Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 17, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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2639 Couples Married This
Year; $13,000 Collected.
Count- Auditor Indicates He Will
Welcome All Pairs and Iguore
Ministers' Protest.
TAfCOtrVER. Wash.. Dec
f (Special.) 'In less than two years
couples married in this county, most
ol thesa id Vancouver, have contrlbu
ted approximately $27,000 in fees to
various ministers, judges and justices
of the peace. But the lion's share
wtnt to a few ministers and judges
and Justices of the peace.
There Is now Btrife anions the
ministers, who would, if they could,
prevent Kev. J. L. Garrett, also county
auditor, from accepting marriage fees
while he is beins paid by the county.
Mr. Garrett was summoned before the
Vancouver Ministerial association to
day. He was asked to state whether
he would continue to marry couples,
or would hold aloof and permit others
t gather in the shekels.
All Coaplea Welcome.
Though Mr. Garrett is a member of
the association he refused to answer,
and it in believed from his attitude
that he will marry all couples who
ask him.
Mr. Garrett was county assessor for
two years before being elected audi
tor nnH at that tiro tnrtV lirtlA inter.
est in couples coming: to Vancouver,
and married only a few. Since being
elected auditor he has married a large
number, and when asked to explain
his attitude, said that this is a differ
Dt administration and that in the fu
ture he would act as he pleased.
At least two of the county com
missioners, probably the third, do not
bject to Mr. Garrett's performing
marriage ceremonies. He usually
marries the couples in the commis
sioners' offices and sometimes the
commissioners act as witnesses.
Rev. C. F. Bennett is county super
intendent of schools, and since Jan
vary 1, this year, he has married seven
91.1,000 Paid In Verm.
To date this year, 2639 couples, have
Been married in the county, most of
them in Vancouver. This represents
about 113,000 that has been divided
among those performing marriage
A check was made today to show
now many each minister, judge and
justice of the peace had married to
date this year. Most of the returns
are in. The check showed that Cedric
Millar, Vancouver justice of the peace,
' has married 625 couples: K. J. O'Con
ncll, 42; W. R. Wilson (Minnehaha), 5;
Judge R. H. Back of the superior
court of Clarke county, 205; outside
ministers or judges, SO; A- D. Skasrg's.
retired elder of the Christian church,
66; Rev. C. C. Curtis, and wife, also
a minister, Christian. 194; Rev. A. H.
Thompson, 147; his successor. Rev.
George W. Frame, 31; Rev. Roy Par
cel of Washougal, 3; United Brethren,
Rev. J. D. Nisewonder, 172; Rev. J. L.
Garrett (county auditor), 62; Rev.
F. W. Bussard. English Lutheran, 184;
Rev. Luther Deck, his successor, 33;
Rev. L. K. Grimes, Presbyterian, 65;
Rev. Charles K. Baskerville, his suc
cessor. 5; Rev. C. F. Bennett, county
superintendent. 7; Rev. John Sweens,
the Rev. Mr. Delanoy and the Rev.
O'Donnell, Catholic priests, 60; 'Rev.
Judd. Rev. F. E. Dark and Rev. W. 1L
Swart z. Baptist ministers, 50; Rev.
Charles W. Holmes, Episcopal, 8; Rev.
W. L. Zabel, Congregationalism 12;
scattering throughout the county, 5L
During 1319, 2787 couples were mar
ried in this county and to date 2638
licenses have been issued, with two
holidays yet to come, 6o Vancouver
is doing fairly well in holding her
popularity as a Gretna Green.
Aged Parents of Isora White to Ap
peal to Governor.
SEATTLE, Wash, Dec. IS. (Spe
eial.) Isom White's aged mother and
80-year-old father will Journey to
Olympla with a committee next Tues
day and ask Governor Hart to com
mute the death sentence of their 19
year-old son to life Imprisonment.
