THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920 15 V K v. REAL ESTATfi. For Sale Houses. XR VI NQTON Moving to country, will iac rifice 7-roora borne, artistic floor plan, old ivory finish, 2 fireplaces, alt floors. garAge. East 394, Main 8078. $150o FOR a fine corner, 100x100. with 4-room house, with sidewalks and graded streets and bearing fruit trees; terms. Phone Marshall 820. FOR SALE 5 rooms and bath, near Cap itol Hill -cbool. Call Main 60OS. Sunday or evenings. j4i,VHtVet SIDE, 7 rooms, bath, gas, electricity, 2 fireplaces, cement basement; lot 50xllM. Owner. 467 Tenttf. FOR SALE OR 'RENT Six-room plas tered house, central Albina. $2700, terms. By owner. Call East 2494. - Suburban Homes. FIVE ACRES. TTIthln city limits of Gresham; highly improved, modern houst of six rooms, furnace, laun.lry trays, gas, .Bull Run water, electric lights, three chicken houses, barn, parage, one block from electric depot. Phone Mrs. Cruikshank afternoons, Marshall 801. Mall address R. 4, box 7, Gresham, Or; SUBURBANITES ! W have hundreds of personally In spected suburban homes in every outly ing district in Portland. We're open every evening and Sunday. If you want a suburban home, see F. C Marshall with FRANK L. McGUIRE, Ablngton Building. Main 1068. 2 ACRES. 4-room new nlastered bungalow. 37 fruit trees, gas. electricity available. 2 Mocks to car arid tschool, near paved I road, close in; . $3350, $1 UK) cash, long time on balance. interstate lAua o Main 5420. 248 Stark st. iOR RENT Close in. 3-room house. 3 large chicken houses, cow. barn, 2 yearsr lease, $15 month; 90 chickens, pigeons. Incubators and brooders for sale. Wddn. W-2. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carllne. from $1800. up; inquire Sd house jorth of Rlsley station, on Oregon city car Une. sign "Alder Brook." '3000 SUBURBAN 6-room modern resi dence, Wlllsonia, west wide, commutation j 8c; real bargain: oniy buyers need ap- I Tly. B 204, Oregonian. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. APPLES, PRUNES. CHERRIES, NUTS, PEARS. A rare opportunity to lease a highly developed fruit ranch on shares. No finer trees anywhere. Very rich red shot soil. In foot fcills of Willamette valley 50 acres lo-year-old walnuts and Cherries. 45 acres 9-year-old prunes ana 15 acres 4 years old. 10 acres 9-year-old pears. 125 acres apples 8 to 12 years old. Jonathans, Newtowns, Rome Beau ties. Winter Bananas. Place well equipped with ma chinery, teams and -Implements. Two houses with barns and out buildings. New packing house; water piped to buildings. Member Oregon Co-operative Growers' As sociation. Down-hill haul to R. R- Apply to owner. 425 East Mor rison sLreet. Phone East 8407. Homesteads, ReUnqutebinents. SEVERAL hundred selected homestead I tracts to choose from, covering Oregon's H. nt Tannine and timbered lands. We I cruised and classified these lands for I the government and will locate you j without wasting your time or money. Most complete land records in the state. Copy gov't, map to date showing more than lOOU open claims, si. al. j. a n derson, 531 Railway Exchange bldg.. Portland. CAN LOCATE you on good homestead In Portland or Roseburg districts. Farm or timber tract. I also have some good relinquishments. E. W. HELM, 317 Board of Trade bldg. For Sale Acreage. A COZY LITTLE HOME. Just what yon are looking for. 13 teres of land dying between Glikey sta tion and Scio, just 4 mile from sta tion and school, with land that will raise a good crop of anything planted . stnd not a foot waste; 7-room house and fair sized, barn. All kinds of fruit and berries in bearing. An inspection is ail that is n-eeded to induce you to buy if you are In the market for a small no me. Cannot insure this to last Kag at the j rice. $2000; terms on part. C X. LEAVENGOOD, Lebanon. Or. SELL Or lease. v 20-acre fruit ranch. well-kept or chard. 2oO trees, H-room piasterea nouse, bath. toilet. stationary wash trays. large barn and nlmerous other buildings. 2 wells. Kasoline engine, tower ana tana. pood team, cow, 8 tons hay, kale, man gels and other root crop, alt necessary farming Implements; 2 miles east of Ore- aon cuv: once 3ou. nan casn. oai. long time, 6 per cent: lease $5u0 per year: stock and equipment $600. See Keopple at 9th and Main, Oregon City, Of. LA DANDY little home for at little cost. 3 0 acres of -land lying just outside of the city limits of Lebanon. 5 acres in bearing fruit and rest in garden and pas ture; 4-room house and lumber on ground for barn. Finest kind of land and with citv conveniences with country privi leges and taxes; price $2G00; $1100 cash. balance 3 years o per cent. ' C. L LEAVE NGOOD, Lebanon. Or. TO EXCHANGE. CHOICE EIGHT ACRES. Ten miles out, cheap house, small barn, orchards, 6 acres cultivated, run ning water on corner of place; on county road, lO minutes' waiK irom station, fa mile east or oia ngara ; oouu. mig. , 31500. Take house and lot for balance. Sellwood 1965. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO- 624 Henry bldg. 10 ACRES AT HILLSBORO. WITH EUUIPMENT. FOR $2350. This is a splendid 10 acres, all cleared. best of land, lies fine, house 12x24 with pantry and closet, good sized barn, chick en nouse ana Drooaer nouse, line cow. 1 15 hens, implements, everything goes lor $2350. Hillsboro district, on rock road. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 Sixth st. Broadway 4381. 5 ACRES. close to city limits; all In cultivation; hard surfaced roaa; cheap. iu. 10 ACRES. T miles out, near Foster road; good buildings: price S&mhx McDONELL. EAST 410. VIVE ACRES good land, 30 miles south of Portland, in truck and loganberry j district: deep rich black soil, all level; under fence and in cultivation; good I drainage; on good roaa ana close to Ore gon Electric railway; no trades; going I Tor beet reasonable orrer. write R. w. McNeai, 628 w vtn st., Albany, or. T FOR SALE! LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of Western Washington bowing location, price and terms. Over 30,000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offeied to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO- TACOMA. WASH. " $1700. m acres at 93d and Barr read, large three-room nouse; acre icgan berries: lumber for garage, etc. Acreage alone wnrth $1500: will take Ford car as first payment and $200 cash. Call at 93d and Barr roaa. " ROCKWOOD ACREAGE. arre, close to Rockwood1 station on Troutdale electric, all cleared, ideal ninee for small cnicKen ranch: $300. easy terms. See Mr. Boehm, 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway ltOS. XI ACRES, H mile from electric station and car. 29 miles out. good level land. 4 acres cleared, balance easily cleared, inreo barn. Eood jwell. on graveled road: $1650. Easy terms. Interstate Land Co., Main 5429. l'EN ACRES, just outside city limits, good! buiiamgs. rruu ana perries, now Dring- inr .in about 5 4XH) per year as aatrv: will sell equipment and milk route if desired. Term. A K ., uregonian. fc ACRES near Beaverton, 2Vj acres under cultivation, no ounmncs, near scnooi and paved road; $1000, $250 cash, balance straignt mortgage. r isner, witn inter state Ulna Co., .Main D42. FOR SALE ACREAGE. $2000 will buy 5 acres, about 4 mftns from courtnouse west siae. near hard- surfaced road, if taken this month. John Bain. A1 fapa.Qtng oiag. HALF ACRE. A small house; r0 minutes run on electric car; close in; cheap at $1100. LEVEL. woodd tracts at Ruby Junction. $40O per acre. $25 down and $$.50 per month. Strong &. Co.. 6?4 Cham, of Com. R SALE 15 acres 2 miles eouTh" of Reedvitie. r or particulars adidress) C. Sorenson. Beaverton. Route 4. box 83. yiVE acres on highway north of Chau tauqua ground. Owner, if So, orego- man. 20 AND 4 A., cinse in; $150 per A. Owner. 