- -THE MORNING OREGONIAN. THTJRSDAT, DECEMBER 9, 1920 21 . - ."". t IQB RENT. Unfurnished Apartment. THE BONANZA A PTS. One nice S-room furnished apt., per month, 189 N. 23d st. Flats. MS W! LL RENT or lease 5-room modern flat, walking distance, west side, to re sponsible tenant for $24.50, water in cluded, 51S Corbett bldg. Marshall 657. AND I-ROOM modem flats for rent, furniture for sale. See Keipper or Smith peter. 248 Stark at. , 1IODERN 5-room flat, close in, from Jan. 1. $40. Winter's wood In casement. Main 5091. 8 AND 4-ROOM flats, unfurnished, for rent; adults only. 71 East 22d. FOUR-ROOM flat for rent, furnished. Call 21 Thurman st. FIVK-HOOM modern flat. Irvington. Kiist U20S. 610 Hancock St. $60. Furnished Flats. FURNISHED FLATS. 4 "l-room furnished lflats on fine cor ner lot, 100x110; renting now for $113 per month; flats are in first-class con dition; youj"an buy these flats on very reasonable "fcrms, will take lot in trade to value of $1000 and $:jooo cash and you assume mortgage of $4500; total price $S300. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 8-5 Fourth Street. 14-ROOM up-to-date flat for rent, in Knob lilll dist.. with beautiful mah., oak and wicker furniture, for sale. Including 6 tons' coal. 5 cords wood. Income about 22fi. Price $2S.,0. Main 4:!77. BARGAIN FOR CASH. Owner leaving oity; furniture of 6 room modern flat near 16th and Wash.; income $75 besides 2-room apt. for self. Call Broadway 2705. FOR RBXT 5-room upper flat at 26tHi 3 4th St., $:"5; some furniture for sale. $175, on terms, inquire at l'-Vt Union ave.. corner East Morrison. 6-ROOM upper, stove -heat, range, gas plate, free water, garbage taken; to re sponsible adults; no pets; about Dec, !."; $40. p 203. OreROiiian. 6-ROOM beautifully f urnishedflat. Fast 18th North and Alberta; sts. Broadway 4975. Adults. $50; Call FLAT for rent, reasonable; furniture for sale, $150 cafh or terms. Mar. 053. 8-ROO.M flat rent $50. for rent, 147 Eleventh St.; Housekeeping Rooms. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Trunks, baggage delivered downtown districts, 2ic. gun, service. Bdwy 2445. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished H. K. rooms. $15 up. Including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. TWO NICH clean furnished housekeeping suites, $25 and $26.50 per mo. 444 and 446 K. Oak St. TWO LIGHT, clean housekeeping rooms, garage if wanted, 427 21st St. Broadway 4413. . "WILL share modern 6-room house in R. C. P. with young couple; no children. $?,0. Tabor 4998. LA RGE 253 Vi also small furnished h. Wash. st. Cor. Third. $5 WEEK, completely furnished h. k. suites. The Cadillac. 8d. near Jefferson. SLEEPING rooms for $2.50 week and up: Fteam heat in every room. Bdwy. 15-46. CLEAN, attractive H. couple or bachelor. K. suite, 2 rooms; I52',i Russell st. 6-ROOM house, close in; good location, near 2 carlines. Call Sellwood 232. 2 Fl R.NISHJt"I housekeeping suites. 013 Vista ave. Main 7017 mornings. TWO FURNISHED II. ferson St. K. rooms. 4S9 Jef- ONKliOOX, light housekeeping, lor st. 430 Tay- TWO FRONT h. k. rooms, $25. 400 Clay st. 8 ROOMS, furnished. 101 Park st. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. X12.50 TWO comfortabie furnished base ment rooms, nicely located; gas and wood stove. Electric lights free. Adults. r.4 East Sixth street. felNGLE . clean, airy H. K. room; every thing furnished; suitable neavjs quiet man. 306 12th st. TWO PARTLY furnished housekeeping rooms. reasonable; walking distance. S72 14th st. NICE attic room suitable for one or two, $15. Call Marshall 2750. VERY desirable H. K. and sleeping rooms. Employed people. 121 N. 23d. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, suitable for 2 men; home privileges. Wdln. 4702. S H'RMSHF.D rooms for light housekeep ing. 1171 Minnesota ave. Wdln. 1468. 3 NICE h. k. rooms, furnace heat, walking "distance; adults. 95 E. 12th street. FRONT alcove h. k. room, two closets, electricity and furnace heat. 221 11th. Houses. FINE large house, east side, close In. near three carlinea. partly carpeted and with window shades, half block grounds, suit able for residence, school, sanitarium, small boarding house or rooming house. Wakefield. Fries Co.. 85 4th St.. or tele phone Marshall 2474. before 1:30 P. M. Soliday Bros.' Transfer &. Storage Co. Bdwy. 4222. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVTNCJ. Long-Distance Hauling. Storage. Packing and Shipping. holiday Bros.' Transfer A Storage Co. FOR RENT. 6-room modern house at Laurelhurst eage, io. SEE BENEDICT. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bidg. EIX-ROOM modern. 471 E. Bdwy. $00. T-rm. modern. 4312 43th ave. $35. 6-rm. modern. 3S0 E. ONth N. $40. 2-rm. modern flat. 1775 Belmont. $17, r nA.MV u. ! cij i l u rJ. Alain JUtiS. FOR RENT A live-room bungalow with player piano; a responsible party want ed ; rent $25. water paid; only one block from Mt. Scott car line. Address 5614 Siith ave S. E. 8 ROOMS $40 monthly. Beautiful grounds. 100x100. on paved street and car line. Has fireplace and furnace. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR "NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY LIGHT POWER HEAT. WHIN'GTOX AT TENTH STREET. 7-KuOM house, good repair. $20; some furniture for sale, $loo. 264 W Porter, near 4th, west side. Call for key at '-'04 Porter. HOUSE with 4 large rooms and basement; all modern: on car line. G. Hot'strand, 1374 V. Greeley gt. Wdln. 5965. HOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. &. W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d St. Phone Bdwy 5121. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. $10:;; cleaning, pressing shop, front; doing business. 550 Union ave. N. East 41KV4. BEST equipped for iocal and jong-dlstancs hauling and moving. Green Tr. Co.. 202'", Alder st. Main 1261. 6-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale cheap if taken immediately; no dealers. 1440 E. Everett st. UNFURNISHED 6-room house, fine loca-tion.- 532 Davis, west side. No ohlldren. FOR RENT Beautiful new 4-room house. SO E. Baldwin st. Kenton car. MODERN home. 0 rooms, close to Irving ton car; $7. W 17i. Oregonian. 8 ROOMS nd bath, S25. 483 N. 23d St. Inquire 40S Selling bldg. 6-ROOM. garage, 4014 East 41st, Wood stock car, Holgate; fine condition. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT, furnished1 6-room bungalow in one of the best locations in the city; furnished with antiques and period fur niture. AK 27, Oregonian. JdOL'BRN 5-room house, large concrete Karage, H block from Alberta car to - lease; $40. Wdln. 110. bet. 10 and 12 A. M. C-ROOM furnished house, rent free for care of boy going to school.. 1722 East l'lh "!, cor. Sherrett. FOR RENT Beautiful home, well fur nished, 1 rooms and garage, $75; refer ence required. Sellwood 1376. FINELY furnished 7-room modern bunga low; adults only; $65 per nvnth. Close to car. Maclnnes. 