' - J '- ,1 .1 1 . ".I V " . I ... I 1 Bimiwaa ASDABVTVfnM ' I OAT,ErV..Uia I StTTJATYONS WANTED-FEMAtK. Housekeepers. LBFINED, Intelligent woman wishes Pofj tion as housekeeper women In business to S. or widower with prown children, capable of buying, taking tall chr?e, mads one of family. Broadway 1-oL Room 4iKt between and 11 A. M. 111DDLE-AGED woman would like houe keeplng In family of adults. M. I.. 1 W. 13th at. POSITION a- housekeeper-caretaker of eoartment bouse; have child 8 year old. "if si. room 2U7. OUNG woman wishes position a keener. Home or DRESSMAKING and remodeling, by day or at home. $3. Broadway 4104. So tineas street Domestic. EXPERIENCED girl wants would assist with eh''v"'p nights, Sundays included. Phone Tabor Ti, apt. 11. COOKING and downstairs work wanted In a home; competent, ah .n WOMAN, unincumbered, wants housework. Marshall 3VJi room MousecleanioK. HOUSE CLEANING. House cleaning. window wasnmg. carpet cleaning by expert workmen, floors waxed, furniture polished cItT HOUSE? CLEANING SERVICE. 1H8 Chapman St. rnone jiam Vor A FIRST-CLASS house cleaner call Main "80S. WANTED TO BEX. Houses. WASTED To lease, modern 5 or 6-room firaisned hou in location near street car line; only adults in f"1')'' ;"t"factory reference, furnished. Phone Tabor win. S OR 4-ROOM house or flat, partly ni.hed; adults only; have r dishes and cooking 'ls:0efseureSay. If wanted. Call eviings or faunuay. East 6741. , ndA3Lyeir,de.?r'. ?unrd,.3hJe'oru'ngadl?w or , deslrabl. location, near scnooi. -- WANTED A 4 or 5-room modernly fur nished house; half hour car ride from Phn. Rroadway Fred M. O Toole. YOUNG COUPLE desires 5 or b-room fur nished bungalow, prefer Sunnyside or llawthorne district; best of references. East bJ4. BUSINESS man wishes to rent a 6 or I room modern house on west side v. 1th garage; willing to purchas. later if hous it aiwacwi j. 7 i . TiTrn ishi WANTED To rent or t house or apartment; two adult, and youngrter 3 years old. R. Sulivan. Ore W ANTED To lease for 6 months or more, 5 or eroim bungalow, desirable resi dential qistnci. " .-o WANTED Furnished house by responsi ble parties, not less than 4 rooms. J287 ragi najiLiuft.v. WASTED 5 or 6-room furnished house. can give best of references. C 123, Oregontan. WANTED Furnished house or flat suit able for three adults, close In. Mam 718. 4 OR 5-ROOM furnished house, close in. all adulta Broadway 2182. room .43. Apartments. FOUR or five-room furnished apartment. 1287 East Wash. ' Room. WANTED By lady, warm, sunny room, iiltini distance. East . REFINED young lady wishes room with respectable family. H 200. Oregonlan. Housekeeping Rooms. WANT within a week, 2 furnished light housekeeping rooms in clean, respectable ' place; will pay well. Be explicit in re ply I n g1AH202Cgonlan1 FOB BENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL BARR. i ill N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot. ; SI per day, SI per week and up. Hot and cold water, steam heat. Free pnone ana uam. SECTOR hotel, all new and modern, tran sient rooms, single or en suite, with or without private baths; rate, to per manent guests. Broadway and Ankeny St. TeL Bdwy. 3460. . " HOTEL CLIFFORD. , East Morrison st. at East Sixth. ' The principal east side hotel, c.1gnl- ' fied and refined; Sl-23 per day and up. SO per weea ana uv. oprviVQ HflTEL Fifth and Washington Sta. Attractive rates to permanent guests. Commodious suites for families. VOR RENT 1 large room, furnished or unfurnished, for gentlemen or ladies employed; 1 newly furnished sleeping room, aav i-m m. PIT7. TtOTEI Morrison and Park Streets. New, fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. I HAVE large, light furnished rooms, close In. walking distance, home comforts and conveniences, ijo - 6T. PAUL HOTEL, 130 4th at. Clean. respeciaaie. nioum, - - rtatea to yctmnuM. MOTEL OCKLEY. Motnson at .Tenth Rates fl a day up; wiekly. fi up; tres phone and baths. ROME nice furnished rooms with good heat at 1S0414 E. 10th su S. Phone Aut. WARM, clean .leeping rooms. 208 17th sU West side. FOR RENT Extra nice sleeping rooms for rent at 693 Gllsan sL 1 SLEEPING room for 1 or 2 persons; S14 per month. 346 College St. S"OB HILL district 2 newly FURNISHED ROOMS. Main 4377. I'nfurnbihed Rooms. FOUR unfurnished rooms for rent. Phone East 1748. Famished Rooms in Private Family. BEAUTIFUL, large rooms, newly fur nished, suitable for 2 or 8 gentlemen; twin beds, parlor, piano, hardwood noors, tireplajces, home conveniences; 10 min utes' walk from postoffice; also young man wishes roommate. 61 N. 18th. Broadway 2721 LARGE front bedroom, large clothes closet, freshly tinted walls, warm, new furniture, floss mattress, privilege to phone and bath, on carllne; gentlemen only, uail Automatic -ov-ui. ONE aide bedroom, heat, lights, bath, phone, 1 or 2 gentlemen; also one 2-room .ii. f.miihMl! VArkin? COUDle desired. 1K8 N..21st st.. walking distance. 1ARGB front room, connectina with front porch; Radiant- and furnace heat; sta tionary wash basin, very large closet, use 01 piano, v ictroia. aituii. put. m. 1.AROE front room for 1 or 2 gentlemen employed; walking distance; heat, bath and phone; good clean, homey place. 361 14th. Autoraatic 621-64. BEAUtTfULLY FURNISHED large room. n. ' nrinAo... furnafA 1 f Q f Walk ing d-istance. References. Marshall 3042. DANDY sleeping room, goou lor a em- ployed. See this one. 23d st. or D. M. v car. 106 22d North. Main 2S69. TO RENT Rooms In private family, close to shipyards, with or without board. In quire at 629 4th st. Take 16th at. car. LARGE, cozv front room ; private bath, close In, reasonable. East 8630 fore noons or evenings. BOOM for gentleman or lady In strictly private Jewish family; reference Broad way llOi. NEATLY furlished large front alcove room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 428 Harrison st ; , GENTLEMAN, front room, refined private home near Multnomah club. Main 6552. FURNISHED rooms very desirable, near Montgomery & Ward. Auto. 01O-58. Room With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23D AND HOYT STREETS. . CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON STREET. Two of the best-known residential liotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without eatn, $2.50 a day up. rate, by day or month. Meals served to transients. KORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel: room, en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comfort, of a horns. Reasonable rate. TWO LARGE rooms, single or double, flrst class table board, every home comfort; men preferred; references exchanged. 