1 ACRE with 3-room house for sale. WoooV lawn 2073. Kenton district. 1CH SALE Cloae in, 11 acres, $4350. bargain. Ph.oaa eveniags JUat LTt BEAL KSTATB. For Sale Acreage. SMALL ACREAGE HOWES. 1 HARGROVE REALTY CO. WELL. IMPROVED 8 ACRES, Nothing better than this near tb.e city for the money; 8 acres, perfect land, all cleared, no roek; 6-room plastered house, cement walks, rock foundation, nice red barn, outbuildings, large or chard, English walnuts, 2 acres straw berries, 2 .cows, chickens. Implements, etc., for $5000. Just 5 miles city limits in splendid community. 5 ACRBS NEAR STATION FOR $1000, Near Eagle Creek station, 6 acres, cleared, living spring, small neat build ings, 40 bearing fruit trees, large straw berry oea; price only 100U: eVs MODERN HOME AND 800 H Facing on paved west side highway, right at electric station; 6 acres, all cleared, best land, modern (4000 bunga low, 6 rooms, full basement, electric lights, city water, bath, gaa, garage, nice barn, large brooder house, fine nw modern chicken house; price, with 800 fine White Leghorn pullets, $8000. 10 ACRES. TUALATIN. FOR $2750. All cleared. 10 acres, perfect land, ex ceedingly rich, right at electric station. small- buildings, lots - fruit and berries; price 7 ACRES, MODERN HOUSE. AT HILLS BORO. Very orofi table little home, right In the edge of Hillsboro:. 7 acres. all cleared ; living stream and spring; 7 room bungalow, city water, good barn, chicken house, etc.; 2 acres logan berries. 1 V acres strawberries, bearing orchard; ready to market now are 5000 ever-bearing strawberry plants. 8000 lo- kh.ii oerry tips, ls.uuo Wellington Aiarvei strawberry plants, 100,000 Improved Ore gon plants. Personal: All winter s wood. cow, 86 hens, 2 hogs, wagon, harrow, cultivator. 250 sacks spuds. 2 tons beets. carrots, pumpkins, etc Price complete, PERFECT 10 ACRES. Just what It lavs, am nerfect 10 acres of land as can be made, all in cultiva tion, -room, plastered bungalow, nice barn. Chicken hnusp. lot-, tit raw berries. Just 5 miles city limits, perfect road; price $4000. IE V()U hnvit hon rtlnnnnln f TV mt- fort to find acreage home to suit, let us show you a number along the lines you "mi, we can do this on &nv one trlD out. HARGRnvw PHiT.TT rn 122 North 6th st. Broad wav 4381. GOOD 4 ACRES, JUST WEST OF BEAVERTON. Best buy in that splendid district, lust west of Beaverton, just 4 blocks off highway and station, with good rock roaa to place; 4 acres, all cleared, very best of land, nice orchard and lots of berries; good, practically new G-room house, nice barn, first-class chicken house 20x49; gas in house, city water in front of place; price S3 4 00. Best select list of choice places near Portland from- wnicn to choose. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 North 6th st. Broadway 4381. For Sal- Farms. TWO GOOD BUYS. 20 ACRES 20 Acres, located close to paved high way, near Reedsville: 19k acres under piow, Bearing orchard, 10 A. in wheat, A. in clover; 6-room and bath plastered uuuae, nearly new., barn luxaz, cnicKen house, washhouse and store room, this i an Ideal small farm, only mle to tauon. Price $7500. $3000 cash. 24 ACRES 24 A . with 1uf cnmii'h mnnm In drain: beautiful home site; 6-room house, near ly new oarn. extra weii-ount, large loit, 2 sprinei and creek: nlace fenced, nearly all hog tight; tine chicken house, cellar w itn wails packed with sawdust; 24 a. inner cultivation; family orchard, ber ries, some furniture, stock, and tools; his place fronts paved highway to Port land and Is an exceDtional srood vaiue at oniy suouo. 30O0 casn. t Lt. u D i , RITTER. LOWE & CO., 501-3-.T-7 Board of Trade Bldg. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. INCOME DAIRY. RANCH. paved highway, 20 miles from court house. 1 miles to station. 3 acre under cultivation. 37 acres can be cul Livatea, creeK ana springs, wire ana board fenemfr. V acre bearlns orchard; 7-room bouse, piped for plumbing, barn 40-xoo; cnicKen nouse, new sno ivxu, inoiud-ed with place. 14 good grade cows. 3 horses, 40 chickens, cream separator, new mower, cultivator, harness, plow. : wafrons. etc. Seed and 150 sacks po tatoes. The monthly milk check Is $350 Price for everything $90O, without stock and equipment $ 7 00 ; $5-5X0 cash with equipment, witnout. juh. f isrtirtjsu.'s, ueninger siag. 420-ACRE DAIRY RANCH. All level first and second river bottom land, 30 minutes from Eugene, Lane county; the best of the Willamette val ley. Oregon; about 200 acres in cuitiva tion; well fenced and cross-fenced1; two modern dwellings; large barn with stan chlo-ns for 50 cows; 2 silos: fine milk house; Independent water system piped to 'nouse ana Darns: numerous out building; family orohard; on splendid road, near paved highway; price S10 per acre; about one-rourth casn ana balance long time payments: crop, zeea, seea. en silage, horse, cattle, hogs, sheep, tur kevs. cnickens. toois ana rarming im plemients can be bought right: no trade. Eugene. Oregon. - LINN COUNTY FARM SNAP. 82 acres located iust 2 miles from the city limits of Lebanon, with som river bottom lano. Almost new house and fair barn, about la cultivation, rest timber and pas ture. All equipped with stock and im plements. and feed to last, for $75X terms $3d00 cash, balance o years a per cent. C, I. LEAVENGOOD, Lebanon, Or. 320 ACRES IN SUNNY BURBANK. 70 acres now In alfalfa. Kood build in ps. fenced and cross-fenced, excellent slope for irrigation, 4 acre feet of water per acre, very rapiaiy growing country, one mile rrom x euowsione nignway, miles from good town, 1 miles from shipping station; produces irom 6 to 1 tons 01 aiiaiia per acre, we are seum this im Droved alfalfa land with th buildings, fenced, shade trees and bearin orchard at less than the price of raw land. Price $45,ooo, hail casn, balance long time. THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. Third and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. Splendid 40 acres, is miles out on This is a fine farm, 40 acres, 35 acres In cultivation, entire tract lies fine and is the very best of land; 8-room bouse, hardwood floors, 4 tile fireplaces, barn and numerous outbuildings; gooa com mprcla.1 cherry orchard. 10 bearing Eng llsh walnuts, 2 acres loganberries ; price, with eaulDment $9000. If it Is around 40 acres you want, no one can duplicate our list. Hargrove Realty Co, 122 North Sixth st Broadway 43oL RTOT.KMEN. LISTEN! 19.000 acres. 160 acres sUalfa. 160 a. mo?fe easily put in. Plenty of water to itrigate with; fair bldgs. aud equipment. All for $10 per acre. 6500 shsep ch.) be had at market price; also 400 Cfettie, 300 hcrses. PRENTISS, 015 Cham, of Coir.. Bldg 24 ACRES. 4 acres cleared, some goo standing timoer, living stream, eprings, ideal loganberry land. 5 -room house in good condition, small outbuildings, fenced, near station and school; $2650, easy terms. Interstate Land Co., Main 5429. FOR SALE 156 acres. 35 under plow. 2 acres orchard; good 7 -room nouse; Darn, and warehouse : 1.500,000 fee saw timber; plenty outrange; $4000 or with stock and implements, $4900. Chas. Lebengood, owner. Myrtle Creek, Or. &9 ACRES SEAL ROCK. Half mile ocean, about 25 acres cleared; new 2-room house, woven wire fences, running spring; $1500. Kofton, 563 Fourth st. Automatic 522-Q8. 37 y ACRES for sale; one of the most productive places in tne country, 2fc miles southeast of Milwaukie; fine road; finest location; an ideal place. For par tlculars. Box 381, Milwaukie, Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near r-ortiano, ov to ivu per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sa.e, all sizes. McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. GOOD paying farms, sizes and terms to suit, witn scock ana implements. C J. Cullison Real Estate Co., 205 h Mom son st. Write for list. 40 ACRES, near Brush Prairie. good 6- room nou?e ana oarn, sma.ii orcnaro; ii acres in cultivation; terms. 