16 TIIE MORNING OREGOMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1020 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. HERE IS SOMETHING FOR YOU TO THINK ABOUT. SELLING USED CARS. . GIVING BOTH BARGAINS AXD SATISFACTION. We are selling wed automobiles -with a standard factory warranty, or are giv ing 10 davs' free trial subject to their being returned and full credit given on any other used automobile. During the last four years we have rebuilt Hudson automobiles and resold them with a warranty the same as a factory warranty on a new car. It pays for us to 611 and you to buy a used automobile thai you can rely upon. We have opened a new store for the sale of used cars at 40-46 N. Broadway, which is open until S P. M. FIRST A LIST OF ENCLOSED CARS. 3fodel ?M Overland redan In pood condition, good tires, and reDaint 0-A ed, all in line shape S0Q Chandler sedan, has been overhauled and repatnted. nice family car, a1 In first-class condition .- .100 1917 Hudson super-six, with a win ter enclosed top, also has a tourT inp car top, has been overhauled and repainted. We will sell you this car with a warranty the same as given on new automobiles. . . .l-oO Hudson sedan, now being put through our shop. Will be rebuilt ' and -repainted and sold with war ranty the same as given on new automobiles. Here Is the bargain of the season 170 Hudson limousine, all In fine con dition, looks like new. TOURING CAR BARGAINS. 1917 Maxwell, fine condition, has been repainted; good tires 400 ,1018 Maxwell 3 to select from. We have put them through our shop: row in first-class condition' also repainted; look like new, K50, 57i 600 2 1919 Maxwells, fine up-to-date small cars, all gone over and made like new ooO "1920 Maxwell, almost new; a bar gain 800 Chandler chummy, all In nne condi tion and repainted, a bargain, only . 1050 193 9 Chalmers roadster. In fine con dition 1100 1913 Chalmers light six, with hot spot, overhauled and repainted, all in fine condition 1250 1920 Oldsmoblle roadster, almost new, fine running condition, cord tires 1200 1920 Buick roadster, almost new. .1400 1919 Essex touring car, all gone over in our shop, thoroughly overhauled and repainted ; sold with a war ranty the same as given on new automobiles 1275 Late Essex model, like new and with warranty; great buy 1350 1019 Ford truck, good condition.... 525 1920 Hudson super-six, has just been all gone over in our shop; is in perfect condition; now in the paint shop; will be sold with a war ranty the same as, given on new ' automobiles 1950 1920 Hudson speedster. In the best mechanical condition, everything in fine shape; will sell with a warranty the same as given on new automobile ...2100 OUR STORE FOR THESE USED CAR BARGAINS AT 40-4S BROADWAY. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. HOW IS THIS FOR USED CAR BARGAINS? 1 Buick light six O0 1 Dodge 50 2 Overlands S300 and S3.-j0 4 Fords 225 to $3tio 1 Maxwell 200 1 Peerless 1 Ford chassis J175 1 Saxon 6 4400 1 Saxon 4 , S15G LONG & FILVA. 4C2 Hawthorne. TOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF to see these cars before you buy. One purchaser said before he bought, there must be some thing wrong, 1 never saw sucn oargainb lyiS Maxwell touring $31Kj Overland bo touring 2i-j T n H e p trturinz - 41.. 191S Chevrolet roadster 3&", 111 & Phcvrnlft tnurine ............. 3t 11(17 Etudebaker touring 373 1910 Buick touring ' 1918 Overiand touring 4i- 191$ Overland roadster 39-' 1917 Oldsmobile eight t5t FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. Grand and Hawthorne avea. East 3770. XMAS SUGGESTIONS. Buy a good used car or trade for a better one v o nave some exceptiona values. Ford Roadster $300. Chevrolet, new paint $350. 75 Overland $350 . 4-cylinder Cole SjOH. Dodge like new SltiOO. OI.Ih 8 nw naint SI 100. Velies, in fine condition, new paint and cord tires, $700, $ 1200. EASY TERMS. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 58 N. 3d St. Main 780. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FUK.MSU -Mt:i. SC OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. SOS SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. SON SPEEDSTER, LOTS OF EXTRAS AND 2 .Nfc-VY V.OK.U i i ix CALL MR. ROWLAND, BROADWAY 5706. xtf. riRRY a. full line of auto accesso Tim- tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes etc. Also do towing. Open dity and night. LONG & SILVA. Phone East tS40. 4t2 Hawthorne STUDEBAKER sedan. 19 model, prac tiaiiv new. fuliv eauiDped: will con aider touring car in exchange or sell on liberal terms ; price $2350, discount for cash. O ;:4o. oregonian. AUTOMOBILE Financing Co. having 3 sedans and 5 touring cars are selling same at extremely low prices. If you are going to buy a car it will pay you to investigate. lerms. inarsnau tj.. 7-PASS BNGBR PAIGER A R G A I N Late 3 920 model, used short time as demonstrator, jiuu: j.uu aown, oaianct in 10 months; car fully guaranteedf Mr Axgo. Broadway 32S1. OAKLAND 6 BARGAIN. Use-d four months, must sacrifice, run let's that 3000 miles, $350 down, balance monthly. Particulars call Mr. Argo, Broadway 32M. BIG USED CARS. PRICE STOCK t RIGHT No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles We wreck all makes of cars and sel their parts at half price. David Hode Auto Wrecking Dept., 105-7 N. 11th st -CYLINDER Mitchell. O-patisenser. in good condition; will trade or sell. Main 3.UMI. -PASSENGER Case 40 1916 model; good mechanical condition; 5 good tires; $55'. cash. 354 East Burnaide st. " " A BARGAINT 1919 Chevrolet: 2 extra tires and " extras; fine condition. Wdln. 23S5. AUTO OWNERS' SALES ROOM. You wish to sell your car? Can ge. quick action at 168 King st. Main 184 " HUPMOBILE DEMONSTRATOrT " Run 3 months; will give liberal dia count. To see this car call East 303. FORDS REPAINTED, $18 for touring and roadsters. Robinson-Smith Co., 610 Mad if on st. 0 CHALMERS BUG. fine condition, Bosch magneto. Strom berg carburetor, cheap. ,By owner. S40 Sandy. Aula, 233.-2A. FOR SALE ACTOMOB1XES. C. G. BLEASDALE. For real valne in a standard used auto mobile, compare these cars with others before placing your deposit: FORD touring, motor overhauled, ready to go ....... $ 200 MAXWELL tourln-, new painted, good tires . ... top, re- STUDEBAKER Six, this is a big bargain 450 MAXWELL roadster, fine mechan ical condition, new top and up--holstering refinished, 3 new tires. 500 OVERLAND 85-40; lots of power, good tires ; a snap at 600 CHALMERS light six, fine hill climber, good tires 673 OAKLAND light six; this car is the best buy in Portland 750 OLDSMOBILE light six. good tires, spotlight and side deflectors . 975 WILLYS-KNIGHT 7-passenger, the i .ideal car for rental 1130 MITCHELL CHUMMY, like new, rcfinished, good tires 1200 STUDEBAKER light six. 1919, in perfect mechanical condition, ex tras 1300 BUTCTC. 1920, light six, 6 cord tires, 3 are new; run only 5000 miles 1475 Several good bugs. C. G. BLEASDALE, 530 Alder St. Broadway 1852. . USED CAR BARGAINS. Model D-55 Buick. 7-pass., $750. 1918 Studebaker, 7-pass., $500. 3917 Hudson, overhauled. $1000. 1919 Liberty, looks like new, $1055. Pierce 3ft, 5-pass., $1100. 