Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 07, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Opening Session Is Brief
and Routine.
IjOuct Body of Congress Gets Del
uge of Proposed Legislation,
Mostly Unimportant.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. Congress
reconvened today with the customary
brief and routine business sessions
attended by grreat crowds and marked
by an address in the senate by President-elect
Harding as a unique and
historic feature. Senator Harding
took his seat, answered his name to
the senate roll and made a brief ad
dress from the rostrum.
Other features of the opening of the
third and final session of the 66th
congress were receipt of annual ap
propriations estimates aggregating
$4,653,000,000 and introduction in the
house of an unusual volume of new
bills and resolutions. Senators held
up their bills until tomorrow.
Senate Srulon 25 Minute..
The principal business was to ar
range for receipt tomorrow of Presi
dent Wilson's opening message. The
senate was in session 25 minutes and
the house, notwithstanding Its longer
rullcall. only twice as long. New
members elected last November to
fill vacancies were sworn in and ad
journment taken until noon tomor
row, when both bodies plan, after re
ceiving the president's message, to
proceed to work.
As usual, the senate session pro
ceeded with dignified calm and the
house with boisterous confusion. The
latter's rollcall was taken amid a
bedlam of felicitations of returning
members and conversation of mem
bers and spectators.
Both tinllerle. Jammed.
Galleries of both houses were
jammed and thousands of persons
stood in the halls to catch glimpses
and sounds of the proceedings. About
the capitul conferences of party lead
ers, cafe dinner parties and surging
crowds in the corridors furnished
other opening-session atmosphere.
The programme for tomorrow's in
auguration of actual work called for
debate in the senate on the bill for
federal regulation of the meat In
dustry and for the launching of immi
gration restrictive legislation in the
The house immigration committee
bill prohibiting immigration for two
years was reported out and the rules
committee tomorrow will consider a
rule for its immediate consideration,
under limitation of debate.
Legislation Flood Besun.
More than 350 new bills and reso
lutions were dropped into the house
hopper and a flood of similar propor
tions is expected tomorrow in the
senate. The new house measures dealt
with almost every conceivable sub
ject, including proposals for repeal of
war laws, for appropriations of mil
lions of dollars for a myriad of pur- I
poses, pensions and many measures
tor tanners' relief.
Committees of both senate and
house will begin work immediately
on the measures left on the calendars
from preceding sessions and on the
new grist. Calls for numerous com
mittee meetings this week were is
sued by chairmen, but leaders said
that the regular appropriations bill
would have the right of way. They
added that it was hoped to pass all
of the appropriation bills before
March 4, but that considerable other
legislation would be "squeezed in."
It also was said there probably would
bo a short holiday recess about Jje
cember 22 over Sew Year's day.
Investigation to Resume.
Arrangements also were made for
resumption of numerous congressional
in vestigations suspended in part or in
whole. Among early committee meet-
' ing's called was a session of the senate t
foreign relations committee for
Wednesday, to take up a convention
with Canada dealing with military
deserters, and other unfinished busi
ness. It was indicated that no treaties
except the Colombian treaty, now on
the senate calendar, would receive
early consideration. '
Hundreds of nominations, including
recess appointments, are expected to
be sent to the senate by President
Wilson soon. All are to be referred
to committees, with sentiment strong
among republican leaders for inaction
on all Important appointments, leav
ing the offices to be filled by the
incoming administration.
few Bills Are Important.
Of the mass of new bills and man.
lotions introduced in the house only'
a tew were or general importance.
All of them and thousands from pre
ceding sessions will die unless enacted
before March 4.
Among the new house measures was
a. bill by Representative Osborne, re
publican. California, to exempt all
liberty and victory "bonds from taxa
tion., .Representative Baer, republican'
North Dakota, introduced a resolu
tion to provide for an ; immediate
embargo on wheat.
.Representative Christopherson, re
publican. South Uakota, offered a
resolution to stabilize prices of all
leading farm products.
