Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 24, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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City Editor Main 7070. 51-95
Sunday Editor Main 7070. 5O0-5
AdvertlHins- ' n.nnrtmnt. Main 7070. 560-B5
Save 25 Today
Superintendent of Bids. .Main 7070. 300-95 i
HE1T.IQ (Broadway at Taylor) Musical
extravaganza, "Chu Cain Chow." To
night. BAKER Aider at Eleventh! Baker Stock
company in "The Country Couain." This
afternoon and tonight.
LYRIC (Broadway at Morrlaon) Musical
comedy, "Follies of 1820." Three shows
daily, 2. T and 9 P. M-
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to .
:4D to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and
holidays continuous. 1:15 to 11 P. M.
PANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows daily, 2:30. 7 and
8:05 P. M.
AUDITORIUM (Third and Clay) Oriental
opera. "The Mandarin." by large cast
. of local players. Tonight. Benefit or
children-s municipal Christmas tree funa-
Your Thanksgiving
Hat S -t
aeiect one ot tnese na- - a
, tionally-known1 makes: -
Mallory ' I &
Trimble A x
Lion Quality
i t
Senator's Opposition No Surprise.
Opposition of United States Senator
Jones of Washington against con
firmation by congress of President
Wilson'a appointees on the shipping
board is no surprise to W. D. B. Dod
son, general manager of the Port
land Chamber of Commerce, he said
yesterday. "Senator Jones' opposi
tion baa been known right along,"
said Mr. Dodson. "He probably
objects more particularly to the ap
pointment of our Joseph N. Teal,
coming, as he does, from Seattle.
Hotvever, we are determined to have
fair play, and. if Mr. Teal is not con
firmed, we will try to get the new
president to -reappoint him. -
Committee Asks Suggestions.
Members of the legislative committee
of the Portland Chamber of Com
merce, of which R. H. Strong is chair
man, are desirous of receiving any
sueerestions business men may have
as to the best means of revising the
tax. laws on excess profits. Any
inequalities that may be pointed out
of recommendations for overcoming
objectionable, features, it is an
nounced, will be gladly received. The
committee is considering this sub
ject. Communications may be directed
to the Chamber of Commerce.
Highway Robbert Reported. W.
D. Ingalls, 288 ?4 Harrison street, re
ported to the police detective bureau
early yesterday that he had been held
up and robbed by two unmasked and
armed men near Fifth and Market
streets at 2 o'clock in the
morning. He said he was relieved of
$40 In currency and a gold watch.
Ingalls said he had been playing
cards in a north end resort. It Is
believed the footpads followed him
from this place when he flashed a
roll of bills just before he started
for home.
- Woman's Apartment Looted.
seven pairs of silk stockings, five
ilk dresses and other articles of
feminine wearing apparel were taken
by discriminating burglars who gained
entrance to the apartment of Rena
Inman, 235 Eleventh street, she re
ported to the police detective bureau
yesterday. A brown serge suit.
sot of furs and a pair of shoes were
also included in the loot taken by the
Game Law Violators Fined. Will
iam C. James of Aumsville, Or., and
C. Lachelle of Salem paid fines of $25
each yesterday for violations of the
state game laws. James, arrested on
Coos Bay for shooting from a rail
road right of way near North Bend,
was tried at Marshfield and found
guilty. Lachelle was tried at Salem
charged with having one beaver hide
in his possession unlawfully. The
hide was confiscated.
Pottery Mat Be Placed on Sale.
Unless the pottery -hlch was made
last year In the art craft course at
the Y. W. C. A. is called for before
December 1 it will be placed on sale
at the bazaar which will be held in
the social hall of the T. W. C. A
December 1. Mrs. Brownell will be in
the building on Monday evenings from
B to and baturday mornings from
9:30 to 11:30.
Ad Club Has Ladies' Day. Ladies'
day at the luncheon of the Portland
Ad club will be featured this noon
at the Benson hotel. Mrs. M. S. John
son, vocational director of the Y. M.
C. A., will speak on "Making Misfits
Fit." Miss Elsie Weidhe, Y. W. C. A.
extension secretary's subject will be
"Our Girls in Industry." This is the
first of a series of topics on "What
Portland Institutions Are Doing."
Pest Work to Be Demonstrated.
