THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920 17 T" V K SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTKD Housekeeping for widower or working adults: have 2 -year-old rh-l; wage? $".0 Address- Mrs. Grace Carna han, 313 'W. Fourth eU Vancouver, Wash. MI ODLE-AGED woman, girl - 17, wants position as housekeeper on i-.r.u. cook for few men T9y. Oresonian. small wages. AV HonsccleauinR. HOUSE CLEANING. House cleaning. window washing, carpet cleaning by expert workmen. floors waxed, furniture polished. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 1&S Chapman at. Phone Main 1157. FOR A FIRST-CLASS house cleaner caU Main 780. , WANTED TO BENT. Uoasee. DOCTOR and wife, no children, will take charge oi your home for 6 months or more while you are enjoying your south ern trip; best of reference. A3 -i. Oregon li.n W ANTED Unfurnished 5-room bungalow, in good condition, with garage and fur nace preferred: well located; best of references; 3 adults. East 24t2. 7 TO 9-ROOM furnished house, clean and modern ; will bu y good f u rn Iture ; $200 down and balance monthly; give all par ticulars. M 22, Oregonian. . r "WANTED To rent or lease for long ppriod six-room modern bungalow in good location; best references and good care guaranteed. Tabor tJ049. WANTED to rent; 4 or 5-room modern house by January 1; must be reasonable. A K 241, Oregonian. t OR 6-ROOM unfurnished house or flat by Xmas: prefer vicinity "Vash. high. Phone East 37C0. WANTED To rent by first of year. 8 or l(-room house, suitable for roomers. AK 0, Orcgonian. MARRIED COUPLE wish 3 or 4-room houwe or flat; 20 to $30. AK 22'J, Ore- gunian. WANTED Furnished house by responsi ble parties. tJood references. Tabor S 1 S3. . Apartments. TWO-ROOM furnished suite or furnished room in a suite; reasonable. AL 2u3, Oregon ian. NICE LY furnished apartment. One room, kitchenette and bath, preferred. X 2TJ. Orcgonian. "WANTED To rent by 2 ladies employed, 2 or 3-room furnished apt. with. bath. L 272. Oregonian. B Y QUI ET business girl, private room in modern apt., best references. Morton, Main 7:t0O. Rooms With Board. GENTLEMAN wishes very nice room in private family and near Jefferson H. S. The best of references. A lii!!, Orego nian. WANTED Home in Shattuck school dis trict for a girl 12 years Old. H 214, Oregonian. FOR BENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL BARR. 112 N. Sixth, 2 blocks of depot. $1 per day. So per week and up. Hot and cold water, steam heat. Free phone and bat h. RECTOR hotel, all new and modern, tran sient rooms, single or en suite, with or without, private baths; rates to per manent guests. Broadway and Ankeny st. Tel. Bdwy. 3460. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel, digni fied and refined; $1.23 per d'ay and up. $t per week and up. PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington Sts. Attractive rates to permanent guests. Commodious suites for families. RITZ HOTEL, Morrison and Park Streets. New, fireproof and modern. Special rates to permanent guests. .MEN. WHY pay exorbitant prices? Clean sleeping rooms, quiet, well-heated lobby; $1.30-$-. 50 per Week. 412 N. 10 th St. 6T. PAUL HOTEL, 130 4th ml. Clean, respectable, modern; transient. tl up Rates to permanent guests. HOTEL OCKLEY. Moinson at Tenth Rates $1 a day up; weekly, $5 up; free phone and baths. SI DAY, $2.50 week up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cad iliac. Third near Jefferson. Unfurnished Konras, WELL furni&hed sleeping room, near hos pital. 790 Lovejoy at. Main 60tk Furnished Booms in Private Family. NICELY furnished large bedroom, light kitchen privileges; suitable for 2 young ia-lies employed. 1441 E. Morrison. Tanor S50. THOROUGHLY modern furnished room In modern home; suitable for man and wife; good laundry privileges; or 2 gentlemen. Main 6181. 709 Kearny. Til R EE sleeping rooms, newly furnished, modern home, reasonable. 400 Sacra men to. East 71S1. FURNISHED bedroom for gentleman, all home comforts, breakfast optional. Phone East 2560. NICELY furnished room. 22d and Kearney, $15 per month. 704 Kearney. Mar shall 1524. CLEAN room, ail modern conveniences; west side; gentlemen preferred; $12. Broadway 2274. LARGE front room, nicely furnished, suit able for 2; walking distance. 40 Union ave. North. GENTLEMEN Nice room in refined pri vate home near Multnomah club. Main 6552. - NICELY furnished room in beautiful home, steam heat, walking distance. 215 14th street- 688 LOVEJOY ST. Nicely furnished room, modern conveniences; references ex changed. LARGE front room, heated; electric lights, bath, phone. Gentlemen only. 188 N. 21st st. Phone Broadway 30&3. PLEASANT, clean bedroom, suitable for one or two, heated, close in, on east side; reasonable. Phone East 8103. NICELY furnished large room for two; running water. 3SI 12th st. 3SI 12TH ST. per month. Room for gentleman. $10 DESIRABLE, large front room, well heat ed; gentlemen. 470 Columbia. 263 14TH ST. Choice room, modern con veniences, walking distance. Alain 3893. LA RGE front bedroom, suitable" for two. Close In. west side, furnace. Main 9399. LARGE front room with fireplace for young men. 160 North 21st st. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL, tf.D AND HO YT STREETS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. T41 WASHINGTON STREET. Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served t o transients. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland's downtown hlgh-cla-ss family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 3So Tenth st. For business girls and students; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. ROOM and board for business girls; all modem conveniences, walking distance; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. Choice rooms and board ; modern conveniences; walk Inic distance. Rooms With Board in Private Family. DESIRA BLE room with board In private family near Broadway and Irvington car. fc.ast BOARD and room for boy In country, near sv-hooi ana car, sis per monta, av ita, Oregonian. 11APFYIAND cottage, specializes in board ana care or children. aeiiwood lbbo. 52d ft. S. E. MOTHER'S care given children, day or hour; matlc private tome. KT.erett.AUto- 520-02. HAPPl LAND cottage, specializes in board and rare of children. Sellwood 1005. 32d st. is. ti. V ELL r UKNISHED sleeping room near nospttai. L-ovejoy st. Main 606. KuOM and Couch st. board. reasonable. Phone East 8099. LAKGE. Clean room, light and gas; close in: worKing coutne. so riassaio st. W ANT c hi Id under 3 years to caxo for. rnone SUITE of clean, well -heated rooms with 00 arc?, iiri-ciass. Nam 4S4. GOOD room and board, couple employed, or single; homelike. Woodlawn 2349. LARGE front room suitable for 2, walk ir.g distance, fine location. East 5715. ROOM and board. 