THE 3IOHXING OEEGOMAN, WEDNESDAY, DECE3IBER 8, 1920 IS CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Cltr Editor. Main TOTO. 560-95 Sunday Editor Main 7U70, 6so-5 .Advertising department. .Main 7070, 560-95 Superintendent of Bid g. .iiain 7070. 560-U5 AMUSEMENTS. HHIUa (Broadway at T ay lor Joseph Uievlnn. pianist, -with Portland. Sym phony orchestra. Tonight. ORPHEL'M (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude ville. This afternoon. BAKER (Alder at Eleventh) Baker StocJt company in "iTIendly Enemies, inia afternoon and tonJehu LYRIC (Broadway at Morrison) Musical comedy, "Three Weaks." Three shows dally, 2. T. and 9 P. M. HIPPODROME (BroAdway at Tamhlll) Vaudeville and movinr pictures, 2 to o. 6:-5 to 11 P. M. Saturdays.- Sunday ana holidays continuous, 1:15 to 11 P- FANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) -Vaudeville. Three shows daily, 2:30, T ana 9:05 P. M. - Men's Dinner Tonight. A. roe n a dinner at which plates will be laid for 150 will mark the completion or extensive improvements to the as embly hall of Centenary-vv llbur Methodist Episcopal church. East Ninth and East Pine streets, at 6:30 o'clock tonight. The occasion will witness the inauguration of a greater efficiency campaijm, under the lead ership of C VV. Miller. The dinner will be given under the management of W. B. Wrlghyand William Van Dora, chef. Dr. E. C. Hickman, president-elect of the Kimball school of theology, Salem, and Dr. Frank L. Wemott, pastor o Centenary-Wilbur church. Aw Esfeciatxt interesting pro gramme will be given Wednesday afternoon by Miss Constance Hastings In the Boys" and Girls' Own Book Shop a.t J. K. Gill Co. for the last of this year's series of story hours. There will bo quaint fairy etorles from old Japan, thrilling adventures of great heroes and some of the wonder tales from the beloved myths beginning at the usual hour of 3:30 for the littlest ones and 4:15 for the older boys and grlrls. Next year's series will be an nounced later and will comprise groups of related stories along con structive outlines. Adv. Ar Clttb Election Today. Elec tion of officers and a" rapid-fire pro gramme presenting the Oregon In stitute of Technology will feature to day's session of the Portland Ad club, at luncheon this noon in the crystal room of the hotel Benson. Marshall N. Dana will be the chairman. Polls will remain open from 11:30 to 12:30. Among the speakers will be William M. Ladd, C. H. Farringtoh, I R. Wheeler, L. E. VIers, H. L. Corbett. R. R Kohley, Fred Dundee," Seth Leavens, F. M. I-eeston-Smith, Will iam Whitfield. F. H. Barstow, Fred XV. Vogler and Thaddeus W. Venness. Whiskt Fines Protested Jack Markich. admitted owner of more than 140 pints of moonshine whisky, which was confiscated by the police Monday, was found guilty in police court yesterday and fined J200 and sentenced to 60 days in Jail by Judge Rossman. His attorney gave notice of appeal. Alex Markich, a restau rant worker, was found guilty of bootlegging and ordered to pay a fine of $30 and serve 15 days in Jail. He likewise posted a bond for appeal to the circuit court. Four Neoroes Arrested. Four negroes, William Brinkley, George Irwin. A. Tobey and S. Hamilton were taken in custody yesterday at Albany when they were found In pos session of a machine alleged to have been stolen from Harry Duvall of the Golden West hotel. They will be brought back to Portland today. Ac cording to Chief of Police Catlin of Albany the men attempted to sell their car in Jefferson and the garage' man became suspicious and notified the next town. Illustrated Lecture Tonight. Rev. Robert N. McLean of Los An geles. CaL, will give an illustrated lecture on "The Mexican Boy Work!' at 7:4 this evening at the Mount Tabor Presbyterian church, speaking under auspices of troop 45, Boy Scouts of America. Rev. Mr. McLean Is In charge of the Spanish depart