Stanley G. Jewett, predatory animal
inspector, and L N. Gabrielson, in
charge of rodent control work, left
last night for Crook and Lake coun
ties. They will be gone about ten
days. Mr. Jewett will demonstrate to
federal hunters the latest improved
Diet hods of coyote poisoning and Mr.
Babrielson will organize a rabbit
poisoning campaign.
Hunters Will Be Watched. The
federal game warden's office, co-operating
with State Game Warden
Burghduff, has put on a number of
extra ranger wardens for the pur
pose of checking up on early and
late shooting of migratory birds
along the Columbia river. The law
provides that shooting begin not
earlier than one-half hour before sun
rise and must stop at' sunset.
The Salvation Army will conduct a
Treat welcome meeting to Commis
sioner and Mrs. A. Gifford, the new
territorial leaders for the western
states in the Church of Our Father,
corner of Yamhill and Broadway, on
Wednesday. November 24, 8 P. M. W.
D. Wheelwright representing Gover
nor tjicor.t win introduce the commis
sioners. Adv.
Do Not Forget to call id East 3088
when you want the Salvatfon Army
auto-truck to call for cast-off cloth
ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture,
etc Adlress 24-26 Union ave. Major
jonn isree, oistrict officer. Adv.
Virginia Restaurant.
Clyde Hotel.
We will serve an old-fashioned
turicey dinner on Thanksgiving dav.
with all the fixings mat are good to
eat. aqt.
Keeping Fit depends upon efficient
mastication, ut. a. j Rossman spe
viands in nuiai teem that are
efficient, comfortable and becoming
309 Journal bldg. Adv.
Patients of Dr. Marie Equl will be
taken care of by competent physician
at rcJbm 6 LaFayette bldg 31314
Wash. sr. Phone Main 3928. Adv.
Pyorrhea Can Be Cured. Extreme
gentleness and written guarantee.
lrs. Smith Long and Stevenson. 310
Bush & Lane bldg. Adv. - .
Oriental Rugs stored, rep'red, wash
cleaned. Cartozlan Bros. Inc.. oriental
ruga and carpets. Wash, near 10th.
F. E. Toirrotrn, formerly of Phillips
burg. Mont, will learn something to
his advantage by sending letter, with
address, to AG 737, Oregonian. Adv.
Good Fir Wood, seasoned. 310 per
cord or $10 per load, 16-inch length.
Western Fuel Co. Phone E. 2226. Adv.
One Room makes two rooms with
.. Oscillating Portal Wall Beds. Tlmms.
Cress & Co, 184 2d st, Adv.
Special Sale of all kinds of' nursery
stock for one week. John Zimmer
man. Tigard, Or. Adv.
05 Hour's special Thanksgiving
cr-vivc, v m.1 y x-resDyrerian church
Thursday morning, 10:30. Adv
Lewis Stengbr, Morrison at Tenth,
grind razors, scissors, knives perfectly
Turkeys, geese at wholesale prices,
I S3 Front st, near Morrison bridge
Prize Masquerade Tonight.
Broadwat Hall. Adv.
Kemmerer Coal. Carbon Coal Co,
(nine agents. East 11S8. Adv.
Prize Masquerade Tonight.
Broadwat Hah Ady.
WV w 1 fJ J
d &v JX," ? " ' 3
""ChuChin Chow," celebrated musical extravaganza, wil open at the
Hellig theater this evening at 8 o'clock. F. Ray Comstock and Morris Gest
are presenting this tale of the orient in Portland for the first time.
"Chu Chin Chow" was first produced by Oscar Asche at His Majesty's
theater, London, August 31, 1916, and is still playing there in the fifth
year of the world's record run. The American production ran 5ne year at
the Manhattan opera-house and Century theater New York, and recently
returned to the Century. , . .
The setting adds to the charm of this romance of ancient Bagdad, tak
en from the "Arabian Nights." The brilliant costumes of the varied types
of characters give color to the production and the mannikins in-the famous
bazaar scene present stunning gowns. 1
Marjorie Wood, Henry Latimer, Eugene Cowles, Roy Cropper, Elsie
Malstad, Alfred Howson, 'Adelaide Mesmer and many others play the lead
ing roles. During the local engagement matinees will be given at 2 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon and Saturday. ' .
Committee Meeting? Public. I
Future meetings of the various com
mittees working on proposed legisla
tion relative to port development will
be open to the public, according to
announcement by F. W. Mulkey,
chairman, yesterday. The committee
wishes co-operation of all who seek
to obtain the best results and asks
for information, suggestions and rec
ommendations from those interested.
