Sept. 1, 1920. Due Sept. 1, 191'!. Denomination $1000. Principal and semi-annual Interent of the above Imiios parable In U. S. gold coin -in New York City or at the offices of Morris Brother. Inc., with the exception of Vancouver and Rlilgefleld isnur, which are payable at these places, respectively, or at Morris lirothrra. Inc. "Telephone or Telegraph Ordert at Our Expense" 6 Gold Bonds PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Price - - - - 90.75 Yield . 7Va Dated May L 191S. Due May 1, 1925. Denomination $1000. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Over a Quarter teatorr Tke Premier Mealclpal Road HaBae" PORTLAND. OIL MORRIS BLDG. 309-11 STARKBROADWAY 2151 Other Office t Feat tie, Tacoma, Will and San Francisco, Cal. Cltel On Mlllloa 3ellara SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES TAILOR GAINS SUPPORT kixo coevrr senator leads FOIt PRESIDENT PRO-TEM. Walla Walla Working for Bridge WALLA WALXiA. Wash.. Dec 23. fSnecial.) A mass meeting has been called for Tuesday evening, December 28, to discuss Walla Walla's part in the Paeco-KennewlcK bridge cam- nale-n. It is nlanned to maRe aquicg drive to raise Walla Walla's share of the money needed, several thousand dollars' worth of stock has been sold in the counity, much of It m isooo lots. High School Gives Play. STAYTON, Or., Dec 23. (Special.) The senior class of - the Stayton high school presented "Aaron Bogus, Freshman," to a crowded nouBe rn- day night, under the direction or miss Helen Moore, who has charge of dramatics In the high school. Music was furnished by the school orchestra of which Miss Wanda Brown is 01 rector. Professor of Chemistry Resigns. OREGO.V AGRICULTURAL COL- LEU-E. Corvallis. Deo. 13. (Special. Resignation of William Hodge, a- sistant professor or organic cnemis- trv at the college, has been an ounced. The university oi nem Virerlnla offered Professor Hodge a position with a material aavance in salary, as bead ot one or. me uivisiune of chemistry in the school of engin eering. Telephone Employes to Celebrate. MEDFORD. Or., Dec 23. (Special.) Th emDloyes of the Home Tele- nhone company here celebrated Christ mas last night with a big tree, en tertainment and refreshments. Em ployes of the Home company from Jacksonville. Gold Hill and Rogue River .and the Pacific company long distance in Medford were guesU. Interest In Oil Drilling Revives. MKDFORD. Or., Deo. 23. (Special.) The news that oil ha been struck in Klamath county has revived inter est In the drilling operations in this county. The Trlgonla company well near Medford is snowing indications that oil will be struck. Another well is being drilled in Sams valley by the Vulcan company. Broken Leg Again Broken. r ALBANY, Or., Dec. 23 (Special.) To be on crutches recovering from a broken leg and fall and break the limb again in the same place was th'J experience this week of Roy Kendal, a young man of Shed-d. The first break had not healed when the sec ond break occurred. Conference In Tacoma Reported Successful and Giving Assurance of Election In Senate. TACOMA, Wash., Dee. 23 (Spe cial.) With more than two-thirds of the member of the state senate In King county and eastern Washington already pledged to his support, there I little doubt that Howard D. Taylor. King county senator, will be presi dent pro-tem of the next body of the upper house at Olympla. Senator Taylor's friends have been In Pierce county during the last few days urg ing his candidacy. It Is reported that the conferences here have been suc cessful and If this is true Taylor i assured of election. It Is reported on good authority that Senator Taylor had 28 senators pledged to him last Saturday, This Is more than two thirds of the upper house and repre sents senators from all parts of the state. His friends say that the pledges will be made unanimous be fore the session opens. Senator Taylor has been speaker of the house twice and during the 1919 esslon, when Senator P. H. Carlyon succeeded Governor HarV as presid ing