.Representative Dickinson, repub
lican, Iowa, proposed a epecial com
mittee to investigate fluctuations in
prices of grain, livestock and cotton.
Wool Embargo Proposed.
Representative Sinnott, republican,
Oregon, proposed an embargo on
Representative Ayres. democrat,
Kansas, proposed a constitutional
amendment authorizing a majority
of the senate to ratify treaties.
Representative Langley,. republican,
Kentucky, submitted a resolution re
questing congress to announce to the
world that President Wilson, in deal
ing with the Armenian question, was
not in any way obligating this gov
ernment to . use its land, sea or air
forces, finances or other resources.
Representative Bland, republican,
.Indiana, introduced a resolution to
investigate relations between the
United States, Haiti and the Domin
ican republic, with particular refer
ence to conduct of American officers.
(Continued From First Page.) x
to him by Vice-President Marshall.
A stenographer approaching to ask
for a copy of his speech was mistaken
by he president-elect for one wish
ins to congratulate him, ,and Mr.
Harding's Imnd v was promptly ex
tended. The first persons to reach his side
at the -close of his address were Sen
ator Simmons of North Carolina and
former Senator Martine of New Jer-
- tey, both- democrats. The three got
their heads very close together and
the president-elect whispered some
thing In their ears that brought
radiant smiles to their faces. Senator
Martine, though a democrat, support
ed Mr. Harding in the late campaign.
The reception then proceeded in
more orderly fashion, the senators
filing around to congratulate their
colleague, followed by the secretaries
to senators and the senate pages.
Meanwhile Mrs. Harding, smiling as
ever, was holding a reception under
great difficulties in the crowded gal
lery. She was attired in black with
accordeon plaited skirt, and wore a
black ,hat with robin's egg blue
ostrich plumes; while Mrs. McLean,
always at her side, wore a gray dress,
gray hat and gray squirrel ooat. Miss
Lawler wore black.
The only cabinet possibility in the
gallery, so far as could be ascer
tained, was David Jayne Hill of New
Tork, sometimes mentioned for secre
tary of state, who was the lone occu
pant of the president's family row.
Frock Coata Noticed.
Mrs. James Wadsworth, wife of the
senator from New York and daughter
of the late John Hay; Mrs. Nicholas
Iongworth. daughter of the late
Colonel Roosevelt, and Mrs. William
E. Borah, wife of the Idaho senator,
were near the front in the same gal
lery occupied by Mrs. Harding.
And in another way it looked like
an inaugural occasion, because it has
been a long time since such an array
of frock coats and striped trousers
has appeared in the senate. The sen
ators, as a whole, were much better
attired than when, a year ago, the
king and queen of the Belgians were
seen, and someone remarked that it
might be due to the recent slump In
clothing prices, . which undoubtedly
has done much toward improving the
external appearance of man society in
Applause echoed and re-echoed
through the long corridors as Sen
ator Harding left the capitol.
Recommendations of Commissioner
Are Weighed and Changes In
Amounts Asked Discussed.
BOISE, Idaho. Dec. 6. (Special.)
The state board of education convened
today to consider the budgets of the
state educational institutions for the
coming biennium.
All members of the board with the
exception of J. A. Lippincott of Idaho
City, vice-president, were present, in
cluding Ethel K. Redfield, state su
perintendent; Ramsay M. Walker of
Wallace, president of the board; Mrs.
J. G. H. Graveley of Boise, secretary;
Irvin K. Rockwell of Bellevue and
Evan Evans of Grangeville.
The annual report of the commis
sioner of education was taken up and
the recommendations it contained
were briefly discussed. Later the
budget requirements for the six edu
cational institutions were considered
and some discussion was had on the
need for increasing or reducing some
of the sums asked by the heads of
the schools.
(Continued From First Paste.)
transmission by messenger. There has
been no Intimation as to Its contents,
but there have been various reports
that the president discusses taxation,
the agricultural situation, and man
other subjects.
Liquor Blamed for Desertions.
