THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor .. Main 7O70. 560-!W Sunday Editor Main 7070. .ViO-Mj Advertising Blpartment. .Main 707O. 660-95 Superintendent of Bids. .Main 7070. 5tS0-o AMUSEMENTS. BAKER (Alder at Eleventh) Baiter Stock company in 'Friendly Enemies." This afternoon and tonight. LYRIC Broaway at Morrison) Musical comedy. 'Three Weaks." Three shows daiiy. -, .7 aai 9 f. M. 1 HlfTOUKOJls (iiroaaway at jamum . 7-- Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 5. await action of the grand jury on a Solicitors Agree to Leave. Hubert Lunderman and Jack Crowley, ar rested recently on complaint of the American Legion on a charge of soliciting- without a license, were re leased after a. hearing in Judge Ross man's court yesterday. The men had been soliciting subscribers for service men's magazines and had made them selves objectionable by their methods of accosting people .on the streets. They both agreed to leave the city if charges against them were not pressed. Kmil Laine, L W. V. mem ber, arrested Wednesday night by Officer Miller, was bound over to o:45 to H P. M. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M. PANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude v.iie. inrtse snows umij,, 8:05 r M. and Fostor Elected to Council. For rest Fostor was elected to the Reed college student council last Thursday as sophomore representative, which position has been vacant since the withdrawal from college of Jack White. Fostor is 6. popular sopho more and was halfback on the class football team. He is also a veteran of the world war, having seen service in France. In 1917 he enlisted with the 1st division, regular army, and w?.s discharged in 1919. At the entry of United States in the -war he was a freshman. He will take his seat in the council next week. Rath Hearing Scheduled. A. H. Lamm, technical engineer, was yes terday appointed to make a study of the applications of the- gas and tele phone companies and prepare the city's opposition to such rises. The appointment was made and announced by City Attorney LaRoche. The ap plication of the Portland Gas & Coke company will be heard by the public service commission December 15, and the application of the Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph company will be heard December 21. Both hearings will be held in the Multnomah county courthouse. Factory Workers Meet Accidents. Joe Bakula, 474 Shaver etreet, suf fered a fractured right leg and severe bruises when a heavy door fell on felm at the Doernbecher Manufactur ing: company plant yesterday. He was taken to St Vincent's hospital for treatment. Mrs. Helen Hozki, 735 Hood street, received painful injuries to her left arm when her clothing caught in the machinery with which she was working at the Portland Cordage company, about noon. Her Injuries tvere reported not serious after examination at St. Vincent's 'hospital- - Alleged Gangsters Held. Bernie Goldberg, William Clark and Herbert Lunderman, arrested Thursday night and accused by Dorothy DeVere, waitress, of luring her to a room in a downtown hotel and attacking her, were held in the city Jail on a. charge of vagrancy "while detectives are in vestigating - reports of gangster op erations by the men. Seriou3 charges may develop from the evidence now in possession of the detectives, ac cording to Lieutenant Maloney. The men will appear in municipal court on Monday. Laurelhtcrst Auction Sale, Mult nomah Hotel. A couple of hundred lots in the hands of a couple of hun dred people eventually meansa couple of hundred homes. That is why today's auction sale in Laurelhurst marts an event of civic importance. This auction is a step in the direction of a perma nent cure for chronic rent receipts and .perennial moving-van victims. It also provides unusual opportunities for investors, because It is a fact that every house erected increases the valjje of the adjacent lot. Adv. Warren Jcet Fails to Agree. For the second time a jury in the cir cuit court failed to agree in the case of the etate against Walter War ren, charged with a statutory offense and tried Thursday before Judge Gatens. The jury remained