1101 East Taylor. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 Tenth St. For business girls and students; reaaonaole rates. Mar. 12oL BOOM and board for business girl.; all modern conveniences, walking distance; 85 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th St. DESIRABLE single room in exclusive fam ily hotel; home cooking; all convenience. For appointment, call East 8089. BTEADY boarder, wanted. 153 W. 16tlL Broadway 4408. . - Rooms With Board hi Private Family. A CHILD to room and board, any age. - Phoae Tabor 644ft, v : n mrvr 1 mRSKIIT. I . . BUBISISSS OFrOHTDSIlll' l "-tJ,'lL" .v... . I . I Boom With Bomra In Private Family. K1CB large warm front room, hot and cold water, 3 windows, suitable for mar ried couple or three chummy young men; best table board In the city; very reasonable. 191 11th at. . GOOD home cooking, walking distance, $9 a week or 933 a montn; & in room, so each. 1 block from East 16th and Mor rison, south, house Na 166. . 18th. Phone feast 2522. IRVINGTON BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, SLEEPING POKCH. 1, 2 OR S PEO PLE. EXCEPTIONAL BOARD: LAU.M DR if PRIVILEGES, GARAGE. EAST 6645. LADY having large, handsomely furnished home, with al modern, conveniences. nttum line v.o iwubcuhu u ... " , , pie to room and board. Woodlawn SOU. TWO CLEAN, comfortable, large, newly furnished rooms, furnace heat, two meals if desired, walking distance; pre-war prices, fnone pio-io. t nm. NICELY furnished room, hot and cold water, well heated; excellent table board, walking distance. 77 Marshall. Meals served to transients. SUITE of clean, well-heated rooms with board, lst-class; also table-board fur nished to outside roomers. Main 424. 714 Overton st. LARGE comfortable rdom with enclosed sleeping porch for two or three people; home privileges; walking distance; west side. Phone Mar. 42i)U. LADY If you want your room and board in a small family in exchange for a Httle assistance ia nouseworK, can auio o-i- LARGE front room with board, nicely fur nished, modern; suitable . for 2; walk ing ais.ance; imc lucawu. NICELY furnished room, meals If desired, use of phone and piano, good locality. WANTED Couple to board and room; moaern ouneaiuw; aoiuo Sellwood 2270. JOOD room and board, couple, employed, or single1, homelike. Wdln. 2349. . PRIVATE home for children by day or month. Mar. 21B2. DESIRABLE room and board, 5 minutes" . walk to shipyards. 706 -1st st. Main 4390. CHOICE room, 2 meals If desired, home p rivileges. walking distance. East 8362. FIRST-CLASS board and room In private . . i . tin wAlr Wiviillawn 'Jii. lautiiv, i . u ye. " ROOM and board, private family. 653 E. toucn Bt. rnone awo. CHILD under 7 to care for in my home. 623-73. WANTED Children to care for by month. 1680 Mississippi ave.. Kenton car. MEN ONLY Home comforts, furnace, phone, bath, reasonable. East 8445. FIRST - CLASS ROOM AND BOARD, WALKING DISTANCE. MAR. 3374. GOOD home near Multnomah club: nice table, transient or permanent. Main 22ia. Furnished Apartment.. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier ft Frana-i store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, 2 and 3-room furnished apts.. out side, with French door, and balcony. Permanent and transient, a i rvbw i - High class, beautifully furnished apt.. also lovely suite for gentleman bache lor, and single room and bath: lots i of neat; references rcouirpu. mH,..!. 3-ROOM basement apartment with heat, hot water, electric lights and gaa In quire apt. 1, 427 Rodney; walking dis tance. COMPLETELY furnished apartment, five rooms and sun parlor, in one of -he nncst apartment nuuaeg m COLLEGE. 3 rooms, newly fnmlshed, free phone, walking distance, $4700. 8d and College, Marshall 5555. . THE PARK. 4-room furnished apts, $65; adults. 353 Harrison, pnone Mar, w. UNION AVE. and Killlngsworth. S28.50, 1-. . nn nr.., Kllllllin all COniflglgl fcUIH-l. " Tf LARGE, light front 2-room apt,; free ohone: rent $60. Mar." 898. TWO 2-ROOM apartments, furnished: neat, reasonable, walking dist. East 7741. 2 OR 3-ROOM apartment. J.W and $45. 402 Park st. V nfurniwhed Apartmente. HARRIMAN APT.. 164 N. 24th St. Main 356 or Mar. 3S9; large light 4-room apt. 2 disappearing beds with dressing room; ' one sunny sleeping porch. 2 other large porches, 2 reception rooms open In one with fireplace, making it equivalent to 6 rooms; built-in bookcase, writing desk and sideboard; some furniture If desired: adults only; $63; you should see it to admire it- GORDON COURT APTS.. 16TH . AND MONTGOMKKY. - Just finished, beautiful 5-room apts., white enamel woodwork, hardwood floors, tile bath, high elevation, beau tiful view of the mountains and city; price $85 and up. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Large 4-room apt-, Dutch kitchen, gas range, modern throughout, heat and wa ter furnished. 733 Patton rd. Main 8495. TO LET for two weeks, small apartment, steam heat, one lady. $11. Main 3384. M rs. Graves FOR RENT Modem 2-room furnished apt. n ., . T.1 . IT.., 1DJ7 AW JtUSSeil St. J-WOUC ioa, -.. FIVE-ROOM modern. 10 minutes' walk to DUSiness center, ani viiica.ii nee 3-ROOM front apt.; private entrance, m cludlng heat; $60: adulta. 3SS 12th st. Flats. FURNITURE for sale, 4 rooms, rent $18 month, walking distance to west side. East 4419. Furnished Fiats. FOR RENT Very modern west side 5 room flat. $35. Nob hill district, to party buying my practically new and up-to-date furniture; neat and clean, ready to move right In, for only $800. 780 Gllsan st., between 23d ana Z4tn sts. BUY FURNITURE, rent flat; If you are looking for a home, want something clean and well furnished, at a real bar gain see thlB: lovely flat. Ideal location and exceedingly low rent. Owner, Auto. 516-54 FIVE-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale including new piano, reasonable for cash, r terms If desirable. Inquire 311 Burnside st. .ortn. un- CHOICE '-room flat, 746 Kearney, near 23d; mahogany furniture, porches, newly done. Marshall 6WU 5-ROOM flat, Sandy blvd.. completely furnished, rent $25 per month; furniture for sale, call nroaoway wgu. WIDOW wishes to share her 6-room fum. flat with congenial conple; $22 month. 2rto7i A,arraDee si. FURNISHED 4-room lower flat, walking distance, uau o-i c. rw -v. 4-ROOM, unfurnished flat for rent, mod ern. 71 East rca St. ROOMS furnished and unfurnished, also light housekeeping; new and very desira- Dle. auio. OLV-VO. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; most suitable for gentleman. 