3918 Buick. $1150. 391! Nash. 5-pass., $1350. 192U Oldsmobile, run 7000 miles, $1250. 3918 Hudson, wire wheels, $1350. 3916 Cadillac, $15O0. Second series twin six Packard, 7- pass., $2250. Third series twin six Packard, 7- pass., $3800. We have many other good bar gains too numerous to mention. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., COR. TENTH AND BURNSlDE. BROADWAY 52L BIG REDUCTION IN USED CARS. 1913 Oakland 4, touring . . $ 1912 Chalmers touring, new tires. 1914 Ford touring 1912 Franklin touring 1915 Ford, panel delivery 1916 Overland touring 1916 Overland, panel delivery 1916 Ford touring, crown fenders 1917 Ford touring 3917 Maxwell touring 1919 Ford 3-ton truck 1916 Olds 8. touring 3916 Oakland touring 1918 Dodge roadster 1920 Maxwell roadster " 125 175 175 3 75 250 275 275 200 325 340 400 0(H) 475 750 675 1 1 50 1550 HUH Hup big 4. sedan 1919 Paige. 7-pass., cord tires VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. East 4376. . Union ave. and Belmont St. BUICK ROADSTER. Buick, light six roadster in fine me chanical condition; looks like new; 4 al most new tires; 2 extra tires, tubes and tire covers; double Hoover tire carrier Pantasote top with plate glass; victoria side curtains; seat covers, spotlight and bumper. Must sell at once. Will sacri fice. Phone owner, OAK GROVE, 133 J. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled Rear axle overhauled Valves ground, carbon removed Magneto recharged . . . a . . . $20 . . . 3 We hand-lap pistons, Itcrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 280 Front St., corner Jefferson. BUICK PRICES GUARANTEED AGAINST REDUCTION BUICK. BUICK. I can save you over $400 on a car guaranteed iike new, with cord tires and other extras; 1020 modeL demonstration; you take no chance and get a car that is guaranteed; investigate this; now is time buy .take a tip. Call salesman, Automatic 324-36 evenings, Bdwy. 1130 cays. WHY PAY the price of a new sedan when oy buying my Chevrolet baby grand demonstrator, run but 4000 miles. on can save $900? This car is absolutely in first class shape in every way and will protect you from our winter rain and chili. Terms and would consider trade on late 400 Chevrolet. Dana, Fields Motor Car Co. Broadway 240. 14th and Alder. USED CARS OF MERIT AT BARGAIN PRICES. Oaklands In first-class shape from $4uu up to $1300; each car will stand a most rigid test and is the best all round value in the city; let us show you one of these cars. 300 N". Broadwav. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO.. Bd wy. 4. 1 S4. ONE REAL BARGAIN. A 7-passenger Hudson with winter en closed top and new standard top. Thor oughly overhauled ; good tires; guaran teed mechanically as new car; best lob of repainting ; looks like. new. 1 12'50; will take $5tX cash and your note for balance. MANVILLE, EAST 8695. PAIGE BARGAIN. Owner must raise money quickly; $990 -for late 191S Paige light ft: overhauled nd painted; must have $330 cash, bal ance terms. This car is worth For particulars see Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 32S1. NEW CHEVROLETS. Buy from P. H. Dunn Motor Co..1 Corner Milwaukie and By bee. Ave. Phone Sellwood i:;!t:t. Liberal allowance for your Ford Chevrolet and easy terms. CHEVROLET touring, 1918. in good con dition; must sell. A real buy at $450, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. A GOOD CAR FOR $330. Reo, 4-cy. 1916, fine shape; looks good; terms if you wish. Call Bdwy. 1130 MAXWELL touring, Ulfi. good tires, fine running xirder. A bargain at $500, with terms. 0 Grand ave. N., near Burn side. A 191 S BUICK. 6-cyl., model E-40. for $1250; tine shape and looks like new ; come and see it. Howard Auto Co., 14th and Davis sts. Ask for Mr. Montgomery LATE 118 Ford roadster, in fine condition, will sacrifice for $375. need $175 caph. balance terms. For particulars see ilr. Argo. Bdwy. 32S1. LATE 1917 Mitchell 6. A-l condition, just overhauled ; new tires and top; bargain, easy terms. 1 21 E. Water st., corner Alder. East 3510. 1H2C HUPMOBILE. LOOKS LIKE NEW WILL SACRIFICE AND GIVE SOME TERMS. BROADWAY 4035. 141 N SIXTH ST. "TOPS 'EM ALL." Oregon Auto Top Co., I4:h and Couch sts. Bdwy. 440S. Cor. 1920 BUICK roadster, looks like new and in in the finest mechanical condition; E good tires. This is some car and a b i g bargain. Turma. Phone Tabor 8064 BUICK four, in fine condition, good tirtfs. A real buy at $575; terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burntude. VEUIE Late 17 in good condition, wire wheels. Will sacrifice for $675. 281 3d st. corner Jefferson. CHEVROLET chassis; make a good bug; must sell; $200. 30 Grand ave. North, near 1-iurnside. BUICK light 6 D4JS, $600. 5-passenger tour ing car; best buy in Portland. J. Rice, room 506 Palace Hotel, 13th and "Wash. FORD touring, fine condition ; must sell A bargain at $200. 30 Grand ave. Nortli near Burnside. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheels, crank shaft turning. H. B. Black, ma chine fehop. 534 Alder st. Bdwy. 2681. 1920 HUPMOBILE roadster, 95 per cent new, some accessories; a bargain for a quick sale. 415 Hancock st. CHEVROLET (17) A snap, $325; $125 will handle; perfect shape. 152 2d st. Sunday. Tabor 7039. LATE model Essex touring car, in fine condition; looks and runs like new; a bargain. Terms. Phone East 1P62. FOR SALE or trade, 1917 Maxwell tour ing car. A-l condition, trade for Ford roadster. 1241 E. Yamhill. FOR SALE Chandler chummy roadster, good condition, cheap. Call Tabor 5003. 244 E. 49th st. FOR SALE Late model 1920 Chevrolet; good' tires; as good as new car. run 1800 . jxiiles. with, ox Iras; tenCuv L S&ia rOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. OUR LOSS IS TOUR GAIN. PRICES ARE AT THE LOWEST POINT. TOU WILL BE WARRANTED IN BUYING A CAR AT THIS TIME. A PAYMENT WILL HOLD ONE UNTIL TOU ARE READY TO USE IT. OPEN ALL DAT SUNDAYS. 1919 5-pass. Hup, good tires, $400 cash, balance monthly pay ments. 1920 Hup. Just like new; save $400 on this one. 1917 Hup, the famous model N. Late model, 4 -pass. Hup coupe. Take a Ford in trade. 1919 CHEVROLET touring $700 1919 CHEVROLET roadster.. 700 1919 MAXWELL touring .... 800 1917 SAXON touring 500 1920 OVERLAND touring 850 1917 FORD touring 323. 1918 OVERLAND, model 90.. 550 SEE MR. MOUNTAIN, MANLET AUTO CO., 11TH ST. AT BURNSlDE. USED CARS. EASY TERMS. WITH NO BROKERAGE. YOUR CHOICE OF MANY CARS OF STANDARD MAKE AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU. HIERB ARB A FEW. A CHEVROLET touring $395 OVERLAND touring 450 MAXWELL touring 35 FORD coupe with starter.... 735 CHANDLER touring 1050 CHEVROLET, brand new, lots of extras 1100 FRANKLIN touring 3350 OLDSMOBILE sport model.. 1550 AND MANY OTHERS. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. OLDSMOBILE COMPANY. Open Evenings and Sundays. Bdwy. at Couch. Bdwy. 2270. FORD OWNERS. , CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled $20 itear axie overnauiea t Valves ground, carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. . Ait wortc guaranteea. THE REASON the Ford en trine strt hnrd nnrt th lights are dim Is because the MAGNETO is wean. nave it RECHARGED BY UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644 AUTOMORILR nwERS Let us figure with you on your work We have the best equipped repair shop in the city and can take care of all your troubles, large or smail. Overhauling our specially. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Could we offer you more? Auto electricians on starters, gen erators, lighting and ignition. Batteries recharged, rebuilt and repaired GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front st., corner Jefferson, O. E. Depot BIdg. NEW CARS in quality and service, BUT at USED CAR PRICES. Standard built light sixes pri ;ed right. SHARP'S WAREHOUSE. 10th, Near Stark. LATE 1920 PAIGE ROADSTER. Must sacrifice for private reasons used only few weekB ; price ? 1 6.KJ ; can arrange terms. Mr Bennett. Full par ticulars call Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 3281. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED From private owner, a Dodge coupe; mflst be In good condition and at a reasonable price; dealers need not aijply. C. L. Stover, 100 N. Broadway. BUwy. 41S4. WE ARE selling used cars and we can sell yours. We only charge a small commission. We have prospects for cars now. Kade & Simonton Co., 415 Olisan st. HAVE $1100 equity in $3000 bungalow. 652 70th st. N. Will take light car as part payment and balance cash. Pay ments and mortgage $30 per month, in cluding interest. Tabor ti&iiS. WILL trade some good young work horses and no me f ref h cows for automobile or . lot. Call at 630 E. 24th st. Woodstock car. WANT SEDAN Want 1!20 sedan,. Dodge or Detter. r t, uregonian. HAVE diamonds, want auto; will take car tnai needs repair. Alain l.4Tu. WANT light passenger car; have lifcht ituck; iraae even. ooeriin st. WILL give caah for a Ford. Marshall 3471. Motorcycles. FIVE Harley-Davidson motorcycles with side cars and tandems, model 11)18, will be sold by Capt. L. A. Wilder at Clack amas Rifle Range, Clackamas, Or., De- cember 12, at 1 P. M. MOTORCYCLES and parts, all makes. East Side Motorcycle Co.. 44-49 Grand avenue. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6139. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE. with or wlthou drivers. Day or night service. CGUCHMAN" GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Bdwy. 36U6. Remember our number, Broadway S656. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS. HUDSON'S. LOW NS DALE GARAGE. BROADWAY 240S. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1920 models, reasonable rates 132 12th st.. between Washington and A lder Broad way 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE Mar 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A1236 BARGAIN Two 32x4 and two 39x5H Non Skids and rib tread tires at 63 E. 80th st. S. The Paris Cleaners. ALTHOF & BENNETT. CAP.S FOR HIKE WITHOUT DRIVERS ARMY GARAGE. THIRD AND TAYLOR MAIN 1687. , 1920 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE, WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 8547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. SAY, if you want a "Yellow Chassis" come in. we have it: l-ton Republic rebuilt $80O 2-ton Republic ' 900 2-toa United Republic, rebuilt 850 2 to 6-ton United Republic with trailer. MACK-INTERN ATTONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION, 10th and Davis Sts. Broadway 690. FORD 1-ton stake body. Main 5385. truck, Al condition, cab. $475 ; will consider terms. 1-TON 1920 Ford truck for sale. For fur ther information see Joe Sena 1 1 ex. 6th and Irving sts. FORD truck for sale, 1920 model, with pneumatic tires. uail 4S 2i. 6th. Broadway 1215. FOR SALE; -ton Republic truck. Pneu matic tires: price $600 cash, or $650 on time. Phone Automatic 21 -59. FORD truck, a real bargain at $275. East FOB 6AL&-TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. THE CONFIDENCE of the public Is price less, therefore we are extremely care ful In stating the condition of any used truck. We have some that have been rebuilt throughout and are priced so that they are bound to move, others ready to work but not rebuilt, and by. making a few adjustments yourself you have a good used truck it a very low price. 4-ton Packard, rebuilt throughout. For wood hauling or any heavy duty work this cannot be beaten. 2-ton Nash, rebuilt throughout, electric lights and starter. This truck Is only one year old, has new tires on rear and good in front. 2-tnn PVrtf-s1 ( -m T K nAr -snf naw Has cab and is a good buy at $1000. Think of this! Dodge roadster, over hauled, new top, new paint and tires good. $450. MACK-INTERN ATTONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION. lOth and Davis Sts. Broadway 690. IF YOU need a good 2-ton truck with body and top call Tabor 715. Owner canot make payments. His loss im your gain. MUST sell a 2-ton truck, almost new, at "a'f Price.' Will take a light car in exchange and give terms. See truck at Eagle Garage at Lents. Auto. 601-11. 1-TON TRUCK attachment, will utrnfth to any maKe car; no reasonable offer rt-iuseu. hj. men St. SELL OR TRADE a new tractor; will LH,n.t? auiomoDiie, aiamonas or liberty bonds. Main 3590. AUTO REPAIRING. YOUR auto repaired at your home; relia ble service. Tabor 109S or Automatic 625-39. AUTO repairing by a man of 11 years experience, $1 per hour. Phone East 5379. GARAGES. FOR RENT Stalls in good garage, dead or live storage; also transient; reason able rates. Open day and night. Tow ing and accessories. Hawthorne Garage, 44P Hawthorne ave. East S241. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SPOT CA?h FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS NO AMOUNT 13 TOO LAKCE FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED MY LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL, ERNEST DEEDS. 340 WASHINGTON ST MAIN' 3173 12.50 TO $25 ' FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone.in the city ror suits, overcoats ana snoes. Call Marsha;! 1229 or 253 Madison st. near 3d st. Will cail day or evening. S8.50 UP TO $25 GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES "OR MENS SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES, ETC BROADWAY "3932. 245 BURNSlDE CALL ME BEFORE AN V BODY E LSE BE TW E E N 2D AND 3D. UP TO $3 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d st.. N W. cor. Wash. Main 9344 WE MUST have 5O0 men's suits and top coats to shiD out oi town: we are in Di demand for used clothing, we are still paying the highest prices for high-price clothing. Call at lt irst t-t., near Morrison. Tailor establishment. Tel. Main 738. FURS. FURS. FURS. Low Rent and Low Prices. Remodeling and Repairs. LA FRANCE FUR ,MFG CO.. Main 0o29 103 W. Park. UP-TO-DATE BUYER. I oay the highest prices for second hand furniture, tools, rags, old clothing and all Kinas oi judk. can Main Ji and I WILL CLEAN UP YOUR HOME OUR SPECIALTY is buying men s cast-oCf c.o thing, nignest casa prices paid; wi, cal. day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. WANT timber for wood, close to good road or highway, within 20 miles of Portland. Address E. C. Boar dm an. it f . n. i, city. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES 0 BOUGHT. SOLD. RENTED AND EX CHANGED. MAIN 44U5. 12S FIRST. WANTED Toy electric train and track also small pnonograpn; condition or case no object il works are good. B 201, Ore- gonian. WANTED Blacksmith tools, anvil, screw piates. vse, anil .etc. lieo. hi. Minton E. 2t;tn and Aider. WANT good rowboat, 14 or 16 feet long Call between 4:30 and 5 o'clock P. M. d7-2, room 4U1.- WA.NT Encyclopedia Brltannnica, 11th ed.. cloth or brown flexible binding. Phone Main U137. WANTED Diamond, around karat, for casn: must ue gnoa coior anu a bargain A 04, uregonian. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan 3larx & Co.. 2 S3 Wash. SAFE W ill pay cash for good second band onice tale. u -au, uregonian. JUN.K, rags, metals, tools, furniture, car pets, old ciotning; good prices. East 5111 WANTED Rector gas radiators; must be xn gouu conuition. rnone o-i:-33. HAVE you good berried holly for sale? If so cait up wooaiawn zw4i. WA.sTED uaruage r;u.-:i;r, mat iiave wa- n: co:ia. a :i oip j.r i l. WANTED CAGE OR PERCH FOR PAR Xj llf X AUUUAT I. IK? Furniture Wanted. MARSHALL 598L GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.' WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR N1TURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS AUL.uiii; i u a-uia, UA1- HIGHEST r-itn-co t-ALu. w Ann; i hjs OLDEST MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. The Big Store. All under one root. No branch stores. J.O f 1HS1 OJi. Remember, 2 doors frdai Yamhill. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE FAY THE HIGHEST PASH PRICES EVER PAID UY ANYONE IN i lie kl i x r wit r lj CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CAUL WILL BRING THE XSL X il. iv WITH Iii h AlONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. CASH FURNITURE CASH We need used furniture, stoves, ran res etc.. to ship out of town. Will pay niguer prices umu oiner local aeaiers Cail us up for ooe article or a house fui' and a courteous, com oe tent huvr wir call. Main 7 714. Rosenberg's urnlture iLxcnange. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be- lore you sen. we aw in tne market for same and will pay highest prices PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 208 FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. CALL MAIN S87S. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash Phone today. Main 4tl27 or lt(6 First st WANTED Small husa saw carriage on track and feed works for sawmill; have power. AV 77 tf, Oregonian. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to 11 pointn on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co.. th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703 IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and benefit to sell your furniture to us. Call Mar shall 2693. Crown Furniture Co. HOUSEHOLD FURNITULE WANTED WILL PAY CASH. - MAIN 3332. SELL us your furniture and rugs. ReliabU Furniture Co.. 23 2d st. Main 7308. WILL pay cash for furniture or piano. East G704, 217 Washington sL WE BUY used furniture. For beat results call East 2405 EDUCATIONAL. WANTED Address of men and women desiring government positions. AB 278, Oregonian. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Main 4835. Teaching positions, free reg. GRADE teacher wanted, large town; sal ary f!200. CallTllr. Welles, Main 8276. WANTED At once, two men to learn ul- CAjiiiing- and retreading, . 434 &waiCDsV EDUCATIONAL, FOR BIG PAY. Get Into the Auto or Aviation Business. You're right! No other line of work offers the employment opportunities and big pay that the automobile and aviation business does. The quick and satisfactory way to learn this business and get -into it Is through the help of that man "Adcox." whose school holds the world's record for graduating the largest percentage of students who make goot in a big. commanding way.- Today, scores and scores of men who lese than a year ago knew absolutely nothing about automobiles are earning as expert "gas engineers" double to treble what they ;ever before made Adcox trained them in 12 to IB weeks. You may be skepti cal fay it can't be done but it actually Is being done; and. if you will .give "Ad cox" a chance to talk with ycu a few minutes or write or call for a free copy of t.is big. dollar book, describing his school and his methods, you will quickly be convinced as hundreds of men and young men before you have been. To prove the value of his course to you. he will let you attend bis school four weeks free and, if you find anything misrepresented he will pay you 50 cents for each hour in attendance at. his school. He even will go further: If. after visit ing his school or carefully going through his catalog, you truthfully can say that anywhere in the west you have seen another auto school with as much equipment who graduates as large a per centage of successful students or gives you as much 'for your money, he will make - you a present absolutely free of his complete Auto. Battery and Electri cal course, valued at $290. If the train ing he offers were just the ordinary kind, this offer would be suicidal would put him out of business in less than three months. Just the dav this announcement was written, a prospective student said, "Adcox, I thought you were bluffing "with your free tria. and other offers, but you win! 1 have visited some half dozen other auto schools and yours makes them all look like a rusty dime." Only a different unquestionably superior school could make such offers as "Adcox" does. There is no red tape to his offers, either he is willing to depend entirely upon the honesty and good judgment of any ambitious fel low. You're as good a man as the next fellow prove it go after the big money awaiting you In the automobile and aviation business it's one line where there Is no age limit and no entrance examinations are required of those en tering the Adcox School. Simply go there if you half J.ry. you can't hip but make good. The state pays- Oregon ex service men $25 ier month while attend ing school. . Tear out this announce ment right now see "Adcox" or get a copy of his book. No. . B, at -once. The address is, ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, PORTLAND. OR. . MEN! If you want to attend an AUTO and TRACTOR school where you get the most complete training, and the best value, then attend HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. We have just Installed a la.rge quantity of nw electrical equip ment We have also placed in the school for your benefit a brand new VULCAN IZIVii dm, irimpnt with nil the latest and best equipment available. Now Is the time to enroll and get ready for that big job next spring. 1 he aemana ior trained men will be great. Let us guld you on the road to success. The HEMP HILL schools graduate thousands of successful students each year; you can be one of .them this year. You take the tools in your bands and get the actual practical shop experience on all makes of cars. We combine practice and theory in all courses which is the only way to get a satisfactory train wig, If you are desirous i of learning the automobile -usinea or any branch of It. better in veHtigate the H EMPHILL school first. State aid to Oregon ex-service men. THE SCHOOL OF SATISFACTION. In formation and catalogue upon request. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. INC., 707 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Or. Downtown office. 331 Oak St.. near Broadway. LEARN AVIATION FROM THE FIRST AND ONLY KXCLLS1VU, AtKU.NALi 1CAL SCHOOL IN THE NORTHWEST. A SCHOOL WHICH' HAS 2000 MORE PUPILS THAN ANY OTHER SIMILAR SCHOOL IN THIS TERRITORY. Big demand if you are a qualified man in astronautics. ALL COURSES ARE FREE TO FED ERAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING MEN THE STATE OF OREGON ALLOWS $25 . PER MONTH TOWARD EDUCATION AL PURPOSES TO OREGON EX-KERV-1CE MEN. CATALOGUE ON REQUEST. DUDREY AIRCRAFT COMPANY. Portland. H24 Morgan BIdg., Oregon. aUTOMOBlLK SCHOOL Of course, you wish the best possible training. That means that you will investigate this school, where you get thorough labora tory training and practical repair ex perience under experts. One high-gradw Instructor per each 12 students. Auto mobiles, tractor, vulcanising, machine training. Ex-service men get Oregon financial aid Address Automotive fcchooia. Oregon Institute ot Technology Sixth and Main sts.. Portland. YOU CAN LEARN WELDING. COMPETENT WELDERS are more scarce than any other craftsmen In the metal trades. By ur method of Indi vidual instruction under experienced teachers WE WILL TEACH YOU WELDING OF ALL METALS more thoroughly and In less time, than can be done In any other manner Apply, day or evening, at 427 E. itth St.. near Grant. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OF WELDING. BE HNK.E-WALKER. West's largest business college. As nrcH everv graduate a position. All business courses including comptometer training- Enroll any time; day school, nisht school. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. Fourth, near Morrison. Phone Main 590. BUSINESS SCHOOL giving personal and individual attention; prepares young men for business, stenographic, private secre tarial and bookkeeping positions: stand ardlzed with business schools Jn 100 dif ferent cities; day or night. Inquire of Mr. Clark, dean. Main biOO. v Oregon In stitute of Technology. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, furnish a set of tools to you, and give some pay while learning; positions secured; former ex service men receive state aia. while at tending our school. Write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnaide. OREGON BARBER COLLEDE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks; scalp and face massage ' specialty ; tools free; positions guaranteed, pay while learning; tuition reduced this term.-. 233 Madison. PORTLAND Barber College teaches the barber trade in eight wee lib. pays while learning; good set of toola given; posi tions secured; tuition reduced. 38 N. 2d st r"oCKYMT. Teachers Agency. Enroll freel Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. -state supt., mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. MISS MATTING LY'S Shorthand. Type- writing School, Day, Evening, Individual Instruction. 29 14th it Main 3803. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Night classes. MRS. HANNUMS SCHOOL. shorthand, typing. 230 Tillamook st.. corner Ganien bein. East 3S30. LEARN aeroplane coru-t fiction, gas engine or flying. 409 Spalding bldg. . IF YOU want to learn the Vulcanizing business call 158 E. Broadway. OREGON law school. A 1 laky" bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson, sec Main 977. HELP WANTED UALS. DANCE floor manager for Saturday even ings at Myrtle Park hall, on percentage basis. Sellwood 2S42, evenings. WANTED Responsible truck drivers and auto mechanics ; must be thorough ly competent. Apply room 8, 3124 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash. SOLICITORS wanted to gather Information and! sell advertising in standard publi cation. Apply in own handwriting. F 222, Oregonian. WANTED AUTOMOBILE TRIMMER; ONLY EXPERIENCED MAN NEED APPLY. UNIVERSAL HODY COUP., 000 SANDY. ATTRACTIVE proposition to experienced house-to-house canvassers. Apply Port Land Broom Co., after 4 P. M. i45 Sandy blvdl YOUNG man, 18-20 years old, wanted for driving Ford dellverAcar. Apply 7:30 at J. K. Gill's, ask fcfr Mr. Wiser. SALESMAN familiar with men's clothing or tailor ing. Apply Nicoll the Tailor, 108 3d st FIRST-CLASS pantry man and assistant lor out-oi-town notei. ruone tasi for appointment. EXPERIENCED1 Japanese pantry man. Apply Lewis Employment Agency, 43 Second st. WANTED Rough carpenter to build shed; all day or spare time. Main 4377. Mr. Dye. BOY, 18 YEARS, old. able to drive auto mobile, to do general garage work. Pal ace Garage Co., 12th and Stark. BARBER wanted; must be first -class; none other need apply; $30 guaranteed. C. F. Thomas. WaWowa. Or. EXPERIENCED off pretser on coats and vests; new work. Brownsville Woolen Mills, Third and. Morrison sts. PERFORMERS and musicians Call Broadway 4876. LIVE, neat nalesman. fast money, experi ence unnecessary. 517 Cham, of Com. EXPERIENCED cabinet makers, day. 349 Oak st. S3 per SALESMAN, experienced or Inexperienced, by manufacturing company. 62 N. 23d. WANTED Experienced janitor; inquire pom n try wajnjUng oLUCA Alton, ft. Li&wia, HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND BOYS STCEKXNO EMPLOYMENT. The place beet equipped to assist ym In finding employment is the Y. M. C. A. Employers go there for help because they know the "Y" appeals to the DV type of men and boys. Many firms nav standing orders there for men with cer tain qualifications; perhaps yon are Li te d for one of these places. . Advisory sad emplojiment erric w absolutely free to ex-service men. All men st-eklng employment in Cler ical, technical and commercial lines ana those who are ambitious to better their condition should oee the Y. M. C- A employment bcretary, room S07. "WHERE THERE IS ALWAYS DE MAND FOR CAPABLE MSN. MEIER Sc. FRANK COMPANY requires the services of a candy maker, experienced in tne manufacture ot bara canay; per manent work. Apply Employment Bu reau, siKth. floor. Meier & Frank Co. WELL established' business Intends open ing children's hair cutting department. Permanent work, good wages. Write stating full particulars of experience, etc. L 203, Oregonlan. - EXPERIENCED young man for posting machine bookkeeper. BENTON C04TNTY BANK, Corvallis, Or. bank SALESMEN WANTED. We offer you an opportunity to asso ciate yourseLf with one of the fastest selling plans in Portland. If you possess a salesman's qualifications we want you. Call Motor Loan association. 201 Arti san's bldg. WANTED 2 neat .appearing young men under 25 years of age to travel ith manager and learn good paying busi ness; expenses advanced1 weekly to right parties. Call in person today from 10 to 1 P. M. Room 220 Hotel Carlton. FREE TRIP TO VANCOUVER or equiv alent to trusty person devoting little spare time Interest large organization. Write, stating occupation. Merman "G." House &uo Hastings U, Eat Vancouver, B. C. WANTED An expert packer of gift boxes of Pacific coast fresh, dried and canned fruits, nuts. etc. California experience desirable. ir you can qualify see Mr. Linger. 