out until 11 P. M. and returned a vote of 6 to 6, the same count given when "Warren was in court on his first trial. Aged Chinaman Reports Robbery. Jim Lee. aged Chifiaman, homeward bound after 40 years as a laundry man in Minneapolis, Minn., ' reported the loss of his life's savings to the police yesterday. On leaving Spokane Thursday niffht Lee put $420 in gold under his pillow in the sleeper. When be awoke it had disappeared, he said. Rates to Be Considered. Proposed Increases in gas and telephone rates will be considered by the Montavilla board of trade at a. meeting to be held this evening at the office of A. F. Searlo. 1928 East Glisan street, who is secretary of the board. Officers will also be elected. The meeting will start at s o'clock. Musical Evening Planned. A musi eal evening will be staged by the Salvation Army Saturday evening, lecember IS, in thei hall at Sixth and Burnsido streets. Adjutant and Mrs. Fristrup. new divisional officers, will be in charge. Admission will be charged. Mns. Harry Price Palmer will con tinue for today the ealo of hand woven tapestries, cushions, slipper stools, Drasses. etc., at her home, 440 Last 2 1st st. north. Orders aJso taken for mincemeats, plum puddings and Iruit cakes for Christmas delivery. Adv. . Civic League to Elect Officers. The election of officers for the coming year win he held at the iuncheon of the civic league at the Benson hotel today. The league and its activities will be the subject of discussion by memoers 01 me organization. Gillet-tb Auto-Strop ehavlng sets. Ivory mirrors, hair brushes, manicure sets, Genco razors, military brushes. pertumery sets, line writing paper, always appreciated Christmas Eiftst Lewis-Stenger. 10th and Morrison. Adv. Do Not Forget to call up East 308S when you want the Salvation Army auto-trucK to can lor cast-on cloth ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture, etc Ad-lress. 24-26 Union ave. Major John Bree. district officer. Adv. If Tou could realize what progress is Doing made In plate-making you would discard those old teeth and replace them with the better kind made by the plate specialist. Dr. E. C. Rossman, Journal bldg. Adv. Life Lnderwrjters to Meet. X meeting of the Life Underwriters' as sociation is to be held today at the jienson fiotei. '1 ne time has been se for 12:15, when important business W to be taken up. Warrants to Be Paid. Election warrants are to be paid December 20 at the county clerk's office. It was previously announced that they would be cashed December 10. Bayocean lot owners, very bright future. Tax sale shortly, are yours paid? Please write W. L. Campbell sheriff, at once. F. D. MitchelH Bay ocean. Or. Adv. Christmas. Atiyeh Bros.. corner Alder and Tenth. Oriental rugs. Old Inlaid cabinet, ivory and ebony, of the 17th century. Adv. Elizabeth Millinery, 10514 Broad way, fljyecial display of lamp shades made from imported materials. Orders taken. Adv. Dentist has good downtown loca tion for advertising dental office. Is'eed partner. M. 127, Oregonian. Adv. To Sublet 4-room office suite in high-class, downtown office building - Main 7300. Adv. Dr. E. J. NrrscHKK moved to 416 Journal bldg. Tel. Main 6391. Idv SCATTER Ocean Beach Resort, Hotel Sea side. Open all year round. Adv. Kemmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co mine agents. Bast 1188. Adv. Dr. Raymond K. Wat kins returned, t Adv, charge of syndicalism. His bail was placed at $1000. Kiln Company Gets Contract. The Northwest Blower Kiln company of this city has been awarded a con- ract for the construction of 30 lum ber drying kilns for the McCloud River Lumber company at McCloud. h Crtl5 .Vf'US, begin at 1 o'clock. yesterday. The construction will in volve the expenditure of $300,000 and s one of the largest contracts of -the character let in the west for a num ber of years. The construction work will begin at once, it was announced. Howard B. Oakleaf, vice-president and general manager of the firm, is now in San Francisco and will ar range immediately for the forwarding of the mechanical equipment. Consolidation Not Accomplished. Rumors that the City club and the Progressive Business