Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 18, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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'.- f
tionmeat was undeistood not to have i
ciple that the gratitude that the state
owed the veterans constituted a moral
obligation in recognition of which
public money might be appropriated,
was cited by Attorney-General Thomp
son. Answering argument that the serv
ices were rendered- for the benefit of
the federal government and that com
pensation therefore must come from
Deen decided on at the caucus, but
most of the republican members were
said to favor a reasonable Increase in
the house membership.
Drafting of a reapportionment bill
would be in the hands of the census
committee, of which Representative
hiegei, .ew York. la chairman. Ir.
aiegei already, has prepared and in
troduced a bill increasing the hou6e
membership from the present 435 to
483, and this bill is expected to be
the basis for the reapportionment
legislation. The Seigel bill would
the federal government, the attorney.
general contended that in furnishing
Legislation Similar to That
of Washington Favored. '
Case Argued in Court and
troops to the federal government the
state was in reality furnishing them
Taken Under Advisement.
to useii as an Integra: part oi tne
union and the services were equally
make the population basis for a con
gressional district between 218,000
and 219.000 instead of approximately
servicable to the state. -
Attorney Chadwick of Seattle ap
zii.uuu as at present. No state would
sustain a loss in its representation
in the house and 25 states would gain
peared before the court with the at
torney-general in support of the
legality of the measure. Frank C.
in repreyjtation.
Representative Tinkham. Massachu
Owings of Otympia represented the
state auditor. At the conclusion of
arguments the court took the case
under advisement.
Gifts Electrical bring j6y and comfort
at Christmas time and win favor by their practical
everyday uses in the household for years to come.
setts, urged the caucus to support
his resolution directing the house
Veterans Point Oat That State
Would Benefit by Addition of
Iloiues or Cultivated Farms.
census committee to investigate to
Payment of Compensation to Be
what extent negroes are being denied
the vote in southern states and to
Decided When Friendly Suit
Is Decided by Bench.
recommend a decrease in the Vepre
sentation of those states, according
to the extent' of disfranchisement.
I 1
fa L,,.... kvgy,,
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First Home 01 farm loan of
$400 to J2000, depending on
length of service, to cost 6 per
cent a year. 2i per cent apply
ing on the principal, the re
mainder on the interest.
Second Cash bonus of J15
per month of service between
dates of April 6. 1917, and No
vember 11. .1919.
State legislation which will offer
the alternative of a J2000 farm or
home loan or a cash compensation at
the rate of $15 per month of service
for world war veterans . will be
pressed by the American Legion, -department
of- Oregon, as a result of
action by the state executive com
mittee, in Session in Portland yester
day. Submission of a bill to the legisla
ture, to be referred by referendum
to the people of the state at the next
election, was determined and the es
sential features of the proposed meas
ure discussed. The legionnaires also
decided to sponsor in the legislature
a bill similar to the Japanese law of
California, aimed to prevent iana
holdings by orientals in the state. It
was pointed out that the adoption of
the California law caused an influx
of Japanese into Oregon.
Hope for Congress Fade.
Agitation for a state soldiers' bo
" nus. begun by Portland post of the
American Legion at a recent meet
ing and actively supported by Oregon
City, Eugene and other posts through
out the state, was given a spur when
the Oregon ex-service men decided
that the senate had no intention of
passing favorably urftn similar na
tional legislation, announced G. L.
Uoodell of Portland, vice-commander
of the deDartment.
"The lumber of ex-service men who
will benefit directly by a cash bonus
is small comuared with those who
would be aided by a home or farm
loan," he suggested, "and for that
reason I believe 'that they should be
given an alternative. Further, we
must consider the benefit to the state
of home-owning citizens whose loy
alty and service has been provea aur
ing the world war."
Home Feature Incorporated.
Though in none of the proposals of
Individual posts before the executive
committee was mention made oi
home loan feature, the department
executive committeemen were a unit
in desirine its inclusion. E. F. port-
miller of Albany and Howard Gildea
of McMinnville considered the home
or farm loan a far better proposition
from the viewpoint of both state and
individual than the cash Bonus,
though they believed that the ex
service men desiring the cash bonus
should be awarded such "adjusted
Ben S. Morrow, committeman from
Portland, also Spoke for the dual
bill, which was clearly the choice
also of William S. Gilbert of Astoria,
denartment commander, and Edward
J. Eivers of Portland, department ad
The cash bonus provision in the bill
to be drafted will be virtually identi
cal with tliat in the Washington state
law, passed by three to one ma
jority by the people of that state at
the November election. It will pro
, vide for the payment to veterans of
the world war who were enlisted or
inducted into the army, navy or jna
rine corps of the United States of $15
for each month or major portion
thereof served between the dates of
April 6, 1917, and November 11, 1919..
