1J THE MOllXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, BECKMIiEIl 7, i - IN T J - V '.'4 - C :'-j 1 ,-. KEAl ESTATB. Knlntrbaa Mom. ON CAPITAL. HIGHWAY. S a-rre. 4 under cultivation, 24 acres bearing prunes, 1 acre blacfcca.psL l-o acre loganberries; smalt family or chard: telephone, cream rout and R. V. I. ; . mile to tation, mile to school; 4 -room house, chicken hou aud booth on highway where ail produce can be old at good price; with the place go 50 chickens. 1 cow, plow, harrow, culti vator anU small tools; also household ' furniture, range, beda, dining table. (itsr, heater, t:hairs, etc ; price JET'-VO for everything; $;ooi cash, balance $o00 per year. Personally inspected. John l-erjruson, Geriingfer bMg. NOTICE WARNING SLOW DOWN. You business men between SO and 65, ru successful men that don't seem to now when to quit; dn't wait till you drop in the harnees. Ott away from taa city's maddening strife, back to mother nature in some cosy nook and Fhady brook to enjoy. and prolong your life. I have two ideal places, 10 acres each, one within 4 miles f P. O-, the other out on Johnson creek just beyond Gresham. Come up auckd. let me tell you all about them. J. B. LABBR, 705 Broadway Bid. l-1 HOUSE, barn, piped water, elec lights. Lake Grove, 1000; $250 cash. For 8a1 -Boftinew Property. MUST SACRIFICE One or the bent loca tions on east side, Huitable for -"warehouse, Karaite, commission or retail bunt ne&s; 50 feet on Bast Washington st., 100 feet on East Alder and 1O0 feet on Bast Second at., 100 feet of trackage. Owner. Call Broadway 8720. FOR SALE 2H-tory building, store and warehouse, on fl rst floor. 8 living rooms upstairs, also bath and hall; f ul. con crete basement, furnace. Wis Minnesota ave. 100x100 AT 14TH and Hoyt, a choice site for wholesale business. For price and terms see R. j. O'NeiU 717 Board of Trade bldg. Yor Snl e A c rea ge. S'lVE ACRES, west of Garden Home, four acres under cultivation, all can be cul tivated ; fine rocked road In front of property : bearing orchard 8 years old ; good' 7 -room plastered bungalow, story and half. Small basement, barn, garage, chicken housf; price. $4425, including -good cows, ttO laying pullets. 3 stands of bees. etc. ; $1.VH cash : S mi!w from center of Portland, 30c comutation fare; - block to school, 8 blocks to station. Inspected by Nelson. John Ferguson, Ger- in ger bldg. LXCKLL li.VT LAND AT $H0 PER ACKK. On Columbia river, between Portland and Astoria; -TliOO acres of logged-off land jUHt put on the market in mall tracts; deep rich soil, slightly rolling, pood transportation, schools, churche. more, poatof flee, warehouse and fipeks. Select now while you can get choice tracts; ea.y terms. Arrange to go Sun day or Wednesday. JOHNSON-DODPON CO.. 6.13 N. W. Rank bldg. Main 3 787. STOP THAT RENT. Buy a home in Mt. Scott district; nearly an acre, all clear, in city limits; Bull Run, city gas, good soil and special ly adapted for berries, vepe tables and cherries ; $-0 per month payments; 2 room house, well constructed. Inquire I. J. O'Connor. E. :M and Woodstock tar. Tabor 141 S. FIVE1 ACRES gnod land, 3 miles south or Portia nd. in truck and loganberry d : strict : deep rich black soil, all level: under fence and in cuitivation ; good drainaare: on gond road and close to Ore gnn E'.t-ctric railway: no. trades; ro!ng for bf t reasonable crier. W rue It. W McNVal, OL'JS W ftth st., Albany, Or. FOR SALK-LOUGF.D-OFF LAND. Writf for man of Western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10,000 acres sold latt year at our low price. Easy payments ofie.ed to actual ten wm. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., TACOA1A, WASH. - FOR SALE -5 acres 1 mile from Dundee; 5 in orchard, Vz in grapes. . in tnnoer hulance under cultivation; hotw, barn hnohouse. somp farming implements: creek running through place, near the river: mi d ma he a nne noe ran en prb-e ?'J."0, terms. A. Schulenberg, r.ti.'.J S'Jd st., Portland, Or. Aut. bi-'Ji. ON K ACKK, 4 blocks from Metzger eta inn. under cultivation: Rood house. 4 room plastered below, room for 1 or 3 rooms upstairs; diocks to ecnooi; fare: double chicken-house, barn; ex ceptionally fine soil ; prh'R tlt;in. $7O0 cash. John Ferguson. Gertln ger hide. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. Trants $ f 0 down. 10 month. Better buy an acre or half acre, raise part of your living; no city assessments or gravel. A iberta car. K. v . cary, j.iu :n. w . B;mk bid it. Main 1H4 F( R SALE ACREAGE. $2000 will buy 5 Vt acres, about 4 miles from courthouse: weal side. n-ar hard surfaced road, if taken this month. John Rain, .17 Spalding bidg. .". ACRES ON COLUMBIA BLVD. House and other Improvements ; land slone worth thu price; lights and water p va HaMe. No clt v assessments. Hie bar gain Terms 12l"n N. W. Hank bldg. LEVEL, wooded tracts at Ruby Junction. $400 per acre. $25 -down and $H..r0 per month. Strong & Co., ,T4 Ch-m. of Coin. FO R S A LE A ere grou nd and 0-room house, fireptaee, Dutch k it eh en and out buildings: reasonable. Owner East 20 H7. 1'ruit Lands, for ae; or Rent. APPLES, PRUNE P. CHISrUIES, NUTS, PEARS. A rare opportun ity to lease a highly de eloped fruit ranch on shares. No finer trees anywhere. Very rich red shot soil. in foot hills of Willamette valley o't acres lo-year-old walnuts and cherries. 43 acre3 -year-old prunes and 15 acres 4 years old. 10 acres U-year-old pears. 12.1 acres apples 8 to 12 years old. Jonathans, Newtowns, Rome Beau tics. Winter Bananas. Place well equipped with ma chinery, teams and implements. Two houses with barns and out buildings. New packing house: ater piped to buildings. Member Oregon Co-operative Growers As sociation. Down-hift haul to R. R. Apply to owner, 425 East Mor rison street. 1 Phone Kast 8407. 15 ACRES. located 4 miles from Hood River; 12 acres bearing apples and nears: creek through uiaee. good mod ern house, barn, chicken houses. Graded school adjoining place. Would take smal 1 modern bungalow as part pay- ment. Phone evenings. E. 4053, or direct 3 E. Morrison. Portland, or. Homesteads, Relinquishments. SEVERAL hundred selected homestead tracts to choose from, covering Oregon's best farming and timbered lands. We cruised and classified theso lands for the government and will locate you without wasting your time or money. iost complete lana recoras in the state. Copy gov't, map to date showing more than iuuu open claims, ?i. al J. An derKon, 531 Railway Exchange bldg. Portland. CAN LOCATE! you on a good homestead. Portland or Roseburg district, farming or ii in ur iracm, a imo nave Some goo 4 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. $ homesteads, beautiful timber close to railroad, worth $8000 each; location fee .uu eacn. bua corbett bldg. Mar. 4089. SPLENDID 160-acre homestead reUnqulsh- nceni, jiar. For Sale -Farms. SO ACRES ON COUNTY ROAD. Good black soil, half under cultivation Trtng water: price 160 oer acre- snml terms. Draper, 307 McKay fcidg., 8d and Stark. 87S ACRES for sale; one of the most productive places in the country, 2 miles southea-st of Milwaukle; fine road; finest location; an ideal place. For par ticulars. Box 381, MUwaukie, Or. 54 ACRES, ONLY $50 DOWN. Near station, on ,eiectric line, spring water, work nearby, price T50, $50 down. Draper, 307 McKay bldg., Third ad Stark. 30 ACRES SEAL ROCK. Half mile ocean, about 25 acres , cleared; new 2-room house, woven wire fences, running spring. $1500, Kofton, 663 Fourth st. Automatic 522-08. CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN RANCH 3 near Portland. $jf to $500 per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for saie, all sizes. McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. 