Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 22, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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Military, Police Ambushed
I. Three Places.
Inhabitants of Countryside
; . Terror Fleo From Hones.
Peace Far Off.
VUBUnf, Dec 11. (By the Associ
ated Press.) Heavy fighting has tak
ea place between large forces
civilians on one side and soldiers and
police on the other, in the section
lyina- between Callan. County Kil
kenny, and Glenbower, County Tip-
The military and police were am'
bushed at not less than three differ
ent places yesterday and numerous
casualties resulted on both sides.
These Included Serpeant Walsh. R.
C, killed: some soldiers, number un
known, killed: 10 or 15 civilians killed
and Sergeant Shannon and several
soldiers wounded. About 30 civilians
were wounded or captured.
- One Soldier Wounded.
'An official communication issued by
general headquarters tonight, estimat
ed the casualties among the attack'
ins- forces at 16 and elves the military
casualties as one private severely
wounded. No police casualties are
mentioned. The statement says that
the details are still in doubt and that
no information has yet been received
regarding the ambush of police rein
forcements from Clonmel.
Inhabitants of the countryside are
in." 'a state of terror and many
ileelng from their homes.
Ambnakera Escape Unscathed.
The first conflict occurred early In
the diay at the foot of Selvenamom
hill. After a sharp fight, the mili
tary lorry got through and sent
message to Callan for reinforcements.
In i this instance it is believed the
ambushers escaped unscathed.
Reinforcements of Royal Irish con
stabulary and soldiers left Callan late
in the afternoon and when about two
miles out ran into another ambush
near Carrlckg-ricken, fho earl of
Ossery's shooting lodge. At the first
volley from the ambushing party the
soldiers and police dismounted from
the lorry and spread out and a brisk
fight ensued, the firing being intense
at times.
Lorry Target for Ballet Hall.
The fighting was still In progress
when County Inspector Why'te of Kil
kenny with a dozen men of the con
stabulary dashed up on another lorry,
running into the thick of it. It was
now becoming dark and the police
lorry was subjected to a veritable hail
of bullets. If was riddled and Ser
geant Walsh was shot through the
head, dying instantly.
Shannon received wounds in the head
and arms. The battle was very fierce.
Pistrict Inspector Baynham had a
narrow escape, his rifle being shat
tered in his hand.
At about the same time reinforce
ments from Clonmel were attacked
near Glen Bower, where the biggest
battle of the day occurred.
Peace Far Off.
-The Intermediaries seeking to es
tablish preliminaries of peace con
tinue reticent, refusing to say wheth
er any actual progress toward a set
tlement has been made.
Replying from Roscommon to as in
quiry of the Associated Press three
days ago whether a meeting of the Eireann was contemplated to
consider peace, Father O'Flanagan,
vCce-presldent of the Sinn Fein, who
has had considerable correspondence
with Premier Lloyd George on the
irisn situation, says:
"I know of no prosress toward
Dall Eirea,nn meeting."
James K. Hassertr Pleads Guilty
'to Sending Fraudulent Ad
v 'vertlsinjr Through Mail.
James E. Haggerty, Inventor of the
"Little Wonder" oil stove, will 'serve
six months in the county Jail for ex
tolling the virtues of his invention to
a point outside of the boundaries set
by the government as the limits for
legitimate advertising.
Sentence was passed on Haggerty
yesterday by Federal Judge Bean,
after he pleaded guilty to sending
fraudulent advertising matter through
the United States mails. The oil
stove, according to printed circulars
distributed by Haggerty, would give
forth the same heat for 42 gallons of
crude oil at S cents a gallon-as that
generated by a ton of coal burning in
a furnace.
Haggerty maintained that the ad
vertising agency which prepared .the
circulars was at ' fault. .
According to his counsel, Haggerty
served with tne Rough Riders under
Colonel Roosevelt during the Spanish
American war, and lost -two sens in
the world war. He organized and op
erated the United 'States Crude Oil
& Water Burner company with offices
at 122 East Clay street, for the pur
pose of marketing his invention.
An Indictment against him was re
turned October 21, but he was brought
back to Portland only recently from
Springfield, Mo., where he is reported
to have served a 60-day sentence for
impersonating a federal geologist.