S2000 to Be Limit.
The alternative to the cash bonus
would be the loan by the state of
Oregon, to veterans desiring to ap
ply the money to the purchase of a
home or farm, of J400 for each three
months of service or portion thereof,
hot to exceed $2000. however. Five
per cent of the loan would be paid
to the state annually, . 2 V per cent'
of which would apply on the prin
cipal, the remainder as interest.
Those eligible to the loan would be
the same as those entitled to the cash
bonus, but the adoption of either plan
would bar from participation in the,
The average length of service of
Oregon fighters is more than a year.
The motion for a dual compensa
tion bill was first made by Morrow.
It was adopted by unanimous vote
and Goodell then framed the de
tailed position taken by the execu
tive committee on both proposals.
The bill will be drafted by the legis
lative committee of the Legion, com
posed of the department officers and
members of the organization in the
legislature. The same committee will
prepare the anti-Japanese legislation
Upkeep of Home Favored.
The Legion went on record as fa
voring the opening of "the old sol
diers' home at Roseburg to veterans
of the world war and adopted a res
olution calling atention to disgrace
ful conditions said to exist at the
home at present and indorsing a
budget provision of $105,385 for the
institution. '.
Morrow reported concerning an in
vestigation of Klamath Falls' contro
versy with the California & Oregon
Power company, which had resulted
in the adoption of a contract pro
posed by the Legion. He was named
chairman of a land committee to
work for the opening of. more gov
ernment and state lands to settlers
and will address a meeting of the
state irrigation and reclamation con
gress in Portland. January 18. .
"When Is He Coming?" Asks Pub
lishcr-Health Officer and Al
leged "Big Stiek Boss." i
TALLAHASSEE, Fla.", Dec. 17. In
an open, letter today Rev." Sidney J.
Cutts, governor of Florida, threatened
to go to West Palm Beach, Fla., with
a "doubfe-barrel shotgun loaded with
buckshot," and hit a "final settlement"
with Joe L. Earman, president of the
state board of health and publisher
f the Palm Beach Post.
The chief executive wrote that he
was tired of Earman's "tyranny, ar
rogance and big-stick bossing," and
that "this is the last w-arning."
MIAMI, Fla. Dec. 17. "When is he
coming?" vked. Joe L. Earman of
West Palm Beach today when in
formed of Governor Catts' threat to go
to West Palm Beach "with his double
barreled shotgun and have a final set
tlement with him." Earman said he
would not run away, but would re
main in Palm Beach to welcome the
E. K. Majishe Draws Fine of $5 by
Telling His Own Story.
H. Carlson was fined $25 in Mu
nicipal Judge Rossman's court yester
day when testimony brought out that
he was in the habit of making ex
cessive speed on Willamette boule
vard each morning on his way to
work. Sergeant Crane of St. Johns
sub-station, testified that Carlson
was making between 35 and 40 miles
an hour. The policeman said that
when, he gave chase he was unable
to overtake the speeder until they
reached a bad stretch of pavement. ,
E. K. Majishe. charged with speed
ing on Lombard street, caused the
judge to change his penalty from
warning to a fine of $5 by giving his
version of the circumstances which
caused his arrest.
"I was thoroughly convinced from
the testimony of the policeman that
you were not willfully violating the
speed limit. said Judge Kossman
"but your own testimony would make
It appear that you were hardly in
motion. Whatever you say in this
court, you should tell the truth. You
are fined $5." " "
Symphony Orchestra Series Will
Consist of Four Events.
Season tickets for the series of pop
ular Sunday afternon concerts to be
given by the Portland Symphony or
chestra, at the public auditorium in
December, January, February and
April, will be placed on sale today in
booths in the various department
stores of the city.
Wives of the musicians interested
in the success of the concerts, will
handle the sale of the tickets in the
Olds. Wortman & King, and the J.
K. Gill stores. A committee headed
by Mrs. Henry L. Corbett will be in
charge of the sale in the Meier &
Frank store, while the members of the
McDowell club will sell the tickets In
the Lipman. Wolfe & Co. store.
The season tickets will eel! for
$2.50 for the series, being for the
choice seats in the auditorium for
each of the four concerts. Attrac
tive envelopes will be furnished with
each ticket, in order that the pur
chasers may use it as a Christmas
gift if desired.
Republicans Plan to Pnt Through
- Reapportionment Bill Based
on 192.0 Census.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 17. Republi
can members of the house at a caucus
tonight decided to put through at this
session of congress a bill reapportion
ing the membership of the house.
