14 WELFARE 'AID FUi CONTINUESTO GROW Dr. Henry Waldo Coe Gives $100 to Help Needy. DAY'S CONTRIBUTIONS $132 Widow AVith Four Children Who Xeed Food and Clothing One of Many Cases. The Oregonian will receive contributions for the relief fund of the public welfare bureau and acknowledge them daily in the columns of the paper. The money will be turned over at once to the bureau. Contributors to the fund are: Previously acknowledged. .$255 rr. Henry Waldo Coe 100 Mrs. K. E. Cusey 5 K, Brandt 5 A. B. Wriprht 5 An old soldier 5 A friend - 5 Anonymous 5 A friend 5 A friend , 2 .Total 387 The largest contribution received Bo far for the relief fundi for needy families of Portland was that of S1O0 yesterday from rr. Henry Waldo Coe. Thursday's total was J132, mak ing $387 in all which has been turned over to the public welfare bureau far its work in aiding to fill the winter stockings of Portland fam ilies. In addition to the actual money received, many calls are made each day to the bureau by those who wish to help. Two letters came to The Oregonian last night from women who offered to care personally for 6ome of the children mentioned as especially in- need of care. Bureau Is Aiding 300. The bureau is caring at the present time for 300 Portland families. It is expected that 500 will be in need of help by Christmas. To give help which Is needed so urgently, the bureau re quires $15,000 to use in winter relief work. All families are visited personally "by a representative of the bureau. A typical family is: Case 4 A widow with four children is wholly dependent on the bureau for support. Her husband died a year and. a half ago from pneumonia. Up to that time the family was getting along well. - The father had started to buy a farm on credit, "but everything had to go to pay the creditors when he died suddenly. A small neighborhood church cared for the family for a time, but was unable to continue to Taear the burden. The mother is not strong and will need an operation soon For a time ehe tried to care for her household . duties and her children and do out side work at the same time, but soon found that she could not stand the strain. Children Nerd Food. The family is supplied at present with the necessary bedding, but the children need nourishing food and clothing for the winter months. In this, as In all families with children, shoes is a particularly pressing item. The mother, who is a foreigner, is bringing up her children to be good Americans. She wants them to have the best possible education. All hei hopes and ambitions are centered upon them. Without help, the family cannot live. Even a few dollars will help in bringing courage and happi ness Into this little home. NEED OF RELIEF URGED International Commitee of Y. M. C. A. Sends Ont Stirring Appeal. Communications urging oo - opera tion in the relief work for the starv ing children of Europe, which has been inaugurated by ' the European Kelief council, have been received by former war workers of the Young Men Christian Association from A. E. Marling and John R. Mott, chairman end secretary respectively of the in ternational committee of the Y. M C A. The communication declares that the New York office of the Y. M. C. A. has received numerous pitiful appeals from representatives now in Europe but that, since relief work has never been a function of the Y. M. C. A., the (matter must be turned over to the iiuropean relief council. "In. writing to you of this great patriotic and humanitarian effort on behalf of Europe's starving children, we do not address you as a repre sentative of the Young Men's Chris tion Association," declares the com munication. "It is our thought, rather, that relief for the suffering children of Europe will make to your beart and thought an appeal scarcely cecond to that which prompted you to enlist in. service to the men of our rmy during the great war." STILL FIRE BURNS MAN Explosion of 3Iash Heater Causes Blaze in St. Johns. Explosion of an oil heater used in the fermentation of mash for a moon shine still - resulted in serious burns TODAY'S FILM FEATURES. Columbia Mae Murray, "Idols of Clay." Liberty Charles Ray, "Peace ful Vallay." Rivoli Dorothy Phillips, "Once to Every "Woman." Peoples Dorothy D a 1 1 o n. "A Romantic Adventuress." Majestic Margaret Mayo's "Twin Beds." Star Basil Kinss The Street Called Straight." Circle Douglas MacLean, "The Jail Bird." Globe Alice Brady, "Marie Ltd." IN AN exciting: etory that ekips blithely from New Orleans In car nival time to New York's gay white way and thence to the gaming halls of Monte Carlo, Dorothy Dalton, the pretty Paramount star, will be seen at the People's theater, starting today. The picture Is A Romantic Adventuress, adapted from a popu- about the baclc and arms of Theo dore W. Turel, 107 Hudson street, St. Johns, and destroyed the residence In which Turel and his partner, J. L. Waldkirsch. were alleged to have beg-un to operate a still. Both men were in bed when the explosion occurred about 3 A. M. yes terday. Turel rushed to the room where the still was, and attempted to combat the fire. Hot flames burst out upon him as he openeS the door. Be fore he could escape, the thin clothing- about his shoulders was penetrat ed and his flesh severely burned. The men fled In Turel's automobile direct to the emergency hospital. In their rush to escape from the fire and to secure medical assistance for Turel they were unable to rescue their clothing. They arrived at the police station clad in overcoats and underclothing. Both Waldkirsch and Turel were said to have admitted they were op erating the still. Waldkirsch was held, in the city jail pending inves tigation of the case, while Turel was confined to his bed in the emerg ency hospital. Charges of violating the national prohibition law prob bly will be filed against the men by federal authorities as soon asTuiel is able to ippear for a hearings QUIET MARKET EXPECTED IUMBERMKN" EXPECT XO IM MEDIATE IMPROVEMENT. Xo Big Developments In Trade Likely Until General Finances of Country Pick Up. That there would be no big buying in the lumber industry of the Pacific coast for the next two or three