Men's club were to consolidate under the name of the former organization were merely founded on some informal discussion which had occurred, according to an nouncement made last night by Robert R. Rankin,-president of the City club. Mr. Rankin said that no official steps had been taken for such a consolida tion and that they were not likely to be taken now. D. C. Burntrager, head of the Progressive Business Men's club, said that he had heard nothing of a move to consolidate the two. Funeral for Miss Ferguson Is To day. Funeral services for Miss Maud Ferguson, who was run down and killed late Tuesday afternoon by an auto driven by Alfred Axelson, will be held at 3 o clock this afternoon at the Church of Our Father, Broad way and XamhiLl street. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. will officiate. Interment will be made In Riverview cemetery. The following pallbearers will be in attendance: James G. Wilson, Robert R. Rankin, T. L. Fales, M. L. Mer- ritt, Hopkin Jenkins and W. W. Jordan. Accused Usher Acquitted. Hazel Benson, head usher at the Liberty theater, was found not guilty of em ploying a minor girl after "hours yes terday in District Judge Hawkins' court. A jury was called in the case, which was brought in behalf of the child welfare commission. Laurelhurst auction sale today at 1 P. M. at Multnomah hotel. Adv. HOTEL SCENE OF AUCTION 2 00 MURELHtUST LOTS 'WILL BE SOLD AT SrULTXiOMAB:. Storm That Wrecks Tent Causes Change la Plans Sale May Be Continued Into Xight. Plans for the big auction of Laurel hurst lots, which is scheduled for to day, were changed late yesterday and the auction will be held in the ball room of the Multnomah .hotel instead of the tent which had been erected for the purpose at East Thirty-ninth- and East Glisan streets. Two hundred lots will be sold and the auction will DHPHEUM SHOW LAUDED NEXT VAUDEVILLE MELANGE PROyOUXCED EXJOYABLE. The storm which swept Portland yesterday caused the change in plans. The tent was blown down and as the weather bureau did not promise relief today the Laurelhurst company con cluded that it was better to secure the hotel quarters than to repair the tent. The sale of the lots will be con ducted by the firm of Barry & Austin of Chicago for tlie Laurelhurst com pany, owner of the property. - It has been announced' that the sale will be conducted until every one of the lots has been sold;- If necessary the sale will be continued into the night. The Laurelhurst companly has an nounced that t guarantees the sale to be unreserved, and that every lot will be sold regardless of what it will bring. The sale is being made in con nection with the present housing shortage and the hope has been ex pressed by those in charge that the lots will be purchased by homeseekers Who will lmnydiatevy build. SI tractively . -V one of m 5oUy; ourXm.afst 7 boxed, : Gift iF if de- : : . Jijj Certificates jM I LEVY MAY BE 44 MILLS IXCKEASE FROM 3 6.8 IS PROB ABLE THIS YEAR. Xew Bill to Open at Heilig Has Three Big-Type Features, All of Which Are Pleasing. "It's one of the kind of Orpheuro shows that everybody enjoys except ing the chronic grouch, and even he smiles in spite of himself." These words of praise were written by a Seattle newspaper reviewer about the Orpheum show which will open at the Heilig tomorrow afternoon. The new show will be on the boards for' three nights and four matinees, clos ing with the performance next Wednesday afternoon. The bill is another comedy assem blage and it is staged throughout in high-class fashion. The three big type features are Florenz Ames and Adelaide Winthrop, in a new act called "Alice in Blunderland"; Edith Clasper and her boys, in an artistic dancing act, and Herbert Clifton, cele brated entertainer, in his travesties of the weaker sex. . Ames and Winthrop are great fav orites and are remembered here es pecially for their comedy act, "Caught in a Jamb." Their new act is said to be Just as funny and it is one of the big comedy novelties of the season. Edith Clasper, Ivho shares headline place with Ames and Winthrop, is a dainty dancer. She is assisted by r-eison snow ana Charles Columbus in "Love