ment of the Presbyterian board of home missions. His lecture, illus trated with lantern slides, will be of Interest to adults and all are Invited. Leaotib Meets Tonight. The Co lumbia Hydro-Electric league meets tonight at the library at 8 o'clock. Reports of committees will be made and a general programme for the organization wijl probably be adopted. Julius L Meier, chairman, will bring In the report of the planning com mittee. The committee on name which Includes George W. Joseph, Nathan Strauss and Marshall Dana, also wil; report. A Beautiful, healthy mouth is pos sessed by less than 10 of the peo ple in this country. Our patients prize very highly the knowledge given them "while we work," whereby they are able to maintain a beautiful healthy mouth. Christmas spirit, 20 reduc tion on all December work. Drs. Smith Long and Stevenson, 310 Bush & Lane bldg.t Adv. British Meeting Tonight. The monthly meeting of the British Be nevolent society will be held in room A of the public library at 8 o'clock tonight. After the routine and finan cial report has been disposed of a talk will be given by John W. Lethaby on "The Oregon Trail," with special colored slides of the Mount Hood country. , Man With Loot Held; J. H. Mc Larty, who is alleged to have entered a north end rooming house last week and in whose possession a quantity of the ioot was found, was held to the grand Jury under $500 bonds follow ing a preliminary hearing yesterday In municipal court. Hotel Room Robbed. w w Bradley, Dayton hotel, reported to the police detective bureau yesterday that thieves had entered, his room by means of a pass key some time Mon day and stolen some clothing, a shav ing outfit and Jewelry. Gillette aoto-Strop ehaving sets Ivory mirrors, hair brushes, manicure eets, Genco razors, military brushes, perfumery sets, fine writing paper always appreciated Christmas gifts! Lewis-Stenger. 10th and Morrison Adv. Do Not Forget to call up East 3088 when you- want the Salvation Army auto-truck to call for cast-off cloth ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture, etc Address 24-26 Union ave. Major John Bree. district officer. Adv. Pyorrhea can be cured. Chrlstma. pirit; 20 reduction on all December worn. jrs. smith Long and Steven on, 310 Bush'& Lane bldg. Adv . Elizabeth Millinery, 105 Broad way. Special display of lamp shades made from imported materials. Orders taken. Adv. Make yourself a holiday present of a. satisfactory set of teeth. Dr. K o Rossman specializes in "plates that piease. au journal bldg. Adv. Oriental Rugs stored, rep'red. wash cleaned. Cartozlan Bros. Inc.. oriental rugs and carpets. Wash, near 10th. Adv. . The Women of the IT. E. church will noia a rummage sale at 268 Russell street, Thursday and Friday, Decem ber 10. Adv. One Room makes two rooms with Oscillating Portal Wall Beds. Timms, Cress & Co.. 1S4 2d it. Adv. Lewis Stenger. Morrison at Tenth, grind razor scissors, knives perfectly. .Adv. Kevmerer Coal Carbon Coal Co mine agents. East 1188. Adv. McMahon's chiropractic. Physiology. Adv. 'Dr. Raymond E. Watkins returned Adv. ' Better -Business Predicted. That! the business depression throughout ! the country has reached Its lowest point and that a. return to better con dition Is soon to be recorded, was the opinion of Frank W. Robinson, trafflo manager of the Union Pacific system, with headquarters in Omaha, who arrived In Portland yesterday on official business. He was accom panied by J. A. Reeves, general freight agent " of the Oregon Short line at Salt Lake. Mr-Robinson said that the Union Pacific has ordered new equipment and extensions of double trackage costing- approximate ly 115.000,000. Alleged Silver Thief J axled. R. H. Price, aged about 60, was arrested at Third and Bumslde streets yester day by Police Inspectors Niles and Horack. He was booked on a charge of larceny. The man is said to have confessed to the theft of silverware valued at $150 from the Portland hotel. He said he took the silverware when he was employed at the hotel as a porter nearly three years ago. He was endeavoring to sell some of It, eaid the police, when they ar rested him. , Round Steak, 15a At Frank L, Smith's, 228 Alder street. Sirloin and tenderloin steaks, 15c Rib and porterhouse steaks, 15c. Rump and sfioulder steak. 