months at least was the belief ex pressed by A. A. Baxter of San Fran cisco, general manager of the Douglas ir .hxploltatlon. Ac iixport company who was in Portland yesterday for the monthly meeting of the board of trustees of that concern. A generfal discussion of the lumber business came up at the meeting, in which the belief was expressed, that the coast market would not improve to any great extent until the finances of the country had improved gener ally. In addition to Mr. Baxter, W. H. Talbot of the firm of Pope & Talbot, who is president of the export com pany, and about 20 directors from various coast cities were here for the meeting. K. A. Christensen of San rancisco, of the firm of Sudden & Christensen, was present as one of the directors. The Douglas Fir Exploitation & Export company recently invaded the territory on the east coast of South America in competition with southern pine, and its work there has been of great benefit in spreading the popu larity of Douglas fir. The company is Known as the Compania de Ex-. plotacion de Pino Douglas" in that district. UXCLE SAM SOW AFTER DRUG STORE OFFENDERS. Manufacture and Sale of Product After February 10 Forbidden, Says U. S. Attorney. Uncle Sara now is after the drug store offender. He has issued an edict against the use and sale of the spicy concoction known as Jamaica ginger Searchers for alcoholic beverages oi late have taken to the pungent flavor of ginger, lemon extract, lilac water and even hair- tonic, according: to in vestigators, and it is understood that this is the first real move made against the sale of these articles, for merly destined for other purposes than satisfying thirst. In a communication received yester day by Austin F. Flegel, assistant United States attorney, from the pro hibition commissioner at Washington, u. c, government prosecutors are j notified that ginger in its present i guise, whether called tincture, Ja maica, essence or extract, will, after February IS, be relegated to the cate- j gory of intoxicants and as such its sale, manufacture and transportation I will be forbidden. In the same letter the information is given that by com plying with certain regulations the ginger can be rendered unfit for use as a beverage and in this form its sale is permitted. AUTOS COLLIDE; 1 HURT Mrs. Sam Xemiro Arrestod After Wreck on Washington. Street. Mrs. 9tam Nemiro, 595 Lovejoy street, wife of a Portland business man, was arrested yesterday on a charge of cutting' a corner, following an acci dent at Nineteenth and Washington streets, in which a woman was in jured and an automobile wrecked. Mrs. Nemiro smashed into an auto mobile driven by Maurice Johnson. Cumberland apartments, in turning I south on Nineteeth street from Wash- ington street. Mrs. A. F. Pearson, ' aged 50, 385 East Fifty-first street. I was thrown from Mr. Johnson's car by the impact of the collision. She ! suffered injuries to her chest and i spine. Her condition was not serious, according to reports from Good Sa- I maritan hospital, where she was tak- en by Mrs. Nemiro. The entire left side of Mr. Johnson's automobile was smashed in and both hind wheels bro ken. Mrs. Nemiro was released on her own recognizance. Cobalt, one of the rarest minerals, is chiefly used in coloring glass and porcelain. lar novel by Aarles Belmont Davis. Miss Dalton has the role of a danc ing girl who is being exploited, by a frivolous-minded mother for her own rmmoses- As nneen nf tha r. nival, the star Introduces some star- tling; new steps and later repeats her success on the Broadway stage. At cuiiege iooioaii pame sne encoun- . ters a man who is the absolute oppo site of the representatives of the sex with whom her mother has been urg ing her to associate. Later, when she 13 about to be forced into an uncon genial match with a rich Italian, who woos her at Monte Carlo, the foot ball man reappears and a dramatic game of love against trickery is played to a surprising conclusion. The cast supporting Miss Dalton is headed by Charles Meredith in the leading male role. He was last seen as Ethel Clayton's leading man in "The Ladder of Lies" and has recent ly been cast opposite Constance Tal madge In "The Perfect Woman" and Mary Miles Mlnter in -'Judy of Rogues Harbor." Others In the cast are How ard Lang, Augusta Anderson. Ivo n,vann Inhn IrHivnnl T?stHo..- hl and Lewis Brouchton - DUJ ana i,ewis urougnton. WIVES CHARGE CRUELTY BRUTAL, TREATMENT BY MEX LEADS TO DIVORCE COURT. Six Women Find Marriage Failure on Account or Violence Toward Them by Thtfr Husbands. Threats to kill and brutal-treatment of wives figured largely in the nine divorce complaints filed yesterday, only three of which charged desertion. Audrey Henneberg says Thomas W. Henneberg pointed a gun at her, and Faros Pierce alleges that Clayton L. Pierce beat her over the head with a shoe while she was nursing her baby. The latter also claims her husband left finger prints on her throat, beat her with a piece of stove wood and finally drove her to her mother's home after he had threatened her life. Ruth Terry cites brutal threats in her suit against William Terry, as also does Minnie F. Pitman say or John M. Pitman. Jessie Gatton says Earl uatton ais- liked her 4-year-old child by a former husband and used such insulting lan guage about the home that she was unable longer to live with him. Another plaintiff is Adam M. Jline, who charges Walter Cllne, in addi tion to gambling, has beaten her. Desertion charges were made in tne following cases: James W. Greene against Maria Greene. E. Mae De Long against Earl C. De Long, Floyd R. Born against Elizabeth C. Born. AMCSEJIEXTS. Matt.15eto75o Nlgtits 15a to S1.S5 sFlorenz Ames Edith Clasper; and Adelaide Winthrop and BOYS Nelson Snowi ; Chas.Columbus Barnes & Freeman: Piatel & Johnson; Bert & Lottie Wal ton; Ward & Dooley; ivmo- 1 grama; Topics ol uay. Herbert Clifton -BAKER- " Now Plnyinir A Big Gripping Human Story FRIENDLY ENEMIES You Laugh You Weep You Think PANT AGE MATINFB DAI1.T. 2:30. K usel & O rrfii wood Pre n t "'ROLLING ALONG." Musical Com rely with Charles Wood krelyn Phillips and si Chorus of 4 11 mad way Beauties, 6 OTHER BIO ACTS 6 3 Shows pally. Night Curtain 7 and TODAY TO VII.H I . OLI.A'9 LEOI'ARDS, "THE BROAD WAV ill IIBL,E," Featuring Corinne Griffith. Sir Featurew Send the Kiddies. Coming, Gladys Walton. LYRIC Musical Comedy DILLON A.V I) FRA,KS IN "THREE WEAKS" The Roue bud Chorus la Full It loom. MatinerN at 2. .Mfrht, 7 and 1. Country Store Every iliesday .Niht, thoruM fjirlM Context rriday J i&ut, GLOBE Ilth and Washington MARIE LIMITED ALICE BRADY CIRCLE Douglas MacLean Fourth at ' WnAuiueton. Doris May "The Jail "Bird" Also a comed'y and Pathe Xews. Open from o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock of the following morning. HOL.IIJAY' TURKEY SHOOT NOW 0 AMERICAN RIFLE RANGE 430 WASHIXOTOX RTRKET, BETU KEX 11TH Att J 2 I'll - LADIES' PAT R OX AGE INVITED. POPILAR PRICES. Steffins PuHHc Amusement Enlrrprl.HCM. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS A 246, 240, 204. S2, 205, 2S7. 614, 211, 286, 283. n 218, 201, ISO, 200, 217. 2IM. 2S1. 217. ; ISO. 2:17 2. ."-', 9S3, 254. 'Itii ,253. 2U.1. . I) 12, 2S5. 2S3. 297. 272. 2i). 3uO, 218, 12S. K 2t2, 22!. 23", 243 272. 241. F 101. 250 13, 222, 227, 2. 279, 262. 101, 231S, 12, 250. 2!I2, 212, r.O. (i 146, 179, lo. u:t. 177. 294. 251, ir4. 241). H 243. 15. 170, 153, 2SS, 170, 242, 23a, 241. 273. 237. 230. 171. J 107, 320. 172. 235. 170, 171, 267. 2flfi, 2S6 281. 230. 02O. 203. 213. 2.".2. 231). 238 K 25f, 2S5. 149. 153. 2'15, 2H0, 201, 2SI. 135. 240. 23H, 53, 32. SOS. 131. 130, 203. M 0o0, J31. 2S5, 232. 277, 273. N 2!1. 211. 221 2l, 207, 143, 257, 2SS. O 209, 21. 112, 274,' ISO,, 226. 250, 212, P-2H,14',J.'3' 223' 287- 19' r-Isi." 267," is. 22' 10, 245, 29, 23f, 81 i ft 9, 28J. l-rr211. l.W iit4. 230. 14". 253 186. 273. 21S. 106. 274. 2-62. 8. 281 T 140 120. 132. 252. 2i6, 222, 2SS, 140. 260. V 166. 2!8. 1111. 290. W 2s8, 279. 2rt, 161, 242. 300. 163, 49, 209. 239. 150. 30. 50. 288, 13,8. X 121. 202. 153. 241. 265, 230, 269, 236. Y 258-260. 241. 202, 160. 257, 22, 270, 293. IB 278. 214, 207. 749, 2S1. 208, 238. 270 A: 230. 224, 54. 23S. 258. lt.I 294. At; 214, 244, 208, 20O. 213, 247. AF 251. 250. 29o. 247. 2S8. 252. AO 65, 245, 24S, SM. 209, 249. 243. 63, 225. 257, 36, 45. 2ofl. 54. 4H 207, 206, 259, 20.8. A.I 247. 930 .39.1. 227. , AJi 22S. 290. 237. 27, 24. 292 221. 213, A I. 2U9. 2SS 239. AM 249. 111. " AN 265. 294, 258, 267. 250, 252. 255, 260, 29, 244. AP 274. AK 792. 249, 266. 270, 205. 203, 204, 202, 924. 2H0. 253. 258. 214, nr 241 . 25. 229. 2T7, 257, 272, 270 KD 210, 20S. 2!M), 2!S. 2KS. 206. -1th1 27. 2S8. 270. 284. 296. 2UO. i Above answers will be destroyed If not 'called, for within aix daya. MEETING 1SOTICEB. 40. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication tnia (aaiurnayj afternoon and evening, begin ning: - o'clock. Kaftt Sth and Burnside. M. M. degree. Kven- nsr session In full .form. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Bee. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 114. A F. AND A. M. Special communication this Satur dtiy) evening at 7 o'clock. Labor in the F C. defrree. Visitlnir brethren nlwava wel- By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON, Sec. ; OREGON LODGE. NO. 101. A. ST. AND A. M. Special communications today Samr day). E. A. degree at 2 I'. M. and F. C. degree at 7 I". M. ViHitillST hrflfhrpn rnrHlallv In. vited. By order of the W. M. LESLIE S. PARKER. Sec. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. NO. 04, O. E. S. Stated com munication this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. Elec tion of officers and payment of dues. By ordr of the MIIU II. CLINES. Sec. Worthy Matron. TO THE MEMBERS OP" RRKr.K TP.IX. IT Y CHURCH: Sundays Dec. 12, 1120. at ir. il.. at 812 Dekum hide-.. Pnrtlnnd Or., a meeting will be held to take final action on the proposed change of name, also on the proposed change in the obiect or pursuit of the society. TiSOJN tLNSELL. Fenton Bide.. Attor ney. TOM GIVAS. Secretary. VILLA SOCIAL CLUB will give one of their popular dance parties Saturday eve ning. December 11, in l. u. u. hall. East SOth and Glisan streets. A splendid time assured to all. Good music and & een- eral good time. COMMITTEE, BENEFIT CARD PARTT will be srlven at the Woodman hall at 121 11th St.. Mon day evening at 8:30 o'clock. December 13. All welcome. uotiu urizen, all nana- painted china. Music and dancing. ASTRA CIRCLE NO. 152. NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT Members please attend the funeral services cvf our late Neighbor, Anna protzman at Miller & Tracey'a. HAWAIIAN TRIO can furnish mualo fof smokers, clubs, etc. 403 Mam au EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. new designs. Jaeger Bros., 131-3 Sixth, St FRIEDLAXDER'S for lodge emblems. class pins and medals. S10 Washington at PIED. GORIN At the residence. 1753 Haven st.. Friday, Iec. 10, Hwnry Gorin, aged bi i years, husband of Mrs. Iphigena Gorin. ( The body is at the parlors of Chambers Co., 248-250 Killingsworth ave. Funeral nutice later. ROBBER SON At her late residence, the Pattern home. December 10, lii-0. Almira Itobberson. age 72 years. The remains are at Fin ley's. Notice of funeral here after. FINE RALN OTICES. COWAN rAt Salem. Or., Dec. 9. 1320. Mary A Cowan, aged bj years, widow or. me late Robert W. Cowan, mother of Mrs. Emma Pet re of Oakland, Cal. ; prand m other of Mrs. Hose Hollister of San Mateo, Cal. ; Mrs. Emma Wife of Los Angeles, Cat. ; Mrs. Lillian Zlegler of San Francisco, Cal.. and David R. Petre. of Nappa, Cai. Tne funeral services will be held at the Rigdon chapel, aiem. Or., Sat., Dec. il. at 2:30 P. M. Committal services at the Portland crematorium, Portland, Sunday, Dec. 12, at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. San Francisco papers please copy. DBH1ATA In this city, Dec. 9. Giovanni Dewiata, agud C-i years, late of b'JH Gan tenbein avenue, bt loved husband of An gela Desiata. father of Jessie, Prospero, Christina and Robert Deaiata, brother of Felix Desiata,. all of this city; Pasquale Desiata of Youngstown, Ohio. Funeral services will be conducted today (Satur day), Dec. 11, at 2:30 P. M.p from St. Michael's Italian church, corner Fourth and. Mill sts. Friends invttd. Inter ment Rose City cemetery. Remains at Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell at. at union ave. FERGUSON In this city, December 7 liJ0. Maud Ferguson, ased 32 yearn, be loved daughter of Mrs. P. R. liaiiey of uuin. idabo; sister of Mrs. Kalph Collett of 1192 East Davis street. Mrs. Anthony Euwer of Parkdale. Wash., and Miss Myrtle Ferguson of Ames, Iowa. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at the Unitarian church. It road way and Yamhill streets, at 3 o'clock P. M. today (Saturday ) , December 1 1. 1920. Interment Kiver view cemetery. Ke- mains at Hoiman's Funeral Parlors ! Third and Salmon streets. DUHAINK At his home, 902 Syracuse St., Dec. 5, 1920. Soli me Duhaine, aged 54 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Mo lime Duhaine and father of nine children. The funeral will leave the above resi dence today (Saturday), Dec. 11, at 8:30 A. M., thence to the Church of the Holy Cross, where services will be held at 9 A. M. Friends invited, interment Mount Calvary cemetery, with A. R. Zeller com pany in charge. Remains will be at the above residence after 5 P. M. Dec. 10. KISSWETTER At the residence, 104S lirooklyn street, Decern ber 8. 1920. Joseph Kisswetter, aged 70 years. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services at II oi man's Funeral Parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 2 o'clock P. M. to day (Saturday), December 1 1, 192u. In terment Mt. Scott cemetery. DUXIWAY The funeral service for th late Ralph R. Dunlway or 74S East liurnside St., will be held today ( Satur day) at 10 o'clock A. M., at Fin ley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding service- at PorUand crem atorium, private. CHAMBERS Funeral services for the late William B. Chambers, aged f2 years, will be held at the chapel of Chambers company, 248-230 Killingsworth ave. at I P. M. today (Saturday). Interment in Multnomah cemetery. WARNECKE The funeral services of the late Mildred M. Wamecke will be held from the chapel of Miller & Tracey, Sat urday morning, Dec. 11, at 10 o'clock. Interment, ML. Scott Park cemetery. CARDEX The funeral services of the late Lionel B. Card en will be held to day (Saturday), December 11, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment Rose City cemetery. PROTZMAX The funeral services 6f the late Anna C. Protzman will be heid fday (Saturday). Dec. 11, at 1 P. M., at the chapel of MiUer & Tracey. Interment Mt. ScoLt Park ceme'tery. JOSLVN At Canby, Or., Dec. 8. Andrew J. Josiyu, age 78 yeara. Funeral services at M. E. church, Canby, Or., Dec. 11, at II A. M. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOTTSINES for funernl services. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FUNEKAI, DIRECTORS. DUNNING & McENTEE Now located in their new residential funeral hom?t -itorrison at Twelfth, west aide. Phone Broadway 4U0. Auto. 545-oS. The lnneral Home of Refinement and Liitttinctive Service. 'SatK "We have no branches nor any con nect icn whatever with any other undei taking firm. EDWARD HOLMAN & SON Fl'NEHAL rI HECTORS. Third and Salmon streets. .Main 607. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Iea. Independent Funeral Directors. ."Vashington street, between 2.!th and 21st streets. West Side. Lady .Assistant. Main liiiill. t Auto. 57-bu. . McENTEE & EILERb Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett Btreeta. Phone Hrnadway 1M33. Automatic 521-:1. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. DOWNING & McNEMAR The RVwicIentlal lnneral Homo. - 441 Multnomah et.. Irviiigtou dlst. Ka-st 54. EAST SIDB FUNERAL, DIRECTORS. (F. S. Lunoln.g, Inc.) 'The family eet the price." 414 E. Alder. LEKCH, UNDERTAKER. East Eleventh at Hawthorne. Phone East 71. An 7CI I CD Pfl 592 Williams Ave. til Z.LLLLI1 UJi Phone East 10S8. SKEWES UNDERTAKING CO. Third and Ciay. Slain 4152. BREEZE & SNOOK LoTl A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO., 5fU2-04 2d St.. I.ents. Tabor 5287. MOTJIENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 26 4th t.. opp. City Hall. Mill 15KOS. BUSSINGGRANITE CO.I THIRD AT .Q-CJlSOrst feTREgT ' - Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. We spe cialize In funeral deslpns. 141 Sixth, opposite Meier & Franks. Main 721.1. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, 854 Washington. Main 2G9., Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florist. 287 Morrison Main 7701J. Fine flowers and floral de si sns. No branch stores. TOXSBTH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St.. net. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A HOI. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals, offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full rharse of the city po-.rnd at its home, 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc., picked up free of charge. NEW TODAY. Orders solicited for the purchase of LAURELHURST LOTS TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION SATURDAY, DEC. 11TH Multnomah Hotel, 1 P. M. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 85 Fourth St. REDTMABF. SECTIONAL OAKAOtS are made of the best materials They are made right, look right and are bought by dis c r i m 1 n a t ing people. Erected in Portland or shipped any Where Easy to handle. Low freight. EEIUMAUE BUILDING CO. PORTLAND, OKh.OX E. 11th and Market or 803 Lewis Bids Phones East 5114 or Bdwy. 4335. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver.) Old RnK. and Woolen Clothlnir. We Make Iteveraible, lland-Woven FLUFF RUGS 1 Rx.O ft. Flnff Rnc Woven 17.S0 1 3x8 ft. Fluff Kuk Woven 1.25 ftatc Rucm Woven All Slxea. Clothea C'lpanlDR and Dyelngc Uepta. 31 all Order Send for Hook. let. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning, Refitting, Etc. 8x12 Riik. Steam Cleaned. l.SO. tt tSI i;ilN FI.IKF HI' Li CO., .VI I'nlon Ave. IV. Phonet i:at (l.-16. I-adlea Sare oor old carpets, ruga and woolen clothing. Let os make new rut. for you. 1. tftll l. i'ltouv &,&U. W E CALL AND DELIVER The oldent and bent equipped -factory lo the nortliweMt. Fltilf and rag rnga norea. All aizea. L'arpeta cleaned. ete For lail Order bend for Kooklet BASE LINE ROAD Close in, 18 acres mostly In culti vation, on electric line; will make good country home, or subdivide into acre tracts. Price $7000. HENRY W. GODDARD Main 831. 