574 Ladd ave., near 351. i-'.n ana nawtnorne. -;ast &145. CHOICE rooms, 2 meals If desired: horn. privileges: waTking distance. E. 8n62. WILL, care for baby. Marshall 2285. FOit KOOM and board pbon. Aut. 332-18. FOB KENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. JANUARY 1st will give room and board in my modern home to two school teachers; large front room. 2 single beds, furnace heat, home advantages, excellent table. Call Tabor after 4 o clock. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen In Laurel hurst home. If you are looking for- something out of the. ordinary see this. 1092 E. Flanders. Auto. 223-23. NOB HILL. Board and room, furndve heated room suitable for two people. Marshall 3374; reasonable rates. TWO ROOMS with board for mi and two men; plenty to eat, and phone. East 4127. in and wife bath, heat PLEASANT room in private home, use of phone with or without board, gentlemen preferred. 300 Jackson. A CHILD to care for, from 1 month up. Tabor ft44. Furnished Apartments. HIGH CLASS. Elegantly furnished, front, light, airy room and bath for refined bachelors; also lovely suite and single rooms for bachelors or iadies employed. References required. Mar. 2S30. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Street. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's tore; good surroundings, striccly mod ern, 2 .nd 3-room furnished apts.. out side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. 1S6 VISTA AVENUE. KINGSBURY APTS. Comfortable 3-room, furnished apt., with 2 disappearing beds. Call Main 3SS3. Adults only, 1 75 up. t KINGBVRY APT.. 186 VISTA AVE. 3-room unfurnished apts . with two disappearing beds, price $60. Call Main LADY to hare nicely furnished 5-room apt., or will rent bedroom; walking dis tance. Call Broadway 3J93. FURNISHED 2-room apartment suitable for two people, also 2 sleeping rooms. 1578 Vg E. Clisan. Tabor 7025. 4-ROOM furnished apt. for 3 months; rent !(. Highland Court apts. Main 2708. s UNION AVE. and Killing-worth, $23.50. all complete; concrete building. BACHELOR apts.; rooms taken rare of. 711 Kearney. Key 713. Main 1 5H3. FOR RENT Large, well furnished 4-room apartment by 14th. Automatic 527-10. ONE room und kitchenette, walking dis tance. 328 Mill, near Broadway. 4-ROOM nicely furnished apt., $S0. Bdwy. 2533. 255 N. 10th st. 3-ROOM furnished apt. Phone East 208. VnfurnlHhed Apartment. HA R RIM AN apt.. 1&4 24th N. ; modern. larere. lieht. irv aDt. : sleep in e porch. two disappearing- meds. some furniture if required. .Main d;o. 4-ROOM unfurnished apartment, $IS. 121)9 Kelly Bt. Take Fulton car to r lower st. FOR RENT Four unfurnished apt. rooms. Apply manager. Last 6Jo. 5 ROOMS, modern, 10 min. walk to busi ness center, uei ijiisan st. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. 2 ROOMS and bath, $47.50. and Hall. Cor. of Park FURNITURE for sale, flat for rent; $1000 cash or will give some terms, owner, Auto. 516-54. 6 LIGHT rooms and bath, 10 min. walk to post of nee; adults. &0o toiumoia sc. 3 AND 4-ROOM flaU. unfurnished, for rent; adults only. 71 East 22d "Furnished Flats. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room modern flat ; restricted district, east side ; ga rage. pavement; everything separate; adults; references. Woodlawn 4540. 5-ROOM furnished flat; rent $50;J no chii dren. Call between 1 and 4 at 505 E Davis, near 13th. 5-ROOM flat. 711 Kearney and 22d. Kej 713 Kearney. Call afternoons. MODERN 3-rm. furnished flat. $2 Cable; no children. Main 3476. FOR RENT Furnished 2-room kitchenette. 251 Fargo st. flat and TWO FLATS for rent and furniture for sale. 24S Stark st. 4-ROOM flat for rent. 575 E. Burnside. $30 per month. Housekeeping Room. THIS IS CLEAN. Front room, large windows on 2 sides, clothes closet, furnace heat, hot and cold water, etc. Main 3810. THE BEAVER, 3 2th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms, $35 up. including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. TWO CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms with sleeping porch; walking dis tance. 281 Larrabee st. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, partly fur nished, on ground floor. 1004 Corbett St., take N. & S. car. NICELY furnished 2-room housekeeping apartment; also a sleeping room, "Mam tou," 261 13th st. TWO NICE clean furnished housekeeping suites, $25 and $26.50 per mo. 444 and 440 E. Oak st. $5 WEEK. completely furnished h. k. suites. The Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. SLEEPING rooms for $2.50 week and up; steam heat in every room. Bdwy. 1546. CLEAN, attractive H. K. suite, 2 rooms; couple or bachelor. 152 Russell st. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping suites, olo Vista ave. Main 7017 mornings. TWO FURNISHED ferson st. H. K. rooms. 489 Jef- FURNISHED ladles only. housekeeping Wdln. 1694. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. OUTSIDE furnished room; heat and hot water; near Multnoman club; housekeep ing privileges. Phone Main 4O05. TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms in private family, first floor. 40 Union ave. North. CLEAN room with sleeping porch, close in. 261 14th near jerrerson st. TWO H. K. rooms, furnace heat, walking distance, adults. 85 Last 12th st. 2-ROOM S. water, gs stove, wood heater, partly furnished, $10. East 89. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 71 N. 2 2d st. Houses. FOR RENT 7 -room housa some furniture. east end uroaaway on age, desiraoie lo cation, $35; no, children. Owner, Main 3916. HOUSE with 4 large rooms and basement; all modern ; on car line. t. noistrana, 13741A Greeley st. Wdln. 5965. 7 ROOMS, furniture for sale, $850. Good location. Can rerent rooms, jsverytmng in good shape. Phone Auto. 537-62. FOR RENT Six-room house, hardwood floors, furnace, ii replace; ia; Beau mont district. Sellwood 392. BEST equipped for local and long-distance naming ana moving. tireen it, upw 202 H Alder st. Main 1261 V 5-ROOM house at 742 Montana avenne. $25 month: will be vacant iec lo. call at 301 Sacramento. 5-ROOM house for rent, $2-5. 556 Beacon street. Sellwood 1387. FOR RENT SO E. Bald' Beautiful new 4-room house, vin st. Kenton car. 6-ROOM, garage, 4614 East 41st, Wood stock car, rioigaie; rine condition. IRVINGTON 10-room house, fine loca CaH 329 Salmon. tlon, $50; will lease. g AT Voxi, TUou TmW 2iW w c J Zrrr- 4 WW A ' r P'-J Sf um te-Y WW WWW FOR BENT. tfuuse AMONG THE FIRS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. v Kuntte cottage of 3 rooms, electric lights, gas, patent toilet, no bath; nearly an acre of ground; $15 monthly; a splendid neighborhood. