Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 17, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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President Says Company
Will Try New Trick. -;.
American Government Notified of
'. Intention to Connect Cp Barba
! docs System With V. S.
' WASHINGTON", Dec. 1. (By the
Associated Press.) Notice was given
to American. covernment Wednes
day by Neweomb H. Cartlon, presi
dent of the W astern Union Telegraph
company, that his company inteuds
to connect its new cable from Bar
badoes with its lines in the United
States by means of existing cables to
Cuba, regardless of the opposition of
President Wilson and the stata ie
partment. Mr. Carlton's statement was made
In testimony before a senate inter
state commerce sub-committee,
which has before it an administra
tion measure . giving the executive
department absolute control over the
landing of cables on American soiL
He was one of four witnesses exam
ined at the opening of an inquiry
Into the whole subject of cable com
munication and from whose testi
mony the committee developed, among
other hings. that the AU-Arrferica
Cables. Intl. an American concern, is
'engaged, with the support of the
state department, in a fight against
the- Western Telegraph company of
Great Britain and tho Western Union
in an effort to break the cable mo
. nopoly enjoyed by the British com
pany in Brazil.
Other Monopolies Charged.
There also was testimony that the
- All-America company enjoys 'cable
monopolies in several Central and'
South American countries; that the
International communications confer
ence here has reached a tentative
agreement that no censorship shall
be Imposed upon cable - messages
merely passing through relay points:
that there is no cable communica
tions between the United States and
Germany except over British-controlled
lines; that some foreign gov
ernments are subsidizing news agen
cies disseminating reports in other
countries, and that the Western
Union plans further independent con
nections through American cable
lines to Italy,' Holland and Scandi
civia. The committee will continue its in
quiry and will inquire particularly
into the matter of the dissemination
of American news abroad and han
dling of cable messages of America!
firms seeking foreign business.
Subjects Touched Generally.
' These subjects were touched upon
generally and the committee -received
suggestions from Mr. Carlton that in
dependent cable lines be established
between the United States and Japan
and the United States and China for
the exchange of news between those
jvir. tariion -saia insi xne censorship-of
foreign cables was not to be
feared in time of peace. He said it
required a very big organization to
censor communications and that these
had been broken up by European:
countries generally since the war.
; Mr. Carlton discussed at length the
refusal of the American government
to permit the landing at Miami, Fla.,
of his company's cable from Barba
- does, which is to connect with the
British line there to Brazil, and
charged that, by its action, the gov
ernment was seeking to-preserve a
"United States-South American mon
opoly in favor of another company." j
Different Version Given. -
' Elihu Root Jr., appearing for the J
... . i . . r i ..
All-America capies, gave an cmici
different version. He said the ques
tion In stopping the Miami cable land
ing U that it might lead to the
British company giving up Its era
zillan monopoly and charged that tht
Western Union enterea into a con-,
tract with this British company by
which the American concern would
direct to the British lines all th
business collected by it in the United
Ktates. -
. Mr. Root Bald this contract with
the Western Union was a counter-at
tack by the British company on the
All-America cables as a result of the
latter company obtaining through lit
igation in Brazil permission to build
Its own lines to oanios ana xnu uj
Janeiro. He added that the All-
. America received the option "of re
taining its west coast monopoly and
giving up its lines on the east coast
of outh America or taicjng on in. a
commercial war the two greatest
commercial communication conipa
nies. .
Offer Declared Refused. -
The All-America company, he said,
refused the offer. The British gov
ernment, the witness testified, is sup
porting the British company in the
. Acting Secretary of State Davis,
testifying as to the controversy be
tween the government and the West
ern Union, said the president had re
fused to permit the landing of the
Earbadoes cable because It would
connect with the British line, which
enjoyed a monopoly in Brazil and
-that this action was "in "conformity
with American precedent and tradi
Secretary Davis also said that the
president had decided that decision
on the Western Union landing- should
be postponed pending the meeng of
the International . communications
conference and that w-hen it appeared
that the Western Union intended to
disregard "this warning the navy
was ordered to act.
night of November 21, was arrested
Wednesday and locked In the county
Jail. Cullen has already; been ar
raigned and entered a plea' of not
guilty. He wag formerly a private
i detective.' . '
The safe, containing a quantity of
i gold coins and pther money, was
taicen irom- tne Dome during tne id
sence of the family and placed In a
trunk, then loaded on a waiting auto
mobile. It was later found discarded
at Oswego,' Or. Coins answering the
description of those missing were
found on Cullen when he was arrested
several daya later. -
In connection with the captureof
Campbell Mrs. Crella Meek was ar
rested on a warrant charging viola- .
tion of the prohibition laws. It was
alleged by police that she was living
with Campbell and that her effects
were found in his apartment on Sev
enteenth street. This she denied.