As a result of a campaign to Brain
executive clemency for the condemned
hoy before Christmas. Dr. M. A. Mat
thews today volunteered to go with
the committee and call upon the gov
ernor personally in young White's be
Senatpr Smith of Everett, author of
the pew state hanging law, and who
was the lad's lawyer at the trial a
year ago, said he would be glad to
serve on the committee and to ar
range for the transportation of
White's aged parents to Olympla
Ashland Reports Mild Temperature
With JleaTy Rainfall.
ASIILAffD. Or, Dec. 16. (Special.)
Ashland and this section of the val
ley so far has not had' any real winter.
An unusual amount of rain has fallen
and plenty of snow on the high hills
that surround tne city on three sides,
but in the city and valley there has
been no snow and no freezing
weather. High winds have prevailed
during the past week, usually ac
companied by rain.
Last year at th's time there was 18
Inches of snow on the ground here
and the thermometer went way down
toward zero, freezing up nearly all
the water pipes in the city. Four feet
of snow is reported along the Pacific
highway in the Siskiyou mountains.
Report on Coal Accidents Issued
. by United States Bureau.
CHICAGO, Dec. 16. More than 1500
men lost their lives as the result of
coal mine accidents during the first
nine months of 1920, according to a
report of the United States bureau of
mines, received by the National Safe
ty council here today.
The number, however, was a de
crease of 185 from the record of the
corresponding months of 1819.
ri c Tcmie ncoirc
VLHOO itnmo vuoHib
Seniors and Sophomores Beat Jun
iors and Freshmen.
lem, Or., Dec. 16. (Special.) Debate
teams representing the senior and
aopkomore classes were victorious to- i
day In the preliminary interclass
contests on the question: "Resolved,
That the Japanese should be granted
the rights of citizenship on the same
basis as Europeans." ,
The senior team, composed of J.
Fred McGrew of Idaho Falls, Idaho,
and Paul Wapato of 'Okanogan,
Wash., won a 2-to-l decision over the
juniors, represented by Lucile Tucker
of Salem, Or., and Vivian Isham of
Grants Pass, Or. With the same
final score, the sophomore debaters,
Roy Skeen of Powell Butte. Or., and
Ruby Rosenkranz of Colfax, Wash,
won from Robert Notson of Heppner,
Or., and Edna Jennison of Salem,
Or., the last two speakers making up
the freshman team.
federal Assistance of $100,000,
000 Favored by Highway Officials.
SALEM. Or., Dec. 16.-(Special.) .
Federal aid to the extent of siou.uoo,
000 a year for the construction of
roads in the various states on a 60-50
basis, was given the indorsement ot
the American Association of State
Highway officials, according to a
telegram received here today from
Herbert Nunn. state highway en
gineer. The convention was held in
Washington, and was attended by L.
E. Bean of Eugene, Or. 'Mr. Nunn and
E. E. Kiddle, a member of the Oregon
state highway commission.
The proposed government appro
priation would run for a period of
five years, and the money for road
construction would be matched dol
lar for dollar with the states con
templating these improvements. The
Oregon delegation at the convention
left Washington last night for their
Kebokahs Hold Celebration.
CENTRALIA, Wash.. Dec. 16. (Special.)-
Rebekahs from all parts of
southwest Washington last night at
tended a home-coming celebration
staged by Ivy Rebekah lodge No. 21,
A Christmas programme was a fea
ture of the evening. A collection was
taken to buy Christmas presents for
two children recently adopted by the
Centralia lodge.
Surrender and Plea of Guilty
Reported Arranged.
Coast Artillery to Be Recruited..
ABERDEEN. Wash., Dec 16. (Spe
cial.) George Acret, chosen as county
attorney at the late election, has been
commissioned captain of coast artil
lery to recruit a company here.
Acret's appointment was in response
t. a petition signed by 40 prospective
members of the company.
37 Take Teachers' Examinations.
A LB ANT, Or., Dec. 16. (Special.)