515 Vista ave. Main ion Housekeeping Rooms. SLEEPING room, for $2.50 week and up: J . . k. In ,vrr mam Rdwv 15461 SMALL furnished h. k. room. 253 V4 Wash ington St., corner inira si. ONT ROOM and- kitchenette. 400 Clay street. NICE light housekeeping room. 312 Clay X 4 tfR'Rmt& IT 'ta. Al'AldT. I? I J la'PtfX ThlS WAY rROAA Hoasekeepiasj Boetna. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. lc rooms. 115 up. Including hot water, electric lights., laundry room. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREES. Trunks, baggage delivered downtown districts, 25c Sun. service. Bdwy. 2445. NICE clean extra well furnished house keeping room and sleeplns; room, very reasonable. CPUs Washington st. CLEAN, large room, 62d and Sandy, Rose City Park. SB.fiO. Marshall 557. Housekeeping Room In Private Family. 3 UNFURNISHED clean, desirable rooms and kitchenette, water, lights and heat furnished. 665 Reedway, 1 block from ' Sellwood car. Sellwood 2147. SINGLE MAN can have, basement h. fe. room, electricity and cooking gas for $5 per month and start small furnace fire ,P:t A. M. 221 inn st. FOR RENT 2 housekeeDing rooms, unfur .. nished, with gas range, near Hawthorne school. AH 270. Oregontan TWO Vtr?F; clean rooms with kitchenette. easy walking distance; adult, only. 370 Broadway. 2 PARTLY well furnished H. K. rooms, reasonable walking distance. 372 14th 2-ROOM furnished apt., modern, with heat, $28.50 a month. Main 253Q. HOUSEKEEPING room, reasonable rent. Walking distance. 220 North 16th st. Honses. THOROUGHLY modern bouse, live rooms, lower floor; all hardwood; one room and Bleeping porch upstairs; for Immediate occupancy ix aesireo. wv asi sum . FINE large house, east side, close In. near three carlines, partly carpeted and with . window shades, half block grounds, suit able for residence, school, sanitarium, small boarding house or rooming house. Wakefield, Fries Co., 85 4th St.. or tele phone Marshall 2474 before 1:30 P. M. for 5 rooms, which cost owner $750-; the whole thing goes for 8375; rent of five rooms only S12.50 per month. I have gone to California and must sell. See my agent. Fred - W. German Co., 732 Lnamoer or ommereq. FOR LEASE OR SALE 6 room, and .1...!.. .. U . fl.anloc, ftimnPA &nd oircyius . , ------- - - 1U1I UttJICIIICll V , IUVM1, Ulbt. , ..... llnlshed In old Ivory and white, comer jot ana garage, l diock rroiu uauiwu,.,. park. mone 'laoor zim. Sollday Bros.' Transfer A Storage Co. Bdwy. 4222. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING, Lang-Distance Hauling, Storage, Packing and Shipping.' Sollday Bros.' Transfer Btorage Co. CALL. BKUAUWAI OOV , NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET. MOVLNG Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service to.. in "" - FURNITURE for sale, 4 rooms. $1S rent, walking distance to west side. Phone East 41. FOR RENT 6-room bouse, $30. lO E. 63d t. Call or phone Saturday from 4 to 0 p. M., -TaDQT vqj. BEST equipped for local and ' 'on-T'8ts"f' hauling and moving. Green Tr. Co 202 V, Alder St. Main 126L t"ROOMS and bath." fun t:JXf.Z nace; part furniture for sale. Auto matic tNi I tTroOM house, tea room and '.eIlnrg porch. 1424 Multnomah U near 62d st. ml 1177 FOR RENT 5 room modern : f"' ture for sale cheap. Rent $20 a month. Close in. 387 E. 7th St, N. 8-ROOM. modern house, lot 100x100. Ir vington, 1 block from Broadway car. . Call Taoor iw. 1 ROOMS, bath, cement basement, nu neighborhood; 55. East 51. IRVINGTON 10-room house, suitable for 2 families: $50. Call 329 Salmon. 6-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. 43Q Harrison t- , . 6-ROOM bungalow with garage, i block from school. Phone Sellwood 1412. SPLENDID" 6room house, $25; delightful little ilat, iiw. x-aim.-uio 5-ROOM cottage for rent: newly "ted and partly furnished; $26. Auto. 210-84. Fnrnlsned Ilonsee. FURNISHED modern 6-room house for . rent, $40 a month; man and wife: no objection to one or two little girls: loca tion east side. Woodmere district. For further particular, call on D. W. Gard ner 125 14th St., near Washington. WILL sublease to adulta beautiful fur nished eignt-room nouse. ""; nyside section, .one block Umov.t car cceuoyry'lsT" C T 221? Oregonian. low. 1 ply fuTnishd. Call Main 2380 afternoon 736 E. BURNSIDE; 6 large rooms, com pletely furnished. Modern; piano; refer ences. Main aai, minumst. Stores and Business Places. FOR RENT or lease, frame building, 42 by 50 feet clear floor space with con crete floor; located at 472 East Burn side "st This building is suitable for automobile, repair shop, warehouse or manufacturing purposes; rent $,0.. Phone Tabor oirt-. FOR RENT. 50x100. Store room on 6th st., bet. Gllsan and Hoyt: flue for wholesale or mfg. iimrp T.nWK! Jt- CO. i 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. STORE for rent, space 12x30; a good lo . cation for any kind of business, with a nice basement, space 24x65. For particu lars call at 249 Morrison st, between 2d and 3d sts. ' FOR RENT Very desirable Id-floor shop. Automatic 625-30. STORAGE space for 50 cars; heated bulld ins, close in. Speedwell garage, 35 N. 14th ana uoucn. ash im FOR DESIRABLE space In fireproof ware house phone Bdwy. LillS Secu-ity Stor age & TranSier go., OO -am nv-. v' x ROOM 10x20, 62d and Sandy blvd. Fine for shop, living, mi""""' " STORE, near First and Clay, $20. Apply 1UO eecona si. $25 STORE. 23x94. 543 First L Phone Tabor 1114. Offices. DESK room, with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone BdW 3715. Se curity Storage ft Transfer Co., 63 4th street, corner r-ine. SUITE IN HIGH-CLASS OFFICES BLDG. consisting of rooms and jmaclous re ception hall, to SUPiet. ,an mam DENTIST wants location for ethical prac tice In Portland or vicinity. T 273. Ore- gonlan. DESK for rent, office In Morgan bldg.; phone service furnished. Inquire room 84. attain itojj. FRONT office, moaern. In Railway change bldg. Apply room H12. - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE! Blodirett gaa oven four shelves), cost $250; for quick sale $75 cash; good a. new. Call 308 Oak; st- or phone Broadway 358. POOL room, west side, good location, do ing nice business, fixtures first class. $3500 will handle. Smlthpeter. 