748 Reed at. LOGGED-OFF lands and small farms; run ning water, gooa eon, some wnn im provement; ; terms, J. R. Sharp. 83 Vfc 3d, FOR SALE 115o-acre grain and slock ranch. Willamette vaiiey. & rarn ter race, Corvallis. Or. REAL FARM for sale or trade. Tabor 4647. FOR SALE Improved alfalfa ranch. Box WANTED REAL ESTATE. WHY WORRY? I can sell or trade anything anywhere. A W -frUllttrsluP. Aide Uolai. lUin &2t'&. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE SELL HOMES! OVER 1200 HOMES - BOLD TO DATE THIS YEAR1 28 TO DATE THIS MONTH. Is your home for sale? IT'S SOLD IF LISTED WITH US! We spend thousands of dollars adver tising and- are in touch with HUNDREDS OF LIVE. EARNEST H O MB BIM'E RS ! We inspect, appraise and photograph your house' within 24 hours after list ing; 25 salesmen to work on its sale. No charge'except the stand dard commission of 5 per cent in the even t of a satisfactory sale. Call or write FRANK L. McGUIRE. , To SeM Your Homo. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. WE SE1.L HOMES. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. JUST THINK! 1200 homes sold to date this year! Is your home for sale? IT'S SOLD IF LIST ED WITH US. We spend thousands of dollars advertising and are In touch with majority of buyers. We Inspect, appraise and photograph same within 24 hours after listing. 25 salesmen with autos to work on ' Its sale. Our service is free. No charges except the standard com mission of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale. Call or write FRANK L McGUIRE. To Sell ur Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 3068. 3d st bet. Wash, and Stark. WANTED A PORTLAND HOME. I own two lots In Spokane, facing city park; clean-of Incumbrance; will ex change, with some cash, as first pay ment on 5 or 6-room house in Portland, price not to exceed $4000, and must be rorth the money: Balance monthly pay ments. Mr. Mad en. Bdwy. 675. FOR A CLIENT Strictly modern bunga low or 2-story house with large living room, hot water or steam heat; prefers Laurel hurst or Irvington. Can pay cash. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. Residence East 677L DESIRE to purchase or Lease for term of years, from IO to 40 acres of clay or shale land suitable for the manufacture of brick, hollow block, drain tiie, etc Must be on R, R. and within'&O miles of Portland. AL 252, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE buyer wants small hom property, ximiu to ;ooo. will make im mediate improvements if owner makes low price and good terms. R. C, Mon tavilla. Alberta preferred. A. R.. 294. Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS residence for a client. Must be strictly modern, with extra large living room, at least three bathrooms and have a fine .view. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 180O. Residence East 6771. WANTED 5-room modern bungalow in east side north, not over $5hm; paved streets, good cash payment down and a Franklin car as part payment on bal ance if suitable. Deal with owners only. Telephone Broadway 3524. NOTICE We buy, sell or exchange city property, any sise; also farms or large tracts. A. K. Hill Co.. 426 Lumbermeas Diug. Kfaiion. LONG ESTABLISHED. RELIABLE SERVICE. BUNGALOW In Laurelhurst: must have large living and dining rooms. 3 bed rooms-; prefer one having solarium or oreaKrast nooK; win go to $10,000 Mrs. Lucius, Tabor 30S. WANT- 5 or G-room fully modern, in Roae "iJ "iuai itav laic living I uuill , wm pay up to oouu. $iouo cash. Man ager. Main 6429. WANTED Lot with good soil not too far rout xor casn. ueo. a. tiigga. -J-- way Exchange bldg. Main 967. HAVE clients for small suburban acreage uau manager interstate Land Co., Mam 5429. 248 Staik St., ground floor. WANT a modern up-to-date apt. house with elevator and other modern equip ment. 326 Artisans' bldg. HAVE client with good cash payment for modern home, Alberta or good residence district, can manager, Alain 5420. WANT home in Mt. Scott district. 6429. VANT view lot; will trade late model six- i iiiiuci cdi . main i ot. HAVE cash for modern bungalow bargain in restricted district. l io-, oregonian WANTED 5-room bungalow, $3250 . Ao 23o, Oregonian. 7 Fa rras Wa u t ed. WANT to buy 3 or 5 acres of fruit and good buildings, close to fort land o Hood River. Have $100 cash and Marsh field lot for first payment. Can make good monthly payments. A 294, Ore gonian. CAN LOCATE you on extra good home steads, Koaeburg land district. 11 236, Oregonian. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANT to rent small, completely equipped farm on snares or terms. u .l, ore gonlan. y TIMBER LANDS. $100 A DAY for you; going sawmill and logging equipment: cuts .u.uou a nours; $6000 cash first payment; terms or trade on balance; must sell. AB 242, Orego- . nian. WANTED 2.000.000 to 4.000.000 feet small red fir tie timber, which can be logged into the Columbia river or Its tributaries. Y 241, Oregonian. PILING wanted aboard S. P.; also piling timber. O. V. Gamble. Couch bldg. FOR KENT FARMS. I WILL FURNISH YOU with 100 acres or more of the richest land in Oregon, near Clatnkanie, if you can guarantee to furnish equipment to sow and harvest crop of grain next season. Land should be plowed tins winter and cannot be handled without a tractor. Land will be furnished free If you will sow to gram with grain. A. IL BR1X, Baldi, Wash. 265 ACRES House, bams, outbuildings, etc; Multnomah drainage district No. l; very rich soil, equal to beaverdam lands; long lease to responsible farmer; " owner. 517 Corbett bldg. 50-ACRE farm for rent or lease; suitable for dairy; good locatksm on milk route, near t clieese factory ; good soil ; spare buildings. Call owner. Aut. 615-40. FOR RENT 13 acres. 10 cleared ; good house, water and fruit: good place for chickens. Phone Sellwood 2098. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE By owner, just outside city limits, grocery, seed, light hardware and meat market, doing $5000 a month; 5 year lease at $35 a month ; includes garage, warehouse, store with living rooms; will take a good bungalow as part payment-, good reason for selling. Take ML Scott car to Lents Junction; walk 1 block north on Foster road. LEGITIMATE TRADE. $10,090 WEST SIDE FLATS. One 6-rm., other 7-rm., modern, Al nronertv : 5 min. walk to city hall : In come over $100; take residence in part payment; no uu ihikj n cunmuciou, G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington Bd. Main 4803. ."35 yrs. In Portland." wf: HAVE added a trade department, put ting in charge a man whose ability at straightening out tangles is wonaerm. See us for real estate trades any thing. anywhere. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, -816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5924. FOR SALE Business property, centrally . inntnd In Salem. Or.: present income $500 per month; we would accept a stock of merchandise as part payment. AV 8O0, Oregonian. T-WTS WILL STAND INSPECTION. To trade for store, or farm, or will sell n av terms, hotel building and fur niture in good town : hotel business Is out of my line. Box se'Newberg, Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE for rooming bouse or equity in nouse, or wnat navo your ' 5 acres of good land 1 mile from Oregon City. " jeiierson st. rnone Aiar- liall 1299 160-AC RE Tillamook dairy farm with Mock and? implements; runs SO cows; '2.r.OO: for Portland property; residence $4000, cash $5000. balance terms. Owner AV 797, Oregonian. WILL take piano or light car for equity in 2 -acre tract locaiea on joucKiey ave. and Powell Valley road ; eeictriclty water and gas. call Tabor 24. jl. j. McBee. WANT fraction lot, close in; will give my light six Chalmers, in fine condition, and 50x120 corner lot at Firland as part payment Address AL 237, Oregonian, WHAT have you to trad for building lot near Montaviia" Consider car or piano. H. E. Newell, Multnomah. Mar. 4847. FOR SALE or will trade. 