fa: B- 1 IS" pi It. mm I hi US Eh hi til n o D O Li o D o D o a o a li o a o a o D o u o n o a o a o a o JZ o o 0 o o CE30 THE MORNING OREGONIAX, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1920 D on ble tamps on All Charge and Gash Purchases wllfiPlit iff o D J ; BestButter$1.20 Fourth Floor No deliveries except with other grocery purchases. Glen wood Butter, 2 pounds for $1.20 Seeded Raisins" per package 300 Fancy grade Mincemeat, Ibi 350 0.W. K. Chocolate Dipped Mint Wafers, Special 56c Pound pHSSSifHHSilfEfi -9 i radm Charge Customers Will Receive. Double Stamps on December 1st Bills if Accounts Are Paid in Full by December 10th. Books Redeemed on Third Floor Thg Standard Store ef tlie Northwest s Oldsv'Wortman Kin Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Santa Glaus Is Here ! Bring the Children He appears in Toyland, Fourth Floor, every day from 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Santa wants every boy and girl in Portland to come and see the new dolls, toys, games, etc Helpful Suggestions And News of Good Savings for Christmas SI loppers IOC I0E30E IOE BASEMENT UNDERPRICE STORE Choice of 75 Women's. Suits $2 The Basement Garment Store will place on sale a splendid group of Women's Suits at the lowest price of the year. Only 75 Suits in the lot and they are such remark able bargains that every one of them should be closed out before noon. Suits selling heretofore at $45.00 COO Crt and $50.00, on sale today at 5DV Sale of Girls' Coats Basement LOT 1 Girls' Coats in many attractive styles and fabrics. (J- f ff On special sale today at only I-I-V.Vrvl LOT 2 Girls' Coats in an excellent range of desirable -styles and C?" pT ff materials. Priced special at tDJ-tJ.UvF Girls' Serge Dresses At $8.95 Basement Girls' Serge Dresses in several smart styles. Some with plaited skirts. Good range of sizes. Specially (JQ QfT priced for today's selling, at Silk Petticoats - At S3.98 Basement Women's Silk Jersey Petticoats of good quality, with plaited flounces. Very appropriate for gift giving. Assorted (PQ QQ colors. On special sale at DO.0 Ijffi 1 1 ( iff Women's Aprons At $1.98 Basement Women's Apron Dresses of genuine Amoskeyg chambray in pink, blue and green. Trimmed with braid. Regular $2.75 P" QO values, priced special at DAJ0 $2.50 to $3.00 Silks At $1.98 Yard Basement A wonderful opportunity'to buy Christmas Silks at a big saving! 35 and 36-inch Black Taffetas, Peau de Soie and Messalines. Silks of standard quality suitable for dresses, waists, petticoats, linings, etc. Over 1200 yards in this notable sale. Why not buy her Q- QQ a waist or dress pattern? $2.50 and $3.00 Silks the yard 3i-70 1000 Men's Sh Special $2.25 irts Basement Fresh, new stock just received! We bought all the maker had of these splendid Shirts at a big discount from regular prices. They are the most Temarkable values we have yet offered in the Basement Store. High-class materials, all the very newest color combinations. QO Of? Styled with French cuffs. Full range of sizes, 14 to 16, at Men's Xmas Ties Special 69c Union Suits at $1.98 Basement Immense assortment of Men's Ties in the latest styles, pat terns and colors. Specially (ICkf priced for Basement Sale, at v)i'v Also hundreds of other high-grade Ties at special 98 and $1.23 Basemen t Men's ribbed Cotton Union Suits. Closed crotch, long sleeves, ankle length, fleece lined. Good warm garments for winter wear. All sizes in the sale from 34 to 46. Special at S1.98 Men's Pajamas $2.98 Basement Men's Pajamas of splen did heavy quality Outing Flannel. One-piece style, trimmed with frog loops. Striped patterns. All sizes in the sale. Priced spe- (30 QQ MEN'S Handkerchiefs of good quality plain white material. Neatly embroidered initial in corner and inch hem. Put up 6 in an attractive Christmas box. On spe cial sale in the Basement S1.19 cial for Basement Sale, at Suitable Gifts for Men The Basement Men's Store is filled with good practical gift articles every man appreciates. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hose, Belts, Ties, Suspenders, Garters, Underwear, Shirts, Arm Bands and many other items. A trip through this department will suggest appropriate- gift articles. Women's Crepe Waists Special $5.50 Basement Special Gift Sale of Georgette Waists in the Basement today. Many beautiful models to select from. Made up in splendid quality Georg ette Crepe in all the newest colors and combinations. Each Waist put up in a pretty holiday box ready for giving. Sizes range 38 to 54 only $5.50 Women's, Children's I Women's Corsets Purses Women's Purses of good grade leather. Large selection of styles. Priced $1.0O, $1.25 and $1.49 Children's Fancy Handbags in many different styles ranging in price from 290 on up to 980 Women's Fancy Collars in many dainty styles very appropriate for Christmas gifts. Priced special 500 Plush Scarfs Special $5.75 Angora Scarfs $5.89 Basement Women's Corsets of flesh color or white coutil. Medium and low bust models. Corsets of a well known make that will give best of service. Assorted sizes. C"J A Q On special sale today, at D Double Stamps on all purchases.. Basement Women's Black Plush Scarfs put up in individual gift box. Styled with pocket and loop. Lined with novelty silks. Size 7fcl 11x70 inches; special, each Basement New Angora Scarfs in charming color combinations. Made with pockets also a few with belts. Size 18x70 inches. Priced OQ special at $3.89 and w'OV Women's Silk Hose 98c Basement Sale Women's Silk Hose with lisle heel and toe and lisle top. Black, white and several wanted colors. First quality Hose of a celebrated QQ make. Priced special, pair Ow Women's Mercerized Bloomers At $189 Mercerized Uotton Jiloomers m flesh color only. On sale today at, special, a pair $1.89 Children's Hose Special at 29c Pair Bath Robes at $3.48 Basement Children's elastic ribbed Cotton Hose in sizes 7 to 18. Slightly imperfect but wonderful val- OQ ues at this price. Special Js Basement Children's Bath Kobes of good warm -blanket material. Large assortment of new pat- CJO AQ terns. Sizes 6 io 14; only 90.0 Women's Handkerchiefs Special 59c, 98c Box Basement BOX OF 3 Women's Handkerchiefs. Fine sheer quality material with dainty embroidered design in corner. Very ap- CQf propria te for gift-giving, at OUK, DOUBLE S. &. H. TRADING Men s Shoes WOMEN'S Handkerchiefs put up 3 or 6 to the box. Made of excel lent quality material with plain white and fancy colored de- QQ sign in corner, STAMPS ON Special, box ALL PURCHASES. Basement -Odd lines of Men's Shoes at a sacrifice price. Vici kid, Russia calf and gunmetal leathers. Browns and blacks. Standard makes. All sizes JfT in the sale. Special, pair Women's Shoes $1.98 Odd lines Women Shoes,"vari ous styles and leathers. JJ"QQ Small sizes only; pair 3-l-0 Women's Dress Shoes in laced and buttoned styles. Several standard makes. Sizes Qft flfl 2 to 8. Special, pair DO.VU Felt Slippers At $1.98 Basement Women's Felt Slip pers trimmed with ribbon or fur. Leather soles and' heels. Black and several good col- QQ ors. Special, the pair OX.370 Misses' and Children's colored Felt Slippers, $1.25 to $1.75 Odd lines Men's Slippers on sale today at, a pair $1.98 I luck Towels C Basement 18x36-inch Huck Towels of good quality. Red border. Take advantage of this special of- OP fering and supply your needs "l' Table Cloths $2.69 72x72-inch Japanese Lunch Cloths in pretty blue' and white- CJO fi( patterns. Priced special P.O7 Cloths at $3.50 64x71 -inch Damask JQ Pattern Cloths,.' Special BO.DU The Basement Toy Store TEDDY BEARS in medium size. Great favorites with the &-t Q? little tots. Priced only D-L.O HILL COASTERS good, strong sonstruction. Priced only $.3.oO A "B C BLACKBOARDS, Doll Wagons, Metalophones, Tea and Coffee Sets, Character Dolls, Dogs, Cats, Elephants and hundreds of other interesting Christmas gifts. E xtra ! Sale of Dolls ! 