' ' '. 4 - ' e 12 TTTE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1920 v,''5 10 VESSELS HERE FOR GRAIN CARGOES loads to Be Taken on for United Kingdom. ; iTHREE STEAMERS IN PORT Otavi, French Boat, En Route to Portland From Norfolk, Due in Soon. Two grain carriers which will take out several thousand tons 01 wmu got into Portland harbor yesterday and, as soon as tney can oe hum "u put into shape. wi- begin loading. Tht-v are the Dutch steamer Eiber- ron of 2974 tons which is to load here for the Northern Grain & Warehouse company, and the shipping Doara steamer Quillwark of 4445 tons which is to take a cargo for Kerr, Gifford & Co. Both steamers are to clear from this port for the United King dom. The Quillwark got Into the river at midnight Saturday nlfcht and left up yesterday afternoon at 2:30 from As toria. She is to begin loading at the Globe Mills. The Quillwark has been operating in the service of the Colum bia Pacific Shipping company and she came from San Francisco to this port. The steamer Eibergen got into tne river Saturday and reached Portland harbor yesterday afternoon. She docked at the North Bank dock pre paratory to starting her load. The Eibcrsen is a sister slip of the Kelbergen jvhich is booked to come to this port for a load of ties. She has not yet left Rotterdam, however. Tnis is the third Dutch steamer which has visited this port this month, two others having come here previ ously to take out grain and cereal. The first was the steamer Mocrdyke which took on wheat and flour here. She was followed by the steamer Arakan which took out a load of wheat. The arrival of the two grain eteam ers yesterday raised the number of grain steamers in the river to three, The steamer Orca had previously been the only one in the river. She i loading 13,000 tons of grain at Astoria, The French steamer Otavi which also a member of the Portland grain fleet is now en route here from Nor folk. She left the Atlantic port on December 13 and will load here for the Pacific Gram company. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., Dee. 19. (Special.) After discharging- a small ship xnent of copper ore from Mexico, th steamer Providencia arrived here this morning to clear for Vancouver, where she will take a shipment of fire brick to be used in the construction of a furnace on mining property near Santa Rosalia and also a deck load of cedar poles. The Ames Shipbuilding' A Drydock com pany's plant, which was the most com. plete steel shipbuilding plant in the north west, la to be dismantled, as the material equipment and buildings of the property have been sold to the Seattle Contract company, which was the highest bidder. The plant was built in 1916. During its ex istence. 22 big steel freight steamers and three oil tankers were built, the latter for the Standard Oil company. A suit was filed yesterday in the King connty superior court against the Pacific Steamship company by W. J. Denver t get $40,000. Denver was a winch driver on the steamer Goodrich and while in th performance of his duty received Injuries which caused mm to lose sense of smell and taste, causing hemorrhages of the brain and is threatened with blindness. The accident occurred last July. Captain . P. Bartlett. in command ot the steamer Osaqumsick, has been ap pointed to the command of the steamer Keystone State. Captain Bartlett will leave in a few days for New York to take command of the big craft as soon as she is commissioned. SAX PEDRO, Cal.. Dec 19. (Special.) With a 40-mile gale blowing from the southwest all day, pleasure and other small craft were kept in port today. The wind rose early in the morning and was accompanied by rain. The steamer West Kebar which was to have sailed several days ago for the mud flats at San Fran Cisco to be laid up, cot away this after noon for the north. M. Johnson, head of the Johnson line, which operates a line of motorehlps and steamers to the. Pacific coast, is due here next week on tbe steamer Buenos Aires. Local agents ot the company announce that a regular -service will be Inaugurated between Sweden and this port and other ports on the coast. The steamer is due here Tuesday, ASTORIA. Or., Dec. 19. (Special.) The steamer Quillwark arrived at 12:15 today from San Francisco en route to Portland The steamer Steel Voyager arrived at . 5:30 tonight from San Francisco en route to Portland. After discharging fuel oil in Portland the tank steamer Frank H. Buck sailed at 11 last night for California. The steam schooner Celilo. carrying lum ber from St. Helens, sailed at 1 this morn ing for San Diego. The tank steamer Washtenaw arrived at midnight from California with oil for Portland. The steam schooner Frank B. Stout sailed at 1 o'clock this morning for San Diego with lumber from SL, Helens. SEATTLE. Wash., Dec. 19. (Special.) H. F. Alexander, president of the Pacific Steamship company, arrived home In Ta, coma Friday evening from an extended in spection tour of the corporation's offices and facilities in the California ports. A. F. Haines, vice-president and general man ager, who accompanied Mr. Alexander, wrll arrive In Seattle tomorrow, coming from Portland. After being kept afloat by the incessant