210 Oregon bldg. lull RENT Modern. 8-room house. 3 rooms of furniture for sale; immediate possession, -viar. dU2J. FOR RENT Well furnished 6-room house; adults only, with reference, close in. East S906. I-ROOM, furnished completely. Will take a good light car as first payment Main FURNISHED 4-room bungalow. $35. quire Klue Front Grocery, Hull avo., egon City line. MODERN 5-room house; Omaha ave., Kenton. no children. I486 FURNISHED 6-room modern house, side, $35. 7fi Savler st. Stores and RtirtineMs -Places. FOR DESIRABLE space In fireproof ware, house phone Bdwy. 871 5. Security Stor age & Transfer Co.. 53 4th st.. cor. Pine PART of large concrete warehouse for rent. Apply J. a. ettinger. Broad way 2780. LARGE corner store. 319 Williams ave. near Broadway; full cement basement STORK, near First and Clay. $20. 106 Second st- Apply STORE. First St., U6 Second t. near Mill; $30. Apply FOR KENT. Stores and Business Places. FOR RENT In Blake-McFall bldg., - opp Multnomah hotel, 13.000 sq. feet (will divide). A very desirable : combination of office.' sales and storage rooms; both freight and passenger elevators, steam heat. SEE H. N. BURPEE. Wilcox bldg, Main 5638. FOR RENT 25x50-foot store, brick build ing, first-class location,- long lease. 82 Fourth st. Main 4022. Mr. Toomey. Office. DESK room,, with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Rdwy. 3715. Se ts' curity Storage & Transfer Co., 53 4th street, corner fine. DESK room and ieiepione free to sten ographer. Call after 2 V. M- loday. 403 McKay bldg. DESK room; privilege of private room and phone. $10. 500 McKay bldg. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub lic. 934 Chamber of Commerce bldg. OFFICE or desk space. Commerce bldg., U to 1' 520 Chamber of A. M. DESK ROOM 230 Chamber of Commerce. Telephone Main 8104. - FURNISHED office for rent. 517 Chamber of Commerce. ' FRONT office, moaern. In Railway ax change b;dg. Apply room S12. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GOING A WAV SACRIFICE. One of the best money-makers in Port land's apartment houses, nearly 30 nice ly modern furnished apartments; close in brick; lease " below present values; nets $S00; will sell for $0500 cash, bal ance small "monthly payments. Get par ticulars and arrange for inspection by writing me. Wo agents. F 107, Orego nian. CONFECTIONERY AND BAKERT. One of the best corners in very busy east side district, complete equipment for confectionery and bakery: fine store room, reasonable rent, doing splendid business; price $3500, some terms; best chance in town for a practical man to clear $000 per month. - SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. FOR SALE General merchandise store in thriving farming community near sum mer resort, on railroad and highway, 25 miles from Portland. Owner has long time lease on property, $15 per month: nearly one acre of ground, fruit, berries, chickens, etc. Living ooms. postoffice, which alone will make a living; less than $2000 will handle. R 272, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY, doing nice business. 5- year lease, modern brick otdg., lease net ting $13O0 per year and store room; nice, clean stock, first-class fixtures: domestio troubles; owner will sacrifice; fixtures worth price asked; $4000 - cash will handle. See Smithpeter with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st CASH GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY 7-room modern nouse, stocK, niturw, fas and wood range, fuel for year; doing sOO a month business; ill health forces us to retire; $3600 takes it all. Oregon City. Or., route . box 3-B. Wiley's cash tjtore, H mile south of woolen mills. FOR SALE Clean stocV furniture, rugs, house furnishings: doing annual business of $150,000 and growing; in one of best towns in irrigated district of eastern Washingtond heaith reason for selling; no trades. If Interested, write F 101, Oregonian CONFECTIONERY! This fine well-established business can be had for $4500. $2500 cash, balance easy terms. Will pay a good plofit and a salary. It Is in a substantial brick building; low rent. Weston Co., 3215 N". W. Bank bldg. HOLLY 1 HOLLY! 1000 holly trees. 12 years old, for sale in one lot very cheap, chance tt your life to make big money by trim ming for Xmas trade and after this transplant the trees for next -year. Call Tabor :427 SHOE REPAIR SHOP. Fully equipped shoe repair shop, old established business: one man can clear $600 per mo.: low rent, on Washington st We invite close investigation. Price $25fK) Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. CHIROPODIST OFFICE. Well located, heart city, with well es tablished business. Latest equipment; will net above all overhead $3500 a year; will consider machine or terms. HARPER, 410 Railway Exchange Bldg. FOR BILLIARD, pool tables, card tables, bar fixtures, showcases, cash registers and store fixtures see W. J. Quigley, 366 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 123. Easy payments. FOR SALE Finely equipped beauty par lor right down town, west side; only $300 if sold this week; selling on account of sickness. Co-operative Realty Co., 2:15 5th st. Phone Main 851. A GOOD little restaurant for man and wife Been clearing $150 month, besides a good living. Sickness forces a sale. Give clear bill of sale for only $450. Call iom 401 Dekum bldg. WANTED Few live men or women to buy interest or stock in a live box and siding mill; It will pay 2." per cent annually; we want you to satisfy yourself. Georgs B. Jacob, Twin Rocks. Or. A TiivnY GROCERY BUY. Takes in 535 to $50 day, cash-and-carry business: good school trade; has living room; fixtures ror sduu. Stock in- voices $6(10. Room 401 Dekum bide. X- PARTNER WANTED. Auto garage; 85. car steady storage, auto repairing, gas pump,- etc. Handy man with $650 can buy equal half in terest. Room 401 Dekum bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon building. Broadway 1002 WOOD AND COAL. Owner needs a partner to tend the yard, etc.; profits are good. $1500 re quired. Room 401 Dekum bldg. INTELLIGENT young man, services most essential; big proposition, cstamisnea business; large income; $1500 necessary. A 240. Oregonian. n 750 WELL equipped restaurant,- fine location. 3-year tease, $15 a month. Just the thing for matt and wife. Easy terms. Morris, 410 Railway Ex. Bldg. A MODERN concrete garage for sale at Invoice; 3-year lease; sell gas, oils, tires, etc. and 45 cars steady storage. Room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Up-to-the-minute stock of dry goods and millinery: will sell all or half interest. AdKlress Box 118. Portland, Oregon. POOL HALL. Four tables, good fixtures, sells soft drinks, candy, etc.: $25 day business; all for $1000. Room 511 Railway Exch. BARDERS Modern two-chair barber shop for sale, located in W lliamette valley town 2000; good buy for cash. Electric Clipper. AV 700. Oregonian. IF YOU want to get into business of any kind, for best buvs and easiest terms see Harper is Morris. 