15c. Hamburg, 15c. Prime ribs, IE a. Corned beef, 15c Roast veal, 15c Boiling beef and veal stew, 12Hc Beef liver, 10c. Lamb liver. 10c Beef stew, 10c Mutton stew, 7c Veal cutlets, 15c Veal breasts, 12 'c. Roast pork, 20c Pork chops, 25c Dry salt and pickled pork, 25c Best hams, S5c . Fancy bacon, 30c Pure lard, 25c Shortening. 15c Sausage meat, 20c Lamb roasts, 15c Spring lamb legs and chops. 25c Frank L. Smith's is 228 Alder st. Adv. Ar Club to Elect. This will be ejection day at the luncheon of the. Ad club at the Benson hotel today. In addition there will be a programme of brief addresses by some of the leading business men of the city. Marshall N. Dana will be chairman of the day. Among the speakers will be William Ladd, C. H. Farrington, L. R. Wheeler, L. E. Viers, H. L. Cor bett, R. R. Robley, Fred Dundee, Seth Leavens, F. M. Leeston Smith, William Whitfield. F. H. Barstow, Fred Vogler andThaddeus W. Veness. Jack Dotterwick; Sentenced. Jack Dotterwick yesterday was sentenced to a year In the state penitentiary for forgery by Presiding Judge Taz welL This is his second conviction on this charge, the first having been in November, 1918, when he was sent to the penitentiary for a term of from six months to a year. He asked leniency yesterday, as he explained that nine months ago e had married a girl in Hood River who needed his support. Alleged Offenders Freed. Charges of having violated the prohi bition law, through the sale of fruit juices containing more than the per missible percentage of alcohol, were dismissed for insufficiency of evidence yesterday, when Louis Hristu and Jim Faturos, owners of the AmeHcaa Soda Works, were given a hearing before United States Commissioner Frazer. Elton Watkins appeared as attorney for the defendants. John M. Scott Leaves. John M. Scott, general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific, left yesterday on a trip through the Puget Sound country and to Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. He will return home Saturday. A. J. Ormandy, assistant general passenger agent, returned yesterday from a trip to the Coos Bay country and reports business conditions there bet ter than in many places. T. M. C. A. "PEPFE8T" Held. Dormitory men and other members of the Portland Young Men's Chris tian association met In Jolly "pep fest" in the auditorium of the asso ciation last night. Entertainment in cluded a number of vaudeville acts. The get-together is one of a number planned for the entertainment of the dormitory men during the winter months. Camels' Meeting Called. D. C. Lewis, sheik of the Order of Camels, has called a meeting of members to be held In Maccabee hall in the Hirsch-Selllng building Friday night. Mr. Lewis said that the recent pro posal to enact legislation curtaUing personal liberty on Sundays will re quire attention from the camels. Burglary, Holdup, Fire, Accident or any kind of insurance. Phone Mar. 2391. W. RJVIcDonald Co., Teon bldg. All claims paid direct from our office. Adv. FLEET THANKS PORTLAND Radiogram Expresses Gratitude of Officers and Men. Portland has won a place in the hearts of the officers and men of the 12th destroyer division of the Pa cific fleet, which paid this city a visit last week. ' This was shown by the message received yesterday In Mayor Baker's office from Captain James D. Willson, commanding the division. The message, sent by radio from Astoria, Or., reads as follows: - "-.y "Officers and men of torpedo division. Pacific destroyer force, in dividually and collectively wish to thank you, the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club, and the people of the city of Portland for the wonderful entertainment given us while in your city. Absolutely nothing was over looked by anyone to make our visit a pleasant one. The sights you showed us were wonderful and every officer and man hopes that this will be the first of many visits to yeur city." TONIGHT. Josef Lhevlnne "Supreme Master of the Pianoforte." Soloist with the v 4? 