"1 20 THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1920 4 ..-1 - ': 3 .5v5 - j " -." i FOR SALE AfTOMOBlIKS. fS " BELLING USED CARS. GIVING BOTH BARGAINS AND SATISFACTION. We. sre selllnv used automobile with a standard factory warranty, or are glv ing ten davs free trial subject to their being returned and full credit given on ny other used automobile. During the -last four years wo have rebuilt Hudson automobiles and resold t hem with a warranty the same as a factory warranty on a new car. It pays for us to eell and you to bu a used automobile that you can rely upon. Wo have opened a new store for the ale of used cars at 40-46 N. Broadway, which is open until 8 P. M. 3917 Maxwell, fine condition, has been repainted; good tires $400 391 Maxwells 3 to select from. We have put them through our shop; now In first-class condi tion ; also repainted and look like new $550, 575, $600 2 1919 Maxwells: fine up-to-date mall cars, all pone over and zna.de like new.. 630 3920 Maxwell, almost new ; a bar gain 800 Model 400 Overland sedan with wire wheels. Rood tires, good condition, first-class running; order 800 1920 OldsmoMle roadster, fine running condition, cord tires.. 1200 Chandler sedan which we put t h rough our shoo and Is in f irst-class rurnlnf order; has been repainted ............... 1500 1920 Bulck roadster, almost new 1400 Ford coupe with electric starter and wire wheels 625 1919 Ford truck, good condition 525 1919 Chalmers roadster, all In fine condition 1100 1919 Chalmers light elx, over hauled and repainted, all In fine condition 1250 1919 Essex, nil pone over In our shop; sold to you with a stand ard factory warranty which we carry for you 1273 1920 latest jnodel Essex, alt In first-class condition, and we give you a factory warranty on it 1350 191 7 Hudson super six, all gone over in our shop, then repaint ed. Has a winter top and the regular touring top. Will give you regular factory warranty on It 1250 1920 Hudson speedster, all dolled, over $200 spent extra on it. We wljl give a standard factory warranty on this car 2150 1917 Hudson sedan at a bargain price. Hudson limousine, oil rone over and made to look like new. Another bargain. OUR STORE FOR THESE TSED CAR BARGAINS AT 40-46 BROAD WAY. C, I BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. JlST BACK FROM THE PAINT SHOP. We have a number of exceptionally good buys in used cars; machines that were traded In to us during our us-d car sale at very reasonable prices, hence after overhauling and repainting these rars we are able to pass on a big saving ta the buyer. This Is a partial list of what we have: 1917 Maxwell, pa."a s ao litlrt Briscoe. 1!14 Mitchell, 1015 Mitchell, Willys-Knight, 3 1 17 Dodge, 1!17 Mitchell, 1913 Mitchell, 5-pass 4tlO 5-pass 275 S-pass 350 5-pass 800 5-pass 850 5-pass 850 5-pass 1100 And we also have a few Victory model Mitchells and two Jordan Silhouettes which we give factory guarantee and service. Deal with a house of recognized sta bi 1 i ty. 38 years In business In Portland. We handle our own notes and do not charge for brokerage. MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST AVER CO., BROADWAY AT EVERETT. I' hone Broadway 4075. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF to see these cars before you buy. One purchaser said before he bought, there must be some thing wrong, I never saw such bargains. 191S Maxwell touring $3W Overland 83 touring .; 205 Dodge touring 4!5 li)18 Chevrolet roadster 3e5 !1S Chevrolet touring 315 liil" Studebaker touring 373 116 Buick touring 075 113 8 Overland touring 475 l'.18 Overland roadster 30." 1117 OUismobile eight C54J FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. Grand and Hawthorne aves. East 3770. BUICK TOURING. This car is in the finest condition that a car could be in. It has Goodyear tirs nd tubes all around; one extra. Runs and pulls fine, has no-g'.are lenses in headlights; many other extras, including a set of seat covers that cost the owner 45. We bought this car for low cash price and wiU sell it for the low price of $075, with $250 down, bal. monthly. Take Ford in trade. Open Sundays for your inspection. 514 A Ider st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. Let us figure with you on your work. We have the best equipped repair shop In the city and can take care of all your troubles, large or small. Overhauling our specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Could we offer you more? Auto electricians on starters, gen erators, lighting and ignition. Batteries recharged; rebuilt and repaired. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 2S0 Front st., corner Jefferson, O. E. Depot Bldg. OLDS EIGHT TOURING. Here is the most wonderful light 8 on the market. This one has all the ap pearance of new one and will run to please you. Has cord tires and one extra. We have low price on this car. Will take lote model car in trade and give liberal terms on the balance, or take $450 down; take victory bonds at full value. Open Sundays so you may try the car. 514 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 1918 FORD sedan, starter, speedometer and 5 cord tires; excellent mechanical condition: has had the best of care; price ..0, terms. Call Mr. Co well. Main 4220. Arthur hotel. $J23 DOWN. 3917 Overland, wonderful bargain; perfect mechanically ; $30.40 mo.. In cluding interest for 8 months. Frank Siattery, 320 Henry bldg. PAIGE BARGAIN. Owner must raise moiney quicklv $1050 for late 19 IS Paige, overhauled and painted. Particulars, see Mr. Argo, Broadway 3-81. 1917 BUICK SIX TOURING. Finest cond it ion, will take Ford In exchange, prefer closed ca r, $950. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. Grand and Hawthorne aves. East 377Q. 7-PASSENGER PAIGE BARGAIN. Late 1920 model, used short time as demonstrator, $2 loo; $700 down, balance in 10 months: car fully guaranteed. Mr. Argo, Broadway 3 2 8 1 . 111 S DODGE touring. A-l mechanically, looks like hew; must sacrifice; price ss".. Call Mr. Roe, Broadway G21, 5-PASSENGER Oldsmobile. cheap or will take small car in trade: Ford preferred. Ask for Darling. East 2"S. HERE is a 1920- 5-passenger C-cy Under, for less than the insurance value. 725 East 08th st. and Sandy blvd. Owner. HUPMOBILK DEMONSTRATOR. Run 3 months: will give liberal dis count. To see this car call East 303. 1U20 MAXWELL roadster, like new, wind shield, reflectors, snubbers and bumper, S075. E. 4370. 1017 OAKLAND touring, good shape, $475. E. 4:i7. 1920 FORD touring, electric starter. Ma rhinery A-l. $5H. E. 4376. TOURING car for sale cheap, or trade. Owner. Tabor 3825. OVERLAND, K3, good mechanical condi tion, good tires, new top, $250. Wdln. 3453. FOR S A LE-i Overland bug, cheap. 20 East Sixth street South. PACKARD twin six. will sell or take iight car as first payment. BC 249. Oregonian. OVERLAND chummy at a bargain; in ex cellent condition. Phone E. 6032. 1 1 " S PODGE in Al condition, 71 Grand ave, ,N., apt. 2. $700 cash. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. AT THE COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY PLANT. The price of a used car la not always the price you ought to pay for it. A definite relationship surely exists between the service to be expected from a car and the prKre paid. The actual value of a used auto mobile Is no easy problem for even a well-posted person to solve. Un til a car is torn down, rebuilt and refinlshed there are few judges who can correctly estimate to what extent repair is necessary. We are conscientiously rebuild ing and refinlshing the used cars we offer regardless of the expense Involved. We solicit your approval of this method of used car mer chandising and hope thereby to Inspire your entire confidence. Our used cars are worth what we ask, but you will find our prices no higher than the lowest market Quotations. DODGE BROS. MOTOR CARS. We have a complete line of re built and refinished 1916-17-18-10-20 cars in touring, roadster and sedan models. Prices at this time are unusually attractive. 1919 HUPMOBILLE touring 1917 MAXWELL touring... $1250 325 600 1050 275 750 300 1300 600 1919 model 90 OVERLAND touring 1918 PODGE BROTHERS panel delivery 1914 OVERLAND delivery, a good one 3920 FORD coupe 1916 FORD touring, 17 radi ator 1919 PAIGE touring, a fine car 3915 HUDSON 6 model 54. wire wheels, cord tires, priced only The following cars are at the Broadway Used Car Branch, 28-80 Broadway. . 1U1 9 ST UDEBAK ER, West- Inghouse equipped $2000 1914 STUDEBAKER 6 tour ing snap 500 1919 FRANKLIN touring, a beauty 2100 3918 CHANDLER touring... 1250 1!MS CHEVROLET delivery. 650 1918 CHEVROLET roadster in nice shape, specially priced for a lew days at.. 525 1918 CHEVROLET touring,. excellent shape 500 1918 FORD sedan, newly painted 675 ' 1918 Model 90 OVERLAND reduced to 600 CADILLACS. That the efforts we put forth In rebuilding and refinishing on used Cadillac motor cars are appreciat ed is plainly shown in the unusual volume of Cadillac business we are pleased to be able to acknowl edge. Conscientious effort to carry out an honest purpose always will receive its Just approval. We are open Sundav. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH iis-30 Broadway. Main 0244. HOW IS THIS FOR USED CAR BARGAINS? Bulck light six Dod ere Overiands Fords Maxwell Peerless Ford chassis Saxon 0 Saxon 4 $00 . $550 $350 $3O0 .$200 $175 .$175 .$100 $150 . . .$300 and ....$225 to LONG & SILVA. 4u2 Hawthorne. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MO N E Y . OUK SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR." NEW CASE SIX, special painted job. run about BOO miles. Just enough to be broken in; equipped complete, 5 cord tires, spotlight, bumpers, windshields, etc.; cost $3450 complete; will discount $700. Inquire Monday, 454 Washington st., corner 13th. WE CARRY a full line of auto accesso ries, tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc. Also do towing. Open day and night. LONG & SILVA, Phone East 0840. 462 Hawthorne. 5-PASSENGER touring car used as dem onstrator, cost $1500 3 months ago; will sell for $12O0 and accept smaller car as payment: balance on time. For owner call East 4130. FRANKLIN series 8. in perfect mechanical condition, extra good rubber. Owner. Main 2549. Terras. Call week days. FOR SALE Will sell my light touring car at a, bargain, will accept a motorcycle in exchange. Call Marshall 1150. room 418. Sunday morning, weekdays, after ti P. M. OAKLAND 6 Late i 1920 model, for sale cheap; in perfect condition: might con sider cheap light car and balance cash Marshall 1950, apt. 40. CHEVROLET touring, 1918. in good con dition ; must sell ; a real buy at $450, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. BIG USED CARS. PRICES RIGHT. STOCK No Misrepresentation COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and sell thelf parts at half price. David Hodei Auto Wrecking Dept.. 105-7 N. lith at. FOR SALE Ford car. 102O body, self starter ; one-ton truck. 30S First at. ohone 555-14. 1917 FORD touring. In first-class" shape good tires, very reasonable. Camped at E. 11th and Main, Mr. Plummer. OVERLAND touring, in good condition -must sell; a snap at $375, terms. 30 granu ave. -Norm, near uurnsjde, SELL or trade 7-passenger Hup in good conn it ion. Dy owner. Phone 326-44 for appointment. R 19, Oregonian. "RITICIC four. In fine rnnriltinn - - - - "i--i ures; a real buy at $ j ( .. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. CHEVROLET chassis; make a good buc must sell, $200. 30 Grand ave. North' near Burnside. . FORD runabout, good condition, good tires a bargain at $275. 30 Grand ave. North' near Burnside. 1 MY LATE 191i Bnsco. overhauled stem to stem, will take Ford in trade. i8o Fron? st. Phone Main 1423. U ronI WE PUT steel teeth in your old fly wbe-. crank shaft turning. H. B. Black, TnaZ chine shop. 534 Alder st. Bdwv 21. 1919 FORD touring, good rubher first- class conuition: leaving country. Call AUIU, .(IT-i)l. V m. OILI1 F 1920 FORD touring, with starter. De livered 2 months ago. Owner must sac rifice. Main 333S. 1118 HLUbUN speedster, looks and runs ime new, ures amiosi new; siOoO, terms. tiiHSl ioi or ij w . wo.i, Jii .N . 0th 1920 HUPMOBILE. two extra tires, pump, spotlight, car aimost new. terms East 331 9 or Bdwy. 4035. 141 N. 6th st. $400 LIGHT six; everybody likes this car cord tires, seat covers, dandy top to match. . 462 Flanders. Monday. 1920 FORD sedan. $775. terms; $725 cash or trade for late ord toruing. 170 E. 7th st. East 6234. 5-PASSENGER Case 40, 1916 model; good mechanical condition ; 5 good tires; $550 cash. 354 East Burnside st. a bargain! " r- ' 1919 Chevrolet; 2 extra tires and extras: fine condition. Wdln. 2385 AUTO OWNERS' SALES ROOM You wish to sell your car? Can get quick action at 108 King st. Main 184. FORD touring, fine condition, must sell- a bargain at $200. 30 Grand ave. North' nerr uurnamt:. HUDSON super six, good condition all extras. Call East 2290 before 3 p" m Apt. 2. Hawthorne Garage. $950 cas FOR SALE 1920 Stutz roadster; must eell; tine shape in every way. n 211. Oregonian. FOR SALE Studebaker 6. cheap, Jn Koa rUllUlllUll. .1 I'Wt'C MOW BEFORE BUYING a used car see auto owners' galesroom. 168 King at. FOR SALE 1S13 Cadillac for $250. Ap ply Covey Motor Car Co 1919, CHEVROLET, runs and looks like new; price 1550, terms. East 173. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. CLVB ROADSTER. 38 model and has five wire wheels and new tires, finished dark Packard blue ith gold stripe and it will please you the way it runs. i.me and try it. Low price, and take $250 down, bal. easy. Take Ford Jn trade. 10th rind Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR OAR COMPANY. 1917 BUICK light six touring, the best buy in the city for $1000; pantasote top, 7 tires, 4 nearly new. Phono owner at Main 5300. WILL sacrifice new Chevrolet. Broadway Automobiles Wanted!. AUTOS WANTED. W' want a stock of automobiles; pre fer thfem in Portland, but may consider out-of-town stock. - W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank "Bldg. WANTED-; Good 7-pass. car; have 20 acres, 7 acres in cult., fine noil, clear of incumbrance, good title, price $2500; will exchange for good 7-pass. car, no junk. Garland. 201 3d bt., cor. Taylor. WE ARE selling used cars and we can sell yours. We only charge a small commission. We have prospects for cars now. Kade & Simonton Co., 415 GHsan st. IF YOU- have an auto that needs over hauling and want to trade it -for a dia tnond. call Main K476. WANTED To buy, light delivery car, all inclosed, cheap for cash ; no agents. 408 .via in sr., room o. WANT car as part payment on new mod- ern bungalow. Owner, Tabor 3S25. WANT car, lots or acreage; have 4 houses. 20 1 McKay bldg. Motorcycles. 