operation of a gasoline pump ever since her arrival at the Todd yard on Harbor Island, December 2. the schooner Columbia which was damaged in the great gale ot November 26, will be drydocked Tuesday for repairs to her hull. Two Swedish motorshlps of the Johnson line, the Saa Francisco and the Buenos Aires, are on their way to Seattle from ports in Europe and will load cargoes of wheat, flour, salmon and other freight in this port, Tacoma and Vancouver, B.C. for their return voyages. After a narrow escape from being swept en the rocky shore of Vancouver Island by the same storm which carried the barge W. J. Pirtie to her doom, with a loss of 21 lives, the little two-masted Japanese sail ing schooner Okhotek Maru. is at the plant of the Marine Iron works in West Seatt;. undergoing repairs, overhauling and get ting ready for her voyage of more than 4000 miles back to Japan. Notification that the new steamship Wenatchee. tbe first of the five big pas senger liners allocated by the shipping board to the Pacific Steamship company for operation in the Seattle-oriental routes, will be ready for delivery February 10 In New York harbor, was received by the fiteamshlp company from the board yester day afternoon. Completing a voyage of 41 days, the Seattle sailing schooner Charles R. Wil son, owned by the Pacific Coast Codfish company, arrived in Nukualofa. Tonga Islands. In the South seas, December 9, according to advices received in Seattle today. SAN FRANCISCO. CaL. Dec 19. With a .VO-miie gale blowing at Point Reyes and high winds with accompanying rains re ported all along the coast, the regular week-end storm noted here for the past several weeks with but few exceptions, was heralded last night. Vessels barbound 5n many of the coast ports included the following: British steamer Tahachee for Tokohama and Nagasaki, for the Standard Oil company; 8teel Ranger, for New York and Boston, for Norton. Lilly A Co.; Jo hanna Smith. Coos Bay; Quabbln, for Launin; Balboa, for McCormick . 4 Mc pherson; Port Saunders whaling cruiser Mukllto and tow. James Johnson, for Ta coma. for the Charles Nelson company. The barkentlne Charles F. Crocker braved breaJUAg bax this morning and slid Into III '-v f x iV.wvy2 9 i lWV fit- Hsb..-JLJ T.rr- -rT1TTn.--. T.,M,,r.mjmwm . ' HAROLD LLOYD AND MILDRED TIRE OF DOUBLE BILL AT THE MAJESTIC. TODAY'S FILM FEATURES. Peoples Shirley Mason, "Tho Little Wanderer." Liberty Katherine MacDonald, "Curtain." Columbia Mary Thurman, "The Scoffesj." Majestic Harold Lloyd, "Num ber. Please." Eivoli H. B. 'Warner, "Tho Double Standard." Star Roy Stewart, "The Lone Hand." Circle Robert Warwick,' "The 14th Man." Globe Norma Talmadge. "The Daughter of Two Worlds." THE Majestic theater is featuring a double bill this week, with Har old Lloyd In "Number, Please!" and Honest Hutch," an appealing rural drama, as the attractions. Lloyd's popularity has increased with each new picture. During the reign of Charlie Chaplin, the pre vailing custom of would-be usurpers was to appear in very large trousers and shoes and tiny mustache in imi tation of Charlie. Lloyd won his way to success by original methods and his horn-rimmed glasses have become as well known a trade mark as the derby of Charlie. And let It be said that Lloyd's latest picture does not depend on misplaced cus tard pies to gain laughs. "Number, Please:' is a scries or lively comedy incidents which take place at an . amusement park. Mil dred Davis, pretty little blonde, is the leading woman. The scenes in the telephone booth which give the film its name are particularly laughable. 'Honest Hutch" is an interesting character study in a country setting. Ort Hutchins is a past master in the art of loafing, and sits from morning till night in lazy comfort while his wife toils over the wash tub and his children, ragged and dirty, play around their ramshackle home. One day Hutch finds $50,000 in bills of large denominations buried on the banks of a stream. Then comes his rejuvenation and ri6e to a respected place in the community. Strange to say, the money is responsible even though Hutch never spends a cent of it. t I Pathe review and the music of Cecil port from Apia with acargo of copra and without a pilot, The United States steamer Texas left Tatoosh Friday, according to reports of the marine department of the chamber of commerce, and has not been sighted as yet at Point Reyes. The gale Saturday night at Point Reyes reached a velocity of Kit mii. from the south, but today had shifted to the northwest and had settled to a steady 60-mllo blow, it Is believed that the Texas would be able to make little or no headway against an 60-mile head wind, but with a 60-mile breeze coming over the stern she should make port soon. Built at the Union Iron works for the stanaara jh company, . o . f ---,-";- h., . i 19 OI1C " 'ft'-' U I" "' - CT capacity of more than 75,000 barrels. Drifting before tne heavy wind wblcn lashed the bay Into fury Saturday night, the British steamer Indian City nearly went afoul of the U. S. S. Arkansas. The Indian City arrived here Saturday to load wheat for the United Kingdom. During the storm she dragged her anchor and so great was the fear on the Arkansas