70-ACRB improved, good buildings, rock road, 35 miles of Portland, $3000, for quick- sale; ideal stock or dairy ranch running water. 301 Corbett bldg. ' GOOD paying farms, sires and terms to suit, with stock and implements. C. J Cullison Real Estate Co., 205 W Morri son st. Write for list. LOGGED-OFF lands and small farms: run ning water, good soil, some with im provements; terms. J. R. Sharp. 83 ft 3d. o ACRES oak grub land. mile to sta tion; 5 annual payments; 41500. Albert Toier. Dee, Or. 10-ACRE cultivated ranch, with improve, merits, near Hiilsboro. Inquire 767 Hood sfreet. 2 ACRES level-land, etra soil, all cult., bouse, barn. 1 rnile station. .7nno Mc Fariaad. FaiUn bldg. Mala 3fi2. ACRES, MMwaukie, 1 miles from street car, from autv. station ." m (nutes ; price cash f-'.!, balance $L'tt per yar, per cent interest. All clear; no build ings M. Nemec. East U-Hh. city. REAL' ESTATE. For Kale -1 arms. BIQ SNAP INT I'XIMPROVED 160 ACRES. 10O acres of good rich land, partly fenced, logged off, now In pasture; spring creek on place, close to school, 2 miles from large general tlore, tl miles from good town on Pacific highway. lTn uual bargain at $16 per acre. Terms. THOMPSON. SWAN A: LEE, 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. CONSIDER GARAGE EQUIPMENT. 30 acres all under .cultivation, fenced with woverr wire; al! plowed, part seed ed, all rural conveniences; telephone; good G-room house, large barn. 2 chick en houses, granary, silo, fine family or chard'; located on the main" highway be tween New berg and Salem. 1 mle to 9th-grade school. Included with the place, 3 cows. 1 sow and pigs. 70 chick ens, all necessary farm equipment, in cluding new Fordson tractor, ffred and seed ; price $!"K, $G0H cash, or con sider clear Portland house up to ' $300 or garage equipment to $4000. John rrguron, Gerlinger bldg. 30 ACRES, 1 milles from county seat town; 1 mile to high and grade school; good graveled' road, wire fencing ; ten acres of good commercial orchard. 5 acres for potatoes and grain; small houe. bttfkn i.'0x4Or chicken house, apple house. Included with place, 1 horse, har ness, wagon, 1 cow, 1 pig, rabbits, power orchard sprayer; plow, harrow, etc. : price $UiHH without equipment. $3,100 with stock and equipment ; $ 1OO0 cash, easy terms on balance at 6 per cent: 54 miles, from Portland, east. Wf H consider house or rooming house. John Ferguson, Gerlinger ldg. 80 ACRES, miles from town, on main market road; Clackamas counjy. Oregon. 3. acres under cultivation. 70 acres can be cultivated, good orchard; piace all fenced with woven wire : fine new 7 room bungalow with basement: entirfc house piped for plumbing: barn 4 2x30; chicken house, brooder house, hog house. With the place goes team, hack, harness, plow, harrow, spraying outfit: the build ings on this ranch are well worth $4000; price $7Ln), $:ooo cash. TVe want an of fer on this fine ranch. The soil is good; 2 mile to school. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. OXJ3 OF THE CHEAPEST FARMS IN OREGON. 1 17 acres near Gaston, 80 acres In high tftate of cultivation ; more easy cleared; lots of good wood and timber; 5 -room house ; barn and other outbuild ings ; spring water. Personal property.: Team of horses, good Jersey cow. chick ens, potatoes, kale, winter garden, all farm tfjols and machinery. Only 145 an acre. $32.10 cash, bal. terms to suit. Let us show vou this place if interested. STEWART RUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SS3-ACRB BARGAIN. Tf you are looking for a real snap you will hunt a long time before you can beat tliis. 25 acres, 10 acres cultivated. New G-rm. bungalow, large barn, chick en house, place all fenced. Team, wagon, ha rness. all necessary farm implements; aiso automobile. Part of spring crop in. Located 20 miles from Portland up Columbia river; wonderful view. Owner invalid and must sell. Every tiling goes for only $;-f0OO. $1,100 cash. Ralph Ack ley. r27 Corbett bldg. FRUIT AND CHICKEN RANCH. 10 acres, all cultivated, 2 acres prunes, 2 acres apples and other fruit. 0-room house, new modern chicken house, barn, other outbldgs. Dandy team, 2 cows, 1 cal f, 1 hog, 1 .10 chickens, lots farm implements; 7 tons of hay, 40 sacks po tatoes, wheat, oats, corn, canots, kale and ail kinds of vegetables go with tne place at $4500; terms. F. R. JESSE. . 527 Corbett bldg. IRRIGATED LANDS. In central Oregon, close to schools, county fat, rural mail, telephones and power lints; railroad th rough the proj ect, lands all cleared, fenced and ready for next year's crop. Buy from, the own er and anywhere from 10 to 40 acres. Make a smalt payment down, the second In 3 years, balance up to 20 years. Call, write or phone Main 4416, Northwest Bank bldg., Portland, On Ol'HOCO I R IH GATED LANDS CO. 20OO CASH At Orenco, Or., Wash. Co., 3 acres. 1 V- acres in cultivation, 3 Mi acres pasture and timber; creek on place, briil eed ; st I fruit trees. 20 crape vines. 1 0.m strawberry plants, good well, small house, good barn, woodshed, smokehouse and root cellar; 3-year-old cow, 2 tons clover hay, 2 pigs, plenty of fuel; owner Is foreigner, wants to leave; no agents; $2onn cash. Mrs. W. H. Kane, Orenco, Or. Box 4. 20 ACRES PRICE IS.-V0. In Gilliam county on John Lay river; 2S0 acres, 2M) can he put under plow; no buildings, good wheat land: Oils place is assessed nt $ 1 30. I t's a bargain for $ s.",o. owner will take small house in Portland up to $i:CiO. balance long time. Come in and we'll tell vou about it. Ctwnte Kohlman, M. tt.lf.O. 20S Cham ber of Commerce bldg. OWNER RETIRING REAL BAR; A IN 200 acres, 70 In cultivation. 50 more ready Tor plow; 2 mites from good town and railroad; good rnek road: large or clia rd ; fair hu i id i n gs. stocked and equipped. Several springs; all complete for $05 per acre; consider small cash payment or city house a first pa rm e n t Tii is will bear 1 n vest i cat ion ; call 524 Chamber of Commeree bldg. 10-ACRE SNAP A)N COLUMBIA HKIHWA r. Fine 7-rm. bungalow, plastered, base ment; only 2 years old. Good barn and oilier out bul Iding-s; It acres cult., all (rood level land ; bearing orchard, fine sLrawberry pnteh. Priee oTily $3500. RALPH ACKLEV. R27 Corbett Bldg. Main 71 U, 40-ACRE farm on improved highway, he (wn Vancouver and Cama.s. all in hleh cbt state of cultivation; ha over three acres of bearing prune orchard' and near ly 3000 young prune trees ready to be et out. Stock ana uii eqiprnent go with the place. Owner must leave on account of poor healt h. For particulars call at 4(4 iJiar.t oiog., mrn st. FOR SALE or trade, 4S0 acres in eaRte Oregon, 12 miles from town .state high way, large family orchard; 14o acres in cultivation, soua lence, creeK runs through place. running water year round ; will trade for small ranch or city property or sen on easy terms; price fsoon. Aaurese 3ox TOff, Baker, Or, LOGGiSD OFF LAND. Almost 2200 acres, all good soil. nmn. tlcally no rock, within 2 hours drive of city, a mnes irom uoiumoia highway plenty of running streams; about Inrt acres cleared; $43 per acre for entire tract. J. B. LABER, 705 Broadway -Bldg i2 ACRES valley farm, good buildings. good berry land, price $1HXH): trade for small irrigated iarm up to S.MHjo. some cash, oa lance easy. s. u. Thorn e, Leb anon, Or: FOR 6ALK1 IO acres near Hood River. House and orchard. Mrs. Adams. East 134s. REAL FARM for sale or trade. 