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. FINE large house, east side, close In. near tnree canines, partly carpexea ana wnn window shades, half block grounds, suit able for residence, school, sanitarium, small boarding house or rooming house. Wakefield, Fries Co., 85 4th tft.. or tele phone Marshall 2474 before 1:30 P. M. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Strictly modem, 5 bedrooms, large living room with fire place, fine large level yard, street front age on '' sides, magnificent view, close to car. Immediate possession. Rent $00. WAKEFIELD, FRIES r CO.. 85 Fourth street. Broadway 2980. WEST SIDE.. Nice seven-room home In excellent neighborhood on Johnson street will be ' sold at appraised value, $5800. GEQ. D. SCHALK, Main 392. 228 Stark St. 5-ROOM bungalow with half acre of ground, near Multnomah Station on Ore gon Electric. 20 min. ride from the city. Will tease for one year at $20 a month. For details call at 404 PLATT BLDG., 127 Park st. LARGE 7-rm. house, just vacated, in good residence section, ready for immediate occupancy; lot 80x100; will sell for $3750 on very easy terms. For par ticulars call at 404 PLATT BLDG., 127 Park st. Sollday Bros. Transfer & Storage Co. Bdwy. 4222. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING, Hauling, Storage, Packing and Shipping. ' Sollday Bros.' Transfer A Storage Co. FOR RENT 6 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace and nasemenx.; rooms newly tinted and finished in white an old ivory; corner lot and garage; one block from Laurelhurst Park, v Phone Wl LL RENT 9-room Queen Anne house. furnished, or sell house, lot furniture on easy terms; eat Xmas dinner own home; central, east side. Williams ave. car to Page, west to 408 Commercial. FOR LEASE One year, modern eight- room house with, sleeping poxen; Irv ing ton; Immediate possession; $75 per month to responsible party. E. B. Holmes Co.. 272 Stark St. 8 ROOMS $40 monthly. Beautiful grounds. 100x100. on paved street and car line. Has fireplace and furnace. Fred W German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. CALL BROADWAY 5SO FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET. MOVING Piano, furniture and, long-distance hauling a specialty. O. A. W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy 5121. 5-ROOM house for rent, after 6 P. M. Call at 875 Pine MODERN 7 -room house, gasco furnace. 4 lots, plenty of fruit. Phone Sellwood 194. If urnlhheC Xloutte HOUSE FOR RENT Completely furnished for 4 high-class houspkeeptng suites; in come $105 month; rent only $35; located on West 23d St.. walking distance; will sell all furnishings. Including gas ranges and everything for only $1600 ; 9 large rooms, full cement basement, with fur nace; a real bargain, combining a fine home and rood income besides: please don't bother unless you are looking for this kind of a proposition and have $1600 to invest. See McCOBMIC. 242 Wash ington st-. Main 8220. WHY NOT have a nice house party at Gearhart during the holiday? I have a delightful cottage with wonderful view, nicely furnished, fireplace, four bed rooms and bath, electric lights, fuel split and ready to burn; also garage road paved all the way, $75 for the week. Phone East 823. . FOR RENT, furnished 6-room bungalow in one of the best locations In the city; furnished with antiques and period fur niture. AK 27, Oregonian. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow. V block paved street and carline. partly fur nished, aouits, so. TEDOr 5 is, FOHf RENT Modern 8-room house. Turn!' ture of 4 rooms for sale, cheap for csh. Mar. 3023. 5-ROOM modern house, clean, 4707 46th st. S. E. Woodstock car to Hoigate. 8 ROOMS, 35 East 70th St. N.. near Sandy. Modern, piano, sewing machine. Jo. AlODERX 5-room house; no children. I486 FOR RENT-615-44. -room furnished house. Call Stores and Bmsineea Place. FOR RENT In Blake-McFall bldg. opp. Multnomah hotel, 13.000 mrj. : feet wilt divide). A very desirable combination of office, sales and storage rooms; both freight and passenger elevators, steam heat, SEE H. N. BURPEE, Wilcox tldg. Main 5638. FOR DESIRABLE snace In fireproof ware house phone Bdwy. 3715. Security Stor age Transfer Co., HkS 4tn su, cor. run FOR R ENT Business location on north side Yamhill st.; in heart of market dis trict PART of large concrete warehouse for rent. A ppl y J. B. Ettlnger. Broad way 2780. STORE, Firwt St., 206 Second st. near Mill; $30. Apply CORNER store, E. 11th and Harrison sts. East 2245. LARGE corner store. 319 Williams ave., near Broadway; full cement basement. STORE near' First and' Clay, $20. 306 Second st. Apply Office. DESK room,' with telephone and steno . graphic service. Phone -Bdwy. 3715. Se curity Storage A Transfer Co.. 53 4th street, corner Pine FOR RENT Desk room. In centrally lo cated ground floor office. Will consider legitimate business only. P 4. Oregonian. FRONT office, modern, In Rail change b'.dg. Apply room 312. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERY for sale doing strictly cash business, dandy corner location, living rooms. J 253. Oregonian. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, 234 Morrison street. k RESTAURANT for $450. man and wife been clearing $150 month besides good living. Room 401 Dekum bldg. IF YOU want a confectionery that is a money-maker, see Sralthpeter, 248 Stark street. DENTIST has good downtown location for advertising dental office; need partner. M 127, Oregonian. AUTO REPAIR shop, doing good business., for sale. inquire 6S8 Kearney. LEARN Akron. Ohio's method in vulcan jzing and retreading. Call 433 Stark. YOUNG man investment or lady handle necessary. Y 208. crew. $10O oregonian, BARBER chairs, mirrors and supplies; great sacrifice. 