WASHINGTON, Dec. S. Drunken
ness continued to be the principal
cause of trial of enlisted men of the
navy for deserting or overstaying
leave during the last fiscal year, ac
cording to the annual report of Rear
Admiral George R. Clark, judge advocate-general,
to Secretary Daniels
today. .
Lloyd George Questioned on
Press Reports.
State and Dry Laws in Conflict.
BOSTON, Dec. 6. The laws of Mas
sachusetts are In conflict with the
18th amendment to the federal con
stitution and the Volstead act, in the
opinion of Governor Coolidge.
S. & H. green stamps for cash.
Hoiman Fuel Co. Main 353.. 560-21.
Willingness of Government to Dis
cuss With "Any Body Author
ized to Speak Reiterated.
LONDON,-- Dec'. 6. The burning
question of a truce in Ireland before
Christmas was raised at the-house of
commons today by members who
questioned Premier Lloyd George as
to whether there was anythjjg hope
ful behind the press reports.
The premier- declined to comment
beyond reiterating the willingness of
the government "to discuss with any
body authorized to speak on behalf
of the Irish people any question
which would bring peace to Ireland."
Unofficial relations between mem
bers of the British ministry and Sinn
Fein leaders have been entirely in
terrupted, said the London Times in
commenting on rumors of peace ne
gotiations in Ireland.
Griffith Arrest Factor.
"An eminent Irish writer," said the
Times, "recently furnished Premier
Lloyd-George with more valuable in
formation than had been contained
in official reports, but the arrest: of
Arthur Griffith, which was made
without the knowledge or consent of
the cabinet, checked, if it did not
actually interrupt exchange of views.
"Discussions that had been going
on have not involved any question of
abandoning the home rule bill, the
issue being an amendment of that
measure in a direction of fiscal and
financial autonomy, provided that
after a truce was arranged, the ma
jority of the Irish electorate outside
the six counties of Ulster, should In
dicate readiness to accept the mea
sure thus amended.
(.ovrrnmrnt Still Exploring;.
"Though one phase of the nego
ttations may have broken down, the
government is still exploring such
avenues toward peace as may still
be open. It is clear Influences Inim
ical to any Irish settlement are seek
ing deliberately to obstruct the gov
ernment's plan. It has been sug
gested Premier Lloyd George ha
acted behind the backs of his col
leagues and that any dealing with
leaders of the popular movement In
Ireland will incur strong disapproval
from one section of the coalition cab
inet." Soldiers conducting a raid in
Queenstown arrested Hugh O'Reilly,
town clerk, it being alleged that se
ditious documents were found in his
possession, said a dispatch to the
Daily Mail.
The residence of the Most Rev. M.
Fogarty, bishop-of Killaloe, at Ennls,
also was raided Sunday during the
absence of the bishop, and some pa
pers were confiscated.
The newspaper's labor correspon
dent declared that during the Inter
view between Arthur Henderson, la
bor leader in the house of common!,
and Cardinal Logue, primate of Ire
land, lasj. week, the cardinal said the
Catholic hierarchy would exert every
effort to bring about a permanent
settlement of the Irish problem.
Troop Recall Held Prerequisite to
Peace in Ireland.
NEW TORK. Dec 6. England must
withdraw all British troops from Ire
land and liberate all political prison
ers as a preliminary to restoration of
peace in Ireland, Eamonn de Valera,
"president of the Irish republic," de
clared today in a statement. "The
removal of aggression obviously Is
both the initial and also the final
step. That is, as I have said, the
whole essence of the trouble between
the two' countries." ' Mr. De Valera
guest ,
The Lowest Prices Guaranteed With Every Change
'f Market.
exacfly what you'll say
"don't see how you
can do it" -when you
see what" we serve at
these prices :
50c to 75c
Table d'hote
Let us show you
either restaurant.
said he had not been in direct nego
tiations with Mr. Lloyd George in the
interest of restoration of peace in
Mrs. Muriel MacSwIney, widow jof
the lord mayor of Cork, commenting
on the message of X.Ioyd George con
cerning the premier's initial steps
leading to peace, said:
"To use a slang expression I have
learned since coming to America, I
think the Irish are calling "Lloyd
George's bluff."
