16 THE MORNIXG OREGONIAX. WEDXESDAT. NOVEMBER 24, 1920 Portland' Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOTKTAKT8. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor, income tax service. Concord bids, 2d and Stark. Phone Main T443. ADDrSG MACHINES. 13 BUYS adding machine, adds 7 figure,. Q1S Corbett bldg. Marshall 557. . ALTERATIONS. LADIES- tailoring: nerfect fitting; work .g"jLriI-Reubin, 408 Bush & Lane Blag. ASSAVERS AM) ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second tOld RilVAI. I V.n.,0h ATTORNEY. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub lic. 934 Chamber of Commerce blag. BATHS. DR- McMAHOVS baths Portland. Steam hoaera, plunges, tuba, all for S5c Tell f rfends. Fourth and Washington. CHrROPRACTIC. steam bathu and mas- i"in z.oor Broadway buuoins. fhall 3IS7. Dr. Laura E. Downing. CARPET SWEEPERS KEPATRED. AUTHORIZED Bissell carpet sweeper re palrman. 533 Morrison at. Bdwy. 2538. CELLULOID BUTTONS. IKWIN-HODSOX COMPANY. d3T Washington Broadway 434. A 1254. . CHIKOI'OMISTS. ff fj HURT Come to Dr. Gartner, foot will specialist: corns, bunions, foot arches made to order 311 Swetland bldg.. Fifth and Washington. Main lost. DR. O. o. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entifically corrected. Ladv assistant. 512 Morgan bldg. Main 8762. CHraoponiSTSRCH SPECIALISTS. it IAM' Estelle and Florello De Venv. The only scientific chiropodists an arch specialists In the city. Parlors 302 Ger llnger bldg. s. w. corner Second and Alaer. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTIC. DR. McMAHON-S chiropractic speaks for Itself. Portland. 11th year. COLLECTIONS. XETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17!. ro collections, no charges. Estab. 1!00. IANCING. SUMMERS' "Dancing Academy; ballroom and stage dancing taught: private les sons day and eve. Dances Tues. and Sat. Manchester Hall. 85. 5th, street. Broadway 3.i90. MISS DOROTHY RASMTSSEN Ballroom and stage dancing. 610 fillers building. Wash., bet. 4th and 5th. Main 1123 DENTISTRY. DENTISTRY 2,R A- w keene, 351 ZT jlJ y a. in Prion St. Without pain. Latest nerve - blocking method. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ??h Y VETERINARY HOSPITAL. East 7th and' Grant sts. Both phones: day and night 'service; 3 veterinarians: ELECTRICAL REPAIRING MOTMS REWOUND Rllrei VafJT Bought and Sold. j?nCHOLAS ELECTRICAL WORKS. Phone 527-27. - 2fl Main it H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO 81 N. 1st t.. Portland. Or. Re winding and electric repalrlns a specialty. New or used ma lum, aroaqway IW5. A 1046. Bought, sold, rented and repaired Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside." GEO. H. HERRIN, electrician;' bell and fixture Work a specialty. Main 6024. S23 Mill street. Portland, Or. JEWELRY REPAIRING, JEWELRY repaired and mfg. for the trade. Ross & Co., Inc. M. Muscovitz mgr., Mohawk bldg.. 3d aiW Morrison. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS AND MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-S6-S7-S9 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 63-55 Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. p. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DUNNING & McENTEE Now located In their new residential funeral home. Morrison at 12th. west Side. Phone Bdwy. 430. Auto. 545-58. The Funeral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any connection whatever with any other undertaking: firm. EDWARD HOLMAN & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon streets. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and. Slat streets. West Side. Lady Assistant. Main 269L Auto. 578-85. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, 16th and Everett streets. Phone Broadway 2133. Automatic 521-33. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah St.. Irvington dist. East 64 HAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (F. S. Dunning, Inc.) "The family set the price.' . 414 East Aider. A B 7PI 1 FR PA 692 'Wmiams ave. H$ III LtLLLIl UUi Phone East 1088. SKEWES UNDERTAKING CO. Third and Clay MaJn 4152. P. L. LERCH E. Eleventh arfd Clay. East 7S1. Tabor 1833. BREEZE & SNOOK lT4abo?ei?508nt- A. D. 5SO2-04 92c KEN WORTHY & CO, St.. Lents. Tabor S267. FLORISTS. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive' florist. We spe cialize in funeral designs. 14H Sixth, opposite Meier & Frank's. Main 7215. MARTIN & FORBES CO. JTorists. 354 Washington. Main 269. Flowers for all occasions, artistically arranged. , CLARKE BROS., florists. 2! Morrison it. Main 7T09. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. lOXSETH FLORAL CO., 287 Washington St., bet- 4th and 6th. Main 5102. A 1101. NEW TODAY. Mortgage Loans Lowest interest rates Installment re payments it desired. Bulldins; loans made. No delay in closing, A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 Korthwratern Bank Building Marshall 4114 Edward E.GoudeyCo. MORTGAGE LOANS United b la tea Sank RlUldJnff 111 MCSIC TEACHERS. L. CARROLL DAY, teacher ol piano and voice. Broadway 2555. 148 13th street. No charge for use of practice pianoa . Broadway 2555. OPTOMETRISTS A XII OPTICIANS. - GLASSES AT A SAVING. -.Jq I solicit your patronage on the 8fc-i?"57 basis .of capable service- Thou- sands of satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man. QPtometriBt. 209 Morrison. MaJSlSj. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern instruments: glasses fitted at a saving, satisfactidn guaranteed.. Out of the high rent district. No overhead exp. A. E. HUEWITZ, Optometrist, 235 1st St. DR. GEORGE RUBENSTEIN. the veteran - optician, eye tested, glasses fitted: brok 5" lenses duplicated at reasonable prices. Morrison gt. PAINTING AND DECORATING. HOUSE painting, decorating of all kinds, signs: 25 years' experience. Tabor 266. PAINTING, ETC. H. TERRILL, house and sign painting, papering, tinting. 467 E. 37th. Tab. 2811. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 40 years. All communica tions strictly confidential: prompt, effi cient, conscientious service:- handbook free on request. MUNN & CO.. patent attorneys. San Francisco office. Hobart bldg., 5S2 Market St.; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.: Washington of room 103. 625 F St.; New York omce. wooiworth bldg. PATENTS Associated specialists, mechan ical engineers, draftsmen. A. D. Hadiey. .....w, j n hcox Diag. R. C. WRIGHT, 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign paten ts. 601 Decum pldg. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure. enlaVeed tnn,il mnlaa Hli-thm..-!.. . DR. O. E. HUBBARD, drugless physician. I wish to notify my patients that my new location is at 306. 07 and 08 .Fenton building. Phone Bdwy. 4777, residence Wdln. 3932 ' . PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE price. Stark-Davis Co.. 1S8 4th. Main 797 PRINTING. PRIMTINRF- w- BALTES & COMPANY, I illilllllU First and Oak. Main 165. 