248 Stark. J II m. 6oaima lev TrMt Cocfrlgbt. TUB THE MORNIXG OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER r " J " " I t nsT ivn miVKIV I HNATIAU DO TOTJ WANT TO' SBL1. " YOUR BUSINESS? If you list It with us, it I. sold. We handle all kind, of business opportunities, hotels, r o e m 1 n-g houses, restaurants, grocery stores, etc ; we are the largest dealer, on the coast, and have lots of buyers. If your business has merit, call or see Mr. Marshall, with FRANK L. MoGUIRE, Arlington Bldg. . Main 1068. GOOD bargain. $800 in grocery stock; good building and home; also another build ing 40x45 ft., good for hardware store . Good spring with all around galvanized 2-inch water pipe, high pressure, 2 acres fenced; good chicken house, near Port land Southwestern Railway station; good wagon road; price $32O0. Will take some liberty bonds. Tony Danese, Star Route, Scapoose, Or. RESTAURANT. - - , STCKJfESS FORCES ME TO SET.L. Must get away quickly; sell $1000 below value; close in west side. Call Marshall 1950. apt 46. X . - EXCHANGE. GENERAL MFS. STORE. ""One of the best towns in Oregon; has averaged $03000 a year business; good clean stockffthroughout; for a good ranch; will invoice or lump stock. This will stand very close investigation. MR. BROWN. 410 Railway Ex. Bldg. $20,000 HARDWARE. Located ten miles from Seattle: stock of hardware, paint, house furnishings, etc.; established 11 years: modern brick building, prosperous community, four paved roads entering town. Sales this year $39,000. No agents. Hardware, box 278, Bothell. Wash. COUNTRY NEWSPAPER. Owner wishes to dispose of hewspape and Job printing plant in live town In Yakima valley, Washington (on main line N. P.) This place can be made to pay $250 a month. Price $3500; about one-half cash Tequlred. R 37, Orego ntan. BARBERS. ATTENTION. Have decided to sell mv burner ahon and residence. If you are looking for a gooa-paying .nop ana a good home in a good town, write or call on W. P. t-onser. White Salmon, Wash, Will .invoice, living apt., steam heat, rent $30. with lease; daily average $50. Sickness: must sell this week. nAKrt,tt, 4iu Railway Ex, Bldg, OPENING for steady man in auto tire shop, vulcanizing, etc.; $200 to $250 a montn clear proiit: will teach buyer the business; $700 required. Call room -401 Dekum Diag. CAUTION BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon building Broadway 1902. OX Y-ACETYLENE welding shop; on ac count of other business must sell; good business in live mill town of 4O00; $700 caaii win nanqie. A V trHia, Oregonlan. FOR RENT Best card room location in vii.j, jjiuiitry-iiiaKer irom start. It you are a live one here Is your chance. O 46, Oregonlan. KILLINGS WORTH GROCERY, living rooms; doing good business; cheap rent; apt. -house district; bargain, Keipper, 248 Stark, FOR SALE Small store, living rooms in back, lots, house and household goods, stock and fixtures, $2000. Phone Colum bia 1082. $750 RESTAURANT, well equipped; $15 a rem, -year lease; averaging $40 a day, good terms. MORRIS, 410 Railway Ex. Bldg. $!25 BUYS a cleaning and pressing shop if sold by Mondav: nlentv nf vn.t liv ing rooms and cheap rent, 866 'East Aiineiiy. WELL-EQUIPPED cement garage. lOOx 10O. tributary to the finest residence dlst. In Portland; will sell at almost piii-c. rty. Kxcn. bldg. GROCERY AND IVIVPLV'TIj-ivi.'!! On busy street, 4 living rooms and bath; a snap at $1000. Room 611 Rall way Exchange. . COUNTRY STORE. Leading store, fast growinsr com munity: fixtures and building. $2,500 Stock. $3000. or invoice. Call Mar. 3993. LADIES and' gent s furnishings, shoes and art needle craft store, best east side lo cation; reasonable rent, four-year lease "" i" inwe., r-none CLEANING and pressing shop for sale in live town; good., location and excellent business; reasonable. AV S24 Orego nlan. ' RESTAURANT. With 85 seats; long lease; cheap rent; business $150 to $200 per day. Cad Main jot-, ucmecn i, sa. ana 12 r. Al, RESTAURANT, doing $50 day. good loca- ?, siaae iixtures, oandy buy at fl'50. Smithpeter, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. AUTO oiling station, good equipment; yvtx ran maKe gooa profits; small Investment required. Room 611 ..mi . a. j jjAWliailgq. GROCERY store for sale; doing cash busi f .' Just the place for man and ,....,e iuwjub. t xua. oregonlan FOR SALE Lunch and card room, soft drinks; west side; good fixtures, good location, busy street. Call Bdwy. 2790 GROCERY and confectionery, must sacrl- unci- reiusea. can wiaj, i i i TLlbSlTegippi ave FOR SALE By owner, best paying inn on Columbia River highway; $2500 cash will handle. D 91. Oregonian. YOUNG man with $500 cash or liberty bonds, can secure half Interest in estab lished office business. N 260, Oregonian 14-ROOM hotel and restaurant for $250 down, good location; rent $40. 24 Albina ave. East 8150. GROCERY and confectionery, good loca tion and trade; 7 living rooms; rent $35; $1150, changing business. Sell. 3386 FOR RENT Pool hall with 5 tables, also cardroom with 6 tables: $125 a month. See owner at 818 Union ave. N. TRUCK and business. $900, $300 down, bal. as earoea. juercnantff i ran Bier, 351 East Oak East 8877. IF Y8U have a good grocery for sale, or want iu uuy one reasonaDiy, see xelpper. 248 Stark St. A CASH grocery, ci-aring $225' month, no aenvery: nas nving room; $io required. rtoom wi ueKum niag. PILES can be permanently cured wlthouit . -, . 1 ft, 11 A - r-la T.. D9JI. Morrison street. GROCERY near Alameda, 4 rooms and bath; doing good business, reasonable rent; will invoice. Keipper. 248 Stark. MODESN garage and repair shop; excel lent location; pronts suw- montn; swu required. Room 401 Dekum bldg.- . AUTO repair garage, clears $500 month; will sell at Invoice siuou casn. Dalance easy. Room oil Hallway Kxcnange. FOR SALE Restaurant, Weil equipped; doing Dusiness six years, a uhibbui. 3KH K. Aiaer FOR SALE Grocery" store tt 756 Sandy blvd. and 23d st.; will lump or Invoice. Phone East 2444. FOR SALE -Store, confectionery nd cl- gars. soft drinks. 276 Third at, GARAGE, balf or whole Interest: one of . v. . . 1,- T A DpAvnlvlBn TO INVEST $1500 to $2000, with services. AN 225, oregonian. WEST SIDE grocery, doing gooS business; low rent, ileipper. a4 atark. POLLY AND Fool. Mtq sy.WLsiuiuu Femtnw StsvlBi tic Onirt Brttani W$Ms SHIMMY MAKES A GOOD SIFTKR. N ?jcr 'GOOX (J6KfjU 1 1 J ON ACCOUNT of professional work am selling an interest in mfg. business: car ries position of secretary and treasurer to right man; doing good business with big chance for expansion. $3700, $20 cab. Money fully secured. Phone Bast 7209 or D 214, Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED , fuel man "needs a steady partner in his growing wood and coal business. Can clear $2M month for each partner: $500 handles It. Call room 4H1 Dekum bldg. FOR RENT Fine opportunity for auto mechanic, fully equipped repair shop in one of east slde'a largest and best lo cated garages: all garage repair business goes to renter free. Phone Automatic 310-16. FOR BILLIARD, pool tables, card tables, bar fixtures, showcases, cash registers and store fixtures, see W. J. Quigley. 