160 acres in Clearwater codnty, Idaho. CaU Ma! if I 295. WILL exchange , improved irrigated tract for small Willam-e-tte valley farm. Box 3o3, Herraiston. Oregon. CHEVROLET, good condition, for building lot, Kenton or University-Park preferred. Address 675 Syracuse st WILL exchange 1915 Hudson 6-40 for your equity m moaera bungalow, -ualn 93 or TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 160 ACRES with about one million feet of first-growth timber; half of land easily cleared : about 40 acres can be plowed: all good grazing land, plenty of water; 30 miles north of Portland, four miles to river and railroad, down grade; -no Improvements; $10 per acre; will trade for small house in suburbs or improved acreage just outside city lim its, o would consider house and lot in valley town. Will not consider any thing without fruit. After 5 P. M. phone Tabor 4814. GOOD IXVA-ORE FARM. Located 15 miles from Portland, near electric station rtd school; 12 acres un der cultivation, balance pasture; land lays p"ractieany level, rich soil; new 5 room plastered bungalow, barn and out buildings. Price $6000; will trade lor house in Portland. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WILL take piano or light car for equity m j-acre tract located on buck ley ave. and Powell Valley road; electricity, water and gas. Call Tabor 72&4. A. J. McBee. HOLLY TREES TO EXCHANGE FOR WORK. CALL WOODLJWN 685. WILL trade team of horses, weight 2500 pounds, lor potatoes or packing machine. Call at 630 E- 24th stM'oodstock car. WOULD trade good Chevrolet car as first payment on small rooming house. T 21, Lrregonian. EXCHANGE dentistry for furniture, rugs. wardrobe trunk. AL 248, Oregonian. FOR BALK. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. 3 TEAMS with harness and wagon: span oi geiaings, weight 35UO lbs.; pair or well-matched bay mares, weight 200 well-matched bay mares, weight 25O0 pounas, price $1 (f ; gray horse, weigh t 1200 lbs.. $35. Will guarantee these horses sound, true workers and gentle : free trial to suit buyer. Call at 896 Powell valley road; take Woodstock car. FOR SALE: Sheep at the lowest prices. ei trier grade or registered; any breed, any number. Box 51 N. Port.. Or. GOOD logging team, weight 3-500 lbs.. 5 ana i years old, sound, true workers and gentle, heavy set of harness and 3 wide-tire Mitchell wagon ; will sell out fit for $G25. Call at 630 East 24th St. Take Woodstock car. WELL-MARKED Holsts.n cow, tnree years old, 40 lbs. milk laily on dry leed; can be registered.',' $125; regisu ed Duroc brood sow, three years old, $75. Phone Main 8194. FOR SALE 2 very nice young dairy cows. fresh about 2 months. Call and sec them at Old- Meadow Farm, 2 miles N. W. of Beaverton on Canyon road. FOR SALE One Holstein cow. mltkinf 46 .os day ; f r is a two weeks ; tuberculin test.. Phone 96. 1 iresuaax. Emil AIL ! 10 HEAD of good, young, big cows; some ireeh and some coming zresn soon: v-ry reasonable for quick stile. SWG Powell valley roadL PIG BARGAINS, pure-bred weanling Du roc pigs. ., witn papers. $; regis tered, $8; grated 3 or more. Shad land farms. Amity. Or. ' IN FROM the country. 2300-lb. team team 2800, single horse 1200, mule 1200, 3 farm wagons, reasonable. 344 17th st., near Market. 10 HEAD of horses, 4 to 7 years old. 12(H) to 1800 pounds and some well matched teams. Inquire ro4 rsortnrup t. KE If STONE FEED STABLE, horses rr sale or hire, stalls for rent. 381 Water at., foot Montgomery. Mar. 3515. FOR SALE Three registered Scotch shorthorn heifers at' barn East 6th and Ivon sta rioinian ruel Co. GOOD farm team cheap; barn In rear second-hand store, 78th and Stark. Ta bor 9033. FOR SALE Two fresh milk cows, high grade Jerseys, at barn. East 6th aad DEAD horses and cattle hauled away frc. Phone Milwaukie 69 -J for service. NO. 1 TEAM of horses, 2800 lbs. for sale or trade for fresh cows. Auto. 215-13 DEAD horses takob quickly, cash for Cead cows. Automatic 6Jt-4. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWKS. TABOR 656fl. FRESH Durham cow for sale; heavy milker. 66 East 1tn St. IS. t;ast 2259. FOR SALE Two fresh cows. Tabor 6272. young 5-gaUon Phuios, Organs and MuslcaI Instruments, $15 TO $25 CASH buys new 1920 model up right $575 piano in oak or $35, balance $12'ruonthly. graph, oid piano or organ oa k or manogany ior lour phono taken as first payment. Schw&n Piano Co., 101 10th st., at Stark. KN ABE PIANO, mahogany case, almost new, at the price of a cheap new piano. See this buy: terms given. Sulberli tig- Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St., between Washington and Alder sts. TEN UPRIGHT pianos.. $125 up; Sohmer, Lud"wig, Wellington, Fischer, Smith Barnes, Jacob Doll, Kimball and Hard- mann makes, many ot tiers; easy terms. 311 Wercester bldg. FOR SALE A.. B. Chase piano, beautifu mahoganv case. Plain lines: instrumen in perfect condition; cash price $475, This piano cueta $8ii new. rnone iar shall 1553. SPOT CASH PAID FOR ALL MAKES OF PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. IS W MAN S bAllAUti. MAIN 4495. 128 FIRST. WANTED- Second-hand piano or player if cheap for cash. Address box C itd. Oregonian. or phone Main 1153. apart ment a, evenings. FOR SALE $000 cash. Player piano, first-class condition. like new. wortn vjv Party leaving city. Inquire Multnomah hoteiroom 847. SAVE YOUR MONBY. Buy that fine piano at 311 Worcester bide. Save at 'least $100: hundreds hav already been pleased to find the place ORGANS ORGANS $10 and ud. See them. Terms given, Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 Fourth St., bet. Washington and Alder Bts. ACCORDIONS, banjos, guitars, ukuleles. Baxopnones, cornets anu otner musica, instruments. G, F. Johnson .Piano Co. 149 Sixth st. TRADE YOUR PIANO Will trade 225 new VICTROLA records for used PIANO. Seiberling-Lu cas Music Co. Main 8on. 125 rourtH MASON-HAMLIN. This piano Is equal to new; sen at nair price, give terms. &ei berllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th sL between Washington and Alder sta LATEST records. 85c: phonographs at bl discount, sold on terms. upea evenings. Wholesale &. Retail Phonograph Store, 437 Stark mt, at 12tn. PIANOS, $145 and up. Selling out all of our used Dianoa. good standard manes, terms given. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 Fourth st. PIANO WANTED. HIGHEST CASH PAID for used PI ANOS or PLAYIS-RS. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., Alain aooo. 4tn st. VICTROLA with records $65. See this bar gain. Another victroia 2&. win matte good Christmas present. Seiberllng- Lu cas juusic uo., .ljso, tin st a FRiV Dhonogranha for rent over Chris mas ; Dargams in uaeu pianos, naruia a, Gilbert, 384 Yamhill st. Pianos I rented, old, repaired. TRADE us your piano for a "Victroia or Cheney; libera allowance. u-. r . jonn son Piano Co.. 149 Sixth st. HEAR the Orpheu.s, the phonograph with the wonderful glass resonator. Made In Portland. 