Warren Cochran was also arrested
at the same time on a prohibition
complaint by the district attorney,
Deportation of Martens Held
- Virtually Decreed. .
Banquet and a,udeville Show to
Precede Ball In Day of
HEPPNER, Or., Dec; IS. (Special.)
The biggest Jubilee in Heppner's
history will be staged Friday, . De
cember 31, and Saturday. January 1,
the occasion being the opening of
Heppyier's fine new hotel and the
dedication of the -new Klks' temple.
The hotel has been leased and is
being furnished by. Pat Foley, owner
of the Hotel Dalles andi the Bank hotel
at The Dalles. One of the best
known hotel men in eastern Oregon,
James Hart, who formerly held a
responsible position with the Imperial
hotel In Portland, will be resident
manager of Heppner's new hostelry.
The furnishings and equipment
being - installed by Mr. Foley are
first-class. Of the 48 guest rooms,
28 have private baths.
The new Elks temple is also a
handsome modern structure 66 by
132 feet. On the second floor are a
handsome lodge room, a big banquet
hall, club room and ladies' parlors.
thrown together, the large room and
banquet hall will make a large ball.
The programme will open at 5:30
Friday evening with a banquet at
the hotel, given by Mr. Foley . to
visiting guests and people of Heppner
and vicinity.
At 8:00 P. Jr. a vaudeville show will
be put on by Cary Housman's com
pany of artists "of Portland, followed
at 10 o'clock by a ball in the Elks'
Saturday at 10 A. M. the corner
stone of the Elks' building will be
put in place with appropriate cere
monies and at 2:00 P. M. the dedica
tory ceremonies' will be held. At 5:30
Heppner Elks will entertain visiting
brothers and their ladies at a ban
quet at the hotel, 'at which'200 covers
will be laid. Another vaudeville
show and dance will .follow. A spe
cial train will bring a large delega- j
tion of Elks from Portland, Tne
Dalles and Pendleton. It is under
stood that a team from Portland
lodge will have charge of the corner
stone and the dedicatory.
President Said .to Have; Approved
Kc ported Decision of Secretary
of Labor Wilson.
WASHINGTON, Dec) 16. (By the
Associated Press.l Deportation of
Lutfwig C. A. K. Martens, self-styled
Russian soviet ambassador to tne
United States, is understood to have
been virtually decided upon oy sec
retary of Labor Wilson, who has bad
the case under advisement since the
conclusion a week ago of the hear
ings in the deportation proceedings.
Justification for Marten's deporta
tion is understood to have been found
by Mr. Wilson in the contentions of
immigration and department of jus
tice authorities that the- bolshevik
agent, held office under the soviet
regime," which they ay aims at the
overthrow or tne government oi uw
United States by force and violence.
President Wilson, wliora secretary
Wilson has consulted. Is understood
to have expressed himself as willing
to aDDrove the determination of the
secretary of labor. The question of
Martens' deportation is said. to have
been brought up at yesterday' cab
inet meeting.
Secretary Wilson Is said to plan
to release Martens on his own rec
ognizance until the day set for his
departure from the United States for
Russia, Actual deportation of the
bolshevik agent may be delayed, how
ever, by an appeal to the courts to
stay the order of deportation.
in his statements by Commissioners
Muck and Hoyt.
The controversy followed an ad
dress by Secretary of State Kozer on
the value of a uniform accounting
system. v Commissioner Holman of
fered a resolution and asked that the
association go on record as favoring
adoption of a -system. In speaking
for it he mentioned his ignorance of
financial affairs of the county, where
upon Mr. Martin demanded of Com
missioner Hoyt if he had not turne
over a financial, report monthly.
"There was $348,000 in outstandln
warrants on December 1 and only
$56,000 on hand to pay them with,
said Mr. Martin. .