86 Sixth St., near Stark. LIVE young man partner; $3500 with serv ices; large returns. Y 2O0. Oregonian. LUNCH counter; a snap if taken at once. 2334 Burnside. FIVE-CHAIR barber shop; good location. C 239, Oregonian. SMALL restaurant for sale. 24 N. 6th st. PA BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BAKERY. Located In heart of market district: making good profit; will pay you to in vestigate ; present owners going into other business; $luOO for fixtures, oven, etc. Stock at invoice. This is a good buy for 2 real bakers who want to work hard and make big money. See Whit back, with Brown & Bid die, 324 Railway Exchange bldg. MINES AND MINING. A promising prospect for sale cheap otu account of death of principal owner; produced $2000 gold from grass roots ; good strong vein wig.h rich deposits in walls. Price $3000. Address E. B, Hawkins. Applegate, Or. --' BAKERY in a live terminal town; the only one there is which bakes from 700 to 800 loaves a day, besides lots of dougtnuta and other sweet-stuff ; fin-e store and big bakeehop. Owner wants to retire. av 04, Uregonian. THE NEHALEM garage. Nehalem. Or., at a Dig snap; line location; invoice over ?3000; will take $2000; good reason or selling, if you are looking for a good buy write Bell & Toney, Nehalam, Oregon, A GOOD going grocery store, 6 living rooms, good location for meat market lr connection; cash and carry, $50 to $100 per day, rent for all $50; lump or Invoice. For particular- call at room 518 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BAKERY and light grocery for sale; 2 ovens, 2 show cases, uoda fouutatn, back bar and all baking utensi-ls; 2 living rooms. Rent $40. Good location. $1200 with stock. Terms. Cor. E. 31Hh and Lincoln. Tabor 6J95. AUTO GARAGE. Splidid location, concrete bldg., fully equipped repair shop, lathe, drill, etc ; profits $500 month. $20O0 handles it. Call room 401 Dekum bid's. FOR BILLIARD, pool tables, card tables, oar fixtures, snowcases, cash registers and store fixtures see W. J. Quigley, 306 Hawthorne ave. Phone at 123. Easy payments. HERE ir a grocery store where you do not have to buy any fixtures, 2 living rooms, rent $30; cash and carry, $40 a day; price $1300. Call room 518 Ckam ber of Commerce bldg. PARTNER FOR GARAGE. Partner wanted to sell the gas. oils. tires, etc.. and be generally useful garage; requires sma.ll Investment Call room 401 Dekum bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS Cefor closing deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, . 421 Oregon building. Jttroaaway iwz. A PARTNER WANTED. . Auto tire shop, vulcanizing, etc., profits extra good and will teach buyer the business; $630 handles it- Call room 401 Dekum bldg. LOOK, LISTEN. For sale, all or half lime 3epOf?lt and kiln, or leae on royalty; fine chance for fertilizer. Address 845 Warren at. Port land. Or ALL STALLS in New ber it's new city mar ket will be rented Monday morning. Dec. 13. Better come Sunday and pick yours out. Dawson's market, 402 First St., Newberg, Or. Phone Red 92. FOR SALE Card room, soft drink and lunch room connected ; good fixtures, good location, west side; will consider managing partner for soft drink and card room. CaU Broadway 27iH. FOR SALE First-class meat marker in fine location, ail, modern fixtures; a good grocery store in connection. Call day time at 6608 Foster read, and evenings at 4227 65Lh st. LEASE FOR SALE. Best location on Yamhill st ; can be used fr candy store, flower store, root beer barrel, etc. Inquire 245 Yamhill street. NICE cafeteria for sale, doing $75 per day; cheap rent; will give terms; must sell account husband's death. 248, Oregonian. LOOK AT THIS. A cafeteria right In the business section, only $3350. See Mr. Nash, 326 Artisans bldg. $5000 WANTED to enlarge capacity of mfg. plant; could sell 'twice present out put; money fully secured. W 220, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Up-to-the-minute stock of dry goods and millinery; will sell all or half interest. Address Box 118, Portland, Oregon. BARBERS Modern two-chair barber shop for sale, located in Willamette valley town 2000 ; good buy for cash. Electric clipper. AV 796, Oregonian. IF YOU want to get into business of any kind, for best buys and easiest terms see Harper &. Morris, 410 RY. fc'XCH, BLDG. LADIES' and gent's furnishings, shoes and . art needle craft store, best East Side lo cation; reasonable rent, four-year lease; take auto in trade. Phone 219-03. CASH GROCERY STORE. Near school, on carline, has living rooms, low rent, increasing tradw; price $10O0. Room 511 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE Wholesale doughnut business. Ford delivery car and route and every thing ready to keep going. Callat 435 11th st. FOR SALB Grocery, confectionery and light lunch doin g strictly cash busi ness, dandy location; open Sunday.. 521 Division st $1100 CONFECTIONERY and grocery, east side, fine location, 2 living rooms. Keipper, with Interstate Land-Co., 248 Stark st. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop, aim imple ment business in good-size Willamette valley town. For particulars write AV 979. Oregonian. $10K GROCERY, nice clean stock, good fixtures, doing fine business, 6 living rooms, will invoice. Keipper, with In terstate Land Co., 248 Stark at. FOR SALE 5-chair barber shop, 3 tubs. Good location. Must sell on account of sickness, $850. 108 West 6th st., Van couver, Wash. jltjO GROCERY, west side, with sub station, doing good business, no overhead expense. Keipper. with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. CLEANERS, dyers, tailors; best location on Broadway; fixtures at $200; Hoffman press for aale. Bdwy. 5477, Saturday or Monday. WANTED Party with some money as partner in general ranching; have ranch furnished and some stock. Give adkiress. AB 241, Oregonian. A GARAGE partner wanted In large stor age garage, west side ; can make large profits; must be repair man -r- S10O0 re quired. Room 511 Railway Exchange. GROCERY store, good for $50 a davSlv ing room, rent $20, stock and fixtures $1000. . Call room 518 Chamber of Com merce bldg. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Fine location, living rooms, will give terms to right party. 113 2d st. Mar shall 2433. BEAUTY parlors, well established, excel lent location; will sacrifice for quick sale account illness. Main 407. OLD ESTABLISHED paying confectionery, ice cream, etc, on lower highway. AV 774. Oregonian. FOR RENT Business location on north side Yamhill st.; in heart of market dis trict. MrIo?605Corbett bldg. CASH AND CARRY grocery; living rooms in connection, $700 cash. AG 250. Ore gonian. NEED $800 to complete proposition that will net you ten times amount invested. Marshall 754. SMALL cafeteria or restaurant; will pay cash.' BD 278. Oregonian. RESTAURANT for sale. 265 2d st. Part cash. Owner. POLLY AND HER PALS TELLS THE TRUTH, BUT NOT THE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SMALL MANUFACTURING PLANT. We are manufacturers of a staple ar ticle, the only one of its kind In U. S. Have factory complete and good busi ness in sight. Stock and equipment in ventory about $9000. This Is an op portunity for a man of ability and ex perience in merchandising staple articles who has $2000 cash to handle; balance from earnings. Thorough Investigation Invited. O 246, Oregonian. GOOD bargain. $800 in grocery stock; good building and home; also anotner duimi Ing 44x43 ft., good for hardware store Good spring with all around galvanized 2-inch