108Vjt Grand ave. East 7209. FOR SALE One Kohler & Campbell piano, one davenport couch and two rocking - chairs. Call Woodiawn 5420. WE WILL trade ou. a Cheney phonograph for your old piano; liberal allowance. G. F. Johnson Piano Co. PIANO WANTED for practice; pay cash, must be bacgaln. - Marshall 1532. PRIVATE party will take piano or player in storage. No children. References. Tabor 5475. . WILL sell my practically new $300 Elite model Sonora with MoO worth of choice records for $290. Call Broadway 4b6. CABINET grafonoiae witn records for rani. Empire Transfer Co.. 254 Broadway Broadway 155. - WANTED Small husk saw, carriage and track and feed works for small mill; have power. AV 776. Oregonian. 15 BUY'S genuine $550xJ. &. C. Fischer piano, upright, easy terms. 311 Worcester bldg. CABINET PHONOGRAPH FOR SALE 334 Larrabee st. - J & C. FISHER PIANO, $145, terms giv en. Seiberliug-MuElc Co., 125 Fourth st KIMBALL PIANO, $250; a snap, terma Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. $650 BEHNING piano and bench, only $225, easy terms. 311 Worcester bldg. CREMONA phonograph, a bargain. 546 E. Oak st., between 7 and 9 evenings. PLAYER piano for rent. Empire Transfer Ca 4 .Bxw&dwajr. dy, Im FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Mum leal Instruments.. FACTORY REBUILT AND USED PIANOS. 30 Kranlcu & Bach, golden oak.. $303 $700 Conover, golden oak 315 1VK) Steinway & Sons, rosewood... 845 $18'H Aeolian orchestrelle .......... 3i5 $650 Singer, massive colonial ..... 435 $5-fx0 Ebersole, modern mahogany.. 365 $950 Thonlpson, player 595 $9."0 Thompson player, pol. mah... 49 $4.70 Haliet & Davis, rosewood 15 $2.0 Collard & Collard, walnut.... 65 $275 H. Bord, rosewood 75 $495 N'pwby & Evans, walnut 295 $175-0 Barrywood Orchestrion 595 $1000 N. Y. Pianoforte, con. gr. ... 295 $15 to $50 cash, $6, $10 to-$15 monthly. Parlor organs ... $25. $38, $45. $58. to $75 SC1IWAN PIANO CO.. DOWN STAIRS STORE. 101 10th St., at wtih. and Park Sts. PIANO BARGAINS. Sale of used pia not. We have re duced every piano to a very low figure. We must dispose o them before Christ mas. Terms given, bonds accepted full value. KIMBALL, a real snap $250 FISHER, plain case ,.r 150 HOFFMAN, fine mahogany case. . . 285 WEBER, walnut case R. S. HOWARD, like new FJSHER, a good buy SoHMER, almost new COOK, plain mahogany case. . . . - 275 8(0 145 475 285 AND OTHERS. SEIBER LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder Sts. USED TALKING MACHINES. All in gooil condition at prices . that will move them quickly: Columbia and 6 records - $ 25 Victor and 6 records 35 Victor and 6 records 45 Columbia and 12 records.......... 120 Victor cabinet, 12 records TO Pathe cabinet, 32 records 97 Victor cabinet, 12 records 100 $5 to $10 cash. $4 to $7 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO. 101 10th St.. Cor. Stark. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. closing out small upright piano $65 and $75 Modern upright pianos. ...-.$lU5 to $345 Modern player pianos $395 to $605 Parlor organs.. $20, $25, $38, $45, and $58 Pianos stored ror 7c mommy. 103 TENTH ST., COR. STARK. GENUINE Martin saxophone, ready for Christmas delivery. This Is the finest saxoDhone made. IT is an ideal Christ mas present; priced, with case, brass, $110; .silver, $161.75; gold, -$219.50. Or- der at once. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth st. PIANOS Some fine values in used pianos. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixtn Bt Furniture for Sale. MANUFACTURERS' sample line of dav- iiporLB ana cnajrs. we manuiaciure w the dealer only on account of our fac tory being far from city; we have been showing our line on the sample fiour ol Hey wood Bros. & Wakefield Co. They have notified us they want the space we occupy. We have no desirable place to go, we have decided to sell these samples direct to the trade at manufacturer's prices for cash. Mtchaelson Bros.. 6433 I Foster road. Phone 230-15. HOUSEt FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR SALE. Leaving city, will sacrifrc-e for quick sale. 5-room s. furniture, including piano. phonograph, sewing machine, radiant fire, mantel, wood in basement, some fruit, $7 ; Wo use rent $25: good yard. 15 minutes from town, Vs block Sunnyside or Mount Tabor car. 146 E. 33d. Tabor 84O0. 6-HOLE range, $16.50; gas range, $13.50; small cook stove. $8.50; coal heater, so; dresser, $16.5o; single "bed and springs. $4.50; kitchen table, $2 50; sanitary courh. S6.0O: wash stand. $1.50; roctter. $1.25; fining chairs, $2.50; $ kitchen chairs, $1.5. Several good rugs and carpets cheap. 113 Grand ave. East 6957. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if go'.ng east or to California. We can save you money on your freight fn our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Fine st. FURNITURE for sale, all nearly new. In-I eluding electric appliance, also good I piano, flat for rent. 253 E. 17th. Phone I E. 6713 or Aut. 661-11. Local 4121. GOOD, new davenport. 3 cushions, back 3 parts; good tapestry, $9o. Multnomah Furniture Co., lKli E. 7th N. FOR SALE American walnut dining ta ble, six cnairs, cneap at $ioo. call 412 E. 37th fiTA BLACK (Stavblack). the greatest heat- resisting stove polish in existence; 25e bottle. Crown furniture CO., 2Utf Jirst. LADY LEAVING CITY WISHES TO SELL t UliA l l urr., mu nuas ST., OR CALL rlA ST 63 07. - ' GOOD new and used furniture, ranges. heaters, rugs; lowest prices, juason fur niture Co., 113 Grand ave. East 6957. ELEGANT 5-piece bedroom suite of Car- casian walnut; gooa conaution. 419 East 11th st. N. "O R SALE Furniture, all new. used 4 months. Sam Lucamdrao, 42S East Tenth st. Sellwood 32UW. CHAIRS. 5 diners. 1 carver ; Cromwe.llan period, manogany. tapestry sea..; sacri fice. E. 4160. ' LARGE lot of furniture mwed to 324 1st near Clay, for sale cneap. FURNITURE of 4 rooms cheap for cash; house ior rent. .Mar. ouz.i. FOR SALE-v-A snap, furniture 5 rooms for $350. Call 40Jft ourtnst. FOR SALE $400 cash, furniture 5 rooms. 3&7 21st st. North. Office Furniture. WE HAVE the largest line of used office furniture, tiles, desKs, cnairs, etc., in the city and our prices are the lowest. We also carry a complete line of new equipment at about the price of used in other places. Bee us first. u. c. Wax. 31 North 5th. Broadway 2739. Poultry. BABY CHICKS. 6 varieties, best stock; prices reasonable. C. N. Need nam, a- jem, or. TWO QUEEN incubators, one 500 and one 300-egg capacity, at half price. 11,. oo- net, Clackamas. Or., box J3. WANTED White Leghorn pullets in lots from 50 to 500; quote price and strain. H. Tillman, Bay City, or. Dogs. Rabbits, Birds and Pet Stock. CHRISTMAS puppies for sale. Cocker spaniel pedigreed puppies, bred in the purple, sired by a champion dog. Eligible for registration in the American Ken nel club. 244 East 51st st. South. Phorrt Tabor 8631. THOROUGHBRED male wire-haired Fox Terrier for sale; just a year old. Main 3938. GOOD and tested females and a globe of gold fish, cheap. 695 Johnson st. Main 8757. CHOICE German warblers and roller ca nary birds for sale, very reasonable. 215 W. Richman st. Phone Columbia 854. BEAUTIFUL- orange blrd. mated pairs. green rollers. 564 Flanders st. Broad- way 1736. AIREDALE puppies for sale. $10 and $5. H. C. Wulff, Shaver st near Craig road. fararose. GENUINE St. Andreasberg rollers, cabinet trained, $15, $24A, Mrs. Kessler, Gresham, Or. THOROUGHBRED St. Andreasberg roller singers ana females. Main o4iL 327 Mill sL t ST. ANDREASBERG roller canary birds. sweet singers. 22 wain, sc Main 0221. MALE fox terrier, nice playmate for chil dren. 214 03d st. s. m. FOR SALE English bull pup, male. $25; female, Call Automatic 223-88. CANARY bird shop, cabinet trained rollers I from Imp. stocK. llol E. 2 iN. H32-17. PIGECNS 3 pairs Carmels, 3 pairs Runt- Homer, $2. DO pair. 4943 73d St. o. E. EXTRA fine German roller. Main I94L Launches and Boats. TO BUY work boat, 35 or 40 feet, with H. D. gas engine; hull must be sound: i f cash for bargain, must be cheap. AV HOUSEBOAT, speed boat and boat house: a dandy buy. For flulck sale. Sellwood MOTORBOAT houw) for 26-ft. boat, quire keeper, P. M. B. C. SelL 84. 