366 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 123 Eary payments. WE GRIND everything, razors, shear., etc. Portland Cutlery Co., 86 6th St. nr. Stark Business Opportnnltle. Wanted. , SELLING BRECKS HIGH-GRADE . LOGANBERRY JUICE, to 'hundred, of dealers past six year, has grven me fit-hand knowledge of Portland's REALLY GOOD STORES. If yours 1 for sale list It with me. Wherever I can be of service to both "Her ana buyer. I'm your man. F. A. BBlJA; Mfg Breck's loganberry Juice. 884 fcast 42 st. North. Tabor 2678. Appointment. any uaj eALgyt ou.mfj I HAVE $1000 to $2000 to Invest in suburban grocery; must be good PrP--sitlon: apartment house district pre ferred. Write or call room OS, Del-Aiaa- J0 notei. roruiHiu WANT room In locality good for meat mar ket: WOUia conaiuer d - . '. . Ph. 91 7-73 TO RENT or lease, location for small wood yard; prefer the west side. K oregonian. WANTED Best confectionery, west side, 12000 cash will buy. Main 5429. WOULD like hauling contract for Stt and 2-ton trUCKS. 4JU ournaiu Hotels and. Booming Hoa.ee. FOR LEASH 100-room hotel with ground floor office and lobby; well established business; good corner, North 3d st. Very reasonable terms can be had on furniture or you may refurnish to suit yourself. Wo give you the lease and you may make your own arrangements for furniture. A great opportunity to . get a well-paying business without paying a premium for It. For fur ther Information call at 28 North , Second st. , M. E. LENT COMPANY 523-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY. II YOU WISH TO BUY OR-SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER: 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO BUYERS, TAKE NOTICE. ' If you are in the market for a room ing or apartment house. I'll give you the advantage of my 15 years' experience In Portland dealing in them. I 11 see that you get located right and that you get a square deal. Get In my automobile and I will show you. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch Bldg. 14 well furnished apartments, all with private bath. Close in. west side. Very homelike and easy to manage. See tm before It's sold. , o COOVER ft HOLMAN. REALTORS 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. 8d andWash. We Do Ot Misrepresent. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartment house of any kind, anywhere. Me F. Rierdon. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. , . , 1 , TmiI. H1A We write all kinds of Insnranca BY OWNER Hotel and grocery, modern fireproof building In splendid town; new 5.- , naor fti iM ! t lire : caan- BtOCK Hliu iiaiuiw ...... . , and-carry grocery; business can be dou- bleu. Aaaress guiuAi, . Chehaiis, vvasn FOR SALE The Lincoln hotel, cor. 1st .... .j , lrii,hii H In In t? room and library, with 28 large outside rooms; steam neawu, v1'- . - v-. . 5-yr. lease. Address Vlahakls Mckas, Raymond, wasn. Ol J. .J w -" This place la always full and the fur niture Is in very good condition ; must be sold at once. See Davidson, 410 By. Exchange. . . , WANTED 12 to 16 rooms, H. It, White .7-,. 1 i.Mri must be steam or fur nace heat; must be a bargain; owner. only. main iu 60-ROOM hotel and housekeeping, clears $450 mo.," 5-year lease, low rent, good furniture, terms or part trade. Charles RIngler ft Co.; 225 Henry bldg; ... .rtnM A. ODliVVT,n1 626 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6127. 14 rms., H. K., $1500. only $600 down. 8 rms. ti. n... omy vvv APARTMENT house, 8 rooms, always tilled. Close in, eai amc, '"""".!"" rent $25: price $800. Room 511 Railway Exchange, a""." Ancnv ornua fi;on Splendid furniture, west side, clean and new; rent $60 month. , BRUCE taOUUAHUi aoi- pui-ii jr,ms. SICKNESS compels me to dispose of one of the best paying rooming houses, walk ing distance. In city: nets S0 per m5nth: $1000 will buy It. 395 Sixth st. $900 BUYS 9 housekeeping rooms, good close-in location; good furniture, cheap rent.-- See Brown & Blddle, 324 Railway Exchange bldg. 1 $1600 $12O0 DOWN. 12 rooms completely furnished: close 1o west side public library. Call Mar shall 3913. BY OWNER, 26-room hotel. Fine loca tion ; nice place and lease.. 91H N. : Broadway. Call 517-51. ' WANT Buy furnishing apt. houxa, brick bldg. Mrs. Laws, Main 867. 416 Chambe-r,. of Commerce. $600 DOWN. Six-room flat, exceptionally well fur- tuned. West side. Call Marshall 3993. FOR BEST bargain In apartment house see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 245 Fourth st. EIGHT rooms, all H. K., gas heat, cheap re nt, $900. terms. 2sa Harrison. . BY OWNER, 13 rooms, nice furniture; makes very pretty home. 846 College st. I WANT good rooming house, 10 or more rooms. Main fltws. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING NOTICE A special meeting of the stockhold ers of the Rossland ft Deer Park Min ing company will be held at the office of the company, room 836 Chamber of Com merce building, Portland, Or., on Mon day December 20. 1920, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of electing direc tors and considering and taking action upon tbe matter of dissolving the cor poration. This meeting Is called pursuant to action of the board of directors. D. SOUS COHEN," Presidents Attest L. E. LATOURETTE. Secretary of said company. Portland. Or.. December 8. 1920. NOTICE. Mrs. C. H.'' Saunders having left her home and board at Newberg. Or., to live in the city of Portland, her husband will not be responsible for any bills Incurred by her. HER PALS ThiaIK. UP -Av. 1 TTvrt 1 . X. 1.. TZ-. I . ' lb iti 7 TES. rtTOEEDI BT CLYFF STERRETT. 