tut: morning oregonian, Tuesday, December 7, 1020 21 t .' : - -' i . - v x m r. - i A ' i T v - FOB RENT. Fa mi ii -d Koonis. HOTEL. CLIFFORD. East Morrison fct. at Kast Sixth. The princi pal east aide hotel, digni fied und refined; $1.23 per day and up. $ per week and up. HOTEL BAR Ft. 112 N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot. 91 per day. $5 per week and up Hot and cold water, Hte-am heat. Free phone and bath- PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington Sts. Attractive rates to permanent guest. Commodious suites for families. RITZ HOTEL. Morrison and I'ark Streets. New, fireproof and modern. Special rat-:a to permanent guests. hoO.MS for rent, walking- distance to busi ness center, west suls well furnished, clean, quiet place, furnace heat. -08 17th St. . $1 DAT, J2.Rfl.week up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. Third near Jefferson. FURNISHED rooms for rent, walking dla tanre. 3U0 V Montgomery. Vnfurninhed Rooms, 2 UN FX R NIP H ED ROOMS. 63 ELLA BT. ON FU R.N' LSH ED 3 ranpre. 44$ Hall. rooms, including gaa Kurni-hed Rooms In Private family. S NICELY furnished rooms In private fam ily, centrally located, for gentlemen; references required. Apply ltil 14th bU Corner Morrison. LA K( IE front bed room in private home, nicely furnished; modern conveniences; good car service; gentlemen only. Auto matic 'JoO-uT. LIGHT front attic room, furnished, in modem home, breakfast In room if de sired. 141 North 22d. i 1CELY furnished room for gentleman, references Plenty beat, hot water, tele phone, fc'ast S5!'S. 688 LOVKJOY ST. Nicely furnished room, modern conveniences: references ex- rhancrea. COMFORTABLR front room for congenial man, close- M ultnomah club. Marshall 3295, evenings. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in private modern IrvinKton home for business man or woman; reference. Phone E. C422. WANTED 'bri.stian young woman room mate, comfortable front room, all con veniences; $3 per week. 341 Harrison. GEXTLMME.V Nice room in refined pri vate home near Multnomah club. . Main .: 2. LiARGB front room, heated; electric lights. ath. phon. Gentlemen only. 1S8 N. 2 1st st. Phone .Broadway aoS.'J. iARGE. comfortable room, fairly modern, in private home, walking distance. Eaat 1785. P"ftON"T sleeping room suitable for two men;' basement H.. K. room. 4TO Co l'imbta. "WEST side, f urnlshed 4M. walking distance, 2 newly rooms tor rent. Call Main tA RGE room, well furnished, block to car. 7f)0 Loejoy. FURNISHED sleeping room for rent. Good location. Phone Tabor 7223. TWO H. K. rooms furnished andkitchen etto. heat, light, gas. 321 Mill st. C. Itith. 260 14TH ST. Choice room, modern, con veniences, walking d istance. CLE A NIXG, window-washing, laundry, 50 centri an hour a,nd carfare. Main SI 22. LA ROE front bedroom, suitable for two. Close in, west side, furnace. Main 93IS. TWO furnish ed rooms for rent near car barns, at 1176 Misfcipaippl ave. 6a VE Cozy room for agreeable working person; privileges; . East 5227. LA RG E front room, suitable for 2 men preferred., close in-. 321 feth St., cor. Clay. "WANT child under 3 years to care for. Phone (S23-73. ROOMS for rent. 427 Clay. Mar. 954. Boo ran Wi tU Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. -23D AND UOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 . WASHINGTON STREET. Two of the best-known residential fcotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or wltheut bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meal served to transients. fcORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class famn hotel; rooms en suit or single, with or without board, for f ami. ics and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a noma Reasonable rates. NOB HILL. Board and room, two large connecting rooms for 3 or 4 percons, $11 per week. Marshall 3374. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON, 8H0 Tenth st. For business girls and students ; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. EOOM and board for business girls ; all modern conveniences, walking distance; $5 per week. Auto. 21-74- 12 E. 7th. St. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. Choice rooms and board; modern conveniences walk ing distance. Booms With Board In Private Family. J&TKICTLY private family, located be tween E. Morrison, Hawthorne, ave., K, 16 th st., wishing young lady paying guest for warm room, hot water, good meals : state phone number, term. AG 24l, Oregonian. KICK room and good board in private family, home privileges, 10 minutes' walk to business district, 2 preferred. 273 14th st S. ROOM and board, modern home, for young man willing to share room with con genial young man. Twin beds ; reason able rates. Phone Marshall 2781. PORTLAND nursery in Irvington. under supervision of gran uate nurse, board children by week or day, also cared for by the hour. East 7106. IRVINGTON Beautiful large rooms, sleep ing porch, 1, 2, 3 people; exceptional board; laundry privileges, garage. Etut 6.15 m ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen In Jaurelhurst home. If you are looking for something out of the ordinarv see this. loii2 E. Flanders. Auto. 223-23. LA DY living alone, large, cum lor table hortie. would like 2 congenial business popie to room and board. Wdln. 3031. SUITE of rooms with board, suitable for family or 4 men. 714 Overton st. Main 4254. HAi'PYLAND cottage, specializes in board and care of children. Seliwood 1065. 52d st. S. E. BOARD and room, modern home, walking distance. $10 per week. 3oO Halsey. East 550u. TAKE care of child under 3 years, best of care. S Uwood 1352. GOOD room and board, couple employed, or single; homelike. Wood la wn 2349. PRIVATE home for children, day. week or month. 714 Everett. Marshall 2102. ROOM and board. East 7419. 535 East 11th st. N. ROOM and Couch st. boa rd, reasonable. Phone East 8099. ROOM and board, private famllv, for 1 or 2 young ladies. Sellwood 1056. ROOM and board In private family for lady emploi ed. Wdln. 4245. NICE front room and board, walking dis tance. 11 E. loth st. S. Phone Last 1195 WILL take 2 girls, comfortable home sur roundings. tiiiH Hoyt. Mar. 4290. COMFORTABLE room with good board at 7u6 Flanders st. Main 153. LA RGE front room with large closet; walking distance. East 5715. Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's tore ; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. HIGH CLASS. Elegantly furnished, front, light, airy room ana Data for retmect Du-neiors; also lovely suite and single rooms for bachelors or ladies employed. References required. Mar. 2S30. 