water pipe, high pressure, 2 acres fenced ; good chicken house, near Port land Southwestern Railway station; good wagon road; price I32O0. Will take some liberty bonds. Tony Danese, star Route, Scapoose, Or. FOR SALE BY OWNER Just outside city limits, grocery, feed, light hardware and meat market, doing $5000 a month, 5 years' lease at $35 a month ; includes garage, warehouse, store with living rooms; will take good bungalow as part payment; good reason for selling. Take Mt. Scott car to Lents Junction,1 walk 1 block north on Foster road. FOR SALE General merchandise store !n thriving farming community near sum mer resort on railroad .and highway, 25 miles from Portland. Owner has long- time lease on property, $15 per month; nearly one acre of ground, fruit, berries, chickens, etc. Living oom postoffice, ;which alone will make a living; less than $2000 will handle. AR 272. Oregonian. . MANUFACTURING concern producing a highly prolltable appiance in general use will sell $5O00 or $10,000 in stock to provide for expansion. If you are interested and have the capital, we will prove that your investment will realize splendid profits, the extent of which we do not wish to state here. AG 262, Oregenlan. " CASH GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY 7-room modern house, stock, fixtures, f as and wood range, fuel for year; doing aOO a month business; ill health forces us to retire; $36O0 takes It all. Oregon City, Or., routs 0, box 3-B. Wiley's caah store, yt mile south of woolen mllia. PRINTING BUSINESS FOR SALB AT A BARGAIN. 105 Vi FOURTH ST. FOR SALE Clean stock furniture, rugs, house furnishings; doing annual business of $150,000 and growing; in one of best towns in irrigated district of eastern Wa.hinelnn: health reason for selling no trades. It interested, write F 164, Oregonian. RESTAURANT. fiWYFP O KTT E RH FOR SALS the livest restaurant in the south end; a thriving business in a good location excellent reasons for selling; we welcome Investigation: $1000 will handle. The White House, 21)1 First sC t.Ktrt BARGAIN Small restaurant, wesi side, downtown location. Keipper. with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. 6-CHAIR SHINE STAND 387 k THIRD ST. FOR SALE. Bunt news Opportunities Wanted. SELLING BRECK'S HIGH-GRADE LOGANBERRY JUICE. to hundreds of dealers past six years has given me first-hand knowledge of Portland's RE-ALLY GOOD STORES. If yours ia for sale list it with me. Wherever X can ue Ol nerviue iu wi.11 ociiri miu hnvor I'm vour man. F. A. BRECK. Mfg Breck's loganberry juice. 384 East 42d st. North. Tabor 267S. Appointments any day except Sunday. HAVE up to $5000 to Invest with Interest in a good going business; or will huy business outright. Am young woman with business training, college educatlno, ambitious and willing to work. Give full particulars in first re ply AC 258. Oregonian. WANTED To buy a one-man shoe shop in a town of 1000 to 5000 population; state particulars. Fred Felton 426 Pacific ave., Santa Cruz. Cal. CATTLE, sheep or blooded stock. Want partnership in good ranch. Have capi tal. Young, experienced and a worker. AV 794. Oregonian. GROCERY or school supply store wanted from original owner preferred, about $ ; :;0Q to $5000. AR 203, Oregonian. WANT to buy a two or three-chair ba.'ber shop. Must be well located. E 224, Ore ' genian. WANTED Grocery or rest.; will pay cash if located right and price is right. MAIN 7600. Stocks and Bonds. BEST offer takes 5 share preferred stock Portland Livestock Loan association, AV 803, Oregonian ' Hotels and Rooming Houses. A REAL HOME AND GOOD INCOME. 12 rooms and two sleeping porches; clears $115 a month over expenses. The best of furniture and rugs practically new; house in excellent condition throughout: double garage; rent $00. furniture; $1775 down. COOVER & HOLM AN. 822-3-4 Failing Bldg., 3d and Wash. "We Do Not Misrepresent." M. E. LENT COMPANY. 523-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY. TF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, COME IN AND TALK IT OVER; 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SFTLL business, hotel, room or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon. RTTTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bids. We write all kinds of insurance. $5500 DOWN MODERN HOTEL. 40-room hotel, running water, steam heat, some private baths, excellent fur nishings. You can't beat this. COOVER & HOLM AN, 822-3-4 Failing Bldg.. 3d and Wash. "We Do Not Misrepresent." S5-ROOM HOTEL. $5500, TERMS. NETS $450 MONTH. Best payer for size in city; different business forces me to sell; best down town location; bears close Investigation. OWNER, MAR. 3635. REAL CLASSY. 9-room house, furniture first -claw; t-ardwood floors, sleeping porch, furnace heat; net profit $90 month. Price $1200. See Mrs. Haug, ' 512 Henry Bldg. Broadway MS7. 11 ROOMS, h. k.. neat and? clean. Income SKfi net: a bareain if sold at once. Some terms; $1404). Smithpeter. with Inter state Land Co., 243 Stark St. $3500 31 H. K. ROOMS, well located, good furniture; always run; owner going east big sacrifice for quick sale. See David son, 410 RY. EXCH. BLDG. 22 H. K. ROOMS; low rent; brick bldg, income $175 per month ; $1000. some terms. CaU 10 A, M. to 4 P. M., 225 Sheridan. 20 ROOMS Some H. K.. low rent, good Income, fine furniture and all rooms; gas heat; brick bldg.; no agents. See this at once. 308 First sL, tel. 555-14. FOR SALE 1 5-room hotel, all new furni ture; will sell It reasonable, 485 Com mercial street, Astoria, Or. I RUY chattel martneea on hotels, room ing and apartment houses. Broadway 1822. FOR BEST bargain In apartment house see members of the Realty Board. Xates Realty Co.. 245 Fonrtn st. ' I HAVE $400 to iay down on a good H. K place, good appearing bldg., west- side. Main aiou. 12 ROOMS, high-class furniture for sale, reasonable. Smithpeter. 248 Stark st. WHOLE TRUTHS BY CLOT" STERRBTT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Kooml n Housee. NINE housekeeping rooms., electricity, gas, hat. cheap rent.- $11O0 terms. . 223 Harrison st. 11 ROOMS, furnished, for sale by owner, reason leaving town. Call Broadway giW3. ' 888 Everett st city. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. We, the undersigned, having bought the business known as Wood & Butler Truck line, on Nov, 8. 1920. will not be responsible for any goods lost, damaged or stolen in transit before the above date. (Signed) W. C. GALLAGHER. R. C. BRADLEY. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS INVITED. Tn the district court of the United StHten for the district of Oregon, in the matter of A. C. Knight, bankrupt: Re quest for bide I will receive sealed bids for the following property of the above named bankrupt, located at 741 Alberta street. Portland, Oregon, up to and in cluding 12 o'clock, Wednesday, December 15th, 3920: Stock of machinery, fittings, findings and tools of a garage business, of the inventory value of $1416.57. Certified check for IO per cent of the amount offered must -accompany each bid. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office. 511 Kenton bunding. and the property inspected upon ap pointment. Bids will be opened at A. M. Cannon's office. Title & Trust building, at 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. December 35th, 1920. The right is reserved to re ject any and all bids submitted. H. W. SITTON. Trustee. Miscellaneous. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice is hereby given that the Pa cific Telephone &. Telegraph Company. a corporation, has erected on the shores of the Columbia river at a point mile north of Coffin rock, on the Oregon side. and also at approximately 1300 feet north of the mouth of the Kalama river on the Washington side, two monuments. nsmely. signboards set on posts In plain view, bearing the words "Cable Glossing, the Pacific Teleohone A Tele- .graph Company." which said signs mark the landing place on the shores of the Columbia river of an additional sub aqueous teleohone snd teleKraoh cable, approximately 2418 feet in length, which on October 10, 1920, was laid across said river in a general easterly direction from the said landing as the Oregon side of said Columbia river and between the termini above described: said cable being laid at the same approximate lr eat ion as 'two formerly existing sub aqueous cables which cross the said Columbia river between the same ter mini and the landing places of which are marked by the same signboards as above described. This notice is published for the pur-, pose of informing all navigators of the description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC! TELKPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. , By H. J. Tinkham, Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice is hereby given that the Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph company, a corporation, has erected on the shores of the Yaquina bay at a point 100 ft. west of the government's rear range sign on the north side and also at the county road dock on the south side of the said Yaquina bay, two monuments, namely, signboards set on posts in plain view, and bearing the words "Cable Crossing the Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Com pany," which said signs mark the landing places on the shores of the Yaquina bay of a certain subaqueous telephone and telegraph cable, 2250 ft. in length, which on November 23, 3020, was laid across said bay In a general southerly direc tion from the said landing on the nortn side to the said landing on the south side of the said Yaquina bay and be tween the termini above described. This notice la published for the pur pose of Informing all navigators of the description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TETE PHONE TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By H. J. Tinkham, Ti vision Superintendent of Plant. REDEMPTION OF BONDS OF ARLINGTON CLUB. Dated at Portland, Oregon, January 1, 11K. The following bonds of the above issue have been drawn in conformity witi article VI of a certain mortgage to the undersigned, dated January 1, 1909. se curing said bonds, and will be paid by said Arlington club at the office of the becurtty Savings & Trust company. Port land, Oregon, January 1, 101. upon th surrender of the bonds; interest will cease to accrue after that date. Not 120, 151, 100. 100, 177, for $1000 SECURITY' SAVINGS TRUST CO. By R. G. JUBITZ, Secretary. Portland, Oregon. November 19, 1920. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING NOTICE, A special meeting of the stockhold ers of the Rossland Deer Park Min ing company will be held at the office of the company, room 830 Chamber of Com merce building, Portland, Or., on Mon day. December 20. 1120, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of electing direc tors and considering and taking action upon the matter of dissolving the cor poration. This meeting is called pursuant to action of the board of directors. X. SOLIS COHEN. President; Attest L. 35. LATOURETTE, Secretary of said company. Portland. Or.. December 8. 1920. OFFICE OF DEPOT QUARTERMASTER. 814 New Postoffice Building. Portland, Or. Sealed proposals will be received here until 11 A. M., December' 15. 1920, for furnishing approximately 2174 tons hay, 645 tons oats. 30 tons bran for posts in this vicinity during January, February, March, 1921. Information on request. LOST ANT) FOUND. REWARD for return of chain purse con taining keys, cash and telegram. No questions asked. Auio Equipment Co., 415 Burnside st. LOST Dec. 7, between 5th and Alder, 2d and Wash., Spanish silver coin bracelet, valuable as keepsake. Finder call- Sell wood 476. Reward. LOST Tuesday night between Rose City and Irvington, lady's platinum ring with large diamond. Liberal reward. East SP98. : LOST Thursday In Meier & Frank's, pat ent leather coin purse containing between $20 and 125. Reward. Main 1041. LOST On Portland Heights or road lead ing thereto, Eastman Kodak. 3x4V4. Reward. R. H. Strong. 701 Corbett bldg. LO ST Bunch of k eys in th e d oorw ay of 817 y Mississippi. Call 338-45 Auto matic. Reward. ' REWARD to person finding wedding book lost in Morrison st. postoffice. CaU Auto. 237 -3Q. LOST Small elk's tooth charm. Haw thorne district; keepsake; reward. Tabor 757. Address 455 E. 87th, cor. Sherman. LOST -Blue silk umbrella, vicinity Meier & Frank or Northwestern hank. CaU Main 9101. LOST A tan duvetyn bag; contains small purse with money. Phone Main 7057. 741 Irving. Reward. LOST Beaver fur neckplec; reward. . Wash st. LOST Black bag with steel beads. Ca.I Tabor 9192. Lost at Baker theater. LOST Woman's brown Jersey jacket. East 6625. Reward." LOST Pocketbook containing $50. Finder please call Auto. 626-65: Liberal reward. TOST ANT FOUNT. LOST LIBERAL REWARD, T)lnmond brooch. Thursday P. M. on street, between Trinity Place and shop ping district down town; 18 white stones st in circle size of quarter. CaU Tabor 4438, Mrs. Wail. - - LOST On Great Northern train, leather hand portfolio, marked R. R. By ram. owner left it In hatrack. on train at Chehalls, Nov. 87. Train due Portland 7:45 P. M. Finder kindly return and receive reward for contents of port folio, which has no value except to own er; no questions asked. Address By ram. room 53s, Seattle hotel. Seattle. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on cors of the P. R. L. A P. Co., Dec. a: 3 purse, bunch keys, 2 pair gioves. 2 single gloves, pair spats. 7 packages, pair rubbers, broom, coat, 1 !unch box. suitcase, 18 umbrellas. Owners may ob tain property at First and Alder sts. LOST Lady's gold wrist watch, owiss works, between 12 and 1 o'clock Friday in business district. Finder please cail Broadway HOso, Miss Knox, or Broad way 527. Reward. LOST Boston bulldog, male, 4 years old. Seal brindle with white streak on face, white collar and breast and forelegs; ears and tail not cut. Call Automatic 225-26 or East 891. $25 reward. LOST A Pair of tortoisesheil rim specta clea on Broadway car or between Broad way and Park, on Washington. Main 1499 or Broadway 1122. Reward. LOST Handbag, blue Kilk with beads. n Alder St.. directly In front of LlDman Wolfe entrance; reward. G. Taylor, care Meier r rank jewelry Dept. LOST Young English bulldog: dark brin die body, white chest and forelegs, two black eyes and black spot on lop of forehead. Tabor 505 1. Reward. LOST Diamond brooch set in,-pearls, ii library hall. Irvington car or street; re ward. 532 East 16th Bt. North. Call East S6.r6. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN ATTTOMO BILE.- WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR- MONEY TO LOAN on surplus stocks of merchandise placed in storage with us. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage & Transfer Co., 53 4th street, corner of Pine. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con' tracts on real estate in W ashington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 310 Lumbrmns bldg, BUY bonds, notes, contracts, mortgages. r . i-t. Lewis, 302 Lewix bldg., 4th & O Money to Loan on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. T per cent, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce in terest on loans under $r000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 00 per cent value house and lot at 7 per cent. You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example, $2000 loan, you pay $10 month ly and interest ; you have privilege o? paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly, interest reduced accordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, per cent. Excellent repayment privilege, MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main 8308. 407 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.2 per month for 36 months, or 921.24 per nwnth for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for U8 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts In same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. SEE US TODAY We loan money on real estate; no commission, 0 and 7 per cent on choice loans, long time, short time; monthiy payments, pay as you can; sums to suit; contracts, 2d mortgages; liberty bond bought. -75 Oasco bidg- 6th and Alder. Cellars-Murton Co NO DELAY' QUICK ACTION REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS. On imp. city property or Willamette Valley farms or for Imp. purposes. All amounts, $1000, $10oo, $2uuo and up. Sellers' contracts purchased. JPH. DESHON. 015 Cham, of Com, bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. a. 4 118. $00,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, -uvui "-.11 uu. xarms. una ing loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK 213-216 FAILING BLDG. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FA R f l.niva Insurance company money to loan at j current rates on Willamette va. ley farms; no commission, n delays DEVERBAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth aL. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. NO COMMISSION. UNION ABSTRACT CO., 83 4th ST. HENRY BLDG MORTGAGE LOANS on farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv- WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO, 80 Fourth St., Portland. Or. $300. $400, $500, $600. $SOO. $1000, $1200. siouu. suiiu ana ur. lowest rrp nuir-ir . action, pay. off $luO or more at any in terest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 ul ooiu. mug, .vain -lot u. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms and city property. favorable repaying THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO , LTD. 309 Piatt bidg. Main 53 71. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800 MONEY to loan on real estate security at goiiig rate 01 interest. tto dt xlarkson rteaiiy to., nara. or uom. $300. 400, $500. $730, $1000 AND UP low rates; quick action. Fred W. Ger- 111 an wo., cnam. or com. Main 6445. $oOO, $1000 AND upward on Improved real - estate; iavoraoie terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. j-ouis saioman .o.. ua selling bicg. MONEY to loan on. real estate, 7 per Geo. P. Lent, 714 Corbett bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 cnam. or Com.. 4th and stark. $3 000 TO LOAN. 7 per cent Int. See J. P, McKenna. Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries, MONEY TO LOAN. en goods placed In storage with us. We can save you money. Low Interest rates. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage & Transfer Co.. 63 4th street, corner of Fine. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note. Confidential invest Iga tlon. 316 Chamber of Commerce bldg. iicensea. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan rbatteln and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSX. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. I ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES, JEWELRY, VIC TROLAS. PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. S94 STARK ST., KEAR 10TTT. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. Mgr.. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. A-P tvV..OU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. 1TTn.Artl,MNS MADE ON AUTOMnRjijKSi FURNITURE. PIANOS, VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. 'r your Payments are too largo n ZZ . automobile or furniture contracts, e will pny them up an(i anVante you ri,vm?nv lf needed. We make a spe fJ.,i . tneKe loans and leave the se curm in your possession, and you can Wk- AiU2A,n small monthly payments. ml-i,0 MAKE SALARY LOANS to smarted people on their own notes. Rats reasonab e Private offices. All bust strictly confidential. I ORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. ' Jtnn ort-r (LICENSED S0B-8O7 Dekum bldg. Marshall 3288. - -s- W. cor. Third and Washington. CHRISTMAS MONEY, , . Vrj J'OAV MONEY wL 1 d ana wrking men on their personal note NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSE R. NO PUBLICITY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY, we aiso Joan on household furnitura, punoi etc., without removal. CALL AND SEE I S TODAY, investigate our modern money-lending Tnethods. It will cost you no more now than if you wait tir.tii a few days before . CHRISTMAS. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. 218 Failing ET.dg. g- E. corner Third and Washington Sts. on diamonds, watches, jewelry and bond, legal rates; ail goods held 1 year. WNES JEWELRY STORE. 114-119 Third st., corner Washington. -"vi a. 1 n 004 a. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelry. J-gal ratios; articles held a year; estab- Untied ma. Dan Marx A Co.. 283 Wash. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and' furnl- ture; legal rates. 208 Washington -bldg. Loans Wanted. FRANK L. McGUIRE. with his years of experience and expert knowleage of values, is in a position to safeguard your evtry interest in loaning your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. 0 trice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logie Richard son, manager of loan department, Ab- ington bldg. -Jrfaln 1008. WANTED To borrow direct from private party "5000 for 5 years. $6000 for 3 years and $400 for 2 years, all at 7; securfty in eaph case conservatively ap- at over times amount of loan. No brokers. Call at 01 Third SU orpnone Main 30Q7. WE HAVE some good rea lestata contracts and mortgages in amounts of $500 and above, payable in monthly Installments and bearing 7 per cent interest, which we will discount 5 per eent. F. B. Bow- man Xr 4 'n. Qin i , i -- w. i j m ipm. Diag, WANTED Loan $23,000 for 2 vears at lrt per cent, direct from principals; secured by 00,000.000 feet of highest grade yel low fir timber, situated on common car rier railroad, available for immediate BUSINESS loan wanted. $8000 on A-l se- .j.. C j.ccu jiuumonai capital tor Improvements; can show $1000 a month nrnfit A W i-innnnt LOAN wanted on one acre with new plas tered hTlniralAiB In fc. . I . light on tract, near car and paved street. Muln 1"7 nw 'A...n.i toe i n 11300 WANTED, 7, 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch, just sold for $2600, one block to "A" car. 1125 B. 31st st. N. J'lHIOlltttl ( 'J. WANTED A loan of $2n.ono, $4000 due H jma, a-'e interest, QlgQ. WANTED To borrow H7500. itoorl Mc.nHtv and will pay high rate of interest and bonus. Address IXL. Oreeonian. WANTED $650 on $2000 modern home. . -. oovv Vila ST Lents. FOR CHOICE FIRST MTG. LOANS ses, xjumoermens blag. LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE 6ERVICK. LOAN wanted on new Laurelnurst home. $3500. Phone Aut. 216-36. 6Eo9,REGON IXV- & MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Com.. Fourth and Stark. PER80NAL. CHIROPRACTIC. BODY MASSAGE. ' i i i -. . r.i.r.v i l A U VI BRATION TREATMENT MAKES SICK PEOPLE WELL. BE CONVINCED START TODAY. COURSES OP TREAT CAI BE HAD AT REASONABLE) RATES. CALL IX AND TALK THIS OVER. DR. MARGARET HAYNIE. 214 NETTIE M. BENSON. D. P. Naturopath. Methods naed on NERVOUS and CHRONIC diseases: traction cures weak backs; mineral steam baths, electrto violet ray and scientific massagrev clean -the system and build it up; both sexe. treated. Main 7789, 804 Dekum bldr EC8EMA, barber Itch, poison oak. ltchlnc .piles and burns quickly relieved with Howland's salve; price loOe: satisfactioa guaranteed or money refunded. HOWARD LANSDEN. Woodburn. Or. Add Postage TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a cleansing, healing germicide and Invig orating douche, a great aid In femal. disorders: 50c and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. FEBVET HAKEBUT, leading wig and toune makers; finest stock human hair goods; permanent and marcel waving Scalp treatment. 849 Alder. Main 548. DR. E. A. GRIFFITH. D. P. Expert mas seuse, steam bath, vibration, facial and scalp treatments. Ladieg' patronage pre. ferred. 417-418 Swetland bldg. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton', the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST. who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, tree. Globe bldg.. 11th & Wash. Bdy. 282. DE LUXE MASSAGES. 415 BUCHANAN BLDG. MAIN HS68. 10 A. M. TO 9 P. M. : ALSO OPEN SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SULPHUR steam bath masfiage. violet ray and vibratory treatment. 426 Clay. Maia MASSAGE for tired women or women wh. cannot sleep, nervousness. Mrs. Jessl. S. Clark, masseuse. Phone East 6528. FEET SORE"? See Dr. Ethel A. Saerr. peaicurms ...Bu.viijiBl a. u to 8 P. M. 6Qo Raleigh bldg. Mar. 3378. VIT-0-.t-l maneuc uains. violet ray treatment, body massages. Dr. Harriet Shepherd, 450 Morgan bldg. Main 75J9. CHIROPODIST Ethel McCoy, 609 Bu chanan bids.. Wash. at., bet. 4th. and 6th. M. 5078. NEW B ELECTRIC toaster, special J3.S3. Violet ray headquartera. 42S Washing, ton, near 11th. MASSAGE, baths, kidneys, constipation, rheumatism. Dr. Elna Sorensen, drug less phys 509 Panama bldg. Main 5088. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. CaU or writ. Dr. Dean. 234 4. Morrison at. NO CURE, no pay; falling hair, dandruff; hair grown on bald head.; ladle, or gem. j vTt O NET Magnetic sweats massage Vit O Net sweat blanket, for sale. 447 Morgan bldg. Main 3i5. IF YOU are tired and nervous hav. a sci entific electric body massage. Dr. Ovidia Larson. 427 Morgan bldg. Main 1999. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts remoiel by 10-needles method; trial free. Josi. -Flnley, 415 Bush & Lane bldg. Main 63l8. gents. m-vicj. uiur. WOULD like to adopt child, age 2 to 9 years; will give good home. C. w. Stlll well. St. Helens, Or. Box 874. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, eto. Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phoa. Main 1049. Office 308-C Third st. MRS. FRANKLIN S wonderful hair tonio. 291 H Morrison, cor. Fifth. Room 16. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever by multiple-needle method. 504 Swetland bldg RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without aa operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. NEW 0O TALKING machine, $29.50. Phone uroaoway -o. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm ot i-(. S44 E 33d. Sell 221.1 mnrnn DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay rout gee Vlereck. collections, Dekum bldg. PILES CAN BE CURED without operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. EYES tested free: spectacle, guaranteed. Dr. Beidlng, Alder at. Main 1692. JUNICIDE will cure rheumatism or money hack. 4tS Dekum bldg. ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS Dr. Ironside. 309-14 Broadway building. PERKINS National Herbs. 859 Morgau ft