The plan is to make the member
ship correspond with increases in
population as reported in the 1920
census. . 9
' 1'he definite basis for the reappor-
Montana Banker Forces Supposed
Editor to Sign Affidavit.
GREAT FALL8, Mont., Dec. 17. E.
J. Moran, said to be editor of the
Spotlight, weekly newspaper of Great
Falls, was attacked here tonight by
R. P. Noble, prominent banker, for an
article published in the paper that is
said to have reflected on Noble's busi
ness integrity, according to police rec
ords. The alleged attack on Moran Is said
to have taken place in the office of
the Spotlight and he was taken from
there in an automobile to a store
building on the west side of the city.
At the building, the police say, Moran
signed an affidavit that he was in no
way connected with the paper and
was then turned free.
Chief of Police Marcus Anderson of
Great Falls. Sheriff J. P. Burns and
Deputy County Attorney Tighe were
on the scene when Moran signed the
affidavit. Moran is declared to have
left town tonight, presumably for
Helena. , '
CLYMPIA, Wash.r Dec. 17. (Spe
c;al.) The supreme court today
heard arguments on the validity of
the soldiers' bond measure, submitted
by the extra session of the legisla
ture Sn March, 1920, as a referendum
measure and adopted by vote of the
people at the November election. The
act was proclaimed a part or the law
ct the state by Governor Hart on
November 30.
To test the constitutionality of the
law and ' establish the validity of
bonds to be issued under its provi
sions, a friendly suit was brought by
the state of board finance to compel
C. W. Clausen, as state auditor, to
issue warrants for the purchase of
bonds from the state's permanent
school fund to provide for the pay
ments of compensation to the service
men as contemplated In the acts.
Validity Is Attacked.
The validity of the act was at
tacked on the theory that it con
templates the expenditure of funds
raised by general taxation for pri
vate purposes, in violation of the con
stitutional provision prohibiting such
expenditure except for public uses.
Upcn this feature of the case Attor
ney-General Thompson, appearing on
behalf of the state board of finance.
in support of the legality of the act,
contended that the services rendered
were for the general public welfare,
and as such, may be compensated by
the appropriation of public money.
ine compensation, he argued, was
voted by the people in recognition of
tne military services performed by
the veterans of the late war to pro
tect the lives, property and rights
bf all the people, and each citizen
is equally the beneficiary of such
service. ,
Recipient's Service Question.
The real question to be determined.
Thompson maintained, was whether
the recipient of the gratuity rendered
a service to the community at large.
If so, it was a public service, and com
pensation for such service is not
within the inhibition of the constitu
tion. Assuming the service to be
public in its nature, it could make no
difference whether the payment was
made before or after the rendition of
the service. . .
The attorney-general cited cases
upholding the power of congress to
pension veterans and gave emphasis
to decisions holding that past services
may be compensated, on the theory
that the result was to encourage pa
triotism. The attorney-general contended
that the compensation measure is not
intended to. grant additional compen
sation to ther service men, but is an
attempt by the state to pay the vet
erans for services for which the state
thus far has made no payment.
Wisconsin Case Is Cited. (
The decision of the Wisconsin su
preme court upholding 'the bonus act
passed by that state, upon the prin
Students Aptly Portray Difficult
Roles While Settings From
Homes Are Elaborate.
At Lincoln high school last night a
big assemblage testified in rounds
of applause to the general excellence
of the entertainment put on by the
class of January 1921. The enter
tainment was in the form of a clever
farce-comedy, called "Mrs. .Temple's
Telegram," one of the famous plays of
dozen years ago. The piece has
seen service on the legitimate stage,
in vaudeville form, in a musical com
edy version and lately has been made
into a plot for a picture. It made
most effective vehicle for exploiting
the histrionic" talent of members of
the 1921 class. . The story concerns
the explanation given by Jack Temple
to Mrs. Jack Temple after he has
stayed out all night. His excuse is
absolutely legitimate, but it seems
easier to prevaricate, and one white
yarn leads him into another, and com
plicates matters so thoroughly that
he soon finds himself in a morase of
trouble. His efforts to extricate him
self afford the main thread of the
theme. The role oi air. Temple is
cleverly portrayed by ilalcolm Stow-
ell, who got right into the spirit of
the part and gave a splendid acting
account of Jt. Florence Fowler played
the role of the unbelieving and sus
picious Mrs. Temple, and thoroughly
pictured . the character. A charming
maid, Martha Shull, was exquisite
as Dorothy, an ingenue character, and
her dainty jade-colored party frock
enhanced her charm. Miss Madeline
Coffey was also smartly gowned. Miss
Madeline Coffey simulated the airs
and graces of a globe-trotter, and
Miss Cressman was a comedy joy in
the role of the uncultured and un
lettered Mrs. John Brown.