1S "V 1ST A AVENUE. KINGSBURY APTS. 8-room furnished apt. with 2 disap pearing Teds and an outsida balcony ; adults only. Call Main S8S3. Price $80. MODE RN 2-room furnished apartment: $42. 5-0, phone and lights included; adults only. Lincoln apartments. 4th and Lin coin. ONE 3-ROOM furnished apt. with private bath and phone; price $45. San Marco apts. East 1990. ONE. TWO and 4-room niched; adults only. Bdwy. 2553. apts., nicely fur 255 N. 19 La st. ATTRACTIVE apartment and rooms, un furnished or partly furnished ; walking distance. Kast 7014. GIRL to share modern home with em ployed girls; reasonable rate. G 256, Oregonian. THE Florence, apt., 383 11th st.. 3-room furnished apt., sleeping porch; $r0. BACHELOR apt.. 5 rooms, rooms taken care of. 713 Kearney. Main lo63 UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, all complete; concrete bulldlns. $23.50. IDAHO APTS., 39 Sixth st,, 4-room h. k. suits. Main vaztf FOB RENT. C fun llwhed Apartments. THREB unfurnished rooms, modern con veniences, fine for 2 persons. 444 Roes street, cor. Dupont. 5 ROOMS, modern. 30 min. walk to busi ness center. 661 Glisan st. FOR RENT 4 unfurnished apt. Apply manager. East 2352. 3-RUOM front apt., private entrance, fur niture sale; very fine. 388 12th st. Flat. WILL RENT or lease 5 -room modern fiat, walking distance, west bide, to re sponsible tenant for $24. SO, water in- (fllrtfxl SI W f'vHAt 1 ,1 X w 1 ii r-f FURNITURE for sale: flat to rent to nartv who buys; no children. Call after 6 P. M. Tel. Main 4246. & KOOM-S, bath, electric lights and gas, upper flat on Fuiton cariine; a good neighborhood. $15. SIX LIGHT, clean rooms, bath: 10 minutes walk to postoffice: adulta. 505 Colum bia st. Furn in bed Flats. 6-KOGM flat, $25 mo. ; lease ; furniture 5 rooms complete for sale reasonable. See Smith peter, with Interstate Land Co., 24S Stark st. Main r42. 5-ROOM beautifully furnished flat, $50; East 18th North and Alberta sts. Call Broadway 4U5. Adults. - FOR RENT Furnished 3-room modern flat; walking distance; adults. East 846. BACHELOR apt., 5-room flat, rooms taken ch re of. 713 Kearney, near 22d UPPER flat, 3 rooms and kitchenette, on west side. 490 Market. NICELY furnished lower floor In private home. Modern. Tabor 1031. 5-ROOM furnished fiat. Call Main 3562 by noon. FURNITURE 4 rooms. $175. 703 E. Main. East 2219. Call after 4. Housekeeping- Rooms. PARTLY furnished third floor, nice for light housekeeping rooms for 2 young ladies employed; walking distance. Phone .v u iq ii milt: .v-;j. ONE LARGE, light room and kitchenette, completely furnished for light house keeping; light and water furnished. 203 j7th st. - TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for rent, 20 per month. Adulta only. 10S1 R. 15th st. North. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Trunks, baggage delivered downtown districts, 25c. Sun. service. Bdwy 2445- THE REAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished H. K. rooms. $15 up, including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. TWO NICE, clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, couple working days preferred. 427 Montgomery st.. west id. MI. 234Q. $5 WEEK, completely furnished h. k. suites. The Cadillac. 8d. near Jefferson. THREE-ROOM furnished housekeeping apt.. $6 per week. 350 14th st. SLEEPING rooms for $2.50 week and up; steam heat in every room. Bdwy. 1540. Housekeeping Rooms tn Private Family. LARGE unfurnished rooms on first floor, also kitchen with linoleum and Uni versal range to right" party reasonable, with phone and bath privileges. 254 E. 3d North. Kast 3084. FOR RENT 1 large front room with al cove, unfurnished, with strain heat. Phono and bath privileges. 254 E. 3d North. Phone East 3tS4. $12.50- TWO comfortable furnished base ment rooms, nicely located; gas and wood stove. Eiectric lights free. Adult. MH East Sixth street. TWO NICE housekeeping rooms; walking distance; furnace heat. Adults. 05 East Twelfth street. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms: heat, light, bath, phone, close in. 2bS 14th st. Marshall 40S3. N ICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 140 E. 34th st. SS or MT cars. VERY large front room for light house keeping in private family on Irving, near 23d. Phone Main 5335. LARGE H. K. room, closet and kitchen ette, electricity and furnace heat. 221 11th st. LIGHT sunny room and kitchenette, every thing furnished, suitable for neat, quiet couple. 306 12th st. TWO LARGE rooms with alcove furnished for housekeeping, $20 per month. 515 Vista ave.. forenoon. NICE attic room suitable for one or two, $15. Call Marshall 2750. FURNISHED room for light housekeeping. $13 month. 544 Fourth et. SINGLE housekeeping room, suitable for bachelor 154 N. 18th. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, suitable for 2 men; ho me p ry-i leges. Wdln. 4702. TWO H. K. ROOMS East 4178. Tiuusea. FINE large house, east side, close in. near three carlines, part ly carpeted and with window shades, half block grounds, suit able for residence, school, sanitarium, small boarding house or rooming hoase. Wakefield. Fries Co. 85 4th St., or teie phone Marshall 2474. before 1:30 P. M. Soli day Bros.' Transfer & Storage Co. Bdwy. 4222. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING. Long-Distance Hauling, Storage, Packing and Shipping. Poliday Bros. Transfer & Storage Co. WEST SIDE, modern S-room house, fur nace, f iraplace, hardwood floors, built in bookcases, lot 50x100; rent $75 per month. 0S4 Thurman st. Owner. Main 484 2. FOR RENT Cottaga 6 rooms, mod. except bath; right clown town, rent $40; phone; to parties buying a few preces of furniture for $50. Phone 527 44th. 5-ROOM bungalow, near Multnomah sta.. on urrpon n-iec, u mm. rme rrom tne city ; $25 a month. For duaila call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st 8 ROOMS $40 monthly. Beautiful grounds. lOxlOO. on paved street and car line. Has f ireplaee and furnace. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY LIGHT POWER HEAT WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET. 7-ROOM house, good repair, $25; some furniture for sale, $20O. 264 Porter, near 4th, west side. Call for key at 204 Porter. FOUR-ROOM house for rent; furniture for rale cheap: adults only. 30 Clay st., or phone Main 3366; apply after 0 A. M. FURNITURE of 5-room house for sale. house for rent, close in. 3S6 Holladay a venire. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. &. W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy 5121. BEST equipped for local and iong-distance hauling and moving. Green Tr. Co., 2"S Alder st. Main 1261. FINE 6-room house in Beaumont; hard wood floors, furnace, Ti rep lace ; 3 blocks to car; $05 per month, Sellwood 392. RENT Modern 8-room house. East 6-R-, garage, 101 4 East 41st. "Woodstock car, Holgate; fine condition. Furnihhed Hoiwes, FOR RENT Beautiful home, well fur nished, 7 rooms and garage, $75; refer ence required. Sellwood 1376. 7-ROOM house, furnished, " $35. 6106 36th ave S. E. TO RENT Furnished bungalow, Alameda Park, $75 month. Woodlawn 24S9. IRVINGTON- 7 rooms, garage, $.: lease if dcsirsVi. ' T. Street. East 894. AiO MAAS Teu. His t7tni") i rr W FOR RENT. Furnished Hout.ee 8-ROOM house for rent, first-class furni . ture for cal; rent reasonable: Nob HilL, 6V5 Davis st. 4-ROOM modern furnished duplex house, 417 ,4 Russell near E.. Union, $4p. East 3235. V Stores and Business Places. FOR RENT In Blake-McFall bids;., opp. M ultnomah hotel, 13.000 sq. feet (will divlde. A very desirable , combination of office, sales and storage rooms; both freight and passenger elevators, steam heat. SEE H. N. BURPEE. Wilcox bids. Main 0633. OPPORTUNITY. Two good storerooms now vacant. In live coast town ; fine opening for drug store or gen. mdse. Will rent room separate or together. Rent very, reason able, OWNER. 992 E. MADISON. Phone Tabor 785. FINE storeroom, plate-glass showwindows, cement baaement, Al location, center of thickly populated district, great oppor tunity for gent's furnishing, shoes or millinery; cJieap rent, immeaiate posses sion. Silas L. Jones, ow owner, 672 Alberta. Phone Woodlawn 35 FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof ware house phone Bdwy 3715. Security Stor age & Tranpfer Co., 53 4th St.. cor. Pine FOR KENT 25x50-ft. store, brick build ing, first-class location, long lease. 82 Fourth st. Main 5422, Mr. Toomey. PART of large concrete warehouse for rent. Apply J. B. Ettinger, Broad way 2780. LARGE corner store. 310 "Williams ave., near Broad way ; full cement basement. STORE, near First and Clay. $20. 100 Second st. Apply FORR ENT Window and half the store. 465 WaHhington st. Offices. DESK room, with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Bdwy. 3715. Se curity Storage & Transfer Co.. 53 4th street, cor. Pine. DESK room; privilege of private room and phone. $30. 5O0 McKay Bldfr. FRONT office, moaern. in RaUway Ex change b;dg. Apply room 312. FURNISH KD OFFICE for rent. 517 Cham ber of Commerce. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HEADQUARTERS FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES. $350, neat place, steam heated, one living room, cheap rent $S5G or invoice, 4 living rooms, low rent. $2fi00, or Invoice; 8 living rooms, large garden and barn, light overhead. $4300, or invoice ; good business; one Ford and t horse and wagon deliveries; located right ; cheap rent. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE, 324 Ry. Exch. bldg., 3d and Stark. WANTED Parties to rent end operate store In Newbergs first city market, which will contain meats, fish, groceries, bakery, creamery. Lunch, fruit And veg etables, cigars and tobacco stalls. First come first served. Low rent. Dawson's Market. New berg. Or. CLEANING PLANT. Special order tailor shop, good south ern Oregon town. Firmly set business, over $12,000 gross yearly; $2700 October November. Equipment invoices $3o0O. Invite rigid invest i gat ion. Price $4250, quick sale. Box 1208, Roseburg, Or. NEWSPAPER Paying weekly in good valley town, half interest for sale. Large territory to cover for both paper and job work. Town has good prospect be coming railroad center. Have , other business interests. Little cash handles. Write Sam Tyler, Springfield. Or. MILK AND CREAM BUSINESS. Doing between $4000 and $5000 per month; profits about $900; invoice $8500. I have other bus in ens that occupies my entire time. A chance of a lifetime for someone. $6500 takes it. Call at piant. 710 Milwaukee ave. Mr. J. T. Stone. PARTNER FOR RESTAURANT. Owner of a high-class restaurant wants an Interested partner to be cashier, keep the books, etc.; owner is experienced and looks after the buying, kitchen, etc. Prof-its are extra good"; $3750 required, fully secured. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. STORE. COUNTRY TOWN. One of best stores In Wash. Co.. doing princinajly cxish business; no delivery; stock will invoice $4o0O or more; fix tures go with bldg.; rent $33, including rooms above store and garage. You can't beat it. Cobb Bros.. 203 Oak st. MINES AND MINING. A promising prospect for sale cheap on account of death of principal owner; produced $2000 gold from grass roots ; good strong vein with rich deposits in walls. Price $3000. Address E. B. Hawkins, Applegate, Or. THE NEHALEM garage. Nehalem. Or., at a big snap ; fine location ; invoice ovet $3000. Will take $2000. Good reason for selling. If you are looking for a good buy write Bell & Toney. Ne halem. Or. DRUG STORE. In one of the best transfer points in the city, does over $40,000 a year, East man Kodak agency, owner has other business that occupies most of his time. A J 255. Oregonian., WANTED Partner to go in trucking business hauling; need partner with $1200 to take hall interest in my truck ; we can work toget her and make money. j Call at 3S1 E. Harrison and ask for Ray. SACRIFICE. ' Owner has other Interests so will sell my business valued at inventory price about $750 to th one offerina: me the most cash. Chance to Bret in business for yourself. T 279. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted to take half interest in a modern garage; 2 cars steady stor age and plenty repair work; also sell g as, oils, t i res, e tc. ; $ 650 h and les i t. . Room "41 Dekum bldg. CARBON paper and typewriter ribbon business for sale at cost price, nothing for good will; now making a nice clear ing each month; an established concern. A 281, Oregonian. FOR BILLIARD, pool tables, card tables, bar fixtures, showcases, cash registers and store fixtures see W. J. Quigley, 300 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 123. Easy payments. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing deal of so-called interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 jOregon building. Broad wny li02. " . PARTNER for transfer and storage busi ness ; inside or outside man. Phone Ta bor 5122. Sunday or night, pr apply 209 Oak st. See Mr. Borland. A SMALL restaurant, been clearing $150 month besides a living; price $500. Call rnom 401 Dekum bldg. BEAUTY parlors, well established, excel lent location ; will sacrifice- for quick sale account illness. Main 407. PA RTNER wanted for an old-established wood and coal yard ; profits are large. Room 401 Dekum bldg. GROCERY and confectionery, good loca tion, $35 a day; 7 living rooms; rent $35; runabout $1250. Sellwood 33S6. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, 234 Morrison street. LEARN Akron. Ohio's method in vulcan izing and retre a ding. Call433 Stark. GOOD shoe repairing shop for sale, good location. AK 740. Oregonian. Ft; - t- cMrt XTOArr . . .1Tha-t ; Tens t i New' 222 mmWmm y BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AN EXCEPTIONAL opportunity, good paying merchandise' business on the Co lumbia river; store, warehouse and docks, business now paying good money; we are cutting up a tract of 7215 acres into s-matL farms. Many settlers going, on the land which insures additional business. All output must go to the dock at the ' store. $.V00 worth of stock required. You do not have to buy present stock. See us at once. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bankbldg. Main 37gT. POOL HALL AND BARBER SHOP. Downtown location, doing good busi ness, good lease, owner must el. CIGAR STAND. In office building, doing' $1300 month ly, no Sunday or evening work. $1500 for fixtures and stock at invoice. WHITBECK. WITH BROWN & BIDDLE, 324 Ry. Exch. bldg CONFECTIONERY AND BAKERY. One of the best corners in very busy east " side district, complete equipment for confectionery and bakeri; fine store room, reasonable rent, doing splendid business; price $3500, some terms; best chance in town for a practical man to clear $500 per month. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. CONFECTIONER f, doing nice business. 5year leae, modern brick bldg. ; leaae netting $1300 per yr. and store room ; nice clean stock,' first-class fixtures. Domestic troubles. Owner will sacri fice; fixtures worth price asked; $4000 'cash will handle. See Smithpeter, Inter state Land Co., 248 Stark st. A WEST SIDE GARAGE. Have excellent opening for energetic man; modern concrete garage; four-year lease; fuU of storage at good prices. Sell gas, oils, tires, wash rack, auto repair ing, etc. : profits ex tra good ; $2500 re quired'. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. " REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. Established 18 yefirs; 3 nice offices, nice furniture, large safe, block books, typewriter, etc.; leaving city; will stand closest investigation. Price $10OO. Ad dress AF 250, Oregonian. MODERN CAFETERIA. Right downtown, seating capacity 60; lease, fully equipped; takes $2000 to handle this money-maker; over $lo0 daily . THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. SHOE REPAIR SHOP. Fullv equipped shoe repair shop, old established business; one man can clear $600 per mo. ; low rent, on Washington t?t. We invite close investigation. Price $2500 Call 318. Board of Trade bldg. EXTENDING our business. Wanted, ener getic man In established- concern, $2O0 month salarv and profits; $2000 re quired; half-Interest. Apply 005 Cham ber Commerce bldg., 4th and Star's:. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. "Well located grocery doing better than $100 per day; small amount of fixtures; stotfk .at invoice; about $2uoO. Tabor 391 ' CASH GROCERY SPECIAL. Pretty store- with living rooms; bath, furnace, garage; rent for all, $-"0; win invoice about $1550. Room 511 Railway Exchange, LOOK, LISTEN. For sale, all or half lime deport and kiln, or lease on royalty; fine chance for fertilizer. Address b5 Warren St., Port land. Or. RESTAURANT for sale by owner at Sea side. Or., four-year lease; rent $82.50 per year; 2 living rooms, bath and toilet. This is a bargain. Call 913 Broadway bids. $S95 TAKES -fine grocery, good stock and fixtures; can do good business, good lo cation: snap at a premium. Peters, lo N. 5th. ONE of best cafeterias in Portland; seats 0O people; receipts over $100 day; cen tral location; sell for $250o, account oth er business. K 203, Oregonian. A WEST SIDE GARAGE. Choice location, 75x100 building, stores 50 cars; fully equipped repair .shop; a diargain. Room 511 Railway Ex-change. GROCERY Doing $125 per day. no com petition, never has changed hands; rent $35, Including 6 living rooms; invoice about $5000. A 285, Oregonian. IF YOU would be interested in a restau rant proposition and have $1500, I havs something good to offer you. B ISO. Oregonian, FOR SALE Small bakery doing a daily cash business of $10O; price $270; will sell half or whole interest. A 205, Ore gonian. POOL HALL. Sells soft drinks, candy, etc; 4 pool tables, all for $lt00. Room 511 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE Six-chair barber shop, furni ture, fixtures and location first-class; long lease, reasonable rent. 63 Fourth et. Main 6422, Mr. Toomey. LADIES and gent's furnishings, shoes and art needle craft store, best East Side lo cation; reasonable rent, four-year lease; take auto in trade. Phone 219-03. vnnwa mn. -with $T00 cash or liberty bonds, can secure half Interest, estab lished collection business. E 247. Ore gonian A GARAGE with repair shop, lathe, drill, etc.; also good service car; excellent lo cation and large profits; $2000 required. Call room 401 Dekum bldg- MINING, gilt-edge proposition, will give particulars in first letter. Address W". M. GROCERY. $1700, doing good business; 5 living rooms; rent $30. Kelpper, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. A CASH grocery, good school trade, clears $200 month; has living rooms; price $9O0. Call room 4tti ueKura oiu-g. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Must sell On account of other busi ness; would' give terms. Mar. 24.4V CHIROPRACTOR going east, equipmen and office fixtures for sale; doing good business. AN 2:48. Oregonian. HALF-DAY position desired by experi enced bookkeeper-stenographer. AG 244, Oregonian. TWO CASH aid carry groceries, invoice about $4000 each. Keipper, Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. FOR SALE Cleaning and tailoring busi ness in small eastern Oregon town, Address AV 782. Oregonian. GOOD house. Sellwood. to trade for gro cery -or good business. Address 173 East 19th st. $1500 FOR A NICE, clean stock of new and second-hand furniture; cheap rent. D 261. Oregonian FOR SALE Meat marnet, modern and up to date, thoroughly equipped, at invoice price. A v t-it, oregonian. RESTAURANT, west side, doing good business; $750, terms. See Keipper, In- . terstate Land Co., 243 star st. BARBER chairs, mirrors and supplies grtat cAcriNce 80 sixth st , near stark. RESTAURANT for sale. $3G5; doing busi- ness. 2to soutn aecona. Business Opportunities Wanted. WANTED To buy a one-man shoe shop in a town or 1000 to oooo population; state particulars. Fred Felton 420 pacmc ave.. toanta cruz.cai. $800 and services to invest in any legiti mate business where money is secured; experience as machinery stock man and shipping clerk. .E oregonian. CATTLE, sheep or blooded stock. .Want partnership Jn fcood ranch. Have capi tal. Young, experienced and a worker. AV 704, Oregonian. GROCERY or school supply store wanted from original owner preferred about $1000 to $5'M0. AR 293. Oregonian. PORTABLE sawmill, 10M to 15M capacity, with- or without timber. Box 4095, Portland, Or. POLLY. AND HER PALS . r . tt2KE Sam m? U.I' 'S "J . i CJopytltfrt. 