.' -. t THE MORNING : OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1920 tl MIIRIPPR m HWUC . , 'i IIIUIIUIIIL.II IU IIIUIW I jjj F Charge Purchases Remainder of Month Go on January Accounts Payable February 1, 1921 o i i. n i I I Merchandise Bonds If in doubt what to give buy an OWK Mer chandise Bond. Issued for any amount, re deemable at any time. Glove Orders gifts every woman appreciates. A satis factory way to solve the gift problem. For sale on the First Floor. oeruenue to oe impuseu un n- The Standard Store of the Northwest luesaay Atternoon. if. Olds, Wortman & King Reliable MerchandiseReliable Methods PENALTY IS AUTOMATIC OR KILLING PALMER ' V. --.'5 ... ;. sr . . -. - -. ! : .1 . .- 4 V 4 .- . - 'a f f - "5 V' ' : - -..--1 r ' -v.N Jo it's lailu ry's i: allure to itecommend Lite I Imprisonment Leases Judge No Alternative. Hasted Alvln Walters, 24-year-old cldier from Camp Lewis, must hang for the murder of Jerome Palmer, Portland police patrolman, who was shot and killed during a gun fight on the night of November 17. This was the decision of a circuit court jury which returned a verdict at 10:30 o'clock yesterday morning finding the young soldier guilty of Arst-de- gree murder. Under the new capital famish ment law, Walters must hang for the murder. Because of the absence of any recommendation for life im prisonment. Judge Tucker, before whom the case was tried, has no al ternative other than to sentence the soldier-murderer to pay the extreme penalty. Judge Tucker announced that the death sentence would be imposed at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. He al lowed the defense ten days in which to prepare an appeal for a new trial. Jury Debate Lons. The case was given to the jury at Sr25 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. but it was not until 9:30 o'clock yes terday morning that the jurors made any report to the court. At that time they filed before Judge Tucker and requested further Instructions relative to the length of premedita tion required in first-degree murder. After Judge Tucker had given further i Instructions on this point the jurors returned t othe jury room and an hour later returned with their ver dict. During the brief court formalities before the verdict was read Wal ters became extremely nervous and crouched in his seat as though terri fied. But when the verdict which will send him to the gallows was read In a low tone by the clerk, the young slayer showed no outward sign of emotion. It was the first time since th case first started that he ap peared to be entirely composed. -Degree of Guilt Argued. Unofficially, it was said that the jury from the outset was unanimous as to the guilt of Walters, but was disagreed as to whether it should be first or second-degree murder. Sev eral of the jurors were not certain that the murder of the policeman had been planned and executed with pre meditation and deliberation. On the night of November 17 Wal ters, in company with John Tillman, 17-year-old soldier compani. -i, held up and robbed four pedestrians on the streets of Portland. When accosted by a police posse of which Jerome Palmer, patrolman, was a member. Walters shot the officer through the heart in attempting to make an es cape. He was captured a few min utes later in the railroad yards near the union station with a bullet wound in Mb shoulder which had been in flicted by Patrolman Thorpe, Pai nter's companion on the manhunt. PrUon Record Vnearthed. From records received by District Attorney Evans from the federal pen itentiary at Leavenworth, Kan., it has been learned that Walters has served three terms in an Oklahoma I prison for larceny, grand larceny and turglary. These facts of his past criminal record were received by the prosecuting attorney too late to be used during the trial of the case. As Walter A. Husted he f rat served five years in the prison at Granite, Okla., for the stealing of domestic animals. This was in 1916. He was paroled, but later was sentenced to IS months in the same institution for grand larceny. Again he was sen tenced to one year for burglary, the j records