Thirty-seven applicants are taking
the state teachers' examination in
Linn county this week. The exam
ination is in charge of Mrs. Ida Max
well Cummings, county school super
intendent, and will be concluded Sat
Kidnaping Case Against VToman
Will Be Dropped if Man Ap
. pears to Be Sentenced.
TACOMA, Wash., Dec. 16. An
agreement has been reached between
Prosecutor Askren and attorneys for
Miss Betty Brainerd whereby George
T. Stagg is to surrender and the case
against Miss Brainerd dropped, it was
announced by John S. Strickland, cap
tain of detectives, today.
Captain Strickland said that the
understanding was that Stagg, who
with Miss Brainerd is charged with
kidnaping Bobby Stagg in September,
will appear in Tacoma before next
Tuesday, plead guilty to kidnaping,
and receive his sentence. The trial
of Miss Brainerd, set for next Tues
day, will then be dropped, Strickland
The minimum sentence for kidnap
ing in this state is ten years in the
Stagg Reported in Canada.
Stagg is now In Canada, Strickland
said. He predicted he could soon be
"I strongly disapprove the compro
mise that has been effected," he sakl.
"Miss Braianerd is just as guilty as
Stagg in my estimation."
Captain Strickland went to New
York City and brought Miss-Brainerd
to Tacoma after her arrest there.
In further explanation of his action
in the case. Prosecutor Askren sad
that he was "following the practice
long established by men in similar
official positions throughout the
country namely, to release the ac
complice to get the principal in a
Brainerd Case Goes On.
He added1 that he was going ahead
in the preparation of the Brainerd
trial as though no such an agreement
had been made, and that if Stagg, the
child's father, has not pleaded guilty
before the Brainerd case was called,
he will proceed with her trial.
Attorney Henderson said: "I have
been carrying on negotiations with
friends of Rtasrg hack in New York I
for some days and they have promised
to have Stagg here Monday evening.
He will surrender himself and plead
guilty and, according to the under
standing I have had with Mr. Askren,
Miss Brainerd' s case . will, then be
Captain Strickland said that Prose
cutor Askren had called htm to his
office in Tacoma yesterday and there
bared the entire plan.
Case May Be Dropped.
Prosecuting Attorney Askren, ac
cording to Strickland, said: "Hender
son and I have arranged it- Hender
son proposed to me that if he de
livered Stagg would. I release JUsn
Brainerd? I told that If Stagg were
produced and pleaded guilty I wouU
agree, under those circumstances, to
drop the case against the woman,
asking for a dismissal in court of the
action against her.'
For two hours the prosecutor and
the captor of Miss Brainerd argued
the question, according to the latter,
who staunchly stood out for the trial
of Miss Brainerd before a Pierce
county jury, declaring, he said, that:
"We cannot afford to drop this case
against her, for if each a deal is put
through it would reflect adversely
on us."
"Askren called me to his office at
9:30 o'clock yesterday morning," said
Captain Strickland. "He told me that
Henderson bad made the proposition
to produce Stagg provided Miss
Brainerd was released.
Case Declared Alrliaht-
"I opposed it, arguing two hours,"
went on Captain Strickland, "I re-'
minded him that he had always said
that it was an airtight case against the
woman and 1 begged him to agree to
such a plan as I though that we would
have tagg in custody sooner or later.
I declared that the woman was more
to blame than Stagg, because he was
the father and she had no particular
interest in the child. I declared that.
although influential friends and
money were behind her, she was not
entitled to any consideration from the
hands of prosecution."
It was after the long argument be
tween the two men, said the detective
captain, that the prosecuting at
torney declare: "I insist that my
judgment is right in this matter and.
besides the proposition was put
through several days ago. Further
more I am not asking your opinion
on the matter, I am simply notifying
you what has been done."
11 SOFT 1
four Shops Ordered Closed
Three Months.
