Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 24, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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Church Services and Turkey
Dinners Planned for Day.
Kewsboj-s, Charity Charge and
Even Animals In Slnnlcipal"
Pound Will Kot Be Forgotten. '
Thanksgiving day will be featured
In Portland tomorrow by numerous
church services, individual and un
ion; the customary countless family
dinners in homes, with the festive
turkey spread, or something else sub
stituted for it because of its high
cost; a T:g rootball game between
the Oregon Agricultural college and
Multnomah Amateur Athletic club:
special attention to the inmates of
the city and county jails and charit
able institutions; a unique banquet to
the dogs, cats and goats of the mu
nicipal pound and "de big feed" for
newsboys at the Multnomah hotel,
given by Eric V. Hauser.
The event at the municipal pound
is a public function, it is announced
by Mrs. F. W. Swanton, manager.
All the inmates there will be fed at
10 o'clock from tne bounty of a
kind-hearted wealthy woman of
Portland, who recently lost her pet
collie by death and who wishes to
show her lerve for dumb brutes in
this manner. She declines to permit
the use of her name in connection
with the affair, however. Mrs. Swan
ton invites the people of the city to
visit the pound, located at the west
ern end of the interstate bridge, to
witness the "spread" for the dogs,
cats and goats and to see what the
institution is like.
Ample Ilepasts for Prisoners.
City and county jailers, when
asked yesterday what they proposed
to do for their guests the prisoners
said they had not decided; that
turkey was roosting pretty high this
year and that they might substitute
another delicacy. There will be any
where from 50 to 150 "at home" in
the municipality's big house at Sec
ond and Oak streets, depending upon
how active the'' police, are, and ap
proximately 140 in the county "ho
tel." While "those present" may not
taste the "usual bird" tomorrow, it
is certain, they will have an ample
repast, varied and plenty of it.
"Out-of-luck girls." that is, those
who have passed through the Salva
tion' Army's rescue home and happen
to be absent during the year, will
meet in annual reunion with those
now in the home. They will have a
chicken dinner at 6 o'clock and at 7
a programme of literary and musical
numbers will be the feature. The
Volunteers of America will serve a
special dinner at their working girls'
At the Pisgah home, where are
quartered a number of old folk, Mrs.
Hattie Lawrence, affectionately called
"Mother," will serve "just the best
Dossible" dinner to them. Just the
best possible depends upon how gen
erous the more fortunate persons of
this big city are, for "Mother" has
no other means of providing for her
"Eric," as the newsies of Portland
have come to know Eric V. Hauser,
proprietor of the Multnomah hotel,
a&rain will be host to hid little
friends this year. It has been a cus
tom with him for a good many years
as one way of showing not only
his friendship for them, but well, he
was one himself years ago and he
knows what they are up against and
how they like turkey 'n everything.
Probably 400 of the livest wires of
the town will sit down to Mr. Haus
er's Thanksgiving dinner, scheduled
for 12 o'clock, noon. There they will
eat "till they can't wiggle," if boys
ever get that way.
And. while all of this Thahksgiv
ing cheer is holding sway, they are
not going to forget the less fortunate
of the near east, for arrangements
have been made by the Sunday
schools of the city, wherever possible,
to take collections for the starving
of Armenia. Syria and other afflicted
regions beyond the seas. Never, it
is declared by authorities, has the
situation been more desperate than
now in those far-away lands.
Services In City Churches.
The First Presbyterian church will
hold a special union service at 10.30
A. M. Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman,
the pastor, will preach on "The Over
flowing Chalice." There will be ap
propriate music, featuring the quar
tet. To this service are invited ail
who have no church affiliations. The
Westminster and South Portland com
munity churches will attend.
Protestants in the Albina district
will meet in the Third Baptist church
In a union service. Rev. R. E. Close
will preside and the sermon will be
preached by Rev. Ward W. Long.
At 10 o'clock there will be a union
ervice in the Rose City Park Pres
byterian church, in which trie Unity
Presbyterian church, the Rose City
Park Methodist Episcopal church and
the people of the community in gen
eral will participate. Rev. C. X.
Huett, pastor of the Methodist church.
Trill preach.
The union service for Mount Tabor
district will be held in the Mount Ta
bor Presbyterian church at 10:30
o'clock with, a sermon by Rev. D. L.
