THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, TITURSDAT, DECEMBER 1C, 1020 .3 CABLE WAR KEPT UP WESTERN President Says Company Will Try Mew Trick. CUBA LINES TO BE USED Amcrlchn Government Notified of Intention to Cgnnect Up Barba does System With IT. S. South America after an application to do so was passed by the authorities." "American cable connections with Brazil." said Mr. Carlton, "are subject to a contract made many years ago between the Western company, a British corporation, and Brazil, whereby the right to connect coastal cities Is reserved until 1933. "We were convinced that the best and quickest plan foa connecting dlrectlv thft two rnnltnBnta troo t n I use the Western system for the South American end. Mr. Carlton told the committee his company had applied to the American government for permission to land connecting cable at- M' .mi and that the application had been "passed by tho authorities, which, however, had formally notified the company that the president's permission must be obtained before the cable was landed In American territory." The witness went on to say that the company had been invited to appear before the state department, "who talked pleas antly to us of our South American plans." $800,000,000 LEVY ONIHIESISPnID VTASmSGTOX.- Dec 15. Ey the Associated Press.) Notice was given the American government today by Newcomb H. Carlton, president of the Western Union Telegraph company, that his company Intends to connect Its new cable from Barbadoes with its lines in the United States by means of existing cables to Cuba, re gardless of the opposition of Presi dent Wilson and the state depart ment. Mr. Carlton's statement was made in testimony before a senate infer ctPte commerce sub-committee, which has before it an administra tion measure giving the executive department absolute control over the landing of cables on American son. He was one of four witnesses exam ined at the opening of an inquiry into the whole subject of cable com munication and from whose testi mony the committee developed, among other things, that the All-America Cables. Inc., an American concern, is engaged, with the support of "the state department, in a fight against the Western Telegraph company of Great Britain and the Western Union in an effort to break the cable mo nopoly enjoyed by thj British com pany in Brazil. ' Other Monopolies Charged. There also was testimony that the All-America, company enjoys cable monopolies In several Central and South American countries; that the international communications confer ence here has reached a tentative agreement that no censorship, shall be imposed upon cable messages merely passing through relay points; that there is no cable communica tions between the United States and Germany except over British-controlled lines; that some foreign gov ernments are subsidizing news agen cies disseminating reports in other countries, and that the Western Union plans further independent con nections through American cable lines to Italy, Holland and Scandi navia. The committee will continue its In quiry tomorrow and again next week, end it plana to inquire particularly Into the matter of the diasemination of American news abroad and han dling of cable messages of American linns seeking foreign business. Subjects Touched Generally. These subjects were touched upon generally today and the committee received suggestions from Mr. Carl ton that independent cable lines be established between the United States end Japan and the United States an J' China for the exchange of news be tween those countries. Mr. Carlton said that the censor ship of foreign cables was not to be j feared in time of peace. He said it required a very big organization to ' censor communications and '"""it these had been broken up by. ..jropeac countries generally since the war. Mr. Carlton discussed at length fhe Tefusal of the American government to permit the landing at Miami, Fla., of his company's cable from Barba does. which is to connect with the Britisti line there to Brazil, and charged that, by its action, the gov ernment was seeking to preserve a "United States-South American mon opoly in favor of another company." Different Version Given. Elihu Root Jr., appearing for the All-America cables, gave an entirely different version. He said the ques tion in stopping the Miami cable land ing was that it might lead to the British company giving up its Bra zilian monopoly and charged that the Western Union entered into a con tract with this British company by which the American concern would direct to the British lines all the business collected by it in the