410 RY. EXCH. BLDG. LADIES' and gent's furnishings, shoes and art needle craft store, best h.ast Hide lo cation reasonable rent, four-year lease; take auto In trade. Phone 219-03 GROCERY for sale, no fixtures to buy. living rooms, rent $30; cash ana carry; $10 per day Call room 518 Cham of Com. bldg. LOOK! Cigars, candies, fruit Bjand;- cheap "rent; year's lease, on acct. sickness, mudt sell. Call 111 Ms Killingsworth ave. 1 GOOD barber chair. $10. 367 E. 73th St. V. near Hal.sey st. lxixj4 Lock. THfe. OUT Th- Ore Yl 1 anr.- .. . . 4 : ' .. Vs -. .-, ,, nnttSja BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BARBER SHOP CIGAR STORE AND POOL HALL. X Centsaliy located in downtown dis trict; doing good business; plenty of possibilities. Price $0000. $2000 cash, balance easy terms. " BAKERT. Located In public market district: do ing over $80 per day. Price $1500 for fixtures; stock at invoice. CIGAR STORE. -Just the place for one man; no Sun day or evening work. Doing $1300 per mo. Rent $00. -with good lease. See Whit beek, with Brown & Biddle. 324 Railway Exchange bldg. A REAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. .One-third interest In growing manu facturing and sales company; must have $500 cash and bookkeeping ability to take charge of company books and office work; this Is different; it will pay you to investigate. Give full particulars In first letter. AK 23. Oregonian. $7500 puts you In possession of one of the best-paying motion picture theaters In Oregon: 5-year lease: 400 capacity; equipment perfect coridition; situated on corner, heart of city, main street; elab orately illuminated and doing big. and profitable business. - Address AV 980, Oregonian. STORE, COUNTRY TOWN. One of best stores in Wash. Co., doing prlncinaily cash business; no delivery; stock will invoice $40OO or more; fix tures go with bldg.; rent $33. Including rooms above store . and garage. You can't beat it. Cobb Bros.. 263 Oak st. MINES AND MINING. A promising prospect for sals cheap on account of death of principal owner; produced $2000 gold from grass roots; good strong vein with rich deposits in walls. Price $3000. Address E. B. Hawkins. Applegate, Or. --" BAKERY doing $00 a day.cash business; up-to-date equipment gos with lease, $.rt a month; living rooms; $1500 nan ales. A. J. De FOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. Established 18 years; 3 nice offices, nice furniture, large safe, block books, typewriter, etc.: leaving city, will stand closest investigation. Price $1000. Ad dress AF 20O. Oregonian. WE OFFER for sale a going business which we will convince you is capable of producing greater returns on an in vestment of $1500. well secured, than anything on the market. Call Bdwy. 254 1 for appointment. THE NEHALEM garage, Nehalem, Or., at a big snap; fine location; invoice ovef . $3000. Will take $2000. Oood reason tor selling. jr you are looking for Koaa my write .fcjeil halem. Or. . Toney. N- LOOK, LISTEN. For sale, sll or half lime deposit and kiln, or lease on royalty; fine chance for fertiliser. Address 645 Warren at., Port land, Or. ALL STALLS in Newberss new city mar. mi win oe rentea ionaay morning. Deo. 13. Better come Sunday and pick yoara out. Dawson's market, 402 First St., Newberg, Or. Phone Red 92. REST AURA 15 T for sale by owner at Sea side, Or., four-yearles.se; rent $82.60 per year; 2 living rooms, bath and toilet. This Is a bargain. Call 013 Broadway bldg. FOR SALE: First-class meat market in fine location, all modern fixtures: a good grocery store in connection. Call day time at 6608 Foster road, and evenings at 4227 65th St. LEASE FOR SALE. Best location on Yamhill st. ; can be used for candy store, flower store, root beer barrel, etc. Inquire 245 Vl Yamhill street. DRUGSTORE Wish to. make change first of year: apartment and private garage; make me an offer; a going store, not jui-t a stock of drugs. BP 290. Oregonian. WHY work for others when $200 willhuy yon a dandy cleaning anr pressing shop, with plenty of work, cheap rent and living rooms? 866 E. Ankeny. FOR SALE Cleaning and tailoring busi ness in small eastern Oregon town, $2000 Address AV 782. Oregonian. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Store, living rooms; cash or good terms to reliable party. Mar. 2438. GROCERY bargain, has living rooms, low rent, $35 day business; will sell all for $1250. Room 511 Railway Exchange. MR. CANDYMAKER Your opportunity. Candy shop and confectionery. Act now. R 282. Oregonian. BEAUTY parlors, well established, excel lent location; will sacrifice for quick sale account illness. Main 407. PARTNER wanted; must have $250O and .able to furnish references; ofl'lce po sltion with salary. AR 271. Oregonian. WANTED Man or woman for partner with $200 to invest in doughnut and tp.lad kitchen. BP 218. Oregonian. MUST be reliable and able to look after sale of accessories, etc. Particulars 511 Railway Exchange. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. 234 Sfc MorrlBon street. LEARN Akron, Ohio's method In vulcan ising and retreading. Call 433 Stark. BARBER chairs, great sacrifice. mirrors and supplies; 86 Sixth St.. near Stark- LUNCH counter; i 23314 Burnside. snap if taken at once. FOR SALE A small sawmill, equipped with good planer. S 262. Oregonian. 5-CHAIR SHINE STAND 1S7V4 THIRD ST. FOR SALE. HuMnew-i Opportunities Wanted, HAVE up to $5000 to Invest with working interest in a good going business; or will buy business outright. Am young woman with business training, college educatlno, ambitious and willing to work. Give full particulars in first re ply AC 258, Oregonian. WANTED Some good country hotels, small and large, Oregon, Washington and Western Idaho. We have reliable buyers waiting. Give particulars. North west Hotel News Co., Inc., 714 Couch building. WANTED Paying garage or automobile business; will go as high as $5O0O; must be a paying business; deal with owners only. Geo. A. Riggs, 212 Railway Ex change bldg. WANTED To buy a one-man shoe shop in a town" of 1000 to 6000 population; state particulars. Fred Felton 426Vs ' Pacific ave.. Santa Crus, -Cal. CATTLE, sheep or blooded Btock. Want partnership in good ranch. Have capi tal. Young, experienced and a worker. AV 794. Oregonian. GROCERY or school supply store wanted from original owner preferred, bout $1000 to $0000. AR 2113, Oregonian. WANT to buy a two or three-chair ba.'ber shop. Must be well located. E 224v Ore gonian. WANTED Grocery or rest.; will pay cash if located right and price is right. MAIN 7600. Stocks and Bonds. $10,000 PAR VALUE commercial club bonds will be sold for 60 cents on $1 if sold before Dec. 10 (interest paying date). John D. Wilcox, 414 Pittock blk. Hotels mid Rooming; House. FOR BEST bargain In apartment house see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 245 Fourth St. EIGHT housekeeping rooms, close in; cheap rent; electricity, gas heat. $1000, terms. 