Its work will be to co-ordinate provi
sions contained in tbe draft of a bill
which was defeated by the people at
the last election. This will go to the
legislature at the session scheduled
for next January. No definite meet
ing date has as yet been set for the
next session.
Housebreaker Arrested. William
Whitney, an ex-convict, was arrested
at the home of John Lockwood. 420
East Fifty-seventh street north, yes
terday afternoon when, it is alleged,
he was caught in the act of prying
open a window during the absence of
the family. The. arrest was made by
Motorcycle Patrolman J. B. Wright,
who arrived at the Lockwood home
before Whitney had opportunity to
escape. A report of the attempted
burglary wa-s made to the police by
Mrs. W. L. Deikman. who said she
saw Whitney at work attempting to
gain an entrance to the house.
Jail Sentence Suspended. S. L.
Bryant was ordered to pay a fine
of $25 and serve three days in jail
yesterday when he was found guilty
in police court of failure to give right
of way. Mrs. Alexander Thompson
was the complaining witness. Bryant
ran into her machine because of his
failure to observe traffic regulaions,
it was held by the court. Judge Ross
man later suspended the jail sen
tence. Driver Held Intoxicated John
Lowe was fined $100 and sentenced to
ten "days in jail yesterday after Munic
ipal Judge Rossman found him guilty
of driving his automobile while in
toxicated. Lowe ran into three other
machines and damaged them, accord
ing to the testimony of Patrolman
Stiles and other witnesses. Lowe's
attorney filed notice of appeal to the
circuit court and he is at liberty
under bond.
Sign Conference Held. A confer
ence between representatives of sign
companies operating in Portland and
the sign committee appointed by the
city council was held yesterday to
consider a proposed ordinance framed
to regulate electric signs. Before this
ordinance is presented to the cit
council for consideration, another
meeting will be held Tuesday, Novem
ber 30, at 2 P. M. to decide on final
Moonshine Proves Costly. A gal
lon of Alaska moonshine cost Gus
Costides $50 in addition to Its original
retail value yesterday when he
pleaded guilty .to having liquor
illegally in his possession. He told
Judge Rossman that he had Just come
down from Alaska and had brought
the liquor with him. The court con
fiscated the liquor and Costides paid
his fine.
Vagrants Go to Jail. Arthur
Young was sentenced to 90 days in
jail yesterday when he pleaded guilty
to a vagrancy charge in municipal
court He was found in an apartment
house at 448 Eleventh street. Carlton
Granger, who was with him at the
time, also pleaded guilty to a vag
rancy charge and was sentenced to 30
days in jail
Jackson Club to Elect. Election
of officers will be held by the Jack
son club of Oregon at tne central
library Friday night. The time of
election has been changed from the
last Friday In December to the last
Friday in November in order to give
more time to prepare for the annual
Jackson day banquet to be held Jan
uary 8.
Burglars and Hold-Up Men Are
Active. Daily papers full of reports
of robberies and hold-ups. Protect
your valuables. Phone Mar. 2391 for
a fcurglary and holdup policy. -Do it
now before trie loss occurs. Don't take
a chance. W. R. McDonald company,
general insurance, Yeon bldg. Adv.
Henry Schmidt Gives Bonds.
Henry Schmidt of Portland, arrested
yesterday by deputies from the United
States marshal's office for violation
of the national prohibition law, was
released on bonds by United States
Commissioner Frazer.
Automobile Financing Company
forced to take over several light cars
of late -model, including Sedan 1920
model. Can be purchased on terms at
low prices. Call Marshall 702. Adv.
Wednesday is the new mid-week
day for women only at the Brown
Hydropathic institute. Stevens bldg.;
also Monday and Friday. Adv.
The Bohemian Restaurant will
serve, its usual annual Thanksgiving
dinner from 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. at
$1.50 per cover. Adv.
Dentist. Experienced operator
wants position BJ 272, Oregonian.
Three Boy Burglars Caught. Two
small burglaries in the Mount Scott
district were cleared up when Police
Inspectors Howell and Molorrey took
three youngsters into custody and
turned them over to the juvenile
court authorities. The boys admitted
the burglaries and returned the loot
to the owners. The houses robbed
were those of Clarence Shafer, 9004
Sixty-sixth avenue southeast, and F.