that the captain went asnore to get a tug to help the India City, Before the tug could go to th erescue she had drifted past the Arkansas and had been brought under control. Another vessel, the schooner James Johnson, lost 60 fathoms of chain and an anchor during the blow. The steamer1 Lurline. Matson Navigation company, arrived early this morning from Honolulu wltn passengers anu wen-uau- dise. The schooner Henrlette. from Noumea, arrived today with copra and nickel ore for the Union Oil company. Among the arrivals today was the Tusca- lusa from Hongkong in ballast for the Standard Oil company. The steamer Washington, bound south from Eureka, put in here today for fuel. She will probably get away tomorrow. After a summer patroiing Alaskan waters, (he coast guard steamer unaiga rrlved here today en route to winter quarters at San Pedro. Ship "Keports by Radio. (Furnished by Radio Corporation ot America.) , , Positions reported at r. m. yesieraay, unless otherwise indicated, were as follows: PRESIDENT, Seattle for San Francisco, 25 milea north of Cape Blanco. CELILO. St. Helens for San Francisco, 45 miles north of Cape Blanco. FRANK H. BUCK, Llnnton for San Francisco, SOS miles from Llnnton. AVALON, Grays harbor for San Fran cisco, 270 miles from San J1 rancuco. ELKHORN, Seattle for Europe via San Pedro, 210 miles north of San Francisco. ADMIRAL DEWEY, San Francisco for Seattle, 346 miles from San Francisco. CURACAO, San Francisco for Eureka, barbound out of Eureka. MOUNT BERWYN, Portland for Mar seilles, 10S miles north of Farralones, De cember 18, 8 P. M. CHARLIE WATSON. Seattle for San Francisco, 315 miles from San Francisco. NORTHWESTERN, left Juneau at 8:30 M., southbound. PORTER. Saa Pedro for Everett, 1078 miles frosn San Pedro. .VICTORIA, seame tor . groove, aw DAVIS llf "NUMBER, PLEASE," FEA Teague at the organ complete the Majestic programme. Screen Gossip. That the small moving picture theater will disappear in a few years like its predecessor, the "nickel- odean," is the opinion of Julius Sax, owner of the New Grand and Princess theaters of Portland, who has re turned from a two months' trip which included visits in New York and Los Angeles. "In nearly all the large cities of the country," said Mr. Sax, "new picture houses are being built in spite of the present high cost'of con struction. Because of the increasing cost of producing' motion picture features, I believe that the days of the small exhibitor, running a theater with limited seating capacity and cheap admission prices, are num bered." Jack Pickford will direct the next picture starring his famous sister Mary. www The cast for "The Millionaire," in which Gladys Walton. Portland girl, is starring, includes Antrim Short and Harold Austin in the principal supporting roles. Miss Walton plays a dual role in this production. Realizing that under the name of Mildred Harris she had reached star dom' before her marriage to Charles Chaplin, Mrs. Chaplin has decided to give up the professional name of Mildred Harris Chaplin, which has been- used in connection with her recent productions, and resume her maiden name of Mildred Harris for pictures only," advises Louis B. Mayer, "and complying 'accordingly. all her future pictures will be re leased under the name of Mildred Harris. -t Chester Bennett's latest., achieve ment has been the completion of "Diamonds Adrift," starring Barle Williams. Elsie Ferguson arrived on the coast last week. She will star in "Sacred and Profane Love" under the direc tion of William D. Taylor. Arthur Somers Roche, the well known author, is now In Los Angeles to write original screen stories. His first screen story, entitled "The Strain," will be put into production in the near future. HOLLYWOOD, Honolulu for Seattle, 635 xnlle9 from Seattle. miles west of Flattery at S P. M., Decem ber 18. LANSING, Honolulu for Port San Luis, 1637 miles from Port San Luis at 9 P. M., December 17. W. F. HERRIN, Gavlota for San Fran cisco, barbound at San Francisco. LOS ANGELES, Vancouver for San Luis, 424 miles from San Luis. STEEL VOYAGER, San Francisco for Portland, 280 miles south of Columbia river, December IS, 8 P. M. WEST APAUM, Portland for Philadel phia. 20 miles south of Mendocino, De cember IS, 8 P. M. DRAKE. Pedro for Hilo. 746 miles Pcdr riecemh.r 18 8 P f , teas is. p. m. NANKING. San Francisco .for orient. 073 miles west of Honolulu, December 28, 8 P. M. MATSONIA. Honolulu for San Fran cisco. 866 miles west of San Francisco, December 18, 8 P. M. MOUNT BERWYN, Portland for Mar seilles, loo miles south of Farralones. EL SEGUNDO, Point Wells for Rich mond, 2.7 miles from Richmond. ADMIRAL WATSON, San Francisco for Wilmington, 46 miles south of San Fran cisco. IMLAY, Portland for San Pedro, 240 lnllec north of San Pedro. NORWOOD, Seattle for San Francisco, liu miles norm or san f rancisco. COLONEL E. L. DRAKE, San Pedro for Hilo, -&3 miles from San Pedro. RICHMOND, towing barge 95. Point Wells for San Pedro. 170 miles north of San Pedro. WHITTIER. Port San Luis for San Pedro, 155 miles from San Pedro. WEST APAUM, Portland for Philadel phia, 68 miles south of Farralones. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, Dec. 19. Sailed at 7:45 A. m., steamer Juneau, lor Talara. Arrived at 10:25 A. M., steamer Washtenaw, from Port San Luis. Arrived at 1 P. M.. Dutch steamer uiDergen. irom Jtiamnton Roads. Sailed at 2 P. M, steamer Abercos, for the orient. Arrived at midnight, steamer Quillwark, from San Francisco. ASTORIA, Dec. 19. Left up at mid night, steamer Washtenaw. Left up at 2 A. M.. Dutch steamer Eibergen. Sailed at II last night, steamer F. H. Buck, for San Francisco. Sailed at midnight, steamer Frank D. Stout, for San Pedro. Sailed at 1 A. M., steamer Celilo, for San Diego. Arrived at 12:40 and left up at 2:50 P. M., steamer Quillwark, from San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 19. Sailed at 7 last night, steamer Klamath, for Portland. SAN PEDRO, Dec. 19. Arrived Steamer Haztum, from Portland for Naples Ar rived Steamer Wahkeena. from the Co lumbia river for San Diego. ST. HELENS, Dec. 19. Passed at 8:45 A. M., steamer Washtenaw; at 10 A. M., steamer Eibergen. , SAN PEDRO, Cal.; Dee. 19. (Special.) Arrived at 2 A. M., Hoqulam, from Eu reka; at 2 A. M., Willamette, from Port land: at 4 A. M.. Humoo.dt. from San Francisco; at 11 A. M., Admiral Goodrich, from Tacoma; at 3 SO r. M.. Santanta. Irom Hongkong; at 3:30 P. M.. Carlos, from Grays harbor; at 5 P. M., Admiral Evans, from Seattle. Sailed at 1 P. M.. J. A. Moffett, for Portland; at 2 P. M., West Kebar, for San Francisco; at 0:30 P. M., Humboldt, for San Francisco. TACOMA, Wash.. Dec. 19. Arrived Hawaii Maru, from Vancouver B. C; Ad mlral Schley, from San Francisco. SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 19. Arrived ivome city, from San Francisco; Admiral Schley, from Sao Diego; Mandasan Maru, from Kobe. . Sailed Teucer, for Hongkong; Providen cia, for Santa Rosalia; Jefferson, for south eastern Alaska. Tides at Astoria Monday. High. Low. 7:59, A. M....8.S feet!l:14 A. M....3.0 feet 8:58 P. M....6.3 feet3:10 P. M....2.0 feet Report From Mouth of Columbia. NORTH HEAD, Dec. 19. Condition at the mouth of the river t 5 P. M., moder ate; wind, southeast, six miles. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Dec. 19. Maximum tem perature, 44 degrees: minimum. 3S degrees. River reading, 8 a. M 5.2 feet; change in last 24 hours. 0.3 foot fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M. ), 0.28 Inch: total rain fall since September 1, 1920. 18.09 Inches: normal rainfall since September 1, 16.40 Inches; deficiency of rainfall since Sep tember 1, 1920, 1.69 Inches Sunrise. 7:49 A., M.: sunset. 4:27 P. M. Total sunshine December 19, 31- minutes; possible sun shine, S hours. 3S minutes. Moonrise. 1:S4 P. M.; moonset, 12:57 A. M. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M., 29. So Inches Relative humidity at S A. M.. 94 per cent; at noon, 82 per cent: at 5 P. M.. IV per cent. THE WEATHER. g H J Wind s E S? 3 3 2. Sr e o 3 3 S; a ; S 8 : : : MM i STATIONS. Weather Baker I 281 34;0.20 . .iNWiSnow Boise Boston Calpary . Chicago . .. Denver Des Moines. Eureka .... Galveston . Helena Juneaut 42.0.00. ,.!NW Pt. cloudy 40(0.00 . . w ciouuy 16.0.24 . NE ISnow 2J;O.(0!V0NWIClear 4s;o.ooi. .!NW, Cloudy ClouJy 22 O.OO . .IK 5O10.0:! 12!N S.S T. I121NE sso.ooioisw 46 0. 001. .IE Pt. cloudy iCloudy PL cloudy 32 C car Kansas City. . . . WO.OOi. .IE PL cloudy L.OB Angeies. Marshffeld . Medford . . . Minneapolis 54:0.081. .ISW IClear 4K.0.10 . . NWIPt. cloudy SlO.101. .IN 44 T. 12 NW Rain . 1610.00!.. IW IClear New Orleans New York.. 54 O.OO!. . NK UJOUdV 6'0.oo20!NwiPt. ciouay North Head Phoenix .... Pocatello ... Portland . Rose burgr . .. 44 4!0.12'..SB ICloudy 70 0. OO . . NW Clear 4010.001. .)N Pt. cloudy 44j0.02 . . E ICloudy 44 0.04.. NW Cloudy 6010. 38 1 . . S Clear 301 T. .. E IClear 4610.00'. .IXWICloudy Sacramento. St. Louis.... Salt Lake... San Diego.. 5S;0.S220W Pt. cloudy S. Franciscol ,r2 0.2S 20 N w Ft. ciouay faeattle Sltkat 42 44 0.20 . . SE C OUdv 32540.00. .1 Pt. cloudy Spokane 34j 3iH).00l. .INE ICloudy Tacoma I 4) 44I0.20..W ICloudv Tatoosh Isd.l 44! 40!0.04i..lE ICloudy Valdezt ... 8610.00 ..I Walla Walla :iO Is4iO. o . . s snow Washington ... 46 0.00;i2:N IPt. cloudy Winnipeg ..I. . . . B 0.001 . .SW IClear Yakima I 32 3SI0.12I. .INWICIoudy tA. M. today. 'P. M. leport of preceding day. FORECASTS. Portland, and vicinity Rain: westerly winds. Oregon and Washington Rain west, rain or snow east portion; moderate westerly winds. Idaho Rain or snow. Phone your want ada to The Ore gonian. Main 7070. Automatic 560-S15. AMUSEMENTS. CHRISTMAS ATTRACTION"; TICKKT OFFICE SALE Y Opens Today I i TLIffTT T Broadway at Taylor XXLlLylU Phone Main 1 THIS Thursday, IMfiLSTP DKC. YVKEKFrt, Sot. ItlUIIIO 23,24,2a SPECIAL PRICE- MAT, CHRISTMAS DAY, 2:15 BRILLIANT COMEDY SUCCESS EXCELLENT CAST SUPERB PRODUCTION j EVE'S Floor, except last 3 rows, $2.50; last 3 rows $2; Balcony, 5 rows $1.50, 17 rows $1; Gallery, 7 rows reserved 75c, admission Hfia. CHRISTMAS DAY MAT. F 1 o o r, $1.50; Balcony, 5 rows $1.50. 