228 Harrison st. ROOMING house, 20 rooms, fine location; well- furnished; snap at $1200. Other bargains. Garland, 201 Third. BY OWNER 22 H. K. rooms, water in rooms, stove heat. 382 " Hawthorne ave. A Olt -Still -HrHtfe? 11 vrcrr BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 623-4-6 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDtt LEADING HOTEL AND APART- , MBNT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, COME IN AND TALK IT OVER: 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. BRICK APT. HOUSE. 40 rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat, long lea-segat $75 per mo. The net Income over $3ou. 14 apartments (26 . rooms), extra good furniture; close in; rent $100. lease; should clear $225 and apt. for self. MAGOON & SPENCER, 626 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 6127. 22 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTSr Rent only $100, 3-year lease, running water alt apartments, clear profit of over $300 per month; completely fur nished and cash price only $3800. COOVER & HOLMAN. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg.. 3d and Wash. we go nosmisrepresent. HOTEL which made a net profit of $1500 in October and $1700 in November, for Bale at a bargain. Over 50 rooms, well furnished. "West side, good location for transients. 4-yr. lease. It wHl pay you to investigate this hotel. Circumstances compel owner to sell at once. Main 3403. 17 ROOMS 17. Nob Hill district, close to Washing ton st; running water rooms, furnace heat; swell furniture; people on waiting list; clears $150 besides own rooms; if sold at once, $2205, terms; first one who sees this will buy it. PETERS. 15 N. 5th Bt. 66-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE, MODERN. House all full; electrio lights, eleva tor: N. W. heat; 3 years' lease; good furniture. Price $12,000. Terms. RELIABLE-INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street. $8000 DOWN. Downtown transient hotel: Northwest heat, running water, good furnishings; exceptional income. COOVER & HOLMAN. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg.. 3d and Wash. "We do not misrepresent." IF YOU WISH TO -BUY OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, sea F. Rierdon. RITTER. LOW E A CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. 24 ROOMS, all housekeeping, close In. west side: rent $i0; clears over $200 a month: $2000 cash handles it. WE BUY CHATTEL MORTGAGES. A. J. DePOR EST & CO.. , 320 Henry Bldig. 7 ROOMS, best location: rent $40 and as income of $80; homelike place; nice lawn, etc.; only $750. with half cash down. See Mrs. McClain. M. E. Lent Co.. 524 N. W. Bank bids. Phono Main 8560 OWNER LEAVING CITY MUST SELI 10 rooms, furnace heat, hot water colls, well furnished, clean; rent $00; clears $80; price $1200. SEE MRS. H AUG, 51 Henry Bldg Broadway B4ST. NONE BETTER. 65 'rooms, all apts.. beautifully fur nished throughout, dandy good lease, low rent; location the best, good in come. $11,000; some terms. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. 15-ROOM HOTEL. All outside rooms, with good lease: rent $45; house all full and nice and clean, making money. $1500. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street.. a WE are too busy to write ads of all our lifcir.lnirs of hotels, apartment ana room - ing houses. If you want to buy"- come in and look them over. New ones daily. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDO. r-I.VARS SOOO A.ND "BETTER. Best furnished hotel in the city: good lease; rent $500; dtfndy location. If you want something worth wniie, see tnis; it's beautiful: terms. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. REAL CLASSY. 0-rnom house, furniture first-class hardwood floors, sleeping porch, furnace heat; net profit $90 month. Price $1200. " tee Airs, xiaug, 612 Henry Bldg. ... Broadway 5487. 31 APARTMENTS. Modern, steam heat, automatic eleva tor, concrete bldg.: good lease, rent $.100: clears $500. All in good condition. Price $SO00. $rooo down. MRS THOMSON. 520-21 HENRY BLDG. 12 DANDY housekeeping rooms in White Temple district. Best In Portland. Ev ery room has extra good furniture. Owner- has government position and must leave town. Will sell at a bargain. Main 3400. . CLEARS $800. Two and 3-room apts., nearly 100 rooms, private baths, oil burner, eleva tor, good lease, rent $300. Price $16,000. Part cash, bai. 7 per cent. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. 8 ROOMS All housekeeping; good furni ture; Just a nice little homey place, for $675 cash: in Whlt Temple district. TRY US REALTY CO., 169 "W. Park st. 191 Park. 90-ROOM APT. $800- net per month; all modern; 3 rooms, brick bldg. Lease. $8000 will handle- See Bristow, 401 Stock Exch., 3d and Yamhill. - 18 HOUSEKEEPING rooms in White Tem ple district, netting over $125 per mo. above expenses. Excellent furniture, in cluding piano. This place can b bought for $8200. Main 34119. IO-ROOM house, rent $70; mahogany fur niture, .steam heat, hot and cold water in most rooms, electric light, gas; net income $140; price $3150. WOODCOCK, 327 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE HOTEL. 140-room workingmen's hotel, close In See Hodson. WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO., 85 Fourth St. 15-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING. Steam heat, electric lights; house all full; making money. Price $2800. Terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street- 44-ROOM cornier brick hotel; low rent; 3 years' lease; good income; for $6500, 3700 cash. TRY US" REALTY CO., 169 W. Park st. Auto. 513-48. HOTEL. " 33 rooms, down-town location. This Is a nice place. A money maker. See Bristow, 401 Stock Exch., 3d and 7am hill. 22 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, west sid. walking distance; well furnished, clean; nets $180; $2500; some terms. Phone owner. Bdwy, 4117. No agents. 12 ROOMS, always filled; Wilton velvet rugs, furniture good as new; netting $125 per month; $2700, terms. See Smithieter, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. $1500 31 h7k. FtOOMsTwell located, good furniture; always full: owner going east; big sacrifice for quick sale. See David son, 410 RY. EXCH. BLDG. 22 H. K. ROOMS; low rent; brick bldg.: income $175 per month; $1000. some terms. Call 10 A. M. to 4 P. M., 225 Sheridan. BY OWNER 30-rm. hotel on Wash. St., corner brick bldg., nice clean place: good furniture : lease, $300 net Income. AE 247. Oregonian. 20 ROOMS Some H. K., low rent, good income, fine furniture and all rooms; gas heat; brick bldg.; no agents. See this at once. 308 14 First St., tel. 555-14. FOR SALE 1 5-room hotel, all new furni ture; will sell it reasonable. 