Mr. Martin said that as to the uni
form system advocated it had his ap
provaL but he did not wish a wrong
impression to be conveyed as to pres
ent methods. .
Commissioner " Holman announced
his willingness to take up a challenge
to discuss county finances at any
time. .
Another speaker was Dr. R. B. Lee
Steiner of the. state hospital. Elec
tion -of officers 'was put off until the
dinner last night afthe Imperial
notel which ended the conference.
Imperial Wizard Refuses Either to
Cofrrlrm or Deny Report in
Bepijr to Query .
Welfare Worker Violates Parole
in Insanity Findings .After
IJberty Since " October.
jr .
Assessors' Committee Frames Pro
posed Xew Measures. v
SALEM, Or.. Dec. 16. (Special.)
Members of the committee appoint
ed at the last annual meeting of the
Oregon county assessors association
to frame measures foe the considera
tion of the legislature at its session
here next month met in Salem Wed
nesday. Those in attendance were
J. B. Coleman of Jackson counts, C.
Walker of Lane county, J. S. van
Winkle of Linn county, and B. F.
West of Marlon county.
The assessors refused to make any
comment regarding the meeting other
than the statement that several, pro
posed measures had been considered.
Tom Campbell Veld in Connection
With Safe Robber.
Tom Campuell,. alleged accomplice
ef Thomas G. Cullen in the robbery
of the home of Wing Ding on Salmon
sUett. neat Fourth Ufiet, pa, .the
Two- Other Prominent Ministers
Are to Be on' Programme of
Baptist Gathering Jan. 2.
Definite announcement was made
Wednesday that Dr. M. E. Dodd of
Shreveport, La., who is mentioned as
a possible succesor to the pastorate
of the First Baptist church, will be
in the city January 2 to appear as
one of the principal orators at the
Baptist conference which will take
place here from January 2 to 9 and
to look over the local fields with a
view to accepting the pulpit of the
White temple. -Associated
with Dr. Dodd on the
programme of the conference 'will
be Dr. Frederick W. Frr. pastor of
Calvary Baptist church of Los An
geles, and Dr. W. B. Hinson of the
East Side Baptist church of Portland.
Each of the visitors is said to be a
remarkably strong pulpit speaker and
several southern newspapers class Dr.
Dodd as one 'of the most gifted of
southern orators.
Dr. Farr is reputed to be one of
the greatest Bible exponents in
America. Dr.' Hinsc-n of Portland is
recognized upon the Pacific -coast as
an excellent gospel preacher..
VThe opening conference of the con
ention of local Baptist churches will
b held at the White temple January 2
at 3 o'clock, at which time a mass
meeting of the Baptist churches of
Portland and vicinity will take place.
With the exception of Saturday, four
addresses will be given daily, the
conference closing with the meeting
to be held the afternoon of Sunday,
January .
Mrs. Winnie Springer, former
school teacher, was taken to the
state hospital at Pendleton yesterday
by special Agent Cameron. Judge
Tazwell 'Wednesday revoked her
parole on an insanity findng.
This is the second time Mrs.
Springer has been committed to the
state hospital. About 1916 she was
examined and adjudged insane and
spent about a year in the institution
On her discharge .she sued Dr. R. E.
Lee Steiner, Dr. Curtis Holcomb and
Dr. Sandford Whiting, then upon the
examining board, for damages and
.won her suit in the circuit court.
Appeal to the supreme court brought
a reversal of the decision.
Mrs. Springer came to Portland and
interested herself in an organiza
tion, for persons who. had been In
mates of the state hospital, and in
other social service work. A com
plaint was filed against her and in
October she was found mentally in
competent, but was paroled to an
aunt, Mrs. Mary E. Swan.
Since that time she has twice fig
urcd in the news, first when she put
up bail for a man involved in a
moonshine brawf, in order that he
need not spend Thanksgiving; in jail,
and again early this month when she
urged relatives of Thomas Lotisso,
alleged murderer of Mrs. Tessie Lo
tisso, to enter insanity charges
against him. '
A few days ago, in violation of her
parole, Mrs. Springer returned to her
home in Philomath and it was neces
sary for Mr. Cameron to go as far
as Corvallie after her.
America Requested to Adopt With
Japan Monroe's Canadian
Frontier Policy.