4047. Tabor WANTED REAL ESTATE. FOR A CLIENT Strictly modern bunga low or 2-story house with large living room, hot water or steam heat ; prefers Laurelhurst or Irvington. can pay cash. Main 1800. Residence Kast 0771. RESPONSIBLE buyer wants small home property. $1KK) to $3000. will make im mediate improvements if owner makes low price and good terms. 1C: C. Mon ta vl 1 la, Alburta preferred. A. R., 2y 4, Uregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS residence for client. Must be strictly modern, with extra large living room, at least three bathrooms and have a fine view. POI N DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1H00. Residence East 0771. NOTICE We buy. sell or exchange city property, any sl2e ; also farms or large tracts. A. K. Hill Co.. 426 Lumbermtna biug. Realtors. LONG ESTABLISHED. RELIABLE SERVICE. HAVE $1000 equity in $4100 new hunanln to give as don payment on 6 or 7 -room house qj- bungalow, not over $4500. Jones. Main OIL CAN POS ITIVE LT sell your home if priced right. Main 403. G 'C. GOLDENBERO. Abington Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." HOUSE BOAT, $100. Partly furnished with good motor . boat and some cash for house euuitv Call Fisher. Main 5429. WANT view lot, Portland Heights; will trade car or pay cash. Main 6430, Wil son. WANTED To buy 5 or 6-room modern bungalow with hardwood floors and . built-ins. K 223. Oregonian. WILL trade 1918 Maxwell sedan, fine condition, for improved property. B 1 S2, Oregonian. WHY WORRY? I can sell or trade anything anywhere. C. W. Miilershlp, Alder hotel. Main 5275. WANT lot. acreage of partly modern house as part payment on modern bungalow Owner Tabor 325. 1 iv A NT to buy a home and have only $200 to pay down. What have you? W :;o, Oregonian. WANT view In;; w !i3 trade iate modsl tlx cylinder car. Main 27S3. WANTKI) RKAI. KSTATE. WE FELL HOMES. LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. OUST THINK! 1194 homes sold to date this year! , la your homo for sal? IT'S SOLI IF LIST ED WITH US. We spend thous ands of. dollars advertising and are in touch with majority of buyers. "We inspect, appraise and photo graph same within 2A hours after Hating. 1:3 salesmen with autos to work on its sale. . Our service is free. No charges except the standard comm iasion of per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale. Call or write FRANK L. McOI'IRE, To Sell Your Home. Abington bltl. Main 10ft. 3d su, bet. Wash, and Stark. TIMBER LANDS. 160 ACRES pine timber land. 7 miles Golden dale. Wash, 1-3 good apple land or anything .ehse. Marshall 13li. Consider half trade, lot and shack. ELL 50.000,000 fir. excellent logging; ex perienced logger will take half Interest and operate. D 270. Oregon tan. PILING wanted aboard S. P.; also piling timber. O. V. Gamble, Couch bidg. FOR RENT FARMS. STOCK RANCH FOR RENT. POO acres all fenced with woven wire. 100 acres under cultivation, running water in all pastures, new ten-room modern bungalow, water piped from large spring, 2 barns, 1 new burn equipped with modern conveniences, large silo; will give lease from 3 to 5 years, at $1500 per year. $750 in advance, bal ance at the end of the year; the following persons 1 property for sale: 35 head of sheep. 13 head of goats. team of mules, wagons, mower, rake, plows, cultivator, about-20 tons of hay, small tools. Price will run about $1,100 on per sonal property. This is an ideal sfhek ranch, located about 12 miles northeast of Vancouver. SEE MR. BLAIR WITH THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. 3d and Main Sta., Vancouver. Wash. 205 ACRES House, bam outbuildings etc.; Multnomah drainage district No. 1; very rich soil, eu.ua! to beaverdam lands; long lease to responsible farmer; ownerf 517 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT 130-acre farm, good barn. fair house, well and orchard ; 40 acres in cuitivation. Address Fred Welch, Linnton. Or., R. F. D. No. 1, Box 6i TO LEASE to experienced orchard ist, 31- acre prune ana wainut larm. Fruit val ley Vancouver. 02o Flanders st. Bdwy 4 737. 40 ACRES. 1 7 cultivated, buildings, or chard, pasture, near Oregon Citv ; rent 2.0. 141 Est OiHh North. Tabor 7055. WILL lease 5-10 acres, some improve ments; or 7 -room house, barn, etc Phone 522-57. 40tt Broadway bldg. TEXCnANGlC REAL ESTATE. v ACREAGE HOMES AND FA RMS. Six acres 3 miles from Sycamore. Esiacada line; all .in cultivation; good 5-room bungalow, new barn, outbuild ings, good creek; pried $3300; will ex change for 5 or o-room bungalow in Portland t to $ 5000. Ten acps 1 block from end of Mt. Tabor carline; all in cultivation; 9-room house. 5 of which are finished; family orchard, grapes, berries all kinds; price $10.0O0; will exchange for city prop erty to $7000 if priced right. Fifty acres, all in cultivation: 9-room house, good plumbing, all kinds of out buildings, team, hogs, chickens and ail tools: 33 miles from KstatiJa; price $ 1 4.0110 ; will exchange for city property to $6000. 4 00 acres, wheat ranch; 3f0 acres tillable, 200 acres In cultivation ; 2 springs, 2 wells, small family orchard, old house ; 5 miles from railroad ; price $14,000; will exchange for Portland residence, flat or apartment house up to 10,000. 1200' acres, 1000 acres in cultivation; irrigated with artesian well ; -room house, barn and several outbuildings ; 3 miles from Nort h Powder; a splendid stock ranch ; will exchan ge for tlat or apartment house to $50, otto. SEE MR. STEPHENS. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. 160 ACRES with ubout one million feet of first-growth timber; half of land easily cleared ; about 40 acres can bo plowed; all good grazing land, plenty of water; 30 mites north of Portland, four miles to river and railroad, down grale; no improvements; $10 per acre; will trade for winall house in suburbs or improved acreage just outside city lim its, or would consider tioue and lot in valley town. Will not consider any thing without fruit. After & P. M. phone Tabor 4H04. H E A DQ C A R T E R S FO R K X CHANG KS $ltM equity in $ IOOU bungalow; want grocery st ock T-room hungaiow in Rose City district, lot 50x100, Price $,1,V.m, want 2 to 5 acres or more with good building and good road to same. 8-room hou.e, lot 100x125. Price $650O want farm in srverlon or VVooduiiru dis trict, ah out Sam e prfcf. SEE BROWN & HIMDl.K, REALTORS, 324 Railway Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE, or will trade for equity Jn bung-alow, beautiful, view lot In Alameda Park, fio-foot frontage on 24th sL, be tween Hamhlet and Duiickley ave; also Mix 1 00 -foot lot and 3-room shack, with gas, lavatory and water, at 1222 Kerby st., W. Piedmont, street improvements in ahd paid on both lots; v. aut to sell or trade In on a , home. Phone auto. 310-16, Montgomery. EXCHANGE OFFICE. ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! Vacant lots a specialty; your home or other city property. Try experienced aroker. A. Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4751. 410 Henry bldg. WANT LOS ANGELES PROPERTY. We want Los Angeles property in ex change for high-class Portland prop erty; will o as high as $100,000 for good Income property in Los Angelea W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. near Orland, Cal., highly im proved, black loam garden . soil; fine pumping plant; an abundance of water new 5-room plastered house; barn ; close to school. Owner desirous of locating in Oregon. For further particulars write George E. Nygaard, Orland, CaL FOR SALE OR TRADE 58 acres, 9 miles northwwt of Salem ; 25 acres in culti vation, on main road, old barn, spring ; price $4500. Take house or auto or livestock as part payment. East 230, or 648 East Min. WILL give four lots In Waver ly Heights Addition and 1919 Overland delivery as first payment on 5 or 6-room house or acreage close in; call at 630 E. 24th. Sellwood 717. FOR SALE OR TRADE for rooming house or equity in house, or what have you ? 