Steps," an offering with special music written by Paul Lennin and Mall Franklin and lyrics by I. Caesar. Critics in several cities have extolled this act as "one of the artistic gems or rne urpneum year." Herbert Clifton, the third feature is renowned not only, for his extra ordinary singing voice, but' for his artistry in portraying feminine types. .tie entered vauaeviile alter scoring triumphant success in "Follies of State Returns Are Xot Yet In, but Probably Will Xot Be More Than 9.5 Mills. Forty-four mills Instead of the 36.8 levied against the -taxpayers of the city of Portland test year probably will be the amount that every prop erty owner here must contribute to the support of city, state and county governments in 1921, according to es timates of CountyAssessor Reed. All of the budget figures are not yet in, particularly in the of the state, and Mr. Reed has assumed! that 96 mills will be required to cover that item. The assessed valuation for state purposes is J338, 190, 784.62, and for the county J507.950 less that amount. Estimates now, in cover all but the state and are as follows: County, Jl, 853. 129.88; county school fund, $634,100; county library, '$262,888.13; Port of Portland. $444,000; city of Portland, $4,126,060; dock commission, $634,020.37; school district No. 1, $3,099,400. In addition the county commissioners plan to levy about .3 mill for market roads. t which would bring in about $100,000. The welcome eift for the man who motors or whom sport or work keeps out of doors are these SWEATER VESTS $10 Values, Now $7.50 Warm and beautifully knit. Tasteful two-toned heather mixtures. What high school or college young fellow would not appreciate one of our College Pullover Sweaters ' $12 Grades, Now - : $9 . -; Big, warm, woolly 6nes, in the beloved colors of his school. HOLIDAY SLIPPERS at NEW READJUSTMENT PRICES The Practical Gift The Economical Gift The Gift That Everyone Likes For Men For Women For Boys " For Girls For Little Tots "You've the most wonderful values in town!" So one enthusiastic shopper told us yesterday. Our-stock is selected with expert knowledge of what men and boys prefer. Every article in our store now 25 Less. The Christmas Shop for Men and Boys Morrison , S. & H. Stamps at Fourth Given L1NDQUEST COMING. Ellifcon-'White presents'Albert Lind o.uest, noted American tenor, and t k . J: FREE PANTS TODAY At the Brownsville Woolen Mills. An extra pair doubles the wear. There is np charge for the extra pair of pants if ordered today at the retail tailoring department of the Brownsville Woolen Mills at Third and Morrison. Adv. 2 0 Cars of Cattle Shipped. JJYSSA, Or., Dec. 10. (Special.) Twenty carloads of cattle were shipped from Baker City Saturday to RDER today for your Sun- ' day dinner supply of generous it assisting artists torium, Monday in recital at Audi evening, December VS. Lindquest is a prominent Edison artist. Admission $1.10, 85c, 55c. Seat 'sale, Meier & Frank's, beginning December 10. Adv. Men Teachers Are Xeeded. CENTRALIA, Wash., Dec. 10. (Spe cial.) A. C. Roberts, president of the Centralia State Normal school, this morning addressed an assembly of high school students. He spoke on "Pedagogy as a Profession," empha sizing the need of men teachers. 'Red Rock'9 Cottage Cheese mark its delightful flavor its luscious goodness1 its inimitable food quality. Made daily by Red Rock Dairy, Hillsdale, Or. Sold by many. ' grocers and markets. Portland Thirteen by KIdwell & Trowbridge, carloads of the cattle had been fed in Powder River valley for several weeks. WHOLESALE .STOCK OP RAINCOATS AND MOTOR COATS. Must be sold at once. The United Rub ber company closes their offices in the Morgan building, December 24. The very best of coats will be sold regard less of . manufacturers' cost. AL.L STYLES, shades and sizes. UNITED RUBBER CO., TM MORGAN BLDG., 7th FLOOR. KING AND HIAWATHA COAL ICE DELIVERY CO. Bdwy. 4280. 