511-65. STORAGE. PACKING AND CRATING furniture Is our specialty; we can save you half of the freight by shiping your good in pool car. Pacific Storage & Delivery com pany. East First and Madison. East 891. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 604 Dekum bldg. U. S.. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGeT OREGON AUTO DESPATCH- Thirteenth and Kearney. GENERAL HAULING. Motor and horse equipment, any capacity MOVING PACKING STORAGE. PHONE BDWY. 3309 SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Packln g Moving Storage. Reduced Freight Rates. Money loaned on Warehouse Receipts. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY 63 FOURTH ST. COR. OF PINE PHONE BROADWAY 3715. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St . corner 13th. Phone Broadway 12S1 or 11G0. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in the city. MANUFACTURERS HIDES, WOOL AND" CASCARA BARK. hah.n BROTHERS. 195 Front Street. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Korthru p. i lhibl; SUPPLIES AND PIPET THE M. L. KLINE 00784-86-87-89 Front. PRODUCE CO.UM.M1SSION MERCHANTS EVERPING & FARRELL. j40 Front st bash. POORS AND GLASSY W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. NF.W TODAY. INVESTMENT FI.K RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT iiBIL,K?lxmiVtiS THE vpsi pSI: I.beautifuJ!nodern hme. Spa ?i.Tis,everythln ln " the best that money could buy T Jl.ab? iutelY Perfect condition. Shrubs. Velvety lawn- fees and uUj0rtland is sroinir stead ily, and apartments are frettinsr nearer and nearer; therefore this RPei,tyft iS '"filing in value! Biry it, live in It for a few vears and sell it for far more than -roii pay for it or build a money make? i or tbe pr,ce The askedf are WOrth the prlce If you want to know more about it inquire of . MRS. HELEN S. TURNER 1006 Spaldlne; Bide, Main 866 Residence. iUverdnle, Alain 7X71 Send Us Your Old Carpets We Call and Deliver.) Old Rnara and Woolen Cloth ins-. We Make Reversible Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS 1 SxlO tt. Fluff Itnr Woven 12..-,0 1 3x ft. Fluff Ruk Woven 4.23 Unit Kiiri Woven All Slaea. Clothes Clranlne nd D veins Depta. Mall Order. Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning, Refitting, Etc 8x12 Run, Ste.ra Cleaned. KL.SO. MlislKM FLUFF KUU CO. . 54 Union Ave. N. Phonei Eut 6510. Ladle. Save our old carpets, rwgn and woolen clotliiur. Let os nuke new russ for you. 1 K. Htil St. Fhouo K. 3680. WE CALL AX1) OKLTfIR The oldest and best equipped factory In the northweHt. Flutf and raa- ru Koven. All aizes. Carpets vleaaed, . For Mail Orders Send for .Booklet lSOO Acre tracts adjoining the St. John's terminal and facing on the munic ipal car line, where it terminates All high and sightly and command ing a view of the entire surround ing country. Can be had on easy terms. E. B. HOLMES CO, 272 Stnrk St, Slain S051. REAL ESTATE. VACANT LOTS, BUILDING SITES AND ACREAGE In and about the city of Portland, In various sizes and localities, are being offered by me at sacrifice prices. I am clearing my books of a 10 years collec tion. Will be glad to supply yon with a list, giving description, location and figurea These are all bargains. For particulars call at or write to 404 PLATT BLDG.. 127 Park at. for Sale Flat and Apartment Property. ROSE CITY PARK. -APARTMENT HOUSE SITE. SNAP; 125 ft. frontage on Sandy blvd. ; property faces 3 streets, sightly location. N. W. corner of Sandy blvd. and 54th St. Price only S5250. including improve ments paid In full. This is In- , deed a snap.' Property unre stricted. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY.' 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 20S. MODERN west side apartments; fl- nancial statement shows IS per cent Income. Price $05,000, one third cash, or one or two strictly, modern bungalows as part pay ment; balance time. Call Main 20S. SAVE MONEY IF BUYING LEASES AND FURNITURE. I have a very fine apartment house on west side, close-in; absolutely modern and how bringing about' $750 per month I will sell this for $4300 cash and equal amount monthly installments and give you a 5-year lease. Mrs. Mulkey. Main 5199. Far StUe Lota. FLATTERY Ts unconsciously shown by imitation, and the whirlwind success we made of our lot sale made the world and his wife realize the sincerity and earnestness of our effort to give the workingman his chance to own his own property and build his own home on terms heretofoce unknown; "we still have a few lots left for $1 down and $1 a week; some close to carline, cleared and ready for gardens; others close to the boulevard, with love ly scattered fir trees; come out Thurs day and look them over and after de ' elding to pay rent to yourself by an hon est Investment of this kind you will be able to make a profound Thanksgiving ; don't ' put off till , tomorrow what eventually you must do; evading the Issue and sidestepping gets you nowhere; assert your Independence; others to the number or one nunarea ana sixty woKe up. and some of these are now building come out and get ; yours before It is too late. TJNIVERRTTT PARK. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th st. Branch office 70S Lombard st. St. Johns cars stop at door. BUT TOUR LOT NOW. ' LOTS WILL BE? HIGHER IN THE? SPRING. $10 DOWN. $590 ROSE CITY PARK. Alt K Ox 100 -foot lots, monthly payments, ony $S, cement side walks and curbs in front of all lots, corner lots only 950 extra. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Alain 208; S NOW OR NEVER. Reduced prices for this week for 5 beautiful Walnut Park home sites; lots are 50x100 ft., 15-ft. alleys; best car service 'no better residence property ; better get busy today; 5 only will be sold at these special reduced prices. Call on owner, W. il. Killingsworth. office 1149 Union ave. N. ; office hours, 10 to 32 A. M. Phone apartment. Woodlawn "-'l . w QDQiawn 3U-jy. RflSP P1TV TJ T- T." c , nntninn. 0xl0O lot on E. 4Jth st.. bet. Stanton and Siskiyou, faces east, with street; must be sold and will consider any offer Tabor 591i2. CHOICE LOTS. Jl WEEK. Streets graded. Cement walks. Why pay rent? R. W. Cary.. 1219 N. W. ; Bank bldg. OR SALE 80x100 on norm west corner Alnswortb and Boston avenues, $10o0, easy terms. Phones: Office. AlUn residence. Sellwood 291. For Sale Houses. $850. ROOMS, FURNISHED. $400 DOWN. Neat 3-room house with gas and run ning water, full basement. There are 2 good toves, rug, linoleum and other furniture that o with this little home; $&0.full price, ?4O0 down, $10 mo. on balance. Near 00th ave. and 82d st S. E. Here's m chance to get rid of the landlord and pay the same amount 'on a home of your own. Quick possession. Let us show you. GEOj T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. B2d and Alameda Drive $8750. Peculiar circumstanced force immedi ate sale. Price has been reduced- from . $10,000. We Just want you to compare this with some of the $lu,O0O bungalows shown. The lot is "aix exceptionally large one. You will find every conceivable convenience. One of the show places of Rose City Park. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4tll. Main 3092. Branch Office, bvth. and Sand BY OWNER rSPEClAL CUT ONE OF THE FINEST HOMES IX ROSE CITY. -Five rooms, fuil basement, beautifully finished and most attractively arranged home, with lots of -bulit-ins, oak floors cozy and refined. Offering thie at great underprice. Only $.".00 will handle. If you can show ability to make monthly payments. Do not bother if only a shopper. I mean business. This $1000 below market. For appointment. Write B 271, Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK. $aS00 FORMERLY $4000, now $3800. Here is a remarkably good buy. Just thinft! Furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, 5 rooms and steeping porch, full ce ment basement, stationary wash trays, and only $&oo. You had better hurry. ( J. A. WICK MAN CO.. "SHORTEST WAY HOME,"-2v4- Stark St. . Main 5S3 and 1094. NEW BUNGALOW, built by a contractor and builder for bis own home. Sued with every convenience known to the trade and built to be warm, convenient and artistic. You will know and ap preciate it if you understand a good building with good select material from one made to sell: 2 lots. X. E. cor.. large garage; about 3 blks- from car line: graveled street; a bargain;' 4 4. "00. $2000 down. A, Carlson. 20i E. 59th st. Ta bor 5415. LAURELHTJRST COLONIAL CORXETR. , Beautiful 2-stry, 7-room home on over-sized corner, near car and park ; center entrance with French doors to 30-ft li-ving room and' to handsome dining-room; old ivory finish, walls papered, breakfast rcom, 2 tile fire places, 3 bedrooms with dressing rooms, sleeping porch, garage; fine lawn and shrubbery; a real snap with terms. Tabor 407. OWNER LEAVING TOWN. Modern 0-room bungalow, every con venience, including hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, large massive buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement with laundry trays and cement floor, full-sized corner lot on paved street with all improvements paid; $4200 for quick sale and Immediate possession. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 408 Boirt-d of Trade Bldg. $8200 LAURELHURST $8200. 7-room modern bungalow, built-in con veniences, hardwood floors- throughout", pipeless furnace, tiled bath and drain boards, large attic, cement basement, ga rage, all improvements in and paid. Ready for occupancy December 1. Pay half caah and get T discount. See owner at the place, 1218 East Flanders st., between 41st and 42d. ROSE CITY; 1 4 -story bunga low type ; f irve living room, dining room, kitchen, 1 bedroom and ba th 1 st floor ; hardwood floors. 3 bedrooms 2d floor; furnace, garage, full lot; $0000. POINDEXTER, 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1S00. Residence East 6771. THANKSGIVING BARGAIN. ROSE CITY. Dandy seven-room house completely furnished. $S00 will handle this. Price includes $120 worth of new shades oak dining room set. Fine place. Brand new furnace, $3000. Call Bdwy. 3838 R. SOMERVILLB. ONLY S3..0 to handle this. 4-roora house with full lot, bath, gas and electricity garage, onlv $1800. - JOHNSON-DODSON CO . 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. BARGAIN 6-room modern, neat house on business corner, SSxlOO. Improvements complete and paid. N6 incumbrance Price at sacrifice. Terms. Call at 630 East 24th st- S. IRVIN'GTON SACRIFICE Owner leaving; must sell fine home on 17th near Brazee 7 rooms, sleeping porch, oak floors, art paper, garage. East 3S4. Main 808 FOR SALE House and lot on King st.. most desirable residence location on west side. AppIy'B14 Spalding bldg. $3000 6-ROOM house, modern except heat. Term Tabor li77. 44 E. 72d at. KEAL ESTATE. for Sale Houses. BEAUTY IS NATURE'S GREAT EST GIFT! And the hand of man, combin-.. ing rare woods from our great forests and choice materials from every corner of the globe, with great skill, has created homes of almost' unbelievable beauty.. FRANK L. McGUIRB s offers for your consideration " "HOMES OF DISTINCTION." ' $ . A LOVELIEST DUTCH COLO NIAL. $12,000 A surpassingly lovely LAU RELHURST bungalow of 10 airy rooms; ultra-modern appointments; sun room. etc.. X. -full pergola veranda; tbe su preme results of a builder whose soul was in his work. Flanders st. YOU'LL APPRECIATE THIS! $6500 A superior LAURELHURST BUNGALOW; splendid work manshlp and material, and a , real spirit of art, transform , this Inanimate place into a thing of life, and mane it YOUR HOME! Beautiful . , built-ins. E. 43d, and there axe others ln this district. IRVIN'GTON. $10,000 BEWILDERING in its love liness is this Irvington noma, stately and yet unbending to welcome you, superb interior finish, glassed-in sun porch, enclosed sleeping porch, 0 spacious rooms. CAN BE -INSPECTED AT ANY TIME. - CHARMING IRVINGTON. $7375 A BEAUTIFUL HOME among beautiful homes, ti room distinctive dwelling on splendid corner; ultra-modern; LWA CLASS BY IT SELF. Mason sU We have some wonderful homes in this district. ROSE CITY. ' $8500 WHERE THE BREATH OF THE WEST BLOWS free; a beautiful low rambling 9 room bungalow on a full' quarter block; splendid, up- ' to-the-minute appointments; rare shrubbery and trees. Knott st. . LOVELY ALAMEDA. $7500 A RARE bungalow home on the exclusive ALAMEDA; 6 airy rooms; gas radiator in every room; artistic bujlt-ins. A HOME OF REAL DIS TINCTION. Our selection of beautiful homes would not fail to appeal to the most discriminating seeker of homes. Our home service is un excelled. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Abington bldg. Main 10t8. 3d st., bet. Washington and SUtrk. ROSE CITY PARK. ON THE HILL. 5-room bungalow, new. combina tion living and d"ining room, sunny breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms, all on one floor, hardwood floors through out., fireplace, tapestry paper, ivory woodwork, attic, basement, laun dry trays, furnace, garage, lot 50x100; price $5000. terms. Call 332-47 auto., or see owner, 1418 Sandy blvd. Open evenings and Sundays. 100x100 PIEDMONT. A POSITIVE BARGAIN. For $6100 we believe this beats any buy in this part of the city; one of the finest corners in Piedmont with shade, nut and fruit trees; a thoroughly well built home of 5 large rooms and bath, with room in big attic for 3 more bed rooms; fireplace, furnace, garage. Please remember the lot is a corner, 100x100, and the street Hens are paid; owner must have $3000 cash ; immediate possession. COMTE & KOHLMAN, Sunday phone Wdln. 3048. Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $3350. 