6 acres of good land 1 mile from Oregon City. 264 Jefferson ml. Phone Mar shall 129. v 1 HAVE 4 lots, all together, 100x200; lo cated on 4 2d and Emerson. They are fine lots; I will exchange for equity in 5 or 6-room cottage. 00O McKay btk. Phone Main 1300. HIGHLY Improved 114 acres, modern house, near O. E. station; will consider Portland home. Zimmerman, 818 Cham ber of Commerce lllg. 30 ACffES, 22 miles ou Rtectric ; 20 com mercial apples, IO timber; no buildings; exchange for house or auto, cash and time, ar 280, oregonian. T-ROOM good house. 1H acres cultivated, fruit, woodhouse, chicken house, city water, at Oregon City; for a good house Phone 512-6! Auto. WILL take Ford and some cash in ex. change for dandy 5-room house, 1 block to car and school, for only $1800. Wdlh. 48(3. $1000 EQUITY, corner 100x100, Mt. Tabor district, to trade ror anything. Broad way 564. P Stafger. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WILL take good light car, no junk, and cash for eauitv of S2000 in modern R. C. 7-roonv bungalow, garage, balance easy. iaror 26 1 6. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. FOR SALE 5 fresh cows, all giving 4 gal lons on poor feed. 1967 E. Stark st. cor. 78th st. DEAD horses and cattle hauled away free, Phone Milwaukee 69-J for service. VETERINARIAN HOWES. TABOR 656. GOOD young cow for saie cheap. 675 E 82d street North. Phone Tabor 5679 GOOD young Valley cow for sale. 968 Powell DEAD horses taken quickly: cash for dead cows. Aut. 627-64. $g5 SMALL team and harness, guaran teed. Atlas Woodyard, 327 Front st. FRESH Durham row for sale ; heavy milker. 66 East 14th st. W. East 2259. FOR MLE. llorses. Vehicles. Livestock. 3 TEAMS with harness and wagon; span of geldlnps, weight 3.o0 lbs.; pair of well-matched bay mares, weight 2.VK) lbs. : Iron gray and brown, weight 2tPM pounds. Price $175. Gray horse, weight l;O0 lbs., $35. Will guarantee these horses sound, true workers and gent le ; free trial to suit buyer. Call at 86 Powell valley road; take Woodstock car. FOR SALE Sheep at the lowest prices, either grade or registered; any breed, any number. Box 61 N. Port., Or. V. S. STABLES. 14 head of mares and horses from 5 to 7 years old, weight lllOO to 1S0O lbs., heavy boned, blocky built, some well matched teams ; all horses guaranteed as represented ; trial allowed. U. S. Stables. 303 Union ave. S., cor. of Stev ens. G. D. Williamson & Glass. FOR SALR Team of Belgian mares. 5 and 0 years old, weight about 24.o lbs. ; . low down, blocky -built; if looking for an ideal farm or orchard team see these before you buy. 361 Water St., foot of Montgomery st. uOOU togging team, weight S5O0 lbs.. 5 ana 1 years oia, sound, true workers and gentle heavy set of harness and 3 wide tire Mitchell wagon : will sell out fit for $625. Call at 630 East 24th st. Take Woodstock car. SPAN of gray Percheron geldings, 6 and 8 years old, weight about 20OO, In good shape for hard work; price $240. Ask fr Ray's Heam, Keystone Stables, cor ner Montgomery and Water sts. 10 HEAD of good, young, big cows; some freshuind some coming frvsta soon; very reasoflk hie for quick sale. 806 Powell valley road. . TEAM, weighing 2400 pounds, harness and farm wagon ; sound and good workers. Will sell cheap. 4010 67th et. Mount Seott car. FINE spotted black and white Shetland pony, thoroughly broken for children, for sale at 344 17th st, near Market, Mr. Sparrow. KEYSTONE FEED STABLE, horses for sale or hire, stalls for rent. 3M Water st.. foot Montgomery. Mar. 3513. TWO TEAMS mares, and harness, young and good workers; must sell. 4301 67th street. Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE Fine Shetland pony, thor .oughly broke for children. Call at Alder hotel on Aider st. Mr. Sparrow. FOR BALE Two fresh milk cows, hlgb srad Jerse s. at barn. East 6th and lvon sts. Holman Fuel Co, FOR SALE Three registered Scotch shorthorn heifers "at barn East 6th and lvon sts. Holman Fuel Co. DAPPLE gray mare, 6 years old. weighing 15UO lbs.; price $80. 381 Water St., foot of Montgomery. Pianos, Org an a and Musical Instrument. FACTORY REBUILT AND t'SED PIANOS. $600 Kranich & Bach, golden oak..:pi5 $ i-OO Conover, golden oak $!Mo Stein way & Sons, rosewood. $100 Aeolian orchestrelle - $6.v Singer, massive colonial . . . J.li'w) Ebersole, modern mahogany $05O Tiijompson, player $iro Thompson player, pol. mah. $450 Ha!it & Davis, rosewood... $250 Coliard & Coliard. walnut.. S275 H. Bord, rosewood $495 Newby & Evans, walnut ... $17.0 Barrywood Orchestrion . ... $1000 N. Y. Pianoforte, con. gr, . 315 345 3! 5 435 311 505 411 10.1 65 75 2Jt5 5 05 2i5 $1.1 to I. h cash, $6, $10 to $15 monthly. Parlor organ.--... $25. $:.8, $4.". $38. to $73 SCHWAN PIANO CO., Downstairs Store. . 101 10th St., at W ashman d Park Sts. PIANO BARGAINS. Sale of used pianos. We have re duced every piano to a very low figure. We must dispose of them before Christ mas. Terms given, bonds accepted full value. KIMBALL, a real snap ;. FISHER, plain case HOFFMAN, fine mahogany case. - WEBER, walnut case R. S. HOWARD, like new FJSHKH, a good buy SUHMKR, almost new COOK, plain mahogany case .$250 . 150 . 25 . 275 . 8O0 . 115 . 475 . 285 AND OTHERS. SET BE RUNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder Sts. USED TALKING-! MACHINES W All in good condition; at prices that will move them quickly. Columbia and 6 records $ 25 Victor and 6 records 35 Victor and 6 records 45 Columbia and 12 records 120 Victor Cabinet, 12 records 70 Pathe Cabinet, 12 records 7 Victor Cabinet, 12 records 100 $5 to $ 10 cash, $4 to $7 monthly. 6CU WAN PIANO CO., 101 10th St., Cor. Stark. SECURITY STORAGE CO., closing out small upright piano $ and $75 Modern upright pianos i$l.'5 to $:I45 Mod-em player pianos $305 to $005 Parlor organs.. $20, $25, $38. $45, and $58 Pianos stored lor ioe monthly. 703 TEN T 1 1 ST., COR. S T ARK. $lo TO $25 CASH buys new 1920 model up right $57-5 piano in oak or mahogany for $05, balance $12 monthly. Your phono graph, old piano or organ taken as first payment. Schwan Piano Co., 101 10th st., at Stark. KNABE PIANO, mahogany case, almost new, at the price of a cheap new piano. See this buy ; terms given. Seiberl lug Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st., between Washington and Alder sts. WANTED Second-hand piano or piayer tf cheap for cash. Address box C 263, Oregonian. or phono Minn 1153, apart-nu-nt 3, evenings. ORGANS ORGANS. $10 and up. See them. Terms given. Seiberliug- Lucas Music Co., 125 Fourth st., bet. Washington and Alder sis. TRADE YOUR PIANO Will trade $225 new VJCTROLA and records for used PIANO. Seiberling-Lu-cas Mu:-ic Co. Main 8;86. 125 Fourth st MASON-HAMLIN. This piano is equal to new; sell at half price, give terms. Sei-berling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4 th st., between Washington and Alder sts. LATEST records, 85c; phonograpTls at big discount, sold on terms. Open evenings. Wholesale & Retail Phonograph Store, 437 Stark st. at 12th. PIANOS. $145 and up. Selling out all of our used pianos, good standard makes, terms given. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 Fourth Bt. ' PIANO WANTED. HIGHEST CASH PAID for used PI ANOS or PLAYERS. Selberling-Lucas Music Co., Main S586, 125 4th st. VICT R OLA with records $65Tseethis bar gain. Another Victrola $25. Will make good Christmas present. Seiberling- Lu cas Music Co., 125, 4th st. A FEW phonographs for rent over Chrisc mas; bargains in used pianos. Harold S. Gilbert, 3;s4 Yamhill iu Pianos rented, old, repaired. PIANO WANTED for practice; pay ca&h, must be bargain. Marshall 1532. WILL SELL $75 credit, good on Brunswick Colum bia phonograph, takes It. Phone Wiley, Bdwy. 200. $40 CABINET grafonoias witn records for rent. Empire Transfer Co 254 Broadway. Broadway 155. WANTED To exchange new piano or player piano for diamond. AR 259, Ore gonian. COLUMBIA cabinet grafonola with rec ords, $60. Empire Transfer. 54 Broad- way. Bdwy. 155. CABINET PHONOGRAPH FOR SALE 334 Vfc Larrabee St. J. A C. FISHER PIANO. -$145, terms giv en. Seiberling-Music Co., 125 Fourth st KIMBALL PIANO, $250; a snap, terms, Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. CREMONA phonograph, a bargain. 646 E. Oak St., between 7 and 9 evenings. FOR SALE Nearly new player piano. Columbia 973. PRIVATE party will take piano In storage; good care guaranteed. Main 3275. WANTED Banjo, must be cheap for cash, 400 Columbia bldg., 3 Washington st. PRIVATE party has cash for piano and Edison disc. East 4222. Furniture for Sale. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olsou Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine st. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE. Furniture for four rooms tr be seen in storage at Wm. Gadsby & Sony., d and Morrison. W. E. urutzmacher. GOOD new and used furniture, heaters, rugs, lowest prices. Judson Furniture . Co.. 113 Grand av. East 6057. STAB LACK tStayhlack). tha greatest heat resisting stove polish In existence; 25o hot tie. Crown Furniture Co., 209 First. CHAIRS. 5 diners. 1 carver; Cromwellian period, mahogany, tapestry seat; sacn- fice. E. 4160. FOR SALE 1 leather couch. 1 china cab inet, 1 library table and other furniture. Phone East 1253 or 775 Clackamas. FOR SALE -Buffet in dark walnut in good condition; private home. AE 250. Oregonian. WILTON rug, 9x12, kitchen furniture. buffet. Morris chair, 437 E. 23d st. North. t IRON BED, springs and full cotton mattress. 244 Montgomery. Call Monday. LARGE lot of furniture moved to 324 Lit near Clay, lor sale cheap. FOR SALE A snap, furniture 5 room for $350. Call 495 Fourth st. FOR SALE, Furniture for Sale. THIS WILL INTEREST TOO.- We bought 18 hardwood dressers . from a rooming house in oak andj ash, with French plate mirrors, and ail in good shape. lour choice $25. Come quickly if you want one. illSH FLRNITL'RB CO., ISS-lflO First Street. MANUFACTURERS sample line of dav enports and chairs. We manufacture fo? - the dealer only on account of our fac tory being far from city; we have been showing our line on the sample floor ol Heywood Bros. & Wakefield Co. They have notified us they want the space wa occupy. e have no desirable ptuce to grswe have decided to sell these samples direct to the trade at manufacturer's prices for cash. Michael son Bros., 5433 Foster road. Phone 236-15. 6-HOLE range. 117; small cook stove, ts. .10 ; wood heater, $6 ; princess dresser, $16.50; wash stand, $1.60; round oak dining table, $18; dining chairs, $2.50; Garland gas ratige, $14.50; several cheap beds, rugs, ce rpets and linoleum. East 6057. 113 Grand ave. Office Furniture. WK HAVE the largest line of used office furniture, files, desks, chairs; etc., in the city and our prices are the lowest. We also carry a complete line of new equipment at about the price of used in other places. See us first. D. C. Wax, 31 North 5th. Broadway 2739. MAHOGANY office fixtures, including counters, railing, beveled plate giass pai tit inns., nanelinsr and marble baseboard especially suitable for bank or broker's Oiitce. - r . r uoouncu iiuuuci wo., N ort h Broadway. WANTED Second-hait4 mahogany type writer desk and Laming ton typewriter : good condition. 2o7 Northwestern1 Bank bldg. Marshall 561 1. 1 ROLL-TOP desk. 3 flat-top desks, 1 filing cabinet, S chtttrs, 2 bookkeepers desks, 3 safes. 70 ih st. FOR SALE Oak desks, chairs and other office equipment. 312 Y. boa biug. Main 2220. Poultry. 300 EXCELLENT White Leghorn yearling hens. Hoganized. $ L-20 each : brawn Leghorns, $1.35 each ; Rock Red and W. Leghorn pullets. J. R. Maguire, 81 Ore go n at. at E. 24 1 h. EIGHT White Leghorn pullets, rear1 - to 4 V hue Leghorn year-oia nens; - Rhode Island RmI hens, $i.5 11 HH7 Senate St.. Laureihurst. 3253. Leaving clt Tabor 13 HENS, 9 R. I. R., 4 B. R.. .all good layers; these are not culls; $1.50 each. iKttf ernon avenue. FOR SALE Eight Plymouth Rock chick ens. 7 hens- and rooster. Marshall 4238. 430 Yamhill st. Dugs, Rabbit, Birdn and let Mock, CLOSING out imported St. Andreasberg roller and trained singers, females, cages. Woodlawn 36a 2. GOOD and tented females and a globe, of gold fish, cheap. 605 Johnson st. Main 3757. t AT service. Hoston terrier. Champion Pe light, 14. pounds' welghL Call Hotel E erett, room 310. CHOICE German warblers and roller ca nary birds for sale very reasonable. 215 W. Rlchman st. Phone Columbia 8o4. THOROUGH BKD St. Andre.isr.erg roller singers ana temaies. Aiain oiii. o-i Mill at. FOR SALE Two pedigreed Boston Terrier matrons, one in season. Aut. 234-06. MALE and female birds for sale cheap. r44 Pettygroe st. PUPPIES, small typo and well mar&ed. Woodyard, 32 J runt st. PEDIGREED Great Dane puppies for sale. J 16., Oregonian. FEMALE Boston terrier; no bett er blood lines; in season. Columbia 4a2. ; FOR SALB-7-English bull pup, male. $25 female. $lo. Call Automatic 22d-3. Launches suid Boats. FOR SALE Motor boat, new, in runnfn order, 9-H. P. engine. K. A. Anderson, 795 Minnesota ave. Machinery. BIG SAIE on wire cable, rubber belting, all kinds of tools and supplies at lowe prices In the city. J. Leve, ISO Front s FOR SALE No. 101S Case tr ctor. plo disc harrow and all complete. Call at Melrose farm on Base Line road. 2 HORIZONTAL steam engines, one H . P., the other o rL. p. Apply Oregon City Laundry, Oregon City, Of i-H. P. GEN. ELECTRIC motor, good as - new. lor ale cheap. Call Main 107 or Tabor 2596 Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive d is tributors of Corona portable; $.0 com plete with carrying caja, supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE CO, lt Sixth st. Main 2285. DO AN E G L'AKA N" T E PTD TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All Makes Overhauled: Experts. Rl-tPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, Sell Rent and Exchange. Main 6:ai7. Supplies 124 4th st. Bet. Wash and Alder, over Circle theater. ALL MAKES, sold, rentea and exchanged, terms if desired ; send for retail prices. WHOLESALE T Y PEW RITE R CO., 32 L Wash In ston st., N. W.. Cor. 6th. FOR SALE -Underwood typewriter, latent model, medium Roman; or wn consiner trade for like model. Elite type. Call Main 3035 before 2 P. M. L'NDKKW'OOD No. 5, perfect condition 5 1 2 . 50 . Empire Transfer, 2 0 Broad w a y. Bdwy. 155. LATE-MODEL' L. C. Smith, perfect condi tion; cheap. Gilray, jeweler, 208' Mor rison st. UNDER WOOD and Remington typewriters. $3.50 a month. Empire Transfer. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th st. Main 368.3. NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. SMITH PREMIER typewriter, $10. perfect condition, t'hone cast mw. Miscellaneous. CORDWOOD, old second growth, green, cut three months. It will burn; to movs quick only $0 50. Tabor 2326. ALL KINDS OF HAIR GOODS. w And hair watch chains made to order. Mrs. A. D. Bond, 1605 13th st. FOR SALE Navy biue vetour coat, fur collar, very cheap. Phoue Sellwood 11 S3. . : NEW M A YN 1-gal. gas pump and tankt never been unpacked; a bargain. BC 20-1, Oregonian. WOOD Block and s'abwood mixed, stove lengths, $6.5-0; prompt delivery; east side orders preferred. Call Marshall 182ft. 1 HIGH-GRADE custom-made dress suit, size 40 to 42. with light vest, $75. AM 272, Oregonian. . UPHOLSTERING, repair work jobs, mad? to order; rnatress renovating. Call Mfu 755 or Marshall 4065. DRY AND green country slab, extra heavy, delivered either east or west si' iue. CaJl Bdwy. 486. 