17 rows $1; Gallery, res. and adra. 50o 'HOLIDAY TURKEY SHOOT NOW ON AMERICAN RIFLE RANGE 430 WASHINGTON STREET. BETWEEN 11TH AND 12TU LADIES' PATRONAGE INVITED. POPULAR PRICES. Steffens' Public Amusement Enterprises. DANCINGtaught All NEW STEPS and POPULAR DANCES guaranteed tn 8 three-hour lessons. Ladies $3. Gentlemen $5. Ete-Honey's beautiful academy, 23d and Washington. Beginner class starts Monday and Thursday eve nings. Advanced class Tuesday evenings 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners no embarrassment. You can never learn dancing In private lessons from inferior teachers you must have practice. LEARN IN A REAL SCHOOL from professional dancers. Phone Main 7606. Private les sons all hours. rait F-' I, Dependable freight and Passenger service California Service ' Reg-alar Frelsht and Passenger Service to COOS BAY EUREKA AND SAN FRANCISCO Sailing- Frosn Portland. IF, H, . 8. 8. "CL'RACAO." Dec i3 and Jan. 5. Connecting at San Francisco With Steamers (or Ijoa Ans;eles and Saa Diego Regular Frelsht and Passenger Service to Mexico, Central America and Alaska. TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE to all Oriental Ports. U. S. Shipping; Board A-l Steel American Vessels. Salllns; From' Portland S. S. PAWLET Jan, 13 S S. COAXET .Feb. 10 S. S. MONTAGUE Mar. 10 For Farther tafermntion Apply to PHONE MAIN 8281. 101 THIRD ST. AMI SKrtKTVTW, Mt.1Stt7S WsJrtsHetsllJS EMILYANN WELLMAN by IUCHm MM OH t M HMMTMSn and NOT MCKE1I OSCA R LO R A I N E ROY A NO ARTHUR LILLIAN MICE 11 IUI HHH LILLIAN'S COMEDY PETS OWEN McGIVENEY n a n n rrn -BAKER- NOW PLAYING A Drama of Contemporary Thing Deal ing With a Phase of Modern Domestic Life "A YOUNG GIRL'S ROMANCE" PANTAGES Sinipklns ft Iloyt Present i "T K D D Y" The Keystone Comedy Dog of International Fame, offering his own unique production in fenon. Candy Shop Girls. 6 OTIliB BIG ACTS 6 3 Shows Dull. Night Curtain 7 and 9 NOW PLAYINC Fine Vaudeville and Photoplay, Featuring Jonia and "The Hope." Coming Next Thnrsday "THE OVERSEAS REVUE" LYRIC Musical Comedy DILLON and FRANKS In "THE PIPE DREAM" The Rosebud Chora-M In Fall Bloom Mutineer at 2; Niffht, ? and 9. Country Store Kvery Tuesday Niffht Choruit Girls' Content 1'riday 'lght CIRCLE Fourth at Washington t ROBERT WARWICK IN "THE 14TH MAN" Also Buster Keaton In "One Week." Open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o clock of the following morning. Globe 11th and Washington The Daughter of Two Worlds NORMA TALMADGE TRAVELERS' Of I DR. Holland -America Line NORTH PACIFIC COAST I. INK (Joint Service of Holland-America Llai and Boyal Mall steam racist col Between Vancouver. B. C Paget Sonnd. Fortlnaa, nan Francisco ana Las Angeles umrswr An Rotterdam, Antwerp, London, UrsnxsM. Hamburg, Harrs, . FREIGHT ONLY. Sailings will take place as follows! S S EEVDT1C f i'3.A0ft Ions d. w. loading Nov, 20 to Deo, S - And regularly thereafter. steamers are specially fitted with largs cool rooms and refrigerators xor tne trans portation of iresa fruit, tun, oto. For freight rates and particulars apply OREGON-PACIFIC COMPANY. ens Wilcox Bldg. Phono Main 4SM Matson Navigation Co. U. S. S. B. STEAMER "WEST KEENE" Loading, freight ' at PORT OF ASTORIA, December 27th, for HONOLULU, KAHULUI and HILO. For rates and further particulars, apply to Traffic Man ager,' Port of Astoria. Astoria and Way Points STR. GEORGIANA Round trip dally (except Friday) Ira res Portland 7:10 A. H., Alder-strest dock. I-eaves Astoria 2 P. M., Flavel dork. Fare sz.uv oua wax. special a la cane dining service. Direct connection for South Beaches. Night boat daily, S P. M., daily except Sunday. Tho Harkin Transport. uon ompaux. - uain mnj. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND ANT SOUTH SEAS fa Tahiti and Raratongo. Mail and pas senger eerviea from ban Franeisoo erary CNION S. 8. CO OF NEW ZEA1ANP. 130 California St.. San Francisco, or local steamship and railroad agenelsa. 1NTERCOASTAI, SERVICE. Boston and, Philadelphia. Newsco Line. 8800-Ton Steel American Vessels. Salllns; From Portland S. S, TALZA .....Jan. 5 S. S. WEST 1SLETA J,n 20 S. 8. ART1GAS "pei, j TRAVELERS' CHIDE. RIVER STEAMER "HARVEST QUEEN" DAILY SERVICE (Except Saturday) Between PORTLAND and ASTORIA And way landings from AINSWORTH DOCK, 8 P. M. Far Passencers and Frelaht. Fare, t2 each war, lneludinr war tax. Returning- steamer leaves Astoria T A. M. every day except Sunday. Apply to any of our representatives to make your reservations. L. E. OMF.R, City Passenerer Arent, 701 Wells Fargo bids. Phone Broadway 4500. CONSOLIDATED TICKET OFFICE, Third and Washington Streets, Phone Main 3530. C. F. HE WOOD, Arent, Ainsworth Dock. Broadway 268. WM. MrMCRRAT, General Passenger Agent. PORTLAND, OR. To Europe From St. John, N. B Dec. 3I, Emp. France.. Jan. 4, Grampian ..... Jan. 6. Metagama .... Jan. 7. Pretorian ..... Jan. 8. Sicilian Jan. 14, Kmp. Britain . . To . .Liverpool . . . 