showing he was sent up from El Reno, Okla. He is said to have been in prison during the war, and to have entered the army after hostilities overseas had been terminated with the ar mistice. TRUNK THIEF SENTENCED Maurice Goldberg to Serve Year for Larceny in Hotel. Maurice Goldberg, 27 years old. was sentenced to one year In the county jail by Municipal Judge Rossman yes terday when convicted on, a larceny charge involving the theft of a trunk from the Seward hotel. According to the testimony Gold berg, rooming at the Cornelius hotel, attempted to bribe a bellboy to con vey a trunk from the basement stor age room to his own apartment, claim ing ownership. Failing In this he went to the Seward hotel, entered the basement anil selected another trunk, ordering that it be conveyed to his room at the Cornelius. The arrest was made by Inspectors S wen nes and - Schulpius, after the trunk had been transferred to Gold berg's room. He resisted the officers and in a struggle with Inspector Schulpius was floord by the officer's fist. Austria has a law requiring every employer to retain as many workmen on his books as he had before the war. Merry Christmas! Christmas is a time when - we older folks think more of the pleasure wc give than 1 of what wc get ourselves. A Schilling & Company San Francisco DooMe Stamps GSST In All Depts Gift Sale of Sweaters Garment Salons, Second Floor An important Sale of Women's and Children's Sweaters will be held in the pi Garment S'cre today. Special lines se- substantial reductions. Sweaters are very appropriate for gift giving take advantage of this opportunity to save. Wool Sweaters $4.98 Women's and Misses' good quality Wool Sweaters in the popular sport styles with belts and pockets. Also tux edo models with tie sashes. Shown in an excellent assortment of the season's best colors and practically all OA QQ sizes. Gift Sale special at 0rvO v Women's Sweaters $7.98 Sweaters at $12.95 Second Floor High-grade Wool Sweaters for women and misses. Tuxedo, slip-on and coat styles. Plain and fancy weaves. Splendid assortment of wanted (If7 QQ colors. On special sale at D ' IO 1 ir Second Floor Women's Wool Sweaters in tuxedo, ripple and golf styles. Plain knit and fancy weaves. Excellent range of desirable colors and combinations. Spe- O Q(T cial in Gift Sale, only. Tuxedo Sweaters Only $14.98 Girls' Sweaters $3.98 Second Floor Women's fine grade Wool Sweaters in popular tuxedo style with fitted sleeves, belts and sashes. Plain and fancy (J-! A QQ weaves. All colors-; now 0-a.rr.tJ Second Floor Extra special offer ing in Children's Wool Sweaters, also a few in fiber. Slip-on and coat styles; belts and pockets. flQ QQ All colors. Gift Sale, at DO.70 Angora Scarfs $5 to $21 Second Floor One of these warm comfy Scarfs would be most appro priate for her Christmas gift. Plain styles, or with belts and pockets. Solid colors, plaids and stripes. Some are trimmed with fringe. Prices range $5.00 to $21.00 Wool Tarns $1.98 to $3.98 Second Floor Women's and Chil dren's Wool Tarns. Crocheted, knitted, and plain felt with novelty trimmings. Very smart worn with sport sweater. Good range of wanted colors $1.08 to $3.98 ASK FOE S. & H. STAMPS. Sale of Dolls ! Entire Stock Reduced Choose any Doll in the house Friday at a special low price. Make some little girl happy by giving her a new Doll for Christmas. . Dressed and Undressed Dolls in all sizes and grades on sale at splendid savings. $1.25 Dolls at 98c ; $15.00 Dolls $11.25 All $2.00 Dolls OQ priced special OX.OO All$2.50Dolls (P-l Qr priced special DX.Oi aii $2.75 Doiis (po nr priced special tD.Uti All $3.50 Dolls fl0 ro priced special D.t)0 All $4.00 Dolls PO QQ priced special ) O All $5.00 Dolls QO fJQ priced special 50.U All $6.00 Dolls &A nr priced special I tl All $7.50 Dolls QJT no priced special DO.UO $18 -$30 Hats $9.50 Gift Sale of beautiful Trimmed Hats at less than half price. Many smart fur-trimmed Hats in the offer ing; also high-grade Velvet Hats, Duvetyn Hats and Satin and Celo phane combinations. Hats (PQ (TQ formerly priced to $30 at DOll ALL $32.50 TO $45 WINTER HATS NOW AT HALF