1 STEAMER TRUNK, good as new; 1 pair pillows, and bunch of tools. Address 249 13th st.. room No. 4. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent nnd exchange, Ko dys Sandy. 329 Washington st. FOR SALE $65 brown broadcloth suit, $20; 1 blue Berge suit, size 34. Phone Tabor 3477. . BOY'S ball-bearing tricycle, 4-year sizs; leather couch and rocking chair. 5909 30th ave. . FOR SALE Alexander Hamilton course, 24 volumes complete. C. A.. Main 8264, after 6 1. M. MALLEABLE STEEL RANGE. Good as new. Cost $120. Will sacri fice. Phone Sellwood 2254. LADIES' and men's stylish raincoats and top coats made to measure; 2 coats for prtce of one. 655 Alberta. Wdln. 1313. LADY'S stylish hew tailor-made sut at half price. 6v5 Alberta street. Wdln. 1313. - - ALL METAL gas-electric washing ma chine, nearly new; bargain. Wdln. 5346. LADY'S black suit, sfae 88. st. N. Phone Tabor 8990. 202 E. 02 d FOR PALE 16 gauge shotgun. lumbia 973 Call Co- BEAUTIFUL tfj nd crochet bedspread, $40. .T67 Hood street. 1 FULL leather couch, biscuit pattern, good as new. Call Marshall 569. SA V AGS automatic .32 pistol; 10- Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 8281. like- new. CORDWOOD, fine. dry. old growth. Call after 6 P. M.. Automatic 322-74. ALCAZAR combination ranye for sale: used si months, $125. 91 E. 45th st. N. FOR SA LE Cordwood'. seasoned. Automatic 516-91. BLOCK 2-load and slab m Ixed,' special price lots. Wdln. 4102, Oregon Fuel. POTATOES, apples, onions wholesale prices. 153 Front St.. nr. Morrison bridge. WOODLAWN 1075. FOR BEST DRY SLABWOOD. ulij jow manure, aeuverea. Aiam 44o. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous LEADING WRECKERS OB THE PACIFIC COAST. Dolati Wrecking Const. Co., Cor. K. 8th and Belmont Sts. Government Building Ma terial for Sale. SASH. WINDOWS. We ru.ve on hand an enormous -amount of the finest kind of jdl mention lumber for just one-half the price of new. We also have several thousand new window sashes aid doors a well as slightly used ones at an exceptional offer. You can also consult tis for low est prices on the following: FLOORING, RUSTIC. SIDING. SHIPLAP, CEILING. One-inch SHEATHING, rough and dressed. WINDOW SASH, DOORS, INSIDE FINISH, SHINGLES. ROOFING PAPER. PLUMBING FIXTURES, PIPE AND FITTINGS, ELECTRICAL MATERIALS. PLOW STEEL WIRE CABLE. MIRRORS. SPECIAL OFFER. One m!Tllon feet of 4x. 4t. 4x12. 1 Ox 1 2 a nd 12x12, L5 per thousand feet. Everything in the Building Line Bought and Sold. DOLAN WRECKING A CONST. COMPAN Y. 4RO Belmont St. Corner East St h. Phone East 0110. HAVE to keen mv trucks busy so. there- lore, can give you better wooa ior less M.inov than a fii.il dn'ur. Available for immediate delivery in S-cord lots. C o. D. Irv fir.st.Fr.fl fh fir r-ordwood. $3'1. Dry", second-growth fir cordwood. $31.50. Dry, t!g elabwood, $25.50 , A V A IL A BL E IN 2-COR D LOTS. Green, first -growth. A No.' 1 Cir cord Wood, $lft Large green slabwood. $14. Special prices on large orders. Phone Main "0J4. R. 203. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We are selling out direct to the public our entice stock of salesmen's samples, consisting of rain, motor and overcoats, at .half factory cost. UNITED RUBBER CO., 726 MORGAN BLDG. OFFICE FURNITURE. We have a wonderful outfit of gen uine mahogany furniture for an office, slightly used; this can be purchased- for much less than new; also some oa k .fiat and roll-top desks, new and used. D. C. Wax, 31 N. 5th st. Broadway 2730. SAFES Fire and burgiar-proof aies. new and second-hand, at right prices, bought . sold and exchanged. Easy terms if de ' sired. MORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second Street. Main 2045. FANCY PACKED boxes California raisins or figs to serid to your irtends or rela tions back east a gilt that will be ap preciated. Send for illustrated circular. D. L, Newman. P. O. Box 1309, Fresno, California. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less-i no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main D431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 100 Third St., near Taylor. : WRECKING WOOD FOR SALE. Cut to stove lennth, for immediate de livery, $7 per load. Main 6U42. Tabor 7313. El rath Steel Iron & "Wrecking Co., Inc. HOT-WATER tanks, 30-gal.. $7; 40-ga1.. $;; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, gas heaters installed, ex pert plumb1 ng, repairing. East Side Welding shop, 203 Adams st. East 8516. POP CORN. Special 15 days: No. 1 Pearl, $5.60; No. 1 White Rice. $5.75. F. O. 14. Boise, Idaho.. Ray E. Roberts, box 13, Boise, Idaho. HAND-PA TNTED leatherette table run ners, $2.50; large cem ar piece, $1.50; dollies, 00c ; baby bibs. 2oc; photo cal endars. 50c : shopping bags and rain hats, $2. loft J3tfi st. WHY A.N everlastine aKffravatlon by leaky roof ? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof ? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate alt kinds, of leatty roo 1 s. vv ora puai an iceu, uow. 1 COMPLETE set and extra pieces of den tal hand instrument; aiso new bracket table: at great bargain. AN 205, Ore- gonian. WHAT you have been waiting for, a drop in furs. Call and be convinced. THE FUR SHOP, 606 Swetland bldg., 5th and Washington POTATOES, Upland, Burbanks aud Early Rose. $1.7; delivered; 2 sacks and up. Also Christmas trees. 831 E. Everett. East 6703. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down. $3 monthly Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON-STREET SINGER STORE. 3H2 Morrison. Main 721. SAFES New and second-hand, some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., Broadway I960. 48 Front St PJ LES can be permanently cured wit hi t operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, 234 M orrison st. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet Washer, aUo vacuum cleaning done. East 404.7.- WOOD.- Pry fir slab wood for immediate de livery. Phone Woodlawn 3537. CIRCLE exchange, 415 Flledner, Bdwy, 220. All prices reduced. 10th and Wash - Ington. HONEY Warranted. unadulturated strained, light, miid; quart hoc, quantity less. East 1410. . FOR SALE Universal gas and wood com bination range; first-class condition. 913 Minnesota ave. LADIES Let the Vogue Apparel Exchange sell your used garments and furs. 403 Alisky bldg. .Main did,'. FOR SALE $300 Hubbard double electric cotfee mill, good as new, for $100, cash or terms. --annuo. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale Pacific Tent & Awning Co., 1 N. 1st ar REBUILT casn registers. computing scales ; prwca 1 -..u u otarK CHRISTMAS East 6703. trees, 50c up. delivered. GARDEN manure. P 10 Automatic ROTTED cow manure delivered. Phone Tabor TWO FILING cabinets, 66x36. bargain Call at lo3 Second St., Portland. OVERCOATS, used little, for sale; big selection, low priced. 3;a Stark st. STOV ES repaired, bought and sold. Coils nau tfTTRiamond ar screws; excellent qua! ity. Address X 268, Oregonian. FOR SALE Wicker twin baby carriaao inn EYamhill. Phone 235-28. WANTED CIocks to repair; called for and dellverea. rnwie muor zt6i. rTH BEAUTIFUL Reed baby carriage 646 tiarnsu". CUIR POSTS lor sale, red cedar. H. uoodrieh. Route 3, Box 403. Lenta. Or. FOR Sa1jK Cash register, aafe. adding machine, snow-aa- - at., near Ash. VACUUM cleenerf-s sold, rented repaired, exenangeu. """fc"1" "clulw. uur. 13 BUYS adding machine; adds 7 figure. 