' Eastern Star Elects Officers.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Dec 16. (Spe
cial.) The local chapter of the Order
of the Eastern Star Tuesday night
elected officers for the ensuing year
as follows: Mrs. W. B. Heath, worthy
matron; J. H. Hazlett, worthy pa
tron; Mrs. E. O. Blanchar, associate
matron: Mrs. Harold Hershner, treas
urer; Mrs, Charles Fuller, secretary;
Mrs. V. R. Abraham, conductress, and
Mrs. E. L. Scobee. associate conduc
tress. The installation will be hei
Tuesday evening, January 11.
Phone your want ads to The Ort
gonlan. Main 7070, Automatic 560-9;
Commissioners Give Six Operators
Another Chance on Promise
to Avoid Bulk Goods.
Four soft drink establishments
were ordered closed, the licenses were
revoked and instructions issued that
no licenses be issued for a soft drink
shop at that address during the next
quarter at the hearing held before
the city council yesterday when 11
proprietors of establishments ap
peared to refute charges of violating
the prohibition law.
Six soft drink operators saved
their licenses by pledging the council
that they would discontinue the use
o, all drinks which would ferment.
In one case the council was divided
over the question of revocation and
the case was put over for settlement
after the return of Mayor Baker.
As In previous hearings, the sale
of cider and grape juice which had
developed alcohol beyond the lawful
limit was responsible for the grief
experienced by the proprietors. Evi
dence introduced in some of the cases
was to the effect that the fruit juices
had begun fermentation before it was
delivered. Others testified that it
had "turned" as the last dregs were
being sold.
Alibis Are Plentiful.
In all cases, plenty of alibis were
offered, but because a large portion
of the council's time will be taken
up by cases where cider and other
fruit juices are concerned, the coun
cil indicated a determination to take
such steps as would stop the pur
chase of such drinks in quantities
that would permit fermentation.
At the next soft drink hearing,
which will be next week, manufac
turers of cider and grape juice will
be requested to appear before the
council for the purpose of working
out some general scheme to stop
'ligations of the prohibition law
.rough the sale of "hard" cider an4
rape juice which has developed a
Suggestion has been made that the
late of manufacture or delivery be
Give a man some nice articles of apparel
They are the things he can
use aiid appreciate most ,
House Coats
$ 8 Now $ 6.40
$10 Now $ 8.00
$12 Now $ 9.60
$15 Now $12.00
$20 Now $16.00
$40 Now $32.00
$60 Now $48.00
K&A 1
in all the best leathers
and best makes
to '17
Corbett Bldg.
Fine Neckwear
Express your Holiday spirit in the
giving of Neckwear. Here you will
find such a Vast array of beautiful
cravats that your choosing will be a
real pleasure.
Priced $1 to $5
Special $5 and $6 $65
Knitted Ties ....... 0
Men's Hose
in silks, lislcs, worsteds, $ 4 5Q
heavy wool, rib stitched
Pajamas $3t0
in silks, madras, soisettes, T
flannels and fancy mixtures 1
Give him a box of these
splendid handkerchiefs
wrrirs wear
$3 Shirts $ 2.10
$4 Shirts $ 2.80
$5 Shirts $ 3.50
$6 Shirts $ 4:20
$8 Shirts $ 5.60
$10 Shirts $ 7.00
$12 Shirts $ 8.40
$15 Shirts $10.50 "
placed on each barrel and that the
piesence of such barrel In a toft
drink emporium after a certain num
ber of days would be considered suf
ficient evidence for condemnation of
the contents. Another suggestion has
been offered that, special licenses
be issued for the sale of cider and
grape juice in bulk, and that such
permits be issued only to such per
sons as are known 'to be willing to
conform to the laws.
The case which members of the
council braned as the most flagrant
which had been brought before them
was in connection with the establish
ment operated by Mike Brog, 283
Yamhill street. 'This place, accord
ing to Brogg, was headquarters for
men of Swiss nativity, a sort of a
Swiss club.
License Is Revoked.