400 SalesmensWill Make Drive In
Downtown District Today
Asking Subscriptions.
Four hundred salesmen will drop
their accustomed duties today and
make a concerted selling drive on the
downtown district. All will deal in
the same commodity, the privilege of
saving the lives of starving children
at 110 per child. The European relief
coancil has mobilized them.
The special plea of the salesmen
will be . that every family in Port
land should invite at least on "little
invisible guest" to Christmas dinner,
the invitation carrying the assurance
that the little war waif so enter
tained will have food enough to carry
him safely through the winter. Ten
dollars will literally save a life, as.
this sum, together with $20 added to'
i f K I. T.' , . .. . .. .., In'
... " J v'O uuiuicau fc u . ii iiiL.i ...
transportation, labor, rent, light, etc.,
will actually mean $30. enough to
provide an overcoat, a pair of woolen
stockings and nourishing food to ward
off starvation until . crops can be
grown in the spring.
Two more checks for 11000 each
were received at headquarters yes
terday, coming from W. J. Burns and
the Balfour-Guthrie company. H. E.
Noble, now In San Francisco, sent his
check for $100 from San Francisco.
Many contributions of from $1 to $50
were received through the mails or
by Chairman Strong, in charge of
headquarters, 622 Selling building.
Mtl W r? AlvtrH n rwl BAVnral hlin
dred women worker, under her
icauci oiiii ai q hi a mug yicfiaiciuuua
for their campaign, which will be
the feature of next week, and reports
from many churches, fraternal orders
and other organizations indicate that
substantial additions to the quota may
be expected from this source.
Deschutes county has raised its
entire quota, according to word re
ceived yesterday by Robert, E.- Smith,
out-state director. Bend subscribed
$1750 out of the county's quota of
Slarshfield and North Bend have
both exceeded their quotas.
Brother of V. S. Marshal Here and
Son of Secretary of Department
of Commerce Loses Life.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 21. Walter R.
Alexander, son of Secretary Alexan
der of the department of commerce,
was killed instantly today at Boiling
I.tontenant W. R- Alexander,
who lost his life In accident In
eld here by the propeller of an air
plane in which he was preparing to
make a flight, which struck him on
the head.
The commerce secretary's son was
commissioned officer in the air
service during the war andj had gone
to the aviation field today to mane
flight to keep in training. -
Mr. Alexander, who was 28 years
age, had been connected with the
hipping board and had recently re-
urned from a trip to .Europe on gov
ernment business.
Lieutenant Walter R. Alexander
as a brother of United States Mar
shal Alexander of FortlandVand son
f Secretary Alexander of the depart
ment of commerce. He had just rr
urned from a trip through the Medi-
ranean countries and the marshal
did not know until he learned of the
death that the aviator was back in
The aviator was known in Portland
as he had visited here in 1916. He
was 28 years of age and unmarried.
Before the war,. while his father war
chairman of the merchant marine
committee, his son acted as a clerk
for this department. He enlisted in
the aviation service early In the war
and was stationed in Texas, Oklahoma
and New Jersey training camps.
After the armistice, as he had been
an attorney, he joined the law staff
of the United States shipping board
and specialized in the reorganization
act passed by .the. last congress. In
recognition of services . rendered in
this branch of his work, his- salary
was increased and he was sent to
Europe to make a study of conditions
on the Mediterranean, sea for the
Marshal Alexander last Wednesday
received a postal card from his
brother from Italy and had thought
him still in that country until news
of his death came. The last time the
two had met was a year ago in Wash
ington.. Two brothers, three sisters
and his father survive the lieutenant
Braiding embroidery hemstitching.
Booth's MnrrKD bldr Adv
TX??1I - .
J Christmas G
Market of Year. Ago fs Com
pared With December.
Retailers ,IecIare .AcXnal Average
Redaction Is From 30 to
33 Per Cent.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec 21. (Spe
cial.) Food how costs approximately
one-third less in Seattle than it did a
year ago.
One Seattle housewife, who keeps a
record of the family living expenses
and hnvn rnrefiiilv. has prepared
statement showing that the prices of
20 staple articles of food are about it
per cent lower now than they were
in December. 1919. This statement
shows that these 20 articles cost
S25.21 in December. 1919. while in De
cember, 1920, about the middle of the
month, the cost was only iis.js snow,
in a decrease in price of $9.88.