Wellman, 6643 Ninety-first street
southeast. At the Shafer home the
boys got two flashlights and a pair
of opal ear rings. At the Wellman
residence they made away with $5 in
cash, a watch and other minor arti
cles. Husband Sues; Divorce to Wife.
Elsie L. Kaady yesterday obtained a
divorce from Abraham Kaady on a
cross-complaint, custody of her child
and $35 a month for its support. Hus
band and wife were married before
they were or legI age with the con
sent of their parents. . Kaady first
sued for divorce on the ground that
he had been forced into the alliance.
His testimony was so confused that
Circuit Judge Belt in his opinion ac
cused the boy of perjuring himself
and declined to consider his side of
the case.
Two Confess Larcent. Jack Mc
Farland, army deserter, ancCarl.
Everitt, a discharged soldier, were
each sentenced to 150 days In jail
yesterday by Judge Rossman in
municipal court after they had
pleaded guilty to charges of larceny.
The men confessed to having entered
several rooms in an east side hotel
where they stole a quantity of cloth
ing. McFarland will be turned over
later to the army authorities at Van
couver barracks.
Dam Dispute Settled. J. W
Brewer, field secretary of the Oregon
state chamber of commerce, -has re
turned from Klamath Falls, Or:,
where he and others investigated the
"hk river dam proposition, against
wnicn protests had been filed. He
reported that all differences on the
case nad been adjusted and that the
contract- with the California-Oregon
Power company wilr be made rmtre
specific in certain points to safeguard
an interests.
bootlegger rim d $100 James
Pooley, confessed bootlegger, was
fined $100 and sentenced to ten days
in jail yesterday after he had been
found guilty of liquor law violations
in municipal court. The police' con
ffscated a quantity of moonshine
whisky- which he had in his room
when they made the arrest.
' Safety Boxes, lc daily. 284 Oak.
M ! yu would enjoy . that
afTS- delightfully ) uncomfort-".
ISlIM flrA oTT ' feeling; of having; partak-
fflf$E$ft te8K. en of a real
fek8K5 mnntv I
tf of fat, tender, corn-fed
VT1 . . . jXjr? turkey,-with all the f
V;ggl i kQgZ trimmings-- " - .
f jii jl i-9 o'Clock
If IP .rSNrl George Olsen's '
IlilAW . 'Orchestra !
W&ZMMUl Music and Dancing HI
l;WXy I ( I vDinner and Supper Hours If J
KUNy Mill . l J
Regular $ 4.00 Grade Now S 3.00
Regular 5.00 Grade Now 3.75
Regular 6.00 Grade Now '. 4.50
Regular 7.00 Grade Now. . . ".. 4.90'
Regular 8.00 Grade Now... 6.O0
Regular 10.00 Grade Now 7.50
Regular 11.00 Grade Now....... ,8.25
Regular 12.50 Grade Now. 9.35
Regular 15.00 Grade Now.. ....... 11.25
25 Discount on All Caps and Uniform Caps
Our store is full of economy offerings. Everything: that
and boys
Exclusive Kuppenbelmcr
Morrison at Fourth.
Bible Classes Held. Classes in
Bible study at the Bible Institute at
the White Temple haVe been meeting
daily in the afternoon and evening.
Dr. W. -p. White spoke yesterday.
stating that the prevailing confusion
in regard to the Bible was due to
the fact that it was not studied in
the relation of the parts to the whole.
Dr. L. S. Chafer spoke - on "Three
Great Scenes in the Garden of Eden."
His subject today will be "Satan in
Relation to the Temptation of the
Wilderness and the Cross." Dr. Donald
Munro of Kansas City will be the
speaker for the remainder of , the
Pavino Inspection Planned. R. S.
Dulin, superintendent of the munic
ipal paving plant .left Portland yes
terday for San Francisco, where he
will inspect paving operations as well
as modern paving plant facilities in
operation in the southern city. Mr.
Dulin may also visit Los Angeles
during his stay in California for the
purpose of gathering data in connec
tion with paving operations in south
ern California. He will probably be
absent from the city for about ten
days or two weeks, it was announced.
Judgment for $900 Confessed.
Confession of judgment for $900 was
filed yesterday by the Hazelwood Ice
Cream company in the case of Sam
Papasodero against the firm. The
plaintiff isll years old and action
was taken for him by his father.