United States. , Mr. Root said this contract with the Western Union was a counter-attack by the British company on the All-America cables as a result of the latter company obtaining through 1 it i5ation in Brazil permission to Build its own lines to banlos and Kio uc Janeiro. Ho added that the AH America received the option "of re taining its west coast monopoly and giving up its lines on the east coast of South America or taking on in commercial war the two greatest commercial communication compa nies. . Offer Declared Refused. The All-America company, he said, refused the offer. The British gov ernment, the witness testified. Is sup porting the British company in the fight. Acting Secretary of State Davis, testifying as to the controversy be tween the government and the West cm Union, said the president has re Iu8.!d to permit the landing of the liarbadoes cable because it would connect with the British line, which enjoyed a monopoly in Brazil and that this action was "in conformity with American precedent and tradi tion." Secretary Davis also said that the president bad decided that decision on the Western Union landing should be postponed pending the meeting of the international communications conference and that when it appeared that the -Western Union intended to disregard "this warning" the navy Has ordered to act. Miami Stand Discnused. Mr. Carlton testified that -when the raatter of the Barbadoes connection "was first broached to. the. state de partment, no objection was raided and that no peply was made to the notice that the company was preparing to land the cable until American war ships appeared off Miami. ' . . "I have lived abroad enough to know that there is only one kind of news free from government color more or less and that is the news fur nished by American press associa tions. It is immensely important that we keep its impeccable- reputation, particularly in South America, the far east and the near east. If we think that the people of South America can be fed on telegrams shot in by foreign government agencies and yet be kept in toucn with the United States by some invisible vibrations in ether so that they will know the true state of affairs anyhow, we are mistaken.? jvtr. canton saia me v estern Union company had planned for further in dependent connections through American cable lines to Italy, Hol land and Scandinavia. "We will take these up, however; under the next administration," ha aid. "Arbitrary use of the armed forces of the United States," he said, "had prevented the company from extend ing its system to a connection with Battle of Miami Related. Mr. Carlton said that when the cable was nearlng completion the state department was formally not! fied and told that once the cable ship was loaded the plans could not be changed. No answer was received, he said, but four months later, early in August, the cable ship was met by American warships, with decks cleared for action, with every man at hp a station prepared at whatever cost to defend the shores of Florida from the landing of a cable. "Thus began the bloodless and his toric battle of Miami," he said. "This was the first definite assurance that the government, which initiated the cable, was now opposed to it." The state department's efforts are In effect to preserve a United States South American monopoly in favor of another company, Mr. Carlton charged. Competition Is Held Aim. "The service the Western Union seeks to inaugurate is competitive. The need for United States news in South America is urgent and the cable we have laid will furnish -that serv ice, which is meager and unsatisfac tory and must be dispatched via Lon don. " "Objection has recently been made by the state department that this connection will perpetuate a prefer ential position held a British com pany. It ehould be noted that there is not a cable connection on Argen tine or Brazilian shores which does not connect with and thereby, accord ing to the state department, perpet uate monopolistic and preferential ar rangements overseas. The Ail-American company enjoys monopolies In Colombia, Nicaragua and Salvador. "The Commercial company aiso had an agreement with the Western com pany identical with the proposed arrangement on the Western Union, except that the Commercial connected with the Western for the Azores. The French Cable company has practically a monopoly In France and insists upon a monopoly between Brazil and the United States." Une, to Japan Proposed. Mr. Carlton said that the greatest aid to American business and the cause of international peace would be obtained by the extension of the Pa cific cable