1919 EXCELSIOR, completely overhauled and pain ted ; Bosch magneto, A. B. C. generator, oversize rear tires; $250; will sell for $50 down. 353 Williams ave. East 04SS. MOTORCYCLES arid parts. all makes. East Side , Motorcycle Co., 44-46 Grand avenue. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BUTYCLES TRY US. 2U4-206 3D ST. MAIN 6139. Automobiles 'for Hire. AUTOS FOR . HIRE- with or drivers. , Day or night service. vithdut COL'CHMAX GJRAGE. Remember our number, Broadway 3fl96.- NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND8. HUUSO.NS. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BROADWAY lf40S. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates 132 12th St.. between Washington and Alder. Broadway S40. . AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. L SULLIVAN'S FASHION ''GARAGE. Mar 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A1236 ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR IHR3 WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR MAIN 1S7. 1920 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE, WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547. FOB SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. FORD truck; cee at Universal repair shop, 210 Jefferson st. Owner there today be tween U and 5. A real bargain, $275; been gone over completely. ONE. 3,4 -TON Rep. delivery truck for ea.e; just overhauled. Tires almost new; real bargain. Inquire at 634 4th st. Ma.n Glhn. 1020 MODEL Ford truck. $450, Loveioss Girsay. 309 Fourth st. terms. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS.. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS NO AMOUNT IS TOO LA RGB FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LA R G E DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE1 DIA MONDS OFFERED MY LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CONFI DENTIAL ERNEST DEEDS. S40 WASHINGTON ST MAIN 3173 CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 3U9 $12.50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER, THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison St., near 3d st. Will call day or evening. $8.50 UP TO $25 GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES 'OR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROAD W AO-' 3932. 245V BURNSIDE CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. UP TO $35 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS "We pay any price for men's clothes. OREUON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d t-. N. W. cor. Waah. Main 934r $7.50 TO $25 for men's used suits and overcoats. Call Goldbaum, the Tailor, for good results. Will pay more and all it is worth for your cast-off clothing. Phone Main 738. 107 FIRST ST.. NEAR MORRISON. FURS. FURS. FURS. . Low Rent and Low Prices. Remodeling and Repairs. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. Main 529 103 W. Park. ' UP-TO-DATE BUYER. I pay the highest prices for second hand furniture, tools, rags, old clothing and all kinds of junk. Call Main 734 and I WILL LLKA.N l f iuuitnu.aa OUR SPECIALTY is buying men s cast-oft c'.otbing; highest cash prices paid; wiU call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. M arshall 3225. 2Q9 Madison. WANTED To buy. pole or wood saw; must be In good condition. Address N. Merrill. Franklin hotel. Portland. Or. WANTED Diamond, around krat, for cash; must be good color and a bargain. A 2U4, Oregonian WANT Encyclopedia Brltannnica, 11th ed., cloth or brown flexible binding. Phone Main 9137. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx & Co., 283 Wash, st. SAFE Will pay cash for good second hand office sai'e. D 285. Oregonian. JUNK, rags, metals, - toolst, furniture, car pets, old clothing; good prices. East 5171. Furniture Wanted. MARSHALL 59SL GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLDEST MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. The Big Store. All under one root. No branch stores. 1S5 FIRST ST. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. C AR PETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. . MAIN 309. 1 CASH FURNITURE CASH. . We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than other local dealers Call us up for one article or a house full and a courteous, competent buyer wii! call. Main 7714. Rosenberg's furniture Exchange. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you eell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 2o8 FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. CALL MAIN SS73. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. 8878 MAIN. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash Phone today, Main 4027 or ItiO First st REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to l.11 points on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703 IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and benefit to sell your furniture to us. Call Mar shall 2G93. Crown Furniture Co. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. SELL us your furniture and rugs. Reitabi Furniture Co.. 203 2d st. Main 7308. WE BUY used furniture. For best results call East 2405 EDUCATIONAL SPANISH taught by a v ate lessons given; 2to( Oregonian. real Spaniard; prl easiest method. Y OREGON law school, Alisky bidg.. 3d and Mor. W, E'. Richardson, sec. Main 977. EDCCATIONAL FOR BIG PAY. Get Into the Auto or Aviation Business. You're right! No other line of work offers the employment opportunities and big pay that the automobile and aviation business does. The quick and satisfactory way to learn this business and get into it Is through the help of that man "'Adcox whoe school holds the world's record for graduating the largest percentage of students who make good in a big, commanding way. Today, scores and scores of men who lese than a year ago knew absolutely nothing about automobiles are earning as expert "gas engineers" double to treble what they ever before made. Adcox- trained thern in 12 to 16 weeks. Y'ou may be skepti cal say it can't be done but it actually is being done; and. if you will give'Ad cox" a chance to talk with y.xx a few minutes' or write or call for a free copy of this big. dollar book, describing his school and his- methods, you will quickly be convinced as hundreds of men vnd young men before you have been. ' To 'prove the value of his course to you, he will let you attend his school four weeks free -and. if you Ilnd anything misrepresented he will pay you 50 cents fr each hour In attendance at his school. He even will go further! If. after visit ing his schooI or carefully going through his catalog. you truthfully can say that anywhere in the west you have seen another auto school with as much equipment who graduates as large a per centage of successful students or gives you as .much for your money, he will make you a, present absolutely free of his complete Auto; Battery and Electri cal course, valued at $200. If the train ing he offers were just the ordinary kind, this orfer would be suicidal would put him out. of business in les than three monthj. Just the dav this announcement was written, a prospective student said. "Adcox, I thought you were bluffing with your free trial and other offers,-but you win! I have visited ome half dozen other auto schools and yours makes them all look like a rusty dime." Only a different unquestionably superior school could make such of ters as "Adcox" does. There is no red tape to his offers, either he Is wi'.lmg to depend entirely upon the honesty and good judgment of