2411 Stark St. Mortgage Loans I.owent IntrreHt rateat Installment re payment It lelrrd. Buildinir loan, . made. No delay in cloalng;, A. H. BIRRELL GO. S17-Z19 nonbwpntrra Bunk Bnildlns Marmhall 4114 . Edward E.Goudey Co. IIORTGAGF! LOANS United Statea Bank Build Inn NOTARY PUBLIC Let me mak out and acknowledge your d cede, mortRiiKes, biii of sales, contracts, etc. All kinds notarial work. done. 274 Stark st. Main U721I. REAL KSTA'TK. For Sale leali Property, $G0O NEWPORT PROPERTY. A two-room bungalow, double con structed ; rooms 12xJ6 and furnished city water, cor. lot 54x1 25; best of soil: 14 blocks from beach, near Jump Oft Joe. Box oi. JSewberjc, Or. For Kale Lota. WEST SIDE HjSINKSS LOT. $3!HH (S3J00 $3WOO $IHK $3JuO. Assessed at $45UO. 7x100 Thurman St. Near 21st See lgn. Clear, naif cash. Main 4S03. 0 G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldp. 4T5 Years In Portland.1 TWO LOTS Saginaw Heights, Lents, block lo. lots iu ana ii, uxmiu; make me an offer. Address a. v oeiKei, liii CJ street. san uiego. v,a.. CORNER lot, 50x100. $.150, on KiUingi worth ave.; improvements paid; $150 cash. bal. time. bis u nam ber or Com merce bldg. , BLOCK N. E. cor. East 20th and Oak streets; walking distance, fine location. small Dungaiows. uwner, iast FOR SALE Lot in Holgate Addition for sale; good chance for builder; for sale at cost. tiJ 40, oregonian. EAST FRONT, 44tn, between B razee and Wisteria; $850; unincumbered. Main 4341. Sunday East 2029. 7-R. HOT7SE in Alberts-, lot 80x100, fruit trees, $4000, terms. Owner, 3U6 J3.usseLL pr gSBii REAL F.8TATIL For Sale Houwt. SOLVE TOUR HOT'SING PROBLEJI1 SEE FRANK Li. McGUIRE FRANK L.. McliUIRE To Buy Your Home. LAROEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1100 Photograph of" Homes for bale. WOTE We have made over J200 families HAPPY In home" of their own already this year. WHY NOT YOU?) A few minutes spent In our CHEAT DISPLAY ROOM will ac complish more than weeks of aml letie. weary shopping. The Mc til'IRE SYSTEM, the system of PERSONAL (SERVICE, protects .your every interest and puts you in immediate touch with the home you are lookins for. Every one of our 1100 homes has been inspected ad appraised by our expert ap praiser. Our listings comprise every district In the city. Homes of every type and price. If neces sary we will help you make your down payment. 25 Autos at Tour Service. Open all day and evening Sunday. , Open every evening until 0. !!LAURELKURST!! Br,00 7.iO DOWN. WHERE PEACE AND CON TENTMENT DWELL! There you shall find vour HOME IDEAL! Close to Portland's loveliest PARK, LAURELHURST! A six - room SUPER BUNGALOW; every imaK Inahle built-in; HWD. FLOORS THROUGHOUT; tile bath, furnace, fireplace, inverted lights, old ivory finish: bookcases, buffet. Dutch Kitchen. YOU CAN'T HOPE TO EQUAL THIS! . LADD'S ADDITION! .r.9l0 J5B00. Los Angeles owner In financial difficulties, wants us to sell this HOME AT ONCE. 7-room beau tiful bungalow with built-lns. two Bleeping porches, garage, Elliot ave. SEVERAL THOUSAND DOL LARS UNDER VALUE. See this! REAL' HAWTHORNE SNAP! 4!I90 4fl'.IO. a distinctive hawthorne home: one of the most attractive in the entire DISTRICT! 8 rms., HARDWOOD FLOORS, fireplace, full concrete basement with furnace, paved St., liens all paid. East Main St. A HOMEY HAWTHORNE HOME. SUNN YSI DE-HAWTHORNE. $3"00 VH DOWN! SUBSTANTIAL AND COM FORTABLE 5 - room BUNGA LOW COTTAGE ; breakfast nook, very practical floor plan; white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, paved street paid. E. Salmon at. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. SACRIFICE SALE! ROSE CITY! ROSE CITY! $4500 500 DOWN. WHERE CAN YOU EQUAL THIS? $500 down, and you own this 6-room artistic ROSE CITY semi-bungalow home! HARD WOOD FLOORS, massive buffet, exceptionally large white Dutch kitchen; new floor tub in bath room. East 68th st. VACANT. Im mediate possession! YOU'LL SMTLE ALL OVER! 39!0 $3!i0. WHEN YOU BUY THIS AND THEN FIND OUT WHAT A SPLENDID BARGAIN you've chosen! This Is value that's DE FYING COMPETITION! A pret ty 5-room double constructed bun galow with fireplace, sleeping porch, best plumbing fixtures, etc., and a half acre with all the fruit you'd wish tor! Just the place to be happy and free to breathe! DON'T MISS THIS! Terms. ALBERTA! ALBERTA! ALBERTA! $3200 $3J00. STOP HERE! The cheeriest ALBERTA! 5 rooms with built lns; Just as pretty and delightful as you'd wish; full concrete base ment. East 28th, close to car. EASIEST TERMS. LOOK AT . THIS! ALBERTA! ALBERTA! $1900 $300 DOWN! $300! DO YOU WANT SOMETHING EVER SO COSY? Here s this ex ceptionally neat little 5-room Al berta, music room, kitchenette, white enamel plumbing, electric ity, gas. THINK! 3U0 down. IT WON'T LAST LONG. East Sth SU CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND. $500 DOWN! $500 DOWN! UNDUPLICATED VALUE In this attractive, substantially built 7-room modern home; 4 light, airy sleeping rooms, paved street paid; good corner on E. 2th. Only $500 down! We have 75 homes in this district. VACANT! SELLWOOD! $3150 $500 DOWN. HERE'S THE BIGGEST BAR GAIN YOU'VE EVER SEEN! Itrge 8-rm. modern SELLWOOD HOME; very homelike and com fortable; garage, 85x125 corner, with an ABUNDANCE of FRUIT, berries, flowers, chicken house and run; close to car and school; Harold ave. Only $500 down. We have hundreds of really re markable home bargains that you can buy on down payments of $500 and less! If you haven't the down payment, we'll help you make it. Do it now! See FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Ahington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St-, bet. Wash, and Stark. WESTOVER DISTRICT. FINE VIEW, LARGE GROUNDS. BEAUTIFUL SHRUBS, STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE. ENTRANCE HALL, LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH FIREPLACE, SUN PARLOR, DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR; 6 BEDROOMS. BATH SECOND FLOOR; MAID'S ROOM AND BATH THIRD FLOOR; HARDWOOD FLOORS. FINE BASEMENT, HOT-WATER HEATING PLANT HEATED BY GAS. LARGE OARAGE. FOR FEW DAYS CAN SELL FOR THIRD LESS THAN IT WOULD COST TO DUPLICATE TODAY. SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. POINDBXTKR, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800 EAST 6771. PRTCE OF LOT! LOOK AT THIS! -PORTLAND HEIGHTS, a splen did beautiful 10-room home, at Park and Vista ave. SACRIFICE SALE! Owner will sell for PRICE OF LOT! See J. R. Haight with FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 10C 8. IRVINGTON. . Best part of East 23d street North, en trance hall, very large living rooms, din ing room, kitchen 1st floor. 