5 ROOMS, DOWNSTAIRS. A real snap; this is a regular 5-room bungalow downstairs and 4 good rooms upstairs ; cement basement ; place mod ern and in good repair throughout; lo cated on "2d St., near 42d ave. Close to car and school. Owner must sell at once. J. L. Hartman Co., No. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. Evenings call Tabor 880. WEST SIDE S-ROOM COLONIAL HOME ON WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. This is a good home in restricted dis trict, 50x100 lot, fireplace. furnace, built-ins, paved streets, near car. Price only $7000, reasonable terms. For fur ther information call Tabor 3 OS 9 this morning, $2700 HAWTHORNE! DISTRICT $2700. $300 down or takeFord car as first - payment ; 3 rooms downstairs, 2 bed rooms upstairs, hard-surface, fruit trees, gas furnace, large lot, one block car; old house but fine buy. Ne phone in formation, SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. $500 DOWN SNAP. Five-room bungalow. two sleeping porches, modem plumbing, furnace, fire place. 4Sxl00 lot, newly painted, 1 blk. to car. Hurry, see this at once. $3000. A. Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Bdwy. 4751. 41 0 H enryb 3 d g. ROSE CITY PARK. STOP PAYING RENT. 4-room furnished tent house, electric lights, gas, water; house is ceiled on all sides, warm and comfortable, 55x100 lot, only 14 blocks to Sandy; any terms; Immediate possession. Call Tabor 5022. SACRIFICE $3200, furnished, only $1100- down, nice 5-room house andbatn, full base ment, beautiful lot, fine fruit and shrub bery and good furniture. JOHNSON-DODSON CO . 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow, breakfast nook, Jarge attic, full cement basement, hardwood floors. Improve ments in and paid. If you want a real home in the best part of Rose City Park at the right price, see this today. Owner will show any time. Call 605 E. 55th N. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room, modern, new bungalow, fur nace, fireplace and garage, 1 blk. to car, choice location, $4750, easy terms. Michael, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 5429. NEAR Walnut park and Jefferson high, only S3900 for this modern 5 rooms and bath, with fireplace, furrtmce. cement basement, garage, on paved street, terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Baiic Bldg. Main 3787. $1000 DOWN Mod. bung.. 4 rms. and1 sleep, porch; gas heat, Ruud water heat er, gas and coal range, stat. tubs, wicker fur., completely equipped : built-ins. ga rage, garden, berries, garden tools; cor, lOOxlOO. REDUCED! $3750. Wdln. 455. $2200, FURNISHED, only $725 down. 6 rooms and bath, fine lot, fruit and shrubberv: to see is to buy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37ST.' $ 1 GOO COZ Y COTTAGE $1600. Owner leaving state, sacrificing for quick sale, full lot, fruit, near car on flSth st. Must be sold this week. Mar 33.2. Tabor 3000. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. Seven rooms and sleeping porch, full cement basement and garage; owner leaA'iner town. 98 Bryce ave. Automa tic 313-72. . FOR SALE by owner, 6-room house lOOx IOO lot; apple trees, 4 cherries. 2 prunes, 2 pears and some small fruit. 150 E. 75th st. X., near Glisan. Assess ments all paid. ' LAUREL HIT R ST". : ; Would consider smaller noma rv- payment on my modern H-mntn corner home in Laurelhurst. 116 Laddington ct. BUSIXEPS compels loss to be your gain in " " e invucin n. Dunga- )w6 and enrage; $4130. terms. Tabor 5-ROOM modern home, all on one floor lot 25xlOV on 27th 3.. near Ankeny;' price $2;. 00; is worth almost double' Owner. Tabor S039. Dlt $38(K 9-ROOM house. fuU lot terms, owner leaving city. 308 Grand a v North, Phone East 2093. WILL sacrifice 5-room bungalow in rok City if sold immediately; terms CaJi owner. East 22:9. v,a-11 5-RT BUNGALOW. aU white enameled basement and attic; lot 40x100; $Z7l,o Auto. 223-.1. ONE LOT or partly modern house as part payment on new, modern bungalow Ta bor H-24. WALKING distance, 5-room home $"7!0 $350 cash, easy terms on balance. Inter- $S7r,o 9-ROOM cotonlal (west side) ex elusive. 4 years built, every convenience. leaving city; terms. Owner. Main 3730. LAURELHURST New colonial 6-room and attic; less than cose Owner Ta bor 9452. SEVEN-R. bouse, including draperies etc fine furnace, also fireplace, 2 baths lot 54x100; a bargain at $5250. Auto 223-71 IRVIVHTflV ilcDoneil. 600 ast 14th N. East 41 . REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses 1100 Photographs of Homes for Sale. . SEE 1 - FRAXK L. McGUIRE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main IO68. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. largest home-sellers on the pacific coast. Deal with an old-ESTABLISHED FIRM. HOME-SEEKERS! 1 The Mc Guire System has won an interna tional reputation, and established a NATIONAL record for Home 6elllng, because it is the ORIGIN AL. SUPERIOR. SCIENTIFIC, MODERN method of Home-Selling. THE SYSTEM OF REAL PERSONAL SERVICE, protecting your every interest. Every home inspected and appraised by our expert appraiser. If necessary, we will help you make your down payment. 25 salesmen at your service. Open all day Sunday and holi days. Open every evening until 9. A SPLENDID IRVINGTON. $5650 This beautiful borne Is ac tually flOOO under value! , A spacious, delightfully de- ' signed and built 6-room home. EMBODYING ALL THE COMFORT AND STABILITY you"d want YOUR HOME to have. M'onderful built-ins; cheery 'fireplace; furnace; ideal " corner lot with paved street Mens all paid ! ITS WORTH YOUR WHILE TO INVESTIGATE THIS ONE! E. 30th street. A RARE ROSE CITY! $4500 A ROSE CITY WITH i EVERYTHING YOUR HEART COULD WANT ln it! HARDWOOD FLOORS; . buffet, Dutch kitchen, fire place, furnace, garage; 5 of the cosiest rooms; A REAL ROSE CITY BARGAIN! Hancock street. BEAUTIFUL WAVER LT RICHMOND $4500 A TRULY HOME is this 5-room WAVERLY RICH MOND bungalow! The most wonderful built-ins that any artistic hand could devise. Built-in chiffonier and dressing table with beauti ful solid beveled plate glass mirrors; massive buf fet, and one of the most complete kitchens you've ever seen! Hot water heat! Owner AN ELECTRICIAN, installed the most up-to- . date and useful appliances one could wish for. Attic; -i garage : paved street liens a.l paid. E. 23th. LOOK AT THIS EXCEPTIONAL VALUE and you'll -be con vinced. HOLLA DAY IRVINGTON. $4950 THIS BARGAIN DEFIES COMPETITION. 8-room . . double-constructed bunga low with every modern convenience. HARDWOOD FLOORS; built-in buffet; Dutch kitchen; fireplace; best white enamel plumb ing fixtures. E. 7th street. TERMS. ALBERTA! ALBERTA! ALBERTA! ' $3tHH 5-room, JUST LIKE NEW. Alberta bungalow cottage ' . convenient floor plan; white enamel plumbing; electricity; gas; block to car. East 11th St. TERMS. ALBERTA! ALBERTA! ALBERTA! $500 Down. $3150 HERE'S A REAL AL BERTA. Forced sale. 8 room very attractive semi, bungalow-type, substantial and well-constructed, mod ern; built-in buffet; best white enamel plumbing; gas. . East 28th street. JUST THINK, only $500 down. $500 DOWN. FORCED SALE! $2990 $5-00 down. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN In a typical 5 room PENINSULA BUN . , GALOW! VERY HOME LIKE AND CHEERFUL! ,On Emerson street, close to car and school. Onlv $-5O0 down. BALANCE EASIER THAN RENT! ' A LITTLE KENTON! $2300 FOUR ROOMS IN A KEN- - TON BUNGALOW that's just as cozy as can be. Dutch kitchen, white enam el plumbing; electricity; gas; paved street. THIS IS-TIXE BIGGEST BAR- 0 AIN IX KENTON TO DAY! Lombard street. MT. SCOTT! MT. SCOTT! $350 Down. $1800 $350 down ; good 5-room, modern MT. SCOTT COT- TAGE; convenient kitchen ; 33x200. with an abundance , of fruit. DON'T RENT! , Look at this today! We' have over 1O0 Homes in , Mt. -Scott. 1 ANNOUNCEMENT! HomeVseek-ers: It Is important to you " to Investigate our WON DERFUL DISPLAY OF HOME BARGAINS before you buy YOUR HOME. An unlimited selection to choose from. W-e are getting new listings every day and there Is a -home to please every taste. DO IT NOW. today. BE INDEPEN DENT AND HAPPY. SEE FRANK L. MeGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main IOOS. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. Open Every Evening Until 9. . ROSE CITY. Here we have one of the most at tractive little homes. 3 rooms, large living room, large bedroom, kitchen, breakfast nook, front and rear porch, lot 50x100. If you are looking for an Inexpensive little home see this; price $3500, terms. Call 332-47 auto., or see owner. 1418 SandT blvd. Open evenings and Sundays. $3400. Hose City, modern. 3 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, built in kitchen, cement basement, furnace, on lot 100x100; small payment down, balance like rent. Yes. It has a garage. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $60t DOWN SNAP. Six-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace. 50x100 corner, 1 block to Union avenue, close to Woodlawn school. This must be seen, $4200. A. Gordon Ross, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry bldg. THESE ARE GOOD BUYS. CHEAP. 6-room house, modern : $2100. $500 cash. 4- room cottage, modern ; $2000. $5O0. 10-R. house, W. S., close in; $5000, $1000. 8-room house, modern; $3000. $500 cash. 5- room bouse, modern; $3450. terms. M. 3672. McFarland, Failing Bldg. LARGE modem 7-room house, built by tne owner ior nis nome; located on choice corner lot with fruit and flow ers; all in the highest state of devel opment. A beautiful home at a low figure. Easy terms to the right party. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. SOUTH PORTLAND. $2250 TERMS SNAP. 5-room bungalow, on car line, paved street, sewer, electric light and gas; 50 xlOO lot. in fine condition ; don' t over look this snap. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. 269 Oak st., Portland1, Oregon. COME UP TODAY. LAURELHURST TRACT OFFICE. EAST 39TH AND GLISAN. 3 BIG BARGAINS All now vacant, ready for immediate occupancy; . 7 and 8-room houses. Call for key and inspect at your leisure. 39th and E. Glisan. Tabor 3433. IRVINGTON. $65O0. $1000 CASH- $50 MONTHLY. Lovely 6-room small home, 2 firs places, hardwood floors, all ivory; lull basement, wi-ed for electric stove; modern throughout; garage; grounds 125x50; vacant. McDonell, East 419 $3150, BEAUTIFUL 5-room modern bun galow on 50x100 lot, improved with fine shrubbery; here Is one with the built ins. hardwood floors and fireplace. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N- W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787.' HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes." illustrated book of over 100 designs. $1; blueprints 410 DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. 94 Northwestern Bank- bldg. ." NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE. Seven-room modern bouse, 2 sleeping porches, garage, paved street, all paid -$0500. Would take some acreage. Tabor S&4A. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow with large garden and fruit trees, for sale cheap. S41 East 37h. Take Woodstock car. FOR SALE, cheap, dandy p. ace. 20O0 Portsmouth ave. . or trade for small house, close in, on west side will civ bargain, take a look. 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $650 CASH DOWN PAYMENT. MT. TABOR DISTRICT. No. 222 4-room cottage, good plumb ing, electric lights, gas. close to school, less than half a block to carline, -ail kinds of fruit, flowers and shrubbery. Why pay rent when you can buy this place for $2C50, $050 cash, balance $25 per month. CASH DOWN PAYMENT. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. No. 272 5-room bungalow and break fast nook, hardwood floors, very pretty fireplace,- plumbing, electric lights and gas. good attic, basement and laundry trays, paved streets, cement walk and sewer all in and paid for, lot 50x100. Total price $5250. $S50 cash, balance $-40 per month. $400 CASH DOWN PAYMENT. NEAR 45TH AND E. DAVIS STS. Special 5-room bungalow, very pret ty gas fireplace, gas heating system, no basement, but a good store room, good set of plumbing, electric ligtrts, cement driveway in for garage, lot 40x116, paved street, sewer and cement walks in. To tal price only $4750. $4oO cash, bal ance $40 a month. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO., 2S5 Stark Street. MARSHALL 1S98. APARTMENT BUNGALQW. $2250. Neat little bungalow, block from St. Johns car; large living room; Dutch kitchen, disappearing bed; modern, very convenient; nicely located on 50x100 lot. $5O0 down. NEAR RUSSELL. $2100. 5-room plastered house, block from Russell street; convenient to docks ana shops; a.l assessments paid; $250 down, $20 per month and interest. BUNGALOW 3 LOTS. $23 SO. A fine little 4-room bungalow, plas tered, all modern, on 54th avenue, near SOth street; 11 fruit trees, berries, all three lots cultivated. $500 down. The value is there. v WOODLAWN $1600. 5-room, practically all plastered, on 50x100 lot; 3 blocks from car Small payments, $400 down. NEW BUNGALOW. $43O0. Never been occupied, 5 rooms, break fast nook and bath. Fireplace, hard wood floors, built-in bookcases and buf fet; Dutch kitchen; street paved, sewers in, everything paid. A bargain in Wav er leigh Heights homes. $10O0 down. OTTO & HARKSON, 413 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE BEAUTIFUL HOMES. $4650 $1200 down, 5-room modern new bungalow, E. 5Sth, near Sherman. 34750 $1500 down, 5-room modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, garage, paved. 