'London . .Liverpool . . .OIaKow , .t Antwerp . .Liverpool Via Havre. tVla Southampton. To the Orient Vancouver to China, Japan. Etc. Jan. IS. Empress of Russia. Feb. 1, Monteagle. Feb. 10, Kmpress of Asia. For All Information Apply to Local S. &., or Railway Agents, or S3 Third Street. Portland, Oregon. Phono Broadway 00. FRENCH LINE Comparnle General Transatlantiquo Kxpresa Postal bervice. NEW YORK HAVRE PARIS. La Savoie. . . Roopoldina. . . Rochambe&u. ...Deo. 23. Jan. 29. Feb. , Dec. 28, Feb. 16 ....Jan. 4. Mar. 8, April 1 La Lorraine. La Touralne. France Jan. . Feb. 3. April 2 .Jan. 15, Mar. 12. April 1 ..Jan. 20. Feb. 17. Mar. 1 Chicago Feb. 13, Max. IB, April 26 NEW YORK BORDEAUX Caroline Dec. HAMBURG DIRECT Niagara Jan. Furazl Bros.. Pacific Coast Agents, 10S Cherry Mt., Seattle, or Any Local Agent. irtit tfcaaalaigttoa St- Portlnnd. Oregon, MEETING NOTICES. BIO MASQUERADE BALL.. EUREKA domCTT.. NO. 2H. SECURITIES BENEFIT ASSOCIA TION Monday evening. Dec. 20. east side W. O. W. hall. East tlth and Alder. i0 will be given away In cash prizes; fine muslo. Admis sion 35c. including war tax. THE ANNUAL CEREMON lal ot Abd-uhl-Atef Temple. No. . 117, Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan, will be held on the evening of Mon day, December 20, 1820, In the auditorium of the Pythian Temple. Many tyros have signified their willingness to endure the hardships of the journey, so be on hand promptly to wel come them when they arrive. By direction H. E. SKLLWOOD.' Royal Vlior. TH AD L. GRAVES, Sea . LIBERTT ASSEMBLY, V. A., bi-weekly dance. TV. O. W. hall. East 6th and Alder sts. Heltkem pen's orchestra. Admission oo cents. AL KADER TEMPLE. A A. O. N. M. S. Nobles hav. ing old Christmas toys which they wish to donate to th Shriners' Christmas commit. tee should bring them to loo Second st. at once. By order or the rotentaie. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. WILLAMETTE LODGE. No. 2, A. F. AND A. M. A special communication will ba held this (Monday) at 6:4S P. M, Work In M. M. aegree. visit ins brethren welcome. By order v. M. T. VAN HEEKEREN. See. PALESTINE LODGE. NO 141.- A. F. AND A. M. 6 clal communication Monday, December 20. 7 o clock. E. A, degree. Visiting brethren wel come. Archer Place. Mount By order or w. w. W. 8. TOWNSEND. See. WASHINGTON LODGE. No 46, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Monday) evening, beglnlng at & o clock J3. 8th and Burnslde. M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. Or der W. M. j. h. kiluiuuau, oee. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication tnls (Monday) eve. at 7 o'clock. Work In the P. a. ana M. M. aegrees. visit ing brethren welcome. W. M. DE LIN. Sec SKLLWOOD LODGE. No. 131. A. F. AND A. M. Special meeting this (Monday) even ing at 7:30 o clock. Work in M. M. aegree. visitors wei come. By order W. M. J. II. BUTLER. See. SUNNVSIDK CHAPTER. No. 12S. O. E. S. Special commu nication at 6 P. M. for degrees at stated communication at 8 P. M.. today (Mondav). Dee. 20. in Masonic hall. E. 29th and Hawthorne. .Degrees, tsy order W. M. visitors welcome. KULLA umpii.tu, sec. CAMELIA CHAPTER. NO, 27, O. E. S. Stated communi cation this (Monday) evening. Degrees. Regular annual get- togetner meeting. Dinner will be served at 6 o'clock to mem bers who are requested to contribute a package of groceries, fruit or Jellv for the Christmas box. By order of W. M. MAKIbllE HUBlWiUMi Sec. "fersS7, TERS OF THE NILE Mem bers are requested to meet at 108 Second St., Tuesday, V A. M., to make and fill candy baga, any discarded toys or new toys will be appreciated. Bring your tnimoie. oraer or queen. ADDA CELLARS, Rec TVA-NHOB HOMESTEAD NO. 5038. B. v Resular dance and card party Wed nesday. December 22, Women of Woodcraft haU. 10th and Taylor atreeU. Dancing at 10 o'clock. Cards at 8:80. Annual Yule tide masquerade December 20; four prises. Don't miss it Corns and bring your friends, wig surprise. PEARL OWENS Correspondent. -212 Railway E. Bldg. Phone Main 667. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stock holders of the Alaska Fish Salting & By products company will be held at Portland. Oregon, at the office of the company. 802 Concord building, on Wednesday, January 19 1921,. at 12 o'clock noon. Stock books will be closed from January S to January 20 1921- B3ATA -vTITZIEBS. i Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and das sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS K. BLACK, public accountant, auditor, Income tax service. Concord bldg.. ad and stark. Pbone Main T-H.I. ADDING MACHINES. SIS BUYS adding machine, adds T figures. 61a Corbett bldg. Marshall 0S7. ALTERATIONS. LADI8' tailoring, perfect fitting; work guar. I. Keubln. 40s Bush A Lane bldn. ASSAYEItS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Becond Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEY. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub- He. 1)34 Chanilmr of Commerce bldg. BATHS. DR. McMAHDN'H kalh. Pnrtlsnd. Steam. showers, plunges, tubs, all for 35c Tsll I jour mends, fourth and asninswn. CHIROPRACTIC, steam bsths and mas sage. 101b floor Broadway bldg. Mar shall 8187. Dr. Laure E. Downing. CARrET SWKEPKB. AUTHORIZED Bissel carpet sweeper re' pair man; all parts furnished, tw ' rison st. ( EI.Ll I.OID BITTONS. THK IHtt-Ih'.unltfov nlWPiNf. 8"7 Washington. Broadway 4.;4. A 1234 CHIROPODISTS. PFPT HURT Come to Dr. Uartnsr, foot ILLIIIUill specialist; c o r n s. bunions, foot arches made to order. 811 Swellsnd niag.. Fifth and Washington. nm i""i DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entifically corrected. Lady assistant. oia Morgan bldg. Main Sill--. CHIROI'RODIMTS AKt'H hPKC IAI.ITS WILLIAM. V.tll .rw! S-lnrrllo I)e VenV, The only scientific chiropodists snd arch sneclHilMla in ih. pitv p.rlnr. Ud2 Ger- llnger bldg. s. W. corner bocond and Alder. Phone Main lnol. . CHIROPRACTIC. DR. McMAHON'8 clllroprnctio apks for itseir. Portland. 