TRICE. Ribbon Novelties y4 to y2 off Main Floor A special assortment of Ribbon Novelties offered for quirk clearaway at U to ,i off regular prices. Dainty articles suitable for gift giving. Made up In bout grade ribbon. SHOP IN THE MORNING. Sale of Xmas Slippers HALF PRICE WOMEN'S SLIPPERS of first grade felt. Trimmed with pompon and white cord. Beautiful slippers. Lilac, fawn, old rose and 0t OQ dark blue. $2.75 values 0i-.OO MEN'S Felt Everetts in gray, green and brown. Regu- fl?"l QQ lar values to $2.50 now vJLVO HEADQUARTERS for Men's and Women's Gift Slippers. Come in and let us show you the many dif ferent styles. Slippers may be ex changed for size after Christmas. YOUTHS and BOYS' Everett and Romeo Slippers of soft brown leather with turned soles. Little men's size 10 to boys' size 5. "Just like Dad's." Regular $3.48 and $3.69 Slippers $1.74 and $1.85 CHILDREN'S Felt House Slippers in maroon, light blue, royal blue and pink. Scalloped edges and picture on vamp. All sizes from Infants' size 5 to Misses' size 2. Regular $1.90 and $2.00 Slippers 950 and $1 We give S. & H. Green Stairns. I IBoys' $18.50 prt Suits Imitation Ivory V40ff This includes our, entire line of Imitation Ivory with the exception of Pyralin and Du Barry. 1st Floor. Clocks on sale $3.75 to $11.25 Cream, Salve Boxes 270 to $2.25 Kerchief Boxes $7.50 to $11.25 Glove Boxes at $6.38 to $13.13 Cuticle Articles at 270 to $1.13 Perfume Bottles at 370 to $7.50 Hair Brushes $1.88 to $15.00 Dressing Combs 270 to $1.88 Puff Boxes at 380 to $4.88 Hair Receivers at 380 to $4.88 -Jewel Boxes at $1.13 to $6.75 Pin Cushions at $2.63 to $6.00 Bud Vases at $1.88 to $5.00 Trays on sale at 190 to $7.50 Picture Frames at 190 to $4.50 Bonnet Brushes $1.88 to $2.44 $12.45 i " Main Floor Parents will do well to take advantage of this wonderful sale. Suits from our own regular stock. Shown in grays and browns. Two pairs of full-lined pants with each suit. Ages 8 P" O A (T to 15. Regular $18.50 Suits at DJ-.4:cI Boys' Mackinaws at $12.45 Main Floor Odd lot of Boys' High-grade Mackinaw Coats at about half price to close them out quickly. Plain colors and fancy plaids. Large convertible collars and taped seams. Regular $20.00 a n d (PI O A r $25.00 grades, priced special at A.dU Bath Robes Reduced Main Floor Boys' Bath Robes of good heavy blanket material on sale at reduced prices. Attractive patterns. Ages 4 to 16. . $5.00 Robes $3.95 I Boys $8.50 Bath $7.50 Robes $5.95 Robes on sale $6.95 Boys' Sweaters at Price Slip-Over and Kuttneck styles Boys' $10 Wool Sweat-dr AA s on special sale at Dt.UU Main Floor 250 Boys' Sweaters m a great Holiday Sale at just half price. Latest styles and colors. Boys' regular $8.50 flJ r Sweaters, priced special vJ'tf ers Boys $12.50 Wool P? OF Rwpaters. nrinpf? snpfial DJ dtJ Boys' $13.50 Sweaters at $6.75 Women's Silk Scarfs $8.95 Main Floor Scarfs in this special offering selling heretofore up to $15.00. We have but a limited number of these left and in order to clean up the stock we have cut the price to the lowest level of the season. Good assortment of desir able colors. Fringed ends. Very suitable for Xmas gifts. flQ Qr Values to $15.00. Special 0O,iJO Gift Sale Leather Goods Prices Reduced 25 Leather Purses Va Off Main F 1 o o r Back and Top-strap Leather Purses in all the newest styles and sizes on sale today at M OFF. -Regular $ 3.50 Purses only $ 2.63 Regular $10.00 Purses only $ 7.50 Regular $25.00 Purses only $18.75 Regular $50.00 Purses only $37.50 Our entire stock of Women's Leather Handbags, Purses, Boston Bagu, Travel ing Cases, Fitallt;, Canteen and Vanity Boxes, Manicure Sets, Collar Bags, Bill Folds, Card Cases, Pass Canon, Coin Purses, etc. our regular stock on sala today at U OFF REGULAR TRICES. Leather Bags y4 off Regular $ 3.00 Bagi, rpciial $ 2.25 Regular $12.50 Bugn, special $ n.'