3 fine bed rooms, sleeping porch und bath second floor; large attic, full basement, furnace, garage, hardwood floors, white enamel finish. Shown only by appointment. POIND EXTER. 208 Selling bldg. Main 1800. Residence, East 6771. . NICE LITTLE 1-ACRE HOME. $2400. Want little 3-room cottage, with city fhter. 23 young fruit trees, strawberries atirl - grapes. gooa cnicKen nouse woodshed, between Mount Scott , Hawthorne ave. cars. $300 cash, monthly. Fred W. German Co., Cham, of Com. v and and $20 732 FOR SALE by owner, $3000 new five-room bungulow, lot 66x100, shade trees, shrub bery, nice yard, paved street, garage, near school, wbJ enamel finish, lots of built-in work. Furniture if desired. Big discount for all cash. Have to sell at once account of sickness; no agents. 1031 Killingsworth ave. R C PK. BUNGALOW OF DISTINCTION. To see this artistic HOT-WATER HEATED home is to want it: 2 bedrms. down, 2 up; fine sleeping porch. Ail modern conveniences. Large corner lot. Central location-. Celled garage with lavatory. Not high-priced. Terms. - D 5. OREGONIAN. ITS ALL rady to move in, new and mod rn, by owner, 7 rooms, hardwood floors in every room, old ivory enamel finish, fireplace, many built-ins, full basement, lot 50x100, garage 12x18; In Rose City Park at 345 East 54-th N., near Halsey Call owner. Tabor 2032. Auto at your service. NEifclNG CASH COMPELLED TO" SACRIFICE. Rose City modern 5-rm. bungalow, large attic, garage, price $4150; no rea sonable payment down will be refused; balance terms. Tabor 2676. FURNISHED house for sale at 7229 C7th ave. S. E. 3 rooms, garage, woodshed, chicken house, half block from paved street and cars; price $1500 with $300 down. balance like; rent Call Sunday only. WEST SIDE HOME. Well-built modern 7-room residence and garage, 698 Marshall st., near 22d. William. P. Merry,' 301-2 Title & Trust Bldg. . EAST COUCH STREET BARGAIN. Two-story, six-room, modern house, close In. fine district. Only $.1500. A snap. Prentiss, 610 Chamber of Com merce bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houmcs. HBART OF, HOSH CITT PARK. 661 B. 60TH fT. N.. S BLOCK SOUTH OP SANLT. $5,100 LIBERAL TERMS. NEW. JUST COMPLETED, STRICTLY MOD ERN 5 -ROOM BUNGALOW. LARGE SLEEPING PORCH, HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE, DUTCH KITCH HN, FLOORED ATTIC, BUILT-IN EF FECTS, ELEGANT PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES. IVORY AND ENAMEL FINISH. FINE COLOR SCHEMES. FURNACE. FULL ' LOT. PAVING AND SEWERS PAID. FINE NEIGHBORHOOD, FINE WORKMAN SHIP. DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED. SEE THIS TODAY. OWNER ON PREMISES 12 TO 5 DAILY. PHONE AUTOMATIC 223-44. DEAL DIRECT. OTHERS ASKING $500 LAURELHURST. OtEN TODAY FOR INSPECTION FROM 1 TO 5 P.. M, JUST ONE BLOCK FROM BIG AUCTION SALE OF LOTS, 1112 EAST FLANDERS. NEAR LAD DINGTON COURT, BEST SECTION OF LAURELHISRST; STRICTLY MODERN BLNGALOW, B UI LT FOR A H O M E, WITH LIVING ROOM, MUSIC ROOM, DTNING ROOM. BREAKFAST ROOM. KITCHEN. ONE BEDROOM AND BATH FIRST FLOOR, FOUR BEDROOMS AND BATH SECOND FLOOR; HARD WOOD FLOORS AND IVORY FINISH THROUGHOUT, FINE BASEMENT, FURNACE. GARAGE POI.VDEXTEIt, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. FORD SEDAN. If you are Interested In getting a FORD SEDAN you should not fail to see this car. Just came from the shop and is as good as new. It has new paint and spare tire. Do not fail to see this car. Call East 8680. Hutchinson, LAURELHURST. STRICTLY MODEKN RESIDENCE 2ITH VERY LARGE LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM. ENTRANCE HALL, KITCHEN, FIRST FLOOR; FOUR BED ROOMS, BATH, SECOND FLOOR; MAID'S ROOM AND BATH, THIRD FLOOR; HARDWOOD FLOORS AND WHITE ENAMEL FINISH FIRST AND SECOND FLOORS. FINE BASEMENT, HOT-WATER HEAT. GARAGE; FINE LOT AND VIEW. POIND EX TER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 180O. RESIDENCE EAST G77L ROSE CITY PARK. IMM EDIATE POSSESSION. Good 5-room house, finished In old ivory, nice large sleeping porch., built-in kitchen, iras. furnace, choice roses, fruit trees, house newly painted, close to car line and school, about 1 block from Sandy blvd. Price $3630; $500 down. 715 East 73d st. North, CLOSE TO 28TH AND SANDY BLVD. Five-room modern bungalow with keeping porch, all on 1 fiooti has fire place, built-in buffet, bookcases, excel lent furnace and .basement, Dutch kitch en and pantry; lot 50x100, with shade trees and lots of berries. Will let the carpet on the floor go. Improvements all in and paid. The price is $4GO0, S5O0 down, balance to suit. East 601 or East SOS 8. 4750 NEW BUNGALOW $4750. The lumbermen tell me lumber has hit bottom ; I am offering this week the best buy in a new bungalow I have of fered. It is modern, on a full lot. close to car; garage, hardwood floors; linoleum on the kitchen, r;ady to move In; buy direct of owner aid builder. On Weidler t., just south of Broadway, between 28th and 29th sts. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New bungalow. 4 rooms and bathroom large lot. fruit and berries. 2 blocks from car line; newly furnished; terms; $JB50 furnished, unfurnished 41400. 1350 cash, balance small monthly payments. House ro. utHi 4in st. S. iu. Take Mount Scott car. See this at once. Mrs. Lena Coyle. DUPLEX HOUSE WEST SIDE. A sure way to beat the high cost of renting; 2 flats, 5 rooms each, upper and lower, located on Kelly st., 1 block to good car; everything paid'; bringing an Income of $50 per month; live in one, rent the other; price $4250; terms. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bid. Main 6915. SIX-ROOM HOUSE CHEAP. FOR SALE. Near Union, on Cook ave., surrounded by good homes, full basement, station ary tubs, full lot; unincumbered; $2050, easy terms. Phone Sellwood 1065. No dealers. $2500 FOR A FINE 4-room, on corner of Prescott; concrete basement, bath, toilet, paved st. and sewer in; a snap; $500 cash. $3000 for a good 7woom, -with bath, toilet, concrete basement, gas and elec tric light; only $500 cash ; near car. F. L. BLANCHARD, -401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 829. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1475. 3 rooms and bath, toilet, electric lights and gas, splendid district. No. 18 W. Emerson st. ; $800 cash, $15 monthly, Including interest. Will sell about $00 worth of furniture, now in the property, for $300 additional. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. FOR QUICK SALE BY OWNER. PRICE $2-4tK. Five-room house, Kenton district, bath, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floor in front room; one block from Kenton car; cioc to grade and Jefferson high schools. 98 E. STAFFORD ST. Telephone Woodlawn 1182. $2000 FURNISHED. TERMS; BLOCK lO CAR; neat, bung., 4 plastered rooms, bath, gas furnace, electricity, full base ment, cement walls, front, back porch, garage; good location and neighborhood, paved St., 50x100 lot, roses, fruit; splen did car service, not far out. AH 2ii2t Oregonian ROSE CITY. 1 1& -story, bungalow type; fine living room, dining room, kitchen, 1 bedroom and bath 1st floor; hardwood floors: 3 bedrooms 2d floor; furnace, garage, full lot ; $0O0. POIN DEXTER, 208 Selling bldg. Main 1800. Residence East 0771. WEST SIDE 100x100 on 21st street; English colo nial, finished in hardwood and mahog any; tile bath and shower, extra baths. Fireplace and furnace. Exchni ve, a r tistic. commodious. com pie lo. Price $17,000. W. H. ROSS, 3 100 N. W. Bank Bldg. FIVE LARGE ROOMS ON EASY TERMS. Lot 100x100. fruit and berries and nice lawn; large chicken houses: paved street and carllne; 5 -large rooms, full base ment, laundry trays and furnace. Price $ 3 7 50 ; c a 1 1 Mr. risner. ai a i n n i z 11300 FOR a trood 4-room. electric lights. toilet, lot 50x100, sewer in at., H. S only 15 minutes from center of city; $300 cash, balance $25 per month. Marshall 82V or Tabor 7190. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. $1!00. $400 DOWN, takes 5-room, modern cottage from owner; on paved st. and car line, street all In and paid a, this price; I am leaving city and want to sell. Inquire at 1150 Lombard St., ak nwner: I am boarding at 1148 next door. Look this up. It will pay you. $5000 NINE rooms, furnace, fireplace, 2 toilets, bath, very large cement base ment, sleeping porch; just splendid loca tion for housekeeping roomj. a money, maker; forced to sell. See J. P. McKen n a Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6403. Modem 7 rooms, corner lot, garage, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplacs, cne block to car. $7000. easy terms. Come uuick if you want this. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. 430 NORTH 26TH 5-room cottage, newly papered, elec tric light, bathroom, cement basement, rent $30. Near Montgomery Ward & Co. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 85 FOURTH ST. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," illustrated book of over 100 designs, $1; blueprints $10 DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, H24 Northwestern Bank bldg. $1950 FIVE-ROOM cottage, bath, toilet, ,.A,nF basement., fireplace: lot Sitx l im large cherry tree; $500 cash.. Splendid location. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 39th. lapor pvj.. FOR SALE; By owner, 1 acre with good house, cnicvwn iuuo mm ui uinn-r nouse, on 45th and Ainsworth; terms $300 cash, balance in monthly payments. G. W. Eilers, W oofllawn &w. mvixfi TON owner of 3 houses must se at once; any reasonable terms; buy di rect and save commission. See owner. 711 Tnompsop. BTJY FROM owner, 7-room house in Sell wood all st. imp. In; garage. See it and you will want It; price reasonable, some terms. Sell. 1126. IF YOU want good 7-room house and lot 100x47., on East Stark, part payment down rest In easy payments. Owner. Auto. 227-66. ; FOR SALE Good 6-room modern house, garage, iois. iuw ui i uk, ui nes ; cheap on good terms. 81 J 7 60th ave. S. E. Phone Auto. 661-11; Local 4121. TO CLO&E an estate, nine-room house and lot in southern Portland ; $ 1500 cash. Main 1H2. MODERN 6-room house, lot 40x200. Fruit trees. raoor t j.. NEW BUNGALOW. S2-5&. EEAL ESTATE. For Stilk Houftes. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION. REALTORS. MAIN 7487- W'e bcII houfes at prices that prevailed before the increase in values. Before you select your home see our-large, care fully chosen Ust of desirable homes in every section of the city. CLOSE IN INCOME. 11 ROOMS, $200. On paved street, with sewer, an 11 room house, arranged in suites that rent for J.Vi per month. Complete plumb inp, full brick basement; only $500 down, monthly payments less than income frcm property. Property is on Garfield ave. 19TH, NEAR CLINTON. 6 ROOMS, $J30. On 70x150 lot. with pavement and sewer In and paid; a substantial Q-rooin house with 3 upstairs bedrooms, good plumbing, 4 block from car; small down payment. SUNN YS IDE 0 ROOMS, $200. It takes only $200 to buy this sub stantial 5-room house on East Alder Ft., near 28th. Two large bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, fine plumb ing. This is a snap. MT. TABOR. NE Wo ROOMS, $1900. i. 2lfew 5room house with 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, best of modern plumbing, on a full lot, one block from car. Any reasonable down payment. PENTNSULA. BUNGALOW, $1850. Unusually well built and attracUve appearing bungalow of 4 rooms, includ ing one bedroom and sleeping porch, liv ing room, dining room and kitchen, fire place; one block from car and in excel lent condition; very email down pay ment. PENINSULA. 100x100 FURNISHED, I1S50. Three rooms, practically new houe, completely furnished, on lot 100x100, complete- and modern plumbing; only $3250 to handle. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Third and Stark sts. Main 74S7. OPEN EVENINGS. AM CALLED EAST, MUST SELL HOME in taaa s Aa?iUon on easiest of terms; 2-story, 7-room house; full cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace, hardwood floor. fireplace, beamed celling, panelled dining room, built-in buffet, nice large den with, 5 windows: white enameled pantry and kitchen; new A. B. gas and wood' range; 3 large bedrooms, large bath and sleeping porch on second floor; some very good rooms could be finished on third floor as it has 14 windows and floored ; Interior like new, all having been decorated the paet year with wash able wall paint; lot 40x128: new straw berry bed, price $0750; terms. $50O lib erty bons at face value, $250- cash, bal ance $75 per month including interest; c.-al with owner ; no commission ; pos session at once. Phone Sellwood 357ft. $00O DOWN. Good home in Walnut Park, ad joining Piedmont, on Cleveland? ave.. only l blocit from car; ex clusive district, si rrounded by fin homes; 50xlO0-fot lot with alley; paved streets; 5 large bearing fruit trees; nice lawn and roses; 6 large rooms; 1 front room suitable for billiard room; furnace, fuil ce ment basement with laundrv trays; price only $4500. Owner lives In Spokane and will be at our office today. Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett bldg. $jOO DOWN. Good home in Walnut Park, on Cleveland avenue, only I block from car; exclusive district, sur rounded by fine homes; 50x100 foot lot with alley; paved streets; ft large bearing fruit trees; nice lawn and roses : 6 large rooms, one front room suitable for billiard room ; furnace, full cement base ment with laundry travs; price only $45O0. Mrs. Hall, Woodlawn FOISALE BY OWNER. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME with garage. PRJCE $7W0l Owner wiil sacrifice this extra weH built seven -room home oo- Clackamas St., near 24th St.; modern throughout; must be seen to be appreciated; thi? home could not be buiit for price asked; beautiful shrubbery and flowers. If you .are going to buy a home don't miss this opportunity. For appointment phone Marshall 702. or Tabor Midi. Mr. Lillv. $4300 BEAUTIFUL 5-RM. BUNGALOW. This was built for a home 4 years ago; best of material and workmanship, French doors between reception hall and living room, fireplace, built-in book cases, artistic buffet, hardwood floors, ideal Dutch kitchen, large attic, cement basement, garage, located in restricted district, nortli of Piedmont, walking dis tance to Jefferson high. Peninsula park and library. Terms. 167 E. Morrison. Wdln. 2703. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. It is a!i right to buy a lot for a home, but I have a new bungalow just ready to. move in. Why worry about building " when you can buy just as cheap as you can build? It has hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, floor tub. pedestal lavatory, shower; garage, furnace; drive out today and look it over. Owner and! builder, 51 Meikel place (42d St.), be tween Couch and Bumsida. FOR SALE. Beautiful bungalow on N. "W. slope of Mt. Tabor, situated on JOOxllO-foot cor ner, terraced; full cement basement with furnace, six rooms on main floor. 2 up stairs; absolutely everything modern; fireplace, all- built-in features; trulv a beautiful home, $8500. $500O cash, bal ance beat of terms. BF 210. Oregonian. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden into Income T We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish phins and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SATIS FACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., 24 N. W. Bank bldg. ARTISTIC west side bungalow on tha Heights. Strictly modern : 7 room, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, gas heat, garage, unobstructed view entire cHv. 634 Hoffman road. Trice $6250. $1000 cash, balance rental terms. Teiephona nam ooo". 4 rooms, modern, full basement, wash trays, new combination range and Ra diant Fire as heater; IGOxlOO corner, lots of fruit and berries, chicken house and yard, 748 East 77th trt. N., 1 biks. south of Rose City car. Owner. Terms. T A t T l XT' T II T I C- -Tl Before you buy see my new 7-room bungalow t-2 block from park. The smartest place and the most elegantlv finished in the city. 1176 E. Ash. Price $8500. Tabor 2574. NIFTY BUNGALOW, $2250. 5 rooms, nearly new. concrete founda tion, full basement, modern plumbing, c;oe to school: $5i0 cash, $25 monthly; a real find. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $6500 SIX ROOMS AND SUN ROOM. Two blocks from car and school, near Knott; full lot and garage. EAST 410 NO AGENTS. 5-ROOM strictly modern bungalow, just off Alameda drive, furnace, fireplace, full basement: $4250. $1000 cash. Wil son, with Interstate Land Co., Main 5429. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. CLOSE IN. 6 years old, block car; nice, large rooms, modern built-ins. fireplace: owner must sell, $::250. $10OO cash. Ml. 1022 Sell 270i. Hurry! TRVTNGTON BUNGALOW. Quality, 6 rooms, sun room, til bath, garage, hardwood floors, only $65CkX East 1347. ALAMEDA FARK, 7-room square Colo nial house, very attractive, weM-built and beautifully located; Priced right for quick action. Wdln. 5903. Owner AR 2S4, Oregonian. j!4(Mi 4-ROOM nicely finished house on large lot, with garage, near car, elec tric lights and gas. Michael, with In terstate Laud Co., 248 Stark st. Main 5429. FOR SALE bungalow, hardwood attic and Tabor 829. by owner, modern 5-room a block to Rose City car; floors throughout, finished garage. 427 E. 45th N. BEAUTIFUL modern bungalow, ready for lath and plaster; buy it and ilnish it yourself; easy terms from owner. Wdln. 6247 or 111 E. Rusaett st. 5 ROOMS and bath, cement basement, paved street and car line; $2100, very easy terms. Wilson, with Interstate Land Co., Main 5429. KENTON district. 4-room and bath, just built. 16tl Mississippi ave. Sale or rent. LAURELHURST New 6-room colonial at a sacrifice. Phone owner. Tabor 9452. 4-ROOM house and lot. 15SS llcCcun. f none feast eouo. A