11th year, ynones. COI.I.KCTIONS. NETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17. wo collections, no charges, r.etno. n'. DANCING. THE PATTERSON-DOWNEY DANCINd ATATlKMV. SS6V4 Wash. St.. over Harelwood. For mer Instructors Cotillion hall. Private lessons dally; class. Wed. and SaL even ings, rnone Main b.,rif4. SUMMElid dnnclng seed., ballroom, staae dancing, private lessons dny, eve. Danc ing Tuts.. Sat. Manchester hall. 53V otn St.. near Stark. Bdwy. asou. MISS DOROTHY RAS.Mt'SSEN Ballroom ana stage dancing. 610 Filers building, Wash., between 4th and ftth. Main 112:1. DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MKIHCIMv DR. CHAS. M. ANDERSON. Veterinary and surgeon, day and night service. 100 Kllpatrlck st. Phone Woodlawn iH24. DENTISTRY. rtCUTIOTDV IR. A. W. KEENE. .V.Hi ULHIIOim Washington Kt. Without pain. Latest nerve - blocking; method. IX)(i AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. East 7th and Grant sta Both phones; day and night service; a veterlmirla ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRICAL WORKS Phone B27-2T. . 2IIU Mtlln St. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electrlo Works. Ill Burnslde. corner Tenth st. Bdwy. Ml" 4. DO YOIT need licensed electrician to in stall those base plugs, brackets, lights. Best references furnished. East 8b83. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS ANI MILL Bt'l'PlJEH. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 4-8tt-87-b Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPH. THANH A USER HAT CO.. S3-6S Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND CLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN 41 CO.. Second and Taylor. MEETINO NOTICES. rr.mhri ana eniiiiru iu v genera. "tendanrequeMed ciefk FCXERAI. NOTICES. KYLLO At her home In Wllsonvllle Mrs Nlkkollna Kyiio, s. rr; , a beloved husband, A. V. Kyllo, and 8 dauichtera. Mrs. Nora Rosier and Mrs. Anna Henderson of Reedsporl, Or., and M? Lottie of Wllsonvllle Two son. At rand Andrew, of WIlnonvtH. r a neral iervic. wUI be held from Holmans funeral Chanel. 84 and S moy " 3D P M. Tuesday, Dec. 21. Interment hi Rose City cemetery. MOMADIAS-Dec. 18. 920 Funeral servlcea will be conducted Tuesday. Dec. SI, at 10 A. M.. from the Greek Orthodox church, corner l.tn and Tirard sts. Friends Invited. Inter ment Rose City cemetery. Remain, at Pearson undertaking parlors. Russell st. at Union ave. STUPELNAGEL-In this city Dec. ,o. i . k.i Tularin V. DC. til, t from the chapel of Miller A Tracey. terment Rose City cemetery. . ..n.mnv-ln this city. Dec. 18. Oscar ........ - - - , , ... r . h.Lit'.d ion of Osrsr Anderson of 912 E. Brook. Tyn st. Funeral services will be con. ..-.v Iec. 21. at 2 P. M from Pearson's undertaking parlors. Rus- :l .1 and Union ave. rrienos invneu. Interment Rose City cemetery. BATCHELOR-In thin .city Dec 1J. Baby and Batcbelor, in"1. , Mrs. Ivan vt . eauruoioi. Funeral serv- IcS" will be held today (Monday) at 2 p M from the conservatory chapel or The East Side Fungal Erectors. 414 East Aider at. i . nient Lone Fir cemetery. iucih Tn this city. Dec. 19. Al- niiaui...,".-, - . lafore mmi n", i,,r rU funeral service " 114 . "- . 91 t 2 P. M., In the mortuary chapel it A D. Kenworthy A Co.. BWI2-04 Ninrtv-second at. Southeast, In Lents. Friends invited. Interment Mt. bcott cemetery. ROSS ALL The funeral service of the late L,awrence ,,i,-, ' w ninth avenue Southeast, will be con. ducted Monday, December 20. at 2 P.M.. In the mortuary chapel of A. D. Ken worthy Co., 5802-iM4 Ninety-second street Southeast, in Lents. Friends in vited, i YETT The funeral services of the late r.iMnhui C. Yett. who died in this city Dec 18 1920, will bs held today (Mon day) at 2 P. M.. from the chapel of Rkewes Undertaking company, corner 8d Snd Clay Friends invited. Concluding services at the Portland Crematorium. HUGHS At Salem, Or., Dec. 17, Edward HllsThl aHfa I J ?. a- isas- I av i solvit vraj will bs held at All Salnta church, SDth and E Oliien " A- M- tos' (Monday). Interment In Mount Calvary cemetery. Remains at Holman's par- lora, 8d ana Daunuu SPRAGUE The funeral service for" the late DeWayne Kprague o( ZKi East 57th street will be held today (Monday), at 3 81) o'clock P. M. at Flnley'a, Mont gomery at 6th. Friends Invited. Con- I Mtttv a,.u, www, v.u.ovsijr. M0$t H. M. H. ELECTRICAL CO.. r'fHl! 31 N- Portland. Dr. He- llff?viJi winding and electric repairing J Vi7 a specialty. New or used mo. pgSia tor- Broadway 1045. A 104d THE WVERVIEW CEMETERT ASSO- virHOIJON At Salem, Or.. Clyde R. CIATION OF PORTLANU Thb n,?,p I Nicholson. .,d f,4 ,'.,.,. llelnved hua meeting of the members wl be neia ban,j ot Wu.,. Nlch,,Mi brother of Mrs. W ,Si?f WJr'.9tndtV- Al lot owneViare ' V.--.,. w..h.. and Ml SIC TEACIIEKA. L. CARROLL DAT. teacher of piano and voice. Broadway i.M)i. 148 Ulh strset. OPTOM ETRIHTS AND OPTICIAN. mw "- GLASSK8 AT A SAVING. ZiZmm. ' solicit your patroness on (he W-, basis of cspsbie sertc-. Thou. sands of satisfied customers A trial altl convince yon. Charles W. Uood man, optometrist. 