.lH Regular $20.00 Bags, special $15.00 Regular $35.00 Bags, hpcciul SK20.25 Regular $50.00 Bag, (.pecial $37.50 Hand-Tooled Bags and Purses Beautiful Hand-tooled Bags and Purses in latent styleti and frhapes. Very suitable for gift giving. Note prices : Regular $13.50 Bags now I O.l 3 Regular $35.00 Bags now $26.25 Regular $50.00 Bags now $37.50 All Hand-tooled Bags now at ' off. All Boston Bags At y4 off Main Floor Unrestricted choice of our entire stock of Boston Bags at 25 off regular selling prices. Why not one of these for that Christmas gift 7 $5.00 Bags at $3.75 I $(3.00 Bags at $4.50 $5.50 Bags at $4.13 $10.00 Bags at $7.50 f A I FOR A MAN'S CHRISTMAS Practical, Useful Gifts That Are Sure to Please Men's Store Main Floor "Last Day" Sale of Gift Handkerchiefs Main floor Thousandsof Women's Christmas Handkerchiefs specially priced for today's selling. If you have not as yet bought your gift Kerchiefs do so ' at once and reap the benefit of savings. S. & H. Green Trad.ing Stamps given with purchases. $1.00 Madeira Handkerchiefs Special at 79c Main Floor Women's real Madeira pure Linen Handkerchiefs with beautiful hand-embroidery work. Good assortment of pretty designs. Regular H(n $1.00 Handkerchiefs. Priced special, each . 40c, 50c Kerchiefs 35c Main Floor Imitation Madeira Handkerchiefs of fine sheer material. Well-worked designs, some in Appenzell patterns. These are from our regular 40c and 50c lines. Priced special at 35c Sale of Boxed Handkerchiefs 59c, 75c, $1.00, $1.59 BOX OF 3 Women's Handker chiefs with neat one-corner em broidery designs. Regular KQ, 75c values. Special, a box BOX OF S Women's Handker chiefs of fine sheer mate- '7P rial. 85c and 95c values at tfJ -BOX OF 3 Women's Handker chiefs with dainty one-corner em broidery. Regular $1.25 P1 AA to $1.50 values. Special wJl.VU BOX OF 3 Women's Handker chiefs in attractive one-corner de signs. Values to $2.00 at $1.59 For Baby's Xmas! Rattles in many different styles and sizes priced 50 up to $1.25 Bootees priced S5f up to $1.75 Knit Sacques in assorted styles and colors $1.98 up to $3.50 Cashmere Sacques $1.50-$4.98 Cashmere Wrappers in several styles $3.50, $4.50 to $11.25 Hand-made Dresses of fine sheer material $3.25, $3.98 to $11 M.J.B. Coffee 1-Pound Tins 4S 3-Pound Tins $1.40 ' 5-Pound Tins $2.25 M. J. B. Cof fee is always uniform in qual ity and is vac uum packed in air-tight tins to preserve its freshness and aroma.. 45 a pound if you buy it in the five-pound tins. Men's Neckwear $1 to $6 Main Floor No man ever has too many Ties. Make your selections at this store where all the newest patterns are to be had. Large selection of Gift Neckwear ranging 'in price $1 to $6 Men's Knitted Ties $2.50 to $6.00 Men's Dress Gloves $3.00 to $7.50 Wool-lined Gloves at $6.50, $7.50 Men's Pajamas M en's Jap anese Silk Pa jamas in the very latest col ors. Made of extra, heavy grade silk. Fine for gift giving. Prices range $17.50 to $25 Outing Flan nel Pajamas in neat striped patterns. $7.50-$ 18.50 Men's 75c Hose 6 Pairs $2.75 Main Floor Men's Mercerized Lisle Hose with double heel, sole and toe. Black, white, navy and cor I0 Wf? dovan. 75c values. Box of 6 I O Gift Sale Hats and Caps Choose any Man's Soft or Stiff Hat in our splendid stock and deduct 30 from the regular price. Shop early.; All Men's Caps at 25 reduction. Sale of Men's Sweaters at HALF PRICE ' Men's $5.00 Sweaters on special sale today at 5nly Men's $6.00 Sweaters on special sale today at only Men's $6.50 Sweaters on special sale today at only Men's $8.50 Sweaters on special sale today at only $2.50 S3.00 S3.75 S4.25 Men's $11, special sale Men's $15, special sale Men's $16, special sale Men's $17. special sale ,00 Sweaters on toduy at only ,00 Sweaters on today at only 50 Sweaters on today at only 50 Sweaters on today at only $5.50 $7.50 $8.25 $8.75 Bath Robes and House Coats OFF Main Floor All Men's Bath Robes and House Coats 25 off. Get him one of these good serviceable garments for Christmas. Very newest styles and colors. Good range of sizes in the assortment, Sale Prices $8.63 Men's $11.50 House . Coats Men's $13.50 flJQ QQ House Coats tD.OO Men s $15 JJ" " OK HouseCoats DA-Lt Men's $8.50 OC QQ Bath Robes DU.OO $7.50 S9.38 Men's $10.00 Bath Robes Men's $12.50 Bath Robes Mens $15 P1 1 OC Bath Robes D-L1J Men's $20 fljt K AA Bath Robes We Give S.&H. Stamps l.r "... I . If k i 'f t" f. i t .