Yoakum Property Near ' Coquille
River lias Changed Hands.
MARSHFIELD, Or., Dec 6. (Spe
cial.) A large ranch, comprising
440 acres, with 100 head of stock
and all implements, was sold by John
Yoakam, county commissioner, to
Messrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Benson,
Tenmile residents, who have been
successful in dairying at Tenmile
The ranch has been the property
of Mr. . Yoakam and lies near the
Coquille river, a couple of miles from
Coquille. Mr. Yoakam improved it
during his ownership and. cleared
practically all of it. ,
- Cour Nullifies Pardons.
SANTA FE, N. M., Dec. 6. Sixteen
Mexicans who participated in the
Villa raid on Columbus on March 9,
1916, lost their liberty on pardons
recently granted by Governor Larra-
zolo, when District Judge Halloman
issued a. permanent injunction re
straining the warden from releasing
Youth Held for Robbery.
NEW YORK, Dee. 6. Police today
arrested Joseph Amuioso, 26, who
they said has been identified as one of
the tour men who held up and robbed
two messengers of $467,000 in securi
ties in Brooklyn last week.
One Idea
The First National Bank
Building is the most com
plete building of its kind
in the Pacific Northwest
Its materials are the best
money can buy. Its vaults are the
strongest that can be procured.
It has been designed and built exclusively
as a bank building with one idea the best
service to the customer.
Principal Portland Agents Butterick Patterns.
All the New Styles Are Here in All Sizes.
"The Store That
Undersells Because
It Sells for Cash"
Economy and Quality Combined for Bigger Business
and Better Values.
All Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled
Same Day Received. Parcels Post Pkgs. Prepaid.
A 'Small Deposit Will Hold Your Purchase for Future Delivery if You So Desire
"The Christmas Store of Friendly
Service and Right Prices"
Al the
With Christmas in
very near future.
everyone devotes the time
and energies to gift shop
ping. Our every move these
days is actuated by a desire
to simplify the tasks of grffr
shoppers; Tience this page
will serve you as a reliable
guide to your Christmas pur
chases. Everywhere" in the
store, in the merchandise, in
the displays, in the service of
the salespeople, one finds the
true spirit of Christmas cast
ing about the rays of cheeriness. Every offering, no matter how
trivial or important, bears a definite mark of quality represent
ing in each instance the maximum of value for your, money. To
shop here now means to avoid the crowds of late shoppers and
to secure special advantages in selection. Here is a list of
Timely Offerings:
Christmas Gift Suggestions
Sure to Delight Every Woman
A dainty b ea utiful
W aist, Blouse, Silk Pet
ticoat or an attractive
serviceable Kimono or
Bath Robe never fails to
be appreciated and is a
gift long to be remem
bered.; . Here you can
select from a full price
range with . the assur
ance of dependable qual
ity and good sfyle. Make
an early selection.
Kimonos $2J85 to $30
All popular materials from
Cotton Crepes to Silks. Regu
lation styles in beautiful color
Bath Robes $7.45 to $20
Fine well-made garments,
fashioned from Beacon cloths
2lever patterns and colorings to
suit every taste.
77 J1a
Waists, the Latest Crea
tions, $3.95 to $25
Exquisite creations in Georg
ettes, Crepe de Chines, Mignon
ette and other dainty materials;
white, flesh and popular shades.
plain or trimmea1 in a manner
to suit every taste all sizes.
Silk Petticoats
$2.98 to $15
An , unsurpassed showing in
Jersey and Taffeta Silks all
desirable colors and a pleasing
variety of styles.
Continued Our Great Sale of
Turkish and Huck Towels
Huck Fom 15c to 69c Turkish From 19c to
' Each r $1.48
Just about former selling prices. We offer choice from our
entire stock of Towels, such as used in every household. Huck
Towels, plain and fancy in various sizes also plain and fancy
bordered Turkish Towels in'all sizes. Prudent women are buying
. at this sale for both personal use and for gift purpose.