485 Com mercial street, -Astoria, )r. 10 ROOMS, good furniture, hot and cold water in apts., furnace heat, $940 cash or $950 terms, with $600. Call East 5582. POLLY AND ' foot-1 TrifiM - ? 4CT? LiK ' ,;r-J'"'".''"fa'. i-...,.-."- ., trn C&nrfA rgZOl by Newjpaper Keilnre SenUcs, Inc. Crest Brltsm tWghts Reserved iL.. .1 .1 J jC "" ' S-wl.y' PECAN "WAS SOME NINETY MINUTES" SLOW BY CLIFF STERRETT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. 44-ROOM brick hotel, transient: hot and cold water in rooms: all on two floors; .close in; 3-year lease, clears $400; $3500 will handle. 42 H. K. apts.. close in, very modern; clears $225; $2000 will handle. 15 H. K. : walking distance: running -water; clears $110, rent $50; $1200 ' handles. .' All other sizes; also nice flats, close in. BARNEY JOHNSON. 170 Tenth St. Main 8160. FOR LEASE lOO-room hotel with ground floor office and lobby: wll established business; good corner. North 3d1 st. Very reasonable terms can be had on furniture or you may refurnish to suit yourself. We give you the lease and you may make your own arrangements for furniture. A great opportunity to get a well-payin-t , business without paying a premium for it- Joe Little. 28 North Second st. I BUY chattel mortgages on hotels, room ing ana apartment nouses. .Broadway 1822. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. We, the undersigned, having bought the business known as Wood & Butler Truck line, on Nov. 8. 1920. will not be responsible for any goods lost, damaged or stolen in transit before the above date (Signed) W. C. GALLAGHER. R. C. BRADLEY. Proposals Invited. STATE OF OREGON PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. The Oregon Stata Board of Control will receive sealed bids on December 16, 1920, at 2 P. M.. for furnishing sup piles to the various state institutions, consisting of dry goods, clothing, fur nishings, groceries, shoes, hardware, brooms, drugs. stationery, crockery, plumbing, etc.. for the semi-annual pe riod, ending June 30, 1921. Specifica tions and schedules will be furnished upon application to the secretary at Sa lem, Or., also from the Trade and Com mercial Bureau of the Portland Cham ber of Commerce. Each bid to be ac companied by a certified check refcre senting 10 per cent of the whole amount bid, payable to the Oregon State Board of Control, which shall be held as a guaranty of the faithful performance of the contract. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any part of a bid. R. B. GOODIN, Secretary, Oregon State Board of Control. Miscellaneous. - NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice Is hereby given that the Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph Company, a corporation, has erected on the shores of the Columbia river at a point "4 mile north of Coffin rock, on the Oregon side. and also at approximately 1300 feet north of the mouth of the Kalama river on the Washington side, two monuments, namely, signboards set on posts in plain view, bearing the words "Cable Ciossing, the Pacific Telephone & Tele graph Company," which said signs mark the landing place on the shoreB of the Columbia river of an additional sub aqueous telephone and telegraph cable, approximately 2418 feet In length, which ou October 15, 1920. was laid across said river in a general easterly direction from the said landing as the Oregon side of sa-fd Columbia river and between the termini above described; said cable being laid at the same approximate location as two formerly existing sub aqueous cables wfilch cross the said Columbia river between the same ter mini and the landing places of which ere marked by the same signboards as . aDnve cesenoea. This notice is published for the our pose of Informing all navigators of the Description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the , Ciible aforesaid. ' THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By H. J. Tinkham, ' Division. Superintendent of Plant. SEALED proposals for the erection and completion of a storage case and dem onstration tables for the Franklin high school, Portland, Or., will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 courthouse, Portland, Or., until 5 P. M., December 15, 1920, and will be' opened at a meeting of the board of directors to be held at 4 P. M., December 16. 1920. Plans and specifications may be"" ob tained at room 303 courthouse, Portland, Oreson. A certified check, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business man ager, for 10 per cent of the amount-of the proposal, must accompany each pro posal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. T(Signed) R. H. THOMAS,. School Clerk and Business Manager, Dated December 8. 1920. SEALED proposals for the construction 01 work Dencnes ror- tne nenson f oiy technic scfiool, 'Portland, Or., will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 courthouse, Portland, Or., until 5 P. M., December 15, 1920, and will be opened at a meeting of the board of directors to be held at 4 P. M., Decem ber 10, 1920. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at 303 courthouse. Portland,- Or. A certified check, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business man ager, for 10 per cent of the amount of the 'proposal, must accompany each pro posal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and. all bids. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS, School - Clerk and Business Manager. Dated December 8. 1920. SEALED proposals for the furnishing and laying or asphalt pavement at the lieacn school and the Benson - Polytechnic school. Portland. Or.-, will be received at the office of the undersigned. 401 courthouse. Portland. Or., until 5 P. M., December 15, 1920, and will be opened at a meeting of the board of directors to be held at 4 P. M., December 15. 1920. Spocif ications may be obtained at room 308 courthouse, Portland, Or. A certified check, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business man ager, for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal,, must accompany each pro posal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated December 7, 1920. SEALED proposals for metal lockers for the Franklin high school, Portland, Or., will be received at the office of the un dersigned. 401 courthouse, Portland. Or., - until December 15. 1920. and will be opened at a meeting of the board of directors to be held at 4 P. M., Decem ber 16, 1920. Specifications may be obtained at room 303 courthouse. Portland, Or. A certified check, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business man ager, for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, must accompany each pro posal The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated December 7, 1920. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING NOTICE. A. special meeting ot tne stocKnoiu ers of the Rossland & Deer. Park Min ing company will beheld atlhe office of the company, room S36 Chamber of Com merce building, Portland, Or., on .Mon day, December 20, 1020, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of electing direc tors and considering and taking action upon the matter of dissolving the cor poration. This meeting is called pursuant to action of the board of directors. D. SOLIS COHEN, President; Attest L." E. LATOURETTE, Secretary of said company. Portland, Or. 1 December S, 1920. NOTICE On and after this date, Dec. 8. lOO I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by Mr. W. W. Whltbeck. who has been my past manager of my business. W. P. COUSINS. I WILL not be responsible for any debt contracted by my wife. Margaret, after this date, Dec. 7, 1920. John Hook, 993 East Main st HER PALS SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. NOTICE TO NAVIGATORS. Notice Is hereby driven that the Pa cific Telephone"" & Telegraph company, a corporation, has erected on the shores of the Yaquina bay at a point 100 ft. west of the government's rear range sign on the north side and also at the county road dock on the Bouth side of the said Yaquina bay, two monuments, namely, signboards set on posts in plain view, and bearing the words "Cable Crossina the Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Com pany," which said signs mark the landing places on the shores of the Yaquina bay of a certain subaqueous telephone and telegraph cable, 2250 ft. in length, which on November 23, 1920, was laid across Bald bay in a general southerly direc tion from the said landing on the nortn side to the said landing on the south side of the said Yaquina bay and be tween the termini above described. This notice is published for the pur pose of informing all navigators of the description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY. By H. J. Tinkham. Division Superintendent of Plant. ' NOTICE On and after this date, Dec. 6, 1920. I will not be responsiDie lor any bills contracted by my wife. Wavy Ger trude Wallace. or-Mrs. Chas. M. Wallace. C. M. Wallace. LOST AND FOUND. LOST On Great Northern train, leather hand portfolio, marked R. R. Byram. owner left it In natraca on train st Chehalis. Nov. 27. Train due Portland Finder kindly return and I ard,for contents of port- ST has no value except to own-f I AlHrcc Rvram I 7:4.1 p, M receive rewa folio which er: no questions asked. Address Byram. room 533. Seattle hotel. Seattle. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the P. R.. L. & P. Co.: 3 .purses. 1 pin. 1 Y. M. C. A. card, pair knitting needles, 3 pairs gloveB, 2 siusle gloves,, coat belt, muffler, music roll. 3 packages, 1 luncK box, basket dishes, sack oC corn, suitcase, 2 traveling bags and 11 umbrellas. . - LOST Shepherd police dog, 5 months old, -J Color gray-Drown. LEn oe luenmiew yy constant twitching- of left hind leg due to Injury. Answers- to name Junior. Notify W. R. Bowles. 205 N. 25tn st. Phone Main 7620. Reward. LOST Between Vancouver and Portland by Mississippi avenue, a lady's gold wrist watch. Waltham. gold face, black ribbon attached; lost on west side In shopping district; reward. Phone 749 J, Van couver. LOST or stolen, bird dog, pointer; reward for information. If there is" a new bird diog in your neighborhood with brown ears and large"tbrown spots sn body call Woodlawn 23T8 for further description. LOST On Council Crest, car. Wednesday afternoon, brown shopping bag contain ing 3 bottles of perfume, knitted scarf, several other articles. Finder phone Main 3633. Reward. LOST Boston bulldog, pais seal brindle with white streak on face, white collar and breast, ears and tail not cut. Call Auttomatic 225-26 or East 891. Reward. LADY'S-black handbag containing blank checkbook. currency. silver spectacle case and numerous articles.' Call Main 2153. Liberal reward offered. LOST By little girl, brown suede bag contalnlne about $9.25; lost be'.we-n Electric and Bush Lane bldgs. Kindly phone Auto. 320-08 or Tabor 4S84. LOST Sunday ' on or near Broadway bridgai new. brown lace shoe, cloth top, else 6. Finder please call Woodlawn 6295. OST Between Portland and the Colum bia. slough, partly worn 30x3"A black rubber auto tiz. Reward. Finder call Broadwjiy 972. WILL prosecute person who has seal bag. Sunnyside car, 6 o'clock, Clay st. You ate known by conductor. Claypool Apts., apt. No. 7. LOST Black link muff on Canyon road Sunday afternoon; please notify Mrs. Allen. Tabor 6976. , LOST Dec 6, between 1 and 3 o'clock P M., a gold ring with cameo set, re ward. Call Tabor 5416. LOST On Portland Heights or road lead ing thereto, Eastman, Kodak. 3"x4H. Reward. R. H. Strong" 701 Corbett bldg. LOST Sunday evening In Pantages, large brown fur. Return to 2S4 Third st. and receive reward. LOST Black lynx tur, between 6th and E 12th St.: large reward given at Im perial Arms apts. Call Bdwy. 25S3. LOST Ladies' glasses. back of case marked "McKinley-Savage." lawn 2005. ,- ' Call Wood- LOST Silver Persian cat Saturday after noon. Finder please return same ad jair East receive reward. 590 E. 10th N. LOST Garnet bar pin, 2 inches long. In dewntown section or Hawthorne car. Phone Auto. 218-71. Reward. LOST Saturday. between library and market. Masonic ring, engraved topaz. Reward. Litster, 624 Flanders. LOST Airedale pup, 4 months' old; named Jinks. Kewam. aa tasi .um si. Phone East 3069. LOST Lady's top umbrella, circular han dle, silver mounted. Marshall 872 even ings. Reward. FINDER or dress or, Mt. Scott car, Wednes day morning, return Oscar T. Olseri, lobby Morgan bldg.. cigar stand. Reward. 2-SKIN marten neckpiece. 672 Kearney, or Broadway 4023. Reward. LOST Small coral pin; 2472. Reward. gold edge. Main LOST A Masonic emblem, Scottish Rite, with Initials G. W. S. Call Auto. 644-33, LOST Bumper holder on Schuyler street. Finder phone r.ast 'fa:, ttewaro. FOUND Lodge watch charm, near court house Saturday. Tabor 7008. t.ost Pocketbook containing $50. Finder Dlease call Auto. 626-63: Liberal reward LOST Grip containing mechanic's tools. Reward. Broadway 1764. 389 Oak st. LOST Monday afternoon, east side, red auto safety lock. Reward. East 6093. LOST A black cat. Return to 61 North Park st. LOST Small brindle dog with Washington state license;, reward. Mar. 7. FOUND Young Alredtfle dog. Mar. 4573. FINANCIAL. WE HAVE $50,000 in certificates and de posits in different denominations rang ing from three morsths to 3 years bear ing 8 per cent Interest; we will sell any or all at a discount. Call at 1204 Wilcox bldg., 9 to 5. MONEY TO LOAN on surplus stocks of merchandise placed in storage with us. Phone Broadway S715. Security Storage & Transfer Co., 63 4th street, corner of Pine. WE HAVE $20,000 in 3-year certificates of deposit bearing 6 per cent interest, which we will trade for a like amount of liberty bonds at face value. Call at 120-4 Wilcox bldg.. 9 to 5 LIVESTOCK LOANS. We have money to Joan on sheep and hogs. F. E. BOWMAN A CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. cattle. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bldg. WB BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 Chamfler of Commerce. BUY bonds, notes, contracts, F. H. Lewis. 302 Lewis bldg.. mortgages. 4th & Oak. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOTJ BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE & TRUST COMPANY. TITLE &. TRUST BLDO. Money to Loan on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. 7 per ceht, five-year period. You may Pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce in terest on loans under $5000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value house and lot at 7 per cent. You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example, $2000 loan, you pay $10 month ly and Interest; you have privilege of paying $100 or- any multiple thereof monthly, interest reduced accordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 6 per cent. Excellent repayment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. JViain K3!8. 407 Yeon Hlrt rITT . 1 On imnrovi mn '"P-'' . PUrpOS NO COMMISSIONS. ved property, or for imurove- nurnoses The, best and easiest rnTthod of naviiw a loan is our monthly payment plan. $.42.2t) per month for 36 months, or 1-1.24 per month for 60 months, or "lo.l7 per month for 96 months pays a loan, of $1000 and interest. I.oans of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. , -42 Stark St., Portland. Or. SEE US TODAY We loan money on real estate; no commission, o and 7 per cent n C,ktf""'e l"ar"1' long time, short time; ....j iii.s, pay as you can: sums "-"""tracts. 2d mortgages; liberty bonds bought. 725 Gasco blug., 6th and Alder. Cellars-Murton Co. te? "DELAY QUICK ACTION REAL ESTATE- MORTGAGE LOANS, v- 'n'P' c,ty Property or Willamette valley farms or for imp. purposes. All amounts, $1000. $1000. $2000 and up if xr ,..!'.M,'.c'.untract'1 Purchased. F. H. DLS1ION. 015 Cham, of Com, bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. if ow rate"". promptly closed. repayment privileges. A. H. B1RRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4110 ' .' .iu loan In sums to suit on city, special??. Building loans a WILLIAM G. BECK -.J,1?"18 FAILING BLDG. THIRD AND WASHINGTON FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val-i?v-.farIn: no commission, no delays DEVEKEAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY Sixtlortland. Of. MORTGAGE LOANS. FSRM AND CITY I'ROpKRTY 6 AND 7 PER CENT. .INSTALLMENT IlANS, NO COMMISSION. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. 83 4th ST. HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE MASS on farm and city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO 80 Fouath st., Portland, Or. $300. $400. -r,oo. $000. $soo. $1000. $1200. $10OO, $2tlOu and up. lowest rates, quick action, pay off $10O or more at any in terest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 1370 MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms and city property. favorable repaying privileges: no commission or delay THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO, LTD. 309 Piatt bldg. Main 0371. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Oregon Bond & mortgage co . 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800 MONEY to loan on real estate s going rate of interest. Otto & Realty Co.. 413 Cham, of Com. ;curity at Harkson $300. $400. $500. $730, $1000 AND UP Low rates: quick action. Fred W. Gfi man Co., "32 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. $300. $100O AND upward on Improved real estate: favorable"' terms: no deity; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. I Louis Saloman & Co., i anu 1 per cent. 40S Selling bldg. MONE.Y to loan on real estat Geo. P. Lent, 714 Corbett bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham, of Com.. 4th and Stark. $'000 TO iiOAN, 7 per cent int. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 30th. Tabor 6493. Money to Loan Chattels nnd Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. VIC TROLAS. . PIANOS. LIBERTY . BONDS AND FURNITURE. 394 STARK ST., NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICET YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE, PIANOS. VICTROLAS, REAL ESTATE, BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All busi ness strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (LICENSED.) 306-307 Dekum bids. Marshall S288. S. W. cor. ThHrd and Washington. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. watches. jewelry and bonds, legal ates: all goods held 1 year. VINES JEWELRY STORE. 114-110 Third St., corner Washington. Main 0040. MONEY TO LOAN . on goods placed in .storage with us. We can save you money. Low interest rates. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage & Transfer Co.. 53 4th street, corner of Pine. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured nte. Confidential Investiga tion. 316 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Licensed. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. Jewelry, legal rates; articles held a year; estab lished 1888. Dan Marx 4 Co.. 283 Wash. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture: legal rates 20S Washington 'bidg. --FINANCIAL, Money to 1-oan -Tliattels and Salaries. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes - Weeky, semi monthly or monthly payments Each transaction strictly confidential NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan orr household furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., ' (Licensed.) 218 FAILING BUILDING. Loans Wanted. $1700 7 ON MODERN west-side home. occupied by owner; valued $4mh. $2101 1. on ciose-in east-side resi dence; valued $53 Hi. $2000 7. on Rose City, Park modern bungalow: just sold for skxki. $.'wm) 7,. on modern Irvington home; valued $75o0. $3500 7C-), on modern home on Mt Tanor: valued, $10.00o. S"K)0 On modern home in Holladav addition; valued $13,000. ?0HH Tifi. on Sellwood business property, valued $23,000; income $300 month. $11,000 On improved property on Broadway: valued at $30,000.' $13,000 On modern apartment buijd ing, well located: valued $4-0.oiO. 613 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. , F. H. DESHON. FRANK L. McGUlRE. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of values, is in a position to safeguard vtmr every .interest in loaning your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Office or personal -service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logle Richard son, manager of loan department, Ab- Ington bldg. Main 1008. 