263 Oak st. WE WANT a couple who will board 1 to 2 men on stock farm, furnish house, milk and wood ; prefer man who can ride horse and help with cattle. Write J.H. Richter, Deer Island. Oi. STRIPER and finisher for work on auto mobiles. Steady year-round work for first-class mechanic. Send full particu lars to Sunset Motor Company, Seattle, Washington WANTED In steamship office man with either railroad or steamship claim clerk exDerience : state Qualifications and sal ary ; must be good correspondent. AB 28. Oregonian. FOR SALE Barber shop, three white chair outfit; baths, laundry agents: every thing f irs-t class; good business; best reason for selling. Address box 18, Wallowa, Or. . THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED REALTY SALESMAN WITH AUTO. MUST KNOW CITY. APPLY SUNDAY ONLY, BET. 10 AND 12. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG WANTED Man to drive and build up laundry route; must be a hustler and business getter; unless you are a hustler do not apply. Union Laundry, Second at Columbia. WE NEED nrst-class piece goods man for main floor of department store. Apply, giving age. experience and salary jex pected, L 273. Oregonian. WANTED First-class coat maker, C. P. Barrette. the tailor. Panama bldg. - Help Wanted Ssdes men,- WE WANT an experienced man with good references, sound common . sense and ' strong personality to work in Portland; large income and quick promotion for one who can qualify. This is a real opportunity for a man of refinement (married preferred) with an eye for the future; work highly dignified and con genial If now employed it will pay you to change: our men are earning $00 "to $;i00 per week. Call 1107 Spalding bldg.. 10:30 to 12; ask for Mr Fox. , EXPERIENCED dry goods salesman wanted by '"The Mode," Boise, Idaho. Interview Saturday or Sunday may be arranged by calling Main o3ii Saturday or East 3280 Saturday evening or Sun day. . THE WOMEN'S state employment bureau furnishes competent office h-elp free to employers; efficiency test given to ap plicants; private interview room. Mrs. L. V. Scott, mgr., 329 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4-137. TO SELL our line of advertising calendars for 1922, to start January l,rnext. Lib eral commissions. Man with road expe rience preferred. References required. F. B. Wines Co., Tacoma, Wash. WANTED Salesman to work outside ter ritory selling tires ftir a d'irect factory branch; good proposition for right party. Experience and references required. V Hi", Oregonian. EXPERIENCED broom salesman, no other need apply ; country territory. Portland Broom Co., after 4 P. M. 045 Sandy blvd. SALESMEN, experienced or inexperienced, by manufacturing company. Cail N. 2iid st. WANTED Experienced Ford salesman to work the city business; liberal propo sition. Ford Dealer, The Da lies, Or. MEN TO represent manufacturing com pany la middle west and southern states Call 62 hi North 23d st. 1 SALESMAN, energetic young man, commis- sion basis . Room 116 CaWes Hotel, 3 to 6 P. M. , WONDERFUL opportunity for salesman now offered for the holidays call 114 Grand ave. s LESMEN Wonderf ul opportunity, " come insurance fiOl Corbett bldg. WANTED- AGENTS. AGENTS Start permanent business sell ing for company established 2i years. "GLASCOCK TABLERAK," patented, nothing similar, wonderful new house hold article; retail price $1.50; needed in every home; remarkable opportunity for selected canvassers. GLASCOCK JUVENILE GOODS COMPANY, Dept. L, Muncie, Ind'iana. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Male and Female. THE WOMEN'S State Employment Bu reau furnishes competent office help free to employers: efficiency test given to applicants. Private interview room- Mrs. L. V. Scott, mgr. 32U Henry biag. Broadway 4o37. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED "ready-to-wear" sales -lady wanted by "The Mode," Boise, Ida ho. Interview Saturday or Sunday may he armnecd bv calling Main" 53VH1 Satur day or East 3280 Saturday evening or Sunday. . WANTED A nurse graduate, undergradu ate or practical; must be-neat and agree able, not over 35 years, able to give massage; state experience and wages desired. BD 212, Oregonian. W A NTED A refined woman as house keeper for family; no objection to one child; treated as one of family. Cail St. Charles hotel between 10 and 12 A. M. I. E. Knowles. WANTED Several young ladies to enter profitable employment; $10 to 20 may De earned every day. Apply 800 Spald ding bldg. Ask for Mr. Conway. WANTED High school oi working girl to assist in housework after 4 P. M. in re turn for board and room. 400 Clay L Marshall 715. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 34 &0. DM car. EXPERIENCED chambermaid, must be neat and steady, salary and board, no room. Apply in person. Portland Med ical Hospital. WANTED A kindergarten teacjier for Portland settlement center. Call rt 201 Caruthers. Phone Marshall 872. THE FLORENCE Crittenton Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 955 East Gilsan. "MV" car. East 316. BACHELOR would like lady to keep house . for him; no objection to woman with 1 child. J. S., box 161, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Good girl for general house work, small family, no washing. Phone Tabor 931. WANTED Woman to do dining room work for board and room for self and hus band. Wdln. 372". , WANTED Maid' for general housework, small family, no children; Scandinavian preferred. Call mornings. Main 2923. GIRL, Swiss or German, for general house work in country hotel. Call St. Chariot Hotel. Mrs. Wilier. GIRL for general housework in country ho tel. Call St. Charles Hotel. Mrs. Wilier. SINGERS and dancers Broadway 4S76. NEAT ladies for sales work; no experience xLOceaa&CT &XT CSbazober ot , Commerce. HELP WANTED FEMALE. SALESLADIES local representatives to sell very attractive line of house dresses, aprons and petticoats from factory direct to homes. If you wish to make a per manent connection which will pay you a good Income the year round, write for particulars. Dept. A. 408 Blackstone bidg.. Cleveland. O. WANTED Expert. fancr preseere. Phone East. 625, Bdwy. Dye Works. SALESLADIES WANTED who are accus tomed to meeting and interviewing the public. We will train you In our work which will be pleasing and profitable to you if you possess the necessary quali fications. Apply MOTOR LOAN ASSO CIATION. 2Q1 Artisan's bldg. WANTED- refined lady, under 40 years ot Jtge, as housekeeper In widower's home; a small baby to take care of; where a good refined home is wanted more than big wages; best of references given and required. F lf. Oregonian. WANTED Woman cook in cafeteria; will pay top price. E 241, Oregonian . Wanted Domestic. WANTED Good woman or girl for gen eral housework in the country ; small family; good home. Write to Mrs. R. M. Kadtling. Silver Lake. Wash. GIRL to assist with housework and help with children: electrical conveniences. 