25c Each
An exceptional value in all
White Bath Towels, 19 by 38 in.
Bathrobe Flannels at
$2.75 Yard
A fine heavy quality, full 2
yards wide comes in desirable
colors and patterns.
98c Each
Beautiful fancy border Turkish
Towels of good size.
Outing Flannels at
25c Yard
Best standard quality plain
and fancy stripe, check and
I plaid styles in all colors.
Curtain Scrims at Half Price
Hundreds of pieces in a full variety of styles with neat colored
border, etc.
Magnificent Silk Hosiery
In Great Pre-Holiday Showing and Underpriced Sale
11 I one ongr to e reine,:nberecL Here
IfLaaJ you'll, find tne most famous makes in
unquestionaDie quauues ana w very
latest styles. Here are two under-
priced offerings:
Women's All
Silk Lace
Hose at
$4J5 Pair
A strictly high
grade quality of
Lace Hose made
full-fashioned with
reinforced sole,
heel and -toe. All
silk. A splendid
gift for her Xmas.
Colors are black,
white and cordovan
sizes 8 to 10.
Drop Stitch
Silk Hose at
$2.75 Pair
" Made of heavy
quality silk, full
fashioned in drop.
stitch style, with
double lisle sole,
heel and toe, lisle
lop with wide gar
ter hem. Colors
are black, white
and cord ova n
sizes 8 to 10. '
Xmas Shoppers Attention
See What Splendid Gifts 50c Will Buy in Women's and Children's
Garments Regular Values to Twice This Figure.
Just ten articles that are well within the reach of all. Never
theless they combine acceptable as wedl as practical gifts and at
a merely nominal expenditure. Check these savings:
Dainty Lace and Embroidered Brassieres.
Pretty Val. Lace Tea Aprons, Sewing Aprons with pocket and
" extra long tie strings.
Heavy brocade front and back hook Bandeaus.
Children's Amoskeag Gingham Koverall Aprons. Sizes 4 to 8
. years.
Kiddies' flaid Gingham Slipover Play Suits.
Women's full size Hope Sheeting no bib Aprons and colored
rickrack trimmed bib Aprons.
Dainty Silk and Poplin Camisoles with hand embroidery and
Cluny lace trimming. " .
Infants' Rubber Pants "Jiffy," "Om," "Miller" and others.
Just six dozen more Pink Batiste Fancy Ruffle Knickers.
Women's Check Gingham arid Stripe Waterproof Aprons.
All to go, this sale, at 5O0.
I 1
Holiday Suggestion for
Our Entire Stock
Bedding One-fourth Off
Pillows, Comfort. v., Indian Blan
ket!, HaJy Hlankctn, Bathrobe
Hlanketa, Cotton Blanket. Wool
Blankets, Wool-mixed Blankets. A
Savins; on Every Purchase.
A Most Fortunate and Opportune Sale of Royal
Society Rich Silk Embroidered Model
Pieces and Articles at
egular Price
See the Special Display in Our Window
and in the Art Section
What more opportune
gift indeed than a beau
tiful embroidered center
piece, scarf or dainty
lingerie. Then, too, are
included scores of ex
quisite baby dresses and
children's dainty frocks,
luncheon sets, card table
covers, runners, pillow
tops and scores of other
suitable gifts ranging
from the hand and guest
towel to the most elabo
rate high-grade pieces. About 100 models that we will cut just
in half for immediate sale. Come early for best and first choice.
Laces For the Holidays
A Wonderful Assortment in XXa-J
a Great Half -Price Sale 2 llLC
A wonderful sale of Laces at the very height of the 6eason,
just in time for making of Xmas gifts party dresses, etc. Thou
sands of yards of laces from the real narrow up to the 40-inch
flouncing laces of every description real Filet and Cluny, imi
tation. .Venise and Filet Carrickmacross Duchess, Torchons
Calais Vals linen or cotton Machine Clunys Silk Chantilly Net
Tops Spangle Bands and Flouncings Metal Laces Margot
Laces, etc. All prices, and to sell at this sale at one-half regular.