1930. Ffraftire Srvt-tc, Inc Great BriMn Rtrts RgseieJ NO FURTHER PROOF IS SEEDED BT CI.IFF STERRETT. j. ....,,............ . ... . ........ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ilmnic Opportunities ViantcdU HAVE up to $5000 to Invest with working Interest in a good going business; or will buy business outright. Am young woman with business training, college educatino. ambitious and willing to work. Give full particulars in first re ply. AC 25S, Oregonian. WANTED Some good country hotels, small and large, Oregon, Washington and Western Idaho. We have reliable buyers waiting. Give particulars. North west Hotel New Co., Inc., 714 Couch building. Uoels and Rooming Houses. MAIN 3638. ' 15 rooms, close in. White Temple lo cation; furnace heat, electricity; nets $100 per month and apt. ; good furni ture. Price $1700. $1100 handles. 10 rooms, Morrison st.; furnace or stove heati electricity; neat and clean; makes $85 over expenses and apt. Price $1350; $&50 cash. m 10 rooms, lovely house, excellent fur niture. Nob Hill location. Furnace, . electricity. Price $110O; $700 handles. ' C. E. BO WD EN CO., 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 44-ROOM brick hotM, transient; hot and . com water m rooms; all on two. iioors: close in; 3-year lease; clears $450; $3000 will handle. 42 H. K. apts., close In, very modern; clears $225; $2500 will handle. 15 H. K. ; walking distance; running water; clears $110; rent foO; $1250 handles. All other sizes; also nice flats, close In. BARNEY JOHNSON. 170 Tenth St. Main 8160. FOR LEASE 100-room hotel with ground Iioor office and lobby ; well established business; good corner. North 3d st. Very reasonable terms can e had on. furniture or you may "refurnish to suit yourself. We give you the lease and you may make your own arrangements for furniture. A great opportunity t get a well-paying business without paying a premium for It. Joe Little, 2S North Second st. EXCELLENT BUY. 65 rooms,' all apts.. well and beauti fully furnished; excellent rugs. Building In jrood shape; good lease; rent only $275. finest location : dandy income; $(00 will handle this. Price $11,000. See this ami you will look no further as I consider thL- mV best bu. , MRS. THOMSON. 020-21 HENRY BLDG. LEAVING CITY; WILL SACRIFICE. 30 rooms, brick hotel, steam heat, hot and cold watt;r in part of rooms, down town location, excellent oak furniture, rent $125, new lease. You can't dupli cate this buy for $5500. Will take $4450; some terms. C. E. BO WD EN CO., 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 523-4-5 NORTH WESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, COME IN AND TALK IT OVER : 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU. RIGHT. $7O0O. Puts you In possession of a 54 -room hotel, all furnished, 3-story brick, corner lot 45x100 feet, 3 stores beneath, al ways rented, balance of $23,000 can be This is some snap. 403 Couch bldg. Thigh Js some snap. 403 Couch bldg. . B. ROCK CO. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, room or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. FIVE well furnished rooms, hall and bath, by owner. $5im cash, $575 terms. Twin tables, 2 couches ; close in, west side ; fine location ; income $105 ; new ma hogany grand Vic trot a and records. Change of linen, plenty of beds, etc. Main 2156. SEE COOVER & HOLMAN'S LIST OF HOTELS AND APARTMENTS BEFORE YOU BUY. ONLY BONA FIDE 1N VESTM ENT3 LISTED. 322-3-4 FAILING BLDG. 3D and "WASH. "We, Do Not Misrepresent." 00-ROOM HOTEL. Strictly modern brick bldg. ; N. W. heat: lota of private baths; automatic elevator; dandy lease ; rent $600; income will surprise. Price $26,5o0, some terms. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. BPjAUTI FULLY furnished out-of-town ho tel of 40 rooms to trade for Portland home or sell at right price. For further details see RUMMELL & RUM M ELL 1 274 Stark St. MONEY-MAKER CLEARS $400. 40 rooms, all h. k., steam heat, guar anteed rent of only $115; price $4350, $2500 down. This is an excellent buy in & good location. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. NICE HOME AND INCOME. Severn rooms. Nob Hill district, fine furniture, rent out 5 rooms, take in $SO per month: always full. Call at 167 22d street, or f a i n 7043. A GOOD ONE. Nine rooms, sleeping; rent $35. first class furniture and rugs ; good location. Price $1250. $1000 down. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. $2OO0 HANDLES 72 rooms, steam heat, part housekeeping, sleeping ; clearing $300; good location, west side. A big future for this section. J. EUCIENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. 12 ROOMS, always filled. Wilton velvet rugs, furniture good as new; netting $125 per mo. $2750; terms. See Smithpeter, with Interstate Land Co., 24S Stark st. $225 NET MONTHLY" INCOME. 25 rooms, all h. k.. super-well fur nished and clean; rent $100; lease, walk ing distance. Main 0127. 1-0 ROOMS, mostly H. K. rent, $32, clears $SO; close in, west side: m: $600 down. Good place. J. ENGENE HEDGES, 201 W. Park. BY OWNER 30-rm, hotel on Wash, st., corner brick bldg., nice clean place; good furniture ; lease, $300 net income. AE 247, Oregonian. 22 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, west side, walking distance; well furnished, clean; nets $180; $2300; some ' terms. Phone owner, Bdwy. 4117. No agents. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Apt. house, 39 rooms, all H. K on east side, close in; dealers barred: 'save commission. East 7141. 20 -ROOMS Some H. K., low rent, good income, fine furniture and all rooms; gas heat; brick bldg.; no agents. See this at once. 3084 First St.. tel. 555-14. , CLOSE In, west side, 15 rooms, all H. K. ; clears $10O; rent $35; furnace and stove heat; $1000 handles; $1GJ30. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. Park. FOR BEST bargain In apartment House see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realtv Co.. 245 Fourth st. EIGHT housekeeping rooms, close in; cheap rent; electricity, gas heat. $1000, terms. 