200 Morrison. Mr. ltl-' EVES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern Instruments; glasses fitted at a saving; sstislsctlon guaranteed Out of the high rent district. No overhead op. A. E. Hl'RWITX, Optometrist. 22i Isl t. OR. GEOKUK Rl'UENSTElN. hs veteran optician; eyes tested, glasses fitted, brok en lenses duplicated at reasonable prices. 828 Morrison street. n.lMBIXI hl lTI.IKH. p, ,. v, , v . M price. etark-DavIs Co.. IH 4th. Main T'i. PAINTING AND IIM'OH 4TIXi. '. II. TKKllll.U house and sign iliiiH'(. Papering, tinting M7 K .17th. Tab. SHU. PAINTING. ETC. Poof Pretsclsd- . Frosn Loahe-IW Avr i-"ni R&H'Jtoof Painters BXPBRT ROOFHBi iti:Miix;Lla and hkpairino 14V4S 4- (.llsoa at. rknao Tahor eT. Rrsldrnre I'ksas labor IM4. PATENT ATTORNITVa. PATENTS Our pracllra bas tslended ovtr a period of 74 yrrs. All conimunlrs linns strictly confidential; prompt, ertl clent, conscletiluu Sf-rvlcs; handbook free on rtnuml. MUNN A Co., patent attorney. San Francisco orflces, llnhsrt bldg., tli Market St.; Chliaco ntfli'. room bio Towrr bldg : Washington of fice, room ma, K su; Now York office. Wools, orth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT. 22 rears' eiprrlrnra V. a. and foreign pslenis. XO Iirkum bldg. MIYSK I AM. DR. It A. I'HII.IJI'S, Urnmlway building. Hh'-umatlHni. stomarh. buw.l, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rri-tal. proslale, frmaia dli6rd, rs, skin affnrtiuns, blond pressure, enlarged lonslis, tnoirs, birthmarks Fl.l MBING. PLI MIHNG D. at W. servlie. Wa do not charge (or time coming or going. Our autns go anywhere, night or day. Day. Bdwy. lsi4; night, Tabor i'20it I'KINTINO. DDIUTIUR r". W. BALTLS & CUM PA NT. I IllllllilU Fli First and Oak. Main 1S. Rtl-e.l hKHKK CONNECTIONS. COLUMBIA CONSTRUCTION CO. MAIN tMIK. KTOYK KEI'AIHISG. aJXI'KKT furnae cleaning and repairing; gutters cirauea ana repairea. Auto matic 32n-ol. TRADEMARKS. ORMGON TIIADEMAKK HUKEAU, HL Iiekum bldg. U. frelgn Irademarka, TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thtrt"nth atr! Kfiirn'y, (iKNKKAI, HAl'I.INO. Motor unil horn i)u1pnint. mny cap ft City iiov i vn fa r k i n n ht r a u jh PHONE BOWr. 3309 SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. Psi-klng Moving Storage, Reduced Freight Itatea. Money leaned on Warehouse Kecelpta. IN THE HEART OF THK CITY. OS FOURTH ST.. COR. OF PINB. riiU.NE HKOAOVVAT 8714. OREGON TRANCKBR CO., t.14 tlllaan Slrert. K1VM WAHEHoL'HKS. Storage. OarUgs. PHONB BROADWAY 12H1. VACI I'M CLEANERS. VACCUM cleaners rented $1 per day with Aiiaciimenis. woouiawn Oldo. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND 4ASCARA HARK. KAHV BROTHERS, lflj Front street. tHirK AM) IIIMH.Vt, THINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Nnrthrup. PI-CM IIINtf hi p"pjESANI' 1-tZ THK M. UKI.INE CO., M-M-87-HlTFront. PROOKB COMM I SKION M EKClfl N TH. EVKRDINti FARRELU 140ron( sU SASH, IKMIKS AND CLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Froi t and Morrison, IXNERAL NOTICES. Nlrholiuin was widely known In Port land, being a deoutv (1. n. m.r.h.i . a a deputy in (ha weight and meaaurs olflre. He was house detective at the Hotel Portland for sevsral years. Fu neral services will b held at (he llol man funeral parlors, 81 and Salmon, at 2 1'. M. today, Monday. Interment lu Klverview cemetery, LICHTWERK The funeral service for Ilia i late Augusta l.lchtweik of BM7 7,'d at. K. E. will bs held today (.Monday), at 8 o'clock P. M., at the Portland Crem atorium, 14th atvd llvlx-e al. Friends Invited. J. P. Flnley Hon directors. FINEBAI. CAES, LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LIVBltr. MARSHALL 114. FI NERAI, l)llF(TOR. DUNNING & McENTEE Now located In their new rwntdential funeml homo, Morrlnon Ht Twelfth, wmt tide, l'bona Broadway 4'M). Auto, ft 4. ..,. lb funeral Mcmt.' of ftfineiBt and HUtlnrtlva (irvla, NoIt W hava do branch nor any con nection whatever Willi any otber undvr mKinir nrm. tiDWARD HOLMAN & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and balmon streets. Main 807, lidy Assistant. I 1 HULL, Lit, at IKAtLI Perfect Funeral Rervlce for Iss. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 201 h and 21t streets. West bids. Lady Aaalatant, Main 2U91. Auto. 878-81, McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. Kith and Everett streets. Pbone Broadwsy 213.1. Aulomatto 621-83. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 8. Montgomery at Fifth. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral llama. 441 Multnomah St.. Irvlnaton dlst. East 84, SJAOT blliB FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (F. 8. Dunning. Inc.) "The family set the price." 414 E. Aldsr LEHCH. UNDERTAKER. East Eleventh al Hawthorns, Phone East 7sl. AR 7FI I PR PH 692 Wlllams Ave. fli a.LLLLil WUi Phone East 1088. CrUrn UNDERTAK1NO CO. OrLlltO Third and Clay. Main 4I8S. BREEZE & SNOOK Lf A. D. KENWORTHY A CO., 8802-04 2d SL. Lents. Tabor 828T. MONl'MKNTB. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 43 4th at., opp. lly Hall. NEU ttROO, KSBtACSlNG GRANITC CCXI p I JMi a.) T Hr"'"' aT-.- 1 i 1 8 t..