State Highway Commissioners Sup
port McArthur Bill.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. Passage of
tne McArthur bill appropriating
$400,000,000 or road building was
urged Wednesday by a delegation of
state nignway commissioners appear
ing herore the house roads committee.
Every state except Washington was
represented by highway officials, who
declared that since all of the 1275,
000,000 -appropriated since 1916 . for
state aid in road construction bad
Deen allotted, road construction would
be greatly curtailed unless the fed
eral government made more funds
available. ...
Under the McArthur bill the gov
ernment would allot $100,000,000 an
nually for four years for new road
work. . ." - ,
Eastern Star Elects.
WOODBURN, Or., Dec 16. (Spe
cial.) The following officers of Ever
green 'Chapter No. 401, Order o-f East
ern Star, have been elected: Worthy
matron, Mrs. Florence Emmett; wor
thy patron,- Hiram Overton; associate
matron, Stella Johnson; secretary.
Mrs. Arlette Lawrence; treasurer, Eva
Whitman, conductress, Mrs. Gertrude
Beach; associate conductress, Gladys
Adams: trustee, Mrs. Hiram Overton.
Woodburn Chapter' No. 29, Royal
Arch Masons.' Tuesdav nlrht elected
the following: High priest, Charles H.
Wakefield; king, R. L. Gutes; scribe.
Dr. F. H. Armstrong; secretary, Fred
W. Holcomhl treasurer. Keith PweII:
captain of the host, C J. Richards,
principal sojourner, E. H. Scholes;
Royal Arch captain. Frank P. Wolfe
second veil, Fred Chase; third veil,
P. G. Vlckers; sentinel, J. JL Mack.
TOKIO, Deo. 16. (By the Associ
ated Press.) The recent speech of
Representative Kahn of California in
the bouse of representatives in Wash
ington, in which he declared that "If
the statesmen, the publicists, the poli
ticians, tft agitators and the dema
ogues of Japan" really wanted war
with the United States they would be
the ones to bring it on and not the
Americans, Is attracting much atten
tion in Japan.
The Osaka Mainlchl Shimbun ar
gues that an extension of armaments
which Representative Kahn seems to
think would prevent war really would
lead' to a collision, and that if the
Americans desire Japan's friendship
they should eliminate the sources of
trouble. The newspaper considers
America's increased naval armaments
dangerous and proposes that both the
United States and Japan adopt former
President Monroe's Canadian frontier
The Osaka Asahi Shimbun says that
disarmament discussions are. useless
while the United States and German;
remain outside the league of nations
Japan, the newspaper declares, con
stantly is menaced by America's naval
expansion and, being deficient in
technique a4 material for warships.
Japan should concentrate -on subma
rines ana aircratt.
ATLANTA. Ga., Dec. 16. (Special.)
-In answer to telegraphic inquiry
from the ,New Tork Sun ' asking
whether or not the Ku Klux Klan had
an organization In New Tork and if
so what was to be its work in New
Tork, Colonel William Joseph ' Sim
Dions, Imperial wizard of the Knights
of the Ku Klux Klan. issued the fol-
owing statement in part, which was
immediately sent to the bun.
"I am always glad to impart infor
mat Ion concerning our work, provided
it does not reveal any of, the secrets
or secret information of the organiza
tion. As regards whether or not we
now have local' klan in New York
city and what, is its membership, I
would like to comply with your re
quest but I can neither deny nor af
firm, as we never formally announce
such facts to the public, as this is in
formation of vital interest only to
members of the organization.
"Should an emergency arise in New
Tork demanding the presence of the
Ku Klux Klan in New York for the
preservation of the fundamental prin
ciples for which this organization
stands; I can say to you frankly that
the Ku Klux Klan would be there on
the Job.
"The invisible empire knights of
the Ku Klux Klan is not a sectional
organization and therefore its terri
torial scope is limited only by our
national boundaries.
"The invisible empire today claims
thousands of men of the eastern and
western states as its loyal and de
voted citizens and this is particularly
true of the great city or new xork.
"Quite recently special interest in
our work has been aroused in New
York city resulting in 'thousands of
voluntary applications for citizenship
in the invisible empire from the city
of New York alone.