102O FORD TOURING CAR FOR SALE. 1135 E. 23d ST. Machinery. FOR SALE One soda pop machine com plete with two copper carbon tanks and one bottling machine with IS cases bot ties. Inquire W C. Stuart, Oregon City, Or. Phone 39. BIG SALE on wire cable, rubber belting. all kinds of tools and supplies at lowest prices in the city. j. bevo, t irront at. FOR SALE No. 1018 Case tr tor. plow. disc harrow and all complete. Call at Melrose farm on Base Line road. 2 HORIZONTAL steam engines, one 8 H. P., the other 5 it. P. Apply Oregon City Laundry, Oregon City, Or. Typewriters. REMINGTON, Standard No. 11, typewriter, new, A-l condition; a snap. .Phone Main 4179. apt. 11. 415 Tenth St. REMINGTON No. 10. almost new, sacri fice, cash. Call or write, 431 Antlsans bldg. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters. $3-50 a month. Empire Transfer. 254 1 Broadway. Bdwy. loo. ALL MAKES rented at nd repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.94 Zth Main 366s. rUk i, JDl JUtt (..-- MAla ImVL FOR SALE. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable; $50 com plete with carrying supplies for ail makes. E. W. PEASE CO.. 110 Sixth st. Main 2235. DOANE-GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER ' SERVICE. All Makes Overhauled; Eirperts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buv, Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies 124 4th st. Bet. Wash and Alder, over Circle theater. ALL MAKES, sold, rentea and exenanged. terms, if desired; send for retail prices. WliOLKSALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St.. N. W.. Cor. 6th. WANTED To rent or buy Underwood typewriter or exchange vocal or instru mental music. Main 4188. AXlKce 1 laneoua. CARVING- SET. NEVER USED. FOR 'AMOUNT LOANED AND INTEREST. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSO CIATION, 394 STARK ST. FOR XM AS A cheerful glow from the parlor lamp. The Ideal gift, a beau tiful! v dalc-ned and tailored shade; buy direct from maker; prifn right. 12(9 Commercial st. Wdfln. 2-6S1. SU Johns car. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR, NEVER USED FOR AMOUNT LOANED AND INTEREST PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION. 394 STARK ST. SINGERS, Whites. New Homes, in lact almost every make and style, irom u to $35; all latest new Singers, cash or time; rentals; $3 per month. SINGER SEWING ilAClilN siokp. 3((3 4th. Main 6833 SINGLE STONE DIAMOND RINGS FOR THE AMOUNT LOANED AND INTER EST AT PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION. 394 STARK ST. ELECTRICAL GIFTS. Percolators. irons. toa slurs, grills. heaters. curling irons and portable lam pa Low prices. Xmas tree light sets and electrical repairing. Hynson Electric Co., 302 Pine, Broadway 4293. EITHER country slab or fir cord wood. large or small quantities, a gooa imp ing nroDosition or will furnish fuel deal ers with wood either on county road or on board car at Carver. Main 14U;j. CEDAR CHESTS. Made of red and white cedar strips, brass trimmings; your firBt name inlaid on ud. order now ior ctiristmas. wooa lawn 20'9. 84o Williams ave. APPLES A few more boxes of Wenatchee apples at $1.75 to $2.50 box: W inesaps, Stay man, etcw- Family supply or gift boxes; call 263ft Oak St., between inira and fourth. t - nr, car. fire- nurhank n- .tatoafa: wlM deliver anv uuankty over sacks to your door In city limits at $1.75 r mck. fnone jMarnnan m)o, or write J. Marshall, 314 Third st BABV CARRIAGE REPAIR SHOPg We retire, renaint and repair and un holster; ail work called for and delivered promptly, call wain. 2069. bio wia lams ave. 1 HOT-WATER De.nut roaster. $15: 7-foot galvanized kitchen ran-ge hood. $20. Apply 1O0O Hawthorne ave. Haw tnorne Confectionery. POTATOES, Early Rose, $1.50; fine for steaming and baking ; Burbanks, $1.(5 delivered 3-sack lots. 831 East Everett. East 6703. FOR SALS "CHEAP Furniture and cook ing ute.isils: also camp bedding and camp cooking utensils. Phone automatic 310-43. GOOD cordwood. $8.50 per cord. Delivered in Piedmont, woodiawn or Kenton. Tele phone Woodlawn 2329. HOLLY TREES FOR SALE. CALL WOODLAWN 685. FIRE-PROOF safe. 40 inches high and safe cabinet 81x66 inches; cheap. D. C w a x , 31 - . otn. J3Q wy. ; ( a. FOR SALE One gas range, 80 qts. canned fruit, cheap; leaving city bat. p- Sandy blvd. TWO NICE coats, small misses' or school girl's. Sacrifice $ and $9; not Junk. 334 Otn St. Apt. 4U1. ULSTER, extra heavy, size 44. length 52 Inches. i:ne qua.ity. practically new Woodiawn 4905. POLITARIE diamond ring. l!A-karat dia mond n-ecfciace and stud at a bargain 20S Washington bldg. LADIES Let the Vogue Apparel Exchange sell your used garments and rurs. 403 Allsky bldg. Main 3132. SEWING machine In good condition. $15, 850fc woodward ave. TaiCB Richmond car to 2Sth, 2 blocks south. POPCORN Best on the market. 15c lb. Christmas trees, oOc and up. 1892 Base Line road at 73d st. Tabor 9033. FOR SALE Columbia grafonola with 13 records, nearly new, at $120. Call 32o Ross st., or phone East 713;j. i FOR SALE 200 cords good fir wood. 12 miles from courtnouse, good hard-surface road; $6 per cord. Col. .5i. FOR SALE or will trade for giass floo: case, 1 used safe, practically new. phone Woodiawn 3o40. PRUNES PRUNES. Italian, some split, $4.95 per 100 bargain. Beaver Grocery. 287 Yamhill st. CASH register, computing scales, coffc urns, showcases, other fixtures. - 113 feecond street. FIRST-CLASS green cordwood that will burn; red fir cut 3 montffs, only $9.50. fhone B4U-4S. HANDSOME necklace set with amethvsrts. large amethyst pendant; brought from Belgium; very cneap. 284 Park. LET US wash your rugs with the Hamll ton Beach electric carpet washer with out removing from floor. v pod. 1259 DRY FIR cordwosd, first growth, deliv ered east side on pavement, 2 -cord lots $28. su. jfcast H3, BURBANK ' potatoes that will keep winter; cook good, $ 1.4 a per sack. 1-08 Front street, between btartc and Wash BABY BUUOi for sale, as good aa new price $io. inquire 11 JN. Tenth St., wes side. CAMERA, size 2x3Vi. $6; good condition, or trad'e leather suitcase. Ait 2t3, Ore gonlan. 50 TONS clover hay ; 10 tons oats an vetch. Will sell part or all. Call Oak Grove, 31vV. FOR SALE Detroit Jewel gas range line condition. Alberta car to 4s6 Skid- more st. RUGS One S-ft. 3-in. by 10-ft. 6-in.; one 24-ln. by 54-rt., rose colored; 7 Hardwick rugs; exactly matched. Call Tabor 7424. LARGE wood heater, with water coils. $20; a few StarAStar ehlnges left from building. Tabor 4706. CHRISTMAS aprons made to order. Polly rrim or snp-over. i aoor ijo. FURS Valuable chinchilla neckpiece and muri. ai zai. oregonian. FOR SALE Boy's wheel. good condition. $13. Phone mast bti. ELECTRIC vacuum sweeper with all at tachments, $25. Mar. 5566. FOR SALE 1 Daisy $20 heater, $15. Call Automatic 2;2-w. FOR SALE Gemilne beaver collar and mutr. tan 220 -iweirtn street. SMALL boy's bicycle for sale reasonable. Marshall aioi. LANG range, 2 ovens, 2-30-03.; wood and coal burner. mar. 4030. . 701 Hood- at. A SHOEMAKERS patch machine for sale. can at 113 is. uroaaway. PALACE hardware store In Tacoma. Wash., for sale. LIG-HT iron bed, complete $10; large oak liorary taoie. .o. cast i5o'. MUSIC ROLL, brand new, folding sty.e, sa. cast --i. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24- hour day, Hoc delivered, vdln. 125S. $45 IVORY wicker baby carriage, $20. Tabor (iwo. THREE pocket billiard tables for sale. Nortn rourtn st. ONE RUG and 'carpet loom for sale; also one knitting macnine. oouege st. SEVERAL 'new 32x4 Goodyear cord tires at bargain Broadway 1488.. J PHONE in your order for Christmas trees 25 cents up. Main 8124. ELECTRIC door bells. Installed complete im residences for $5. Woodiawn 3791. BU RROUGH7S adding machine, lata model, big bargain. 