Fields, pastor of the Methodist Epis
copal church, and special music as
The First Congregational and the
First Methodist Episcopal churches
will worship together at the Meth
odist church. Dr. Joshua Stansfield
will have general charge and Dr. W.
T. McElveen of the Congregational
church will preach. There will be
special music.
At the special services in St. Ste
phen's Pro-Cathedral, at 10:30 o'clock.
a collection will be taken for the
Good Samaritan hospital. There will
be an appropriate sermon and music
Laymen of the Sellwood Methodist
Episcopal church, of which Dr. w.
S. Gordon is pastor, will meet to
night at 7:30 o'clock in a Thanks
giving service, to be featured by a
cumber of short talks and music
A union service of all Christian
churches in the city will be held in
the East Side Christian church at
10:30 o'clock. Rev. Joseph Boyd, city
missionary, will preach.
Services will be held in St. James'
Lutheran church at 10:30 o clock, a
public Invitation having been ex
tended. The Church of Our Father. TJnl
tarian. and the congregation of Tem
ple Beth Israel will hold union serv
ices In the Unitarian church. Broad
way and Yamhill street, at 10:30
All public buildings will be closed
for the day, including the postofflce.
Edward L. Wells, meteorologist,
predicts a typical Oregon rain for the
day. ,
Dealers Place Turkeys on Market
at 55 Cents Pound.
PAT.rTM. Or.. Nov. 23.T-(SpeoiaL)
Salem residents who have made plans
to partake of the menu most appro
priate to the Thanksgiving holiday
will be compelled to pay 55 cents a
pound for their turkeys, according to
announcement made by local dealers
today. In 1915 similar birds retailed
at 28 cents a pound, while in 1919 50
cents was demanded. The price may
reach 60 cents by. noon tomorrow.
Fewer turkeys were raised In
Marion county this year than ever
before, and only a few scattering
shipments were made by dealers.
Mrs. Addie Kalec Charges Husband
With Gunplay.
Bill Hart tactics In the home make
it no place in which to lead a peace
ful life, according to Addie Kalec,
who yesterday filed suit for divorce
from M. Kalec on grounds of cruelty.
She alleged that her husband was in
the habit of dashing through the
house firing a revolver through
partitions and flooring, meanwhile
whooping continuously.
Other complaints filed yesterday
were: William Bradfelt against Ange-
Jine Bradfelt, desertion; Alice L. Seeiy
against Edward G. Seely, desertion;
Emma Lanpheir against James Lan-
pheir, cruelty; Mary A. Shirey against
Arthur G. Shirey. cruelty; lna Lewis
against Lester Lewis, cruelty; Hattie
A. Howaid against Leon Howard, de
sertion; Annette Mills against, Fred
H. Mills, desertion.
Employment Office Charged With
Defrauding Working Girls.
Obtaining money under false pre
tenses is the charge against Mrs.
Florence Ridings, proprietor of a
employment agency, now being Bought
by the constable s -office, which holds
a warrant for her arrest. Mrs. .Rid
ings, it is alleged, has been in the
habit of taking deposits from young
women desiring employment and
sending them for work to places
which desired no addition: ' help.. Her
office is in room 301 Northwestern
Bank building,
Lately complaints have been com
ing in- to the district attorney from
the women's protective division of the
police department, the Y. W. C. A.
and several other agencies.
Second Infant Reported Victim of
Alleged Epidemic."
Another baby did at the Waverly
Daby home yesterday, according to a
report made at the city health bureau.
The cause of the death was not
known a-ld as a result Dr. AV. S. Pat
rick, child specialist and house phy
sician, requested Dr. Robert L. Ben
son, city bacteriologist, to perform an
The death yesterday was the second
to occur in the home during what is
believed to be an epidemic. It is said
eight babies in the home are still ill,
although none of these is said to be
dangerously so. --'v
League Sues Dairyman. .
. MARSHFIELD, Or., Nov. 23. (Spe
cial.) C. D. Jarman, a dairyman re
siding in the vicinity of Bandon, is
the second resident of the county to
be sued by the Cregron Dairymen's
league, for breaking- his contract with
that institution. The first man to be
sued was Mr. Cochran, of the same
locality. The league claims all of
Jarman's milk was to be delivered to
plants operating under the direction
of the league, and that the defendant
has been selling milk to other parties
Bedtime for Children
YOU don't use as much
of Calumet as you do of
most other Baking Powders.
It has more than ordinary
leavening strengths You
save about half.