The requirements for assuming
citizenship in the invisible empire
are so rigid, however, that only
about one in 20 of those who apply
or would apply for citizenship are
eligible. ,
The invisible empire for the last
five years -has been steadily pushing
Its way and doing its allotted work' in
all parts of America and I am some
what amazed at the sudden and deep
Interest in the organization and its
work which has lately, sprung up all
over the nation.
"The organization stands pledged
to proclaim, inculcate and preserve
In America four great fundamental
principles or doctrines. First, an ab
solute and undying devotion to the
Stars and Stripes and the govern
ment it represents and the upholding
and strengthening of all the laws of
the land, from the constitution itself
on down to the laws of the smaller
communities of the nation.
"Second, the perpetual, maintenance
in America of white supremacy in a
things, social, political and commer
"The method of srocess to
adopted for obtaining thistresult is
vastly different, however, from what
of the writers of, the nation and th
idea that any- injustice is to be done
recently seems to be the impression
anyone through white supremacy o
the methods of obtaining same does
the knights of the Ku Klux Klan
grave Injustice.
'Third, the complete and absolut
separation of church and state, which
one of the fundamental corner'
stones of American liberty, as history
proves that where preacher or priest
dominates tne macninery or govern
ment intolerance prevails and where
ntolerance flourishes human liberty
Fourth, the protection of woman's
honor and the preservation of the
sanctity of the home In that it may be
kept inviolate. The home is the bul
wark and fortress of individual hu-
4pan liberty in America and insidious
efforts to destroy its sanctity and
privacy must be stopped. -
The early day exaltation of wom
anhood and motherhood by all true
Americans jnust be called back and
cherished, for in Its spirit lies wrapped
up the future of real America.''
Honor Is That "Due .Sovereign
of Friendly Nation
Constantino Will Depart on , Last
Leg of Homeward Trip
This Morning. :
VENICE, Dee. 15. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Former King Con
stantino of Greece, on bis way home
from Switzerland and exile to reoc-
eupy the throne of Greece, was re
ceived Wednesday with ail the hon
ors due the sovereign ef a friendly
nation by the Kalian government.
Constantine and- the members oc I
his family arrived early this morn
ing. They were met at the railway
station by the Italian admiral of tht
port, the mayor of Venice and other
officials and M. Coromilas, the Greek
minister to Italy, who married Miss
Ccckrell, daughter of the late Lnlted
States Senator Cockrell. The. officers
of all the naval ships In port also
were present.
Shortly after hts arrival Constan
tino boarded the Greek cruiser. Aver-
off, which boomed forth a salue of 21
guns. The salute- was taken up by
the old fort on the island of St
Constantine will depart on the last
leg of his homeward journey between
and 6 o clock. Thursday morning.
The Averoff en the voyage to Greece
will be accompanied by a destroyer
escort and merchant ship which will
have on board the newspaper corre
spondents and a few members of Con- I
stantine s suite.
Discussion of Uniform Accounting
-System Brings Controversy Over
Situation in Multnomah.
Announcement from County Com
missioner Holman Wednesday that al
though he had been in office seven
years he had "never . been . able to
know where the county was. finan
cially, brought forth a storm of Dro-
ma-sier 01 me iirst veil, a. ai. sayre: West from other local officials attend
Keith Powell was.-cb.osen one of the land Commissioners,
trustees to take over the Masonic County Auditor Mi
temple property for the different Ma
sonic bodies.
lng- the annual convention - of the
State Association of County Judges
Martin, who .chanced
to be In the audience., interrupted the
Engineers Favor Law Requiring
' Autos to Come to Halt.
SALEM, Or., Dee. 16. (Special.)
That the time has arrived when the
law makers of Oregon should take
some action to protect drivers of auto
mobiles, trucks' and other motor-
driven vehicles against- accident at
railroad crossings was the suggestion
offered - in a letter received at the
executive offices Wednesday from L.
T. Howard, a Southern Pacific en
gineer with headquarters at Albany.
"Employes of railroads and street
cars are taught and trained in the Im
portance of complying with safety
regulations, said Mr. Howard's letter.
"It requires time, labor and exnense
to stop trains, but the law tells us
we must stop unless protected. Then
why should we not have a law com
pelling automobile drivers to stop be
fore crossing railroad tracks. Such a
law would reduce accidents 95 per
cent. -
Mr. Howard's letter -will be referred
to Governor 01c6tt immediately fol
lowing his return from the east, and
it is possible that the executive will
incorporate a paragraph in his mes
sage to the legislature dealing with
the 'subject.