officer of the body, ha was mad president pro-tem. With Senator Taylor president pro tem of the senate. Representative E. II. Guie, speaker of the house and Lleutenant-tfovernor-elect Coyle, pre siding officer of the upper house. King county politicians are claiming a rather remarkable victory. Senator Ralph Metcalf of Tacoma was strong ly considered for president pro-tem of the senate up to a few days ago and the switch to Senator Taylor had It Inception In Seattle, say th poll ticlans. a charge of contributing to the de linquency of a minor. Th girl In the cane now I Mr. Kelsey, th two having been married In Seattle No vember (. Prior to leaving Hlm with the girl Kelsey wa employed at the tnte honnltnl fiirm. WANTED. CONTRACTS DIRECT FOR FIR AND CEDAR PILING AND POLES BY BRITISH COLUMBIA LOGGING COMPANY. BANK REFERENCES REQUIRED. 1001 TOWER BLDG., VANCOUVER, B. C. a FACTS WO. BnT MEDFORD1 .BONDS VALID Jackson County Clrco.lt Conrt typ hoids Irrigation District Vote. MEDFORD. Or, Dec. 23 (Special.) By a decree handed down In circuit court this week by Judge Calkins the validity of the Medford Irrigation dis trict bondn Is sustained In every par ticular. The dlstrct will appeal th decision to the state supreme court la a teat case. The Rogue River Canal company, which has the contraot for construct ing the sytem, will commence the TO miles of ditch work building March IS next with a force of 350 men, which will be Increased gradually to tOO men. The system will be completed by the fall of 191 and In operation by the spring of 1922. The construction work will cost close to 11,000.000. The canal company (tarted work lat spring on the project, which was halted when the supreme court de clared the bonds invalid. Another election was then held In conformity to the supreme court ruling, which carried almost unanimously. Local Service We have operated for over ten year In Portland a thoroughly euuioned laboratory. loi'Mtril nt Knt Salmon slid Wnlor street, where from 50 tn 1UU rumple dally are tested from all r-nrl of the northwest, and from which, a a center, a corpn of inspector and inclneer. whoe families live In 1'ortland. travel over th northwest far east as North Dakota, ami as far south n Arlxona. This local ervlce In connection with the construction u( our WARRENITE BITULITHIC Roads and Streets 1 TAVINO l.NSUKA-NCli. WARREV BROTHERS COMPACT. I Alleged Offender Sought. SALEX Or., Dec 23. (Special.) Chief of Police Welsh left her to night for Seattle In quest of R. E. Kelwey, who Is-wanted In Snlem on An Ideal Gift for Christmas -"a well-selected, high-grade bond." Send for our current list of offering. The National City Company Offices In mora than SO allies Portland Teon Bldg. Telephone Main 6072 LIBERTY BONDS REDEEMED AT PAR! Pollft wfTI redeem Liberty Bond of all Issue at par In exrhance for a suit or overcoat, returning the dlffrnc In cash to you. FOR RXAMP1.K A suit or ovrcoat lllng at ferry dollar give yott a baUnc of ten dollar In ch on a fifty -dollar bond, or a hundred dollar bond will glv you a balance of ten dol lar in eah nd flfly-dollar bond of th win Uu. POLITZ CLOTHES SHOP ernrr Wasklagtea aad Slmth. 7SAFETY f The on huge fortune niiltd. U er that dwarf all other source of wealth i Kl Ktt. Oir First Lien Mortgage. bd upon 60 of th nnlck ! value of real property form one of the mont substantial forms of lnvl mcnt known. Ask for booklet. Western Bond & Mortgage Company Mala 111 M reartfc ft. LIUBT. MeNr.n.L IrBBT. CHICAGO, Dividend No, A5 Dividend) ef FlITr CKNTD (to fm T altar on the capital sim-k of I.ihhr, VI'--Nelll Lit. by will te paid en Jnuarr 3. lucll, te tockholnr of record leeembr in. If 20. a anvwa oa the books e( the Company. On account ef annual meeting, transf book will be eloped from perembtr It, 1V20, to January iA. tnelnive. HAKKT Wll.I.IAMH. 8-rHry. 11IDKS, CAICARA BARK. PKLT, SULLIYAN HIDE & WOOL CO, 144 Pratt PORTLAND, OHUUO. Writ tor rrW m4 ships-lag Taata. WOOL, TALLOW. !.V. t . "1 t , t . i I- 6. a i W .. .--'-.