032-43. Hazelwood Candy for Christmas Mail or Express Orders for Eastern Friends should be placed now, and by all means before December 20. Our Oregon Chocolates,' Mexican Chews, Homemade Specials and Supreme Variety are all exceptional packages both as to quality and attractiveness. When you buy Hazelwood Candy you secure the best. THETzelcDOod Qj VCONFECTIONEKf & RESTAURANT 3S8 Washington St. 127 Broadway "Brogue" Oxfords The popular style of the season in two distinct models. DARK BROWN as illustrated Now 55 and Values to $12.50 "ONYX" Wool Hose All Heather Shades Formerly priced $0.45 $3.50 pair, now . . for Women Felt "E-Z" Comforts Padded soles. Eight colors to choose from. Solid and t w o-tone effects, all sizes "E-Z" Felt Comforts "DE LUXE" Six pastel shades, all sizes, now for Men Felt Slippers and Romeos Black and gray. SLIPPERS, all sizes . . $225 $725 ROMEOS all sizes MERCHANDISE BONDS Issued for any amount. Good until used. Men's Black and Brown Kid Operas and Everetts S3-S5 S4.50 S5.75 All Kiddies' Felt Slippers at new readjustment prices. S1.35 S1.65 S1.85 S2.15 "Indian" Moccasins Buff colored, sheepskin, hand sewed seams with burnt stencil, Indian Head. CHILD'S SIZES SI. 85 WOMEN'S SIZES MEN'S SIZES FOURTH AND MORRISON Portland's Exclusive Agents "HAN AN" SHOES r J.S.Buxton " of Forest Grove said to the Gas Co.'s in spector about the Gasco Furnace : "Wonderful! Refer anyone in this district to me. I'm pleased be yond description." JV anted Chairs to Cane by School for Blind FOB. PARTICULARS CALL MRJJMyersZV LOR 20l-5 MORGAN BLDG PORTLANO ORcaoN n 'A For . those who desire a cheaper bread, Tve now make our ECONOMY BREAD A Big IVz -Pound Loaf 13c Less shortening and sugar a cheaper grade of flour no milk. The Bake-Rite Standard Bread Is Unchanged 251 Yamhill St, Bet. 2d and 3d 286 Yamhill St., Bet. 4th and 5th 269 'Alder St, Bet. 3d and 4th AKE-RITE BAKERIES ELECTRIC BAKE OVENS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Twelfth and Alder Streets The Pastor Harold Leonard Bowman will preach at both services. Subjects 10:30 A. M. "The Acid Test" , 7:30 P. M. "Financing a Thief 12 o'Clock Noon Sunday School' with cordial welcome for all. if. A "Christ, the Apostles, or Antichrist Who . Changed the Sabbath?" This Popular Question Will Be Answered by LOUIS K. dickson; Evangelist SUNDAY NIGHT, Dec. 12 7:43 o'Clock Women of Woodcraft Hall Cor. 10 th and Taylor Soul-Stirring Song Service led by Prof. I. C. Colcord Male Quartet and Other Special Selections Public Invited FIRST METHODIST r CHURCH 12th at Taylor Walking Distance From Hotels. Joshua Stansf ield, D. D. Minister mm WESTMINSTER DR. STANTON OLIXCER of Philadelphia at both services 10:30 A. M. :.'t0 I. M. Men's t lob 12:10 A. I'. Doyle speaks on "THE CITIES IX WHICH PAIL PREACHED THEIR PRESENT" Morning; Service 10:30 Christ a Covenant to All the People" Evenlns; 7:45 "The Bible. Its Place and Power" Sunday School 12:15 Epworth Leairne :.'!0 Law Chorus Choir Visitors Welcome Always FIRST CHURCH of the Nazarene . E. Tenth and Weidler Sts. Rev. Alpin M. Bowes, Pastor. . i Sunday School at 9:4o A. M. A. Revival Message by thft pastor - at 11 A. M. District' Supt. Rev. G. S. Hunt will preach at 7:30 P. M. You are welcome at the BIBLE STANDARD MISSION 162 2d, Near Morrison Where THE WHOLE WORD Is Preached, Including DIVINE HEALING. . "JUST LET" By C. A. Strickland Theoaophleal Hall. 301 Central Bids. Tenth and Alder Free lendlnir library of AOO meta physical books. Open from 1:30 to 4:30 P. SI. SUNNYSrDE METHODIST CHURCH Thirty-fifth and Yamhill 11 A. M. "Finding- Ourselves' 7:43 P. M. 'The Rights of a Girl" (Second in the series) Dr. Gallagher, speaker. Why do girls go -wrong ? Why is my girl so head-strong? Come and hear this message. First Congregational Church Park and Madison Sts. Broadway and I J Cars to block of Church DR. McELVEEN Preaches 11 A. M.- "Spcedlnsr T"P the Church. Machine" 7:30 P. BL Brief Orican Recital 7:4S P. M. Sermon Prelnde "Two Recent Portland Criminals How Far Are They CraiyJ" S:10 P. 51. Sermon - L e c t c r e 'plrltua.lizingr Our Animal Instincts." Big Chorus and Superb Quartet Jos. A. Finlcy, Conductor East Side Baptist Churcii East 20th and E. Salmon Sts. (Sunnyside, Mt. Tabor and Haw thorne avenue cars) WALTER BEN WELL HINSOX, D. D, Minister 11 A. M. When the Mist Lifts. 7:30 P. M. A Wealthy Pauper. The Sunday School meets at 9:C0. L.