304 Oak. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. $1 per day. delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3495. BLOCK and slab mixed, special price 2-load lots. Wdln. 4102, Oregon Fuel. - POTATOES. apples, onions wholesale priCB. Ill - -.uiiwuuununo, WOODLAWN 1975. FOR BEST DRY SLABWOOD. i DIAMOND, 1.35-karat, sacrifice for $5K. Tabor -4Dv. I .WILL sell my labor for your dollars, rooms tinted. Bdwy. 3523. WARDROBE trunk for sale, $40; square trunk $7. East. 7038. 35 E. 16th st. N. QLDCQW manure delivered. Main 4485. I WOOD FOR SALE. MATN 6443. i &OMbi CAfiPETS, 15, at Wft FOR SALB. Miscellaneous. LEADING WRECKERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST. Dolan Wrecking ft Const. Co., Cor. E. 6th and Belmont Sts. i TJ. S. Government Building Ma terial for Sale. SASH. DOORS. WINDOWS. We h.-ve on hand an enormous amount of the finest kind of dt mentlon lumber for just one-half the price of newv We also have several thousand new window sashes and doors as well as slightly used ones at an exceptional offer. You can also consult us for low est prices on the following: FLOORING, RUSTIC, SIDING. SHI FLAP, CEILING, One-inch EH EA THING, rough and drwscd. WINDOW SASH, -DOORS, INSIDE FINISH, SHINGLES, ROOKING PAPER, PLUMBING FIXTURES. PIP-; AND FITTINGS. ELECTRICAL MATERIALS. PLOW STEEL WIRE CABLE. MIRRORS. SPECIAL OFFER. One million feet of 4x6. 4x8. 4x12. 10x12 and 12x12, $15 per thousand feet. Everything in the Building Line Bought and Sold. . DO LAN WRECKING- & CONST. - CO" PAN Y, 460 Blmont St. Corner East 8th. Phone East 6110. NEW GOLDEN OAK PATHE PHONO GRAPH, cost $175, goes at $131; used Columbia grafonola, beautiful Circassian walnut, cost $1 75. selle $75 ; dark oak, $35 library table, for $20; sanitary baby bed and mattress, $8; beautiful bas sinette on roller stana, $11; oak stand table, high chair, wringer, two-plate gas burner. Fulton & cious Transfer Co. Phone East 450. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, oougni sold and exchanged. Easy terms if de sired. MORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second Street. Main 2045. FANCY PACKED boxes California raisins or figs to send to your friends or rela tions back east a gift that will be ap preciated. Send for illustrated circular. D. L. Newman, P. Ox Box 1309, Fresno. California. SEWING machines, new andEecond-hand, eoia ior lets; no agents empioyea; com plete line ot parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. . Main 9431. faEWINW MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third St., near Taylor. HOT-WATER tanks, 30-gal., $7; 40-gal.. $9; tested and guaranteed ; stove and furnace colls, gas heaters installed, ex pert plumbng. repairing. East Side Welding shop, 203 Adams st. East 8516. HAND-PAINTED leatherette tabLe run ners, $2.50; large centerpiece, $l.oo; doilies, 50c; baby bibs, 25c; photo cal endars, 50c; shopping bags and rain hats, $2. 155 13 th st. WHY SkN everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main OooO. WHAT you have been waiting for. a drop In furs. Call and be convinced. THE FUR SHOP, 606 Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington NEW "SINGERS," $5 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing mac nine repairing. MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORE. 32 Morrison. Main 721. SAFES New and second-hand, some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY COH Broadway 1966. 48 Front St. FOR YOUR new phonograph. don t pay $1 or so for records you can ouy irom us at 35c to S5c. Pacific Record Exchange, 427 Washington. ELECTRIC hsmter, $9.50; Hot Point eeo. iron; one right chain nxtures. i.ou; Reliable Electric store. Union and Rub sell. E. 36fc. , LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms $12, 0 ior u; jew material used and guaranteed to pa as inspection. Woodiawn S791. DRIED prunes, delivered in Portland, pe tit e (sweet), sms n sizes oc, larger c, Italians (tart), choice 13c, smaller 11c. Roy V. Ohmart. Salem, Or. cite. TTS BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR SHOTGUN OR RIFLE. BIG BARGAINS. NEWMAN'S GUN STORE, 12S FIRST. FACTORY samples at retail; dinner seta, decorated, 42 pieces. ..!o. uei yours, hurry; wonderful bargain. Room 617 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. WOOD No. 1 and No. 2 dry old growth fir. 2d growth Iir. pole, partly ury nr. ash and oak; aiao general hauling. Phone evenings, Sellwood 312. ri'hct.ih in rms installed today : con celled w ring; win last forever, ana up. Phone Marshall 594S. ask for Har vey. riPViTi VP! Oriental rubv ring. Vi karat; nice Christmas present for one born in Juiy. cost k. sen -i. Apt. , 7s Gran d ave., afternoons. , FOR SALE Two elegant party gowns, 1 snt-T-al intfh scarf: would make hand some Christmas gift; reasonable. Main 2 1 62. w i r sT.ri.iss 1 6-inch cordwood for sale delivered in Kenlon. Woodiawn and Piedmont. Phone 696 Y. S Ii. Howell, route 2, Vancouver, w t." Tit? sii.K ComDetitlon Lang No. "7 30-in. oven, wood and coal. Mar. 4030. 701 hooa st. CAN FURNISH Xmas trees for 50c and $1 Also fern. Oregon grape, any amount that you wish. Tabor 947. PILES can be permanently cured witBtit operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, -i34 Morrison st. wrir:s washed on your floor with Hamilton Reach electric carpet washer. also vacuum cleaning "done. East 4045. unvR v Warranted. unadulturated. strained, light, mild; quart bOc, quantity less. East 14J.P. - FOR SALE $300 Hubbard double electric coffee mm, -gooa nsv, u lu or terms. 242 Saimon. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange Ko- days Sandy 329 Washington st. UPHOLSTERING, repair work jobs, made trt oraer: maiucas i eu i.iuS. 78-So. or Marshall 4005. r- j r.- uvt rrvt 45 American Beauty cluny cenierpi-ue, u-ua4B p. o. box G. Milwaukie, Or 5-W. unr.i.T wreaths and cedar garlands: or ders taken now, wholesale and retail. 410 Prescott. w oooiawn r-ri iiwRi a Blaster wall board, none bet ter. Ohsfeldt, Broadway 1901, 419 Henry bldg. I;RFECT diamond earrings, prongs; about ?a-karat each; E 20, Oregonian. platinum sacrifice. CHEAP for cash, typewriter, fireless cooker and table tamp. 0- POTATOES and onions, first class, deliv ered any place. Wdln 3235 after 5 P. M LIGHT wood for sale at $5.50 per load. Call w am. -loo-'. MEN'S suits, dark gray, busine dress suit, size 35. East 3335. POTATOES. $1.50 per hundred1. Automatic 320-48; . DOLLS half price, high-grade samples. Room 617 Worcester mag., aa and Oak, FURS for sale, also fur repairing of al kinds. 400 jetiersoost. DICTAPHONES. Norton, 603 Fenton bldg. Broadway 274J SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. I N. 1st mt r. iRDKN manure, plowing. Automatic 642-41- Formerly Tabor 6634. uriTTED co w -manure delivered. Phone Tabor 2704, TWO FILING cabinets. 60x36. bargains. Call at IV ,---..,-,. - w. ..a.m. OVERCOATS, used IUtle. for sale; big selection. w ac. STOVES repaired, bought and sold, made and connected. East 6560. Coils CEDAR POSTS lor sale, red cedar. H. Goodrich. Route 3, Box 403. Lents. Or. FOR SALE Cash register, machine, showcase. 43 1st. safe, adding st.. near Ash. VACUUM cleanesrs sold, rented, repaired, exchanged, bought. Bentley. Main 4907. $15 BUYS adding machine; adds 7 figures. ri a Corbett bldg. Marshall 557. STAR A STAR shingles direct from mill. Call Taylor-street dock. Main s065. EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed. jr. Belding. 