12 ON $400(K I will pay 12 for $4000 for one year, secured by first mortgage, quarter sec tion in famous Lindsay valley. Montana, and share 1021 crop on adjoining threa quarters; land worth $40 acre. This of fer good oniy to first man to accept. M 215, Oregonian. W"E HAVE M4ne good rea lestate contracts and mortp-srfces in amounts of $500 and above, payable In monthly installment and bearing 7 per cent interest, which we will discount 5 per cent. F. B. Bow man & Co., 210 Cham, of Com. bldg. FIRST MORTGAGES $2000 on dwelling. R. c. P. district. $.-noo on dwollinir. Broadway pact. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. 284 Oak, between 4th and 5th sts. EIGHT per cent. $850 first mortgage prop erty just sold for $1750; paved st., sewer paid, near car; 5-room house good con Oition. 42 E. 27th st. Marshall 74J. $2750 WAITED. 7 per cent; very flna Rose City teaidence; absolutely modern. Paved street: rooms have running water. '33 E. 43d sL N. Mar. 746. WANTED To borrdw $20,000 on 500 acres, water right paid up; fine buildings, will Pay 8 per cent iuterest. Address AL 246. Oregonian. , WANTED 220O at 7 per cent on Incoms' property; also $1000 or $1250 on resi dence, 7 per cent. Jones, Main 6429. 248 Stark. LOAN of $1250 for one year on good se curity from going mfg. company. 10 per cent interest. AK 291. Oregonian. FOR CHOICE FIRST MTG. LOANS see A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE SERVICE. WANT to borrow $10,000. will pay 8 Der cent, security 5 to 1. B 211, Oregonian. WANTED $1500 at 7 per cent on 2 acres improved; close in. Tabor 6059, SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham of Com.. Fourth and Stark. PERSONA!,. December 1. 1920. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Ahout 18 month ago I was suffering from nervous indigestion and female trouble for which the M. D.s seemed to give me no relief. My condition had been coming on for about 3 years and gradually growing worse. Through a friend ot mine I heard of Dr. O. E. Hubbard. After taking a few of his treatments I was cured and faithfully recommend him to all sufferers. Give him a fair trial and you wWl never regret it. MRS. E. E. FOKS. 509 Mohawk st. Dr. O. E. Hubbard. 306-7-8 Fenton bldg., Bdy. 4777. CHIROPRACTIC. BODY MASSAGES. STEAM BATHS. ELECTRIC AND VI BRATION TREATMENT MAKES SICK PEOPLE WELL. BE CONVINCED. START TODAY. COURSES OK TREAT- ilKKTCAN BE HAD AT REASONABLE RATES. CALL IN' AND TALK THIS OVER. DR. MARGARET -HAYNIE. 213 S W ET LAND BLDG. NETTIE M. BENSON. D. P. Naturopathy Methods used on NERVOUS and CHRONIC diseases: tractisn cures weak backs; mineral steam baths. electric violet raf and scientific massages, clean the system snd build it up; both' sexes treated. Main fr7S9. 304 Dekum bldg. ECZEMA, barber itch, poison oak. itching plies and burns quickly relieved with Howland's salve; price $50c; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. HOWARD LANSDEN. : Woodburn, Or. Add Postage. PARTY driving through from Portland to Sacramento, Cal., leaving here Iith or loth of this month, will have room for two or three passengers. Phone Broad way 8, ask for W. E. Smith, between 7 P. M and 8 P. M. PRIVATE SANITARIUM. Have room for 4 or 5 patients In pri vate sanitarium by Dec 15 to care for sick and invalids, by drugle-.s physician and practical nurse; reasonable. W 300, OregonianJ TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a cleansing, healing germicide and invig orating douche, a great aid in femai disorders: 50c and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. FKF.VET & HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods: permanent and marcel waving Scalp treatment. 849 Aider. Main 646. NESTLE permanent hair waving, also all beauty work by experienced operators. 305 Globe bldg.. 11th and Washiagtoa. phone Bdwy. 4016. MOTORISTS Are you going to, California and would you like to have passenger who wishes to cut down his expenses? X 2S3. Oregonian. DR E. A. GRIFFITH. D. P. Expert mns seuse, steam bath, vibration, facial and scalp treatments. Ladies' patronage pre ferred. 417-418 Swetland bldg. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST , who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg.. 11th & Wash. Bdy. 2824. DE LUXE MASSAGES. 415 BUCHANAN BLDG. MAIN MCO. 10 M. TO 9 P. M. : ALSO OPEN SUN DAT" B AND HUU11A1S. p-or RHEUMATISM, steam baths, mas sage vlbratirln. Dr. Chybki, D. P.. 417 Swetland bldg. Open evenings until to. SULPHUR steam bath massage, violet ray and vibratory treatment. 426 Clay. Main 8359 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. FEET SORE? See Dr. Ethel A. Sacry. Dedicurlng and manicuring. 70 A. M. to 8 P M. 605 Raleigh bldg. Mar. 3376. VIT-O-NET magnetic baths. violet ray treatment, body massages. Dr. Harriet Shepherd. 450 Morgan bldg; Main 7579. CHIROPODIST Ethel McCoy. 0O9 Bu ehanan bldg.. Wash. st.. bet. 4th and 5th. M. 5070 MASSAGE, baths, kidneys, constipation, rheumatism. Dr. EIna Sorensen, drug less phys . 508 Panama bldg. Main 5086. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or writs Dr. Dean. 234 Vi Morrison St. NO CURE, no pay; falling hair, dandruff: hair grown on bald heads; ladies or gents 314 Macleay bldg. STANTON MILLINERY. Where stylea charm and prices please. 310 Selling Bldg. CtVCERS. tumors treated without use of knife' exam. free. 143 E. ISth st. "Dr. Goldie Rygg. cancer specialist East 2534. vTt O NET Magnetic sweats massage. Vit O Net sweat blankets for sale. 447 Morgan bldg. Main 395. IF YOU are tired and nervous have a sci entific electric body massage Dr. Ovldia Larson. 427 Morgan bldg. Main 1009. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10-needles method; trla: Finley, 415 Bush & Lane bid g. Main 6308. WOULD like to adopt child, age 2 to 5 vears; will give good home. C. W. Sllll St. Helens, Or. Box 374. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phons Main 1049. Office 308-C Third st. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever by multiple-needle method. 504 Swetland bldg RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 11 05. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly railed Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213 mornings. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you? See Viereck. collections. Dekum bldg.j. PILES CAN BE CURED without operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. EYES tested free: spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Beldlng. 245 A Alder St. Main 1892. JUNICIDE will cure rheumatism or money back. 4t8 Dekum bldg YOUNG violinist wishes to practice with piano player, private. V 290. Oregonian. ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS. Dr. Ironside, 309-14 Broadway building. National Herbs. 859 Morgao . Telephone Mam fti'i-o. -" t ! Y . 1 1 f ' w-v4 . I-. . r.-V, V' . - - " . i". . . -iv,;:V"