You don't pay a big price for
Calumet. It's sold at a
moderate price that rep
resents another saving.
You don't feel uncertain as
to results. Bakings never
fail because Calumet never falls
below the proven standard of "Best
by Test"
IK I !
It possesses the highest qual
ity ever put into a Baking
Powder. Contains only such
ingredients as have been offi
cially endorsed by United States
Food Authorities.
For weeks, for months, it
keeps as fresh and full of
strength as the day it left the
Calumet' Factories, the World's
Largest, most Sanitary and Modern
Baking Powder plants.
Pomfd can of Calumet contains full
16 oz. Some baking powderscome in
12 oz. instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure
you get a pound when you want it.
Owing to I.aek or Space, Passen
ger Vehicles Only May Be
on Floor.
Portland's 12th annual automobile
Bhow will be held at the munici
pal auditorium during the week of
January 9. The show will start Mon
day. January 10, and will continue the
rest of the week, according to the
decision of officials of the Automo
bile Dearers' association of Portland,
which has charge of the show. At a
meeting of officers and directors of
the association plans for the -enow
were discussed and the machinery put
in motion which, it is declared, will
make the 1921 event rank high.
The exhibition will be known as
the truck and automobile show, but it
is probable that owing to a lack of
space passenerer vehicles only will be
A good oil heater protects your children from
colds. Filled with clean-burning: Pearl Oil its
warm glow is ready for instant service at the touch
of a match. Pearl Oil burns without smoke or
odor, for it is refined and re-refined by our special
process. Economical. Convenient. Sold in bulk by
dealers everywhere and by our stations.
Order by name Pearl Oil.
: -
(California) .
GoUCaka '
Yolks of B'egga,
cups of gran
ulated sugar, ?5
cup of water, Vz
cup of butter,
2Vi cups pastry
flour, 3 level tea
spoons Calumet
Baking Powder,
1 tablespoon of
vanilla. Then
mix in the regu .
lar way.
shown and .motor trucks will be dis
played at tlfe dealers' show rooms.
The show will be under the direct
charge of he officers and directors
of - the Automobile Dealers' associa
tion, who are already working out
their plans. The officers and direc
tors of the association are: A. S.
Robinson, president; A. H.- Brown
vice-president; M. O. Wilkins, secre
tary-manager; directors, Del Wright,
A. C. Stevens, George W. Dean, H. M.
Covey, W. R. DeLay, H. W. Roberts
-and'Fred W. Vogler.
Picture of ex.-Regent Will Adorn
President's Office.
(Special.) A large framed picture
of the late Henry Failing, prominent
citizen of Portland, and for many
ytars a regent of the university, has
been presented to the university by
the daughters of Mr. Failing. The
picture will be hung In the president's
Henry Falling was a member of the
board of regents from" 1882 to 1898.
and president of the board from 1S93
until 1838.
Will Arrive in Portland Today
From His Northland Home
We just got this letter from Santa, wherein he states that he expects
to arrive in Portland some time this morning, while little folks are still abed,
and that he will make his headquarters as usual at the Meier & Frank store.
But hear what he has to say: :-
Santa Claus
Here Daily
10 A. M. to 12 M.
2 P.M. to 5 P. M.
Sixth Floor
JfAtm I 11
There's No Picture Like the
Picture of Health
The greatest master-piece in the
Art Gallery of Life is Nature's .
"Picture of Health".
It fa b marrloas portrayal of the human '.
body at its best. One behold in its composite
detail a true ayrnbol of strength. It presents
ensure of triking' appearance in ite erect car- .
riage. clear akin, aparklmg eyea,atronc limbs,
steady net-res and firm mnaeles;fairly vibrating-
in animation keen, alert, fresh, and
spirited: with an air of unbounded confidence
and a face radiant in eo'or and illuminated
with a slow of hope and cheerfulness.
The Great General Tonic
Nothmg ts mere efficaeinas ss a rebnilder of exhaasted nerves aed
tthysica) forces than LYKO, ihe great .general tonic. It tends to renew
the worn-oat tissues, replenish the blood, create new power and endur
ance, and revive tne spirits of those who are weak, frail, languid and
over-wrooght as the result of sickness, excessive strain, worry or over
work. It's a relishable appetiser, a splendid aid to digestion and a fine
functional regulator of the liver, kidneys and bowels.
All draairists sell LYKO. Get a bottle TO-DAY and you'll earn
tasnea to look more liks the picture of health.