22S Harrison st. BY OWNER 18 H. K. rooms; a good money-maker, good furniture and a good location. Call Monday. 293 10th st. FOR SALE 11 housekeeping rooms, bet ter than most good Incomes; low rent; owner, 312 Clay st. Phone Marshall 3413 22 ROOMS, all h. k.. nice and clean; good furnishings; rent $80. Net income, $175. Price $2500. Main 0127. I BUY chattel mortgages on rooming houses, hotels, etc. Broadway 1429 mornings. TRANSIENT rooming house for sale. 65A N. 3d 8t. (Monte Carlo). Apply in per son. FOR SALE A nicely furnished 14-room apartment, centrally located. E. 1064. ROOMING HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. H. W. GARLAND, 201 3d. cor. Taylor. H? uaitfe Tells AAV J f lVV V T iff A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. ALL LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. 24 ROOMS PRICE $3500. Well furnished, all rented ; close In west side and clearing $225 per month. Marshall 1950. apt. 40. LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on cats of the P. R., L. & P. Co.: Dec. 4 5 purses, beads. 3 bags, belt, 1 pr. gloves. 3 sgl. gloves, toothbrush, scarf, music caso. 7 packages, 2 lunch boxes. 6 suit cases, 1 tra v. bag. 17 umbrellas. Dec. 5 Fountain pen. 1 pr. gloves, 1 pr. rub bers. 2 books, 3 packages, 1 suitcase, 3 umbrellas. -Owners may obtain property - at First and Alder sts. LOST Shepherd police dog, 5 months old, color gray-brown. Can be identified by constant twitching of left -hind leg due to injury. Answers to name Junior. Notify W. R. Bowies, 295 N. 25th st. Phone Main 7625. Reward, LOST Sunday A. M., 9:45-10:15, on Four teenth st.. bet. 205 Fourteenth and Im perial Arms, small silver pin set with lapis lazula dark blue stone) ; return to 265 Fourteenth and receive reward. LOST Sunday night, a marabou fur piece between 53d and 50th. on Hawthorne ave. or between 12th and 11th on Haw thorne or 13th and Leo, or Mt.,, Scott or Sellwood car. Sellwood 1S-S2. Reward. LOST Pursye on Morrison st, between Olds & King's and Meier & Frank's, M ondav morning. Name Mrs. Helen Da mon, name on checks and cards; some silver. Reward. Main 5390. LOST Saturday evening, between 6 and 8 P. M., government compensation check addressed to Los Angeles, and about $30 in money. Finder please return check to Ansonla hotel , LOST Gent's open-face gold watch. 17 Jewel, Illinois movement; near corner Fisk and Lombard sts. or St. Johns dis trict. Reward. Phone Col. 1035. LOST Pair' of Ford front sidecurtains north of Stark st. and west of loth st., on east side. Finder please call Wdln. 3700. LADY'S black handbag containing blank checkbook, currency, silver spectacle ' ease and numerous articles. Call Main 2153. Liberal reward offered. LOST- Dee. 1. two $20 bills between city v hall and Pluminer's drug store. 3d st. Return and receive reward; am widow with children. 109 E. 69th N. Tabor 805.. LOST Saturday, brown purse containing 3 bank books, check book. $23 in cur rency, $33 check, also liberty bond cou pon. Finder kindly phone Aut. 31 1-30. LOST- Sunday eve., baby mitten, blue, knitted, vicinity Meier A: Frank's or Llpman's. Reward, Main 258. 634 Chamber of Com. T4.0ST Between Portland and the Colum bia slough, partly worn 30x3Vs black rubber auto tire. Reward. Finder call Broadway 972. LOST On St. Johns or Monta villa car, betwsen 12 and 1 Sunday, green silk umbrella with tan ana green nanaie. Col. 1247. Reward. LOST A black leather case containing a pair of glasses and small sum of money, Saturday, in down town district. Finder call Kast 69. LOST Tuesday, Nov. 31, garnet crescent brooch, valued as keepsake. Reward Call Main 750S or 371 Water st. after 5 P. M. ' WILL the party who took package con taining 2 handkerchiefs and other ar ticles from washroom at public library please call. Sell. 1620. Reward. LOST Black link muff on Canyon road . Sunday afternoon; please notify Mrs. Alien: Tabor 09 ( 6. LOST Dec 6, between 1 and 3 o'clock P. M., a gwirt ring with cameo set, re ward. Call Tabor 5410. LOST Lady's black silk umbrella with silver handle at old postoffice. Phone East 102O. Reward. , LOST On Portland Heights or road lead ing thereto. Eastman Kodak, 3x4 Vt. Reward. R. H. Strong: 701 Corbett bldg. LOST On road to battleships, gold bar Pin set with diamond in flower. Reward East 1348. WILL PARTY who found black purse at Owl drug store phone, kindly return to kodak dept. or Main 3673. Reward. FOUND A sum of money; owner can have same by proving property. W. H. Gaines, 218 Commonwealth block. LOST Ladles' glasses, back of case marked "McKinley-Savage." Call Wood lawn 2005. BOSTON bull pup, about 6 mos. ; light brindle, white collar; name Tige; liberal reward for return. Woodlawn 4210. LOST Silver Persian cat Saturday after noon. Finder . please return s'ame ad receive reward. 590 E. 16th N. East 5609 LOST Man's gray overcoat.- between East 10th and Grand ave. Leave in Orego nian office. LOST Friday, lady's small purse contain ing $50 in currency. Call Tabor J 830. Reward. LOST Alaskan husky dog, wolf appear ance, name Boris. Reward fur informa tion or return. Phone East 1123. LOST Long silver-hand'led parasol, initials "M. S." on knob; keepsake. Reward. Phone Col. 7-13. LOST Brown fur neckpiece bet. W. Park and Broadway, 5 o'clock Monday; re ward. Call E. 1787. LOST By working girl, envelope con taining month's pay; finder please phone Main 628. LOST Small knit cloth purse with over $5. bet. 31st and 33th. on Tibbetts or Kelly, f Tabor 2931. lost S50 between Portland Gas Co. and 4th and Washington. Phone Seilwood 212 ; reward. LOST Small brindle dog with Washington state license; rewara. -war. .. LOST Male Scotch collie pup; child's pet. Call Main LOST or stolen, bird dog. pointer; reward for Information. Woodlawn 2318. LOST A brown elk cuff link. Phone Tabor 9010. Reward. FOUND Lady's small purse. 217-31. Call auto. LOST Masonic ring, engraved topaz; re ward. Lltster. 624 Flanders. LOST Bar pin. in vicinity of Meier & Frank's, Monday afternoon. East 4196. LOST Brindle bulldog, vicinity of 74 th and Sandy blvd. Reward. Phone 312-06. LOST Out of auto, child's green and black coat. Reward. Main 3G00. LOST Ford side curtains. Finder please call Woodlawn 3 TOO. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. COUNTY WA RR ANTS Notice is hereby given that Multnomah county warrants, classes "63" and "4SB" the same hav ing been, drawn upon the general fund, and that were presented1 and indorsed. "Not paid for want of funds," on No vember -1, 1920, wilt, if properly in dorsed, be paid on presentation at the office of the county treasurer. Interest thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. Portland, Oregon. Dec. 6, 1920. JOHN M. LEWIS. County Treasurer. AUCTION SALE household goods Decem ber 10, 1920, at 55 Second st. All storage accounts 4 months past due goods sub ject to sale on this date. C. O. Pick Transfer & Storage Co. gVE A. 83 N. 6th st.. owned and operated by Swedish lady, who has reputation of good coffee, on tana, people always welcome SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous, NOTICE is hereby given that PORTLAND CATTLE LOAN COMPANY, a corpora tion, has filed in the of lice of the Cor poration Commissioner at Salem, Ore gon, and In the of iice of the County Clerk of Multnomah County, its amend ed and supplementary Articles of In corporation increasing and changing its capital stock to $1,400,000.00. divia into 6000 shares of Common Stock of the par value of $100.00 each and BOOO shares of & cumulative Preferred Stock of the par value of $100.00 each. W. P. DICKEY. CHARLES H. CAREY. WILLIAM M. LADD. - J. C. A INS WORTH. C. C. COLT. E. R, CO RBETT. A. I MILLS. Directors. Dated at Portland, Oregon, Dec. 6. 1920. NOTICE On and after this date. Dec. 6, 1920. I will not be responsible for any bills contracted bv my wife. Wavy Ger trude Wallace, or Mrs. Chas. M. Wallace, C. M. Wallace. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO 'BILE. WE FURNISH. THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WTLL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND t MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. - MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE & TRUST COMPANY. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN on surplus stocks of merchandise plaeed In storage with us. Phono Broadway 3715. Security Storage & Transfer Co.. 53 4th street, corner of Pine. LIVESTOCK LOANS. We have money to loan on cattle sheep and hogs. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.'. 210 Chamber of Commerce. CASH paid for mortgages and sailers' con tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bldg. WH BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. M. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. BUY bonds, nofs, contracts, mortgages. F. IT Lewis. 302 Lewis bldg., 4th Ac Oak. Money to Loan on Real Kstat. RESIDENCE LOAN'S. 7 per cent, five-year period. Yon may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce in terest on loans under $5000. INSTALLMENT. LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value house and lot at 7 ptr cent. You py one-hwlf of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example, $2000 loan, you pay $10 month ly and inlrirest; you have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly, interest reduced accordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. Vive-year period, 6 per cent. Excellent repayment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COM PANT. Main 83Q8. 407 Won Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan in our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 mouths pays a Ujan of $1000 and inter.-st. Loans of other amounls in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSN. 212 Stark SC. Portland, Or. SEW US TODAY We loan money on real estate; no conusission. 6 arW 7 per cnt on choice loans, long time, short time ; monthly payments, pay a-s you can; sums to suit; contracts, 2d mortgages; liberty bonds bought. 725 Gasco bldg- 5th and Alder. Cellars-Murton Co DELAY QUICK ACTION REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS. On Imp. city property or Willamette Valley farms or for imp. purposes. All amounts, $1000, $15w. $20oO and up. Sellers' contracts purchased. F. H. PBSHON, 015 Cham, of Cum, bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. . H l Kit ELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A. 4118. $00,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. n WILLIAM G. BECK. 215-216 FAILING BLDG THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. Insurance company monev to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delavs DJEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth st.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLM ENT LOANS, NO COM .M ISSION. UNION ABSTRACT CO. 83 4th ST. HENRY BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS On farm and citv nronertv Promnt anrt helpful service. Liberal repayment priv- i Kf.vs. i -o v i-si rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 80 Fourth st.. Portland, Or. $300. $400, $500, $600. $800. $1000, $1200, $ 1500, $2000 and un. lowest nnta nuicK action, pay off $ltiO or more at any in- ifrfsi aaie. , uornon Mortgmje Co., 631 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property, favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO, LTD 3'9 Piatt bldg. Main 5371. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S0 m ON E i to loan on real estate security at going rate of interest, otto & Harkson tteaity Lo., 4id l nam, or Cora. $300. $40fl, $500. $750. $1U0U AND UP Low rMes ; quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. $500, $1000 AND upward on improved real estate ; favorable terms; no delay; no brokerage, jonn nam, ou i bpalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Saloman & Co., 40S llingbldg. MONEY. to loan on real estate, 7 per cent. Geo. P. Lent, 714 Corbett bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 222 : nam, oi ipm., tin ana ara. $"00(i TO ivOAN, 7 per cent Int. Se J. P. KcKenna. Belmont at 39th Tabor 6493. Money to Lonn -Chattels and Salaries. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds. watches. jewelry and bonds, legal rates; all goods held 1 year. VIN ES J E W E LR Y STOR E. 114-116 Third St., corner Washington Main 6649. QUICK money to snla ried people on un secured nnt. Confidential investiga tion. 310 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Licensed. ' - ture; legal rates. 20S Washington bldg. . FINANCIAL. Money to I,oajt Ctinttols and Salfcres. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWERS. LOANS MADE ON DIA MONDS, "WATCHES, JKWELRY. VIC TROLAS, PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE, 894 STARK ST., KEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. Mgr. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. " DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE. PIANOS, VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS, ETC. Tf your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can ropay us in small monthly payments. AVE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All busi ness strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, LICENSED. 