618 Corbett bids. Marshall .157. l'or KKNT Electric vacuum cleaners. 24 hour day $1. delivered. Wdln. FOR SALE Oak and fir wood, delivered in 2-cord lota. Addreps 2't, Oregonian. VrE'TSlDE home, sells and buys slightly worn apparel and furs. Marshall S21.-,. FOR SALE New electric chine. Jall East 5400 popcorn STAR A STAR shingles direct from mill. Call Taylor-street dock. Main 8C;5. EYES tested free; spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Belding, 245 Alder at. Main 163. DRY BOX WOOD for sale. Phone Wood lawn oi04. 113:1 Montana avenue. STEVENS repeating shotgun, IS gaug. with ribbed barrel. East 5470. BEAUTIFUL hand-made standing lamp shade; blue and gold. Tabor 2!52. VIOLIN, old Stainer, fine Instrument. 35 1 Q27 East 23d N. Woodlawn 3 K77. i ACRES CHRISTMAS TREEs! FOR PARTICULARS CALL MAIN 8218. BLOCK and slab wood mixed, already cut; also slab and cordwood. Tabor 5829. LADIES' exclusive used apparel. 1132 E. Ollsan St. Wonderful bargains. Tb. 2S2i. BLOCK WOOD, slab wood, mixed lots, special prices. East 2041. 2-load ELECTRIC door bells, installed complete in residences for $5, Woodlawn 37!1. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. 1 per day, de.ivered anywhere. Wdln, 3493 vwni' - jinm oivi, FOR VI.E MiMcel lan eous. SIBLOCO riPELRSPt FURNACE, $70.60. $35. IT S DEMONSTRATING 11" P"t PERIORITY. MORE PERFECT SCIEN TIFIC PRINCIPLE; LESS FUEL. BET TER RESULTS. FIVE-YEAR GUAR ANTEE. INSTALLED EVERY PART OF THE CITY. ASK FOR NEAREST 1 H M O N S T R A T ION AND KEFJGR ENCES. X. T. WOODRUFF, WOODLAWN 2103. 1J01 MASON. I OK MACHINE, good aft new; less than hair price; U-ton complete, mciuning motor rheostat, electric wiring conduits, iZJ.I feet expansion piping. Se this ma chine In operation. Price $S0o, half cash, balance terms. 622 East Stark street. Phone East 5737. GET NEW TUNES FOR OLD Hundreds of Portland people are for J 5c difference. Come on, join the crowds. . Records from 10c to $1. war and scratched records not accepted. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE. 427 Washington. Phone Bdwy. 402. WHITE CHINA for snle for decorating; a good -uiriery to select from Bel leek. Pat sum a. Austrian. Bavarian, French anr German; decorating done promptly; lesions in china painting from 1 to 4. Mrs-. C. V. Pollock. 646 E. Salmon St., Portland. Or. ELECTRICAL GIFTS. Percolators. irons. toasi era, grills, heaters. curling irons and portable lamps. Low prices. Xmas tree light sets and .electrical repairing. Hynson Electric company. 302 Pine Bt. Bdwy. 4253. POTATOES Upland grown. improved Burlmnks. splendid cookers and knepers, $1.50 per 100. less in ton lots. Mile S. of Troutdah. upppr road, or mile N. of Itast; Line from Benson Hotel farm. Fraley farm. Rt. A, box 364, Portland. FOR SALE Half price, all slr.es floor ca ses, cheese cutters, mea t si leer, reg ister, confining scales, wall cases, gas ran go, marble slab, counter cases, loot railing, bar counter. Act quick. -4-Salmon. , 1 PR." LADY'S imported English buttoned high shoes, si'ie 7 M: . 1 I'1 lced high shoes, size 8. 1 pr. kid oxfords size 8. 1 p$ patent toe oxfords size 4; bargain. It 267. Oregonian. HABY CARRIAGE REPAIR SHOP. W ret ire, repaint and repair and up holster; uli work railed for and delivered promptly. Call Wdln. 26W. 645 Will iams ave. SMALL lady's tailored-, suit, Fmart style. fine quHiilv, brown siivertone s-Ku 34; cost 00. $30; also navy trlco tine suit, email misses, $18; bargains. East 85T0. ' HAY E 50O views and photographs or tne ... 1-, ... v. : 1 .. . . Q n rl n let 11 re of China. .lapan and Philippine islands; anyone interested ,in buying, write at or.ee. Y 261. Oregonian. t CABINET SIZE VICTROLA. oak. perfect condition : JSa- cash : aiso imiwi'w beaver rnat for sale or trade, $.10. Mar. :i:t4. After 4 P. L. or aut. 57. Hanover apts.. King tU . .. v tl 1 oni N. rt 2 drV OlQ CTOW 11 fir, 2d growth fir, pole, partly uu ash and oak; also general naming. Phone evenings. Sellwood 31 2. tr t u c-r rT a t tl.innh cnril wood for saie. H!U-T-..a In Kenton. Wooaiawu u-uki Piedmont. Phone 046 Y. S. R. HowelL route V, Vancouver. Wash. BEAUTIFUL new Haviland dinner set. leas than hall cost; panne veivev ure, " twice; biue tricoiette dress, very reason able. Must sen at once. s. Lt irz-ri'T,- Kuaor S't no-. Hot foint eiec, iron: one iigni cnaiu 1 1- ii Reliable Electric store, Union and Rus sell, E. 3 6b 6. . . T-.. . r, c T IT lirv nlrf.irmWth. f OUT"f OOt cordwooo ; also ' sixteen-inch green slab and block wooa mixea. w-yuvi Son Fuel Co. Phone Auto. 533-40. TWO NEW Potter gas radiators, 4-section, ......r. c-- "i.tortinTi. rec unce - v take $.50 for both. FrOst Jr., 405 Yeon bldU. LICENSED independent electrician wires fl T-nni-nH SI' : IOT S-O". lie w used and guaranteed to pass Inspection. Woodlawn 3711. c-rnn w. TTTVTT'RF.S. Cash registers, showcases, seales, aA urn hoveled mirror ltx36. 113 2d st. ' (t i i, - .a ci en rehu i t. tn urst class order, new paint, ric, u'k cash. Union Sign Co., Oak sts. Bdwy. 3521. West Parte and nnoL'L- iT-A WT1TIJ iron tlPfl. SDnlUS SD'l mattress: 'a lounge and lone cloak for girl 13 years; all for $20. 803 E. Burn Side. . xjuitn: it- PRUNES Ttnllan snl it. lOO-lh. sack, $5. 50. Bea ver Grocery, 2S7 Yamhill st. H24-21. Phone PKRPFyT' diamond earrinsts, platinum ..r-.. oh out v -karat each. $!. ajn 2 15, Oregonian. . tiMt SAT, Pi Well-rotted Cow manure, big load, $6, delivered any place In city. Sil-wnod 220 LET ITS sell your new and sngntiy ueu nrmon furs fancv work and onc-a brae for vou. Fast 30l, 101 Adams st. POTATOES Highland Burbanks. 1 rBck ;!!:!. LKT L'S wash your runs wiu the Hamll' (on Beach elei-trlc carpet nasher out rtmovin? from floor. Wood. 12j. pnu AI.K .WrpcKed lumbor, doorfl, brlrU, 4-fiirh .slil- bU-l Iron pipe. 1'rlets rtent. Phone Tabor C.Hr, f'nnl) rrtwood. S f.0 per rorrt. delivered in Piedmont, Woodlawn or Kenton. Tele' phone Woodlawn 2r-i. L, A KG K window pash. jufrt the thin to hiolose your porch or use in miuains nuthouses. t.-a:i 11 jmn'n.Y FlKX-rKOOF h;ii. 4' inches high and 'afe cabinet :il.i0 inches; cneap. u. ... ' ... -.n. nrioru .'7.7!l wax, Ol -j J ' .mm ni'n" FMFKf.KHS Fl'RN'AOK -?79.60 "and $1Hf; bliowrooni ' and office K. Hroaday. Phone Kaat 4ri7. Ft'R FOR .a'.e. 21l;Mli at. Auto. 524-43 V-oor FOR SAT.P!. MATV f.44.1 FOR P.AI.lg ACTOMOBflKS. BUT A USED FORD. T-nn nan nave moneT by doinK It now. Our stock is complete. . 150 Ford to B.i.t from. Our prices are riKht. Here are some of the bargains we offer. Look them over. mill Ford tourinp 1913 Ford liKht delivery ........ 11(17 Ford liuht delivery 1918 Ford chassis .. JBlo Ford touriliB 11S Ford liKht delivery 1!!13 Ford tourins 15 ITS IS 1R lots Ford road 1!0 11)17 Ford roadster 1910 Ford roadster I'.IIS Ford chassis Ford tourlntr 1 11)17 Ford tourintf ................. -' I'M! Ford roadster 211 mid TTrtrd tntirini? . 8 1'iL'n Ford liuht del., starter, etc.... S- lluo Ford tourinsr, starter, etc ii" llfjl) Ford worm truck chassis tti 3U1H Ford worm truck -V- -loift Ford eedan. starter, etc.. ...... 