any ambitious fel low. You' re as good a man as the next follow prove it go after the big money awaiting you in the automobile and aviation business !'s one line where there is no age limit and no entrance examinations are required of those en tering the Adcox School. Simply go there if you half try. you can't help but make good. The state pays Oregon ex pervice men $25 per month while attend ing school. Tear out this announce ment right now see "Adcox" or get a copy of his book. No. 5, at once. The address is, ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, PORTLAN. OR. MEN I Tf you want to attend an AUTO and TRACTOR school where you get the most complete training, and the best value, then attend HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. We have just installed a large quantity of new electrical equip ment. We have also placed in the school for your benefit a brand new VULCAN IZING department with all the latest and best equipment available. Now is the time to enroll and get ready for that big job next spring. The demand for trained men will be grat. Let us guidt you on the road to success. The HEMP HILL schools graduate thousands of successful students each year; you can be one of them this year. You take the tools in your hands and get the actual practical shop experience on all makes of cars. We combine practice and theory in all courses which is the only way to get a satisfactory training. If you are desirous of learning the automobile business or any branch of It, better in vestigate the HEMPHILL school first State aid to Oregon ex-service men. THE SCHOOL OF SATISFACTION. In formation and catalogue upon request. H KM PH I LL'S TRADE SCHOOL. INC.. 707 Hawthorne Ave., . Portland, Or. Downtown office, 331 Oak St.. near ' Broadway. ' LEARN AVIATION FROM THE FIRST AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE AERONAUT ICAL SCHOOL IN THE NORTHWEST. A SCHOOL WHICH HAS 2000','e MORE PUPILS THAN ANY OTHER SIMILAR SCHOOL IN THIS TERRITORY. Big demand if you are a qualified man In aeronautics. . ALL COURSES ARE FREE TO FED ERAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING MEN THE STATE OF OREGON ALLOWS $23 PER MONTH TOWARD E DUCAT ION -. AL PURPOSES TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. CATALOGUE ON REQUEST. DUD RE Y AIRCRAFT COMPANY. Portland. 824 Morgan Bldg., Oregon. NEW NIGHT CLASS Begins December 6 at the Adcox Auto School, Union avenue and Wasco street. Classes Monday. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 7 to 9 P. M. Class runs to June 1. State pays Oregon ex-service men $25 per month while attending schooL School open for inspection from 7 to 8 P. M. 8S-page catalogue FREE, , AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. OT course, you wish the best possible training. That means that you will investigate this school, where you get thorough labora tory trainin g and practical repair ex perience under experts. One high-gradU instructor per each 12 students. Auto mobiles, tractors, vulcanizing, machine training. Ex-service men get Oregoa financial aid. Address Automotive Schools, Oregon Institute of. Technology Sixth and Main sts., Portland. Y'OU CAN LEARN WELDING. COMPETENT WELDERS ar more scarce than any other craftsmen In the metal trades. By our method of Indi vidual Instruction . under experienced teachers WE WILL TEACH YOU WELDING OF ALU M ETALS more thoroughly and In less time than can be done in any other manner. Apply, day or evening, at 427 E. 9th St.. near Grant. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL OF WELDING. MEN WHO WANT steady. Interesting work at big pay can learn the automo bile and tractor business in short time in our big practical shops. Only stand ard automotive training. Position as sured when finished. Earn part ex penses while learning. Catalog FREE. National Automotive School, blS S. Fig- ueroa, Los Angeles, Cal. BEHX KE-WALKEr! West's largest business college. As sures every graduate a position. All business courses including comptometer training. Enroll any time; dtiy school, night school. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. Fourth, near Morrison. Phone Main 590. BUSINESS SCHOOL giving personal and individual attention; prepares young men for business, stenographic, private secre tarial and bookkeeping positions; stand- ardized with business schools In 100 dif ferent cities; day or night. Inquire of Mr. Clark, dean. Main 8 TOO. Oregon In stitute of Technology. MOLE R BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in S weeks, furnish a set of tools to you. and give some pay while learning; positions secured : former ex service men receive state aid while at tending our school. Write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnside. OREGON BARBER COLLEDE will teach you the trade in S weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed, pay while learning ; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. PORTLAND Barber College teaches the barber trade in eight weeks, pays while learning; good set of tools given; posi tions secureu; tuition reauceo. 38 N. 2d st ROCKY" MT. Teachers Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt., mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. FRENCH lady, experienced teacher from Paris university, will give private French lessons. P 221. Oregonian. MISS .MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Type writing School. Day. Evening, Individual Instruction. 209 14th st. Main 3893. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Night classes. MRS. HANNUM'S SCHOOL, shorthand typing. 230 Tillamook st., corner Ganten bein. East 3830. WANTED Address of men and women desiring government positions. AB 27S. Oregonian. YATES-FISHER Teachers' A gene v Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg Main 4S3.. Teaching positions, free reg. WANTED At once, two men to learn vul canlzing and retreading. 432 Hawthorne. LEARN aeroplane construction, gas engine or flying. 409 Spalding bldx. IF YOU want to learn the Vulcanizing business call 158 E. Broadway. KIP WANTED MALE. WANTED A good, all-around butcher for country shop; steady position, good sal ary. Apply M. J. Keres, Estacada, Or. SOLICIT advertising. Rand McNally pock et guides, 25 per cent money daily. 210 Stock Exchange. WANTED Two men for building and as sembling aeroplanes; experience unnec essary. AN 249. Oregonian. SALESMEN, experienced or Inexperienced, by manufacturing company. Call 62 i N. 2ifd st. LIVE, neat salesman, fast money, experi ence unnecessary. 517 Cham, of Com. FIRST-CLASS paper hanger. $6. Hazel Fern piace, in Laurelhurst. FOUR advertising salesmen, good proposi tion. pay nightly. 