Labor Editor Visits Salem.
SALEM, Or.. ec. 16. (Special.)
WT R. McQuade. editor of the Pa
cific coast metal trades workers
paper, with headquarters In San Fran
Cisco, was in Salem Wednesday con
ferring with his associates with re-:
gard to moving his plant to this city.
Mr. McQuade said that California and
Washington were better organized
from (he laboring man's standpoint
than Oregon and that the publication, J
if located in Salem, would confine its
energies to bettering the ' conditions
of. U j-oik& in t&ie aUte, 1
0,011 Are Charged With Viola
tion--of Traffic Ordinance,
2691 With Drunkenness,
A total of 11.400 city cases was
handled in the municipal court auring
the year ending November 30, accord- I
ng to a report submitted Wednesday I
by Deputy City Attorney Stadter,
Charge of city prosecutions before
that tribunal. This was far in ex
cess of the number handled In any
previous year.
Violations of traffic ordinances were I
far in excess of any others, there hav-
injr been 10,011 offenders before Judge!
Rossman during the year. Despite
prohibition there were 2694 men in for I
Other offenses Included about every I
crime and misdemeanor m the law
books, from attempted murder to fail-1
incr to pay a taxicab bill.
Following was the prepared list Ofl
the principal offenses tried in the I
court in the course of the year:
Assault and battery
Abusive language
After hours
Cruelty to animals
Disorderly house conducting-
Building ordinance violating "
Bill-posting ordinance violating
Business operating, no Ucenss
Cocaine in possession
Carrying concealed weapons
Disorderly conduct
Drunk !
Driving auto while drunk
Dogs, no license
Enshee in possession
Fire hazard maintaining
For-hlre ordinance violating
Fire ordinance violating .-.
Failing to provide fire escape lights ...
Hotel ordinance violating
Health ordinance violating . . . . j . . . A .
Hypodermic-syringe In possession ....
Garbage dumping
Gambling visiting . . Lf ,--
Gambling conducting
Gambling visiting barred floors .......
Gambling conducting barred doors ....
Gambling Instrument maintain, punch
board '
Gambling paraphernalia In possession. .
Indecent and Immoral act
Lottery conducting
Lottery tickets in possession
Lottery paraphernalia In possession . . .
Lottery visiting
Morphine selling
Morphine in possession
Minors n poolroom
Minors permitted In pool room
Minors, tobacco In possession .........
Minors, selling tobacco to ..
Market ordinance violating
Opium In possession ....
Opium joint visiting
Peddling without a license
Prohibition law violating '
Resisting an officer
Refusing to pay taxicab fare
Smoking on street car ..- :
Sidewalk obstructing
Street obstructing
Rlgn ordinance violating
Traffic ordinance violating 10,(
Unsanitary premises maintaining ...
Weed ordinance violating
Vagrancy 1,4
Presidents' Council of Civic Clubs
Makes Recommendation.
The Presidents' council of associated
and civic clubs went on record Wed
nesday night as recommending to tne
member clubs that they uphold the
proposed amendments to the tenure
of office law. This recommendation
was made after a three-hour debate
on the subject of the advisability of
changing the present law.
Miss Jessie. MacGregoi and W. F.
Woodward, school director, and others
spoke In favor- of the tenure as It
now stands. Frank L. Shull and
A. C. Newill, both directors, Bpoke In
favor of the amendments.
Fifteen ciuds are represemea in
the council with a total membership
of from 10,000 to 11,000.
"Spur Track Permit Granted.
SALEM, Or., Dec. 16. (Special.)
The Oregon public service commission.
an order Issued .Wednesday,
granted the Crown Willamette Paper
company permission tcr construct
spur railroad track at grade across
he county road leading from seaside
to Nehalem. The spur track will fill
a temporary want according to ' the
applicant and will be removed at the
expiration ot tour monens.
Phone Rates Are Increased. '
SALEM, Or., Dec 16. (Special.)