't- Portland Symphony orchestra, Carl Denton, conductor. December 8, Heillg theater. Tickets now selling Prices: Floor $2.50, balcony $2.50, $2.00, $1.60; gaiiery reserved, sloo; general ad mission 75c No war tax. Adv. ORDER SUIT TODAY! While Extra Pants Are Free. For a ten days' sale in our Tailor lng Department, we will, without extra charge of any kind, make an extra pair of pants to your measure, the same as the suit selected or of an entirely different pattern. This is equal to a reduction from $15 to $25 on a suit. Order now in time for Xmas. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, Tailoring Dept., 2nd floor. Third, and Morrison. A.dvs v . - y To the Members of the Portland Chamber of Commerce: . y,ou know, the Idea of continuing- the vegetable oil Industry In Portland after the PaLmolIve fire of a yeax ago. originated In the Portland Chamber of Commerce. Some of the directors and officials of the Chamber nave given us considerable support. The membership of the Chamber- have, not responded with subscriptions as we feel they should and as some of the directors and officers of the Chamber feel they should. ' we have received two replies from members of the Chamber of Commerce upon this subject and they are both so good that we print them herewith. We mailed letters to 3 600 members of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. We have subscriptions from not more than thirty of the membership. We still have $40,000 to raise to save this Industry to Portland. Will 400 members of the Chamber of Commerce accept the sugges tions of Mr. Bliss and Mr. Lutz and Immediately subscribe for at least one share each In order to put this matter across, and incidentally prove to the. other 300 Portland subscribers that the membership pf : ' the Chamber of Commerce are willing to take a financial interest In a Portland enterprise which originated in the Chamber of Commerce and which has the indorsement of the Chamber of Commerce? Will each member who reads this advertisement please fill out the subscription blank which we mailed him, for some amount and return to us with check for 10 of the subscription? - f" . . FIRST LETTER " "In accordance with our conversation of eves date 1 Inclose check for $10 together with stock subscription for one share of stock.- and wish I could make it more but feel everyone in Portland should take one or more shares at least. If every member of the Chamber of Com merce would do this you would not be long In selling the stock.' An other suggestion Is that someone see every man to whom a blank was sent. Many of us realize the importance of keeping- such a god thing here but are busy and sidetrack the matter, thinking as- I did, they would- take it up later, but out of sight out of mind, and thus stock not sold. We were largely Interested from an Insurance stana- Foint on the old plant and I came" in contact with Mr. Painton. and want to say he knows his business. I am satisfied this is a good investment, but would subscribe if I knew I would never get a dividend. (Signed) W7 E. Bliss." , , SECOND LETTER. T am herewith inclosing my subscription for one share of capital stock, amounting to $100, for which I have Inclosed my check amount ing to 10, or $10. I am highly in favor of giving such assistance as possible and there should be at least a thousand or