system. "My idea is for a cable from Seattle vja the Aleutian islands directly to Japan." he said. "Don't think of it as a commercial line, but as a great channel for the diffusion of public in formation. An interchange of news of great volume between the United States and Japan would finally bring about understanding. A second cable 1 over the same route to China is also very important and I have the assur ance of British authorities that there would be no trouble about a landing in that country. Both of them should be exclusively American and Chinese and American and Japanese communi cation lines." , Uncle Sam Also Shells Out $700,000,000 Same, Day. $40,000,000 IS MISSING Corporations and Unemployed La borers Send Regrets; to Be Fined 5 Per Cent. NEW YORK, Dec 15 Uncle. Sam 'got -rich quick" today. Then he turned around and paid out all the money. It was the last aay for his nephews and nieces to pay their final 1920 in come tax installments of about 800, 000,000. But it also was the day on which .certificates of indebtedness worth $700,000,000 and interest of lib erty and victory loans amounting to $140,000,000 fell due. All day long butchers, baiters ana candlestick makers thronged the cus toms house here to pay Income taxes. Mail carriers unloaded pouch after pouch filled with checks, money or ders and cash of others who settled with the government for the last time this year. Midas in all his glory was never surrounded with all the wealth that accumulated around Collector Ed wards. It was estimated that nearly $100,000,000 was paid in New York. But about $40,000,000 due in income taxes failed to appear. Big corpora- ions and unemployed laborers alike sent their regrets. The swelling tide of money which swept into their pock ets- last spring was gone, tney saia. Rendering unto Lrncie bam tne things that are Uncle Sam's was made impossible this December by "tight money" and "business depression," Collector Edwards learned from many sources. He was asked o grant ex cuses in innumerable instances, out was powerless to do so. The government will bide its time, the collector said, but while doing so a 5 per cent penalty plus 1 per cent interest monthly will be imposed on those who failed to square their debts today. TODAY TOMORROW SATURDAY That' bright eyed minx GLADYS WALTON In a picture that's rf$it ud tothe minute A. PORTLAND'S MOVIE: STAR Panama was met in the senate today with a prediction by Senator Poin dexter, republican, Washington, that the treaty was "not likely to be rati fied at this session." EXPLOSION INJURES DOZEN S. & H. green Holman Fuel Co. Adv. stamps Tor cash. Main 353. 60-21. NAVY CONTROL IS URGED Daniels Would Centralize? Ship Di rection in War Time. WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. Legisla tion giving the navy department au thority to manage and direct the op eration of all government vessels in time of war and for six months there after was asked of congress today by Secretary Daniels. In his letter the secretary quoted from a report of the general board of the navy which said that "in the future the development in submarines and aircraft will make the danger of navigation of merchant ships as great as, and perhaps greater than, in the late war," and that "the best protec tion for our merchant and auxiliary fleet under such conditions will be found by putting it under one direct ing head' the navy department." Two Persons Probably Fatallj Hart in Heavy Chemical Blast. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Dec. 15. More than a dozen persons were injured, two probably fataliy. In an explosion at the Plant of the Monsanto Chemical company today which started a fire there, resulting in damage estimated at $100,000. The cause of the explosion was not determined. AH of the injured were employed at the plant. Colombia Treaty May Fall, WASHINGTON. Dec. 15. An inquiry ISSUE IS OVERSUBSCRIBED Treasury Certificates Called For $200,000,000 in Excess. WASHINGTON, Dec. 16 Secretary Houston announced tonight the over subscription by $200,000,000 of the two issues of treasury certificates offered last week. The total subscriptions aggregated I more tnan vu.uuu.uuu, ne saia, ior the combined issue, which was fori approximately $500,000,000. Woolgrowers Ask Embargo. WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Dec. 15. The Wenah Wool Growers' associa tion in meeting here today called on congress to place an embargo on for- concerning the treaty with Colombia , eign wool and enact protective tariff I growing out or tne partitioning or legislation. 1 . ... . . rgi ruin Vui Model $1.50 m Es3 w cm a 1 J3L . si . Reliance 7-Jewel H ' Nickel Case 8.00 Gold-filled Cue 1 1.50 t ' , 1 1 . 