1104 East Davis. WANTED A girl for general housework, good home, good pay. Call at once. East 5TU. WANTED Reliable, capable woman to take charge of the Kitchen. 320 Eleventh street. Marshall G72. GIRL or young woman for general house work. Apply, l&l Laddington Court. Ta bor 5754. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care of two children. Marshall H10. GIRL for general housework, $40. 1979. 487 EaHt 24th St. N. WANTED Girl at once to help with gen eral housework. 143 Broadway. SCANDINAVIAN girl for general house work. Call East 1015. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. A FKW more oeoole to work in motion pic tures. Call at Arlland Film Co., 109 Second st. 2 FIRST-CLASS solicitors of GOOD ap lyaranee, at once. 307 Wash, st. WANTED Lady agent for washer. 227 V4 Washington, Rubnomore room 301. IfEI.P WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. ESTABLISHED manufacturing corpora tion can use the services of a ca pable man with executive, selling or mechani cal ability who can invest $5000 to $10,- uuo to proviuj ror expansion oi tne man ufacture and sale of a household neceS' eity. This is a safe opportunity to dou ble your investment the lirst year, with a wide field tor expansion. G 2VJ, Ore gon tan WANTED Manager for sales department. Article of merit. Must be able to handle salesmen. One who can invest $2000 for one-half interest preferred. None but competent man need apply. AN 230, Orconian. WANTED Young man that wants learn auto repairing that has got $100 to take half interest In a shop where he can make $10 to $12 every day. Call in person, Williams ave. AN EX-SERVICE man has a fine proposi tion for four ex-service men with $3o0 ear-h. i'. O. box 847. MAN with large 7-passenger car and $300 for stage line. Call Broadway lb&$ for appointment. LIVE young man partner; $1500 with serv ices; large returns. Y 2u9, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE.. GET MY prices on painting that new bun galow, ana all interior worn, o years experience. Call before 9 and after 6, Harlow, East 89. LIVESTOCK and ranch man wants place on stock ranch or farm, capable man ager; married; no children; iong expe nonce. O 244, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED milker wants position, certified dairy preferred. C 2J1, orego nian. AUTOMOBILE salesman wouid ike a po sitlon with auto firm in or out or town best of references. L 27G, Oregonian. SHINGLING wanted ; repair work promptly; hardwood floors laid. 3d st., rnom C7. done 28S EXPERT painting, tinting, enameling and paper hanging done, pre-war prices; best vT work. labor uii-'. WANTED Carpenter work, big or small new or old jobs; good workman and fast, Call Wooaiawn tJ. HAVE a Ford touring car, general busi ness experience, know the city ; what have you? AB 2?i, Oregonian. HAVE 3-4-ton truck, want long job haul ing, gravel or wood contract, write n,. . C. tjoaraman, ortiana. ur.. n ,r. u. BAKER -Good all around man, also good pastry cook, wants work in the city or OUL Ot II. t- ' it. cftuimtu. LET A practical mechanic overhaul your car In your own garage. estimates given cheerfully. Phone Main 7t5'J. WOOD CUTTER wants contract to cu cord wood, over 3000 cords. Address H Y. Katoo, 50 N. 4th St., Portland. JAPANESE school boy wants work in nice family. rnone on-oi. a .worm Broadway. MARRIED man, 26, wants work on farm or poultry ranch ; win consiaer anytning. AC 205, Oregonian. .1 a pa VKSK voune boy wants position housework or schoolboy. AB 2M9, Ore . gonian. PHILA. COLLEGE PHARMACY graduate wants relief worn or steaay. ja.w r-asi 2428. evenings. Vf i nni v ACKn man. handv with tools. can do carpenter, cabinet maker and plumber jobs. B 205. Oregonian. WANTED Hauling for a 2-ton truck, by dav or contract: experiencea anver. ao dress 527 Cedar St., McMinnville. Or. YOTTxa MAX. exDerienced grocery clerk wants position, city or nearby; references given. Call Broadway o fr.i. EXPERIENCED general mdae. man wishes position, good country store, single. un good references-. BD 20, Uregonian. VVAXTF.n Wnrk bv H. S. boy after fichoc and on Saturdays; mechanical or elec trical work preierrea. can aiain -tun. v.YPRHlRXCED meat boner would like t learn the market trade, city references. N 270, Oregonian. SALESMAN, with new car. wants position if it's straight commission don't an swer. AK 243. Oregonian. HONEST voune man. 20. needs any kin of work; can drive any make of truck a no kiiow tuj. j-i -' h"""- vni-T. man. aee 21. wants job of kind; experienced on farm and dairy. AV 915, Uregonian. YOUNG man, 10, position at anything; ca drive car. Broadway 331, ask for Ben, WOULD like to earn $20 a week; middle aged man. X 22, uregonian. JAPANESE wants position any kind work. P. O. box 9O0. YOUNG Japanese schoolboy wants position. 54 North umra t. a .turoKoao. LUMBER tallyman, 3 years experience, wants position. AK 244. Oregonian. WAVTRD Bv experienced' man job janitor. 9 N. 2d st., city. J. P. Murphy PAINTING. TINTING. Reasonable estimates. Auto. S22-P8. JAPANESE wants position as a school boy. AC 2UW. oregonian. ROOMS tinted, 3 and 14; good work an patisfaction. Phone Main b.S8. . CESSPOOLS dug, sewers connected and cement worn.. au .Miner, Main INSIDE painting, tinting, refinishlng. Res idence, A-utomatic tw a. CARPENTER, contracting, building, re pairing, job work. Phone Sellwood 1507. POSITION by experienced middle-age man, janitor or watchman. Tabor 8145. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor or houseman. i do. uregonian. PLUMBING done reasonably by hour or job at right price. Tabor 1116. AN EXPERT pruner. fruit, roses and orna mental. Tabor 1089. PAINTING, papering and tinting. Willis & Co. Wood 1 a w n 24 97. Lapp- HOUSE painting, decorating of all kind signs; 2S yeara' experience.- Tabor 266. ROOMS tinted. $1 to SS; root fixing. 90c first hour. Wdln. 6084. FOR CEMENT WORK, brick, tile or frame gara ges. call East 2363. COOKS' HEADQUARTERS AND KITCH EN HELP. 2034 STARK ST. M. 1548. FIRST-CLASS plumber solicits your plumbing work, anywhere. East 4ST2. JAPANESE wants position, housework In a private family. AC 210. Oregonian. TWO WOODCUTTERS want to cut cord wood. T 225. Oregonian. W'E TINT your rooms at bargain prices: material furnished. Bdwy. 3523. MAN AND WIFE wants work on farm, experienced. AR 275, Oregonian. PAINTING, tinting and) papering. Jdaiu . r SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. A I RU LANE pilot, considerable sale ex perience with trucks, tractors, automo biles and airplanes; well known in city and state; have automobile best local references. What have you to offer? Q 2i7, Oregonian. TOITNV, man direct from Switzerland, ex perienced psstry baker, European tyle desires position as helper to learn American style of baking ; good refer ences. Florand. Tel. Broadway 84:11. BUSINESS MEN! If yon are looking for that scarce combination of personality, good judg ment and sales ability, arrange or an interview by writing AG HJil.. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted Filipino, student In University of Oregon wants employment; has had experience in hotels as waiter, diMhwasher or bus' boy. Would do houao worla Phone Main 7051. ACE 20, college education, raised in farm ing community, good milker, do stenog raphy; prefer steady farm work; cleaji habits. Donahoo, 414 East Harrison. East 3156. ELIABLE young man. 19, wishes place with retail or wholesale house with chance to start at bottom and learn the business. H 213. Oregonian. TWO NEAT appearing young men desire i arm worn, experienced farmers, capaoie or handling stock, operating trucks or gas tractors. W 214. Oregonian. XPERIENCED radiator repair man. ex- service, married, would itKe steaoy posi tion anywhere. Address 11. Bloyer, Bend Or. Gen Del. ROOFS repaired at any time, rain or shine, all work guaranteed; eave troughs cleaned. Portland Roof Repair & Paint Co. Main 6320. PRUNING of trees and shrubs, garden work of all kind; fertilizing; now is the proper time to do IL Call up Wood law a 2141. HI RST and second cooks or cook anS waiter, all around cooks and bakers. Call Broadway 3011, ask for C. H. C. Xo H o y t jtt. EXPERIENCED pruning of all kinds and lanascaping; nave your work done right. Best of refrencea Main 1692. Res.. Mala 613 evenings. WANTED By man 34 years of ape witfc iamuy, in electrical or plumntng Dusw ne?s; will accept position on reasonable terms. A L 243. Oregonian ELECTRICIAN, 26, married, wants steady work anywhere. AC 204, Oregonian Bookkeepers, K ten og rap hers. Officer YOUNG man of good education desires permanent position with ?stabiishea whole-tale house or manufacturing con cern; salary and opportunity to advance are equal factors. H 21.', Oreponian. STENOGRAPHER, young man. 24. 5 yeartf experience, needs work, gooa- reiertsncea. Phone Marshall 4103. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. HAVE up to $.5000 to invent with workir.g interest in a good going business; or will buy business outright. Am young woman with business training, college education, ambitious and willing to work. Give full particulars In first re ply. AC 258. Oregonian. B. C. STUDENT wants situation where she la free after 2 P. M. Good, economical cook and' housekeeper; also seamstress. N 284. Oregonian. NORWEGIAN iady wants day work. S hours a day, SO cents an hour; good worker. Main 1075. Call mornings and evenings after 7. YOUNG LADY wants position, general of fice work preferred:; utu do some steno graphic work. Call Marshall 33S2, before 3 2 A. M. YOUNG ladjl wishes place where she can look alter ennaren evenings in exenange for room in good home. Y 206, Oregonian. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings wnue motner is away; references. Woodiawn 161 1. WANEED Knitting, reasonably done for old and young. Phone Jlti-lS, or address 4."3 East 4(nh st. North. TELEPHONE operator, married, wants) position, 6 years experience. G 2itJ. Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS cook, cafeteria, hotel or camp, in or out of city. BD 2 1 Si, Ore gonian. LACE AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS done up iik new Will call. East 8518. RELIABLE young woman would like po sition as nurse for ennaren; gooa reier ences. Phone Tabor G245. LA DY. experienced, would like few hours' worK eacn aay. uregonian. LADY, experienced, would like work, city or country. BJ 244, Oregonian. W O M AN d es i rs work by day. Broadway 41., room 6. LADY wants housecleaning, washing, oth er work; do good work. woodiawn 630a. COLORED girl wants position. family, cook. East 72o. WOMAN wants work by hour. 966 J6th st. North. Woodiawn oCQS. COLORED girl wants a few hours work. baturaays. E-ast ow. CLEANING, window washing, laundry, 5 Go n hour and car rare. .Main tsUJ. RELIABLE woman wants housekeeping oe cooKing; no iaunory. n. oregonian. WANTED Work by day or hour. Marshall Mrs, 200S. Jackson, 214 Morrison. COMPETENT cook will prepare dinner at your home for any occasion. Call Sell. 778. COMPETENT laundress wants work for Wed.. Fri. and Sat. Phone East 2067. RELIABLE woman for chamber work or general housework. bellwood 3-lt.. 4 6 SIX HOURS' WORK. TABOR 2704. Bookkeepers, atenogra.pb.erB, Office. YOUNG woman who has handled entire of fice work, including books ot local cor poration, desires half-day position. J 25, Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires position as stenogra pher; can furnish reference. B 212. Ore gonian. YOUNG lady capable of stenography and general oriice wont a-esires position. Mar. 4400. Apt. 50B. CAPABLE stenographer with experience) in general oixice work and filing ; best of references. Phone Auto. 213-44. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion at once. Marshall 3013. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires tem porary work. Main 5073. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, tailored work; of all kinds, all work neatly done, prices reasonable. M rs. Kelly. 752 Vancouver ave. Auto. 316-06. DRESSMAKING and renfodeling. all wortc guaranteed. Mrs. C. Richards. 527 Tay lor street. Phone Marshall ISSj. DRESSMAKING, ladies' evening gowns & specialty. 247 N. 12th and Marshall bL, apt 8. Broadway 5038. DRESSES 5 up. alterations reasonable, guaranteed. Mrs. F. Peters. 605 E. 7th. N. Woodiawn 4601. DRESSMAKING and' ladies' tailoring by the day; tailoring a specialty. Woodr lawn 2172. DRESSMAKING, Central bldg.. S408. reasonable pricesa. 311 lOth and Alder. Main EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes sewing by day. East BS87. EVENING gowns, suits and coats made ts order. 827 Morgan bldg. Nurses. WANTED An invalid, who is a bed pa tient, wants care by trained nurse in, private home, east side preferred. Tabor S631. PRACTICAL nurse will take maternity case at her home; best of care ; refer ence; reasonable. AB 234, Oregonian. TRAINED nurse wishes position; does n object to some housework. Mrs. Hoff man, phone East 73."8. 225 Russell st. GRADUATE nurse (registered) would like cases, best reference; reasonable rates. Phone Seilwood 1S30. PRACTICAL nurse wishes case: some housework if needed. Main 6003 after 0 A. M. GRAD. nurse, going to California, will care for Invalid or child en route. East 7710. . PRACTICAL nursing wanted by day or week: any kind of a case. M ar. 20-53. Housekeepers. WIDOW with two small children. 5 and 7 wishes position as housekeeper In city at once. Call Main 0236. Sunday, or write 266 Clay YOUNG lady would like position in good Jiome, has nursing certificate; house keeper's position preferred. V 266, Ore gonian n. YOUNG woman with boy age 9 wishes position as housekeeper for 2 or 3 gen tlemen, H 243. Oregonian. YOUNG widow, 22, with 2-year-old boj wisrtes position as housekeeper for one or two refined men. C 24, Oregonian. lady, alone, wishes a job as housekeeper preferring to work for someone in apta E 291, Oregonian. ELDERLY woman will keep house in widower's home for small wages. A 209. Oregonian. YOUNG woman, capable, excellent cook, wishes place, adults, $50. AG 252, Ore Etonian. GOOD housekeeper and economical cook wants position. X 266. Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper; cas& iv beat of reierencea. Call Cl 3A 4