two thousand in Portland who an able to make a subscription of one share of stock in order to bring this enterprise to our city. (Signed) O. E. Lutz." Subscribe Now Full Information furnished on request. Portland Vegetable Oil Mills Co. 1 80S-S06 Wilcox Building. BUTTER HEN TO CONVENE SPEAKERS OP JTATIOXAIj 131- POKIAXCE TO BE HERE. Oregon. Association to Open its Meetings at Portland Hotel To morrow; Exhibits Ready. With speakers of national Import ance, delegates from all over the state and a big exhibit of dairy prod ucts, the annual convention of the Oregon Butter and Cheese Makers' as sociation will "be held in Portland at the Portland hotel tomorrow and Fri day of this week. In addition to the addresses ana weightier problems which the gather ing will consider there will be twi nights of entertainment. There will be a dairymen's frolic tomorrow night and the convention will close with a banquet Friday night. One of-the leading adwresses win be made by F. W. Bouska of Chicago, I1L Mr. Bouska will speak on "De fects of Oregon's Best Butter." The convention will open Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock, with an ad dress of welcome. This will be fol lowed by the annual address delivered by the president, H. V. Franklin of Portland. , Other speakers will include: P. N. Brandt, of the Oregon Agricultural college; H. W. Thomas, Coos county cheese Inspector; C. C. Chapman, Port land; Chris Nelson. Myrtle Point; George Jacobson. i Portland; Robert G. Duncan, editor- Duncan's Trade Register; Guy Bunn, Myrtle point; v. H. .Kent. Portland; John Jamison. Portland; S. C. Schmidt. Portland; M. S. Schrock, Portland. There will be a number of valuable prizes offered for the best exhibits. These will include gold medals for the highest scoring butter and cheese, silver medal for the second prize, and bronze medal for third prize. Fifty dollars will be distributed to the six highest 1 scoring exhibits of butter. A $20 gold piece will also be given for the highest scoring cheese. The officers of the association are: H. V. Franklin, Portland, president; P. C. Jorgensen, Carlton, vice-president; V. D. Chappell, Corvallis, secretary- treasurer, and members pf the execu tive committee are H. V. Franklin, Portland; V. C. Chappell, Corvallis; H. C. Raven. Portland; M. t:. Keyser, Portland, and R. S. Trask, Cottage Grove. MEXICO SENDS GREETING Local Consul Gets Peace Message From His GoTernment. A. R. Vejar, consul of Mexico, with headquarters In Portland, has re ceived from the consul general of Mexico at San Francisco a message which states that Mexico has entered upoir a period of peace. Justice, and prosperity and extends greetings to America. Following is the message: "In transferring the presidency from Senor Adolfo de la Huerta to the new ly-elected president, Alvaro Obregon, the country at large is completely pacified and an era of peace. Justice and prosperity has been initiated. Greetings to the great American na tion." OREGON TO GET PUBLICITY Surgeon-General to Send Oat Data on Aritl-Vaccination Bill. Acting Surgeon-General Perry has written to the .Oregon state board of health for the text of the proposed anti-vaccination law defeated at the 25 i. Special sale this week of our "highest quality" select bulbs Tulips, Hyacinths, Narcissus, etc .Plant a big bed and fill your window and porch boxes with tulips. Do it at once it's not too late. . 23 LESS FOE ONE WEEK ONLY 145 147 2 St. Fo rtlan D Ore. Portland, Oregon, November election and for a. state ment of the 'vote by which It was defeated. Dr. Perry-said that the data would be included In .literature sent out" by the surgeon-general's office. . Members of the stated board of health believe that the literature sent out regarding the defeat of the. antl vacclnatibn measure will do much to Increase Oregon's prestige as a com monwealth wlth.high regard . for health laws. '.. . . .. CARD OF TBJUVKS. v I TvlBh to express my grateful ap preciation for the kindness of friends and neighbors during the illness and last days of my husband. To the Moscow lodue of Elks and the local lodge of Portland for their many kindly visits, flowers and last beau tiful service. MRS. WILLIAM CHAMBERS. AclT. , Multnomah Hotel Arcadian Grill An., ideal restaurant for. your evening- -dinner or after theater supper. . Famous Multnomah yi!, " -.'