245H Alder st. Mainloo. BLOCK and slab wood mixed, already cut; aqpo siao LADIES' exclusive used apparel. 1132 . G 1 lean st. Wonderful bargains. Tb. 2825. BLOCK WOOD, slab wood, mixed 2-load lots, apecial prices. East 2041. j,D lUiVd.' seasoned. Phone Jdaia fclOZ. FOR SALE. M ifrc-ellaneous. CORDWOOD WOOD SLABWOOD. In ordr to keep trucks busy I am of- fering bftter wood for less money than a fuel dealer. Available in 2-cord lots. Old -growth fir cordwood from the heart of btg timber, obtained from the . ; logging camps down the Columbia. Priced right to move. Available In 3-cord lots. C. O. D. Country slabwood. June and July cut. ' Sun dried. $23.50. Phon" Main 709A. R. 202. After 6:30 P. M. week days and all day Sunday. WHOLESALE STOCK OF RAINCOATS AND MOTOR COATS. Must be sold at once. The United Rub ber Co. clones their offices in the Mor gan building. December 24. The very best of coats will be bold regard'ess rt manufacturer's cost. ALL STYLES, shades and siz"b. UNITED RUBBER CO.. 726 MORGAN BLDG. 726. V ' SEVENTH FLOOR. SIRLOCO PrPELKSS FURNACE. $79.60, : $135. IT IS DEMONSTRATING ITS SU PERIORITY. MORE PERFECT SCIEN TIFIC PRINCIPLE: LESS FUEL. BET TER RESULTS. FIVE-YEAR GUA R ANTEE. INSTALLED EVERY PART OP' THE CITY. ASK FOR NEAREST DEMONS THAT ION AND REFER ENCES. I. T. WOODRUKF. WOODLAWN 2103. 1291 MASON. CALL at 406 Vancouver ave. and see Lan dman's gas hot warer system; hats 8 rooms with hot water radiators for 3c per hour; also heats 35 rooms for 15c per hour; heats any sise bulldln-": no basement or boiler required; no htbor: . no dirt; no fumes. Just right for green house, garages, hotels, restaurant,, store, barber shops and factories; pric; Pr heater. $35 and $40. Phone East 6Q39. FOR SALE Half price, all sires floor cases, cheese cutters, meat sliccr, reg ister, cnmnutlnc rlen wall cases. Has range, marble slab, counter ca;;es, foot railing, bar counter. Act quick. 212 Salmon. OIL PAINTINGS Dandy for Xmas pres ents: all scenes of Oregon : eliminating dealers profits. $3 to $10; all f?les. These pictures are mounted on stretch ers. After 10 A. M. Apt. 12, 545 Washington street. -. 15 GALLONS of medium Zerolene oil at half .price; also some automobile tubes. 839 Kenii worth ave. Phone Sellwood 1028; must be sold Sat. or Sun. , FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. JUST BACK FROM THE PAINT SHOP. We have a number of exceptionally good buys in used cars; machines that were traded in to us during our used car sale at very reasonable prices, hence after overhauling and repainting these1 cars we are able to pass on a big saving,, to the buyer. Thin is a partial list of what we have: 1917 Maxwell, 5-pass $ 30i 1018 Briscoe, 6-pais., 400 1920 Briscoe 1915 Mitchell, 5-pass. Willys-Knight, 6-paas. 1917 Dodge. 5-pas. ., 1917 Mitchell, 5-pass. 1018 Mitchell. 5-pass. 110O 350 bOO ' 850 850 1100 And we'also have a few Victory model.., Mitchells and two Jordan silhouettes on w hich we give factory guarantee and - ' service. , M Deal with a house of recognized sta-. -bility. J 3H years In business In Portland. We handle our own notes and do not : cr.arge for brokerage. '- MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER CO., BROADWAY AT EVERETT. Phone Broadway 4675. ' . '$250 " BUICK ROADSTER. Starter, electric light, a nice little car for someoie. See it at 430 Burnside s' a Ask for llr. Jones. iT SPECIAL SALE OF 191B OAKLAND TOURING CARS. $500 buys this car. which is the best bargain in Portland; see and you will, sell yourself. 100 N. Broadway, City. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO., Oakland Agents. A $900. BARGAIN. Must sell my Elgin touring car at once account of leaving city; every de tail of this car is perfect and at this price will save you several hundred dol lars. See it and realize its value. Terms to responsible party; Call Bdwy. 41&4. 100 N. Broadway. STANDARD 8, SEVEN-PASS. This car is a sacrifice and is good as new. Motor, tires and body are in best possible condition ; must and will sell -This car at a bargain price. Cash or terms. CaU Mr. Stanley, 100 N. Bdwy. Bdwy. 4184. SAVE $1500 on a hi h -grade car STUTZ 1920 STUTZ 1920 STUTZ 4- pass: cost $4000; my price $2500. on terms. 70O0 miles' use only; cords and wire wheels. Call at- once, Bdwy. 1130. M r. Montgomery. high Value cars at low prices. -. Cadillac "-pass, and Premier 7 -pass., can be bought at low figure; both cars in perfect shape throughout; will make wonderful stage or family cars: cash or terms; ?e them. 100 N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 4108. PACKARD phaeton. 1-25 series car, in excellent condition mecnamcauy. wmi good tire equipment; an exceptional buy for anyone desiring a high-ciass car at -a reasonable figure; price $2250. Call Tabor 647S. , b - CHEAP FOR CASH OWNER. 191 S Maxwell touring, fine condition. 720O ml. ; Bosch magneto. Zenith car buretor; 2 new tires. Can be seen Sat urday and Sunday at 257 E. 32d. Tabor 0S4 for appointment. BUICK 1 BUICK! BUCK! 1920 roadster, first-class condition ' throughout; dandy tire equipment. Must be sold today. Bargain for some one at $1425. 40 N. Broadway. HERE is a snap, a car in first-class shape mechanically; refinished. good tires; Kle seil 100-point six; a price of $000 is like finding it. Call Mr. Montgomery, Broadway 1130. SNAP, $550. 1919 Chevrolet touring, by private owner; in A I condition; 6 good tires and tubes ; original finish : can be seen at Main-st. garage. 2d and Main. EIGHT-CYLINDER CADILLAC. Will accept part trade, driven for pri vate use only. Address Frazier, 40 Front street. FORD runabout, good condition, good tires. A bargain at $275. 30 Grand ave. North near Burnside. - , OVERLAND, delivery body; 490 Chevro- let; Ford touring, and Dodge -roadster; in good condition. 511 Burnside. $10O CASH buys Chevrolet 490 touring, "mechanically first-class, guaranteed. 541 $19''0 MITCHELL, run very little; best bargain in city. 415 GUsan St., ner Tenth- DODGE touring, in fine condition ; price $750; will give terms or will consider Ford. Phone automatic 331-18. SAXON 6 1917; owner must have money; will sacrifice for $100 if sold at once. 415 Glisan st, corner 10th. LTE 1920 PAIGE. 5 pass.. $15O0; see this car for a real buy: run 3O0O miles. 1S4 Laurelhurst. Owner, Tabor 9116. FORD SEDAN, like new, with starter, shock absorbers and other extras; $600 cash. 210 Jefferson at. FOR SALE Ford car, 1920 body, self starter; one-ton truck. 308 Vz First st., phone 555-14. 1015 HUDSON 6-4U, gooa snape ana run ber; $425, your own terms or part trade. Mam 93, or East 4853. - 1$5 CADILLAC 8 tounn g ; 1916 Ford touring, good shape. 91 Nevada st. Main 911. $250 TAKES 19U class condition; Maxwell touring, first forced sale.- 531 Alder. ST I - DE BAKER 6, starter and electric lights. $150. 415 Gliban st., cor, loth. FOR SALE 1913 Cadi Mae for $250. ply Covey Motor Car Co. r 400 STEVENS-DUYREA touring, cord tires, like new. 531 Aider. FORD ta xl body, late model, good candi tion. 354 East Burnside East 7219. 1920 CHEVROLET, nearly new, must sell, terms to right party. Marshall 3256. YOU CAN buy a used car for less than it3' mortgage value. 168 King st. 1912 CADILLAC, fine shape, equipped with 4-oyl. Kellogg tire pump, $200. Sell. 2603. 1919 CHEVROLET, runs new: price $550. terms. and looks East 178. WILL sacrifice new Chevrolet. Broadway 2QS I. ' BABY grand Chevrolet sedan at a genuine. sacrifice; like new. 854 East 8th st. N. BARGAIN Late model Ford coupe, fine condition: good tires; terms. East 43S5.- BY O W N KR Dodge commercial delivery.- - -- A-l shape; half price. 108 Pennoyer st 1920 BUICK roadster, good tires and some extras; a snap for cash. Tabor 5483. FoKD roadster body, $15. East 4 37l!. Uit fis Lh; Ford ssoaa. P&uae Jt X 4