15-Inch Dressed Dolls 'with Knitted Caps. Composition shoes, and bisque hands. On sale in the Basement at $1.39 IO o D o D o n o D o a o a o D o a o o a o a o a o n o a o a o D o D o IO GARMENT SALONS, SECOND FLOOR Sale Extraordinary HALF of Women's PRIC Suits E : u. We take a loss -on every one of these Suits but we wish to close them out quickly and in order to accom plish this we have cut prices to just half what they formerly were. $36.75 Suits at $18.38 $225 Suits $112.50 High-class Suits in the season's choicest styles. De veloped in Trieotine, Yalama, Velour, Silvertone, Evora, Gabardine, Duvet de Laine, Velvet and many other desirable materials. Embroidered, braided, fur trimmed. Only 188 Suits In the Sale $36.75 Suits at $18.38 $48.50 Suits at $24.25 $52.50 Suits at $2.25 $55.00 Suits at $27.50 $58.50 Suits at $29.25 $65.00 Suits at $32.50 $72.50 Suits at $36.25 $79.50 .Suits at $30.75 $85.00 Suits at $42.50 4 89.50 i $ 95.00 $100.00 I $125.00 $145.00 ,$157.50 $175.00 Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits $210.00 Suits $105.00 $275.00 Suits $137.50 $44.75 $47.50 $50.00 $02.50 $72.50 $78.75 $87.50 SHOP EARLY! FIRST FLOOR Notion Day Department Main. Floor Cotton Belting in white or black. 2 inches wide. Special, a yard 7 Cotton Belting in white or black, 2 inches wide. Special, a yard 8 4 and 5-Inch Silk Belting in white or black. 80c grades 40 4 - Inch Elastic Webbing in white only. Special, a yard 50 Oortecelli Sewing Silk in black, white and colors. Priced special, $1.80 dozen, 2 for 35, spool 180 Sewing Silk, 50-yard spools black, white, colors a dozen 750 Clark's; Coates' Cotton, doz. $1 15c Bone Hair Pins, special 100 Leading Lady Hair Nets fine mesh,' with elastic. Light, medium and dark brown, blonde and black. On special sale today, a dozen 000 Double Stamps! FIRST FLOOR $6 Toilet Sets AT $4 First Floor Imitation Ivory Toilet Sets $2.50 Oval Mirror, $3.00 and J3.50 9-row Hair Brush, 50c Dress-i ing Comb total value CJI f f $6.00 priced special at 3.vll FIRST FLOOR Sample Handkerchiefs At Savings of 4 Main Floor Manufacturer's Sample Handkerchiefs big lot just received by express. Boxed, Folders and indi vidual Handkerchiefs with one corner white and colored embroidery designs. Fine sheer materials. Boxed Hand kerchiefs 2, 3 and 6 to the box ab savings of 25 . Individual Handkerchiefs 100, 150, 190, 250, 350 Dainty New Gift Neckwear Main Floor Fine Point de Venise and straight Venise Collars in new and very attractive patterns. Very suitable for gifts. Priced $1.00, $1.25 and $1.95 Large assortment of dainty new Gift Neckwear Collars and Sets at prices ranging from SI to $5 SPECIAL Venise Point Collars on fine net band. Regular 95c values. . Priced special at 65c BASEMENT Casseroles $3.98 Basement Nickel-plated Casserole similar to above sketch. Pierced frames with brown pottery linings. A very useful Christmas PQ QQ crift On snecial sale at Percolators $1.98 Basement Seamless Aluminum Coffee Percolators, like above il lustration. High polish finish and well made. On special &i QQ sale In the Basement, atl-.IO i I ill Mil SECOND FLOOR Gossard Corsets For Stout Women $8.50 Values Second Floor The most remarkable Sale we have ever held, as it embraces two of our best models for stout women. It isn't often one gets such a chance to buy" high-grade Oorsets ab less than half price. We advise buying two or three if your size is here or with light alterations these models can be made several sizes smaller. Sizes 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36 only. The reason for this sale too many large sizes. i BASEMENT STORE Girls' Trimmed Hats Half Price Basement 300 , Children's Trimmed Hats and Tarns on sale at just half regular prices. Splendid assort ment of styles from which to select. $1.98 Hats At 99c Children b Trimmed Hats, QQ $1.98 values reduced to C $1.48 Trimmed Hats now 740 98c Corduroy Hats, special 490 Children's 50c Tarns, special Doll Hats At 10c Doll "Hats various colors 1 A and styles. Priced special -l-vU Basement Millinery 13 it k hi 301