A number of Seattle dealers, snown
the figures today, said they indicate
close and careful buying, but in gen
eral are representee of price reduc
tiona that have gradually taken place
in the last 12 months.
Wide Rans-e la CHed.i
They called attention to the- fact
that there is a wide range between
hiKh and low retail prices today. Just
as there was In 1919, and that to show
correctly the difference in prices,
both high and low figures for the two
periods should be shown, and that the
actual average reduction for the 12
months is about 30 to 33 per cent.
Investigation among Seattle mar
kets and retail stores and a com
parison with high and low prices in
December, 1919, shows the following:
Dec. 20,1920. Dec. 20, 191
'Low. Hig-a. Liaw. men
9urar, z tbs .i
mcuc, quart iv
Bread. loaf.
Porterhouse steak,
2 tts. TO
.00 1.00 1.20
Round steak, 2
l'b 50
Boiling- beef, 2 Bis. .25
Pork chops. 2 lbs. .50
Mutton chops, 2
RxfL 70 I.OO
.90 1.T0
.60 n.T5
Bacon, siloed, best.
1 I'D
Ham, sliced, best.
1 to
' 70
Ham, whole, lb...
Hnjm onrvkfrd.' -Th..
Leaf lard 2214
Potatoes. ltto-ro.
sack 1.80
8 00
2. SO
Flour. 49-lb. sack 2.7S
Graham 'flour, 10-
K. acK oa
Kin? salmon.
steak. 2 rbs. ...
Halibut steak, 2
English breakfast
I Mocha and Java.
Apples 1.25
Total $11.02 $18.09 $1639 $
Market Stalls Represented.
Taking.the lowest prices today and
the lowest prices for the same arti
cles in December. 1919, as shown by
the- foregoing figures, a decrease of
$5.87 or about 32 percent, is indicated.
The between the highest
prices today and the highest prices
of the same articles in December,
1919, Is $9.09, or a'bout 83 per cent.
These figures represent tne prices
in the public market stalls, the neigh.
borhood groceries and the better class
of downtown stores. A public marKel
meat stall today advertised round
steak for 20 cents a pound. At others
the Drlce was 25 cents, while a lead
ing downtown meat marKet soiu
round steak for 35 cents. The places
in December, 1919, sold round steak
for 35 and 60 cents a pound.
The difference In the price Of sugar
is due to the fact that the stalls in
some of tne puouc marxets are seu
ing sugar at 9 cents a pound, while
some other stores charge 10' cents.
Prices of Milk Vary.
Milk Is 2 cents a quart less than it
was in December, 1919. At milk depots
and grocery stores it is sold for Id
cents a quart and 13 cents when a
livered on a regular milk route, com
pared" to 12 and 15 cents in. Decern
ber. 1919. . ' -
The price of pork and mutton chops
depends on whether the chop is cu
from the loin or rib and whether the
animal was prime or just fairly good
The price of $1.90 a sack quoted on
potatoes is If or home grown: stock.
Yakima gems are $3 a sack. A year
ago local potatoes cost $3.50 and
Yakima gems $6.50. Apples of the
quality now selling for $1.25 and $2.50
a box brought $2.50 and 4.bu a year
Meat Middleman Opposed.
DENVER, Colo., Dec. 21. A sugges.
tion that the meat packers of this
country sell meat direct to the public
in an effort to eliminate the middle
man's profit was made by A. E. De
Ricqles, president of the American
l ILK 1
Livestock & Lean company in - an
address today to the Colorado cattle
growers' association. -
(Continued From First Page.)
proposed, the witness said, ought to
add approximately $350,000,000 to the
import revenues, making that source
yield nearly $700,000,000 anihially. .
. Under, the. .revised Income surtax
schedule proposed, - Mr. Kahn esti
mated the government would derive
between .i850.uu6.000 and $1,000,400,
000.- Questioned as to rates tor too
reduced ..surtax,.. Mr. Kahn. said that
present surtax rates were driving
rich investors to place their1 monej
..; . ...Senate,... .J- '. ' '
No session of the senate was
held, its members enjoying the
first installment of the holiday
Hearings were given by the
.Judiciary committee to Samuel
Gompers and others advocating
amnesty for political prisoners.