1 1 M (0 . for IjrtBtmaH TT THAT can make Christmas time mer- VV rier than a gift of one of these cheerful, happy, faithful Ingersoll watches? Could anything please a small boy better than a Yankee Radiolite, whose face lights up in the dark? , And what would make a young girl more joyous on Christmas morning than to find one of those smart little Midget Radiolitcs among her gifts? Then for big brother, that natty Water bury Radiolite jeweled and with a lot of style and distinction to it ticking 'its Christmas message in his pocket. Think how delighted mother will be when you give her the Radiolite Two-in-One, the watch-clock that will sit up on bcr bureau or desk and tell true time by day and night. , And even if father has a dozen watches, you'll find he's fairly beaming-Merry Christmas when he sees the slim, jeweled Reliance you've given him. These are only five of fifteen models; maybe you'll pick others as your gifts. .Better see tne dealer at once to avoid i appointment, ' for Ingersolls sell Christmas time." " ROBT. H. INGERSbLL & star York Chicago San Francisco erburj Radiolite. I Jeweled Plain Dial Model 5.50 Raiiolitt 2-in-l, S3. 75 For Dak or Bureau 9 m 1 m " T : I ' i s gS ' If BRO. H fj Montreal ' J3p l Rue de la Paix Chocolates ri ... rr-. . V r 1 u . - 1tW Merchandiso'-oni CXDSLO. I u C 1r . Mai! Orders Filled REDUCED! Our Entire Stock of Men's OVERCOATS Many at 40 Per Cent Off America's Master Tailors Stein- , Bloch Langham , . ' -. And other celebrated makers ha,Ye contributed their choicest productions to this sale every new style, every new fabric," every new pattern in ' - Ulsters . Town Ulsters Half Belters Full Belters Raglans and Form-Fitting Coats vf A 4 I 0 Many of Our Men's and Young SUITS REDUCED A Great Showing $17.50 $37.50 $47.50 The Coats in the Sale Are All Wool Ever One What do you think of ALC WOOL Coats at $17.50! 'And Coats of the finest American and imported woven and knitted fab rics in Smart Mixtures Plaids and Plain Colors All Sizes at $37.50 and $47.50 Mens $30.00 A Great Showing of New Models in These Remarkable Groups $47.50 X Many at Price Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. ft 0)4 MO VVITtf u irn m l ll I Im u m u u u u vyt - - Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not jetting genuine Aspirin 'prescribed by physicians for. 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Say "Bayer"! SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of genuine. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American! ' Handy tin boxes of 12 tablet eort but a, few cento Larger packages. Aspirin Is th trad mark f Bars Manufacture of KoBeaestleaeldwtsr of SallcyMoad It's Easy To Put On Flesh All yon ti&T to do if yon srs too thin and want to put on (rersl pounds of olid "star-there" flealt 1 to take a (Its rraln tablet of Blood-Iron Phosphate with each meal. This builds up the nervous system, enriches ths blood and thus en ables the vital orcana to assimilate the fleih-bulldlna. strenrlh-maklns; elements of your food which now lara-ely so to west. Folks who have tried It state they not only put on flesh but that It also almost In variably Increases their strength, eneray and endurance. Tou can ret ennurh Blood-Iron tableU for a three eeks treut. rnent of the Owl Drue- Co. or any othr drusatst for only $1.60 and It's so uni formly successful that your drurrtst, a man you know. Is authorized to rotund your money if you don t like It. Better set a package today and begin to srt tronrer and healthier, aa well aa better looking-. Adv. , Baby Coughs . . ik a rafnrflv that r"UJr!LV !w.i. mili but effec tw psantto tal. Ak your druggiet to. PES'! THE C. GEE m CHtNKIC MauDICJAU CO. C. C.EK WO bat mads a Ufa study A tha curative proper Use pos essed la roots, o s r b a, buds aod bark, and has umpounded there irom bis wonder-, lul. wall known remedies, all of which are p e r- leclljf Harmless, as no P ' drugs or narcotics ot used in thsir make up. or atoinacb, lung kidney, liver, rheumatism, osu catarrh, bladder. I.W.J''; ousne.s. gall stone and 1' J'"ord,,r of men. woman ard children. 1 ry C Oe Woe Wonderful and Well Known Root and Herb Kerned ea. Good results will aurelr and quickl follow eVX IWi FIBIT STREET. RHEUMATISM If YOU suffer with TAKE PRESCRIPTION A-28BI A constitutions! trestment for rheumatism end gout. It dissolves the ealcarenue de posit which cenee ths painful ewsllinf at the Joints snd drives the uric scld Irom ths system In ues since 1H64. Sold by lesdlng drugglets or se i oostpsM for 1 Bmrft Amend, 3d Ai.mi llth StHrwToft o O o