18, 1920 NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice is hereby given that The Pa cific Telephone ft Telegraph Company, a corporation, has erected on the shore, of the Columbia river at a point mile north of Coffin rock, on the Oregon lde and also at approximately 1300 feet north of the mouth of the. Kalama river on the Washington side, two monuments, namely, signboards set on posts In plain view, bearing the words "Cable Crossing, The Pacific Telephone ft Tele graph Company," which t Jd signs mark the landing place on the shore, of the Columbia river of an additional sub aqueous telephone and telegraph cable, approximately 2418 feet In length, which on October 13, 1920, was laid across Ktli river in a general easterly direction from the said landing as the Oregon side of said Columbia river and between the termini above described; said cable being laid at the same approximate location a. two formerly existing sub aqueous cable, which cross the .aid Columbia river between the same ter mini and the landing places of which are marked by the same signboard, as above described. This notice 1. published for the pur pose of Informing all navigators of the description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landing, and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By H. J. Tlnkham. Division Superintendent of Plant ' NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice is hereby given that The Pa cific Telephone ft Telegraph company, a corporation, has erected on the shores of the Yaqulna bay at a point 100 fewest of the government's rear range sign on tbe north side and also at the county road dock on the south side of the said Yaquina bay, two monuments, namely, signboards set on posts in plain view, and bearing tbe words "Cable Crossing. The Pacific Telephone ft Telegraph Com pany," which said sign, mark tbe landing places on the shore, of the Yaqulna bay of a certain subaqueous telephone and telegraph cable. 2250 ft. In length, which on November 23, 1920, was laid across said bay in a general southerly direc tion from the said landing on th. porta side to the said landing on the south side of the said Yaquina bay and be tween the termini above described. This notice Is published for the pur pose of Informing all navigator, of the description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landing, and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH COMPANY, By H. J. Tlnkham, Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE OF MEETING OF LANDOWN ERS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1. Notice is hereby eiven that the board of supervisors has called a meeting of the owners of land In Multnomah county drainage district No. 1, to be held on Wednesday, the ziun aay ot uecemoer, 3920. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. In the Swiss hall (No. 283 1-8 Third street, near Jefferson street). In tbe city of Portland. Oregon, at which time and place such owners shall meet for the purpose of selecting one supervisor 'who shall hold his office for three years or until his successor 1. elected ana quail Bed At said meeting each owner shall be entitled to one vote in person or oy proxy for each acre of land owned by him In such district Dated this 16th day of December. 1920. J. O. ELROD, President Bonrd of Supervisor.. Attest: D. C. POWELL, Secretary. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Liberal . reward will be paid to anyone giving information - which will lead ta the recovery of a suitcase and contents left by Merton D. Sackett In some hotel or, lodging house In Portland during the month of August. 1920. Notify B. F. Manley, attorney at law, Harvard, Illinois LOST White English bulldog, part point er; both ears black; marking on left ear extends around to left eye, large black spot on left side,- directly behind front shoulder; weight about 60 pounds. Answers to name "Jack." Reward. American Railway Express Co. LOST Between E. Broadway and E. Glisan on Grand ave. or Union ave., Knights Templar and Royal Arch charm on watch fob. lodira number on back. Return to Malcolm Tennent, care of Meier & Frank Co. Reward. WILL PARTY who took coat and hat by mistake from Panama cafe -on night of Dec. 15 kindly return same to above cafe or Carlton hotel and receive their coat and hat? No question, asked. E. A. Wright. LOST Auto crank to Chalmers car on Morrison bridge or east side; please leave Oregonlan business office. Reward. LOST BY WORKING GIRL ON E. 11TH ST. SOUTH. SMALL COIN PURSE CONTAINING $11 IN BILLS. KEYS AND RINGS. CALL BROADWAY 318. LOST Black and white bull pup. stub tall, on Foster road, about 72d st.; an swer, to name Tex. Notify Sellwood 2125 for reward. STOLEN The 2 girls who took the purses from Murlark's hall last Saturday night, return same by next Saturday niht and avoid trouble. ' LOST Small black pocket book near Olds & King's. Finder please keep money and return other articles. Main 2286. apartment 23j WILL the party who found draft made out to Lucille Rathfou please return same to manager at Bob's restaurant? No ques tions asked. PLEASE return brown silk embroidered drape veil, lost Friday, calendar dept, Woolworth'a 15c store. Return to Ore gonian. . LOST Friday, lady's fancy bag. near Broadway and Morrison, containing glasses; reward. Phone Marshall 8718. LOST or strayed from Ainsworth st., near Ockley Green school, small Guernsey heifer. Finder please call Woodlawn 21. LOST Gold bracelet, engraved Charles to Georgle, In or near First Presbyterian church. Dec. 12. East 3005. LOST Aviation medal on fob between Baker theater and 10th and Washing ton sta Call Bdwy. 2878. FOUND Sum of money, Dec. 4; loser must identify. Call at Schweitzer ft Eagln. 5U2 Columbia bldg. Mar. 1937. LOST On Arlington Heights, heavy red sweater with yellow W. Reward. Sell wood 2314. POCKETBOOK containing $10 check and some currency; $5 reward. 550 Market Main 5552. LOST CHILD'S SPECTACLES: NAME IN CASE CAROL! N LANG. MAIN 4514. REJWA RD. LOST Between Montgomery Ward A Co. and union depot, lotfge pin: name uattle on top. Phone Marshall 4591. Reward. FOUND Small purse with money; owner may nave oy paying tor tnis aa. tin Main 4354, office hour.. 1 LOST P.lr of glasses made by Dr. Walk er. Call Main s or t-ast sn;t: rewara. LOST A silver bar pin. Reward. Phone .ast "ira. LOS'P Gold-rim nose glassea; reward. . , -.... 1 IDA leiepnone i n "u r ii-w. LOST Ivory buffer, top of powder box Wlin in""" "-' ..... LOST Black and white long-haired pup. r, n.w. tqal LOST One Chinese Spits dog. female, no collar; reworq. ma xwrequ cawi omIThK IS!" jIRSOLaJTEl XjJThiaI I li viMfe L.rz. -rvra Ha:. - - . THE FOLLOWING articles" were found on cars of the P K . L. P. Co., Deo. J: 7 purses, pin, letters. 1 pair gloves. ' .Ingle gloves, 2 books, belt, 2 boxea 4 packages. 8 lunch boxet saw and over alls. 1 suitcase,' 16 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder ireeis. FOUND 34x4 vacuum cup tire, S. lh and Market. Call 321 K. 10th. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. Vnrr unt rn kkt.l AN ATTTOMO- BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL Pl.KAPE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAliB CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. WOULD you hesitate to buy wheat at one cent a bushel, or coal at a cent a ton or any other salable necessity at this price? Have lust such an Investment that can be demonstrated. Now yielding higher return, than any regular invest ment. Write or call for Information. 41 Railway Exchange bldg.. Portland. MONEY TO LOAN on surplus stocks of merchandise placed In storage with us. Phone Broadway 8715. Security Storage ft Transfer Co.. 63 4th street, corner of Pine. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate In Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 816 Lumbermena bldg. BUY bonds, notes, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 302 Lewis bldg.. 4th ft Oak. M.uney to Loan on Real Estate. RESIDBNCB LOANS. 7 per cent, five-year period. Ton may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce in terest on loans under $5000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value house and lot at 1 per cent. You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example, $2000 loan, you pay $10 month ly and Interest; you have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced accordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, A per cent. Sxcellent repayment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main N308. 407 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS On improved properly, or for improve ment purposes. . The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 month, pay. a loan of $1000 and interest. Loan, ot other amounts In .am. pro portion.. Repayment privileges. ' BQUITaHLU SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. fori land. Or. NO DELAY CJUICK ACTION REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE IAJANS. On Imp. city property or Willamette Valley farms or for imp. purposes. All amounts, $1000. $1500, $2uoo and up. Sellers contracts purchased. F. H. liBSHON. 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. mortgage loans. Farm and city pkoi ertt. 6 and 7 per cent, installment loans, no commission, union- abs1kact co.. 83 4th ST. HENKY BLDG. BE hi US TODAY We loan money on real estate; no commission, 6 and 7 per cent on choice loans, long time, short time; monthly payments, pay as you can; sums to suit; cootracta, 2d mortgages; liberty bonds bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 6lh and Alder. Cellars-Murton Co. MOKTGAGB LOANS on farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WEb'iEKN BOND ft MORTGAGE CO., 80 Fourth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. B1KRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ' Marshall 4114. A. 4118. $00,000 TO LOAN in sum. to suit on city, suburban and farma Building leans a specialty. WILLIAM O. BECK. 215-216 FAILING BLDG, THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. Insurance couipany money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delays. DEVE -tKAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 117 Sixth st., Portland. Oi MORTGAGE LOANS en Improved farms and city property, favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD., 3M9 Piatt bldg. Main 537L $300 $400, $500. $600. $H00. $1000, $1200. $1500, $2000 and up. lowest rates, quick action, pay off $100 or more at any in. terest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 ' Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 13i0. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1RO0. $300 $400. $500. $750, $1000 AND UP Low rates; quick action. Fred V. Get man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Mam 6444. $500, $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable terms; no delay; no broke rage. John Bain. u07 bpalding bldg. MONEY to loan on real eslate security at going rate of Interest, Otto ft Harkaoa ,ealty CO.. 11a i-nsm. 01 MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and T per cent. Louis Saloman A Co., 408 Selling bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per ceaL Geo. P. Lent. 714 Corbett bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham, of Com., 4th and Btara. Money to Loan Chattel, and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONET AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOa VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATb. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large en your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money If needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curitl In your possession, and you can repay us in email monthly payments WK ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rate, reasonable. Private offices. All busi ness strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (LICENSED.) 806-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall 85S8. 8. W. cor. Third and Washington. , CHRISTMAS MONEY. WE LOAN MONEY to salaried and working men on their personal note. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES. NO PUBLICITY ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, vlanos. etc.. without removal. CALL AND SEE US TODAY. Investigate our modern money-lendln. methods. It will cost you no more now than if you wait until a few day. before CHRISTMAS. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. 218 Falling Bidg. 8. R. corner Third and Washington Sta QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note. Confidential Investiga tion. 816 Chamber ef Commerce bldg. Licensed. MONEY TO LOAN on diamond.. Jewelry, legal rates, articles hold a year; estab. Ilshed 1888. Dan Marx A Co.. 2S3 Wash. HATHAWAY Loan, on piano, and' furni ture; legal rates. 208 Washington bldg. I p - i'. r? eTf. A- 11 Money to Lose Chattels sail lsrlea. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT S PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BT PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO- PROTECT BOrU ' ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY, VIC TROLAS. PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURJL M STARK ST.. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MTERS HERMANN, Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY TO LOAN n diamonds, wauhea. Jewelry sssl bonds, le.Hl rates; all goods hld 1 year, VINES JKWKI.KV bTOKK. 