36000 $1500 down, - 5-room modern bungalow, . new and complete, paved, near car. $10,000 9 rooms, south of Hawthorne, strictly modern, E. 24th, or with furniture $15,000. $15,000 9 rooms, strictly modern, 150x IOO, elegant view, on E. Mor rison. GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. VACANT. An attractive bungalow, seven rooms and sleeping porch, modern in every degree, PERFECT CONDITION, fine lo cation beautiful view, nearly 100x100 ground; pre-war value, $10,5007 favor able terms. Sunday, Main 4O09; week days, Broadway 2326. ROSE CITY, PARK. Brand new 3-room bungalow, will be completed iin 10 days; see it now, make your choice in colors; $400 cash, bal ance $35 per month. A. M. MIKKELSEN CO., 52d and Sandy blvd. Phone Tabor 2580. Open Sundays. $1675 BUYS A MODERN 3-room bunga low on west side in choice residence location. Owner wishes to make a quick sale. We will take $500 down and give easy terms on the balance. For particu lars call at our Multnomah office on the blvd. or our city office, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. BEN RIESLAND, Dealer in West Side Suburban Property Exclusively. . PALATIAL LAURELHURST HOME. Big sacrifice on nearly new 9- room house with garage on 100x100, looking into park; built for home and best of everything; oak floors throughout. 3 baths, 3 fireplaces, old Ivory finish, hot water heat, sunroom. all-tile kitchen. 4 main bedrooms, 2 sleeping porches, serv ants' quarters, beautiful- yards; terms. Tabor 407. ' V NEW BUNGALOW on 4Sth St., Rose City. Beautiful combination living and dining room; tapestry paper; fireplace and bulit-in bookcases and buffet. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; two bed rooms with large closets; bath, built-in medicine cabinet; oak floors throughout, f 1 nnrod attic : electric fixtures and shades. Price $45O0. $600 down. $40 per month. Aiarsnaii ij-ju. $3350. $750 down; a beautiful 6-room bouse on lot 120x125; plenty of fruit; $400 worth of grapes sold this year; 2 nice rhin bouses and parks. This is a bargain. Owners must sell. Let us prove it. .1 OHVSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $2450 ALBERTA CAR $2450. w wnnt to show you this neat 5 rnnm home, with bath, nice lot, with fruit trees, winter's wood in basement free located less than half block to car. If you can pay $750 cash, see this at once. It's a good buy. COMTE & KOHLMAN, Main 6550. 203 Cham, of Com. Bldy. 4Sno BUYS a modern up-to-date bunga low at Multnomah, with all conveni ences, on good improved highway; for particulars call at our Multnomah office on tne DOuievara or ml out city uim-e, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. Main 8S0. BEN RIESLAND, Dealer In West-Side Suburban Property Exclusively. " LAURELHURST BUNGALOW! Very classy. 6-room bungalow with garage, in park secUpn, sear car; 30-ft. living room, French doors to dining room, brea fast room, 2 fine bedrooms, best oak noors throughout, old ivory finish, walls papered, built several years ago; terms, taoor vm. -rk'-oom r-inc O .nnma anil O atttf rnnm a good bascement, furnace, fireplace, wasii trays,- e iui n uiam., price- $5000-; also 7-room house, garage, on uorneu ei. , putc - j uuu o.nsci , 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 5M 15. READ THIS OVER SLOWLY. Beautiful Parkrose acre, 6-room mod- home 22 bearing fruit trees, and nut bulTdings, will sell for $500O; will accept a city nome up to -uifo as iirst pay ment. East 661 or East 8038. BRAND new bungalow on 4Sth street. Rose City; large living room, tapestry paper, H. W. floors throughout; bedroom with large closet; bath, electric fixtures and shades; 50x100 lot; improvements paid Ralph Ackley. Main 7141. $2600 $400 CASH, balance like rent, good 5-room house on paved street. 1 block to car, 10 minutes to center of city, full lot. This is a good buy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 3787.' 10 ROOMS $3600. 10-room plastered house, steam heated, small basement, lot 50x100, No. 686 Min nesota ave., near O.-W. R. & N. shops, nice view. Albert Harala, 793 Mis sissippi ave. wooQiawn uui SMALL Lake Grove home, one acre, new barn, chickens, adjoining pasture, ber ries, winter's wood, 3 years standing tim ber, $1100; $25 a month; $400 cash. S. P. train at 4th and Stark to Goodin station. 1-3 acre back road. Acre 52. Irvington, $ 7000, $1000 cashH Beautiful home, 1 block from car, near Siskiyou, vacant, built 4 years, best ma terial, 7 beautiful rooms, modern to the minute; first floor with tapestry 'paper. McDONELL, EAST 419. $4000 'TWO flats, 4 rooms and bath, good basement, on carline. central Albina dis trict, $1500 down, rent will pay balance. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. BARGAIN C-room modern, neat house, on business corner, SSxlOO. . Improvement complete and paid. No incumbrance. Price at sacrifice. Terms. Call at 630 East 34th sL S. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Four-room plastered bungalow; cement basement, screened back porch, cement sidewalk, paved St.; $2500,-1, cash, I0o3 31st st. North. MUST SELL. 9-room new Dutch colonial Willam ette Heights home, furnished or unfur nished. Leaving. Owner Main 3730. H71 Raleigh. $5100 ROSE CITY PARK. MODERN" BUNGALOW, 6 ROOMS. Furnace and all conveniences; one block to car. below the hill. Some bar gain tjiisTerm:Tabor 8292. ilAKB me a cash offer on the southeast corner 14th and Columbia. 50x57 feet. 6 room house. R. J. MacDuffee, 322 Pike st.. Seattle, Wash. 5-ROOM bungalow, garage, 1 acre, modern, fireplace ; Lake Grove. McFarland, 03 Failing bldg. $3000. REAL ESTATK. For Sale HouVcsT BIHR-CARET CORPORATION. Realtors. Main tiS. See our large, well-chosen listing of , desirable homes at every price In every "section of the city, before you buy your home. ALBERTA. 7 Rooms $3675. Only $473 necessary to handle this un usually well-built hvuse of 7 rooms with large bedrooms. 2 or them being up stairs; one-half block from car, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, garage. House is in Al condition. This is excellent value. KEJXTON. 6 Rooms Bungalow $3250. On CongTess, near Morgan; 6-room bungalow with fireplace, 3 blocks from car, 3 large bedrooms, built-in buffet, fine plumbing. Only $800 down. Will sell furnished for $250 additional. FIFTY-THIRD STREET. Bungalow $2700. Very attractive exceedingly well-built bunga'.ow on lot 84x114; 2 large bed rooms; Dutch kitchen, large combina tion living and dining room ; this house Is only 5 years old and in Al condition .and may be had for $5O0 down. PENINSULA. m 5 Rooms $2200. Well built 5-Toom bungalow on full lot, 2 blocks from car; 2 good-sized bed rooms ana Dunc-in outlet: tine piumoing. This house is on Wilbur ave.. near Ains- worth and may be had for only $500 uown. SIXTY-SIXTH STREET. 80x100 7 Rooms $2100. Double constructed house of 7 rooms, of which 4 are large upstairs bedrooms with plastered sleeping porch; full ce ment basement, best of plumbing, abun dance of fruit and shrubbery! This is a snap and may be had for only $250 uown. i MICHIGAN, NEAR JARRETT. 3 Rooms $1300. Good 3-room house on full lot; gas and toilet. This house is vacant and may ne naa ior only $1j0 down. - BIHR -CAREY CORPORATION. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG., THIRD AND STAR K STREETS. MAIN 74S7. , OPEN EVENINGS. , HEART OF ROSE CITY PARK. HEART OF ROSE CITY PARK. $.-r,00 LIBERAL TERMS $5500. 561 E. GOTH ST. X. ROSK CITY CAR. Just completed, vacant, strictly mod ern, o-room bungalow, large sleeping porch, hardwood floors, attic, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, paneled dining room with tapestry paper, built-in effects, elegant color schemes, finihed in ivory and white enamel, pipeless furnace or garage included, 50x100 east front lot, paving and connected sewers in and paid, 1 blocks south of Sandy. Fine plumbing and electric fixtures. See this today. Open for inspection 10 to 5 daily. Deal direct with owner and builder. Can be shown evenings by appointment. Phone Automatic 22344. I DO MY OWN BUILDING AND SELLING. You save at least $1000. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room Bungalow and Garage. $0500. The price might seem hiirh. but com pare it-with some of the $10,000 bunga lows you nave seen. This is a brand new bungalow and in noint of construc tion and finish we doubt whether there is anything better in Rose City Park. Located just off Alameda drive. The price is very low ior such a quality bun galow. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. APT. HOUSE SITE HALF PRICE. lOOxMK) lot, h block on the N. E. corner of E. 13th and Ash sts., an 8-room house, in good condi tion, with modern plumbing, st. work all in and paid; total price $4500. $2000 cash. $25 monthly; the assessed value of this prop erty is $4400. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. $4100 BUYS bungalow home of hardwood floors, turnace, fireplace. builtin ' nurtet. uutcn Kttcnen witn breaK .fast nook, 5 rooms and bath down, sewing room and sleeping porch up. with attic room for storage. Near Hawthorne ave. car. Requires half cash. J. A. WICK MAN CO., "SHORTEST WAY HOME." 264 Stark St. Main 5t3 and 1094. IRVINGTON. Best part East 23d street North; en trance hall, very large living rooms, din ing room, kitchen 1st floor; 3 frfie bed rooms, sleeping porch and bath second floor; large attic, full basement, furnace, garage, hardwood floors, white enamel zinisn. tsnown only ty appointment. POINDEXTER, 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1800. Residence East 771. $10O0 ONLY U block to Alameda Park IVs blocks to car. Attractive 4-room home. built-in features. electric lights and gas. This is an attrac tive home near grade school; 1 bedroom. .T. A. WICKMAX CO., "SHORTEST WAY HOME." 264 Stark St. Main 5S3 and 1094. $200 CASH. 5 rooms, bath, elec. lights, gas. hot and cofa water, smau casement, close in, near M. V. car, house in fine condition paved street, sewer in, fine hemes near by, small lot, out a Dig snap lor $18o0 on rent like terms. 42 K. 7th st. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room new modern bungalow In Rose City's choice residence district, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, 1 blk. to car. 50x100 lot. $5750; easy terms. Michael, with Interstate Land Co., 248 starK st. Main a4zu. ENGLISH HOME. Irvington select; living, library, dining, in old ivory, walls in French gray, hard wood floors, 4 bedrooms, white enamel; garage; $7500, terms $1000 and $50 per month. East 1347. ROSE CITY PARK SACRIFICE. Account sickness, beautiful new colo nial bungalow; hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, other built-ins, attic, full basement, wash trays, garage, finished old ivory, white enamel. Owner. $4200, terms. 1531 Fremont. Tabor 9240. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden Into incomef We design and build apartments, garaged, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established Z.Q years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFACTION L. R. Bailey Co.. 924 N. W Bank bldg IRVINGTON HOME $7000. Attractive 2-story. 7-room modern home in desirable location with beautiful yard and every modern convenience; 3 large square bedTooma and sleeping porch on second floor, maid's room in attic; easy terms. Tabor 407. $5000 ROSE CITY PARK. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 1 BLOCKS TO CAR. BELOW HILL. PARTIALLY FURNISHED. NOW VACANT. PHONE OWNER FOR APPOINTMENT. BROADWAY 114. $7000 IRVINGTON CORNER $7OO0. Eight-room new house, absolutely modern, can be handled for as little as $1000 down, balance easy, like rent. Only 1 block to Broadway car; vacant METZGER-PARKER CO., 219 Oak St. Broadway 5355. JUST 1 BLOCK FROM CAR. Beautiful four-room modern cottage, has electric lights, gas and bath, base ment and' chicken yard, some fruit: has a good garage: price $2000 :ash. East 001 or East S03S. AMONG THE PINES. 4-room nifty bung., French doors, large lot. chicken house, look at price, $2300, $500 cash; biggest and best bargain listed. Mr. McCain, Marshall 3352. J. B. ROCK CO., CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline from $1SOO up. Inquire 3d house north of Risiey station, on " Oregon City car . line, sign Aide- Brook." HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace built-ins, hardwood floors, cement base ment, garage, $4500, terms. Tabor 42i9 Evenings, Tabor t008. $.50 CASH and balance on easy terms will buy 2 lots and 4-room modern bungalow - just east of Laurelhurst. John Bain. 507 Spalding Bldg IRVINGTON. . 6-room modern home, located near Broadway, close in; will sell very cheap; price $5!00. Phone Tabor 8030. EXTRA fine little farm, only $1350, 3 acres cultivatea. smau nouses, earn, fenced, spring, berries. Main 3672, McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. 2 H A CR E S" $ 3 00. Partly cultivated, small cabin, level, a splendid buy for the money, terms. Call 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark. THOROUGHLY . modern 6-room bouse. corner, blocs, to car: vacant. Owner. - Tabor 2209. R. C. MODERN bungalow; large attic, fine garage. All the joys of life. $4250. Clear. Terms. Tabor 2670. ttKAL ESTATK. For Sale -Houses. NEW IDEAS FROM BUNGALOW LAND! Unfolding a delightful vista Into nappy bungalow land are these airy, sunny bungalows that Mr. J. R. Halght, manager of our New Home Department, offers for your consideration. IRVINGTON. $7000 BEAUTY IS APPARENT U each line of this cunning 5 room new bungalow. WON DERFUL BUILT-INS; hard wood floors. THE SQUARfl DIVIDED WINDOW LIGHTS give added charm to an al ready picturesque design! Splendid furnace. DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED. We'd like to have you see this. j. lltu St., near Siskiyou. LOVELY LAURELHURST. $6600 UNUSUALLY APPEALING is this LAURELHURST! A. BUNGALOW of individual cha racter, consisting of 5 light, exceptionally weil ar ranged rooms, BUILT-INS THAT ARE A SOURCE OK CONSTANT DELIGHT, fire place, furnace. hardwood floors. On . Senate street. IT S A REAL HOME! m ENDURING CHARM! J5S0O A HAWTHORNE HOME HARMONIOUS AND BEAU TIFUL! A home that will be an integral part of you; 5 cozy, built-wirh-the-thought-for-comfort rooms, labor-sav- ing built-ins, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, sunny breakfast nook. HAW THORNS 'S NEWEST BUNGALOW. E. 55 th. NOTE. We have hundreds of new bun galows in all parts of the city. NEW! VACANT-WAITIXG-FOR YOU-TO-MOVE-INTO bungalows. The newest, most ideal architectural expressions of today! Ask for Mr. J. R. Haight, Mgr. k ".ew Home" Dept., with FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your "New" Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Open Evenings and Sundays. 