Pre-Holiday Sale
Velvet Ribbons
at Half Price
Our entire stock of Velvet
Ribbons, including black and a
big range of colors from hi -inch
to 3 inches wide, at just one
half regular price.
Pre-Holiday Sale
Bgg Frames at
One-fourth Off
Every Bag Frame in stock,
including celluloid and metal.
All well made and finished.
An opportunity for selection at
a worth-while saving.
For Fine Quality
Georgette Crepe
Less Than Half
Former Selling
For personal wear or
for gift making nim
ble fingers can fashion
dainty garments from
these beautiful Georg
ette Crepes they come
in 39-inch width and are
shown in white, flesh,
black and all the lead
ing colors and only
980 a Yard.
Ideal Gift Suggestions in
New Ribbon Novelties
Vanity Ribbon Novelties make ac
ceptable Xmas gifts. Cleverly hand
made articles of very good quality
ribbons. Hundreds of dainty gifts to
select from, including garters, cami
soles, bags, boudoir caps, powder
puffs, vanity bags, pin cushions, 6hoe
trees, coat hangers, bows and vestees.
Choose" now while assortment is at
its best Prices have been made at
tractively low.
6Vz to SVz-Inch Ribbons 98c
A special offering of handsome
Ribbons, 6 to 84 inches wide, espe
cially for camisoles, bags, vestees, etc.
Light and dark warp prints, . Jac
quards, Ombre, Moires, etc. Many of
these ribbons have been selling for
more than double this sale price.
Choose from all now at 98 yard.
SLaa-ij WMXdrirJ
and Silk-Mixed Ties handsome,
all prices a holiday showing
Sl.OO, $1.25 and SI .50
Men's Fine Elastic Suspenders Each Pair in a Holiday Box
Men1s Kid Gloves
$3.00 to $6j00
Famous makes in all sizes and
popular colors.
Men's Neckscarfs
$3.00 to $6.00
Splendid quality Silk Neck
Scarfs in best colors and styles.
Lustrous Silks & Rich Velvets
In a Special Pre-Holiday Showing
Come direct to ur Silk Section and profit by the special prices
now prevailing on the season's choicest silks and the fashionable
velvet and velveteens. Here's just a hint of the splendid values
on special display. '
Goetz Dress Satins at $2 JO Yard
These justly famous Dress Satins come in all desirable colors,
are perfect in weave and finish and unsurpassed in quality. They
make up beautifully and wear most satisfactorily.
0 VD 40-inch Silk Chiffon Dress Velvets. None
50OU I ' better on the American market. All the
correct and wanted colors, including black.
JQ r7f? yrj 48-inch Costume Velveteens. All the wanted
DO.I D i. U. 6treet shades and black.
tfJO rTfT 7"P 36-inch Costume Velveteens. All the popu
rDi i tj X U jar new fau shades, including black.
Our Store
Opens at
9 A. M.
The Most in Value the Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P. A.
Saturday .
atdP. M.
For the MenPractical Gifts
Everything arranged to. serve you promptly and satisfactorily
unlimited assortments in thoroughly reliable qualities with only
our well established low prices to pay. We would be pleased to
have you examine these offerings: , .
Handkerchiefs of the
Better Sort
45, 50 and 050 Each
For Men's All-linen Hemstitched
Initial Handkerchiefs.
250 Each for Men's
Soft Finish Cambric Initial
S5 Each 3 for $1.00
Men's Soft Finish Cambric
Initial Handkerchiefs.
500 Each for Men's
Fine Imported Satin Stripe and
Initial Handkerchiefs.
Men's Silk Ties
From 500 Up to $3.50
Fine Four -in -Hand All-Silk
neat and attractive patterns at
second to none.