114-118 Third st.. corner Washington. MAIN OU4II. MONEY TO LOAN on good, placed In slore with us. We can save you money. Low Interest rates. Phone BroariWMU 371.1. Security Htnr.se A Transfer Co.Fii 4th street, corner ot line. Ixana Wanted. ARB YOU WITH UK? A wel.estsbllshed firm with Itn.ooo worth of saleable products on hand for which there la an absolute demand and May?''1'' which sale, season begins on Will place the above property, togeth er with real estate deeds, land sales con tract covering all equipment, machinery ana ortier personal property of the com pany to a total value of H'-'Oooi. m ICr."w," ecurlty. and will atreot sums or $100 and up. total not to em-eed M per cent of the value of the .-ourtty of. rered, to be returned on or before Sep tember 15, 1!:m, tosether with a 10 per cent dividend as a slisre of a legitimate co-operation profit. Von help us rsrrr our good, to the marketing period, we divide the profit, wlih ou. Our per ftial renponslhility ran be -rism-d from old established firms. For further Information, address Box. NL Van 01 u v r. w ajh, FRANK Is. MeGl IRK. with his years of esperience and expert knowlerire of va.ues. is In a position to reru.nl vour every Interest In loaning your money. Hundreds of .ppuallon for loans, onir, of personal service t.et 11. loan your money, tie. J. Lost Hicha-d-n manager of loan department, A- j'.'jtLgJL-.h'.ig, M.in iu WE HAVE some good lea leatate (nntracts ana mortgages in amounts of $"n and .Dove, payable In monthly Installment. vT.aVn 1 t"'T cmnt Interest, whlcs we will discount per cent. K. H llow- -"" 210 Chsm. of Com bids ,4i.sI.PK" ''" 4M .r cent: Pr cent; securities offered are mc"- '"r,l"nd "d vicinity and we -r. -h"!. lh' Kr"1 W- German Co." Li'-. 1 nnmber of fnmmerro nirtit Wii ? Xw.1 '""m Private party. $i7,ihi fr Me"?. "'"?, """"hold furniture. No skents. Q iMm, Oregonlan VTL 1. ' ""-"m Property; security ak 1J1 . '"n, r commission. Owner. aiv itm, Oregonian. W.T don on so acres under In gallon project. W. F. Wl,.,,n. 54 E 211th St.. Portland. Or. l-h.,.,. K. 1752 UILT-KDGK KI It ST m7ThtgaGKs v 1, .M.A"E AND HOLD " TEMHO.N. 15 qua, t'K rmi. UL ,i"",h"""S rtl-trlrt; value HUilHt. ' all 417 Timbjejjwnm... ii.i, WANT ll'J.10 on lmprovediiusli,annrT WANTEIi2Uo6 Hood niT77 property. Cliaa. A. Uanoe, Rout. 1. Hood KVVumi .ma?"- "000 to $51100; Al serurltAl.ln A17. eEAKh:,;ON. INV MORTGAGE CO .z t-ham of Com. Fourth and Kt.rk PERHONAI. CHIROPRACTIC. BODT HAIlinri STEAM BATHS. KI.KCTRIC AND Vll i KOPLh WKIsL. UK CiiVIVi,i.'ii S,VJ,JTOI,AY- fwn ? treat: J;TS' rAI1' ,N AND TALK THIS HWKn,AlD ?,'AAK ""- " WANTED-PT THE ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE OK OREGON Definite and accurate Information con. oernlng moonshiners, hnotleiiei. or any violators of the prohibition law; all com. munlcatlons treated absolutely confl S. AUllC"" " communications 10 P. O. Box Portland. Oregon. N?.TTilii.M" BKNaON, D P Naturopath rHH,il"ir.Urd on NERVOUS and CHRONIC diseases: traction cures weak backs; mineral steam baths, electric violet ray and srlenttrio maaagee clean the system and build It up; both sexes mum im. mn DvKum bldg. IF YOU are tired and nervous you can rejuvenate your nervous centers end poor circulation hy having a .dentine body maiaars. Dr. Ovldia L.r.-n. for. merly at 427 Morgan bl.lg., I. now 0. ..imnan mug. .nam limn TAKARA ANTISHPT1C I'OWDHR I, a cleansing, healing germicide and Invlg. orating douche, a great .Id In f-ma,e disorder.; 50c and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. FOR xvas; Kodak enlargements colored In oils Your favorite scene. Quality work reasonable prlrea Mls Mackensle. Automatic R17-64. aiaen.ie. KHVKT A HANKUI-T. leading wig and , toune makers; finest stock human hair goods; permanent and marcel waving Hcalp treatment Siu Alder. Main A 44, ANY SCHOOL TK.ACII K H having a pupil, one Mis. Ottomlre Payne, plcafle have her call at General Deilvery, Poatnffic. for her mall. George Hauler, Gen IVI GRADUATE chlropodlKt, manlcurlet, ati. Frriuous rtalr permanently removed ace, Hcalp "perlallM: ladles and gentle men, ail.Hj Allfky bldg., 3d and M. rrl.on. DR. E. A. GKIFKITH. D. P Kxpert ma.. eeu,e. steam hath, vibration, facial and scalp treatments. f,ai!len' patronage pre, (erred. 417-41 "wetland bldg. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Pr. Katon e the CHlKtil'iilU.HT and AKC1I SPI.S'P, who doesn't hurt you; s yrs. here; exaia. free. Globe bldg.. 11th Wash. Hdy. INGHOWING nails, or chilblains cured; remedies sold on trial; quick relief. Write Kugene Eaton, dept. 2t, Baodon, Oregon. I l.UXK MASSXGRS 415 BUCHANAN It LUG. Al A IN 10 A. M. TO K M. : Al.stl iPKN si;ndavs and iioi.ihavn f'EKT BO KG See Dr. Ii:thc A. tSotrv, pedicuring and manicuring. In A Al to 8 P. M. "3 Halelgh bl.lg. Mar. 33711. VIT O NKT Magnetic sweat-maesag Vlt O Net sweat blanket, for .ale. 447 Morgan bldg. Main 3l',V BULl'HUK .team bath maseage, violet ray and vibratory treatment. 46 Clay. Mala g..-, 10 A. M. to g P. M. BTKAM bath, with ahower at low rate; both sexes; open evenings and Sundays. 4 1 s Bwelland bldg. W1I L Ml". Dorothy Hart pleae. rail at Postoffice. General Delivery, for her m.llTGeorge Hagler. VIT-O-NBT sweat liaths, Violet Itay treat menta. body masimge, 10 A. M. lo P. yrdally. 4MI Morg.n bldg. Alain 7irw. MAKSAGR, bathi, klrtnejs. rnnatlpatloa, rheumatism. Dr Klna Hnrensen. drug. I,., phys. BO Panama bldg Main 0l.g PILKS can be permanently cured without operation. Call or writs Dr. Dean. U4fc Morrison ew NO CUBE, no pay: falling hair, dundruff; hair grown on bald heads; ladles of Sent. 14 Macleay blrlg. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts rammed by 10-needles method; trial free Joale Flnley. 41S Push A Ijine bldg. slain .!. ORADOATS nurse treats lumbago, eta Hour. 2 to appointment. Paso. Main 1040- Office BQ.s-C Third st. WANT to adopt a boy or girl. I ti ) , years; have a nice home. AJ 242. Or. Knnl. n. iini JACKSON, expert manicuring, fa. , n treatments. Ml L Lt 1 MASSAGE treatments, phone the ihimim ifhwL Miln 7786. 711 Swetland bldg. KUPF RKI.UOU8 hair removed forever by .. , . 1 -i-.o i method Ml Hw.ii.na kl.ia mui"i"r z . PHlMblDA BALM, formerly called Palm ol Klgs- 844 E. 3:ld. Bell. S.'H mornings DOKSN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay yoaf See Vlereek. collection.. Dekum bldg. KLBCTRIC CABINKT BATHS. . tna.11 u ... 1 - 1. . . , Tr Ironside, 109-14 Broadway building. PERKINS National Herbs. gr.o Morgaa building Telephone Main 6Q65 PILES CAN RK CURKD without operatlea irrM booklet. P. O. Bog 1105 KYE8 tested free; spectacles guaranLed. Dr. Beldlng, 24SH Alder st Main 1.U2. JUN1C1DE will cure rbeumstisia or meuaj p.CK. tq i-'eaum pmj KUPTURK CAN BE CURKD without an operation. Free booklet. P O Hoa 1105. MACK, pleats come back: am left alone, r writs to me, same piaue, Florsava, - I V