.Orchestra, y ; Aft popular-music played by request. Dancing 6 to 8; 9 to 12 Make Your Reservation '- ' for New Year's Now. DO TOUR'..- XMAS SHOPPING NOW There Is no doubt that the ph- : tograph is the best gift you ean 4 buy -regardless of price. No one can buy one like it, no one can' give your friends the same thing nothing can compare with it in conveying real, true friendship. ' Special Xmas Offer ! Closed Sundays. Open Evenings ' Till 9 P. M. Centennial Studio 243 H Morrlaoa Street ' Commercial, Photography, r Heating; Small Houses We have a large stock of small Richardson & Boynton and Boynton Furnaces -suited to beat four and five rooms. .v We also have PIPELESS Furnaces. Have your furnace -repaired now. J. C. Bayer Furnace Co. S04 Market Steeet. . Main 4t 1 CANARIES .First shipment imported St. Andreas berg trained singers now in. Over 500 American and European birds -on hand. Prices are much lower. Visit our bird parlors.- Make your selec tions early. - - "".- Bird Seeds, Feeds, Rem- . dies, Cages. Gold Fish. v Pet' Stock .Supplies.".; . -.-. ' 1 I I liniminnislllinimiinillllsillllllMllislisjissisiiiiisiisiiMisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiin mmiuiHsiiiTiMiisiwiissiiMiiHSSBliMMSiiiiilsiliuniniaTiitsuiwaitanimmnmiumwQPuit.g I Imported and Domestic PERFUMES The Ideal Xmas Gift A. large and complete Imported and Domestic Perfume in ijf f original bottles-and bulk and at a 1 I f 1 il fi wide range of prices. Extra Specials Genuine Cowhide Leather , Bags. Regular $24 now priced at .... $16.50 . Ladies I Shopping Bags; now ' special at . . . . . . .$4.50 New Vanity Purses, reduced 'to $5.00- . Leather Vept. 3TmHHKmniimmTi!miimunmnimiiimiirTmirwTm Special Sale, : Ladies' Silk OMBRELLAS All' colors Fancy ' handles. $16 to $17.50 Umbrellas. . . . $20 to $24 Umbrellas ... S10 $15 ALL LADIES' yi SDLKOOLORED ; UMBRELLAS :-;45ori 71 Use a" Good Reliable Thermometer When you make your Christmas Candies - They will insure you good results.- , Price $2.00 Oven Thermometers $2.00 Fat Frying -Thermometers $2.00 Desk Thermometers r $ 3.00 to $4.50 -' , ' .': '- .. . .Basement 1 1 - fed : Christmas - Here is a most attractive new waste basket rigidly built and fireproof finished in oalc, ma hogany, olive green and white enamel. Just the thing for. your home or-office. Very (PO OpT special at DfifiiJ . . Diaries A most complete and varied .-sortment of diaries in cloth and leather bindiners for any use. The standard I,'l -and Lee .leather bound diary a most useful 0p grift, each Vuu Leather-bound diaries, with clasp, pencil and ampUtl 7C room for notes, each. p I I J Sectional .Bookcases : " . Every man's home receives its final touch of comfort, convenience and taste through his' choice in the selection :of books, bookcases and library furnishings. On, our third floor -you'll find exactly the finish you need in sectional, bookcases. V r e J. K; Gill Gov Third and Alder. Streets ; Next Monday . the No. 101 rDe Luxe ' Radiantf ire ; . . ,. ' will cost you . .-v:' '-h ' V7 " ' ---- Old price remains this and only while supply holds OPEN EVENINGS assortment of I 11V t V Main Kloor iimuMuiititatnui? D0UBL GREEN TRADING STAMPS mmm. ilimmmrinmninfitinimiimnuTiinniimiiinnniinnnnimniimiiiitminiiriiiimi! Famous "LIKLY" A Complete Stock of Wardrobe Trunks Suit Cases Bags (fitted and unfitted) Portfolios, etc We invite your inspection of our 1 extensive display. 