Evidence, produced at the hearing
showed that men with names such as
Clancy, Sullivan and Murphy had
been arrested In the "Swiss club" on
charges of bsing drunk. Records also
showed that Brogg has been arrested
four times within a period of three
months for violation of the prohibi
tion laws, and that in the first three
instances his fine had been remitted
upon, a plea that he would violate the
law no more.
Yesterday the council revoked his
license and refused to Issue a license
to a partner of Brogg's who bad ap
plied for a 1921 license.
The only case in which the council
failed to agree was In that of Gor
itsen Bros., 440 Washington street.
Evidence offered in defense In this
case was that no cider or grape Juice
had been sold in this establishment
since the time of arrest early In No
vember. However, records were pro
duced to show that five gallons of
cider had been purchased following
the arrest.
Tie V"te Caat.
City Commissioners Bigelow and
Pier voted to revoke the license, while
Commissioners Barbur and Mann
urged that another chance be afford
ed the proprietors of this place. The
final disposition of the case will he
made upon the return of Mayor Baker.
The men who were given another
rhance by the city council upon the
stipulation that no more cider or
grape Juice, other than in sealed bot
tles, be sold, were the following:
George B. Goritsen. 414 ifc Washington;
William Johns, 480 Washington; A.
W. McDonald, 381 Et Morrison
street; F. Torrenxo, 25 North First
street; Mike Uran, 80 North Second
street, and Andre Panoff, 35 North
First street.
The licenses revoked by the coun
cil were as follows: Louis Oarghello
and Joe Tallich, 56! First street; Sam
Qong, 394 East Burnside street; and
Ah Lee, of Lund A Co.
Machine Gun Company Forming.
ALBANY, Or Dee. 1. (Special.)
Recruits are being received rapidly
for the machine gun company f thu
Oregon National guard, which In be
ing organised here and a meeting will
be held at the Community houe to
morrow evening to form the prelim
inary organization. Captain Mile II.
McKey and Lieutenant Clarence Col
lins are receiving applications.
Japanese Koyaliy Aids Bod Cro-.
HONOLULU. T. H., Dec 16 (Spe
cial ) The emperor and empreae of
.... . j i .. t in iiiiii
japan win inaae a uuuauuM -
. u ' ' am fnr n
yen to in. jmiiii-d. d -period
of five years, according to a
news dispatch published in a Japanese
ikilly lierH.
Don't Let Him Envy the Other Fellow
Buy Him ,
25 Boys' Bicycles
These Bicycles are all equipped with drop-side mud euards, stand,
large motor-tike saddle, coaster brake, large rubber pedals, roller
chain, etc. .
See Our Windows for Trices
These prices apply on 25 Bicycles only. They will positively be
withdrawn when these are sold. .
A deposit will hold one until Xmas. Open Evenings Lntil 8 o'clock.
t- , i 36 Third Street
DaytOn iyCle VO, Comer Third and Ash
$250 to $18j00
75c to $350
Collar Bags
$250 to $51)0
50c to $450
$1D0 to $5.00
Sweater Vests ,
Bonds for
Any Amount
Fifth and Morrison
(JQC Morrison Street, Between Fourth and
QIQ Fifth Next to Corbett Building; &0
All sizes, values to
PRICE $29.95
Hundreds to choose
from --all the latest
shades and all sizes.
Values to $55. Real
sale price $28.95 and
Christmas Waists
Most Beautiful-Assortment in
Portland. Values to $15
At $6.95
Jersey Coats and Skirts
Values to $20, at
$12.95 and $7.95
Money Back
m m m m m a i 1 r ' r
r 4
Money Back
A Beautiful Assortmemnt. Values
to $8. Real Sale Price
At $2.95
Plush Coats
Values to $65 Real Sale Price
$38.95, $26.95, $18.95
Hundreds of Sample Suits, Coats, Dresses, WTaists and Skirts at
Less Than 2 PRICE