Rocco Papsodero. Sam was sitting on
the curb at East Forty-fifth and Lin
coln streets, June 10, when one of the
company's delivery wagons struck
and injured him.
Dry Law Violator Fined. Lee
Davidson, 779 Kearney street, paid a
$25 fine in police court yesterday
upon conviction for violation of the
state prohibition law. v Police testi
fied they found 35 bottles ot home
made beer at his residence. They
also said they found evidence of
home-made wine.
Basket Social Nets $93.25. A
Thanksgiving entertainment and bas
ket social, given at the Marmot school
Saturday evening, netted $93.25, which
will be used for a playground shed
and apparatus for the school children
of that vicinity. Harry Thomas of
the Aschoff Mountain home was
auctioneer. , Twenty - three baskets
were sold. t
Prize Masquerade Tonight,
i Broadwat Hall Adv.
Oaks Skating Rink, special band
music. Thankseiving ev"e. Adv.
wear. 23 Cut.
Because all of you and all of
us will be so busy with
Thanksgiving activities,
Our Store Will
Remain Closed
All Day
House In Portland.
& H. Stamps Given.
Heating Small Houses
We have a largre stock of small
Richardson & Boynton and Boynton
F-urnaces euiled to heat four and
five rooms.
We also have PIPELESS Furnaces.
Have your furnace repaired now.
J. C. Bayer Furnace Co.
204 Market Street.
Main 461
1 . JAZZ!. B
!? Yon bet! It's - '.. pp
I ' Hp
'4. The spirit of Jin
;g wild, J o y o n a, nncon-
talned come to life
A upon the screen. 'You!!
p love It.
Garage Cold?
Car hard to start?
Running down battery coaxing the self-starter?
See what the Gasco has prepared for you!
On exhibit on Gas
$1.25 '
Cream of Celery Soap
Green Olives Celery
- Roast Turkey Oyster Dressing
Qtoast Tame "Goose, Apple Sauce
' Cranberry Sauce
- English Plum Pudding
Greeii Peas Sweet Potatoes
Green Vpple Pie Fruit Cake
429 Stark St.
Between 11th and 12th
Cos Salesfloor, Alder at Fifth
Hare You Thought ofEversharp?
IF you are wondering- what you might give -somebody
this Christmas, go to the
dealer who supplies you with writing mate
rials and select an Eversharp Pencil. Made
with jeweler precision to last a lifetime, these
gold and silver pencils combine good taste
and flawless writing service. They come in
styles appropriate for men ant? women.
ome clip to vest pockets; others cling
to watch chains; still others are designed
for Milady's purse or beaded bag. The prices
range from one dollar to sixty-five. Be sure to
get Eversharp. The name is on the pencil.
Made and Guaranteed by
Companion of the
Steel Filing Cabinets and
Safes are "standard" with
the country's greatest com
mercial and banking con
cerns because their trained
purchasing agents knew
the best.
' Art Metal has the larg
est line of Steel Filing Cab
inets, Safes, Desks, etc, to
select from.
When you buy Art Metal
you make an investment ;
service is the dividend.
Ask for catalog
"Printers - Bookbinders
65-67 Broadway Portland
Tempoint Pen
to pet relief In any other way are
Invited to investigate Chiropractio
methods, which are permanently,
curing thousands.
will thoroughly examine you. make
a complete diagnosis ot your case
and direct your treatments.
Chiropractic Is the safe, sane, sore
and modern science of curing and
preventing disease.
Chiropractic will permanently,
cure 95 per cent of all diseases.
" Chiropractic removes the cause-r-
health returns.
The above service Is all free to
you at the college building and
may be had in private if desired.
Private treatments may also be
had in college building by mem
bers of faculty, either lady or men
Corner of Park and VamUIL
Tel. Alain 1014
stop mm
On Geary St.. Just off Union Square
Close to OTerythlng worth while. Good
accommodation at moderate rates.
Breakfast, 50c, 60c, 75c; Lunch, 75c;
Dinner, $1.25 (Sundays, $1.50). Muni
cipal car passes the door. Stewart
Motor Bus meets principal trains and
steamers. It is adTisable to make res
ervations in advance of arrival.
N. E. Cor. Second and Taylor Streets
Phone Your Want Ads to
Main 7070 Automatic 560-95