Sole Mumfactaren:
For Sale by All Druggists, Always in Stock at
Owl Drug Co.
Phone Your Want
Main 7070
Santa Claus will give a present here to every
under 7, accompanied by a grown-up,
visits him between 10 A. M. and 12 M.
The QjjALrnfSTO
iTStorc or
Could Nature have taken yea for her model?
. Suppose you study yourself in the mirror of
the present aad com pare your looks, your feel
infra and your condition with the general
characteristics of this picture of the human
body in perfect working- order, all parts of
which are sound, well organized and disposed,
performing1 their functions freely, naturally.
If you fail in any single point of resem
blance, you are not the picture of health.
It's imperative, then, that you look to a
means to rebuild your strength, energy and
vigor to bring your body up to a normal
state of efficiency in all of it parts.
LYKO U nld In artttnaJ picb
mimm only. Ilk. picture at
B,fil .11 untitutM
Ads to The' Oregonian
Automatic 560-95
"VrV Sf
L. ....... I t. J
Dear Children:
I'm going to make every effort to be in Portland to
greet my- little friends a day sooner than I have been
in the habit of coming because it looks up here at the
North Pole as though we were going to have an un
usually cold winter and I am going to get a day's start
on the North Wind so that weather permitting I should
be in your city the morning of Wednesday, November
24, and open for business in my old stand on th Sixth
Floor of the Meier & Frank store on and after 10 A. M.
Wednesday morning.
I have a nice present for every good little boy and
girl and I am sure that means every little girl and boy
in Portland so be sure to come and see me Wednesday
and bring your parents or some grownup, as I want to
meet them, too. I have brought many wonderful new
toys this year and I am going to have lots of people to
show these pretty things so that papa and mamma can
make selections early and not have any of my little
friends disappointed because they put off choosing
until too late. Lovingly yours,
S3 Home-made, but Has No
Equal for Coughs 3
Makes a family supply of really
. drprndabl coach rrreiHrine. ns-
lly prepajrea, ana saves aooos 4.
If you have a severe cougli or chest
cold accompanied with soreness,
throat tickle, hoarseness, or diQicult
breathing, or if your child wakes up
during the nigrht with croup and you
want quick help, try this reliable old
home-made couch remedy. Any dru
pist can supply you with 2Vi ounces
of Pinex. Pour this into a pint bottle
and fill the bottle with plain granu
lated sugar syrup. Or you can use
clarified molasses, honey, or corn
syrup, instead of sugar syrup, if
desired. -This, recipe makes a pint of
really remarkable cough remedy. It
tastes good, and in spite of its low
cost, it can be depended upon to give
quick and lasting relief.
' You can feel this take hold of a
cough in a way that means business.
It loosens and raises the phlegm,
stops throat tickle and soothes and
heals the irritated membranes that
line the throat and bronchial tubes
with such promptness, ease and cer
tainty that it is really astonishing.
Piner is a special arid highly con
centrated compound of genuine Nor
way pine extract, and is probably the
best known means of overcoming
severe coughs, throat and chest colds.
There are 'many worthless imita
tions of this mixture. To avoid dis
appointment, ask for "2 ounces of
Pinex" with full directions and don't
accept anvthing else. Guaranteed to
give absolute satisfaction or money
promptly refunded. The Pinex Co.,
Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Old Folks
Mothers and Fathers, Grandmas and
Grandpas and Children are all equally
benefited by the great curative pow
ers of Vlnol the tonic for weak, run
down and up-set people.
Sold by Clarke-Woodward Drug Co.,
distributors, Portland. Or. Adv.
News ! ! !
Always say 44 Bayer
Atpirin is Jrade mark Bayer Manufac
ture Monoaceticacidestcr of Salicylicacid.
Face Powder
(In Crwra Box OnlyY
Keeps The
Complexion Beautiful
Soft and velvety. Money back If not en
tirely pleased. Nadioe is pure and barm
less. Adheres until washed oft Preventa
unburn and return of. diacolorationa.
Millions o( deliebted users prove its value.
Flesh. Pink. Brunette, White. At beta
teikt center. li Ikr bavai'l it. W muil He
National Toilet Company. Paris, Tean.
Sold by Stout-Lyons Drue Co.. Northern
Fac Pilar.. Perkins Hotel Pilar., Irving-ton
Pilar., other toilet counters.