It was determined by the im
v migration committee that no
haste is essential in enacting
legislation for the exclusion of
aliens and hearings on the sub
ject will begin January 3.
The Calder committee opened
its-inquiry into the Shortage of
coal, the alleged fixing of prices '
and profiteering among oper-'
" Boose. '
The house voted to dispense
with all other business or to
morrow in order to debate and
pass emergency legislation plac
ing a high protective tariff on
agricultural products. Repre-
. sentativeLongworth,republican,
Ohio, in a speech advocating
the protectio of home Indus-,
tries, criticised the senate- for
the delay of the dyestuffs bill.
Otto Kahn, New York banker,
advocated before the ways and
means committee a tax of one
third of 1 per cent on gross
sales and recommended the re
vision of all tax laws.- Repre
sentative Brooks, republican,
Illinois, Introduced a resolution
empowering the president to
call an International conference
here to -discuss disarmament.
in tax-exempt securites most of which
he declared were sold on a- basis to
yield 5ft percent. ..
Excise Tax Changes Wanted.
It was; therefore, his belief, he said.
that by fixing the surtax charge at or
near 83 1-3 per cent as a maximum.
the treasury would . receive as great
a yield if not greater than under the
present tax.
To complete his programme of re
vision, Mr. Kahn urged changes in
certain of the internal and excise
taxes, by increasing some and reduc
ing others, but collectively so ar
ranged as to produce . annually ap
proximately $1,000,000,000.
Mr. Kahn told the committee he saw
no economic objection to a tax on un.
distributed corporation profits. He
added that income surtaxes should be
continued as an economic and sociai
principle and that the taxation of cor
poration profits, whether divided or
undivided, was closely akin to income
Joint Club Meeting Called.
, OREGON CITY, Or., Dec 2. (Spe
cial.) A mass meeting will be held
at Mount Pleasant Thursday evening
of the combined membership of the
Hill Improvement club and the Mount
Pleasant Community club for he pur
pose of joining. the. two organisations
into one body. The object will be to
obtain water for 'the Mount Pleasant
district from the pipelines of Oregon
, , ' I . I '
'.mmmmM '
mmsx i L Ji-r J vsz user. tssssfk-toi kr VBri i
saim . iri&UMiisi&rd) raw -
r iiHa- - . ... wm - immmi
I I IBi--1MV nV . - -g -nS nV . V sav f a vww tin I - i s I M
I f?iXti -' (. i f mi v . a ',.. toks l it aiioras
: :' 1
i B. ' 310-312 Washington Street, 8 1
I - V Bet. Fifth and Sixth. IS ' -
Total Cannot Yet Be Closely Esti-mated-City
Poshing Campaigns.
"Although Christmas eve, now only
three days away,, will mark the close
of the annual sale of Christmas-Red
Cross seals for 1920. I .cannot esti
mate closely the returns.' However,
I feel sure that they will be larger
than ever . beforei". said Mrs Sadie
Orr Dunbar, executive secretary of
the Oregon .Tuberculosis" association
yesterday, r .. . -..
"The cause of this uncertainty is
the fact that our Initial shipments ef
i seats to couniy, city . ana bohuui
agents was larger this year than
ever, hence the usual reorders have
' not come inl and until the final re
turns we will not know Just how
the sale has gone. We have some ex
tremely encouraging reports. . For
instance, Dallas, Stayton and St. Hel
ens went over the top the day the
sale opened.
The Portland mall sale, embracing
returns from letters containing from
$2 to $10 worth of seals, has passed
the $11,000 mark. The sale in down
town booths through the women
clubs of the city has brought in more
than $36,000. Practically no returns
have been received from the rural
schools or from Portland schools.
The booths sale Tuesday conducted
by the" Portland Women's Research
club and the Ladies' auxiliary to the
Greeters netted $156.83. -Today the
booth sale Is beinsr handled bv the
Multnomah county W. C.T.'U., the
Woman's. New Thought club, the
Women of Rotary and the House
wives' council.
It. B. Anderson Convicted of Pass-
" Ing Worthless" Checks.