1 LU.GGA itrwuusjfUutMimmtninmsauimtsBismmraujutuituumitiriniiimHuniwrautiiniruiiminHtaui HMiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiniiiiiniimiu " Personal Engraved Christmas Cards 5 We have just received a new line of exquisite cards for S exclusiv.e greetings. S Fountain Pens For Gifts We have a complete assortment of the following well- ' - . . ' v known-fountain pens : 1 WATERMAN'S T . - '" CONKLIN'S E E SHEAFFER'S ; MOORE'S WOODLARK Prices to suit every pocket style to fit every hand - , ..J, 82,50 to S19.00 1 EVERSHARP PENCILS The only practical propel- lin-pencil ever made. S1.00 to $28.00 aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiii. V .- CYKO Paper just arrived all sizes. . . ANSCO Amateur Print Machine, new, v - - $10.00 " Best Place in Town to Have Enlargements Made, J " IDER STREET Suggestions week; only out. r Portland Gas, & Coke Co. ' Alder,', near Fifth.""'"; 1 -j v)r B'fl 1 fl if ! 1 KsMaXJ - TODAY AND ALL WEEK on Cash Purchases rmiiwTKiriinmiiHfntiniiimimiiiiimiiiDuuit i - Beautiful Genuine I PY-RA-LIN IVORY ' Absolutely new stock. No seconds. No defects. Complete assortment. . I All sizes and patterns in Manicure and Toilet Sets. I Main Floor. uHutitffUiimiKtmniTmtt KURD'S FINEST PAPER IN HOLIDAY ATTIRE S1.00 to S15.00 A Camera For Christmas $3.47 to $85.33 Albums, Extra Leaves, Art Corners. AT WEST PARK. GET WELL THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS J V i WHO HAVE FAILED to pet relief In any other way ar. invited to investigate Chiropractlo methods, which are permanently '. curing thousands. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC ' DIAGNOSTICIANS wTN thortuighly examine you. male, a complete diagnosis of your cas. and direct your treatments. . Chlroprartlc Is the safe, sane, enre , and modern science of curing and ,: ' preventing disease. Chiropractic will permanently cure 8a per cent of all dlseasea Cblropractle removes the cause health returns. The above service Is all 'free to' you at the college building and may be haB In private If desired. I'rirate trralnirili may -lao be -had In college buiidintr by mem . bar. of faculty, either lady or men practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE - Corner of Parte and Yamhill. - IcL Main X014. WHEN YOU GO TO SAN FRANCISCO stop : ' . AT THE WMT On Geary St., Jnst off Union Sqnare, Closa to everything wortb while. Good accommodations at moderate rp.tea. Breakfast, 60c, 60c, 76c; Lynch, 76c; Sinner, $1.23 (Sundays, Jl. So). Muni cipal ear passes the door, . Stewart '.Motor Bui meets principal trains and steamers. . It la advisable to mak. res ervations in advance of arrival. 6 SEE CLOCKS FOR GIFTS ALWAYS APPRECIATED A fine line of Alarm or Fancy . Mantel ' Clocks in mahogany, brass or ivory. Radium, and plain dials. Priced $1.75 to $18.00 I Basement iwpmrtmiiiimiiiwiiuiiiiiwnroimiuimii Extra Specials -Ladies' New Tailored ITand Bags ...$9.00 to $17.00 One Lot Ladies' Hand Bags -and Purses 't OFF Party Cases regular $10 to $14.50 now $8.50 Leather Dept. inurnitimatmrrmntniuiiiii;. Star Electric. Massage Vibrators Price complete includ- CjfT flfj ing three applicators... oOUU Nikk-Marr Toilet Articles Velvet Cream 50c Velvet. Balm 50c French Dressing . .50c Rouge . .25c Please "Him" With a Twinplex Stropper Sharpens Gillette Blades. 100 shaves to every blade. SO Days' TriaL Guaranteed Priced at $5.00 Basejnent Printers Bdokbinders ' Desks Filing Cabinets GLASS & PRUDHOMME - . ' p COMPANY 65-67 Broadway, Portland There Is One Safe Place to Buy Your Piano or Phonograph. J Convenient Payments Arranged J "Merchandise oif Merit Only" BEAsVER DQAIID iS FOR BETTER WALLS fZ AND CEILINGS RASMUSSEN & CO. . N. E. Cor. Second and Taylor Streets KING AND HIAWATHA ; COAL - , ! ICE DELIVERY CO. Bdwy. 4280. 632-45. Thone your want ada to The Ore gonlan. iluln 7070, Automatic S60-85. tf Star