Rates for service on the lines of the
Sheridan and Wilramina Telephone
company will be increased slightly as
the result or an order issued by tne
Oregon public service commission
Wednesday. - Revision of classifica
tions of service also is included . in
the order of the commission. . . "
The Oregonian publishes practi
cally all of the want ads printed in
the other three Portland papers, in
addition to thousands of exclusive
advertisements not. printed in any
tas,r local vapes. i
During these last shopping days before
Christmas we wish to remind you that you can
avoiol the inconvenience of overcrowded
aisles by buying your Gifts for Men at
our convenient store.
Then, too, theiact that your gift is bought'
at a Man's Store, where greater care is -given
to style selections and to qualities, wiil
make the gift especially acceptable to him.
Your purchase will be carefully wrapped
in a choice white and gold box at no additional
charge, should you so desire.
Our label on his gift will indicate to him
your feelinghat he is worthy of receiving the
best possible quality.. '
A force of interested, competent and cour
teous salesmen are at your service.
. Very respectfully yours, -
Correct Apparel for Men
127 Sixth Street, Between
1 Washington and Alder Sts.
Formerly ' .
Buffum & Pendleton
Established 1S84 i
Why Pay More
For Your Gift Capdies?
As in the years past, the Owl Drug Company has aided in your savings on
Christmas purchases. You will find this year to be no exception. In our Candy
Department prices are far below the normal asked for Gift and other Candies.
Christmas Candy in Gift Packages
We .feature such well-known lines as Liggett s, Johnston's, Emery's and Hoefler's, this being
"an Exclusive Liggett's store. Some of the popular numbers are listed below:
Liggett's Debut Package, I -lb $1.75
Liggett's Debut Package, 2-!b.. $3.50
Liggett's Elect Package, Mb $1.50
Liggett's Elect Package, 2-lb $3.00
Liggett's Original Package, I -lb... .$1.35
Liggett's Moire Package, I -lb. $1.75
Liggett's Moire Package, 2-lb. : . . . .$3.50
Liggett's Orange and Gold, I -lb .... $ 1 .35
Liggett's Old Dutch Delight. Mb... $1.25
Emery's Milk Chocolates. Mb $1.50
Emery's Milk Chocolates, 2-lb. ... .$3.00
Emery's Fruit and Nuts, Mb. ... . . .$1.50
Emery's Victorias, 1 -lb $1.50
Emery's Rosemary,' I -lb. $ 1 .50
Emery's Pollyanna, 1 -lb $1.50
Emery's Pollyanna, 2-lb .$3.00
Emery's Assorted Chocolates, 2-lb. . . $2.00
Malted Milk Chocolates.
Dutch Bitter Sweets, lb.
Quintette, lb
Innovationlb. .......
Brazil Nuts in Cream, lb
All Caramels, lb. .... .
Operetta Chocolates, lb.
Fruit and Nuts, lb. ... .
THAT, lb.
Hoefler's Centennials, 1 0-oz ...... $ .75
Hoefler's Centennials, 1 6-oz .......$1.25
Hoefler's Centennials, 2 0-oz.. $1.50
Hoefler's Centennials, 32-oz ....... $2.50
Lyon's Glace Fruit Candy, I -lb. .$1.25
Lyon's Glace Fruit Candy, '2-lb. . . .$2.50
Bulk Candies for Gifts or Use at Home
At Lowered Prices
FRENCH CREAM MIXED Regular Price 40c Special 29c Pound
This is a soft, creamy and highly flavored candy that is popular the year round.
PLAIN MIXED CANDY Regular Price 40c Speeial 29c Pound
This is the hard-finish sugar candy that is so much in demand at Christmas time.
CHRISTMAS MIXED - , Regular Price 40c Special 29c Pound
Made up of larger pieces of sugar roll, peanut brittle and taffy.
COCOANUT BONBONS ' Regular Price 60c Special 49c Pound
Three flavors of chocolate, Tanilla and strawherry. ,
BeechnutChewing Gum, package... $ .05
All Chewing Gums, regular, 3 pkgs. .$ .10
Riley's Toffee (imp. from Eng.), lb..$ .90
Jordan Almonds, lb ... $ 1 .00
Hershey's Chocolates, plain and nut,
small. $ .05
Hershey's Chocolates, plain and nut.
large $ .10
- 1
W. W. BROWN. Manager
Broadway ana1 .Washington Streets. Marshall 2000.
Mail Orders given special attention.
- '