Howard Colburn made an excellent
John Brown. Henry Hollman pre
served perfectly the atmosphere of
the sedate English butler, who falls
into comedy moods.
Harold Kar5 was splendid as Tem
ple's friend in need, and Theodore
Weiss played to advantage the role
of Captain Sharpe.
The play, in three scenes, was hand
somely staged, various hangings, rugs
and pieces of artistic furniture being
loaned from private homes. Candy
sold between acts and a programme
well filled with advertisements solic
ited and arranged by Leo A. Seltzer,
added to the . fund. The money goes
toward publishing the class book,
"The Cardinal." Ernest Markowitz, as
stage manager, and Albert Thii'kall,
iiVvy Have you stopped to consider that Electrical Gifts are
oi two Kinas practical eiecmcai laDor-saving appli
ances, such as cleaners, washers, sewing machines, etc.,
and such dainty gifts as percolators, lamps, toasters, etc.?.
Useful Gift Suggestions
Electric Toasters
Electric Percolators
Electric Grills
Electric Chafing Dishes
Electric Waff le Irons
Electric Curling Irons
Electric Samovars
Electric Table Lamps
Electric Air Heaters
Electric Heating Pads
Electric Flashlights
Electric Irons
Electric Washing Machines
Electric Ironing Machines
Electric Dish Washers
Electric Water Heaters
Electric Bed Blankets
Electric Sewing Machines
Electric Hot Plates
Electric Vacuum Cleaners
Electric Massage Vibrators
Electric Ranges
Electric Foot Warmers
Electric Motors
Xmas Tree Lighting Outfits
Make Your Selections at One of Our
Electric Stores
Portland Salem Oregon City Vancouver
Stores at First and Alder Streets and Electric Building. .
, Open Evenings Until Christmas.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.
with Mr. Seltzer, completed the ex
ecutive staff. The play will be re
peated tonight at the auditorium in
Lincoln high school.
Masons Elect Officers.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Dec. 17. At the
annual meeting last night officers of
the Masonic lodsre were named for
the ensuing years as follows: A. F.
Howes, master: K. W. Sinclair, senior
warden: C. C. Anderson, Junior war
den; Harold Hwrsliner, serretary: Tru
man Butlor, treasurer;
Dorhy, trii'tf
THE first thing you
want in foods and the
all important thing is purity. Cost .
taste everything else is of
minor consideration.
Foods should be nourishing.
That s what they are for to build
up strong, sturdy bodies.
Calumet Baking Powder is
pure in the can. It is made in the
largest, cleanest, most modern
Baking Powder Factories on earth
only of such ingredients as have
been officially endorsed by United '
States Food Authorities. '
$500,000 Asked to "Vindicate';
Xames of Dead Mother and Brother
" ;; liuiiQr costs dovn . .Eft
nfi . . in 7"
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 17. Five
hundred thousand dollars for the
vindication" of the names of her
mother and brother, both dead, was
asked in a suit filed in the superior
court here today against Joseph L.
Giroux, millionaire mining operator
of Los Angeles, and Marietta, Nev.,
by his daughter, Mrs.i Virginia Saucer.
The suit was based on the reputed
remark of Giroux after his alleged
shooting and killing of his son,
George I. Giroux, at Marietta last
spring that the latter was "not his
AT - "
251 Yamhill St. Bet. Sd aad 3d
2K Yamhill St Brt. 4th and Sth
JH Alder St Btt. 3d aid 4th
Ifs pure in the baking. , Cal
umet never fails to produce the
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nourishing foods.
t has more than the ordinary
leavening strength. You use less
of it Thafs one reason it is the
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Another reason is it is sold
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A pound can of Calumet contains full
16 oz. Some baking powders come in
12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. cans. Be"
sure you get a pound when you want it
' Recip
2i cups sifted past
ry flour, 3 level tea
spoons Calomet
Baking Powder,
teaspoon- salt, lVj
cups milk, 1 table
spoon sugar, 2 table
spoons melted but
ter, 2 eggs 'beaten
separately. Then .
mix in tbf regular
That Tempting Food
for Children BREAD
! Have some thicls slices of buttered Bread waiting the minute
the youngsters get back from school. They've earned it by their
long session of study. They need lots of Bread for repair.'
Try walking past a bakery for your own appetite, if it is jaded.
The sweet aroma of baking Bread will do more to whet your
appetite than all the iron tonics in the world.
And Bread is your best weapon against the High Cost of
Living. Eat more of it!
. Let Baker's Bread delicious, nutritious, perfectly
baked be the solution of your bread problems
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