306-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall S2S. S. W. cor. Third and Washington. SALARY. LOAN'S. CHATTEI-3. WR LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weeky. semi monthly or month! pavments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO IXDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., (Licensed. ) 21S FAILING BUILDING. MONEY .TO LOAN on goods placed in storage with us. We can save you money. Low interest rates. Phon Broadway 37 1-5. Security Storage & Transfer Co.. . 53 4th street. corner or r'ine. MONHY TO LOAN on diamonds, jewelrv. b'gal rat'"; articles held a year; estab lished 1888. Dan Marx & Co.. 283 Wash. 1-onnM Wanted. 12c; ON $4O0O. T will pay I2"i for $4000 for one year, secured by first mortgage, f uarter sec tion in famous Lindsay val 1 v, Montana , and share 1921 crop on adjoining thre Quarters; land worth $40 acre. This of fer good only to first man to accept. M 215, Oregonian. HAVE so,n good rea Instate contracts and mort gapes in amounts of $500 and above, payable in monthly installments and bearing 7 pr cent interest, which we will discount 5 per cent. F. E. Bow man & Co., 210 Cham, of Com. bldg. WANT to borrow $2500 for 3 years at 7 per cent: house is located in Piedmont at 12:;B Cleveland ave. A. G. Teepe Co., -'larK st., noar 4th. Main 3u92. LOAN of $1250 for one ypitr on good h-fi- nv... .,. i.uiiiian, iu per FOR CHOICE K1KST J!T(J. LOANS ESTABLISH. l RKMABI.K SERVK'K. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. s-- vnam. or torn,. Koiirth and Stark. PERSONAL,. December 1. lO-'O. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN About IS months upo I was eufferinff from nervous intiiwf tion and female trouble for which the M. Ds seemed to Bive m no relief. My condition had been coming on for about 3 vears and praduai'.y prowinir worse. Throukh a friend of mine I heard of Dr. O. K. Hubbard. After taking a few of his treatments 1 whs cured and faithfully recommend him to ali sufferers,. Give him a lair , trial and you will never regret It. MRS. E. E. KOSS, .'.0'J Mohawk st. Or. O. E. Hubbard. Suti-7-S Fenton blda.. Bdy. 4777. - CHTRoPRACTir, BODY MASSAGES, STEAM BATHS. ELECTRIC A.NL VI BRATION TREATMENT MAKES SICK PEOPLE WELL. BE CONVINCED. START TODAY. COURSES OE TREAT MENT CAN BE HAD AT REASONABLE RATES. CALL IN AND TALK THIS OVER. DR. MAROARET I1AYN1E, 215 S WET LAND Bl.lllJ. NETTIE M. BENSON. D P. Naturopathy Methods used on NERVOUS and CHRONIC diseases: traction cures weak backs; mineral steam baths, electrio violet ray and scientific mas.sares clean the system and build it up; both sexes treated. Mnin 7"H. 304 Dekum bldg. ECZEMA, barber Jteh, poison oak, itching piles, and burns quickly relieved with Howland's salve; price $rV?; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. HOWARD LANSDEN. Wnodbiirn. Or. ) Add Postaire. TA KARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a cleansing-, healinff Rermicide and Invig orating douche, a preat aid in female disorders; r0c and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. DKL'G HABIT cured, cravlnn pacified Im mediately and cause removed; merciful and uplifting treatment, for your loved ones In competent hands. jBj -45, Ore- , Ionian. EE B V ET & HANEBUT, leading wlir and toupe makers; finest stock human hair froods; permanent and marcel wavlnjf Scalp treatment. 34!) Alder. Main 640. DE LTXE MASSAOES. 415 BUCHANAN BLDG. MAIN SSflfl. 10 A M TO 9 P. M ; ALSO OPEN SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH. Shower and massacre; Individual service. Dr. J. C. M. Ironside. 3n!) Broadway bids. Graduate nurse assistant. Mnin fH. MOTORISTS Are you coine to California and would you like to have paRsentcer who wishes to cut down his expenses? X 23. Oregon ian. JR. E. A. GRIFFITH, D. P. Expert mas seuse, steam bath, vibration, facial and scalp treatments. Ladies' patronage pre- . ' j .IIT-JIQ Cu.at I ...4 kM- il GETS both feet fixed up st Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST.. who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bids., 11th & Wash. Bdy. 2S4. NESTLE permanent hair waving;, also all beauty work by experienced operators. 805 Globe bid?:.. 11th and Washington. Phone Bdwy. 4018. FOR RHEUMATISM, steam baths, mas sage vibration. Dr. Chybkl. D. P., 417 ewet'.and bldg. Open evenings until 10. SULPHUR steam bath massage, violet ray and vibratory treatment. 420 Clay. Mala S 3.-i9. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. FEET PORE? See Dr. Ethel A. Sacry, pedicuring and manicuring. 10 A. M. to s P. M. WITi Raleitrh bids. Mar. 3370. VIT-O-NET magnetic baths, violet ray treatment, body massages. Dr. Harriet Shepherd, 4.0 Morgan bldg. Main 7."70. CHIROPODIST Ethel McCoy. 609 Bu chanan bldg.. Wash. St., bet. 4th and Mb. M. V70. MASSAGE, baths, kidneys, constipation, rheumatism Dr Elna Sorensen. -drug-less phys. n03 Panama bldg Main .WH. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. 234 i, Morrison st. ' - GEO. WHY weren't you th(Ve? Looked for you elsewhere. Am 'working same place. Let me hear something. Z. B. NO CURE, no pay; falling hair, dandruff ; hair grown on bald beads: Tadiea or gents 314 Macleay bldg. SV ANTON MILLINERY. Where styles charm and prices please. 310 Selling Bldg. CANCERS, tumors treated without use of. knife; exam, free' 143 E. ISth st. Dr. G oldie RygK. cancer specialist East 2X34. VIT O NET Magnetic sweats massage. Vit O Net sweat blankets for sale. 447 Morgan bldg. Main 31)5 IF YOU are tired and nervous have a sci entific electric body massage. Dr. Ovldi. Larson. 427 Morgan bldg. Main 19110. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10-needle method; trial free. Josie Flnley. 415 Bush Lane bldg. Main 63H3. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phone Main 1043. Office 308-C Third st. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever by multipie-neeuie memou. o'jn awetjanq piog JACK F. W'rite to mo at Seaside. Box RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. RIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213 mornings.. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you? See VierecK, coi.ecmons, teaum oiag. PILES CAN BE CURED without operation. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. EYES tested free: spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Belding. 245Vj Alder st. Main 1692. DRUG LESS physician. Dr. K. P. Carter. Office 617-18 Swetland bldg. Main 63. JUN1C1DE will cure rheumatism or tnone back- 4t8 Dekum bldg. GOITRE, enlarged glands: cure yourself A. R. Strachan. route 5. Hiilsboro. Or. PERKINS National Herbs. Aldr building, lelepbone Main 6. V...;; f 1 - V-.1 a- 1