L. B. Anderson drew a sentence of
$0 days in Jail' in Judge Rossman's
court yesterday after he was con
victed of passing worthless checks in
payment for a phonograph which he
bought on the installment plan from
a local music house.
- When he first took the machine An
derson succeeded in securing $15 in
addition to the first payment when he
tendered a worthless check. Soon
after he brought the machine back to
exchange for another and gave an
other bad check. He had forgotten
how he spelled the forged name on the
first one, however, and the difference
proved his undoing.
Ah Fong, Chinese, arrested recently
for having cocaine in his possession.
was sentenced to 60 days In Jail.
Samples of the drug had been found
upon him. ,
V -
Case May Go to Federal Court Jury
Before Jfoon.
Final arguments in the case of the
government against the Oregon Port
land Cement, company of Oswego are
expected to be completed this morn
ing and the case may be in the hands
of the Jury by noon.
Officers of the company yesterda.v
took the witness stand in their owp
defense. They asserted that an acute
car shortage prevented their filling,
orders outside of a certain territory.
Contractors testified that prices of
cement were cheaper after the Oregon
concern entered the field.
"iNegTO Weds White Girl.
" VANCOUVER, Wash..' Dec. Si.
("Special.) Joseph Ledine, a negro,
pieces of
satisfying .
San Francisco
ask your
: sweetheart,
she knows
v Sold in Portland by
Northwestern Bank Bldg.
and Selling Building -
"You'U have to hurry'
89 rears old. and Nono Kennedy,
white, 22 years old, ' were married I
here today. The witness was Betty
Kennedy, a sister ot the bride. .All
were from Portland.
Senator Jones of Washington Will
Aid Maraschino Industry.
Aid in procuring an adequate tariff
to protect the fruit industry of the
country from competition is pledged
by W. L. Jones, United States senator
from Washington, in a letter receiveo
by W. H. Paulhamus of Puyallup,
The letter was in reply to one
urging the protection of the maras
chino cherry industry of this section
from competition with the cheaper
Italian cherrv. - I
Senator Jones explains that tariff!
measures originate in the house and
the ways and means committee will
hold hearings on the matter. He urges
that someone familiar with the maras
chino cherry situation appear before
that committee.
Portjand Relief Contributions Are!
Received In Ireland.
Funds telegraphed from this city
to Eamonn de Valera for distribution
among the suffering people of Ire
land formed the first contribution to
that relief, according to advices re
ceived by the Irish relief campaign
committee for Oregon.
The campaign for raising money
for the Irish relief fund will be for
mally opened at a meeting In Hiber
nia hall tonight. There will be ad
dresses by Rev. J. M. O'Farrell, John
R. Murphy and others.
Musical numbers will be given By
Eleanor Lillis, Ted Coegrove and
Miss Madigan. 'I
8. & H. green
stamps ror cash.
Bolman'-Fuel Co.
Main 353. 560-21.1
See that the Liebes Nanie
Silk Underwear
is the best hurried or
' ' late gift selection
Special Assortments
Specially Priced
Large assortment of Envelope
Silk Gowns, Teddys and Bloom
ers at ,
Silk Camisoles, lace trimmed or
Knit Silli Vests, in flesh tints,
Knit Silk Bloomers, flesh color,'
Knit Silk Envelopes and Union
Suits for ,..,.............
A host of other Silken Dainties
. to gladden the feminine heart
Give a Silk Petticoat
Ever useful to woman and miss special
, gift groups at $3.95, $6.95, $9.85.
Silk Sweaters Are Good Gifts
Group of handsome sty les now con Cft
reduced to ......M....... ...... V.OU
Liebes Gift Bonds
Save time in selections and assure
satisfactory and judicious choosing
Your shopping is a pleasure here, away
from the mad rush of late Christmas shop
pers. Confusion does not interfere with a
wise selection at this woman's shop.
Open evenings this week until 6 o'clock
for a lady are incomparable.
is now in progress' at our store.
Our selection of flowering: and decorative
plants maintain! our reputation for supply
ing flower lovers with the finest the xaarke
Free City DeDvery
Clarke Bros., Florists
Between Fourth and Fifth Sts.
Phone Your WANT ADS to
Main 7070 THE 0REG0NIAN A 560-95
is on the box you send
No Branch Stores