6,-i Ford coupe, starter, etc 73. Some Ford hues also. EASY TKKMS. Open Saturday evening and Sunday, UNIVKltSAl, CAR EXCHANUB, nd Fords F.xclusively. Grand Ave. and Fust Yamhill St. Large stock of genuine Ford parts. r n- TILEAPDALR. For real value in a standard used auto mobile compare these curs wltn otneri licfore placing your ueposit. FORD touring, motor overhauled. readv to go 12' maxwell touring, new top. re painted, good tires 450 ETUDEHAKF.R 6. This Is a big bargain 4 OVKHLAVD 85-4: lots of power. - good tires; a snap at 600 BU1CK light four, repainted, good tires, motor overhauled 650 CHALMERS light six, -fine hill climltf-r, good tires 6' OAKLAND light six: this car is the best buy in Portland 750 WII.LYS-KNIOHT 7-passenger, the ideal car for rental 1150 MITCHELL CHUMMY, like new. ref inlsht'd, good tires 1200 MAIHOHM, almost new; must sell this week 12 STL'DEUAKER light six, 1313, In perfect mechanical condition, ex tras 1300 Several good bugs. Forty other good buys to select from. 530 Alder Bt. Broadway 1852. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled Rear axle overhauled Valves ground, carbon removed Magneto recharged j We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a pen'ect-running motor. Genuine Ford parta only uaed. All work guaranteea. THE REASON the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dun is because the MA'JNETO Is wcrtt. Have it RECHARGED BY EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 lefferson. Main 744. suit, abr ror leaning, saat -69, ior sai.f Anwiniiit.r.s. CO.VLErS USED CAR CENTER. 8tl Tenth Street. JITST :NEW CARS. OVERHAULED OR REBUn.T. GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. i Rrltis; in your old car and ' trade in for a later model. ; WE WILL ALLOW TOO THE LIMIT. ' If we -have not what vou want today we will have it tomorrow. iaiiniv,nil tonrlnr. rebuilt. ..... $4."0 191S Ford touring, rebuilt through out lan r'h...,ni.t li.hr delivery.. ..... R.-0 Overland Coupe. 4-pass.. Just like new "0 1917 Iteo four touring, rebuilt; e top. cord tires-. TMf 111T Unick B totir'g. runs perfectly.. "t 11U7 Hulck 6 roadster, just over k...lnH nod 1919 Hulck A." roadster, like new 1UJ Serlrs IT Studehaker 6, i-pass. ; cord tires ,Ui' 1920 Paige ft. 7-pass.: cord tires. ... .i"0 1017 Hnpmoblle, cn of the lust,,. sold ......1000 191S(ilds six sedan, looks like brand ISIS tlds 7-passengT .lt.dO Pierce-Arrow 0-3B. new body. new cord tires ;' ' Chandler coupe, very clas.y l''" IBIS Hudson super-six, cord tires. . 11117 Hudson super-six, runs liku new l!120Iixle Flyer, ns per cent new...l. ' lnll Essex roadster, cord tlrs. . . . i.o.j 1H1S National six, T-pnss.; luoks like brand new x ' IBinoirta six. S4-ton truck ; 1B17 Iteo four speed wagon '.' 1917 Oary 1-ton truck " New Buys Arriving Every Day. TOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. CONLEY-S USED CAR CENTER. SO 10th St., 4 Blk. South Plttock Blk. Phone Broadway 1424. Open Sundays and Evening. j USED CARS. , EAST TERM'S WITH NO BROKER AOS. TOUR CHOICF. OF M ANT C ARS Pf STANDARD MAKE AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE lOU HERE ARE A FEW. CTIETROLET touring , . OVERLAND touring . ..3I3 .. 4St MAXWK. UU muring FORL) coup with starter.... 7- CHANDLER touring 10ol CHEVROLET, brand new, lots of extras J1"'' FRANKLIN touring OLDSMOBILE sport model.. .IjoU AND M ANT OTHERS. DON'T MIS3 THIS OPPORTUNTTT. OLDSMOBILH COMPANT. Oimn Evenlnga and Sunday. Bdwy. at Couch. Bdwy. 227. USED CAR BARGAINS. Model D-55 Buick. 7-pasa.. S750. 118 Studebaker, 7-pass.. jr.UO. 11117 Hudson, overhauled, $1000. 1919 Liberty, looks like new, $10oo. 1!1! Nash, 5-pass., $13r0. 192H Oldamoblle, run 7000 miles. t2r,o. 191S Hudson, wire wheels. 133(l. 1!16 Cadillac. $1500. Second series twin six Packard, pass., $2250. Third series twin six Packard, 7- pass,, $3S00. We have many other rood bar gains too numerous to mention. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. COR. TENTH AND BURNSIDE. BROADWAY 62L LIBERTY ROADSTER, '19 MODEL. Here is a car that you hardly ever see for sale in the used car ads; this one has been used by lady who gave It the very best of care and we bought it cheap for cash. It haB been rrfim-sfied and looks and runs lust as It did tho day It Icff. the factory; low price and we will lake i.17." down, balance month iy. Open Sua d.ivs. r, 1 ALDEIt STP.KET. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COM PANT. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled Rear axle overhauled Valves ground, carbon removed .$20 . Alagneto recnargeo We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearing.1., etc., which insures a perfect-runnm-; motor. Gpniilnn Ford part only usoa, All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 280 Front St., corner Jeffereon. ESSEX. ESSEX. TOCRlNi) CAR TN Al CONDITION. REAL BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. A SPECIAL BUILT ESSEX ROAD STER CORD TIKES, Wl HE WHEELS. . THESE CARS MUST BE BEEN Ti BE APPRECIATED. CALL BDWY. 3047 OR BDWT. 5700. OAKLAND TOURING. Here is a car that has been refinlsaed, , non-skid, new tires all around and cat, runs fine. Come and try it. Low pric and take $i50 down, bal. monthly. 61- A MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANT. "special BARGAIN. 1H HUDSON SPEEDSTER. IN FIRST?: CLASS SHAPE, GOOD TIRES AN1J' BARGAIN AT iso0. CASH OR TERMS" , THIS CAR MUST BE SEEN TO BH APPRECIATED. CALL BKOADWA at, i. with 2O0 down, bal. monthly. C ar i Uke new in every way and this ie indee t i a low price. Come and try it. Open Sundays at 16th and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR OA n r-jir i . 1919 MAXWELL touring, in excellent corn ditlon; nas new ut-icj, .. -Kelly-Sprlngflold tires, bumper, sntib bers extra tire and chains; an excep tional buy at 775. Call Tabor 17T3 Monday. 1920 CADILLAC touring, like new, driven only 9300 miles; seat covers, 8 cord tires: owner must sell; will sacrifice for $30uo. Phone Frank Smith, Broa.ds way 113Q. , , OAKLAND 6 BARGAIN. Used four months, must sacrifice, mi less than 300O miles, $3"0 down, balance monthly. Particulars cail Mr. Argo, Broadway 8281. 1917 SUPER SIX Hudson sedan; all li first-class condition, cord tires anr, mare- a real car at a bargain price; might take in light car as part payment. 121 OU. 4D . -puwy. . . iaoa DlTiin PflAhHTER Jl-ust sacrifice for private reasoTM.; oeI only few weeks; price $15; car, arrange terms.. Mr. Bennett. Full par, titulars call Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 821. Six eord tires, double tire carrier, 8 pedal locks, othr accessories. Driven, carefully 1400 miles. A new oar. Tabor 344. MAXWELL touring, 1918, good tires, fine running order; a bargain at $300, wita terms. 30 Grand ave. N., BearBura. side. 'TOPS 'EM. ALL." Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th and Couch sts. Bdwy. 440S. Cnr. PRACTICALLY new Studebaker 5-passen-. ger sedan, fully equipped; run 5J01 miles; some terms to responsible pur. caser. Price $22o0. Phone Main 563.S. MAXWELL touring, 1919, best of Condi tion, good tires; will sacrifice at $773 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. NorUi, near Burnstde. 1921 BUICIC 7-PASSENGER. New. all cords, never been run. Cal) me and save $3o0. OWNER, OREGON CTTT. PHOVB 6L FORD SEDAN, like new, with starter, shock absorbers and other extras; JCxhJ cash. 210 Jeffergon st. 1920 BUICK coupo, like new, cord equip ment, extras: a snap buy. Phone Frio ' Smith, Broadway 1130. 4K CASH. Stevens-Duryea touritrg, al new cord tires, mechanically right, take Ford as part. 531 Alder. A VERY nifty car in fine condition, Saxon 6, U17 model, price $-5K, terms, Mr. Walter, Morse hotel. $205 CASH buys this. 1917 Maxwell tour lntr, all new tires; mechanically right and easily worth J430. 631 Alder. FOR SALE 1918 Ford at ta orifice. 7vS3J 62d ave. S. E. 1920 HUPMOBILE. looks and rnne Ukflk at; inut sell quick, Tabor e,v4. r , I ' .3 TV - 4