3d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. TWO MORE REAL BARGAINS AT PRACTICALLY YOUR OWN PRICE AND TERMS. 7-room modern bungalow In good dis trict, newly painted and tinted. 3 bed rooms, bath, full basement, laundry trays, 50x100 lot. some fruit, double ga rage, one blk. from car line, for quick sale. $2750. $500 cash, easy terms. In popular Alberta district I have a cunning little 5-room bungalow, double constructed and cozy built-ins. bath, very nice kitchen, exceptional basement, good concrete foundation, very pretty 50x100 lot, garden spot. Sacrifice price, $2500. $300 cash and easy terms. MRS. SNOW, Mar. 3989. PACIFIC AGENCY. A HOME THAT IS DIFFERENT. Laurelhurst, one of the finest view homes in the city. 7 rooms of bungalow type, A-ery large living rsom opening into sunroom, large dining room with built-in buffet, sunshiny breakfast room. ivory woodwork, also has 4 nice bed rooms, with large closets for each, hardwood floors, fireplace. 2. bath rooms, full cement basement. Gasco furnace, automatic water heater, garage. Call 332-47 auto matic or see owner, 1418 Sandy blvd. Open evenings and Sundays. WOULD YOU BUY A MODERN HOME IX BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA Park if you could get it away below pre-war prices? We want to impress on you the really wonderful value of fered here. If sold before Saturday, owner will take $4975, with not less than $2o00 cash. There are 3 rooms and re ception hall on lower and 3 beautiful bedrooms and bath on upper floor; fire place, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement, high-grade fur nace, almost new ; garage, street liens are all paid. If you're a judge of Ala meda Park values you'll surely realise this is a wonderful buy. Call us at COMTE & KOHLMAN, Main 6550. 208 Cham, of Com. Bldg. FIXE VIEW, LARGE GROUNDS BEAUTIFUL SHRUBS; STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE. ENTRANCE HALL. LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH FIREPLACE, SUN PARLOR. DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR 5 BEDROOMS, BATH SECOND FLOOR1 MAID'S ROOM AND BATH THIRD FLOOR; HARDWOOD FLOORS. FINE BASEMENT, HOT-WATER HEATING PLANT HEATED BY GAS. LARGE GARAGE. FOR FEW DAYS CAN SELL FOR THIRD LESS THAN IT WOULD COST TO DUPLICATE TODAY. SHOWN ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. POINDEXTER, 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00 EAST 6771. NEW. NIFTY BUNGALOW. 5 Rooms and Den $5750. This attractive bungalow is located on a beautiful corner lot in Rose City Park with all assts. paid, exceptionally large living room, walls beautifully papered with expensive tapestry paper. large plate glass windows, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, cement basement, wash trays, etc. Liberal terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Suburban Homes. ; MULTNOMAH, on the Oregon Electric, only 5 miles from the center of Portland, is the livest suburb on the west side of the river. My office on the blvd. is now open all day, including Sundays and evenings by appointment. Call Mr. Kennemer, who is in charge, at Main 1207 to make appointments, or call at our city office, 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. Main S80. BEN RIESLAND" Dealer in Multnomah Property Exclusively. OX CAPITAL HIGHWAY 5 acres. 4 under cultivation, 2H acres bearing prunes, 1 acre black caps, 1-3 acre loganberries; small family or chard; telephone, cream route and R. F D. ; mile to station: Yt mile to school; 4-room house, chicken house and booth on highway where a person can sell all their produce at good price. With the place goes 1 cow, 50 chickens, plow, harrow, cultivator and small tools; household furniture, range, beds, dining table, dresser, heater, chairs, etc. Price $5500 for everything; $3000 cash, bal ance $500 per year. Personally inspected. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. MODERN 4-room bungalow, including shower bath, 100x100 ft. of choice gar dening ground with fruit, berries and flowers, chicken house and chicken yard, rabbit houses, large outhouse and work shop. All the chickens, all the rabbits, all the wood, all the furniture, including dishes. In fact, everything on the place goes at $2000. This is a real buy. The place is ready to move into. Don't pay fancy rents in hotel or apartmentjs pick up this little snap, and if you wish to leave it in a few months, make a sub stantial profit on your investment For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. MODERN 4-rm. bungalow, including shower bath, 100x100 ft. of choice gar dening ground, with fruit, berries and flowers, chicken house and chicken yard, rabbit houses, large outhouse and work shop. All the chickens, all tue rabbits, all the wood, all the furniture including dishes. In fact, everything on the place goes at $2000. This is a real buy. The place is ready to move into. Lon't pay fancy rents in hotel or apartments pick up this little snap, and if yoj wish to leave it in a few months, make a substantial profit on your investment. For particulars call on BEN RIESLaNDI 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. JUST LOOK AT THIS, MR. AND MRS. HOMESEE KE R, FOR "A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. One of those beautiful IH-acre homes on Capital highway; new, modern bunga low; 6 acres of choice cherries, pears. f prunes, strawberries; 4 acres logan berries; spring water at the door and fine trout stream on the place; close to electric station, and auto bus passes the door. An ideal country home for only $12,000; $5000 cash, balance to suit pur chaser. J. B. Holbrook, 214-215 Panama hjdg. $10 CASH. $10 MONTHLY. . One-third aero or more, well Io- cated. 5 miles from courthouse, near Multnomah station. hard surface road. Bull Run water, beautiful view; $,00 and up. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. A BEAUTIFUL 7-room completely fur nished bungalow with garage. Furni ture all new.- Natural mahogany piano. In .one of best locations. Portland. Heights district. Worth your while to see this snap. Must sell. $."H)0. $1800 down, balance on easy terms to re liable party. Call owner between 10:3 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. for appointment to see place. Marshall 950.