2-Q6 3d street. WANTED Tie makers; will pay 15 and trc. Aouress -r r x', uregoiuan. WiDE-AWAKE salesman. Call 504 Spald ing bldg., 11 A. M. UELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND BOTS REEKING EMPLOYMENT. The place best equipped to asfflst you In finding employment is the Y. M- C. A. Employers go there for help becaus they know the "Y" appeals to the best type of men and boys. Many firms have standing orders there for men with cer tain qualifications; perhaps you ar fit ted for on of these places. Advisory and employment servica to absolutely free to ex-service men. Ali men seeking employment in cler ical, technical and commercial lines and those who are ambitious to better their condition should jee the Y. M. C A. employment secretary, room 307. "WHERE THERE IS ALWAYS DE MAND FOR CAPABLE MEN." WANTED High-class drug clerk, gradu ated, 10 years experience in prominent d rug store, capable of every confidence and management, high-class references must be furnished ; permanent position and. If necessary, an interest in business, one of best in Oregon ; top salary paid. Wire application, will be in Portland at wholesale drug houses Thursday and Friday. O. E. Silverthorn, La Grande, Oregon. . WANTED Young man about 25 years old who has the physical as well as mental qualifications for an office position where there are plenty of opportunities for advancement. Requirements are good penmanship, neat personality, clean morals and several years' experience in office work.- Answer in your handwrit ing, giving references and experience. A S 250, Oregonian. WELL established onslneaa Intends open- ing children's hair cutting department. Permanent work, good wagea Write, stating full particulars of experience, eta L 2u3. Gresonian. WANTED An experienced attorney, capa ble of handling affairs of corporation; mostly collection work and drawing of lewal forms, such as chattel mortgages, agreements, etc. Salary basis. Want derailed data concerning yourself in first letter. Absolutely confidential. M 131, Oregonian. We offer you an opportunity 10 mu elate yourself with one of the fastest selling plans in Portland. If you possess a salesman's qualifications we want you. , oni irti. ' Call Motor Loan association. sa n a oiug. WANTED Reliable young man. between 25 and 30, as traveling collector in urc gon; prefer man who has had some sell ing experience; must have Ford car, position good for $40 per week above expenses to right man. Ca'J today, o to 5 P. M.. room 220 Carlton hotel. WANTED Two single young men over IS to join advertising crew traveling with manager In Oregon and Washington; ex perience unnecessary; out-of-town men preferred. Ask for Ruthruff, Oregon ho tel. WANTED 2 neat-appearing vouni nnriAr tfR vpn.rs or aee to travel with manager and learn gooa pajing Busi ness; expenses advanced weekly to risht parties. Call in person today from 10 to 1 P. M. Room 220 Hotel Carlton. WANTED Few experienced house-to-house canvassers; men who have handled magazines, books or maps preferred; liberal commission and guarantee. See jvir. wyiie, t"J uregonian mus WANTED Men to sell the American Lady Washer, selling at $5.50. Quick returns. Write immediately. AMERICAN WASHER WORKS, 323 Colman Bldg., Seattle. Wash. WANTED -A first-class, all around cook; steady Job; salary $100 per month. Work "six days per week. -Apply to chef, Broadway Hazelwood. LUMBER mill office, young man, experi enced in shipping, tallying, timekeep- - injr and general office work. Address AN 244, Oregonian. WANTED Bright young man, some knowledge of stenography, to help in brokerage office. Inquire 201 Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED Boy or man with sidecar or light car for laundry, pick up and de livery. 1045 Williams ave. Phone Wood- lawn OobS. WASTED Experienced real estate sales- man that wants to work. Must have machine. 322 Failing bldg. FIRST-CLASS slaughter house butcher and a sheep butcher and a casing man. Frank ij. Kmitn, Aiaer st. Help Wanted Salesmen. WE WANT an experienced man with good references, sound common sense and strong personality to work in Portland ; large income and quick promotion for one who can qualify. This is a real opportunity for a man of refinement (married preferred) with an eye for the future; work highly dignified and con genial. If now employed it will pay you to change; our men are earning $00 to $300 per week. Ctill 1107 Spalding bldg., 10:30 to 12; ask for Mr. Fox. WANTED Successful financial security salesmen. We have one successful com pany already sold out which has paid its third dividends. We are now ready to expand with our new company. What we want is men with ability and Ini tiative who can be trained to become sales managers of our new offices. Call 404 Spalding bldg. between 10 and 12 and 2 and 4. Ask for Mr. Stranahan, National Security Co. Main 82UO. Miss Hall. SALESMEN WANTED. Stop re-a.1 iive -awake salesmen. We have one cf the finest financial securi ties ever offered to the public in the northwest. If you are a real salesman don't hesitate to call and investigate. We need three such men. Call at 702 Title and Trust bldg. THE W. T. RALEIGH CO. needs 4 sales men, exclusive city territory, selling line of household articles that are con sumed daily in every home. 150 prod ucts sold with a money-back guarantee. Liberal proposition to producers. Come in and see us. No obligation. 917 Union ave. N. Phone Aut. 331-14. ; " WANTED 3 STOCK SALESMEN. Stock salesmen, see me first, a propo sition like this may never come again. I want 3 men who want to make $1000 per month. Y'ou don't go out of Port land; prospects furnished. See Charlie McLean, 432 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED SALESMAN to sell International truck in city on straight commission basis. This is a real opportunity for a real salesman. Broughtou Motor Truck Co., 129-133 N. 10th st. SALESMEN having house-to-house expe rience to sell electric appliances. Cam paign featuring a new idea, E. L. Knight Co.. 440 Washington st. LIVE, active agents, ladies or gentlemen, for household necessity, with commission on repeat orders. 227 Wash. st.. room 302 WANTED Salesmen, two good live sales men to seil wire goods ; men with ma chines preferred; call 10 to 12:30 today. George Frost Co., 4U4 x eon Plug. TIRE agent with car, se iceable rebuilt tires; make $10 dally. 513 El sell autolsts serv- nustiers- should tel bldg., Seattle. WANTED Salesman to call on farmers; big profits. Call Main 3941. forenoon, ask for Mr. Roberts. g.VLES.MEN Wonderful opportunity, come insurance 501 Corbet t bldg. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Both men and women to sell the American Lady Washer. Sells at $5.50. Just imagine your sales. Write immediately. AMERICAN WASHER WORKS. 323 Colman Bldg., Seattle. Wash. BIG PROFITS selling Duplex Transform ers. Every auto owner needs them. Save gas. Banish spark-plug trouble. Ex clusive territory. Jubilee Mfg. Co., 388 Sta. C, Omaha, Neb. WE ARE now In a position to offer to re sponsible dealer the privilege of han dling Stearns-Knight automobiles In this territory. -If interested write the F. B. Stearns Co., Cleveland. Ohio. V ANTED Fine Al magazine subscription solicitors. Good pay and bonus. Write Co-operative Society. 733 H. W. Hellman bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Male and Female. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of employment for women with the federal government, will secure employment for women in all lines. Office 329 Henry bldg., cor. 4th and Oak ste. Bdwy. -4537. EXP. STENOGRAPHER. high school graduate, age 20-28, $100; office girl. $.0; billing clerk and typist, $60. 1015 Wiicox bidg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Women to sell the American Lady Washer, selling at $5.50. Big ' profits. Write immediately. AMERICAN WASHER WORKS, 323 Colman Bidg., Seattle, Wash. EXPERIENCED gown Broadway bldg. finishers. 90: NEAT ladles for sales work; no experience necessary. 517 Chamber of Commerce. SALESLADY wanted; must know the art of selling. 431 Artisan bldg. GIRL for light housework, 4-room flat- no chlrtdren; Protestant preferred. East 6062. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. 270 Third st. LADIES' tailor wanted. 407 Central bldgT HELP WANTED FEMALR. WANTED The services of a ladles' ready-to-wear buyer, one who is accustomed to eastern buying and capable of taking full charge of basement department in large retail store; references ana ability must be stated In first communication; all answers will be held strictly confi dential. S 167, Oregonian. SALESLADIES local representatives to sell very attractive line of house dresses, aprons and petticoats from factory diaeet to homes. If you wish to make a per manent connection which will pay you a good Income the year round, write for particulars. Dept. A, 408 Blackstoue bldg., Cleveland. O. SALESLADIES WANTED who are accus tomed to meeting and interviewing the public. We will train you In our work which will be pleasing and profitable to you if you possess the necessary quali fications. Apply MOTOR LOAN ASSO CIATION. 201 Artisan's bldg. WANTED A first-class woman bookkeeper for lumber office, large concern: none but very competent need apply. Steady employment to the right party State wages. Would appreciate reference. Ad dress box C, Hoquiam, Washington. SALESLADIES for hand knitting wool, of superior quality, direct from manufac turer, low price, sells rapidly, liberal commission, live agents make big money. F. W. Walter, 43 LeUUa street. Philadel phia, Pa. EXPERIENCED, comptometer operator to figure interest; temporary position. 718 Dekum bldg. WANTED Experienced operator of wall Remington typewriter; must have experi ence as bookkeeper; good position. Ap ply in person, Troy Laundry, East Tenth and' Pine. MIDDLE-AGED woman, work part time; care of house and cook dinner for people employed or care of children afternoons or evenings. 9"abor 2283. DRAPERS and finishers on gowns; beat wages only ; people who have shop ex p. and can give a city ref. need apply. 518 Artisans bldg. YOUNG woman, with at least high school education, to learn the business of a well established association. Chance for promotion. O -11, Oregonian. WANTED Women to work as outside so licitors on salary; previous experience unnecessary. Call mornings at 388 East Morrison. ANY GIRL in need of a friend appiy to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3450. DM car. HEMSTITCHING operator, out-of-town. $27 week and fare. Appiy Meier & Frank, hemstitch ing department. THE FLORENCE Crittenton Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 95 East Gllsan. "MV" car. East 31d. WANTED Girl for cigar stand, 5 hours during evening. Call Broadway 1251, Clarence J. Mastt. EXPERIENCED girl for cafeteria work evenings and Saturdays. Phone morn ings. Sell. 2202. WANTED Lady for pressing shop, to do pressing and alteration work on men's clothes. D 150. Oregonian. WOMAN to do light housework in family of two. Apply Standard Furniture Co., ISO 1st st. EXPERIENCED counter girl wanted. Lib erty Lunch, 126 5th st. CASHIER, relief, 4 days, $12 and board. Enckson's, 23 N. 2d. WANTED Candy-makers' helper with ex perience. 410 Hawthorne ave. Wanted Domestics, FAMILT with 3 children. 12 years to 5 years, want help for general housework; wages no object to re liable and dependable party. Call East 3787. WANTED A woman for housekeeping and care of 2 children, both girls; no objec tion to one child. Apply 348 Union ave., near Broadway. GIRL to do cooking, private family; wages $70. Tel. East 3126. WANTED Scandinavian girl for general housework in small family; willing to go to Pendleton references. Call East 1015. HIGH SCHOOL girl wanted, refined home, to assist mornings and evenings. Board, room and small wages. Tabor o 5b. GIRL to assist with housework, small fam ily, no children. Phone Main 2L'39. 328 11th st. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, 3 in family; ciy references. 812 Overton st. Main 8113. WANTED-r-A competent girl ofr general housework. 2 In family; good wages. Ap ply 44 Ella st. Broadway 4S30. . WANTED Girl to cook in private family, 3 adults, 1 child, Vancouver Barracks. Major W. P. Currier. STRONG middle-aged woman to assist with housework; good home, good wages. Call East 81SS. WANTED Lady to take care of baby and to help with light housework in small apt. 410 Harrison, apt. 30. GIRL wanted to assist with general house' work. 6t Everett. WANTED Woman for general housework. Apply 374 E. Morrison. - WANTED Nurse -ma id for baby boy 14 months old; inquire 340 10th. WANTED Young girl for general house work. Main 5609. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MAN AND WIFE to work in a hotel, man to attend to the furnace morning and night and woman to do chamber work. Call Main 7044, or room 44. Hotel Stew art. WANTED Lady agent for Rubnomore washer. 221V3 vvashington, room 801. MAN AND WIFE, cook and helper, must - nave notei exp. awy. .juo. HELP. WANTED WITH INVESTMENT, WE have 5-year-old established business in Portland selling food products direct to consumers; large and staple trade established: good profits; want middle aged or young married man to take charge of office and inside work so as to enable us to get In field on expan sion. Workman must have pep and be willing to work, as we favor young successful men and will only consider an Al man, liberal wages paid; must Invest $2000 and not allowed more than $5000 In business ; good references. An swer today. Atj 4U, oregonian. WANTED Young married man, experi enced with poultry; salary $1200 a year; right man can later buy in business. Write to Skookum Orchards, Underwood, Washington. RESPONSIBLE truck drivers, experience unnecessary ; investment of $500 re quired; steady employment; salary $150. Inquire Your Transportation Lines, Inc., 325 Giisan st- WANTED Men to co-operate with large manufacturing concern ; gooa position open for those who can qualify; $50 cash bond requireo. tv joi. oregonian . OFFICE man, knowledge of electrical equipment, will receive salary, interest on investment and percentage of gross turnover. an -00, oregonian. ARE Y'OU interested in making money ? If you are investigate at once; $50 will start you; best of security. W 286. Ore gonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED By expert driver, one who can do all own repairing, position with pri vate family; if you don't want to pay for good service don't call. Broadway 3398. WANTED By carpenter any kind of re palr or new work. Phone Aut. 519-36. MAN with truck desires hauling of all kinds. Call East 8620. PLUMBING done reasonably by hour or job at right price. Tabor 1116. 4 FILIPINOS wish house or Janitor work. Phone 517-89. ACCOUNTANT wishes pare time work Tabor 7311 AN EXPERT pruner. fruit, roses and orna mental. Tabor 1089. PAINTING, papering and tinting. Lapp Wilils & Co. Woodiawn 2497. HOUSE painting, decorating of all kinds. signs; years experience, 'labor 2UtV ROOMS tinted. $1 to $5; roof fixing, 90c. first hour. Wdln. 6QS 4. EXPERT tree and rose pruning. Phone East 6902. CARPENTER, buidder, remodeling, huilt la work;" prices reasonable. Tabor 345. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. NOTICE Realtors, building contractors, hotel managers and building owners, as we have just finished our fall work are now offering the services of three com petent painters at any reasonable day's wage for the remainder of the winter; good references furnished. For further information call Woodlawn 2417. AN ACCOUNTANT. Emoloyed. but with some spare time, wishes extra work; will open and close books, take trial balances and profit and io&s and financial statements and de vise and install office and cost systems. Address N 151, Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE with 3-year-old boy wish work where they can sleep and cat for part pay: table waiting and dish washing, or will do other work in city or out town; we are clean, honest Ameri cans. Call or write to V.". i. Grisell. 721 East 79th st. N. YOUNG married man would like sales or clerical position in hardware, clothing or general merchandise store in Ore gon or Washington; experienced; refer ences and blind furnished. J 205, Ore gonian. IP' YOU are lovers of the harmony of stringed music, the band of w hich is com posed of five Fili pi no professional play ers, call or write to E. Gascon, 1 S3 li Fourth St., room 10. Automatic 523-85. ' Restaurant or cafes preferred. WANTED Position as farm manager; specialized in orchard and registered dairy work; only larger proposition con sidered; state size of farm and salary In first letter. Position wanted for Jan. 1, 1921. AV 729. Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man wants a position '.can do most any kind of work; long job pre ferred; can give references. If you need a reliable man call me. Phone Wood lawn 4'.M2. HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work in ex change for room and board or afternoons and Saturdays. Sellwood 546. All Sun day. Week days a fter 6 P. M. I WANT a position as lng scaler; will work in either Oregon or Washington ; have had long experience: let me hear as soon as possible. AG 205, Oregon lan. THOROUGHLY experienced orchardist de sire a position as manager or toreman. Can give best of references. H. A. Smith, 7MM(. k. Burnside. ROOFS repaired nt any time, rain or shine, all work guaranteed; eave troughs cleaned. Portland Roof Repair & Paint Co. Main 0320. PRUNING. SPRAYING TREES. SHRUBS, ETC. GIL ROY. FORMERLY U. S. C,t V E R N M E N T ORCHARDIST. T II O N E BROADWAY 3!37. EXPERIENCED Filipino schoolboy. 18 years, would like work in a private family for board and room : can show best references. AG 240, oregonian CEMENT and carpenter work, reasonably and workmanlike done: no job too small or too large. Call Main 7S05 lor esti matea. REOISTERED DRUGGIST WANTS POSI TION Young man, 1 years' experience; first-class references. Room 334, Ramapo hotel. YOUNG,, strong man. wants w ork on farm, inexperienced but willing to do anything; can run, truck or tractor. M 270. Ore gonian. A. JAPANESE boy would like house woYk or schoolboy and wish to learn English. Address il North 12th st. Phone 519-15 at lO-U A. M. m SITUATION by man and wife. janitor work office bids., or halls. Address .T. Campbell, 314 Main st. Phone Alain ISIS, apt. 5. PAINTING dene by contract, iarge or small jobs; get my price before letting job. Tabor 7h50. CA RPENTE R. new or repair work, large or small 1ob; estimates cheerfully given. Biaco, Main 1G05. A MARRIED Filipino, neat appearing man would like to work for private family as driver. AN 259. Oregonian. WANT work for first-class 2'.j-ton truck, with or without trailer. Mr. Sylvester. Bdwv. 1758, 92 N. loth. SH I NGLI NG wanted ; repair work done promptly ; hard wood floors laid. 288 3d st.. 'room 07. EXPERT painting, tinting, enameling and paper hanging done, pre-war prices; best of work. Tabor 9172. PAPERHANGING. painting and tinting. Good work, reasonable prices, Marshall 2403. ' PAINTING, calcimining and paper hang ing; work reasonable and guaranteed. Last 118. DRIVER with one-ton truck desires con tract for hauling. Marshall DUO or Tabor 9517. HOY, 17, would 1 ike to learn mechanical trade; sorne electrical experience. Wood lawn 232T BAKER, 15 rears' experience on cake and bread', wishes position, city or country. A 24 tl, Oregon ian. RELIBALE Japanese boy wishes position general housework; steady work or part of dav. F. T. , 271 Salmon st., city. A-l CARPENTER, builds and remodels cheap by contract. Woodlawn 12ft. WANTED Hauling with 3i-ton truck. 1018 East 11th st. North. JANITOR, married', no children. Marshall YOUNG MAN, 35, strong, willing, any thing. T. Harrison. 210Vs First st. EXPERIENCED milker or farmhand wants position. Y 258, Oregonian. w FOR CEMEN'T WORK, brick, tile or frame garages, call East 2303. BREAD and cake baker wishes work; all aroundi baker. F 223. Oregonian. WANTED Short johs gardening, tree trimming, painting. Tabor 7S50. ROOM tinted, $3, $4, woodwork cleaned, good work. Broad way 3523. PAINTING, TINTING. Reasonable estimates. Auto. 522-08. ALL-AROUND cafeteria man wishes steady position. Phone Tabor 2330. COOKS' HEADQUARTERS AND KITCH EN HELP. 293H STARK ST. M. 1548. PAINTING, tinting, papering, good work, reasonable. Sell wood 130U. YOUNG Japanese school boy wants situa tion. Y 256, Oregonian. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. ACCOUNTANT and bookkeeper, extensive experience wishes part time work keep ing books, preparing statements and income tax j-eporta. Reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed, Alain 2178. or Auto. 234-14. BOOKK EEPER who knows how to meet the people and able to use selling ability successfully; references required. S 274. Oregon ian. EXPERT accountant will audit your books and get your accounts in shape for in come tax report. East E290. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. ELDERLY lady wishes light work ; care for convalescent old lady or couple; good home and salary. Sellwood 1700. morn ings. RESPONSIBLE woman will take care of children afternoons and eveninsa. Auto. 5l9-4i. LACE AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS done up like new. Will call. East 8518. WILL care for children evenings, while mother is away; references. Woodlawn DilL WANTED 3 or 4 small children to keep by month at 1653 E. 8th st., Sellwood Sta., corner Tenino ave. RELIABLE lady wishes to care for chil dren, 35c an hour and carfare. Main . 4:t4. room 10. GIRL, experienced in housework, wishes position with small family. Al refer ences. S 273. Oregonian, EXP. woman wants worK, laundry work, housework or cooking. Mrs. J ohnson. East 1532. WOM AN w ishes day work. Automatic 620-30. COLORED girl wants day work by the hour. East C094. LaDY wants cleaning and washing. Call Wdln. 5007. AN EXPERIENCED woman wants work. Phone East 5703. day LADY wants housecteaning, washing, oth er work; do good work. Woddlawn 63o5. IjADY desires employment by hour or day. or helper in restaurant. E. 3.SU2. RE LI A B LB woman wants' laundry work to take home. Tabor 7009. WANTED Work by the hour by clean, capable woman. Phone 230-33. LADY will take good care of ch ildren a f t e rn pons and evenings. Main HS-S. COLORED woman wants day work. Sell wood 2020. COLORED girl wants posi tion, private family, cook. East 7255. YOUNG colored girl, expert typist, wishes position ; good reference. Wdln. 34 SO. GoOD laundress wishes work Wed., Thurs., Sat., not less than 5 hrs. Wd In. 304 0. WOMAN wants work by hour. OGti East 2th st. North. Woodlawn 500S. RELIABLE cateress WRnts to serve din ners. Call all week. Bdwy. 5072. apt. 42. FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes work Tues., Wed. and Thurs. ; references. Wdln. 1011. WOMAN wants steady work Tuesdays; reduced price for 8 hrs. East 8372. R. 3-S. WA NTED Work by day or houc, fct 2512. SITUATIONS WANTED FKMAT-B. HAVE up to $5000 to invest with working interest in a good going business ; or will buy business outright. Am young woman with business training, collects education, ambitious and willing to work. Gi -e full particulars in first re ply. AC 25M, Oregonian. Bookkeejer, Stenograpnerw. Office. YOUNG woman, 4 years experience gen eral office work, bookkeeping, desires po sition. Prefer responsible position. Ref erences furnished. Main 4osi. PRIVATE family will room young lad , employed free in exchange for light duties. Phone Tabor M2. A FEW hours work daily as typist onl; caft take work hifme to type if no tvpe writer i in office. A 203, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with hanking experi ence, desires j'sition, temporary or per manent, ("all Marshall "3s. EXPERIENCED law st e nographer a nd sec retary, excellent references. Y 259, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires Hub st; tute work ; any machine. Call Main 5i73. W A NTED Posit ion as typist, genera 1 of fice work, s years' experience. Phono Tabor 2176. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion. Call Marbhall 3013. FILE clerk would like position, whole or h:i1ffc day. Call Marshall 57'.4. WANTED By young lady, office work or doctor's office. A M 2St. )refronian. hrewiinalipm. H 1 G f i -C LA SS dressmaking suits. coat s. gowns; references, work m an shin gun r anteed; 50 cer.ts hour at my home. Mrs. Sterling. 4,0 Montgomery st. Phone Marshall 98. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, tailored wont -of all kinds, ail work neatly done, price reasonable. Mrs. Kelly, 752 Vancouver ave. Aut. 316-06. DRESSMAKING, ladies evening gowns a specialty. 247 N. 12th and Marshall e't., apt. H. Broadway .V38. DR ESSES $5 up, a Iteration reasonable, guaranteed. Mrs. F. Peters. 805 E. 7th N. Woodiawn 4601. DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring by the day; tailoring a specialty. Wood lawn 2172. DRESSMAKING and remodeling, all work guaranteed. Mrs. C. Richards. 257 Tay lor street. Phone Marshall 1SB5. DRESSMAKING, reasonable prices. 31 1 .enrrai oidg., 10th and Alder. Main runs. DRESSMAKING. ALL KINDS. MAR. M70. ROOM 9. 710 WASH. ST. EX PERI ENC ED dressmaker wan ts work by day; reference. Woodlawn 4411. EVENING gowns sults and coats made to order. 827 Morgan bldg. , EXPE RIEXCED d re7maker wishes sew ing by day. Wd In. 10 25. DRESSMAKING, ladies tailoring. rhll dren's clothes; reasonable. East 2478. DRESSMAKER, experienced, will sew by the day. Phone evenings. East 1003. TRAINED nurse desires position. , Mr. Hoffman, 225 Russell st. Phono East 73 5 S PRACTICAL nurse wants position: can fur nish reference. Phone Marshall 5034. PRACTICAL nursing by duy or week; any kind of case. Marshall 2553. EXPJSRI ENCED nurse wishes rasp, con finement preferred. Sellwood 2418. PRACTICAL nursing. Columbia 608. 1 loose kfL'pere, YoUNG married couple, husband now em ployed, want congenial home with el derly, couple where wife, experienced cook and housekeeper, can do housework in exchange for boa rd and room for both. ,Wrlte BJ254, Oregonian. HIGHLY responsible, capable young wom an with boy and girl, wants position a housekeeper; apartment house or private home, preferably for elderly people; highest references 'given and required. Main 020S. EXPERIENCED, reliable woman with bov 12, would serve as companion or care for home of elderly or employed people; good home more object than wages; ref erenceg. Q 207. Oregonian. WIDOW of refinement and pleasing per sonality wishes light housekeeping and companionship for elderly person ; will take personal interest in home. AG 248, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY wants position as house keeper for widower' with one or two children or In home to help with house work, 1071 East 29th st. North. WIDOW, with two small children. 5 and 7. wishes position as housekeeper !n city at once. Call Main 5230, Sunday, or write 200 Clay. YOUNG woman with boy age 9 wishes position as housekeeper for 2 or 3 gea tlemen. II 243. Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper or care of chil dren; have girl 14 years. BC 229, Ore gonian. POSITION as housekeeper for one with young child preferred. Oregonian. widower, AR 281, POSITION as housekeeper where can have- boy, school age; preference to manage ment apt. East 502, room 207. ELDERLY woman will keep house In widower's home for small wages. A 209, Oregonian. YOUNG woman wishes position as house keeper, home or rooming house. Tabor 07OO. Domestics. YOUNG girl in need of a friend wishes housework where there are no children Marshall 4771. Honseclean n g. HOUSE CLEANING. House cleaning, window washing, carpet cleaning by expert workmen, floors waxed, furniture polished. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 18S Chapman st. Phone Main 1157. WANTED TO RENT. House. WANTED To rent, by Jan. 1st, a 5-room modern bungalow, reasonably close In. Call Tel. Main 0222, evenings and Sun days. East 2285. I WANT a 7 or S-room modern house with, hardwood flooiw, west side; mean busi ness; give full details and price. P. O. box 843. I WILL pay $100 cash and $50 per month for good furniture of 7-8-0-room modern house where possesion can be had Dec 15. Address AG 245, Oregonian. WANTED To rent by young couple, 4 or 5-room furnished flat or bungalow; rent not to excee d $45. Tabor 4377. WANTED 4-6-room house anywhere, with garage preferred. Ali lloliaday ave. Phone East 7730. WILL pay $2S In advance rent for 5-roora house with bath for one year. 232 E. 34th st. Apartments. BUSINESS man would like 4 or 5-room flat or apartment, unfurnished; has no children; must be large and airy, also modern; must be on west side. Will take possession any time between now and 1st of year. AG 243. Oregonian. COUPLE without children desire modern unfurnished or furnished apartment; must be first-class; willing to pay for fame. Room 52'J Portland hotel. W 1 DOW, e rn p loy ed. with two children, 2 and 4 years, desires a home with woman who will care for children. X 284, Ore gonian. ' BY DEC. 15, 2 or 3-room apartment, not over $43. Must be south of Washing ton st. AU 24 1. oregonan. WANT well-furnished apt., at least three rooms. Broadway 40M. room 819. 4 OR G-ROOM furnished or unfurnished flat. A 15H, Oregonian. Room With Board. YOUNG man wishes work in country for small wage and board. A.F 254. Ore gon i a rK ' Housekeeping Rooms. WA NTED Unfurnished 2 rooms with kitchenette or 1 room and kitchenette withsleeplng porch. Call Marshall 3862. J. R. Moffntt. YOUNG couple wishes housekeeping rooms with use of garage in private faml ly ; Kenton district preferred. K 202, Ore gonian. ' WANTED Large room and kitchenette, or share home with family. Woodlawn 03 20. , But In ess Places. OUT-OF-TOWN people In city for few days would like to buy lease and fur nishings of an up-to-date hotel or apart ment bouse. Let us hear from you at once. RUM M ELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. FOR RENT. FOR RENT A fine lodge and dancing hall, Sundays. Wednesday and Saturday evenings SellingKirsch bldg. 38ft4 Wa shington st. Inquire S10 Oregonian bldg. Main 1034. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison at Tenth Rates $1 a day up; wrekiy, $5 up; free phone and baths. ST PAUL HOTEL, 130 4th sL Clean, respectable, modern; transient. X up, Kate ta Mirmauent guests. . ; - -a kV - L' iv; V. t ' A X . , re s - N f - ;